2 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , MONDAY , NOYEMBHR 2 , 1885. ZTotlce of tpO the Ixsrmoiorsof Uio Plrut Wnnl In Ihn JL t.ity of Omn ins Von n'oliornny ' nntlllcil thnt thfinndcr > ltnri ! | * lll ( .It HI JtpKlMrnr lor the yr l wtinl iilfiM nnd felt ooiiih I itn nltot ) , in i.iKi.iel . . itf Tuuri- dnyi ( ) clol era il. m II o cluck n. in. , lor Uio tnir > pot > < i of iTKl lcriii - nil qimlillotloiers lili n nnld wnnl nml lor tnu piir.xcMi of tuldlni. to , mul corrcclliur t c mKl'tnitlon nlroaily iiiiiilo , mi. ) forouoli iirK : > Ki the iiiiili'txi iio I will Rliunil kcop liM IMHIK of reiililnitlon iiMiu | ono'i iluy Uicrlniltor lcuo < ipl Himdiiy l n' tlm plnrn nforo Wild from II oclocK u in until 7 o clock 11. m , until Monilnv , Novomtier 2d. nt tlio lie i oft' o clock m. , wlion "iilil l ) ok of nixlstrntlfin will l > p-lo < pil. All iitmliflpil VO'OM rue notl. . ol to nt'etiil niiti ( too that tlielr n uiu-s tire imiporly rt'frlU rtit I.SIAO IlUIHN , Hivl-tnir. ooi IS ITotlco of nsjlstritlai. fpo Iho Ixsirnl Vours of tlm Sowinj ivnrdln Jl Iho City of Ottinliiv. Von nro horoliy noiKUsI thnt the nn tnrslunn t vlllKltn * rpirhtrnrlor HIP rirt Plwlrlo' oMho 8 coiiit ward nt Uio N.V cor IJIh ami Ixmro i- vorlh flirvtt In cald oilv. Licnmi'iipliiffTitiM- Jny. Oclohor 2M. IWi. nt II o clock iin. . , for t it ) pnrpo o of rnirfo'erliiff nil iinallllul voteri villlilti pnlil llHtrtct | unit Tor Piloli pnrpo'n llm liiulwnlfMtnil will | r mul konn his iKio't ' ol rc-ili tmtlon otmn ench Uiiy thiiiuaClitr 'O'oinl Him- clnya ) at the pinco n.ornsiilil no u uleven o'cloo'c in. mull coven oclcH-Kti in . mi'll Monilnr , MovmnticrlM. IHW. nt tlm no tr of I ! o eloo't in . .tvhon ( < pll liook of rnirlKtraMoii will lotlo ed /VllqnnllMcst x-oicrsmo nollflpil to intend anil oo tlnit/liolr / ilHiifi-snro pmnoilv reirlHtcro I , n mi nnllro non1 roitrstriilloii lUt Is lo I'o iniuln. nn lor now inw. , ! \vvs noNsnia.v , SIL , Omnhn. Oct. 1Ilh. ITotlce of Heylstr-itlon. xipul Voiurs ol tno rio.-on I Dintilct ot l Ilio PiMimit Wnnl hi the Cliy 01 Uimilia : Von uro lioi'ehy notllluil mat the nntlor.sljrnoil will Hit luu-oulHlriir lor Iho-Sneond D.slrlctoi' tno B < txiul wnid utr. 11. OICOIIH CiKiir Hloio. cor ner IMh Mlreet nml Si MIIVV'H avomto , com- tnonclnn'rimrwIny.OololKiril.M , IH.V. . m olevun O'elfHik lu tnj. for tlm | inroo n of nvjUtuiliu all nmilillisl voloiHIHln milil ilNiilet , ami lor tliu pormiroor milling to , nml coiiectlnff tlio io U- .trallon ntromly iiiiiilo , mid lorxneh puipo u the titldorHlitnotl will hit imd leop hln Innik of nula trallon open oaeh ilny Iliereulter > o\topt Sim- daynl iitlho plneearoioxiila tro.n utiiven o d mk n. m. until KOVOII ocloeic p. m , milII Novoiniior B1 , IK"M. nt tlio hour ol 1 : o'clock m . when fill I iKHil : of ro lr-tniUon will lipdoMsl Alliimdllliul volprrtliru noiltleil to nttoiul mul wio Hint their IiimicNiiro properly ioiritPuic | | . eel 15 JOHN r. I ) VT.P.V , UeKtatrnr. XTotlco of Eeiistritlon. qiOthoLeifiil Vou-i-sof the Third Ward In thii JL clly or Omaha : Von nro hmchy notified thnt the nmlonlim * t VIII hit ns rojrl-iirnr lor the Third wnnlntyi : fioiilh lilliftlieot. liL'tuofti lioimlii.snnil Kiirinun , coiMiiHincliiKTIiiir-diij. Dcuiber r.M. I M. nt It O'clock a in . for the purpose of u-jris piln nil fltiallUod volora-wllliln fnld wind , nnd lor such pnriKwo Uio mnler lu'iind ulll sit ami kuop Ids IKMHC of ir 'I.Minulou upon ouch duv ihoienlter ( oxcupt Simdilyni nt thn ptucn nloresnjil hiini cloven o'clock u m imllll i-oven o clock p m , umll Monday , Nmeinhcr- fi nt the hour of 12 o'clock in , when KM Id biMik of icirNinitloii will tiooloiud. All ( | Uiilillodotdra nio mitltlnl to ntlchd nid | neu Unit Ihelr iniinoi nio proi-cilv roRlsterod. us an entltc now ui latriiuon list H tti lin iniulo , under nen li > n- * ootl'l H. W Ci'ltriN. Horlstrnr. Uotlco of Registration. To Uio r.oBid Vmursot Iht Uidtilct , 1th Ward , In tlm City of Omaha : Yoniiro nerohy notltlod that tlio ondnrslifiio 1 will nit IIH Ito lHlinr lorlhu Kltst DNtilctof llm I'tiiu III wiinl ut .liimes rur ylh'H ( IniK Htoio. N , IV txiroor Slxlwotli and ( aphid nvoinio , ciiin- inoneliifrTlnirwIny. Oct.'nil. . H 5. nt II o'clock a. m. , lor thu pnrjio-niir iintlslerlmf nil qimlillo.t volorn within Biild ilUtilei. and lor the puixo | > Of luUllHK to , aim con ocilmr the lo Mtnitlon id- roiulx itinilo. nod lor Much pinpcuo the iindin-- sltrmxlrill nil nnd l i-op his hoe < of rouUtrution open ouch ilay thoienllcr ie\etipt Bimduysi nt the pl.uonfornsnlil Irom It e. in until To clock p , m , until Nov M , nt the lioni of I . o clock in , Khon wuld linok of icjiMnitie.ii will tie closo.l All mlnllllixl voters mo notilloil to ntlcnd and BOO Unit their nuuibd am ptupuily io lslute < l. \V. .1. MOUNT , Ili HotlCo l Volorsof tlio SoBoml Dlstrlot of the Koiirth Waul In Hie City o ) Oiimlm You mo liciohv notilled thnt Iho inuler-il iieil will Kit na registrar lor IlinSeiond Dial lot of the rourlh wiinl nt I'miik V MOOIO'H Wuli.isli TlekulOllleoi , uirnor of I'illcontli nml I'lirniiin Pit cote , foinmonclnir Thnisilnv , Optolxr id. nt 11 o cliM'lc n. in . tor the pin no o ol' roul-tcrlivr ( Ul ( | iinllroil voters within Mild Second Diultict of the ) ' " : il > tli nurd nnd lor tl c pur | o o ol ml.lmr . to , nml oorrtCtliW ) tlio 10 ! istiitlonnhcndy iiindo , Bud JorHiioh ( : ilpose ! tlio iiiuloiNlirned will sli ami ltiiiphlHliookot'H'il''tinlloii open ouch day thoioiillur except BiiiKlnysint thn ph'.ce nloru Oiild Irom cloven o clock n in. until seven o clou'c ' p. m. , milll Moiiilny , ovo'iixsr AI. IfW. nnho bour of Ii o'clock in , M hi nnltl liook of l ho closed. All ( rMilllled voters nro Dollllcd lo uttond and sue t.iuttholr mtniCMiic jpliiv \ rOKlgtorcil. oc(15 ( jAMi'.sO. CviiPFNTi'.tt , Itcsistrar. rTotlco of Se latratlon. TOtlio Irfiiul Voiers of tint fust. District of the Kntli vrmd hi the city ol ( ) nalm : You urn horohy nollllc.l thnt thn imilonlatnoil Tvlllolt IIH roelMrnr lortho l-'li-st Dis'rlct of t o Filth vnrd nt John Ciiimnim ' irixnvrv floro , I ! th ninl lli ! luiROMtrcois , commciioliitfTmiiHdii ) , Oololir s-'d , IK.CI , m elo.on o'eloeU n. m. . for I ho puriWhO of icKistpilnjf nil qmilllled volmn lihln l-nlddlHliiot. iind tor the pniio-o | of mldhiK ti > , find ooriool IOK the ic iniinilon idio.idy nmde , nnd tor H"oh pniioso | the nndiu-Hijrnod will mi mul Keep his ttook ot ic lstrntlon OIM.-II o ich day thorcnlicrioxeept SnmlnyHiat tlio pinto ntoic- piiid from oloynn o'clock n in. until sovcn p'clooU p. in. until November U I , IS.V. . lit the hour of 1o'clock , M , when the Hild hook of rcKlalrntlon will 1 o closed All nimlllUsd vo or- nituiotllldd to iitteml and see that thch mimes uropropnily rorflstmed. octir. JOHN CUMUIXOS , iJotico fno t"o loRiil voicrsol Uistiict , fith ward , In JL thocny ol Omiilin You mo liorehy notltlod Hint tlio iiiulersl'inoil will sit us KoRi.stmr Ion tlio'd dl-irlit ol ruth wiiiilnt Itoliiinn stood htoiu. ill N t'.th ' Htieot eoiiinicnolnir Bntm-ilny , oetolicr-llh. a ! il n in. , forllui uuriMihuol iu | sioiliu nil qmilllled vo ters within Riid vollnif piucmoi nnd lor Uio ) iur- T < Wl > f wlillmr Jouml eni-icclln , ' the invlsnn- flon iihbndv iniulo. mid lor such pnrposo the rh will lt nnd I n-p his Look of trillion iiiion each ilny tliciu iltor .oxeopt . Smi th vsi'nl the place nloiosnlil limn olovi n o'clock n-'m unlllnovon o'oloelc p in mnHTiiosuv ( | , Ki.v. i'd.nMholmiirol 14 o'clook ei , whim said bookH-of icirlhtnil.on will I o ohocd All ipudl- ( ni votoi-Kiuo notilled to nitond nnd * l > e that i Uiolr nanc , me l' ' " ' : I Xiotico ol Ecglstratlon. . niOtho Leifid VOUIIMII iiuisoutnnl District of JL tlio.Slsilinril m the el y ol O.niilin : You nro horoi' } ' noili.0,1 tli it tlio un ornlurned \vlllsltiiwroflsliarloriiioHcuond DNirot oi tlio Klxtliwunl.c-lty oruninlin.nl Ilio HIOIO of A II. Kiimlor. eornoiof I'limlmr and Will HI 1 1 ct * . i-oni- nionblliirThillwIilJ .OcloI'lM'SJil. ' IsVi.nr 1 1 in | iuk ) in , .lor lliu piiiio- | ( ) of lo-'Hieilnj , ' nil iiiulillcil | ? otuibvltliin Mild roLim I Distrmt nt li.o.siMli < \niilnnd uii-Niicli | inriio < e iliuuiiiloilKiieil mil It nnd keen Ilia IniiiU of leKlxnmlon oiiea cnoli day tlioinattor u oi't | Smnmysi at. ilm placi ) dloiOHiid fioii ) clii'n oVIoek n. m mill nut un ' ' Novoiniiors. ! . o'eloelf p. m.'umll MDinlny , ( ot Ilio hour of I'J oelooU m , "inn Mild luiokol rKirNlliillini will lie i-lo-wl. All iiinlil.ui | | MI IIIH . nro nolllled to illleiiil nil. I M'O lliul tlieu iiiiine-i liio-iiipcrly | ( rojrlH inoil.nsum enHionoi tiutlon list fa to bo imulft.-mniiir no nw. octlri JOII.N ( Una ItouU trnr. ITdtlco of I lioroby uivu no Ice uxiio lu/nl vutosot'tlio lal district of tlm sixth vili wnnl llinl I will sit at the Him eel It. 11. I.uens. "Ul ( . ' 11111111111 ! , ' tst TliuiHilny Oft , ' 5M And lll coiitln 10 to sit eiioli diij. tlinionfioririiuia.irt ovo'ontK lint tlm o'ot-eii .llnxlotk . rliiconloio xiildliom n m. , lo 7 d'clook p , in . until Moil lav Nov ill nt Uio litnirof l" M. wlion Hiild honk ol IlKtrNtmtlo'i Will lioolo-cd lor llm piifpo-nul ievi&leinKnll | ! qiinllllo I vo.I ( H within s.ilil ilmrluut nil lu id ' .TOtorri nr'i0.sj'cullnll ' ) iu > lllcil touiienilimd&eii tlnU tuolr iniinoi inn on U\o \ toilnir IUI. CM tn. WII.KIVS Ho''Htnr ' IxtitNtilot ol Ilio H mini. ' ' 'Om'iihn Jmitlu-ski ) ( Nol ) > a > kuOjt Ij liij : , D..i > UNOtic. AI.KX WU.UCK Telephone OO DUNCAN & WALLACE , i , Steam and Gas Pillars , ' ! ' ' 8rKA > l UllAI'INU A Sl'U'lALTV. , Kiunftuo * turnuiusl , urtill call pcr-o-inlly. AHOIIIH lor mo iriiK | > r.al Uiio Mucuiiio.'lunul Ibti. Itilli bt. . Unmliii , Null a.-DB. BENJ. NICE , ' - . . , Special AUenlion Given to Diseases of Women , * ' Owee llouiihj j' ' J rt 4 i * if' Cnn lm itinsnli | > il lu IHK : l-li nnd Herman. Hoimi Is fiiiuiisUK ilioc-k NIU iiLitst ( .4111101 Cujv. Avunuuuntl fciiKiuiit u Mioui , - M. B. BISDOHT , General. Insurance Agent liuurniiiu Co. , UIUUDII , t \ \ tv-u heater. N V . Assi I. , . ! , ) ) ) Jicus Kttll > . A * M * . . i * . " ) iliruiti Kilo , riilliulolplilii , Ai"i'lti. . . I. ' , > S'.W lIUUIlnllllO , Civil A 5t".b 1,1-1 ' .JJJ -I t. j/1 TtMno ftp p t r\vrrn \G \ TEARS OF SADSESS , Tom Konnard Oct3 ft Tologrim That Un- nervca tbo Saiuted Sinner , A HAILROAD LOST TO LINCOLti. A N'ow pi\pt r'fl AVontlopTnlVitkltif ; Tip Interest In tlio I'roposrd Ulinngo In County dot City lirlolli , n Urn's I.iNrot.v IlrnrmM Tlm Mistfonri 1'ia-lllc railroad Inw tnkon n tunv tuck. AH lias nlreaily been ftatoil In the HIKVobstur : , Konnnrd , nml fov- orul morn inoti tried to Hecnro the eon- diimnnlion of Ninth Htreot IIH fni ontli us I. The scheme was to et n right of w ny through tlio street nnd then lot the nbut- tiiig properly owners wlilstlts for diin- : nyes. The council grnntuil tlio rlylitof way nnd Wel.ster wns happy. The prop erty ou-mirs \ \ \ > ro\t > ry inilignnnt nt the t.ino , nnd ilemandctl fnlr prico.s for their lioinoa bi-foro they wcto takun iiway from them. The rnilroail pcojilo did not feel liku tloliin ; this. Tliny uxpootuil to p-t Iho iilintting piopoity on Kiglith nnd lllth Mil-cub ) lor n song , 'lliu Hun ux- posed the suliemo nml tlm pioporty ownoi-H went in iv body , theru boini : over ono hundred moit. to the conn- ail olnunber wlicro they ileiionnued Web- htor nnd culled lor Ilia rcsignnlion us u niomborof tlmconno.l. Websterulaiinod Hint liu would nmko things right. A short tune nftorwaut.s u committee , consisting oi , fV. f . \\ingor , AleUol- eit , A. Uoborts , John AiuiMiinigal , M. 11. Chonny mu | - McCnll , wild appointtiil to npprnim * tlm pioimity anil nmko n ro- port. Last biitnrda.s 'loin Keiinnnl went about telling people thnt. liu Imd leeeiviul u telegram Irom S. U II. Clark , at Unmhn , ordering that nil work on the Missouri Pacific into Lincoln .should cense at once 'loin rolled IIIM o.u-s and with trembling voice communicated this "wad" intelligenoo to all who listened to him. Lincoln wan to losn tno Missouri luuillu ) , not because the diroelor in Now York Imd resigned on account of the road being built to Lincoln , not because Iho ! ? , iO.OiK were not \oled , but because S II II. ( . 'lark , s Ming m his mans. on on Capitol hill , in Uimilia , Imdb.tid < u > Ken- nni'il would gi\e no reason why the load had been lit lo go buck on tin : contract it had nlicail.y inado With Lincoln in con- hidei.it ion ot ( boiuls.so loul.slily voted. The ltir. will gtvo the reason w by the railroad claims to order work Mmpcndiul , which , however , isiioln Inct , as there is IIH much beingdononownsainiiy priori 11113. ' 1 ho committee on damages has about completed iltj Inborn , aim thu amount assessed and allowed property owners already aggregates $ .iiOiM ) and more to hear Irom The ro-ul wants it for less tlinn Hint , hence ( ho telegram anil the ficaro. 'Ihc bcntimcnt ot people now Heom.4 lo bo that the road lias hood winked them , and thut any attempt to bleed thorn will fail. TOWNSHIP oovuiiwtrxr. Tho. Journal sent a reporter down to Saline county Saturday to Imd out how ' township organisation' works there. The joungnmn interviewed the county clerk nnd Hovoral more whine duties are some what moro onerous under the township hyMem. and loiind llmt to a man they wore in favor ot an immediate change which would mvc them morn chances on tho"iuict.ou ] know" and loss work. The Journal uxcreiHos an unwonted interest , in the township organisation plan. Its working on this head has surprised even its most nrdont anil sleepy iulmirei > . ' 1 IIR stroke of enterprise ot sending si re- lortor on a | ) tiss into a neighboring conn- V to w rite down a favorite institution of liat county is something unheard ot bo ore from the Journal. Usually it has efrained from hurtingany one's teelings mil has suppressed many a good item of lews because Jones , the guilty , brought n job printing once in a while. If the Jour.mil . had in , untested the same nterest in Lancaster county to servo the uibl e it does in the present case il nijzli ! lie thought Unit it was honest , butler lor yearn it has allowed thu commissioii- rs and others lo rob the county anil ictur Haiti a word in piotest. Since the Bun has exposed the commit- siiniei'H the Journal has rouitum d as silent as ti last year's elt m Now Ih. I the township government i.s likely to carry il rushes up and says il will bo moro expensive than tlio couiminsioncrs. LINCOLN AM ) hAN I'ltANCIbCO. During n conversation with Thomas Lowor.v. of this citv , yesterday it was learned that he ships grain as tar west as ban Francisco and to New Yi rk at tin east Mi. Lowery said Ibis in the ordi nary course ol couversiit on and did not smim to think that it was nnvthing out side Ihe imlinar\ run ot events tor n Lin coln miller and grain dealer to ha\o regular customers in Calitorma tor corn and Iced. During the pasl lew. months Lowery , " who owns about Ihirly-livo elevat ( > rs on the Burlinglon & Missouri railroad , has shipped a great many curs ol corn to points in Cttliloruia , Irom San rrnnciseo south to Ix > s Angeles. It speaks well for the gentleman's enter prise and also redounds to the credit of Lincoln rirv iri'.MS. Dr. K. Swaro , assisted by Drs Had- more and Fuller on Satin day performed a , del calo operation on an old man named itiirdiek. An osseous formation ol Ihe hip joint and of the limb il.selt was removed. It weighed si\tv-lour poi'iids. The United L lies tidc niph company htm put its wires in its ortico next door to the BI.I : in Lincoln and is now icaily lor bus ness. D F S fortl has been np- pointed manngi1 ! ' Sittui day evening fieii J C. McBriilo , the worthy postmaster ot Lincoln , who shortl ) reiire.s Irom the ollice , wtis pre- seiitei ! with n ( rolil-hondod cane by Iho employes of llm olneo. The general , though taken by Mirpri-o , feelingly re- sponneil to the Kind regard in wnieh he was held by those making the present Mr. William O'bhoa , of this oily , has been engaged by the American Hook maker's m.iga/.iue to write n scries of twelve articles on practical bookbinding Mr. O'Shoa is competent to do Ihe task ami lie has already set about it. ' John K Clark and other gentlemoi will form a loan ami hnililiii < r association .1,110 in Helen will bodr..wu in a day tu The Philharmonic Mnging soeietv wil "ivn two grand co. certs Is'oiombir l ami 10. J 1) ) . Mae.farland , president of the State Fair association , was pr.entcil with i bolid silver tea sot on Sntuiday b.v his lollow olllcci'fi an u token ol their appro elation lor his sen ices. MA'ir. MtltlVAI.S. J. M. Hamilton , OMorl : tt. II. Collon Arapahoe ; ( i. 11 btrousberg , ,1. N. Me Council , Boali ice ; ( . W. Holmes , Be-it rice , H. J. Fuller , Omaha ; D. A. Ho'i ' Kinsilber ; K. H. Mcliinlie. U'illier O T. llellri , \ \ liber ; \ \ \ U. Fuller. KUjjur. Heal I'.stnto Transfors. The follo.vln Ir mtfiir * w.iru Illutl Oot in , with thu oouilty dork , and roportoi for tint Br.K by AIIIOJJ' Heal KMalo Sl'as II. II. nmknml wl elo First Clni thih eliiuchof Omnlm.w < ' " of | ot nnil \ O'll ot irJOUoriul-ibloclc b. < Omahn , \ \ d- t.OK ( ) . ( jeo. II. Hnsigs and wire ami otnci.s to August Kklinid , lot \ olock 14 Omaha View "r.Tra.lnhm-o n nndwlfeto Kindnall. Tio- li.ill I t S block X tihnin's Ul add Omaha , v ' Oitu Bin-lime ( slngla ) to It. J. Pattewon n > „ ot b . - , of s > 4 01 aX sec ! # , li , ] U , 1 ores Patterson Dlckson plafp , Douglas minu , w d ? mroi. .lohii I. lledlck and wlfo to C. C. P.iul , lota nml' ) blk4 , Itrkhliin , Omahn. w d > M. Wlllmm M. Hint mul wile to Lena Quick , ot T lilk-iiiij , nnd loin iiHtid 7 blk 4 % ) , ( inind- lew nthl Oiimlm. ( i e f 7.1 , Lean ( julek nnd hnbaml to Clmi Corlwlt , ot 7 , block 4fl ( nnd lots Omul 7 , block 4S ! , JmndUrw mid to Oinnna , w. d.-r.Oi. Jtdinii HoinowHkl nml wlfoto JneooKendlo , fill , b.iK-k ) , Amur 1'laec , Omaha , w. U. 'n.ivld S. ( lullil ( sindc ) to WIIHon 0. indices nml MIIIV M. I'ntmtm. lots 1 nnd'A nock IH. llaiiscdtii P are , Omaha w. tl. 0. C. HotiM-Inml uiio tnMoiwiiii . Mntk- MIDI ! , lott : block istx , Omaha , w d-ai ) W. ( ! ro. H. Uertrntn nml lleibert UnvenjHirtto lames Stcwtut While lot at. block M , llnliti- om Piuce , Otmilin , w d S'.WO. ( ! ' 'oij , o H. Ucrtram ami Herbert Uutcnport 0 John J. Ilaidln , ml W , blink 2 , HaiiM-om nice , Omaha , w d SIHK ) . ( ieomoS. Kobhlns and wife to Charles O. ! ldn.d i ) , lot-s U and U , Tabor 1'juue , Omaha , vil t * ) . Flank Oellone ( widower ) to I-Mgnr I.oth- cr.It . ; I , blk U , Isaac iVSelden's ndd.Omaha ; \ . d.-M. ( ! isi. 11. Hoggs nnd wife nml others to rims , F. Nelson ; Uicl , b.k W , Omalm View ; w..d. -SXIO. AreherFko ( simile ) to Herman DcKs nnd \ . M. DI-IKS ; tin , blk M , Palilek'.s add.Omalia ; \.ll.-3TOJ. ilolm T , PnuUen nnd wlfo to Lnnnon P. injii ; ltl > , Paii.Hcn s add , Omaha ; w. d. frtiw. S. IX Sfrrrcr and wlfo to Larmon P. Prnj-n , nt 10 , block in , and lot P , block tfl , Uougiiw Co. , w -M'J)0. ) . luhii L. .MeCaaiiio nnd wlfo to Niels Mail- Jen , lot. 15 , b.oek 12 , Di-aiso s add Omaha , w d W IleriK-u K. ( lalca ( single ) to Cora A. ( lutes. 01 4 ! iidivlsion of o ui'ifcetol blocs'M/1 ; Shi..a'dtd mid Omaha , w d 3750. WAU IN' I 1HAT. Soon Tills Cruel War will lie Over Yon can all blow your horn about soli ng meat cheap , yet you know very well thai K. A , Marsh tit the Washington Market , Sixteenth and Cumiiig streets , will not be mulei.sold , but beginning with November 1st. he will sell meats for ash at prices Unit duly compelit.on. Compare this price list w.th 1 r.ces charged elsewhere ami you will see at n glniico thai it will pa.\ you to deal at tlm Washington mirket , where you can buy the best cuts > ! sirloin and porter house steaks lor HI cents a pound ; round sti-ik.'b to Illc ; chuck steak , lo ; best rib roast , He , soup meat , 4 to Tie ; corn beef , 1 In ( Ic ; port ? steak nml chops , tic ; pork shoulilei'-ioast , ic , tresh pork sausage , be ; lard , be , salt pork 8c , bacon Ide , ham lie ; mutton { > lee : sliced ham , ICe ; a full supply of ill varieties of sausage eonstaiitly on land. Oysters , game , poultry a.id lish it correspondingly low prices , will al ways be tumid at tins place , delivered ree to any part of the city Irom the Washington Market , MH North Sixteenth street near Cumingj. li. A. J-laroh , pro prietor. "TIIR niSCOUlV FOR 18H. . Sheet Asiilinllutn VH. tiranito Blocks. The following record of trallio taken on Douglas and Farnam streets , during six days , fully corroborates what has icrotoforo been said in fas or of smooth , loiboluss and pleasant driving streets. Slid -cord being duly sworn ami sub scribed to by roputab'lo uiti/ciis taking tlio same : WAG ox rnA.iTir. AKjih'tllum. ( Jriinttc Titnclti. Oe 1 . ' . ( I , IJoiiL-'his-st , ,0ttl l-'iunam-st. 1'JOT " 1.1 -i.W.r " " i. " " " 4'JIS " " " " " " " iSJ. Jt.tdJ &I.IKW . DougliiR-st. excess over Farntim for six dtn/n. iti/iiii. Douglas-st. excess over Fnrntim for ono year , oil ! , ; ! ! ) . Thus in twelve months Douglas-st. gets l.8l , 17(1 ( teams or during the throe-years since asphalt was applied on Douglas-si. , d tiall'tc of ! ! ( . 8 it has sustiie a < Jt , > > , Lotims. Uespe If ally sul > mitted , J'llli BAtMJi'iil ANIMAL I PAMNfi CO. , by C. K. Sipures and iohu Grant , State ot Nebraska , ( „ County of Doiiglns , f Nilcs Callamm , L , C. Reilficld , and II Buckley , lirst being duly s.vorn each for himselt on oath , st\a that Iho above re cord ol Irallic was made by lliom ami is correct. Signed , NII.KS CALI.ANAN , Signed , II. BtK'Ki.KY , Signed , LUKU C. Itii > Kiut.n. Siibsuribuil in my pr.jsonoo anil sworn to before in > tlm tilh day of October , -a. " ) . Signed , KowAUD J. CoitxtsH , [ ScnlJ _ Notary Public , A Good Circulation , Mnnvamau has died from want of a good circulation 'I ho same is true of newspapers. ThatTiu : WAIOHMAN is in a healthy condition is shown b.v the fol lowing allld.ivit to which the attention of ndvcttincis is respcctlully called : C. C , Carroll , being il.il.y owoi'ii , says he is Ion-man ot Tm ; WATCHMAN , nnd Unit the oil lion of October it'th , IbA numbered Jhn copies , all of which were subscribed tor or actually sold. C. C CAUHOI.L. Subscribed in my presence ami sworn to belore mo the idst day ot Ootobdr , A. D. 18- , . Wsi. W. KI : VK. [ L& ] Kotary Public. If > on want to get good fresh meat and the I'owesl prices go to G. B.irth s , baiin- ilors Jntreel market _ W. II. Ptu-i-ons , M , ] ) , , Ilonucopnthlst nnd Surgeon , othco , looms 1'j ' amiU Pax- tun block opp. open ; bouse. Piano and organ lessons by Mrs. II. Joss , No. Kill ) Howard , upstairs. ' Largest stock of lailics' golil watclics in Uio oily , and way down in price , at KlMIOl M5 KlIIOKdON'S. The Omaha Steam Dye Works , 1213 Douglaa St. Satisfaction guar.intocil. "Yos , I have two Kplmiiluls now in use. "said a piominont piolessor ot Iho high school , " 1 have used a number of tiiu principal boaters ami jf I hail to buy a do/.en more stoves the Splendid would most certainly be my c'-uce. ' " The Splendid base burnern are thu most beau- litul stoves niailii and no better hunt r exists It is sold o ly bWitman t\f Soovell , Ull ) ami D1J Noith SiMeonth street. All the ladies who have seen the large assortment of cloaks ct our store pro nounce them the best for less money tlinn they can be bought am where else. Our laiire line of bo\.s' suits is being rapidly Bold. Come and buy a cloak lor your- sell and a suit for Ihe Loy. " \ \ e will not bo undersold. WJLUAMS & SON > Hrllllnnt Square Hard Coal Hurner , Iho Lest working Sfmo in the mnrkitt , at N w. cor. Kith and California. Finn Line I'oekel Knives -at- Whilphouso Ding Sloro , lUth and Webster , Aurnri Watoh-n are the B t Uullroad Waleh in the world. Sol'l ' only by & KttiUKbO.x. Marrlngo lieenf > ciTworo Issued yester day to Henry .Seanlnu and .N'ellie lliig- , g.frd and to Amlnw C .Jensen uiid An- uiu M. Thrune , ull of Ouiuhu. M ruifl T7ho is Tat For -p'fceeffo Not tlio Sol- dicrV Friend. COMETHINQ THINK ABOUT. A Timely AVorMlns'-Tlio Various Prop ositions to lie Votcil on Hours i 'l ' \Vlio Is Voril ? fret * tlio WorlcliiRinim's rl''t\towl. To the Kdllor : Who is Pat Ford , the democratic candidalo for slierlfl'of Douglas - las county ? Is ho quallllcd to lill Ihe no- s'.lion in eiifio ho should bo elected T H.xs liis iict.on witli i-efurenco lo Iho working masses been in accord wllli their prlnci- plesr 'I'lieso questions are repeatedly asked on tlio streets and in in work shops by men who wish lo vote iiilclligonll v. -Ford 1 i.s Iho proprietor of tao Niag ara house. u rendezvous of political bosses al primaries mid ctiuensse.s- ex- street , commissioner who , while holding said ollleo is reputed as giving employ ment to none bnl his boaiders and olliord thut he could use politically. U It is currently reported mm evi dently it Is true that 1-otd i.s almost an illiterate. Wliilo holding tlie odice of streel commissioner , all reports and res olutions submitted to the council by luui were written by others , it Throe years ago Iho workingmen and farmers of Douglas county assembled - bled to select a county and legislative- ticket. Pat Ford attended that conven tion , and nnparontly was sincere tu lliu mailer. He worked in harmony with tlie oxToulivo committee , of winch lie was a member , lie assisted in making all Iho necessary preparations tor a suc cessful campaign , but at tlie eleventh hour , like Judas , the hulrajcr ot Christ. Pat Ford deserted and bet raj ed the vtorkingmau's piuty to satisfy the ambi- lion ol unprincipled poliliciaus. How ever , the workingmen do not forget the perlidy anil deception of Ford. On the ; d of No\ ember they will pav him Ihe penally which hu so richly di-s-rves. J. U. LAWKCNCIJ O'Kofiro nml tlio Solilloi-s. Mr. J..I. Donahoo. doing business at No. 711 South .Ninth street , and who is an old soldier , calltd nt the 15i i. oil 10 jes- terday and requested the puUical.on of Ihe following statement : John Smith , tin old soldier , died in ties- itulo circumstances in this eity. Under i law passed by the legishilure , to bo 'oiinil on ptigo 21't of the revised statutes , the county is autliori/ed to allow jr- ' . ! . ) to cover the'expeuses of a decent burial. I called oil Commissioner O'Kocll'o and showed him the law , ot which he i-liiiim-d o be ignorant , but all I could get from uni was the usual .permit for burial in the potter's field ! ami the undertaker was accordingly paid' 3 for his colliu and services. If 1 upi not mistaken there is .Iso a provisiotiu'fornlhc furniihing of a rombslono in such cases not to cost more Lliaii $1 ? ) , the bounty to be reimbursed by the general government. Mr. O'lxeoHb is evidently noljho friend of the soldtur. Important | n 1'onnatloii. The county election begins at 8 o'clock in tlie morning and ends at 0 o'clock in tlio evening. J ' ' The voting onUIio'city hull proposition , Uio iiiving ) bonljjj afijt Hie bo ml of edu cation proposilvotwyill continue until 7 o'clock in the o'v'onmg. This is in accord ance with a charter provision. The vote on Iho eity hull proposition requires u majority of all persons voting in order to be carried. It is important that every \oter should got in his ballot on this question. The paving bonds reqn'n a two-thirds vote in order to ho carrion. Citi/ons wlioi' names uro not regis tered may be sworn in upon aindavits , but. such nllidavils must slate the reasons why tnoy tailed to register , and must be vouched for bv a resident of the ward , who must certify that ho knows the voter to be : i eiti/.en and resident of the ward in which ho desires to vole. AViiriiiii to 1'crsoiiH Not Allowcil tii Vote. The persona whose names nro pub' 1'shcis below have laken out their first papers since the Ud of October. The law prohibits any person from voting who lias taken his first papers within tiiiity of election. The namo-i of llm foi lowing persons IIIMO been icgistered , and luey should be stric'.en ' irom the lifts , us any of them who votes is liable to be sent to the penitentiary. 1-red Thomson , Denmark ; llanno MnrioNlcUon. Denmaik , llourv Merkel , ( icrmany , William Itaninlmch. < ! ermanyj Martin Haas , lii-nnany ; Polor .histeuso.i , Denmark ; Peter Lund , Denmark , James J. MoCnbo , Ireland ; J. U. Koelion , Kng- lmd : , K. Wislnntn. Sweden ; James McJuflio ( , England , llemiick Htiehlmus , ( icrmuns ; \\'illi..m . lUorriaon , Lnglaml ; Arthur .lohn.son , Lnglaud , Thomas Mor ris , Ireland ; Andrew PclcrMudtion , Den mark ; Christina Christiauson Holme , Denmark ; Knc\nld Kristeii'-oii Holme Denmark ; Julian Nelkorn , ler ! many ; Alfied Ltimboig , Swedeni Far.i'r I'nul , Austria ; Hem diet Heiter , Aitbtrm ; Joseph Kiii/er , Austria ; Fran/ XelAuslii.i ; ; John Uierbaiim , Austiia ; Wilhelm Marek , Ciormany , S Kopor Crickmore , Kugland , Vaclav Hiii'ta , Aus. tria ; Vaclav Krnnil , Austria. Josef IJ.irtu , Aiinlriu , Anton Kiijuikii , Austria ; John Sebek. Austria , ( ieorg lireekner , ( icrmaii } ; Alexander Kiandcr Kussia ; Andrew Hul.liis/ . , Austria , Slephau Mahr , Austria , John Mi-idlinger , Aus tria ; John Mnier , Ai stria ; Wilhelm Fochor , ( liirmaiiVi Thomas Clausen , Germany ; Joseph Vamg.ila , Aui-trin ; John Stofck. Austria , Cl.ius Lnntkn , ( iermnin ; John Chapo , Austria ; Sam Mr , HidhiinliiiU'r ' cutVi ) replies to tlio BII'M : : qiiestiona of .last Friday in f"- ' ( lows : . . _ | ( , ( . . , | { JJt , JJformer nvniber of thuloird" novriddtH llo : "load woik" menlioned for It'll ' M its per JIIIM winch formerly cost thfjc tjnty twenty cents to twenty live eenis ii u' , sard. 'JI dt ) not know why "certain politi cians have been llbloMo snvo Ilinu-.lliils ' ol dollars for gnidjng strut-is in iront ol tneir prop-rtv iwpmrally "on Thirteunth street , in Iron ! ol Jlisc.iiri"iieeausn not one lootot eartn'lms been moved on that street in "frorfJ" < > P lluseall's ten aero lot , " or e\cn wllldii the eity limits nt the county's expense since I hi-onum a mem ber of the board of county commlssion- eis. eis.it The Ki itntiv illlow the sherllV from fifty 11 seventy-live cent' ) per day lor cai'ing for each of the pr Miners ol Iho county. The uiimborof prisoners ranges trom iifty to soventv-'vodnily per inniilh li , } comiiitmgthu : | < osl al this rate , the ex- travaitant amount of ear.ug for crimi nals , It will cani.y be seen , cannot bo liid ; ; to the county coiumiMiouois In proof of tliis ( lie number of commiitaln may bu aseerlnined by rolorenoo to the records of tin- police courts. ! From time to time trivial charges have been nindo iigainst tlio ellicieney of Mr Piurco as sup rintendeiit of thn poor farm. The < u enar us have b-on care- tull > and lioneatlt iimst gitei ) by I he county bo'ir l , but thus lar w t.iuut an > thin. ; to w.irr.iul tin .iCLiisatluit ttial h > lins tipptvcttlicr derelict or InofflelouMn he n < r formanco of tlio duty mentioned. When Mr. Pierce shall bo removed it will lie when a inorcor , nt least , us compott-nt u man shall be found to take hU place. ft Hy reference to the record * of tlio county treasurer , it will bo found thnt during the months of May , Juno and Julv , the quarter in advance of the three months immediately betoro the cam paign , and especially election day , one- third more money was paid enl for " " romU nnd "county work , including bridges , than win during Ihe latter quur- tor including the campaign and almost tlie day of election. Witli regard to the biiiUio near Uicke's farm in McArdlo precinct , it lias been promi > ed by com missioners for fouryenis back , one year beioro I was elected ; but owing to a want of money in tlio bridge fund , other briilges which were more Imperatively needed were constructed. Threw mouths ago. however three mouths before olec- l on , day mjself and Commissioner Timme wenl and measured the span , and tlio contract wns limilly let with Ihe un- dcrstanding that the money was not to be collected until May , 18 (1. ( ( I If there has been any omission In the proclamation for Iho s lie of inirt ot the county lurin , it has been supplied by u resolution of the board which sols lortli tlio maniier in which the sale shall be cllected and which has been handed for publication in the Uir. : . 7 'I ho right of way through the poor farm to tlie licit Line was obtained on the payment of $1KI ! ( , which amount wtis allowed by the appraisers appointed by thu county court. The laud con demned ntnount.s to about four IK res , and at tlie time it was considered re ceived a fair valuation. The prospective appreciation of the rest of tlie farm lor other purposes ' ecansc of the Holt Line was also considered and has been ex perienced in the eighteen months since Ihe line was loeated b I cannot explain why republican oflicials employ democratic ur any other kind of emplo\es Hut I can say that every man in the employ of the county board is a man who both understands and performs faithlnlly the work nllotled to him. If lie did not. republican or demoernt , lie would not bo ictaincd in his position. With regard to Messrs. Corlisn , Leahy nnd Pierce , 1 shall simply say that they , not I , can answer lor their political preleronces. H. O'Kr.i.ri i : . Tln < Commissioners' Proposition. The lesoliition passed by Ihe board of county commissioners at tl eir meeting last Friday in relation to the submission to the electors of Iho proposition to sell the poor farm lias created ateclingof MLspieion among many thinking voters and taxpayers. In that resolution tlio comis ioner.s say "Should said proposi tion carry , we should proceed at once to lay out said land into lots and blocks , ami appoml Iliree disinterested persons as ivpimiiscrs to appraise said lands , and that none of said lands shall be sold tor less than appraised value. " The proposition seems a very indefinite one in many resueels , and eau be so con strued as to allow tiiu commission ot numerous inegular'lics A number of prominent eiti/.uns who are interested in pubiio aiitiirs , wlien interviewed on the Mibject , expressed dis.satisfacti'in at the manner in which the commissioners had made the proposition. The opinion " -eemeil to pievail that it would be e\- Iremely hai'.ar.lous to place in the handset ot the cominisniouors the power which the proposition grants. Nothing is h.iid by la board as to how Ihe appraisers ot the land shall be appointed , an I hence it would bo until nil to suppose that tjiu commissioner.- , themselves Would appoint them. It is generally thought Unit this gives a grand chance for a "deal" wdh u syndicate , wherebv the land may bo app'raivcd at a figure entirely too low , and as no spcciucalon is made as to whether tlio sales shall bo public or pri vate , that the opportunity could easily be taken advantage ol to s-11 I ho land at a low \altrilion , and st.ll the agreement made b.v the commissioners be complied with. As tar as can be learned there is great opposition to the proposition IMS- cause ol the unreliable manner in which il is proposed to curry il out. Michael I'm cell hereby gives notice th'il he will not ion as a domooralic can didate lor the oinee ot assessor in Ihe 1'ifth ward. TlioVanl IloiiiulnrlrR. In order Unit each and every voter may know the ward he is is in , the following listol ward boundaries is published : First \\.ini Howard street on Iho north , Thirteenth streel on the west , e.ty limits on the M > I t i , the river on the east Voting place nt tne southwest corner of Tenth and Jonc.s strjnls. Seeond Ward First district Howard direct on tlie north , riftoenlh street , the Liiiou Pacilie track and the cily limits on tlie west , city limits on the south Thirlcenlh street on tne east. Voting place at No. l-M Soul'i ' Thirteenth streel. becond diMricl SI Mar.\ . \ aveiinu and Leavenworlh street on Ihe north , oily limits on the west and south , Union Pa- ci.us track and Fiiiocntli street on the cast , , \otiiig place at T.l.J St. Mary's avenue. Third Ward Davonpoit street on the north , Filteeiith siieetoii the west , How ard street on tnu south , and Iho river on the cast. Voting place at the carpen ter fchop on the east side ol Klevonlh street , between Doughis and Dod o streets. Fourth Ward First district Daven port sireel on thu north tioui Filteeiith to Nineteenth streetCh cngo , limn Nmu- teonth to I'wvnty-sixth , section line Irom 'I weiily-riixtlt to city limitcily iimils on tile west , Douglas street on llm south irom Fnteonrli to JonVrson , Dodgu street irom JoU'ci'son to city I mils , Flleeiith Mre.et on the east. Voting place at Planters house on Capitol avenue , bo tyt'oun Silxlcculh and Seventeenth till . -els Second distr el Douglas on the north trom Fifteenth to Jmi'crnon , Dodge trom Jedbrsoi' to c.ty limits , city limit-sou the west , St. Mary's ineiiue on lliu south to Phil Sheridan , Leavenworlli Irom Phil Sheridan to city limits , Filleonlh street on thu can ! Voting place al li.isum.'iit in now court house. Fifth Ward First distrlcl- Hurt streol on the north , Nineteenth on the west , Davenport on the south , and the river on the east , Voting place nt southeast cor ner ol Twelllh nml ( 'Indigo ' streets. Second distiietCit.v limits on the north , Nineteenth street on the west from Hurl streol to north line ot K. V. SmithV addi tion , and Twentieth stteet limn north line of Smith's addition lo cily limits , Iturl streel ( in lliu south , and the n\er on the cnM. Voting idaco at Kedman's Iced btom , I/.iird and Sixteenth stivcls bixlh Ward. Fir-it disirict - City limits on tuo iioitli , Saunder.s street mi the west , Chicago street on Iho south , Nino- tiM-nth steeul on the east Irom Chicago to north line ot K. V. Smith's addition , nml Twentieth sireel trom north line of Smith's mldit on to cily lim.ts. Vut'ng plac-o al ' 01 ? Cinning street. S > cond dis tnctCitv limits on the north and west , Chicago streol on the south Irom Nineteenth teonth t Tweniy-sixlh , and section linn from Twenty-sixth to Iho eity limits Voting place at J.D | Cumuig street. . V , we When alio wni J tihllil , lie cnwl fur ( n li > rl . Wbeit mo l > i.aiu AIM , imo cliiu ; U > t.uitorlk , \Vkou DUO iiiJ Cullorou , iha gave lUeiu UMiurU , NEWS OF A BUSINESS .NATURE WLoat Closes tlio Day nt Friday's Best Soiling Figure. MARKET FLAT AND LIFELESS , Vothlng of Nolo to Kcport from the Iilfo Stock I'etiH lloport of Tratlo nt Homo Markets mill I''orol > jii I'olnts. CHICAGO Gil A TV M < YKKl-rr. CIIICAOO , Ocuril.HHp.vlnl tothn Hir. : | Wiinvr tfth rowasniiyllihifln t'llstnvn hat was ll.it to-diy it W.H wliuat. TIKTO was nt Ilin 8.11110 tlini > inthcr more tlinn the HU.il inn unit of KiHdji to disturb it. bat fur ionic1 iitystcilulls reason It rofiHed lo bo ( Us- ill bed , The fnvoiito option , Decctnb.'r , o.i.y liictnalcdYo nil dnv , i.ingln t th bulk of the imo at jestcidny's closing prices. The early end MIC ) wiis downward , iniilu HO bj oab'iM show tin ; nn Incie.isoof 003,0U bushels In tlio Mock In Liverpool , which was expected , [ ' "tour , on tiiii other hum ! , showed a doeronso of'iVOOJ ) hurels. Tlioso lads , coanlod with a loport fromSt t'uil tint tlirjn mills ut Mm- no.ipolls would shut down todiy and mom would lollow ni'Xt week , niiuto whc.it hen\ mil sold Dcccinbei IlK'k'Uliuly toNiVo , its owest iHjint , The Hakeisiinti Lestcrsdldallt- [ > o sellfML ; on ( ho bic.ik , lint In a Kcnoral way tht'io woino lame om-rators on tlio nmiket. I'lio iHinil disposition shown on Satin- il.iy to eloar trades prevailed. For thn same loa.son a Intwo share of trading was In the way of chania'.s Into Deieiubor'of MHIIU still nioio rcinotu delivery. A Mid feelim ; sprain ; iii ] on llto inpoit that next wick's iccilnts In tin1 nnithwestwnn'd ' show a dccicas' ot .7J per cent , and a ilu'iiiiiuup of the e.xiioits fiom tlio three leading Atlantic imils. which \\rio tiuii.uoo bushels , lli'io Ucecmhor lluctn itcd iitonnil NTc , finally woi I- ; Imj up lohJ'4ooii little spin Is ol luea' ' fin vl tig. "PaUs" wen * iiriilii quoted as contilbntini ; a lair share of tlii-siippoilinj ; inlhicnccilh - niilhlcli ah.icKwui.l movement would have been piobablo. The close was steady and linn at thn hlirh"sl point ot the da ) , Just wh'-io ' it stood \ost'tdiiv. Pome There"\\iis little disposition to trade in ( lie hoi ; product , the eiowd conerallv nn- tlclpatliiK n der.lne II stoiiesuf blc receipts iH'Mcek me inadi ! tiod. As I Itistiatiiu the high tavor In which job lot traillim (10) ( ) hairel packimcIs ) held , it limy be cited that thisqit.intltv ol November poi.c was hawUeil around all tint inoiiiinu' and iinallyold nt ! S7.t > r'tor { Ilu bi'st , tliniih ! loinid lots lot November d'llveiy did not s.-ll undergs.tn. I.iitu cables \\oic very heavy. Cons' Theio W.HC Misidoraalosttr inciri , imitictihul ) the IM-.II stall , it belli' : n "nlonnd lion case" with n jrond ninnv tiadeis. Tins busk demand niado th < - pieiniuin at one tlnm us liL'li as t'e. ' ; but Inter it lellofl as the no- maud bL'caiuo supplied. CIIIC\OO IjlVl3 STOUIC. CIIICAOO. Oct. 31. [ S.ieolal to the linn. ] CAI'II.K UnsinosH was .slow and a ipuot market , on account of the seaiclty of good e.ittloaud tliu.sin ll numbers ol Te\ans and r.nu'oi.s. Tliuitsjfnl iiiitiMisnn salo. say n\u or six loads , so.d at a sliglit iiilvanee , and slnee thu Kie.it Inciik of n week a o I-'iidaj , Ihuio lias bjea un advance of'JOJ > Uc on fall to Kood iiativeMind r > t < JJe on tlio oidlnmy inn ot nativos. This advance , howi'ver , was not developed until abuiit 'I'luuxl.iy , and lioin that day on until to-day th"io has b.en n gradual iiniiiiu' uji ( in prices lor the oidi- IKU V run of nalisos. Itanu'ocaltloaio'JIX lOj liuiiei than duiini ; tin- break ot laitwook , lint Te\ans lm\o SIMICO y nrido an ach.uico woitli iimtUionin . s o kei and toi-dor tiado is sliowinuunslder.ili u activity. A larjo number nt lijht ; stiukeis werii woiKed Off last weuk lit \oiy low pnci s and the week closes with aouut 1UJ , Head in in.IMII.I , or at lo i-t > ) J in SO ui MJ ilH. . ' Si.r.u' ' . ' .so ; ( MM 'to . , Aj.u < .dij.ij. ( U'j-.t'-iii laiKeM , no niu illy natives and hamuvcd-j , ? ? .i. . Dvai l. " > j ; C0t\s , 5r'J , ( V ! ; t.OO. llon.s Tiado wasai-tho and prices r/iilOc lowor. An.nit I.OM on ao , and pacucis and shipp'r- . iiii'ht almut , : ! tOJj , ILMMII ) ; lii.UJO to H.OOJ iinsii.d. I'.iokin and ship- piii'A 'JW to ; r.j . IH. ! , : t.ii : : t.i . I.i ut weights , : ! ) to 17J Ibs , da.)0 ) y.jj ; K > 0 to Jio KINANCIAI . New Yorlc. Oct. : . MoNr.v On call eusv at 0 ! per cent. I'IUMU MIKCAMII.K I'AI-IIII 4g > pui l-'oV.icinx KXCIIANOI : IJn.i.s Dull and nncha'i ed. ( Jo vuiiNMr.yTH Dull but btron ? . biocivs i/'o. 11,1.11 ill , i. if e.oiin pliers this rvenliiK with tlmsol jewUsHhw tlio niaiuct tonlay IUISS.IOVMI decided stivn lh , but it is holdoin that un npwaid movement has been accompanied ny t.n uinil aiiionnt ol iiie 'ii- l.uity and le\eii-lilii s. HID lesull. liow- e\er , ollnu da\V o | eiatlons is in iul\ineu foi almost ever ) thin ; on II o list and a m i- joiity ol tlio stocks aie o\vr I pel cent hi 'lici til in last evmin ' One ot llm teaiines 01 tin- d.iwas a decide I adv.iiife in Van I M- hiltK ' 1-aKo Shoie gained 'J'f ' pel ceiil anil Now Voi K Cential 1 ' < l > 'i cent ( Jonld S.OCKS weie also inomiiioiit nil aihaiices , as well as len wed activity 'J'lieilealin sin Noilliein I'acliicMind their n-MK-mtes at tacled mi.c . i attention. < ) ie/on N ivitrntion , in tlio last hour , Mi'd ' as Idicli aUJj , , par. bein , ' Ilia inicoat wliich tb option was MM.-II Dv the Oregon Ti iMseoiitiiient.il company , w neh u\pned toda. In tin ; iliml du.illnirH th-i.- wasaMidd n lica ) ! > . w.thout bale , Horn IDJj toUUj4. lint a iinieU i.i'lj ' to pai and tint last hale \\iiMiiadoal 10) ) ' . u net un of 1 M pel cunt. Noitliein I'.i-l.jet oniiiiini IIHO ' pel cent and pieienu I h l 'i cent. At the olllce ot tlio Kami i.s' l.oa-i and Tni-t eo.ini.in > lids iivenin : . It was Mated that most ol llm KOI them I'.ieiiie's both commoii and ple- Iciieil stoc-ks have ben cjillid ; , wljllo aihaiu- ic u was taken ot the option on v ly Ilitlo ot IhuOu'XDii UaihMivnnd NaviKiillon. siocut > ON WAI , i , MJIIIJ. : : . .j9 rent bonds. . . Kit i C. .N.V \ . 110'a' ' U..S.4'-/ ' . 1HS jneforiisd. . . ! ! Now4's . l 'l ' X. Y. C . iu I' * I'aeiiieii'Hof ' 'ii. l'Js'4 ' Oie on Iran. . . 'Ji's ' Central I'.u'l.io. . ! ' ! 1'ai'inc .Mad . & > ' C..tA. . . . 1:1. : 1' . . D. &i : . Hi/y iiioieiijii . . . i. t1. r.t : . 1:11 : C. , II. .V ; ( i . . . . l"i' ' ISoelt Island . . 1'J-t'i ' II. . I , . , VW . ! # ) ; , bt. L , .VS. I' . . . . " 'J ' I ) , . 'o It. ( i . I 'H nieleiiod. Jdfu . 'JJiH'C. . Jl.iS5U I' iimlcnedII lueieucd. . . Ill lllinoinOntial. . lill'iSt. ' I1. .V. ( ) . -M'-i. 1. . It. tV\V \ . I'1 ' ' piefeiiiid. . . I"1 ; TeMi.s TaeidO. . . JJl'f ' Union I'ac , . ic. L. A ; X 4' < ii \V. \ , St. L. .VI' . . 1' ' Mich. Cential. . . . 7.1 Jj , piofciicd. . . IT , .Njo. Paci.ic 101 \YeMeiii \ IJiiiim. h < i Norihein Pao. . . --A ' ' Clilrnso , Od. ill. I'linir Qnlnl nml U iclnnued : Williel whillt. Houtliein , Sl.7i.fl .i.Jj ; Wisconsin. &l.'l ' < . > ' > : .Michi.'aii,8.VK(9 ( ( 4.1KJ ; sort hpi'iu' 9l.7ijiSI..l ( ' ; .Mliuiihota ba kers. ci.-(0 : l'iO ' ; patenus , oi. iaf\T > . U'he.it liiillli i dull : o-it'iiid we.lli , declined 9 < ( < 1.e.stien ihencd.iilviiiiccd SWXle , leaded V/ ' and dosed ni in n t-hndeovir yo tuidu\ ; Hityui-w'ijj1 cash ; rt'i' ' O'lobui ; Mfi < l > ' Kovemii. r : ' Te Hecember ; bxj .luiiii.uy ; U xi'f.'Ujii ' Ala ) , N'o. a led. b'i. Coin A littio ntoiiiiictivo : n-.n fntnieH ad vanced e.uh but declined ) ( ' ! > e , an I Hniid nbmit 'fc iindoi jestoidnv ; duleiied linuies aiiialiuut iiiiclmii''cd ; 4i > ! rash : 4)4 ) ' < i do o- her ; Jf'COf K'VNuvemhii ' ; ; > yiC'4'o ! jeal ! J i-tfc. n man . M\a .May. ( lats Uetoboi in h'uod demand : pilr-iv wcio loiivd up l'4e ' , bin l ailed ! 4i'4 > < < ; ilmeu.d Imnies iniiet and abmt niichani-'ed ; 'ii'ji'4 ' J" is c-isU : 'j o OutolirVfe ; Aiivumnoi J J. " > /i / ! Diven b i . Jl.i'1f ' .Maj. Ho-Diii. atiilc. Hailo.\-(2uietali' > fi' . - Timotlu In K"'t ' demnml nml nbout ' . ' liiuhui ; pilme. S'l.ii.x'il.i'- ' ' . F'j.iXMi'd-Knslei Imt uiisuHlwl ? No. I , I'o'uV Aelhu : mled ea\v , dcolin d r.'iOKV ami elOfcd tamif.f.OO IUIHI | : 5r. ' < Oclobei : bei : ' . ! i7 iio-'UX ) .liiiiuun. J.-.ml - Mndeiiiteh acilve but inlidn tilllo lowei : & ' > . * iltl' ( > .m M"li and Octoli ' IJnlk Meats Shoulder * ntuF short rloar , nbnnt nnclmiued ; # horl rlb < , l.tW,1 ! ! . . Wliliky-SlfadyntSI.U. . Hatter Weak nml oniet ; Kdod to fnnor cicamory , l JTo ; Booil to eholco dairy , 10 tfi.oo. ' l'heo oI'irm nml In llcht inpply ! ehcil * dars. ! 0 lO-soi ; Until , lOXbJlUJfu ; sUlnti , 0) ) ( , ( K Firm nml Inftooil request nt 18'Q ] H'c. Ste.idvnmhiiiolmiuodihenvyKr'iMi nnltutl , fully enied , lin' lUlit , < ' dimmed , OXe : null lil.Kis , Ojfot tinwiltv.i. . ItHO. Tallow SUMily nml tin 'liau oil ; Ni . I , country , fto. Pmir. bills . lllH ) V.OOOJ \ \ ne.,1 , bil . MUOO lll.tK ) Coin , tin . 10UXK ) 11)7.001 ) Oats , bn . W.ono 101,00 K\e Im . 7.XK ( ) SJKK , ( ) l.ailev , bu . fil.oih ) 4t,000 ! New Y rc. ! OcU ! . Wlit'M-Hpee\pti \ , 70.1XA ) ; ovpoiiti , 0 , OJO ; spot ( 'nules dlillt O | > - tions opened heavy nml deeiined ( S c , later inlod stiomcei nml rallied cO'jr. elm- In nun ; miKinded red , W U-Je ; No. "J ted , UV in elovalor : D.-cemher e mini ? at tm e. Coin Spot ilrm tint < pn'-t : opiloiH openeif weak , later advanced u li , - , eloslint tejjdy ; nveiiit.s , vW.UOJ ; \ ports , ii.O1 ! . ) ; nnuiiuhil , 4s@vivjc ; No.lie : ; No. a , 5V In 'litvu'tor , , M'4C ailtnii ; DiK'oinlu-i elmliiH' ut4li.Hc. O.iU A flhado si longer and nioderatMy netive ; leeolpls , 'J7H ( > ( i : imports UO.IKM mlxeit western , 'JlV IV ; whllo weteinc'Mc 1'e.i retiolumn-riim ; united closed ai 31 U'Y. l ' , 's In fair it-iiiie-st nmlsteady ; rccelpUi , 2tKM iinckiiKu I'lirk Duil , moro or less mnnlnal ; tne.ti ( pmted nt Sl.W ) ( < $ lO.UJ lor limpeoliil. , hard A shade Jowoi Imt tnlily active ; cimtiaet Knule , .spot , 3(1. ( " 0 ; snle.s of eho eo , lo iinlve , td.l. ) c nml t. ; l-eccn.ber , llntlor Klrmnnd In fairdonmnd : I'heoso ( Jnlet nml barely Rleady. Mlhvnukue. Oct. \VlKMl-45tniniJl eash , M > 5o ; November , 8. " > > iij tlecouuMr , ' ? ( oi n Weaker : No 2lOtfo. . Oats Stiomr : S'o. 'J , a lj < o. lhe-lull ; No. I , iltc. ' Hai ley-Dull : No. IS , ftl c. , I'l.iVMioiis liower ; HUMS pnrk , nsh nml Novemtiei , SS.Ui ; Di-ecmnei , Ss.li'.j' . rinclnnntl , Oel , -Wheat-Dull ; No. 'J Ird , IMc. Coin Weak nnd lower : No. SmKed , I.V. Oat.s ICiisior ; No. 'J mixed. 'JTiiflj ; tc. l.jo Quiet ; No. - ' , li-Xirili e. Hailoy In fair demand ; extra No , U fnll , "r oik-DnllntPS.7S. liniil Nominal at SM.S" . Wlil ky-Sle.iilintSl.O ! ) . nilnnonpolls , Oel , : ! . - Wheat Quiot.bnt . stead \ ; iSo I haul , lush mid Nu\eiiib > r , b'tc ; Decemb-i , Ulc ; .May , I'.V ; No I nmtlioin , easli and Noiuinner , ! > lc ; Deeetntui , NV ) } Max.l'lc ' Mom l-'nsler , hnjors ho'dini ; off ; palcnta , Sri.i.'Min.fi , iM'ucrs , 8 > 4.V4i.40. : ! ( , Kceeipts Wlieat , H MK > I ; iloni.iK' ' ) . f OhlnpmenL Wheat. Ul.tXxi. llom. . ' 1.010. . OeU iJI.-Whp.ii Lniuo pl > ; now No. winter and npun.r , 7s ' . ' I. . Coin -Supply laifto ; 4s IM | 101 tput ; 1s fiVd lei Oetolvr ; I.sId for Deecmbri. Toledo , Oct. ! --Whcnt QuiOl nml steady ; cash and Novomb.T , I'lo. ' Coni null ; eisliirie. . Oats Lifeless : CIHI ! and Novomhei.Ofi' c. liiuisim Oily , Oct. : . Who.itQnlel1 evsii , i.ie bid , T.iJ o .iMii-d ; Noxem-iei , Tie ; .Maj , S7 e. Com liniet ; eash. 3o'e bid. S0-e nsked ; Novembi'i , U7e bid , abe asked ; JnN ! * bid. ( Mts- Nominal ; .Me bid. l > ' , e asked. Si. IionK Oi-t. -Wheat Unsettled , f.iiuy uciive and hUier ! ; cJo'ini ; at Vc' " " o\or josteul iy : inyt\te.H \ ' < e for casii ; ' .ti c mr No\onit > ei ; V' ' . > , ' ( , o 101 lleeembei ; 1 Uom Lowe ! nnd veiy dull ; : ; ( ; ! foi cash anil Novemoer. Oats- Lower and \eiy wish ; U'ij > jc lei JIay. l\e ! Nominal ; -i-s cbld. 1'otk iiiiliuSS. ' < r ] , ud Nominal ; o.i.iiO biiL \\'lnsk > bie.uly at 31. U. li uitei U ncli.uued. r ivii : STOCJC Ghluiigo , Oct. iJl. The Diovers' Jnnrnil leixiiis : Cattlii-Iteceip's , 1,109 ; plilpim : steers , S.5j : ; i.MJ ; co\n , buii.s alul n.lyd , fcl t > $ " > . > ; I'exaiirt , bie.uly. Shtii - . 'i' , "VOht lit I.UULIS , iioiuln.iil ) bie.uly ; imnvcs and lia'f- ' br eds , t" . < 0vl. ) .0 ; eu\\b , idUy''J. .0\iiliii.lca Ilius iw.iiiih : ! | , is.000 : slow and lOc lourr : 1011411 an. I mi\ed , $ : ; DUX ; : ) ; piedn ' itJiii H.iiiiliu | , S . i ' .iiJdiif | , > A 'UC' * ! Oi. ' Sheep l.'eioiils ] , sUO , ; hte.my , iiallV"s , Pl.\t.i.'i ( ) ( ) ; wusu'ins , 'J.oo j. i J , Tex n- > , Sl.T.'Hjtfi.OU ; lamtis , sit.lKK'l'l.W. ' Iviiiisas Cltj , O.-l. ill.Cattle Receipts , , nj. sliijiilioiiw , I.IKK ) , l.iuly aetivo , t-x- puileis , < ; .i liii/ii.nl : common to choice nlll- | innir. l.40ji4 > . .iitoekei'i ) ; and Im-doiH , Si.'vt iycowl ! ) ; , S'i ' Al'J ' ; ( i'-Ws ' Tex.is ai. , o iio. : ! [ llosUeeeipls , 7,030 ; shipments , l wi.iiv , ind rina to , o.\ei ; K ° o > l to c.ioico , ( if ! . ) . ) com , lion lo medium. ? ! 'I i ( < 1 * . ! " . tiliiop KeceiiitH , JUJ. sliipments , liJiiiiot ] ; eommon to ooil inuUuiisi. . jO tf . ) ) . Kl. Louis , Oel. .Il.-Cattlo-Uuclils : | , 101 ; shiiMienis , , UJ ; n it enou ii sup n\ lo make m.iri.'i't ; only MII id iciali trade d HIM. t > .icep-Ueceiits. | mine ; bluiimciiw , BJO ; no Hiipiiiy and no nii.r.tct. ninrkot Itovleiv. The advent ol iluoi1,1.ivohas / fl"rved lo toiiew Inisiiu-.ss aetu'lly in all line.s ol Imsl- n..s-i. All br.inuliui ol w.ndos.ilo ti ulo have been as HOD I the pist week and in MHIIO c.i'-osevon Ii liter t.i.in dining the pieviom woe.s. Them is u leudeliey to till oilier pi ices on MII no lmrs ol mine landisii I 'i ices on dij Koods.iioiiinniiu vei/ stead v. \ Kli litlloor IM cian'c. Daring the past weil : the ha o < ot hii.ivy Iliniiel KIIO Is luVf In- cieased I , lively mid couniiy meK'hiniH who liavobiion 1m din. IMC ! ; on account or tno continuance of llm w.iiin weithei. meuv \ \ bundiiu In t ten oiders. T.io eo d w a Ii r has bjiio.ilted llio com nissiini tin- mess to ( l gicatoi o\Umt than aiiy ollioi. J3w luvc advaiii-ed In pihi ) ami 1110 now htioii 'am ) MI g'ooil domaml. liutiei lem.iiiis . abou ( tlio hame. thoiiu'h ehoico di'iy ' and mil l > i.U-Ms In belli i d. nmnil and will br n , ' a in th r mice. Ohiitsu is ILJUIMIIIL ; ill w ud and il I id cations arto bj u- led up n ' o > i i.iy in tin ii w nit islock i eailj I be the cnim-ib Tlie 01 . u Ii i- I * the pouitM nun Let so f.ii , it > llvj el. Ic iii/ nil' ciimvi lied. I ue dem Hid n.ilit. . e.r - . i , ami it is no ti\\ mil. . 01 lo .I.S.MI-.U or Uio-o eouiilU m Dc.li'ls , ue lieeoiiiilU IUIMOII Ion o moiup lUiiucs lomiiu' in , .is IIIUsOu | S I'll ' II MCllll , ' Wll.'ll it Will IIDt Oil s.l Oil ) slip and i.iom.uKi'l at | iiO'i"il is \ . iv i > lort ) sii/rd / ( > iHiNiiMinsoui -tion.'ei ihaiiiMt HID opening i r the \\iei. . Tlio ( .i.iln m ir t Ii isb"ii innnin : com . .u.ilh.'lyi..idi cm elo-liiK'-'el'i-nii ' N' w com IM n it M-tpu In an appeal , me tu an ) iitciit Ihi lilieKwIieai. llom 11ei acli\ , an i I I * < iuinlitiosaiitli ln hod. AllMinl-o fiId piodnce. ili-en on , wi I be Ii- < < ! Id mniid llm eoinhu < ; iniii sio l ha\o made inep.ilil l.ilis ' h n . , 1 1. , i titles , capecmll ) 01 iii | | I-M and potuo. M OMAHA IjlVI-J KTOOIC. U.MO.VMlKK V \l-lic. * i OM\II\ , | h.itmiliij liscniiiir , ( ) i UI ( The live Htoeli in.iiki I was \ eiqui'l t" di } .and M rt lilllc Moi K eh.Hi.i ( I builds utli < I lli.'iil leeders. 'I'll- Miliis ol leil-i" * " ' iimtulni e. and.i liood niiiiv went ovel II.e . N-nles , Fin Ihe uist Hum inv. . el.s llm Hilij | i'of ' lions was vcc x of Ihe demtilld 'I'lielmxers oie inclined to hod elf and llm packing huuseiMU'ie-not ieiaHcnltd | In Uio Jiud * rattle " " 11" - . . , OJ I'lll.V.Mia.NII I'KICI.S. I'oill lo ! dorxl l ( ) Cntths - I.WM iiiHiiml over . . . . 31 4tXH fi'iS'i 0.- H " i OK ' | w i i f4 JH ) H ilAu I U > I ei'dniw SlocKeis ( iiass'lVxaiiH 1 01) ) \Vn-teUi Ilaiuei'M . . 7.X Nultie ( , ' ( l\\ . Hlln- 1 7 lions I'miili Mi.\ed. . , . . . . KOI hoi