Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1885, Page 5, Image 8

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    1HE OMAHA l > Alh IHOUJtjrifr RSlAYvpOTOBli511 20 , 18b'5.
tlih | i id lOoontapor
line for llio first Itifottlon , mid 7 cent * for enoli
tutocquctit Inwortlnn Povcn words * 111 t o count
ed tutlio line ; tliuy must run conflcciillxeiy unit
tnueil t paid in iidx-niKO. All mltonl oiiiai < M
must l > e handed In ] icf rc jJo'tloclt p. in. . mi < l
tinder no circumstances will they bo tHkon or
discontinued liy telephone.
rnrlle fu1vcrti'i > lnrlti ; th ( o rolnrnnq nnd Imv
tng llio nnflwora addro od in onto of HMI , vil
fOonfio nsl ; for cheek to cnulilo tlu tn In irtjt ( liolr
lei fern , ns HOMO will bo delivered o > c pt on
| iroctttutlon or check. All nnswora to udx-er-
tlMiini ills should bo enclosed In cnulopos ,
171OII LOAN Money from ( Ml up on ronl o * "
Mi ; Ilu'lou ' lroiU7.Slilibt ! ! , IB.rUi
HONI'.Y to Imition ottntn security. Xn
ooniinljvilon ehiirKod. I. V Maxne. I'llh mid
Kurtiiiin. _ tn : Nov. al
: Tolonn Klnanclnl t' < c-
climn/o , I.Vri Kin-mini H.ictit. up-su\lrfl \ , nmU's
ionns ( in nil chiAM'x ol Ms-iuliy Irom u flu emit-
< r | lonn lo f lU ( ii on lenltvlalo.uinakoloans
to unit nil nppllennt * on I nu or Abort time on
Iniproxul ronl OHliile. land contructn , Ionics ,
< tiulldlnimoii lonrod l.indce < .iiii ) < l notes , eolbiter-
ol . chatloln , or xood wcui ity of any kind. Ixixv
ridt s ; eitiy Icrnn. Omaliii 1 bimichU lixchnniru ,
IH.'J rmnini stroct.up Miilrs. SKI-
ONKY IOAMI-HI : nus , irih nml
TO I.OAN-O. V. Davln A , Co. Hen )
Kututo und Loan UHcnus , l.'iUJ 1 ui limn Hi.
'W AN-On troot M-onrltlo * A
Mo'Jiivovk , rotnn 7 Kcdick Illock , l' J I'lirmim
Bt , | 177
_ _
ONHV TO I.OAN-On cbiittpU.folny A.
M Harrison , room .XI , Oimilia Nutlonul bank
TO LOAN On real CliltO Hlld ohllt-
tols. 1) . U Thomas. 1W >
MOMV : cut into. II.
U liekuto boiiuht uml Mild , A. roiinin : , > LI
K. IHlli HI. tV > t
XTONT.YTO LOAN In PIIIIH of ( (10nilil ( UH
J-H xvmilrt on fli"tcliiM mil o lnlo fcceurlty.
1'otloi > V ( Vibli. IM.i 1'urnum M. f' " ' ' ;
TtlONLV l.OAM.I ) ut I' . T. lleed&Co'b. l/oan
J'l onico.on liiiiiitnic. plmm % hoi sen , xvuifons
tioiKOiial | < itpoiiv ol alt kinds and nil other in-
iltlosol valiin , xviiiiont reuuixiil. Oxer In ! ruat'l
Ihink. corner Kith and Imnain. All biiPinc-a
MI Icily umildoiuii ! fk" ; ;
H DM , VI filONI VI . .lOM'YJII .Money to
lomioiicliattelMJOiiiltyb ) W It
\Vlilniill building , N. I ! corner IMIi mm Iliir-
noy. Alter yems of expeni-nco and acmeliil
Bind ) ot the biiHinen. . ol loaning mono ) on pui-
Miniil | niiHirt | ) , I huMinl lift jiorleclod us ) stem
nliotcby llio imbllclty uuunilii such ei es Is
tloneaxviiy wi'ii.i.nd ' I am nnxi In n po ltlon lo
nmot the demands nt' all "lio Iv.conie loniMir- |
nilly ( niitiiirriu- | ami ileMio to uilso nionoy
xtlthout delax mid in a iini | t manner. House
Ilceper i , pioli-s ionul { . ' nti | "ii n , tnnchnnlert and
Others In Oimdin an 1 t oi u il tllmlH , can oliluln
tdvmifiMliom lMo Mn-i on HIICI ) Mturlty
9H IioiiKdhold > iie , | " i > io , mat liincix , hor-
Aox , XMiKonii , xxiui im-e i > it pts. nxUHil notes
Ol hand , i lo , xvltnoiit lenioxln smno Irnm OXMI-
cm rdttldonco or plncn ol liuyimiMi ANo on line
Vr'nlt lituuinil Diamonds , one of the iul\iinliiKiu > I
Oflor It that mi ) ) ) in t ot inn limn ( I'll I o paid nt
Boy tlmo xvhleh "ill rrtlni e Ihe inloiosl pu > lat.t
nnd nil l < inn K n < xted nt ihe 01 mini 1 imesot In-
Iciest. I linxt ) liotiiokerslnioiiiiietionwllli my
olhte , but porMinnlly Hiipeiiatend all my IOIIIIH , I
Imvo prlx' itn otlicoH conm ctiitl xx-llh my it-nnrnl
iillitfii-o that ciiHloniii's < lo not lomo in con
tniel xv Itli each other. luiiMiiiienily imiklpr nil
iniliHiiplloiH htrlellv prUate Vv. It Ciolt.
roonH.Vlthnell tiiilldiiiv , N 1 ! coiner LMh and
Ilurnoy.Omiiha , and .r ; l'cul M , Council - ItlihTH
. ' . A : imASt. Keid llMuto Agents. S
W LOT Tith and I'ont'liH ' , mo now olfeiiOK
for Mile b. Mil' " > , -nitnt.c nndiilinilmn prnp-
ort > . Hoinool IIIL'mot-i iul\millVPOIIM bargains
now hi the niiirKt , ' can I ofibtixlatxl by ciillliiKon
thorn. ImpioMHl and untinprox'od pinporty ,
corner loin und desirable sites In t' o best lo-
Onlcd n li'llioisscun ' be had ut reasonable prkoi
( ind on * ) terms. at'tuiris
FITs'l. Impmxed fin mi xx-ll | liado for impirivu !
oily piopcrt ) . \\.1I iJition , o or 1st N.i-
tloniil ! K&
TTlOlt S.VI.H Che.ip , liiinlt.iio of nn eijihl
JriKin IIOUKO , Hiiliiibli ) for bomdni'r hou-eoi
ro'iiuori ; Abe hou-e lei LXl lloxxanl nt
tllbi. . *
t HAI.Irine Imnlly IMIIM ) xxith
liioiilru N , W. cur. I'Jili and L'aliloi nlu.
"KAT J' < 'llim ! iue.i' ut | > nck n-r lit ) IMJ prices
-lorc4uslii.t ; ( Ilou. nlsto > i lllli. I'redIm -
inor , UflnlS
l7 < Olt RAf.i : Medium plntfoitn xvuc'im iiuni I
J1 box noxvly puiutcil , peilcct iep lr. Miltoe
lUg-rt ) A Eons. V.M
T rr/irit-Cm loin oriels
4 tosnlt trado. In b.inelMnrmcl.rt Our "No 1
Jtcady Itali l" iiock . . he it Hour , xvammled lion
imiile , aM. xoui itioccr lor it. Illli < v > t prlco puld
ler InicKvhciit fiuhr \ \ . J.UoUlnuis & Co. ,
City Mills Omuha. 1(7 (
FOUSAI.i : A No 4 Ixpe-urlter nciiily noxv.
Iminiie Uooin U , Oma.a ! National Hank
.JJulklius : . 7WO
POK SAI.i ; rurnltiiip onn'l"lo fif n ton-
nmtn liuni-o. ' block fiom posto'lico.
Jloum for ituili Mi per month. Apply ut IjiJ
ht , lt i
TT10H HAIiK A No. 1 dilvhiK or woiK hoi-so for
- . cash or on time. W. it. Ciolt , Itoom 1.
\Vltlinoll HuiUlini ; . 7LJ
, IIOTlll.Kiiinltnro for sale
nml hotel lor lent. ( all at Occidental lor
lufmnmthm , loinci 10 mid Ilimmd St. liil
K Uiiekxxhf , t brim. : i".o poi lt V : .
J-1 W..1. WeMniiinX ( o , c li ) Mills. 41. !
FOUI MAI.i : Two lots m rnllmm Tl ipe. one
blook from rtiect cur Hack. liuiuliou'H .
JltliMnet. 5.1)
I pt > lt SAT.K Or would trn.le for n peed horsp
' und IIUKKV , Ml uurei In Ousper county. Ap
ply to lJtkiiitti ! LUti tiit < cr. fkW
" "
nuoiirr.H3 CHANCES.
AUAlIi : ClI M'i : The piopnclors of the
Metropolitan lii-iuu ant.cii : ; ti. Kith nt , lo
( OK about to open the new Wind-or lloiel , oiler
lie re-stan nml tonetln'i with IPM o of tlio In Id-
Inor lei KilP. ThN Is an excellent opportm 1'y
for the right parties. AIIJI ! ) at the rcdlmmm. .
Ir OK HAM ! L'oiiip'cto nutllt for bunking
1 boii"O , ffiiiKlstinn ol hiiro llio and bursl ir
niHif ni I'e , Inni iiillni. , cherry counter , otu , all
low Would trade for Omnhiieltv prouoity or
wild himlH. O. i : Ma > no , l. > th ami ll'.u nnm , fiJT
7 > 0i ; HAI.t-Uelall ! Mock of and 11\-
J' turoa , nil In KOOI ! oitbr ; yoetl locution mid
tnidu. AiJdietfdX. /.Clalk Drug Co.Oiuutiu ,
Nub. f > . . ' ri
T5OOM nnd bonrd , $ .1 per n-iok ; x-cry bestlo-
4 V eiillon. lt < lt JiWinn-H *
WANTri-Dayloaideis : at 710 North lillh.
_ _ netir Hurt. lu'novh *
mill ! W. C. Mctrm rBioxe HcpalrCo. . Ill South
-L llthijt. botxu-i'ii Ilodo'o unJ
rKltSONAI.e xxaiit the lieu > el p < 'pers nf
Oimi.iaU . ) Know that xxeUcc.iu lull tiuoof
pluln xxhllo lron-.ione china as xiell as lluci
RfMxU , and I lint tliu ) cmiwixe immc ) bv bnxlnif
their uuhed ut Muoii't > Uilim Siorir N intli j { .
PKKSONAI. Any one xxixbln tu ndopt u
newly bom Kill luili.x will iulUii)5i ) K. Q. Hee
oillco , 711
1.0 ST.
STIAVICU-0 l.'Ut , Horn u'Mli mid lUtit.a
ulilte cow with.I tents Kexx-ard xtill bo paid
It ret n l mU la Kincat MoB. cr.-nutli , Wth und
llnrt. 711-as *
n r A"irai un
J rlKht horn biokcnoir ; ti oi ; jmu-Mild and
calf ulHintX'i < ) ' nci can liaxo liv
JIB ) IUK for their pitt-liuo mvj this notite A N
Hour , i.'i'JI Cumins bl. t.ii z- , '
H AVDUN' * ' . p,0 | , Kliidlcrs. xt liolu.uTt
. lltnaii.l r.iiai.n
T > UIVV VAULTS' , fiuus , co < pools cleaned ;
enlhel ) odoile-s xni ) . L U nw Ad' '
UICM through pobtolUco ,
IN t'ltAVON-I'nplH tniiuht how
lointikn cruim poiinilM A lilofel/o | xir-
trull troiii nny photo pupil tuny tlu > ire irivcn
Ireo with tnrm ol liu. i > ns. Cornell A CixiKu ,
, Hoom J , Ailliitiiun Illock , wt l of r. O ,
liuiid uTrt puivulnTNo. I soconTi
bund mrrlave pliueionj nml < < ltlfvliur
, t A , J. t > tuiiMii ) , 1UJ und till l > odu >
TAt ir. i In nnt of oed i1omc tlcli"lpenn
i IK' 'iipplled by cnlluur on the Onmlm Tra-
SU > ynicntUHUt > , mN' . Ibtn Hi. , up stairs
W Morri'on pmiiiotor | f ,
lH nnd c < iHxil * elcanisl in sa
ay t. ) r. ( J Abel , 1' O. Hex , rt.
( 15
\NTKU-A rtl to p > * i in the. rn-tlry
T itMim. Applj ut the CO//.CIH. 7.7-s
UrNTIJUA pmd jrlrl In lohe ch rr ) ) 7
honi-e : fixmliy of twonldlx-oiildipootl WIIKCS
I > M. Appl ) t-SI tlnrnuy H. V. V. . Irxvln A Co.
CTTXNTI.Il nix > l eonk nt Ilixtio llnu o.
VV Oiiineii I'.lulf * . Ilcut tolcrei.i'0 * n > iulrcd ,
\\7AM'ii : > Mtddloeirrtl aonimn itlil
> ' undorstmnlA sexxlnit und huuewot' ; ;
Hie id ) pint o Mid lnlrx iiHos to ilfchl tmity. 1 %
lUeM t , It Ht. Mury'H in e. ' .3--2S %
) Olil fordlnlntc room nnd chum-
her work. 71USllthtit. W-'Ai *
\\rANTii : > AKlrl lor KOltotl housework ut
Mill HoiiKlus. 7'J'J3
WANTIID A first-cUi'fl Oi'Wttnnkor will
tnuku onsatfonienti in fuinlllc * . ( nil ut 117
N Uth ft. .US' *
W.vrii : > nirl forplnln hou.oworktnifn to
Sydney N'eb. : X.V-IIKUS , JIG per n.onth. Tu-
ipilre ul Mil * Meyer A , I o.'s. V i-SS
Ay'AN rr.O Voun ; ? frlrl , ni0 nbout 14. for
TT lifjbthou-'imork. Mi I'leiL-aulsU 7H- > *
" \\rANTii : > I.tid'i'toenrn$7 toH weekly nt
' T tliMr homes In city or loiintr ) Homo
1 nnulf.ixpof eioilint mill fillip ) x.ork r'siulnvl.
Mind ) xu.iK. ( lotwlifnt ti > mull , "t ml re lor
f mplii mid IKIHIIIKO. Klnil Sills Woiks , | : > W.
J'tlltft. , Now V < lit. 'Mil- .
WANTiiTlirro : A. No. I lady enmnvpr * :
iri'tid ' ix'loie IPPS ipciiiie | | White hexilujj
MiithlnooRIco , No. 1JI Norlli nth st , , )7"-\s
\\r H I I.I ) A phi uhout- jeitrs old u > mn e
> > At ply N\V i or Virginia Ax'utmd l-rmit st.
Vv , 'ANTr.n-A ntnt XOIIIIB ( Till to usilst with
y. uss : .i
\\f \ XT I'l > " 3 ( rood men for It I ! work xvnrei
will sldpfuli niii ) miiriiiiiff at 7:1 : , eull US ) Par-
nnm. Ko diidPt ui'tctl. OTItTU
" 1 VTANTii : > A iroiul nnm to tlrlxe tlcllxo" ) '
TT xrii'-oa ' ; ono iicnualiileil ivllh tin t i eels.
IIHIS l.'nb n. ) ' !
\\7"ANTit , : ) A t airier , xvllh u trnod her e. for
> unoxonlnw rontnon Dully Hoe. 770
\\7-ANTit-'llio : Pivlpsofun nttlve. Intelll-
T T Kf nt man In exerv town In Ntdirii Un. Da-
kola uml Westcin Iowa. J. IL , 1' . O Hosw ; ,
Oinnbu Nob. *
) Men und women to sturt ti nnxx-
bii-lne siit thuirhoiiiiH , eu-ily lemnotl in
in I oin : no peddllnir ; Ilk * , lor 4 samples mid u
u Oilier ol mulerhil to eommeiico work on. Ad-
IILSJI Aincrlcnu Supply Uo. Albany , N. V.
CfllU.'f ) *
\\'i\Nrii-A : llrvt elusi lim her : good locution ,
* room.etc. Addicts nt once , Ilux r.'i , bii-
ici lor. Nob. ( " ) )
" \\7"AISTI3I1 , Second cook ut Knniut 1iou c.
\ > ivu-i
\\7ANTii : ) ( ienllniiien to tukooidci-s In c'ty ' ;
u niixx thlnir , uml moiiov In U ; biiclne-s \ \ - -
nnuiont ; oull nt loom -0 Arlington bluck. t7 ; > Ja'
A\7 AVrii ; ) atouoKrupher. Hoi ( K > , Oiniiluu
_ > _ > ( M
A INTS : Solllnif Ml ourl Ftemn > xasher
mi'ko blv money. .1. Woith , Sole Mtinnfao-
tour , St. Untis , > lo. 'JObdecllp
WANTIID A jmuiu ; C.einian. iwcntlx up-
rlxnil liom Movko , HioiiniL'hlv iiciiinlntod |
wlh IxMikkcoplitii mid coiivei > ant xxlth ihe llx'o
iniKleiii laiwuiKjes. Is ili > inmn ol f-conrlntr a
-ituaiion in a wholc.-alo llrm ; tliHt-cla s roler-
ntes. AddrohsQ L. , llcoOIIIco. 7il'J *
WANTIID Silnation lor ponpriil hou-oxvork
hyniiinpetent SxxtHlidlijfiil ; ujipl ) t cloth-
lm'stoio 11 riiiuum. 7J.VU.S1
" \\JAVl'it : 1'oiltlon no bonkkpeper , aeeonnt-
t i nut or ollico clerk liy nn ovporluncut | KOI- !
licupcnpeaks Oermuii nnd r.iiKli-h ; tntt-clii'-rt
io < icnces. AdiliosS J. U. Kriue , IbiO I'nnium
-licet. 7 liCS
\\'A VTKD Po lllon us bookkcopororeashlev
sutlsliictor ) loluioncoi xxlll be iuinlithcsl.
UlicetA. A. HoeoJlico. 71 11
" \\fANTii : ) Sltuution by n f oinpetuut nur e.
TT Heli tent cs 11 iciiuhed. Lull or inlniiib
Miv. Me , 411 Not th I'.tht. . ' .i- ; *
U ANTi ; ! ) 1'osltlon by to'iiiie'ent 1 nl ) fiton-
o inihor mill tjpe-xx-i.ter opciulor. Ad-
diu-s \ ' - / . , DecOlllte. Ko-LV
WANTIIIi r.irtnor in crocory loio xxoll
iiptiioiliiiuil In cltv : ver/little capital H ro-
tiulixtl ; ( leiiuan or Ilohumian. AdJieIt K. ,
\\rANTKli Itocun In pilvnto fmiilly near
TV po tollce tn uoum'Kcnilciiiunwheio ho
fonld enjo ) home tHimlorts. Mute tciniiole. .
P. M , itco Ollico. 7lna !
\v LrAJ Tii : > Tolmyiipnod ) oniir horftt ; call
nfbtli : and llmney ; Sliuxx & 1'iuld .5ml *
w VNTii > " 'e.11 cor Hamilton & .
I.rtucme , Walnut illll.J Itblnuv ' , ; il-'il'
WANTii ; > All peit-ons xx-lfhliiK : lo find em-
plo.xment ot mi ) kind to lulme s F. J. . IH o.
Hoomn , lul Wushliiyton Cblc.iao , III. 7111-iS *
W'ANTKH A FOCoiid-liand dental chair. Call
nl Dr ( ' I ! C SmilirnJio- > blockeorn'T '
l. > th st. and ( tipitol ax o. C u'
WANTKU To lent tiunlpled room xvlth
Iximtl liv Kcntlcmmi ami xille ; man truvnl-
biK uirrealer pi.ilioii ol Ihe time A dm ess C.
II T .tine Hoc , xith price anil location. 7l'Jj ! *
\ \ ANTIMI-SItnntion bx u coiniutpnt tiook-
keeper ; I.e-t of icloiencos luiiiKliel by
loimer ( iniploers ; nei'd ) etaplo ) nent only tie-
sued. AddictM. . II. I ! , " 17 N till M. , Lincoln ,
Nob. U , > VUJ *
\XP.\NTKII To i\elnuiKospiiiiof : houos foi
TT jfootl tiellvo , inciliiim Hpan ot iuuli'3 ' 0. II.
Moore & , Co. . ifil'i Dodge M. CJ-'i
V\7A VIIli I\ui ] > body In Oinuliu to knoxv
i ) thill thu phu o ID buy nnd sell teal cMiitoli
lit the till'co ' ot C. I ! . Ml' ) I It' , fa. W. cor , ol 1'ith
ami I'limum Sl . Clu--TJ
\\AM'ii : ) Hi n Now Ynik llrm renre-ciilliifr
TT und controllioKdPii und quick
nlef oKiKHlsHiul cm tains lor t ho tlryiroodcloth -
Im , upholsteiy mid mutties- * nudes , a llx-o iiiun
In i-ull tooils on ( . 'oniini' lon in the Main of .Ne-
bni-kii. AddicHS , yulcsimui. I' . O lloii , N'civ
Voik. 4'i4-'s.
W AM'UI'-Tenms. T. Muiruy.
FDIt ItHNT Tliroo fioni nioms nicely fur-
nlslnvl. on ntici" em line : snllnlili ) for lour
pin -mis , either went oun. u or Indies. K ) ' > N " , tn\\ \ \
street , 718-.U *
1710K HUNT-C'ieap half of house , No. 'MX
L-Cumins st. Cull nt onto. 7iWJJ *
IAOIl it\T : Hoiif H on 17th t-t. . betxceen Cuiv-
itol uxouue und Dmcnpoit , SIS , 8. l.chnntn.
PfIl ftirs'T Hoo-o , .oiiihp" .t cnnicr lutli
and 1'aelllc , ono block I rein U 1' depot. Oxven
VVhnlin. tWin *
FOK HKN1' Puinl-hctl cottu'/o. south Hlilo
o. Dax'eiiptntbetxxeun Iriih uud I'Hh ' niicls ,
tUJii month ; leleieiico ie < tiii i'd.
FOlt HUNT Nemly now IIOUFO , 7 roonm , coi
Churle-nnil 1'iei Ks. , $ , ' , "i to tlrst chiss ten
nut ; I lilocX Irom b'icc't cur. Ilogya & Hill.
7. ' > iKlU
"JTiOlt IIIM' : llrleh ,
.1 ut MuV It i Ion IHb uml rniiuuu.
inoit UIJNT To smiill fiimlly , u llrci-ola *
1 eottuce In thoiounn icpnlr , neiir toi L"-M urn
( rluoimii ft , pjj ; per inontii. lii'iulie loum 21
Oinuliu Nn.ionul Hunk building. 171
FOIC ltixrJ : room hoii .o nenr cor Oih nm
DoJtre. M. I' . Martin , .ilfl S. lutli st. lul
FOlt lti.NT-Uoino. ; liujuliul&W Iliuncy.
ii.V-ai )
Foit HIM' : siv n n , m cotiuj { < modem Im
proi'ctutinta , ill > . lull S.K Vaiquiro na\
dotir not th &o |
F'lt IlKN'T Ten-room lieu o.l ! blockw fiou
poslotlico O. I'MUx In vCn. . 7')7uJ )
FOIt ltH\r Coiinilly locatel , nextr bilck
bulldhnr. Eiiltiiblo fur modclutu nriied hotel
mid irsiiiunint ; L'S lulnjf mo ni ; bath ami xxmcr
on on Ci i lliKir. 'llils U u e laiuo ( o Oftuhllsli u
pa ) iirj hotel. Amos , 1W7 tiirnu.n. tozi
FIMt lliivr A line ID-room brick rekldonco
xxlth nioduin conxemeiieuH mid le.iliully
lot H ctl. A. t-annik rs i. l.'o. , ojip. 1'axtun.
j "I7l' > l ! ICIJVT-A Qrnnni rotluso on Ciiailr.
] JL1 Iiujuh-u ol Ur , U. U. 1'uul. Ui
UPM-C nio.ii In. . t.i I > r
-.blv. < ' '
. I.KM'Ml'ir I ion ire at Iki-Jon l > iy
YT > OH nvvi'iY > tin e or J roortu aid btw
I ? merit No I * * 'flstitw'teltJ-mid WMfrn wn-
or. Inquire flf Duncan A , WnllllCo , x'118 IWll st ,
HIVT : New
Mroct.rmHiir , lay window , rn t ( ront.MMr
towiii well , walks , ft nw ) end put ami ( * < ; > *
nrdrmiu iihMU : Jr1 jw month. J. II. HMeyAe
0 . SI. ' . H. lith street. SIJ
_ _ _
I . ' "OH HOP IIiiiw with f "VL n room * . 11.7
I Shcininn AM * . 1 iii'iiu of 1) . T. Mtnir..Sil ! > .
l.'OU UI'.M' NOT. I. R flr i-pa s H-ronm on : >
J1 tope ) line looftttun : by S.T. IMerson.s. e.
xir. IMIi niul MoMfrtM. 1' "
rroit HUNT -Two new ro'ldcnrm
S i < > tttitrnnmnnuiIiauM > lOitXins. J. 1'tilppi
( in1. KM
! ? OH HUNT Two-Mill ? tlwoWnjr. 7. moms :
I ? peed Inciility. Apply Cor. llth and Ihiujrhis.
' , T.Tuylor. 713
_ _ _
OK HUNT 2 stores on 0th mid I.cux enxvoith
1 store on Poulli Vltti SI. Until tlrst-tluwi tm t-
IPM locitlloiM. Also lioiijC-i to tent. A. Mel in v-
> ck. l
I lU'.NT HOIIIO of H IOOHH. Apply Cor.
I Hlluuid Doitf-hi" . C.T.Tnjlor. .Ill
IT/OK UliNT Hcxvrnl dwelling. A | ply Cor.
L1 llth niul Doutrlus. O.T.Ttilor. 710
i. HUNT PCI 1st. or nfler. n
I1 homo "i moms. nice yard , cistern. watur , J-JJ
oriuontli. Apply lilt I'.ukWild me , or .Ino.
V. Hell. ( IniRi'ht. s : ! i f > ntii l.itli . SL fO )
KKNT NiMlti.ttBW ) ) 1U10 South VJthSt.
L' Jnqutrooru. A. lliMln. 4JK ii
_ _
liCNT 1 looms on Mtoml niory. Cull
nt nun liuu o , tiHirol 17IH.lueit.NOii. 77J-1. . ) '
oil KI1NT A iln lrnttio n > otii fur will ; inctl-
orn convi-nliMwoj. liiquiro ITS I ( Jiipltol avu.
I.IDK itn.NT-Uooin with boimi , ten Cnpitul
I. avo. 7B1HIV *
ou III5NT Tliri-o hnnilwiiiioly fiirnNlinil
Ij li-nnt IIHIIIH , tiiL-ln south ; bull ) lonin. U'AI
OipltnlnMi. 'Oa-'O *
77101 : liVT ! Viirnlshoil t oo in- . , &
KKVT A ilpalmblo front room , fur-
nlslicd. ltd N. IMli ht. 7.VM1 *
17\mi \ itCVT rtirnWiod front tooin , prlvnt
' luniih , iloalrublu locullly. Aililio- O. N. ,
Ic o Oil leu , 75-tt > *
Tpoil itrNT fl ronmi oiilluliln for lioiiitkccp
Inif. iniUlio : | fill ) lti\cnKUt ) | btioot. b Viil *
ITIDK ItllST An eloffitnt fuinlsliivl front
- ilooin.ioia IO.IKO. tiwai *
JTttMS KKNT-Afinnlslioil fiont loom. TtBN
J1 1-1 list- 7111-2) ) ) *
iXT I'ui nlslicd roomx. 810 H IHIi St.
"ITIIUS ur.NT With or ltliotit lioard , nn nlo-
J jnint hontli fitiut nmin In ImmlNomn cottMcu ,
Millulilo lortwo Kcnts , In pilvato liui.ll > : o
nltintua' wulL Ironi ( T. 1' . depot , iutl Wulnnt
UIINr Viiinlshcil ixinni 7tKS fouth Kith
, with or v.-llliout Iioind. lf.-.jO *
"I/MUl KI1NT Lnrjro furnished front room
L uhh > IM. ' of litith room ; oun lilickliom
trout ei'i'S iind UMI mltmtoV unl't ' liom po U Snllublo lor two. Atldrca.4 I' . O Uiuwur
JO. 715-J ;
FOIt ItiNT : T o nlcoly fuinlt1i(4l nxiniM ,
warm aisil oo'iifoitiililo for winter , turmoil-
lonion only. I < o. 17iW I'tillfoinlu &t. tNI-is. *
1711IH KINT Two newly fiiriilshu I rooms ,
L purlot and l > cU loom olT boutu'iinlou > . Vo
.21 Iblh stcor liivetiKitt. ) | B7UX1I
1 7IOU ItKNT Dotirablo front roinna. HI
I hoilth IMli Nt. ( ,7V ! Ul *
I71OIC ItlJJTT A iilooly fuiiiNhod uotUiiro , 0
Ju 1 IKHIII. HIT North /tlict. tlTIf
1711)11 KINT IK'slrabloioom .utlUS CIHH bt.
J _ ( J
UKKivr : I-'urlUhtholthO Kooplnsr. 2 Jnr-
niilittd louiui , b.V. . foinoi bund Howard.
Ft > l ! II : > T I.iirg-o handsome room. 1701
Capitol a\o. Cll
171 OK Itr.NT Kuriil-liwl room. No .ul I'.MIi
I1 and WubatLTbtiuoia ivltli piivicjo ot Imili.
TTtOK KINT : rninWiwI i-ooai with liso of
- liath 100:11. : No. Tut ) 1'Jbt. ' , neiir\Voli trr.
ur.N'T Nicely Itirnliliod rt > on
UotUuj fctreot.
1711)15 HUNT Two nicely lurnishcd rooms ,
1 170S MXWo'
"ITIIIII ItiN : V Nlooly finni'lioil rnniim , chcun ,
-L1'iS I'Jthsticot. K1
ifltljniNT-I.ui ' olniiilaif ! < lnxiiilhl no Iffo.
I710U ItliXT Tuo otoftiinl- front VOOMH iinliir-
JL' nl.-.lic'l , bath KXMII liot niul eolil ui.ti-r stuno
I oor. M'rv dohliulilo location. Kuiiulixi H. W.
Cor M and UodRU. 4M
ItiNT : Uoom with board. 18W Ooilsro.
TiOIl KK.vr-Hiioias iii clly bull bulldlinr.
1 Hooins in Ilui ker bluck. (7. U. Mu ) ne. lutli
mid r.un.nn. 411
F01 ltl'.NT Klecrantly furnished looms ut
, ! IIC.M V.u imm st. 4iJ
Iit Ml ItKNT Two plentiiiit li-nnt loorm un-
1 tnrnlflieil , snlinblo lor light hout-pkccplii.'f ,
in Hcemti s Block , cot. Mil mid lloxnird. ! VJ
ij'CH IH'.VT U'SIOICH n Im hrle'c building on
.C Iloxxiinl st . I et M'lli ' und 17th. No IU15 und
1017. Inqulio nt diiiirDtoiocor. IClh 8t. P)6 )
FOIt HUNT Lmjru from room IPCOIV fur-
nlshtHl ; prUIIovenf balh loom ; snitablo lor
txxn pcr-ons ; llxo minutes xxulk li-om 1' . O ; ono
block Irom hliect tin line. Addict 1 * . O. Ixtx
U < * . 7UI
" 17101 : KI.XT A nice , plcnwint i-o.mi. fuinlsli-
-L p < l or imluini&od. Imjuiro ul Kill Lcuxcn-
XMHlIl MlcOt , 111) )
irtOlt ItKNr Ilooms xirllli bonnl. tleslrublo lor
X1 ttuminer. Appl ) ut St. CI mlc Hotel , Ml
HUNT KuinlMiud li/"J
1710U room , /
JTXOIt ItlINT 3 Inrnlsliod nwiius on I'nelllo
1' t-trcot , licuvccii ' . 'th und Kith.ono block mutli
ol tint U. I . ( tenor. 4.1. )
J71OK ltiNT : a iilcin-iint south f tout rooms S.
JL1 W.coinrr IDtn mid Iiiveii | > oit. 7l < J
J710K ltiNT : Txxo nlcPly furnished rouiiiH , N.
J W. tor. 'Jlsl mid SI. MmVti iixouuo.lix )
f > , OKSAri-A : toruerlot x.llhtxxo { rood him-
I1 fi'-i , neti hli'h i.clmolu baiijiiiii It clo-ed now ;
Hullou Hio , U17b I lib Ht , , ' , , . .1J
FOIt SIAI.I : Loton Oodtro ht , . near mil * l .
fl.Mi ; very uasj ttimi * . A. 1' . Tukvv. IIWI
Kmnain ht.
IJ1OH h.VI.K Oiuiol tbo best furins In hurpy
count ) ; txxo tioii-ei ; two oich'inlluin ;
xxiih Hone bu-oment ; ciibs , pranuilcx , etc Itoll
< \ llcCanillljIi , lull DodHOHtiuet. 7US1U *
I/oil house und duelling on
I l.eaxenxxoiib si ; Hpiendld loctltlon lei u
urocor ) ; imibt bo Mil. I ; u spt > cliil b.iruuln If roM
wliliuiono week. 1'or lull puitlculus cull or
iiUin ! > - - < A , Hiiintlortt & Co , lli > l 1'nnuun tt , op-
_ _ _ _ _
) - ' . | - ucifi IOIH wliTTio coTi
lliia week in Heni.eld , nl l > 17Ji ml ucie.'i t am
cuxy tei nm.
luclioite lots In llnn-inni I'liuw J7Vn ) tl " > )1 )
lei ! lii liitnck's lit udd , lf70 > J to ticuv ) ;
Lou In I'iitilc'k'1 Biur.lo a uddTOO lo f.V'J
neur bi 't ' line.
Oiioiioem I'urk I'lnco , with house , J''rVO
C" " .v emli
A iiuvt bun n n 'JMory lieu e. 7 room * lu t
btiin.xxcil ( ! > . ( in and Hue lito . p'l.iOj. x.tni'
Jijkccu ? ) teimsls only l'i mica Irunil'O
nml mart , net em I ne.
S ) Ion III lot m Mtin > ri add , JI.IVO.
I.mds lutiiiilt' mil. O aim inoierly to tiude
tor Ian 1 .1 .1V Mm a u I , IV'j 1 u mini 7ci )
Moll h\ii : Tnolou In Iliinohnuph phice
I. jiirl txo-tof I'mk HX'eniic , pilici f 1,476 lim
Ames , 15u7 1'lirnum. L 8
1ilt : , S.\M : _ An acre lit undK-Kiuui IIOUFO li
1 Iltn obi null addition. Will le s ild xti )
ilie.ip oi xxill tin IP for ill ) ptopcrl ) . Cunnin , :
lining jjicinniu. llll lltHlue _ 7 vH
"IHOIt .SAM Uuxonixoith Ten nco lots u
' H'M n lot , mi iiioulhly pit ) menu. I/vnven
xxeith 'I'll i no. ' etml ht out I t'ilX'en oii !
weOHIO Kinl rt < o it. The licit I tne ttndi \ \
Miurl rucltlei uicliuM ) Mil ) locale l.Kux'onxxortl
Teuuce. lttm xtuat one of tlie o lots Die
ICIIUAHCCI ! nut bliip > on. Th y xx III bo imidoto
mlt ciisuriicis. i.oaxcai. mill 'leiiocu I us ot
the only Hicut roiinlnir Btrululil tlim' thu fit )
tunt und xxor. Tbelociitlim of the pmi/cii ) 1-4
nil ) on tun lit ! : . 'Jim tdiniioi pii ) mum xou u i
l\ ! If ) ou r lly want to buy. ( onoundtct
Ixiuxonxxurtiriorruco. Atuui , i5j7 Fiuuuui. 7 1
1,1lMI < U t VxJr'tl Us ,
L1 K - , - rtit'l * . *
Cl nl 101 UII I lyl' X ,
Ht .rirt > > llvot < J'Xo ,
You will I * , ,
rii toni > rt iJ M ) }
Atnfr. jy ; 1'n f ni\ni.
JlOltH.rl.H- < , fin Vlrnlnlii mbnue , in t
front. juCi. ' nun. ( Ainnrntthitm , V Hrennan ,
l.roi sis : , mid
Iroil SAI.I-Hood 7-rootn bouso on l.'th tt , ;
lull lot , wt'll Improved ; $ Ux > 0. I'oller M
Lubb , IJI5 I'nriium f > U 417-lf
l.ioit HAM' Several cottmrcs and lot ? Unit I
' wlllfolton tnuuthlx puvnipufs to Hood p r-
ties. AL-o. u number ol peed hnrcR uml n lot
oi top bunKi'-sund Inn IIP * * 1 xxpl pell on time or
tnulc lei ic'ile'tutu. At home Momlii } * U 1' ,
I'riiyn , 1374 N Irth. 7JS l
i7.ousALK-onflif.tKi , . rim ) ims m tenteu ; v
I1 lei int. Unllul ollice. luliur .V Lolili , lolii
1'uinum st. IliMf.
II' joti xvniil to sell real eMnlo list It w-lth 0. II.
Miine. i.xvcorl. > ih nnd li'uiuum. Uii In nut
eonxenii into eull ilitipu rurd xillh u lull tie--
Cilptlouoi theprupO'ty ' KlMntf nutiiber til lot
mul block. It xxlll pay ) ou II , MIII xxmit toell Iti
hcnd otwilpiionor jourpuverty to this iipunuy
where It xvill teceao pi-ompt micnilon. Telephone -
phone li''l. M-J-UM
F > H SAI.r. Corner en Suiltnlcrs nt.t business
V , lot , ua'UJO ' ; only $ ) ; uo. 1'ollei A. Cobb.
) SAI.i : ; i loU In llr.rlu'ck's iiiiddlon
TiMlt hnm A. Hiemuui , lull IIOUKO , . -l-i.8
. SAI.I' I.eitvoinxorlh Ttrii'eo lots nl
Fl.t . on tnoiilhly viincnt.s , I < oven-
xoita Tciraco U r-trulKlit in , I oi'Vi uniittli
teii. ( omo and Me ) It. 't'.io noli I , t-n nnd .Mis-
ourl I'iicdiopuroliiisowlll locmo i.eavenxx-i > itli
1'eiiiuo. U ) oti xvunt one in iheit h'ttilliii '
erin * need not stop } ou. They ix 111 be bia-lo lo
Milt e 1-tomein , I eaxetnxoilli 'I en mo I os on
ho only sliojt ruindiiK htiai hl tluo thecdy
nat ai'tl xiesl. The louitlon ot Iho piopcrt ) Is
illon omius'c ' 'llKitiiiui.K-1 pninci'lou run
i\ il ) on leillx' xxntii to In y. ( nine und MO
' .ciixeuxxoitli 'I tut lice. Amo.s , ir.n r.nn.ini. 7..i
1r > ou xx'.int to soil reul osiute list It ixlth ( X I ! .
Mnne , HW cor 15lh mill l-'imam. II It is not
iinxeiilxnl tn cull drop u uud xxtlh a lullilivi
criptlon ol ( lie proiioily l.'lt'dw iiumber ol lot
md bloel : . H xv III pay j on It ; you txiint Ui.scllKi
tend dcsuilntlcn ol ) ourpiopeu > I > tliluiciic\ ( !
xxbcic It xxill iccolxe pronpi intention. Tele-
ihono t l. r.-a.t
- PA 1.15 1.018 In Tlioinbuirf IMiico. wo t
Ir-OH . ! ( Mo * IUI inch , l pcrcxiit iloxxn ,
I iiliinco numllih pa ) incuts. Tl CMrre x-t rx do-
Miablu lots unit tlioclumpe-t In xxerl Omaha. Iho
Holt Line depot will lo built ul the toinoi of
Tlioinlnmr 11 CD. Cixll mid ttt pmlici hut mid
tee ihn piopcriy. C I" Milno , lUhuud r..iiiini. !
IilOlt SA M : Come and PCO the new e-t , ucur ( > st
amlbeM iicieloiMlor Iho money In Newport
Amos , I.ToT . I'm num. TK-II
HAM : An Siooni bou o untliiero lot In
IIImcbmiKirMiddUioii ; flujJ. t'uiinlimham & .
llreniuin , 1M1 DodKC. 71n 7
J71OK SA M : A full lo ! on Vmkax'e. 5l.r. I. A
Jliiinln. : | . Ci.iinintitiiiiii V Hionnun. 1T.I1
DodKO. 7.'si-U'S
J7-OH SAI.i : Lot * in Tlioinbiiijj 1'lace. xve > t
I Omalni , J.-MI ttj JIO ( each , in pei icnidoixn ,
talance monthly piimoms. Ihibomo xcioe-
siinblp ! O'H mid tl , " dual < - In xxebtOinuliuthe
Holt Line depot xvil ( be , nullr ul tne tornerot
'I'luii nlniiK 11 ice. Call un I uuc particulars an 1
tLU the pionorty. ( J i : liuynu , ISih rmmiui.
171' > K Slj ; Cnntnlns la thirtx lots In Spunld-
i IIIK X Kuhn n.lbdix i iou , t > .i Oinluo bluet ,
east oi Hell Line lulhoad , > lli to il.V , on
noiithly pa ) menu. W. T. Cliulnuii , Cioly-Hou
llloek. - 771
J , tll SA1. II Tlnpo lots ad o nhifT , one a coi1-
ner.iiiMil ii'-iidl. . n u ,10 , it ami IIHI leu-
ddxieivolt o II ) . \Vill > o , I MII aintily il
biied. fcimui e.'s < V Co.Opp. Iho I'.IMOII.
) i
| ; OK SAM : a ncros In 1'c.ilc I'lneo will bo'O'd
i1 Mi ) > ci.o.ii ) . UunuUi liiua & lliennun. lull
" ! 71iK SA I. ! . ' N'ewpoit lota ,
J exxpi r acin dts ,
Itc-t 101 themuuoy ,
[ \cmei-totliulonn ,
faults tlio biier iHitler
' 1 linn an ) otaerntldhion ,
Noxvpint ,
iHf.plllnj ? because
I , HtJiiclsiindselN on
Itsnxiils. II1) on
Do not itdmlt .oxvpoit
Js all rcpiOHCiittd ,
You ulll bo thu
1'llM OPUIOdOhO.
Come mid too
Nun | ioi I mm.
In price you i sell.
7. . ) Ainci. 15"7 I'moam
HOIMS ; , lot , IiiiidU inlu , l'lh and iKiiiRlui
51 Miinov..o
ITtOU AI.i : AeiolntH In ItolvislciD , iidjoinlnp
X1 Kt Oitmlmon 'ho Noilh. 'J'nls Is bylnr llio
tine-4 mid c hen pent , acre poiperly In tnul dliec-
lion , i all and -eo it. t--0i to f > uO per acio easy
terms , C. I' . .Miine , sw tor. l. > tli unU riiiimm.
JTi s\lr. ( Jn moiilbly piiiiicius , cheiip
lots In phite ; $ IUO ( .oun. I'uii-
.V Uiennun , 1511 Dodtie. ' 7b-M
sAl.i : Lotsln Iliimibuu h ami Palter-
t-on't Biib-tilx liion , udjoiiunv t lit ) noxx i a ill oi.d
lundson ixhlth IK pot , round noiih-es mul hliops
mo lo be bndt. riices uil lo M ! t ueiitCiisx' ,
leiniN'Ihu-uloH me i-tllliijr xei ) lupully , tall
boon ilon < vi li to buy. 11 ' . I'utioi-o.i. fiU
Tou ' xtmitto ( .ell icul flalDlht it xxlth C. K.
Maxim * ix tor lutli and I aimim. II it U not
convenient to mil drop u tai i with u lull dns-
ciipilon of Hie propprt ) jcivin/ number til Int
uml block It uill pii ) ) ini il ) ou.iim , to sellio
mini ilf'M'ilplion ot ) ourpiop ii > to tins ii enc )
xvm re it nill lecelxo piompt ullcntion. 'lele-
phone Oil. iiU-.l
InnilSAI.i : A tinrgiilnliitxvolnls on Ceor 'la
nxenuc. 1 01 iihhoit tlnio lTim willtako lliu
txxo. W.T. ( liuhuin , ( . 'iiilifliton block. Ml
inoll s\Ii ; Acio loin In Holxedero'O to
X1 $ I' 0 cacli. No hills to climb. Nice Irnel
load all HID xvnx Hplcmlid location. View uii-
d. C. 1' . Mn ) iu < - 16th und rurtmm.
Poll SAM : i.cax'onxxorth Terrace lotn nt
t IM u lot , on nionllilv payments , l.eaxen-
xxorth 'linntc is Hirai > 'ht out l.ouxenxxoitli
xvo-t. Come and KC It. licit I/mo und Mln-
couil I'ueitlu piirclnibe xxill locale l .avenxvorth
Tnriuce. 11 jou xvant one ol tlio-ii lots the
terms need not btop ) on. 'thexxlll be nii'do lo
Milt euiiomeiti. I j'u\onworlli Teiraco IIC4 on
theonl ) Uri'ct iiinnn btrahtht thro thu city
ea.t anil went. 'Ihe location ot the piopuityls
nil ) on can iiak. Tne lorntbi of pit ) muiit you can
llx If ) ou 10'illy XMtni 10 bin Come nml BCD
I.oiiMiinvoith'lVimoo. Amos , 1"/0. rurnmn. 7 1) )
HOL'ilX , lots , laiU8--lcmls,13tUnnd ) ! Uouelns
i H rulinox.o
' ) on w tint to fell real C"tHte list It xx-ith 0 1 !
Mil ) nn , t.w tsir loth und I HI num. II It is not
con\eiilnnitiif all drophciiitl xxlth a full dett-
crip Ion ul thepropert ) K vliw number of lot and
block , lixtlllpii ) juii II you : mt totcll lo mini
description ol .xoiif prnpi riy lo this Hfc'emj ) ,
xvheielt will icceivo piiiaipt attention. Telephone -
phone M. , , K2
It SAI.I ! - l ljn : ! i'1' ' ' Poldiuru
add , , turner , sl i'k cmli. I'oticr Ac ( obb.
H * l - 4
S \Ii ; Clicnlt rc-lilenco lots on Cnniinif
Poili r \l'oiil
17.OH HI.i ; Siv Wt vn hnundoitiHt , 4 blockH
1 iioui Pl'ift cur nittiji'tit.1 iiont.s ; Ji ciuli ;
ens ) PII.X nu ni- . 'll tt'liro coinci lutx. .1. li ,
Kiln. , \ lo , .ii rt Dili MU "W
IHOH H M.I : ( luapt'U properly nciir VS'eM I'm-
1 ii.on t ; lots in I'oili.-rp udd. lioui
lloo ; tat ) K linn. I'oliei , \ Cobb.
'j , lots , lund - llemib , nth und Doi h.s
M.i : U > .iten.xorlh Torracti lots at
1 4V ) a lot , on monthly puniont9. l.eaxen
xxoiili Teuaie K ctni < K' ' > t out U"icnuoilli
r.cJ. Come r.nd hcc li. I ho licit I.lno and Ml-
lioiui I'm li.c piirtliii-o xtill l < > o.ite I MXI iixmrih
Tiriiue. 11 ) o.i Hunt n. ' " ol the-e lots the
tt iii'b iie < d n , it blop ) .in. The ) xull If ) mud" to
Milt t iinlomeid l.t.ixi'iixrorlii Tciru IIOH on
the on ! ) MIIHH iiinniiiK MiulKht Hno the clt )
eitdt mid x et. Tlio lixutlon ot the pie | trty Is
ullou IIIUM.K. 'Ihulttrmiof piiinini > ucan
hx If ) tm iv.illy want to buy. ( Joiwumd 'f
Lou vcnxxoilh Tort ucu. Aiuo-1 , ij"7 rurnmn. 7i.
1jWU BAI.K-ninai < t nno iii < ldt pn.porlj In
-L ? tiumuikti. . ico.uuiuo IOIH In Hlll.iiut > utld. ,
o. mtxT.Vubb. ( 4Ctf
Fnitb.U.i : A tlr i 6iu * "niur"woll
lMaiiiinliou > o.ui iii rally iiwiitid Iur pmtlo-
AdUivj U A. IKsjOiilvti. wl
TTOHSAttTM i . 1I Ur.vMijfO's MuV
I fli4 lfm on t .III Htt > . f. linix hlixlcR Trotn
> t 11 mrs , f-'V ml f I U i i , i. Month ! ) prj-
ixitson' * * ! u > rn'm i t > ! e"v limits Jill )
Often. I'Tlrtx lariro srn.
Two ilwdivl l itiiin , two Ion 7UJW. hilt
bloc * from I'atk fixxnnp. ono Mot k from \n'A\ \
eiiwerth , Ulfh Rr.iunJ , W.UkWtMcb. Vor ) wv
tCTtll" .
HeU cSrfioini , ncrn of eroiinil. on t/tixen.
> Vltlli A ! . , II. II Mnn KOPSMUIiln bulet t or It ,
, .
Tn o lot i on r.ast Ororo t niMir I'ltrnnin , ? * M
Moll , monthly payment's tluj aretMe-ip.
sM Hcnw In ilixioUttno near t opotol It. U ,
ilppul nnd ht > ps , j | , i ju ,
Txrt ix-c pimt tout t IPM i n CVilfav U ono bloelc
north of l.o.nenxu > ah. tir" < M. jiu down mid
f.Mpor innm'i ; tlieso me le h.ib'o lots , near
Mrrpt eir , iip-ir frond > elit > ol < , iiPHr lmlness !
they will imiKo KOOI | homes or inftHo K ° ° tl In-
SW tnet on T u nnm nenr lith , $1 MM.
Ono iim > m ( ) le jiulilltlou nonr Siiunlors ft. ,
S..OAI ; thhUelteilp.
Ixils on ( leoiwta nx-e. bc'wecn I.S'i\x'enxxorli !
mid rmumn , $ l,4kioacu , MuJdoixn nnd $ Aipin-
( inn iiutv on South tr.tliM , $1.SU ; eusv tt-w.
2W liOlfiuxfiioitlbt'i ' 81. bPtxxion lioiikln * nnd
Oexv lotiiRO J _
tlown ami i 10 pel month.
SIM Hilt It I'oiuo U t-notn * . nil niodetn Itm'rovc-
meiiH , luitii , furnace , laidu bum , t > lilnn'- >
udd , f \ < w.
J H l.ot'ElvluO , hotio * * r otns , Io1gv ) * t. bet.
I Itli nnd 14th. imike oner.
CW 1'ull lor , t\ro Imusc.l , Miitm'4 add. $ ! , SuO ;
ou y letiiH.
aH-Ouu ucro xvlth lions ) , bonullful locution ,
Wr > < t Oinahu. JOxi
2'C I'ull lot , hirjioluuiu 8 rooms , notlli Ifth &u.
ft" ) . ' Lot tniUIOtwo 1 loch * couth of flt Mnry's
ti\u.onsjtim.iiieocollate G rooms.luivu
b'lrn , f-lAM , tJ. . i doxx n mid ? 1 per inontli.
247 Ntut cotlate lull lor. north 1Mb M . tJJSttd.
k Ilonso7i ins. Iur it lul. lint'st loorttion III
llmi-com pbie . east trout , xplomlldloix' ,
iJl/KAi ; tvisy terms.
> V Iliiu > u7 itioiix. lot iit.\lfifl , lliin'coni place ,
SLOW , J ' ydor.nbalmite ttxFull.
23. ( iood 7 moms , bmn ioM $ lf < H ,
number ol other outbuild ii ) ; > * . lot l"lxlh' ( ,
xor ) line locution , xxiihm onu and nhiill'
nulosof P.O. , ucur Luuxuiixxoith ht. , SlluUJ ,
CIS HnoK hoii-p 7 rooms , Humpy nenr ttlth ,
coml lot , frcuu.
51.V-OoiHlcotti'Kt' H loom" , Imsrc'lnt , iHMlillliil
lociltltm.ll.iMsceii . idiipe.f.l , ' . ' ) . ! ! o ) lum .
"OJ l < ot \IWsoon coilii'O 1 ttio'tn , oiitli
1Mb Ht.f ' . 'l0.8 . li doxx n uml * M per tnoptli.
183 Jitatett cotta o m Oinahii , ncxx , ncolot ,
iiiituiiil tren , Ucdixlu IMP. ni'iir Leax'cii-
win Hi , J > lvi' > .
171 > Lot t'l , t-outh Illh st , cottujse r > iwonxs ,
t > tnin.C'lixitlox nm.d SI ) per mouth ; tills
I ) aluitui m ,
IfO Lotllovlli' , hu-ffo lieu f. r-ood , lllekoi'yst
but , I till i nnd llth , } 1"W , $ iTJ iloxx'ti und
$ .M | w mtinib
\8 \ lot IilivUI. ni'nl eottufc r. inoma. Ml ) bbl
clsti nioullioii-iM , ctnit n e'i eellnr , ti'clnu
llmi-com pmk ; Ilio tound nlonn I xxtirlh
mine than tno pi li e a-Kixl lor thu pi ice ;
It you x\antn de-.inl lo plmn xxlth plenlx
of la'onud room ; ste tin ; , S,0.,0 ) ; OHM )
term" .
IR ) A linetxxo Ftory house 11 rooms , ( tuner lot ,
11x140,011 i ark axe , ' > .uli
10V-llfixlinou ntrnamn. iit-u Oi)1. )
tM&b7 Alexv iiitcts in ! Vut i Ith t. xxllh
building on them II joii wnnt a cued
Ilix-estment look m lot 11 , block. , Konn./p
'M add , hotiHi I looms. ? I WO. > * Wi iloxxn
mid fill per month. Noitli hall lot bi ,
block ,1 , Kount OModUi'd. ' l.onsi ) li loom" ,
$ Ji' i ) , T-r > i4)tlii\xn ) mul L'Uiun month.
71 llust ' lot " , block 1.7 on . .luckoii t. xvlth
boip-emi I binn , f > , UJi . $ IV ) doxxn nnd $ .iri
| i < i moiilli.
"IT Lot on SliPrmnn uvo. ni\l"l ( lit I lot bach
udd..riiiuul.o lots wi\lW ! en 17tli , llor-
biiou s udd , tiNil.
" 07 iri > viVlttiiii , ) ron t-t. M"ry's ux-o . niukosn
\erydesliublo lot.s ; tor mid p.irtlou *
bus eill PI otllce
200 l itfi in Vales Itcotl'H mid , $ % 0ciitih ;
monthlx paxments
" 01 Lot M , block 1U , Han-coin pluco$1,000ciy ;
ensv terms.
1S8 Iot In i/or.laniltiilu-e ( on Iloxxnrd st , 3,500 ;
x ory oa-y terms.
IH ) Txxo oi tlio l.noat ucios m West Oinuliu ,
nuinbeisil nnd 4 , bloi .t . i , $ i" > , ( Xi. )
KI Tint o loto i Vir-rlniu live. Man-coin phieo ,
4-u'vii ior l luce.
175 'I wo loton \ liKlniu ux'o. In block a , llmi'j-
com phieo. Ui eauli
1 ill Txxo lots in Ilimoiiuutfh p'tice on Hltljfo bt. ,
iC.ltlieilno iix-o I $ ! Hi ) e. ell.
Totsuiiimpttxed und unproved properly in
cxeiy pui to. tno city ( ' . i : MiiiioS. W. i or.
1 tb mid ruiirim. Telephonel.i. ( lo If
F'M : s vi.r Ncxvpoit lots ,
Newport ucio Ini" ,
llo-L lor the money
Ncnrei to theto xn.
Pull tlio Inntr Letter ,
Titan any other uddl ion.
In selling m t becnii-u
II Binnu- mill bills on
Its merits. If you
] ) > not admit Xexxpoit
IH all roi > r > ! cntod ,
Vou will bo the
1'irat onu to do HI.
Como and see
New pint noxv ;
Make thcadx'anco
In piicooui- ! .
720 Amos , 1.107 I'mnani
/OIt SAI.i : Choice coiuur lot iu liood'8 1st ml
1'otlor te L'obb.
Ir ) nu want to Mill iciil estutt1 list it xvllb C. 15.
Mayno. Mxvcorlfith and Kainnni Hit Is not
tonv.ui.cnt to call ( Imp u cunt with uliill itccrip
lion ol thu rixlnif number of lor and
block. It xvill pay > on 11 ) ou xx ant to sell lo tend
de-viiplion ot jnur piopeil ) lo tlu ilnene ) .
whoio It xxill iex0lxe piompt nttention Tele
phone Ul. 1)421 )
Ii ilOU SAM : Wlicn Inner * MOO Nowpoit Ihoy
1110 convinird it is the ueixest , nuiitott mid
best LOIO loti , l < r Milu. Vo l can siili-l ) ) oin-
Mtlt ol Ihn b ) iriiiinjr lime und rnlim ; out to
Nexv l on , of x , Inch theiois not ono poor lot.
( Id In mm xvhen xourc.iolco will be union- , , ' the
liM. An es 1VJ. Kuril un Ht. _ LfO _
wunt to sell leul esltuo INt It xvltli C I' .
Mn > nc , h\v uu IMIi and ruinani. lilt Is no :
( uxixenlrnt toculltirop a cind xxlth u lull tles-
ciiption ol the piopmt ) filvlnfr niiinber oi lot
und block llxv idpti ) ) , > n il ) ou xxmil to K II to
send dii-JTiiition ol join piopeitytti ilutai.em )
xxlieie it xull leccixu piompt ultontiiin 'lulu-
] ) honoi l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M'--
Jn'K SAI.i : Iloiire and lot in Noah Omaha ;
house hisr : > looms , p-uin , x > n 1 , eu-t liiim ;
pilLUll. < M. W'J' ( i lull. nn , Cn'ihlini ; block. ( > > . '
1Vll $ SAI.i : Aeiuitil- HclvedoifMidJominjr
1 I't Omaha on ihu noith. 'Ihlsls by Iur tlio
llne t and cheiipe-t acio properioin that diiid-
tlon ; call and eo it. : , tltn.IU per ucio. easy
tci mo. C. K. Mil ) nu , BW uor lutli und Kiirii.un.
SAI.I : r > ucie't , l-cautlful luml , near
Hell line and Kaundei-t ut , ? I'WJ ' , tnny leinm
iii : < julio K.i\Oh diUK nioiu titll
; iK.snTi. tin up luiH in llmiscoin f'lucc ;
$ HHIiloxvii. monthly pu > inc-iii , Cunning mill
\ < liicnumi,151l UoilKo 74b7
T71OII SAM ! Acio lots In lloh-odoio.iuljolnlnk"
Tl Omulmon llio 1101 Hi Tills is by hn the
llneht und chuopest licit ) ptopouy in Ihut ulicc-
lion ; cull und KCP It. fl'-MO ' to ! lu pi r uuie eas )
lei nit ) . L' . i ; . .Mil ) no , Hu-tur 15th nnd I'm num.
J rTiOH SALE Vine lots In Ilunictiiii l'laee.7no
toil.5 0. 1 otter A. Cobb. 41.1-tf
iTtou S.\M\unpoit : ,
JL' A"re lot.
Nenrerto toxvn.
Homes lortliupnoplo ,
( ' in be lioimlit on
Btsier terms , und
Thiui uny uero
Ixitsxou can l ill ,
Tlml lay IIH xvoll
O. are half iishundiJomn
Or oiler hull the n < lvumu'O.J |
That Noxx port iloos ,
Con e und -co
Kexvpoit. mid you
Will admit It is
All claimed lor It ,
A lid mui e.
FOUSAI.i : AeiolotH la llrlxodcio , f'OU lo
itUcach. No hills to climli. Nice luxol
load nil the wuy. Splendid location. Viuxr mi-
U. ii.Maync , IGtb mid rurnmn.
' -
I/IOHSAM : Lots In ThornburK I'luce west
Oinuliu , V.'SO toji/Uench ; Ui per cunt down
balanio niniillily piuini'nls ; Ihu'O mo very du.
tiiuhlc lots und the chciipPM In wesl Oimilni ; the
bell line depot xvill IM' built r.l Inn tornm ol
TlioinlniiK I'liK'o. ' ( all uml bet piiitljnhiiM am
m.'e the | lopuiiy. C. i : Mil ) ne , l.illi and Karnain
' ' '
- _ _
( Li : Txxcnt } iitiesS. W.ot tin cheup
J iitVluUpcriiiru. Volti r & Cobb. 41-Mf
neil SAI.i : Atrolott , In lidxedfi-o.inljolnlnjr
I I i Oinuliu on Uie Noi Hi. 'Inblib ) Iur the
tlnenl mid clit upo-t r.cre pnipcrl ) In I lull dn po
tion full and H'O n. f. * to i l-Mpei act u easy
teniib. C. K. M.i ) no , - . coi l > ih and I'm mini.
Ijioi ; SAI.I : Aeio lots In Helx-odcre. i
I rtOniHlmoii Iho north. This Is by Iur ilu
llnebt uml cheapest ucioniopeity In Iliul diit'c-
t : n. ( nil uml uce it. fiiVi to | J > rJ per ucie caj )
UIIIIH. ( . I' . Muine , MX cor lutli und i'mnaiu.
wiJ :
; ( ) SA I K Acre lots u Helxodeio , JJIXttt
t > jpioli. No hills It ) climb. Niceloxei loiij
all the way. Silcndld | lo Ttimi View uinur
p'isMsl C. i : , Muiie , 1'itli und rurmitu. ll > "J
I T'.S , ois.liinilsllcmlb. . 1Mb und Donvhn
IT MfliioA
1 ? < lilt SAM : Tin ) llnw-t ncio pitiperty by lontr
oddiijitolliiieil ii Hiillvctlcro , vni.-li | ; < will
lectlv fiti-tot I't iiiimlmtJ wlo < mj pui mm
thin la tun oaeapoit ucio property tun H.I mo ills
turn o out , xv 11 mo or1 t > nootli loxo
itiiul till thu xtay , C -Mayuo , Ulh uiU 1'uiuuui
inouSAt , ! ' -IMTrnwo.lh Tirrsco lot * Bt
A J ( " ' ) ft lot. ro inoiil ili | M < ' I oil rn
* < irtli 1 > rrniT l rni'li * i i < I civcon oitli
wo t , tViiuo nnd sot' ' It. Tlio Hi If l.lnc HOI ! MH-
< M rl rncli.'o | i jri-hn o M I. ) liv ' o IKM > iiiw i fill
"i-i-nro. If ji n wtint imp of tin < o U ttlm
( i < n n < tii notton > uil. Tliry will M % inmuito
hoi' , 1 1 runiiiDit MtTtUht thiTi' ihi- < tij
op t .ttiil tfo r. 'Dip h prtilmi nf Hio propci ti n
nil ytM rjn ui4t. i'.i ti rtn of ptij-lr.riit jon i n
Kirn , ' ir-M > \ it to li iTomo nnd i <
ii'oo Amp * , iw : 1'nrinin 7J'
t I Ol alts , loK luiuU-IJPhiK , 1Mb mi'1 l > oufrin
[ nun ' < \i.t. n c. I'mim.-os , iwh mul 1'nr-
1 nnm. Acio property in Ulnn'Miu. i's hddl-
tlt-n ; tliiiH'ddltlt n niMoitti HIP now punlm-oof
Hie MioMin I IMclIlp It li Oo. f-.d
FIIS\Ll--On : Cullfoiwrt St. , 1'j
pO'.totlico , half nere ulth iwiil hou o and
burn , only ft.loo. ! I'etter A l > > bb. 42. t-tf
1,1Olts\l.i : Ixrlll tntt a tiumUcrof line cos
1 taptM mid lots to Kood pp.tti'vj on inonthly
imyinoit . Al-o it iiunilsjrof HtiPdrlviict hors < s
und n lot ol top bu/wM tliiil I will sell o i tlmo
oi tnide for roul os.nte. K V. 1'rnj n , 1571 Norlli
Iv h. _ " '
L ! OININ , lotfl , farina , l.mds-llomU.IMii and
1 > IHiitKl.ii. Wtot'nior.'o
j-m > : s.\iilTe : irit.NinIIHP : ; liripit
* hou < < , ID foomt. l arn nml sfnlilp. city wa'cr
iml ni'co--iii-y ontlmtixiA ctulmntcod lor Im-
< n\fd lann not o\fr3Jtnlli'- > aiUitiHlui. It.
: AwiUrt itfcd not applyAtldicss K. I' Hoe
_ _
Him : i\t.i.Kcw port ,
JO Aero lot.
Ncmnrto titvrn ,
Honor sltnntpd for
ltoauw > lor tlm pt'opiPi
( 4111 1)0 llOllKlU Oil
Ku. U < r tot 111.1 , mid
V'or Ion nionoy
'Hum any urro
I''ll-l JtlU Ollll IIIUl
'l nut lay PS M oil
Or ITO In li ivi Immlanino ,
tit oiroi iiiil : ilio ndvai'tnso
rinii Now porr iluw.
ComoiinU t-ro
Kon-pott i\nil you
A loliiltnnd tor It ,
And tnoro.
TO Amc3 , 1507 IVi num.
HOUSl'.s , lota. Imuls-llomK IMIi nnd tVtnnliH
P yon tint to rinll ronl p lute lldt It w Itli C. U.
[ Mn.vno , sw oor Kill mid Kinnnin. lilt In n-it
oiiivnloir to u.'lldro.iucnrd ivltli tfoil iov
liiilinii ol the piopi rtv jilvliiar nnmlior nt' lot
ind lilook. It will ) ivjon If jon wiuit ttiKi'l ' to
soiul do i tlplinn o' yourpi-on' : ty to this afoiity
w iii'i o It will rurolui prompt nttention. Tele-
liono Oil. OUVD
J7ill9Alr. Two lots oil Goorjjlft A\o. ttto
' liloiksH of Imiionwor.h , ? liWJ or SMi
i. K. itiicj \ can ) . utii St. "J. >
71 nit SAM ; AC 10 lota in lovi'dm-c ) ! > s 01 to
1 { . M narli. No hills to ollnili. Nii'o loel roiul
dltlioN'ij. Hnlindul looatl'Mi. \ Irw IIIHIIIN
, > .ws < < ( l. 0. K Miyno , IStnand r.iinnin. Ol.'WJ
rn oi : s\i.n i.ot wiih now iion o. R of
JL. \ \ cst ot I'mi uxoiuu' , tl.oJJ. .1.1' . liU ! > >
. I.ithot. . I1 1
UtSAMNAeifl IOIM In lU-lvodnif. $4HW to C- '
J o.icli. No InlKto ( Icinli. Nii'o level loinlull
Ihiiuii ) . Splomlld locution. View uiiaiiijiiLHtoJ
t' , 1' MIIJIIO , loth anil I'luiiuiu.
ITlOlt SAIr-vnil noifo anil lot tn noitti
JL Omiiha , hoiio In'.so ItirKU moms euM"r , well.
I'lMi'in.ulONOts , tlv > ) , eusy toims. W.T. dm-
liiini , tii'lKliton Mock. UHKI
FOlt SAI.K On Simtutcrf ) nt. . near ear line ,
lull lot ! OIK tiutit ; now liou-c , K-sti > ry , 7
moms , S , uj.J. Voiy cuoup. J. I ! . Udoy iVl'o. ,
Mi. H linn t. tt.15
Dtt SAt.i : 2 loth on li'immwoilli Blicct
with Kinnll lioiKn , tt.Mtll Inr nil , A KOO I In-
Cuniihuiluun & , 1 H DoiUo.
K AM : Nowiort
Acre lot
Nomni to town ,
I ! ( tti i slui. to I for
Ho , nt's ! or I l.o | Koplo ,
dm lie ' ( ) ! : ! on
i : nnd
Tin IP'- " money ,
T nn mi ) uuro
I , iis.voH tiui Unit ,
'that lav ni well
Or .ini Inilf : ii InJ
Oi otlpr hull thn cil
Tliut Now port ( loon ,
( oinp and njo
NownorL mill you
\.illiiilimtlt Is
. 'P rl\0l ! lorlt ,
And tnoro.
720 Ames , ISO" rurnntn.
.SAJ.IC Two full lot , corner , wi t c'l 1
1 IvolilocKs 1 1 oin I'lirmui1. il ; Miuth liont
mid on irraile : $ l.r.M fov both. A Imrffiiln. .1. 11
Hlle > X fo. . ' 1 ; S. loth bt. 1117
i ; MMS SAM : 3 lot on Pouth 17th ht. : ttisy pay-
J nienlsniidoiy ehc'ip.
I'orSale AdvNulile plupo to loette and hull 1
proccrv ( .toip , Vlnton > .t. . tetinlniMof I Itli
et. cur line , St.030. .1.15 Udoy A. Co. , 'JI3 S.I Itli.
TTIOIISAM : Onrniiioriiif'it , twxii1 ! : rnm
L1 hloiotfldcnco , JwVXKJ. J. K. lllloy & C'u , UI
s. rjih st.
"ITtDK SAI.i : Corner lot 3 bloplri from sfioot
J-1 cms. J. 1 ! . Itilny AiCo.i.1'iiS lithht. illii
"irto : : S.M.I , Klrstt'l.i s 10 teen IIMUN-IILII , n
Jsqmii IM from 1'ii.xton lioiol , lull lot , sp.onclld
locution fllMOi.
ID tooin lONiilonre , niodorn lmpln elnellt < ivi ,
! ih M t.tai bi .Maij't.uvoni.0 No. I ( oration
Ioi , i"Tl/i ! : : yjuitrt11 ? liom point hoitto t Iti ! id
moil nu i > loom oottti o , f , l-i. )
I ot ' i'J. ' . " ) lixiit on I'.lli .ti d Ifth stiect. with
one ' .i it inn and iinnSioomhuutowlrli nil IIUPOS
sin > out InilliliiutS * - ' > , 'K ' ) I
Do not I .id to Invt'tllinitc , there li tnonut In II.
t 01 lo'lltli ni-ir U'lHuiniH , f.mllJviih iuul !
\ \ ell ( in.In * ! IIDII-.O. fl.wi1) .
oloirttor I.ul.eiiinl r.tli,157'i It east flout and
11U It ilei p Ailliti icioni lioutc.1 , i-vVjj.e i3y tunim ,
( ori I anU I'loierlmnt , I'-JiltM with 4 rulr
latesf , in i' ' I. IIIipiK Isa liai am
' , ri leoi cast liont , n ITMi near OH milt with onu
U and on'ir.iooai ' ho ise , $ . " > , ! oj. A la , uln.
riiiiiL-o lots in llutmcom | itt ih'5 , euty
I'lsoliolot an I'.n Ic a\onuo , SI.'Ki , oa = / torrnx.
- i or lot in 1-iKci'rt add noiu Hired ear
iia" o Iiont on ntlifitrcot , Iloihuoh'a 1st
mid. * : ; , uo.
U.'i It east liont , H loth Rt niiiir AVillliiiii'i with -
Hory iiowi-toio liullillnjr. JiJUO. Afloat liar
Kill M.
Lot 7311 Pilft liont lth " now coltUKPsS IMli ,
! lniliaiii | Inrii Ht Muiys a\o. 5" 1M , I'luap.
il ciioku lota In W. A. Itodlclt a aild , t J J uimli
fax > touii" ,
LiiiKeii-soitmont of Hiiimitinn aero lots , ind
lotH In inci > l tiny iiildlltoii til to v Ilifimn.
1 acio with auiall nunIIOIHO in Itioolillno add ,
K auii > < In llronKIIno adil , $ ar ) ouch.
4 ( auiM . " mlles fioin 1)11111111 , with not In'w
tluiii JMXIJ v. in Hi iiiipiovoiiK-nt ! ) : u uholio frtim
ill 6-V per HIT. )
Ml 7' mlltlioin * IL'I-
ad us * postolliLi , highly -
| llOVpd.SVOI.
I'uiiUin & Co . nnj'artmm st. _ im-31 _
17 > oitr.i : KKJluPl liv IWoii I'.nlt 'ivonno.
Jl1 I ! inl hunt , on line , M,0 J. Allies , I5i7
I'm num. _ _ dtn.
ONi.vnniototoiiniloior Impmvcit piopcity.
will UVKIIIIIO moitjruwsoi puj illllcieiK'iifn
rush 1'iulloi ui-Jihiv to I iinlo hotter eull at
once W 11 tJioon.inor IHI Niillonal Hank. 17
ITiOUHALK-A Iu\7lot4 In Ituilletliudilltlon ,
-L iliiKiMork * liom i-tKot rnr. &YHMO > 7SI on
ii'ontlil ' > p.i ) incuts. W.T. fiiahinn , fiulHliton
MocK j.vj
HOISIS ; : , lots , liiialaIlLinM , IStli mid
fi.i v/iini' . < p
ITIUIt MAI.K II II 'IllllH 111 IIPIO plOIKill ) , III
eliolco ii'sldmiri ) loin. In comloi ulilo ducll-
InirNWItli modern lmpro'fiiiiitnls. In llrst-tlaiH
lii'Slnoa pioii | > ny , In liiniU ol nil kliulH In NI > -
Inaska , louu mut KI.IIMI * . Il will pav ton to call
mid i-cu ni ) piico.H. .1. W. Maialiiill. iJj I'uinam
1J < OllciAI.U Ilruto and lot and ton loin none
I'aik imiiiin. dieaii. on ennj IUHIIK ( j | >
( -telililliH. Hoiini ill. Ailltiidini Illoi-k. t'l'iinvT '
FOIIUISNT New hoiivi II MimiiH , Onu ul
lo-t budi lie i-eiiti Oinuliu , xi/ul / bulxtcen
ComhU mid I/md. 'fi\
Coituut 4 leotiisHoiith lu'lh Nt .
OiltHj .1 it emi , Mill -I. , near I'icic'n.
'IVo liiml otllM.j t-euind sltuy llar'kiir louX
Ifiili und Km nnm.
'I vo I'irte iix.iiio In clt ) hull Imlldlii ! , ' inib nnd
I'm nnm ,
Oncorluo finiill More rooms on loth hi near
I iiiauin In City Hull b'didhu will IMI in inn , el
tu b dt loiilci. C. U. il a ) nc , I'd n mil l''nnuin.
JjlOll SAM : One of the flntttt icrldoiuo prop.
cities m Oiimiia. tl"'t > j. Li ; . Ma ) nc. Ij.U
mid 1 iiiii.nn. .1" )
"rnnu hAi.i : TiiiruiKiA-ifitingDi. live ronmi
J1 i.icli.lii Wulniit Hill ; i.'ouil fjJi.iiu , tli/Hi'H ,
.i i leiiiHeic ; tnuloix witlii < itcii olliuo
iuli , Jlunliiwn uii'l t Upvi nionih. C. li.
I .Hi and 1 at num. UV1
I.I OMH > i.jhiits : : , ATJXNTioN-rur lull pin-
J L tlcnl'in iilH > nt IIIMI nad ehnup InmU In
dn . .ulillltlvll UlUltOM I'Uttdl Mill \VtlltO ,
latino .Vein * , Noun I'latto , .NkiO , 1A.-J
TT1 ( K HAl.r.-Cliiiii. ; a Iliu- lot III lluiiLCJii
J. ' run. . * * . AJOit H .v i1. r. . iitooniio. r.i
rnnus.ii.i ! A two story , fSG.i , f u mo bulhl
4 Insf , suittililu lor u Mom , iJtli uud Kur
DUUlbltU AppljUt lUtJ OtllOO. Vii
s\i K trlotoon ( loorrH mid \ *
I 1 tiu-4. , Itedkkii add Jl.lri to { 1. } eucli :
t < y t ; > rm .
rrt ) No\r eottMKf S iiioins irothUi.ini tornrr
OmriJand 1'it-r stuot' * , j.-xM. im > n a'y ' V r *
( till l > l fnciiiir llHti cotn i rk on I'.nVnvo. ,
t'U MSVIIP. r > tli < . < I 1'iir-
ioii or n pk' s t-n- ' - > Dr MM
M"on > . Si I WnJ-psli BM , Ulilova Will
lie t ( kWt'ii HOIIMI , Ootolier > , om niiyonly.
invrwn 01 I in.i will * , rtnotinini MI. l''i8 ' .rtlli
PI. "Till : ni : > .M s" \ Ixmnli it and day
vt'liiolrorioiiiitr la.lle * . DollffhtlMlly
ontleorxttonii H <
I/o tire or nrrflnttatio.1.
Ual Voters of the lint Wanl lit ttio
1 Cliol iiinn'nxl
Vi'ii ioolion-1) ) iiDtllltsl thiit tluMinderljnol
will Mi aH IIMU | for tin I' rt t void hM > ll
nnd KM mm li Mill Htitv" , eommotipl IK Tlnti-v
tlM ! . O.'lolier 'd , lit II o elocl. n in. , lor ( ho | inr-
IXI'Mof m > l ti < iiiw nil nunlllloil votrr < within
Mild wnnlpiid lor the pnrpo eol' nddln Mo , and
oornvHiu tl t iTjilstriition nlroady ntiule. nnd
tor Hin h inuixMp the innKuslKiiiHl wMII sit mid
Kr. p liMlooK of roRlMMillon open e ich day
there trtciMrvi-opt Sundiijsl n thp plneo
caldtitmi II oeloc'k a. in. until 7 o clock p. m ,
until Moiiduv , Noxomt-or Cd , in the lie ir oft !
o i lock in. , wluni wild lunik of < i lMrilon will
l > ei'loMil , All iinnllllodotir - art' notll'ol to
nt'end ' and son Unit their n nnei a < v ptfippily
ISA0 KmitN , Hi jtistnu' .
ITotlra of It
r lei-nl Votei * of the Sci-onJ Wnrd In
J thnnty of Onnihii :
You me tieieliv tmtlllml th'it Iho on lei lunol
will Pit n ixu'- t KU lor the 1'lrt UNtrlot of the
t-'eoond Hard at the N.V txir I.lth and I.PIVOIK
\terili .HiH'lH In Fald olfx . o"iiimi ii'iiiff riinii-
dny.OttolierUM. Ivtt. lit II o'oloiik a m , r > r ttio
pu'rio-o | of rpuWorliiK n" iunllili l rtitoM
within s.ild dl-iilrl , anil for nnuli purpiHp Iho
tinder < lirnod will * lt nnd Keep liH liool. of ll <
Irnllon orn-n en h day tlu-rcirter \o'it | Sun-
daji ) at the plnro nlo.i ild fro a e'exen ' o'elnok
n in. until MMMI n'tlnekp in. uii1 ! ' Mondar ,
NovfMilx-r''d. | H < i , ul ( ho hour ol I ' o olop'c ' in ,
wlion I'flil I took of renNtrallon will 1 e eliweil ,
All muiMlril xo' < m aiti noHliod iiiiiltfiiliunln'O
that lholrinuiif > in piopoilv ten < < an
ontlte new ri'irK'mtlnu list It In Innnnlo. . utiilor
imlaw. \ . ,1 Milt DIISUUI.IA , S't. ,
t'milia. ' l < t irili't \ \
fJlOtl-p Leuiil VoleMof fioSp.M ) 1 1 I ) Jtilrtof
J Iho Hi-Kind Waul In the Oily ofdmnhiit
Von nui horeliy nviillod timt Iho iimloMl uoil
will nit asietlstrar Im 1 ho Second -.nlrtol I the
Hcfoiul wnnl nt I1. II. ( ( itont i l nr aloio , cor-
iu r l th Hi ) eel and Ht M rv' nionup. uohl
monclnv 'Ihnihdav. Ortul or'JM , IK 'J. at eloitJii
o'elopl. a. m . I'or tlm pnipiKo of leiHlurlnjf all
iinalllledotPM within wild dWrk't , nnd lor the
pmooMiot iiildiiu to , nnd coiici'Mnir the rojtls-
ir.itlon alie.vly nwlo. and for Hiteli pnipo > o Iho
iindprhliMind will ill and l i op Ills hook of loula-
t rat Ion open e.ieh daj thornullor evcopt Him-
d'i ) nit plncpalore" I'd ' Ii-Din I'loveii o rlntjk
a. m nnlll Kinen o elork p. m , until Novninber
' . 'i i , tssTi , al the lio'ii oi I ' o'clu.'K in . when xidd
IKK ) I , ol' ir.'Utnitlon will hotliKed Allqinillllod
\oteisare iiotllttvl to atlind and M.UI that ( holr
niimomo propeil ) louftei-oil
oetlii JOHN R l\i.i\ : , Konlsti-nr.
NoUce of BojlstnUon.
rpo the I.efial \ otoi-s of the Third Wunl In the
Jrlty ot Omaha :
You mo hen l > v notlllod that the
will till as ii-i'intrui lor the Thliil wan )
South ISth MH'oUliutwcon lontrl.imd ) rarnam.
i ommi'neiinrTlinr l.iy , Oclohei V.M , l-W. ut II
o'cloe'i ' a m , fur HID pnrpoof if lstniliiR all
( luullllpd tutoM ttUliln \\nid.undrorsiioli
jiuriio o lie iinderxltrni'd will nit and Itrep Ills
book of luvli'triillim open earh duv thereafter
( cauopl Hundayt-i at the phuo iifoti ulil Irom
eleven o'clnel , a in untlll n von o'clock p in ,
until Monilay , Novo'iitier J , H-fi , at the lionroC
1 o'rlopk in , when r-ihl book of tp'l'tr.itlon
Mill he ili i l All nuf.lill , ' , ] Mit.-n nrr nounod
to attend and MN- that their inimei mo inopoil ) '
roylhtprcd , iisnu enilro now lojbtiatlon lUt tote
to 1 10 miiilo , umlei no Inw.
oolL" . It.V. . CIIUTIN , l
To tlio T.o al Voteisol' Ut li > tilct , 4lh Ward , In
the Cltv ol Oiuiitni :
Von nro neroh ) notlllod Unit tlio undi'i ' luneil
will v | | n ItevNIiur lei Iho I'lrst DNirlet of llio
I'o'nlh wind nt .liinios Kor < > Ill's druir store. N ,
\ \ ixiiner SlMoenth mid Caplt'il luoinie , coin-
ineni'InirTliiiiMltiv , ( VI. Stinti. 1" . " . , lit II o'clock
n. m. , lot I ho pui | x > < o of io'ri K'Thir nil iiiallllul | ,
\ olurawitliltiMiid dlMiicl. and tor the puipo > o
of ( iddlni ; to , nun corn etlmf thn ro 'Imitation til-
toad ) mndo , and tor Miieh purpo--o tlm undor-
pifrned w 111 nit unit l-fei ) Id3 book of roirlstratlail
open oiu'h da ) thei-'ilicr iu\uipt Sinuiajoat
Iho plaer-nfore ald liom II a. m. until . o clock
P m . until Nov. l , al the hour of I. o clock in ,
whonxaid hook of i-esiitratlon will ho elo"Ott.
All ( | iialltliil rotcii nro nonlled lo i > rtimd and
tco Hull tliDir uainea mo pie ; . tl > iiuflt led
W J. riiiLM , K.Kttiir. .
ITrtleo of ilosial'-itloj.
rilOtho I sixl Vo'nrsof fie Se-Minl District Of
1- llio lei itn Wind in the City ol Omnlia.
Von me lieicli ) notlllod that the nmler-ilunod
will "It an lor the Peeond IMh'i'ii.l ' of
the i'liuiih v.-nr 1 ut I'lank I ! Mooie'i iM uUnsh
'I li'lsntOfilcpi. cornnr of Klltpcntli and Kmnain
> -tieot , eommeiH Inir'J'hui's'liiy.OetolM r M ut
II o clock u m , tor the puri-o o ol' roul lerln' {
all < ] inilii ( Ml volei-s uilliln mill Pccnuil UlstUctot
th < < Pomih xviird nnd lor tl o pui ] o e of udilhi ;
to , mut i orrx ctm > r thn m-'Wtratlon ulroudy imub ) ,
and toruiuili piirpiHp llio innlurslmird will sit
mid Keep his hook of ic.-MititloM ojx n p-ieh ( Iny
thfivtilter eveept Hnnii.ij * ) at the. plm e. iifore-
ttnd liiim el'jvon o'tiloeli u m nnlilfeveno'cloolc
ii. in. , until Monthly , No\p utter "d"W. [ " . ul Iho
mint of I.'o'clock m , > xlion H'lld book of rerlj-
tr.Mlon x\lll Itotln-ipd. All nntilincd xoteis HID
notitiod to utiiMul mid > > co thnltholr n.imodiuo
pioj oi Iv rejfli.tciul.
fictll J AMP < G. Cinrr.NTKK , Ho Lstrar.
ZTotlco ol Hs < flstrntlon.
rpotlio U-wt Volor * "t thf Kn-ht District of
i Hie riltliwniil In tnoeltx ol Ouiulni1
Vuu me ) imlltled ihiit undefMvned.
xi ill fit IH ii'Mstim lei llio Kir-t. DN net of the
ritthx.ard nt John ( 'iimmlnirs' noc < > rv htoro ,
1 th and ( 'hicufjrosliPciH.cfiin.nom'ltiirT.iiir dny ,
Celol or d , Ihv'i , ut ulox'on o'clock a in. , lor llio
pi r.o-ool | luvlstpilnif nil tiimlllledxo'e-sxvltliln
Miiddl'iilrt and ( or the | i'n IIUMI ol .uldliii ; to ,
Hint c'lijoctliiir llio rcHlHliallon n. oidj made ,
nnd li.r'n'lfh ' pnrposo Iho iindi' iKOcJ xvill HU
mid I cup hlA boolt < > t i ; 'isliailoii open < nil ihiy
tliurtnlloi lOM'i-pl Bninliiys ! at tlio l hire liioio-
hiuil liom ulctcn o't lock a. m. i.'itll - noii
Of lock p m. until Nux'oiiihnr 21 , l'-Vi. at the
hour of I ! o't loci , M. xvhon the Mild boo ) , of
lOKlHlintlon will lie clcued All iii | < illi'e ' < lo l OM
am imlllliKl to intend and i-co that their nmuea
mopiopuil ) le L.tniod.
oct.r. . JDIIN CiiMiiiNr.s , HegMrnr.
Ifotlco of Kc,7lstrnttou.
rpo t-"lciriil xoieihof Jd Dlslilcl , Slh
Ithe cut ol Omaha.
Von arc liiuehy notlllcd that the nndPiHlunoJ
will nit as HoKiHtiiii lou thoM : tlNirli t of Kiati
XMinl at lloilimiiiH tecilritoio , nil N Mlh xlictit
i oniiupiicliij ; .S.uniiliiy. ( HHol > ci"Mti ! , ni d n , tn , ,
lor tlm piirposool inxlsloili all iuallllod | xo-
tei-M within mild vollns PlDelnot anil tor HIP pur
pose of iiddlnir to and foiitcllnif the lo lstrn-
lion nli endv made , nml lor Hiielt pnipoio the
inidcislKiK'd xxlllttll and Loop hUlxiok of H | A-
liitllon upun oiipliday thoioiilter < ovcopt Sun-
ill'- . ' ut lie ! phieo alorp-ald Innn cloven o'clock
ir m inilil hi'vim OLloek p in , until 'fnnsduy ,
Nuv ' 'tl , ut the liom of I ! o eloclc in , whnn salil
hookwof rpal-liatloa will I oclo-ed All tiiall' | . otei-M mo notlllud to attend and bco tlmt
tlair nameismoproixnly tcirlKloicd ,
II , I' . ItliDMAN. llojflstriir.
ITottoo of Ilojlstritlou.
I luneby uixn inn Ice loino leirul voles of the 1st
iliHlilct ol tlio Hlilli ill ) xrunl , that 1 will hit ut
tlm Htoicof It. II. I.IICIH. 'J-'Oi ( * iimtnlnif fit.
ThniBilii ) Out . : " M And xvill eomlinio to Hit
ciuili day , thoio utlnr iSiindayit ovccpleill ill the
I 1 no u'.oie ( .aid tioiii c'oion ilho'cloLk u in , ,
to 7n clock ii. in , nnlll Momlny Nov : . < ! nt thij
hourtil I1 ; M , xvliiui Hiild hook ot lU'jrtstiuilfm
xxlil Itoelo-iil lor the pilipo u til lOKi'torlnK'ail
iiudlllloil x'oiem wllliln nald dUtlnct. all lo 'ill
Mitci > , iiii iCKiocltiill ) > no ! I II od to intend and hoe
that tnclr numos me on ihe xotlnuIM ,
f'lltH. Wll.KINS ,
ItevUtiii iHt dlHlilet nl'lhcli ward.
Omaha Douglas Co. Oi.1. ! , " > IjVi.
Jyotico of ,
rpo ihn VOIPIN oi tno Six end HKtrlct of
i tlm hlxtn xtuiil In HIP cliy oi O.niilnt.
Vou me liciet- inn llio , 1 thai the iiiiuorsUnni )
xi III sit UK ie'lniiiu lor lite boeonil DNtrii t nf tlio
r = l\th umd.elly ol Oiimlia , ul the t.ioio til A II ,
. ' mull i cni nor ni i inning anil 'lili ulKel" , coin.
nicncln ilniMii iyiiiiilieriil. ) I w-.iii 1 1 o t ! K : ! :
a. in. , tor the pnipo-oni H { ti IHK | all iiuunileil
votuin xvlihiii said MI-NUI I Dimrici of u.oHlxlli
XMinI , and iur . pmiiovi ilieiiMilci i u"il mil
fill anil km. ) , ins | HIO' ' ( ol m Miiiiion open each
dil ) theuttttoi ie\ei < pt Hiiicliij. m | ! m pliicu
nltneHiilil irtnn cle.iin o'cloi I. a in mull MJX'C i
o doUp m , until Monila ) ' . 'o/i uil.i r < ! , I t
m the hem ol l ! o elm K m , WIILII mid hook , (
ir .MiiiiUin xx ill lioiliimiil. All < | iiulil i .1 XuKiri
mo notilled lo iitieml nil. I r > Him tin n niiiiiiiii
lire IIIONCCIV n 'inioiod. us no ( iniio "i iej-v |
liulion IIKI in in lie made tin n i m w ,1 > ,
nt ll "i i AI.U , Id' -1-.1-ai
Nebraska National Bank
I'.MII I'lcIUAI . 8oJnn/n ! (
hllll I.I H. M.i.x I , Ks.
1 ! . W'nsi.ul. , | ,
A I' Tmv.M.i.N , Vice
\V \ V. MOIIM' ,
JOHN S ( ''4 ,
W 11. S. llrr.iii'.s ,
Co U'lh MIII' f "iiam yticr