Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1885, Page 5, Image 5

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' '
AdrortNtncnl8 under th'to hond 10 rent * per
line lor the first Insutlon , nncl 7 cent * for i > noh
piiliFoqnont Insertion Sown woitl * will bo count *
e < l lo the line ; they mutt run oouppcutlvoly and
iniii > t bo paid In advance. All advertisements
mutit ticlinndod in before 2 o'clock p. ! iinl
under no clrcuinMnncos will tliey bu taken or
dlKonUnutxl bv telephone ,
, rnrtles advertising In thee columns find hnv
Inj ? thu ansvi ors ft/ldrtr ( < il In cnro of lli-.B , trll
pkmso ixgk for check tocnnblothoin to jjot thilr
letters , HA nonn will bo clollvoiod except on
presentation of chtck. All ntHWdrs to iiihrr-
tl etnenU bhonld bo ( > nelose < l In env elopes.
fnoitI , AV Money from $ . ' .01 up on renl cv
JL1 late , Ilnlloiillios.ai78lJtlnt ! , ; r.WJ
MONKV to loan on renl estate security. No
commission clmrjjoil. 0 I. . Mimin. UVth tin I
Kuril urn. _ tin Nov. 20
MONKV To lonn. Tlio Omnlin I'.x.
chnnao , irAUl'arniuiiMicii'Mipatiiltg.makcs
lOHtison all cliiHM'sof ( M'CUrlty liotn afiOiliat-
tcl loiin to f IO.IMI on rnal o tnto. W n tnnUo lo.ius
to null all applicant * on Ionic or phort time rm
Improved real c tnto , hind contracts , li uses ,
bnllilltiRs on loused liituli scoured notes , collaler-
1 > , chnttela , or irnod MJOUI Ity or nnv lilnil , low
rntes : e.ny terms. Ocniiliu riinincliU i\chatmo : ,
1M3 Furiirni pli ( ( ) ! , up Blairs. SI.T-
I.OANIID-ltemis , lith and Dounlas.
r > l"nov.o !
ONI'.VIO I.OAN-O. r DaVls&Co. Itcal
Kstnto mid Lonn nguiilB , lute ruriinin St.
ONI5Y TO lAMN-On ( rood f > oourlllos.A
Mc'Uavtu k , room T lluiiluk Illook , 1 yjll Kiirniliii
St , JIT-
MONKV TO I.OAN-On chnttoK Wooley A
Harrison , room 'M , Omahii National bank
billldlliK. MS
TONKV ' 10 I.OAN-OII cMuto and elial-
1'I Iris. 1) . I , . Thomns. fid
71IONKV I.OAMi-Onclmttls : , ent late. II.
* -ill H tickets bouuht and sold. A. 1 mman-l 1
H. 1,1th St. Ml
MIINlvTO IK\N In Pinns of $201) ) nml UH
ards on tlrt-elass teat estitto cuc'urlty.
1'ottt r& . Cold ) , l.M'i I'm until bt. 5V !
TV10MJY I.OAM.K at f. I' . TteedTv ( Vb I.OMII
J'l ollito.on luiniliiio , planns , homes , \MIKOHS
jier onal piopert ) ot all kimls and all other ar *
ticlen ol Millie , uitbont removal. Over Kt N'nt'l
Hank , coiner l.lth and liuiium. All business
Uilctly ( . onlldentul. G > M
MM.ll ( MO-NLV-llSIonoj to
J.'l loanonclniltdpeeuillj b > W.It
4 , Wlthitell bnlldliifr. N. I ! coiner 1Mb and liar-
IKIJAtlei jeaiH ot oxpoilenuu and neiueliil
ftudy ol tbo buxlne- of loanlm : money on per-
eonal piiipeitj , I have at last iioiUctiidn.sytum
lUioiohy the publicity usual In Hiiub ca-c'S Is
done aunj with , and I am now In u poxltlou to
meet tbo demands ol all uho huumto tempoi-
nrlly omliiirras-i.'il and tU"-lio to nilso nionoy
without delaj ilml Inn qnlut milliner. Hoii'-e-
lieeperH , piotis'lonal Kontlomen , moohanics and
othots In Omaha and toiinell lllullx , can obtain
i.dxancet linin MO to Jl.UM on suib nrnill >
IIH bouvohold fninltine , pianos , iniiclilni iv , hor-
it * , WHKOIIS , uaii'lion-c leidpts , seemed uoles
ol hand , i teltbont luimu Inn "inne liom onn-
MM lesmeiiLO or plaio of bilvlnoss. AKo ou llll"
Wntcbcsand Dliunomls , ono ol tbo aduintaffcs 1
odor Is that any IHU tut tiny loan uui be paid at
nny time which ulll leilnco the InteieHt pro latu
nnd all loans iene ed nl llituiilKliinl latesot In
terest I luue no luoKeisIn lonmctlomUtb niv
ollife , lint | ) tTMMially Mipeiintend till my loans , I
havepilvatoolllcosionnectiMl with my KOIIUIII !
otllte ho that ciiHlomcis tlo mil umio in con
tract with i neb other , con < cituentlv nmhiiKall |
IrniiRiictioiiB ctilctly private. W. It. < i-olt ,
room I , Wltlmell linlldhur , N V. coiner l.'tb and
Idurnoy , Omaha , and , fi I'oail bt , ( .onticil " IllulN.
; : . : .v DOANI : iMato AITVIIN. s.
GIII.IV 1'itli ami Dontflas , mo now olleilmr
lor sale business , lesidonco anil uhmhiia piop-
ertj- . Some ul tbo most ndviinliivcous barmdns
now In tbo inai lift can bo oblalned by ciilllnir on
tbom. Improved and imlmprovod pioperty ,
corner lotH and doslrablo olios In the bc-t located -
cated adtlltlons can bo had nt icasonlihlo piicea
nnd easy terms. '
"J 'f' Impioved finni .vv ll tn'do for improved
" '
ili' I-r j.11'1 ? ' < u Gtv < . 'ii , wvr ! " Nil-
Upiiil ! Tlank. 5. > 3
FOIt SAI.i : Cheap , luinltuio of an I'lsrhl
room hini'-c , fiillable lor boaidimr hoii'-oor
tooniois ; Alto bou > .o for icnt , nt 1"OI How aid st.
"flioit hAI.i : I'lno lamlly hoi'-o with harness.
1 ? Inqulio N. W. cor. llUh and Callloinla.
M I.AT Selllmr meatiit p.iekfnir boii = o pi lees
lor c'iwlilji ; Houiuclsi.tJjr lltli. 1' -
inor ,
IT OII SAI.i : Metllum platfoun VMIITOII imncl
JI' box newly painted , peilcct repair. Milton
llOKOrs i Sons. fc.14
PUnnilUCKM-rfKAT FI.OUIt-Cnr lots or less
to stilt tl ado. in barrels or wicks. Our "No 1
Jteady llaliod" buckwheat Hour , warrontedl > o-t
iiiade.iiKk join ( ? iocer lor it. Highest piiiu paid
for buekwbrat Kiabr W. .I.vVclbhans & . Co ,
City Mills Omnlin. 117
TTUHl SAIii : A No. 4 type-vMlier nearly now.
Inquire Itoom 14 , Omaha National Hank
FOIt SAI.i : 1'urnlture ompleto of n Ion-
room liono. > > block from po tolllco
1IOH--0 lor nmt.SlJ per month. Apply nt l"ii )
DodKO bt. U.1
> ixrAI. : Ilorii.-nnnlturo : for sale
and hotel lor rent. Call at Occidental lor
Infoi miition , corner HI and How mil St. ( U5
T71OK SAI.i : lluckwbeat bran. 25O per Krllbs.
JL1V. . J. Wei-bans & Co , City Mills. U2
FOIt SAI.i : Two lots m I'elham Plice , ono
lilock liom tiled cm Hack. lniUliu'JIS.S.
inib Mrtrt. Mi
Foil Al.i : Or VMiuld tiado tor a ( rood her > o
ami bupRV , Nl aeies In llobpur county. A p-
] > ] ) to ' 'IS Son III l.itb n.u ;
A ItAltr. CIIA.NCi : The proprielois ot tbr
Metiopolilan HcManrant. ; K null ct , to
In ) ; about to open the new \VInd or Hotel , olTei
ho roMiininni toHetlu i with leiwo ol the liullil
Ing lor Mile. This Is an excellent oppoituidty
lei Hid light parties. Applj at Iho icsituuaut ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 771 _
F oil SAU'-Comploto outllt for nmiklnq
bou o , convlstlni ; of hu o tire anJ Inn lar
proof Rate , lion nilllmr , eheiiy counler , etc. , all
now.ouldtrado lor Omaha eltv piopeity or
wild liinds. C. i : . Ma > no , l"illi and 1'ai mini , nil
SAI.IC Hclull stock of drums and tlx.
J' lures , all lu teed onler ; irood location ami
trndu. AddieirtX , V. X.Claik Ding Co. , Omaha ,
ROOMimdbo.ini , Jipor week ; very bosllo-
callon. Ibll nuvciiport St. lOdnovlS *
WAVnn-nnylKardoia : ut Tl North 11th. .
_ uenrlturt. _ _ IQinovS *
lliV. ; . a Muli-ncrStovo IlopalrCo ,111 Soiill
Kill St. botMcnu Dodirii unJ Duuxlas.
I. Anv one vM hliiHr to adopt i
newly boinfclrlbaby williuldicss K , Q. Itci
olllee. 711
1OK llt : > T ll t tlniiM VIHIIO nl
rales. AddiotoT. 11. , Hi o Ollieo.
AVIMCN'S I'll n Klndlers , wluih-alo audio
31 tnilat.l. MuVmluH lilli ami I'.ii 11,1111. lilln. .
I > IUVV VAULT. ? , titikh , cosi > pools clcnueil
ontlrelj nduili n tvn > . K. l.wlnir Ad
ilri'h * thriiiiKb postolbco. l nevIS *
t'UAVOV 1'nplls tiuiKht bov
J tomiiko euijoii poitniils. A lllei-l/o poi' '
trait f i-om any photo pupil mnv de"lio yivei
IIIHI with term ot IC-MIUK. Cnlvvi'll , \ Cooke
Hrtielc , ItooaiW , ArlliiKlnn lllock , we ? ! of P , 0
l7iiiovH !
I.AVA"Ys ( TiT bund afu bmnaliT No. I KOCOIII
A blind can lauo pbailona and side-bar bua
pli't , ill AJ. . MmpMin , 1IOU and 1411 lod.o ) SI.
_ _ _
5 AI flrirTn wiiiit of Rooil domcblli' ' b lp < ni
- bit supplied bv cnlliinc on tbo Oimilm Kn
plovment Ollieo17 N. bltli bt. , up-tl.ilis. M
J. W. Morilfou piiii'i'1 ' ' tor. _ b" ' _
IIIVV v anils and cesspools ( leaned In
odoilciM , wa > b > 1' . li. Abel , V. O , llov .17 ! * .
os'r KngHsh pup , liliuh laco. I.lber.
ruwiniilor itiiunol tnmctotHj * !
III' lly Iho undcr'Unod , n lilac ;
malu plK. Owner i tin havoi > aiiio bv pavin
- - mid provlntr property. > trx. 'lii.n |
llrovviint. , nriirfiiiuiul limit lonvdit. hUltlul
ANTUU-A tlrbl gill ut IS bOlllb Slllist ,
\yANTKO-A pofHl clrl for Kcneral houfc-
fJLiori i'V" . ? , " , , ° . . ! - " "limn tiro-
U'rrpu * Hi K. cor * Ul ! ami uhltTuro. Sll-tf *
"VyANTI.Ij-flood Klrl for general housework
T nt .21 N Iftll St. M6-2
\\ANTiil : A stood pirl to taKiebnrpc of
ThoiiFe ; family of two ndp ! ( > op ! < : irood HKOS
pnld. Apply Vtl Ilirnn } nt. r. r. . li w In k t o.
WANT. U-OiMxl cook H ! Itovero
Comii'il Illutrs. llest ivienjiivei
" \ yANTI.M ( Hrl for dining room nnd ohatu-
M t-ortrfirk. 7103 lllh iT. TJiV-"i *
\\rANTI.Il-Attlrl Tor Kenorl hou 'work lit
II K-'illl DdllKlils. VJWJ
WANTI.I--T.nd'e < i tonrn $7 to 11 weekly nt
tlutir bomo In city or roimuy. "onio
l < mmloilKPnf Lmvliiit nnif fiincy woik ronulntl.
Mciidv wink , ( loodx sent hj tniill. Scml lf < lor
Himiplo nnd postiitto. IHtm Silk \Voiks , law.
l.tli M . Now York. 01111'J.V
WAN rill ) A plrl nboitt U jcnrs old us inn so
Apply NW tor A\i > nml ( ! nuil st.
4tl'u * 4tJ
\ \VANTKI- ncnt vouii ? Kil | to n | t vrllli
> Vmby. | IViS. atthPt. TW !
\\rANTIM ) An r\t piloiicr l frnitlnor. Apply
> > nt U lln t , i.t II ii nil's I'lam Pl'--iil *
WANTii-Mi : > 4sr > np i. Tim
\\f AN'TliU A ll\e nlfsiniui for Omiiluiiinil
Mi'lnM , to M.-1I to lin < iln i tnnli , by
pitmiilii , tli ( < bp4t nrrleltIn lin 1 HP mi > rmado.
II. ( J. Tii-KV Co. , 1M Wnalnnslon . , ( 'blciuto ,
" \ \ r\N'l ii : > Clerk A JOUIIK tiinn lto emi
IT ll'Mi ir > M > d liiind. Ulvo leloirnci'i mid
'I ho llnn"lr ) ( ol l o. W ) " > -)0
\\rANTI.l > 'J/iuimd / moil forll. K.voil. V njics
> > 5.1 7. ) lo f . ' ( W | .u din. rii > ( itruiiMiottiit on.
\Ullhhip Hnliulnj moinini ; ut7:13 : , will lliJi lin-
tiuin. Kodudin uautcil. 07I-.JO
\\rANTIJI ) A rnnlrrllli a Rood her o , for
> > nit i-\enln f loiiloon lHll ) > Itf < . .70
\\r.VNTii : -Tlio PorvlcT < of mi actho. lull III-
Kent ninii In ou-ry lovMi In Npbiu l.u , 1) -
Itolu and Western Iowa. .1.11 , I1. ( I Ilex .ills
Oliililiu Noli. V'.l-Ji . ) '
V\7'A > TIJU Men mill women to Ktmt u newT
T bii ine s lit tbi'lr lioini'N , ett llj liniined In
mi 1 DIM ; no pcildllnu" U'c. lor til < .uniile ] > ' nnd it
imc'ii' i' or inuteilid lo ioinnieneioik on. Ad-
diiiss AIIK ileuii Supply Uo. Albiinj , N. V.
f/llii'V. *
\\'ANTii : > A Ilrst-class binberJBOod location ,
> i loom.cto. AdthciS at oncu , llov r."i , su *
poi lor , Nob. b7VW
NTIII ) Second cook at l.mmot house- .
d.ll-1 *
\ \ rANTll ! > Stetiotrrapber. liov ( i.'i , Omnlin.
A < l Is I'S Selling Mlc'ouil < lemn w.ishur
imiKeK \ < \ money J. Wotlh , f-ole Mainline-
tinrV , St Ixillis , Mo. IKNIUeullp
\\'AM'I3II A Hitimtion bj a thujr.'i-t ofH
M jtai s * etpeilence and rejlsteied In loan.
Address Dmwrlsl , ! ' . O. llov 4M. ( -U-KI *
\ \ \VI'ii : > - enbiK Itimlbes ba thst-diiss
T > diei'-miiKeri euttlnif anil lilting n n > ie-
iilltj. Addussb. .1. , lieu Olbco. , H7-.1i *
"V\7"ASTII ! ) A voumr ( ! < 'iman , leconth * ar-
ii rlvcd tiom Mexico , tboiouuhlj iiLiiiiainleil
v\lb booUkcoiiimt and conveivant wllb the llvo
modein l.uiKiiiDrc1- di Minus ol hcciniiur a
sitmuloii In n wbolCMile Him ; lh . .tlas ( ii-ler-
ences. Adiliess Q I , , llu < Olllee TW. "l *
WANT1.I ) 1'osltion as hnnkKcc pc r. account
ant or olllee elerk bj-iin \peiienced bookKeeper -
Keeper ; ' peaks ( icimnn and ! ' .n li h : tli t
icli irnuos. Addios J. K. KIIIMJ , 1MHI I'Miiiaiii
t-ticot. 7Jlny >
\ \ ANT1I ! > 1'osll Ion as bookkeeper or cashier
' hiitlsfiiLtorj-ioleroncos vvlll be InriiNlied
DbeetA.A. Ueeolllce. 71)1 : )
in one lu Omaha or vlcmltjAil < iioas
Ul. ( Hcoollko. M5 II *
AtiOMl'I.n NT iiuiso cuu bo lound at'-01C
Caliloinia t > t. r.i'l-ii <
\\-ANTI3H-lOO liullos to know that Mis.
i > Holmes , the liiMiIomiblo St. Paul dreis-
maker , is now piiimio.l to iccclvo nml suit
them all at No.06 : \ IS. Ibtli btiucl , cor. Daveii-
pott , lloom it. 'Ui-,11 *
" \ " \ 7"ATTI'II'mtner In Kiocrry stole well
TT acqnaintod lu citj : verv litllo capital Is m-
qiilicd ; ( iciniun or Itohomlan. AdJie s H K. ,
lice. ' 7b-.0 !
W IANTIin-Tobuj'ii-fOod jonns hoi > e ; cull
nl'Mh and lliunoj ; sjhnvv X 1'ield iriJ-Jll *
T-lfANTKO-Wellhoi ( lcall : cor Hamilton A
> ' I.owouvo , Walnut lllliJ USliuvv 751-Jt *
WAVnjI ) To lent fuini hed room will :
board by ( 'imtlenmn and wllo ; man travel
Imr a in cater portion ol tbo time. Addiv-- , ( / ' ,
II. T.euro Hoc , with price and location. Tl/i.tu' '
"lANTIII ) Situation bv n competent boo !
keeper ; best ol releiences fuinl-bed b >
former employers ; i-lend ) omploj incut onlj do-
hlii'tl. Aduicsa M.H.I * . , . 'ITS Dili bt. , Lincoln
Nob. O-swio *
' \\7'A > Tin To KxclnuiRo span ot IIOIHOS lei
> Kood active , medium f pan ol mules , c. II
Mooio i ; Co. , 151.1 Ioil o st. CVJ
\\7ANTr.O Uvoijliodj In Omaha to know
> l that lbc < place to buy and f-ell real c ° tatoi-
at tlio olllco ore. 13. Maine , S. W. cor , ot
anil I'miiani Sts. 110-u1. !
iyANTii-Tcani8. : T. JIuiray.
FOK li\'l' ! : A ne - lOioom boiiH- , all mod
cm liiipiovi niunts. near strcit cus ; cbcaj
to a fiood loniiut. II O ClurU.KilX' Douglas M.
OIt KINT : House Closets , pantiles , ( te.
1 Callh S. isthst. 1'ih-.jl *
III NT A laiire nnw bonidlntr boii"e
JJ l-'ni I'lntonitf. ill t-outh Omaha , \\lll ion
InniMicd or iinlmnhlicd. Apply at Snutl
Omiilm poMolflco. 7Ul-.ll *
ItKNT A new houso.ii'l ' inodrin eon
ITtOIl , Georgia live. Inqniio Ceo \Vil
cov. nt Kalconer'H. I31 '
"iTMHt KI.NT New boiiso 0 moms , Ono ol
Ju bct built boti os In Omaha , 'ml botweoi :
( 'liming nnd Irani , * Ji.
CotlncoH rootim South Utb st. .
Coltiu-'O. ! moms , lllli M , m ai 1'leioo , $
Cottiuro ! 1 rooinc , "stli near Donjrhis. $ ( .
Two fitmlollkeifocond 6tory lltuKcr look
IMh ami raiimm.
Two laiKO rooms In city ball building Ifltb am
I'm num.
Onrnrlwo Piniill Rtoio rooms on Ifith M reni
rarmim In City Hall bollilliiT VMM bo miiiHMc
lo suit icnter. C. 1 ! . Mayiio , lllli and raiimm
i III-
UI2NT Tlireo fiont looms nicely fur
FOIt , ou hlret cai line ; Millablo lor Ion
neii'ou > , c-ilher uontluincii or ladic , MV > N uil
Mieei. 71B-I11 *
Itr.VT Cbeiip imlf of house. No. ' . ' 01
FOIt . Call al unco. UKl'.lM
T71OH HUNT Hunt-eon 17th 8t. , between Can
J. itol uvcniic and l.ivenpoitlo. ) S. l.rhman
Itl.M' nunNhcil cottnifo , south nidi
171OU Davenpoit bel een IStb and Ifllh hticctf
? n u inonih ; leleu uco loqulied , tl.KAJji
7'Olt III.NT Neitily ucv lionyo , 7 moms , cm
] ( bailee mid I'ierbth. , f.'j to Hist cl'iss tell
ant ; 1 block liom t > lrcot cur. Ili'Kn : * X Hill.
Itl'.XT-Storo ! Ul N. ISthSt.
! 17Krl ! ) *
OII INT : Iliick hoii'e , ceven looma
F at MeVitllo'H I lib mid Km mini , iH'm'i
I71OH HUM' To Hiimll family , n flrrt rlns
1 i'olla > ; c' in ihiiiouu'h icpalt , near t oi : : uM an
( .aliloimui > l.i > li per imniin. Innulte ioom -
Omiilm Nailonal Ibuik ImlKlln . t' 1
. ltiN'r : - < 1 mom lioin-o npiir cor. l > lb an
J.1OK . M. K Maitin.mtld. 1-itb-t. 3I
oit ItllM' Six ioom coltiig ( modem In
J7 piovenienU , 7U K lull tl. Umiulie ne.v
doornnith. 6ol
U lli : * T Tin-mom hou ( > , . | blocks fun
1TU po'tolllcc 0. I' . Davis A. Co. 7i7iri
I7MIK IS I. NT Centrally lociitcd , m w bile
J. Imildintr ,' lot modeiato priced hoti
and uvuiurani ; " - IHiiiK looms ; imth and u in
on eacbtlooi. 'Ibis N a enanco to d-lablnli
pujlnt , ' hotel. Aims , l.Vf ? 1 at num. biU-x'7
Itl.NT A line ID-room bi ick ie ldinr
FOK muilem conveniences and lennall
UK tiled. A. S.inndcrs \ t'OjjU'p. ' KiMou. _ 7t
TiliTTn.NT r > loom coltiwo ou Charln , t > \
F Iniiultti otIi\C. _ _ H.Vj"ll : _ MJ _
( ! ItKNT Cotlapo ot 4 rooms nml bnsi
FH No MIK SOhlrcol cliyaiid cl-lc.ui wi
lot. Imiuliu of Uuueau & w uUuct. , : ilb 8. n
til tf
Ii'OH HUNT 6 rm m bon c. App ! to Dr
Netlllp. f-N3
ITIOIt HltNT Stnrn hnqulro at Ho-toti Dry
JL1 < ! o < Nl < JS lotlibt , 4W
I /tilt ftKNTN'pw 0 rH > ni lion eiii SnumlKM
Mrrt t. iwrlin. bnj wlndonnst front , cell r
rlMrrn.wpfl , nlk < , fenee nnd out IIOU MJ now
nndcon\enknt , tin tier tiiontb. J. I * . lU6v ( > V
t. 3f
I/OH1U.XT llon'o wltb wen room * , W *
1 Plierninn Avo. Knqulio ol J.T. Mnunt.aiy.
1Kb St. SM
HIt Itl.NT Nov. I , n nr < Mlns ir-rooin cot-
I 1 tnire ; line local Ion ; by S. T. retor ens i <
( . or. lutli nnd lmilii ( . llll
' . Tno lipwio'ldtneesfl roonmneh ,
iifttuiriinrooius.bousolUrounis. J. riilppi
HUP , r " )
FOIt Itl.NT Twolory ilnvlllntr , 7 rootn !
pooil locality. A | > pl > Cor. lllli mid Doutrbs.
C.T. Tnjlor. 713
_ _ _ _
OH Itr.NT SMorc onPth mid I.eiixennortb
I 1 M .
1 store on Bonlb lltb st. Hotli tli'.t-cln'v < i biul-
rovg locntlolis. AUo houses to unit. A , Mcdnv *
oek. H
IAnlt HiNT-Hou : o of t' ' roonn. Apply Cor.
1 llll. nml DiiUKln * . r.T. Tnjlor. 740
IJM'lt Itt.NT Several du clllnit * . A | pl.v 'or.
J1 Ulb nnd loiiiluH. ( P.T. Tnjlor. 716
ItllNT-Oa. Kt. or nfter , n dwitlllnir
Irioll < > A rooms nUe > util. tl'lein , liter , fJJ
per month. Apply lilt I'liikWlId uvc.orliu > .
W. Uoll , iltilffKlst. 0 South llltli PL BW
OIt HiXT : Xipfirottn ro 1010 Sontb 1'ith ' St.
IJ 1 Iniuiipof | t. A. Ileldln. 4iiKU.ip
? ) ItnNT Nenlv ftirnHliPd rooinl ltb
1 boiuil lit Til South l tli t. 7M-.I1'
IJIHH ur\T Sulti of olllee I ooiiii. l.ll"lun in's
J bloik , N , I' , ( oi tij'.b mid liniiilro
III lil'J llnutuil stuet. V.'l '
IiTltll IlL.S'r A fiilteof unfiiiiil'btd looms to
lelil,1. ! ' ) rupltol lUo. 'it1 111
I7 O KKNT A Im-BO rillliWied u I'lil III IVSI
lloHiud. bet. IMhuiul lutli. 7-sS-JM *
UI.NT-Wltb loiiiil , nlooly IninMiod
I tioiit loom ; KKSMtid bnth loom , tl'.i.lonei '
stuet- M'nl *
T71OK lilINT riunl lied loom SwU Hiune\ .
JL1 Mliil *
l. > rT 1 ii'oins"i7iPs ( eoiTil MOIJ. Cull
at n i > housu , lunrof 171S JauK on. 77'- "
loom , inn
ISI'.N'r A ile-ltublc loom icrient ! mid-
ern eonvuiilfIILOM. Innulro 17-1 Ciip'tol ' nve.
' . .Illl'l
FOIt KKM'-Iioom nltli boaid , Hill ! Capitol
n\o. .filnlj'
IjMHl iiNT : Tlirco bntuloomi ly fnrnlslied
liont IIIOIIIM , luring oiitb ; biltb loom. I.M
( iipltolnso. TtiD-'j ) *
IjlOK Iir.N f rurniblifd rooms , V-TO OoilKii.
: ( ) H INT : A deilrsiblo fiont loom , rur-
-1 Ill-lied. HI"N. Itilll > ! t. 7Vil ( ; ! *
TTIOlt ltiNT : I'oniNlied Tiont loom , liilMit
1J Intnllj , dpolrablu loculltj. AdiUe-s O. N' . ,
He.uOllici > , W-Sl ) '
Foil lti : > T R rooms suitable for bouskeep
In ! , ' . l.nnniiOmilb Davenpott stiuuu iU.1-,1. *
Foil itKXT A finntslnul fiont ioom. 7ftiN
1Mb st. , l-h ' :
OK Kl.vr rmnfeliiHl looms. 810 S 1Mb t.
KKVTI'lli nl-hod room 7tW Soutb llitli
I. s-treet , lib or Itbont board. 1 W-i J
J71OK KKNT Two ulcoly fiiinlalicd loom" ,
win m and i omloitnlilo for wlntoi , ioi jinn-
tlenien only. Ao. 171)8 ) California st. ( > 8b'-ii ; *
Iiioit iti\r-Two : nonlv luinWied rtiomR ,
pailor nml bed ioom oil south window s. No
.l IMli'Steor Oavcnpoit. d7"-Ji )
"JjlOK Jii' T Di'sliiiblij tioilt r-V..r.3 , 111
Toiim i-tbbt. uTiiii
ITIOIt ISKNT A nicely fninbliod coltnce , fi
I1 ioom-HJ7Niiilb.'othst. , 1)7,1 )
"plOK ltIKr Deshablcloomsnt 1811 Cn-.s st.
171011 Iti : > T For llHlitliouao kot-pliw , ! i fin-
-1 nibbed roonid , KW.coiiurb.uul Houiml.
Jjioil HUNT Intgu bund-omo room. 1701
1 C.ipitol mo. bit
T OIt IINT : : runilshoilrooin. No. 7iKi I'Jth
J1 \\ulj6terstitul3 with iU\lifO or bath.
ITW it IINT : : Nicely furnishca ioom iiu :
J1 DotlKtfcliL'Ot. . BMl-nl *
roit KUNT Nicely furnished looum , cbuip ,
lorlom SLtntlenien.tHWS VJthMreot. r , ; l
I710KltiNT-laitoliirnlsbediooml- < llIoib7i ! ) ; .
I71OR ltiXT : Two oletrnnt front rooms unliir-
-i nl.-lcd : , li.ilh room lint mid eoltl water MI rim
Poor.eij doimblo location. Inruiiu _ 8. W.
Cor li ! ami DotlBO. 4W
ItKNT Uoom with boanl. Ibl2 Doil
FOR Itl.NT Wc'fnntly furnl boil IOOIIIH nl
I'.f-'l ' rni nmn bt. 400
FCK ItrNT . 'Moiesn ho brick- > uHdinir on
Howard St. . bi.t iCtb mid 17tb. No 1015 iui-1
JG17. Iminlrc atilriijf utorocor. 10th st. 1 %
Tjioil KK > T A nice , ploamuit loom , fninlib-
ed or unfuinNod. Ini.niio nt 15M J.eavcn-
w01 Hi street. 4HJ
7IOII IJNT : Itoomivllli bonnl , desirable lor
? bumiiiei. Apjilj at f-t. Cl uili-s Hotel , f-bl
1J1OK HI.NT rninUlied loom , IV ) ! FnrinTni
"I7 OH Itl r 'J fnnnsbed rooms on I'ncltlc
J' stiei't , betweeiiDtb mid lUth.ono block bontb
ot tlin 1. ' . 1 . ilcuot. vn
Foil ltiST : 2 iilpiioiint poutb f mm looms S.
W. eoinei Kith and Davenport. VlX )
Foil Itr.NT Two nicely fnrnWied looms , N.
W. cor. 21st mid St. MuiyS iiionun. 4WJ
roil BArE-3IOUSE3-IOT3.
7OIt s Vl.i : Newpoit ntmcat.cbonpes
I' Ames , rarmim. KI
17011li : _ Cheap lots In'.pom i iiieo ;
\ . 5-ll ) iou | n. moutlil ) [ inj infills , Cunnlnulmm
Mil I'lliuiii , 1511 Dodtto 7 IS7
OHSAliK A C'omeriot wltb two coed lion-
IT fes.nenrblirb clioola baivaln II clo cd now ;
Million lliosU7Sl.lli ! ft , .7 > l-2) )
,1. lleautltul resideiic'o lots in Wai-
Ji- mil Hill tw'Mlto 7UOeitch ; III tier ( cut cash ,
balunco monthly p.onicnls. C. 1. . Majno , 15th
and I'ainain. tiuiil
Foil SAI.i : I/it on Iol0 ( H.near KTlh st. ,
il.100 : voiy ciisj teims. A. I > . Tiikfi , 1JO.
rainanibl. ' „
FOKSAl.K-Oiiool' tbo best ftiimslnPiirpj
count ) ; two IIOIIM-S ; two oielmnls' ; burn
with 'lone li.iM'iaont ; ciibs.MTiamuJeb , ete. Holt
\ , nil Ombre si reel. 7iiMi" *
I/oil SAI.i : Ptoio lionso and dn-ollim-
I.eavcnvvoitli hi. ; splendid location tor a
ftroeoiy ; miiM In ; sold ; u * ) ieclnl liaitr.iln It Hold
within ono week , tor lull p.iificuliis call or
addiesN A. Siuimlerw A. Co. , HlH 1'nrnam st , op-
poslti Piixtoii Hold. 7W _
J.lOlt * Al.l. Newpoil ncililbl , chc.lpeM HCI OH
Ames , KIM num. W)7 )
r.-Ileautifol leslilenco lots In Wai-
nui Hill fcsvi 10 V7uocaci ! ; U inr cent ea h ,
bnlmioo montblj pajmonts. C , 11 Jlione , 1Mb
ami 1 ainain.
! ) ltS VI 1 . in d 1 nero lots will be eel I
' this week In Horn old , at ll'ili an aero,1 , cash ,
eas > temn.
M t hoito lotH In Hniitojin 1'l.iee , 37IVI to ? 1.VM ,
1 oi. in 1'allli K' Ut adtl , 7uO to l-:0il ; cat
t < mix.
ixt In 1'atilek's fcaintoyn add , 100 to ? V)0 ) ;
nnar belt bno.
llnciieio in I'.uk I'laco , with bout-o , { 2f > GO ,
i' . ' n i nMi.
A giuit biii-pu n 'i Ftory IIOHPC , 7 rooms lirri
limn , v , ell ti-ifiii mill linn IIIIM. rli in. woi tli
( .t.'iiHi ; ( as > ti-iiii . . is oulj 1't m k-s lioml'u
mid m. ai MI LII ear I no.
f-'li | mllil lot inblnn s add , l.ivm.
Limits tot lade am , O aba inopeity to tradi
foi land. J W Jliiisl.all , I'M I'm nitiii 7NI
) : SAM. I tintnwoith Tinaio. AIIICB
IW7 riiriimn. Ni7
"Mill s VI. 12 On iniinllily p.ijnuniH , cheat
I 1 lots lii ilun&tom plant ; fluj down , din
iiliigliain \ llu'iinaii , 1511 DodKO , 77V2S
OU II15NT Two lart-'o itiom * neu to ooun
JT i jli'liiunl cr In ill ) hall bulltllntr ; sulialili
lorsetiol Hie.elj 01 Inloi oi anl/at on ; J15 poi
imiiith. C. II. Maj mi , l.lib I'.iut rauiam. HHJ
Full SA l.i : Ntwpoit noarcBtjCliiapust aprw
Anitt , runiuin. Mfl
HOUSI.s , loU.laiiJi-lleinb , UDi mid Douifla :
Iroit SAIn(5poi7roorn ( \ bouo on tMA # M
full lot , well bnpro\fl { . .HOO. t'oltPr K
Cobb , 1515 tVrnliiu st. 417-lt
SAt.1Hftxi Mi-ottAirtv- lots thnt I
will sell on montjilj | > a.Miii-nH lo KODI ! p r-
ties. Al"i.n number of peed IIOITS mid n lot
of top ImnKloA unil IAiriu > s I will pell on tlmoor
trade forrenl e t tv-i At homo Mindnj . 1.1' .
I'rnyn , IS71 N IsHi. ' 7is u *
1JMW SAIK-On nut t. , nno lots lit StV.lj easy
I1 tmn . Cnllftt onico. rotter A. Cobb. IMS
rnrimm ft. 41t-tt (
1 [ jloil MAM. Newpoitneai-est ,
me . rnniniu. 8H7
IP j ou u tint totiilli-eul , e < tate list U with C. K tor Inth and Tin num. If It Is not
rom enlent to call dhip a eanllth n full ibw
cilntlonof the propei t > nUlnn nutnlior of lot
nnd block. It will pay jou If joti mint to roll to
KenddeAcilptlon-of your property to this ayeney
where It will roeelve prompt iitlentlon. 'I'elo-
phone 021. OK-'J'J
ITMllt P.M. ! ? Itcautlful rc'ldotieo lots In Wai-
1 nut Hill filti toftdOcaeh ; 10 per cent ea-h ,
btilanec monlhlj pajmonts. U , 1 ; . Mnyno. b'lb
n ml rnrnani. 8 ttnj
1710H BAM. Corner on Saunders { , ' , business
M lei , 1.1.x 130 ! only M.SUU. I'otler 4 Cobb.
mil to pell rual estate lUt It "lib C ! . K.
Mil ) nov cor nth nnd t'rrmnn. If It In not
comeiilontto call drop n card with a lulldes
erlptlon of tlio property RlvliiR nnmlier of lot
and block , U lll imy jou If jou want to null to
seed de'crlptlon ot J our properly to this ii eno }
wlifie II " 111 ix'ctlvo prompt alteutloa. Teln-
plume ittl. 6U-21I _
FVtlt A1.1.Neupoit nearestcheapestacix > 8.
Ames , 1 HI num. HOT
runt sAl.I * All Srooinbonsii andnere tot In
I 1 lllmcbaintb'sHddltionj fltHiO. Cutinltiffhiun V
llrenmui.trdl DoilRc. 7WS7
irioitNAt.r. A full lot on I'lirkavo , fl , ' . ) . A
1 biUK-iIn. Ciiiniiimluim & llicnmin , 1511
Dotliro. TsJ V
17(1K SA1.U Ix > ts In Thoralnint I'lueo , west
( .iniului , jaoio tlM eath. 10 per cent tlown ,
balance month. ) piuinenl . 'I'liesenioiryde -
pliable lotx nml theeheiii < el In woMOmalm'.tho
Unit l.lniMlepot will Inliullt at the loinerof
'InoinhutK I'huo. dill ami trot parllciilarsaiul
tec tbepiopciiy. C K Majnc , Pith and I'm num.
M : Il.iitralns in thlilj lots lu Spiiuld-
- Imr.N Kuhn'H "UhdlvMon , on Dodito stieel ,
ea > > t of licit Mm * lallioml , $401 tit ? ! . ' > I , on
monlblv pajmenls.V. . T. Urahuin , Ciowitnn
llloek. 771
171011 SAI.ll Nenpoit neatest , cheapest acres.
- iAmes , raimun. t > o7
i-1. : acres In Park l'hic w 111 be told
1' voo cheap. Ciinninxluim .V llionmin , l.'dl
Undue * . ? " * *
. SAI.I' Tluee lots inl'ti idntr , onon cor-
I.AOIt , In .ybl' n's mid . -ouih tiont nnd a nplen-
old vleu ol ti ciltWlllMitl sepiirnli'l ) If de-
HUi'd. Millni rs .VCo.ipp. the 1'aMon. 78j-i ; )
Hl"'l > , lot , liimh IlcmK l"tb and DoiiKlns
CI'KUilnov ' .o
FOll SAM : Lots In IIImobmiBb nml 1'ntter-
fun's siib-illv isloil , udjollibiK I he now raltlond
laml-i oavhlch depot , lound boie'ts and ohops
nro to bo built. Prices rt J to stm.1 eHehiii ; j
terniH'lliosolots aio M Illiur very itipklly ; call
Hioultjou wlslitobuj. U. r. I'attei'on. Mi
> OHhAI.K Ilentittful lesldeneo lots In Wai-
17 nut Hill } - . ' > ute ( lUUdich. l tiei tout eush
bulanct ) montblj'pajments. C. 1 ; . Jlajno , 1'ith
nml Tainani. .N.'U ; .
ITlOimAI.I. Newport , nearestcheiipe-t norc1- .
JL ; Ames , 1 iiimim. t 'i7 '
11' jou want to sell real estate list it wlthC. 1. .
Miijne pweor loth and I'm num. If II is not
( OiiMMilentto c.ill drop aeard with a lull lira-
criptlon ot tbo piopoit.v Riving number ol lot
anil block. It will pie > on II jou want lo n-llto
seiidili"-ciiptloitot j'tturptopcrly to tilltvgeniiy
where it will icc'dvol piompt attention , 'lelo-
pbonclKl. liii. : ! )
IilOItsAl.i : A baipaln iulwolots on ( ieori/lit
avenue , roruihoittlme M71HI will luku Ilio
two.V. . T. Graliam.'Cietehtoii ' block. BSH
FOIt SAM. Newport nonic'-t , cheapest acies.
AiiieI'.iinam. . Po7
fl' jiii , wnMt to " " ll'iJHl ' e ti'te M-t it ViiU T I/ ,
J-1' ' " ' " ? . " cyitt _ . 7lTi i"'imm. Ti is not
convenient to c.i\ldi.ou \ n card with a toll di"
cilptlon ot tbopnifieitj KivlnH1 uiiniber ol lot
nnd block. It will pAy jou II jou wiiul loell to
MMidili-cilptlon ol jour piopeily totlilsmrei cy
vvhoic It will tcLeiv'u piompt attention 'lelo-
phoou.1. , WJS.I
T | Ol > < is , lots , lntid-liomls , 1.1th nniHJouiflas
II' jou want to i-ell roil e-tat list It with C 1 !
Mnjms 8\v iii 15th and I'm num. If It la not
convenient to call iliop a caul with u lull de.v
cilptionol the piopcitV iViininihorot ! ! ! lotand
block. It v\ill paj jou it jou want to1to ! ! Mind
det-cilptlon ot yoiu propfitj' to thin ujjeney ,
whoioit will receive piompt attention. Tole-
phoni OJI. ( lU-ai
fllOlt SAI.i : Newport ncaiost , eho.ip cst.ieros.
JL' Amesraimim.
SAI.i : 3 lots In Horbaok'H nd dltlon
Cnunlnglmin A. Ilicnuun , 1.111 Dodso. 7 fit --8
HAM3 Two lots In Ipaiw and Kelilnn'a
add , , coi ner , ? 1,050 ; V3 cash. I'otter & Cobb.
POKSAI.13 Cheap iiisiilniioo lots on Cumlnif
St. 1'ottei X. Cohh-jril" ) IJunmni st. _ " " ' .L.
OK SAM : Six lots on Sanmlors rt . 4 Mocks
rT Jiom line ; oust fionts ; iillUeach ;
fasy payments. These are eoinor lots. ,1. K.
Hlloy Jt Co. , 215 S. 13th st. Ittl
1 7011 SAM : licnutifulicsidoiiuo lots infal -
nut Hill $ Vto ) VTOOoiich ; I ) per cent ca-h ,
bitlHiice monthly pajments. U.K. Majuo , 1 illi
mm I'm num. N'pn I
"TTIOIt SAI.i : Newpoit neaiebt , elu aptt t m ros.
JL Ames , rnimuii * < ' 7
IjlOlt bAIii : CliiMpe = t propei tv near West Tar-
J. iiainM. ; lotH in I'ottei H 'l Id. Irom ? 4 " > to
$ oo ; c'Kj teims. I'otter .V Cotili. 4J."i tl
HOI IKS , lots.lands-Ilcml- , l > th mid Oonifl is
fjl i Ulnov o
FOIt SAM. Cheapest mio intido property in
themaiktt , iir-iuemo lots in lllll-iilo ndd. ,
7fio toel.Ioo. PottC'i' .V Cobli. 4JUU
"ITlOK SAI.I : A lli > t ehiM and will piijlnir
J lioiuillnjrhoiiio.contiallv located Ioi panic-
nlms. Addiesil1. X. Ilee onleo. ijOl
17v K SAI.I" r.oavcnwoith Toti.ico. Ames ,
1.1U7 I'm mini. M
I ? OK SAM : Choice coi n r lot In Iteod's 1st ad
JL1 $ .1,000. 1'ottcr A : Cobb.
II' j'on mint to ( .ell leal estate list It with C. K.
Majno.bwcor Ifith and I'm mini. It it Is not
convenient tocalldiop n card with atulldocrip
tlon of ihopiopeitj iflvliw nnmborol lot nnd
blink. It will | iay jou It jou v\ant toholl to n-nd
dosiilptton ol jour piopeily to tins nifenoy ,
whoie it will icccho piompt attention. Telephone -
phone H.M. Hl--a *
FOItSAM. a lots , on VirKinlii avenmi , east
liont , flOO each. Cunningham A. llrennan ,
Ul Dodffo. WI'M
1 lilt S VM : Leavcnwoith Tou.ico. Ames ,
1505 1'ainam. W7
Tl' jou want to sell real estate list It with C. B.
Mayno , bw coi 15th and Kiiinam. lilt U not
convenient tocalldiopn eanl wiib a full dos-
nlptlon ol thopropeitj Klvlmr nninber ol lot
mid block. It u-iil pay jou It jou want lo fell to
f-end description ofjour propuity lo tlilsajeni3y
v\berelt will icioivu piMinpt attontlon. 'lelc-
phone ( .21. t [ _ _ _ " < - " " ' _
IjlOK SAM : Iloufi aml lot In Ninth Oiaalia ;
J house has r > room ! ) , cMeiu , wo 1 , east limit ;
pilcc liAU. W riJinlmm.i lelKlitonblock. rs ;
POK V\f.K- ' licit" , beuntlfnl bind , near
Ilelt line mid Snunders bt , f , , IHW , eu j tviiui
" 171OK SA M3 AGIO lots In IK Ivedoio , adjoining
-I I't Omaha on the north. 'I bin is by tar the
llnest anil c-heapest line piopeitj In that dlieo-
tlon. ( all mid H O it. I , JWil to t Ja ) per aeio easy
terms. C. I * , . Mai no , tvt cor 15th uud Knrnam.
> Oll SAI.i : V-envcnw ( ii Hi Toiiaco. Ames ,
Ij T.07 r.u nanr. - HIT
_ _ _ _
Foil KA I.n-rtho iotH in llanstum Plneo , $1lX )
toil.VAI. I'titlerCobb. . 41'Jtf '
J'OI ( SIn Twontj at rin S. W. ot cIM cheap
at UdO per at re. 1'otti r .V Cobb. _ 4H U
VI , i : Ane lots In Ibhedere , V-oO to
FOIIH , No bills lo climb. Men level
) mill all the wav. Splnndld ' ( Million. Vlow nil-
butp.isBCd. C. K. Muj'nc , 15tn mill rar
Blia _ _
tpoit SAI.i : I.ia\enuortb Toiraco. Ames ,
1 1MJ7 Karnain. W7
_ _ _ _ _
SAI.K AireTiotB ii HelviMleii ) .
f JOi ) piicli. . No bills to climb. Nlcolovol loud
nil fbe" ! ! ) . Spiuiiiiil ToeTuVion View nnsnr
pii'ed. . C. I' . .Miijne , 15th and rarmim ,
l.roiSKh , oU.liiniU-Ilcmls , ISth und
I71OK Al.i : Acre lots In llelvedoro , fJtn ) to
J1 f.mi luch. No lulllo i limb. Nice luvel
mad all the wav. hpli-nUlil locutinil , Mow lav
0. 12. JIuyiiu15th aud Knrnain.
I'urimju. WT
- '
T.TOCSIS. lol , tunas -Hernia ,
Foil si7iTlt C iHrrrii-Mi ! * , itth ; mid rnr-
nntn , Aci < property In HlmobnuKh'n nddl-
tlon : tbisiiddition ndloms the HIT purchMoof
tbo MlMoin | I'ncine UII Co. 501
1,1011 svi.u XuwjKirt Hin > lots Amos. 1107
rmiiam. w *
t. 1 > < tnllei Irom
* | xiMollie ' , halt lien1 with in > iHl liouni nnd } } 2loo. lVtter\Cobb. 42.Vlt
H0fsis : lots , fmni * , InndstUjraU. . nni and
DoiiRlas. fiil-cVr.nor i
J : > OH sii : Newport neto lots. Ames , i.Vfi
raniHui. N > 7
loon HAM : on r.\t'ir\siVi-rimV : brick
J boiifp , lu moms , bin n and stable. elt > water
and nt < 'ps iiry ontboiixes ( ixebaiiiretl tor im-
pr ied farm not in t r IW mil' ti-om Omiilm H
1 ! AKents need not npply. Address K. li Doe.
olllee. _ _ _ 21 VOil
I.I Ol Sl > , lota , lunds lletills , 1Mb and lloimlns
* - fil . ' .ilnov.'o
171OII s.VI.i : An acre lot nnd t-rooui hot.'O In
V lllmebniKh addltlnn. Will lo sold \eij
eliinipoi will I nulp for elu pniportj. Ciinnl
ham > V llrenilhti , Tilt DodBe. 7 -
17 < oit SAM. Newport iicru lots. Ames , 1V)7 )
Km nntn. NJ7
Tl' jou wnnt to spit real estnlo INI It wltb C. K.
Mil ) ne. nw eorli'ith and I'm-mtm. It It Is not
eom enlent to eall drop nciml with n lull ties-
erlptloiuif tbo propei tyKlvltiM : nnmlier ot lot
nnd block. It wlllpay jou If > ou uunt lo t-ell to
eml de pilptloii of jour property totblsnmniev
lunu It will u > vi > ho pi-ompt attontlon. 'lilo-
lihnno ftJl. UIJ-2U
IpDUSAM ! Two lots on ( leorulu A\e. two
bloeksS. of l.caM'iiwoi Hi , jiilV ) or JMlcncli
.1. II. Itlley \ . Co. SU H. I Itb St. ill'l
J T OII SAI.r N.-wport mio lots. Ame * . 1W7
raiinun. to ;
J i-AiUnach. Nohllls toellmb. Nliebnelioml
all t ho win , Siilfiulid location. % lew unsur
passed. 0.1 * MIIJIIP , Ifiiltand rurnmii. ( H12S1
iriou SAM : i , ntith mnv bouap. n blocks
J-1 weMofl'aiU luenuc , 4tr,00. J. 1' . Ililpj A :
Lo.,2l5S. Mtlist. -Kl
i ; OUSAI.i.Acio : lots In llelvedeie. U , . . .
1 each. No hlllsto climb. Nleo level mini all
the way. t-plemlid lotatlon. Vlon utijiirpiisoeil
C , 12. Maj no. 15tb and I'miiiim. uiL".i
FOItSAI.l * flood nou o and lot In noith
Omaha , bouse bus 5 larjro moms , celler , well ,
L lMoiueUHOl > . , $ K < tiO , eaxy terms. W. T. ( lia-
bum. I ) ( ci-oijfhuui block. ir.ll 'I
I TlOlt SAM : No iHit acio lots. Anus , 1&U7
rarmim. si7
SAM : On Smintlers st. , nuiir ear line ,
* - lull lot ; east iioai ; now lioit-c , 2tor,7
rooms , JJOiW. Verj cheap , .1. K. Itiliiy & Oo. ,
Sir. S. Mth M. UiJ
171OI : H\M * u lots on Lonsonworth street
with Mimll bou p , ? : , HM lor nil A treed In-
M-j-tniPiit. i. llrviinnii , 1511 Dotle. (
ITMHt HAM : Two lull lots , eoinor. weitond
twotilocks liom riirmnu st : Mintb liont
mid on irriulo : IMM tor both. A bninln. .1. K.
\ Co. . S15 tf. 13tb bt. 1117
: Nuwpoit aero lots. Ami's. 1001
- * - runmm. MJ7
J : ) ll MAM : a lot on South 17th St. ; easy pay.
incuts \eiyelnap. .
I'or&nlo AihKatile pl.ieo to lopnto nnd ImiM
Kltieeij "tore , Vlnton Ht. . nenr terminus , ol 1'ltli
st. ear line , 81,000. J. H. Itlley A , Co. , 215 S. 1 ! tb.
_ _ 3211
OK HAM : llemitllnl lots in Tlininbnrff
1 1'laeo , on l.eavi-nwoitli st. Host plneo to In-
M'st money , licit l.lno depot located at out ) uu-
ne" ol tbo addition , htnot cms asiiucd. Onlv
a low lots lolt. ( ra to j-T > 0 eneb ; 10 per cent
down nml $11) ) per month. C. I' . Mnjne.B. W *
( onier l.'th and I'm num. Kl )
< OIJ SAM : On Cnllfornlast
17 bloiesldonct' , f..VXl. J. I ! . Hilcy A Co. , ai
S. 13th ft. 1118
SAI. : Corner lot ! ! lilooks from street
cmJ. . 13. lllle > A : Co. . 21"iblltb st. U10
. .
-E ? rarnnm. W7
IilOIt HAM , Pli t fln-.s 10 le-ildoucu , ft
sqiinu's from I'.ixtou hold , lull lot , splendid
location ; iO.(0) ( ) .
10 ioom losidtmeo , Impi ovomeiits on ,
S Mil tl tiuirhl Mmj'biuenuo No. 1 location
SVXK ) .
lot : \ii2t : : snimios 1rom louil bouso wltb almost -
most new ( , ioom ( ottniro , S-UIH ) .
Lot H > S\ii0 liont on 17tli mid IBtb street with
ono I ) loom and ono.'lioombou-owilb all necessary
sary outhnlldlnjrs , ? " > ,000.
Do not lull to educate , there Is money In it.
Cor lot 14th near WllllnniH , IXK14U , with mall
nelllluibhed hoii-.o. fl.MJO.
illtilbcoi I.nUuand l7tb,157Vi ft easl front and
140 It tleep with 0 loom lioiibo , Jli.lW , uitsj terms ,
Cor Plot-confront , l.T2vlGrt with 1 cot'
tiiKesiXiO. ; ( llhuio isahmpnln.
7.r > leet east liont , n 17th near Oil mill with ono
0 and ono 5 room bouse , ? > , ( Wd. A bargain.
Cliolco lots In Hmibcom j Inte , ( lllli , envy
Cliolco lot nil Park in eniio , 61,2" > l ) , easy terms.
3 Cor lots In I'lkci's add near til cut cur
jiiino u.icij.
Lot Wlxll-S o front on 17th street , Hoibucb'H 1st
add , $2,000.
21 It east front , a 13th st near Williams with"
stoiy now stoic building , fil.WW. A meat bar
1-ot 75ft enst fi out with 2 now cottages SIHth ,
3squmos from St Marys a\o. J.MVw ; cheap.
.1 choice lots in W. A. Hodick siuld , i.V.iO cnch
easy toims.
t.mao ns oitinent of siilinrban aem lots and
lots in moM. mi } addition at low usurps.
1 aciu with small new house lu lliookllno add ,
8 acies In Hrookllno add , $300 each.
400 acrcsfi miles trotn Otn.ilm , with not less
Hum JI HJO worth impixj\oincnts ; u choice tarm
at $ M per acr. )
H ) acres 7'n mlles from poslonico , blKbly Im-
pio\rili.iUh ) .
_ Vaul'-en & Co . inn I'arnam st. _ r VI 33
Foil SAM : Newpoit ncio lots. Ames , 1" > 07
1'ai mini. Sj7
ONLY Mints to trade for Improved property ,
will iiftsiiino innrtwiKcs or pay dldoiuncn in
ca h. Parties wishing to tiudci honor cull at
oneo. W. H. ( iiecno\erlbt National Hank. 174
FOll 8AI.K-A few lots In DmtlPtts addition ,
tliieobliKkc liom street ear. fViil to b7fiH on
moiilhly pajments. W. T. Uiubmn , CreiKliton
block. r > 0
H DI'SUS , lots , landsIlumls,15th mid Dnuplns
"I71OK 8AM : llarwains In ucro pnintity , In
-L1 clioito residence lots , lu coinlortablo dwell-
hitfswllli modern Imiiroxenionts , In Hrct-cbHS
bii lness piopeilj * . In binds of all kinds in .No-
braska , Iowa and Kmi"iis. It will pity jou to call
ami M'o my prices. J. W.Jim tdwll , I'tM rmiiam
street. _ _ _ 17/.7
IJ'OKSAI.l. Hi u o nnd lot mid ten lotH near
I'.u k in LMiuo , cheap , on en j' teims. n. I' .
Sli'bhins , Itoom III , Aillngton lllock. Iifuiov7'
Foil SAM ! Tbipp now eottatfc" . five rooms
each , In Walnut Hill ; irood cellars. cloxcM ,
pantrips.el'-teiii' ' ele ; two lots with e.iehcottap'o
fl.MKIeacb. } lmiliuii ) ami $20 per month. C. I ! .
Jlnyne , lllb and 1'ai num. _ ! ! ' . ! _
I.TOMISHIKIHS : : , A'rri'NTio.v-ror tniipnr
I 1 tluiilarN nbont Iieo and chpap liindi In
Western Nebranku adtlin'.s I'attm > ou A ; Wblto ,
Ui'iil IMiilo AKents , Noith I'hilto , Neb. iilW
FOIt SAM ! Newport ucro lots. Ames , in.,7
I'm num. 807
FOIt SAM : A two story , 22xM ) , fraino imiM
Im ? , sultnblo for n Htoie , near 10th anil I'ar
mini Ma. Apjilyut tills ollltu. ' .147
opeiatlon or useless tnib-H. ( Dr. M , M
Mooio. 211 avo. , Chlcntfo. Will
bo at Coz/ons House , Oi > tohcr29 , ono day onlv ,
ItlnTllirrOFl OM'MIII \ , \ \ aSllllllrlOll , IVIII itTitll
M. "THU CI.IMKS" A boiiiilinif midday
xrbool for j'ouiu ladles , Dclhditlully Klluatetl
on ( i ( oi vetown Heights , I.aisn Kioniids. NII.
Jims I.tni.t.
TIONAIJST , UHTintli Stieet , between lanmiii
ami lift nicy , will , with tbo Hid ol frimrdlitt
( plillH.olitainimc lor any ono u t/lanto in tin
past and piofcnt , and ol coiluln eomlltloiiH In
thnliituio. llooin nnd sluirs inado loonier ,
1'trlept tiutlslautlon Kuamntnod.
Pound Jfotlce ,
Takdiup nndlmHinmleil | in the pound of tin
rltj ol Omaha , on the'Jitli day of October. 188.1
one htiotted cow , which not ludcomn
before sab ) , bo cold at public auction , tu tin
lilKhPKt bidder , lor cash , atalii pound at tin
hour of IDoclock In the toieniKin.on tbo tiltl
day ot Ncn ember , luXi
octiNJJt DA . C. Hiiiti.EV , Poundmiuter.
; 11) iri-D'M'ii ' p beielotoio oKNtlni ; iindu I
nil tbo tli m mnnn of SohniflliiK X Itelrchner ba <
Ihlttliiy b < midisol\iil by mntiml consent , Mi
Tied llobeliner ntlriiKf. Mr August htbinel
IIIK assumes all resources and linliilltli's , um
Hill continue tno biiiilneei.
IllVKU \ \
Ami-doted of tlto Stl .N li > i > . Htonni *
bout Man of Oilier Da ; * .
Atlu.ttn ( ( , ; . ) Cons.ltntion "t toll
> , " In1 said , throw ing lijwH'U buck in
longer 'what it Used to In1 ; tlio railroads
liavM inipod it , rhoro will bo iitinuiru
Mich Me liners ! H the II 1. l.oo. the
liicli.mNoii , or others of Uiolr class liullt
The steamers nved in nil Ilio ooltou
of the valley to Xew Orleans , and wore
built lo carry from fi.mrt ) to MW ) bales
Tlio vvcok , however , which it icipiin tl a
steamer to l-tko it down is now reiliiooil
to ' .M luuirs by rail Railroadlire follow
ing llir cmifM1 of the river ami robbing it
of its Iniilo , anil I look foi want to the
( lav vvhon the Mississippi river will bo
abandoned cut rely in favor of rail
"Yes , " ho continued , in answer ( o n
question , "gambler * used lo hnvo ti pie
nioalong the liver , lint that day , too , H
past H i- nol hooaus'i pconlo have
grown belli r , bill bivauso they mixo loss
money. I once saw two tnoit in adispnlo
over a game tUo from tnoir chairs , plaoo
their ) > tstols at etieli other's temples , nnd
Iho Mmhllaneousiy. Their ( load bodies
were carried away , and the game con
tiniiod as if nothing had happened
Those \voro wihl days , nnd tire not liki-li
to retnin.
"Tlio motlo of getting other peopli 's
money lias nu rol.v changed in some ro
speets. With tin1 uxit ol thu honest gam
bler who told liis business we witness
the entrance of Iho sneak thief , l.nt a
few iln\ silicon I'ioli Jilnntor boaided this
btotimcV oil Xiitoluv While MttliiKrifrlil
vvhoro wo are now ho purchased n jiajior
ftoni a nuwaboy and vsas hoon loit in its
" ' ( 'oloiipl'said a bland yoitnj ; man it
few moments aflor , 'you hnvo , in > t
dropped this , ' linntling him a lifty-dollar
" 'liocKon not.'said Ilio old jjonllcman
as ho looked ov or his spectacle's.
" 'I jut-l picked it up under your chair , '
replied tho.Miunfj man , 'ami yoo _ no wi.\
to dispose ol it. 1 lowoor , since il seems
to IjctoiiK lo neither ol UH we might just
as well divide it. '
"Tlio plan worked vvoll. The old { ien-
tloninn passed over § ' , ' , " 1 in chiuifro , and
tlio joiinjjman saiintorod earc-lcssly out
on laud. A few minutes after the vessel
had taken lo water tlio old Koulleman
iiiesontod thu fifty dollar note lo thu clerk
in paincut for lu > luro.
" 'I'oimtorfeit , ' oxelaimod the clerk ,
nnd then for tlio lh > l time tlio wliolo
truth dawned upon tlio old man'niuind
" 'J'ho deckhands tire a haul lot They
work , tis you see , with aim while in
port , and puss tlio time until Ilio nt-\t is
reached in playing 'craps. ' Tho.v nre
paid $ iU)0 H ( lay.Viion they are called
up to { jet tlioir wanes they divide into
iittlo ojaniblino ; parties at once , and by
tin1 time port IB reached of tliu fifty men
l > aid oil' about ton will have all the
money. . This tea will take ono nijihl on
land , coming back to the boats dead
bioku , and on the return trip I hero will
not be a uicke' ' in the wliolo crew. And
the ) way they can K ° through
tv htrjtiier , " said the. speaker ,
growing warm , "is it caution. A
negro "got on board at Vicksburg the
other day and fell asleep. It was noticed
thnt his underclothing was now. Quietly
the men went to work , .stripped him , di
vidtid out hisundciolothing , put him back
into his ohi .slio.'S , .shirt and pantaloons ,
and left him , \ \ lien that negro avvoko
and found the change thai , had lioen
made in him , ho was , completely myMi-
lied. He could not understand how his
tindcrclofhiL < g could liuVtf fouou Btolun
witlWui loiiciiiliii t0 ! ; 1
"An Good AH New , "
Are the wonts tided by n lady , who was
lit one time given up by tltemostemlnent
phjsicians , and loft to die. Uoduood lei :
mere skeleton , palt. and haggard , not ,
able to leave her bed , from all tlio o dis-
trefc.sing diseases peculiar to Hulleiing lo-
malcs , such asdiilaeement , leiieorrlnr.i ,
inllammation , etc. . ete. She begins tak
ing Dr. 1'ieree's "bavorito I'roseription , "
and also using tbo local treatments rce-
ommondcd by him , and is now , HIO ! 8a\.s ,
"as good as now. " Price reduced lo ono
dollar. Ky druggists.
Tlio Art of Shadowing.
Chicago News : "Shadowing , " ' R\VS : : i
Cliieago deteeliyo'is thu most ditlioult
and the most seientilic work in my pro
fession. If n man is well shadowed for
two weeks so much can bo discovered
concerning his hnbits , his associates , hi.s
inclinations , his secret nets , in short , of
his inner life , that almost n perfect biog
raphy of him can be written. Every man
does'many char'acteristic things when ho
thinks ho is alone that he never would do
in company , and the shadow learns n
man's true character by witnessing his
natural life. More people than yon im
agine have been .shadowed for the information
mation of both friends and enemies
Many suspicious , mid sometimes curious ,
wives have their husbands shadowed and
many a husband has locked up _ in hisohiee
desk a mirror of his wilo's private life in
the form of a shadow's report. Nearly
every man in Chicago prominent in busi
ness , polities or religion has been shad
owed , and there is MMIIO where iilcd
away n document that would make the
the eyes of the subject open could lie read
"Kvory man connected with a bank ,
from the president down is shadowed
Largo bu.siness firms get periodical re
ports on the private lives ol printed em
ployes. 1 suppose Marshal Field can tell
any of tlui heads ot departments in his
Morn whether they drink branch or mead ,
Miiokc cigarettes or opium , plav penny-
ante in a friend's parlor or faro in n
gambling hou o.
| s"I know thnt the bend of n well-known
detective ngonoy in Chicago has been
shadowed by nearly every other agency ,
and they nil have his i coord.
"It is hard work to shadow n mnn
You have to Ret up an hour earlier than
ho does in order to get your breakfast
and lay for 1dm at his nome. You follow
him to his ol.ieo , to lunch , on his liusi-
ness rounds every where. When he's
on the htieel von never take youre\es
oil' him , and 1 toll you this makes your
head swim. Yon follow him homo to
Mippcr and down town again in the
evening , You note eveibbody he speaks
with and every lady to whom he bows.
You must stay with him till he goes to
bed , and then write out your report before -
fore von g't tn sleep.
"Men are ofteiicst shadowed when
tlioy are in trouble , and limy rush hero
anil there , talk to scores of mi n , enter
scores of places , and get 1111 early and go
to bed Into , A good lively subject will
lead thobhadowa wild and merry dance ,
and two weeks of it will wear a good
man tiiit , "
Al'tei' IHplillioiin.
Diphtheria is a terrible di ciRo : , requir
ing the greatest medical skill to cllecl a
complete onto. Kvcti when its newer h
broken , it clings to the patient with great
per.sisteney , and oltcn leaves the hyMcni
poisoned and pioitiatcd , Just hen :
Sarsaimrilludocsa vast amount of good ,
expelling impuiltlcs floiii the blood ,
giving it ilchncMs and vitality , while ll
icncn.ilcs and htieiiglhens the ay item.
Ho Unit Had HID HmnllpoT.
A man wont into the country hist Stm <
day lor a walk , llocarriud hisovcicoal
ou'liis aim , but , finding it bimlciiMimo ,
hung it on : i fence. Taking a rani from
his pocket , ho wrolo : "Do not toneli
this coat ; infected with Mimllpux. " Hi
came hack two hours later and toiind tin
caul , upon whie'i was written , under
ncntu hit , warning , "Thanks .or the coat
I've had tluiamallpov"
Tin : rAVOitlii : Washing Compound ol
the day is imiiiii sonaby | ! ) , IA.MI >
I'VI.K'.STI.AIU.INK , U dispenses will :
the miuuh&itv for beating or nibbing tin
so , and Uocd nut injure thu labriu.
Itntmnetnonts SIiiiJ bo Vn\A \ fur.
Onlholh'.Uof Ihomot.lh JlmMMflr ,
nn Austin landlord , called ou Hoj-toltcr
Mct'innis lor Ilio rent .
, , ,
"Mr , Murry. I don't think Jell ought t < >
oharge mo $ .0 n month for the n nl of
this room When it rains the wnt > r run *
right into the room thiough the roof , H
"Wliai1 Tlinro Is rimnhift vHr on
the iircmi es You will lia\o 10 Day $
o\lrn for that How long have you IvCf n
pnjojing Iho waler pi lieges at my ex
pCUMl ?
I'rcparcd with niiprlM ropunl to , f |
No Vnunni In , t.lmn or Abnii.
Orillnary Hublicr Hooti
H\ays wcnr out Oral on
the bull. Tho'VSIt5 ( : :
Hoots urn double thicken
on the bull , mid
Jfoit tconomltal niiburr
Hoot In the nmrkrt ,
l.n li longer tlmn auy
other boat ami Ilio
Call and cz
nmlno the
( ) MHNiUItASlCA. .
HT re son of Itf central poMtlnn nnlclose rclitlon ta
Kit | irlni'l | l lines Kut und ITc-t. at fnltUl nnd l r.
inlnnl | winl , con tlluiu HIP im t luipoiluia tnlif-
rontlnuntiil llulc hi MIDI I-VI.IMM ttf Iliroinzli tidn Min
tntlnn whldi liiTlli'i nml lnrllltnt tr el mul lr m < i
lielwrencltlMur the AtUnllo nnd I'nolllo CanulK , 1C
li nlim Inn fArorllo nml hpht roulo to and from point *
IC&a . H < irtlie * t nntl Hniitli itiit , anil correfpundlnir
polnli Wont , NoilliwcHl anil HQiilliireit. ,
The Croat Rock Island Route
Oiiar > nt < ei ll putrnni tlmt tenrs of pennntl nerri.
rllr AfTonleit liy u unllil , lliornuithlT ImllotciProail.
Imil , uniinlti lljuLol p litlliuuil flrel rail. u ! , l i | .
tlalljrliiilUciil'i-rtK unit liHilcri. iclllnif mock AB n < r
perrrclltin a liuinaii klll r u make It. the vatetr
Hpnllanrri r pitrnt bnir i , | ilntr riu nml alt : lirakci.
mid that jnclliilf ill "lpMno ire rin thu prac-
tlcul uporatlan nf nllltn train * Dllicr peclAlllr oC
tnU roulp nre linn rerii at nil rnnniTtltiir jtolnlfl tn
Jlnlon llpiMUn. and th * iin > ; iiuMul | culufol ta and
r Iti
T"1 ' " " ' , Trnl" " i ai
. , Kuu > ai I'll j. ljr f nw.i | niii
AtihlMin iti-n en npwil or will nillittni , rlmHup. .
tii > l i > riiil Ittv Uimrlir > Hnonlllicnt I'liltmnn r lnc
Murpptinr Ilia latent ilcilgn , anil ninipluoiiK Dlnlnlt
Curs In which fiMitirntely i ooUeil mrnU Hl * > li Uiuelr
fltrn. IIH ween Chlrniro anil KrnruCltyaiilt AH lil
are al u mil dm OtluliintcU licilliilnit clinli Cui
The Famous Albert Loa Route
J llin ilhrct Anil rainiltu line bttwrrn Clifcatfoanil
llnneniiollxKiidHt I'nul vlii re roniiprtlon nn.nailii
n IIiiliiii Utiiotii r i all ( mint * In llin Trirllurltx mil
lirllluli I'mrlurni ( tier tin * route Fmt Kxpret *
Tiulni me nui tu tlin wntfrlnir plarr-t. fiilnnicr tt > -
iicMia. iilc hnva.ii lurnlliliH nn.I liiuitlnir nml lUlitnir
RioimiNiir luiifu nml Hliiiit. i.t/i / It | . ulrn tlio ntnfl
< l lrftilorniiliti | the il < birli t Hilda ana panoral
Ian ( i < or Illtri lr > r Dnttiitfi
HUH nimtli r IMKI-rT MSB. tin frneen. unit Knn *' , lim l eu opuieil l > . ) tw * . | i I InIllli'dl. luillxn.
; i > olliiniiiilnriiv ii . nml I i.uni U IlliiffKnn a ultr. I 1.
UluneaiMilliiaiiilht I'nul iinil liuiriiieitlalu | > olMt . / t1
. * ! " < ! ' -"llril liiroiinatliiii n'u Jilai | < i ml I olileM , V >
ehtulnatilo , * < ll n llddi , at ll in-lnrlpnlllcki1 ! \ 1
inn-ft hi uo Unlliii ) hi am miU Cuiioilai ui ) > / U-
1'rta't Uon'l > ft'r ( , ( len'l TLt d : I'ntt. Ag't , ll
Mantor's Sale. , I
in Ilio Circuit Conit nl tbo Unltotl Stntc-s for tlio
Dldrlc'l til NnbniKhu.
Iliinimh 1' Metciilf I
VH. ] ItiCbnnoory.
Jiicob C. Webbor. )
KiiireM.osuitr OK MOfU'OAdr. .
IDUUMCtiollcola boicbj-jrlvcn tbut In piirsu *
unco nml by vlitno nf n ducrcu ( inluiMl lit
tllll llllOMJ I'llllHO , ( III till ! 1Mb llliy llf Jlllv , Ih8o , li
Klllsl. . llluilMivvur , 8ut-tnl | Mncter In f'lmncory
In wilil court , will , on tlm lh iluy of Novo'iibor ,
1-K5. lit the hour ( if ton o'eliick In the liuunnon
lit IliUNiiM iluj , nt the lionl ( noitb ) iloor nf the
1'nlteil Btaten eonrt iinil post olllco tiiillilluer , lit
tboelly or Onnibii. IloiijihiH conniv , fttiilu anil
illstiicl of NnbitvsKn.t-rllJit iiuctlcmOiuJ'olloivInt ;
ile eilbeil | irOieity.ln ) wit !
'llin iidillieiiht iHinler | of pectldil twelve(121 ( ,
to iihhli | slv ( III , inn Ib ; unit tlio Hiinlhwoht iiiar | >
terol Kc'llnnoni ill , t < > wnsbliflvtiSi.norlii | ( ) ) nil
In iiunre ehthtH ) , vve t ol the tltb I' . M. , in tlio
count ) ol C'luj anil suite'if NMimslni.
1)1.1IS ) I , . IIIKIIIIOVVPtl ,
fipeelnl Muster In flnincery ,
D. II , KTTII.S , .Solieittir turCmnpInlimiit ,
oi ts'iionVia-iB
FropoxMo lor Conatruotlou.
rnillJ Itonid or I'ubl'oVorliHol' the t-lty of
J Omalm , Neb. . Invl o propiHids mitl ) i ! o'clock
p. m . .Innmii ) Dili. I8NI , lor Ilio ntlriiclfon of
nvhidiiet ou Dili httet t , nv in the u.icks or I'm
1'pl m I ncinoiind llnilniKlon , v Mlssouil llhcr
I'KipoxiiU must bo biiMil upon tbo hpooHlcd'
lions and outline pliins on lib ) in the o'l'ro ' ' ot tbo
boaidol pnblio unl.M , ( ope | * ofwhlob vUll bo
lutnMini ! upon apillc'iitlon. |
Illds me lo bo neumipiinlcd with in a'l ' drn\v-
Inusand hiialn HlitoiK , and Hhall vpccuy the ros t.
nl Hipers mi Uiri ) lor u 'M leet roadway ivid n
.lilt ct iii.ulwiij , and t-hall Hoparato Ilio Buptr
hli iietuie liom llin lonndatloii woik ,
KtiPh blddei tdiall dupofit with hit proposal a ,
( titllid duck , imjalilu to ilm onler ol' tha '
iliiilei-U'niid.lnlbe n.m of nnothnuuiiid dolliiiii ,
lobe lot lolled to tbo ndy of Omaha tu eimo ha
hlmll lull to ( necuton eontiact nnd lull d , aiu-
tin lot v to tbo bnnnl. wit ilu iiilibiys aiiiTthiy i
iioillliiiiloii ol the iiwntu , thoulU hlbpiopofenl bo I
acci | ited I
Tbo boaid ITSCIVOS Ilio rlKbl to reject nuv or I
ullbliU Tin. lliMiin or I'l'iu. ' \VOIIKH. .
J. V llofst , Clialnmui. ocrJU' tvr tojunti
Tor tbo bollduys wo will muko u llfo sl/o nor.
tui t , in void liiinlo , torfliu. Thin lediioliou U
mtidu to meet a demand lor fine porlimtg
Altf , Low
And lb jus biiirour-loimer prlco. ThcioU nolle
Inifiikor Im u pixj-,1 nl to lorol ones , t bun out.
ol llii'Mi ptiilniil * . \\ocopy ( rout all l.lnUtj of
picliiids , Hiiuiaiileo F.illHinullciii ,
thmiKcfidoshod The o ponrallHi im in
uu ami novel Indn Call ami mo us. H uJI
loom OAilJniloii : block.
( ; < ) I\VJi.l. : COUKK , AiUula.
Tuko oluv'iUor.