Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 31, 1885, Image 1

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Ferdinand Ward Claims a Concocted Oon-
epiracy to Convict Him.
A I'romlslnjj Improvement Noted in
iTolut McCnlloiiRh's Condition
Monlrcnl'H Plight from tlio
ox ; Scourge.
Tclon AVurd. Tnlkn.
Nu'T YOUK. Oct. 'to. [ Special to the Rr.n.l
lYutlnnml Ward's counsel will probably
make a motion for anew trial nnd certainly
take f'Ji appeal on the validity of tlie Indict
ment. If Ward Is sentenced for ten years
the in-o ecntlou will probably not try him on
Uio other Indictments. If the full penalty Is
notnlven , another charge may be tried. The
Tilbiino says Ferdinand Ward made the foi
lowing statement to Its reporter : "I feel
thai theio was a conspiracy to convict me
regardless of evidence , and that the Improb-
nble story of the telephone was concoclfld out
of a spirit of spite and a dcslro to place
mo where my hands will be tied and my
mouth closed , hut nevertheless 1
feo.f cotitidont that tlmu and a
full Investigation of tliu business of ( irant
A-Wind will convince the public that what
1 have already said about the disposition of
moneys of the firm , Is true , and I only liopo
( hose who have taken what doe.s not In law
belong to them will IK' made to return JJiu
name so Unit those who lost nmybcnnuie
whole. 1 have done all 1 could to this end
and now leave It to those who are empowered
by law to act In the matter to do the rest. The
hooks and papers of ( irant & Waul will
show Iho whole story and I feel sure some
one will act In the matter and show them up.
1 will not complain , but trust time will tell
what 1 am now restilcted from showing. As
tothe appeal In my case , that rests with my
atlomujH. f mean to bear whatever may
conn1 vtith a brave heart , believing that time
will In Ing about a more Just [ fooling In the
minds ol the public which has for thu past
year and n half been saturated with the vin
dictive stories ol my enemies. "
PrnnkH of Harvard StitdontM.
Hosros , Oct. ! .0. [ Special tothe UKH. ] A
bet. of i > * K ) was made by a party of Harvard
students a few daj s ago that one member , C.
H. Tyler , hO > , could not walk from Cambridge
lo Wdicestor , forty-four miles In twenty
hours. The bet was taken and Thursday
was set for the trial. Tyler Is a large man ,
weighing 200 pounds. The betters accom
panied him. Tliu stait was imulo at 4. a. m.
Unknown to Tyler his friends procuicdsome
Urge posters bcaiing in bold letters , the lol
loping inscription : "Attention , All I Win-
chcslor'H Winged Wonder will pass through
this iil.vce to-day on a great walk from Hoston
to Winchester , for thu cliainplon.shlp of Xovv
England. IJeieadyto leooivo him. " Just
lietoio reaching the towns thiottgh which ho
was to pass Tyler's triends would drive
ahead and p > st one ot the notices In a con-
snlcuoif ! place and when the walker nrilvud
his entrance into the town was greeted
with a warm reception , which , whllegratity-
ing hiri sense ol' vanity , was most annoying
to lapid piogross. lie ariived at his dcstlna-
tlmi a few minutes befoie the prosciibcil time
amid tlie cheets of an excited Huong.
.John McGullotiKh Imp/roving.
Nr.w YOUK , Oct. BO. [ Special to the Unit. ]
The Times , J'hiladelphla special says :
"McCullougli ! } much better physically" said
Dr. Hugo Engel. "lie has also natural con
trol over his legs and right arm and hand ,
and legalned much power over his left arm.
Judging of his ineieased scnso of recogni
tion his mental condition is also Improving.
When brought home he had almost lost the
Miiiso of toueh , and a lly could ciawl over
his face without his noticing ; it. Now ho
takes notice of cveiythlng , and by the ex
pression of his tace he .seems to endeavor to
think mid connect one circumstance with
another. He isgiowing stiunger and stood
alone for u minute to-ilay. This ceitalnly is
encouraging , when it is reiueiiibeied that ho
was perfectly panili/.ed and helpless when I
undertook his ease , lie can swallow nor
mally now ? " The doctor Is very conserva
tive .is to complete ultimate recovery , but
c.xpi eased himself as hopeful ,
Tlio Montreal Plague.
MOSTIUAI. , Oct. , " > 0. [ Special to the HKB. ]
--Fifty-one deaths from smallpox yesterday.
The disease does not seem to bo decreasing.
Sixty-one new cases were reported.
Hosrox , Oct. :10. : [ Special to the HEK. ]
] > r. Conn , president , and Dr. Watson , fiecrc-
taij.of the New Hampshire state "board of
health , are In this clti consulting with the lo
cal board. They h.ive visited Montreal and
found the authoiltlcs there sppntllnz about
$ : iHX : ) a day and estimate will bo
needed to cauy them thiough the winter In
Hanitary measuies and relief ot paupers. HIM-
lucss Is .stagnant ami in consequence tlio New
H.unpshlic boaul fears a largely Inciea.scd
immigration of paupcis who have been liable
to Inti'Ctlon. It * members are- trying to as-
veilaln if tlru United States Jaw prohibiting
the landing of pauper Immigrants 110111 across
the Atlantic will not apply in this case.
Tim Soldiers' Homo Commission.
CIIICACIU , Oct. : . The soldlois' homo com
mission Is in fusion at the Grand Pacltic
liolel willi a view to coming to some decision
In the selection of 11 site for the new home.
The members aieall present , but they an no
nearordectdlngupou a iocatitin than they were
thieovvccl , ! . . nti ui urm . Decutur , Bloom-
Ington , ( Jnlii'-v. Alton , ItocKfoid and Elgin
lite mimed , iMifinult ! found with all. The
committee iroin Alton trlnl to coax Senator
Cnlliim , who is slopping at tluMlrand I'achlc ,
to In their behalf , but the ex-gover
nor said he knew nolblnu' about the matter
mill could not iuteilorj ) . Itocktoid and Elgin
uio opposed by a majority on the ground thai
they aicboth on the Xoithvvestem railroad
ami that corporation has not manifested any
( Italic to lendii helping hand and the com-
tun u decline to combine on these points.
'Hie o.ildlers' homo commission to-night
Mood Dlxon. Dccutiir , < } uinoy , 'Jj Spring-
neld , 1. It Is said now that complications
have been caif-ed by the Illinois Central aud
Ivuithwcstein rallwaja.
Among I' ' " ' llnllrondft.
MOXIHIAI : , , Oct. r.o.-On Monday the Ca
nadian Pacltic railroad will bo opened for
passenger and Height trafuY between Quebec ,
Montreal and Winnipeg , there connecting
V Ilh Hit ) we.stoin system toStephen , a station
on the western slope ol the Kocky Mountains.
fmty-onu miles tiom the suiiiiiilt mid , '
miles Irom The pao cngcr time
/nun Montreal to \ \ Innlpcg will bo sixty-two
limn : ) , The company is now negotiating
\\Ith the Diiinlnlon go\eiiiment forcmlgniiil
business " im ( JuclM-o to the Northwest.
\\hlch jietofoie gone by U o ( jraud
Tnull ( .icago and St. 1'iuil.
Tlio Court's Order' Altlriucd.
DNiwYuitK , Oct. ao.-In * the suit of the
Land ( irant company , of New Mexico , lim
ited , against Stephen 1J. ICIklns and others.
Judge Liiwience several months ago In the
fctipiciueroint levied a motion made on be-
lialf of the company for an Injunction to re-
Urulii 1'lkliiH Irom disposing of lih sliuro U
tlioitoiu land KMlil in Mew Mexico ,
ingtlicdctenninatlon of tlii.i stilt by
strks to get posH' lon of u
portion ot the property , The * company sp-
jiealcd In the general lei m of tlio coml , whir )
fo-ituy iil'iruiuil tlio older of the court below.
N. N. J. , Oct. 80. Tlio Jury In
lljo ra r f Ldl Smith , on tilal for the Killing
Cf hh fi tlKT. rendered a verdict thta morn
Ing of luvtlllablo UuiuiclUe. The
Nntlonnl Woineii'H Clii'lstlnn
nnuo Union In Scsnloti.
rilt.ATHM ( > ltlA. Oct. SO. The
annual omvontlon of the Naiinnal Womans'
Christian Temperance union began here to
day. The hall was crowded In i'\cry part.
There were few men In the audience. The
parquet was occupied by .JO delegates lepro-
nllng nearly e\ery state ami tenlloiy in
the union. The proceedings lu-imn hj pniyer
by Mrs. 1'rances U ywifi. \llcxhein. . I'a. ,
alter which a telegram \\ns s'-nt ' to lilshop
1'otter , of New Yolk , asking him to toiuaid
gri'etlni ? to Archdeacon Parrar , the classic
temperance worker of mudein times. Tim
annual address , a'long document cover
ing foity pages ot punt , ami occuiiylni :
nearly an hour In reading , was dellveicdby
1'resltlent Frances E , \ \ illaul.
The rejmrt of the president shows a larce
mere-am" in the Held of Int'or in all dipuit-
ments and a correxpond'tig amount of irood
accomplished. It was listened In with deep
Interest. When thepn ldent had llnlslinl
the convention took n ii'cess. At the alter-
noon Mission Mrs. T. Ilersln , of MNxNslppI ,
dellveied prajcr , and the lepoit uf tlii'exccu-
tl\e committee , leciimnien'llnirthat the head-
otiaiters of the union he tr.mitciicd Irom
New York to Chicago , was received.
After considerable deli.itc suggestion
of the executive committee lelative to the ie-
movai of the hendipiaileis to Chicngo was
adopted 17 to'i. . The convention also
adopted the recommendation of the execu
tive committee that all temperance llteiatme
be submitted tothe faupervKlon ol the com
mittee ol the union. A letter regretting In-
abllltv to be pie.-ent was iceelved Horn MUs
lioseKII/jibefli Cleveland , ot the luesldent.
dent Iev. ! C. 11. Mead , a tempei.iiice . vvoilcer ,
iiddiessed the conventlun , .ind the icpoits of
thebo.ird of dliectors ol the I'liii-n Signal
and committee on temperance c.ileudai weio
StroniinUH RfTortH Itelny JMiulc t'of
Coiiiiiintiilltiii ol'tliu Scntonuc.
Nivv YOUK , Oct. ! -Special ) [ tothe ! : : . ]
A HeraM's Londihi cable says : The de
cision of the colonial ofllccis hero not to In
tel feio with the ictlon of the dominion in io-
gaid tothe commutation ol Kiel's sentence ,
has not prevented meetings being hcid and
tuither exertions made In his behalf. The
meetings have as the object , not so much the
savins of Kiel's life , as the pieventlon of a
new agitation In Canada beintf caused by
making Kiel a political maityr. Vltzpatiick ,
Kiel's counsel , bcllisvis the government hoie
Is In communication ! v 1th LaiuKdowne with
n view to lilsadvlsinr. at any rate tolerating
clemency. There aie now before the queen
sevcial petitions , one from I.oul Chiton ,
eldest son of Enrl D.irnlev. IrNh peer , and
another trom that old tnul inlliicntlal Inter
national arbitration society. Among other
grounds for mercy the latter petition .ets
lorth "That It docs'hot appear that Kiel was
actuated by motives ol sell intciest or vindic
tive dispusltlou ill the eom > e he took , his
deliance being avowedly on beh.iir ol others
who he deemed had bivii wronged. "
LONDON , Oct. 0. The ( | iiecn ielled | ) to the
memorial of the pence society praying tor
commutation ot the deatlf'-eiitencu iccently
passed by the Canada courts upon Louis
Kiel. Her majesty replied Ihal she was una
ble to Interfeie in tliu case without lirst con
sulting her responsible adv isers. Col. K. A.
btanlny , colonial se ( ictary , slates that the
queen delegated the ) < auloning power to the
Marquis of LamNdovvnc , govunorgenoial of
Canada , who Is at pr-ent inciuiring into tins
matter , and that It is Impossible tor the home
government to Interfeie In Kiel's bchtilf.
Scalded by EsrniiliiK Sionin.
NEW YOHK , Oct. . ' 50. The steam dium in
Robert's laundry , Tvventi-Mxth street'
exploded this morning. A number of young
women employed in the laundiy weio wald.
pd by escaping steam betore they could get to
thobtreot. The following were taken to the
hospital , more or lees Injined : Mary Herrick -
rick , 1(5years'old ( ; Jfinnle Callan , 15 > ears :
Kate Sfnrphy , 15 years ; Kthel Kru/er. It )
years : Margaret Bowers. 10 j-cars , and WII-
llaiu.Dooluj- years. U'ltcn tlie explosion
occurrcHl many girls were at woik near the
machine. The whole apparatus tell in a
heap , drawing with \l \ the benches on which
the girls sat The room was tilled with es
caping steam aud ttje windows and furniture
were shattered. The denaitment wus called
out and the girls rescued. Maigatct Dowels ,
who resides at Flrstnvcuue anil Thittv-lhiid
street Is badly scalded and It Is thought she
will dlo. The other girls w ere tciribly burned.
Tlio Civil Service ; Vacancies.
WABHINQTOX , Oct. M. It la said at the
white house to-day that vacancies on the
civil service commission will not be tilled un
til after the president's return fuun liullulo
on Wednesday or Thursday next , and that
no appointments as commissioners have vet
been uctcimined upon , beeoml Compliofler
Mavnard , who has boon mentioned ai a pio-
bame commissioner , says tin1 ollliv has not
been ottcied him , and lie bus no aspiration
whatever In that direction.
A Youthful Jack Turplu.
CIUHAM , Texas , OtH. no. In the criminal
court to-day the case ol1 JIV.FO W. Jones , the
10-year old robber , was called. Hy nd-
vlco of his counsel , Jones pleaded guilty to
robbing the malls , and was sentenced to ten
years In the Chester , Ills. , pnnltenthiiy.
Jones had read the life of Jese .lame- , lie
ran away from homo and robbed tvso slages.
When captmod he told the olllceis he In
tended organizing a band that would sin-pass
the James gang , and would ulve him celebrity
equal to that of Claude Duv.d.
Tovvlioat lliii'ned.
CINCINNATI , Oct. : ! -Tlio t > steamer Oeorgo
S. Dana , a belonging to the Camp
bell Creek Coal eo-upany , burned at the
latter's landing last night. Tint Hut spiead
HO rapidly after Its dUeovery that no ellort
could bo made In save her , tin ; crow being ob
liged to rush to the i 'uire ' to > , ive tlu-li lives.
The boat was built Ie-s than a > ear ago , mid
was valued at 10,000 ; Insured lor '
An Kmljo/.zlcr Arrested.
BOSTON , Oct. 00. Fiancis L. White was
arrested to-night on wan an t charging him
with tlio embezzlement or AIKJJ vvoith of
hides and leather from Hliam Leonard .t Co.
He was deliven-U to Hieoliuin authoritle.s
and was taken to tlmt pl.uv. U'liite , who Is
a member of the Do > ton coinmun council ,
formerly earned on a tannery business In
Woburu aud tailed about six months ago.
A Prlghtftil Full.
CIIIOAOO , Oct. -Intei-Ocean Clinton ,
III. , s ] > cclal : Whllo J. I' . Myers , painter ,
was rigging a scaffold about the splio of ( he
Methodist church here to-day , his foot slipped
and Im fell over 100 feet to the ground and
was killed instantly.
SteiunorVr < M < ki > i1.
OSWEOO , N. Y. , Oct. .to. The schooner
Rcorge H.Sloan , while- attempting to make
the Imibor during a sevii.g.ilo Just nU-ht ,
struck the new breakwater and went to
pieces. The cook vsas di owned. Tim bal
ance of the crow vvcie tcM-ucd.
Snow in Northern Now York.
WHITEHALL , N. Y. , Oct. m.-it Is snowIng -
Ing hRfll at til points in the Cliamplain val-
ley. TluMnPitiiryslunds tlmlv-onodcgifes.
Many btcan.ij-saiev ind-bonnd on the lake.
Capt. flol ) CVok'n Condil Ion.
ili.Aoai.ruiA.O i : ! 0.-Capt. Hob Cook ,
who was struck on I'L head lecuitly by a
ni-n-o Janitor , lested w. | ; night , but " nhv
11'0 " " ' " 'UUlct ' -
Stonn on i he inl-j" ,
POI.T . Hirjuw. 0 1. w.A so , 010 north
galopieviUVd hero J.vt night , y cls are
TLo Last Sad Illtcs to bo Paid the Soldier
Dead on Monday.
The Lnincntcil Aftor's
Knocked Down to tlio Hljj'i ' ' 8t
Ilhl < h'r A Southi-rii Flood
laninKl K Property.
Con. McClcllattd'H
N'nw YOUK. Oct. : tO. It has been defi
nitely arranged that the funeral of ( Jen. Me-
Clelhui will take place at Id o'clock Monday
morning from Madison Avenue I'lcsbvteiian
clnni'li. I n accordance with the ie < nn" < t of
Mrs. Meridian , there will be no military
ilemon.str.iHun. although old veterans who
sencd under the general have been inv ted
tothe funeral. Kev. Dr. Parker will conduct
the simple set vices of thodejyl , and no eulogy
will be pioiiounced. The pall bearetsthus
far selected aio ten. ! W. ts. Hancock. ( Sen.
.Inscpli E. .lohuston.Cien. MartlnT.Mc.Malion ,
i Mi. Klt/.lohn Potter , tien. W. H. Franklin ,
lion. II. C. Kelsey , and t'ol. K. II. Wright , ot
Newaik. The Interment will take place In
thelamlly plot at Tienton on the same day.
Mis. McClelliin has ici-elvcd telegraphic
messages of condolence limit many distin
guished people , amongothers ManiulsDeTor-
liglni ol Itulv , and W. W. htoiy of Koine.
( Jen. Slmler has placed the Hist division of
the National ( iuaid at the service ot lien.
McMnhon , to go as a military escort , but tlie
oiler , In compliance with Mis. McClelliin s
wish , was declined with many thanks , lien.
MeMahon came to this city fioui Orange today -
day , und will retiiin to the MeClellan
deiico tliisafteinoon to makefinthcraiiange-
menls , The Aimy of the Potomac will send
leprcsontalives to the funeral.
Xc.uly 100 dispatches und other messages
of condolence ai lived to-day. Comte de Paris
sent by cable the following : "Keceive the
expiesslon of the deepest sympathy of his
late aide for the widow and family ot his be
loved general , He mourns not onlv the best
ol chiefs , but also n. iilend. " Tt'lccrams
weie also iciclved fioiu Samuel .1 Tilden ,
tien. W. H. Hancock , ( ien. .1. K. McPherson ,
the Kev. Dr. .lohn Hall , lien. Alexander S.
Webb , ( ion. Joseph K. Johnston , M. Koiiston ,
minister of France at Wu hsngton , and Mar
tinis Dr. ToireglanMrs. McClellun's brother-
Nnvv YoitK , Oct. HO. [ Special to the Hnn. ]
The Herald's London special says : All
morning papeis give sketches of Mcl'lollan.
The Vows editorially says : "It was owe ele
ment In MeClellan's good foitnnc that his
lalluies did not destroy his tupiitatlon. lie
was a callable soldier and unable engineer.
and might have left a greater imputation had
he been called to a second place und never as
pired to the lirst. "
The .Standard says : "Time lias not piovod
unkind to the general. With his soldiers he
was nlvvavs popular , though it was Impossi
ble for tlm people , endowed with a sense of
humor not .small , to appicclutc the Imlated
proclamations which he was In the hubitot
addr 'sslng to hlsaimy after the somewhat
archaic lushion ot Ihe'lirst Napoleon. " The
nonce in the Times extended to six lines , but
thsit journal \vasnevertiiendly to ihc gen
of mi Actor's Wardrobe.
Xivv : YOUK , Oct. 30. Many thcalitca' and
other persons attended the sale to-day of
John McCiillouirh's \\aulrobo and .stage bc-
longiims , at No. sir , Hioadvvay. Mary An-
v'"R ' > on'.H brother . .Josephno llmri" mid
inught lor his sister the ciown worn by Mac
lean * v , purchased bv Dion limiccieuult In
London , and byliim presented to McCnl-
lotigh. Thcie were was also iiresent ,1. W.
Collier , who bouiiht the play Metamoni and
rights for Sl'JSVm. : . F. Johnson ot riiiladcl-
phiiu who boutrht the exclusive riirht to The
liladIatorforSl.500. and The Hiokerof Ho-
gotalorSlOO. Mostot the costumes vveiejmr-
cluiscd by theatrical co nmeis at low pi ices.
Only two sales weie made fornioiethanS100 ,
niid'thev woiw those icferred to , Thelihidia-
toraml'Metainoni. Large bundles ot inciden
tal music , maniHciipt plnys , piompt books ,
etc , vvete bouirhtutSl , S3 and 5.
The dagger presented by .Salvini to McCul-
lough brought 515. and a Macbeth dagger pre
sented to Edwin I' orreM sold tor atil.CO. and
sandals , tcatheis , ciosses. wigs , make-up
boxes , K'miaii shiits and oilier aillcles used
by Mct'nliough in dill'erent chaiacteis which
he jilajed vvenipuicliased lor little or noth
ing as souvenirs. J.adies ciowded in the back
pail of the gallery , who weie not reeojrnl/ed
as belonging to the theatiical profession , bid
for small aitlcles und paid cash ,
not wishing to give their names.
The llrM. dress In Ingomar luought
Si : ! , and the crown vvoin by
and presented to MeCullougli by Dion liouc-
rluault sold for SM. Joseph Anderson
bought the crov , n. Mr. Johnson paid S'Jl for
tlie cliiymoie worn In Macbeth. The lirst
dicsswoin in Othello , designed by Uouccl-
cuult , and said to have cost jtOOJ , brought
onlyx'.tii. ' For the .second diess In the same
nhijrr > was paid. Thethhd diess
Still , anil the fotnth diess ST. A rich Japiineso
cluak. bioeaded oneiape , sold for $40. Edwin
F. Thorn paid "Wi for the fourth diesi : In
Kichard III. dipt. Connor paid 611 tor the
Roman toga shht and waist , and S'-M tor the
shiit und waist woin by McCullough In Vir-
giiiins. The piocecds of the sale amounted
to about c-t.OOO.
KrriiMONi > , Va. , Oct. . " 0. The heavy rain
dining the past tvvouty-four hours caused the
greatest Hood known In the past five years.
On the western end ol the Lexington branch
of the Allegheny railroad the tiestlo nt South
river was washed uway and a mixed train on
the Allegheny road was vviccked. Engineer
Williams ami a llieman am niNsIng. It is
believed they have been killed. The Sheiian-
doah Valley train Is in trouble about the
same point.
High wateis from above haveicached Richmond -
mend , and to-night the wharves In the lower
part of the city ate subnieiged. .No scilous
damage Is anticipated , however , as lepoiis
liom points above Columbia show that the
watei is lulling. Kver.vthmu along the liver
fionl has been leiniAcd bevond the danger
line. The Kappahiiiiock iher Is also ic-
poitcd gieally swollen , and S10.000 damage
dune at Fredcilcksbuig. Some daniiige iilso
Is lepmlfd to the Chesapeake it Ohio rail-
There Is werv likelihood of a Hood In the
.lames liver. Hepoits Irom above show veiv
high water and still ilsing. Mcichants along
the liver 1 1 nut are moving out.
llAuitiHo.viii ii'i. Yn. , ( M. : n.-Tho mot
tenliic lain clorm known In lids valley tor
years began here yesteulay and continued
until past midnight. Mote water fell In
eighteen hours Hum has fallen altogether in
the two years piovlous. High water pievails
j'v oi > win-in and washouts In the valk-y
blanch ot tlio Haltlmoie .t Ohio lailioad de
layed all tiains. Tim mountains nest of this
pl.ue weie coveted with snow ( his moining.
UA-HIM.K.N. Oct.The : ! ( ) signal senito
station at llaipers I err } icjioitcd at .lathis
inornlni : that flic ilvriliero to-v thiee und
one-hull feet iibove low vvalcr dining the
night , and it N e\pfi-t.-d to ilseveiv hiirh
dining the next twenty-four hours. At lUo ; ;
uolock the observer K-poiled a H-llich
sineo thu last lepoit , nnd that < lanb'eious
llouds vvure expected.
The Ii'lro K ( > iord. ;
Si\Morn : , liul. , Oct. .Tp. At I o'clock this
morning a liie binned Hush A : Co.'s ( louring
mills , Iho Ohio .t Mississippi rallioad shops ,
uml two dwelling Lo > s. S100.CO ) .
KI > \ J , Ind. . Oct. : ! o. A Daily
Aews special limn Sevmonrsays the loss by
the binning of lll.-s ) , V CoSllour mill at Sey-
inour this moinlng will not exceed fi'i.iioo. '
IheOliloiV : Mississippi railroad shops were
not damaged.
hr. Jdscrii Mo , Oct. 00. A lire broke out
his moining In thelaigo wholesale giocciv
house of W. D. binllli it Co. The buidlng
was gutted and the stock satmated with
water. The loss on ludUJng Is tT.iH'fl ; In-
m ei. The stock wa.s.ilucdat > KOX ( ' n-
ttuM for The hi * l .ib-mt itwjatw.
DAviiNi-oitr , Iowa. , Oct. : J j.-Tlie Inice
bgieon hoiisu owned by Dr. Kulp , and railed
Uiy Hillside Roiao , burned tonight.
Ilarprr llnUlvd On1 1.lfe'n
'AiiAOoi ui. Ark. , Oct.VHIIam : liar-
pei v\as hiinpedhciLi today foi the minder
ayeur a u.
j gg juf f i S
free IVoin One ICiildenilo , 15n-
joys AiiiithrrKliul.
Nii.ton : , Oct. ! X.HSx'cial ) | tothe Hun.- ]
The sinallpohas all disappeared In Ante
lope county. Tlie last patients have been
discharged , and have Iwun thoroughly dNln-
fooled nnd received new clothing. There
vveii1 In all sixteen caw , three of which
proved fatal.
The diphtheria Is raging to quite an alarm-
jngdegieo In Ncllgh. There have already
been six deaths , nnd nmru are expected to
dlo. It Is wholly confined to small children.
The doctors seem to have no coiitiol over It ,
and now aru appealing about every day.
Soui" people vvlio have children aio prepar
ing to leave town as a means of saving thu
lives of their Illllo ones. I'runk Fisher buried
one of his little girls ye toiduy. and another
lavs at death's door In the house at this
willing. Charles Meeeks. dra.v man , has lust
two out of thieuof hischildron.
North Dakota's rirst H < inilii .
OIIA.XU I'oittisDal : . , Oct. ( > . Ceoige
Miller was hanged at Grand Forks Ibis af-
teinoon , being Ihe first legal execution in
Noith Dakota. On the vKlh of January last
the wife and ll-year-old son ot Ilev. II.
C. Siioll , a Molhodlsl mlnl.ster , living sl <
miles from Inkster , vveic inuideied liy a
young man named ( iooige Miller , employed
iiy Snell , to work his l.inn. 'I'ho oil nut was
not discoveied until a vvc'ek laler. Snell be
ing absent at Munsvillu holding a revival
meeting. In the meantime thu miiuloier
made his escape. Mrs. Snell was stiuckoii
the head with an axo. Suspicion fastened on
Miller fiom the ( list ami no was tiHccd and
aiiostodal Anoka. Minn. , February .l. lie
at once confessed the crime and Infer nmtlo
another conles-lou imillcatlng | a mall ear
lier. The hitler Is now awaiting tilal lor
complicity , but no evidence additional to
Millofimiiik'sslon ' has been seemed.
Destructive JKlro In Western.
Wr.sir.nx , Saundcis county , Xeb. , Oct. " > 0.
[ Sjieelal to the Hr.i : . ] A lire broke out last
night in F. H. Meyers' building , which was
totally destroyed in a shoit time. Loss . s\ ) ,
Insurance J'COO. Thu flames weio next com
municated to the millinery store of Mis.
hvttlo , whoso loss amounts to S'00 , Insuianco
Si' 0. Then the file bpiead to Sands IJios. '
( Iruar store , which was nurnrd to the pound.
Lo s S'VJOO. ' insurance 52 , 0) . The tnu was
checked in the printing establishment of K.
11. 1'urccll , where the loss was slight. This
Is the most disastrous Iho that ever visited
_ _
The Congregational Convention.
ItnATittci : , Xcb. , Oct. : ! 0. [ Special to the
Hii.jThe : state convention of Congu-ga-
tlonali ts are in session lieie with I'i" ) in at
tendance. Among them aru Itev Willard
Scott and lcv. ! Shenill of Omaha , Rev. H.
Brosof Cluulion , Uevv Aboinlthy ot Fair
mont , Plot' . Hrovvn of Doane college , Cielo ,
I'ov. Har.i-on of ruinktln acadcmj , I. T.
.Mule , siipeilntondent ot missions , Hon.
I.oavitt liurnliain and Hoy. Albiecht ol
Omaha. Key. ( Jivgory of Lincoln , Itev. htcw-
ai I of Hastings.
Sunntor Van AVyok nt JH-a trice.
Ui.vTr.ici : : , Xeb. , Oct. ! U [ Special to the
Hr.i : . ] Senator Van Wyclc spoke this after
noon and evening to a. linge audience under
the auspices of the old soldiers. His speech
was well received. He handled Ids subject
in a masieiiy and fearless manner , and went
fet the land grabbers generally.
- * - ; -
An Insane CranlFlfsOH Himself With
Deadly Poison.
CHICAGO , Got , tiO. Tlie chief of police- re
ceived a dispatch to-day , stating that Otto
Funk had committed .suicide at Cambiidge ,
Mass. , wheie he was airc ted for some of
fense. Kunlf was arrested for tlie theft of a
large number of books from the public libnuv
in this city and in Ills jyossesslon was found a
number of infernal machines. He was ar
rested for a supposed attempt to blow up the
Chicago univcisity , and on his tilal was
toinid insane and sent to the Elgin insine
asylum. He escaped and no attempt appear
to'have been made to real rest him.
liobruN , Oct. : ! 0. J. X. Talbot , alias Otfo
Funk , aged " 7 years , was found dead in his
cell this morning In the police station at Old
Cambildge , vvhcio Iio had been ai rested for
stealing books. He had committed suicide
by taking poison. At the opening ol the
divinity school at lluiviuil tins year , Talhot
pie&enteil himself for admission , having
with him fioveial letters signed by many In-
llucntial men of Chicago. Thu letters all
borodale of lb-C > , but clo-er inspection re
veals the fact that the " 5" was forged , the
oilglmil date being issi , this being the time
ot his admission to the nniveisity at Chicago.
Fora time books had been mis > .ing Irum Har
vard library , but not until now
could thu culprit be definitely plated.
Seigcant Haiiinmn yesterday found In
Noiton's woods , at the tear ol the Agassi/
museum , sacks containing IM ) volumes , all
bearing tlie stamp of the library. At Sawin's
express office , In Huiv.ud square , wcte toiind
twenty-live more volumes tied up neatly
ready for shipment. Other stolen propeity
was touud which he had taken liom a pliysi-
When discovered this morning the body
was still warm , lying upon the
bunk. LTpon ( lie floor of the cell was found
a piece of yellow paper upon which was wilt-
ten "Mi. ' . forward
: I'e.ibody , will > o please
my trunk to my sliter. Itoitha Talhot.17 West
Ulackhiiwk stieet , Chicago , III. " This bore
no slgmitnie. The iintoitunutu young man
has iiguied under the name of Otto Funk.
alias , ) . A. Hclbut , alias Otto Dotlimc.s.
A Hank Messenger SIlniiH a Good Tat
W.vsrtixdiox , Oct. : .0. Kdwaid C. ll.iln ,
n vsengerof thu Xallonal Mctiopolilanbank
of this city , left that Institution eaily this
moining to nuiKo his usual dully collections
liom oil. or eit > banks. In a few hours he 10-
tin nod and inhumed thu caviller he had lo l
a wallet containing thu money ho had col
lected , amounting to & ' < > , 1' ' * ) . Hetme inloi mIng -
Ing the i ashter of his loss lialn dieu liom
Ihe bank ? ? lNiO which lie hud on deposit
there and handed II to his sister , to whoso
house ho had gone as soon us ho ml-scd the
money , and who accompanied him b.iek to
tin bank.
The money was In 5100 and -SOT notes. Al
though lialn claims to havolost the pocket book
containing tlie collections the general supposi
tion Is that It was stolen Irom him by MUIIU
clover pickpocket. Hocliiims to have taken
the pocltcthook Il'ulil his Inside coat pucket
and put in his hip pocket ivhilu In tlio city
po3t < dlce ! , vvhoiu ho went to get
ihu mall when lief malic all his col
lections , and to have missed it alter
he had KOIIO about a block fioui thu post-
otllcc. Iliiin has been In UK ; employ ot the
bank onl.v < i fitvv months. Hois a cousin ot
the Huln hiothoi.of Hi. ) defunct Kxchangu
Hank of Norfolk , Va. He taken to pulicn
lieadiiuiteisund ( | put thniugh a texeivcv
ainluatlon , and then allowed to go. Thu
bank ollleials have olfoitd arewanl of ii.OOJ :
for the recov cry ot the money.
Tidttery AgfiilH Convicted.
Cixn.N.XAri , Oct. ik ) . David C. and W. 1' .
Johnston , general agents of thu Louisiana
e oretv or Ie Stippiession of ice ,
w Ideh lm& been pushing tne matter foi a year
The Ail.julaiK'H Annunl.
WASIIINOTOX , Oct. 80.Thu aiininl rrpoit
of ( it'ii. Dium. adjutant general uf the army ,
was to day furnished for publication. Ho
Miye it nilurdx Wm much plcasuju lo ot.iU :
that the number of il ulluiwlnim tlie ui my
during thi ) i ust yuu hah scnnlbl.v d > > ciciM d ,
iH'iuj ; ; . , ! le-athau Uio u.mibt'r ttatcd In liis
" "
Labor Commissioner Wright Submits Ilis
first Annual Report.
Tlio nig Park In the Yellowstone
Country The 1'rcsldcnt Kvpluln.s
HIItououl Onlcr ) or. from
Tim Vlrht bailer Ituronit Itcport ,
WASIIIXC TOX , Oct. : ) . In his ihvt annual
report to the sccretaiyot Iho inteiiorupon
the operations of the labor bureau since Its
establishment , Commissioner Canoll D.
\Vilghtbcglns with statements of theoigani-
ration of thu bureau and a icvlovv of the
line of policy outlined for the conduct of its
Investigations. The piincipal leatmesof that
liolley weie a letusil to iccognl70 parties ,
that the bureau sbould be disconnected v th
politics und iroin dependence upon organl-
/atloiis whether of vvoiliingmcn or einplojos ,
andtiomtlie snpioit ] of economic theoilt > s ,
Individual views or class Interests. Tlie com
missioner believes that this policy geneially
has IMTII appioved throniihout tlieeonntr.v.
The Investigations outlined iclate loijiies-
lions ol Industilal depiesslon. involving the
stndvof their elninu'ler , their causes , and
whether us toduiation , seveiity ami peiiodl-
clly they aio all alike In
gieat piodiii'lint countries. Such
investigation included tin' question of Inllu-
ence of depie.ssioii in tlie cost of living and
the extent to vvltkh Indiislilcs aio involved ,
tin1 cost ol pioductinn us Intliienced by the
use of machlnerv and other Uindicd ques-
tion.s. lletvveen Nlnich 17 iind.lune'n twenty
special agents vveie appointed and at the
close ot the liscalcartilteen . ol these agents
vveioactivelv employed in tlie United States
and live in KuioiH.1 collecting the luloiniation
ie < iulred. The icsiilts of these Investiga
tions will be emlHKlled In the liist annual re-
poit ot this bureau , which will be submitted
the coming vear.
The appropriation for expenses of the bu-
leau for the year ended June " 0 , l > sweie
ample lor Its needs , and ne.uly 5:11,000 weie
covcied into tlie tieasury. In eoncliislon the
commissioner says that the apiuopilatioii lor
the pu-sent fiscal year will , in Ills judgment ,
sutlice lor the lust lull jear's woik ol the
Fourth-Class Postmasters Appointed.
Wv-iiixotox , Oct. oO. The acting ) iost-
master general to-day appointed the follow
ing fouith-class postmasters :
Illinolh-Magnon , Hall D. Embiek : Winslow -
slow , F. W. Huiley ; Ciab Oiehanl , .John II.
Fan Is ; Krto , tlohu 1' . Dickinson ; Versailles.
James McCoimiek ; Honey Cieek , Ueo. T.
Jowa-Minburn. D. C. might ; Holland. S.
W. Hniioughs : llolsteln , II. A. De-ell ; Ma-
sonvillc , Tniimas < ioidon ; Moravia , .S. ( i.
Co\ : Casey , S. 1' . Thompson , sr.
Nebraska -Nobesville , Theodore Hia cr ;
HiooksViu. . S. HivvksVoodburn : , Miss
ISosa Isclnulin ; Hammond , Albeit V. John
Dakota Various. Mrs. Surah Dilliinrs ;
Alcesler . T. Wilson ; Lebanon , David .M.
Hoyle ; U'aveilv , Herman Thvcr ; Ccttys-
buigh. Win. M. Kail ; Iliistol , Kfmer Steven
son ; Willow Lake , Johnston Julhies ; Wil-
mot , M. R Cumiiitiis ; Valley Hpiings , A. I/ .
\Vlialey ; fiaiey , .Tumi's Kongo r ; New Salem ,
AVm. liergen ; Siieailish. Claude Italph :
Wheathind , A. S. IJliton ; Itavmond , ( ien. K.
Foiilhum ; FoilTotton , Win. II. Eagan.
Secretary Coon's Succcspor.
AVA in.voTON , Oct. iJO. Wm. K. Smith , of
New York , has been appointed assistant
secretary of the tieasury , vice Charles K
Coon , resigned , to take elfect Novovvbor 10 |
Smith is a lawyer aged about -10 , and resides
at I'lattbbuig , with an oflice in Xevv Vcuk
city , w here he Is one of the attoi neys lor the
Delaware and Hudson canal company. Ho
has been leader of what is known as the
young democracy , and has been identified
vvitli the Tilden element of the paity. In
isM lie was a leader of his party In New
Yoik , and was one ot the loiemost cham
pions ot Uov. Cleveland's reform iniMsuies.
lie was a prominent nguie in the delegation
ot young deniociats that went to tin ; Chicago
convi ntlon to uigotho nomination ol Cleve
land , and on his return was selected to man
age the canvass in New Voile state.
Tlio National Pleasure Grounds.
WAMiixmo.N , Oct. : JO. The sccielary of
the intt ilor has iceelved the ii-poit of Super
intendent Wear , of Yellowstone National
paik , upon his conduct ol affairs since taking
churge of the paik on July I last. He says
he toiind a lack of discipline among the em
ployes and that hnnler.s wen- killing game.
These things have been icni'-dlcd , and the
paik Is now lull of game ol all kinds , includ
ing about UfOhcud 01 bison , a largo number
ol elk and scvciu ! bands ot antelope. About
sixteen miles ot good load to tin : leading : it-
tiactions havtihccn built. TinMipciintcnd -
ent sajs the hotel accommodations art ) not
what. I hey should be lor the prices charged ,
and he recommend- some one be author-
l/ed to see that somcihing like an equivalent
Is given Iho piKiis. ; | ) Tlie police allails also
need legnliiting. and the ( stalilislimeut ot a
special I'onit lo tr > park eases is iccoin-
mcndcd. lie asks nil uppiopimtlon ot chio-
( KO lor th"iic\t jear.
Tu ! ? liaiilii | ; of Iho Ordi.M1.
WASIUNC.'IO\ . : > ) . It Is said nt the
wnito housetoday that theexi cutiye older of
the piesideiit giving notice that he uill here
after deulino to see all persons becking official
appointments or their advocate- , , and limiting
to certain hours on Mondajs , U'idiie.sdays
and Filihiys the tlmo when ho will grant in-
tcrviowH on other juiblle matter- , , does not
mean thai appointments aie to lessened ,
but It is Intended to diicct these whodcsiio
poisonn ! interviews vvitli the appointing
power to the proper heads of departments ,
whose Hvuminemmtions guide the piesldent
In his iipiiolntnients. ' 1 hese locomiuenda-
tlons , It Is said , have in Iho past been invuii-
alily ohscivctl. iinil Inleuiew-s with Iho
applicants and their filendn huvit consumed
almost the entile time ot the pic-ddoiit , and
hiivi ) been ol no n-o to them 01 him.
an Illegal Payment.
i , ' , Oil. ! .0. The second comp
troller ot Iho tieasuiy , in considcilng tin )
account of pay Dlioetor Oilman , U. S. N' . ,
has decided that the p.i ) iia-nt ol $ lMO to
Austin I' . Blown , on May tir , * * , lor eight
bauds of poik dellveied to the buieau of provisions -
visions and clothing of thn navy dcputmcnt : ,
under contiact , Is ilh > ) , al and Im adds that
( illnian Is lespoiisiblu li.r this sum. Ho
holds the additional sum ol M.oil , bcliu
Ihe'Jilper cent icstirvallonulisefiiicntly piid ;
on the contiact , was also illi/ i ! . mil as the-
ehlel of the bureau dinctid lids pajmenl ,
Hid amount ! chuigcd against him. In
the opinion ot the stcond comptioller. clr-
cumstances attending these li'unsact < onuiu
susceptible ol no other Intcinicliition than
th tat they wcro inlcndid as a iiev ice to i vadu
thejiiov isioii of lav ic-unlilng thu contiact teA
be let to bid
A Proliatiln
INOTON. Oct. : x- ) The Jitar to-night
says that it Is ptobable that In the rcoiganiiu-
linn ol Ihe civ II srvl < e commission tlio chief
pluce will bo given to Jmljjr Maj Haul , piev
ent second comptioller ot Hie tieasiii > .
f'cirl Schuri Wauin an
Nr.w UHK , Oct. So. JSplid lu the iir.K. ]
In an Intci view in the Timts lion. Call
Schur/ says the flgnu-s ot his oiler for the
Huston l'f.-t . aie | iot coiirctly stated , but he
dei'line.s togiuthem. . He lei Is confident the
oiler wl'i be .ueeiitcd. He will not ul.itohis
pulitlcul couise until he ubtuiUB the papvr ,
A More Wnrllkciiulltlon of Affair *
in the HulKiirlan MUSH.
Arm vs ( Vt.Mr. ; . TrlconpK rx-pilmo
minister , atrlvcd hero yvteiday nnd was ro
celved with ovatlon.i b.v thou < ands of clti/.ens
vvlio clamoied for war. Ho icplicd in a
moderate eliouiuspoet speech. Tliu govern
ment continues sending troops to the frontier.
LONDON. Oct. HO.-The opinion pievails in
HuluMila that the ImlUan eouleuMico will
piove a lailure. Tliu country longs tor
peace , but It has moiie.v enough lo make
war during Uio enllio winter , vvltlumt con
tracting loans. One-lhlidof the populatlim
of Sorm Is c < imiHiscd of llnlgarians and the
best Mildlers in the Soivian ariii.v aio llulga-
linns. The Seiviun government asked two
army contractors at I'ruuu tor teim on
which they will cancel iivent l.ugo ordei-s
lor nniloims , etc.
Xlssv , ( ) i-t.iO-lt : is olllelally announced lo-
day that ttie llulguilan toiceshavo blockaded
the liontler , and that nilleei-s have Issued 01-
riers to the men to shoot any one they find
ciosiin * iinm Spivla Into Huluarla. Ihe
Seivlan ttonps have been ordeied to leplv In
toivo In sm-li oveiit without awaiting spiclal
nulcrs Horn the commanding general , or in
other woids. they have iceolvcd eaiteblandie
in the pieml.seIt is slated that bands ol
Ilnliruiians have commenced liana-sing thu
Soivians In the t unit lor towns.
Sort.v. Oct. : . Thu llulgaiian prisons are
oiowdod with .Soivians who have noon tauen
into custody by the aiithoiltles. Throe bun
dled aio lucaicorated In the mosque at Sulla ,
and 'JH ( ) at other places In the country. Ihe
imitation against .Sorvia Is approaching a
climax. Thoiestoratioii of the Mat u quo unto
means the niiii ot I'rinco Alexander and the
llnlgaiiau ministers.
Tin- Stead Trial.
I.oxnox , Oct. : ! 0.--Tho tilal of Mr. Stead
and oilier defendants In the Annstrong al > -
ductlon case was lesumcd this mornina. ,1ns-
tlcu Lupes , icpljlng loinpiostlon put b.v the
jury as to when tin1 tilal would ( Mid , said they
might as well n U tho. dale of the day of
Judgment. Clmiles lu ! ell. counsel lot the
defense , intimated that the dolonse would
elosu their side of the ease on Wednesday
next. Mis. Jarictt , one ot the piisoiieis ,
then continued her testimony. Mis. .laiietl ,
being piossod b.v Jiistlcu Lopes to answer
ceiliiiu ( | Ucstlons dmiiig the cioss exam
ination , swoiothat Mrs. Arnisiiong allowed
hei daughter to go with liei lor immoial pui-
posi-s without having any idea what
amount ot money the would get. She
denied having conducted hei"cl ! Immorally
with the husband of Mis. Ann Unuiizhloii.
but admitted having sent him an immoial
messauo. Justice Lopes cautioned Mis. Jar
ictt uirainst not testifying hone.stlj. Mis.
Jaiiett admitted that her letters contained
falsehoods , and said Kditor Stead gave her
10 to piocure Kli/a. She believed "Lilly"
ol thu rail Mall ( ! a/.ctto's stoiy was Kl'ua
Armstiong. Mis. Jaiiett biokedown under
the cross examination.
Mis. Jarictt continuing , t-.ald that she had
once kept brothels and had piocnrod little
girls lor Immoial pmposus. The witness
lieiebiokedovva and wejit copiously , being
nimble to proceed lor some minutes. At the
conclusion ol the examination the court ad
join ncd.
Prayers For Cardinal MoOloskey.
I'AP.IS. Oct. : JO. Solemn high mass for the.
icpose ot the soul of Cardinal McCloskey was
celebrated ul the chinch of the Madeline this
moining at which Mgr.'l'iehaid , coadjutor to
Caidinal Aichbishop Culhcit , and Pcre Lcic-
bours , assisted. Mgr. Deionde , papal nuncio ,
pioiiounced Iho absolution. Tlie sacred edl-
lice was crow docl with worshippers who had
iratliercd to do honor to the memory of the
Ameilcrtn-eiidlit : : l. Thu. Manpiis of Oyboy
icpiesented New York , and among those
present -were menimbeis of the American
consulate , a majority of the American colony
in Paris , mid M. Jultis Claiotlo , the well
known jomnulist and author.
The Prnis ! an Elections.
Uiui.ix : , Oer. 2) ) . The- general election for
thu new Prussian pailianicnt will be held to
day. The toiles uio making great cIToifs to
ineicase their sliongth thiity-livu seats in
order to secure an nlnoluto majinity over all
other jiai ties. Should they succeed the gov-
eininent will be absolute master of the situa
tion and will use Ihe victory to cairv the tax
loform laws to the advantage ol the public
puise , which weix ) itijcctcd hist season.
AfT a Irs In Pern
LisiA , Oct. 30 A dispatch from Canla re
ports that tlio government troops were snr
pi iscd on the night of the 2oth hist , by the
ie els and weio obliged to retreat to the
heiglits , whither t''olMontoneros lollowcd
them , resnltin : , ' in thu defeat of the Monto-
neros , with the loss of their b.uagLo ; anil ani-
iiiali. A foailul c-\plo > ion occinrcd in tlio
minosot Colfmeehaca.HolIvla. Several pcisons
were killed. _ _
Another Itobol Army in Huypt.
I OMION , Oct. W. The Times curies pendent -
ont at A&souan tolu raphii-that a largu rebel
army left Abdniman loi'.Asliaiiild. A num
ber of nuns who escaped fioni the. icbcl
inisonsarilved at Assouan. They say they
aio certain an attack on lower tigynt H lu-
loinled , as the icbi-l cry which was formerly
"On to Kliuitoum" Is now "On to Cairo. "
lir.iti.i.v , Oct. : ! ) . Count Herbert B Ismaivl :
has been appointed secroturv of state , vice
Count Yon ll.itaeld , ; tipulnkd | ambasgador
at London.
\Variicron Trial lor Consi > lra ! y with
Convict ( Ml Ferdinand.
NKW YOUK , Oct. : ) . Tim examination ot
Win. S. Wai nor. charged with conspiracy
vvitli Feidinaiul Waid todefiand thu Mailne
bank , was continued beloiv United States
Commlbsluncr Shiouls to day. The
defendant apiuaied ] with a for
midable an ay ot counsel , who con
tinned the cross inai.ilnatlon of ( Joe , U.
Spciicer , lornn-rly cashier of ( liunUt Waul.
When the. examination of Spencer was con
cluded , the piose/cutlon olTorcd In evidence n
lianscilpt of the account of I'cidinaml
Waul with the Mailno bank. The dorensu
nhjcctul to the paper because It was not 01 Igl-
nal documentary cvldcive. and Insisted
the book bo produced. The defense tinther
said that the pioseontion woulil havu to con
nect Wiiiur-r with thu case bcfont they
could Jcually intuidiice the testlmoiiv
they tried lo , Tliu plosucuting ollk-er s.iid
that it 'vvas necessary to establish Waid's
ollence lievoiiil pel ad venture l > eloie any evi
dence can be luought In aialnst Winner , who
Is churned with aiding aiulj bettiiig thu piln-
cipal. vvarm-r stounscl imj ihc pro-.eciitldii
would liuvuto o-iblihh a ijmisphacy bcloru
it could Intioduco icsllmoiTy a.aiiist * Waul.
The pi OM-I ul ion Ihon ulln'u-d thu pass anil
check bool ; ol JYrdliundVard \ , and anothoi
lo td iiuiiinoiit was engagcil in as to thuinl-
nilssabllit ) of the dixMiinoiitary ovldenco.
The com i declined to admit thu cheek book
and the prosecution misj ended examination
id Sju-m-er for the time being. Tlio dcloiico that the cao jo on piompily and con- and examination wus set tor
AnolhiM' liroltcii lrhl ! < < ii Vlollin.
K VTisAdi.v.vvv , Mich. , Oct. ao. The body
of John Hurdettu , ! - ' v eai s old , one of the v ic-
timsor Iho bi Idyo disaster , has just boon ic-
COVVK\ | , making the iouith body thus far
found. Two or fiiieo othem an ; ii-iiorfed
mlnslnn ( n-di.v , and It is believed Ihciu aio
yet a nu.ubcr of bodies in the liver.
Three saloons vv 01- reported tit head-
j at : ) o't-lock tliii iiiuriiint ; sis
ki-jit oprn during thu prohibited
hours utter midnight. Thu % iolator.s of
tliu nmvor's oidcv HID C 8. Hi ins ,
Haua Voiiiifi nml Ilcnry Ilornber or
All thnc uivn will Lu urmlud tliiu morn-
A Postoffico Row Leads to a Probably
Fatal Shooting ,
The IMsonrrs Aid Hnclnty In
A lleartloos Wretch ( ' ( inr
liiK Hoil'anilly
Stt plul i > ' < De'ath.
Facllonl'lKht I'nr nil OOloo.
Kit in , AMI. Keoknk County , lown , Oct. ! A
- | special to the llKi.J--A : ptobably fatal
sliooting alTray occuiiod last nighl In this
village. The trouble grew nut of a postofllcfl
light , both parties to which were democrata.
Homo tlmu last winter a democrat named
Hallow was appointed postmaster , and Im
Illled tlie olllco acceptably to all ever hlncu.
Hut ( ien. Weaver , who hud ple.ked every
federal olllco In his dNtilel in order to Iw
elected to congies , had piomiscd tldsollleo
to a man named Stockton , an old Imnrboi. ,
bid not popular with his fellow democrats.
lie piovalled on Cleveland to take the
appointment away trom the mm democrat
ami give It lo the other , In ordoi
that he might it deem Ids pledge. Tldt )
change brought out a piotest from eighty
dciuoeiuH In that vidnlt.v and a lively row
between thu factions. The coiumls.sloji was
withheld lor a Una- but finally mine : i few
davs iico , and ever since Iho ( | uaiiel between
the. two sets of dcmocials bus been at whlto
heat. Yeslerdiiv a man named David Dnko ,
leader ol tin- Stockton luetlon , got Into ft
dispute with Joe Itailovv , tlio tallier of the
deiuocial llit appointed postmaster , and hot
woids led to blows , when Dnko drew a pl tel
and shot ll.iilovv through the breast , Inlllct-
Ing a piobablv tutal wound , llartovv Is over
iio'.veais of age and Ills u suilaul Is almost
as blil. "Civil seivlce le.kum. "
Three Criminal *
Aunrnox , lovva , Oct. : . Sp 'ial ti H
RI.K. ] The district uourt IMS just sento'iccd
tlncc ciimlnals whose names have becuuin
ijulte notoiious. The lirst two were bo8
named Douglas Huntley ami Aitlu.r Heath *
Tin.11 went into n pasluic neat llra l last full ,
ran oil' some tat cattle und sold them at At
hintlc. Thev evaded c.iptuio lor mime tlmo
but weie linallv taken In Sioux City. Thuy
conlessed Ilieii crime and have been son-
tejiced to the penitential y lortwenty montlm.
Atthesiiuie term of louit. 1'jan , vtlio VVIIM
chiiigcil with shootim ; an old man named
liiuyton in Audtibon ( uuny ; , vvns loiiiul
gulllj , and was si-ntcneed to twenty years In
the penitentiary and to pay a line ot > ! ll > 00.
It is said that Ills fi lends are licli nnd an ap
peal was taken lo ( he snpieiue cotnt. His
fjall bond was nxcil at 10,000.
Krlonds of the Prisoner.
Dr.s MOI\IS : , Iowa , Oct. ; ! 0. [ Speola1 to
the Uir..J : The executive connnltteo of Uio
lovva I'llsoncis Aid association met in this
clt.v to-day. Field-Secretaiy Williams ro-
prrlod his woik up to the present month ,
Up to thu 1st of September ho ivas embar-
assed f i om tlie lack of tran.spoitation and
was unable to go with discharged prisonerH
and locate them , but this dillcity ) | | having
beenienioved , he.lws .bpi'Jt actively onfiagttl
in ilmllng situations uinl locating nie.u hinio
that date , lie reported nine local ossocla *
lions I'oinied , with an averugo mcmboi&hlp'of
twelve. An effort will he mnde to have the
legislature upiinipihito 85,000 next winter to _
aid the association In the work tif helping
discharged convicts to get woik and lead
honest lives ,
A Kepnblioan Unity.
O.NAWA , Iowa , O'ct , SO. [ Special to Ibo
HIK : | Col. D. U. Henderson spoke this after
noon to an appreciative audience. His tnsti-
mony ns to the character of William Larra-
bce , whom he has known since boyhood , was
effectively given and iccoived with rounds of
applause. Ho paid his compliments to the
icform administration in tinning out crippled -
plod union soldieis under the arllnl dodgn ot
offensive paitlsanshlp , fiankly confessing ho
did not llko it. His speech WMS enUiusiivstle ,
very pathetic at times , and instrumental for
good in behalf of the icmibllcan ticket.
A WOIIKIII'H Siispicionn Drnth.
Duni'Qri : , Iowa , Oct. ! ! 0. The death of
Mis. John ( iillis Is exciting susjilolon. She
has IK en paitlally Insaiut I or some time , and
the family lelations were said to be ol an un
pleasant nature. Her husband , who Is about
'iO vears old , tells rather coniliutlng ; stories ante
to the cause of her Midden death. One IB tint
she awoke in a lit and expiied while in that
condition. Tlie authoiltleswill
A If carl loss
Dunucji'i : , [ own , O.'t. HO. [ Spprial to the
Ur.i : . ] Mary Klelmer , sentenced to Jollct
penitentiary lor an attempt to poison liei
sister's family in Chicago , has written n let
ter to a friend In this city , confessing thai
she had administered the poison to her
father , mother , sister and brother In lu- )
biique , from the ollVcts ofvhlch all died , und
saying she Is glad to get off M easy.
Ciiuiditiir litMilH Iliunin.
ST. LDTKS , Oct. . " 0. The single scull nice
betweeji ( iuiidanrand Hamm , which was dc-
chncd oil a few days ago as a public match ,
was row e l at Cievu Ca-ur hike this : iUernooii
In iiiivate , nobody being piest'iito.\eL'plthme
who stibscnbcd to the mejchanlK1 pun.e for
which tin ; contest was made. The dl8lanco
was tlnce miles with nun. ( l.iuduur vvou by
a U-ngtli and a half. Time , 'JUlu. :
Si. IioulH Klcvator Untru ,
Sr. Loris , Oct. : ; -l.levator men In lhl
city have ie vised their rateas lollowo , to
take clfect In November : heat rcnmlns un
changed. On coin , I'j ' ee'its lor tin : hiht ten
da.vs. with ; , ; cunt leh.ito to all iccohitiij ,
On Ihe Iniiisiei of lot a ; , ci nl net , with tlio
pilvllcueol loin das stoiage. On oatay
< ents torlhe in st tun ditys , wlthf cent icbato
to all if
CatarrSi Cured
Catarrh Is a very prevalent dltcaso , wltli
( llstiusair.i ; and nfcirvo ( | symptoms. Hood's
Kaisapaillla Riven icady relict nnj speedy
ciiK-.friiiuiliafui't it .ictallnoiigh the bloviL
und thus reaches ovi-ry part of tlio tyslcm.
" 1 suffered Itli c.ituri h fiftpcn jcars. I'oo'.l
Jlood'aSarjapatlUaaud I .uunotucmliludauy
with catanh , and my jrcncral health Is tnucft
belter. " I. W. I.u.i.ia , I'ostal Clurk. Uilca o
& St. ! . < mls Kallrojd.
" I tiiili-rad vvllh calarih C or 8 years j tried
iii.niy wonUcifiil ernes , Inhalcis , etc. , apciiOV
liigiicailyonnluiiilr ( ! < lilollniiv\lioiitbciicllt | | ,
1 tiled Hood's Hirsaparllla , anil was crestly
Impravi-il. " M. A. AmiEV , Worcottcr , ilii .
Hood i Kawpaiilla U chnrnctrrlzrd by
three ricrullaillles : l l , Ibo nimMniiiiw itt
reiuiMll'il ajcntn ; ; ! > , | | j.roimiliotti Sil.tlio
j.routa i > [ securing thp attiio medicinal
jualitlcs. ' 1 liu it-suit l-a innrfciuu or imusu.-rt
fctruiiiiih , cffectla ; ; r.nrca'lililiurto nnUiiuwii ,
Kf mlor bnok cc.iitalimi | . \IUenco. .
" . . - .
.S.-ir .
.irmllla toiu-n 1,1.
pill Hes my lil.Hid . , bliMri.i-i i./y . /
fci'i His to in.ike mo o > i f. " .1. 1' .
i if Deeds , Lowell , MiitV.
Hood's SarsapaHlla
SuM by ait Urui'tiiH. 51 ; six far $ S.
only by 0. 1. HOOD & CO ; , Lowell , Jlau.
IOO DcsotjOno _ Dollar *