Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1885, Image 1

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\ I
If -
Bullion Death of General GeorgoB. McOlcl-
1 Ian at His Now Jersey Home ,
Tlio Itail a Peaceful Ono Xational
Honors to tin : Departed -Ills
Family Deluged With IM-
ilenei'H of Symiiathy.
. J
' Denth oT ( ten. MuClcllan.
OiiAwm , N. .1. , Oct. . General George
Jl. McClellan , ex-commander of the army of
Urn United Slates died suddenly this morn-
liiK at : < ID o'clock fiom exhaustion produced
by repeated 'hocks of neuralgia of tlm heatt ,
nt his home on Orange mountain. Though
ho , bad completed his lifty-nlnth vear he
had preserved not enl ) Ids buoyant spirits
but buojant , ) outhful ngllity. Tlieic-foie ,
she'll he began about llnee weeks ago to feel
pains of the heait , neither he nor his medical
man , Dr J-ewardof Orange , nor any of his
failll ( ) ' , tegarded the matter as seiloin , and
o\crone else believed that the Itoublesouie
I , mahid ) was either gone for good m at least
fora long time. In that belief the geneial
ordered hlscaiilagcjesleidav moinimr , drove
to town accompanied b ) his datightei.saw sev
eral gi nt'enien ' on business and made an ap
pointment witli one of them for II o'clock to-
( Iny > He letuined home in excellent spliiN ,
ntcl hcaiIII ) at his meal bouts , and rclhcd lo
About 11 o'clock the pains returned , and a
messenger on hoisc-b.ick was dispatched
down the hill for tlm doctor , wlio came
ha/'k with the least possible delay. When he
entered the bcdioom ol Hie KCtieril lie louud
lilt * patient in extteine a on.v. Tlie pine -
ems icliiincd with a rhv. thmlcal Ircipicney
thatwasalaimtng. and the homeoiiathie icm-
cdles which thesklll ol tlm doctoi suggested
\verc no uioieelliclent than those which had
been supplied bv the intcllt.cnt atlection ol
Getl. Meridian's wile ami daughter , who had
mlnlMi'icd to him unceasingly liom the. hist
Kor fem horns he sutlciedtho most excru
ciating agon ) . About : i o clock Ihete v\as
n-change. Theeesol the patient began to
glow Inmhler , and hi- hue that bad been
vVldlcwIlh pain begin to iccovei its usual
ntddv bni' . Hegfive a long , deep sigh of te-
llef , smiled falntlv and said , "I leeleasj now :
thank dod I have pulled Ihiougli. " Then
Im sank back upon tlm pillow , as it ex
hausted , closing ids ejes. The doctoi , wlio
was watching.his face with exlieme solici
tude , < -uv the uneiiing signs ot an apinoacii-
ing collapse , and wills ] cied to MM. McClel
lan , "I Icnr he is d ) In ' . " II was but too line.
Geiieial McCh IIin i.iised hiinselt iii ] on one
' hand , hall opened bib eve.- , and lell back
No.\tiangeinents have us ) ctboen made
foi the
ft ni.ic' iioxotts TO TIII : DI : u > .
WASIIIXI.IDS- . -.i. The piesident sent
the following telegram of lonelolence to Mis.
M < Clel'aii to-da ) : ' 'I am shocked by the
iipvvbol v oat husband's denth , ami while I
know how tutilu aie all eftuitsto condole , I
mustassiuo ) ou ol my dee ] ) sinpathy in
join gicit ( jiiel and expiess to ) ou my
own sense of nlllletioii at the lossol so good
i > . liieml ( inovri : . "
The death ot Gen. McClellan was leellm-lv
alluded to bv tlie pit sklent and meiiibe's ot
i the cabinet at the meeting to dav. The tol-
1 lowing executiveiiidci was issued :
, KM ot in i. M.VNSIO.N , Washiiic'tou , Oct.
l > 80 , INSTlm death of Gemge H. McClellnn ,
f nt one time maim gencial commanding the
f armies of the United Stales took place at tin
i carl ) hour Ibis mmning. Asain.ukof pub-
i * HiriP-spi'it themcmoi ) ol this dlxtinmilsLud
f hohllei aud citi/en vVhosc milit it ) ability and
I civic viitues nave shed a lustre nmin tlm lils-
I tiny of his conntiy. It is otdcicd hy tlm pie < i-
l dent that the national Ha. ; be displaed at
ft hall mast upon the buildings of th execu-
\ve \ depaitment In this city until alter hl >
! shall have taken pl.ue.
H D.VMl.I. h. IjAMOM' .
F Pilvutchccictarv.
i Tlm following general older was issued tot -
t WAII Di puinirxT , AV\ < - IIIMITOOct. .
t CO. With iiroloinid icgict the hccutarv of
I vvai announces to the ai ui ) the di atli ot Gen.
f rJcoipe IJ. .McClellan , tinmerl ) major geneial
i commanding the annicbol the United .States ,
I which occimcd at Oiaiiuc' , N. J. , this luuin-
, ' ing. The n.inm and fame ot this distin
guished soldier and citi/cn is known and
f nonoied throughout the icpuhllc. AH tlm
l organi/ei ot the army of the I'olomac Im
I in.ule it capablcuf accomplishing gicat deeds.
I The lesMitm he gave It weie nevei loigot-
I ten , mid tlm wpiiil witli which lie
I nnlmaled it continurd throiuh all
J its eveiittul hlstoiv. Sub cqneiitl ) as its
I leadci Im londeietl M'rvkes to his
I countiy. Ills i'Uie and iioblo character , Ids
I nnsellish devotion ami ( lie duty lie pcitoimcd
I in the hour of petil will cause his mcinoiv
1 ovei to bocheiished witli piido by the people
I ot Urn United Stales.
B f-ecrctary ol War.
I W vsniNfiroN , Oil. ' M.Tlm > pieshlrnt
I ordeicil all Hags on the executive' building to
I bo pi iced at ball mast until attei tlm luncial
I of Gen. Mil lellan.
It Isdciiiiitely learned today that Cen , Me-
E camc-vci ) near being made a m inber
I of Piesident Cle'Veland's cabinet , and that he
I was tcnilcicd the Kusslan mission and de
ft clined it because of business , engagements ,
I nnd that within Ilm ] iist twent.v-loiu boms
the piesident had conchukd lo ohei lilm an
ft npliolntmcnt as a membei ol thu civil scivlco
X. commksblon.
ft Till ! NKW'S IX M'VVOIIK. .
Nitw Yonic , Oct. tr.-ieneial ) ( McClellan
hid an olllee In Ibis city and ( he news ot his
ilQtnlse was icceived thcie this moining. He
bad been tailing lot mouths past and had not
visited the otllcn In two weeks , though It was
not expected his Illness would icsult latall ) .
llule.nesa son and iliiigiitei.the loimer iu'st
L completing his education. AHsoniiasihencws
flpicad ttnoiigh the ell ) gicat suuowascx -
pressed at ( hegcneial's dealh. 1'lagsontlm
f imbllc hmldlngs weie placed at half-masl.
" The ( .iiaiid Aimv po-t has called a inciting
t touxiiessilieli ] HHIOW nnd oiiei a body gnaid
L _ , * or the remains , Aii'anijcnients toi. the
ytf funeral have not yet been miide.
2 Tlioimli no deuntte aiiimgemcnts In tegard
w to Iho luucral ol Geu. MiClellan Imvet
H been made it is possible that set vices willbe
i held In Madison iMpiaie I'leylivteihinchinch ,
K nml that Inteimeiit will be at Tictiton. Tlm
H Jamil ) lias been deluged witli of
B condolence liom alt p.utsut thb countiy ami
B from Kmope.
n Geu Kit/ John Porter sn.\s that though
i Geu. MiClellan's ueiMiual lecolleellons wi ic
l burned he HUCI ceded In icjnoducing most ot
H tiieiu. aud that they will lie published soon ,
B and Unit the ) will cicatea stir eiual ] to that
V caused b ) the publication ot Dcpcvv's letter
B on tlm Grant-Johnson matter ,
v boitnow i\ run voo.
K Cjnr voo , Oct. ' . ' 11. Tlm death of Geneial
BI McClellan caused u piotouud Impicsshm in
M this city , whcie lie was ipiilo well known.
gBJ lie was chief engineer and altctwards i esi-
B dent of the Illinois Cential just piior
BH to the bieakiiu-onl ot Ilm war ot the itbcl-
BK 1km , and auiiilixnl a wide social acipmln-
B ] tuuieln ( .hlcago. At the beginning ot tlm
IBB w.u . . .a ) when lie was piomotcd to command
HB of the army ot tlm I'otomnc , .McClcllan'.s
l ft Diagoons vvasorgani/id heie to seivuas his
Bi bed ) giuul , and lemaiiied with him to the
IBw e'i-e | ( ol his mllltai.v laieet. On Ids iccent le-
. tin n fiom ( lie soulliwot tlm snivivuis of
BBL tulMoigaul/atlon tendeied him a iccepllon
BB | here which was laigel ) attended , llcloie
BB jiroiceding cast , General MiClellan icmaincd
BBL In Dm city bcvcral d.i ) vbtini ; old time
Wtrlcnds. .
Major Jo'i'iih Kirkland , of this citv , wlio
nieuibpi ot .MiOlellairHMatt at the timu
the latter wai comm imhT-lii-t'iiluf of thu
ti in ) , said In an IntcrUew to-day that ho be-
I lev ccl it no chanKU had been made fiom
Wiv-shlnuton In den. .McClcllanN plant ! Im
\vould taken Hichniond in tlm
\H3nlnsuhir campaign , " .MtOlcllan iuo-
d , " Im Mid , "uKulnst bclns iccallcd to
litKton and begged to be cmpoucied to
continue the attack uu Klchmond. " Majoi
Klrklund xnoke ill tlm warmest leiius of aMo-
Clellan M nilUtaiy geiiiiHuiul iiifeirinl icjie.U-
tdlyio the ION o his uicu Lwie lilwou accouut
of Ids humanity and sollclttulo as to their
Ilth fiOVKllKOIl's SMI'ATIIV. .
c. X. .1 Oct. "J.-Govetnor Ablmtt
„ - - . . - the lollowlm ? telegiaiu to Mrs.
McClellan :
VTI , or Xnvv Ji.iisT.v , Uxnrt nvi : Di- :
.nil NT. TniNreiN. Oct. ! fti.MDP.AII KM l have ju t learned with piofound
sorrowof the death of ) our dlstlnunlolied
luisbaud. I speak not only for in ) self butler
lor all the people of Xevv , Ti rse ) , who will
join In universal mourning foi the loss of so
puic and uptight a citizen and so n
soldier. I wish most earnestly to lake such
proper action as will do honor to bis
meimirv. I have directed Adjutant General
\ \ m. S. Stiker ttiasceitaln ) oitr wishes , so
that the action of the executive ma ) beIn lull
sympathy with jourrmn feelings.
1 have Ihehonoi lo be
Yciy respectfully jours.
. Li ov AnnoTT.
1 o Mrs. Gcoigc It. McClellan , West Orange ,
. u.
l ( . oiie"Hiliitoii McClellan was born In
rhiladclphUi , Dcvcmbji ! 5 , ISiJ. In isia ho
lotuplcicd a scholastic course at tlm univer
sity or IViinsjlvanhi , and In 1S40 graduated
into the enicltn ciinuscivhc of the mm ) liom
\\est I'oint. llefotuht through the Mexican
win with distinction and at thu i lose was
lirevelted captain tin gallantr ) . In is. " . , he
was sent to Kuiopcasmllitai ) ngent of this
couiiti ) to lepmt upon ( he iiiovcmeuts of the
iiiinles In the Ciimeaii war. Helollovved
HIP allies and was present at tlie gieat bat-
lies ot lukeiinaii , llatakliva , Almeda and
Scbastopi > l. I'jioii leturnlng he comillcd ) his
olllclal repuitH undei the title , "Oigani/atlon
ot Km ol > ean Annies and Operations In the
Ciiinea. " In Is. ' ) ? he lesigiied from the arm )
and was elected inesident ol the .St. Kinds &
Clminnali lallwa.v. On the outbreak > 1 t e
civil vvai in IMII , his SPIV h PS vvere enlisted b )
the governor of Ohio in oigaiibinglhc volun-
teeis called foi bv the lirst pt x lannitlon anil
was placid in command til the dep.ntiuent ol
the Ohio. He diovc back the confederates
In the Hist laid Into West Vliglni.i , foi which
he iccched the thanks of eongic'ss and was
appointed in a seiles of rapid promotions to
tlie AIIII > ol the Potomac , lie lead them my
thioiigh the dlsastious campaign ol the Pen-
Insniai vvlieii the Union loiees weio
dilven back upon tlm James tivei.
July I , H5J , mid was then relieved
b ) Gen. Pope. McClellan was Im a time
without command until alter the tleleat ot
Pope in August of that jeai. he was- placed
at the bend ot ( loops gn.nding the capital.
He subsequently won the battles ol .South
Mountain ami Anllelam , hei t'inber lsiVi.
hut owing to dissatisUiclion at Ids
delay Im was Miottly after "iipeiceded
bv Ifmiisldps and he left the ami ) alto
gether. In Novembei lsi'4 lie was de-
leate'd on the ilemoeiatlc ticket toi the picsi-
ill-lie ) by Ahiahnm Lincoln. In the follow-
Ingsjning he went to l.mope wheie lie le-
m.lined tor tlneo JC.IM. Uctumliu' In isfis ho
devoted hlmsi If to tlm ] ! iaetlco ol his pio-
Icsslon , engiiieeiiug. and de-igned many
gieatwoiks , lu lsn lie vv.ts elected on the
detnocl itie tit Ket governor of New Jeisev.
Of late ) eais he has devoted hhiiselt to Ins
mining and lallwav inteiests and but a lew
wick t ago passed thiou h Omaha , eastw.ud
buund liom tin * i oast.J
Coiniilctcly Chevveil ITji hy Ctmtact
vvitli a Cow Catcher.
Dr.s MOISTS Iowa , Oet. ' " . ) . [ Special lethe
the Ilii.J : : When the Minneapolis train on
tlm Minneapolis & St. l.ouis raihoad ic.iched
this city to-night portion ! : , of tlio bodv'ot a
man weie tonnd sticvvn over the cow catcher.
Them weie not enough pieces to establish
Identity and a special has gene back ovei tlm
tiack to lind out who the p.uty was. Later It
has been ascertained that tlm man was killed
near Dallas Center. Ho was about -n 01 BO
) eats of age , and a letter in Ids pocket bears
the name of Thomas Logliii.
The Got vnHir's Appointees.
Di.s Moi.\is : Iowa , Oct. 29. ( Jovcmor
Sheiman to day appointed tlie following del
egates to the national Imttei , cheese and e g
convention : II. D. bheimaii , Monticello ;
John Wallace , Algona ; Joseph Sampson ,
Ktoim Lake ; A. Totter. Puiliie Citv ; L. S.
Collin. Tort Dodge : M. Stalker. Klehlaiid ;
C. K. Clarkson , DCS Moines ; G. lSelleck ,
DCS Moines ; H. S. .Sclieimeihorn. DPS
Moines ; b. A. Knapp. Ames : J. H. Giinnell ,
Giinnell ; C. li. Tiueblood , Indlanola : lob- !
eit .Medaui , Atlantic ; Loins Do.ud. De-
coiah ; J. M. Shatter , Keokuk ; Win. T.
bniith , Oskaloosa.
AIIIOIIS : the ItallroailH.
XLVV VOIIK , Oct.Thu statement is
made onicially that the Atlantic A. 1'acilie
companj * will have its connection complete
within tlie next two weeks. T'his will make
tlm shoiti'st line to San Pianciseo for tim
Atchison. Topeka.j Santa Kc route , anil will
add veiv l.irBeIit is believed , to ilm e-arn-
lints of tlie Atlantic. t P.icilic lompany ,
which iit lo the present time has had no
westcm outlet and has theieloic been tie-
pendent enlhelj upon its local dullness. It
will , Ills sild , to bj active eomp"lllor for
aeonidcr.iblo poilion of tlm business of tlm
Union 1'aelliu company.
Fatalities of tlio Itroken
Ev r Svr.ivvw , Midi. , Oct. ! ! . . Tlm bod-
iesol Albeit Schemwelski , a Pole , and.Inhn
Clcai ) , victims of last night's biidge disas
ter. weie recoveicd today , making thiee
bodies MI lai iccovucd. Three 01 toui
othei persons ate missing , and it is thought
the ) too , ue lost. James Tw.titH , who was
it'seucil last nl/ht , will ] iiobabl ) die. lie is
in a eiitieal condition liom intcinul Injuilrs.
Itccrption to tlio Canon.
Niw VOIIK , Oil. ' - " > . The Xational Tom-
lieiamc Miciety to-night at Chk-kesing Iiall
extended a icceptlon to Aichdeacon Kairar.
. .lndXoali Davi * . John H. ( iiiimli , ( 'vins
\V. \ and David Diidle.v I'leld , and Hisliops
Hauls. IMISS , Wai leu and Fowler WPIO pies-
ent. The guest vv.n welcomed by Di. ( 'iiler
and U'spomlcd most happllv. Jud c Da\ls
and John 1 ! . tiough alsosHike. |
Kwltulinii'ii on u Strllcc.
Cinr viti ) , Oi t. ' , U \t noon to day tlm
svvilthmen cmdocd | b ) the Illinois Central
raihoad at their ( it > went out on a
MilUe. The men decline they HID only al
lowed 70 a month and theh liclpci" sii. ) and.
no p.i.v torextra or Sunday work , while nil
roads In the citv p.i ) their night gang ST.'i
and f TO a month , and cicdlt them tor all
ovei time.
Tin ? \\Vathpr.
WASIIINOTOX , Oct. ' , " . . Upjier Mississippi
vi'lley : Slightly warmer ; fair weather , wlmh
generally shilling to east and .south.
Missoiiilvallc ) : hl'ghty ' warmei : fair
wcMthci In Ronthern ] initiom , and local rains
in noithein poitlonsailablo ; wlnd.s , gen
Destructive riro.
Ctiic.vno. Oct. 'JO. Tlie r.venlnt ; Journal's
.Mattoiin ( III. ) spciial ta > s : A Urn in tlm
Dole house this moining slightly damaged
the hotel , and huined a stock nt hooks In tlm
biMMiient valued at S-.OOO. Theilt ) iccoitU ,
aNu in tlm btoie , weui totall ) destiOjCil.
Tlio Ueuil Iiook Crew.
CirifAno , Oct.J. . The soldiers' homo.
commission at Its session to-ihi ) took heveral
ballots without an ) definite icMilt. 'I lie
meinbeis say that the masonic conclaves this
\\eek have scilousl ) inleileied with their
woik. If tlio commission dee , not airicc b )
mut Satulda ) iilnlit it will leave Chicago
with its puipa&a still unesecnted.
After 11 Iloston .loiirnnl.
Jlosios , Oct.I1. . Tlio Transeiipt sis that
Hon. Cail Schurz has made an otferof 10-
( X cash and to assiim" an Indcbtedne > s of
HVOUtfot tlm Ikiston Post with a view to
making an independent paper of it ,
A I'ldpcllor'H Tata ! Illow Out.
Dui.inu , Oct. 'X. Thupiopallei Mllc.srx.
ploded her cylinder head tiHlu ) , Instantly
killing her lirst and second engineers ,
Tluimas Illukey , of llaoiiltcu , Out. , aud
\Ym. Ituoucj , ol Ottawa.
John Sherman Waking the Old Dominion
With Republican Truths.
A Monster Meeting nml n Masterly
Speech nt Petersburg The Party
of Hl lit nml Justice Del'emlecl
llel'oru Soiuhtrn Voters.
Sherninn'M Hpeet'li In Vlrjlnla.
I'l.Ti.nstit no , Va. , Oct. JU. Scuakii Sher
man pnke hero kvnlgiit in tlm academy of
music to a ciowdedaudleiioe. The stage was
tilled wild white people , whllo tlm body of
the building and thegallcties were occupied
by colored people , the outskirts of the crowd
being fringed With whlto people. Sherman
was Intioduced by Mahone as tlm loiemost
stitcsman of tlm countiy , to whose warm
hcait aud love for every htate In tlm union
and lor Ilm whole conntiy he bore cordial
testimony. Oen. Mahone esteemed it a great
honor to have the honor of Introducing tlm
distinguished senator from Ohio to a
A liginlii audience. He came lieie , he said ,
to address the icasou and not the ptejndlces
of the people , and hi spoke tor him a eoldial
gieetlngand icspcctlul hearing.
Senatoi Sheiman was coitllally elected
and accorded a must lespeetful and attentive
healing. Ho began In stating
that it had been said of him that
he had been waving tlm bloody
shirt. If it was meant by waving tlm
bloody shlit that he sought to iciiew tlm ani
mosities ot the wai. then theio was u grave
mistake , tor he hail eou-tantlv said that tlm
war was over and Its animosities should be
burled out ol si ht ; that he would not hold
an ) loiitidcialesuldici icsponsiblc tor what
be did dining the war. and that all Im wished
to pieservc wps tlie acknowledged ic'iills of
( he war , and among tlie lights thus obtained
lie claimed that one was tint ol e cry man
ot law fid age should be allowed to exeiclso
Ids light to vote without distinction of race ,
color or pieviotts condition. Tlm speakei
claimed tint in ( lie last presidential election
the eoloied people had been deptived of their
lianchise. and that lo tills HUMUS ( iiovci
Cleveland became president nl thu United
States instead ot James O. Mlaiim It was
not ol the ichellinii , hut the wai upon
the ballot box that hclu < diiiraigiied.
The senator then slid : ( Jen. l.ce on the
othei hand , has conducted his canvass almost
entnel ) upon the basis of an apjieal tiieon-
iedeiate soldiers , to the pi nle ot \ iiginla for
tlie courage the ) exhibited in the wai. ami
with militarv trappings and flags and cavai-
t.ulcs he lib s to tain the attention ofom
people liom the questions ol tin ) picscnt time
to tlm meminlcs of tlm war , in wliich Vir
ginia tought biavel ) , and .submitted honor
ably to the atbitiaiiient of ainiH when their
cause was lost. 'I he senator then went on to
s.i ) that the gicat pi cssing issue id the times
was that the elei lion should be flee , open
and lair , and appeahd to men ot all panics
to uphold the pnnt ) of the ballot box.
Tlm sjieakci then stated that the iclatlvo
power of the two piinelples ot slate sovei-
eigut ) and sovereignv ! had been
foievei settled b ) Iliewai , hut still the demo
cratic pait ) adlieted to ( he old llieoiics and
sought lo belittle , limit and clippie the pow
ers of the national government as to many of
tlie just ami neci's < .aiy objects ot national
poliev. As one ol tlieseobjcLts the sjie.ikci
cited tlm nollej ot piotcction ol homo iudiis-
tiies , and alter dwelling upon tlm oppo
sition ol tlm demociatie p.uty to that
policy said : The lepubliean paity plainly
and strong ! ) anuoiinics its pmpose to pioteet
all loimsot Anerican induslr ) , not only ol
the woikshop but ot tlm latin , by lev ) ing
duties on loieign goods that can lie mamifar-
tuietl or piodiiccd in tins eouuti \ . U e insist
that this policy gives emploiuent to capital ,
enables inanulactiners to pay more wages ,
and pintccts them fiom shain and undue
louipctition , aud in time i educes to con-
sumeis the price ol theatticle ; that it will set
at woik tlm enormous watei ixnver of Vh-
ginia. an 1 cause to be established us near as
practicable to vour coal anil lion tlie tiunacc ,
the rolling mill , and the innumerable m ui-
utactnres based upon the pinximltv ot coal ,
hon , wool and cotton , lie then chaiacler-
i/ed the demociatie p.uty as at s , > a upon the
tariif , with Cails'e , Tucker , Miriison ami
Hind pulling onu way , and itnndall and
others the other ; as proposing nothing doing
nothing , beimr nothing except an Incum-
branceou the national lifoot tun counti ) .
The seiiatot went on to say that the demo
crats , alter waitinc foi twent-lne veais.
had tinall ) gotten into powci , on Iho iilca of
tinning the rascals out , and added : Instead
ot tinning out lascals , tlieluve put in tas-
cals. Mi. ( leveland olten , no doubt , misled
and deceived , has appointed more iicniten-
tlar.v and jailhiids in Ins eight months than
weie appointed in the whole twenl ) loin
) cars tit icpulillcan admiiiistratioii. The
spcakci then s | > eke in ilctcnso of John
KO.H h , and ndvucated coinage of tlm silver
dolliu , upheld the policy giving to Ameiican
dilppeis tlm contiact lor the can ) Ing of
loieign mails , and advocated tlm policy
ot paving off the intciest healing
imbllt ! debt instead ot paying oil'
noii-lnteiest healing debts , as Im
claimed the demociats weio now doing ,
and closed Ids speech by s.i ) ing : We do not
wish in any way to inteilere with vom local
policy 01 coutioveisies , but we do tcel a deep
Inteiest in tlie rjl Cov.Vse | and in
the n election ol ( Jen. Mahone , though they
aie conledciatu soldleis ol inovid coinage.
We neltliei expect Ilicm to waive thcii pilde
in the achievements noi their lovalty of pur
pose and intent during the civil war , hut we
iiiidcistanil that they aie now willing lo join
with all others , ninth and tenth , In the
maintenance ol r publican principles , ami
we theieloie leel lor their success m ilm
same eainest di site , and lor the sanu reasons
that we stinggled lor success In Ohio , and
expc'ct it in New Yoik.
lIcMirbon IIIovv Out la Urooltl ) n.
Ni.w Vom ; , Oct. ' "J. A large demuiiatie
mass mcetliiK was held In Ihooklyn to night.
i\ ; ( ! fiv. Daniel Nooihees , ot Indiana , was
ilm principal spcakci. In ills npeiiing sen
tences lie alluded to the death ot Gicn.
MiClellan In a teeling manner. " 'I he heait
ot this nation will , " lie said , be it heavil ) to
his tomb when he shall be hmicd , and
to-nlglil th > > checks ol man ) a veteian aie
wet with teals. " Voorhecs was lollowed by
( korge h , Convcisc , ot Ohio. Then dov.
Hill , dcmiiciatic candidate foi go\cinor , ap
peared on the staire and was must enthusias
tically icceived. lie exjnessed thanks lor his
heaity iiceplion , and snoke at noino lengthen
on tlm issues of the ) > cming ! state campaign.
Slumping l lie Kmplro Stnte ,
liiMin VMITOV , N. V. , Oct. M'J. ( John
A. Ijoinn ami ( ! en. C.ur spnkcnl a laure
icpnlilli'.in meitlng lieie to-ni ht. Thev will
go to Oiwcgu to moiiow.
CHIP uio , Oct. 'J'.i , The ircnctal exceut'.vo
commlttcool tlm Woman's 1'oielgn Mis.slon-
ai ) soclet ) ol ( lie Methodist chuich icsiimcd
Its sessions at Kvaiiston to dav. 'I'ho icpoa
ot thetie.isinei showed s.TiT.O'M ' to have been
collei ted b ) blanch SIM idles dining the veai.
'I he appointments ol Miss Aiimo Suwvei.of
Ottuniwii , Iowa. Mi-s Anna dlass. Miss Jnlia
\ \ ami .Misnrni l.ocke , ol Cincinnati.
v\eieaiirovid ] ] as missionaiic-i to China and
Japan , itc'poiti v\eie read as to the juogiiNS
of ) work In dilfeicnt dlstrittsot
India , and were generallv ot a satisfaeioi.v
cliaractir. 'I he degiaded condition of the
women of Smith Ainenea was made the sub-
jietof discussion , mid tlm necessity
ol inirca-id nfuit In the woik of evaii-jclUa-
tion was detei mined necessiuv.
Mvnisox , Wis. , Oct. W.-l'lie Amu loan
Ml-sionai ) association today elided Win.
U. Washbain , ot Massaehusctt" , iiiisldent.
Jtev. 1' . A. Kotilc , ol Illinois , was die en one
of tlm vim pi rddcnts. Tinnlght , at the linal
meeting , ( ieoi 'i > ( able , theiiovehsi.dellvertd
an addres entitled. "A Dlsinlcie-ted Ito-
jiort. ' He was greeted by tlmlaigest audi
ence of the session.
Pulled for a ( > < > otl Amount.
l.orisvu.i.i : , Oet , ' . Jauob Kuliii , iiiaim-
facturei of jeans clothing , assgne | < | this af-
'cinoon. Liabilities tOO.OjO , assets uu-
Come HtOire the Court
In Dnkota Count- .
lUKorvCmcb. . , Ocl. ' ti. ( "pedal to
the Hi i.JThe : adjmiincil term of the tils ,
trict court convened here oh Tucdii ) , JmUo'
Craw fold on tlm iK'iich. Tlie cases sot for
dial aie all criminal cases , iimom ? them be
ing Noah Hoblnvim , cluitpil wllh minder
for shooting a brakcman at lluhbaidlast
Mav , and D. C. Ilcffcinan , nire te-l for as
sault and batter ) with Intrnt to kill. It was
1m who cut and stabbed ouo Tcrrniice Culkln ,
In Jackson , with n MUlc , The foimer's
tilal now goes on.
County Treasurer NclITiiesdiy nttachcd
thlei locomotivps bclongiiu to the ClibMBO ,
St. Paul. Miiineaiioils it Ouitdia railway tor
back taxes.and b.ts them chained to the track
In Covlngton and In chargoof C. P. Dow.
'I Im amount due the county is HJ , ' i.M and
Is lor that natt of tlm county which was
taken from tlio agency for civ 11 , revenue and
judicial nm-Kses. Tlm cumpam ulfeislo
coiupnimlsi ! by pilug S-VKU rlie county
ictuses to accept. The ease will go to tlm
United States couit.
I'OI 1TIC' ' .
Politics air red liot. ThPiepnhllcan aio
sureol success , The democrats leel the same
way. Time , talk and money is fiee to all.
A AVItlou'H Victory.
Smo\Xeb. , Oct. 2H. [ Special to tlm
llu.J-Tlm Milt of Mis. Peicival
against John Oman for 810,000
damages for causing the death
of liei husband by Rclllnghlm liquor , resulted
Inaveidlct ol VJr > 00 for the plaintiff. Mo
tion tor a new trial wasoveuufed , and an aH |
peal will betaken to tlm Mipictuciouit. Pci-
elval , who was about sixty .vcais ol age , tool ;
in the saloons ot button on a wlntei's day
tlnee vcais ago , ami in tlm evening stalled
foi home. Ilirc'e mile's ilistant , in a heavy snow
stiiim. He was Intoxicated , and no doubt
fell down and died liom cold. He was tonnd
Iio7cn stltf next uiuinlng a bhoit distance
liom Ids home.
Hall County Polities.
GitVM > ISLV.ND , Neb.Oct."J. . [ Speelnl to
the Iri.I ! : Tlio democratic candidate for
sheriff of Hall county , Mr. Cannon , having
resigned on account \arloits chaigcs made
agaln = t him , Mi K. A. Wedgcvvood , of Wood
Kivei , has been put upon the ticket in his
place b ) the democialic co'iimittee.
He is also theeaiidinaleol the anti-monopo
lists. Mr. Wedgewood istlm-pieseiit ttcasur-
ei of Wood Itiver , and is an Inlliiential voting
man , without entangling alliances witli ling
cliques or coiporatious.
Another Illlk Dccnmpq.
An U'Vitor , Xeh. , Oet , W. [ Special to the
llii : : . ] On Monda ) Mr. Kieiger followed in
the footsteps ot Montgomery , leaving MJV ral
tneiids and a ioung lady Mlsei bv expeii-
Stabbing Scvnpc nt Arnpntioe.
AiiAi'Aiio ! . , Xeb. . Oiit. ' . " .I. [ Special to the
Hr.i. . ] Last evening Jim Cooper blabbed
Chas. Itcddy Mitchell in a puariel ovei liitch-
ingup CooiiuiV team. Coope'r had been drink
ing. Mitchell is badly hurt and Coopei is
undei auest.
Sam. TllileH'rt Contribution.
Xt.w Vom ; , Oct. ' > fl. [ Special to the Ur.i : . ]
Ttm Sun savs Tdden has. sent a check for
S-.jfO to the ilemociatic _ taie committee amL
expiessed himself s rongly in tavorol Ilill.
Detting is 100 toCo on Davenpoit
ItHcrslile Park the IMrin.iiiciltlSurinl
Pla < 'e nfOoii. ( Irant.
2fnw TOIIK , Oct. 20 ! Uuiing several weeks
past there has been much speculation in tlm
minds of Xew Yorkers as to whether Oen.
Grant's body would remain there or bo re
moved trom tlie fctate1. These doubts grew
out of the recent published statement attrib
uted to lion. J. . ChalTec to the ellect that
the famil ) of Gen. Grant did not wish tlm
bed ) to icmaiii in tills city , and that eongiess
at its nc.xt session would take action in tlm
matter. In orclei to make sine about it the
( rant monument association decided to tuko
action , and on the ICili Inst. .Majoi diace , its
v ice i resident , wrote R letter to Mis. Giant ,
stating tlm Illinois at some length , saving
that they were likely to inteilere SPI loudly
with the taisliig ol liinds foi the monument ,
and asking liei to make a delmlto and pos
itive statement upon Ilm subject , to be given
to the public. Hei reply is appended :
Nt.vv VOIIK , Oct. i ! ' . ) . livn : Mu : Vour
letter ol tlie HJth came during ni ) absence and
was received on in ) ictnui tiom Lone
liianeli. Itiveiside was m-leclcd b ) mvselt
and mv fi lends as tlm buiial place of m.v
husband , Oen. Giant. Mist , because 1 be
lieved Xew Voikwasliis piefeivnee. Second ,
It is neai thoicsldenco 1 hope to occupy as
long as L live , and where 1 will be able to
visit Ills lostln place often. Thiid , I havts
believed and a u now convinced that the tomb
will be visited by as many ot his countrymen
hercas it would be at any othei place ; mid
louith , tlm oflci of a park In Xew Voile was . ob c'ived the only condition
Imposed b ) Gen. Grant Inmsell , namel ) that
1 Mimild have a place by his side.
.It M.V D. On IN r.
To William It. Giace , Maoi ot tlm fit ) of
Xew York.
She Defenilcil
Niw Oniivr.s : , oui.i > . _ jChlcan'oTilhnnc
Special.Last ] nlglit Kdward HenecKe , a
ue ro , got on a spice ami abused Ids wife.
Sim lied lei afet ) . About 5 o'clock , armed
witli a i liecsc knife , he tried to force his way
into the house of Mrs. Domingo In search of
his wife , threatening with death an ) one
who opposed him. .Mr ; . Domingo went to
tlm police to get an olllcer to auest Ik'iiecke.
Sim found only the cleik nt the station , and
was told that slm would have to protect hei-
self the best she could. She ictumcd to
bet bouse and found licincku in full
possession , shouting , ciiisim ; . blandishing
ids knltiMiud upsetting her tuinituie. She
oidercd him to leave her house , andheic-
tnsed to go. Sim then took liom a shelf in a
closet abword-cane , with a tnangu'ar blade
a foot long , and diovo | t ele.ii thiongh his Ho lushed out Into the street aud
fell in front ot the door. An ambulance con-
vcvcd him lo Mr- . Domingo
surrcndcicd and was jocked up. Itenccl.e
died at I o'clock this inoininrr , elalmimt to
tlm last that his own Wile , Antoinette , had
inllicted the wound. Miiry Domingo is a
vlvadoiis little blllliiitto , , a hp.lllibh eieolc ,
mauled , and -I \eanof a .1.
A ParllaiiiiMiiary Intimate.
Xrw VOIIK , Oct. ' . [ Special to the lice. ]
Tlie Sun's London cabloVays : A canvass
made by tlie Centtal Xovv.s tjlums apiobablo
total for each paity at tlm coming elections as
follows : Nationalists , ? S in lielaml , 1 in Kn-
gland ; toiles , Hi In Iielund , liu In Great
llritaln ; liberals , 4 In' la-land , mid 807 in
dreat llritaln ; doubtful ; ' 0. It 57 doubtful
seats aie capluic'd by eithiT the nationalists
01 lories il will make ( hell united stieimth
i-rpial to Ilm llbe-ials. .The . ictuiiiH ol this
tanviiss havubecn shown to theollhlals ot
both the and tgi ) hiwliiiaituii | , and
the ojiinloii in both camps la that tlm U urcs
aie tuistwoith ) . /
Another OUlaIi9iun Invasion.
Wu nirKan. . , Oct. $ > . Tlm Dall ) Kagle
is m pcisicssion of icllalCo Intoinmtlon to tlm
ellcot that "UoomeraV [ have again m.ido u
movi on Oklahoma. For scveial diH ) past
numbci * have goiio with teams and pio-
visious. budi as bad reaclud Okla
homa dlsuia up to date tonnd a
number ot cattlemen willi tlmii herds
in pe.ui lul ] Kfc-Mifctiin , but , all MH-mrd lui-
between the heidn.ind"lkiuim'V'
with no proipeel ot tioiilih1'iuui itfi > to
hixij v\.i on I'M-Nof i'Hiynicri'Iaie ! dail ) ar-
A Now Rule Governing Exportation of
Spirits in Boiul.
The Mint Director's Annual Ilcport
of ColniiKo A 'i\ II Service i\aiif :
Illation Ordeicil AVnsliln-t < ) ii
Matters of Minor 3tomunt ,
of Solid Wealth.
WA iiiXiiov , Oet.O. . Dr. James P. Kimball -
ball , dlicctor of tlie mint , lias submitted tote
to tlm sccictury of the tieasiii ) his annual
icport of the opeiatlous of tlm mint and as-
sn ) ollhesof tlm United States lor the li-cal
jeai i tided June : iO , INM. The total coining
value of gold and silver deposited and put-
chased at the mints xvas MM.S0'.in ! ; , against
SDT..i.Vi.tKi In the ] itev lous ) ear. The dliectoi
estimates the amount of gold and sliver i oln
in the countiy on .Ink 1 , issi. at > NVi.UiX > , ( HK ) ,
ot which psfjWOKH ( ( ) unislsted ot gold and
Mrs.otxi.tHHJ ot silver. 'Ibis nmotint was
owned as lollows : Ily the tie isinv gold ,
jVkM.'j'.SUiiO ; hll\er , Si ) > , llti.vr ( > ; a total ot
-Ils.H.V-\ : It ) mdlotialhiiiki-gnlil , Mm-
* , ,
70(1. ( Hv other bmks and piivate hands
told , S > .MIooi ; ; ; s\ei. | | jl-l.T--ii. . ' ! ; a total
ol Mlt\ioi , iiii. 'ihe dlu'ctor has dedii'kd
tlieaiiMiunt of coin in the lieasury , iepie-
sented b ) gold and MUei eeitincates out-
stiiilliiir ( , ami added to tlm &t"ck ut coin In
active iliculatioii.
N'ovv I'ovcnno Ke iiln lion.
W.\siit\oio.v. Oct. ' .ti. The coinmlssloiier
of inteinal leveiiuu hasncpaied ] a new seiles
of regulations In icgard to the expoi tation of
spiiits in bond , by which it is provided that
spirits distilled In the United States which
weie exported in good faith and which can
be Identified will , when teimpnited. be sub'
jcct to a duty ot no cent pei proot 01 wine
gallon on the qii inlilv actuallv contained In
iadi package. When the ) cannot he Identi
fied. dnt > will be tlie same as on loieign
sjiirits. Hut U H should be loiind that expoi-
tatlon In ttnv case had not bt'cn made in
good taith , the tax of IK ) cents pei piool 01
wine gallon will ins assessed on the total
quant ! ) ) withdrawn undei tlie espoit bond
tiom the distilling waicliouse. All cases ot
doubt as to good laltli will be icfeiieil to the
frccietai ) ol the treasui ) .
I"ourtli-Clnss Postmasters Appointed.
WASH INC. ION , Oct. 'J1. ' . Tlm acting post
master general to-day appointed the follow
ing named lourth-elass postmaster :
Illinois-Cisco , .1. It. St. John : Kobcits ,
K O. Ncvvman ; Kaneville , Jno. I. . Kovliu ;
Thebes , II. C. Uarkhausen ; Hodges P.nk , J.
I. Xovvalre ) .
Iowa -Caisnn , Win. II. ( lialf ; Waukee ,
Mrs. Hetse.v M. Snow ; Defiancp , J. 11. S.
Case ; Randolph , 1C. . Johnson ; Kiverton ,
J. 11. Hougli ; Tin iiu-r City , l lUabetli Koss ;
Oakland. . ! . A. T.I ales ; Camlnidge , J. 1 ! .
Oi , en ; Extra , Win. H. Millimaii.
Xebinska Utigle , Joseph U anchaid.
Dakota-Okoboji , Jno. lli.ulley.
Civil Kcr\lcc lOxaininatlon.
WA IUNOIOX , Oct. 20. An ex-fiminatlon
for examiner's eleiks In the patent oflice will
be held at the rooms of the civil seivice
commission November 1' ! . Specialties in this
examination will InUudc knowledge ol the
patent laws ant icgu aliwis and ot tlm
usages ot the patent otliee. Kveiy applicant
must lilo an application , blank lorms tor *
which will bcfuinl&hcU by tlm commlsblon
on leqnest.
_ _
' i\iorts ; nnd linportH.
WASiuxorox , Oct. 2' ' . ' . Tlie cliieCof the
buieau of statistics icports the total values of
Impoitsnt inurcliaiidlbo dining the twelve
months ended September : io , w eiefrii l.iKKJ-
( XX ) , and during the ptecedmg twelve months
Sti.VsUx,000 ( ) , 'l ' tleeitase ol 5X7,000,000. The
values ol expoitsot merchandise lei the same
twelve months weie S > 7KiXX,000 ) , and tot the
iiievious twelve months , $ i7yolKW.Ov0 ! , a de-
ci ease of 0,000,000.
Hear Admiial J. C. D. DelvulU died at his
lesldeniu in this ell ) lo day.
W. 1 ! . Davis , ot Chicago , lias boon dis-
baned liom luactlce as an attorney bekne
the inti'tioi dcp.titmcnt upon evidence Ilia *
lie extolled illegal lees in pension cases.
Tlie cabinet meeting to da ) was slimier
than usual , .mil the picp.uatiou ot the annual
icpotls of cabinet ollkeis was tlie onlj gen- iiuestion considcied.
Tim Chicago Shooting Sensation.
Cntf AOO , Oct. 20-Tlm two \\omen bhot
la t night by lUnna me lasting easll ) at tlm
hosjiltul and hopes aie entcitalnul of iccov-
er ) . Iis. Iliirns , in a long rambling state
ment to a icpouer , denied her husband
evercoiuted eithet ot tlie victims but had
been hounded ncaily ID death by thch sland
ers. Tlm Interview ended by a vihenmnt
declaration that Hums U not a sane man.
Tried til Kill Ills Granclttit her.
Enii : , I'a. , Oct. "U William llowen , of
Wcstlicld , went to Coirj , I'a. , Tuesday and
attempted to kill his grandlatliei , the liev.
Mi. Funk , a liaptist | minlstci , ; . " je.iii ot
age. He was aiicMed , and is In jail lieie.
His gnimlfatiiei was so shocked b ) tlm at
tack that ids lilo is dcspahcd of.
liovvt'ii is an ex cunvlct and a ilpsjtci.ilp
vviekh. When a mere lad he killed his htei- |
tatliei VNltlian axe while he la ) asleep , in ie-
venge lor punishment , and then Mivaied the
bend trom the ti link anil kicked the ghastl )
object awa ) as a ihild would a lootball. He
was sent to tlm Aulnnii ( X. V. ) prison toi
Ille , but , altei ncaily ten ot eoniine-
ment , was p.udoncd and leleascd. Ho lias
been out of piison a ve.ii , and has since been
biispected olacaintal clime.
Clevi-r Uxjircsft Uobbcry.
ST. Louis , Mo. , Oct. W IChlcayoTtllmno
hpwlal. ] A ni ) slei ions lobhciy is at jne-ent
eng.i''ing tli'3 attention ol tlie police of thU
city and the detectives in the employ of an
expiess company. S.Uuiday nltcinoon tlm
Continental bank sent f.V'OO ' In a sealed
paclviuo to Thoiim A Co , ol IVdi'ili kkiw n ,
Jlo. Tlm bank lias the expiess conipai's )
lew ipl toi Ilm moiiev. 'I he jiackage was de-
liveied Sunday to 'IhoiiiPiV Co. , and a lew
minutes later a membei ot the mm inshed
Into the cxpicss olIU o and eshlbiting the box
tlashed out its contents , whli h woe loimd lo
bo a | i.ickage ol matlv cut pieces ot papei
about tlie ' > i/e ot tlie money package.
Theme iCo. . claim tlm tupei was in Ilm
paikiuu when they leieivtd It , and the
ollheisaic tilngto Icamwheio the substi
tution was made. *
tynsy ( " 'oiinterlellcrH ArrcMciI.
1'oiti SMinr , Aik. , Oil. ' .MJ. A gang of
coinileifiltcis wciocaiuht In tlm Choinkiu
nation near this plneo jestciday. Most ol
them aie gpsles pretending to bo lioise
tiaders. Last Monihy tlieyane- an old
( ieiman who was tiding pastthelt cam ) ) with
live IIOIKCS and chur.ed him with beluga
IKIIMI thief. Taking his hm-Ps , thev buund
Inni hands and ft el , with the ptobahlp Inten
tion ol muidciln , ' him. but he esiMjied Tues-
di ) Highland went to Van iluten , vvheinliu
l ( 'pulled the. whole allair. United htates
ilcpuiv maifhals weie sent In ' caieli ot thu
gan/ and knind them maKinc counterftit
moiie ) . Tluv had luigo ijiiantlliiui of it 111
their possession.
Dleil ) } ) a ilealouri lliihlianil'n Hnoil. , Mas . , Oct. so. At about 10
o'clock l'm ilay night Artlnn .Spill was
louud in adiugeondilhm in the door ) aid of
Kd waul Ciuckett , to w hm > < < lioustt he had xoim
early in tlie evening. Ho had IMCII shot
tbroiu'h the lungb witll u fhul-ruu. The
shooting is btipjioncd lo have been inomptcd
b ) -
'Hie Hulgnrlnii Aliulillo
( lie Attention of tlio Powers.
I oxnox , Oct. .V. Trance and 1'nglaml
have nnlHicd the potteof their readiness lo
bike part In the Italknn conference. The
Servian minister nj8 that the llulcarlan
coup d'etat has not created , but meiely lilten-
Killed a long e.xlstlng tension between Setvia
aud Hulirail.i , KVUII wltlumt the coupd'
etat lie believes ( he Itnlgai i in and
ai mles would now have liecn opposing ouch
lit i/titvnr. Oct. W.The ' 'en Inn premier
has sent iiimteto the poweisln whlciiheex-
piesses a desire lor pence on the bisls of the
Herllii tivat ) . He also savs he hopes to see
the sultan's autlipiltv icsiored In llnlgarla
aud iMsttMii Itoiime'la
loxnox. Oct. , " . . Disputchcs from St.
tVlersh'iiif lodi.v "t the ltn < < inn cab
inet olllcials alleirc tliat Austiia and bcivla
aie imriuuing toi teiiitoiial iiKiii.indl/.cment
dctiimental to liu.slaii inteiests in the Hnl-
kan peninsula. ' 1 lie infuinialloii tiiiist have
been tie -Ived liom vshat Iliev e insider a ie-
liable soiirie. as liis ! it has lot Ihopast lew
davs been seeietly utinlmr with a view ot
being ptep.ned at anv nioineiil should the
ci'iitliucnc ) aiise to asseit hei claims In the
Ha k in states.
I'liii.ti'i'di'ot t , Orl. IM.The war fevei
has al > nted conslderabl ) ilm ini : the pist lew
ill ) * . Schools have been r opened , and nl-
tails me assuming a noun il aspect ,
A I'nrlM Seiisadoti.
l'vnt < ! , Oct. Considerable excitement
was cieated lieie to day b ) an attempt to as-
sasimite M. De rieclnel. Piench minister ol
foielun alfairs. A ftei attending tlm eabincl
meeting , De l'ie ) cinct took a diive and while
letuinlng to the building occupied b ) tlm
miiiisti ) of foi dpi all.dis a man stepped
Into the loadway and llred a pistol dhectly
at theeaiilage In which was seated De l'iv-
cinet. I'oitunately the shot was Imimlcs. ,
and lietore the culptit could Ike a ailt he was
arrested b ) a police oilleei. U lieu the would-
be assassin w as examined at tlie police sla-
tlon heconlessed that lie did not know De
riccinct iieisonall ) , and leliised to give Ids
name 01 occupation. The piisonei looks
like n mechanic ol snpcitm intelligence and
ajmears to be of Kalian origin.
'J he assailant is a Coislean. He declaies
that Ids motive was icvenge. and was not ot
a natuie. He s.ivs that he will make
an explanation toimuiow. Doctors will ex
amine into ids mental condition.
ifon Carlo1'1 Hopes.
Xiw Yoi-.h ) ct. ' . " , .
: , ( "A [ Special to the Pir. : ]
The Herald's Vlltorio cable says : 1 have just
made a join nc ) fiom Vienna to Venice In
compaii ) witli Don Cailos , who nssmcs me
that , In spite ol all asset tioiis to thecontiaiy
King Alkniso Is ically in a veiy eiitieal conl
dltion of health and may die at any moment.
Don Cailos sas : "It Alfon/o dies , his
fiiends will piepaie a icgeiiev. The lepubllc
is not to i > e pioclaimcd immediately , but iin-
atch ) , I am convinced , will ensue. Then
on ! ) sh ill 1 considei mv Intel vcntiou oppoi-
tune. The masses or Ilm Spanhiuls have no
conndeiue in Allonso. "
Spain's Ijati-sl Note.
Hi.niix , Oct. S. . . Tlie Cologne Oa/ctto
calls the latest SpaiiKh noteon thoCarolines
nflah "a ] iieceot impeilinent ellionter ) . " iv , Oct. U'l. Speaklm ; ot the C.uo-
lines atlaii , the Xoilh ( ierman ( ia/etle hints
that the diplomatic deillngs ol Siguoi
Kldita.vcn , Sjiaiilsli minintei ol toici'ii at-
tails. iesiecting ] that dispute aio ol a doubt-
lid chin , icier.
MMMIIU , Oct. * ? ' . I'lincu llismaick , liav-
ing icfiiscd to admit the claim of Spanish
iiiioiity o | possession ol the island ot Yap ,
Spain lias picpucd anothei note containing
aspveio ai 'iiment against tlm logical deduc
tions ot the Gorman chancellor , nnd luslbtimr
on the acceptance ot tlm claims ol Spanish
pnoiity. _ _ _ _
IMHorStoail'H Trlnl ,
LON-IIOV , Oct. Lli. The cdilot of tlm Pall
Mall fa/"tto ! lesmncd his addiess in tlm
Annstinng abduction case inmiediaU'ly alter
the opening ot coutt to-dav. At its conclu
sion Mis. Jaiictt , one of tfie prisoneis , bcL'an
he i testimony in bchalt of the delenso ami
had not linishcd when the com t adjoin ned.
1'Aius Oct. ! ii' ' . Two 1'ieiich men of war
have been otdcred to piocced at once ( o
( iiiinea topiotect Piench Inteiests in that
lontitr ) . A dlsinte ] gum Ing out of the ilval
claims ol I'iaiiK' and I'oitugal lo ceitain
sections ot ( iiilnca have leached a ciisis and
sci imis events aie leated.
The Ijiilirudor Itlovv.
Sr. JOHXS , Oct. 2 . Until tlm arrival licie ,
on ictttin. ol thp iclief steamers , no pntic-
ul irs can be leeched ot the Labiadoi maiine
Montrenl'N l rlKhlfiil Plafine.
MoNntr.Ai. , Oct. 20. Tlilrt.v-live dcatlis
fiom sinalliox ) in this city yestciday.
> - -
Ouve. Omalin the "Oo-I.11
A Br.i : reporter met tlio overland train
from the west last ovcning r\pectinjr to
meet Don Cameron , who is traveling
eastwaul. Tlie yieat ex politician , how
ever , was not on hand It developed
Mibseipientl.\ ho concluded not to jjo
through Omaha , but will go cabl via
Kansas City.
Will lleiiiiiln in tin ; rnniily.
WASIIINOIOX- . ' , " > . The commission
ot Mr. I'i Ice , postmaster at Heilln.Sangamon
coiiulv. Ilk. will explie In a few weeks , and
he will bestKctcdul bv his wife. Mi. Piiee
is a sttong jiailisan lepnblieaii and Ids wife-
is as stions a dcmociat. She hasal\vas con-
lidmted libeiallv to ileinocratle caiiipaigu
Iniids. and ( Jen. Stevenson thinks hei lovalty
ought to IK ; icw aided.
A Professor In .lull.
\ii.n , WIs. , Oct. W. LI-.I LPS-
quercaux , the geologist , who Is wauled in
various pints ut the louutivlor a v.nielv ol
otleiises , and who was ncenll ) aiiested In
Jlihvankee kn Mcallmtn number ol valnablo
hooks liom the stiito school , was to-
dav hi'iiiciK ed totlnce months' impilsonment
in the connly jail.
Held nil * Mnrilcr.
K \\svs ft iv , Mo. , Oct. 20. Thomas M.
Tinner , a daiiinan In Ilm em | * > ) of John
Conway , wasanestcd.vcsteid.iyiliaiged with
tlm minder ol .Mis. Conway nnd liei daughtei
last week , and plm ed In tlm county jail. It
Is not known wliutevkitncu theie
hiiii ,
Yale's I'rcslileiit Itchi ns.
Xi.w Ilvvn.x , ct. , Oct. : : o. 0r.
Potter , foi tlm | iast Ihlrtten ) cm picsidcnt
ol Yale t trtlege. handed in his leslgnalion at
a uicetiiiKof thui'oipoiiitlun to-da ) to take
oDect liom tlm next comnienccmeiit. No
cause for tcsigning 1 given ,
A C'liunco for Itooovery.
I'nii Mii.ii'itiv , Oct.S ) . - Hubert Conk , of
the Philadelphia PICSK , who was Miuck on
tlm head with a hatchet ) Cntenlav b ) the col-
oied laiilttii , pused a good night , and this
moininit hKcondition was viewed liopclully
by hls > phbleiaiis.
IVir Sale- Two city lots near Kamam ,
eheapcst in Omaha , only for a few davs.
TPUIIS easy. Inijuiro ot A. J. Peck , opp.
1' . O. , solo agcnl.
\V II. Parsons. .M D. llninipnpallilat
nnd 'iiir con , ollico rooms ill and uu Pax
ton block , opp. opura house .
When jon buy ftirnitnro bosttro yon % vl
priced at ( h.iniberlain , Iluwo t'o Mar-
shall's. ' 1 le y buy/rum the ) IPJI 111111111-
lai'turcrfl iiiil itiiVitntiK ) to make tin ; very
lowest pncc'fl. ( ) ] ) ) ) . l < % , Oeonov' , , Don las.
If > on buy Imniier anyvvhoro without
Ihst eitliii ; lloaylandV pricco , jim will
lose money
Charges of Qioss Misnmnngoracnt of tlio
Publio Printing Ofllco ,
Hitting Arnuiul In Com t'jnnoc * ) I'ultl
for l j tlio ( > o\i < riunt > iii ThoNn *
llonal 1'iu-so Used I\r 1'cr *
Honal Notoriety.
the Pulillu I'rlntcr.
Ni-.w YoitK.Oct. ' V. | Special t" tlm lliii ! . ]
Tim World pilnts toda.v a loin ; speelallrotu
Washiimton levlvlnu the old cliiugtMa iliiHt
I'liblle printer Kounds in his maniijfemunt of
the Koveinment ( irlnlitig ollleo. The tdory
Koes that Senator ( Soiman , of the senatu
] iiintlnjcommiltee , submitted these charges
to Pivsldent Aithui two jears ni , " > . but Instead -
stead of jnt'ssliin thorn tlie senator contented
himself with M-emlns ; ! iM ) appointments In
the olllee , and that there me now ii'it ) out-
] iloes ctedltcd to him. Hounds Is llrst
dunked with ioss nilsnmiiH enient and ox *
ttavaranee in the expenditure ot publlo
money. In Urn leeapltulatlon ot "estimated
cost" of work tor comtietlm total cost Is
put at 8io.itis. ( . The amount of work done
for the executive departments Is Sllll,011 ! ,
and the cost of the Kecoid SI M.SiS. Taking
tlm enst ot the woik tiom the amount ox-
liended , adilleietiee of SJ1 1.441 Is tumid erin
in oilier welds the woik has cost thopiveiu-
iiient that nnii'li uuue than the public ptinter H
icpiiit shows , and this the chaipt si.s In lacu
of the tact that the pilees chained lot compo
sition , piesswotk , iiillnc , etc. , liave been in-
ciiMscil at least iiojier cent above the amount
chained duiitiK the adminlstiathni of
Oetiees , and has not dcei eased as Kouilda
posillvel ) asseits in Ills tepuit.
' 1 he published chaise h.i.v * : "Tht ; public
inintei keeps two horses and three carriage *
andadiivei. These lie keeps constantly In
use lor himself and famil ) . Ills sou. whom
he biounht fiom ( 'hlc.iK" , ami pays Sl.bOOa
.veat us "aipolntnieiit | cleik , ' a place not au-
thoii/edb ) law , also keeps a hoi-e , carriage ,
diner , etc. 'I his son has one nnd scmiellmca
two assistants. The chief cleik kee-j ] a hiuae * .
c.iulaiie and tlilvet. ' 1 he latter , and in loot
all ot these eouvevaiices , ate ti8ed at all ,
times ol the dav and night and on Sunday : )
lor ple.tsmc dips , and tlm dnvers are. paid
btheKovernment. . The pnblliptinter has
made a urcat iuciease in h.ilai ies , and has
made man ) appoinliiients'.he end tin ; in oils
ot the olllee and idled them at blir .salailes
withliiends Irom. ( liic.'mo. lie lulliRS un-
soniid hoi-es liom Chicago ami sells them to
the gov eminent at exoibltant prices , llo
biings his hostlei , his nephew , seivants , etc. ,
and gives them u'ood places anil big fiu.uiOH.
He bilngs an urespoiislble chaiaclvr liom
Chicago and cieates the otlice ol supeiintet d-
entol paiei ] ami pavs him lsOJ a ) 'iir lor
v\oik that was pcitoimed hcietofoie by one
otthecleiks ot the olltieln addition to Ills
clei leal duties. Theehlet ( letk has two as
sistants , the tint e diawlni : ir5iJM ) annually
liom the government and peitoimin the
labot ol a loimei ehiel eleik ut W.OJO. Ho
has made in the stcieotjpo mom diwoiiflof
electiotviieeoiiies ol an engmviijt ; of him-
sell to be sent htoadcasi to new.spapeiH
tlirottgh the west to at the head if |
their cnlnmiis , with an autobiography show
ing him to be. the gieatest , piiK'st and best
public piintei the vvoild has evci known. "
Itonnds is also ehaigcd with jiilntlne nt the
novcimncni'sexpeiiheaiH iaboiak j > digreoof
I'lanlc nation's stallion named lurmlqn
( ioldpust. and that thousands of ( he books
liaxu been bound , and mill ) oilier fa'vorsuK-
tended to tripnds. 3fr. Itonnds makes a
eial denial ol thu charges.
Tteal J'.stato L
The following transfers were , filed Ooji.
28 , with the county clerk , nnd roporWil
for the BIK : by Ames1 Heal Estate :
.lohn S. Canlhe'd and Alon/o P. Tukpyto
.lames M. \\ctiialn and othens : nj-f ol
ol ne'4 ' ot ne'4 ' H5-ij : , 5 acres , Uouglaa
eountv , w. d.S.1,000. .
Andievv.l. Ilans < > ( im and wife to Wlllson
0. Iliiilgeb : lot 34 , block 1 * , Haiibcom Park ,
Omaha , w. d. S M. '
.lohn.J. Hello and wife loHeibertO. Anils
nnd u lie : lots 4 and r , .Mayiield , Oiuulia , w.
d.-5l.r)00. .
.lohn hdwatd Matxh and others to Edgar
E. llastingH , lots , block 1 , Jlaralt'u add to
Omaha , e. d. 81,100. i
.lohn 1 < . JI ( Cagne and wife to 1 ! . MltchulJ , '
lot > Ell/a etli ] i1ai e Omaha , w d SW.
( ii.iccV. . Pratt and liusliiiid to Chailotlo
A. bmj the , lot ' . ! block li ! lliiiir-coin jilaco ,
Omaha , w d Sl.WXi. I
.Mai v E Ionian and husband to James No i
ville , NdOll of lot 15 Kevessiibdivislouonot
9 Capitol add Omaha w d-sm
A fatvv\ell reception vvah tendered Cap
tain Shulen last evening at tlio First UapJ
list chin i < li l.y ) his nuinerous fricitids.
There was a lar c attendance , anil runny
vvero the regrets expressed ut the caj-
tiin's departure fiom the eity. Captain
Sladen cAjiPtts to leave .ir 1'ort Van
couver thi ) lii'ftt of next month.
g" lii'i'iisi's weio issued yoslor-
< li\ : to Henry Senillan anil Nellie 11 a ; -
aid , and to Andievv C. Jensen and Au <
nilftl. . Tliruno , all of Omahu.
C'roft lonns money on IManionds anil
Fine watches. ItnoiuVitlunll ! : block ,
DianiomlH set nnd unset. Largo vari
ety and low juices lor c sat
Aurora Watches ate tlio llest Uailroacl
Watch in the world. Sold only by
Star tinleil epeclacles Mtit when nil
others fail. Sold only by Kdliolm &
Tlio Omalia Steam Dye Works , 1313
Douglas St. Satislaetion yii
W. U. P.uoils' , AI. 1) , Iloino'0)ttlilst ) ) !
and Surgeon , ollifi- . rooms PJ and ao Paxton -
ton block opp. opera liouso ,
Largosl sleek of ladies' golil watches
in the city , and way down in price , at
HlUIOMI ifc KlIICKfeON'fl.
Joseph Kirner , the oldest iKahhshcil
liaibeiin Omaha , nnd who has been lo
cated for many , veal's on Iho 1101 thrust
miner of I'arnain and llth streets , 1ms
transferred his business to Harry Heaver
and .lohn Finn Air. Heaver , who will
liavu Hiai-o id Hie shop , is a. thorough ,
nraetieal bailier , a lontf resident of Omu-
lia , loinierly assijc-iated with Mi. Kirnor
and Is wt 11 known to many ol our old clt-
' 1 Im now management asMiro the old
pations that the same ( oiiiiosy and at/-
tenlion will bo imid them.
Only the 11101 acenrato workmen em
ployed at l.dliolm it Krickson'd.
Don't buy Diainonils or Wnlohcn ho
foioou . coinjinro 1'rlces and tpjulity
of ( joods with our * .
J DHOI.M it I'llIOK30W.
The Jewelers.
Silver Ci'fi'k and Indian Teirltory lira
two of tlm hcht Soft CoaK in the lutukot ,
f j- ; } p only , "y JUT \V. Itruronu.
SUM llth St.
.Dr. Hamilton Warn n , Keleotlo
cmn mid hur eon , 70U N. 10th „
near Webster Day and nl lit cill3
attemlud to.
Special in dlnmondi > lo ( 'a-i !
. . .jifer