r * * t THE OMAHA DAILY BE K , .MONDAY , NOVEMBER 2 , 1885. - SPECIAL NOTICES. AdvcTllff < rpoit8 mlor thin homl line for tlio first InMsrtlon , and 1 cents for twsh mibMiqnont Inter t Ion. Seven word * ullllxi count- bd to the line ; ( hey must run con'ocutlrMy tinil nitist IK > ptild In lulvonco. All f.ilvortleomenu mi. nt UIniniU" ! In before Z o'clock p. m. , runt ttnunrim tlit'iiiiiM.iiuvs will tlioy bo tulion or fllnoiitliiiKsl liv telephone. . l > nrtl < 3Ma < UcrtUliiKln tnnso column * nml hnr K > H Uio nii.swurs nildipyvod Incnru of HKK.WI ! tiloflwi u k for check to oimblo tliom to pot tholr letters , M none will bo delivered creopt on protontntkin of rhock All miswori Ui ndrcr * tltotnmita Hliould bo rnclosoil In tmvt'loHs. | ' TO ri O r.tAN On Improve I cl y proporU , mi JL ( tu.HtJflMVat-'iflJ ) . A.n. J , I&V7 I'nrn-iin. tOW TiroNI.V to lo nn en tfii ostnto Reoitrlty. No JlLrxlinmlsMlon chm KCtL U , K. Ma vim IGth RtiJ Fiiriimn. _ CJJ Nov , SSI MONHV-Tolonn. The Omnhn. 1'lnnnclul Kx * rlinnvo. lUt , 1'arnani street. up-ftnlrs.mnkci ! lonnnon nllclnsMtsof w-cnrlty Irom n flu chattel - tel loiin lo flii.liiiioii ronl c t \Voinaknloiins to null nil applicants cm long or short time on fmnrotod rt'nl lu-t.ilo. Innil contrnoU ) , IOIIM-K , hiillillnw * on IciiNoil Intnl. fpcurod notes , collator- Is , cbfl tlol. . or ( rood security of nny kind. low rulestnsy : terms. Otmihii 1 Inunolnl Kicliaiik-e , f KiSl I'urnrm street , lip htulrs. IH.T- IONI'.y l.OANKIi llctnU , 15th mid Douj-ins MHnov-Jo ir : oviv : TO I OAN O 1 * . Irtvls&Co. lleul I'stnlo nnd Ixnin n ont9,1500 1'nrnutn Bt M7 MONI'V TO IXAN On RoodHcurltlo < . A McUuviMji , loom 7 Iteilluk lllock , D/J I'arni'.m Bt , U77 MOMI'.VTO 1.0VOn cbnttrU. Wooloy vt llnrrHon , room a ) . Uinulin Nulloniil bunk MONKY TO t OAN On ii'al estate nnd chat- tcU. 1) . 1 'i'lioiiiai. ( M MONIIV l.OA''ii-Onclmltcls , ctitrnto , II U ( IcknUi buiiht nnd hold. A. Rinnan-II a Kith St. Ml _ fllOXI'V Tl ) l.o\N IiipmnH of fWKl nnd it pAll - All wnnlH on lri ) > tfliuM iciil ostuto btenrity. Totter A- Cobb , 1-11 Tannini St. Kli ONiv.o\M n ntc. rltcod&OrH olllio.on furnltiir'pliiniM , liorfoi.VIIROIH ncrtomil proiiiiy | oi ml Uimtiuml nil oilier iir- ftclcc ol vitlu't , wit i nt ifinoviil. O or 1st N'iil'1 k , cortiiT I'lih unit 1'mmim , All liiMiii COllllrl" ! .ll. Uil ONKVI MMai : ! NI.Vll ! Money to lomionchn.lflM-mrllj b > V.It Crull.mnin A , Wltlmoll bnildlnjr , N 1 ! coinoi Ifilli itml Iliir- noy. Aliorjoiiri of o\pcm nuu ami tiuiutful Btmly ol tlio bn r of loiinlnjf tiioiioy on prr ftniiiil ptoporty , I IIIUP lit liiRtiiorltKiloilu system wlii'ii'by tlm tiublx Itv iiMiullii runli cuscri li itonp iiHiiy v/llli. anil 1 mil now In n poi-ltlim ti > mwit tlioilomiindHol nil wlm buuimo tompor- nrlly nnbiunio 'vl anil tl < " < lro to nilso inunuy .wllfioutili'liiy nntt In u ipilot miinnnr lloifm- kropdrM , piolrn lonul Kcntloin' ' ! ! , incuhnnlcs mid Atbcrii In Oinnbi an I lonnrll ItlnllP cun oliliiln inn IK ( i.liom .Tin to M.uxi on micb Hwiirlly BH lioiisi'lKild furiilturii , pianos , nincliliinry , hnr- eoK , WIIKOIIS , win i-lioiiKi loi'nlptf , fconrcil nntoa ol liiinil , Mo , w II bout uMiioxliiKHiiniu from oun- Cm rpilnpiic'oor pl'icn ot linxlm " Al o on 1ln \\litclio-iiind Uliimnndii.oiiool tlioiiilviintnpot I oil cr Is t lint win piirtot miy loiiu cun U'p ldiit nny ( line wtilob uill reduce tlio Inlorost pit ) nitu rtul nil IOMIIH i < nr > vM-d nt tbooilKltml iiilcxot ill * tfrcnl , 1 litivomili.iiliorslnroiini'i'tiOinvllli my pflKO , but ppr-uiuill > tiiipoi-Jiiu'inI u'l ' my IIUIIH , r DiivoprlvniooinciHionnrutPil with my ironmnl oflicoM ) Hint cnvtomcrH do not romu In COM ernot with nidi citlior. i-onrpiicnlly | mill Inir nil in niuiuiloiiA slndly pilvnto. w ll. i rolt. gpom 4 , Wllhnull bnlMInz , N K. corner l.'ith mid Biii-noy , Oinuhd , miUiU I'oiul bl. , Council Illnlls. _ _ KEAL ESTATB. _ _ _ . . ' IIUAM Itiinl IMato Admits. H. Gllltl.liV.'i u id Uoiulns , mi ) now otrorliu B tor snlo liiisln - i , rc'ldcnco mid EtiibnrlMii prop- firty. H IIII > of Ilio iiio t tidviuiliiuroiis biirKiiliH BOW Intlio iiiuikf' can t onhlilm l by culling on iliom. Impio\cMl unil iinlmpiovod property , oornor lots nnd iUlniMo ttltoii In t' o bo-it lr > - onlcd nddltloiH inn bo bad ut icnsoimhlo prices f nd wiiy torina _ _ _ _ at-'mivn FINI' . Improved farin .vrlll trudo for nnprovixl clli iiro - - ' Itiin'j jjomItiin'j .i ; I'.irintiuoiiiil IOIHU of bi irllnr IKIIISO unit botul. A bargain. Adlut's V. Olllco. SAI.t : A Krod timber shop In u Ilvo coun'y e at KI..II ; part cu h. balance tlmo. en'y Hlioii 111 lown. Addiess 1'leroa , Neb. , llur- or shop. ? * " -ll ! ! TTlDIt HAf.IC Tinco hcrtlnFtovet" ; for cnah , - Ior on tiiuo. S.u. . eor.al un i I h B3iu Ml.AT tellliuMiica-nl imtkiii'r IIOIIRO prices lorcasliia.ilHowurdstojrlltli. 1'roil Xlm- vn , , - . innr , unn nnciavHiiAT rmtnt-ct P to Mill tnulu. In b.iriols ei tuck * Our "No 1 llcody llal.-od" Ijiickwbeiit Hour , wnriontedbest tnndiiusK vein ( rocer lor It. Highest pi lee pnid for bi'ckwhcrt ' utiin' W. J.Wtlilnuis & Co. , fclty Mills Omahii. 117 TloitHAI.t : A No. 4t\pe-wrlter ne-irly now. J Imiiilro Iloom 14 , Omaha Nulloniil Hank OK SAM : runilture omploto of a ton- loom houe. 'i block I nun postolllco. lor rout , tlopcr mouth. Apply at 13.M tt. li.'i , IIOTI'f. I'liinltnro for snlo OCCinKNTAT nnd betel for rent. Cull m Occidental fur Information , corner 10 nnd How mil bt. UJo FOHSAT.K nuokwhcnt bran , -'o per KlOlbs. \V. J. WoNlnui- Co , ( Ity Jlllls. _ _ 4U _ ITUntKlT.K Two lots m 1'elham 1'lico , om > .L1 liloi'k Irora Bticct cm Hack , luqulie-lt ) H. filth bticot. _ < > X ; SAI.i : Or would trmlo lor n peed horse FOI mid biifrpj , bUnctot In ( lu > per comity. Ap- pi } to''lttBoutli I.llh btitct. f j ; OllAVt'i : 'Ihe piopilotoia of the AltAIti IteMaurant. JKO S. lutli ht , I o liiff aboiil to open the new Windsor Hole ) , ullci lie lestmiriini tOKOthoi with le i o ol the I tilld- . ( , lor Milri This ! ) mi evcolloni oppornu.l y fur Ilio rljlit pmllos. Appl > at tlio nntnnimr. 774 BAI.TJ-Comp'eto outllt for hunklnir FOll - , emisibtlnir of larjio Iliv und burulur piool Hitfe. lion inlliii'r , rlieriy counter , etc . nil Dew. Would trnili ) lor Oinnliiicltv piopuity or 1\ lid lands. C. 1 * . Mil } no , lutli nnd I'arnum. G.J7 R OOM millboard , $ . " > per week ; very bostlo cation. Itll lluvonpoitSt. llHnov U * , \NI'KU Dity bomdurn at 71U North Illtli W Hurt. liiTinovtl * _ near _ _ _ _ BTOVZ UEl'AIHS. _ _ flllll. W. C. Met/ncrSlovo llupulrCNi ,111 South J. UthSt. between lo ) > Uu an 1 Uoiul n. PEKSOJIAl. . pr.USONAIThuo lltllo ml vert Iseimmtsha vo .1 mitdn II neccs-in 'o mder nnottit r lot ol tliot-oUio ( imiblned rKot and Hand huilis ) Cull nnd xtu them nt .uooJy'a China stoiuic. : N' . lilt hbl rent , fe > - - " ) ' ! , - . ono wUhlmf to ndopt n newly IHIUI pi i' IV Kulbubj o. goo.I lamilj , nildmsi K. Q llee olllco. " 711 FOlt IINTlitt ; ih m p i i o at inuonahlu mien Aililic > * HT. II. , l o Oll.co. " _ _ HAVIil'N'H rim Khnlli'"s , wholesale nnil 10- . lull at J.iluViitloii HiiaiUl'.ira : i n. tltltUJ rillVV VAtl.TS , Hiilts , cesspools clunnud ; entirely odoilo-h way. 1 * l.wlnir Ad- diivw ItiriiiiKli iHjdtnlhce. 4J.sno18 * LUSHOSS IN CKAYON 1'uplU tmuht how tomuko cniyou iKiitiuitit. A lllcsl/o portrait trait from mi ) photo pnpll may doolro riven ireo with lerm of lesHins. ColncllCnoUe , iitlil , Itoom l , Arlington Illocii , wnst of 1' . O. S77novl4 AI.U'A ih on hnnn nt n bnrpiln , Ko. I eecond linnd cairlairo phuetons und hide bur buj- ( Tii'-j , ut A. J. Klmpson , HOU und 1411 Dod e St. ful f A 1)1 US In nunf ol Kood dome < riirinli | can oJ lie 8Uipllexl | by ealhiiK on the Omuuu Km - > lovnieinOlllcyi7 ; : ff. liitli St. , i up btain J.v MenJfon propriulor. b7l vaullH nun cesspools ilcancd In nn PHtVV ' way bi I' . U Abel , K O. llux : i7s. : ; ) Oot. * Xith , n man tow ubout il BTItAVi ) lirimliMl on loll hip , lioins bond- iiitfUown. lindcrw 11 Im lutMUdiol it lUtiiinnib' lame to 1. J. Johnson , 113i N lUlh ot. , Dinalia. KIM" LOST 1''llf h piiu pup , bluck t'nce. I , Ilium row uiil ior luu.in ol tuiuo to U/7 N. Bulb , _ I'OUITD. _ _ i * lly Uio uiulor.Uiicd , u nlaik inaloplrf. Owner i tin limu sumo by p ) lnn chnrxtH und pmviiiK pitipuiy , Mn- . Men h , Brow n ht. , nwir aortd Iluul Convent. bUldo4 IitaAI ! KEEP. -A Xlrt.1 Kill Ut L . bOllth ilth U -AKlrlfor Ronornl housownrk at lomln streoU 87tM \\rANTKIi tjidy nKoniZll ( n clny wltTTtnT ' ivwntlnr.nl bmml npw rnlibc-r tindt runr * raraiti for lemiilo' ; ladles , o wldn ! or IU Mn bun I l..ttlo , lKt 4ltCllPago | , li. 8t,14' il : > nor l illn nt rumn Rlrls mul ltN fODJettpral lioitH'wiirk , I'rf nnd fw ml work , lioti-l nn.l . kllcliun work. Li.ll at lUi I'nr- nntn St. , up stairs. W NTIll'flovcrnl ladles to ilo pflltitln ? : ox * IK'rlotii-o not new-anr ? : will romi pnlntcd mniplo picture for 4o. Aihlrots I'ronch Art MnnlV tlotuo , IU U Otlt St. , Kitiuua CIIJ , Mo. \ YNTinOnnd : nurntnn irlrls nt tin Win ft. , ' ' Crnm-ip lll/uk Nob. I'lnpl'ijinuit AKLU * cy ; places Kit mi ultl fn- i. otill at ono. M w ANTUn A titnt jounn girl to assist with bnby. MKJ xuth St. Vl'ANTIU ) Alonco , n treed tnl'or or nppron * tiro. Apply 10. i. Wollsko.1 , lllslnir City Nctrfiskn. 814-3 \\7AN1 Kfl-Tliteo flrst-cn ! < i tuck polntot T t A ] pl > lu W. It. IliiKlioi , lllnvonth nnit O Street , Lincoln. N.S-i WANTii : > l iardTtTurTriiTTto'ill weekly at their liomcM In city or country. Some know lodiool ( crochet nmi fnnoy work ronulnxl. M < ii'lv work. Ooodt K-nt li > iniill. bend KCI lor Minpln nnil iwniauo. Ulna Silk Wurki , 1\V. ! I'lli at. , Now York. n.mc' . ' \\7ANTHI ) A plrl nbout tt yinndtil ninunx ! * AijilyNW tot Vltulnlu AuMiml Urtnt Bt. 7ANTi'.l > AnontMio foil mi r orynlock for ' * H > rti/lrn n I'or torni" mldress Mldcon * .l Nurscil.'s , llox K. , Kuiibiis ( J.iy , Mo. irAV-i'l'D-dirl nt Wilkln's ptipcr box nicto- ry.l flrt Hth street _ fci7-II irAVriu : 1 inner ut U'l-nmnn It S oIll's , " \\TAXTISI1 An o\i oiloniMMl uiiulnur. Apply > ' nt II. HiimV.iit IliisrnlM 1'I.itu. ' 8lil ; WA > l'ii : > Mnn unit women to stnrt n now liu < Mm" * nt Ilinlr hoiiH'i. cnnlly learned lit nn I our ; no pcililllmt ; Ilk. for " 4 "iimplpt mill il pi o'liiRi1 of iiiiitorliil to conuiu ncoorkon. . AU- UioMt Amorlcmibiipp ! ) Co Alb.iny , N. V. 0'Jln.T , ' I heeond cook nt liminet Inn o. O'd-l ' * W rYvni : > ytcluiHiaphcr. Hex OS > , Omnhn. < > rTS4lllntr < MKMiml steam washer A n.rko blir mniiey. J. Woith , N Io Mnnuliic * li.icrbt. Louis , Mo. " ' ' " " tl'IUATIOI-S WAnXSB. WAM'ii-A : tcsi'cti'blf | tnlihllpi"0il | Indy wants so Itw In u turpnt ItouMor laototy ; ivlll do bocotidoik. . linju.i j )5.il ) Muro ) Nt. WAMTD Slliiiit'on In yotimr man to work In bail < < r Khop and leant tiulo. Addiusd A . I ) , lion onico. \\"ANTiD : A fltiiiitlon by nn ( "tprrlcnrol IT JOIIIIK man as clriit In froiory or ihy ( roods htoiu ; " ) O'ik riiulmb.duimati mid Ilobo- mliin. Addrc-a . i : . , liio OlliCf. 8.Mi. * ) Position an bookkeeper , account * nnt 01 ofllto clerk bj an nvpotloiienl book- Keopci ; sppaks tteiiimn and I'nvlNli ; fir-t-clti-w r npitcc" . Aililiof > J. II. Kru o , Itxfl Tiit-mim i-ticot. Tllnl * yANTIJIi Position nsbiol.l.c' ( > pirorcnsli ! r 't HiitlsliuMui ) luleioucuj % > I1I bo linnlshcd , UlitLtA. A. Dtcollico. 71J-H ; LniisvNldn ; for ronil plrU lor Dnn hnii'Oork o in c cnre tliom ly cull mrnt tlio Nobnf.l.n nmplovmont ARonuy. iiiro nuinbur of jfirUm mikotoLS nn.l > . Lull t.t 11J lilll bt. , ClOllll-O lllDCk. N7 RI'ltAV ii : > A lutol niunlioi-'io fixim Hurt ft. , I ot. IlroHii mid Iliition rinuornlll ploabe Hitiiin 8:11110 to abnio address. H17 ! l * W AVI'KH 1 want a jlol of pontlemen's hoiMis to winter nnd Jnr on the road. Have u r'ood plnco and can give lelerencos. ( assjimltb , Illnlr. Neb tilnlu' _ WT\ > . I'l.D To buy u limp- store ; un interest In ono In Omaha or womuy. Addles UG.llcooIIice. bl6-.ll * \\'ANTKI-1H ( ) li-dles to l.now that Mrs. > Holmes , thn tnihimihblu St. I'uul ilro < H * imikor Is now piopmol lo lecolvo and suit them nil at No. : iiu N. li.tli bUoot , cor. Diuen- poit , Itoom A ' .UKll * " \\"ANTI.n To liny n ( rood young hose : mil > T uttlianailiiriioj : ( , Mmw i l uild .SJOl * call cor Hamilton * LowonveViilnilt Illll , J KShaw 75KII * " \A7"A"VTIU TolJ'.clinnco Hpnnof horses for t T peed uctlve. medium spun of mules. 0. II. Mooio V Co. , l"iIS Uoilo ( ht. ffw A 7-ANTii-Tcnms. : T. Muriny. ron KEUT-irounES AUD EOTS. 171OK RIN r The oo-nnt ! IIOHRO nnd lot 1-mwn nsllioSall-hnty I'lace.on Sheimun noniui ; lar o hou-f. tiiirn , etc. Itontlowlou Kcodionnnt. A. 5nundors&Co. ? H-t FOIC HKNT-An F-iooned boii o.BOtli Ht.'d : IK-UK * fluutli ot Doiihlrs ; newly painted nnd pnrcrcil : oity wnlor : tout fa ) Apply on prom- a or 131 r > 1 o : il.is ht. \ > m.Meijoll. . fu-il ( : rOK ltiNT : Iiiglit diy bu-emont , SJxRn. ut JiLSJ 'i'ii. ' ' ? . H5C Tj lHt HUNT A nice Sionm hoiibO on 3th J mul SI. * ilnr > ' nvo to iespoti"ihlo partv J-Ht u month H. Fouron , 1-tli nnd 1 m mm. i 4.I * 71OK UI.NTrnnin cotlnceon Callfern iibt. , - bet " 4ih imirjith ts. Inrjuiroon pien'iats , I' . J. Cicodnn. t.li ITllMt KUNT A two-Morv Imit-o. H loonn , ? L-"J - DavrnpiiH ft Inquiio at Mrs. ILMoxuns , " , "i04 Dinenport bt. S'linJ J710K UI'AT A nevv 1(1100111 ( homo , nil moil- * ern Impiovements nem Mreet can choaji to a peed tenant. 11 U LlutkUil 1-ouglns tit. HlLn'J ITT'Il IliVT : House Clo-ota , pantrlo * . oto L1 CiIlf J8 IHth st. 7W-Jl ! 1J"IOU lir.NT A Inra-o now boni'iliiicr house , . 1'J or 11 rooms ino'th Omnlia Will rent linnlshcd or unluinislied. Apjily nt South Onmhii postoinco 7I-'ll * I tOIt Itr.XT A row hmite. nl modern con- 1 venloncert. Ocorfilii live. Inqulto ( ! co \\ll- cox at I'lilconer's. 7MW1 " | * ( ) lll' * T Now IIOIIHI 'i rooms , Ono of JI I cnt built houses In Oimiha , rJnd botwcfiu Ciunlnp und I/anl. " . Cotlivjo I rooino Pouth ISth St. . Cotiuso .1 rooms , nth St. , tmni P'orco. ' t Cottaao ! l rnoniH , S"th neiir DOUR ! is. $ J. Tno Jrom olllces fecund btory Ilurkor look Kith and Km num. 'Iwo hirjju moms In city hnll bullilliif , ' ICtli and I'lirniun. Onnor Iwo mnll store i-oomson IPth st near Vinnnni In City Man lii'lldhi'i ' will be iiumuol lo sultientor. O. ll. Mavno , Utti an.I I'limam. _ 140- _ Foil HUNT Throe front looms nicely fur- nhhed , onstteui ciirlme : siilinblo lor tour persons , cither { .cntlouion or huilcs. KCi N LUtli htieot. Ili-Jl * 1. KINT : Hoiifipnn 17th St. , beMTecn Cnp- 1- Itol luenuu -Uiucnpoit , 13. S. I.ohniiiu , 710 Foit KKM'-To small family , a Ilrst-ilats cotliigo In thoionuli icpaii , near cur il and ( iihioriunst , $ .lj per inomn. Imiulio loom 1 , Omaha Nmlunul Hunk building. til 'ITlOll 111.NTI room hou c near cor.Vth nnd L' UodfeO. M. P. Mm tin , JIUh.jntll sr U14 _ 171OH IlKVT Ten-loom housoa blocks from Jtf postollloo O. 1' . Uaii tc Co. 7'i7na Foil li : > T Cotlneo of 4 rooms nnil bn e- ment No 1JD8 t-"J stU'i'l citnnd eistcrn wa ter , lii'iuliool Duncan * c w ulluce. ilS K. itith i 441 tf " ' JMMI'IIIJN'r New U lo'im hoiiMi on Saundflrs Mix'et , pallor. b..j window . cn t liont. < oil ir clstimi , well , wilks , Icnces mid out houses ; now nnd cnmcmont. $ W pur moiilli. .1. K lliloj i : Co , SlJB. Dili tttiuct. ,111 J/OK IlKNT Nov. I , n tlrst-clnsw it-mom cot- 1 tiiKo ; tine locution ; by ti. T. 1'uterccn , u o. cor. I Mil nnd Don -Us. UI FOIlHUNT Two nowiusldcMicesiJ rooins cnch , coltuutiinnmi9lioubolu . J. ' ) , n-oms. I'hippi Hon. KM FOU IIRXT Two-8tory d clllnir , 7 rooms ; peed locullt ) . A.ipl > Cor. lltli uud Douuhu. L'.T. Til ) lor. 715 OH HUNT U'PloriKonOth and Ix.'u\einroith J 1 Hs. 1 tti.io on South I'Jth H , Ilotli llrfti'lass IIIH ! nchS licutluai. Alao liouoos to ronU A. .Mdiav- ock , tu ) lOIl IICNT IloiibO of U rooins. Apply for J1 14th und l > ounlii . JJ. T. Tn > lur. * 4U \l \ lir.NT-fevpnil dwelling Aj ply "cor lllh uud Dotirflus. UT.Tnjlor. 71U I. filtlK ( > TOcu 1st. or nflcr. ilwollhiT ' lioiiixiOiooim * , nlc-ujnnl , claiurn , vrutar. $ : J rer month Anply 1411 I'urk Wild uva.oi.lnu w. iMiu , urug.-ut , tuj ooutu Kiu au txl TOR firm Hivr : A lian < 1-0'i-i-lr furnl bM fron L' txom with buy window. 6J1 Noith 17th St. f"fi7 4 * " * Wlt -PurnlJhTa'romrrSJl.l Hnrnny . bl2 i ' . ' ' mod i.'uitittc 'l-TvviTTlPifntii'rMit rooms , L' rrn Improxetiieiiis : jrtKwl Nmtil but n lew loots from thn hoii e , ( IW S aoth Mrnou WK-3 TJ1OR nr.N'T-Storo ll N. BthSt , UI TTl rndlos n f Mcntlcmrii ettif fib- tnin rooms nnd llrtttciii-ssbonntnt 1W1 I ar * HIM root. * l-0 _ T7lt Itl'NT llniton . * ! rooms. 3 closnt. linntrJ" ' I jolt waior , litti I ntwptui ( enter an I Dorcas , 10110 il rooiiM , cellar , hnrtl und aott water , cor. ot I 111 nnil I'nclllo sU Hach ten dolluts. II. ! > Ctopson. _ yjxr Olt II ITI.nr : > ro Jurn'i'inil ' front room J7 with stove ami ole ot. l.ill IJ'ivotiport ft. - " * n.Olt HUNT A tinvellntr mnn's wlfo would J. like Mitno cooil punlos to tiiko n turnlshist onin , riiher hut s or j-cntlcmcn. TI-IIIH r n onnblo Addus tinnll at Wl ( lenrifln nvo. , two doois couth ot lx > a\o iworth street , h"o-7 iiIHIl itlJNT Ini/t / store corner If.th unit t.envcnwortli : .o id lociulun lor n f-rocrr/ ; ilso tlit on hirgp rooms. tvt ' ! F 1)11 ltNT : rnfurnMied rooms , I ] 4UllM.MIii : > room with honnl , 1117 Howard. I [ Mill Iivr-ruiiil3hcdioom : , llJl I'murmst. ITMMl lll'.NT Three nntiiNonicly tilinl.shol front looms , tnclnt * south ; btith loom IT.'J Cnpltulnxo. 7IKKU * "I7OH ItllST llcoins turnMicd or nnltir- JL ? nlslicd Apply ntH7 : North 17th st , tWKII * IruiK IHXT : Newly fi.rmsncd UKIIUS with board at 7i 4.uouth li > thiit. 7AXI1' "ITlon lliN : r Sultoofonlcorooms II -1 block. N. I * , coi IIill and IJoiiKlns. Innnito it Ijl : ! Howard stteot. "il'l ' J71OK HUNT A iiilleot iinrinnl-hcd looms to lunt , 1. , ( apitol mo. 'iiknl illl Iir.VT With lonrd. nicely trout loom ; mis mid buth room. 14 41.ones ( street- M til * ICI.NI An elegant tiunlsncil it mt loom , 1RII ! Do IHO. ipni.il * JL1jltlH lti : > ! ' A ilcHlriiblo room lor tent ; JL1 em bouvLiiiuin.o.1. liniiUio IV.'l l'uilinl | HU- . * Pii"l I.M'Kocmilli \ bontd , IC1I1 Capitol mo. 761tHl Fllt ' rurnlahcd roomi , .VJ Poit UUNT A ( loilrnblo ftont riHin. fur- nlilicd. llfi N. l h st 7 M1 * IjJ l Itr.NT 3 rooniA btiltnlito for hoiiMtcen J- Inj ? . rniiulroUilt ! Diuonport btrvnt. Co'il' 7 * OK HKNT-l'iitnlshod ropiu.1. 810 S ISth it. TIOIt iM'-Ioslinblo : iont roomt. Ill L1 fcotith IHth st , tiTlKJl * FOR KlJNT A nicely ftmiMiod eutttise , a ixionu.Hrr North with t. I ) , . ! THOlt Itr.NT-l'or ll lit liotistTkcoplii ! ? , " - ftii1- Jnlhcd looms , a. W. coiuur ojuul Houard. Fni : HUNT I.nrao biuidsomo room. 1701 Capitol iwn. _ _ _ r'11 _ POIJ KlIM'-Mcoly luinlsliod loom 1WI ( Dodso slrci t. fcSP-nl * TTlOi : JtiM' Nlcelvfmnl lied looms , ehcap , i fnrfnuri'untli < munfIMS ! | IVtliMiiot. C''l ' Poll It i.VT-Lnrgo furnlsltud rooin.tSIO Do l > ; o. r-8Snor.'l _ _ or. UliNT-Iloom with board. 16IS Fntlll'NT Uftoiesn ho brl-k b tilldintr on Hoxrant st. . 1 et ll'th nnd 17th. No 1615 nnd 11117. Imiulro at drnif storocor. 16th st. Wl/ OK Iti\T : A nice , pleasant room , furnish- id or niiluriu-uU. Inquire ut 15U I.civeu- wotthbitcct. 4tJ ( T * ( > U iti : > T Hoomswlth lionrd , desirable for L. fciimuicr. Apply at tt. U arlea Hotel. .Vil 7AOK Itr.NT ruuiMheit'rdohi , lliw rnrtmiTi L yj'ainS * ITiOK KI.ST : t turnlshed looms on 1'acii'o 1 t-ttei't. lietweon 'Jth mid IQth.ono bleokbouih ol thn II. 1. uei > ot. 4JJ F \ : ( ' . ; * Iiileticnnl-fonlli front rooms S. W. coiner I'Jth und Uutenport. 7 < jU FOK ii.NT Tuo nicely fiirnUhod rooiug , N. W. cor. ilfct and M. Mar > ' 8 neiino. . 1UI BArE-HOUSES IOS3. FOIlSAI.i ; House and lot on lull Pherldnn t ,1'4 ' liloolc north ol St Jlary's uvo I'rico t-U'iOU : 'j cn3li. balance 1 and : ! JO.IH. A nun- clurs iV Co. b71-U T710J- SAI.n-l'r'n'lnjr offlee. In fleu-lsht'i- -L city ot fi.DJ-J ; niiu.lii f iiionoy : Issuing mi ly and weeKly , and with line Job depaitmcnt : ml in llrj.t < lii"s order , toi sale at SUMI ; excellent npiiortunU ) ' " ' one or two capable jitiriinlrUt ) ; dmnoeintit n t a paper and will imiteiiiillv aid competent Cu.iorol th.it lalth AudiosH , Illinois Ileo otlice. C > _ ' , II FOItS\l.i-N- > . . 'CO. I limn nlv beeof tholco hind hlluiitini liom 1 to I miles on y tiom Muvwellblntlon on the U. 1' U. It. Most ol it is vidloy land Inuor&od by a l > euutlfiil sltonin of frprlnjr water , worth at a low estimate J"i per ncie , that 1 cun ell in otin licxlj tor only 9\K > per acre. NV ) cii h nnd b 1 icib jcars "t 0 per cent Intoiost. This l Mm ilnoat Invostt e it time I know ot in tl c st o ulay : call at onu. .1. W. * l.Vvl ) I'tirna. . ! . MJn : : T.Olt SAM'm 1 t ck of druj-'R r-nl tnedl- i1 eine nulti. Mor cute a a bur- l-'alii Win nuolio * 4tH 11 icd r bi.,11110111. J A. liOtl.Ul , | 1/JN PJlll hllU.v. O4l FOIt SA1. ! * A tronor.il merchandise biisino in a inpldly rowlni ; town not lur tiuiii I.in- ( oln. l < O"t undo and location in toi.n A bplen. did oppottunllj lor a p-uty v. i hlnw a > ; u < id opcnliur , mid httvinr -evei.iotuntliouMind dollnrs in cash Will sell lor cash onlyor p ut cnMi , bidinu'u real ostnto -Omabn. . Address Moichant UeoUIHc.0. li. FOlt SAI.n On Cupltol Hill , nenr liyron Heed H resilience , mi cl ( pant i-onili lionr lot with n hii rcoui I.oLho. AudiCba V. 1' . lieu Onico. H'J-.1 * F ) It S 11.1 : On I'll re corner and iin-ido o I oin-cs. K nt lor $1Cper ( month : p ' o , 4'J/Wu. Ami's , 1U07 I'ariiair. tyj. \ . OllhAI.J : Newport waTestTo 1 Amcs , KHinum. tvf ; 17011 SAM' IlcnutlfiilTenliicncnots ln WnT- J nut Hill ( AVI to SW euua ; lu per cent cash , ImhniLO monthly payniwus. U. li. ilayne , l&ui and I'm num. ] T\oit \ SAI.i : Lot on Dod u Ft , near " 7th 8t. , $14W : > ery easy tetms. A. 1' . Tukov. IM4 ! riirnmn hi _ _ _ _ to Flit s.M.K New , well built , convni o i ly r itiiKcd Hr ' ! hoiiho. tlnllu > < ) i Imu w ooii. bm h , In dry cle A very do-it itblo ie - Idenco In ] iolu.kt * nildlllon ; hundy to ems ; prlio , $7W ) . > in slIiuTPiiriiiiiii. _ K.7l _ "T7MHI SAM * Onn nt the best fiitnis In fnipj J1 count > ; two limijo- , ; two ouhiiriN ; Lntn with Memo tia&oment ; cillw , piaiuuifs , < > te boll \ llct nndlNli , lull Uod o mreet. _ 7ilMi2 I OK SAliK Store hmiK ) and dwelllmc on ] .ea\cnworth M ; fplcndld lecutlon tor a trrocory : iiin t Im M > Mn upeclnl b traln If sold within one week. I'mlull piirtlunlrrs cull or addioss A Sniindurs \ Co. , lli I'unuini ht , up- public I'avton Hotel. 7t4i 17oit S VI. i : Newport nenreot , choupcbt acres Ames , riirnum. tu7 TrOKFiAM' llomillfu ! nulildico lots In Will- J1 nut Illll fi' llo f7u ) eaulii 1J tier cent cn li , baliimemonthl ) pajmeiiH. C. IX Ma > nu , I.AII and I'm mini. N nl 7 1USAI.I . " , ui U 1 nero lots will bo solj I1 tlil week in lloilueld , at trl'6 nn Hero,1 * cubli , eacj lei ins. luciioito lots In Hii'ucom I'lucc , t"M to f 1 ol hi i utricU'tf li t tui'l ' , t7iU 10 t > jj ; itii in 1'ittrlck'a Sanr 0.7.1 uild , J.TX ) to $ MO ; near belt lino. One uo e in I'urk 1'hice , w lib lioui-o , ti.'M , ' - Asrc.it baisu'r ' 'story liotise,7roomR liruo bin n , well tlsiern and line tiu < . t.l.H'J. woit.i VJ i. easy toiuiHi u only 1 ui.los lioml'O , and ncui b.ieot car I iir. h | luiulla lot In .Slilii" B ndd , f 1,000. 1. umls to dude am. O i aim piojietty to trnilo foi lund J W Man * , ml , i ud 1 ntiium 7K1 NAI.i : lxtii\cuworih 'Uriiuo. Ames , -L I'M Kiirnum. bu7 _ IJIOIt itKNT Two Inrjje rooms next to conn- H til clmmter In city hull huildinir ; Miltublu lorFovrbi MIC ot ) or lut > or orKnnl/ut on ; Jlijier iniiiiiU. C. I. . Muyno , 16. h mid I'arimiu. bCu Poll s tl.r NewKirt | noaicat.clu'upost ncrcn , Ames , Kurnuui. bi/J UOL'SIX ' , lots , l iids liymlsl'.tu iiii7l"loTiiiTas U&nov 'lMo OHlrrnVnlnnt \ Hill 9 lunlboiao Imu nt d innM h wta ior7 o , only Si per ucul c.nu , tuluiKU u ; nt jlAiutj , liv" i'ai n 'Tn. Ipnn SM.TIe.cril co'tippftml lots Ilintt will "C-ll on mot tnH v.t > min' , to fro < xlpif. \l * > . rt i. iit'Cflllt ( ffxl l or c uld H lot t > r i. p inirRics tii.liiini | ( s I w M will on tlmo or tt-iilc for mil ' " -Imp. 'At homo Mnmlnvn. U r , l'rn > n , tr.7 i N inh ) i i IfHUl sAl.lriSi iM "B fi-in i .1 , rlf ufxxl trtow J ; lun.l. . B mile * froin.Mi\wc > ll Htnthin , H. 1' . . IL , ( Mi ; $ ' ! * nh IrADmeo 8 jenruO per ornt. J71 r. XAM : A. Moflnvooklfrnrnim st , * i N'ow flveniom hoil o , lot litl.t , * , on IJast Oiovn ht . imiT l nrt'iwoith , fi.o " . ixits in hlrkHoo'l , Hivliilit unit T.ytnnnX ICoi.nt7 < < Mitiplinmiitlnry , I'nrK I'hico. Crollt I'oneicr. Lnipi-oiiin.eil An oemt on , llowtry Illll , Konntye n "d , Itctiro 1st , nnd rinitocoui I'lmo mldiiionoi'a ( ) Mcrm i. 'l olotn. tti1V < .c < outniiltu | I wo PIXN ! hot os nnd bnrns , 1'tnk Mi. l nln. , * > . * j i. MX r jo u hnii = e. luh-il jilK , on Davon | > ort , at. mill "hiiiUi. . Tl r. r o.n 1 otiio with bjsc-nent , lot U'xllO , on I'lnrtii in c t. iiMiriiitli. $1 y 0 U-rooai lieu e , oveiy conviudniico , lot COxlno , on I'opploton nvo . iiMir x'fitli , ? < i , on. H-rnom house , tnery modem comonlenco. i'oodtablo , lot 5iUr v. . litMirplmivu , near 1'op * 1 leiim t bh eK fiom stixet ( iirs S' . " . bexen room hnti ti , lot r-Xtls. " ! , well nnd cl'torn , 17thsr.nenr ( eatto. Vor > eienpoit oi ylotins. I'lno lot , 7" > x-5) ) , contaiiH pplondld I'-room ' lioitso fronllnif cast on 17th bt. , and nroom uilluKo fiontltiK wc-t on l-.tlt xt. , nice liuvo luitn mid ( iirrlito | lioiio , with well mid twoeih- terns , 'lli.s U : i dccl io.1 bniittln. Cull for pi Ijo nnd terms . tt-ninm'lionsf with all modern linprovemonls , n l > enittlfnl ro-Idenco local. on , St. Ntnryn me. , nour aith ; lot 7MIKL Very rnoap mid ii T7MMI HAM : 2 Immlsomo lots , bllt 7. Hnn com 1 I'laeo : oust Innus.,7M ; fl.ojO down , bal- nnco to Hiilt. Ames , 15U7 I nrnnm. tf/i 3jOIl SAT.t'-l.oth * 7-room hoiiso on IMh st , ; lull lot , well Improved ; { . ' . ' "UO " 1'ottur & Cobb , IS 15 rarmim bt. 117-tf } jiOIlHALl * Onnisf st. , line lots nt ? f"ii ; onny t ( finis Lull at oflleu. lulter A. Lobb , lili Karnani f-t. Hii-lt "f jlOlt HA 1.1 ! Nei\ port nearest , ohe.ipeit acres' Jl3 Ames , larnntn. bo7 OUSAM * IliMiutilnln'sliliiiiPO lot.s InVtil * 7J tint Hill.V'.x > to fiiriiuicli : in per cent casn , bi'liimiMiinnthly pnyuiunts. L' . l Majne. 1'itli nnd rmnam. bi'nll "ITIOH SAI.l ! Corner on Siinnder < nt , ; business JL' ' iol.iaiKl.f-i ; only "M ; ! * ! . 1'otter \ Cobb. i. > oi : SAI.I : Mcti Inimi-nnido out 40 will I1 'my II. Ajliat blUBUln. WI.IU > l Vatus , MIO Campbell. HH-i' J TIOi : SAM ! N < > wiort | nenrobt.ehpupestactcs. 1 Amis , I'mnnm. Ho7 A-ravinK : linetttnent lot nnd1 ! TflOlt I'ood hou ts , tent lor $ . ' 1 1 01 monili , 3 dnn H ndd. , ( 1.1 0. A UCM , irT 1 aiiimii. b.-tl ; TflOll SAI.i : llursnlns In thirty lots In Spnutd * Inw A ; Knlin'smibdlviilon , on Uodjro I'trcot , east ot I'.elc I.lnu lalli-tiiul. jlili to t > i , on monthly pajnientti.V. . T. Oiuhiini , Croitrliton Illoek. .71 "TJ"IOH SA I , r New-pott ncuicat , clicnpobt neroj. JL ; Ames , I'arnam. bu7 HOtJSi- ' , lots , lands llomls , I'.th MJ-tOJnov.o mid 7 011 HAI.li lloautlful ro'ldenco lots InVil. . j1 nut Illll JJTiito S.iiocncli. Kl tier cent c'.u.i Imlnnce monthly pa } incuts. C. IJ. Maj ne , 1 > tii mat I'm num. " "IjlOU AI. * : N'ewpoit , ncnrosl , cheapest ceies. JL ; Amos , ruiiium. t4o7 1' A barjTDin In two lots on fic-or-flu Jincline. . 1 era hoit tlmel70iMullta ! > o tlio two. W. T. Graham. C-ruhilitonhlne'c ' frfl SAI.i : flood Hfilc-bnr buwy cheap. Call X ? on or addro-a 1 ! J3 Virginia at o. , edj. K > - " FOlt SA.IJI * . No'tpoitnonrcdt , cheapest ncies. Amos , 11111111111. b,7 T.TOU&1M , lots , ltuds | Uomis , 15th andJoulas AIlj Noivport nouiost , eheni > est ncros. ariiam. i b > 7 FTMUt SAI.i : ; ) hits ll Ilorlmnk's addition J.1 CunnliiRhnm .V Hii/niian , Ifdl Dinlso. 7 ls ITiOlt SALK Two lots 111 Isaac ami Scliloifd 1 add. , Lurncr , Sl , ( lrVt cash. 1'ottur X Coub IjlOUSAM Clicai ) rr-ldmifo Ints on Ciimlnif 4 ? BU 1'ottur A. t'obb , l.'il.'i I'linimn st. 41V1L OU HAI.K Six lotion Saunders st . 4 blocks 17 1 trom sticctuir 1 , . uiut Items ; ftiiJoiieh : easy pnjnients. TlicX * uo coiuer lots. .1. U. Hiley , V U . , Hiri S luttibt. ff-'O . licnutlful residence lots lit Wai- JJiOUSAI.n JJ.iuto7Ki'"icli : Ij pot cent cash. b.il.utco monthly piiymeuts , U. 1" . Ma > no , l. > tl > mill i'ai num. Foil SA IK jfow port nearest , choapeit act es. Amos , 1 amain. t < t/7 "JJIOIt SALE Choapeat propeity near \Vost Kar- J. ' mini t : lots in I'otter add. tiom ? l fi to tana , c.uty terms. 1'ottor iV Cobb. titl' HOUSHS , lot , lands Bouils , 15th nt'd Douplas 6II5.I1HOV.O Ijfoit SAIjK ClTeap. fiirnltnro of aii oi lit JJ mom linnse , Hiiliahle tor tximdmir hoit.-.oot romiiora ; Also hou = o lor lent , at 1-U Howard ! . TjlOUSALK Cheapest fmo mslilo property in Jtlio miiilcet. lesiiience lota hi Hillsmo add. , t".o to ! , loo. Potter it Lobb. l.rftr FOUSAI.I. A lr ! > t elass nnd wo'l ' pajln houtdlmrhoii c.cc-iitinlly locatml lor ptiitio- Addii'ssC. X. le ) i i.ilrn. CuJ FOlt M VI.i : Ioii\enwoith 'Jeiiacc' . Anna , i-r I'm 11.1111. 1 ,1OK SAM' ( holco coi nor lot In llecd'ij lat ad JJ J.I.UHJ. I'otter A : Lobb. FOlt SAM : * ! lotfl , on Vlrjrinlu avenue , east fiont , $ j.j ea n. L'nntiinxhnm le Itieimun , li.ll Uoiluo. 7c.i- . ' * FOlt SAM : I.cu\enwoitli Teiraco. Amos , iru7 rmnam. Ki7 FOlt SAI.i : r > iirrns. lir'iutllul hind , near Hell line und Saun lo. ) f' Sl.iW. ) , lasj terms Kmii.ho S'i\os diutt Mine. tli ) . iilOltsAf.i : Actolot ln llolvodero adjolnim ; 1 Ft Onmhuon theninlh. Thlslsby lar the llncbt mid eliouiest | m in property In that illinu * Mm. I all and HI e it. tJOJio $ ( - > ) per ncioeusy lums. L. H. Ma } ne , nw cor luih mid Fuinam. ; < Oi : SAM' I.cavouwoith Teiiaco. Ames , 3 1 1 107 In i mini. M'T ' IPOUSAIii ; rinn lots In Hnnscoin 1'liico. $7UJ totlf > M. I otter & Cobb. II I tf J , 'Olt SAM' Twentv uci os S.V. \ . of citvchcup at * i:4) : ) per uero. 'I'ottor & Cobb. 4lt-lC IptOlt AI.IC I.cu\eii orth Teiiaco. Ames , 1 mrurimin. M _ iilf i : SAMJ-Nowixirt ucio lot . Ames , iv)7 I'm num. hj7 ( ) ) : , lots , liimN Uoiiils , I'th nnd Douulas HlSis .Uim.'o FOlt SAM" It r 7'\rrr.nFON . Kith nnd Fnr- iiiim. Acio pioporly In lIlmebaiiKli' * uildl * lion : tlilsndiiltlon iidjoins the nuw puichn-oor IhcMit ouill'aulllulU. Co. f'l ' FOH.SAM : Nowj/ort m-ro lota. Amos , ] W7 Ftirnnm. > W _ I710UPAI.I * On C'.illfimiiii st. . Hi miles irotn -I ? poitolllce. half acie with mioj hoiii-o and hiTii , mil ) ftj.loo.MUlf , V Cobb. 4.'Vtf _ Jf Olisr.s , lots , liirma , lands -Homis , Pith and L Ioiia.-i. | fc4siJiiovx'o ! ITiOlt SALi : Xuwport ucio lots. Ames , 1507 " " Kurimm , , . i" HOL'sis , lou , hiuili Jlcinls , l"4h und Doi filJfi j | | M : In Iluii rein llico , good t-tory I nnd n 1 iitf IIOIIMI , ml ] lot ; ulouK 11 n ' iv. 2 , a. Ai iiu , ICuT rarnuui. 8.1 _ Jrid'l s \ M : .NowpoK'ncro ' lots. Ames , 1507 rurnani. i i IfOK SAI.K Twolots'on ( eorulti ANO. two ' blocksb ol Le.it onn 01 : h , Ii"J or & < > ouuu J I * , lliloy & Co .I'tb. UtliSt. 'M aoio Iota. Ames. 15.57 . rnrnmn. MAI-i : Lot with new house , a blocks webtofl'ark uenuolr > ) J. J. 15. Hlley & ( o. , UI5 B. POIISAM : NowiKirt ucro lots. AIUC H , s In OK SAM : On fanndrra st , nenr cur line , lull lot ; east 1 1 oiu ; new house. s-8tory , 1 looms , f J.ikx ) . Very cnctip. J , U. lliley A. ( X ) . , iliS. Mttibt. 'J2i Foil SAM ! Tno full lots , corner , wp.it on I two blocka liom I'anian : ht. ; boutli trout und on Bradu : flfM for bytu. A burtfuiu J. U. Kill y & . Co.15 b. Mill bt. < > I7 J.i OK SAI.i : 'llot on Fsjiilh l"thst.oai ; > - puy. nientb and > ory t-licap- I'ordulo Advi-uule pluco to locutn and bull 1 Krocery > toro , Vliuon Ht . nci.ir tcirminuuof Uth su cur line , tlwo. , ( J , K. lliloy 4 Uo , Kli H Uth , HOUSU4 , ot , l nJs-llerr ! , Uth nnj _ Ij1)1t4AtJ * .Now-port ncro lots. Ames , 15 Kftrnim si ? ; > ( Hl 4At.U llf-nitlfnl l < iN In ThombnrT rincc , on lmiinttorthst. . lie-it phitii to In- Ve t ntonoy Kelt I.lnu dppot lomtted nt otto c-ir- npr of Iboiiildlllon. Stnml cnrst niiiirii ] . Only mew loti left. t. lo ( PV/O cieh : 1 > per c-ent down mul $ lil for nmntti. C. 15. .Mnynn. 9. W- o-rncr Utlmmi rsnism. wl FOT : s Vt.i-On : rnllfoniln t , m.H * ! deslrn bio iKSideneo , $ SVJU. J. li. Hlloy & Co. , SI" .3. I3tll ct. His. ITlOlt S.VI.K-Torncr "lot'aTilocKi from stivot - ' cars. J. K. ihiej .V i > . . sia M I ith M , uia "TTi MI SAM : \u\t port uoro lots. Amos. 1507 J rnrnitiii. t\fi 1\0ll \ H.CM : I ts In IViiKerA M-iync'a mill * .1 ( lUI-lim on litli Htreet , three blocks fiDin Rtrcrl out. * , * t.VJJ mul M u ouoti. Jlontlih paj- liienls. lAiwotiCnllfornliii'rootno.ir city limits , f KM eneh. i\tiMlarwnslro : Two lU-odod iimviiltH , two lot * 71V.1V ) , lialf block I torn I'm I. avenue , one block trotn l.euv * onworth , hlrfh Ki-ouiul , SJ.JJU iMili. ViuyiMiy terms llousoHinonn , not o of Kntnnil , on Ixmvcn * worth Ht.llrlt line KOOJ within Ui lei-t of It , J.I.MI.iibitKKln. / ; . Tw o lots on K ist Orovo st imnr rarmm , $553 each , monthly p lyments ; ihey nn > eho-ip. ! 4 acres In ilronMlnc < near propo > oJ IL It. depot nnd Hhops , jl.m-i , TweUo oust I rout lots on Colfax ft. ono block north of Lcmuiwoith. fi/Mi , slu iioirtt mid Ssi per monili ; tliesn mo duslrnbln Inls , near Micot ear. near Kixid M-nnolM , nenr bii-lncss ; Ilioy will ni.iUoKool lanaedor maUu miod la- \esimcnts. . teuton I'lirnnm nnnr I'lih , * > I..V i. One acre in OKOM addition ncnr baundetl St. , $ . .O.M ; thlHlsclienp. l ots on ( ) ini-jliv ) nvo. between l.cnvenworth nnd I'ainam , f i.lijj cuoh , $ l. iilmni anil v. iper month. OntMieroon Sfinth IHth st , J1.SM : ensy terms tX'7 ' Ixit "i.i\ " > ion'inii ft lotwio'i Dni'iilia mid lodto ) , nnw uitimre ! ) UKIIIIS. flAW.'J lo > tn and MO per n. until. SOI llilck t onso II riHinis , ail modern Impmviv incuts , tiutii , futn ice. lar o bum , Milnn.-i ntld , fM ) , Sll I iHSlvl'l ) , hnii'ii H rixiiiis , IioilKn st. bot. Mill and i-ith. nmknoliei Bit F-nll Int. two houses , bhinn's mid , SZZ'O ; eusy terms. K3 Ono acie with hou-o , boa.iiiful Idcnthm , iKO Kuli lot , huge hou-u tl rooms , noi Hi 1Mb tt. , * * & * lAitUKUOtwa blocks south of ft , Mnrv'H live. un 'u st , , m c I'oit.uo d lonms , laiv-o I urn , J.l/H'j , ; e mm n mm V'.r ' > per month. " 17 Neat coitiiyo lull Im. noilh 1Mb st , S'.im. Mit HotiM > 7 loiims , luuii lot * , tiiiu-t loc tii'iln ' llmiscom plpeo east iront , t-pleunld tlew , $ < /uu ; ous > toims. ES Ilon-o7 reoms lot fii\tw , ttnii'rntn plnco , f l.imil , irxdilown. balance to suit 8 * CICMMl coltttiiu 7 loom- . , bum < o t tl.01 , niimhoi ot othei oullmll.liiiKi. lot U'lxtVI , t cry line locmion , within oi e and a half inilosof TO . ne.ir I.L'iiveiiwnitb ot. , 0lUJ , easy tot ins. 218 llr.cu notiso 7 loonm , Hiirnoy nenr 21th , Bootl lot. J.V-00. " 15 ( iood eottiiKO b rooms. Inrire hit , beautiful locationHanst nni pi ieof.i si ; easy terms. S.TO Lot lUiivliO , vood c.ntii ) e I loom * , youth Kith bt. , $ . ! ' u. ? f0 down and t-M per month. IDS Nuntost i-otta/e In ( larilia. new , nice lot , natural lien" , Ueoryiil n\e. near l.cu\en- woith. 4-'iHX ) . 175 l.otUUl < 4i-oulli Uth St. , cotti re fi looms , f.l.'J.ld , $ KAI down ami $ . ! J per month ; tills Is a b iiiriihi ICO l.otVjvl4i ( ) , liiipe liouso , peed , Hlclcory st. bet. tuth mid llin , Sl , ! ' , W-VJ clew n nnd $ : u per month " - " . r , 140 titil b"5 Lot lu-u"I.J neat cottiiiro rooma , ci-ierno'.ithousos. i-iMii. n c-d 1-1 llai.ticlnif Il'int-eoin paik ; tlio KIOHIHI nlono Is worth mine tliun tliu pilco u-l.cil lei this plnce ; II jotiwnntn desiint leplaeo ultli plent > of Kiound room ; bco this , $ lu 0 ; easy leims. ira A line two t.lory honso 11 looms , corner lot , Oii\HOon 1 m : a\e.Vi'Oi. in"i tli"i\iiion : rauimn il. nem 25th. 511,000. ViK\.x7 A low piccns on South I it i i.t with buildings on them Itim want airood linestment look at lot II. block L' , ICiiiim/.o oil ndd , hou o 4 looms $1 W ) . fJVHdown nnd ? .M per inonili. Math link lot 11. block ; ! . Kounl.os Ud add , lion-o II rooins , fU'.O 0 , $ . ' 10 down nnd < 11 jie- month 74 1'iiMt 'u lot , block Inon .Inuk-iin st. with bouse un I bum , t.iWl ( ! , JI50 down and ii pur month. 21J lot on Miornmn nvo 1.0x110 In Ilorbach add , J.i > oi ! ; aKo lois luixlJl on 17th , Hor- biieh'sadd , &l.Ku. ) 207 15 i\2r > 0 corner on St. Mnr > s a\o. mnl.es 5 \eiydosiiablo lots ; lor pr.ce und paitleu- lars call at olllce 200 Ixits in Yutcd X Hcoil's add , $550 each ; tnonthl ) pajments 201 Lot 10 , block lb , Haii'-com plnco$1OOJ ; toiy etiuv terms , isy Ixit In Lot llandt plnco on Howard St. . 1,500 ; toij eusj terms. If 0 Two oi' the l.nost noi os In West Omnhn , miinhcisJand 4 , lilouk-l. , ) ) 174 Thteolouon ViiKlulit avo. ilunscom place , f , h.n ) lo1 t'io ' llnee 175 Two lothouiiKiniauve. . In block 2 , Hans- coin plaro , $ U > euuli. 170 Two lots In | { linun.uiicli p'nce ' on Itlduo st. , iCathorino live I * I.4"J ci ich. Lots iinlinpuno.l mid Impiovcd piopoity In exeo pmtoithucii\ * Miiyno , * 4. W. cor. li th und I'aimini. Telephone U.I. tJtf Olt H\M ; Newport acio lota. Ames , 1507 rarmim. tk/7 ONT.VfiOlntsto tnulo for Improved pi-operty , will us3tiiiio moilKaKCs or pay dillorence In cush. I'utties wisliln ) ; to tiaiie better call at once. W. H. Uicon. over 1st National Hunk. 171 POlt SAI.i : A few lots in llurtletts nddltlon , lluce blocks liom ftreot enr. $ .V.u to S76H on inonlhly pujments. W. T. Graham , Crcfelrton block. 1'iiJ HOISis | : , lots , landsIlomi" , I'.th and Donln < * { ul-ai.iliov.li IjIOIl RAM : nnijrnlnf In ncio propeity. in choice lesidoncn lots , In com tor able dwell- ItiKswlth uioili'rn liiiim < veimmts , in Hint-class bi.Hinoss property. In funds ol nil kinds in ISc- biasku , Iowa mi 1 Ivunsas. It will piy j on to call and ' oo my pi ices. J. W. Maisliuli , Ujil I'mimm btieet. _ _ _ K-.y T OHSAl.n Hrneo and lot nnd ten lots near I'uik iixonno , ehein , on easy toiius ( j. | > . Hobhlns , Koom 111 , Aillii' < ton Hloek. 'Jl."mov7 Foil SAM : Tluvo now cottnpet. fvo rooms each , In Walnut Hill ; treed eellirs. clo-oH , pnnlries.cisteiiiH etc ; two lots with o icli cottnifo tlt-0iieiich. lihliliiwn and SJJper month. L' . 1 ! . Nuyno , I'llh ami Kainam. _ _ i7l ! HOMi : M'.nicnns. ATTiVTION-lur : full pir tlcnlms about line ami choup luial.s In Woilfirn Nebiuskii nddieis I'littct-on i. White , Keul U-tato A ont5 , Noith 1'lattu , Neh. ; M FOlt SAM : Xenpott ucio lots. Amos , 15.7 rmnam , M7 FOKSVM : A two story , .2x1)0 ) , fromobulll ini , iiiitiiblo torn Htore , noir Uth nnd i'.U' niim bta , Apjilyut this oilijo. yt" NO oDorntlon or u oloss Irusvis , Dr. JI. M Mooio , "II Wnhiish avo. , Chlciifro. Will Lo nt Lozicns House. October J , ono iluy only r i.nMTMiii\ , HHhinorton , t'ltrt : r > th f = t. "Till : CDDAItS" A boitidlmr nnd day K'linol lor joiinIndies. . Dcll litlnlly Hltuuied < m ( luoiKulowii llelLrhts l.ai'b-e inonmls : HII- pcilorbciiohutlouiUiiiitujcs. Mtrij i\ititx : EDWARD KUS5II , , Or VAI.MYRTI'HV ANII PONOI T1ONAI.ISI' , LUI Tenth Street , hetween Karniuu mid Hiirnoy , will , with the aid of cnauiliui HIII lib , obtaining lor any ono u plmiui in the past and present , and ot eeitain loiulltions In tliotutuie. Hoots and rlioes nuuJo to unlcr 1'ci lect satlstactlon KUarantuod. round Kotlco , Taken DTI nnd Impounded in the pound of the city of Omahii , on tlie"th iluy ol October , Ib i. onoppotted cow , whleh will , It not rc'dcnmod beloioMile , bo Mild nt punlie mictlon , in tno JiUliest Milder , lor cush , at find pound at the hour of lOoilock In the lorcnoon , on the tilth duyol November , MN'I. oct t < l.t ) UAN. L' . HLUii.ir : , I'onndimu-tcr. Q91THOL9 BMTH , Saunders Street Market , 1'rusli. Bull nnd Smoked Meats , fiinsntfe , 1'onl- n > , i.t' . 101U 'lo.ephoiiu t'JI. PORTRAITS , I'ortho hollduya wo will inako a life BO | por- tin t. In } ! Old Irume , Jor t-U 'I'll Is icduotion U mudu lo meet udemundlor line potiimu At a Low Figure. And Is Jus hulf our former piico. There N noth- Inu nicer lor aprosont in lotol ones , tliun ono nl ihoMi poiiran . Wucopy fiom ull kin Is oi plctiiic.Kuuiantce uutlniuction , Inako nn > cuuiiKOa deslted These ponr.ilid uru ( ituu cnty- on nnd never fuilo. Cull uuj tuo an. bludlu room 'M Arlington block. COLWKLL & C001CK , ArliaU. TuLu DiaSCTOBiT. . PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Attorneys. msvixs & cin'uriiiu. , N-W. Cor , isih iiiitl lUmglns St. W. ,1 , CON'tfr.U , . mas. tttu street. ( U'.omiK . I > OAN'K : , ATIOIINI.V AT l.vw , r.ilcuiu-r'a Illoc-k. tftth mill K. It. COCHllAN , ATTtlllNKV AT I.Vtlf , Collection * nui to promptly ; Doubtful cUlmi H ' Physlcl.ins. Hit. JA3 , HKCK.Vrr riirsuvAK AXII 8mtnr.ov , Ofilio iitut Iloilrtenco , Til N. lOlli SU UKOmUA. A. AUMJCKl.K , M. D. 1)11.0. ) 1' . 1IAI5KIGAN , I'llVfeiriAK AMI SUUUKOS , Ofl'connd Ho lilenco LVU I'lirtunn St. , Omnhn , rob. 'liiiU ) hone No. lilt. DU.V. \ . ( } . ICl'Ml'Kll , Dl.UTSI III It AU5T , Office , mo V.irii'im St. . 1 o.ldoiHolUj7S lilh ; St. Oil 10 horns In In Tolcyhmm.il I. Dentist ; . ClIAItT.KS & J ACKMAN , Dentists , 151S ttodcu Stioi' , Noillinostuf 1' . O. HARNESS- J. K. SWJKH , JtaLos tlio BtrongO'it , llHlllKoillOi , choapobt nnJ best HARNESS , Fnilillc , Wbljia , Holies , mid till special mtlelos In tlil- > line kept ulHMjs on li.tnd , Kupalriii-r n vpoclulty u-ullll N. ICtli St , . bnt Dodge mid Cupltol Avo. QUICK WOItlt. MnnKUATE I'llICUd. AUGUST 110 HNT , Mamilacliticror Light Driving Harness llcnvj i.raft baint'ss , ( oliurs , oto. Tlio most nnnibloMock mid tl.ocry be \vnrk Kiinriin- tced Iliifrwy topslrlmnicil to onlur. Itoptilrliij ? nuatly uono. Itumumtior the plui e. LtiJ a I itli si. PHOTOGRAPHS TOLL31AV & MAYXAIll ) , Photographers , Vor tbp bept. tlio cliontunt mil the tnn t v.v rlctltjlosof nitlstlii loiualt work In tinyon , piiclcl. and nil LnuNot pltiiidtro 10 Tolimun A. Manurd s p-allor ) , 7 > c. and , C4 X. 10th Kt. J'ino rablmt.s lor SJ pordo/en. BOOTS and SHOES * " _ C. J. . . PALMQUIS T'loro ' Is no butter tnnkorof llooti and Shooi in I ilnclty tliun Ihoworkniini abovu immoil. Hfp'ili'IiiiH'iillv * < lonu H.itlsliiction anil per- Pel lit are iiiMitod by patronl/.liu nn iiceom- pllshedoikinau. . Shop ut Ko. IIS S. ICtli St. , boln-oon Dou liis mid EMPLOYMENT. THE OLD RELIABLE Employment Office , AtNoL'17 Sixteenth Kt , N still running : , fnr- nNliliiff female help oclul'py. ) . Servants for both town mnl conntiy litrnhlied on short no tice. Mis J. W. MoiriMin , I'roprictotcss. WATCHMKERS and JEWELERS. J. L. ROY & Co. , At C07 K. IGlh St , , carry u largo utock of V/atchesClocksJewelry / , , , Silverware , Musical Instruments , And ccrj thing1 In their lino. Bmnll profits nnil quick fi'ilos 1 tlielr motto , nnd lower prices tire miido tliun any other lion o in tlio city. ItopalrliiBr of nil kinds done In the most sUUHill iniinner. KiU'ravin ? executed to order. AWNINGS. T. M. TJ.EVKTT , . A"Wllillg3. WACON COVEUS , TENTS , ETC. W. " . So. Hth Street. Wrlto for Prices. BAKERIES. New England Bakery No. 221 Jiorth ICtlt Struct. it nnd bp t Bo lonf of broad In thoeliv. CaKes , pleMiind win in tolls dally. Homo mii'lobreiiiliiHpeeliill ) . Many l.iillns hiivo quil buliliiKlorrlioiiiM'lves i-lnto the > can net this imikooi liomo-iiinde bieud. HORSESHOEING * ( JEOIICE . HAYS , Practical Horseslioer AN1 > WACON' JIAKEll. Pnrtleulnr n'tontlnn Riven to hnrM > s hiivlti'r cm IH , ( iHiliactiHl lecl or Intorinlii/ . < > 'ib < i. HthbtiLtit , KTO viTn i"i : Ai us'roTtT 10,000 , Different Stoves THOMAS HKIlMINTiJIAM. At Northeast coiner li'tli ' nnd NVoliHter , Is dolni- a Mir bii-lnuhS In lOpluuiiK biolten 01 dinniipod piirl.sof hU < H , The Mttm nn , pillnlilnir ami lepalrlim ol Ftoves Is best iliiiin lij one who niiikes Ids hmdiicris n Hieclnlty. | hiu\cs , ttnwuio und uutlery mo ki pt In nock. JAS , SHAW'S Horseshoeing , Thl l < tliofihop wl 01 e nil the fancv her oihoo Itm is done , nnd If MIII ha.o a ia 'i , tiottoi or a hniFollmt Iswonli iinjtliiiu joii want to bo MiiuandtaLu l.lm to bj.iuv u w IL hliou , Njlll biLth bt. HAYS .v I AULSIN ; , Horseshoers , Tito host workmen T 10 very ot ! l"ost mate- iliils. 1'ionipt iiticntlon Coinonlum tor Ilio North Oimiliii people ( uriiiiius iiuj WUKIIIM nmdemid luiniitod ( leneral jobliln ilonu to ordir. N i. 1J Ciimlnif oticul. FINE JOB PRINTING * ItKKS I'KINTINd.'O. S t colors tofcuiuucl ( I c Printers , Book .binders Ami II nil : book MunufuUur NOH 1 3 mid 1DKSH ii btiou , nmuha. Null tf . 'iiirlio , SIMXT- iiiiLiiilciiit Iliinlory. r l , ih jau , , y , iJ. ili.u. luuluiors of lubliei Umj-e. STOVES nnd TINWARE , Stoves , Tinware , Cutlorj" Ute Al o Tin IttxilltiT , ( lutleuai-po\iili\frin ( Ocnrrnl .lobTintiliirt ilio t st of work mul ro ' 4 fxmiiblochiUKe- Milk runs nnd other tin win < In wuck. * 5Ml Cuml'ij- .Omiilni , Noli , HIYI > l.LA\lll.QtMbT , , Dealers in Hardware , Tlnwnro mid Tools. This houw mxinptc- i In i ir n Ptonj on tlio ( sutler of llith nn. . . . ( * iillioiiiln IH , nnd It Kept bj n ini he > id llrmj Inllof bili lie s and alwn\son Ilio lookout flit4' tholnist of meritliliisd' their lino1 LOCKSMITHS. _ \V. \ HOIHII , , Lo oksinitli&Maoliimst Improved nwnlni's. < d rnmnl bell li'inislmr , Mm , wotk. AKCIII tot Mesmeispiiliml | itt < iiiliiiii4ioiir faucets and Htundird \ > nior prosstiro pit nips. NVT1 curlMh nnil Howards ! . Omaha , Nob. HOTELS. Green Tree House , 3ii ; nnil . .158 Irtih Struct , unit $1-31 j orliny. Mils. H. Tltuw City Hotel , KIF.I ! > WlKTIl , sr Ccr. lltlt and Uarnoy SM. , Uinnlm , Nohnwkfcl Itomnwnnd l'oi'i\l.l. f t ii' , nnd } ICO per ilnjr ' TeitlVs Electric 'Hotel ' , < i IS ! N' . 12IU St. , Cor. Canttot Avn. Y mid Jl. iln to oiilur nl nil bmir' ' . Mciiltk'Uuli , ' . ' ! incnU Jl Try It ; boat Jn tuo land. FLOURING MILLS. . _ _ _ _ _ _ DKN'ISON iS : CO. Champion Mills , flour. IVoitimit Jleiil. WHIN KUh strcot. ISltoV- w heut and r.o . tlimr n mioehili \ . This now mill In prepmodto turnlsh nnv mnoiint ol woods In If * line on short notice and tlio most favornblD pilees tlm mnrlip' ' w ijl ' 'II AUCTIONEER' A. AV. COWVN &CO. , Auction and Commission mllilti" ! ; furtilttiio boujlilnn ; fold. Siili ! < < d HMI muck unit IIOUMI bola Mutt Into nt pilMito ri'Mn o u i K a hpi > uli > ity with u * IlpinoiniKM Ilio pltiL-o , \Vi--t .V I'lllaili c bto 1C N I lib M , No 11U FANCY GOODS , CIIAIILKY YiNl ( , 4inpprUrnnil Uralurln N Teas , Fancy Crockery * Spliot..Inpftn iinil Clilni".u rnnoyQoodf , Notions uic. Iloantll ill OnmnU'iiH. 7US Utli U UPHOLSTERY. Upholstery & Repairing No. 10UI Ctifl Pt root , MiiVosovor Miittiosfi' , i pnlr Inj. II as ( ; oo < l IIH nu 1'llloun 11111 ! llolslprBJiuula to oitlor. ( liulrri ivMMitod , IDU or price * tluin ( Slsu. \vhoioiindnodooiiroivii\torlc llojs mo not cmploji'd. i-oiul poyliil mid wo will cull on you. CLOTHING. _ V. AI/l'MAN , Tormorly from 101H ruinnmSt. , denier In the best line of f.lENS' , YOUTHS' and CH1LDRENS' Huts , Ci IH , Oontrt' riirnlshliiff Ooods , Trunks - VnlKos , etc , at HIM lonivt pileos of any honao | | In the elty. Ston nndeo us ntU17 N Ifath at. , bet Calllcr ilu nndVcbi i' otn. HOME MADE CANDIES. mtIKJjIJACll'3 HOIVIE MADE CANDIES. Fruits , Oysters , T.unch , Clanrn , Tobacco , Got. CIS South 13th St , WALL PAPER. IIODKCK & JiVEKS , WALL PAPER , \VH1DO\V \ SHADES , ETC. I'mctlctil I'oufo , slirn nnrt fio'co inilntera. 1'npor 101.1 CUM I NO ST. "NEWS STAND" H. K. I.KIlilANJf. FRUIT AHD NEWSPAPER STAND. Dcnlor In all kinds ol r.nitlhli nnd KionoU i > npeiHieriinui pupurs and Nooks , soiiff liooks. llbiurios ol nil UiiiilH , Hlory Ixinks. llterury and Hportin pupoiH , tmijfU'lnes , ote , Cnstonierncan liavoanj pupei or periodical delivered at their loslilonco Willopostulcaiii fet whutiou wnit. Trulls , cnndlos , nuts and clours , a. K. l.oli- munn.WJSSo. luih .street. AND CAS FITTERS. IJHIII-J : , oi.-vwsox & IJCIINSHD PLUMBERS AHD GAS FITTERS , 17.-J SL Mary's A UN , Cor. Ibth Ht , r piomp'lv attended to. hutinl action Kij CARPEfJTEnS. JI , IJ. S\VAUTX\VAI.IKIt , Practical Carpenter AND CAIUNI'T MAKElt , on eounteri < , ca > es , nholvln'r , i to riirnllinoof all Mndi lopaitodundrotliilshcu .lobl IiiKpioinptl ) uitendodto 4oU 8 ll.h utreot , Omaliii.Neb. - ' rorftoro woik , riueh na FhelvhiK , nnd line i.uhliiLt woik , ami urllntlu thcie Imioiie in thouiu b < > well iiuiillllo.l hy e\pcin mo , thU hmiu : bnoii Mr. Wuddoll a SM > . vlult > i or j can l urj IIM/U | ; nt , cor l-'lli. - j- " " - J jWM. WM. m.Disir , C'or. lotlio mul IHIi Htreotn , Medicines and Chsmiiah I'aneynnd toilet nrlltlos , i3ponvo > . Pr-ibho * . I't r itmorj.otu. I'liyntu tun pru cdpt omo.iro- lull ) coinpdjinled , und OI.IOM uni enul witli curu and dNpitui. Oir'ctorc M modlolno li ( oini lctu/ui. luted fouuliio und o. tliu lxt lIIUllt | > . A. 11. Contractor , Builder , AND 1IOIJSMOYUJI. ] Tolophonu No Hi. O'lteo'in N IMh Ht. Ort * twoni ) ono jeiirn n o Mr D.niockon bo nn'iuw imws In ihu. illy anil helms iiuinninnnts to his ll lie n muciiuiiiuuii ulmobt Otory uncut lu uie