Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 31, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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    F I
Chicago's ' Latest Sensation Linked With
n Resident of Lincoln ,
Home Nitons O ! > | octlonp to llir Treat
ment f Quitm Ituliiintinn A
Hull Agiilnsl Jim Iiiilril
Other Capital News.
( KIIOM TUP tir.i.'s MscniiV
In the- second Ilonr fnmt room of No.
1SJ14 O street , yeilc'-diiy morning , stood
nn aged man bcndine nrwr n contlcmau
who sat In n. dentist's uh.-ur. The old
limn was a dentist , and his work was tliu
usual routine duties which devolve upon
one of his profession . Prcsoiitl.v ho tin-
tailed and looking up to the Mii : ; reporter ,
iv ho had entered the room , linked him
Ills errand.
'II ic lelogniphie columns of this paper
on rriiuii < duy morning announced the tit
tempted murder of Airs. J'ay Ciood iind
Miss Lillinn Walter in Chicago \Vodnos-
< dn.v evening u.y a young nutn unmcd A.
J. IJurrus. The murder was oniumittcd
dn Trout of H. ( J. Uunti V Co 'a inorenn-
lilo agency , al Nos. MO and 1-U Monroe
Ktrcet , mid assaulted IndloH wore em
ployes , and Jlurrus a discharged em
ploye. The nllhir scorns to have boon
unprovoked and done iri'cold blood.
The dentist in Lincoln approached by
Vhe KIK reporter ivim A P. Knrnw , the
'fiilher of the assailant. Approaching
the old gentleman the reporter handed
3iim a Thursday's issue of thn Chicago
Mews , which ctnilaint'd'a cifl of his son.
lie old gentleman t > eemcd greatly af
fected , and when the reporter asked linn
if ho was Hums' father bo answered by
ticking the question. "Who told yon that
1 was his lafhcrJ' " and Ins eyes
searched the reporter' * fatuuw it to cam
an answer. Tor t-onio time ho was lethe
< o Hpoak and it was with considerable
diflioiilti that ho could bo persuaded to
fia.v un.\ tiling tit nil. lie foai'iid the pub
licity. " 1 tun juM starling in business
lumi mid it will injury me greatly , " ho
.Hnid , "to bo known in the matter. 1
liiiow that it will have to ooniu out , l > ut 1
tumid lilur to have. it kept quiet lor a few
ila.ys until 1 recover Irom the -great shock
which this terrible nllair has eaiiRed me.
"Yes , " he continued , " 'the boy is my
flon , and 1 cannot uecount tirr the crime.
J never knew that his mind ivas peeu-
iavly alleeted. In his early life he was
nlways a bright , chuerfn ! boy , in peed
licallh und pintf , . Ho was born nt Fort
Atkinson. \ \ isooiisin , twenty-eight years
jigo. He loH home at th uge of 17 and
'went to Fort Wayne , Irid. , where 1
Iwliovo lus worked in a drug store for
isomo limp. He bus not been in the
habit , of visiting us uxcept occasionally
nint-0 he wont away to Fort Wayne. lie
Mas connected with the lun agency at
St. Paul and Minneapolis for quilt" a
while before he moved to Chicago. In
April , Ib81 , he married u Miss Sadie
Cooper , of St. 1'aiil , and it was only a
short time attei Unit wo received a letter
irom Ji'un requesting his -mother * o come
from Heaver Dam , Wis. . whore we were
then riiaiding , UiC'hieago to Jive with him.
She aftorwvds did go I Inivo been in
Lincoln nboTa , % o months and tun just
goUiii into n practice. "
"NiV'said Mr. Uurrus , in answer to
lliu reporter's t rteslion , ' * Yonr present
visit is not the lir t news I liavo received
f the sad dilair. Yvstordny morning as
I ivtu > glancing ovvrtho ptpcr ; nnrly ( : the
first itt.-in which caught my eyu was that.
fcjoonatterwards I received a telegram
from my wife. I thought for several
da.\s that something was wrong or about
to happen , for I had not heard from them
for nerly : three week * . AVe Jiavo been
in the habit of corrwpouding con
stantly. "
In answer lo a question Mr. liurrim
said : "Ko lar as mere Atatements of fact
sre conccriictl , 1 think the Chicago Tri
bune had them propi'rly stated , but there
is something behind it all. About three
years ago Ahha's brother wns killed in a
railroad iici'idcnt nt ? IilU > ri .Junction
on the Chicago , Mihvrtikoe iVc .St. Tanl
riilroad : , near Jnncsvll , e , Wis. The boy.s
Iiad dearly loved each other , and the sud
den dcjitli of Ubarloswiemud to bc rdee | > -
ly on Afba's mind. From a lively anil
cheerful lad he bocarne pcrviih und
morose , and whenever hi ? /therand 1
iu\ him he said that he did not care to
Jive any longer. His n.ind wns clearly
ailed ou ami no word of ou/s could cheer
liim up. l-'rom that time on 1 am sorry
to say that he began using narcotics tel
l kop his nerves qnit-t , und at the present
time 1 belie VH him U > bo a conlirmetl
opium He ran down and got
Very poor , and was in miserable health
J have an idea that bis dUcliargo Irom
II je Dun agene.y rendered ban ( rjzy , ami
possibly he itilributed his tlisch.trge to
1i.s ) two unfortunate victims ; "
fr. ) linrriin will go to Chicago as soon
ns the shock to Im nerves lias lei t him.
In appearance the fatln r of the assailant
flonns like si seholarly oiiJgeiitlcman ami
one who has passed his life in closa ap-
pi " .ilion to btndy and wnjk He is about
( > s \ < > an > old , unu live teW , oijrlit inches
tall , weighing 1IW pouiiiU lliu lu'ir ' is
, i'iiand his. count c-iiniiptjfraTik anil lion-
cr.1looking. . He is sin" 'b'aihiisiaPtio stu-
< T < i t of tleii list rv , and has will ten sev-
iril pamphlets on the t.nbjeet. He feels
VITS g'eatly painetl at iiK on'x not , and
olli-'r * . . o u.seuo lor lts | conilnct. His
circnm.s tiiu-es are. poor und he cannot
oiler any aid to hU aftrt. 'J'he doctor ap-
pein's to' be a and no hlame
cau posdtbly attach tuliim.on the con-
ftrnry he is deserving ' ° r the heartiest
it.ympiitliy of thin community.
It has been con.siderixl n great outrage
on human decency tlutt iUe eonvieteil
innnli-rer B6harian shoiiht be conlmeil
for over a your in n Jitjle iron rage , d\7
frt'l , with a celling' about 7 feet high ,
mid never permitted to hnvp any exercise
uliaievur , Jiidgo Mason , of tins city ,
ait * that hnmanily ought at least to dic
tate tleepnt -atnicnt tom' n a convjeted
Dinrderer. 1) ) ih.ui\u ; \ , onctt a week , is al
lowed tohtt-i ) just outhide of the cage ,
\ylioro he is sliaved. ntid then immediate
ly returned in itgain , Tlio nuuson Kherill'
Canada jiives lor keeping him soclohely
C-onliniiil is tnat if lui woreto permit him
to tixereise in any of the wIU it would
ju'c'CM late emloying ] ) an e\lra guard ,
a\utlmt \ | hndoi-n nut wi l | lo ineureMni
rxpfiiKO. TU s i.s said to l-o n verv trilling
csL'ns'n ' tbr troatinjj the muruerer so
.Itidgo Mason is v rv Indignant lie
8i id it-Hterdny , tvhnn spoken to on the
siiliject'- ha vessijtl nothing concerning
lh ( < .tcrriblti treatment which lioliitiian rtu'fived since bis incaix'eration
iil < the Otoo county jail , but I
( bought I would wait and see
Sf Just indignation would not ba aroused
by those whOTlmnecd to visit the prem-
5f.cs..1 Unsaid iuither | hat nn oDieer
ivlio would ttvnl a hiimiui being in suoh
\ manner iniiht indued be u cowardly
tiig , and lie was lit only to be ch
liong the WirU oT'tjre oonfcdeniry A
rcqiioht will Iw matle to the judgi'9 of the
jutlicial district to order better accommo-
dat'on ' for the comlemnctl man.
The case will ulsalje akim Jo the MI-
urnnip court of the Uniteii'StiiUw. Judge
hlasou das concluded after mature de
liberation to outer the w o for rehear- -
A ilav or two ji' ii , in the district court ,
during the trinl ofitheicube ontitied
Kingnmti and othprs against Apli ] ) > gntp ,
inliich the titlp of tdreo Lincoln loU
wnsliolnft tested , it transpired flint King-
man wns not the real purty in interest hi
the caM- , but that the present owners of
the lots wore the nttonu-ys , Ilickclts and
WiKon. and that the property was worth
about ? : itUO ) , find that the astute legal
gentlemen had got fqr n mere pittance
the title of their ulit'iils , ami as one of
the jury in the case afterward said , "As
so-ill as we saw thai some kind of hocus
pocns business had been going on , we de
termined ( ogive the defendant a verdict.
Fortuniili'1.1 for Lincoln , wo have but
few lawjcr. ? who thus speculate in the
property of others "
It i * "aid that a few months ago this
same \ \ ilson put tip n job on conm par
ties who lire in Nebraska City , and had
iMiot boon for the shrewdness of ( tcorge
N. Scroat. of thnt place , llio intended vic
tims would have lost a number of
valuable lots , for which they would
have received hut a mere Irille.
Ai soon as Scroatdemonstrated to Wil
son that he had H copy of a contract be
tween Wilson und another party , in
which it was agreed to divide the swag ,
n ilson is Haiti to have weakened , dis
missed his suit and relinquished nil rlnim
to the property.
During the Inst national campaign in
the second congressional district , lim
Laird , Hie "brilliant and remarkable"
congressman from Unit district. , ordered
a thousand copies of the J incoln Frcie
I'res-fe , the leading ( erman paper of
Lincoln anil thbSouth Plalte country ,
which were to bo used in the interest of
Laird during the campaign in hisdlMriet.
lie promised to pay * ! 7i ) for the papers.
The proprietor of the paper did not care
to trust Laird for the amount oil his own
account , and required the endorsement
of lltotwick , the Hastings manipulator ,
for the amount , mid it was given , vt hen
the bill was prusfmted Laird expressed
intense ignorance , -and suit was brought
in the county court of Lancaster comity
and judgment rendered for the full
amount Laird and his satellites ap
pealed it to the 'district court , where it
came up for hearing this week. The de
fendant asked a continuance until the
next term of court , which was granted.
Tlie supreme .court . adjourned yester
day , to meet November ! . The judges
handed down two opinions , one in the
t.isp ; of the board ot public lands and
buildings in the question of the light of
the governor to appoint it matron of the
insane hospital , the other the case of Od-
born vs. Kline.
PITT rrr.Ms.
Arthur D. Jones , of the Chicacro News ,
was in the city yesterday on business con
nected with his paper.
1' . R. Hurlbut. KKI- , recently proprietor
of the Capitol Cily lye works , has sold
out his business , find will shortly connect
himself with a St..Louis house.
Col. John E. McCliire , of the Chicago ,
Milwaukee fc St Paul , was in the city
yesterday spreading banners represent
ing a pleasure excursion of Uncle Sam's
acrois the country by the St. I'ltul route.
The Hag at the postotliee wat- yesterday
tint at half imut nl the order of < ! cri.
McHrido out of respect , Jo the memory of
Gen MeClellaii.
The Lincoln city railroad Is pulling
tracks on nearly every Mroot in the city.
On Eleventh street opposite the Comme'r-
'ial hotel there are llireo tracks , making
it very inconvenient lor driving ,
Speakers are addressing meetings all
iver the county on the political issues of
: he coming county election. The repub
licans will probably earry the county
> v an unusually large majority with the
' \ception ot ( Sere , who always runs be-
liind the ticket.
F. M. Funko , of llio B. & M. , living on
1" street , was made happy vest onlay by
a bouncing 10-pound boy , _ Dr. Lane was
calletl and say * all arc doing well. Mr.
t' . is soling up the cigars to the boy.s in
great shape.
STATli AlUitVA-Lg.
E. Van Tramp , of Omaha ; Wall. M.
Sccly , lionnctt ; R. C. Draper , Nebraska
'J. ' Kickbaum , Cej'iwoo ; 1' , L. Nowal ,
Seward ; G. II. Powers. Uetiiricc , M.
Mants , Hastings ; 1) . J Hamilton , Oma
ha ; J. J. Kern , Ouitdta ; Wm. Gill , So-
wardE ; E. Post , Waco J , A. Cooper ,
Miltord ; H. A. Gilsuw , Weeping Water ;
H P. Hainea , Weening Water ; F. S.
femplin , Ntibraska ity.
- t iMijia sit
A hiuv cam for Hliiul , Hleeilln ? ,
nnd UlrenvU'd 1'ili * has boon discovered by
Dr. Williams , ( ; m ludiuii iciiiod.\ ) , called Dr.
\VilliamV Indmn Pile Ointment. A simle
lies has cuied the \\oist clironie cases ot iii or
W ) years stantlinjr. TN'O one ncrtl snlfcr live
minutes alter applying this wonderful sooth
Im ; nicilinine. l.otitniH nnd instruments do
nioie liana than good. Williams' Indian
1'ile Oinlaient absoilxs tJjo tuiaors , allays the
intense Itrfilmr , ( particularly at niirlit after
irettini ; waim In bed ) , nrU as a imtiltice , irives
instnnt relief , ami is iirepnrcd only fer Piles ,
itching ot pii itc finrts. nnd lor nothing else.
Dr. Kia/iei's MaKlpOmtnuint cures ns by
in.iicic , I'liiijile.i , , lilack llends 01 Cirulis ,
KlotclUN nnd Kiirptinnn on the face , leaving
HIP skin clfjiraiid l > pniitiful. Also euie.i Itch ,
halt Illieiiiu. Sore Niiiilos , feore Llj'S , ami
Old Obstinate Ulceis ,
tSdltl by diugsl t-s , or mallwt on receipt of
CO rents ,
Iti'tailed by KuriTl & To. , nndStliroetri &
Bot'ht. At who Ufa lo by 0. 1' . Uoodinah.
\Vill Aj > nly
Philadelphia ilot'nldFor ) itly ( ; ( ivils
springing from ignorance in the minor
judiciary , and , " 1rom earelchsuessi or
| irejudici > , theru in probably no cure but
i in pro veil appointments.
II Knocks Die S [ > ot , "
ami everything- llio nauire of ernp-
I ions , blotches , pimple- ? , ulcers , scrofu
lous humors nnji iriciient | ) consumption ,
which is nothing more nor less than
serolula ot the lungs , completely out of
thu syntem. It "Mimulalos mid invigor
ates the liver , tones up the Momaeh , reg
ulates the bowels , purifies the blood , and
builds up the weak places of the bo ly.
It is a purely vegetable compound , und
will tlo mo iv than is claimed lor it. We
rcler to Dr. Item's "Uolilat Alctlienl Ihs-
The l"i\Ki Saginaw Disaster.
K\ST SOINAW , Midi. , Oct. lit ) . It iip-
pt-ni-s tinlay that niimy of those icmilcd |
ilnmufd in tlie luTkliMil lift | ulKht have btmn
loimd , and beside the buy iliouned lust
nielli txvo ollierc , ate iiiiKsIiiK and aietui > -
IIOMM ! to hii dio\v.ned. 'I'lit'Hn H ni tJ. Hhiupit
und Ceorue lliun.s , who\u > iel < miwn to have
been on the butlgo at tlio time of the disaster.
The men alolt1 y tli. L'liiK the liver. An
hiiUCstbci.'iin | tins
Oiit-MountatnliiK ,
Philndel'ihia llecord. A mountain
range in Nw Mnxicu has boon moved
two and a half miles by a deputy sur
veyor , just as it mutter of accommodu
tion , in extending the limits of a land
nrTisl'tJHI.L.Y VKll-
Il Will Cum ull
by Dorau umciii ot'tliu I.iver ,
JUilncy ami Bloiiiuuli.
If you fmxl lull , ilrovvuy. tliilillllutoil liarofre
qiil'lit ' lio.ulutilio , inuulh tustiM luull ) , jn or up
petite ninl lonyitu uiuluil , ) uu mu kiil7 < irmsr
liiiin KupMlliiT , or"tiihim uossM and notli UK
mil mil' ; ou M , stxmlily un < l i.uriimiienUy nd
SIMMONS 1.IVKK HlCllflATllf. (
Al nny lltno jon lc < vl jour
, ltU-
o\it vlolc-jit imttrlii . or elluiiilullnu wllU-
out lauulciulnr uiko
Simmons Liver Regulator
I'ltKt'AliltO V
.1. 11. 7.eltlu Ji Co. , I'Jillailelpblw , fn
Items of Interest Gathered from the Oitj'a '
Social Whirl ,
Tlio Season Auisiloloiisljr | Opened
Several Noljiblc ICvonm 1'orso-
nal 1'oinls The Hymen-
Mr. and Mrs. ! . W.Miiior have rcluriiod
from a pleasant two months' visit in the
MM' A Sl r"lll' ' ck was In the city
Mrs. A.M. Daniels ami Miss Hirdio
Lyon , of Ml Pleataut , la. , are visiting
AUN. K. K. Allen , auili \ \ ebsler street.
A grand all'alr on Wednesday evening
was me opening ball of tlie Sans Cere-
monieclub The club has determined
to give a series of parties during the
coming seiusou , which promise lobe the
swell alliiir- * . " This particular ball was
an auspicious beginning of the season ,
and as every detail had been perfectly
arranged by the commillcc in charge ,
ttie iinair passed oif pleasantly. Tim
dining room on the second lloor was
cleared , and furnished aspleudid dancing
hall lor the many wore in attend-
a ace.
On the Mine evening the Indies of Until
Kebekah lodge , I. ( J. O. entertained a
large number of their friends at the ball
in Armory Hall.
( Ions. Howard and Dandy have re
turned from tbeir western trip.
The crystal wedding of Dr nnd Mrs.
Jacob C. Denise was celebrated Tuesday
night al their residence , liiOl Dodge
Mrcel. Dr. Dcuiso was married 1o his
wile , Miss Collyor , of Philadelphia , Oe-
tolor'JT , 1870. Hoth the doctor and his
wile are old residents of Omaha and are
highly ( li'tmicd on account of tluir ;
many social qualities. Their house
was brilliantly illuniiunlctl and tastefully
decorated. 'J'he large number of guests
present pa spd Unj evening in sot ial con
verse anil congratulating their hosts up
on the attainment of liltoen years of
happy mainetl lite.
Invitat ons have been i ued by the
South Side Social club for a scries of par
lies to be given h.\ them at Engine house
I o. 4. llio lii\st , was given on Thur.s-
dny evening , and the other.s will
follow every two weeks. 'J heso PO-
cials are A'ery select and are enjoyed by
the young people of I he south side.
1 ho Hebrew Henevoleiil .society have
decided to give a grand charity ball some
time ne\t mouth.
I ) . J O'Donohoe has gone onsl to meet
His wife.
Miss Paddoelc , of Reatriee , is in the
city visiting her si tor , Mrs. W. K.
Annin , HO'i .siherman avenue.
The ladies' mnslcalc at Meyer's hall
Wctlnesday evening was a very pleasant
event , and well attended by the mem
bers of the organisation. The follow
ing was the program in j rendered :
Hungarian Sonata for pinno nnd violin
( Second ami third movements )
Miss Rtist'm nnd Mr. Sauer.
Ildp Mo to Prav . Tosll
Mrs. 11. D. Kslahionk.
Tlie Mshtiii ale . M. Strako-
Mrs. A. 1'olnck.
The IIosu Sotit : . Halfe
M iss ( iiMir ie Honltjr.
Noctui no , OIL : ! T , Nt . a . Chopin
Mks Minnie ISiown.
A Ilest In the I.oid , ( Horn Klljah. ]
Miss Anna MiuKel.
Mayor Boyd has gone east.
A. U. Coolc , local freight agent for the
Missouri Pacific , has returned from his
eastern bridal tour.
The ( Sun club banquet on Thursday
night at the Millard hotel was groa't
event , being attended by forty-four of
the members of the Gun club ami their
Iriends , who feasted till the clock struck
12. About the only thing missing from
the occasion was the crow which Dr.
Stiassberger shot , expecting it to net him
about twenty points. The members of
the club holtt a caucus and decided to
rule out the crow , ami consequently the
doctor was obliged to throw it away.
Attthe First Raptisl church Thursday
evening a farewell reception was ten
dered to Capt. A Slndcn , ot ( Son. IIow-
ird's stalT , who leaves ne\t week for
Portland , Oregon , to assume- duty at
Fort Vancouver. He has been the super
intendent of the Sabbath .school of the
[ hiirch for two years anil has t ndearod
liiniM'lf to the congregation and scholars
of the school , who united in a hearty ex
pression of good will toward the depart
ing member. A paper was read V > j 1 * . 1" ) .
Holmes , psrj. , on benalf of the congrega
tion , thanking Capt Slatlen for his
caruast work and accrediting to him the
success of the Sunday school. lie re
sponded in a happy vein. lie expressed
regret at beiu < r compelled to leave the
church and Omaha , but predicted a
glorious future for the congregation in
hpilj ) of bis departure. The music was a
teature of the evening , the programme
being \\ell rendered in every detail.
The opening hall of the M\rlln Division -
sion , Uniformed Hank , Knightsof Pythias ,
occurred last evening at Metropolitan
hall.ftt the southwest comer of Dodge
ami Koiirlientli struct1 ! This was the
first parlv of a series of six to be given
by this organisation during I he coming
season. The part.v last OMining was a
very enjoyable .ill'air , about sixty couples
being in attendance. The Musical Union
orchestra furnished llio music Aside
from dancing , the next main feature of
the evening was the presentation of a
very beautiful Ivniuhtn of P.vthias clock
given by Mr. D.tvo Kaufman to Mvrtlo
Lodge No. a , also Mvrlle Division U. It.
K. of P Mr Andy lioiden made
the presentation speech in a very ap
propriate manner , which was responded
to bv Mc.ssfn. Hurrell anil Crmvoll
in behalf of their respective divisions.
The following committee had charge of
the imrt.y , am ! credit is due them
for their ellieicnt management : Master
ot ceremonies Dave Kaulnmn. Hvoi'ii- '
live committee Thoruns IJurrell , W. V.
Manning , A. Horduti , II. 1) . Slmll , .1.
Donnelly , jr , Kd Crowcll Floor Com-
iniUeoFred Utd.iurhiicr , C A.AIiccrom-
hie , A. Horden , H M. Simpson , ( Jeorge
Sabin.J Mover. A Iturnelt J < ' Whin-
1.1-3. . J. J Mo'noll , J. Harpstur , IJ F. Mad-
.seu , 1. Soli ill' .
The lirst party of the Apollo Social
club will be given on noU Thun-day
evening al Light Guard1 * ' hall. The mem
bers have made all nrrangomonln necos-
ttary and a good titan is anticipated.
The ball to bo given by Typographical
Union No 1MI ! , of this city , tit Cunning
ham's hull , on Thanksgiving eve , prom-
JM > s to be a most enjoyable and Mit'.cuts
ful .illair. The niombniM of the
/ation are working c.arnentlv to
I he all'alr a pleasant one to all who
tend The Musical Union orchestra Ha
beou engaged lor Iho occasion 'J'ho
lowing is the eommitUte of
incutsW A Hunkles , < h
P Cue , A. Clinton , James
Low MoJf-iin , - Cummins ,
Ticdet-s ; are now read.\ and fitm
cuied of any of the members of the com
mit ten
The opening party of the season of the
Homu Circle lub last evening wan a
most pleasant M oialovunt. There- was a
lull atlondnncu of thu memberh of the
club , and to the strains of delightful nut
hiothe duncerHmorrily tripixiuthr hourd
away The reception committee con
sisted ot J II Conrad , J W Gannon ,
K K Harlev ' , jr , H A Conolyf. W. II.
Wilson and'L S Mole William Wn > wt\
aa lloor diruetor , ahaibtvd by F.
W , L'ickens , li. ' jjtedinnn udV , II
I < atoy.
Once ngain tlilsyrilf"riug inslrum nt
which sizes up in Willfully the matrimo
nial ] irobnb11iti 4 of the future , is ready
for its weekly la < K.
The hands aru flflwlj moving over Ihn
face of the iiiMrhmcnt They stop. The
observer , glancing at the dial , notices
that two names nr suggestivel.v linked
One is that of a rather handsome young
physician who bus Ids ollice on Seven-
tconth street , not far from 1 lodge , while
the other is that of \onng lulj : of Louisville -
villo , Ky. . who i.s . . Jd | In be one of tlu >
belles of that charming southern city
The pale Hush on the dial of Iho intru-
nieiit would inllfeata that the hnppy tlnv
is not far oft" when the "two hoarUwill
bcat"etc. . , etr.
Again the tell-tale indev hands are
changing their position. 'Mils lime they
bait ( n front of the names of a.\oung
"auburn" haired clerk ot the freight de
partment of the Union Pacilic headtiunr-
ters and young lady on North loui-
tecnth street , not tar from Chicago. The
young man , who is quite n society swell
in his way , is said to bo about to bring
the allnir to a speedy conclusion , which
will nccessitalp Hie procuring of a wed
ding ring , marriage license , etc. , etc ,
Hi.s friends are anxiously awaiting re
sults , and the liyniPiiometcr will be on
hand to give them prompt pointers be
The hands are moving. Slowly they
swing about responsive to the subtle
magnetic inlluence which controls them.
Soon they stop , and , glancing al the dial ,
tlie observer notices that two names are
linked in swe.ct conjunction. One is that
of a clerk in a shoe store on Fifteenth
street Hie other tha't r > f a young lady
tromSt Josenh. Mo. , now visiting trirnds
in this city. Thu aeijuaintaneo of thu
two has been but u brief one , bill it i ru
mored that the ctl'ect is nheady fatal to
the single blessedness of bolh. The sec
tion of the tlial on which the date .should
be Illumined. ! s blurred nnd can not be
plainly lead When it blooms foith ,
however , the hymvnnniclcr will announce
the happy o\eut.
The distressing disnaso. Salt IMicum , is
rendilv cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla , the
great blood purilicr. Sold by nil drug-
Two Actors' IjUi-s.
Pittsburgh Di.spnloh : The mo-t ex
travagant among the star actor * , io un
doubtedly Uoucicault. Jlei.s a Miniptu-
ous liver , putting up a I the swelled
hotel * ami engaging the mo-t expensive
rooms en siiile. One of his peculiarities
is that he has , night and day , a table in
his parlor M-t with fruits , \vmo , liquors ,
and cigars Helms many friends who
know of this little peculiarity. Uouei-
cault is also a good diner out in fact , a
iood fellow- nil round. He i.s known in
the profession as a "marvelous man "
For though ovei 7 , ) , he is as chipper and
lusty upmost ntrong men are when it
their prime and gets keen enjoyment on
of life. Ho recently married again , and
ihtcu that cVuiflQtjioi profession regards
liim more than vvor-jfis n marvelous man
Hoiieioaull was liou-ever , surpassed in
extravagance I\v Feehter. who lived like
i genninn Monte Cristo , and was
sumptuous to rumaliou for he died in
> rovertj and neglect , a broken down ,
iroken htai'led. . miserable in in.
I'cqhtwr not onl.f had a table set with
Ttiits , vvine , limio'vs. ami cigars in his
mrlor like Houcieaull , but he went so
ar as to have the contents of the board
changed every thri'tj hours even if noth-
ng bad l > een touched. He claimed that
be sjiread ofTended his sight afle > ' tlml
cngth of timo. 1 lh i was an ocular as
vvt-ll a.s a gastrfrfiotriic gourmet So that
while Houcicnnl . fipdnds.ljl ) or $ JX ! ) a
week , Feebler Mpeul'lt)0. )
GivoYonr children 15. H. DOUOIASS
for their Coughi ! , Cold.s and Sere Throats ;
tlioy will < -ure speedily , arc harmless and
pleu.sing to the taste.
Parnoll'H Power in Ireland.
London Spi-ctalor : An electoral "con
vention" wa.s heid al ( Jerk oa .Monday lo
nominate cindidntes for Cork , : it
whieh Mr. Parnoll gave a singular.proof
ot his ascendency in South li''iand. It is
perfect , und suggesttiial Celt-s love : i
imi-ster it only Ins ivill roigu lie tirsl re-
commondo 1 Ihn convention to accept
two candidates not belonging to tlie
county mid not known to the electors ,
and this wns agreed lo-jjiuil ho tiiou ban
ished two of ( no pros . "lit muiiUvrs , Mr.
O'llnun and Sir.loieph iMcKennn , promising -
ising lo provid lliem other seats. This
also , wns aijn-od lo , although the ban
ished member are popular men , and
one of them al least did not wish
to rut ro. "I had hoped to ask
you , ' snid Mr. O Uricn , perhaps tne
mosl furious member of Ihe IIousiol
Commons , "Lo keep a corner for me in
Cork , bill I have not my matching orders
elsewhere. Whom it is I do not know ,
bill our loader has issued the woid ot
conunnnd , and J need not loll you Unit
Ins lightohl wish is to me a law more
sacred than many Of the laws which
prevail at the prcoent lime " Mr.
O llrirn should have boon morn frank
juid have-said * < Jhaii""Uny 61 the hnv' <
human or divine. " We wish Mr. Pnrnell
would reveal his secret of governing
Irishmen , iw ti knowledge of it mi-Jit
greatly lacilitalo the task of Ihe vice
roys. At present , th ) iigh , one may su-
jieet that the si-erct is scorn tor the
governed , scorn as of Svlla for the
Uoinaii populace , nil that appears certain
is that it takus an Knglish Protestant to
hold Irish C'atholios i'l ' truly meek Mib-
jeclion. Daniel O'Cmncll , who was
only a Milesian and a Calholio , never
attained lo a m islory Ik ) that. Could
we not. put u .stop lo osiruction ! by cre
ating Mr Panlull "Itoprosuutativo lor
Sonili Ireland , " with 7) ) votes on a
division T It would diminish talk and
othonviso be the same thing.
She hn-s the complexion of a pear-h.
Po//.oni'.s Miidieatml Complexion Powder
did it. Sold by till druggiMa.
AJjiWt Hc.hicH.
Modilind Mitther HiiblmriK continiio to
be the most porttil.ff term ot baby dress
It is .said that tfm'imly way to break a
Inby ol Micking its thumb is to give it n
doll , .
New .ferheylljt famous for its twins
There is hardly a Now .lornoy town that
is without , .sort-nil puird
The crp oC'dultfifnd ' liablein * the south
coiitinueM to IVo almost nt. largo ns it was
before Iho war
One of the most nh-iising plavthings a
baby can have i u hiring of oniitv | cotton
spooK. It bewV u'riittlo all to pieces
There nevec vya t | i time when a baby's
vsardrobu wanMi luxurious. The oiillit
for n fi MhionuW&'HHby . 0vv costs from
lonjf clfjlhea nro now done
altoji \iur'aiid ) they are al
o.kiok their little around
. legs
. * ' _ _ . .1
that they neil mure
H , finch n's "Pcuk-ttv
lee ! , " ( linn they do of th J moot
Tlio toy counters in the big
li glnning to pile up vvilh loU of
from the wonderlands abroad vylnch will
delight the habit , * * iiDOiit ChrbifWfs-limo
About the linui Unit bnbh-ud ( > to be
priii-ented in society it intuu imnrj m
jiolno circles to send baby's mother eon
gratulnlory messaged und RoiivTiiirs of
HOVVOM. 'i'lieno lire often in the form of
a little cradle.
MAliAltlA pivvcnlcdnnd Ihoroirjhlvcrail-
Icaictl iy l > ri'K 'H Pi UK MAM NVHISHUV.
' ylud ud Ulu 'ii U uud
4JI. per biiltl by < , ;
JjKTTKU 1,1 ST ,
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at the foostofllco for the wVek cmdivia Oc
tober ' . > 1833i
usr ,
A ndorson 1 ! M Arnold 1' 3
A kins. I O AMalwV
A Ion A AI leu T
Hiilmllt AT i Itros
Itiililvvln U
Hmillev II 3 Uooth 0
llaiietf.I F Hiohhv 1)
Imifliill.l liiiiil. )
Hiiltou IMV
Hei-ksted \ Vf \V \ T
Hi own W t ) XiilminioiiV \
UoxverK Htnn 1) ) U
Uuitoii W II Holi M.I
llnllev.T II Ilnvk < s .1 a
Itiililvvln. ) Li licit T U
HntiPi A h Hcnstm N1
Uushey M
Hutler A 1- '
flmpmnn O F Connirly 0 A
CnriMiii U
Cade K
Colcamu C ClmlteilonV
Clnienre K li Cook W
Clinton A Con nor TH
Cue U It rillMlllillL'W
Oas * \V a Cushion U D
Cnrjienter 11 Vf
Cumin .1
TM.I-a OuiO ; A
DobhsDO Hnrnoll
IMmlinm li !
J > oi > eman L
UcnnticoC 1. DclejsA
Drvden G W IJloklllMlll W
Daj .1 I"
Kaip ( ! A
ii J iiek : .1
i ; K > 'rcdrlo1 nn A ,
S Von-miiii .1 If
I'ootmaii .IT
3'"iy (1 tf
I'\UTHW ' 11 Flw > yi" U
limh-ira AT Oiul.liY . P
ICCK W A lillleu.l .1-3
Goulil Kev C Gaihel W
( irilllibsM
llevviil K TInslnnijiT 35 At-l
llniil.stm n Jliinkins G
lliMikor-,1 M Ilonthiirul ) A
llinc * 1) ) Jliut I )
llnuisonO P
ll.iiiliu M A 11 el ps Mr a
lleuileiMiii M IhiMlieli P
IlanlinW 1 licks WIC
llinvcl.l 0 llaltricdA
How * M Ihiimon J
Iliillc nl II llojiklninn J
Ilelteil M 0 llineOM
HollllKVIht U
1VC.S P 1 Ivls A ,
.loeelvii.l 0 Johnson A
.lohlixoli P Johnston ST
Johaiison S Johmis 41
.loh n so n W F .Ini-ksiin , |
.1 ones , I T Jordnti S S
Johnson 1 T JullCa 0
Jordan (3 (
Kvlli R C W ICosJer J W
KletlloA Koelt A
Krnlik V Knot ) J M
Ivennetly II
l.nvmirx li K J > 4ither t\ '
l.\mi ! WM Lancaster , I
U-laiul J J i.iiiilsey J F
hoe .1 Lewis A
Irf'niln A L.voii Tires
huea * A- fierier Lewis \7 15
hnvvlortIS 1.H1-S01I C 1 ?
Noiigesl U Long Jl
Lix-bel I'
Mi-Coy . )
MoUnnab W Mullen W T
Mitchell W Murjiby .1 II
Montgomery J G MeCtuio W
MmiiiRC A Jlanscm G II
Martin U Halhy G
MeDciiiio't If JMwkrfK
Millci r McftinivvT
MIIN P Cloirow J P
Mend it ws 0 SlCtTJlS J
Moigan ,1 Sluronoy .1
\elsiin I , U Xoiton ( J 11
New Inn li D K
Nelson T
Ojsltsbv I , OwensWB
O NoafJ A Olstin I'
) llcin J Oincliundcr H 0
O'Neill U
I'miti-ii i n
Pinks p IViryJ N
Patut O'Malley I'eno , T
PelcKsonT P I'nriUm A
Juirk .1
Kmleliffo K T , Uyan T J
t.uidel.SK JJey L V
(5 iStioW
ii'lnluilil A Klchardsnn A. it
Kop-rsC I ,
Smi Hi. I W Strom L M
Htecle ( ! A.
Stunner S S
Snronson A
.Smith G Stodilaitl K
Snell 1"
vSmithMKfio Snnikusmi 3
.Stewart .1 Si'flon Vf
Muni I W Shophflitl TS
Ton ike Or Triom C
TtoutU ! A. Trimhley M 1C
Ti non U Taylor F
VauKlien V ViokroyT
VtiunliauSH W
Woely H
Williams 0. Q
Wane W < ! A
Winthworlh FP K U
\Voirt > itK AViikHiMin OO
Wllwui MI. W rich I K Vf
WhltlivlJ AVoll .t.Snn
Willcts F Whitney 1'
Yoi/man II Yiitos A
Younc U M
(5 W
O 0 Keny
tjl. K. COUTANT ,
, Pott master.
Dolillitiitoil Men ,
\ on aie allowed ifnc trial tor Hilrlu ( lu-it *
oilheit'ioof Dr. lne'.s Cttlobrntoil yoltnlo
-Itvvitli ICIodlio .Siihi'Oiihory Aplianoos. ]
IHT thi'fjtw-dv leliof nnd | iimim-nt omo ol
Nervous Dt'hllilv , loof Vit.ilit.s nnd Mnn-
liWKl , mill all kindrodfftnmblcs. Al it lei
immv othe disc-lies , C-omiilotere lointion Ui
limltli , vi.ornnd manhood. No risk is in
curred. Illustrated pamphlet with lull information
mation , tprms , oli- . . mailed free by
YolUtio I Sell Co. Marshall , Mich.
Nuw YtiiK , Ot-t. ! . linsiiioss fnllurrs
diiiinu the Insl .seven dnyn , tjei , rompniod
with in last wee ) ; , und 1l i Iho week pievious
to lust ,
When J > liy wa" eloV , TTO \ > vn Imr CnntnrtK ,
Wlieo alie wni itGhiUl , olio cnnrt f or < 'iwtorl ,
AVIiwi nlm l > pcaine Mini , HIP clung t Caiiioria ,
% V1 iu Bhe UaJ Oblldro ulio u'aveti'Oin CantorU ,
must \Vin Sooner oirenter. .
A determination tosunoc-d iii _ life , an-
eompaiiiiul by the nwosfarv judgment
iind will-diroolfd ell'oit , musi win sooner
or InUtr. A youn man in Hridyrcboroiifjh
who had the reputation ot liaviii never
imrnoi ! a cent in luslilo , reiohed to turn
over ti uovv leaf and no longer bi" dependent -
pendent upon others lie en ajiod in the
poultry hiisiniis.- ; and raised lift.v cboiee
tow Is in one night There vvi le more on
the loost. but somogot avv.iy
The Great Invention ,
Without Harm lo FJ li If ! "r II ANUS ,
/ainlly. . rlcU , r poor , slionitl l < e vv
tkil.l \ > y ftU Uroooiw , lUt bnvurv Ot JllO toil-
titlons 1-JKAHLlfiK U tutuiutactiirta
wily u/
Depressed Price ' ) aud Slow Bales Oontinu
ir l Liyo Btook ,
lie I'rcsajjcs
AVI i rti t O
, ami 1
OIIIOAO - . - . . _ _ , _ .JGIC ,
0. ( Sixxwno tfro HP.K.I
CAru.K-At t ho took j-firda there was a jjnln
of fair order and ' ( .hipping duimind for the
small numln'r of useful native * ailing the
fresh niiivalslud ly , and pi Ices on such were
tipiln n shade ti longer because they vvoio
sauce. l.ovv Kr.ul ) uod litferloi native stock
Is solllux oiiuallj 3 < tl w HS lust wi-ck , nnd
dull nttlmt. The lilpplngdeiiiaiii ! cannot bo
depended on as n fhueriy. Onu of the most
active nrinsoii the i market tins not shipped a
loud in nine dajS ; A\\\ \ \ > same Jirm buying all
they In N < V York
* ' , ! vynntod 111 111 FT A Wt f\ cheaper even tlmn
III ( 'lilcau'd. Allot , ILT Him bought thulr cattle
Jn IJallalo the past two weeks. Thlssupplv
llHsoemoliem Can tutu , Olilii nnd New York
stiite. Telixrnins re Kolng Into Dm coimti v
from Ohliua ( anne imclmj un lulynnceut ! M | < $
! i" > o , niidtfclittlc m 9 brought or shipped en
lids Inleimalion to no sold here next week It
Is almost coilaln th > y will money. The
ililirkolseaslatoavv ( ydoivu niidKnxuHlitrmla
'is ' iif'vor ' vvurho tl. pii nt present. This nmr-
1'ut Is lkel.v | to bo t'lrmvduil ' lull of Infeiior
; e * Vock next week Unit must
be aisjmsed ol at an ' tfrlce that cun he Iind ,
and ptlt-i's ' now mi JnMmt as low us tor any
time lids .season , ifhuro Is more active
uio\eiit'iit \ ) In st ( > uki | - nnd fii'dt'i-s , hut prices
continue In mlecv fedlnnly low. Stm-u calf
tiailellasdwliiillcd i f\vnlJi ) \ sjuidl propoi tlens
Jiml hiiin'o lew InatK , ( t.lnfeilor stock have
sold UH.lew as $ s.j.fitul $ rt.S7 > | Mir head , but
pi line .lirMfhiss sti ) uk wild up its hlirh us
slifo.und . ianev nt SJI.U5 ner head.
ll > s. , 85.i
- . , , > , ini\i ut ii/u ji w. "
? | \ / "JVy fcn f * TH 1 II
milkers lirm ; imtLvojt aiul balfniecds. jfj.7..C' ; ' {
einvs ; wlnteied Tc\-
n ns. ! > . Bales 101 Wvimiliiif
( coders , Kill Ibs. . nil 13.17:5 : Idaho. 1 1 J Ihs. ,
$ : W5 ; IT Montanti. | , ' 4-)0 ) Ih . , S4.'J. ; ; i.t Mon-
taim l'JTl ! Ihs. fcl.iM' Ki Montana ' '
, , , ; , 1'i'W Ihs. ,
iMO ; Sir , Montnii.i , LSta Ibs. . SJ.IO.
lions At the ejn hlim there wns n blight
spurt of m-tlvltj , inul.n few of the "only
J > iids" oblnliicd a f-jiuat atlvnnoe over the
closluppilcos ot Iiisinlffbt / , lint befoio 0110-
iunrleiit | ; ) Iho hoijs on' the market vveivboUL
prUn * ilrnpfiod bnoW w about the current
inline olyosix-uhiv. Packing uml sblpjiimr ,
Jiio to : ; uo tiis , , i.ii ( ) ( B.W. J.lght vvpighLs , i : o
to 170 Ibs U.OOti'Xt ilbO to J10 llw , Sf.3Dt ! ! ?
JI.OO. - ,
OjnrAOo , Oct. SO.Ji > Dcdal to
WnnvT 'The bl-MuilK | are Betting letuly
to ralyl wheat , sJinko out the tailors , and loud K
up ticalii a ( nuu'h lovicr airlccH- This piece v
of infannation wnst-pliUitmted by a broker' b
vvhoKcnoridl.v keeps lUuisidf pustotl oil whnt
lni'tr : lish in the marliet are duSm ; or about I
1odo. " 'Dotrmbor vv'ieaV' ' " ? eontinued , * 'i 1 'b '
piintii .stralKhl lei iBc. " This bellot , however
over , cumc tnr liom Icing 8h\rod by every-
hnfty on the lloor , " bid s it correctly repre-
sciits'thotinll ' method f trading in wheat , it
ivould not bo surjuiMU lT there wnsfloiac-
thiufian II , AS on ] ii'h'HtiK days , vvlion out-
lm\c I IHIII lUiotit the suno : as
to nny , " ) > uts" vvoiea liirffor Utctur in liold-
ln > f ihe Jimiket limn i > ran king worse tlmn It
did. At Ot t the sit tut ion was wc.ik and
heavy. No bull cuiiittiliitiou w'.id de.riv-
ed Item cables. ihU bilng a
bowl oi broth sadly mibscd by
the tally ciuvwU whn. u any
tliinjitd hUoiiKiln'.n Ihhm , woulfl Imvc liel
wlieul lip. As it was , tiuystayed out of
detl Mitl poriiiitfed leUincoidera nndthe
wnj jitoi wheat to ctrry 4tliwn. . A long
Hneol 1K 1 \ biokcis vveib rsinscd on the olling
j.ido. Tiudini ; opened vvith u ml'tol ' j > dHn
orders around S7c. Tl o olltclal opening -was
i tlds pom ; it4i-.ll '
lot DoM-mtmr , mainl > for want ot . .
Their was lutlc now s < in the floor one way or
the oilier. P.y H o'olo k values had rocovenil
% a , Dewmbi-r selling ytWc. Kor thu next
hem Iho market vviat.i httdtnnlerlaily. News
< Mitio 1mm Now dil , tlml. WiHirishoffur had
unlondivl * jWUOJii ( ' .ftishela itiui-o , while
Hoc tiideiD to sell > ore began oomliiK
in from vniiimsVtll | stieot Interests ,
CMiryjiitf the iiiloodiiv-kilo titJKo. Calllornla
atlvis were nn.v < hin-jJnt ( bullish. Tlie i-e-
tliictloii In f'fti-lm -i'trilfflit rotesImsen-
abled CitliToinla mid If rniion 10 iiwi * Euro-
la-an IIIKCSOI H7s ( > djlnd tluy-arosald to be
HnowOlois. In the ; ilt.'rnii i .taoro ntteii-
tmnis ; t-'iven tot 1U < lf Ucht rocelnt.i. ISoiiio
niirilieni nwls uiioitt'Ta'fiilling ou'of so jier
cent. A tston was iiiMi vrafted down liom
thfiiorflH'rn nitons 'Aat a fiyndlcalo-willi
$ lK ( > t > .0'ju ' had l.c 'ti lllrme < l Ki carry wheat
ovci thevint r. 'J'hf I't wiis veO' hrmirii ?
in Iliat it iiiilucod a ) > If st
fliiirtci- ! i , semtiiitf t c ifiuber up In *
Minoi { jrains nlUai'ii'r ' lltjhtnttcnttnn. All T. <
HieboR ) iroiliict , wit > .1 8ttl t iMcrumler trco
iViiit. ( | < itllvclio . U thofiltetuouu bomd Ino
vVas ' higher. ' f ' o <
vvJieat 'jr ; , 8.
Ninv Yoi-k , Oft. 1 . Mo.vr.v On call S'
0,1-sv nl SMS pel oclll.
PitiMii Mi in VMII.TJ PAI-KK 4@5 per , 1hi 1
' ' hi
cent , >
J-'om lox K\CH.\.N | K nnr.S Dull and hiWJ
k WJ
. '
n . .SMks lin ( roved fiimtuvihtit tr > - 1
< lu\ , both in Iho : . - , Ijtisinov .liiiit ! nnd rr ,
niliivs ieitll/o'l. ' Tlion-'ly very notlve hU nV , ; i.
novvevoiitts \Vo lei \ Union. Otmiiiared
with liuit evening the i latket liows nn lul- in
vaiico , nuijiin 'frnm } 4 , to over 1 percent. < ine
TlieuMMiest tiniiih annthe noJIve stwks
\\eie in > * Mi-i- i > iuI 1'K'ine ' nnd Wo.stcin st
UniiiM. Unusual nil jiost i.s token in
I'rtciiie ami OioK'iu ' Tninscotiti-
liK | I" Ha ' ct ihnt thu options sli
i-n , fi > Oioirnn Tian Miniinotiil on othej- JY
"J.H-WI1I oxpiii * tiHnt irnvv. T/io / presldlit llnr
ol llio l''vuunis' ' : lyiismniiilTnittoiniiaiiy | a > s nr
that litilli Hie oiiiiiimin , < pd piofoiuul stock of lo
Nfilthoih-l'.tcino linvo itcuii oalhsl in lauo * *
aiiioimtsiolMlu soopllniii. | It Is thu 'onoml
beliol tlnU ml the si.iil. lunhriwod < n 4he- ) | > - Kfl
lnii | will Hit called I > M > JO t/j-mnrnnv niKht. 111
In iio iillifli-n Hi l , n k thu Oi aou TratM-
uilJ.'inTnjti"ii , , on ) , wuu Minion of
I'-n-jm JIM'oi ' til al sou , anil on i ) , -
\ at 'J H , also i > i a inrfju block of Oic-
KOII Ikdlwny mid Nnv < tiion , ( Mil It 1 * iiittii--
.siotid thill v ol ) little ol ( his hUK-k lui.s LHII
called toi. It vvus ini ( rM bore Unit an in m
junction hid ; Yernouiln { ) Kl itMtralnln Hie no
ilelively ol Noilliurn Vtcino ( < vk iiit Ore
ton Tiaiispiiiitibelilal jtoto | i , but Iho story
vvnsditnioil both Ity. l'i < yid < mt ItnKUmof the
l-'ninuiih' I'Oiin ai'd ' I'm-1 iu > mpan > nnd Pn-xl- 11
ileiu hmi'-li nl iho Ou-.ii m Tiiinstxxitliiiintnl.
Thi > htoak his : IH--II ' 1)1 ) 1 kyV'i'l lor wi-ok punt.
Not them PiUiiio pu-JwilM Jilioivh n fuii ; ol
) " , , ' pel ooht.imd oftinmi .Hyjff per liont , while
'm ' Pai'liiivsm \M'il the tiny , und
VMth a Kinn < il icwy percent. I
i !
< ii
C..V.A . i : , ! ! " . , II. &K. . Ni
1,11-ioni-d. , . u. . t , p.g NiHi
C.JS. Ail . mi rook Island.
| ) , IV\V \ . 11 ! ) .cH * , t\tS. \ K , .
I ) . A I ! , I ! ! * I I . .
Ktje ' - * - * - LI
iHofciied HI
1 . U. AV. .
Kansas iV'J'fMis. . Pnohio .
u km Paeinu. .
1. A N. 12
Mlrh. ( ! < . . .
Mo. Paohiti. . . . extern l/inon. 78
Nurtliuin I'ac. . .
ijn liitn-d
A ,
-\sii'r \ ; Inter
4. ! < y , Ml | " | " "H "K. No
'l\Vlu-dt- ' < id' ) lJn"iU'l l
oiicmd wi-uk , di'cllnnt < W fc , fwlv off MI
imue. ralll t Kfc'loqliii ttKjlin ? < * j < o..rai
fled MW'lLjte'.J' ' ' ii'ijuer ! ! . . ; ytuianinpi '
MM ciwh , Octub r(1av ( WoVCiUlUl.- ; ( j |
No ,
cash ;
comber ; fcwtfCwlnnuaL. ! * ! , -
< *
i'Jjf'l-Vm-Mttlot ' ' nnd s ? Uir
Kl.tU.ifggi.ti.'i OcUiber ; S. " > .80 < ? ' j' 'v No\em
ofanoy creamery.
lalry , ia@0c.
aa. "
country , ftc ,
Shllm ° n 4
Vhnlr.M9 Jf | $ * 8,000
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
OOIU OU.'M , . . , . . . . , i u $ >
noH , (
Uoxiov , lilt ! !
HI. I < o u id ,
lor ts
Corn--Ws ( * ( , n Jcmor , ami slow
roi cawitmtfotwOctolH'r ! KWi--- - ,
OHI.S ixiiuir and slow : aJiM-HHo for
cash ; a'jtf ipr Nx > vcmboi- ; | > ef > 'ca
Oat ( Juitt ; NJJ. Vi'iVe.
JJye-UulI ; ko. 1. lle ! ,
J arloy-Sti ay ; No. 8 , W fc.
, Piovlsiou3 huvvw tuess i.nrk.
Mveiuhiy , S.i5j UoeemtH'i. SS.-JO.
Cliioliuinti , jouWheBt'a'r ! ) ' ' do *
iimul jund anuer ; No. red , Vio/yss. i
Corn Ai-Aij'w nad luvvw : No. i * mixoJ ,
Oats j Kflsior ; No.8 ndx.ed. 27e ,
lyeiaNlur { ; I To. S , Kc. ,
- ; No. S sprlnf C"'C-
'i > ( - ; , . . . ' .
\ 'iyiil8ky Avtlvie and linn at 61.00' , nnlshckk
Oaaotl , < ni l.n ( .
w , Out ro. Wioat C iot and
eixU. ; jN . i .haul , oabh ami KP emtiur.
. 'KMOOii ' ; Dfcanihur , il ) > fe ; May , Mw. No. t
orttiernNoveinber , WeUecembiv' .
KJour ffntulht > ; mntunts ,
s "WJiout , dW.
Now Yonlc , i ( ! rt ! . Wbeat iloool | > tfl ,
tf,00 ; wxp < > itjilH , K)0nrml ) ; lower and dull ;
lions opened tiutivy and dpclint t l@l ? - - ,
t r ruled HlronKer , recovered KfjJ'i0 * ntl
osed iirm ; unfjrndetl red. 75 < ? 9.e ; NP. 'A re\l ,
f. o. 1)J ; > oceniber nlmmin at Ufi e.
Corn tjuniKl ) Itwivy , Idler rractol anil
osed Iirm : Kjupts. ! t,000 ; exiiorts. 53,000 ;
graded. 40Mllc ; No. 8 , J c Novembrr ;
o. S , WtfUjM- elevator , r.'Ji@5iVc : atloatw
e to arrive ; DtieBnitM'r closing nt49yc. ;
Oats-jpp0ii ( l n wluitle Itivvcr , clns'-'K with
10 decline rooovcrcd ; receipts , 27V , > 0 ; nx-
> rts , 128,000 , : mixed WHtorn , 80@8-X. , whllo
. .
PetriiMmm Pfrm ; wiTtcrt closofl nt Sl.
KBIT * l-Nrm with fair Imiuiry ;
liuii pnokiifjosvotftiin ; ) , t3@ i < j.
Pork yulwt iwid barely steady ; ineS > y8pol
Laid Dull alc.s ; wostMn steams
IJnltor Firni l\h fnlr inquiry ;
CSIiocsc Bull and easier : wastern flr > t , V ®
* < ! .
Toleilo , < 3nt80. VVhenl Quiet ; < ; ash and
lovemher , JCx-
Corn QniMftTidwnnlc - : cash , 4k * .
On3l ) llhash and November , Sfic.
Ijv ( rpool , . .Oct.SO. . Wheat Qnlot anil
ir.uly ; jtoor ilomand nnd ti > od Oujiplj ; new
i . S winter awl HIH-JII . Ts Oil.
Corn .Sbiaily ; lair demninl at 4s fd for
nit , Octo.vor anil November ; 4s 5l tut
. Got , 0. Tlio UroVora' Jjurnal
s , fl000 , ; stTongor ; slin ;
; stockers and l eders , AArt
3.75 ; cuws , Ijults nnd mixwl. 81.15 < t.7ri ! ( ;
; ) xan , til HIM , 82.40r < 8ui : > ; western rnnners ,
m ; natives ivnd linll-breeils , $ : i.75094.nO ;
iws , WCX lxr ; vvlntcietl Tcxtins , 5ri'.Ki8 )
if ) .
HoKS-Kwjolptu , JW.ODn ! ojiencd to lower
nlwo ml w < iak ; rough and mixed ,
10 ; puoking am !
Sheep S OOO ; leady ; ,
.NV . \ Jninti , IHT
Mid , 9f
Knn ns City , Oct. SO. Cattle
( ) ; 8lilimit > iu > s - Diilinei ; ovjioiU'u ,
i. t.'i/r ( > . 'iO ; eonmini ) lo ehoUo shipHnit ,
.40Ar.Of ! > - fi xickern nnd foodeis , Sih.XijI.UA ;
vvs , * ? 'Aof 'i .fCi ; ( jniss Texas Moeis , bm ) ®
H'OSS H slita ] , 0,700 ; hhlpments 400 :
OHM itiitl lOc liiKimr ; t onil to choiee , $ II.-li )
.15 ( xmtnifln u ineillum. $3.iV : ( , : i' , .
Shwp ItoooipNf ! ) | ; hliipiiu-nis ,
Mdy ; < uiniuiii ) IOKIMM ! muttons ,
Bt , Ij nl , ( ! ! , ) . OHIO Kecnipts,1.4no ;
Ipinonis , 1,00,1 ; mm kvt dull n ml iiiietsii | ; ) ] > ly
ior ; thiniiighteerhnnceat | s : < .ir < ' $5.0li\nl ( ; !
moo heavy f.l < Mits vvtmlil Inhm
8'1.H ( ) M.IX ) : m'.ved
b but lHft-laK .I.I ii.iX ) ; Towns ,
Slutep JlocelpM. 400 ; fililpments , 100 ;
ivr ! anil Iwpifnuifs mm and wnnicd ; cum-
A1IIIH. rf. OvlAIfA , )
I'YIday ' Hvfiiinff , Onl. ) . f
luuidn Ui4iiv.
Tin ! 1 1 ( umtUtit v.'its at'uV
btgii'or ,
. 403
Poor to 1 Oood 10
DKHCItlrTlOV. lIiMllum. Kxtrj.
Itmnnd over ni sr > i
W Jim 40 4
: i w Jeer
ustoin . . . . ! fXKi 5 tt' r ?
itlveCovvs aw 4
ills 1 7.1
Illlfll MIXNt. . 'A ( X )
a 10
Kilt' ' a
o , Av. Pi. Ko. Av.
I . 1048 * 4.1& l9 ! . { ( M
8.11 44 . HOT '