Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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OrrZCRt Ho. la retirl Stre t.
r i t t-i I . rnrr'pr in nnr part of the dly nt
I Inn tj .is t.n * . ' k.
[ II. W 'In uov. . . . Manager.
I'tilrr tlio tailor , for fall gumta.
Veto f < e Dr. Jltellincr ] , ; for cor-
on r. -t
'J'lm cf.mlv Im.ivil of fcitiiervSgors is to
iu.'t n" > i ' 1 Immliiy.
Yotr l i Jir. r. P. JJcllliiRur for coro-
I ncr II
The rlti council is to niuot in ri-gular
A 'ii ' > ! il ninvii'iil M'rvloc was hold bv
llic ] , pi ' | > aliinH : in the MuMiiiiu hull
\ot for Jr. ) ! ' . P. Ik'lHllger for
Cr it
Ono fnf > t stork train of ninctDim curs
rollmi out of Iicro yi-lcnliiy ever the
HliilV rity Typngrniilitenl union. No.
O. ) , ur to Kivo a nii8 : < Hiiri : : < lo hall on
Christinas niyiit.
Vote for Jr. 1' . 1' . Ui'llingcr for coroner
ner iit
The Mi > rry Tiifukeni hnil a Ilnllowu'cn
frolio and niiiMniitnido parly at lliu homo
of Miss iSijuircs on Saturday.
Tlii * ] inv rs will now o to work on
Uryimt btiT t The railing will com-
jnciii ! ' ' to day and tlio laying of blocks
to morrow
Fri'dili. . C ( rhli'iibcrg Is now up on n
m \v charge , tbat of larccnv , it being
clinnx d tnal In * ruliuvi.'d U. I1" . L.iiro of
Vote for Dr. ! ' . P. Ik-llinyoi- coroner
ner U
fcioinc one Im.s Riicnkcil u ( ioat bolongin
lol > i k Ku'U'tK lie wants now to lie
clurlc.d constable worse than over , iiml
nwnirw vungonncc.
K I-.irrcli was nrrcstcd for being dnink ,
nnil It'll n litlilln to Hccure his line. City
JiunU'UKiriers ' iw ) n t piftinj ; to bn an im-
im < i M > \Mishop , and should pay a li-
( M-n-c and tfivt' bonds.
Two follows yivinj ; their nnnios as T.
Jtiirry and C llerehey were arrested yes
terday on thn clmrac of vagrancy. 'Ihey
lire fi-poi'lM of bpinir the fellows who
jol ; a'vay with Dick itiekett's eoat.
Vote for Dr. F. P. Hellinger for eoro-
nor H
Tli" oftlholiu citizens nro requested to
jncel this owning ut St. .Joseph's acad-
riny at M o clock , to consider ionie bus-
inuhHof apodal importance and interest
to them
'J'lic Wubabh railway company is said
to hi I'luiuim : ; for a new depot in tlio
licmity gof tlio new foundry on Tenth
avcnni' MI order to bettor aeconunodate
Die iitiUir.
Vote for Dr. F. I' . Dellingur for coroner
ner nt
Jo Ko'-s ' has turned over the property
in li ! hands as fitreot supervisor , but
p.tlll lin" ! a yearning to show thu city coun
cil that there wtis an illegality in the way
Jus seiiecK were dispensed with and u
new man chosen.
Tim alley in the rear of the Pierce
htret'l fubool is reported as being in a
bud condition , the rain having washed
the recent Jills M > that a. horse's legs are
endangered , and the place should be
fenced up until made safe.
Judge 0. E. Whiting , tlio fusionist can
didate for governor of Iowa , and Hon.
iJ.intmC'iiiiijibol ) . of Ouawu , wind up the
eamiuttjjii and Whiting's chances this
livening at Jilanco , from which place
Whiting will go home to vote.
Vote for Dr. F. P. Ucllingcr for coro-
n"r 2t
rn wns u little strike Saturday sunon"
in 'n digging the trench for the Pearl
.i.r 'et fewer. The men wanted the con
tractors to pay them $ l/i5 a day instead
of fl.liU , and the contractors refusing ,
the men quit work. Others wore se
cured in their places.
Air E. C. Drown and Miss Ann ft M.
JJro vn , both of this city , were happily
married Saturday evening by .Justice
iu'huns. The lucky man is a elork in the
More of llarlc , llans & Co. , and he is
being congratulated by his many friends
on doing itn ] ) so Hrovui.
Flon 11. G. llorr , of Michigan , who had
such a large and appreciative nndieneo
on butunUiy night at Alasonio temple ,
will make his last and thirty-sixth speech
during this campaign in Iowa at Ottuin-
wa tins evening and will return to this
city and spend thu balance of the week
wli.ii his brother-in-law , Dr. Pinney.
Vote for Dr. F. P. JJellinger for coroner
ner H
UMr. P. Time complains that a young
ion of William Wells lias been practicing
with an old horse pistol , and taking as a
target Iho Plymouth Hock chicken be
longing to the complainant , lie has
lilfid mi information against the boy for
firing arms within the oily limits. The
cast ) will be shown up to-dav.
It Is understood tbat lrix } ban been re
lieved from the police force on account
of his being too ardent an anti-prohibi
tionist. jMoyer is aluo said to have been
let out because of some peculiarities ,
among which was the tiring oil' his revolver
ver one night just to seti if it was in good
condition. The mayor can now choose
aomo more ot his pets.
.1. i ) Kobctich , the Main street boot
and shoo maker , is getting a pretty good
reputation on his goods. Last week ho
Bold one pair of boots for a party in
Canada , and ho has recently finished two
pairs on orders from Now Mexico. This
nhows that good goods arc in such de
mand tbat there is no limit to the Held.
i Vote for Dr. F. P. Hellinger for coro-
iier. U
The case of Iho Western Cottage Organ
company against J. Mueller \vas given
to tlio jury Saturday , and they have
agreed on a > ordlct which has been
coaled , and \\ill bo opened in the court
this morning. It is understood that the
jury found in favor of the plaintitr for
the amount of tftB. CK ) .
The funeral of Mrs. W. 11. Smith wns
liuld Saturday afternoon and was largely
attended. Sno has beun a great suilerer
and has been gradually failing , with no
apparent chance for re.covery. and with
nil the sadnesb of death there is a
feeling of consolation that she has ut
last entered into rest ; and that Min'ur'mg
is passed , and the btrugglu nguhiot dis-
duo in over.
The boys observed Hallowe'en herewith
with tomi ! ciitliiirhim and vigor. The
tisutil amount of guto shifting and sign
changing and otlmr pranks worn iho
ohioi sport. In front of the
church yesterday morning appeared a
sign , ' 'Old Iron Honglit Horn. " It Is
suggested that with tlio amount of lire
among the Methodists now , the jokers
thought that with a supply of iron they
might Htart a now foundry.
The mayor is to appoint thrco special
policemen for each polling place tomorrow -
morrow , in addition to the regular force ,
untl Is to have Jive oppress wagons ready
to take prisoners to jail , One of the reg
ular policemen is to bo in charge of each
Get ot specials. The saloons are ordered
: to close their places , front and back ,
[ from 7 o'clock in the morning until 7
{ o'clock in tbo evening.
f Ho Biiro and ask your grocer for tlio
( bread made at Sinltn & Locr KO'S bakery ,
No fittiMain street. It is the very best
Try it nud bo convinced.
republican Burst of Oratory'Whispered
Distribution of Boot\lo \ <
An Instance nt' StiuersqCnl Mnnnre.c-
tnrltiR A IViitcoostnl Day Com *
In 15 Thi Now llrldtio Kiirlslit-
Tlio HcjitiliHonn Unlly.
Saturday night thorn was one of the
largett and most nnthuMastic rallies of
Iho campaign , the Republicans having se
cured us the orator of the evening lion.
U. ( j. llorr , of Michigan. The Masonic
b-ill wns crowded with those anxious to
hear what this brilliant orator and gifted
p akcr had to oiler. It was exported
thtit Col. Henderson , of Diibuque , would
also bo pro-cut , but ho was called el c-
where , and although there was a fcclins
of disappointment , yet. the nddrecs of
Congressman llorr amply atoned for
this. High expectations wore felt as to
the address , as ho had been hero before ,
about t. o years ago , and then fully sus
tained the reputation which lias become
national in its extent. This time ho has
fully met the expectations of the people.
From beginning to finish ho held the largo
audlcnco in the closest attention , and at
any lime , except when some point would
bring forth the storm of enthusiastic ap
plause , one could have almost heard a
pin drop , s-o closely did all listen to
every utterance. No synopsis of such a
speech can do it justice , or convey an
odeiniate idea of the brilliancy and
keenness which characterized Ins present
ation of the faith that was within him.
He has sharp wit , and uses it to the dis-
comliture of the opposing party with
great cllect , and with delight to those of
liis own political household. _ Still , be-
ncalh this brilliancy and wit is a solid
foundation of logically arranged facts ,
so that his address cannot but provo ef
fective as well as entertaining. The au
dience was enthusiastic , and the enthusi
asm did not die out with the going from
the hull , but as was noticeable by over
hearing the street talk yesterday , and the
chatting of little groups of citizens , thu
speech stirred up the city , and proved a
fruitful theinu for compliment , discus
sion , quotations and laughter.
Correct Abstracts of Title and Heal Es
tate Loans at McMahon & ( Jo's , Xo. 4
Pearl street.
Mafor Andcrflon WittulraiVM.
A. A. Thompson , of the Coin Courier ,
is authority for the following : "Manning
Smith , banker at Riverton , and nn An
derson delegate to the senatorial conven
tion , telephoned this ( Saturday ) morning
to C'larhuta that Major Andersen last
evening withdrew from the senatorial
contest , and that Anderson's friends will
suppoitT. K.Clark. "
For hardware and house furnishings
get prices of Cooper & MuGce , Io.11
Main street ,
_ _
Picot Ribbons in the latest colors at
Mrs. Rogers.
_ _
The HEK always takes pleasure in no
ticing any improvements .in the Bluffs , or
the success attending any enterprise ,
and it takes special pleasure in noting
any growth of manufacturing interests ,
as thu city needs to make greater strides
in this lino. As an evidence that Mich
business can bo built up hero rapidly and
successfully , if only wisely handled and
energetically pushed , no better instance
is to bo found than in thu cigar factory of
T. D. King & Co. , wlu'ch was started
hero about a. year ago in connection
with their retail cigar and tobacco busi
ness. In a little over a , year this tirm hsia
sprung from the. youngest enterprise to
the rank of leading the entire revenue
division , tlio record. ? showing that for thu
last six months this factory has manu
factured more cigars , sold more goods
and [ laid more revenue than any oilier
factory in this division of thu second dis
trict of Iowa. Nine eigivrmakers arc
given employment , and the weekly
earnings amount to from $ li ) to
$10 each , making a snug sum paid
out each week for labor , and which
necessarily is sjieiit amongthe merchants
of this city , with the encouragement
already given , and the success already
won , it is safe to predict thu tin the course
of another year the business will bo
doubled , and thus the enterprise grown
into one of great value to the oily. Such
a growth is especially noticeable as it is
the lirst attempt made hero for years to
push manufacturing in this line. The
success won shows that there is a chance
for it to become a great establishment ,
and such beginnings and the efforts of
such men should bo fostered and encour
aged , as manufactories are the great
need and great benelit of the city.
The linn has found the business in
creasing so rapidly as to necessitate en
largements of the building. In addition
to tlio original salesroom and factory. No.
Ml ! liroadway , a largo addition lias been
built onto the rear , for packing depart
ment , drying room , and warehouse for
storing leaf tobacco , buoli success
proves that manufacturing can bo done
successfully hero , and that is what thu
city nt'edH.
_ _
Lamps cheap at Homer's , 23 Main St.
If you wish to make legitimately from
ten to lift.v dollars pur day write to Judil
iV Smith , No. ill Fourth street. Council
_ _
A Pentecostal Service.
The revival services continue at the
Hroadway Methodist church , under thu
charge of Kev. Thos. Harrison , the great
evangelist , and thuro has boon such good
results that it has hern decided to have
next Thursday an all day jubilee and
pentccostal service. The services open
at 10 o'clock with a revival praise servieo ;
at lOtfO there is to bn a jubilee sermon by
Kov. Dr. McCabe , of Omaha ; at 4 o'clock
in tlio afternoon there is to be a pentecostal -
costal love feabt ; at ! ! o'clock , Hov. Mr.
llnrriHin is to pnmoh on "Haptism ol
Fire , " which is considered his mint
famous sermon , and which lias bvcn do-
llvored with wonderful effect at various
places and to immense audic'iiccs. In
the evening thcro Is to bo u son < x service
at 7 o'clock , followed by a revival ser
vice. Special excursion rates have been
secured for such as wish to eomn in from
the surrounding country , and special
rates have been .secured at several of the
hotels of the city. It is expected thai
there will bo a crowd , and one of tin
greatest days in the church history of tin
city. _
Substantial abstract * of title and rea
estati ) loans. J. W. , & K. L. Sipiiru , ID !
Pearl street. _
Tlio Now ltrldK .
It In a settled fact now , ami beyond al
rm.iors and surmises , that the mucl
talked of now bridge , connecting tliiscitj
with Omaha , U really to bo built. Abott
seventy men arc now employed , nnd thin
force will soon bo enlarged. Timbers
arc being fr.inu-d and material put in con
dition for handling , twenty to thirty
r.irs a day arriving , ronsistju of rrtucnt ,
timbers , stone , oto. There seem to bo
conflicting notions ns to what the bridge
will bo when completed. Many aupposo
that it is to bo an entirely separate and
di tlnct structure from the old bridge ,
but while thcro Is in one seno to bo an
entirely new construction , yet practically
it will amount to a reconstruction of the
old bridge , so that when completed there
will bo in tlm center , for railway nso , .1
double track ln tcad of n single one , as
now , and on each xidu of this will bo it
street car and wagon track with n foot
walk outside of that. The work of build
ing the caisson has already com
menced , and in lading thu piers air will
be pumped down 'to the men and they
will be furnished with electric lights.
' 1 ho e who want to get nn idea of the
extent nnd the proportions of the work
should take a look al the great Umbers
and thu mammoth preparations being
made. The sohemo is really a gigantic
one , but the work will lw kept nn right
along during the winter , with the ex-
peetaiiou of having it completed by
another winter.
WANTED Wheat , corn and oats in car-
lots. Liberal advance * made on all con
signments , by .1. V. Fuller , Council lllnil's ,
Iowa , and Omaha , Neb.
For everything in the croccrv line give
the new lirm of Kintz & Kleeb , 1U3
liroadway , a trial. Everything new and
fresh. Fancy groceries u specialty.
Another Hold Hack.
On Saturday Chief Kicher of the fire
department proposed to restore Oharlio
NichoNon to the old place of driver of
No. 1 , and found to bio surprise Unit the.
present occupant of that place , Charlie
Hill , declined to get oil * tlio seat or give
up the reins. The change was therefore
postponed until the meeting of tbo coun
cil , lleoeins that liichcr made a little
misUiko. lie. forgot that it is the fashion
now for nil the mayor's pets to hang onto
ottiee until every formality is complied
with and they are kicked out. Instead
of notifying Hill by u written order of
discharge , over the seal of the city , and
lied with a red tape , he informally ap
pointed XichoKon , leaving the more
lormal approval rf tlio change for the ac
tion of the city council. Hill proposes
to have all the ceremonials observed ,
and as he has a hair thu best of it on a
technicality for twenty- four hours ho
purposes to hang to it. It is said that
one might as well bo dead as out of
fashion , and just now Iho fashion is for
ollico holders down to the most humble ,
hanging on \ \ ilh a firm grip.
The very latest New York styles re
ceived weekly at Mrs. O. A. Rogers.
Dl"lniriiiK tic Hoodie.
The report that the brewers bad raised
a big amount of boodle to use in defeat
ing the republican candidates for the
legislature , or al least so many of them
as were anyways tinctured with prohibi
tion or very high license notions , is quite
generally credited : is true. It has bc > ; n
slatctl th'al $ ( iOO of this n mount has hern
appropriated to use in thiu county , and
tliuton Saturday a number of the promi
nent democrats s-ervod as a disbursing
committee , and visited Avoca , Mindeii ,
Koala , Walnut and other places and di
vided up the boodle so as to accomplish
the most possible for the money. The
republicans claim to be in povruiision of
the facts , and they are making the most
possible out of the statements.
Collage ranges , ( .iirhtml stoves , Il.a-
diant Dome's and Hob heaters of Iho very
latest patterns at bed rock prices , nt
Cooper & AictJeeV , No. 41 Main street.
A Diilrymnlil'H Hcceptinu.
The X Y 7 club , composed of the
young ladies of the Congregational
church , are arranging for an entertain
ment of special interest and enjoyubility
at the Masonio hall next Friday evening.
The first part of the evening a musical
entertainment , with some hpecial fea
tures of interest , will he presented , and
then there will be a social season , with
refreshments served bv the dairymaids.
Further details will uu announced in
duo time , and the public may rest as
sured that the occasion will be one which
will merit a generous patromtgo and n
large attendance. _
Finest display of moershaum and
smokers' goods for holiday gifts. 'J' . J ) ,
King it Co. , Cigars and 'Jbbrccos , 5lJ !
Broadway. _
V/horo to Vote.
The township trustees and dork an
nounce the following voting places for
the election to be lu-ld on Tuesday :
First Precinct Western house.
Second Precinct --Thill West liroadway ,
Donany's ' new opera house.
Third Precinct Mri South Midn Mree.t ,
Noreiio & Landslrom'hold bland.
Fourth Precinct MM First nvuniii ; , H.
11 , Oberholt/er's oflioo.
Every one buying i'ioont.s worth of T.
D. King & j'o. , has a chance , free , in the
great drawing , December - ! ! .
The Home steam laundry is now open
for the transaction of business. Our ma
chinery being brand new and of the latest
improved pattern , wu can giiarantco
flood work exptal to eastern laundries.
The ironing department is under the su
pervision of a Chicago lady who is
"equalled by few and excelled by none. "
Work called for and delivered free. Or
ders by mail promptly attended to. Tel
ephone No. 16U.Vc "oliclt a trial of our
laundry work. G JO. W. Sohindelo & Co. ,
No. 510 Broadway. _
Ed Wright , stonosrrapher. .V > 1 Mills
street. AnmmumsiK work. Type writer ,
copying and reporting.
Personal P
Dr. Poulson is buck again from Cali
C. A.Tubbs , of Atlantic , was at the
Ogdcn yesterday.
Phil Illnkson , of Glen wood , was at the
Pacilio yesterday.
II. F. Hifenberiuk bus returned from n
pleasant trip to Indiana.
Mrs. H. M. Wilbur Is visiting her
parents at Pomcroy , Iowa.
J. A. Hamilton , one of Nrola's proml-
nents , was a vibitor to this city Sunday.
Tom Mednw , of Kansas City , is again
greeting his many Council lllnil's friends.
Mrs. Dr. Houghton , nco Mi s .Icnnio
Ilcobu , is visiting her parents and friends
P. J. Gallagher , of Wcston , was among
the Sunday bojourncrs ut the Pacilio yes
1) . H.McOogg , of Walkorvillo , Iowa ,
was among thu Sunday guests al the
Mrs. A. J. Stuplienson lias returned
from a visit to her old homo in ( Josh.jn ,
John Klnt/ , who had his left side para
lysed seine few weeks ago , still lies in a
very critical condition.
O. P. MoKessidi. general agent of the
Minnesota Chief thresher , liu- > returned
from u bnbinecH trip of ti'Vcnd wccl.s.
Major March ull bus returned from Mis
souri , where ho betu testing mincrnl
water to the iiupiov ni nt of nis health.
W. J. IJarlmrt , the elAini ngent of the
Milwaukee &St. Paul , tvho wns formerly
with Wrighl & Baldwin was In the city
Miss Carrie Iliintington has returned
from her visit to frirfids and relatives in
Illinois and Michigan. Her aunt , Mrs.
Ki/i ! : Smith , eisti r of Mrs. lluntlngton ,
returned with her.
NOTICI3 Pp ? cnl ! ndvtrtlfnnients , such M
Lost , Found , To U > iui. Tor Pftlo. To Hint , Wants
IHiimlliit : . etc. , wilt lie Ii f rlwl in Ibis eohimn nt
the low rate of 'JT.N rtJNTS VBIl MNBforttio
CrM infrrtlon nml VI VK CT.N'TS VIM WN15 for
rnoli &nl > fqucnt Insertion. I.onve ndVcrtlio-
iiii'iitf nt our oftlce , No. K 1'cnrl etrcct , near
llromtua- .
O T < SK : l-'OIl W'NT-.U McMuhon A Co'e ,
Hi NIL \ 1'enrl urec-t.
\VTAVnt : ) Slt'iiUiim ' lijIntlv who froiks
i > ( ionium mid KiiRlMi. lltu liml oxoorlonco
IDlotk. . Aildr < < p M. M-otl , No. KM Mn In t trout.
\1 * ANTED A fermnu ! Imlclicr. flood wages
ti nnil fifiuly Johto jjnoit mnn. AiMri'SS or
cnl ) for J' . U. , 1JKE onicr. Council muff * .
\\rANTKO-A ( tooil Ourmuii ttoy. Must epeiik
( iennnn nml KnKll li , nnd vrrlte H K O < |
tmml. Application must l > o inmlo In wrillnff
only. MuMuuon & Co. , No. 4 Tuitrl Bt. , Council
froil f'AI.K ' Ilolnp desirous of imivlnir to
-I ( liuiihn , on uct'uunt or my titiHlnr-m. 1 offer
tor Milo my ro'Uilniica ' , corner fourth uvouiiu
niiilNuitli g.roou luqulro ou pfOinlsoi. . .A. 1 > .
WAXTIJD A pnixl Bill for ( rrnmU
voik ; No. IW llnnvrort Htivut.
ron 3At.r , FOK HUNT < R
. M For pHloorrent , cm very Illural trnn1 ! .
Jlio Council Illutrs I'apor Mlll.txiinil | < itu. with
tliolni-Ro bonnlliiir liouto iiuil thrco IICK-H of
No. 20 A tiusltinflfl iirormrty In Clirvokoo.
county , Iowa , will tnulc lor - -
IlllHlH. Vlllllf , lllHIIIt $ ( . ( ) .
No. W A liL-aiitll'nl liome In tlin town of Hust-
linrr. Mills county , luwu , for Nnluutha laud.
VillllP.i.H \ .
No. 41 A now ! linsltieps property nml nl o a
pooil rt-oliluneu property In tlin town of Cliunvo oouit > , III. . low ilown for cnnuor will
e.M-lmiDfO for voMs-rn liunls.
No. 179 A oplpmllil I'nrm , writ Improved , A41
ncri" In Dii-kln-'iin county , lowii. .lolniiiR tlio
town of Spirit , T-aho. I'rlco , for u Miort tJnif ,
f.Ti per ni-re.
Nn. 1R4 to 187 Are four Inprovod fnnns In
Vli Illlps county. Km nn , oacli with p. mmill in-
ciiiiibiHin-'f. Tdo onxiltiis will lie cxchnnKcU far
iuiiiH'HinlMl wild liiuil In Noliraehu.
No. H51-4SO iiores In Holt ponnty , Ni-h. , partly
linpifivcd , nt a liltf lurfuin. Wants to exchange
lor mcrohnndlFo.
No. 54 A lliu- two Ftory lrlclt ) resldi nf1" . onii
of the be ? I locutions In Council llluffp , will IniUo
lor tcowl iintiK-nnlx-rcd KunsuH or NelirwJ > u
luuOs. Vciluo. Sin.UOU.
No. WiBiid tl Arc two otJior Ucniltlfu ! liomps
In C < < uncil Illulfti , whlvh caeh puyincnis will buy
ut n liurg-iiin.
No. n A bcmitlfnl sulmrbnn locnllon lu Iowa
City , lown , will e.\chunKo for wcbtcru liimla.
Viiluo , sn.OOO.
TlniuhoTO nro only n few ot our special bixr-
enlns. If yon'voKOt iniytlilnsr 10 undo or sell ,
urvniit to Bt-Il nny ronl estuto or mi-rclmndlsn ,
write us.Y'o Imvo sovrrnl j oed r-toi'ks of iroodo
to tr.ido for lands. SWAN & WAI.KUIt ,
_ _ < k > UW" lllllllB , tOMTU. _
J. L. De BEYOISB , Agent.
No. ! ( fi llrondwftv. Council UliitTs.
Sa-iiway Time Table.
The followlnir IM the time of mrlvnl und
ilfjim-tnre of tr-'ln1 ! liy oontr-il etmulard tlinu. ut
HID lot-ill dupolH. Tmln. 1-iivtVtranstrvilopot ten
tiiiiHiti.-scnrJk-r utiil iiiTlro U-n inlnutos Inlfr :
C11ICA < ; O ft NOimiVKSTTltN.
0:1A. : . M . Mull niiC' ' K.vpress . : WjM. ) .
r.:4U : r. M . Accoininoiliuiun . 4 :50 : r. M.
G : oO IMI. . > . llriircis. i . Uii5 A. M.
(1:25 ( A. M . Mall nnd Kjcprpsrt . fis.Tlp. M.
7:15 A. M . Acvoinuioilntlou . 0:43 : v. n.
tii'M r , n . licpre * * . UW : A. M.
il:2i : ) A. M . Miiilund Kxiirws . nMr. a.
r > : ij r. M . U.xprPM ; . 0i : < 5 A. H.
ciucAoo , uuni.iNnroN * guiscv.
: If ) A. M . Mall nnil lCxiiLu ] . V:10i' : . M.
uUol' : . it . K prc--s . .S:5UA. : U.
i- . > t. Local Ht. Ixiiil ? I.xiire.--.i
< ' iW : P. M.Tnintl'cr St. Ixiiia I'.x. Ti-ansl'er.8U : ) r. M
ICANSAB C1TV , F.T. , ! OC ! . COr.SCK. CI.rr.'T. .
10:10 A. u . Jlnll Hint Kxinvi-t . 7:2.1 : P.M.
UU > } - . M . Kxpress . C'J5 : A. 'A.
sioux cm- * .
Y:1" > . . .xi Pioux City Ma. ! :3li : > . M.
bUj r. M Kt. 1'iiul lvXii ) < ii3 B ; " > A.JI.
. .
Ut0.v. : M . Denver Kxprcra . 4tr : p. M.
1:05 p. M. . . Lincoln VnOm. . A ; It , V. . . ' : ia v.l. .
7:45 : p. M . Ovcrlr.tu ! liipron * . BM ) A. J ) .
tenvn Council Illuffs 7C&-7M-3:30 : I0n : : > -
11:4H : u. m. ; 1 > ii.T ! : : ; ) : nn-t'J : ) < .t&l ! ! ' . >
11 M p. in. I avi ! ( linitlinfl7iVWr ! -luua :
11:10 : n. in : l ' : . ' - : Wl-aW : ) lUO : 4:53 : 5:55. :
In Council IllulTshiiving
And all muacrn linnrovcmcuta , call bulls , flro
iilarin hulls , etc. , IB tlio
Nos. 213 , 817 and JTW , Miiln Htrect ,
.MAX MU1LM , 1'rovrlutor.
Fancy and Staple Grocsriss ,
16S - Broadway.
Opposite Ogdcn House ,
Council BlnSa , - - la.
Tins house being u now one , eonse-
( liKintly cvoitli'uifj in fctook in new and
Prices as reasonable ns'auy ' other ro
fcry in thu wc'st.
One trial is all wtt nsk ,
T1IOS. OFriCEK. M. W. II , rilSBV.
UUU'J3l , 1 i .
Thorough Instruction on the Piano
and Organ
of ref ivli ) f liutructlou
the aL'ovitvilt jilcuo vail im or utldrcu
Pro ? . 0. B. Upf-rl ,
j , . U'Ciiuijajn iD icu 11. i
THE rinv ; VOHK ,
SanCary Hydraulic Englneero ,
Public cr.d Private Systems
S ewerago ,
Water woikn and Ventilation designed
and constructed.
Plumbing work in all Us branclics.This
company lisivo one of the best assorted
stocks of plumbing goods in tlio west
Estimates furnished.
Now York Plumbing compauj' 503 Uroad
way Council IJlnfl's. Telephone No 27.
fo- UM ii
342 and 344 BROADWAY.
Kens faff & VMsr Y/ea / ?
JfenV nml Hoys' ntistms ; SttKs.
Jloiib' and Hoys' Jro. .HSiillB.
Clilltlruiih' I'.vcry ] ) nv and Dross SnlLi
Ovcn'ontB for Jfon , Iloys und Clilldrca.
Moichr.nt Tailor Suit- * .
Mt-rchant Tailor Ovi-rconts.
Merchant Tullor Trovrsot
I'nnul to tin ) IK ? t , in order ,
Atlinlf thn price.
FotMons' Sull'i nnd Ovi-rcotltl
l.cnn Mens' Bulls uml Overcoat *
Fat Atoiib' Trow-pcrp. fc
Bcnmli'sa Stiiits and Troweore tn Scotch wools ,
Medicated Bcnrloto , E-ttni Heuvv Inllriw"i8. !
J'nncy Colored Wools und mixed iiualJlies , from
G-loves ,
ITeckwear ,
Suspenders ,
Handkerchiefs ,
And Cuffs ,
Of flretclnts qualities aud rf-aeonahlo prices.
C42 and (111 ( IlroaUwuy , Council Illuffs. lowo.
Practices In Slat < and Federal
Hou.iu 7 uu.t 8 , . - > ut. '
Formcily of New York ,
No. tlU'carl Street , Counoll Itlulti. Iowa
No. 337 Ilioudirny , Council lilufTt
Hair Goods of all Kinds
Made to Order.
Hair Goods of all tyles
Beady Made ,
No. 337
" 5T O TT
mm f
& $ Y7
Was able to buy so many good goods for so lit
tie money as now , at tlio low cash sales at
Silks , Tricots ,
Homespuns and Boncle Dress
Such Bargains in Blankets
and 111 nels.
Our stock of
Carpets suaacL C-oartsuinEJ ,
Are particularly choice , and our prices for them
are the lowest they have been in twenty years.
Have removed to tlicir New Store ,
Hos. 32 & 3 ain and 33 & 35 Pearl Sts ,
Wlicro they have put in a new stock of s
Ladies' ' and Gents Furnishing Goods , Etc , , Etc ,
Among which arc the following lines :
Hats and Caps , Gloves and Mittens , Gents
Neckwear , Gents' Underwear.
Ladies' Children's and Jlffsscs9 Underwear ?
Hosiery and Gloves , Cloaks and Shawls , Ladies' Valises , Blankets ano
Flannels , Rockford Carpet Warp in all Colors.
No. J12 raid 81 Main Strcnt , Council HluB
No. J and ftf Pearl Street.
Ho. 4-13 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Our ciifctoniers get the bcnofit of tlin expense * thus savr-d. Kmd for prlmi Usta.
llrlck ImlUllnps of nny klivl iiii'oii or movt-il nnJ oatlBfactlon tfimranto'td. Kramo liousoi inov *
on LltUo Ulivnt tvucku-llio best In tlio world.
\Ai. \
Wo. 39 Main street. Council Bluffs.
N. B. BICE , M. D.
"f ollirr tutiuii roinuvml
Justice of flu Peace. CHRONIC tl.o DISEASES . ' or ui.utua . , a , , . -
Uvnrllni-ly yiuiiH' piuclicul oirwrlouuo ,
Ollico Uvtr Ainf ricau Kxiirc < s Nn II IViul Mii'fi ruunuil Ululu.