TXIT3 OMAHA DAILY BEIJJ : THURSDAY , OOTODBB 20 , 1883. DAILY BEE. Omn * . OcrUK. Nti 'H AM M. VAIINAII 8r N sty Ydi rvfi m , M\-i \ , ( , , . innu.sM 1) ) 11 TUMI. PolillMiMlC'XMTtnoriilnr.fwptfliimfnr. 'Ilio only blontlHiMcniilni ; impi < r ftubllnlitxl In Hit' 61H lo , T HMS tiv MXH , : Ono Year fiaonThtwi Montlii * ' 5M Fix McnMm. . . . MUMieMonlJi t.Oi Om : V'ximtr UNK , I'tililithml livery Wi < liotluy. | 1KIISIS , I'OSTI'VII ) . Ono YoHr , nllli pmmlum . . . . . , . . (6.nn OMO \ ' ( ' r , Mllt'init iirciiiiiiin l.-j PU Mdnllifl , vUliiitit tiieiaUuii 75 UiUiAIlnitli , ( in trial IU ( OIUII.HIOMIKVrHI All rotptniitikitdiiiu -'lnif i t nrwHiuiil mil- tcrlnl ir.inH ru blioultl t.i ) Hiiflrri'M. ' * ! to llio Km- ion ofim ; luK. ! nntsr.os i.mt.nH : All buPlurM lelli m [ mil roinlltntirf * fjinntil tie rrtrtrcfeil to TIIK UCB I'riiMrniMi COMI-XNV. OUAIIA. Drt'ftK. iliivM nut ) Jx > ' Inilliti ortlcrs t < > Im umill ! pu > iihleIn thooitli-ror tlio uiiumy. | IfcE Bt P08LiiHIIS ! ! COMPAUt , PROPRItlim IJ. ItO.SKXVATt'.lt. r.uiTOU. Doif vr forget to regisler. QMAIIA ( out'inucs to pile up the brlok mid mortar. Ilosroii ( Jir.'Kt.lMfi intimates thai thu recent Inlorxlow credited to him xx'as bogus. Itviw not creamery , but but- terlno. _ _ Ttiupiixvihifct gaum coiillnut'a to ( lour. | flh in Now York. A few inoro killers from Toxarf ought lo bo imported into the metropolis. QXIAIIA xvunts si rail rout Ui the north- weal but xx'o don't xv uit it bad enough to plvo a way SJ" > ! ) 0' ) > in bundsiind property wilhoul very doliniu gu iranlucs. Tin ; oill/.tiis ! of Ounliu would like to got n union depot on the bqtnirn , but \vlmthor limy would consent to Us loca tion on Judcrson sijunro i.s a tlebutublu quostlon. TIIU llcrahl says th-it every ono xvho votes for Itilly ( Juburu will vot.o for an untried man. Pat ford xvill nol ho voted for because ho has been tried mid found panting. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pui:9iiKNTir.VKt.ANi : ; > hasilonoagroal Injury to tlm Washington bom ding house Industry by his proclamation refusing after November 1st to listen to the uluinis pf llie. oflicio Hockers. Mu. BciiAi.i. xvus promptly confirmed tiy the rounoll as member of Iho board of public wirka. Mr Schull is u practical fitono outlur , and xvill bring valuable ox- perlanci ) to his new duties. Tin : friends of Mr. 1'atrick For I are now living high. So long as that $ , OJ 'bar'l" holds out they will "smilo" xvith bigh priced drinks , but utter thu election they xvill Uiko water straight. OMAIIA'H anxiity is lor a railroad up tlm Klkhorn xalley , ami nol up the Mis souri river. A direct line a hundred tnllon 111 length in that direction would be woilh many Ihousunds ot dolhirs lo Ihiti city. Oun iteenieil democratic contempo rary decllnoH to disenss the xvouk point" of thu domouratic ticket. It n.serves its ilisousfiion until the next day after elec tion. U'hcn the iitmospheie in the neigh- liorhood will bo bine with sulphur. M t. Comiits is a rospoetublo citi/.on , long u resident of ( Jmalia , of largo ac quaintance and a most cuicicnt member of tho. bohool board. No one can ques tion hi.s integrity or caj ability. This is vhy Im Is going to make 1'at Ford fool as If a brjclc block had fallen upon him on alootlon day. PKKSII > INT : ( . 't.KVKt.xsu has BPt doxvn upon olficu-sookors xvith a dull , siokonin < ; thud , OH It wore. Ho has given them un Ul the Ifat of Novemb to present their claims , petitions , anil demands , uftei ivliinh date he does not ] iroposo lo havi anything more to do xvith thu bores. i'rcHidont. Cleveland's eonrsu in I his re- epoot will meet xvith the approval ot the gicut majority of the pi oplo , but it is u dose of bad niudicino for the politicians and xvlro-pnllera. ToiiN UOACII. xvho is ] ) osinga a pnnni- IOSH martyr , xvill not end his days in the } ioor honso iiftnr all. The government nppraisorri estimate that ho may bo Hulol.v paid somothbig over a million of dollars for worl ; done on llm two crulHors , Al lantft and Chicago. If Seerelary Whit- nny rolenU and accepts tlm Lolphin , Mr. Rouo.li can retire from ship building without any danger ot snU'er'mg in hs old ago , There bus been a gfoal deal ot Sympathy wasted on Uoach , who tor yearH vn > \ \ tlm most hra/.un of all the lob byists xvho haunted tlm halls ot con- iruta. ; ; //HYiWeMwcts toptH ) the \\v.r \ \ art on the aiiK'KL'Htlou ol the clmhmun of the imti- imtnt'pollsl ' comuiittiu and jiluee thu deuio- cnitli' state lOtetatllie iiiast-hiiad.--i/CMi/iL / No lUitl-ii.onopo'iHt ' can honestly for 0. II. Goio lint xvo know nit rt' why other cmulidiitiih on tlm 'tnto ticket ahpuld nol rt'coivo tlm fuVi vote o' the nntUmonopoly repuUl''t.ans . , , , ,1 tlo ] , . „ . imblioan unti-inm'.opolists. Tlm olmir- of Die ' . man unj'.monopoly central com- iniltoo is lit ' / " " J'/uorly to "suggest" xvhat he Iloiwc ) vhutHigg-stionsdo not haxc the tsannifuroo H.S puity declaralions. With the uxuoplion ot Mr ( Sere llm inlero.ils ol .untl-nuinoH ] lislsnro not til all hay.arded in Uiu nhoicii of the rupublican state tlokcU IT is noted that a largo niarlun drnds : ing imichlnu lor use on the Panama canal 1iiM arrived at tlm islliinus aflor a vo > * JI H tuiilcr steam of eightioiglit day * from ( iliixirow , by xvaj ot the Struils ol Magullan. Tlm speed ot this mini scuw Is Homexvhat greater than ( hat .shown IM our man ofvnr .Mohican , the details oi vhafsu cruise xvcro related a foxv days ugi in the press dispatches. That remark ublo Wosel , isoiistnicted at a governinen navy yard , bioku doxvn live tuno.s in i trip down the. I'aolio coast , and under i full head of steam exhibited a spect whiuh xx inilil disgust an iiveragu cuna liargemun. The nuu'l defenses mos neoilod at pniseiil urn dofiiisc-j t'lom in compclont ( ! onitriictor.s und couUuutora , Tl o The ooiitlotorc.v tllrrc'l ' lip bv Iho pub- Iu 'tmnof ' Mr Ch inn"y O p w-'j led. r iiium HIP n-1 ilitins of Gi neral Grunt lo Tresldt nt .JohiHi" ! is mi unfortunate one. Hoth tlio priiiiip N Mm In their grnxos. Tim ono cannot ilnny tlio poisibly fnl u cfiloring iof mi aft.T-dlnnerconvrr fttoir ! , the olhor must lie niloiit under what maybe bo crnni mhroprp entations of lioniM and loyal purpo o. The * tory told h a dlDlctilt ono to bnl.ovt1. That a pri idenl of the United Slates deliberately planned n scheme for the overthrow of tlm gov ernment , tim expulsion of congress from Ilio capitol mid the Institution of u now congress of his own creation , and asked Iho general of Ids army , mul tiflorwarils the second In command , to assist in this revolutionary tiehemu , is almost in- credible. It bnuomoa still nmro so xvlion the circumstances are taken into consid eration. No intimation of tlioir knowledge of finch a plan xva < gix'en in thu impeauh- tncnt of I'ro.sident JolitiRon by cither Goimral ( Jrant or General Slier- man , although thu former xvua then a bluer unniny of Mr. Johnson mul llm latter had nothing ( o gain by his silence. To imagine , if any < ueh dollnilu proposals hud over been made by tlm president , that either of the two Union generals would luuo failed to havu made them public at the proper tituu , is in iUsolf to cast a doubt upon their own loyally. No xvhisper of Mr. Johnson's deliberate plan lo Mo\louni/.o the govornmoiil was over breathed into the public oar during his lifetime , Sur rounded as ho was by bitter political enemies in tlm majority pirry and do- iiouncoil for almosl every crinm by the , republican prt'sj , the charge xxould tser- luinly h-ivo been I\e ! I if it could Imvo received snub u rospoelalili cndor < 3eni"nt as that which it is noxv soaght to give it. General Sherman has linally opened his month on llu * subject aft.-r refusing for MJinudayrt to break Hilenc'i. Ho ciVoel- ually disi > osos of the matter by declaring that every letter in his possession from General Grant during Iho time in ques tion goes to disprove that ho ever feared violence , and that lie never in personal conversation with li'm ' , expressed any fourthat Mr. Johnson contemplated the uscof urini , "It xvas u political quarrel between Jackson ami Grant , " .says Gen eral Sherman , "a light bolwo.Mi the prtisidonl mid congress wlreh General Grant xvas nol xvillmg should bo waged Dver his shoulders. " Aiidroxr Julinson xv.n a strnnc ; ni'in , an obilinalo man in pursuing his own ideas , mil he was essanlially a union man. It was bred in his very bone and sinoxv and ingrained in bis nature through years of battling with dislovulfy and bee ss'.on. Whatever his mistakes , adhered to againstall opposition iu tim -s of rancor and hate and siclhiiiy political c\cito- ment , trea.son never untjrod his mind. The personal ant igo lismwhioli ho on- cotmleroil in pushing Ins rooonslniet'on ' ideas against Ihe wall ot oxeitod northern sentiment wore violent uml many. Ho tailed in Using General Granl'm his quar rel xvith Seorelary Stanton , and : i bitter enmity sprang up bolwoen tlio pres'dent and iheeoiiiiuandinggen'1 ! ' . ! ! . Suspicious as to iho pivsid 'ill's inloiitioni to carry out his plain at all ha/.artU may have been roused in Goti'Tal Gram during the struggle between congress ami llm I'xuautivo , but that Mr Johnson made doliuito overluros to ( Jranl as re- lalod by Mr. Dupuxv xvo do not bulluvo. Such a charge , covering with infamy , if proved , the memory of Andruw John son , must real on stronger evidence than the litful mamory of an alter dinner con versation long years after the supposed ooeiiiTonoes on xvhie.h it rests. Much as thorn is to criticise in the plain , in ittcr- of-facl and stubborn senator and chic ! executive , it is. a late day to question the loyalty of the man who was burned in tilllgy for his union soutimenU in Ten- ncssoo , who taced treason in llio senate , ami his own party in congress us ohmf exeoiilivu , and who. after a political con test unparalleled in our history , rotinnir trom the presidency , agiin took his old .senatorial neat llirough Ihe coiilidtMieo ot the puoplo of his native slate in his un- sxvtrviiig integrity. General Grant's name und fame do not need the everlast ing disgrace ot Audio w Johnson us u pedestal on xvhich to rest , .hist at pres ent llmir greatest xvant soenis to bo pres ervation from fool friends and too enthu siastic eulogists 1'rolootliiK tb < > Niilioiuil Paries. If Lieutenant Kingman , who Im = jr > . font ly ruturnud iroin the Yellow ionc I'ark , is correctly inlormed , 'tho saniu gang of sharks who info' . , ,1 tm | ilh ! , congressional lobby uwi onduavored tu sectiro an oiilrancul'Itoth , . national park , will be. on huiullt tK. | m.xl smsion. Last si'ssloii MIU.V iu , , | the mniuing check t < i a.sk for u print ; ; of nuil.O. ) . ) acres in tin nortJ'.orn part of the reservation , bul < > r.yiiig to their failure to get this nici littlu si eo of the national domain foi their Cook City railroad , they hovi inoilllied their domamls to thatot-a right ot xvay through the same .section. Il tin lobby docs not prove morn powerful than ordinary honesty und practical common Hoiisu , the proprietors of the Cook Cil\ \ railroad scheme will xvuit * onu > time be fore they uro permitted to invade tin national park. The pretense that llu road is necessary to reach the mines ir tlm north is a sham. It is u xvell knoxvi fact that llm projected line is s-implv in tended as a proliminur. > to throwing open the purl ; to various lucrative trans poitation industries. Them has beer too much scandal already over tlm van ilnli-.ni committed on the reservation l\ \ hotel hliaiks anil speculators x\ho \ havi cut timber and slaughtered game will impunity under the cover of govornineii protection mid franchises. The intonlioi in betting aside the paik xvas t < make it a national pleasure gionnd ami a plcturcsipio national retiea xvhosit buaiilitul lorestn , lovely xalley , ami xvonderfnl geysers and petrifaction .should bo perpetually preserved from tin hands of lucre hunting vandal ! ! Tlm in gros-tof railtoads into the park will meat the ultimate untrunco of a do/.en othe kinds of bii : > liies > nnterprisos , not t < spouk of tlm duslriictlon by tire wldcl wouhl certainly follow in tne wake of tin locomotive. AIIJtiling xylnuh vrill tab nwny from the natural Krctttluir and lirhiU'Vul prlvne.v'of Una Am > TKi.n wendi - di rl .nil should l/u / stcnilv t.-pn ul If jiot the day U not far ili.-.tiut ulu-n wo slmll sue tlm Vxk.v walls of the- grout rmiyon liimd with tlm painty nllrnt'tions of Jotici'I.ivcr L * id , or glistening with notion * of tlm tntnsociulunt virtnu.f of Smith's Cough Syrup. Tlio Itoml to Iliu The n itation for n diroulrailioad from Omaha into tlm Klkhorn Valley mid norlliwesturn Nebraska IIIH i-nlininsitpd in a piopo.-iitloa for : i sulwidy in lands mid bonds from Douglas county and Onialia. Stripped of nil nhlo Issitoa unil put in pltiln mattcr-of-faot ImiRiia n , the proposal matin by Hon. John MitShmm to Iho comnilttuo of thu board of tradn may bo .stininmd tip us follows : If Dotij ? * las county will donate ti subsidy of sfUiO.OOU in 5 per ount bonds mid tlm c-ity of Omaha will donate Jolmrson s junro or tin eftiully | iivuilabln pluco of properly asiv.'fll fuel , tlm Oniaim anil Motlliprn railroad company will iij ron to build onn litinilrutl inilos of railroad northwo3t out of Omahu. Mr. ISloShmio , in this proposition n. proaont-s Mr. S. II. { t. Clark , mid Mr. Clink rojinsai'iits tlm Missouri I'uuiflu. In olhor wor.lstlm Missouri I'.icilio , through an au\diary , oharljr I nul-roir jo i- oral railroad law , ask i for tipubidy of Hourly ! UiurUn' | of a inillio.i . in IsnuU and bonds for the tDUstnietion of a dirootlino from Omaha int , > noitlu-rn Nobraska. It w.va entnvly tinnece-i' < ary mid tiupni'lliums for Mr. Cl.ir't to remain inlhub.ipk'jroun'l.or fur Mr. ll-'S'i mo to appear in the front , in dealing with tlm board of trade ootinuillju , Tlm ooiu- inilloo was intjlli antunou h to luuliir- st.uid llm rclittiniis of tlm p.irtiui , and the citiiis of O.n ilia o ml I n il b > kept in the dark hn. * uii'ijh t v.it bj-i-h \villiontkno\vinjf \ who W.H to bj lh > i til- tinmtu ivt'oivur. Ho far as wo uro ronoorncd , ami wow \ liovo wo nvpro-- ) t.m vlovvj of nino-ltiiitlis of our oiti/.uns , wo oaivi not wiio yjts the Inn j as O.n ih , ( soiMnw diroot with norlhwesiorn Nobra.ka. If .lay Gould is willing to uihanou tin1 money to build suolt u road nmL-r proper < ; iiarantei'g , O.n ilia will do in m uh for him as nho would for miyoLlmr capitalist. Wo just as aoon deal diroetly with him or llio Missouri I'aoilio usvilli homo impilali.-U ulu > uro aotiiiy for him. No liiMjii'lic'f or atlvorsu suntiiunit in to Gould's mina'iinnt ' of tlu Uiiio i I'a- c'ilie will m hmu'u t lis o i iim iiiity in do- t'iiliny the pan I'my proiiition. : First mul foren.t > , On ill i wants a railroad to tlm Kl'.Jm.'n vull. y mid ti the territory trlb.il.iry t.i it. A r.iilroa.i to norllioru NuliiMslvii winoh w.ll hiiij the JMisjonri rivnrvill nit.nswur tlu pur- poso. Suoh si ro.ul w mlil IKI of material benolit itml mi ; a bo built as a branch from 3r.no ) po.nl in llu Mlk'.iorn ' valley but before thin con ity votjs a dollar in bonds to ai.l this projixit.nl line t'-ioro must b j a d iaiijin I umdu ; y-i vr.uit jj that wo will not liavo another Omahu it Northwjatorii stub liiiti without an outlet. Nor do wo simply want a branoli from Om ilia nurtliward to connect wjt'a a trunk line fioin tlm south wlnc'i ' Mr. Gonltl may d lairo to b lild Iroin it. LouU into .sonllioastorn I ) tkoi i. , In the inivt ] ) lauo w > > b'lall ' insist that the ai'\ud ' t'o.'onail . lu ' hiibsidy \ in irj i'oa- -fonablo. O.m hundred tliui = : iml ilollar.- , from the county unil a piopor tiijiit ot way from the oity miy'itbo favorably con- sidcivd. U § 1.V.UJJ ) bonus is tinLu't that will indiK'o u.ipitiiliiU t > buihl the rail road th it wo want , the laivjo properly - orly owner.of Omaha sho.ild put thuir hands in tluir pi'k"t i ua'l ' mule ni ] the tliirirjiuij. Tli iy arj tlu ones to bo in jst liiiiolittiil , : i'id w.ll gt ) their return - turn i in th rjsaltin ; ri-u of r sill estato. Mr. William A. I'.ivlon has voluntc ! red , tor ono , to donate $1,0)J ) for a. dirui-t rail- load up the Klkhoinillc.v , mid tlmre nru : i tlom property d\vieri \ in Oni'liu who own more real e-.t Uo tluin ftlr. l'a\- ton. ton.Tho The proposition to donnta Joflbrtio'i sqnmo lor a djpot is'ioval and sjiiu.vhat eoniplicatu 1. O li.iion of l.uvydi'dill'ur. astotlu pnvrof t'u oily tj \ .u it ; t l ( ! s priro for aipir > ji . Wj i > , UJt fuel ours 'lv\ % ; ! oirn.i ) l 'lit at tv , s , jmu t/j ovpr.'isa d.liuit > vmw u to th author ity of iho city tj , " , ' , , . ! - ! , si | irj IT any corporation.phn iq nm ) lu tim , to ionsidufe : ' , Mm-iti.sriii all its b2'irin when Hi- (1'ilinita pro i Hltio-i is m i lo , w'i-'i ' Mr. MoS'i nm pronis's. We pro- 'po-.li toffi ik for t'is ' intir'M of Om ilia wliatevor int > r.its ot'i ir piv Ti nny have , in ulrijitii t'l i u.r. : > i liti jii.il acooptunoo of tin prjp > < itio.is now ponding. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sr.icviA , and Servia alone , is the obstacle to peace in l uropo , though Austria is in part responsible for rofrainin from o.\ ' cruising hcrlnllmmuo to check thi' mar , tial disposition of Kin } ; Milan until it wa- too late. Tin : union of the Buliarii- would havi ) been ueci pled by all the powers , and working relations would ha\ liuon c'stablisho'l with Turkey in u short timu had it not been for Iho sclli-h < ; reiitl of Servia for ii ranili/.i'iiuint. That trooil awakitimtl the fear of ( ireece , anil her ambition lor enlargement and it sel all tlm ether states ol the jHtnin.siilu ti un uneasy contemplation of dan < ior tr thuir ow n liberties. It is a most nntortii nato and dmi orous condition ot all'airs , ami I'vnry day Hinders more probable n general war. liiOguriu ot cour.so wa- lorced to projiaro to defend liur owi boiindarius. She did not dusiro war and made nvery cll'ort to accomplish tin union peacefully am ! on honorable term- with all hur imighhors. Germany am Kn l ind Imvo done what thuy could ti preserve poaco. Hnssia is plainly preparing paring for war in pile of her remon stranoxM. The outconiu is mcio Uvsa work. CimiK'llnmn I.i'eiler , who was n cnmliil.iU1 befuie the ii'iiiblie | , < n conveiitliin for sharill and had a laij-'e following , but was euchrei oat ot the imiiiin.ilion , det'lared at thoc'oun rll nifftilii , ' lust illicit thnt ho would MIPIKJII Mi. J''oiil. This i.s mini ! th.in bl nlllcunt.- llcrnli ) . Tisindoml. Hut if Pat Ford's hopo.i all hunt ; ° " llat | little twi < ; ho will nol nin.Ua\c Miller's hoarding lieu > o IK yon want to vote yon should person ly i > oo that you uro properly registered IicnvlU. Hitrnhnin , AVc do not hesitate ( n cordially cndoraa ( ho e.'indid.iij of Mr. luavitt llurtiliaiu for tlm position ot rent In Ihostato unl vorsit.y nlncli 1m lifis acceptably Illlod for sorcral years. M f , ISurnlmm Is a gentleman - man of cnlturo anil a ihan who roeotfnl/.ea the trust imposed in htm as above all po litical considerations. ' Whllo 1m has oc cupied the podilloil of land commirwiotmr of tlm Union I'aoilia for years , ho has jjivrn tie ciotititontinro or support to the dlsroputablo nmthoils whtoli rullroad inaniiirers pursuc'd ' jiero for joaid in Nebraska politics. Whllo thi'i'i ) is no doubt of his election by a larfie majority we tuko pluasuro in inviting tlm undivided support of all republicans - publicans to his candidaoy. WITH the nieniory of ? ; r 9ODU , in imnds voted to railroads , whiuh for years have for j ears been try int ; to boat tlm bruina out of Omaha's wholesale trade with the very roads which Omahu capital con structed and nourished , Douglas county will licslluto Miiiiu thiio before it giM-s fiitlhcr subsidies \ other roads without tlm mi st delinito gnarantoes us to ronto unil inanaiomoiit. The people of Omaha nropnu'liiully u unit in deslriiif ; direct communication with Iho norlhwestern pait of Nnhratikii but tlmy nro not prepared pared In bond theiiHulves to oMeud lines Into the norlhwcNiinn part of the state however vuluublo in a IIHS deyreo such I'MeUHions would bo. The principal crit- ioism brought against tlm MeShano proposition - osition is that It lacks dolinlteiioss. Let it be put into proper shape and then it can bo moro intolliycntly difious-jcd. For a road which will unaldo Om ilia to compote pete for bu.slnetH ulonj ; the Hlkhorn val ley mid tlm rapidly developinj ; country beyond , our people would bo inclined to ofl'er rouionublo and jioi \Vi : opposed Mr. Gero'd ( uindidacy for regent ot tlm nnivors'ty thrt-o years ago , tuid wo have no reason to endorse him now. There are more reasons now why Gere should not reoeivo the vott'.i of lioim.-tl and reputable republicans than there were three years a o when nearly twenty thousand of tlmin lioltnl him. Sir CJere uu ht to have been satisfied with tlm sinecure of $ JuOO , as railroad commissioner. \Vti.\r we want in Omaha is more brick ami les- , frame building. We have to transport our lumbjr trom a th ii.sanil to ( ifteen hmulred miles while we can make our brick rijht ; hero on tin : ; ronnda. If Omaha wore a city of brick mid stone , real estatis'would bo worth fiom twonty-liro tii lifly pnr cont. nnro , and caitilisl ) ! > from abroad would invest and loan tii < ir ino.Dy uuro freely. Tin : Herald is alratittliat its stamina vill not hold out against the pressure for railroad bomls. Thu stamina of the Herald ugiinst prnsnV > ) Iroin rail roil ni.ina or-i has nevr ; hetm known to hold out any longer than fiiti-on cons-eontivo miiuitos. ! ' ' Tun ISnij-doi-s not jvant to throw cold water on any railroad eiiterprise that cen ters in Omaha , but it wilt not advocate the donation of a tpiurtorof u million dollars lars until it knows that the city will so- cnro oprrobponding benelits. -\vn ( lov. Mai t'n. ' of Kansas , denies thnt he ill ln ! > i'.t puhli'lianinu't.'i. . Kx-dov. St. John cannot pass a demijohn \\ilhonishi\ermLCiiHit enlil water luul ueoii IHiuioilil iwn | us bu'lc. It IH ulx\r.\s ilio nmn's fault when he bi > - rnini'H H iliiinknid. Drink ner takes to u man. Th.- man takes lo drink. \Vo aii ! imw lo'd ' thtitu bushel of corn is callable ot piitliu'luiloui ( iil'ous ' o. wluk > 'y. We meviy wii jy liu ttio eorii. "Wllnesi. 0 d jim cvrwe the prKitnei at thu bin.1 "Oh , > i" ; tliut'n wheio 1 ot uc- ( luamieil with him. ' ' [ Clilc.iLO Ne\\s , It iii said that Jay ( Jimlil li.is nut tasted v.hiskv In two ity-nvu H'nrs , Whie ISKOCI ! I'lmimh for him , ami thou Wio is walei ler us not idi ct in muui.n WHT vhou i > nitf oi' llio great nnaiici > r.- .It'lm L. oullivan Is likely to break \\ilh the U''ll'\ll ' ' < i > "iii.vtuislth wlioiu ho ii. ( Mtsiii ! ; ; is Ml' ! ' _ ; , , , H IVC. Tll01llrlll.lKHSIIMrlll.lt II ' . . ! * , i { s.i\ ! . ' nc.ti nut m-cessarih keep luaded I "nil v.ilhIds | ; \ , while llio nutfte lioMtninau afluv. s that hi . eoiiceiition of the j > arl is tuiual. THK IiKCTURt-J V\Kln. I.owoll will lecture at Hiuvaitl c % \ Inter. I'uh ic lectures up m tlm snvlnilrtuesof vucfiuatmii niOh'iv.-ii daily m .Mniitie.il OliOMiul , Iho I'Vuichilioinist , is 10) ) jeais oltl unil still le.-uiies. homo ptoie ] nevet know wlu.ii to quit. Kx-MinlstQi Dixijelt In n recent lecture on the Samlwirh Is. mills says thai r.ipt. < 'onl < was IHK Killed with acluu , Imtwith a wuoilun ll.l S.1'l' . Iev. ! Dr. Tiilm igo cnys ho owes much i f Id' sun u s In II tc to iho snidest ion ot a news- p qii-'r repoitor wlu > onro tohl him that "it hi * lictino was ! nil ol K" ' l | > niiits the papei eoiildn't utToul to Icaus il out. " Col. J. Armov ICnox , of llio TCMIB Hiftlms ; nnd Maj.C. ll.lbuils.ot the Nailmialeeiv iwhnsi ! Teutonle liiiul ilepluiueot "Call I'lWci" is Isnown the woral over , will nmkc .1 livtuilnjioiii tluoiiKli the west tills season , "Woir.u'i of llhoilo Islimil , wliat \oii Ki > I' K to tin about It' . ' shouted Kate i it'll' , al Vi I , [ ivi" , in the D.-rnratliiu ot I er leduii' mi .M iiiuiiiiisiii. lint when , iiislC'iil ol slmiltter iiiK. tiie > ami e I , s ieiieiueiubi.rjtl I ci eonra' pliy. Moiiriirn D. Conway rrt'ently Ipctmed In I'.nlaileiphU on V'Anii.ijeihloil. " lie ov luamril Hut sliiiilli'.ul ; < ui ot the won ! b > < iatbu tii U il was iho u.nao ol the icuitiii wheio many battles woio fou hl liv tin1 aneleut Ifi.ii'lites in''do.liise ' ; oi the cause ol Julr national iclUwi , \ ' ' Chic i'ollralil : 'i'Vus , I'm In tholivtuio btihiiicss , ' ' said thu ioirj-li.iir M n.i s n.ei , "unil I'm iu.ikinf"iruiiiy ! , t i > . JM J nl .1 scheme. I have , ailit ll'SMuks ti a ehaiiu , Uli ; h < Uiishelo.cT I L'o. " 'A .scheiii ; ' . ' " "Vo' . J alwavs iuherts' | thai my leeiuri" me. specially tor wd ifmi 41111 ! 'i tldity jeiii-ol a.'ti ami tor men Wrio are oat m dcl.t. Viu ni-,1 o.ijlit to see the way | ieoiij | eouio tioon STATIJ AN 0\HUU1TOUY \ , . , , t , Nrbraskii J. A. Nasoii is the n.tiuo ot the new post uiastei at Suilbner. NVbrasKn City ciies out for clarified Mis ' OHM mci water. The newpis woiks In Hastings will star out with l i jmtiniih. The new L'ovemmcnt building at Xebrnski City wid be bunt ol brii'k with sione umi Mr. I.uno , a hoanlln ? lumso keeper In Phil lips , tojed wnh the business end of a\icioi ! huiMiln ( iiaiid Is , , n.laiul went houu * wuh i eoiiipound iiiii'tiueor the Ion pedal. Mrs. 1 . ( ! . Tler , of Sewuul , assuilted tin Aiaeiieun biul ot freeihiiii which was plcnick Im ; In hei piudii > > aul and winded It. 1 liliM ! > lued su\eii feet Iliuil lip to tip. Itcno MontKOiiiery , who has been rtimilnu n newspaiH1 ! al Camhrhlh'c , lias uhseiiiiiled. 1 is said tli.it ho had stolen ipiilu a sum o iiiiiuoy mul is nlso fuiltj of several foiiiem-s John Moora , who was dischuiKc < l from tlu peultuntiuiy a lew du > 3 ago , wiu > re.iuvaUx ; In rioalilco on the rliur > , p < tf foiiwrv. John hns ngiuvilt.g xvinkih M air NulK-avllie grub , , bold in Johnson uv The ) uro inakii'i ' n \\hi > ! tsnlo s.M'Mni ' | , ( itiltrj niitlouni : stmk Firnu i.s nre alivihitf ) u maml hunt to iXteimlimU : > ( liu niiiilnts. A KiUitrof tnonto uu'ii opened a if a mo with he j ( Ministers ul I'\MKH | | > the ulluir ilny ami kered tlumi ut every pen ii v. Tlieolilii bujs tot i > n to the wekft. hiocod the sharixs , emu- J them to tlUxtiige unit tiieii Imuncut them out cf town. The Weslcm Impleiurnl emm-niiy , xvllh stocks nt Hod Cloud , MeL'imk , Olieilln , Ulvcr- ti'ii mul e-tliei iKilniH. xvixs i losed uu lust Hat- unlnv b ) nu United StuVs nui-sl'd. ' Iu fuxur of eastern en-ditiiM. ttxxiisati lui'iupimited company with u capital slock of $ . > oM , ( > . As tlm liabilities arc onlj about < UV > OO.aiul only H.WJnf Hintnmoiint due , It ij luokwl upon us it foicttl lulluto. loiVIl ItC-niM , The Hat Inn Ilenubllvaii is umllhtg xvllh a MUIMO libel salt. Thlpxes snaked Si * ! from under the pillow of Mr. IJroxxn , In les .Muines , Mmulav nlybt. Creston bus but une sniouii and all the ganibliu.s bave IHHIII emiipelled Iu leave IIIXMI. The oiilirn must and shall bit mesvixctl. Scott eoinilj haixcstcd 6-4UWJ bushels of cm this year. The It.ipllHtH In convention \\'nteioo \ ! doi'iileil to uppuimJuic z'JMl lur mission xxuik In Ihe state. AtOecoln , Clink rmuity , J. Kllgore xxua tliioun iiiim a xxiimin , tlie team limning II\MI > , and xuis uistatitl ) killed , ICddie bclmelder , living near U'lienthml. Cllnti'ii eiiuntj , uei'bli'iilallx bitxx llie loji iU his heuil oir by pullliiij a loaded ijiui out of a boat , iniUiiii mi\Miltl. Helll ballets xxeie ills- fliai ed. The ho , ' disease h prevailing \\ltli til'jhlful lutaltly in Wihstcr county , ome tiiimtrs hitxe Io4e\ci ) bo. ; limy owned. Tluul-s.-iiso tl'HM not nppii'.r to" ) ) , hej > choicia b < u a nexv mul.111 n 151one. . The aiiiinul , ui" m-i < lud xvitli acniu'hainl In uda > or l\Mt ineiliud. An Impoilanl decision \\as icmli'tctl In a ta\ Mile i use in tlicsuptcmeeouii at iMibiniao list \\eel ; . Tbe laxv ieiiii- | < llie KiMii ot ninetj tlajH1 notice b > the tux-title p'liflmsei to l.ieov.ner ot'Ibe pitijieily of xxln-li ho lie- Hires to take a laxilceil nt Ihe cxiiiation ) m' llnec xear.s. Thiiciiiui held thatsiuh uoliees niii.t desciilie llie pnii 'ny ituuwlit to be oh- tiuiiul and no mhi r. Tnx-llili * havers luue hi-'ii In tim habit ol publlsbim ; li.anl'.i ' no- tiei s each dtvk'i'ibini ? MXeiixl plewi ut piup-r- t > , hiiini tiim-.s as nmiij us iillj. Ai'i'oriiiu to this ilci'hion omy one picco ut piupoit } can bo il.sciibutl in inch u < lxcilit > eiiitnl. : DaUoln. ric-ire is male I n\ another effort to tsoriire .he capital ol Ihe terntuiy. ( illbeit D/lexxMiioxx.iKI is immiiiK on his iinum lor ulltfe in hunlimn umui\ . Tlieohalk mrk blulTH just xvivit nf VnnkMoii iim.ilu jjiuall eavcrftu CITX ice.- , \\li.rlt uiu the tsmt < r ic.Miilsui liinulii'iN ol MiakiM , priiiei- iiaby blue inceis and jjuiiei hiiaUes. The faiiarr * iu the xloinit.x of Si. Li\xreiiea : nave p'Mn.'d mul mixed the sum ol iaw , lor Hit ! pel | iiis in binuliiii ; a lluuriun mill. Tno mi.ilius x\id bo IU by K ! led , " > li leet hih. NVori ; bus iiiie.uly tu > < 'ii emumencetl. Coal has hetii iliseoxmetl in tlm vicinity of liiltlaloCap. At Iheili'pth of loity Itel Ihe ii'ispiK'tutH di.si'o\elcil a vein tuo leet iu IhifKness of a iiu.i.ity that is t > iinl to be as good as the hot rcmis > ixaiila h.iitlcoal. Kiip d City hits coneliiili'd ' a coutiact xvith [ he m ' .lingers ot the KIKIiom \ uhey toad , liy ; be term ofliicli lue coinpatiy aijieeito 'mild ml.i the city , ami MIMICS a bonus Iu a-.li , the il htol x > ay ami lUjiot gumiuN. Hex' . I. N. 1'ardee , of Milehell , b.iMou eu'ed ' 0 accept tlm invitation ot mvi ial miiiisieis iu the Jniieli Hills ic lnn to iltuic.iU'chinches t.aie. XMIII the uiiiicrsuuih'itj tiiat lhe > \\iil nn in-ill him wmi a e.ibiuei of ieoloKii"il specimen iiotii limlemuiuy lui the DaKuia timu rsity. IlutTalo ( i.ip is teimeil Iho Doinn of the l.u'lc Ilillh. J.o.ss than loin \\ccksolil , it has 1 | illplll.Uioll Ol . 'JJO , Jlllll sl\t.X-l\\ll bllslllUiS lumsett. Tlm ttnxn i.i im.u < d iibmilli.iii xxu > "i-iuccn rhiitbon ami liaiml I'iiy , ami tne iy Mnioiinilin ; ; il Is us oo l tm iiaiuuil- IllljiUSVa llbUUi III Dakota , \Vyoinin < * . flr-t day of January. IS7H , to O.1- tob.-r ' ! , isvi , looutJ jiup < ish.til been tiled lor leciiul at the olht'O oi the ixiuiil > eieri : iu Cbejeiiue. The " 1'emi Cuttlo ciiinpanv" has tileil aui ; Ir.i oi iin.ornir.tnon | wnli iht1 stiuu'taij ot the Uniioi ) . Us capital .slock , lopicociiinit ; actual \.ilucs , is o-Ov.OjO ( ) , There nu > TOO Chiraiiun ) mul 10) ) white men emp o\ed in the Uojk Similes mines. T.iu ibscharjied hlnkus were ti.ird oil last S.uili- tl.ij , mul in.ini or llicin lii\o lot the eoimu > . bold thief stole tout hnr.sc.tiiiiu u stable in Cliejeuuu buiuluy niilit- ; Due ot tiiu hoihcn w \alued at olCO ) . Fortmiivte j the tlnet was \inoiou-.ly piusiieil and inputted with thuslocK lolly miles I ruin town. The Law i nie Dooiui'rau unbelts that a uia- joiiu 01 the loniluciois mi that illusion m' ilie I'muii I'.v.'iiic will hu buimi'cd us wiin us tie men tan bo sent out m taKe their places. Two ( iiniliiuinii r.cci\eiltio ILU'SOS last week ami twelve ilir-Jiai e i uiu hual b > thoaount iuitl.uoiileis. . John KJiernuin'a SorvUsos. rhiliulelpbia 'j'imes : John tthormnn will now bo one ot tbieomeiiol tlioeonn- try olecl'jd to 1i\c lull terms to the United M'itea Senate. Thomas 11. Heiiton , of iMiasuun , was HID only man who served Unity eon-coiUni ! years in luo M-imte. lleni-y 15. Anthony Was elei ted to live lull coiisoeuthe t' rnih to the tuiialo l ) > llhoile Hand , but ho d.ed i.oon alter enter n- ; his tiilti term. John isiiornimi lirt enter ed the semite in lotll in place of him.itor- tli-ct Salmon I * . Chase , whowcntinto tlm hincoln cab.net , and he was twice ro- elcitcd. Alter sersinfr sixteen } eurhe icsijjnul to enter Iho Hayes cabinet as secretary of the treasury , btiuiley Mut- tliewwaselectetl to lilt the vacancy , but lost the legislatureand George 11 I'endlo- ton ascended to bhcrman bsc.tl. In Iris. ) James A Gailteld vus a niember ot con gress , tJiiited States senator-eleot , and president elect. Of course ho ac cepted the proMilenoy , and John Slier- nrtn who was elected to succeed Garlield as ho had been olcctul to succeed Clmse in a full term in iNil. Ho will now bo elected to llie lift ! ) full ncnatorial term , making the thirty years lor which Hen- ton ami Anthony \\oro elected , but , it he should servo out bis lull term , ho would be short two years ot Henton's thirty years of seivico , because ol the two .M-ui's ot his third term given to tholluycd cabinet. llenton was the only man who reached thirty coiiKceutivo v.irs of service in either branch of congress. Anthony would Ir'vo leached it had he lived. Sherman may now sjrvo thirty years in the senate , but it will have a Dr ak ot tno t'oni JIMrti ho nresided over the treas ury. Ho entercil congress just thirty years ago ; ho has been continuously in the house , the cabinet , and the sennit ! since then , and he has now night jours ot service betoro him in the t-enato , as bin new term will not begin until tin ; lib ol March , IHriT. Ho is one ot the tow men who bus grown rich in political sen ice , and lie is now likely to devote his fresh prestige mid ample fortune to a new ishonnuu campaign lor the nret.idunoy in llcimnpln Cunul unil tlm ItnllrouilH , Philadelphia Hecord : The people ol Iowa lind that it cot.s them about m- iniioh to get their wncat , corn mid uuttle into { 'liieugu us it costs lo carry them hum Chicago to Now York. 'I hey sulVei as the tanners ot I'.MIIIS > Ivania biiller from the diseiiininiitions ot their own common carriers , who govern them- H'lven by the well-known plan of meas uring tlm eliurgo tor their soi vices by what the trallie will bear From'hicngu ( cuMwmd the great le\eler ol fieight rates is the natural and a tllieial water ronto. lij the lakes , the Kriomid Wellaml canals and the Hudson and St Lawrence riMT.s. Tin ! tlcKirc to Iniiig water com petition into their own service is the moving cause of the interest the people of lowu and otlior northwestern states are takiiig in Iho scheme to connect tin : waters of thu Mississippi and hake Michi gan by the lleiinopin canal. It they oan got water rates lo Chicago they can break the back of tno rail road combination cllcctuully The coat of tlio cuuiU In estimated million dollnra , and llm a ; tlm immense toniu'jjoof ' thonnrliixx in bctxvoen the rnloi of ( ranHportntinn tmxv current oust of t'li I I KO and west of llmt cityxxonld build the connecting ditch in txvo yciiix The beuelli. to be do- ilxed from Mich mi improvement x\iuilil Innro almost xvholly to the mix ant-ijfe of the people of the northwestern M-ilns II xvonld not reduce ( Im m..it of { train in the eusittrn markets , | H < OIIII. O no m ill r xxl.etln r Ir Disport ilion goes up onlmxn , Ihe iirliw of our xyheut and corn i lived I by tlie pnoe obtained for our sui lus m | fiiioitfii countries. Wliadxer satin ; ; ! | there xvonld be xvould c > in out ol tlm i-arniiiK * of western railroads mul n\i , into tlm puekut.s of xvohtorn pioduecrs. i Tlm llenuepin umial , llmrnforu , iMii hl- \ erctl . selil.sh .slatidimint tiom a iner. ly , j onirlit to be built by Ihe puopht xxho ; ; t j the greater > h.iro of beimbt from Its use I Mnt thenriw u larger x \\hlchnmyl possibly justify ti deral iirt-iislance. Cer tainly the completion of u ftvn highway { in xvhich llm Hi nnepln canal xsiuild be < the last link-between tint port of Now York ul Ihe Atlnntlu Heaboard an I-oicli xvldol. > separated spucow as the luvds of navigation of tlm Mi Uhiiipl tint Mis soiiri liveisln the center of the einitiiieiit und tlu ( iulfof Mexico : it thestuith is a mutter of sntllcient itniortance | , cither in its commercial or military rel.itIon to llio public iitliMVrit , looveitiirn aii.x coiistiin- lloiuil { jrovvin ; ; out of thefa > l that llm entire leiurth ot thu ennui XMtuhl be in the .stalu of niinolH , Ills nii'idbv the IriendH ot the uuntd that llm Unite. ) Stales infill lo build it in onler that it may never full into llm control of u pli ' val'o corporation , but reinnin u perpetual bimikvyuter iiyruinsl the extortion ot trans- pollution companies. Tlic-M * ivtMins do not , perhaps , justify n conijiv.ssioiuil jiurnt of mono.x. , but tlmv urn of Mitlli i < nt xviiKhltt ! > POVO'i1llvl'slUtation. | ' ! | r it is better to o indireelly ut tlm luilroatt inonoolist.s | by cvlenilin i xvutor tr..n poitation or directly by briiiijin f llm Inter.stale -stiMiis \ miller 'tederal 11 Hula- lion i.s an o'len ipieslionxhicli must bo Noon decided. A DISCRIMINATING TRMN-BOY. Applloil to tlio IJull- I'.iH-onuriM Mule mul "What made ; > on think I'd w-int tuinir- chase thiil book ? " uskeil a N'ew'Hiirk rribnne reporter ou tlm West Shunt iud of a train boy who had just lit imsited in his lap a volume g'uiug u coniMlel" I is- lory of all Ihe not iblo encoiintr IN in the iu'i/o ring within hm last , hiimlfcil ve.u-- , . I'lm repoil ! ' in qii"stion , bo it ubierxetl. altlioujrh of somewhat pugnucintii.tnpcet , takes oapecial delight in rcpoiluig - > ti- tiioiiB , and is us igmuant ot Hie M.iii'iis | ot Qupunshurv ruins us ot llm diller.'ii- tinl mid integral calculus. " 1 thought you was u spoit , " teplii'd t'ii' tniinlutaking ) a ra\ml \ iinontor.x of hi.s inteiloeutor , Ho was a shu wtl I > king - ' ing lad with piercim ; eyes mul u unso w liich is generally suppo 'il t.i . iudicaiD , that its owner knows a thing or two j "Then do > ou al.vavs trv to.nbvt ' books to unit the o laraeUtr of each pas- I scngory" " I do.'s. I bits it "Of couise ' right gnu- | orally , too , though I soumtim g > t I. it . ' ' lint ' 'taint half as b id to inist.i.'ie'a ' r li'j ; ' ions man tor a sport as ti mi t ike a I sport for u religious man. Thu spmt II ' get matlder'n a wet hen every time ami , sling all tin1 IMISS words In1 knows itjou ' that is it he's in tht1 smo'\in' ' car. " ! ' ) you lind a variety ot tasles ui > r > ng ladie.son the trainr" "Uart.Vlien 1 ( ( " a woiii in who wants to be then ' I u line lul\ bill uiu t I drops her s m novel about bikes and bloaluil urislticrats , witero all the men has plenty of stamps and the women lolk.s plenty of jewelry When I ftr.kes a lady whilh the geirioinc thing I Hops bur down a book tuat uin't gel uo tlarned noiismse in it soum hook that s been i minin i vur simc rxeb.'en in the business , uml no lollin' ! uw Ion , ; uloio. " "How about the miU'J" ! "Von ve gel to stiitly them just us hard. 'I hem iliut sh tellers i.s the worst customers. They never biijs no books. They'll jnl sel and -nek their canes all da.thinkin' . \ about m iihin1 or some rot , I suppose. A niun wol'.s full ot' business unil looks xvorited don't often buj books. He can 'I keep his thoughts ou 'em. Young men who ain't ilmlc.s and uin't gel no more more monev'n they know whal to do vxith ni.iko the best ciisionier.s. And old men x-.oL'H t.iAin' llccas > un' ' ciiiilented like un I ain't everlastingly blithering Ihoni'ches about nioiiox , buy u good m.inv books on tlio tra us A ran road train is a mighty good place to stiulv Immai ! natur' m " "What's your laxorito reutling ? " " 1 I ko lo read lioxv poor bojsgoton in thu world l.ll they "ot to be real big bugs like that feller Kilson wet used to telT books on u train same us 1 do " I "Let me Imvo that book of Farrar's | sermons , and don't take mo tor a sport ugaiti " ' 1'oit can bet I won't " Men "Who USD Ommetios. Mail ami Express : "Do you also have male customers" asked a reporter ot a lady cosmetic artist who does a good ' business on ono of the principal streets of | the city i "Uo 1 have them ? Of conr o 1 do , and fullv as many us I do of ladies , " she re plied , with a xieious little bhrugof her shoulders. "What do they come tor ? " "To impiovo lluir personal appear ance , of course. " she said , "and I lind as much x'unily among men as among ladies , mida desire equally as great to increase their personal altivotions " "They don't nso rouge mid other cos metics. do theyr" "Indeed , they do I could tell you tlm mimes ot a do/.en young men wuoso faces I prepured for an exening entertain ment last week , mid the.y x > ore not all dudes , either. " "I touched up their complexions , penciled - ciled their eyebrows mid brightened their ey H. There are a number ol jonng men who regularly use cosmetic * . Not cxcryhody can see it , but I can detect it even time. They uro not all younj' men cither. I have served middle-aged men who come lieio us olten us once a xveek lo havu their laces jireparcd. Of conrso thex nro xx idoxvers.1' "What do y.Tu do xv'th I hem1.1 "Well , I Imvo a lotion which removes xviinKlcs , and leaves Iho skin smooth mid linn Then I baxe a preparation to make the hollows under the c.\es ft mil out lull mid linn. Then xvhen the complexion i" touched nji a litllo ot course , not so nineh as u lud.x 'sthex look tnllj ten to " lilteen yeaisoimgcr "Uo men ever ilje or bleach thu r hair or mustaches' ' " "Very tew bloaeh thuir linlr I don't boliuM ) 1 have hud Mich a case in Ilient.x . but many ot them bleach t'leir niustaclies , Man > men with a muddy brown or red mustache Imvo it bleached out ot a light blonds , and it gieatly im proves their appearance , A great many men do that who would not iisu mix oth er of my preparations And why should ( key mitr I don't scu why it is nol every body's duty to nrikn a pleasing appear- an CD , It is expected of a woman , ami whxnolofa man' There is certainly no harm in it and no danger. " 'I hern are more of Ihe "Gm land Stoves and Itangca" in USD than ot all other kinds Hindi1. They give Ihe best ot satisfaction - faction as well for durability ami ele gance of finish , us tor convenience and eeonoinx ol fuel We do not hesitate lo sneak of them in tunns of high iiraisn. Tlmy are coiuidcicd thu butt in the worlil. _ _ Ncxv DniiooH for thlH Winter. Nuxv York Sun I'rof. Uroukus. wuHi'd nn instant for an inspiriting bar of nuisio from the piano , und then , gliding giuco- TUTT 23 YFARS IN USE. ' Tie Orf iL t T : . ; MU Trtunnjh of tha AgBl SYU1PTOW1S OF / \ TORPID LIVER. 1 . XMoliiiinrllK' . llurrrliiroitlrr , 1'nln In t.o ! Inn , ' , Mltli i\ dull Bcnintlon In llio ' Imck fntt , I'nln tin' * " ? llio MioulUrr- l > ) mlc. Ciillnnn nfter uJtlnct wltli nilli * IndlnrHfn to oxrrllon of bmlr or nil nil , Irrliiilillliyofinniticr , l.otr uplrlt" , trllU ti focllnt'iriirivltiz upulrclnl otni > iliiti > \Vro > luron , Ill-vine * * , 1'lultcrltnr nt llio Ifr-ntu tloii Itr enrol lift ere , Ilonitnch * tivcr tlio i lull * riPi ltrmlo ne , vflih lUfulilrriniK. lllulilrcnlnrciil ttrlne , Bud CONSTIPATION. trUTCTS .VI I.I.S mo CMecln1ly | ailapttil to suui ! ca.K'P , uno iluiu eirocl.s sncli a flii'y llirrr n.ollin . \ nut lite , ( in < lcu lli l" > Jy 1-1 Take ou l'lc < li , linn ttm utMfm 1 * m-Ulicil.Mi.t liytholra'oiilo Arilnn oa Did li.M lieOrciiiii ltmiili r Stool * r IMI | lii . -.t. I'rlt'fl VJAn. ! Murrii v Mt.V.T [ TUTTS EXTRACT SARSfiPARILU llun i\titM tlm lutlv , nmkr.s lu-allhj trail. t > treutii ! m l'io MitVr , n > | utlra llui BsU 01 Sun Inn x.'illi | niru hl.xvl mul limit imibcloi lolIM Hid III'IAOIH Bjrstom , linlk'OllltfH tjld 1'inln , uii.l lni | irH the xlgur oi manhood , < 1. i'Mvini ' , 'Nm li iilnrrn ) St. , Noiv York. fullx onh'n ! < , took thii'o steps quiekly , anil , littiny ii loot iruin ( Im lloor linjiily , touched hi * heel to tlu ! cult til Ins hj ; Tin n tin -.lid Htdcxvuyfl with un impreBixo irlis-ude inovi incut The coiiiblnut.on \\IIH hlllllCtlllni ; Illllt CcllpHCll CVen I'll ' ) iii.tMcrl.i redo vu slide of Arlhur hcui y in llio ehi'i'ily ' hall < | niidnlles , iiiul ( no tiflccti piote Huris\vhoxvitcluid : thepoetiv nf Uit > millions chipped their IUIIIIIH with deliuht. 'I lu'.v Kept on applauding unil luudo tin1 prole.ssor il ( it nil over uiliiin. "Tluit , " flaiil I'm ' profi < > * or. I'KHullv , "if the urn1 lliglilniiii ! nltUcIn' , which in to hit tie | society dunce ( il tlic s."isoii ( Iris year It is impoi led Iroiu Kn land inn ) .Vnllnnd , tmtl uill lir inlioilnn ( I in nil lirsl class IICaill'HlU'S US 10IIII II" . tillllallCllr : elllbM'H open. Technically it is a combination of the Highland tlm ; ; and the jjalop , and it lias uii-v'd n luror union ; ; the .Scotch ImlH anil lu-sn > . , anil has also toiinil u\uep- litmal r'oi iinionj ; ( hi * lusliiotmbloi cf London and l.hiirpool. The Illtci * . other profi'--'ovs nnaninionslv ri'solvi-il fo Ic.ich tin1 lIi liliinilHi'liotti.solii ! \\lii-iithi\v ui'iit ' hark to thi'ir t'la.tst's in ( Movi-l ii | < I , Hu-ldii , l'liilaik'lihia | , St Lenin , Tori'o Usiutii , CiiliMiro , Uinjrhainloii , Pouni | Kn-p io , l'niiilcncc , Nonvicli , Spring liclil , Lnvi-fll , lliii ; or , S.iu rranu-si-o iu\il \ Louisville. A tier Ihib tin ; profooHiirH , ono after uu otluir , iu'tniil > M ! the various wihlu\v , . rat'uMirt of tlui will/ mil polUu tli.it llic.y | iroi > iM'il ' to I'liiniinitit Iroin tiu ! uH Anuinir tin1 oH'onslvii iitlitnilitH that arotp lit ! l.uii-ln ) tl Iroin all well refill , itoil hall looms lire ( lie holding ( if llie arms nUinilio , the dip motion in tlm shin step xv.iltand ; tlm carria ii of tlm i.oilv bolt MpriKlit , aw if tlin ilaiicerwcruiiloLcir li mei Licinjx twirled auinnil on tin old lasYunu ! 1 liiiul or in. At len Vi tliu jiro i' Mt > all hat down tor ; > tliir ! and tiilketl over \\lial llm.v uimlil do next . > -IMIII to liiiid \ariut.y and in terest to ( hi : uit for Ihu unpcuial henelit of tin ; ehildri'ti. It was afjrui' i to lesivti thu "vtirsoiivienna" round danco. and touch tlm liltln onus tin ) ' skat nc wait/ , " and tlm Danish polka also. In thu " .sliatiiu ; wait//1 lour gliding .steps aieiiitioilueeil beloro tlm reg'dar u.ill/ -tfp is cxccntnd , and tint variatiini jiio luces a stalely iniiini t motion thnt enhances the picinresni ( | ! elleut of the danen for tlie Hieclator ] , anil itiinlcis il , , luis il.tr. n for tlm ilaniM r than tlm rp"f- iiliir wallThu toiward fjlidi ! is et icnli'd as tliDiijrh the ilanccr tvns shoil With al.iili s , ami tiiis nuivenmnt is lonnd to yivatl.v delight tlm l.ttlu . lads and las sies \\lien thi.V ) dance. The polka Htep this .vis. ir will lie 11 redowa liilo incn-e- inent th.it docs away with the hopping motion of the olil-lashioned polka. U Will he danired by children. . - A CORRECTED STORY. Ilnw anwH | > iiper iMati Inslstn 1 on llin Olisi'i'vanoo of Old O't t onu. ; Savsa writ -rin tin Kniiw City Times : IMMW in the Lon iv.lle Tmioa last wn.'k nn an-'cdote of ( jeorjie ( Jatton I .ia\v the s line story in print about n year a < > In both iint.mciss tlm fac.ts weiu wren ; ; , mid to nm tlm humor of this tiling w * spoiled. I am tempted to g'.vi1 tlm ct r reel version.Vlmn fnton ! : livnil ou IMisiiinri iiviinuu and ' ' rofresli. inenlb , his plane w.w n favonio re.sort tor the newspaper bo\s , ( Jaston wasalwavS hospitable to fie press { 'an j ; , mill hi tnj ; a kind-hK.irti1 ! ) ami indiil cnt man.w \ li.stenetl li-niently to their MoiieH about "Ms otlier vent" and "I'll his < lroipin | bv tomorrow. " Indued , in thm dins ( herneie very few repi'iiM nt.itives of tin1 iiewjipaneis who weio not indeht tiiaston ( for savinji their IIM- . in mo- incuts of cmer eiiov. Oneot thl moi'i ) ina-paer | ) boys , now pm Miiiiij III t nn-'iy jiath oi jonrnaiiMii in other licl'U , was a ; ri'ea't , Iriund of tlm host , mil , so chionie w is llci journalist o iniieeimioiity | and solar e tlm ( J tsto'ii'in liune\olenci ) that in n coinp. r li\n y slioii timi ) tin : JDiirnalist hail nri n.i a bill ot $100 , inori ) or les-i , | irolihly : more. Well , one nig it alter h urslln jimrmilist dropiicd in for Ins customary uiijlili'ap. ( ieorye was standing in his Napolconiu attitude , trolling a Itavar an melody lie was in the best ot humors , " ( i vo nm 10 cunts. " he said to the jonrnaliht. Tlm i inrnalist bewail to hed e "What secniitv do I { 'cf" he asked. "I'm h. 1. tlli ! parlienlar about lo'iniiif ; inonny " "Nevermind , " rejdiod ( Jeorre ; "it's to vour ndv.uitii'jfo Unwillingly tlm umrnalitit iirodnci-d a dime and handed it over tinston vnnl to Iliu draw 'r. tool. out llio jonrnalisl'M bill , ivo-ipli'il it , and threw it on tliu counter " \Vhnt 's isY' , asked tlm snrpris d newspapnr m an "That , " .said ( jnMon , w th a HIM'I of cimscions iinde. "is \oiir recrinlod bill "Ami don t I ow joii an\th \ in/ / ' notv v "Notaeonl. " And I II.IVD paid T iii.V bill ? Yon have " "Wull , JeaniiiK over tlm oonnler t'ouli lontally and Miiilin-j inHiiinalin > ; ly. " 1 bI eve that in such ; i oasii it is uiiHtomury lor tin ) house toet 'em npY" SNEEZE ! SNEEZE ! HNI'.r./i : until jinn l H'l'inricinly m lf > nir , un til inm nor-e inn ! i < jiw ils- I'lllllMK l' * ' > -Hl' llllllltl- | llc. < ol ilim. IriltiiNntr. mi- li-rj Iliiltl. iinill join lioiul iicht-H. moillli uml Hi rout HIM hi > < l. mid lilixuliit I nvnr null Tills Is nil Avulu I Him th. mul U iit * < niiily iilie\i lliy ii ilindtilixo , mul pi Muuii'inly ciui-il liy niu tKitile K.uni u , Uuiu. OK rtr imii Conipli't Treatment with Inhaler , SI. 00 , liniInilllo KinlUiil Ciu . onn Imx rnlmrliul Hiiliiuil , mul mil' linpiini'd iiiluiliii- out. ' punk- ul. n , mil ) nmv hit hail ol nil ilniKulnlit lorfcliW. A k Im sv..nmii'M It inii. . CIIIIK. The < ml > iili-Jilmc r-n-i-illc | uu kiinw uT " | Mril TIIIIIIS "Tlm lioxtMI Imvo Immil In II Illo- time or mlliiliiKIHtiv Dr. XV'luKlu. lltitltm. "After u limir i > i i iiKWM ) ulili ( utiiuli. llio ll.iiu- f\l. 'IMI > lui" eomimin'tl Jltov 8 XX' MIIIIIDU. J , < mi tiin > ! ! i. I'll. I limn nm limntl u VIMO lli.it It ( IM not lulli'Mj nt onto -AmJniw ( l.tc , Mini- t-llllr-ll'l . XlllhH Potter Drug and Chemical Co , , Boston. MIIXVS VIM u miraoi.vi i/v is n imiMijmi Unit iii ) | > iiiU In nxoiy iiirmtiil > it-llni or Itlniu- miillitm nliotliiilM llm millimry iiliW' lei K mul llnliiiiiiiis iMmurlfH * In i-clitivo lilin To citcli llm rnncinu ANTI- I'IIN I'l.IIHC I * un oli'Kinil und lift ur fiillln-j .invi > ol lulliil , IniiiUliinjf _ i ilimimullu. ntiiiiiiluic. M.IIIIIO. binldoii , luoi ] mill imiviiiiK i > uitn at Ii ) nmjjlo Ni-vv. oritrfmtl , fM > nl ) , unln At ilnijinlMH.U.'W. : II VO Im one iliillm , miillixl Iroo. 1'onKll UuUU * t'ULUUAL CO. , llUaUjU.