Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1885, Page 4, Image 4

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| OMAHA Omen , No. Ml x n SIR VA m ST.
Nr.vr YoitKOrrtCK , HOOK CS.TnmuMi
I only Alonilrvy mm mug jiajwr | > ul > ii liL l In tliu
rrriMs nv H ut. :
Jno Vpitr . . . . . | IO.OOTlirofi , Mnntlis f'M
flxMoa'hs. fvmOiioMtinth t.W
Inn WM.KMT HBB , PublMhod HvcryVoilnmdny. .
mtMs. i'Orri'Aii > .
1 Ono Vrnr , wlih promlum
Onolcnr. vrlthciut vttimlmn t- , %
six Mr.tiliiH , wllliout titcilnluni 7.1
ono Mou' , , on trial lu
All cor. miinhi UOIIA It Im.r.-to nrtrsaml oil-
torlal miittrrx Miould bo ndiirt cx ! to Iho I'.m-
toaovTiu HKR.
AH titixlnr&ft lntu-r * nml romliinncps i < lioiiM he
jllilrt > n c < l to TUB iins I'IMII.IHIIIMI COVII-VNV.
I/if AHA. Drafts. thcoUn nml poilnd co onlnr-t
10 bo nintlo ] > njntilo to tlio order of tlio company.
K. noyiwATUit. : K
roil Hii
FOIJ rotjjjt v r
MKMlAii : , MKVN'V.
KOIt TllllASI'lll'.lt.
roil n.i UK.
roit .triiiii : ,
. i if ptrntiir * iNsriiiKntoN ,
JAMKH n. imiwnu.
volt roiios'r.n ,
II. 1C. MtJIlKlcr.
KOII Hl'ltKMHt ,
rotuitHrif iisoir nil : PHAPK ,
First nis-trict-LUU'lH HHIMCA.
HiToiid District -MCK. UKl.SUCV.
Third District- ! JUST A VK ANDUU30N.
PAT Foiti > ' 3 ' 'Inlloipnco" willlio pro-
flouncTil inflneiiKa within twenty-four
hours' time.
Lome to the assessors. I'ramlnlont .is-
SPf-smi-nts aru iiHsiHt 'iI by incompetent
ami dishonest assessors.
PAT I'oiiu diil sonio heavy work in the
doniocrutio prim irios for Miller ami
nml ho mutt hi ) row.mlod.
Ti'V years in tlm penitentiary is Fenll-
nnnd Wnrd's last "contract. " Ho will
find it a hard onn to carry out.
Wiii'-TiiBit tlio mugwumps or Itnrchnrd
bout Illulnolnstyear will budunionstraltid
in to-morrow'a eloo'ion in Now York.
DIE Mrr.LKU has liireil a Iiall nnd xvill
taKe tlio stinni ) for Mr. I'.it Ford. The
doctor IUIH shouldered : i heavy contract.
ANDIIES has concluded , to
withdraw and leave a clour Held to the
Yotors who desire to get rid of Brandos.
"Ooi.n in Alaska" is now the cry. Mr.
Soward'H much denounced purchase may
t4irn out after all to bo a three-ply
WIIP.N tlio news comes from Now York ,
tlip remarks of "tlio li'hoys" on I\lr. \
Clpvidimil'fl policy will lill several laryo
ii/.ud voIuuiuH.
How many deputy 8lu > rifft beside
Sliko Luhy have neon sent out of the
court h ) itsa to draw double pay for
Single duty ?
GKNKKAI. HAXKN'S book is out. but it
omitfl to satisfactorily explain where ho
Wis at Sliiloli , wliun tliatHoareli party of
fik failed to lind him on t lu bloo ly hold.
Now that tlio county management has
been miido a subject for inquiry iin.l dis
cussion , wo do not propose to drop it im
mediately after olcctioa. Ii is a matter
of very hurious concern toth t tax-payers.
Mil. UUST , n professional New York re-
ccivur of bankrupt institutions , is under
arrest for misappropriating $7."iOJ3 of an
esluto put under his care. The "receiver"
in this civsu was evidently worse than a
FITZ IIuon LKK'S confederate cavalry
are sweeping through Virginia with
every probability of capturing ( loVernor
Wise's loss showy militia. Sentiment more
than KoiiMi in tlie moving lever in the
Virginia campaign.
VOTT.IIS in the country ontsido as well
RS in Douglas county , should Henititil/.o
oarol'nlly tlioir tickets. I'nl the best men
in ollieo to represent you in Iho county
court house. Half the benefits of tax
ation may bo destroyed by the manner in
taxes are applied.
TiinitK are 3,00" ) colored mnn holding
Bubordiriato federal ponitions lhrou < ; liout
the country , only ! i per cent of whom
luivo been removed by President Cleve
land. Thin leads the editor of the New
York Freeman , colored or an , to remark
tlmt the colored democracy is daily in.
creasing In number. It is probably at
least L',000 strong , lot > s 0 per cunt.
Ruu..s fate now rr.sts in the hands of
the Kovernor-gnneral of Canada. The
queen declines to interfere and refers all
petitioners to Sir John McDonald. To
oxooiitu ( ho half-breed rebel in the faeo
of the strong manifestations of sympathy
expressed on hisbehalf by the vast in i-
jorlty of Iho Krunch Canadian people ,
would bo an act of Mich criminal folly
that It is possible that it will be coin-
muted by the Canadian home govern-
nuint. Advices from Montreal picture
the city in a whirlwind of ovitcmmit ,
whoso gusta are making the Canadian
premier .shiver in hln ollicial tvnidence.
Petitions by the hundreds are deluging
HID government with sturdy recitals of
the half-breed wrongi which houU Kiel
took up arms to avenge. Driven from
their homes by Npuciilating adventurers ,
robbud ot their landb and prosporotii set-
tlemuntb by tlio Canadian 1'acilio land
Bharks , with their petitions for redress
ylyeon-lioli'il , and tliulr rumoiistrances
tnetwith threats of bullets , wnat wonder
la it that the Indiana under Kiel made a
desperate tight for their poiseajlons in
the Imlf-brued rebellion , su called ujion
tlio Saskatolunviin. Thu execution of
RIol for leading the Indians ag.ilnt thn
ndhtla , hunt to protect land rohbor.s and
pharkR , will nuiho himh a bttor ! thr-.t ! for
rovungo throughout tha dominion that
Sir John will hoailato about carrying the
uutiiiKiulnto otlVct.
Ocputy ShcrlfT Iinhy.
Mr. Mike Lnly lias had himself Inter-
\iMvcd by the Herald concerning Iho
Hrirgo thai ho lias been doing duty ni
drpnty ehiiritr whiliho was also drliwing
full pay as engineer and jitnitor of the
county court house. Wo cheerfully give
Mr I.ahy the bonolitof his oxplanution
as it appears in the Heralds
Mr. tiosewiitcr. In hla di iK-rnto efforts to
iimllKii Klchard O'Kw-irc , tnkes aiis-uitnaoot ;
thesiioikliitf InfoniMtlnil fiiitiNhciI him by
n deputy county olllt-lal , that I am imMvlint
paj ILS deputy Micrill and as en lui r of the
courtliouse. Asa niattei of fact , I ivoci\wl
Sisforslt ihy.s work ut tlio fair In thniw
puclly of dc'i-iity bhcrlft 1 had hern liapor-
tuned uytihuilil Ml ler HP vend times to git
out to the fair , and llinilly I asked puriuissliin
of < 'omiiiKsIiuiers Tiinmu and Corliss. They
willingly KdVothoIri'oiHent , nnd \veiitout I ,
taking c.ire to pat a KHIH ! In my plurc In
the court hoiw When I rctiitned every
evoiihiK t ni.ulea thoiotiu'h oxnmliintlun of
the aunt licmso. to sec tlmt everjtldiuas all
ilghl.andhomcllmc.sivmnlnudttpa ! ! throairh
tlie night , as the Uiu : iinaiuemont can testi
fy to , Itccauso I iiput a leleihiiae | niP.ssaie to
their onicc' on oc i-tli a at 3 oVIouk la the
inornliiK , Intormin the paper that tlio hoaso
wius he.ited. This is th wliDlo truth , and the
amount ini-ntloii"l ( was all [ ovvr rojoivo.t
and that was tor wmk hon 'Slly dune.
Mr. Hosowater has no desire to malign
Richard O'Kcoflb. lie regrets as much as
much a.s anybody that diselosures and
admissions such as Mr. Lahy makes , have
shaken hi.s coalidenee in Mr. O'lveoll'o ,
and made it his duty to demand a radical
change in county managomnt. .
Why was Mike L.ihy m.ulo deputy
sheriff ? Are there no other riti/.en.s in
Omaha qtnililiod for such work ? How
could ( he ( inninnsiinnnrj countenance
the api ointtmint < if u man who was
already on Iho pay roll of the county ?
What was the need of deputy sherilVs at
the diBtriet fair when there were already
forty special policemen ? Why .should
the county pay for midi deputy sherilVh ,
and where is there any authority in law
for their employment ? How can Mr.
O'Ki'olVo oxplntn aw.iy his own record in
Rigning vouchers for double pay ? Ho
know that Mike Lahy was the janitor
and engineer , and ho knew that ho could
not bo deputy almr'UIand aet as engiiieet
at the same time. Uusides this Mr.
U'Ki'effb must have known that it rained
nearly all the fair week , Unit tlnro was
no need for deputy sherill's out there and
that the whole thing was a downright
grab and nteal.
Deputy Sheriff L hy aays that ho
h".d a good man attending to
his boilers. Was it the sann-
convict that was taken out of
jail on the 10th and 21th of October to
give Lahy a chiuieo for electioneering.
Deputy Sheriff Lahy is verv careful not
to say anything about Engineer Lahy'a
convict deputy. Why wasn't Mr. Lahy
suspended or removed at once when
Mr. O'ICcolVo's attention was culled to
this glaring violation of law and propri
ety ? ljjn't It loa'i vjry that
the MiorilV would appoint Lahy as deputy
to the fair grounds to gi"e him double
pay while electioneering for O'KoolVo ,
and isn't it decidedly iiregular lor the
sheriff to deputl/.o a convict from the
jail to do Mike Lahy'u work as an engi
neer while ho w.istramp'mg around tolvn
booming tlio ho-iest eomni'sooner ' ?
Fai'inors' AVivcs.
"The average American farmer , " says
a prominent eastern physician , "wears
out on an average two wives in tlio
course of his own life. " The statement
is an interesting ono but is borne out by
vital statistics. A heavy part of the wear
and tear and worry which strain and
rack the body and brain of our farming
communities is borne by the often unseen
but important power which sways at
once the destinies of the kitchen and
nursery , and the farm yard and dairy.
Our farmer housewives rcc.'ive far to >
little consideration at home and appreci
ation abroad. The unending care of
house and children , of clothes and
kitchen , the multifarious duties of real
farm work in garden ami pasture ami
dairy , an I the do/un oth sr carjs and rn-
.sponsibil ties \\hieh are laid on their
shoulders and willingly curried , receive
lee little attention from the oiitiido
world. The results of crops and break
ing , of building ami fences , the improve ,
ments mad. ) in opi'n air ami the wagon
loads of pro.luce carried to in irket , aru
more tangible. They attract at once the no
tice of neighbors and townsmen and give
the hard-working proprietor a well-
earned reputation fortlirilt and industry.
Hut in how many liiatancui ii the
success of the farni"r out of doors
rendered possible by the uncomplaining
energy of the tireless worker in the homo ,
whoso genius for economy and who-e
labors at the churn and in the farm yard
add to the little hoard of increasim ; siv-
inns ? The trim farmer's wife , and them
are thousands of them scattered through
Nebraska in happy little homes , hadone
as much in her quiet way towards the
development of our state from frontier to
farmland as her sturdy husband and
sons. Her work , though largely unseen ,
has been no less olVeetive. It shows in
tliu upbuilding of home interests and all
that gees to make up purity and happi
ness in the home and in thn community.
It inaniffstH its.df in the thrifty economy
of tho-u who are to make the future
wives of coining farmers and in the integ
rity and industry of the sous who will
some time take their father's place in the
Mold and furrow. The weal oivoi as
much to the farmer's wife as it does to
the farmer himself , but tint result- , have
been too ofti-n attained at the expense of
the worn-out lives of the faithful womun
who have been Dimmer j in the procession
of civilisation ami development ,
fillO'linollo'rt KIJHiiiallon ,
Commissioner O'Kuuffu ha- , made haste
to reply to the questions wo have put in
regrrd to certain transactions by the
I'ommissionur.s which reiiitvd | explana
tion His Minivers HIM in tlio main high
ly unsatisfactory and in pu-t evasive.
According to Mr. O'lCeolfo tlioy give a
monopoly of the county road work and
grading to uvConruUflnnor Knight be
cause ho loss the work at half tlu price
paid for It form Jrly. Mr. O'lvoolfe for-
guts to say that the work Is lar jly done
by grading nuohlnos bought by the
county for the use of Mr Knight. Com
petition of i'ou si ia imposslbl with .such
an advantage. Hut why should Mr ,
Knight have preference orer everybody ?
To Iho quofttion of favoritism in grad
ing Mr. O'Kcofo pleads the baby act.
With regard to Iho enormous allow
ance to thn sheriff for feeding prisoners
Mr. O'Kecfo replies tlmt the law allows
from f > o cents to ? . " > cents n head. The
luw was made mainly to cover the high
est possible cxpcnso in boarding convicts
on the frontier counties whcro living
is high. There is no excuse whatever
for paying In Douglas county any moro
than it is worthnnd no court would dare
to overrule the commissioners in an ellbrt
to reduce laves by refusing to allow un-
roasomiblo board bills. Peter Gees nspd
to board Iho city prisoners for 33 cents
nml made money nt that.
With regard to Mr. 1'ierce , Mr.
O'Kenfl'p' still pleads ignorance of any
wiong doing , when in fact he ought to
know enough to know that Mr. Pierce
has not conducted hiHoflleo in n business
way but as a political roosting place.
Mr. O'Kcell'o'a explanation with regard
to thn letting of the bridge near Hleko's
is almost a dead give away. Ho claims
that the bridge was promised by the com
missioners four years ago but it IB very
singular that the promise was fullllled
only ten days before election. The only
specification was that the- bridge is to ho
sixty feet long. The contract was lot by
Corliss andO'Kpeflb In the absence of the
other commissioner when there was only
ono bidder. On the face of it tills
doesn't look like square woik.
With reference to the Holt line right of
way through the poor farm , Mr. O'Keollb
says $ l'JJO were reali/ed for a strip ono
hundred feet wide thro.ig'i th i whole
farm , and ho claims that the price was
suuieient beeaua. ) tin H-It line would
m.iko the balance of the farm which it
cuts through much more valuable.
This is decidedly thin. The farm is
materially damaged , and the price paid ,
aside from any question of damage , is
about one-fifth of its actual value. Had
the commissioners taken any appeal the
could have had tli3 full value , and the
county would have been at no cxpens-i ,
as they have their own attorney. Mr.
O'Keoil'o declines to explain why ofllcials
in the county court liouse are so promis
cuous in their support of each other ,
regardless of party. Th'.a needs no
Tlio County Tlolcet.
The republican county ticket , headed
by William Coburn , is in every respect
superior to tie ! do'.nosr.itic tickjt he ided
by Pat Ford. Individually and collect
ively the republican ticket merits the
support not only of republicans but of
men of all parties and independents as
well. It was an insult to the bott'f cle
ment of the democracy of thin county to
put up a ticket with such men as Pat
Ford , Brandcs and Weiss. They niu t
reuluo that as goo 1 citi/wns they cannot
alibrd to place the all'airs of this county
into the hands of disreputable and dis
honest ollieials. If the democratic party
leaders desire success they must HBO to it
tlmt their candidates com uend them
selves to public confidence by their char
acter and ability. In the present cam
paign they have boon on the defensive
trom tint start , and their overwhelming
defeat will bo a deserved rebuke in the
interests of good government.
IOWA to-morrow will give a handsome
majority tor Larraboe and the republican
ticket. All the t ilk about the democrat ?
having a lighting chance for the state
ticket is mere senseless vaporing. Sen
ator Larrabne will succeed Governor
Sherman hy at least a hands.mio plurali
ty and in all probability by a good , rous
ing , old-time republican majority. While
tnere is not so much certainty about the
legislative ticket in all seotious , hard
work , such as ought to be done at the
polls to-morrow , will do the same for the
next legislature. With both parties so
thoroughly split up on the question of
prohibition , there is no reason why that
disturbing hsue , which nuver ought to
have entered low.i polities , should mate
rially alVi'et the result. All the sigiin in
our sister state go to ihow that before
two moro legislatures have held their
sessions , the impracticability of the mea
sure will after a thorough te-st , bo gener
ally admit'o I by both parties ; and repub
licans as well us democrats \\ill unite in
demanding a sound high license law ,
such as Nebrask i is now enjov'ing to the
general satisfaction. Th s belief will
block in many counties in Iowa the at
tempt on the part of the democracy
to INI ) prohihiton as n club to beat
out the brains of republican legislath-o
candidates. The law is a dead letter in
the state to-day. Two more years will
prove this fact so thoroughly that sensible
voters oxvrywhero will stand ready to
unite on a measure which will forever
take the question of such sumptuary
legislation out of the state campaigns.
Tin : post ollice department has modi
fied the instructions relative to reports
on the niimbei of special delhury letter
diiputchcs. They are so tew tlmt the
ne\t thing should bo such a modification
of the entire law as will abolish special
delivery and fi'-etire the prompt delivery
of I'Nery letter bearing a two cent stamp.
J > KITTY HiiruiPi'Miicr. LAHY and court
house engineer , Mike Lahy , are drawing
pay for double s irvico for the same per
iod , and Commissioner O'Kooti'o signed
the toucher * for the double piy. See
county warrant l.vw.and monthly vouch
er for Sjptom'utr , i.isued October 11 , 1W5
Tis : thousand men are at work in New
Yoik on the Croton aquudnct. Water is
a luxury of which New Yorkers are de
termined to have a full supply , notwith
standing the enormous drain on the re
servoirs made by tue local breweries.
Mi ; . Lotris DKIUCA who is the ropubll
can candidate for justice of the peace in
the llrst district , against the notorious
Krandes , is a reputable and able lawyer ,
thoroughly competent and honest. Ho
should receive the support of every good
citi/.en regardlos of party.
Mit. I'iui ) hasn't csplamed why lie was
put on tli. > pay roll as buss w itrlun in of
the U. P. they started the belt lino.
It always did look as if the railroad man
agers had moro nsn for Foe I in thn co inc -
c < l than they hiul on tha watchman's
The OlintfU * t'rtivon.
Tn ix PpiTch tun tip nl Waterloo on
Wednesday iilglit.JI called attention to"
some abuse1) ) In county management
which nothing but u radical change in
the court house 6filcixls ! could reform.
Among other thins * I charged that the
county poor farm xnw In bad hands , t
Mated that repented complaints had
come to mo about maltreatment of In
mates and employee I also charged
that the bodies < jf paupers had been
Ht'crotly taken f nun > the poor farm to
the medical college for dissection , and
that I had strong grounds for the belief
that It was done with the connivance of
the superintendent. This , I said , was
not n campaign canard , but that my in
formant was the man who handled
the bodies. I to1 1 my mi lienco
that I had called the attention
of Commissioner Timmo and 1 believed
Mr. Corliss kn vv of this state of af
fairs , but that no attention was paid to
my Information and that the county was
paying for cofllns for unburled corpses.
The charges alarmed Commissioner
O'Kcollb so much that he got Cor iss out
of bud to sign a general dcnliil and had a
garbled report of uu speech telegraphed
to the //en/Mat two o'clock In the morn-
Ing. rellectlng that these
charges allected only Iks own candidate
who as senior commissioner is justly re
sponsible for the retention of Supt. Pierce
in the face of clmrgos made by Commis-
H'otier ' Tiinmu and others , the llci'iild
with a great llourish published this ex
posure on Thursday morning , without ,
however stating who made the charges.
Following up the bit of enterprise the
Herald alluded to ridicule the Htor > '
about the corpsi-s and challenged mo to
prove my statement. The following uf-
lidavit makes good every charge t Irive
made with regard to body-snatching at
the poor farm :
I'Vidmunil Schulx'it bolus duly sxvoiu d'i-
poses us follows : That 1m wns emilijeil as
janitor of the Omaha Muillml college from
the winter of m : to issl , ami thnmgh the
winter of ISHT. until the college i-lou-d tor the
season. Dining this time a number of
corpses weiereeeiveil for dissection utthecur-
lego. In tlm winter of tv < i-hl there were no
le-.s tlitiii four received , and In tlio winter ot
lbS4bjirreereseen. ( ! . T\u > of these bodies
ies List winter , as I was toldb.v students , were
from the county pnnr farm. On1) of the bid-
IcsnsMjon bvmvM' thttof H tnll , lean
man , with llijht suulv 1m rand lljlit mmis-
taolio , The una I b 'liovo w is the poor man
found on the Missmni river near Oain'.iu. lie
had b 'en Uuiitinj ; and was found tn have had
his HIU'M fro/.ea. ! ! , > wis la c u to fie imor
house for tteatiucnt ami died tlm day buleie
the amputation wai toha'pjrfurnrd. | [ t. Wis
biou lit to the relieve between ten and eli veil
o'clock at nielli , two'or three d.i > s after ho
died. ] le w is brou : ht In a Kvak , on a w.i uu
in ch.ugo of a doctor. Tlu s.i.iu ni ht the
body of a coloied in.xn , nioisiirlng.ilmiit live
tectteu inches , \\ho liad jliodofooiiiiuiiiillmi ,
al.o at the county poor house , was brought in
by the same PEII lies. } \j \ xv.xs smooth fa-ed
anil very dark. Oiwarni.vis veiy still In
the elbow joint. Tnero wjr , > no nrirkj lit
show that cither of { hii.fl.b'idies had ever ! > i > eu
in thn t-ioiiiul , I handled those bidii-s in > -
8 lt and placed them in a lni > : for piviur.UIoii
in the college dis 'iou"n > iiu. ( \Vo Irul to
hliti ) the o bodies two or thruodiys under the
amphitheater of thollcotare loj.a bjfote Hiy
were cut ti ; , ii'iil ' thuu tluy w TJ hv i o it tJ
the students in pails for induction. Alter
tlmt i mc of the stu louts leapt the bones fioni
the extremities , anil Ih'illtHh WH b.iriod in
tlio back p.ut of the college lot. 1 don't know
of my own kmm'ledijo whctlr'r miy money
wius p lid for bodies Inru thpjjr firm. I
heard the doctors sr.y they hul : to pay trom
tif teen to txvenly-nvo dollars for cdrnsjs.
Si ATI : 01. ' XP.HKASHA , I . _
ColUll } Of 1)011 ) 'ulS , P'1
On tiiis 'Whdiy of O-t iliir. A. I ) . W , bi-
foio me , Simon J. Fisher , p TSOM illy appo uvd
the above ii.vncd FordiinnaSjluibjrt , and
aykuo\vled'ed ' tliu s ime.
SalKciilK'd und sworn In tay pr'-s MICO the
d.itealoius.iid. SiMov.I. ,
Xntarv Pulillc.
Now that I have m-ide goo I my charge ,
I deem it my duly to Mat ) m lit emphati
cally I hold Mr. ! O'lvc I'.j pjisonally
re.sponsiblo for the ret mt ion of Mr.
Pierce und for the bad practices
on the poor farm. It is a lute
day for Mr. O'lveolle to plead
ignorance. As a guardian ot the
poor , it was his duty to protect them
iiguiiiHt brutality and O'itrajj ; w'lila liv
ing , I ikingout of consideration the prop
er disposal of their remains when dead.
It would bo impossible for any one to
prove that Mr Pierce sold corpses to tlio
doctors , but any m in will eon-
elude with me that there was something
rotten on the poor farm wlun tlio bodies
of wretched paupers found their way
so promptly to the dissecting mum.
There is a law regulating the disposal of
pauper bodies and if it was properly car
ried out there would be no need of secre
cy in making the transfer during the
night and hiding them for two days
under the amphitheatre. The fact that
the corpses had a commercial value of
from l.r > to $ J5 is also to the point and
needs no comment at my hands. There
are thousands of laboring men in this
city whom a cruel fate may land in the
poor house. There are people in good
circumManrps to-day who m-iy be in the
po'-r house butoiv Mr. O'Koelfe's next
term would o\piro. Ulght hero let
mo say that' ' I have no
desire to rellect upon the con
duct of medical men in procuring main-
rial for direction. 1 do. however , feel
justified In protesting.againsttho present
management of the poor farm which has
been tolerated by Commissioners Cor
liss and O'Kcctle.
A ( MiKAT many qf tlijj "hoodlums" are
expecting to make enough out of Pat
Ford to pay for a > viiit , r overcoat , This
is a great deal more than Pat will make
out of the election.
IF Commissioner O'Kcellb had not been
so previous in his attempts to get into
print by telegraph and by cards ho
might have saved himself u great deal of
trouble and tribulation.
Tin : "bull" interest in wheat is dis
gusted at the reports from Oregoi , where
a harvest of 18.00J.003 bushels U rupurled.
Mho unprecedented snow storm which
bloul.ed the railroad for n month lust
uintur laid the foundation for the great
est w heat harvest ex'er raised in Oregon
000,001) ) acres axrora.jing more than 3)
bushels pur ucro , Knougu wheat In now
in sight , it 8txys ( October 13) ) , to furnish
the Oregon Unlhvay and Navigation com *
puny 100 carloads a dny till spring.
The State Klstiery.
Hon. Lew May , of Fremont , is the best
posted nun In Nebraska on tlui two ftuhjucts
ot lisli nnd Slmke.siH.-nie. What ho doesn't
know about about Ii-hthj ologj nnd tlio im-
11101 tnl hard I < nH worth knowing. A ivpre-
seiitftllvo of the llKii accompanied Mr. May ,
who Is one of the sin to lush commissioners , to
the Nebraska state Ilshery the other day , and
besides enlojlm ; a day In the ommlry ob
tained much InlcnxstliiK Information concern-
lii lids state Institution , Tlio iNiciy Is
louxtcd arin s the Plutto river , about u mile
nud a hnlf froai South ( tend. To reach the
llshtry we croAS a IOIIK und imbstniitlat toll-
bridge over the Pkittc , which w.u recently
built nl ft cost of 811.0M by II. T. Clark , who
owns It. lless Stout has a qu.xriy on
tin ? iioith side of the river , readied by u nil-
way across ttie bild c. 1'or every ear inn
over the bridge Stout pajH Claik thu-e dol-
Tlio fishery Is located pattly In n ravine and
p.utlv upon the bottom-liuuls alou ; ? the river.
The water for the various dams , ponds and
hatching house Is obtained from numerous
springs , and is us pure und clear as ciystal.
There are three substantial stone dams , ie-
cciitly built , In the mIne , c.ioh dam formlm :
iiulto a pond of water. At the head of the
rnvliie Is one of the hiMUtlful t > i > rlni's In
the woild. It Is curlo-od In n little stone
house , about six feet wide and eiiht ;
feet IniiK , which Is seemolv looked
at niKht to pieumt any mi-
llelous person fiom jiolhonliiB the water-
Alnmt a year imo ipilte a numbci of lish died
fiom the eiTeotsof poison , us It was supiMised
tluown Into this spring , whk'h supplies the
hatching house with water thnouh an lade-
iieudent pipe. The water from this spilui ;
bubbles up through an upcituru in a rock
bottom and ( ills a four-inch pl ) > e. U Is so
clear that j on would not know tlmt theio is
unv water in the little reservoh unless you
look at the water-line on the walls of the
basin. The hatching-houseixtwo-sloty frame
structureIs located plout h.df way down the
ravine , at the head of tln bin dam. It is si : | > -
plled with all the netexiary e < iulimciits ] for
successfully r-airylui ; on the prucoss ot arti
ficial hatching. The HIUIIIUIIIS | ! , eontulninn
lish of various kinds and Hiia , afford a beau-
tlful Hlsht and an liiteiestiii ! : stmlv. The-o
aiiiMiiums are the HIIIIIO that vveio exhibited
lit the state fair , and were pronounced the
most attractive exhibit there.
* %
Near the mouth of tlio ravine at the foot of
the blulfaie located four ponds in which lish
are kept. The ponds nrosup ] > lied with water
from the springs In the ravine , and sue con.
ueeted with pipes so that the water runup
drawn from ono pond to the other und any
one of them can easily Iw drained. The
Itshciy is in charge ot a superintendent , Mr.
M. K. O'ltilcn , who has had tliiiteen years'
expeiiencc in lisli hatchery In Michigan , Can
ada mid Wisconsin , lie occupies , with Ids
family , a computable frumo residence , .situ-
atudon the lii U bluff ami uoiumaiidiu ! ; a
lieatititul view of Hie IMiitte valluy tor many
miles. The house and stable aio sti | > ] > lie I
with spiiiit ? \\.itoi by a hydr.iulio ra.u located
in the ravine near the hatehlng houso. Tlio
pound owned by the "itate Is iltty acreen -
clo-ed by a high and Inxibwlie
fence. Kver > thing about tlio lihery indicates -
cates that Iliegr.Mtest auo is htfiug taken of
th J pii'inlses , which aie holng constantly Im
proved. The lishi'iy is ceitainly an attra ti\o
jilace. Tim ravine , with tliu spring , dams
and hutching house , is certainly a very pic-
tuiosiiue siiut , anl is WJll worth a visit. It is
evident that the money uppiopiiutcil by the
.state has been caiefully and huiiestly ex-
"How nnny vnrietio. of Ilsh have you here ,
Mr. O'Hrien , " asked the Uiu : u > i > iesenti > H\e.
"U'e have MpccLlutl tnnit of thrutt uge.s lust
spiing's lialching , > eaiiings , and tline : and
loui-jear-olds , " said lie ; "wo have California
trout ot tlnro a o.s ; ( ipniiau carji of tlnen ) , minor , and leather ; wo
also h.i\o bl.ick bass , XMill-i'M'd pike , gulden
ides. We probably have 10,000 or.W.OW
forhiceding [ impose-i. The hati-hing piociss
begins in Jiinn.ity and Keb.ii.ny. MounUln
troutaie hatulud In Apiil and May , and l > ass
and c.irp In June. Tlio pike and two kinds
of trout are distillmted In February , M.uvli ,
and April , and the Inss anil car. ) aio ill .trilm-
tcd In October and November. This jear we
Imo planteil uhout tiUOJJ , ( , jnkc , I''J.OIXJ
spL-ck ed trout , 5,00. ) mountain trout , 1,030
bass , ami about 1..7W ear | ) . Wo still have
some of tlio bass and carp to distiihu'e this
fall. Altogether we ha\o elev > ii ponds and
dins for reiriii ; tlu lU'i a-i 1 for bwdm llaU'hiui ; jai > and cans are used
lor hatching pike , and troughs and lia\s for
hatching tioiit. Caip and Inss breed in the
poud-i. In aitiiicial halchiiu we li.Uch al > ml
U' > per coat , ot the e s that aiu put Into the
hitching housu. We collect tlu e0' s ot the
pike In .Si'iiii\v biy anil tluiSt. Clulr ilvci-
1 wish jou would state til it anybody in Ne
braska can ohlain lisli heiv to slink their
ponds hy applying to the IMi comniKsioucis ,
the only expense b 'lii { the express ehniges-
In many ot the lakes and ponds thplinh which
we have planted aie in \ery tinivlug con
dition. "
Tlio Tliriny AVIlloxv.
"Yon see that row of willow trees , " said
Low May , down at the statu dsliary th ' other
day , us ho polute.l to it Ion ; Ihu of willo.s's
from tuehe tofoiuteen inches In diameter.
"Those willows"said he , "Irivo giowii fiom
fence posts. The original owner of this laud
used willow posts lor fencing , und you t.ce
Iho result. " There was no d-juliihu his
statemoiit as the trees showed for thu.ns > ; lves ,
each one bran ; hingorloi king at the topof the
oiUln.ilstump 01 postaboutnvoti-ct Irom the
ground. This ought to conInce the farmers
ol Nebraska that on the lowlands they ought
to cultlMite the willow extensively. There is ; piolll lu Iho willow , which glows veiy
rapidly. That willows p iv Imttor In tliu son th
than cotton ib shown by the experience ot a
tanner near Macon , lieoui.i , whost ; liiini
> lcl < ls a ton to the acre , worth , wliun di led ,
80 ( ) , while the luixesimd bukbrliijtwunty-
n\e cents a jioiiud.
No Di-blro lo Ijlvo any IVOIIKIT.
"Itev. Mr. MuNamai-.i was a gieat Shake-
spuiian scholar , " said Mr. Miy , "and was
rmiiot the founders of the Khakespo.uo chili
In Ficmont. I was gieatly pained to hear ot
his duith. Only a tew days liefoie IIP died he
was In Krc'inont. Ills ejeslght had lulled
him , and he could no longer read nrwiitc.
Ilooaldto me , Inuvcrvsad tone , that with
tm ! loss of his sight all di'slro for living any
lougei had depailed tioai him. lie Hi-emcd
to bo Iwrnc down with imdniicholy. When 1
leal tied of his midden death at North Piatte
u fo\v d.15 sal turn.inls 1 iccallutl to mind his
mclaaclioly renun k. "
Tlio Trinity Trouble.
"I don't know \vhojour Informant Is , hut
the Hnn'n inter > low , u few days n go , regard-
lug the atf.drsnf Trinity. ma > liosuhstaiillal-
ly roirpct , " said Itirihop lliuitliigtoii. "It Is
none of my ulfalr , and It bi'gan before I came
licie. Hut I noticed one statement that was
ItR-orrex-t. The assertion was made tlmt the
failure of Mr. Mlllspaugh torc.slgu ln t Kapler
followed by btej > i to orjjauuo unuthur
pnrlsh In tlio wutUwe.4 pnrl of Uio city , the
Inference In-lnj ? that tl.N wns n plan of Mr.
Mllbpnilgh's opponents to largely draw the
congrcpallon nwny trom Trinity , \\isli > on
would correct this Imim'Rslon. TliefactKI
am rc ponshlo | for nuy novv luilsheo In
Omaha. It U my phii to extend Uio practical
woiklngof therhiirrh by unnmlrltip ; anew
parish In the souths i st j nit of tlu > rltj , also
one In Ihuoutheast i-ntt. ntid atiolhet In the
norllnvcft jnrt. 'I his ii ! tumlimlldii IM nut
basid on nnythliiK Hint bus transpired lit
Tilulty. So fur rus Mr. Mlllpaii li Is ootr
reined I ran honestly say that he Is u haul-
winking , faithful man , and the most cordial
relations exist l.etwcen him nnd my clf. "
.TtuUcinl Ctcinenoy.
The lute .liu've ' Deles 1 ul.c , of San rran-
elsco , wius In some respects u-iy much like
.Midge ( insllu , the 'Tiontler .Judge" of Ne-
Inaskiu .Judge Lake , lllte ( 'asllu , cndinmt
hlimelf gieatlx to the crimlmd elui.-'e- * by Ids
iiu'thcd of passing sentence , width WIH , llrsti
to exhibit all the thundciNiltM of the law.
then to point out Hint the enlpilt ndflit not
ho hardened tn nln , hi nee eh'iiu-ncy might
work a i-me , and then to rcniiuk lilniull.s : "I
seiitenie jou to nineteen Jem's and clcxeu
mouths i might luivo given jon twenty
jcarsl" _
Tlio Cattle Ituslncs * .
W. A. Paxton , of Omaha , In an Interview
In the Chicago News of a icceiit date , snys :
"The cattle business Is on such a b.xsU now
thnl a man miHt have money us well as luck
to do well In It In other woiibi , It has pasvd
under the coutml of big companies ami
then * Is at present but one owner wheiea
few jo.irs ago there were torly. Lat t year
wa < a Ii id one because of the dcprpciulinu In
pi lees , but I bellevu tlmt \ \ uhneiioxivachcd
bottom and that the icactlen will soon be
lelt. At least I have been pu\in. ! , ' In that
way. 1 have bounht over -10,00(1 ( cattle , in
tluee holds , on the strength of my opinion'
11 way happen that I have gone In a year too
soon , but t feel that I have got In in time to
take advantage of the liso ot next , \ea" .
Kngllsheuttleincn , I Bhotild judge , an ; not of
m ) opinion. Auvwny. they have not been In-
xcsting motu'i in ourrouutr.N thisjear ,
but thuru is whcro they have made a mis
take. " _
Gilbert im the Iiumitlc.
( ! lll > eit , the comedian wlio pla > n the luna
tic so admirably in Kate Castletoii's "P.ilcli.
woik , " is the Mime Cilheit who juniied | , in
company with his bndc , Irom the thild stoiy
of the Newhall lioibe , in Milwaukee , when
It binned t > bout thu-c years ago. ( tllbeit
broke both legs , and went cri7y. Kor some
cousldoiuble time uttei u-cclving the use ot
his U-i's he was coniiiicd In a lunatic asylum.
Kor his line of comedy ho ouitalnly had an
excellent school.
Ncld-aslca ) < > ltliivs.
Lots in I'lia Iron sell as higii as S'-,0X ( ) .
Fiemont N now iliiimiuated with gas.
The fait foi tlio bislei.s' l.o-pual at Orand
Island netted > - : < . " .
Ponca ha" the telephone , and Is now
helloing with her ncigliooi.s.
The supieme cotut 1ms dwided the
validity ut tin : A'oith I'.attc jail bo mis.
The Hastings wateiwoiKs well will bo 15 !
feet deep and twoiity-uvo feet in diamet'-r. '
The U. A ; M. ciiinimiiy is .slid to 1m .secuiimr
light of way in Hall county iur the lininil
iM.iud it \ \ i online ro.ul.
Thn Nehuiska liiptist auiiiveiaiies meet
at licatnco next week. A LU.JII ninnbcrot
divines and laymen will bn piesenl.
\Vork ban lpgnn ) iiii the licatiiue stiect nir
ii-ack. 'I ineoiiipan ) -\poi-t to have a mile oi
tr.icU 1 lid and cars ninmng bj IJeLeuili r 1.
The lov. ! Fowler Icll down nn unfinished
sta'u.s in the M. I' , college in I'uj ,
ilisloc.itlng lib shoulder and bpiainin. , ' "a
w i isf ,
All ) it lint a team of horses In a mill
race neai iJiuiiboidu Mr. K. IOOK an invoi-
niitaiy li.uli but succeeded in
There is sometl'iiig radically wrong In
Hastings. With a jHipiii.ttiiiii ot UiMJihuic
aid oiiiy a1) ) ? pupils onioned in Uio imb.ic
hcnools lit the eit.v.
T. Stcwait , the Scrluner ineiehniit who
to. lowed in the w.ike ol Smuli , luu 110.11
( , ( iiM to 31,000 woiia of romemoiaiicus uiul
vvoith ot eollaleral.
SamiiPl Ocigiuan , aCIrand Island pugilist ,
had a Kuock-dotvn and m.ig out with Ins lic.1-
ter-hali hist week , and paid clo into conn for
The Klhuin Valley railroad company has
the eoiuiact to tran.spou fiwj lio.ul 01 eaule
Horn the i.inges oy me 1st , ol January. Tliuv
wilt all bo loaded at Chadiou.
Lightning siiuck the icsideiico of J. L.
loiing , m I-.K Cioek , Tuesday last , demoi-
isiun tlu'chnmmi and pjri'or.ulna' me 1001 ,
but did not injui'i ! the occupants.
House b.e.ikeis mo preparing for n general
raid on the i.iiiii houses m.iaitiv eouiilv liv
Uillmj ; oil tlie watch do 's. Thioj villain
canines' weic ilisposed oi mst week.
The thieves who stole Ileniy Xeuiclipr.s
ho/-cs tiom lipllcvne weie laplmcil at l.ili
eit.vo , M. The htok-li animals wi-ie inovcud
and tlie thuvos tuiiicd ovei to the auuioii-
ties.Tlu management of the P. , K. A : M. V.
liibwuy pioposito constiuctlOck rn in with
supai.uo t.lllH tor eat-li animal , and have
thcmhoaiiaiiijc'd that cattle can bewaiciod
and led.
A company of Milwaukee millers aio
luvoli.uing lor a mill. site in Hisiin s. Tnov
piopose to invest s-il.OJ ) Inc. iJ.iin ) in the in-
.silmiioii. thocapac.ty ol whlu.i will bo 1..0
b.uic.d ol Hum a day.
While digging a well near Columbus , at a
depth ol nl 1one toot , John AV'a.kei'stiuck a
\ i emhi'ddcd in the eaith. Water lay biiiiio
diateiy tindi-r it and a lough b.iio eln > o\i-r II.
1 no taken Uom tlio lOjj looks IIKO u siio-
eie.s rt cedar.
The icpoit comes liom Ilownul county that
Chan Itoldiison , county eleik of Howaid
couniy , whoso books me nndeigoliu an m-
vesiig.itiiin 101 shortage , Is also about JWO , (
bi'inml in his accounts widi the buildin-'und
loan association ot thai place.
The halo of the tlioioiightncds at the Tin-
J. I ) . Jensen , of Xcnia , while diking hit ,
team near .stout , .s iiiiiili'.s | at Louisville , was
thrown down un embankment bv u sudden
night ol his , nceivmg in.uiles tout
me likely lo prove latal. Tne w.uon WHS de
molished and the hoinus so badly inUiicd that
the ) had to he shot.
The Tecumseh ItupubMcau boastw of the
com ciop in Ncuiaska , and lelh tlut Ilieeais
ot coin aie oli.-ii so l.ugu tlui peojiiociit
them up lor skvu , wood. The Jieiiiiljlie.ui
sis : "Uhy , you ought to bco the hovs dnuli
up the corn hialks and siw the cat. soil'as
tney wotnil limlH Horn u tiee. "
The Wjandoltc , N'cliiaska & Noitliweslerii
Is the latest jiapei oigam/.i-d in Kan
sas. Some piu.liiiniiuy nurvovs li.ive licon
made. Tim romuius along ( he piuposed
iimtii will biMiuki-il locontiilJiitu liljcrallv to-
waid the i-onstiuctioii. Aiiion- the IOVMIS
moniioiied on the route in Nobia-ska are Hu-
auice.iiid llasiin < ; s ,
The Mute ussovl.itliin of Congregational
clnm-hcs nift In IK-atilci ) last wed. . The
opeiiliu seimoii doliveied Tlini'Mlav
lilglit lUe ) . \ . \Vill.ud Scott , ol Onmh.1 , xviiii
iH-.u-hi'd liom llKth.iuit
| ) text that was tisvd
nt tlie di'dliiilliiiiot the hint Coimu-xatlomd
chiiii-li In Ni-hiaska , m O.nalia , In JsVi , ami
Ihtfhlsloiv ol the chin i-li in the state was
ti.ic'd fiom time. Tlit-iu Is u largo at-
Slieinr Cannon , of Hall county , has 10-
slgne < | , by ieiiic4 | of the coininif.sloncis , to
tsiKu ellc < t Niiii'inlier HI. The .slid ill Is
clMix'cd with misappiopil.iilug count ) Iiuids
to tlm amount of > 3"i'i.0l. bec.uisn ( hat
amount does not ap ] > pai on the tee hook , The
tioiihloupiHMiri to Uc whuthui the cost of
Doaidiiig prlsonei.s can IMI coiiKhU-red "tees"
to law. Cannon claims not , and
the roiint ) attorney luvois hliview of the
iiuostloii. Tjioactual dciiclpupy.accoidliig lethe
the oUtemunts jiubllHhed , Is z'JJ ,
Iowa Itcnis.
At Mu cntlno rn-ently Jiidcre Ilnyps ( Iiied
two boys $3) uudi fur lluovvlui ; btouw at
le Mnlnes * n-sc ( tnciit lo'l 'or '
Muouuta to SlO.W.OvX ) . The total icr the
county Is SUU'.il.SM. s
.Inmos Hamilton , of Wehotor City , l iw bcon
nw nititd & > Hn > diinmu'c-s u r injiiriia a ( Minimal
h.v tailing MI nilolivllvo sidewalk.
i'ho lUvcnport Civumtloti eom | > ny luivn
fit iXMhi Hiix-k sultscrllicd , and win proowvl
with the cuvllou of u ciomatorlum next
W 0. II de , of Keosanqua , while on t' o
Hinlimnon trxln en route for U < il Oak , WMA of ? i5J by moans of the old t.uu
i hCck racket ,
Mrs Itio ! Dodito , who li.ii nwently bpcn
nppi-lnUsl as posfiu'atress at lluifaio. StDtt
cnii'ity , has been a resident of tlut town for
tin Ij-two j ears.
H. Vamlpvi'iiter , of Uurllnston , has Icon
ini-Hint slnco ( K'to er 17. lIU friends art
aiiiiunvl and dcslie Inform.itlon nvaii.l.ix ;
his wliere.ibnut.-4. ,
Mr * . John ( Jllca. of DulmqitP , retired nl.btil
H ociofk XVidni'iMlixy pxeiilmt In niijmrrn f
good health , hut was nikun willi u U undi.k'd
i b nit two hoius Iiil-T.
S. A. llivw ler. editor ot tlm Crrston Ad-
veiliser , hixs hiniii ixrrtslc ) < l upmi th. ) elmrgo
of eilmlnal Illiel , Joliu McL'ulTrcy , of that
cllj , lietug the complainant ,
Will Potter , wife and child , of Cent t
Point , Llun county , moved to the vlclnllv nt
Neigh , N'cli. , ut iho lime of the Hiiudlpt x
s'-are there , contracted the ilbeaso , nndiiid
died. v
Mi-tJIunls , the Webster county man Vfho
was recently sciiloiiivd to the peiilumtlury
lui four jeirs for oliUil"lng a sU'tiulure to
HOIIIP pipers by fulso preicnsos Is woilh at
The twenty-ninth annual reunion of Iho
pioneers of Hcott county was held ut Dnvoii
IMirt n tho'J-Mh. ThiMiIiliMt iHTsoii
was Mr. John KX-UIIS. who Nlu hbtiid year.
He came to Scott county In W.
Tvveu'y-elglit of the pioneers of Scott conn-
tv , ullmemhei'sor llieOldSelileiVus.siM-lufnn |
of ihut county , have died within
twelve mouths. Kach ono lemovedlotlm
couut.v i > viou3 to l ll , Hovvral of them 'an
cail ) as ISH. ;
C. M. I'lindiill , fonMiinn , and Miss Kallo
Pntiin , eoiuio.sltor | , on Iho I ) > > s Monies Caiv-
i'al , hue packed theii giips und gone to
ne" iiusiuio-t. U U wild they xxero imurted
in Tiiitou. liundall leaves a wile and two
chbiii 'ii at O.-s Jloliu-H.
An liiiunt daughter of William Kook , ut
Paveiipoif , p'aylng ' on the Hour , picked up
the slojiiior to a pcifiiiiieiy bottle ntid s \\iil-
lowed It. Hefoie u doctor could iiuiVi ) lii'm-
onhie set in , and a'tliougli ' the stopi > r was I
e.xtiicatcd It was lui | > osslbio to stop Ine liom-
01 1 h , ice : , and luU-t liiueiiug In gic-at pain for f- '
iibnut live honi.s tliu child died.
A smvre sioriu at Keokuk Tm day nljrht
cvtinguMied all the elieirli' lights. At f-o
( Icclv P light woiks.lumos Check , the engin
eer , \vas oiling the maclilnerv , mid Ihcsliiwlc
WIISK ) gh'iil that he was huili'd across Iho
building und lendeied insensible.Vlicn hn
n-vovi'iisl con-eiousupss he dlscoveu-d that
the tv\ itch hoaul was on tire. HP detached
the I. ji and exllngiiishcd the Humes.
Damii'lug ; cliaucs have been m ide against
the stimMul at the Duhiiiiiu . u-.ily jxior
tiirui. The troatmunt uwixwt bv i oinn oC
the Inmates has been so shumctiil and seu-io
lint th.-y could hi'ai it no longer und ha\o
left the Institution. 'I lie stpwaid Is I'liwl ,
hi ul. il nnd ugly , whlnnlng und kicking tlis
Inimitcs and treating them like tunics. Thn
food in most Instance- not ill for a ho.j to
eat , ami U is impossible to got wholusoiuo
Domick MiClntihtp. a prouilnont
and politician ot D.ivNon connt.v , waskblisl
b ) the at ill. Yemen on Iho a Mb.
A Ninth Dakota fanner drove home fiom
t/iwn with liirt lamllv and ten pounds of gun-
powdei. He lighted his pipe. His wife was
bin ied next day. The balance of the tamlly
will lecover.
L. L''ppeimn | , father oC tlei owner of thn
Hat Cieck nineh , near Doidvvood , whllu
cleaning u mm accidentally .shot und lu-
Mtantl.v killed I'lank Haven , who was at woik
some ) mils away.
T. .1. Woodni'iiisp , of Stecle. Kiddpr conn-
tv. thii'sliid : ! , ' * ) ) hushi'lsof wheat Irom loll
in rs ol land. The \ leld of vv he.d in Kiddi r
count vthis seiMin hits bcin magniueuiil ,
and laimci's are happy. <
In Mclntiish county the other d-xv wore
found tin- relics anp.iK'iitlv of an emlgr.iiit
ti.tin. Theii ; weio numerous bone-i. c.iu'ip
uio'isil.s ' , inigmpiits oi' a watch and luilKii-
lions laat in a ii.'lit with Indians the whole
p.irty had been killed.
.lames ( Jiay. living alone In a rah'n forty
miles west of M'liid m. was attacked by two
Indians who came to his hoiisp and asked for
something to cut. Their wants in that Hue
being sail med , one of them picked up u Wb -
che-ter lille , placed the mu//'e ' todiiVH
bieast and attempted lo kill him. A fife
li-'ht piisncd in which one Indian was killed
and thqut'icr ran uvvuy.
Work on tlie ailvsian well at Scotland was
stopiK-d last wick and the eoiiti-.u-tois iiald
oil * . The well had leached a depth ot 5 0
led , and a.s It had icauhed a rock lesemhllng
Sioux Falls gianite , I ) Ing under the water
bearing sand strata , It was deemed limilvls-
alilj to go any Inilher. The How now. Is
about -10) hairls a day , which is deemed
MiOlclcnt lo oiipjily tlu wants of the town
lei sevcialeus. ; .
Complete Treatment , with Inhaler for Every
Form of Catarrh , SI. Ask for SAN-
Head I'oMs. Wnlory
lsflmnic * I nun Iho
No-eiin I ljoiltlii'liiT : ! !
Nol-us In tlio lloiul ,
NorvouM HiKHlachoimJ
! l''ivor ' ) Instantly ru-
I'luikliiif niiiciiM ill-
loilyod , iiiiiinlinuio
< hunt-oil mill lid.ilo.l ,
111 lilllll H\V ( I0t 011(1(1 ,
Hiiidll , luslu , and lioiir-
rostornd. and rnva ? s < h 'cited
CoiiKh , Ilioiichilf'i , Dni'ipmvH Into tliu Tin out.
I'tilus In tlio OiiiHt , D tipupslii , XVitsnii of
Hlniii'jlti mm Kkts'i. ' In-Rol .Sloop , net .cm oil.
Ono liotilo Itndlcnl C'mo. ono liox Cntni-rliid
Solvent mid ono Dr. Kunford H Inlmlor. In ono
piickiiuo. ot nil ilniuflHW , > sl. Ask lor H\N-
umns It vine vi. ( ; IIIK , a pmo ( llstlllullou o (
Wltoli Ilii/ol. Am 1'lno , Cm HP , MmlifoU ,
I'lovL'illlosboms , cc. (
Potter Drug and Chemical Company , Boston.
1C I ON n VP
MtiiMillon every pro-tnnt vv Hi UK 8 oC
) piliiilul klduuyi' . vuuilt liaclCH , nvor-
vvoikud or worn out by HlmKllnv.
VMllKlllK.OI-tllUI'OtVlll lIlllulllllU.lill . Ill
_ hy ( . 'iMiriiu AMI-I'VI.N 1'i.vnir. i , it
now , oilKluul olcvant , unit i > dddy imtldoto lo
piilu uiul liillu iiiniiUon At dm rjflsln , * , tlvo
loi-sl. Minlod 1 1 oo. I'imuu 1' "to AM CII.ill-
rn. Co , Ilostun.
ILoyal Havana lottery
Drawn at Havana , Cuba. Every 10 to 14 Days.
Tlikvin la Fifths. Wholes , f. . rniotloim pro
Uubjoct lo no manlpiiliitlou , not friiitmlUxl lir
I ! U II.IIIIO.H III lllljllt. ( Ills Iho tllliusl tllllltflll
Iliu iiiiuno of tinmuo In oxWc'To
I'mlluliots iipply to HIIII'.SKV .V CO , I.'li
llioiKliruy. N. V. t'uy ; .M.oriTN . . , l.i.MmB
II tut , KmibiiN 1'lly , .Mo.
Ail Sorts of
hurts anil many sorts of ! of
ma' nnd beast need a co
lotiuu. Mustang Liniment.