Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 31, 1885, Page 3, Image 3

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    OilAftA BEE , SATURDAY , OCTOBER 31. 1885.
Ditn Ionijh I ' / rf'ftrJhnK 1HTcht "
I Mixed. I Shipping W : lfhK
xTtttllV * - * l"1--u n/iiow i\.ts.i ao C1 Iks. Q O * *
Battirilay _ „ 20
300W.I10 8 a !
3 OOwJJ 10
3 PVfifl 10 a icKuii is
ThMMlll/ ' OOffl" ! 10 3 i.v n s-
3 itKrf.i in
lKSTiUTIO ! > OF SIItrjir.XTB.
RlioA-ltig tin * uurp'irr of cntt ! , lioca nnd
. < < li < 'M/flhlpKMl | fro/ i boutli Omaha iliinnt ; the
Iiari.twt'nty-ronr hours , and their poluts of
'Irs.lrmtloii : ,
Nj. H't , P t.
f/0 / K I. Chlrami
SVtO C. tt. .fc Q. Cldcago
tXl N.V. . Chicago
Xotf)1 ) i-nlc of Mock In this market nro
made IK.T ewt , live weljiht , unless othonvNo
Mated. Prsiil lions sell at Ic t > cr lb.Tor.-ai
woltthti. "fil.lni. " or htics vvolRiiini ; less tluin
KM llw. , no vuhti' . 1'iegnant BOWB arc docked
10 Ibs. and " > t KS SO Ibj.
Friday KToninjr , Oct. 3a
Ociii-rnl Market ) ? .
Tim rci'olpts are small and tlio mar-
. . . .
Hi' n fit-- The nn-olptfl of roll butter ore on
the I DPI raw. Then * in not nmrh of any
rhatwiii tin-Mat. ' of the market. The pre
vailing prices ate ni follows : Choice tanlo ,
i1 ; fair t" good , 10 1'Jc ; Infetlor ,
< * itnBn Fiilletvam r.heddar , Septcralwr ,
llio ; full erptim llata 12c ; September , ISo ;
full I'lenm Yjouni ; Aincrlcaii , bepti-mbcr ,
I''c ; Swim , fiinry. UV : Swiss , choice , 14 ( < ! ? 15c ;
brick , 1'Jiuc ; I.imliureer , lOc.
I'orin'uv l.lvci'hlchcnshavp orcnsolllnic
to-day at M.OO when KCKH ! . A few fancy
Kolm ; aboM > Unit nnd mall sizes as low at
M.X ( ) . Old fowln are In HO\V ! demand at $ a.OO
te-'J. ' ) . Live dui'ks Hlow tit S'.ooai''i ; Hvo
turkeys , 7ejn"rlb ; dusse l chickens ure drag-
King , eolder weather r. i ilred to incren'io
the demand. Choice , per Ib , 7@Sc : fair to
irood , iVdTc ; turkeys ilnwsejl , choice , per
U ) , IB1 .fi' 14c ; duokn , hi i"cil , choice , per Ib , 11
f iKi > . ' 1'i-eM" . dri'-iscd , choice , per Ib , 12 < Siy ;
/ulr tiiKoml , lO/iille
SVVKKI I'oi MUK - Cholpo large , quotable
at 'j ; < , ( rfic : IMT lb : fc t oViM.ra per bbl.
1'o'rA 101. s The demand Is now very active.
Kecelplsextrcmelj llaht. ' to40cean now
be obtained for straight varieties In ear loU.
Jllxcd varieties nro not -desirable and are
quotable ntWV ! ! ! ! % .
UOMII UUM.Y California 2 lb. frame , 00
Ibs. in ca'-e , per lb. , 15i' ; extracted , 'J lb. tin
onus. 'J ( Intn CUM' , IH.T dozUOebl. ; . limn-
Nebr.i.slca , 18o.
CuiKit-New YorV rellncd per bbl. , 57.00 ;
do half bill. . 64.00.
COCOA .vfTS IJuotrd at S4.SO per hundred.
(1 AMI. . All kinds an ) Inbtroiirreque.siand
aiinply light. leorc.trcasses i cr Ib , SOT'AJ ; sad-
dle.s , 1'lKc ' : anti-lope , 8feHc ; Baddies. 11@
Wo ; elk , 7f Sp ; saddles locffillc 1'rairlo
rhickcns per dozen , S2.7ri@a.OO ; quail , per
do/en , Sl.i.XaaoO ; Hiilpe , IHT dozen , Sl.
1 25 ; jack rabbits , per dozen , " .oOM.M : ) ) ; ma
lard duclu. SirXKa'Aaft ; teal ducks. S1.2T@l.W ;
mixed ducks. Sl.SOvgl.75 ; small rabbits. Sl.OO
< ) YSTIIIH N. V. eounts.4.e ; extra Belects ,
40c ; Bclecls , :57c : ; t > t ndaids.aJc. mediums. i8c- !
ONIONS Tliero are not many coming In at
tm-Rcnt , Onotatloiis are ( ; o\itH.rK ! .
SAUKK KitAtir 1'erbbl. , iO.GO ; per > < bol.
PHIS' VKKT. Titirr , ETC. I'lgs' feet and
. "JKi.f.iirrr. : . Preserves :
All kinds , BO-lb. pails per lb. . lie ; assorted ,
Ml ) , palls per tlo/ . . 8.00. Jellies : All kimls ,
beat Krade , sw-lb. palls , pur U ) . , * ? e ; all kinds ,
fcocond eradr , : HIb. > . palls , peril * . . Co ; Assorted
6-lti. pail * , per do/ . , Si'.OO ; do. S-ll ) . tin palls ,
§ 3.75 ; do. Mb , ttiloz. in case , per ca e , S'AM :
fichooncn * , 1 doz. In case , WA'ti tumblers , a
doz. In ease , per case , J > 1.40 : apple butter , 40-
lb. palls nml M bhl. , per lb. 7V ; pl m Imtter ,
40-lb. palls , perlb.UKe : iissorted ftult butter ,
r > H > palls , per dor. , Si.7.ri : : Fancy "Home
Made" catbiip , 'J tloz. pint bottles per case ,
A i-M.ES Jlecelpts lipa\- > \ All choice stock
meets with ready sale , while inferior und
poorly picked iinples nro RohiK out nlowly.
The tirst cur of "i ork .stat \ % inter apples , con-
BivtlriK of ( iieenliifjs , lialdwlns , Hussein ,
Northein Spy and other varieties , arrived to-
dav. Then1 are tilso seversil cars of > Iichitan ,
Illinois , Missotul and Kansas apples now on
truck. The jircvnlHiiKiiileoH uro : tancy Pllt-
Inir apples ! .00ti.f.50 : ; cholco winter fruit ,
in umiiil lots. s 7fKcC : K ) ,
LKMONS JleMlna , Binall , ixsr box , S4.50 ®
6.00 ifodi , fnucy , laife und juicy , ftd.50.
( ! iiAris : In 10-lb lKiskct8C'onctiris.VrffcTOc ( ;
Catitwbn , fi : > { ' .Vc' Isabella , Wftv ) ! 0e : Malaga ,
I ter bariel , S7.00m7..V ) ; ralifoinia , KmtHMor ,
J'okaatnlMoioceo , per single crate of 20-lbs ,
ea.'iWJ.oO : per dotiblo crate , 40 11)3 , 5 . 'JT @
Cit.vxiiKititiKS Hell nnd mipie , per bbl ,
D.OO : bell and cheiry , tier bbl , SO.UO@7.00.
Cnpe Cod. per bbl. . Ss..OvVh'.r.O.
OIIANOF. , IjOiiNinna , per bbl , S7.00 ; per
box , S4.r)0 ; l-'lorhla , nerbox. S.r > .r)0SO.OO. (
JJATJANAS There is Imtnlimlled denmntl
fttniesenl and maiket rules low. Choice se
lection SiOOi.W ( ) >
OAMroit.Ni.v f iit'ir Pears WlnterXellh ,
Bcurre , Did , J/iwrence , U. Heurre , Vicar ,
and tither varieties , per box. S'J.'KSil.oo.
CIAINTho following tire the prevailing
prices for to-day : CornWc : ; new oats , -kA : ;
Wheat , No.- . fiOe ; r > eIOC" I-V.
I'l.ot it ANII JIn.i , Sri FKS Winter wheat
Firm ; quality patent at Sy.00ga.o. : ;
Second iiu.ililj , S'i..VJ fi.OO. :
Sjiilnt'wlit'iit Ucstqitnllty patent , atSi.60
Weeoiid imality-S'i.lOdMJ.SO. Hour , in 100 Ibs sacks , SJ.TO ! ;
ready raised , o UK ) p-r case of ifcJ three lb
jiaekasi's ; u'.nly Kilned , PIT case of 10 t > ix lb
paekunes , # I.M ) . New \oi\i \ in bands , § 7.03.
Jirnn < ffle per i-wt ,
HllojjuvAl J-'ei'il-'I'er 100 Ibs , ? 0c.
CoiiiMviil S .00@1.10jercwt.
ScrremiiK-No. 1 , 7.V per cwt ; No , 2 , We ,
Jlomlnj } ! . ) per cwt.
Khuits- " "
Hay Hales , S'i.oo. . ' 7.X ( ) per ton.
UKANH Hood lui lit beans are scarce and
in demand ; ditty and infeiior Mock dull :
hand-picked navy , Sl.MH t.OO ; hiuid-plckcu
ni > dliim , . > l.X/il.40 : ) ; jjooil clean country , 31.00
? , . ( < l.0 : infeiior. Mtii'ito.
sJt VJNI : CUT Hard to Heat , 70e ; Clinnnof the
Jt West , COc ; Kouiitaln. 70o ; Oolden Thread ,
C7e ; Vnvoiite , We ; Jliids , rA > ; Hocky Monti-
t lnf/0c : Kaiipy , 43o ; Daisy , 40c ; Noith Star ,
10c ; tlood Luck , .rvV.
.Puro TIIIIACCO Climnv,4loperH > : Her * < v
plioe , 40 ( ; Star , 4tV ; Spearhead , 4Cc : Our
HOP.X Wte : Piper Heidslck. ftV ; Punch , 40c ;
Young Killz , 41e : Silver Tuir. 4iH" .
hAKiii.Kiiv llAitiMVAiti : XCcomblnatloii
loop hauies. SMS ; X C I. O. T. hames. Sl.7.r ;
vnr I. t ) . T. hames , S' ' ; pelfectlon pads ,
81.75 ; 47 rlliK MtH , Me ; Hill hours No. 10
thread.7.r > c : lap bieast.trail slide , ; c ; XC
breast htniiihliift,40i ) ? ; IS X C' ! ! limp clminp T
tmcKles , bLOVi ; IK lapil loojielinmiiTbucUles ,
W > ; 1J ( X C 3 loop champ T buckles , Si.ui : f !
15 ; jap loup champ burUe.s , i'l.-O I ; cop-
nor rivets No , fl' ' , UOe * Hiistol "naps " , ijf
filAr Gpifnittii'hnn , "i'i 'W.w , ij 2.50 *
111 UK'S Stead V'KI ; ecu butcher's , 8c ; ( jrccn
cured l e ; diy Hint , lacfltV * ; dry siilt , lOe :
daimiRed hides two-thlulspiicc. Tallow Sc.
( iii-ano Pilmu vliHe , ika'k" . , Sheep IVlts
l.ijiTiir.n : No. 1 rili.-liniL'.I. C. L.
&V : No. l I'lttbburt , ' . K. & S. ; nu ; No. Clnclno
natl , nie ; No. 1 lace leather. OOe ; prime
slaughter hole leather , 'J c ; iiiliue oak
leather. Sl-o.
linings ii'.OvXLfio.O1) ' iK'rdo
JlrAW HAIIIMX AitB iron , rate.s , SilS ;
plow steel , siieclalcabt , < e ; crucible btocl , Oc ;
i tools do , Wf'JlSeMIKOII ; Hpokcs , jier het ,
\ Sl,7.viii.ui ; hub- . , per et , Sl.'i felloes , wawel
l ) -tlry , 81.40 , tongues , each , 7e , axles , each , 7.r > c ;
1 Hniair nutH , i > er tti. , 7 ( < illc ; collclmln per D > ,
fnijivij : malablt * , o ; lion welc.s ( , tk : rrow- ; barlow teelhle ; nprliiK hteel , 7@Sj ;
lliinli'ji'.s lioixi hhoe.s. i4.'JO ; llurden'.s niuln
hhiH'.s. S.VA ) . limbed Wlie-lu car lots , S-i.OO
wr 100 tts. Iron Nails-Kates , 10 to 00 , $ U.r : . ; Imckhlmt , Sl.bS ; oilental
powder , ki'L-s , SU.MXrf-l.Oii : do. half kegs , SiOO ;
ilo , iiiturt < 'rkitij , Sl.'iO ; lila tliur , ki'ics , S'.l.M ;
tuk > i , per 100 feet.'A ; . Lead , IJar , S1.US.
( 'o.u , Autiiiiu'llvi ? KK > * * . - ' : anthracite
nut , ih.W ) : anthniclU ) rangu , S8..10 ; Iowa ,
block , 83.7.1 ; Illinois S4.7fti
.T l'AiXTs-\VhU lead. Rn ; French ilne ,
S'arls whltlnir.'J e : whlUns Kllders. IJfe ;
wnltiinr.oom'l , 1 Ui1 : lampblack , ( lermantown ,
J''e ; l.-unpblauk , onllnary , llc : Vntssian blu \
6.X ; . , tiiitrRiuarini * . ICcf .Vandyke , brown , be ;
inliber , iniini , 4 ; umucr , raw. fct ; airnna ,
burnt , u : Mennm > t w , < c ; I'arls en < cn. KOIIU-
lnprarl : * KHIMI , eommon , "JOc : chrome
prnMi , N. V. ttij ! ; rhnniie Rraui. K , ISc ; v r-
innilmi , KiiHllnh. In oil unut , lie ; raw and
burnt Umber , lib cuun..iect raw and burnt
Menna , tX'S ( TandyVt * tirovm , 1 3 refined
Iiunplilnrk V-V ; roach bla * k and ivolff nlacK ,
Ifie : drop blur k , NV ; rnitv.aii Hiv. Wet nN
tramartnoMuo , ISo : chrome jrrcen , I * , M. *
1) . , l'n ( * ; tillnd and sliutti r green , ! . , " . * '
Ifx * ; Paris pwn , IS ? ; Indfan red , l-Vrt > cue-
tlan rcd.l'c ; Tuscan rcd.SJe ; American \er-
mllllon , It. & I ) . , SOcyellow ; ochre , "o : L. M.
A 0.1) . , IN * : Koldnn whro , K-c : patent dryer ,
8 < j ; fjralnlne colon * , light oak , ark oak , wal
nut , rhebtnut and ash l.V. .
PAINTS i.v On.Vhltolead , Omaha. I' . P.
Co ; white lead , HU Louis , pure , 8JU5 : .Marseil
les green. 1 to 5 r > cans , 20e ; frrrncli znc ,
preen seal , 12 < " ; French fine , ird son ] , lie ;
French zlncJn varulMi asst , ' .iicj J-renelizlnc ,
7. > ; vprmllllon. American , ISj ; Ijullan. red ,
I0cnweplnk ; , I4c ; Venetian , nil. iook"on s ,
'JV ; Venetian red , Aincllcan , Use ; nil lead ,
chmmn yellow , RBiminc. we' chrome
v. K , U * : nchw rochille , : tc : ochie.
OIIJH 110c.utKti.iH'ri.'alloii ) , lie ; l.XO ) head/
Kht , if r L'allon , Die ; Uno hcitdllehl , i > er
Ion. 1 ( ! ( l.'iO = > water \Utlte. ISo : linseed , raw ,
l > crKallon , 44 ; linseed , twiled. per ualloji ,
47c : lard , winter str'd | Kr ; uallon. K5o ; frtt
1 , Ve ) ; No. 'J , 4Si ; castor XXX , IKJI jsallon.
51.45 ; N" . " , SI. 10 ; sweet , ] > cr pallon , Sl.W ) ;
eim. W. R. IHTVallon. 61.00 ; HMi , W. U. ,
TKaJlon. R. " > ej iiPKbifoot o\tra , per gallon ,
Kill Ion , 71c ,
\ AUMRium , per gallon : Furnl-
tun : , extra , sl.10 ; furniture , XO. 1. Sl.OO ;
coach , extra 51.10 ; coach , No. 1 , Sl.'JO ;
Damar , extra , 51.73 ; Japan , 70c ; asplmlttim ,
extra , Kc ; ! > hcliac , SVX ) ; hard oil linlsli ,
wtji'tniTS Colopne iiplrlts IR p roof , $ l.H\ \
do , 101 proof , 51.1 > 'a ; spirits , second mmllty.
101 proof , Cl.ll't : du , IbSpnxjf.Sl.oU. Alcouoi
l.vs iiroof , SIUO per wine call" " .
Iledl8\lllwl \ whiskies , Sl.WC'jl.50 ;
rj'o whiskli" Sl.fOWJ.00. Hraidles
Imported , Sr.OfX'S.rxi ; domestic , S1.50if ( : .uo.
(51ns lniorted. ] ) .54.fiOirO.OO ( ; domestic , SUM ®
: t.OO. Hums ImpnUiHl , tl.WviiS.OO : New
S'.J.OOC-i.i.O' ' ) ; domestic , 8l.WCiti.oo. ) :
Champagnes Impoi ted , IMT race. S'Ai.OO ®
Sl.OO ; American , per case , SlO.OOfttlO.OO.
PowUcrtd , 7 c : cut loaf , 7J < c ;
ranulated , 7' ' c ; confectioners' A , fiJdc ;
Standard oxtia C , f J4c : extra C , C. > ic ; medl-
tim yellow , o > fc : daik yellow , o c.
liter. Louisiana , pnmo to choice , 5Jf@
CANNED Goons-Ovstcrs. Standard per
case , PH.8J : Htrawbcrrle.s , 3-lt > . , wrcase. S' ;
rnsplieiiies. y-lb. , per cane , California
whoitleborrie.s , per ca , S2.40 ; egg pums.
S-ib. , per cusp , Jfieo ; Eicon ga es , a-tb. . i > er
case , S'J.W ; pine apples , 'J-H . , per case , S3.SO(7j ( )
DHIED FnriTS No. 1 mmrtcr apples , 4c ;
cvai > orated , boxes , 8V c ; blackberries , boxei ,
"JiWlOc ; peaches : Fastern , KiWJfc ; peaches ,
evaporated , l 3i@17o ; r.ispberrle-s , new ,
SSOcUTc ; currants. ft ! < c ; pnines. 4JiVi5c. ( ;
CANDY-Mlxcd , I0@l2c : stick , I0llc
SODA In lb papers , S3.a case ; ealsotla
ke per Ib , S2.M.
VINKQAJI CinKit , I3@18c ; white wine , 15
ftPiCKi.r.s Medium In barrels , S7.00do ; In
half barrels , Sl.OO ; small In barrels , SSW ; do
, . , .
Kirk's White UussUin , 84.CO ; Kirk's White
Cap. S0.50.
Horn Sisal , K Inch and larger , 8 > .c ; Inch ,
SAi/r IJrav loads , per bbl , Sl.W ; Ashton ,
In sacks. SIUK ; } { sacks , Athlon , Wn ; bbls
dairy. sioo@2.7- . .
KiiiKsford's gloss , 1 Ib , Sc ; Kinijsfords
filb. 8kc : Kingsfoid'spme , aibO fc ; Kings-
ford's bulk. 4c.
SVKUI StandaidC 2tk ; , bbls : Sti-ndard-
do 4callon kegs , Sl.i5 ! ; Is'uw Urieano
; Maple Syrup , J banel. 1 * . iV ( ! .
strictly pure , 70o IMT gallon ; 1 gallon cans ,
0.25 per doz ; K gallon cans , ! per doz ;
quart cans SH.OO.
SPICKS Uround Black pepper , boxes , ir
GWSc ; alsplce , liXS'JJc ; cinnamon ifcoiSOp ;
cloves , 15fe20c ; ginger , 10@i5c ; mustaul , 15W
27c.CiiACKEns ( ianiean's soda , butter and
picnic , flWc ; creams , a > c ; ginger siiapt , 8
City soda , 7) < , 'c-
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 cans In
case 83. S : Habbitt's ball , 2 doz in caw ? , 51.00 ;
Anchor ball. 'J doIn ease. Sl.rX ) .
MATCHES Per caddie , iWc ; round , rl. ca = e ,
4.rHj ; sijttare cases , $1.70 ; Osliko h easi'- > , ( , ' ! ' ,
Sl.'JO ; mule Miuure , IIM.
C.vNiii.ns Boxes. 401 ! > , IGs 12 } < c ; 83 , r-J4'c ;
tioxcs , 4011) , 10 ot , Cs , Ui c ; half box , lioib
COFFEKS Ordinary trades , lOc ; fair ,
10fQ < jlljc } ; prime , 115 ( rj c ; choice , 12-ie ;
lii > ac : lancy green mid yellow , Ill4c ;
IS c ; oU ! KOVQrnmcnt .lava , SOfrfW1 ;
Interior Java , lii WJOc ; Mocha , iJJ < 334e : Ar-
btxikle's roaatwd. lleMcLaughlin'sXXXX ;
roasted. He ; nilworth'u. IS c ; Red Cross.
IS fc ; McLaughlin's , Aibuckle's and Mc-
Laughjln's XXXXaiesold 60c per cas. ) ) tr
nbovti prices in U-c isc lots.
SPICKS WJiolePepper , I''c ' ; alsplce , lie ;
Ourden allsiilix" , lKc ; X.anlbar cloves , 10- , ;
Amboyna cloves , spo : , cassia , lOc ; nuttnetrs ,
OoYSiVic : Saliron Ca-wln. 4''c.
TEAS Gunpowder , fair , XH3V > \ good , 15 ®
Kc : choice , COC . ; good Imperial , 40-/4He ;
choice , 00a,70c ( ; ; Youngliyson. goodStt rx * ;
choice , 60@70e ; Oolonp , coed , M@10c ; Oo
long , choice , 40@f OcEnirlfsh Hreakfnst good ,
a"i@40e ; choice , fiO ( d'5c ' ; Souchonfr , good , : ! 0c
SSo ; choice , av < J45e ; Japans , fair , U5@Tic ;
pood. STuTM. ' * ; choice , 55Q70c ; Tea Dint , ir > c ;
Tea biltlnts , lie.
nznnisos l y CATCH ,
liiiidlu'riluK , nuvvlniiK bpllt btoi-klish , I0't * .
ilolmml hciriiit ; , new short KpM stoeklisii-
CODFISH New English summer ctncil
whole coa , tc ; nw king , ( Jeorgcs clmiikM ,
OSt" clover leaf. ' ( ieorxca htrljis , 0 > .c : 1 Hi
rolls , a lb onxes 7c ; prulrlollowcr , a io bilck ,
OWe ; wild rose. "Jlhlirlek. t\ " .
i KMOKF.I ) KiHii-Hallbut , new , lo cj now
scaled hcrrlnt's. 'J.5c.
huJs-iwii.N-Moimstl , ' Hollatul licniii- ! ! ,
KC2S , Rae ; ItiiKsiail Hiiillm-s . , I.eiriliL's , < V :
Anchovies In Kftti , ? ( )1 ) ( > .j , , , , (1 ; . ,
> ' " " " '
Iilns and
l > ry Oooils.
Cimi iiT JKANU-Ki'arharw 7e ; Armo
" KtJw HltiVVN PoTTd.Ns ] 'i"-iterul ] ! It. fl'af ;
IVipErtsll O. S e , Atlas , OL'e ; stiilno ot Ul >
w v 6c ; Snranac It. OJje
i-irtisT8 Steel lliver , 6c ; , ; , > tc-
-ArutrfdX t : Codireo , < -Mmiciiester ,
Oc : I.yiimn , f j ; ( ; ioiicstcr. . ' . 'te ; Uiru-
nell Jftfijiiiard , ft * : nmineJ' ' , X'i , Jlama-
l"J , a 4e ; Windsor , 1 Co , Ihicluc-
atfc .n .I'JtJ ' i P P
Harmony , 4 fo ; Anchor Shirting 41ilc1
. . rrlmack Khirtlniza , 4' ' c ; JJerxMek , 4c.
DESIMS Heaver treek A A , lie ; UPAVO
J.'tc ; i oiuniinnii , iv'tui HUH , ! > ! ; , linn ,
fanpv , l3Hc _ : Kvcrctt , I3c ; Haymaker 3 blue
8 ltTiLnbVaplie ( < l-Sor. ) MaeiiollA. 10' ' j ( " ,
10 oz. .M inilla. IVc ; x ox. West 1'oltit , Wji- ;
10 oz. AVcst Point , lijic. ,
nrcK ( cotorL'd ) Huston 0 07. brown nml
ilrab , l Vi H Ht Mi O 11 brown rviul ilrob , Wr
Hostoti XX brown and lrnb. 10o ; Ho ton
XXXbrownnnildrab.U'tcilJostonOrblue ' ,
lll p : Warren Tricot , 15c.
ilitowv ( . 'oilONLawrence l.L , 5o ; Shaw-
unit hi , , fx ; ; Ilcavor Dam U6c ; Atlnntlo
1.1. , fie : Indian Head , 7c : W clni't ' 0c ;
Crown XXX. tl c : Clifton CCC , OMc ;
UtlM C. 4t < c ; Atlnntio P. B , C.
Tit'Ki.vnH AiiK kcaa ACA , W ci Thorn-
dike OUO. Tjfc ; ThoniillUr laiiey. OH'coik ;
A , lOWe : York fnuoy , 12f } ; Mlllbmy , ia ! c :
Pearrillvcr. llj < c ; Ualnllloii. 1'Jo : Swift
Ulver.r.Kc : SlictuckctS , Hla : shetuokct t > SOLo
OLe ; Montnuk AA , 1'Jc ; Jfontauk U1J , WJio ;
liincea ACA , ISJ c.
GixoitAMi-Ucnfrcw. t > cT110 [ o : Amoakra ?
dri"is , i > c ; Amoskcap , hlnpli ; , .he ; IvaiilijKi
! , , < ; \Vamsitttn , Mc ; Nubian , sa'p ) ; \ \ n
\\lck , Oct Whlttcnilon , IV ; llatoi. drew , So
H.itc * Ktnpli' , OJc ? Hnndolph , utaiile , O o
Lnitsaowtio , ic ; Uloui'ester , i e
CIIKVIOTS Anioskeii ; ; , checksO c ; Amos-
8 } < c : hlalcrtillKs. . W ; Hii.
Duri ; , OH'r : AVliittotidon , striiiiw. ! xilen :
row , Iks ; Otis , cliecks > 'jo ; Utls stripes , l'o ' ,
Hoyal rtjfc ; AinwUeatr , iiaiiped , lO' ' c ; Lu-
ray , book fold , 12o : Obi-nni , book fold , U,1 ic ;
Kuduruuco , book fold , l'-'o.
Tlio reduction of cnMrtn transportation
rates citnics n rc'diictlun In tin ; ) > i Ins of lum
ber ; nt the satin.1 tlini" tin-to is nn advance In
ct'italn grades ot lutubpr..0 that the icdnc-
tlon is not as peat HS it would ulhurwlbc be.
' ' ' ' '
12 rt'n rt'm rt'is n'--o n ft 24 u
2t4 . 15.35 lV r , IVJA W ( H > IT.CO 18. ( ) 10 W
2x0 . 15.0 I IMH 15tH 1 11.0(1 ( ) T.UIL' < .lVIUt.N (
'X1 * . 15.25 15.25 15.25 10. ( 17.IK ) Irt.Oll 1IMW
LMll . 15'J'i Ifi.'l'i H.25 IrttHJ I7.UO 2H ( ) 21.UO
Sxli . 11.ftIV.5 I6JJ5 1 . ( K ) 17.W1 H1.WI 211.00
4.\i-a < 8 . iri.afi 15.25 i5.-a imio IMK ) li'.dO '
110 Aims.
No. llwards , 12 , Hand K'.fl . fin.M )
No. 'Jlxiards 1'4 , 14 nnd 10 U . KM
NU. . ' ] bnaids 1'J , 14 and 10 1 1 . I'.M )
No. 4 boards , 1-J , 14 and 10 U . U.V )
1st Com. , 12 , Hand 10 foot . S2l.7r.
2d Com. , 14 and 10 feet . 1U.75
S < I Com. , 1-i and It ) feet . 11.75
en l'cc , 14 and lil feet . 10.75
1st Coin. . n < Inch , Noiway . Ifi.W )
"d t'om. , : Si Incli. Noivvav . 11.00
Ki\ :
No. 11 &fi inch , II ! .uul It leet , lough. ! .
No. 1,4 0 ineli , ID feet , niucli . 17.00
No. 'J , I i\r t ) inch , ia nnd 1 1 U-cf , lough. . 14.0D
No. ' . ' , 4 * 0 Inch , 10 feet , rough . 1 1.50
No. I , 1'laln , 8 or 10 Inch . S17.00
No.J , I'lain , 10 Inch . 15.00
No. 1 , O. U . 17.50
1) belecl , 1 Inch , s. LM . 'jy.50
1st Coin. 0 Inch , white pine . S33 00
3d Com. ( I inch , white pine . B5 03
I'd ( 'oin. 0 Incli , nliito pine . 13)00 )
1) . Oiiicli. wliito pine . 'JO 03
Chicniio iSel. Kenct * Klooiinc . 1800
Ibt and Al clear yellow pine , -l-o Inch. . . 2053
H1OCIC IK ) MtllS.
A 12 inch , Isl'J , Ituiulli ) lect . 510 00
n " " " " " "
. 41 oo
( J U K it II U l 0/j g0
' ' ' ' ' '
i > " " " " " " I ! . . . . ! . , ib oo
No. 1 Com. 1'i in. s. 1 s. 1'J , 14 ami 10 It. . 17 00
No. I " " " 10 , 18 nnd 20 it. . IS 00
No. U " " " la , Hand 10 ft. . 1500
I.A-I n.
Lath . 52 25
i'on = .
White Cedar , 0 inch , halves . S 11
" " " " '
"h uiidSinq'rs 0
" " 4 " round . . . . 11
Tennessee red cedar , vplit . 14 ' J
MMI : , i. ic.
Qiilncy white lime ( hostR5e ; oeuiPiit.
Akron , .si,7. ' , : jilaster S'jv : > : hair , per bushel
! 10c : tailed ieit , per c\\t. , S1.75 : su-.iw Uuatti ,
E/oyal Havana Lottery
( A fiovr.nsjiENT IXSTITITIOK. )
Drawn at Havana , Cuba. Every 10 to 14 Days.
Tickets in Tilths. Wholes , $ o. Krnctlons pro
Subject to no manipulation , not controlli' < l liy
tlio pin tluIn nil' H'ftt. It is i lie l'ali-t thhifjlh
tlio iiatnri1 of chnnco Iniitf'M < i .
Tor tlckpt- , apply to . < IIU1MV & CO. , 121J
Ilroiulwtty , N. V C'lty ; M.OTTI.NS\CO.lUMuhl
tlCCt , Kllll3ll8 I itj , Mo.
11 XO Kill Hilll ailtUKTOM41I4. . , NfMIIAHti.
6O. ; WAG-NEB'S"
U. P.
The jiluco to buy fresh brcnil , cake" , etc The
liOittUlil hlllriiit ) i'.CfaarnrTt , rti < .iuy lu TT . .47 ,
151tWiilSTKU : ' "TKET.
& MAUL ,
( KW < 'OPirs to J O. Jucohs , )
At the old htnii'l 1107 Farn.iiii Ht. Or-lcri by
toli'trrnpli sollolti'il anil promptly attcnd.j'J to.
Tuluihonu | No , 22J ,
Nebraska Land Agency
flenpnil ilcaloi-h In Itoal Fhtixtd nml lloal IMiito
Moit ugoa. J.VXi ruriiiini St. . Omaha , Noli. _
Coriu-r KlKhtccnth and Cais StifictH. Omidm
under tlio cm o ol thubUteivol .Men-y.
Tim ricliuluilla i < > nr eommumnK tlio tlrfrtMun-
day ol heiiU'iiilipr , mul clo os tin * ) H > t Mi-i > h of
Jimu ; It Is divided Into two torsions of tlvo
months 0110)1. )
( iriuliiHtliiK Dopiiilincm , } 'i'i PIT t-ossion ,
l'll l Deimrtmrnt , f-W per ff-.slon.
HLTOIH ! fcpnrtnii < nt , f M pur i-Cfslon.
Tlilul Dci'iiriint'iit ' , jit ) per MIOII. .
roiiith Iliiuilniont. ] Hi iiri-t-i-sloiu
I'lllli Dopm-iiui'iit { lUporsO'D-kin.
Junior Dcpiirtini'ni. if'i jiuf trs lon.
rnyitliln Hul f Yearly tn Advance.
I'lain scwliisluney work , embroklcrj , i't " .
free of rliarHO. Muslo ami otlmr ucroiiuillsli
muntii term I'.xtru rliiirKc. Tlii * lii-tltulion N
ciiny ol 11(1-01,6 li ) Iho,11 , TI cur lines. Hois
imuiT the uiri' of u < annilmlltml. .
Peivons ( Ifiliimr private liaixnih In drawimr.
piilntliU , imifclK , nppi ) to .llrctiors.
Ihiroionci'ot rcllli'ii ill nut lie ri'Kiinli'din
thu mliim-Mui' ' ol pnpil >
Garlichs & Johnson ,
516 N. 16th STREET , OMAHA , NEB ,
Investment Scourltic.s , > fuituKt } > 1
Loans iii-gotlatcd on ctt > propcily ninllm.
piuvuil furma.
fijiorcciil inieirsullcwd biitlmoik'po-iU.
Mendelssohn & Fisher ,
II. U HllANU. .Suj nnieiiUout
t - nr *
BjUiard Tables.
Manufacturers of Billiard & Pool Tables ,
And Snlooti , Ofllc" nnj llan rixlitrrn. Mnrkot
mid Huron S\t.t \ Lhicaifo , 111 Onialm otlicc , 6JJ
S. loth St.
Book Binding , Etc ,
Printers , Book Binders ,
And ninnk Honk Mnmifnctnrers. NOJ. 1CW ninl
KM South HtH Street , Oinnlin. Nfl ) .
Butter Tubs ,
Manufacturing of Butter Tubs.
w , m. sto ; 4n ft , ; ioc : , ; ; < o ; 201 > , cs too n > nrk-
Ins , ( "XIMh and i'lcreu fet , , Oinubn , Neb.
Cigars and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
Gnn > nnd Aliinitinlllon. 2IS to 123 South llth
Street , KM ) to 1 . ' 4 Kiirnntii Street , Oinaliii , Nob.
iHTcn-OrKAV TKUH I'AtTonr.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wlioleculo Dealer * In I.euf Tolmeeos. Nod.
Ira and 110 N. 14th Street , Onmlin , Ncli.
Cornices ,
Eagle Cornice Works.
John Kpeneter , Vromletor. Mnnnfaotiirpr of
Gnhanlzetl Iron and Coinleo. lest Dodire , utul 101
nnd 105 Noith 10th Street. Oinnlia , Neb.
WfKMI'INO & IIOl.Ti : ,
Mniiufuetiirersof Ornnmentnl
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , nitn1 , Vtc.,3J03. UttiHt. Work done
In any ( inn of tlio country.
Western Cornice Works ,
C. SPKCI1T , Proprietor ,
flnlvanlrrd Iron Cornloo ? , Uto. Spcchl's Im
proved I'utont Mi-tiilllo Skj light. 608 ami filU.S.
\ Mbl. \ . , Oinulia , N'l'b.
Doors , Sash , Etc ,
Manufacturer and Dealer In
Doors , Sash , Blinds , Mouldings ,
lite , Btnlr Halls a Kpeelalty. Telepliono No. ftj.
15th and Mare.v M. , Omnlm , Neb ,
Electrical Supplies ,
Electrical Supplies ,
L. W. WOLl'n & CO. , Rlpi'trlelnng ,
Mn&ontc lllock , Onnilin. llur lnr Alurm , llrlls ,
Tito Alurm , I'loptrlo Miittltnr , Spcnklux Tube-i ,
Gold , Hllvcr and Sk-kel I'lutlnt' , Ete.
Iron and Nails ,
Cut Nails and Spikes ,
I'no Nulls a Specialty. Omuba , Nob.
Omaha Iron Works Company ,
Machinery , OiiMimra , Pfpiim Knjrlnt'S , Uoilcri ,
Aix'hlt < itiinil ! Iron Work. Iron lli-iilKes , Mining
mul Mill Machinery , onico nnd works , Union
1'acillo 1L It. 17th and IHli feticcts.
K' ' St IIHO. ,
Foundry Works.
Cor. Uth nml Jiickwii Stt. , preiiaicil to do nil
klmls of Iron and , llmm ( * iibtlii.rM | ; uNo , ( ) , ( , ' .
HumiNter' ! ) Kocklu Uratc liars imtnnl.ictuioJ
Mattresses ,
K. M. ! IUt > E
Mattress Company ,
Mnnnfnetiirlmr Mnttiostfti. IlciMln > r. Fcnthcr
Pillows , t 'ot * , l.'tc. 1200 nnd I''OS Doiiflas Sti cct ,
Omuha. Neb. ' * t ,
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans Pnnta , Shirts , itc" . , lift ! nnd liat Doiifjlns
Street , Omuha , Nub.
Paper Bozes.
.T. i , . wrticiu ,
Manufacturer of Paper Boxes ,
lOBS. 14tbPt..Omutiii , Ni-b. Onlri-hby mail so-
liciiod mid \\111 iDLTlvo prompt attention.
Omaha Safe Works ,
0. AVnilKEN .
Maimriictiirrr of Tire and lliirnlar Proof Surra ,
Vault Io ) < ii . .lull Work. Shnttei * and Who
Work. Cor. Hth and Jaek'-on fctsi. , Umuhn , Neb.
T. .1. QIT.A1KV ,
Soap Manufacturer ,
Olfico , nml Fiieiorv , ni'iir Powder Magazine ,
Uiimhit N 1) .
Wagons and Carriages.
Manufacturers of Fine Carriages ,
Lllfi nua 1117 Jlurne. ii . Ussha. Sell , "olo
Auontfi In Nclirai-kii for Jones' CoIcTH-nten F-w :
Shan SulMte.
EfiablMied If.V.
A. .1. SIMPbUN ,
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
HUH and Mil Uodjfij Stioel , Omalia , Nelj.
White Lead ,
OjI.IJA WIll'l'K lrAICO.Ml'ANV ,
< ' " "it ( irinilcru of
Perfectly Pure Wiillc Lead ,
Oinnlia , Ncli. J.cU Ciu-tir , I'ns. ; r , V . Jf
Vice Pii'ti. : H. W. VatCH , ic. i.ndTieus.
The Millard ,
, J. K. Miirki } ! 'J'lios. Hirolio , Proprlvtoii
Omaha , NuVruskn.
Arcade Hotel ,
James r.icoy , I'rupili'tor.
K\'i \ ami 1-.M7 louiiln ) > H. , Omulm , .Vcli.
piition.iirnol coinuiervlal IHDII n pectfiilly
Hillelti'd. 'niey will tlnd thla the boul f i a day
- ' .
' '
The'Coz'zens ,
P. voy . | Co. ' , V I'i '
Itatei J2.V ( | per diiy , no ilifrk rooms. Also 1'alaco
Hotel Sunlit lo , Oinaliii , Nub.
Canlleld House ,
Tor. Ninth and I'aniam > = tn. Tlio best | a per
duy hotel In uimilia. ItenioiielMl. iflunilsli.ij ,
ii'ilneiated ; ono liloel ; fiom itimy lii'iid < | iimk'n > : | ) 1'nlon I'ui'lilu ht ail < iininei.H : street earn
pass Dm door , u ona1 ( 'iintlcld & c'o. , proiirni-
iors. Also L'nlon htoelt Yards Hotel , South
Hotel de Gees ,
l1. ( .OOrf.I'joprletor.
I.uioiirim J'lHii. Tbiduly ) centrally located ti
niluyhuii' , . Thi.e dooif , fiom lloyd'b Op.'iu '
IIiiiiMMinil oii > --litlt blwl. from tin * 1'oMoltlfC
tindtlie Touii Hoiif-o. 1W1510 , lili rarnuui
bl.UmuUi ( , .Null.
Planters House ,
E. riinus : , pitVipitinroR. 1
ie.i.W IHT MUJ. tnrt > > \ e ft rrmn TT P
nojmt , .within oil' ) MocU , . ! ' liout > , CVrmi
IO < IKO niulliiUi ttitx'lt.OinuUa/NuU. " "
* _ _ Agricultural Implements , "
AUr * IO ,
Dealers ID Agricultural Implements ,
Ofllco. Corner Oth nnd Pnt-llli 4ls. Oieiiliu , Neb.
. \uu\HisiMiiiFr : A
Wlu > 1' nle tUnler * In
Agrlcnltnral Implements , Wagons
, Onmhn , Neb.
Boots and Shoes.
\V. V. MOUSE X ni. .
Jobbers of Doots and Shoes ,
1111 Kiiitinin Ptrect , Onmlia. Neb. .Mnnufftctory ,
SmniiHT Stit-ct lloMon.
Carpets ,
s. A. bin HAitn.
Wholesale Carpels , Oil Cloths ,
Mattings , Curtain Ooods , lii < . U23 Faiuam
Street , Oninuii. Nib.
Coal , Coke , LimeiiuMone ,
OIHce , SKI t > . lllhBl.Omnm rN"b. Yi\nl ,
mid Davenport "trrei" .
Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal.
llcfit vurletle * . Olliiv , 'JIMS , littli St , Tolepbono
No. 14ltOnialin , Nib.
NiniHASKA 1TK1. TO. ,
Shippers ol Coal and Coke ,
211 3. Vlth t. , Oinnlin , Nob.
nut. t' , Tnwi.i : , 1'r. slduit.
r.r.o. PuiKiihUV , be < - . mi'fl'reiH.
.1. H. llui.iirni , T. A.
1'iopiietrir. Mnmijtrr.
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
Olllce , ilTS. flreet. Trlephono 4 .
( lio. : K. I < viin , Ties. r.r.liouiiM'.N'.V. 1'rcs. .
J. A. SM'Minu VMJ. Pi"nnd TIMS.
Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobbers ot hard mul "ott eoiil.aj'JS. l.ith ft. ,
Omaha , Isi'li.
Oil AH A ( XAJ , AND I'ltODl'Ci : CO.
Hard and Soft Coal.
I'.TcliiKtvo dcalois In Itonldnr t'oloimlo Toul.UlT
MHItlt 14th htieot.
Coffee and Spices.
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
CoiriHt * , Sploet , IliiVliitf 1'owder I'lavox-inpr
'tx , l.uumirj lllno , Ink , etc. 11H-10 llnr-
noj Street , Ouuibii , Noli.
Commission , Etc ,
Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters ,
l"l ) Furnum HI. , Omiilni. Applet } Our own puck-
IIIRT 1'liitt A-Co.'s Tljver HrMiict O } slurs , lluttur ,
Kggf , Game , Poultry , PutHtoi's.
1' . l''lACK ,
General Commission Merchant ,
Profluro , PiovWoil" , I'rints , I'lonrmid Feed , 105
H. 14th St. , Umnlm , Nel > Coii'lgiimcnls bollclttd.
lletuins iiisulo piomptly.
Jobber and Commission Merchant.
Cbopso , SaiiMipcs , Kmlt * " . llutchxrH Tools nnd
( Supplies. UI.'iJi'iKf , St. , Oiuiilm , Noli.
\v. i : .
General Commission Merchant.
Pi-Ki'Ml riKh llnttor , KifS | , IVirolmi nml Do-
nestle Fruits , 118 B. llth. , Oinnlin , Nob. Telephone -
phone No. ! 19 j.
D. T
Commission and Jobbing , ;
lluttcr , KKBB and Produce. A full Uno ot Stone
ware. Consignments tollcltei ! . JJ14 Uoilgo Kt , ,
15. MOHONV ,
General Commission Merchant ,
Butler , Kirtrt. , Cliees-i' and Country Product ] gcn-
einlly.Jiu'it' . 12th St. , Onnihn , Ncl ) .
MUsllANi : .V. CHIHLliit { ) : ,
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
mlor and Paeklnir Ilonsolltli & I.citvon-
worth St. , on U. P. It. ll. Truck , Omalm , Nub.
ItOlir.HT PfllVIS ,
General Commission ,
ill S. 14th St. , Omalm , Nob. Fi ] < H-laltles-Iluttcr
I. UP , Poultiy and Oiiino.
pKYcicr. lino's. ,
Commission Merchants , Fruits ,
Produce ami Provisions , Omuha , Neb.
A. P. Sl'UACK ,
Wholesale Commission Merchant ,
, Heeds and Pi-odiieu. No. ' , ' 13 S. t-'th Street ,
Omulm Nt
Storage and Commission Merchants.
Fi nits. nnur.ApplPN ritotuiu ni . Cider , Y'inwui ,
( Iiuss heeds , liiittt'i- and Kuun , ; I13 und 1115 South
lilth btreet , Omaha , Nebnibkn.
WIKDP.MAN i : c6T ,
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultry , Mutter , Oiimc. Krnlts , Kto. 'OS. Hth
St. , Oinnha , Nebiu.'Uu ,
Wholesale Foreign aud Domestic Fruits ,
Meats , l.ii ni , Jellleh , Iliiller , KITK" < , < /'liecso , Ktc.
No. : vn S. liitn HI. . Omulm , Neb.
General Commission Merchants ,
14W nofo ) Street , Oinsilui , Neb. Consignments
A iron t for thn Manufacturers ninl Imjtortors
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lumps , ChimneyH , Kto. Ofllce , ! )17 ) South 13th
blreet , Omalm , Neb.
Dry GooJs ,
. ! . J. IIUOWN .1 CO. ,
Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions ,
Street , Omalm , Ni-b.
I , . ( IINSIIKHO & CO. ,
Wholesale llcaUrslii
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
UncutI..KCS , Kmtiiolilery and Wliito Goods ,
laiJDoUKlasKtreet Oinaliii Neb.
The Baker Automatic Engines ,
Stationary und portable eiiKlnes , liolleis and
Mict-t iron < iH < , > MH.-OIII > . iiKrlciiltunil Imiilo-
jMittluimiis ) , etc. Il'i-liri ; ) : ! | , < Miven\voith St ,
Leather , Hides. Ctc ,
! „ C. JirXTlNGTON \ SON ,
Dealers in Hides , Wool and Tallow ,
111 ! JuckcOM Sued , Oinnliu , Ncli.
Leather , Saddlery Hardware ,
Fnddlcry and Hln > > I'lndliiK' ' , Hides , Wool , 1'urfl ,
Peltv , ( ireunt. , ' allow , llto. , Oinnliu , Neb.
flour. Etc ,
Wtt , 1'JILMd.S. fUll. ItlCIIAIIUSOX ,
WM. Plir-STON * ; CO.
Wholesale Flour ,
108,510mid Ol : . ' PloicoHlieei.Oninha , Neb.
IA. . STI.WAHT i. CO. ,
Wholesale Flour Dealers ,
Atitl iiuUHirucuirLTB ol' llliunluutliib' and Lubrt-
niutio Tin K , .in ,
Aircntfor.l C Hoffmaj r A l\i. ,
Manufacturers of Highest Grades of Flour
llj Holier * Hm ! llillu mi.m pmv * * . Wiu-clioiiM' ,
l lIJone Mr < 'CtOimilia.
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain.
Mainifitctiirri orV. . J. Wel lnui * Co 'MJ'
HnNiiK Huckulieut Hour and piiiprli uutiimni" *
CIIJ Mills , c-or. < < lli mul I'nniam Mruot * . tnmilui.
Wholesale Dealers In Furnlturo ,
Piirmim Sln'ol , Oinnlni , Neb.
l.l.UN Bl n
Wholesale Grocers ,
IMOnmniU ! IK'itplii Smft.Oi _
Whole-sale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
IVIittfCo mul SinmVi i ' Artlclis. l'M7 Howard St
MKYKIt , V \API\i : ,
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Splcef , U.ari . ninl Tol'iieeos 11117 mul llll'J ' Dons-
IIIM Mreet , Oinnlin , N > 1 * .
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th nml I'liniuin Sir etf , Omulm. Neb.
PAXTON , ( ] ( fc CO. ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
NOH. 'M. 707 , TlfJ and 711 S. lOtli St. , Oiniilin , Nell.
W. , T. HIWATClli
Hardware Iron Steel
Heavy , , ,
SpHnps , Wii.ron StoeV. llur > l oed Lumber , etc.
KUiiuul lap MnrtiKj -t.tiinulin , Xeb.
Wholesale Iron , Steel , Wagon
Ami riUTliijtu Wood Stock , Heavy Ilinilwurn.
lite. U'nand 1'Jltf I.uu\eii\\orth Street , Omaha ,
Builders' Hardware ,
Meehunlei' Tool- , and llutlulo Scales. 1UV5 Doug
las Stret t. Onmha , Ni l > .
I.KI : , ruiKD * co. .
Jobbers of Hardware and Kails , Tinware ,
Sheet linn , ito. : Atrentslor llo o Seixles and
Miiunl Powder Co. , Oiiiiihn , Neb.
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Mantles Grates , linepoods. . iy.1 and 1XTJ Far-
inim Stu-'pt.
Wholesale Hardware aud Nails ,
Steel Nails. Cor. mtli and Himiey
Mrcots , Oinaliii , Nob.
Manufacturer of tlio
Deering Harvester Goods ,
Write to Win. M. 1,01-lincr. ( lenonil Agent.
Oinnlin. Telephone 010. _
Iron Pipe , Etc. . _
COWING & co ,
Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers ,
.Inhln-.ra lii Imn Pipe , Iron fltllmri , Iron mul
ltni H flotxlH. Knjrlncors' Supplies. 14th mid
Streets , Oinnlin , Ncli ,
Pumps , Pipe and Engines ,
Stonm , Water , Itullu ay and M llllnt ! Supplies , lite.
1KU , VSS iinil U-l I'miium St. , Omnhu , Nul ) .
- Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Stcnin mid Water Supplies. Hoiidqiiiirteis for
Mast roost Co. ' 8 Goods , . 1111 ruriuun Struct ,
pinaliu , Neb. _ _ _
_ Jewelry.
Wholesale Jewelers.
Dealers In Sllvenvaie , Dliuniinils , Watches ,
C'loelis .lowt'lero' Tools nnd Jliiterlnls , Ule. , 101
and \m , jth Street , Cor. Dodge , Oiniilin , Ncli.
Fish. Etc.
ICKHN , sir. > issiN ; & co. .
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
Importers of PornUm PMi , N'os. Hll (113 ( Jones
Htieot and U. I' . Tiut-U Omaha , Neb.
Live Stock.
Bridge Stock Yards , Omaha.
No Vurdiirri' Churned.
CIo o to U. I1 , llridjre. i-pri'ial iieeoniinocli'tloii
mid a ) ! tied maricet lor IIOK . r . 0. Cuojicr , Man-
iwor. Otllco. HWSoulhfilh Stieet.
> i. nruKi ; ti S-ONS ,
Live Stock Commission
Gc-o. llniKe , Mana or ,
Union StooK Yards , ti. Oiniilin , Ni b. Tele. . " > S3.
w. r. iiuowN & co. ,
Commission Dealers in Live Stock.
Ofllcii ExuliHiitro lluildlnf , Union Stock Ynrds ,
South Oinulia , Neb. Toloiilionu No. ( Xtl.
Live Stock Commission ,
Union Prods Vitiilh , HIiifrtAo , ill. , fintt Oiftnlm ,
Neb. Trunk Cliitlitnili'n.MaiiHinrOtnalm Ilnincli.
Tclcplionc NIL WJ. Kstablleln-d lW i.
W. T * 1'ATUICK A CO. ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
AddicH > < all eoimmnilcalIons to us at ITnIon Stock
Vindd. South Oinulia. Advances niad'j on stock.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
.Limited. John I' , llovil Kiipcrliitniiilcnt.
WAGNKIt , t SAVAiK ( ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
Hlili-ini'iils of miv mul nllUlnilsnr Unck eollclt-
cil. Union Stuck 1 aids , Omiilni , Ncli.
Lumber , Ltc.
" "
ixiris HitAnroiti ) ,
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
Snch , Uoois , Ew , VmilB Coirih anil Douglas ,
Cor. ? i ! ; unit '
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
MoulilliiKH , Stnlf Wink ami Imcrlor Muni Wood
rinMi. Jiitt opi-iicil , N. K. cor. tth ami I oavrn-
woitli Slicclh , Omaha , Noli.
CJUCMfiO I.r.MIII'll fOMl'AN'V ,
Wholesale Lumber ,
8H S. llth Street. Oinnlia , Nob. 1' . Colnctzor ,
C. N. WlIT/1 ,
Lumtier ,
l-'JIli nnJ Culltornla Street , Oinulia , Neb.
l iiiuv. : . ( jjtAV ,
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Ktc.
Cor. Kill anil lmilas | Stirt'ts , Omulm , Nub ,
( jio. ; A. noAirANi )
Wholesale Dealer In Lumber ,
Omulm , Nelirimla.
S. it. uiY ,
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wajjon filock , TiineyVoodB , Uildare Thnbcrfl ,
& ( : . , H. W. Cor. tnli mid louulusOiiiiiliti , Neli.
a. r. 1.Y.MAN ,
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings ,
llulldlnir 1'npvr , Ktc. Bonth lllth 8ticct , Omalm ,
Nebraska Lumber Co ,
I'aM In Ciipinil Stock , f.'ioo/rt ) .
sMiiuiu luctiiuTd and whoUiMilo i leal-
em. Mill-i nt.IunlllVn. | . VVliolftalouoil i-cl
Ul&trlbutliiir } aul , Ounilui , Nul ) . Ml ti. Uth fc't.
OMAHV UMlliUO : > . .
Bnlldlng Material at Wholesale ,
.1 * 1 .
nr.iiMAN n. w vvir ,
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
COlh nml t < : uil " ' " < t . > ntnlii , Nelimhx
J. A. WAKKl'll : ! , ! ) ,
Wholesale Lumber , Lath , Shingles ,
lUHHMiUf IVl 'l't ' ! S - < 1'l , > wrJ , Hllmls , Mv .V
limt. 1'lcl.rf * . l'i' t . I.liao , I'lftMj-r , Hair ,
Cement. Ninth and Junes , nnnilm Nd > . _ _
Milliimry , _ - . - . - .
I Jobbers ot
Millinery and Notions ,
11SH llainry HIi-ert , Omuha , !
Musical Instruments. _ _
Vltlll'I.M A KlUCKSl'N ,
r Wholesalers of Musical Instruments ,
Stt'lwvnv Ploims. Weonr. l > feker. llnliiea nml
llrsrPlan'i" , PneUiml Oipins , Hinso " ' -
Htid III'1'itb ' treot.
Notions , Ctc ,
„ . , _ , .s
IHtVM- ) ! : * & PON' ,
Wholesale Job Lots7
Div Oood" , Not OIH , ( Jt tits' ritrfsliritf | Oft
Hoods trom Now Vmk. 'lYiuUI fleajlmly.
IllldWSSoUlh Mill St , Uinnlln If' ,
C. S. ( ItKIlltli II ACO. ; ,
French and German Fancy Goods , V
mid Stationer1 * ' Sundries. HIS Ftir
mim.Oinah'i , Ni'l . _ _ fl
I T , liohluson Notion Company ,
mi mul 4iV S. Ititli St.nmaliK , Neb. .
iVhole iile Denleis In NoMoutnnd ( Jents tut *
nlxliltiK tiinide.
L Oils. Etc ,
r.l ) TANK LINK d ) . ,
Wholesale Dealers In Oils ,
fli'pnlliio , Mica Aile tiiviiM" , Ktc. A. 15.
Mannnor , Oinnlin , Nob.
Pork Packing.
.1AMKS K. 110 V ,
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
Omaha ,
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
Onico I'lilon Market , 1M7 Do.lifiStruct. . . I'lioklnfl
home , U. l * . It. | { , TmcU , UimiUa , Nob. Tolfl-
phone No. K > 7.
Safes nnd Locks.
i1. iiDyr.u & co. "
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s
Finnml lluiitlftrProol S.iU .T ,
nml .lull work. IIKO ruinam ttroot , Omiilni , Neb ,
, .
-f r Wj * % J-u * * JSt - * v jnj * -rvimt * > * > n * > * > * 'f * * '
, * Jf. KVANS , I
Wholesale and' Retail Dealer in Seeds ,
AirrlciiUnrnl VeKeliiblu , Kto. Olil Kellown' Hull ,
N. W. for. 14tli mid Dailgo St. ) . Omulm , Neb.
Drugs , Etc ,
" " "
a."a\"ciiAniviriKi'i COMPANV ,
Wholesale Drdggists ,
Sobbcrbof Pulntfj. OIK Window OlftMKIo. , Ill *
llainey Struct , Uunilui , Neb.
Wholesale Drnggist ,
And Dealer In I'alnts , OIN mid Window Gloss1 ,
Omaha , Nob. ,
Wines and Liquors , y
Dealers ! Liquors and Cigars , '
l.'d'.1 mul 13H DoiiKlaB t > , OniRhii , Nel' .
Factoi lea-Xos. mul HOP , 'M IlUt N. V.
r.m. w. Dt'NCAN , ' J
SnccesBor to MUNAMAIIA k UUNCAW , Importers t
aud Wholesale Dealers In
Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
11 amliM'I.S. ' Uth St. , Omaha , Nob.
Wines and Liquors.
Wosto n AKent.l-is. tub Pc'hllllirouiiiK Oo. 7108. 1
Wholesale Wines , Liquors and Cigars.
1 , ' 1 lidiislas Slrcnt.Oniiihii , Nob.
I1.JJK .V CO. ,
Distillers and Importers of Wines
Anil Miinom , Solo mniiiiliictnrcrtiof Ivonmxly'8
iist : ; Iiullu Itlttcrs. UK Hiiriicy Street , Oinauo ,
Neb. _ _ _ _ _
L. 1' . IAItON A : CO. ,
Wholesale Dealers in Whiskies
And Clffurc , and Crucial Admits for the I'lilllp
' Ccleliiuti'd Mllu-uiiliuo Hoor. Omuha , Nob.
Harness , ttc.
Manufacturers and.lolihorant
Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware ,
Turf Coeds , llJiuikotR mid Holies. KJl Farnum
titrout , Oniiilm , .Nub. >
\f , r , JOtiNflow , > . IIAMTMKK ' 1
W. F. Johnson & Co.
Comniisson Merchants ! ;
aw IA HAM.K ST. ,
Ilrcclvcri of Crnln nml PruilH. Fnturofilioiiicht
nml Sold. Hpuclid nttemloii lo iilo : tiy tmtnplu * .
lleprts < 'nti.'il by IM'vmxl Diirton , Unuolit.
Chicago , Milwaukee fi St , Pau ,
The ShortlLine
and Best Route g
From Oraaliajo the East. ' 1
TwoTHAiN.snAii.YliimviiN : ! OMAHA XNO
riilcnmi , MlmiidiioliH , JIllwunkniT
H. I'mil , rrdiii * ItapliH , Davenport ,
< , .lln,1" . " * . l > nbniHi | ) , Itookfoixl ;
I ock lulnml , l'm i > oit , .lum svlll ,
' li'in. Miidlvm , I.aCroH o.
lli'lolt , Wmomi ,
Ami all other lmuu-tant | | mlnt < < natt , Nortliouit
Ticket olllci ) nt U01 rarmiin blreot , ( In
lloti'D , and nt Union I'uclllc IKipot. .Uf. .
I'lilliimiiHIccpnrbiiii'i the 1'mMt UlnlnsrCoM
In \\orlilaio inn on iho iiniln lines nf the
tllH\iO.MllWAI'KHBAKr. I'\LI , ItAII.WAV , I\IIJ (
ovi'i-y iittciitlim IK piil.l to pjfe'i.
OIIH oinploycg of the company.
II. , ( ; cn ral Mmmwr.
J. l-.Tri'KKii
, AMilMtunt ( iimi < rnl
A. V . II. l'AHi'i.vnn : , Uuncrul 1'aawnjrnr uni
fc . i : . lliiArKiiiii. Absittmit O ciuTuirasii *
UIT und 1'lcl.ot Auvnt.
Ilrrcilcr of ThoroiiBhbi-e.l . and HlKli ( Jrttilo '
Hereford and Jersey Cattle !
Alll J l.ji iimil.lfi-H'i llfO bwlau.
and Jail Work.
1020 Ir'iirtiuni btrtct , Ouiuhn , ,