THE QHAKA DA1L.Y . BB15 , FKIDAY , OCTOBlSll'SO , 1885. Tltf ItlTtHM T It I Vl\ Mill1" HIE MUCIIELI MAhDAMtft It wan Decided Orally in the Buprcn Cotitt of tlio State Yesterday , PERSECUTION OF A PAPEF I'lio Mayor of Lincoln In Very Sinn HiuiliiOHH All Jnlcrvlew AVlth the New 1'oHiinnntor City llrcvltles. [ nioM TUB m.K's MSCOI.K ntiarAiT.l The mandamus case of the stale o relation of .1. Sterling Morton againi W. Stephenson , clerk of Otoo count : ivas decided orally yesterday by the si prenio court. Tlio peremptory writ t mandamus was ordered to issue , con pelline ; StopheiHon to insert in his elci lion call for that county for two dlslrii judges for tlm Second judicial distric The court hold that inasmuch as th clerk was merely a ministerial ollicor : was his duty to state in his call all th ofllrors enumerated by the statute , an that it was no part of his duty to pu : upon the oonslilullouality of any olllci Thl ) opinion is mil yet filed , but it is in durstood that the. question touching * th constitutionality of the law will not h i discussed by the court , and as tliu Hi : f Intimated a few days since , tlio re ; question involved , namely , tlio eon.slili Humility of the law ( ireatn ! < ; a sccon m trict jtldKo in this district will bo 01 lir'ely ignored , and it now remains fe the parties in Nebraska ( 'ily who ai d ( " isirous of having this vital an important question judicially determit cd to proceed anew. It has been sii ; gestcu that the quo warranto proceet nj > s institulcil by lion. J. C. Watao _ , and now pending in the .same com I , vvi * - aliuru the Kamo fate as tint mandamu euit ami a final adjudication of thu mat ter will still remain nnellectcd. It i HoW claimed that nil injunction restraii In lVo s.tato from issuing vouchers to salary to Jud c iMileholl will Im applic lor , and that tnis will surely wnn toil from lite supreme com I a broad an comprehensive decision of Hie cnlu matter under dispute. A T1 , < ' 1INI'AI. OKrif'IU , . Yesterday morning as the Br.r. rejiorlp neiired his ollioo ho observed two ol Lin coin's justly cclobtated somnambulist ) cqppera ungaged iu taking down the Hi : , Sijrn vvhicb hangs partly over tlio shir walk. The ollicor.s displayed a /ei ; \vlnch is wldom witnessed among them and as the } shook oil' thuir sleep t < * ' pt even with the KKK , " : crowd had cougrctcatcd to cnjo , , uuacuustomed spectacle of a Liucuti pojiCeman doing something. Upon in quiry it was toinul that his honor , th Vmtyor , hail bunted up an obsolete ordi naneo which says that no street sigi ahull project out trom the building nioti than lour feet. The entire jiolico lore of Iho capital city was immediately in 8 ritelcd to proceed against the HII : odieu vi et armies. They o'lo ' ed with ai tiniority seldom theirs. The sign , how ever , did not come down until the gentle man who put it up did the work Hi honor would hotter serve the interests o Lincoln if he would tcrrut out and pun ish real ollenders against the law than ti try to persecute tlnough motives of per Bonal spjte. a single instance of nnknow ing infringement of an nnenforeed ordi nance. UTiere are many oilier signs am obstructions to the streets of Lincoh which his honor might butter busy him s6lf with. I T1IK NP.W l'OST.VIA3riie. : Poslmasler Watkins was intcrviewpi yesterday on Hie subject of lr Miller' glit on him and the spirit of antagonist ] Wldcli Ke.eiim to prevail in the party ' Watkins .said lliat Dr. Miller had alvva'v him with the utmost bitterness Cursurd tit Im did not know for what reason , h regard to the made by Miller tha ho would either have to give up his inter cstin ids pajier lieie or Miller would ti' , things w'tb Vilns to have Watkins fired the gentleman said that ho had alrcad' disposed of the paper and would hav' nothing whatever to do with it in tin , fjthire , but would give his whole alien turn to Ihi ! management of the po-itollicc Watkins said he hud sent on bis ollicia liond of $1(10,000 ( to Washington and ex , pccted soon to receive Ids commission When ho would take charge ot the ollicc ' Uf > has received many applications fron nnrsous desiring positions. To nil o them he says that tlio applications mus bo in writing and they will be considuici In thuir turn. A KJTTIXO TKSTIMONIAt , . . 'Major 1'ranklin , of llie secrclary o stale's ollico , yesterday received iron Philadelphia tin elegant badge , vvhiel will bo presented to Col. Henry A Mot row , of the regular army , by a numbe of personal friends throughout the state 'J'ho , badge is gold and set with twclv cjihto large diamonds , and the work i T 'ry fine in every respect. Inseribci tipnn tin1 badge , which is tlio riguhitioi Fifth army corps emblem , are the word * " 11nry A Morrow , Twenty-first ry , IL fe. , " and beneath this Is written "Twenty-fourth Michigan Volunteers , ofvvhkh Morrow was commander dm ing flic war. The inscription upon tin roviix- side is as follows. "To Comrad jl 'II * . iry A Morrow , Hrttvet Major ( ieiiera ' * 'Volunteers ' , l-'roin comrades' who tleim Kali honor to bu numbered among h ! jirrsonal friends , and f < - services ren deii'd as commander o'C nip IlowaKJ 3\tj \ the Hi'ViMith annual reunion of soldici * n'nd bailers in Ncbiadka , Solembot | 1W5. " TVHUT ICI'.POIIM. The Lauciifatcr county tarifl'rcforti Cltlb nieb-Wciltutsdiiy night in this eit.v * * j'l | ollieeiselected were N S. llaruoo jiresidujit , A J. Sawyer vice president o\-.M.i.\or H. K. Moore treasurer , li ) Simmons secretary The meeting wa largely attended by prominent politicn lcidcr of both the n-publiean and deni i oeiiitie purtic.s and a number ot interest Jliuj * spcuuhcs were mado. Tlm societ , Y'lil to-day issue a call fora tarill ' convention , to bo held iu Lincoln , Nc vember 1 , Ib85 , at vvliieh meeting the Tv'il ! elect live delegates to attend th Anjerlcan tarifV retorm convention , t > ' T lield in the city of Chicago , Nuvcnihi1 JJ , : ) ! i l IS next. ( Jood feelinir prnvallei ntKthti meeting , and the did ) bids fair ! prosper. All pcr-ons regardless of poll liecV , aio rcniiestcd to bo present at th Mate convention , i. „ ! COUNTY omrr.icj. The republican county eopventio | m\flg ) faded to nominatu preeinct ( ill : ) iH'r.s U > take their ollices iu case townalii organi/ation carries , the republieai c'lairmau ' has called a mass mui I'tig ' to Ihii puriiosc whielt was held at the er ' ftlnu liouso last evening The democrat \v ro working it pretty fine. IIH they ha qUietl.y nominated candidates for ever. ] ) reoiiiet olllce , and if the republicans ha' > r- continued to neglect this important mai ter and township organl/.atioii had cm riid , ' Ihu democracy would luivo got eon trol of tint county affairs by the electto of their olliccrs , "tind thirtj two snpcrvi purs. It was with great dilliculty tint , < thiicounty central commitu- could b ' itnulo to take this mutter in hand. ASOlllKIl MANI A > IlS CASli In tlm case of Lstlo x rcl against th roimfy commissioner ! of Douglas count } before thu Mipromo couit , no dccisio WHS arrived ai , as about the same quo' 'Huns uni-e In tlioense ugaiiihl thu count 'cU'rk-of Otoo county The court have taken the ctiso iiudr ildvisemcnt , IIH there are many point i in the former t-aao that la not uj plicablo in Iho latter , The point decidci in tlm Otoo county cuec was ( hat no pei son except a party having n inone , interest could the right to bi'n , suit. The cafio was presciitod by I'al C lluvves and J , W. l.jllc , of Omaha , rny ITU.VH. 1'rofessor Oillispic , of the Nchrask deaf and dumb as\lum , accompanied b , one of the prominent humanitarians o the United States , visited the stale iusan hospital , state penitentiary , and homo o the friendlcsi ) yesterday , and cxpre so ! themselves us bolnp : much pleased will the inaniiKcmeiit of these institutions. Hon. H I ) . Stearns of Lincoln ad dressed a largo meeliiitf Wednesday nigh at the town of Dcnton , in this county. It is said that the state auditor retain money in his bauds received since .Inly last which should be turned over to tin itate treasurer without delay. An excursion parly to leave this oil ; November SS for Los Angeles is belli ) formed. Thu parly will remain nvvu , six months. KTATH AtllllVAr.S. John Dodtl , Omaha , T. Powers , V. C Matteson , Sutlon ; U. Sheldon , Xebraski City. _ TllB FtNF.ST Al.TRItATIVt : AND ANT1 ltiiKus ; imidielno on earth is Samarilai Nervine. ( ft.M ) . "Thu Doctors said m , child must die with Spasms. Samarltai Neiviuo cured him. " Win. E. Tannei Da\ton , Ohio. ? 1.50. at Druggists. KoepliiROpen After IU O'clock. Uouud maii Alel'/a reported yesterda , morning that three saloons lind remainei open after 12 o'clock last night those o C. S. HigKms , Hans Young , and Hour , liornherger. Ho could not say , howevei that any liquor was being sold after mid night. Tlio marshal i.s un decided as to whether l < enter complaint ajrtilnst these men Judge Steuberg holds that it will b impossible to convict them , unles it bo conclusively shown tha Ihpior was sold iu the saloons after mid nijilil. Marshal CUimmings is not a littl worked up about the matter , and saj that he is determined to push tin ; prose trillion against these men even if lie doe not remain iu Ids present position u weel longer. Iliggins was seen by a reporter yester day , and while declining lo express ,11111 , self as to what ho proposes to ( loin tin tutiiro , said that ho thought he was jnstt lied in what he did last night. " 1 bail : party of genllemcn in my piaci last night , ami I could not cloao m ; doors on them and I could not tire then Irom my placo. No , sir , 1 inn not buck in the law But 1 claim that 1 am en tilled to a fair show in rtmniiig my busi ness I have put a good deal of mone ; into my business and I believe that ought to havu , a fair show to make semi protit. " The litter nit. A tall young gentleman whoso heavi overcoat covered a neat attire , stood b ; the stove in the Waiting room of tin Union l'aeilicdopotsvvin < jiiiga ; large blacl vali o at liis side yiisterdav. A couple o rough pilgrims sat over in a corner will a largo satchel between them on the spat Suddenly they both arose andapproachot the ticket window when , with a stealtlr movement the tall young man sei/ei their baggage and walked out of tin door. Ouo of tlio pilgrims ttirnci in time to sec this perrormancc , am raising a cry Wafted after the thief. Tin hitler took to his heels at the lirst warn ing of pursuit , lie ran straight aeros tlio 1 $ . & Al. tracks , bounded over tin platform of n passenger train , and vviu clambering up the steps of anohtcr l'ncumborcd ] bv the two valises , he failci to catch a footing ( , and fell sprawling it the mud. His pursuer was upon him and the young follow only regained hi feet in time to escape capture , leaving boll ) valises behind him in his haste The pilgrim collared bolli pieces of lug Ileor nt Kurt Slilney. Col. Hall , itiHpcctor of posts , returned yoslorday from a ten days' tour among tin western posts , In conversation with t reporter , yesterday , ho said Iho saloon men wore making bitlor war upon Col Morrow , of Fort Sidney , and llu ollicers who were responsible foi tlio selling of boor al the aniuso ment hull on tlio post grounds He said that notice was served upon Cot Morrow , Wednesday , that the saloon mot would outer criminal prosecution in tin local courts against them , on the ground of soiling liquor without a license ( . 'ol. Morrow has signified his willing ness to try the mailer in the court an , ! has instructed the saloon men to ' 'gi ahead. " ( Jen. Hrcck said that the report in tlu matter which had been called for In Gen Sheridan had not been received ai headquarters , us yet. It is understood however , that it will be substantially : justification of the present methods o : liquor selling at tin ; , Tlio C. U K. C. The Clmutaiiquu Circle will nice Ibis ( Friday ) evening in the parlor ; ot the Y. M. C. A. All Cliaulauqitair are invited. The following is the pro gramme : Foimdiiif'of PiOino Map Exciclbi Miss K. Fitch. Human Legends Miss Iti'iuliiKton. Human vs. ( iicciau LUciatme Miss Fannie Wood. Intermission. Sonu' Mr. ICotmcdj A Do'Cilptlon id Iho ( llmiint llaccs. . . . Mi. A. .loplln. Note-Hook Cooipaii.-oiiij in Answer lo Hell Call. , r- 1'ie ! Insane TnSuit. . ( Ion. ( . ' ( twin returned ycslerdnj from Liffcoln , where for Ihe past few davs he has been arguing the insane tu > .suit ot the state against Douglas county The attorney general and Hoit.T. M Miiiquclto appeared for the state , vvhili Ihe comity was represented by ( jeu C'owiu alone. The details of this east are matters of public knowledge tlu state sues the county on a chlim of $10 , ( ii , ) for taxes duo the insane tund , am the county presents defense with the idle gallon that the tax is unconstitutional and tuithernioro , Wiis paid at Ihe genera lev.v. ' 1 lie case was finished Wcdnesdaj and siibmitled to the eouit. 1MLKSM IMhlCS ! ! I'lIHF A sine cam for lilind. Illeeditisr , Itolihu and Ulcerated Piles has bi-cii di-c'oveied lij Di. Williams , ( an Indian icmrd.M , called Di Williams' Indian Pile Ointment. A sinuh box has cured the worst chronic eases of i" > ui ! -0 vcais tamlin . No oiui need sutlei nvi minutes alterapjiljiim this vvondciiul soolh lu medicine. Lotions and iiHttmnciitsd ( mote Ilium than ( 'oud. Williams' Imli.u 1'ilo Ointment ahsiitbs the tumors , allnjH tin intense Itcldm , ' . ( paitic-nlarl > at niiilit aftei ( 't-tUut ! warm lu Ixxl ) , acts IIH a jMHilllce , irlvei Instant icliel.aud is picpaml only lei I'iles itchlmif ( pilvnto imrts , ami tot notlilnu tlse. "SKIN DIKICASI < : S auitKi > . Di. Knuiei's JIacle Olutau-iit cm CM ns b ] imiulc , I'iiiniles , lllack Heads or drubs ami i Kniplous | on the face , leavlm the skin clear anil Ix-.iiitlful. Also c inc-s Itch Salt Itheimi , Soie Nipplas , Suie Lbis , ,1111 Old Ohsiiiialo Ulcers. Sold by diUKKlsts , or mailed on receipt ol fiOcciitn. KeUiled by Kuhii & Co. , and Sfhroett-r S lludit. Al by C , Uoodauti , SHE WAS NOT MURDERED The Mjstcry of a Southern Nebraska "We man's Disappearance Cleared Up. POLITICS AT WATERLOG Is It Leprosy ? A IIIOIIR the Soclct 1'cople Stoeltmoti in Con , vciillou 1'ollco Mat. tors , Ute , A Mystery Clcnrcil Up. Tlio special telegraphic advices of th HII : : have apprised the public of seven .successive incidents , occurring .sine Saturday Instill Franklin county , whip ha\c combined to develop n Hrst-chi" sensation. For n thorough undcrstani ing of the situation , the story wliich tli vtirlous telegrams huvo nnrrtitcil , will b given in brief ontlinu. On Saturday last , n sherifFs posc after an exciting eneountor and a play c weapons , eaptnrcd .1. 11. Duck and T. Jl Hose , charged with defrauding IMoomington jeweler out of $1,500. The1 ! two men accompanied by Frank Whll Uuy alias \\alker and the hitter's wtl had moved Into that section something more tlian u 3 ear ago. The trio ver , shortly established a bad repulat.on am within a few weeks Whitney took hi wile to Niipnnee and returning withoti her , said that he liad gone east on tli train. Since that time Airs. \ \ liitncy liu not been seen in that locality and tli story ot her divorce was aeeeplei without question. Within a few week Whitney married n (5us ( > ie Duruti living in Hloomington anil lor the jea past they have livid together. On Jus Saturday night , however , alter the eai | turn of IJucK and lofie ! , \ \ Iiitnoy disajj pearcd and is not to he found. Nighlbu lore hist : i man who claimed to know openly announced in Hloomingtou tha \ \ liitnc.v had muulered his first wife a the time he claimed to have taken her ti Miiponcu ami buried lier body on tli road between that point and ( dooming ton. ( Srcil : excitement grco'ed ' Uus n-vc lation and large parlies of men sl.irtei out Wednesday morning to lind h. > rgra\i' ' That they \\ill not lind it is assured b ; facts which developed hero vosterda ] Whitney told tnc truth us tar as conoitrn the HtatenuMil that Ins uifc look the Iran eastward hound at Nupouee. 'She tain direct to Lmuha , and lias si nee resided hull ! . WHAT Mia. AVIIIINI.Y .SAYS , A reporter for the 15m : called yoslerda ; upon Mrs.lutnoy , \slio is now eni ployed us a domestic at the house o Solm iUc.C.ovcrn , 1 17 Jackson street ami has assumed her. maMcn. nanioi\Lir \ Sheldon. "Yea , I can tell you all about tlii thing , " she said , in replv to the scribe' query. "There isn't so very much m.\s tery about it , and , as you Hc'o , I am no murdered jet. I was married to nr husband in Welmoro , Kansas , in Julj 18S4. My folks were then living in liar per , Kansas. So tar as 1 then knew , hi was an honest man. Well , wu eonclu tied to move to southern Nebraska , am in September , 1NHIwo came to IHooni ington. Soon alter that , Whitney1 molhers-in law , Mr& . Duck , ami J. 15 Duck and T. M. Hose , hi brother-in law , came to the. satin place. I do not know anything o their alleged crooked work in tlni place , though I see by the lin that it i .supposed that these ! men murdered mi because 1 knew too much about their op i-rations. Well , I had sonic trouble will my husband , but nothing very serious In' September , we agreed to come t < Omaha and biouk away Irom our stir loimding associations. It was ngroii that 1 .should come to Omaha and sett iij in housekeeping , and that he shouh come on short lv afterward and join mo 1 came to Omaha and fulfilled my parto tins agreement. Lut ! my nushaiu never came. 1 got a letter trom liim ii fact two or three ot them in which In said that he did not euro to hear fron me , and didn't propose to come t < Omaha. So 1 secured a position to worl out. I have received but one. 1 'tie from them since , in which they asked mite to come back to Hlpomington , ami oH'crci to meet me at Franklin. I susiieotei that they wanted to harm me porliup kill me and I didn't ' go. As lor a that ni.yst.-ry ot my disappearing Iron Nnpoueo and no ticket being bough there , it is all bosh. I did go to Kapo lieu with Duck and did buy my ticke there. No , 1 don't know much abou tlvs ( ! ussio Diirant that is spoken of Si far as 1 could see at the time , Miu was i nieo girl , I hough 1 am inclined to thinl shu was rather "aluck on" my husbund.a the .saying is. I saw h r in iris compan ; at least twice before [ left I don't pit' ' her father very much. He knew tha Whitney was married to m i , tor he ha J met me on two diU'cronl occasions. No sir , 1 have never been divorced from m ; husband. " Ij MATl'IIUS. ' Tlioy Arn Il oiiHst > ; l In n nl Waterloo A Itovieu- ol'tlio A rousing political meeting was heh at Waterloo Wednesday evening being largely attended by tin voters of Waterloo and Valhc precincts. The speakers most o them trom Oinaliu--vvcro of both tin democratic and republican pintles Several of them were candidates on tin county tickets. William ( . 'oburii was the lirst speaker He made a tew pointed lemarks. Hi said that hu proposed to muko a fur honorable canvass , and wanted the snp port of all his friends , lie proposed t < work squarely and above board , and liai nothing to say iibout his opponent Patrick Toid Mr. Cohurn retened ti his arm.v record , and said that he hm served lor lour years dining the w ur o the rebellion , on the side ol the union The speaker retired amid prolonged ap plausc. Air Patrick Ford arose and iipologi/.ei fur having a hail cold , which woiihlpro vent him tioni making an oxtoudei speech Heu.isoiit there for the pur poic of getting votes ami hoped tosoetin them. Mr , I'obuni , ho thought was i geiiUemau and he lie hiniieltva.s one ami ho proposed to make his canvas with these two tacts in view. If hedid no get cleeteil , it would not bu hid fault , bui that ol the people Mike Mcan.\ was the next speaker. Hi said that hi- , record as struct eonunis sioner was an homM one , and he though his qualifications for the olllce of couutj coiumiasioncr vvero equally as good a. . those of Mr O'Keefe , bin opponent Hi < speech uaa a rousing one and lull of gooi points. The next speaker , Air O'Keefe ' , thoughl that the bent argument he could oiler foi his re-election Mas contained in bis re cord during the past term. He had tried to be just niiil inmaitml in thu disehargt ol Ids duties , and in doing anything In did not allow the question of "friend 01 Ion" to ant ) . Air O'Ke.elu laid claim K some credit as luumg been instrument , i in bringing about llui recent investigii tuin tJt county ath'uiH. lion \V. ( J. Whitruoro , who was i > res cut. rcaponed to thu occasion with n stir riugKpeedi Hi ) spoke | r.u liuularl.y ol the iraiitU which had been uncart ucd u the enmity building , and dwvli upon tliu HL-cuoblty oja chuliijuof fo hno which the pcoplo had n cltanco to bring about at the coming election 15 W. was Iho next speaker , He said that when he had the honor ol being appointed chairman of tlio eoitntj republican dommittco , ho made the remark that if : v good ticket wort * nominated , tlu republicans tfouJir have no trouble in making a clean sweep. Tlu voters of the county had out to look al the two tickets , to east their ballots s < ) us to bring about this result. Air. Sunonil rental ked that eoriuty affairs had long siiH'ereil from corrupt rings , and it vva < about lime that an entire change was croughtabout. ' / Air. K. Hosovvatcr was the lust speaker , arriving at about a qttai ter to ten o 'clock , Mr. llosevvater remarked , in opening , Unit it was n ditltcult task to make a cam paign speech without repeating much that might ha\o been said by others Chastened and purillcd by disaster the republican pmtj hud , in Ohio and New York , solidified and prosonled eandidates whose reputations tiud characters were a guarantee of good government In this county , the cliort had been made in the sumo direction , ami the ticket nominated by the party this full is acknowledged to excel any tlekel nominated for many \eurs past. It is admitted even by lead ing democrats , that the republican ticket is iu every respect .superior to the demo cratic county ticket. The speak er then made , a comparat'vu re view of the candidates of both parlies and appealed tothe republicans to .stand together for once , not only because t IIH democratic party WHS m control of the national government and could pio- vide fcdcial position ! ) for iu lame ducks , but because the election of- the ticket would insure belter local government. In conclusion the speaker , touching upon the remark made b\ Air Wliitmoie , that we needed a clean sweep in the court house , ( -ailed attention to the glaring abuses at tlio county poor iarin. lie ereiiled quite a sensation b > declaring that the bodies of paupers had been trans- f cried to the medical college , and dump ed into the cellar , were pickled and dissected , and finally tlnown into a pile of ashes ami quicklime. These practices mtii bo legal , but lie did not see why Hie county .should pay for the collins of paupers ' pers whose home's were to be cut up in tlie dissecting loom and bulled in the bone \aid. This mutter was bv , nonicanS a campaign canard , but he had it ditcdlv , from a narly that had been empioved in the medical Institute. He had ( ailed al Icntiou to it privately some months ago , and withheld itfiom publicity for humane consideration.1 ! , because some of the help less invalids in the poor housi ; would loci distressed at the thought ol what awaited their bodies after death * There was a great deal of complaint of cruel ! \ on the noor farm and it was notorious that Mr. I'terce took up most of his lime this lujl in electioneering and loll the inmalc.s ol tlie inlirmarv lo cam lor themselves It seemed to him that tlie commission1- , were derelict in their dut.v in closing their eyes to those abuses , even though it only ail'eeied paupers and imb"eile > < As long : 's thev uivobjccls of charity , and Ihe people me taxed for their m-iinte- nance , they hro' ' entitled to the humane care of our coiMlly , ollioers. r' THIS ASIATIC .SCOUKGK. y IvelleviMl' ' to l > o Kxlttent In a IioenrGUiese ) foundry. A reporter 'Wit { informed yesiorday that leprosy existed in the Chinese laun dry at the northeast corner of Thirteenth and Dodge ijljcee s. A minor so gra\u demanded inslant investigation and the work was push till "throu'gh as rapidly as possible. \j \ , 1,1 The rnjjorl pained currency through a simple uirciutfitniicu. A gcn'tlenian stopped by a Chincso washerman on the street jesterday and asked whether he .still sent his washing to the ahop at the corner of Thiitecntli und Dodge. The g ntleman replied that he had not done so tor several weeks to which IheCoolio responded that it \\as as well tlnit he did not , as one of the inmates of thcpkicc was sulioring liom leprosy. The building in question is n yellow front frame structure ol I w ( .stories , alnl was torniurlyji grocery store. The low er floor is dividd into two apartments the one immediately upon the corner oc cupied by a small t.i.loring establish ment and the other , as the siirn on ( lit ! \\indow deelaies , accommodating the laundry cslablihlmicnt olVing Lee. The door \\as unlatched and the re porter entered without dilliculty No one was aroused by bis ciilr.inco ind , which the ill-s.i- completing thu < lisguat - - vored odor of th ( < ) ) hici ) brought upon him , ins continued toward the rear. An old Chinaman sat by a dismantled stove sowing with peculiar movement .ish.ib by garment lln glanecd ii ] > w th an in- dillercnl "Hello" as hu obscrvn.l tliu ro- | ) orterand naked , " .Washee ? " "No , s r ; 1 only want to know how many live in this house. " With a qu'ek , keen glance of suspicion , the old fellow sharply demanded , ' 'What for ? " At this moment a rustle was heard from behind a partition , and the reporter , intruding his head eon fronted a poling Chinaman , wasted with sick ness , silling up , with all faculties appar ently alert upon a miserable little pallet , " What you w ant y" shouted the invalid angrily. "Oh , nothing Are yon sick ? " "Siek , " the Chinaman assented in tones which might have brought Irom him "well I should smile. " And then with heated empnais he put sli ingot sharp questions to the reporter wiio only answered tliom by asking , "How long have ) ( tn been sick ? " "hong time * . Cio 'way. ' " "Onl.v a minute. Who isyotinloctor ? " "No iloctor ( Jo "way" and the sick man tell back upon his bed with the evi dent intention of sating nothing more. Aloanw bile tnu old man had arisen and was slowly proceeding toward the door. Tim mmcu\ construed itsidf as lineal- piling , anil the loporler swiltly backed out. out.It iw impossible to say whether ( lie in valid Chilian ) . ni ban the lei rible of whicn he is suspected , but at all events Iho cuifj ; in its sitspiu ons l > "ar- ingn , ( leiii.iiiils'tlio attention of Hit ; board ot hualth. , i * * 1 r . KOCUAlj J'MOASIIUIC.S. Tlio HaiiH ( tremonlo IJall-.Tho Im- < licH ol ,11)0 , Kuth lichcluxli Iiotlo ; Give nn Cuter- " tafiiiuont , Thu twenty -oigjith. hop of the Sans Ceromonio ol.ub was the event lail night at thu Millard hoiul. The itllair was the first of the JdlistM , and was largely at tended by L\\v \ \ i > yumher.s of the club and their fiiuuds , , ! All , ( lie details of the lull were purloct"aiuP great credit is duu the comtuitloo of nrraugomoiit.s. Among those present wore not-iced : AlcMlamcs Wlii'idor. Dnndy , Heed , IJs- tabrook. llmllok , Snow , I'addock , of Hi - atrice , llitchcocu , Ituin , C'hio ( j.irne.iii , Chirkson- Ales rs. Dundy , Sharp , Alu- Cormick. CJi.unbor.s , Almuy , Lehiuan , Hind. Louis DiiuJy , King it , 'Moiy , .Mil- lard , Berlin , U'llbnt , I'oailiu , Lake , TompkiiiH , | ) ouol , Hunch , ( Vary , Feeler , ( lark , Huntin tou , Widls , Cnitsu , I'.ku , Woodrtiir , Wynian , lor.tin ! , Mortoa , Craig , Frank H million AT I.Kllir ( IAUI | > S MALI. . The Lightiuiiid' ( hall was tiio.souneof a sociable uud a verv plna ant gatlierin last nignt. Itvis the timt s hop of the season given by Huth Hubukah ln greo Lodge No I , I O. O F About lifty couples were invent who enli'i'iul heirl and soul into tae. amu'umntt ot Ine UQ oxuLlIuiitli owiui-Ud pr < > - Rrnmmo of twcntv dances. Alusip wa turnished by the Musical Union orcho ! tra. The event was but one of a uuni her of similar events which the organl/n 1 1 on propose ghing during the while mouths , The committee of airango inents for the last evening's hop were J Staiulo\cn. Mrs S. WrTght , and Mis Carrit .laeksot : HOOP committee. Hour ; Jackson , John Dishorn , K. I , . Armstrouj AlissKmma Von Trot t , Alls * Alillie 151ti more , and Airs. U L. Arni < tioug. J. W Nichols acted as master of ceremonies. STOCICMUN IN ( JATllKltlXO , .Session ol' tlto National Association ti bo Held lu St. l.ouls , It will iutornst many stockmen o Omaha and Nebraska to know that tin second annual meeting of the Natioua Tatlle and Horse ( rowers' association o the United States , will bo held at St Louis , beginning Nov. 23 , I'W , and con tinning. si \ da s. At this meeting the work of Iho assocla lion foi the eurieiit year Will bo coiisid ered ; reports of otllcers and committee received ; admission ol members , eleetiot of olliccrs ; appointment of special com mittees , the diaeiosUm of all imporian questions which interest those who ai'i In tiny wav identified with the great eat tie and horse industry of the Unite * Stales , and the transaction of any otho bn inc .s which may properly como before fore the meeting. Each local association is invited t < send delegates to tliu annual meeting and individuals engaged in growing eat lie and horses are invited to beconn members of the association. The Citizens' Entertainment committee has again been organised and joins ( hi National Caltlo and Horse ( { rowers' ' As socialion of the Lulled States iu extend ing to the cattle and horse growers of tin United Statc-s , Camilla and Alexico a tor dial invitation to be in the city upon tin occasion of the second national conven tioti ofcattlcnien , and paiticipato in tin splendid programme of cntvttaimnen which has been provided. It will eon of a grand ball and promenade con- eel t , musical and theatrical enterlain- nieiits ; militan , emu and other parades , etc. , etc . , for the general and hospilabh reception and plca.surn ol all who maj attend the. meeting Special arrangements for the Iranspor tatitm ot the delegates to ( he convention have been concluded with the railroad- centering in St. Louis The programme of the exercises the i addresses and topics tor cussion is as follows : Thteftttle iiulnsli ) ot tlm United Ht > \ . D. 11. Moore , Coloi , ulii. JVilc.tleal's for the I'lotectloa ol tiltli.uuo fattlu Iluliistrv limn ( ! oiiliiiiHi- : ; disiwe--Col. 11. M. Tmloi , aareut U. S. bu ic.' Imliistiv , New Mexico. The Kaime Coiuitu ; Oat ( 'oinncin Inhoii' tance linn. A. S. Meiei-i , eilitot Noithwest em Live Stock .loin n.ilVouilni ; . The MnVtbli at nl Cattle lloin South ti Xoith-t'nl. It. ( J. Head , ( 'ulor.uR Tr.inspoiiution mill sblpphuCol. . Isiac ; II. Kndv. piCMilonl St. Luuis Natiun.d Slouli Yauls ftiiuip'iny. Tliu Normal 'llorMj Iniliistry of Atuciic.i- T. Uuttoi\vulh ( , Illinois. Tee Itelatlon ol I'Niici n Capital to the Cattle tlo i ; nuliMiif Inibistricsof the \Vi stein Slate- and Ten t iiies Tlionms Law son , Missomi Anieiican Cattle and Dn-ssed 1'eef in Kni ; hind , and the Ki'stiirtionsSniioiindiiitf Hit Iniliialiition of Aiiii'iioau Heel JainusV \ , liaiclay. M. P. , London , JJIK and. Biamlini , ' ; Us llisloij unit Elleol Ilon.U' I > . KoliuttH , I'cansNhiiulu. Le.isiim the I'nlilk1 Duiaiin Kx-niiv..Stoiu ot [ own and Hon. S. \Vivll.tce , Colotado. The National Cattle Trail ; Its Past , l'ius cut anil J'ntuio , Jintl it-s Kelntion to KnlKvi : > < 1 < r Mo\eiacnl of Cattle tioia Soatn li > Notil Hon. C. lTisinTexis | ( : l'oieiiii Tiaiteand Ciinuncrce Iu Cattle Hon. .1. L. AIcAl lee , Mm ; \ land. The Piess. Its Itel.diun to tlic Cattle an ; 41 ( ts-o Imliibtry Thuo. , ) . MrMinn , Mi.ssomi Aajeticaii Itt'of in ( I'nlain , Inmi llu ICa lish Kiirmer's Stanilpunit T. DucUi.iiii M. I' . London , l".Uluiil. Natinn vl Oirani/.atioii ; Slate and Terri- Itirial Assoeialions Ajoxtuidcr II. bwim , \Vvoiaiiitr. The Ueliitiuns lletweon tlic Ka"t and tlic \ i'-t us Thuj Afleel Ihu Cattle Indastiv ol the United Status lion. ! ' . K. Mooihead , New Yoik. Texas ; Us Imimtancu as a C.ittln fiiowbifj State , and llt I'clations lo tno Noith and Kast ; Col. S. P. UiiniiliiKlmm. Ageiit , U.S. lime , in Animal Ilidusliy , Texas. The ( Jl ilosdiile Horse Indtistiy In Amciir.i -Hon. Charles F. Mills , Sueietuij lilinui" blato li ! > arl of AKiiculttue. L"ilslatloii Stale nnd National lion. II. M. I'ollaul , MisMiuii. Anieric.\n \ Cattle Coiuitanies iu Scotland K. L. Sliuidoit. Lunil in. Kn. ; . NOTHS FUOSI TIIJJ FUAY. Uosal ] ) Aliitut Die Political i lulit i > tl tin : Candidates A Warm 'I'inio. "Tho coming eountv light is going to lit ) a rod hot one , " sii < l the political seel of thu Wabash corner , yo torday , "but tlic republicans are going to win , you may dopi'iid upon it. Every day is develop ing more uud more strength for the re. piihlican tickut. The voters am compar ing it with Hint put up by the democrats , and itdoti-n't tiku tliom' very long to un- I'ltrtli ( lie dilleroncu butween the two , I'.it Kor.l is gjing to be bi-atoii by l.rill , I majority He is soliciting the 'saloon Vole of the city , but while hu is going to get a per lion of it , In won't have it solid by : loiigwajs. No , sir. Jiomo ol the .s.tloon inen are. dtsgii- < ted with him , and com. plain that lie is making himself "tor 1ivsh"in his canvass. 'J'luin the colored vote will be cast almost solid for Co- burn. You see Ford killed himself in that direction by making an unlucky ul toranoc concerning Ins ability to buying niggers on clfction d.i.y just liku so much cattle , and iu various othei Wivs : has made liiiuself oll'eiiciivo tc the' colored voleis. The Germans ? Thou vote will lip e-iHt tor Cobiirn ineliidin ; ; n number of democrats who could stoni- ache the county liekittwore it not lot Ford. Thu wise , thinking men ol the county democratic parly arc announcing their intention ol boltinj ; I' and liu i.- , going to lji ; lira led clear out ot bight , anil don't you lorget it "Tim lig'nt in other directions promise ; to be excititr ; , though not us warm as in the shrievalty contest. Charley Need- ham is making a lively rustle lor the of < lieu of county clutk , ami fronnne.sentap- pi'.ir.tnccs he is goingto 'gel there1 sate ly , though Jell' Meginlh is not lajina tironnd idl < i w iitiii'j/ ; pi'ople iu niiikeup their minds for which candidate to vote. For thti county cominissioncrhhip , Alil.o Me. my is making a warm per-onitl can- v iss , irom what 1 hear , he is filing lo bo elected with the lest nl bin ticket Thu friends of Judge BcncKo are not a little nettled hccaiiiMt ho was not ghcn a place on the ticket , and I Hhoiildn'l wondur if there would he a c ( > nbidciabie defection irom Ihu democratic ranks on this ac count. " The candidates for justice of Ihu peace are woiking ! n a ihely man- nor. Tin ; feeling against Hnmdici , is growing every day and ho will bu bolted bv a great many \oters of hi , ow n party. In tin : Second district Lee Ilels- Ii y'tt prospi cts arc nxr-i llctit for election , He is making a clote canvass , with Ihu evident detenuimilion of winning. Justice Anderson , of thcThiid district , si : > s tluit he irt cunlideiit of re-election. His opponent , Jitntice Hartlclt , will su- [ nre the d. A. H. votn. but a number of d"iiiocrut * say that lln.y will not \oto fur him an he is lee an addition lu the democratic ranks People have becoino accu&tointd to hear ol new ( linuotuiloa They werci hardly pr.ipar/d , howuvtsr , to hear Hint 11 medicine had bom diseoiercd which liiid in it no morphiu 01 opiiinmnd jet would cure coughs ThU renu-ih is Ked Star Cough CniM and it is under cd by hu iiii > sl ciiii TRADE FACTS 'AND FIGURES A Bettor Demand Yesterday for Drossc Beef and Sbippins Qr.\do3 ( EASING FEELING IN LIVE STOCK Wheat Palls Hack to Its Knrmor 1'olnt , Oloslnu ' _ < ) llelow the llest 1'Nnitro of tlm Dny MarkelJi Home null 1'orelKii , CHICAGO laVR BTOOK. CiucAoo , Ort , ' . " . ) . fSpeohd to the Hilis.l- CATTM : The fulling oirot about 8,000 Ii iccolpls us roinp.iied w Ith the same tlnio la ? week , Is at lust having sonio effi'ct on th condition of trade at this point and el.-i whptv , as there weii'iaereerdcrs for shlpplu ; cattle and a bettui dressud beiU demand thni slnee the bieak of a wvok nio. Tin lev ival , liowe\'er , does not briiiK with It un ; substantial advance la pi lies except on a fev llnu and fancy n.itivcs and siiohns are usuall ; chissliied ( is "ttsefitl. " Low iitulo native and low grndo nnil tntuh raiiKers nre lull ; as low us this lime last weuk , and coiinuoi cannlnir Texiius am Bellini ; for the lowes price lids senseii. Slockers and feeders trail leiiiiiins dull ; the stipidy I.s iianile and Hi assortment was ne\ei inore varied. Pi ice are low on loddrr , and feed in the countrj I lepotted plentitiil , yet laijen suein lo holt bad ; , 'lliostiiuk cuif Uwle Is also dull am prices lower tluiti lust week. Sixteen head o iuiioy steers soul lit SiUO. Shlpplln ; steers to 1.V.O Ihs , S * > .W t.-V"0 : l'J Kl to KW ) lln S4.X\M.vXt ! : ft'XI to I'iOU UN , Tliioiiuh 'I'exns cattle , dull ; WV ) lb- , SJ.T-X' iUXIT.VtolKnilis ) ) , tiXf'0r..7ilUI ; { ; to 71H ) Ills SJ.'iV.j'J.iiU.Ve.stern raiiceis ste.ulv ; unlive' and hall-breed * , SU : > iw . . ) cows , & ' 4.tHti.iK ) ( : > Sides 'Jit MebiasKa-'Icxaiis , lOils Ibs , VJMToxans1tituibs , S.lO ! ) ; HT Mnntaniis , 1-iM ll > s , SMR ; M M0l Ibs M.IO ; 'SB Moillumus , 1WO Ibs , 5 .i" ( ; ' . ' 17 Moiiliniis , 1'J-J lbi.SI..U. IlonK Trade opened slow and pi Ices nl lln stint weio ialhi'1 tasier and hnjeis lor p.u > k ei-s lii'jiiii ; to talk m mi IUCI.IKC ot ! : to daj au'idnst an average < it about i > vUesteid.ij ) and SMS : on Alomliiy. Unjeix based theii hopes on the tuet thai there weie , with tin licsh arthuls , at'oul ' .v > ,0oo to r > 7Kio ( on sale and that at the clusc l.isl iiMit oullnai > park \i\f \ \ sot | s sold as low us u.I.'i'i , and a few sule- \veie made this niomiiu ; aiimml iiboiit thi pilee. Later u iroml dcniaiid e.uiiu liom id the packets now operalin , ' their houses and n hetterilennind fioiii shinpcis , anil stock lie trim to iiioxo nioio fieclj , so ( bat toward tin dose the turn in piices was rather linnet than nt the niuiiihu ; . tihiiipliiKi S' < 0 to XVt Ibs. s.s"Ol ; ( ' .tG. Liuht wei'lil ( , l.'iO to 170 Ibs. ; IbU to 'JIO Ibs , S.i'i'CH.50. ! : CHICAGO CHAIN JMAUUKT. CHICAGO , Oct. ! Si. | S | > u-lal to the Hm-- | \VitK.vr liaiiiau' n little sinirt up from ss ( toS' ' 4oloi Dcceinbpi w'hetit to-day , the situ lion was veiy Hat , An unusual thliu ; for tlu curb wns the noniecciptof nnv news calcu latcd lodlstmb the sorciiltj ef the market. hill aiound 11) ) o'clock riunors were inoic plen lltul than 01 dels. The lust canard was t ( the effect that consols were -1 points lower , Olllelnl posting settled ( ids stoij in jroiiiK aj to tin ; same old UKUIP , Sl.OOMU. Wheat id : this Unto had been Riowim ; stinn pi. De- eeinbci opened at Ss.-je , and sold ciicahuly up to ' ! < ( < ' s'4 ' < ' , with possible trades at siu e , A Miaiht ! attempt \ \ as made to hull thin- ; oti an ailvanrc of ' 'c by Minneapolis millers , but only small capital wnsiaadeoiit of It. Tin : iiilvance inilv on the aoithi'rii toa'ls which eoine in coniputitinn with Diilnth. This laltot place , as is well known , is helii" enliielj ( { ( iNcincd bhic.iuo. . On thu south- em itmls , whete wheat wn'tco to I > ul ith but must come to MiuneiimlU. jiilres nn : te- dnced 'Je. Tiadeis aie seltiiiK to understand - stand this , mid aiu coiiseiinuntly much .slower than fnnnerlv In fonlm ; th'i 111,11 ket nil. whenever the millers MiijioniiCT incmascd fiidM. The ad\anre stoppi d at S'.l'i'e , and an entile chaiine of teellnircaino o\ei the local ciowd. and juices steatlll ) suttlcd back iiionnd ssfttssi c. 1'iivato c.ihles say t Ill-it1 is iitt ( the smallest possible clmiHc lo't anv expOit movement at New York. KOI : i tune aiound nooii , when Divomber sloiid at bsifc , theie was no trailing bi'lmj done. A ( ) ii.uter of an hour later it Weakened with a KOIK ! dent of noise , and ti II ( low n to toe. He- eeipls show a tailing olT at pilmaiy iioint.s as compared to last wccL , lull the iniiioi that Mime of the Minncaiiiilis mills would shut down November t set ved lo niakea depiesscd fc'Ollii1 , ' . In the uftei noon the IculhiK con- tinnid weak. Dcci-mhci decliniti | o 87J ht' ' c elo-.lm ; at the lowest Hume. COIIN Coin was In liettct demand cat lier , but It'll b.iek . in svmpathv with wheat , and elosid ashiiilii iindoi > cstctday. O.\ts O.tls iiilcd steadv , prices show inii vciy little change , but nilcd weak in tin aflei 110111. PROVISIONS Provisions were ( inlet and stead ) , without iin > sjxicial change In quota tlOllH. New Yor' : . Oct. ai ) . Moxr.v On call easv at " ( . : > percent. PitiMt : MuiicAMii.ii PAI'IU4@rj pet ecu I. Fein lov F.xniANr.n Itti.i.s Quiet ani uni'liaiiLred. ( ! OVII.XMI : : > 'IS Dull and stiomr. SrocKi Dtiil , heslt.itiiu , fcvciMi , nm taUuu ; as n whole , wc.dc. St. Paul , Lala Shoie , Kile and Kcadill , eontiiliutcil ncailj half the dav's Iiiisincss. Coinp.ued with lasi oveniim pi Ices aie enciily ! ( J fn f pel cent low 01 , with exceptional losses ol I ppi cent In New Ymk Ccntnil and I'j'pnr ' ecu In Lake Shoie. ' 1'he decline wasaidedbv ininiiis id ( iittim : In both passcuci ; am lit'lglit rules airain in the we t. ON WAI. I. srnnr.T. IM1ODUCI3. nhic < K < > . Oft. ' - ' ! > . I'liMiiQiilelanr about unchaneid ; winter v\ heat , soiitlii > iii J4.7.Vii.O ( ) ; Wisconsin. Sl.aXiM.W ; Mlcbl K.III , > H.iO ( ; sott hjuliiK wheat , ? : ! .70f'j l.ix ) ; MlunchOta bakurSiVjOJf I.'i0 ; . 'ti. . " > . Wheat fodl ! | ! ltcly ai'tlve ; niicncil s hl olTii It Hie , aihaiK'id r , ilivbii - lilted steadier , aliddo-cd abe > t 'xe nnilei ve lciay. ( | Wu1 ( , isli , Odohet uiul Noveinliei ; ST'fc'i'VNDicpiiihci ' ; b-c Jaiimuy ; iWKt M.i ) : No. a i nl. - ! i ' , 'c. Coin Kali Ij .lellve and weaker , rloslny J/W.e iindct jcslejdav , except May , vvldcl v\.is teidjlO ; c rash and Oclohei : iiivju ' : { ' . ! * < ( NVitiibei ; : 'MC year ; y.l ' i'ijfu Jmi' nii ) : 'istyirtis'.j'o ' ' May. Onls StMil > . quiet and linn early , lml clo-ed weak ; . " > ' , c cai-h ; iiriyc ( V'tohei : ' .Tik ' ' ' 'A > Kf Ma l\c- : li. lev ( Jtiiet at ( Vtc. Timoibv llettcij jirline. ? l.f.l. KIi\i-eeil-Kiim ; . I , SI.Kl'/ . I'm k Kali biisinos , lliicld.illniiH slight nnd eloM'd htcadvand about tincliani-'cd ; s\ ' ( < i h/i'i C.IMI | Ts.U' ' uiS.-JO Octolxji and Novcm- bci : . OaVJiif" UcumberM ; \ . ( g.\iM Jamiiii ) , Lud MoileiatPly artlve , f-tcadv and micli.Mijroil : t-1 K > cash ; % ' < > " " .M ( ) c tobei ; b.Wif'A'.M Novcmbfi : K .vyxf < { Ji > - CfiiilK-i : h' . ' ) iii i' ' .y > i.'Vi jcai. llulK .Menu Shouhrci-s , I i. KHa'ii.rX ' ) ; fthotl flriii SVIIViVli.hliiilt id" " * , Sl.'J ) ,'iI'air ileiuiinil and In largo snppls ; L'ood to fanc.v ctfiimcry , ISvifiJOo ; goud ti clmlco ( hdrv , l"/-Wc. ) CliccM1'Hir ( Ifiimnil ami htcady ; died- d.iiH. Si' wlltc : llats.'J WlUJife. irnmj ; Amu iie.-H. ti iKjlli'/t1. ' choice sliliiw , 1ytK , Kmjs Kh n. at WMl'-ia. Jlah - > Steady iindiiuclmijyetl , heavy { jr ! nlctl ! > 'ully ruml , < u\ \ < t Huhl.xsHj d l , .ill . tildes , o.ot llrv s'ftlied , 't. Tallow Steiuly nuu uucliiui ( { d ; ' 'No. ' 1 , country , fie. Flour , Mil . H.o . 0 x Whp.lUbll. . 72.000 W.OOO Coin , bu . . . 1.VI.OOO 1 14,000 . . . . . . W.OOO ,00,000 Kv e. bu . nKX , ) llarlov.bii . 40,000 ! W.OOO New York , OcU 20. Whcnt Ka Icr ; ro- rolpu , 15TOJ ! oxitorts , woao , miKraitnl red , TXiiffiSo ; unitrndcit n-d , e , f. and I. , Wo ; No. 'J red. ItV'iGJSiH e Iu elevator ; Deeembei dosing . Ooru LovvTr ; eloslnir dull ; receipts , 170 , . 000 ; exports aiwo ( ; imKiwIed.tnwvicl No. , itke November ; No. a , ft'J'v' ' ' In stuns W : , JV lu elevator , R r Ue auoat , > UU < d SlKr toiiulvo ; Dix'eaitH-r closhiK lit -lOJie Oats Lower ; modcralo bil' ; lenelpl * , to.wx ) : e.x | M > I Is , 77,000 ; mixed western , 30(51 ( itic : white w astern , IMCiMlVu . relndcutii Finn ; unlti-d rlosnl at St.K > . KiC | Klrm and fair ilemaiid ; recuipts , ! ! , ' | < ackate.s ; western , sl * < ( ( r' ! VjR. Pork I ) idl ami Ixirely steady : mess spot , . . . Lard Moderately nclivo snlrsj wtstoru Rteim : smd , SWO ( ; to arrive. S0.1R , cost and ficluht ; IVecailMT , wi.irKjid.n. Hutler rirm and nod demand. , Cheese Doniaiid qtilol ; westccn lint , 7Q nillvvankee. Oct. 20. cash , M' ' e ; Noveiubpr , ; Diiccjubor , Cora Stcatlv : No 2 , Wi OatsFlmij' No. , ! / < ! . ltMSlcixd ) ; No. 1 , rtc. llnrley-Steadi ; No. 8 , X Pi ovislons Steady ; moss porkt bash and NovcialH-r , ' SS-'J-X ' , 5S'JO ; December. - - iMIuncnpollc , Get , 21 > . ilitiloi illminlslied iccolpl.s ami . les by fanners ; No. 1 hard , WV ; cash. tohor and November ; lUV q ? l.tKi' ' < May ; No. 1 iioitherii. W > ( o Orlobr-r mui November ; snj e December ; U-io May. riour-Slovv ! iKitenl-s , SVJOii ( , ' .10 ; baVcre , S-i.'or.M . i lteceipla-WlieatytOlKfl ; flour , ifi.Mm Shllinii'iitM-Wheat , 'il.OOU ; lhiiir aT , . St. Louis , Ool4'Jl-\Vlicat-eneil8Walv ) ( | ( ; liec.imo utisctlled , declined , mid closed 3 < c under ycstuidnv ; l 'frmo ( lor cash ; Ulc for Novemher : ftJlo lor De enilx'i : Sl.Wii'W UMrJuforMin. i CornwVc lower : J kfOvJ 'c fet cash ; Wjfe lor Novembert .MtKuisiPff for jparl Oats Ktislei ; ! MdW40 ( ( lur vashj yO 'KX * for May. i live Dull ntOTifp ! Pork-Dull al W..n. Lard Nominal at $3.70. I Whisky Steady nt 51.08. UntterKinii ; dali ) , UiojW : ! ; croami'ry , Aflernooit Ho.ird Wlicnl , Coin , S , ( He lower. Onts , no sales. ' Toledo , Oct..1. . Whcat-ljulel and weak ; cash and S'ov ember , ! M ' 4c asked. ( 'orn- Dull and easy ; ca li , Irt c ' Oats Dull ; cash ami Nnv ember , ! % . . ' ' Knnsns City , -Wheat-Uisi'tttlcl > | , ( ; rash. 7-t' c bid , 7 : > lc asked ; Noyoaibur , 7f > o hid , 7.6 < asKed ; May , Ss < > . Coi n Quiet : rtush. as e bid , W Novcinliei , 'J7i bid , 'JSo asked : v ear , ' . Oats- Nominal ; 2ijtt- ) bid , Ul Iilvci-pool , Oct. 2L ! Pooi-dwiiaml ; new No.J winter and sjuln . 7s ii d , CornPom demimilIs ltd tor spot ; Octo ber and November ; 4s fid for Deeumticr. - - , - I M VIS STOCK. , Oct 3U. Tlio Di overs' Jotlrnal teiioits : Cattle Ueccipts , 7r.tW ; steady ; stceis , sj : ! . . > t ) ( . " ) ' > . 70 ; btocker * . and f tie- live ; cows. Imlls ami mixed , S thioiiKh Texiuis , dull. S'Wi'iflVfi ' ; iaiiiei.s , ste.ulv ; inlive-s and hidl-biveds , WiOCnNItCOWH , t''JC f.iH.IHj. . i llo s licceints , ; wKX ( ) : stiDne1 romrli' ' nnil mixed. S3SOii,4.l ( ; > ; paukiti and .shipping , . " : sKip-i , tf-.i . Sheep Ueceipts , ! ! , JiOO ; stead v ; nntivos , SiiO Ci.70 ; western , M.TfXAVJ > ; Tenant , S1.7.X { ! .00 ; lambs , jwr hend , ? l.uO@4.7.r , . KuiiHas City , Oct. SO. Cattle Itccdlpta , n , HO ; shliimt-nts , 1,100 ; feeders actlvo ; other cliisseA hteaily ; exporters , s > r .lD.i.fiO ; ( Oiiiiaon to clniiue shiiipim ; . S i,4UMi.O. > ! stocliurs ami U-edei-H. S'J.H.iI.Ucows ( ; , 'f'iOO < dl HO ; mixed stair. S' ( ( : i llotfs-Kecelpts. II.IKXJ ; sldptneats. UjaOO ; opened weak , cl shu ; slronger : K < > n4 to choice , SJ.oO@.40 ! ; eoiaiaoo to medium , 63.1 ! ) ' ItocciptsiOO ; shipments , ntmo ; s'.iiv ; common toyouil miittulis , M.50iJS'.IK ( ) ) , St. rouin , Oct. Cattle Kecolpls , IKK ) ; shipments , 1,400 ; Blow ; hulk of tiuiip inferioi In qiialitv ; shlpplu > z steers , K4,00 I.O'i ; native ImtcheilnK steers , mixed lots hutchi-iing stock. . stockci-s and tcedcr-s , $2.25 8..W ; . . Sheep Receipts , 1,100 ; fihipiapiils , ' .800 ; bethi and nun tor best irrades ; coai'ulori to choice , &i.HX ( . ' ! . : ; lambs , W.'iXrf.'J.RO. OMAHA MVIfl STOCK. L UNION h-iofiv i AtiDH. S. OviAirVt I Thm > day , Oct W \ lo activity was manifest in the live stock market to-day. Keedeis VMTU.II lit- tlustiomrcr and in Kood demand. The , her iiiniki t was a shade stumper anil the domam l ( rood. Thu made was nut quite up to - - d.u's receipts , mil sales vveie inuuu at about yestetday's liiuies. Cattle . ' . . TOO Hogs . f X ) i-ii'.VAii.iNo : eitirtis. IIOOH. No. Av. 11. No. Av. I'r. Ill BY. W. . . . 213 OJ 2X ) 2X.xcr OK i-ttier.s roil nor.s , Tlio exticme latiL'o ot puces tor mixed , p.icKim ; ami shlppmx and woUht lio/Htur seven d.ivn Ishhown hclow Date , Mixed. I Shlpplu.'j Tlmrsday 00,5:1 , : ( H % : ) jo fit Tiiday : i S.itmday IK ) : t 00'B.f , , - iit Monday 10K " 0 it jOV.i iJJ TucMlay K ) tt 15t ( . ' ) 2 ) Wedne d'y J ( KJMI ; uo it Kwi n 'J'lim.-day _ ' 0. ) _ -r n Note All sales of Mod ; In this inai | > Vt ar made percvvt. live vveiidit. unless oiJiunvvlst slated , Dead heirs sell at lc per Hi , IfiriM weights. "Skliih , " or IIIIUH welKliiir , ' le.shjlli.ui lee Ibs. , no value. I'/o natilBuwHiiio i' ' 10 Ibs and stuBs bO Ibs. i OMAHA W TliiUMlav Uct.-'ll ' General MarluitH. KnfiH Thu ni.ijorll ) ol sa e VVL-ID imUle fit ! )0c to-day , a few irointj at ll'i1. ' ' llinit-ii- Tin ; receipts l ri'll ImtteiM/o o the Incieubi ) . Thctu Is not minli of any ehaimo In ( hi ; state of thu mailed. Thnniiv v.dliiii ; pricuH me an follow * : ( 'holce Inlilf , Italic ; fair lo irowl , lO fJc ; infetloi , tioaineiy , tfJWJK1 Utitsi'.sr. rail cream rhcddnr , lljac ; full cream flats lye ; Siijitcmhe , ! , r o ; full ctvaiii Vjount , ' A met Ic in , Scplftmltor , l-c : Swiss , fancy. U ; Swiss , cliulcc , HtI5c ( ; bilck , l ici Linibitrt- ! . i 1' < lvcchiclciin ; lunc hceiiM-flliii ; today at 3.0'J : ' when KWHA \ lew Janry goiiiK above ( hat and small si/.iwas low a -5l.Hi ( , Old fowls mi ) In Hluvv dcmnml at f'-i.W > diri.-i-'t. Live ( luck-H slow nt &i. > ; X''v''X ' > ; iUo | tuili : > ti , 7c pet Jh ; dtesncd cliti'keii.sari ) itni - " i ii ( , ' , colder weather rciihed ( | to iiiu-was > Llm ( leniaml. Choice , per ll > , 7f'/sc ; nlr t wxl , i < < e7e ; tttrkejx , dressed , < holt o , i per Ih , l fcpHo ; ( liu-kx. dres ( d , cliok'c , pim'lb , H C l'-'c : umjsc , ilie.-iHi'd. choice. i > cr Hi. hltfi. ) ! \ . SWKI'.T I'OIAIOI'.S Chiiice lin c , iiiuiluhlo tii ! ( ! $ tc p-r ; Ih : 1 ( XVI I V ) jier hlil. I'oi A'joKMTheil , i t i.jw ycriMictlvo. lt ( ! < cliits ! * trcaiely liuht , : ttc t ( | loeca i now Imubfulneil foi traliht variclles Ij ) ( , ' , ( r Jots , Allxcd vurlullw lire not di"-lrablii uiuLaro ' nt : C to ' ! < , ' / Musr.v fflllfornla 3 Ib , fnmta. m lu , cp.pcrlb. , tr ; ex ractt'I , 3fAll ( Ur