Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 31, 1885, Page 4, Image 4

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4 THIS OMAHA DAILY Bgffi SATUKPAy , 6OTO&&K 81 , 165. .
OtlAHOfTIOP. . SO. 'lit AfO > Mf. I'AltNAM 8r
M.TT VUKKOniCI. , H/WM W , Till lit. MJ
J'nM Mini , Trrjmornln . r- -j > t HunOnr. 11m
onlj Monitnr iiKiriilnif | inxn | pnlilNluil In the
Ono V r . . . fldiri'flinf MntillK fi'A
ftlK Mniiltm. . . itf.Mino.MD.itli.M \
anc WrrKt.r Iin - I'ublt ctt KveoVc < l-i"i lny.
TtllMfl , lOSlimn.
Ore Vr r , wllh proinhnn . JJ.OQ
One Year , wltlmot prumhim . l.s'i
Bit Moulin , vflthom prcuiluin . ? n
line Month , on trlnl. . 10
All romnmtilciitloin ixhitltiK In ncn mul ixll-
tunnl iimlHiix choulil I'n iMl < lr NfH ] to UK. im- ;
IDII iir-rnr rjEK.
All lmfliH n lMt irs mul tTiiiltlnnrc.liould tin
mldlOWll 10 Till. Ill K I'l III.ISIIIM Ci MIMSl ,
UXHIIA. D/iirtc. ehtckJ mul ( HHtiilllcii onlcrs
to l > > mHito | yiiblo tn ttio tintur of tliu ciimiiaii } .
A > rr.t.i. "heeled" car driver seems to
lill up the sap of n absent police-
Tun time for registration tsjclrnwlng to
nolosc. Let cvorj voter attend to the
proper registration of his nnmu.
LOOK to the assessors in the coming
election. Incompetent nnd corrupt as-
Hewers are the main support of lax dodg
ing real estate owners.
' 1
"Uivi : us u few more ' .stin's , ' " says the
JftraU. Wti will ] irc ont yon with the
rntirc tlcmocratic ticket laitl out cold
und fltill' , on next Tuesday nvcniujj.
Dlt. Mn.i.iit : lias always prided him-
df on bolng a temperance man. Wo
arc therefore surprised to see him swal
low Brandos smash and Weiss beer.
to the Lincoln Joitrnnt ,
Senator Van Wyck dictated the opposi
tion of this paper to Mr ( Jore This is
iicvv a to the editor and probably will be
to the .senator.
Lr.r every good citl/en contribute some
thing to tlie purM ! for Car Driver Wool-
dridgp The Br.K'S subscription list
flartn out well , and it tdiould bo kept up
tin til a haiidbomo sum is collected.
IK Mr. McSlinno will just inux lo the
fool friends of his proposed northern No-
br.tska railroad vho are bniying at UB
through 'lie ' Ifcrattf , his project will meet
with more favor and less .suspicion.
Jin. ( ? denies that ho wanted the
cnilor.soiueiit uf the regency nomination.
He won't deny that he wanted the en
dorsement of the railroad commission in
the republican platform and didn't get it
Tut ; St Louis Olobc Democrat says that
"Mr Cleveland has given notice , we be-
1 ievc , thai one toim In all ho wants. "
The spoils-hunting democracy has given
7iotk'o , we bolie\c , that one term is all
that Cleveland will get.
' "Torn straight for tlio democratic jus
tices , " says tlio JJeniltl. If lr. Miller
1 isn't ashamed of giving such advjce ho
ought to bo. The idea of asking reputa
ble citizens to vote for ISrandos and
Weiss is simply amazing.
TUB Tfcruld Is trying to be very Hip-
jniiit anil funny over the charges of body
mialchingat the poor farm. This is a
pretty serious matter and will not bo
ulroppod after elootlon. While we did
HotuhargJ tluil tlu belies of p-uipers
were sold to the Medical Collogj by Mr.
JjNoreo , we have ovorv reason to believe
Uhat such was the case in spile of his do-
inialfl. Mr. Pierce is not likelj to admit
that ho. wa.s a party to such a trallio. The
'floalinijin ' corpses for medical itsio is al-
tvaj's carried on through a third party.
( ! EN. HAZEK has ordered the court
martini of the class of signal snrvico
pi ivatcs nl Fort Meyer for insubordina
tion. The insubordination consisted in
protesting against profanity anil abuse
from Lieut , tlrcen their instructor. It i.s
onlj proper to ntato that Mr. Green , who
wenru Hhoultler straps , received u repri
mand while hih holdier pupils wjll prob-
ablv receive "n blind" of live dollars and
ten days for during to resent liismaltreat-
uncnt. Mr. Green ought to be jinesti-
gated , but lie jirobably will cheapo to re
pent his ofl'onso. Tim privates at l-'ort
Meyer will learn bomo of these days that
an the signal service tlio reporter of
lihickguarditiiu is worse than the black
guard. _
Oi'H comments and eoncliHiotw witli
rnferc.ncu to thu projected railroad from
Omaha into novllwt'U and northwestern
KcVrubka'aro intorprided by these who
1 Vroolium thomselvo.s us IU bpeeial chain-
'l ' ioun i 3 hostile to this enterprise. They
t-csent the intimation th'it this road is a
project to extend the Missouri Paulllu or
rather to build a teeder to thai lino. \ \ o
are even charged with deliberately
intjligning Mr. MoShano who made
the proposition to thu board of
trade commilteo. Now everybody
who has read our editorial knows
that it o.\iiru si'd no opposition to tlio
jiroject , nnd was iurcality fa-
'Torabhi to ii reasonable biibsidy to imj
liho that vvill give Omiilia wlmt it neoiU
under proper guarantees. Our olVonso
In the oyi'fi ° f Jl' ) ' lilh'r was that wo
connected Mr. Clark , Jay Gould and tin
Missouri Paujlic with this proposed lino.
Jn that roapi'ft wo plead gtillly. The lir |
liitimation wo had of the proposition
nuido to llio boiird of trudo committee
wus brought to thisoniue by Hap
Jon , who lurnis.hod u all tlio particulars
'tjuxt wow publiBhed in Jlii'a and other pa
1 purs tliu nest morning. Mr. Hanlon is.
Icnown to be intimately nssoeiatod will
'hlr. Clark and Mr. Clark is Mr. Gould's
Omalia rcpirsont.ilivc , J''jirthernioro
4 Ir. ll.uilon ib directly connected will
llw Holt line and it direct agon
of the Missouri Pauilio. Thib Is nun !
ft-stly n sound imougli ba-ls for our con-
'elusion. Hut whethorU UtnoMi > bourl Pa
Wlio , burntcompany ? , < ir Jay ( Jo.ild how
Jisto build UuKi.iUMin iaU'ilfrl.-N iCar !
jvoratiou can /cl / a dollar iu bonds 01
lunus fiom tills oonnty without ample
that it will bo sgrnelhln } ,
than a * uih linowrw rnlubow mil
ivllh OiuuUu.4t iu JA'uyitution
The Mitchell OHIO.
The fall tint of the MI pro mo court to
n prompt nnd dolinilo dpelsiott with
to tin1 validity of the hiw creating
iidgo in tlu-second judicial dis
trict oanntd inspire tint respect for the
supreme l iph In N'ebraskn in which our
highest judicial shoiild bo lieM.Ve d-i
nut propose to mince matters. Wesij it
with regret that tlm rotirso of the u-
preinu court in this raso Is a disgrace to
the bench and an ontr.tji ) upon tlm lav
pajfrs. IN tleei loii in thu mindamtis
t-asu is notliiuji ; m ire than pettifogging ,
and would bo h-ld In uontempt oven in a
common justice * court. The point in-
volvedhanilyadiiiit * of disotmion With
all due ileferenoo to Judge Mason , who ,
as si matter of form , reprnsonted Mr.
Mitchell , them is not a lawyer In Nebras
ka , whoso opinion is worth quoting , who
would d.xro to risk his -potation in sup
port of the position that the act of thn
losislatnro creating nn addi
tional jutl-jo is constitutional. The
plain Innjjnajro of tlm constitution
with regard to the incrcaso of jutlfiiH
cannot bo twisted by any judicial luger-
deinnin tnlo authoiity to crpato a now
jndgo in 1S3" when tlm jtnlioiary had al
ready been im-roisod in 18SJ.
The judges of our siipromo court know
as much about this issue to-day as they
will twenty > ears liunoo if they should
live that long. U was their manifest
duty to decide this question promptly on
its merits regardless of any political con-
sequence. The court was not created sis
a political machine. U has no right to
consider political consequences in reti-
Inring or in rofiis'mg to render decisions.
It should bo above all personal bias and
political favoritism. The court was very
: uompt in deciding that the law creating
ho olllee of register of deeds is a dead
otter. Why did they decide that question
so promptly , nnd why tire they dodging
thu isstio juado in the second district ?
In the Mitchell case the court with its
nvlish wisdom proclaims the doctrine
that when an act is void ; \ ministerial
dlicer cannot question its legality , but
mist obey. Less than two weeks ago the
same court held that the net creating the
jflico of register of deeds was void , and
thcreloro the county clerk could not bo
compelled by mandamus to obey and
was justified in rcfiibing to carry it out.
Comment ou such glaring inconsistency
would bo superfluous.
The couit may , aftir the election , in
Is great wisdom come to the conclusion
that inasmuch as the people have elected
the judge u point might bo stretched for
.heir accommodation , inasmuch as the
egi.slature will have the right to create
in additional judge by the time that
Mitchell's , term will expire.
At the of being held in contempt ,
we express the prevailing opinion that
the treatment of this case by onr supreme
court in on a par with the conduct of the
ittorney general , who lefusod to do his
luty when roquebtod to present the qucs-
iou lo the court for decision.
A Few Questions.
Commissioners Corliss nnd O'Keefo
nvtend to be indignant because Mr.
Wbitmoro and other speakers at Waterloo
lee asked the people to break up the
court house ring. Thny claim it is an in
suit to them personally and a downright
lie to intimate tint there has been any
ring work hi the couit house. They have
itibhed into print with a general denial
and iittempt to contradict charges that
never have been mado.
Now , a good many singular things have
been done in and about , the court house
which tax payers of Douglas county have
never been able to fathom. Whether
there in a ring or is. not , the people will
always .suspect that everything'm not as
it should bo until the commissioners
make a full answer to the following ques
tions :
1st. Why do the cominisilonprs em
ploy special favorittss to do the county
work , anil pay oat thousands of dollars
for road w ork to a former member of the
board ?
2nd. Why have certain ward politi
cians boon able to .save thousands of dollars
lars for grading the sheets in froiiu of
their property at thu county's p\peiiso ?
For instance the grading on Thirteenth
ijtreotnear llascall's ten aero lot.
Hd. Why have the commissioners al
lowed ShcritV Miller nearly $1,000 per
month for boarding prboiieis in the
county jail ? Inasmuch us tlm county
pays for the lodging , fuel , light and
water , and supplies the sheriff with a
residence , it would seem that seventy-
live cents a man per d.iy for board , and
that too whim some of the boarders am
sentenced to a broad and water diet ,
does inn look very economical to say the
-Ith. Why is it that O'Keefo and Cor
liss por.slht in keeping 1'iorco as superin
tendent of tlio poor farm when they
know that ho neglects his dutins and haw
been guilty of gross abuses of li ustv Mr
O'Keufe pictomU that ho Mistains 1'iorco
on the gioiind of civil service reform j
that although I'lurco is a republican ho
hhull not 1ii ) disturbed sis fig as eiions
uhargoj are not .sustained. Does Mr.
O'Koofo. mean to insist that 1'lerce must
ho indicted for burglary or arson before
ho is dispensed vvitli ? Doesn't Mr.
O'Koofe know that Ticree inakos it his
busiiH'fcs to pack primaries with paupers
and compels his employes who arc paid
bj the county , to do political ditty work *
Phi not the commissioners know that
1'ierco sppnt most of his time in tramp
ing through the county organising the
pi imnries in Ids own interest for bherih"
three or lour weeks ago *
fitb Why havi ) the commiasioncrs , or
rather two of thum , O'Keefo nnd
Corliss , postponed nearly all the
work in tliu county until latu in thu
season ju4 bctoru the campaign * For
inttauoo , why did they djs-covor only !
hut vvtwk Unit tho.v needed a now bridge l
near llickc'u farm Ju McArdlo precinct 1
and lus'i ' the job through without opecili
imtion V
tith. The uommis ! onerii churn -that
tlii'3 munt build a workhouau ami they
pivipoao to expend thu prouccda fi'oiu thu
cwmti farm for such a building. Why '
did tluiy Jit.gluit to make pro pur provisions - 1
sions in the profJumatfoti jigaiiist collu- ,
firm anil npeuujutipn In Uio halo of this
valuable property ? Why \vns. nothing {
said ai U > 4Plii'aiiumunt uad .sale at ptib >
H HUfllon to lite lu lic t Mdtlor In fitnull
IJIMU U'liy illtl they reserve t i
elves tlio jiovvcr and j'rlvllrjjo tu
of ifcttn.ODri vvortli uf i roiK rty at
file for vvhatevor they * : tvv lit to at c.iit | ?
7th Ilmv vvjiiit about the right of wiy :
thru ipjh the lultltlle of tln juKir ftirin
vvhii'h the 11'lt line seourod fur siltuost
nritliinj ;
8thVhy istherrsti much proniNcuous-
ne s helvvoou diMiiticrnts and ropiiltllunna
hi the onttiity court lioitsp ? Why is it
tluil republican ofilcors hnvo doiiuicrnttu
di-jMities who : tro ngninst their own party
anil that democratic olllctir.i are employ-
iti'j ; rcputjllcans who nrc in 1'irii nptviiitt
th'i ropuhliuau nominees ? For InNlanoo ,
Mike Lahy la vvorkiug for O'lveolVo.
Mr. Corliss Is for O'Kooll'o and ho
would liavo been for htm against
any reiutbllcun candidate. Mr. O'Koeflb
sttstain-i Mr. 1'iorco niul Mr. iMort'o Is
working for Mr O'KeolTcund ' will doliv-
ur all tlio live paunors to lilm on tlio day
of election
When thoje question1 * nro nnsvvored wo
vvill hnvo a fo\v Jiiorn to ask.
Tin : Topeka Ciipilnl ia evidently en
vious of Kansai ( 'ity'si now watering ;
placo. It saya that "Iho Kansas Uity
papor-son Sundtty eontalnod pictures ot
a nuvv fashionable watoriuy plaeo within
a fovv milps of that city , to ho opened
iifUyuar. The pictures represunl a scrub
oak Hearing with a $ Jdldopotatidan ) old
Oilier Ijatuls Tlitiii Ours.
Another conference \ sittinj : on the
Halkan quolion at tlie porte's request , .
All the olloi'ls of the great powers during
the pa-.l wet ; ! : Irivv b.-ua devoted towards
making the tu'cj-Mr.y arrangomcnls
towards definitely settling the trouble.
England and I'rance are both represented
'n ' the council which is
, expected to pro
mulgate its linal deem ) early in the com
ing week. Hut iicithpf Ih ) portn or the
other two little principalities , whoso jeal
ousies have caused the tension of iho last
month , seemed disposed to place mjoh
reliance on the ability of the povvvr.s to
restore the old regime. The sultan is
continuing to mass troops along the bor
der.of eastern lloumdhi and has for
warded ' , ' 0,000 of the reserves to Salonica.
Servia's army is still threatening the
Bulgarian frontier , while advices indi
cate that Russia is secretly arming ready
to stop in at any moment and cl tiin her
share in the division of spoils. The pow
ers have demanded of Servia that her
army shall be disbanded , and i muni so a
restoration of eastern Koiimelia to Tur
key , but King Milan finds that thu .spirit
of war which lie has evoked will not down
at his bidding. There is a prevailing
opinion that whatever the final result
may be , Prmoo Alexander of Hulgaria
must lose his crown , and that the c/.ar is
making tlio wav clear for the snceesMon
of his brotliL-r-in-law , Prince Waldemar
of Denmark , All eyes are still turned on
Prince Bismarck , who is believed to hold
tlie key to the solution of tlie difficulty.
The excitement in the British parlia
mentary campaign ia increasing rather
than diminishing. The most pniminoiH
incident of tint week has been the mob
bing of the Marquis of Lome , who con
cluded a radical address to the lory con
stituency of Jlumpntciid amid a shower of
rotten eggs und soot. The occurrence
was repealed in various other sections of
linglnnd in the ease of other speakers.
Such intensity of feeling has not been
manifested in years and marks the excit
ing nnture of the canvass. Caiefnl judges
now concede a largo liberal plurality in
the next parliament , but tlie ellbrts of
both lories anil Parncllites are being di
rected lo keep tlie liberal party Irom se
curing a clear majority. Tlie English
Catholics are supporting the lories every
where and Mr. 1'arnell's friends in England -
land are also working in thu same line ,
the object being to prevent tlie liberals
from guininga membership large enough
to place them independent of the Par-
nellilo snppoil or opposition. As iu six
teen English boroughs the Irish vote
clectft or defeats and in twenty-four
wields a heavy influence , the weight of
Mr. I'arnell'.s friends in England is t-omo
thini : to bo respected and their votes uro
being eagerly * onght after. Meanwhile
the liberals are vigorously pushing their
campaign with Air. Chamberlain and
his radicalism far in tlie van with the
httaviyst inllovj Jny , Mr. Ghuli-toiio will
deliver three .speeches in Midlothian
caily in the coming month and is ex
pected to counteract the ellccLs of Lord
Salisbury's attacks on the late ministry
* *
The blundering ot King Christian , of
Denmark , has been fnilher exemplified
by his involution of the Danish parlia
ment , and the proclamation ol martial
law in Copenhagen. Popular excite
ment runs high in Denmark , and revolu
tion is peering into the back windows of
the king's palauu. His romarkablc.Jh.iJ-
tlio pig-headed king will notlirwii the ex
ample of his Scandinavian cousin who
rclre.U.'il jear from boloiu the auger
ol 1tnnirngi . d .subjects after trying the
.same t iannical methods us thuio of
Chrifct'mn , of Denmark Thn old viking
( spirit on the Noith anil Hallic sea * is blill iiionarchial institutions rest
oul.v on tlio basis of ihe consent of a free
dom-loving Doopln. King Christian
nutht , \ ii'ld to llie d wiands of his subjects
for a ministry vvh'c'i ' represents the winh
of his people or his cunvn will tall sud
denly to the ground , anil the exiled mon-
arjih will be lorued to jok a residence
outside of Denmark with wmio ot his
Humorous imperial eons-in-Iaw abroad.
Purlmpti the late marriage of Prince
Waldoiiiar with tint vvo.illhy Marie of
Orleans wa.s Inutoned in order thai Ihe
joungmnn'a tulnru might hi : made se
Franco lias luiontarlcd ( by tin nttempl
to ns-a inato Do IVe.vcinot , the leader of
the ministry. The lUnidlant was a work-
inginan , but the object to bo gained ,
Vf'huthur | ) i--tjiial | ( or politieal , ib not LU-
blud. Tlio leader of the French opportu
nists In the chnmhiia hus ptohablyonly
Cnc.ii | < ; il the iu-anfiir& bullet to fall from
hi * limtlurahip in the mxt ua > emblngo of
that body. The tlar of lU'ia on is rising
aiul acumbination of radicals ami cim
berv.ttjvcs can al nny time swoop away
cvi ly vi tigu of oppottujiist power That
tin pai't of lurry and DM Froyuluet vvill
forois ftiuh u combination ia doubttul.
Itojmblicuim will probably &uu thu
slty of uniting niul by imttitid ponces
sion r.dopt u common progrttnme In so-
euro a vvurkttij * tuMtj < in support ot i\
new nnd stnldn tnlnrtry
Tin : progress of Mr. Parncll'n nation
alist campaign In Ircl-nul Is a .slory of
unintcriuptod RUI--PVJ A dtsptilch fiom
Dublin -nys ! "Cdnveuttnn aft or conven-
lion rcgLstcrsi , with mathematical puci-
"ion. the selection , of candidates matin
in agreement wilhMr. P.irnoll mul his
colleagues. Thoio n'minimous adoptions
arc becoming nujiiojonottet. Humorof
revolt and opposition din away as the
moment for ni-tfon arrive * . This was
prO'Oiuinently the cmo in UHMIU , which
foil to the lot of Mr. Joseph Hitfgtir , the
father ofobstriietioninN , and Mr. O Han-
Ion. a Oi'rrj mcrclianl , who is descended
from the famous llappaico chief , Hod-
mend OMIaiilon , whose legend is known
wherever the Irish race is unaltered
Thus , step by flep , the old FrWi seem to
bo winning back power and weallh , dilv-
ing out the CromwelliaiiH und the WH
litunila who have failed to conciliate thn
people among whom thny arc planted "
Dissension ami factionalism disappear
before the tact anil genius of tlio gloat
organi/.or , and a baud of able and enthii-
siiistio followers are being secured for
his parliamentary colleagues who will
help hold tip the Manila ! d of home tulo
at Westminster. Mr. Parncll counts on
securing .seventy-eight nationalists ia
Ireland and one in England , while the
other patties can only count on twenty
members tunoss tlio channel which will
not be bound by Iho I'm null
Coiisideilng the pains rocuntly Uikuu
to > -liow that I ho revolutionary
p.irly ia dead in Idissia , tlio uztir's
conduet i * peunliar. Ho has withdrawn
ajain to his iron-olatl ( > at elnnn , anil
L.Miud a uka-ii- forbidding the general oul-
ehration on March II , It U , of the twenty-
fifth anniversary of the einanoipatioii of
thi ) serfn. for whioh u.xtensivo prepaia-
lions have already been inatle The e/ir :
suspects that it was to luu e boon inado
the einerJora general iiihilNtio rising ,
or ani/od by tlit ; sludcnts of Kie.IV , St
IVtoi'sbui and Moscow. There ih noth
ing for it but to utterly abolish the univer
sities , they keep the c/.ar in a perpetual
Ii AM ) 1U < A1ATIO.
Tilen : Teiry Is n-co\oihig from her
MissAiitlL'r&on wlUapnc.u In Uo-.touattlio
( Jlnlw tluMtJi on XincinbLT f.
Sarah liuinh.ndt nnticliMtus utttiuis
from her eomliiK \ ih't ' tu lUJs country.
Dion Jionciviiult i > iijcil toiun\em o
iuj in Austi.Ui.i.
I\\enjiort begins an cngaofpniPiit
ut Hie P.uit tne.iiie , Hu-ton , on .Muniliiy
iu'\t in "I'l'dor.i. "
Tlio iccoiplsof Mi.-s A'ailcison'ti ' first \\euk
at Hie . " ine.itii' Sow Xoi * . , aiuoiuiu-il lo
sJ 1,000.
Mine. Ncv.ul.i and lu-r eoncert roiiijuiiy
\ \ ill uiiL ] ) , ir at i'liiukerm f li ill ua tlio Oln and
7lh ol iNu\oinlMr.
Joseph Jcttcisiin has i'eturii < d to "IIi ! Van
\Vink.e . , " niuliiifjilie jiieei.'gnKie.iti'i sa >
bKuliuii lu luu public : tli.ui ' TDK lln.iN. "
MIIK * . Lill Lehinnii , jiriiiM ilonim of tlio
( iviin.ui opera at tun .Moirojiolit in will KII !
tiniii l.iiiKliin lor JS'o\v Yullv CUNovciu -
bi-r 5. i
The usa of opara glasses offered froc of
ch.uj ? * ! to this occupants ot the smiis anil lial-
cnny is a nmol Ido.i ot the lla > iaaiKet ( I.un-
d in ) thoatoi inan.i oinont.
> I. bteiuert ot XoIl.uun , who has just
lotuinetl lioin UtiiOjU , biou-'li home ; i gcnu-
inofcitiailiiatiiis vimin wiucli was madoin
1T.W. It was valued at ? . ! , .m
Salvini's pcrfoi niances at the Metropoytun
opera house cDiiiineiHedllh Othello. Ho
aiipi-aied in KIiiK Leal on U'ediiL'sdai e\en-
inn' and in Tlie litadiatur on Kmlay.
Signorina Kossono better knoun Iieicas
Miss Lottie 1'inner , has signed an en a e-
ment with the emu t opjia nouses of Couiii ,
anil Colhd. in ba\on > lor thu romiiii ; rea
After the 15'Jth icpresentation of "Xannn"
at tlio Now Yoik Casino "Amurita" will hi )
pioilui'od. Itchoait-alsot the op"iettaaro now
Knini ; < > n. Mu'lior IVuiginl and i'aiilinu Hall
\\ill in tlm ] ) iinciial ) ] iaiis.
Victor Hugo's ' 'Heinani" is to buproparcd
for Mr Lawieiice JJanots foithcomnif ; pro
duction lMr. ) . . Allied Thompson , \\ln > nas
diatiiiKiiished hunsi'lt h > ins uii inai and ar-
tistio designs tin ihe' 'mnodj ol Krroi ' 'nnd
' iUmieoamt.liiliet. "
Mr. Abbey was Kiitncd the other diy at the
rcpoit that ( ii'istci was not coming to Amen-
ca thN season , " .She has hcun ill , said ho ,
' and hei departnri ! ims iK-en dcinji'd there-
foio for a leweekc , hut shu will posithulv
sail no\t month and sing ineoncoitundei my
management. "
It wits n curious 1act hi the Jndle reason
that the in which Now Voik .imlioiii'cs
liKed her moitcio not , helped
tier to laiiii * and tonnae in 1'aris. "Di\or-
cims" was not \viitten ton , nctif > , > n
lei Mmn , GiiiUimont ant ) Judio has noVur ap-
poaicd In the "M iscoit ' in h i homo city.
The T'oMoiieiuo I ) . Conwa ) is
a tow dajs at Concord , Mas- , . , the guest ot
Dr. ICilai d '
s claims , duilncr Jiis
campaign at .SI. .liMtph , Mo. , to have uinu'rt-
ed iii.iwo pi-oile | , liiclmbnK 1,0)0 ) children.
" ( enuine nnivals IneaU out spontaiu'oiijlv
Ilko tlio llowcr that Inirsts into b oQu ' , riii'n
tlio plamha > reauhi > d its iiini > 'VD > iii ncce-isa-
iv Kiowtli , " ha > h Hev , Wtii JnltUh.
The solujieii-iiiiui'Htate left l.v the late
( \irdiii Lii'vCioiiij was an In.sinanco polk' }
il | tn MtitimlMfo. Ho had sK | > nt ills jiiTbonul
"t-taU' in charily and tin Hie cathedial.
Methodist conferences In Wisconsin liave
declaivd then lielict that Chiistian men
ought not to laiso or soil tohaum 'I'hiit.v
Ilioiisuul acres 'd the plant weio under cuiti-
\ationinthebtatu HIH scar , anil the manl-
tcilo ol tlu.Mi utliiloiia ; liodli'.s lias aionscd
iniicli blttei comini'iit.
The Widow Van < 'olt. wlio Is conducting
revival im'cilnp > in I'lillhileiphia , addiw es
gatheiini ; * c\er > evening and on Ihv atlci-
nooiis , h idcs twice oil Snnila\s , with tlm
adilition ol isniida ) x'htiol MT\iccj. Miodo-s
most ni the t ilMng on tbt'sc otcasions , and
piass live thmsni iMch ri'ivlce. huch woik
would he inipo-sihloldit turher splentlld jihy-
The Kpiscoul | diiTse ; ( 6fcw Voik has re-
ct-ivod limn MJ I'lUhcHno l.or llaid U'oif
a pledge ol ni i.OD"licn ) neotUd. to begin
the election ol ach < n ! > House , an ollel which
the trustees ot tn. < gcin'ial tlieolo icil f-cni-
In.ii ) followed by : i nL o ) a site within its
gumiids. It Is proii nril the Imilduu bo
iittcd lor tliu win O.DI. ; , Iieatiinaitoi | ol the
1 loin a recontt3tallvnicit ( it ap | > eato that the
coil ol icntomij ; and i oniijletiim the great ta-
thetlialol ( "olo ne fiinu [ si ! , when tlio woik
was ii-Mimcd uiii'i a m/H'ctot ne.iiij thicn-
iiiaitei- | , i ceiilniy , down to Apnl I , ol the
pic eat jc.ii , was 'il.tKi'.iiJi ) imiihs , evilusuu
ol iihjiu'ti lei tlie M'nicfts ni ( ol decoiitlivu
pmx | > M' > , and ot a hnno nninbfi ul puvatu
'Urldesnnlds let out hy the day" is- the le-
gen on a I'.uisi.iu si n iio.iul.
A lleni > I'liiintj eloping couple weie mar-
iled on lioiM'luck In thib cit > . Tlic > wcio
hothon thosanu boi e. -hoiiis\u [ | | ] Demo
crat ,
A Memphis fill a few dajis ago horso-
whlppod IUT pii pi 'tiu ) latncr in-law lor
trjing to Induce his non to break up tlm
In the weddinsrtrousiean of the rrincess
Maiio d'Oileans was a pearl nockleas looted
In the Ohitioao war by Ueii. i'alikaio. valued
at iVW. )
A sisty-btfvcn-year-old has married
I I'Mla-f IfM i < ? hnm1cl .
A Menu man tn CVhtsi rniin\t , ,
hiliiMMja jcarago IKHMII ' n vonu < woman
rern-rd U > man.v hbu. Tlmultl snid ho w us : \
fool , bnj the buy riroveml. 'lUo oilier day
Uic U'lilvHimmlltetl suieidf buoaiiso tlu bi > ) 10-
tii-si d t'iiarr > hot.
TLt > i w marrtaw law In tVnnsvlvunla
linpiKf r uitny tvenaltitv uium the ottlpln-
tligcleiutmau who \Iolatoi an > ttyulation iv sp v ui bnnd-hiKik. or guide btvs beoii
l titvl wih wiiirh the wary mliiUtorgoes
an-U'id on ill oouaalom.
. . 'ss ' Mijrl i Una , Uio jonniffit d'utdiU-r of
ll'iii. r U. VTashburne , of Ullnols , vvasmtP
nwl the other < lay atthn family lioiuusteuil In
. M lne , to < A. H. Kowlcr , ot I'olo-
fa'li' ' . I he w tidlnif was nrlvnlo mid the bit-
did ) .ali left fo. < Colorado in Uio ovenlnj , ' .
Theie I" " "
iiiuw "ronuvnco" than practical
gixvl SCUMin | | 8Diarrlaeof ( any American
Kill tit "setredr IT , " Bltbpusjh shuiptl
milliiiiiitiiu with Vriweuta' votiscnt It U
n l > blH4 a irlrl o berblrthrlffUt to doprhu
her nt : dl I'taiiie l knovr what young lady
hood moans. HOMOII Ilc.raltl.
Theatrical eiteles In I'orls are lumrntlai ;
Ihe rctueincnt of thVnhariniiujnctttm , Mile.
( H'i/ette whoNaiiiul to sacrulco hurwlf tu
tlm h ) mi'iipal ulttir ' IJy bur marrlnxo the
( Iramalli woild lo-es \ brilliant uctnm and
the btldegtoom guiin beautiful wlfa Shu
ls : jeamof au'e and yosacssert n cuarmliiK
iijcuio , lm wii i-jfs ai\l teeth the eury of
ovcrj Parisleiitio.
"Iiitl lie poii the iuwslon Inst' nkht"e.v
gerliiskpd thu mot IK r.t.\i \ tin ) daughter came
do\Mi lutr to lucaklavt "No , not qtilto "
" \ \ hat tllit lie " " " '
w > "U'fyy , ho stiuet'icd lay
hand twice and said that lnxbelleveill'iJ tunko
.some man an c\t client w in If the follow had
'OHM' enon h to lake
mi so faraway that you
coniiiiit " visit me moie than once in twenty
The wiHldlngof the Koi.Ms , l''ranzpnu amt
Mis , Knglei N a lomaiice wiUhy of notice ,
He was a eoai hmaii ami loveilu huly whosu
friends tiowiicd upon Ids ) in tt'iisionn. IHit
hho win a tine he.uted VMitnaiiXand lull loved
in him ; MI he tesolvcd to Impuivu his state b >
liltim ; linnM-ltloi tliemmlstrsSiiowaited. .
rhe ii-siilt was his oulination , uil their uur-
Mage. This oicuaed in Aidmoie , 1'a.
A ncwlv nui tried couple mimed Ogtk'n.from
Poi t Kills Ku * . . \\linuiiivcil In DJIIVLT on n
Kansas I'aclneloepcreatli one moinliig thin
week , plmed a w.illet containing 'two ' htm-
ilred dollars undei a pillow in thblr burth.
\\licn thuj awoke the car had biuti sldii-
tracked heio anil two porteu VMMO hnl > y mak
ing up the bei ths. The etmplo. went to , tlllfer-
unt ends ot the eai to wash and on thalr iv-
tinn the nioiiev WHS missing. The porters
w cieat tested , tiled ami dismissed.
A Georgia couple weie imitrled ' under
Jlii' . " as i | weio , tlm otliei day. Will le W. U.
Willis , a substantial joiing larmoi , ot 1'Iko
conntv.was stealing Miss Jones from lier
home lor tlie puiiiosoot m.urj IIIK liei. he w.w
ilisctnered hy the lady's inotlieis. The eli'u- '
ingcuuplo siiccuedod in ioachin.a ; waiting
wrriace , liit they weie no sooner on their
way than they were pin sued b > volley o (
buckshot from the'd .voting men. Hev- <
eial ot the buckshot poi fonilod the lady's bon
net. The loveio succeeded in icaehing a clei-
g > man and being mat i led just bfloie the
pursnois Imist in. | l'\ ' .
A well-known Baptist clergyman , icccntly
pastoi ol a chinch In Jioston , was engaged
neailj Ihlilj j oat's airo to the daughter ot
railroad iiicsident , who lesides in rtisU-tn
Massachusetts. ( Mivnmstances pR'ventcd
tht'ii niaiiiiigu , and the engagement vvashio-
lien , but without ill Iccling on ellhoi Mile.
The cIcrgMiian mauled ; inother lady , who
died about a jeai ago. The allianced loveis
ol aiitiaitei nl u cenltii } a o have icecntlv
met , the lad ) having icnmincd hinglo all
tlipspjcais , anil , there being no longei an >
obstacle , the engagement ol the eailier jeais
has been icnewed , and -about the time the
bells ling in a now ) eai tlie wedding bells
will ling toi them.
Tin ; Ci.xit'uv begins its s-ixtcenth year
with a nionthl.v circulation ot con > idouibl >
urci M\IM. T hegn'at gain IIHS Itojti due to
the success of the \\'ar \ I'apeia , and to the
fact that the geneial teatines t > l the nuua-
/.inoliavoleen ) uintbunllj stion ; ; dining the j
The November number , now icady , con
tains ;
The thin ] paper ol lien. Cunt's peisona !
nicmoiir of the wai , dcMMibin with
intoicst the tamoiis battle of 'Chattanooga.
With it appeals a lull-paged pictmoot lion.
Giant , liiiin n photogtaph takim nt Mt.
McCiegor , mid the reproduction ol one ot
bis letters to Dr. Uonglas.
"Tlm Story of He vcn I evils"liy Frank
K. Stockton , "A Clonil on I hi.Moun
tain , " l > y Rtiiry Jlullock Iconic ,
"Tlie M.\Htcry \Vilhcliii
llutter , " liy llelon ilnck-
HOH ( II. 11. )
"Danger Ahead , " a iviu.irkably able and
siiggostive piper on .socialism and the labm
problem , bl.jnian Abuot ; and an aiticlo on
"Tho United Churches ol the Putted Males , "
the latlci to bo followed l > \ papeis on
chinch unity hy icpiesciitattves ot vaiious
"A - ' Visit I'cira "
IMiotograihci-'H to ,
with I H plcl IICCM ; "Mxlni * I'inglisli
H , " hy Kilitiiiiitl liosse , H
Setters , " h > various ev-
perts , 1 picture * .
Theliistchaptois ol anew soiial story of
mining lite by the uti > oi vt " 'ivm ked Claim.1
Also a slioit paiiprnn "riiatit.inqiia , " bj Rd-
watd Kveictt II ale. In the depailments an
editoiial on "The Outlook lor Civil faeivico
Iletoim , " and open letloi.son various tiniulj
Niibpets. | "Uilo a-btac" contains linmoroiis
poims and acaitoon ot KV. . Kemblo.
Among the teatuies lei thu coming volume
aio :
BY GENERAL GRANT ANDOTHERS. will bo continued ( most ot tliiini Illns-
tiated ) until tlm chief ou'iilsot thtiC'ivil War
have been dfsciibod by leading patticipants
on both sides. Cenoial ( iunts iiaiei ) in-
elude a description of the baltlo ot tin : Wil-
tleiness. General McClellan will wiite ot
Antietam , ( ieneial D. C Huoll of bhlloh ,
Ci'iit'ials 1'ope. J.ongbticetanil otlieis id the
.Second IJuli linn , etc. , etc. Naval combats ,
Including the light between the K irttui'tr (
and the Altilminn , b > olllceis ot both bhlps ,
will builtscillied.
Tt0 | "Hecolioctions of a J'jivato" and
spci-Ialwai pajieisoi ,111 anecdotal in hnmoi
oils chtiractci will he Icatinc.s ol the > cai.
Mr. How ells' xeiiid will l > e In lighlei vein
titan "Tim Kbc id .Silas l.aphnm. " Mi.
Cable's is a novelette ul the Acadian * ot
l.onlsiaii.i. Mi. ( able will also i ontiibiite a
HClies ol liipelsdii sltue songs llllil i
including ne-'ro hcrpcnl woisblp , etc.
Include " \ Tiiejdi' J'iUiima o lo Home , "
illnstialed bj I'enuell , llisloncal I'apcjs hv
l.dw.ud Lu's-'l-'stim. mul ntlii'is ; Papcis on
1'cisia , lo is. ( i. W. Jicnlamln , laleiv I' ' S.
minlstci. vsilli nnimuims illi tntuims ; Asiio-
nomiial AilicleN. prartical and | HiMilaion ]
"Siilii . \sioiiiniiv" | ; ' . ' mi ChiJi-tian
I'llllv ' l ) > icpicsenlaliM's ol various lellgious
denominations ; I'aption Manual ndneation
111 various expeit eti , t Ic.
Itj 1'iaiik H Mofktim , Mr . Helen Joplcsnii
(11. ( II.I , Mis. Maiv IlnlliH-k I'liiuc. Joel
Clundlei IKiuis , H ll. JioviM < n. T. \ . , ) -
vlci Julian llavvthoine Itichanl > l John
ston and otlicie : and pocniby leading
poets. Tlie DepaltiiionK 'Open l.etteis , "
Jiic-a-Hiac ! , " etc. , will bti inlb 'iisianicd.
Will be kept up to the btundaid vviilch has
iii.uliiTiii. C'hMi itv en iav 111 3 lanunis Uio
woild over.
Itegnlar siilc-eiiption pili'U , frJ.OOajou. To
cluible new leadeis tugct all the War I'apeir. ,
with contribution : ) trom ( ieneiuU ( iianl ,
H aurogaid MiClellan. J V. Johnston , huw
Hullucftlmiral I'oitei and otlieis , wo will
S'lid tlm twelve bai k niimln-is Nuvcmlicr ,
IsSJ , toOitolmr , IHM with a uaiYaultecrip-
lion beginning with Vovcmlx-i , lss.'i. tor JrtS.OO
for the whole A subscription , with tlio li
iiuiiibcjM hound In tun handsome volumes ,
S 7..r > 0 tor thu vvnole. Hack iiumheisoiilj sii | > -
plled ac thes pri.s with MiUsciipnoiib ,
AJ1 duulcrd and poataiaMuib. talu
E3PR3K33SSi | . . .
Io > oriipt > > tHc/llo\rr > l ca tlTr , I'wln ' In
the bcaili ttllh c\ dull ermallon In ( U
h cU pnrt , i'nlo un--v the hoxtilcr-
blade , ] 'ullncin nntroJllxcrllh , nd
InrllmillnQtocXettlQnof badr ortnliul ,
, I.otr ptrlif > with
f hntliiirnDslcrtrd ooio Uury ,
\Vo rl utn , i U lnr i 1/lutlttlnsc.l : nn
Ilravt. Ilatn brfurotlin tutu , ) Ienilacb
ore1 the rlohl rtf , ) te llpimne * i nllh
X'S flZitid tvra c'licclollf Aihpi d
to snch CASCS , ono doio ptfcou atioh n
Iht I Inrrrnctt thn Aiipf tlte , nj rvuo th
cvity to TnUe on 1'ltih.tmn 1110 nt m !
hjtliolrTonlo A tlua ( in
Itoiiomtf * thv bp > l7 , uialM hoallhf
rtroiiRlliciu flu ; trruk , rrp .lr llin viaM toj
Vie sjft > iiirttli l > ure bVx > J tttid li rd tumrlo ;
tones tlip uvrvmw errtom , Inffvoratcx the
trAto , nnd huiuirtA ttw vltfor of nuuihtxxl.
If I . Bnlil bv ilruftitUM.
4 ; UurrnS ( . , Now Vorl .
tlons Btitl Rapply mnnbcrs according to our
( iic | 'lal olftr , or reniillaneo may bo uittdo dl
ltxUy ; to
T K CKNTUHV Co. , Niw ; YoiiK ,
Xo lc ttiou 1 .1x11 v wing woiuun are at col *
Kite In thV country.
The Morav Ian temnlomndnnrvnt Ilcthelo
ham , Pa. . Imu hern lonndiHl t : > t years.
Huston ttaUt'iHily Is the New Kiifjl.ind
vhool for ttieoloirfeal teaching among tlio
"A ton of dumb iu'lls" Is im onler pent mtt
from Ann Arbor , Mich. , foi thu gymnasium
of the college.
Thoaveranoilaily altiiinlani < nat the Riani-
mar anil primary schools of New Vork elty
Is only lttiHU. !
Tlio tacitlty of Wlllliuns eollwao , MII-.S. ,
have abolished iiumial oxaiuinatltms mul thu
Htmlcnts are huppy.
At Vale U Ls the unwritten law that n wtn-
dent jshall raho Ids hat at a distance of ten
rods from the piasitlont , eight troai u i'tufe -
so r and live Irom n tutor.
This country iu well oT ( for medical Klmol * .
The ' restilar.Vnlono have clthty- ; ( > evc'ii.HUb
lJOO : liiftructora ami 10.WO btudonta.
bchools turn out about 3,000 tloctors nnmiiilly.
The Ytile alumni , nt the recent SprUiKlielii
banquet , Keneially expressed tlm opinion that
the excessive expenses of the present eollexo
course causptt the uuiall entering cjasa at
alms mater this year.
A IJiooklyn tcnehcrhas bcrn arrwted f * r
Mireateuiui ; to kllla pupilcr.nght wbifpering.
If the puTiII had siwken out loud it is sup-
l sedtliat nothing but burin UK at tlw
wmild have sutlsacit the Uwfier.
Vt Atlanta tbcieaie tlnce veil
col reilciilh < < es. Ono thimsikiti : jiytvuij ; no-
KH/taattrnilod the thtee lyilleAcsdynii ) ; tlm
lastteini. HcshU'n , thoie VVCIH tWioUjnuwml
nejimeWtvn in < . ' < o .lluuJvi'l ) tlio city. A
hi -kimlard of stihoiai-bhip hai bwj 0 *
Aei { rdlns to a now roffiilatiou ) ssiod | by
the minlcliMl authorlticwor Dunn , all pmato
tcachu-s onmtsio in that town \yllj In tutum
have ttiapply torn Ilicnso t < cnahlo thorn to
contiuiio their livueatlon Hinl to olituln which
thev vlll have to Mibject themci'lvtH to an ex-
.inilnitloii respecting tlit-'U eompoteney aa li ) >
btiiicU > iHin the art.
ThiiBelection of l'roroHnr Kdwaid S Ho
don < F the univei.sitj of Wisconsin , nines
ileiil of thounUoihlO of Calitmnlii promi.stn
to piiP an iniietus | to the alfaii-a of the col-
h'p' I'jiilii&sor Hohlcn b ) best known as the
asti nomer who hail charge ofw \ } Auiuriciin
c\pi lltion to view the transit of Venus at
the < imtlino ( shunts two visars a o. > n inlili-
thin to the iiie.sitlencv oflhuhtuto nniveibity
he w 111 till the tvosition ot ilirertor ot the Wcjt
ob-.c.'vatory an Slimnt Hamlltim , the IUOVMT
ion-of Mr. Lick's will make the ob eivatoiy
n ii irtol the unlversltv when It Is compleled.
U il i unequalled facilities tor observation on
.Mount Hamilton when the tsieat telohcopo is
completed , ami with 1'rofo ser Holdun in
clmife , tlio ftate unlverRttr oitrirt-tt 41 *
hi h < rank tor RBtninomical HtudieH. { t ban
ahoulydoiio < exceJlent original work lu tnct-
alliiruy , agrjcultuw and hortieultur .
] vrost coiaple\ion powders bavo n vul
git : { rlnrc , but Pox/oni's is a true bcauti-
tier , whoso ufl'ecls are ilaoting.
It ( Vill bo ttrnpontnlbjetor Bfagli VHBbt-
nnU Tear of Hosiery.
r11roH gTiTstsr { chotU8cia | isn't Scotcli.
its iM nnmo and character indicia to , but
qinto English , it icing the present rngo
.11 London fioctctv.
Tfiestepls peculiar. You skip thn >
timts quickly , with the too poinleil , and
Ihi'i ) suildciuy bring the heel up to touch
the palf of the log oeforc repeating UIQ
thn c hkitis with tlio other loot foremost.
The music for this ballot sort of thing is
incitivo , and the aspect of the dancer is
Tim real demand of this round dance is
for " -liort fikirts , since the heel nnd calf
ju\t.vpositions are not visible to the
observer under ordinary circumstances.
W hot her tlm girl roajly touclifj her
heel \ her calfT or skirts the unseen
jvHtwinont l ir inrrcly litting her foot
abovM the hum of her , U u matter
botw IKJII herself ami her ct nselcnco.
If S'IQ ' in honest about it there urn going
to be i good many boles worn in un
usual hosiery fepota by sharp-edged
I'mni h licolsj. On the other hand , she
will bo able tu tap ofl'mosquitoejj hitherto
inacccssitdu politely , and to incidoiitally
oerateli vyith hcruliocs thu itches of their
. Kriipti m . ltciiln niul Horn-
s'ln\1rlurw ' ( , JiiHltu-oinii M > n > n , iiiul
men H " ' * * llclilnjr , M'nlv , viuilily , ( nlior-
It I'll , K'lOll tlllBWll nilltU llUlB ( liM.'UM > III till )
lilouil i-kln Hint tCAlp , lib lOiuiol Imlr , Iruin In-
lunuv in oliiiir | < ) . BIim ( > ltlviilv cinril liy Cull-
uiiiatlii -i'iil i t-kin cum. iiml Ciitlcuiu Soai. )
an i MIII'J | | ' > wh lieiiiitlllui. oxtcriuillv , mul
I uiii'i in It nolvoiit.llio iibtv lilood imilllcr , in-
lei null } l
lliiiM In n iillllclM t-liicn lii't Maifli with n
frKin itNi'iihif HiDilocirirf oil ! cc/iiinu My Into
\vu riAcii J with Kutitnnnil Miros.uml iliolttli-
IIIP iinl ; liunriiiir wowuhiMM viiitxiarahlo , Ken-
IIIKJOIII I ii'Jcina tlini < Vtl S " ' lilKlilt rixiiin-
nn mlcil , i iinrlinlcil tn plve Iliein a Iiiul italiiK
lln Ciilli in.i anil Cntlitim Puii | > cxtC'iiuill ) , niul
| ( i I'llifiit ntunuilly. toi four iiininliH I ct ll
ni. > cll cini I , in Kruliuili > tor wUiuli ] niiiko
thiJi tmblii eiatuiiiciit.
liioiul lliu ktnmi. !
I iv < iiilllui > i1 ultti < Ki/iniiuiili\bn wil | > , 1
nn niul mil , wlilL'U tin ) ill iiKiri'-r. heio I
ii i < iniuiiitt , nwnaunwd unu \ > 1 tlie
Unit liin.l iiiiiu' mi'li'i bU ni tlio HUH. !
ir | < ul nn' in III ) jour I'utluniii Ui < .Vi < | | i'i > , un4
lltUl IIM' llllj1 ! * II bO III ) ht'.lll | till.hrl Of
lu. iMII i Mil 'rnl > riinui.uiul I IHIJI | > it tmnl
uiiUtuliiui 'ID ' tnifc , nwU , niid IlieuStr purl
Ml III ) lit l l ih fil HI HUAN
i ; u t : nth -t tit , Now Y rJk.
I'Huruj mbKASEW ruRin : ,
Ciiiuiiin M junta nt ( tie luwil of itx
tsimluliy t lix lliti < c with Uio 4'niioiir
hoii : | Ilim h nt im tisiinllj Ki l * nl IlilHMini
nn i , imliijr In i bo jiiovulnwo ot nn uirKiiivutoit
tin MI ul mil Hiioiitfh mini ! luciililJiid in IIIK
u.iiini ) in nil fell ibnJ'iiticuf m DinuillnJ1 pi mul
Mil H HIM. . I ) I W. L , lUltDHHi , 1)1 tlfi'l ( t.
L'niuniiiuii. Ivy.
mV'iVu'itMI riit.iiTi AI. t'o , | io t n.
tie-mi li > HII nC'iirw Sl i'l DlMuiii1 * .
rayAYTl'J 'V llio t < implM lnn m J tkln t y
Tn.8Bnimi * M cniNr. Ht'io ' 0.11100
nl nn rluui ) ln nnil ucukiuis * . 1'iir
iicli'i iHWe * " ' * -kUlitiw ' imlni.
.ihiinlu rJuwl lilUlM , WtUMU" I" " '
liilliliilmttll ! " ! ( Jtilicuru Alitl-l'ttln
fancy Groceries fifovf , fpoc/ / ,
iT. Kit'ilt Hatter > ' ' Km q epprlaUr
1 hi * Hi in ! iviiir I ( xni tiotml nt ihp Kxulliitf ono
In their line Foi Om llilnl wnril lr < l . Always on
torin MIIK mid up to I ho times with plenty of or-
i > rjtitii-tiiit ! ! ! N ( n'Oil ' Vopt constant/ ! aim * .
BW txir loth mid OiKljjt ! Hlroot.
Peoples' Meat Markpt ,
HUB uii < jup t.otnit ly lliu undent , rlcfuiofit , now-
iwt , moat i-imtlous unit ucHiint inurkot fu tlio
cltj UIIIIMUI Uiu MDVCIHcoolliiR ixwm. irhlcli
h vM'lt kniiDii iv.i the liest iitilirurAtoi ) ° roriiiuHt * .
Tclci'lHiuu Cflt ) . T\u tll'l llonnnl HI , , cor. bU
Mnij N uvo
Kolllu iMMilcul ( eat lard U a ppooltlty ,
j' IlKItUEUTxi
13tli Street Market.
All MnA of frMh mul suit incnts conatRtittr
on liaoil.
riiintrv. fttniifl , dta , lu .Hmsoit , 1 { . HprborU ,
CM So i.fth Minor.
uirnK ; ,
Meat Market ,
Al 2001 Cumins ; St. , | tlm | ilnro loRot tlio tender-
i > t iitul tliu lost tilmi'N Hinl nuiNt4. I'resU ( Uh ,
KUIIIU tiud all tliu Ucllcuiloa In toiwon.
ED KUPPIG. Proprietor ,
W N. S | tiQiitli Ptfoot.
.Hnlt suit fnitiknd Mouln. ( Jurmnp BHU-
y. ( luiiiu , I'miHiy mul VcR
No cliuiilii'r liiiirUut In lotro ,
23R-OS. ,
California Meat Market
iu l'nvl > unit pwlt Moatu , I'uultrjniul
1Vlc | > hoiH <
TJie Modi UiMiuiuoCltJNa K TUA.In qusrlnr
iioiuiil , IjMlC jKinnil mul I'ouiul iitickHKAH. Itnol
| iiiiuitJ | > Ult-Ht | ( ihiKi KDiniIno Clilnoso ildnk ami
not tlui liuuibjia' jiilhUiMj totu.
tiold enl > by
KK , < I8 N. f ixtrciiUi Stcvf
PrescriptionsPerfumery ,
Oorni'i htore. Miwiilo ( Hull.
fi { uc-g. 1'nliHs , Oils inn ] PtHtloniTjKnroka I'llo
< MiitiiHiit ) cuim ovoiy tlmw. 1'iltfo ( a ot'llts. Ev
ery bux Wiinutitcd.
11. rjiTJillbEN'S
WarrnnlfMtttiobDHtcti ) ) nr ooffoo In tlio cltr.
M < ml I'Hiitiot l > fuHUhlo | ! < l llonul by tlio weak f4 ;
niiirluiui > uliric. 11KJ ) i < > oilu | daily In iitti'iidtuico ,
TlONlCtliBticot , noiii Hint ,
Restaurant , Cigars
Mculstooiiler. A luifjopiitiimifo Irom rotrtilAr
nnloiR ! Inciilcil nciii tliu Ki" ' " iitlhxiiul shops
nillliuNoftivostuiinlopot. Hnoiiis can l > o MH-
CUITK ! In tliLs part of ton n clioupor t liun any pllior
on In Oiiiiilm.
The American Cafe ,
unit nentlctiion'H Iti-stuurniit ,
vvull ( lOOKcil , ncll HOUMinocl iinil w
Hull hiipjic rs ii Riifclnlty.
lioanl mul iniml tloltiHiJ4. llc t eitjiof ooiroo
n llio ell ) .
J , W , Jones ,
iill fiuiilAeil , Troll ttoiil , tkly cntltiB
1 C1EO lit No 171't I'lillihW H , mul all who jrlvo irltilulll bo rcRiilnronstonicis Iloilout
liw own rookinjr Mini his wlln iittcnits lo tliu rnv
tniinint , lietuc tliiiro in flint ulum luiu unit IIVD-
rythhiK s it t.liuillil I'Q. '
Thn fi ( > | iti t mid \xt-l \ coiuliictoii cnlFino In tlja
i iiiut ol IOHTI. Tiy iiv lorotm unok.
3io. i
The Norn's Restaurant
tHUhiff ) ioubu III the city , liylt
uinl > o will ho milUtlcil
IMctelsforSI minis Jiry ) .
Ituaixlbj tlio wfdc VI SB. McnN , 2'xi rnoh.
Bet , DoiiRlas and Dodge Sis
tlio In ! ( , ( ) mul ixmimndldiis ran ,
luiiiunt , Miuiuinl ut No. ilfkiN l lh H , , cml i-o
llttetl it up with u | iiuiiiniriitliiiiiir | > t-tunJ In the
1 1 ( Hit , vvhtu < tlio hlti-luiii unit illnliiK room U
cdiiiHcicI ) iiiinlKliiil. Tlio rnti-B uio
< luj l/oanl.
Union Restaurant ,
Torrco and Laim. | , ,0oin , , Iil7 Hin nny „ but. IJth
III Id Mill Klt > . \ttlst ) „ | ( , U. , , rAltl-MuAM 8UIIV *
MI AT Ai.MimuK no , boiud gin ) uoa i > or
| 'i | , ilctuui. ,
Restaurant ,
fil'itll Ull'I't. '
Tlolwrin Funuim md | iiniiia . Pert * llinlicst ' >
bin In t lie ( ill/ M > ala nt all i
$500 Reward
For n iirttcr < 'tii | < 1suntui limn can Im tnu ) nt I dev
v I'niiKMin l > 't't ' = ' " "l9 < 'itt ixMiiiiiiiiit oyttcrsa
? L WJH | | initi ( t-w' < Ml urlili nil incut uml'i
u iv i . IVri r Ut H tpui > tfm , ( .hoiuj i i ni-ftfe
IA . fiirlolM wi t < 9 * iittnn | t liDiS I a , | M > rk
limit * Au , iuuu imd DC , ih > . llvor inn ) Imwui | r ,
* lill
0. W. | > l'Mit : , J'l
Our W > Bnl tSiW jwir > l.
Uonnl uutl ulW tiwtr nook ,