Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1885, Image 1

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TLo Wily Broker a Full Fledged OantHilato
for Anbnrn.
An Appeal to tc Made to the Court of
HctitoiiGO to In' 1'ro-
Saturday The
Trial V'i'Hterilay ,
of tlmViirit Trial
Nisw YOIIK , Oct. tti-Tlio trial of
Hand Ward contlnces to-day. Two other
wltmwM wore examined briell } but failed
to deneiop aiij tiling now.
Thopioserulion then rcbtod.
Counsel tor tlie defen c then moved tliat
the white be required to state on whieli eli irgo
ill the Indictment they intended to atk the
jury for conviction. This motion was de
nied temponirilv.
IX-JudgoCocIiran then opened for the de
fence. JJo said tint his client liad bocu
lioiitidcd b } the press , linanclal men and
meml'ns of ; i prominent laiiill } , but the jut }
Indoui } toconsldei Ihe'ovident'o and render
a verdict accordingly. Mi. Pish , ho said ,
vent on llio stand not a a responsible wit
ness. It was the tirst time a convict was
called to tlie stand to testif } against a pris
oner In the com t oi oorand letiuinor , Pish
was a convict , and Ins condition when sworn
as a witness ptvvoi'ted bis being liable lor
poriui } , and anything less thin miiidei.
I'lsntouus heie and , annulled h\ venom ,
swears to an.vthlng tint comes Into his head ,
nnd being utloilv ! iresponsible ho knows
" that he e.innnt lie held icyponsiblc. Jl ho
testifies and tries to cud Waul to juNon , lie
Ispiohahl } vvoikfng lei a pinion b } miking
Waul the si ipivuit. In Issjtlu bank was in
illtlkn'tv ' and 1 ish's d stlmonv e.iuld not be
considered vv Jthout eoriobmalivo lestimoii } .
TJiton tin cv idem c avoidlit ot guilt ) was
impossible. Onthelcltei > ( .Mau h tri , issl ,
In which 1'ish s.ud to.ird \ Hut his tumbles
wen * too miu h lot him , IVh was eontinuill }
bolicitlng Waul lor help.
\ \ m. .s. Warnei. who bad entered Iho loom
duiiiijt tlio lawci s 10111,11 ks , was theniMllid
to the stand foi the dcloiiso. lie teslmed
tliat he know Waul and rc'ieuui/ed .leluvk
for ' " 11 "lOO which lie bad lueivcd in Iho oldi-
dinar } course of biisim ss. Alterceitllieaiion
b } the M.inne bmk it vv is deposited in the
Amcihan IxiJiangi * bink. On ness exam
ination \\iiini i said he had ucciud the
moil' } In haul's imvate ollke , and at the
time ho bad with him the obligations on
which the mom v was duo. The amount was
the prolit un ci ittin investments with diant
< i Ward on goveinuKUt c'cmti u Is. Witness
could not lememliei the obhgition. but it
was duo on that dav ( Mm > , Is * ! * , 'lliodil-
fuieiiies diieon tin nm'-dmciiti iv-ultcd in
Li'getting a ( tin k lei tr\ \ * > > * . All tlioion-
Ir.icl-s vvi ic ) mule diuct with \\aiilinlns
plivatentlico. On Ma. 5 he i reel veil a oon-
truft for it iiiui'b laiirei sum than lhofJINW.
wlih h onlv u iiiesetitod Iho pumt ol the old
trnnsn'tion. Ml..iruci did not know whore
the i ontiacis we 10 , bur tliou 'lit that possihl }
Jio might Irive souio in Ins posse sion.
Julius 'i' . I > .IMOS , u , elver ol diant V.
AV.lld , mt to iiue < l : h it hi' took possession
ol the as etsol ( . .Vard Mav N , Issl.
lieu id i paitiul b tot > ieui Hits ol Iho in in
w'hich vu ic lo md m boxi . in the Jlankcis'
bale Deposit ciimp iii wln > li place witness
ImdtiMticI In ii > mpan\ with U h. ( iraiit.jr.
lie did mil know the valueot the socuiitios
and could not t < II Pic names ot the putios
wholud bioiuht suits about them so giivil
\\as tlie-n nuiulioi. S.OIHO of the se-i unties
liad been delhi led to thoii owneis upon theli
f pawent ul the loins lor which the * } were
p'edgcd. ' Others we're vaiuolosi and some
> \eio awaiting disposal btlio dilution ol
the remit. Ol the { -MOdcO iu bonds ot the
lliiilaln A , \ < wi\'j > ik j.ulw.i } Senatui Ch iffie
nnd lix'ci'Ivu Johnson ol the Marino bank
both chdui thiili. lioniamln Fish also
claimed some bonds and live wvio ik-liv-
rred to him liordi i of the coint.
In one package when111. " * bonds shon'd have
liflon , 1 \ wile mi' < ing He had lonnd TO'J '
ill ( ho olllce on taking possession , and the
bank aiuomit was ovouliawn. 'Iho assign.
me lit of Ciantiv : Ward was then oliered in
oleleiice. .
W. C. Smith testitled that between Mav.i
and 0 he had been nc.'oii itiu ' loans lei Hie
flim ot ( irnnt. AVaid. . but could not ippioxi-
niatc the amount of loins made oi lot what
inn.wso the nioui'V wasusi d. 'i he examina
tion of this witness virtually closes the case
for the defense.
( Jen. Tiac } ollorod to allow the jmv to
tett whelliei 01 not one could use a telephone
niulitiotlici | standinubv Inmcoulde'I lingulsh
voice's. Ceil. Tiacv asked tin * dlsti t attoi-
Iiey to elect niton which count he elee lelc'd to
leave to the juiv. "U'e licet the second and
fourth counts'f said the distinct attoi ne > .
"Then , " said ( Jen. Tracy. ' I move the ac-
quilliil ol Waul as the evidence ) does not
bear out the ludh tiiicut. U'nid did not | m > -
cure tlio endorsement ot the chock onhlih
tlio Indictment wits buc-d. He gave it in
Iho usual buslncbs way. " 'Ihe oouit denied
the motion.
General Tiary summed up for thodjfenio
layhn : jiaitknlai sticssupon thu fact that
J-Tsli , as a eonv let , was not amenable to tun
ixmalt } foi peijnrv , and holding tliat he was
urged on bv vindle'tive hatred ol Hie accused.
Colonel I'ellows summed im for the mate ,
contrasting the actions ot Waul and 1'ish at
the time of the lailuie. The lei mot ran
ftway ; thelaltei awaited the cut.ibtiopho like
n man.
Jndgo Bairctt be.'an hlselmige ntO.JO. Jlo
dniincd the law and read the stitute coveting
the e'llmu cliaigeel , ' 1 ho question was as to
whelliei the defendant had Intent to
dctitiitd , and ot such a ih.uactei as to de
ceive a pen-on of ouliiiai.v pnidciu'C. Had
Waul pioeuicdSil.hOO In such a wn\V The
\vholo rase ii'stod on one point did Wind
obtain theieithualion ol the fcTl.MX ) cheek.J
It was leu tliejniv todulileon theevldenceof
Janie'H D , Klhh and his biother , the testimony
of neillicr lielnir contradicted. Wind was
not alone on Iral. but justice' , too , was on
trial. Public eiamoi should not Intlnoiuo
the Jui } , and hist ot all money should not
inteifeio with the verdict. 'Iho juu ictiicd
at7i"i : ! p m.
Al lOM1 } the Jury entered the cotnt rocm
and the testimonv ot John A. Cnrr , rive ling
D lelku'oftho iMiilne bink , was le'ail , It cov-
rncl tnuiFnctiotiB In legirdtocl l ' upon
whieli the indictment was fiamed. Thejnn
tlion a nln ictlrivl.
At U'-Hltho lurv again entcnil the court
room and asked tfri James D. Fish's test I-
iiUiny be lead , as It was not clear w helhei 01
not tliu bank ccilined cheeks on account ol
Jvaid'h iipieseiit.itloiis. en In vdei to pioiee t
Ward fiom tailing , as his f.i re would pull
the bank down also. The testimony was
read and the jury again lotlud.
Nr.w Yoith , Oct , CM.At KHJ o'elikk this
nioinlng the jui } in Hie Waidcase iceiiteud
court , and rendercMl a voutlct ot hicenv in
the lii-sl degioe * , penult } ten } eam within the
disci ttlon of the court.
Waul g.i\o i'V idenco of a severe struggle as
lie stood up lo heat tin * verdict. In icsponso
to the ijliistlon ; "Jlavo vou anvthing to
8.i-i" ' ho luplled , "Nothing ' Senic'iice was
] ) ostpomd until \ituulay iiinniiug. Thu
case will be taken to the court ot appeals.
Thu juivlitst stood h foi conviction and 4
feu acquittal. On the second ballot It was 10
tot convklloii , ami on tlio thiid it was 11 to 1.
The Whisky Mon. Korni u. I'ool.
Oiui'Vfio , Oct. ' . THl.i'u session of the
liquor maiiutactnrers was a btormy one , but
It resulted In the completion ot thu business
for which It was held and adjoinned to meet
nextln Cliulniritl. It was decided toievivo
the Westein Kxpoit association which i -
couth went out of uxistc'iice , und to make
"Jlutfalo" Miller Its president. The I'oolln , .
nmiinreme'iit outlined In thee dispatcher
was adopted. Thin ic'strlels the
i of thu mill * to e no-third their
. . and inhumes jiriex's ot Ingh wines
to 5J1.0U i > er tjalloii.
The Dead I < ock CDioinliwIoii.
CniOAiio , Oct. M. 'llio Soldier's llfimo
Citumls.slon met nttlioGiiind Politic hold to
day but nothing of Important * ) was accom
plished In the w.i } of st'lec ting a nlto foi the
nuvv home , uvv Ing to the ) absence of ono of the
jucunborH. They meet again thla uttcuioon.
.siMci\r ; s fitoji IOWA.
Alltl'l'cobllihlonlst hrlieme to Cnp-
t mo tin- Stale IrKl"liitnrc.
Ii < s MOINF.S lov\n. Oct.JS. . - fSte.-hl | to the
HUI..J I'or llio list lew dajs .ixeuUi of the
Llijiior Dealers' n < latlon have been een In
vailons parti of the state nrranqiii ! ? for the
dhtribiillon of a large fund that has been
ral'-ed to Mcnro ; a democntie legislature.
'Jhlslmodle Is estlmatcil nt fwm Slnf < Kl to
SVi.nod , and is to be UM > < I f.i Imjini.- votes ,
lilntiK tiades and omnlojlnir < vcrv expedi
ent lor tilelwtioil ; ol ix denim ntic Jp M.v
lillO. iNono of me rn iin > y Is
( 'A help the Rtatc ticket , foi
\vlilrh llio silooti nien do noli .iron straw ,
lint must he applied only to the legislature.
Agents of this boodle fund have been tnced
In dillciont towns of northern Iov > a. and in
voine pliucs tlm pluus for U'iiu the tunds
have iilieadj IK en eoiiMimmaled. Many
doiiiivmtsaie indknant nt this shimeless
iittempt to . air > an eketlon b.\ boodle and
ruthat li ha.siu r hivn tried in lima be-
lore and the > w ill not bo a party to it now. a
Aliens tluliiK 'Iioixlili-s Settled.
] ) fs MOIM.S , IIIW.L , Oct. > . [ Special to
the Hi i : . ] Tlu dllllcultv between tliemlnets
and oieialois | at Annns levanting thu prieo
to b.1 paid foi mining was settled to-daj by a
bfj.ud of aibltnition. The miners selected
.Mr. .1. W. Drennan and Lowiy W. ( ! oode.
'Ihe oiK-nitors selected W. W. Cardell and II.
.1. HoliiKs , and the lour ihoso a lltlh , W. U.
JiioVMi , 'Ihu oprralois luid been jujhiK ST'j
cents pei ton and thej \\iiliiictond\anf
( i'4 ' cents , whlletheiiiiiui-s dcmandcd l In *
( i1 tents v\us theiefore ill dispute nnd ntlii
he mm ; ai uun'iiton both hlites , the bo.ud ol
aibitratms dix id < < l in tin ir of the opuiitois ,
tixim , ' the pi letulilili they should pa ) lei
minim ; at ' . ) ! ' , i enls pi i ton , the pil < e to con-
tiol Ihe mine's until \jull I , is-n. Thhvvill
inohablv pievent am suit i s dtiiiin ; the com-
HU w mtei , as the tniiiei-s ii"ice < | to abide bj
Ihe ikclsion ol thclMiidoi a'lilli.itioli. This
au'ieement VMll hold at all ot the
The Iitiftinr Injunction Ctiso .
Di.s .MdiM's , Iowa , O't. > . [ SjK'eial to
the Hi r ] Thy question of roino\ing to the
federal fouits theluiuoi cases hioii lit on In-
jniKtions in the state courts vvas up b'foio
.ludu'o Mower In the I'nltid States elieult
( omt today. He tided that piinttd Inlets
Hhoiild bo siiiiinittul within the next tbiilv
d i s. and his dci i lon would bo nhen alter
tins term ol cum I adjomned. The cases In
ijiK slmn corny trnm Council Mlulfs.
fic\on V < 'iirs In Jj ll lor Debt ,
Xi.w Yonu , Oct 'S A lon'tli.v arpimeiit
was heaul to day b > JmUe O'Goiman , ol the
upeiioi coint , upon the rjueMh n as to
whether or not Atmustino It. McDonald , a
subject of ( iieat Uritaln , who has been
nearlv seven voais in laidlow sticot j ill ,
should bo lelensed and allowed to defend the
Milt upon VNhidi ho \ \ . .uIIIIMK ei.itcd. Mc
Donald Is 50 M'.iit > old , and a son of ( " "apt.
T. MeDouild. who with ' . ' ( HI tolloweis lelt
.Scotland in ITi'J lo escajie leliijioiis ( leisocn-
tlon. .McDonald became * hinkiupt in IWi'.i
though he had a claim against tliopni iiuiK.'iil
lei J,00t,00tvoilh ) ol cotton di stinjed dui-
ini ; the vv.n. Me tidied IDI - 'WOOO and
v\heii his assets \veie sold be puich ised them
lei . ' 0 thiom h anothei naitj. On his claim
tlie eommissionets awiiuleil him fr7OOU toi
Insiotton. lie is mcaicciated upon a claim
made bv the attoine.vsho Mcuud him the
nionej Horn the goNoinment. Decision was
Olllooi-s ol'llic Oril > r ICIeoleil.
Lortsvii M. , Uct. 28. Ihe Older ot Itiil-
\vaj Conductois for the United States ,
Canada and Mexico ! mo concluded theli
session. The follow ing olheei s w cic elcc ted
toi the ensuIiiK jeai : Dhvard Cowan , ol
Kansis Citv , veond chiet condni tor ; W. J.
Duibin , Milwaukee , ffiand senioi conductor ;
W. W. I'lack , Qulnuv , Ilk , iraiul jnnioi con-
ilndor ; C. W. Lvaits , Meulville. I'a . Rr.ind
Inside MMitinel ; John 11. Mull , 1'oionto ,
Out. , Liand outside sentinel ; 1' . 11. Jielknap ,
Calohlime. III. , membci of tiie executive
committee ; W. T. James , Adikin , Mich.
meiubei of the finuraiici committee. The
nc\t < onvcntionill beheld Mav ' . ' , lbv , at
> < e\v Oilcans. _ _ _ _ _ _
Betiiieu'fl Vnuht at Auction.
Ni.w VoiKt , Oct. . .iSpecial [ to the Heo.f
.lames ( ioidon liennett'8 steam jacht which
cost SfiO.OOO in ISSd , was sold Tuesday for
510,000. W. 11. St.ulmekwas the purchaser.
Just as the jacht was being knocked down
tobt.iihuek foi S7 , Vfl , some ono called over
the telephone and asked how much tiic vaeht
biotu'lit. When told bein sold 1m
STVyX ) , he oft. . ledi * , W. competi
tion ensued belwcen Starbnek and the man
at the telephone , the lattei stopping when
.Stai buck hid slO.OOO. It will cost ? ) , IXH ) to
put the Polj nla in commission next yeai.
Ualtlinoi eV Klcollon.
BuTiMoni , Oct iy. The municipal elec
tion Is ] > a"lnR off quietly. IJoth bides .110
conlldtnt of victoiy.
H vi iiMont : , Oct. 2S James Hodses waste
toIa > elected mavoi of this eltv on the rotu-
lai demociatie ticket , dclcatlnt.Jndc . _ ; ( icow
W. Miovvn , Insionist nominee , ba maloiily
ol about ' . ' .OiK ) . 'Ihu new city eoum II stands
thlitcon ic4iil.iis and seven fusonl | < tb in the
Jirst In , inch and suven rc ulats to tlneo
fnsionists In the second branch , The vote
wasoneol the hexviest evil cast , footing up
oui ( x , OX ) . The i led Ion pissed oil veiv
onletly ( otiblderinf the bittej ness developed
( lining
A HuiTlejuu : on the Coast.
Sr. JOHNS N. ! ' . , Oct , 28. Thehiiriicanc
v.hleh rased on the habiador coist is unpie-
eedented even In that inclement lotion.
Ovei scvcntv vesselsnnd tluee hiimlied lives
weie lost. The p iitictilais * o tai aie ineagio.
then * bein no toJo/i.iphic communication ,
The link N'cllie lias just auived wllh'JiX )
-hip\vnvkul men , women and chlldun liom
the disaster. Hevoial women died tiom e\-
iiosnre , and otluis were diowncd. Over two
Imndred peinonsaiu deslltiito and Nlramled
on the coast , b'ivo steimciM have been dls-
tutchcd to theli assistance. The worst is not
tlio Flagman ,
Cn\X. J , , Oct. 'J ! ! . Tlio coroner's
Inquest into the cau-o of death ot the eight
people killed In the accident on the 1'eniisjl.
v.inla on thu llackons.ick meadows
.Snndav n'pht ' , October is , was lesumed yes-
teul.u. The en 11 re crew ot the train which
tidloweil and clashed Into the emigrant tiain
e\nes ] ° td the odnlon ) that the tlagmun ot
the eml iant tialn was m.puiislhlo fm the
disastei , as he did lint jilnio torjuiUics on the
track at iU.0 and l.MO jauls In the rt.ti ol his
tialn , as icqiilic'd lj ) the inles. 'I ho tl.i in.ui
admitted that he mljsht bine knocked nno of
thu tonicduus ol thu rail with his kintein.
The Meyer JouelH OuJoroil Holrascil.
( nic voo , Oct. . > ! > . [ buciul | to the Urr. |
Collector Seebei-gei uiclved a communication
liom the becielaiy ot the tieasur.v instinct-
inn him to icleasu the iiiojctlj' that was
M'i/-d tiom MaMejer tlm Omaha jowohr ,
mme tvvoweeks niM . Mojer piotesUd at the
tliniMit tlm M'l/ure that the mtieloH weio
p.iit of bis pciMinal cllcctH , and Iheietoio e\-
impt fimn duties 'I he depiu tment MTIUS to
have sustained linn In this , und tlicpiopeity
will bo retained to him.
The Weather.
WASHINGTON , Oct. iff , Upper Mississippi
\illej : Fair weather , noithetly wliids. , lie-
coinln variable ; slight ilse In temperature in
northern p01" 0118 ! htatlonary temperatme
in poilloiiKand t-lishtlycpldcr In cast-
MII amUouUic'in poitioiih.
Mlssouil valley ; bliahtly warmer wcotlier ,
light \aiiablo wlnils , lower barouu ter.
A Dull Day Tor onioo Seekers.
WASIIIXOTON , OcU'JS. The 1'iesldent to
day apHlntcd ] ) Kdmtnid U. OilggH , of the Dls
tilct of Columbia , to bu Unite * ] Stated consul
nt baiito.s ,
An Unexplained Disappearance Causes a
Flurry in ft Nebraska Town ,
Pntlilng the Tron Knit on to the Hliick
Illlls-Th > XelirnMku HnntlstH
Tlio ISO"1 * IMIlj OflTerlnj ; of
Kovvuj State ftpecliils.
A IVankllu County M > nory.
Ilt.ooMtNoTov , Neb , ( ) ot M. [ Special to
the Urn. ] The Fnnk Whitney ( alias
U'nlkiT ) ease , a tcle-grapliie repoitof which
tippoarc'd inoui dull ) OMobei vM.stllle'oiitln-
uet to grow excitlntf. Wlion Wbltnny hrst
came heie , over a > eir iigo , ho bnntflit .1 wife
wltli him They had frequent ( pianels which
terminated in their = oparatlng about tlnee
weeks alter. It fioely told that she was
going to her mother's , while Mrs.Vhltno }
liad previously < .nld to neighbors that her
mothei had been dead for twelve } ears. llicy
stalled In the eve n Ing for I ho raid old station ,
Whltuov Ming that , tiiov vieie going to Xa
iioneo smlhs | vvestof tins pluo. It was
ionnd upon Inijuirv that Mrs.
not seen there that night nor since , though
Wlntiiov persisted In silng tint N'aponeo
was whole she 'oiuled the eii-s. lint latter
tills stoiv ha 1 1 lied so that the claim was
made tint li'oonilnirton was the starting
point , and upon Inijuii y it wns lomid that the
simoeiicnnisfancts existed hci * as at Xnno-
nee ( lie woman not Having been scon. 'Ihe
men Dm k and Itosc * , nKirtecl | In thetelogiam
as having In'on arrested by the * sherllf
of Yoik enmity , came lieio with Whit
ney , and the whole outlit IP.II a
hud name , and it is sunmsed bv some thil
Mis. Whitney know of their deeds and
that tills WHS the motive foi hei supposed
murdoi. Coming tiom Wldlne's ( o Hloom-
ington tbebt : hills suutb ot the river have to
In * pas ed tin oiu'li , and it htlieie tliat it is
supposed the killimr was done1 , if at all. The
wholoiountrj in the vlcinit } of Whitnev's
is up in anus ovi i tlio mallei and vvill make1
a thoiongh scauh for the bed } ot the woman
\Vhitnij dlsiipe.ircil | some time ago , and
IhoiU'h otllccis ,110011 his track , no tiace can
be found ol his wluieabouts. Mi Dutant ,
the father of ( iiissk * , who \\hitiie1 }
marilcd a sboit lime nttei t'ie ' disippoarame
of MisVhitnev Mo 1 , sus that damnalilo
means woie iisi'd to hung about the last m.ii
n.igo und that he will have levenge onVhlt -
ite } il be can be lonnd.
The "novvoi behind tlio thione" in the
ling politics ol tills count } is the 5 pci-eotit-
a moiilb men , whoaro pulling tortb every ef-
loiitodelcat the1 1'holio ot tinoopo. ) ! . Mom > }
is iM'inir tiivl * , and opcnlv exitondi
the honestcaiidlikites , ' 1 ho I i.inklin Count }
( iitard outlit. witli not a invested in
the town , has ev entiling to make and
nothing to lo-e , and withii good supplv ot
monopolv pap. It is energetical ! , } siippoitim ;
tlie candidates ol these lobbeis ot the people.
PiisMiisj On to the Htll * .
VAI.PNIIMN'eb. . , Ojt ! i9. [ Sp-cial to
the Hi iThe i | Hlack Hills exk-nsion of the
I're'iiiont > v : r.lkhoin Vr.illoy load Is being
const ! uded at the rate of a mdcadiv be.vond
Ch.idion. 'Ihe load will le.ieh Hutfalo ( Jap
In less than tlneo weeks. The bridge over
the Cheyenne is lapidl } appioochlng com
pletion. It is expected that lognlar trains
will inn eleai through to Hulfalo ( lap about
Icecmbei 1. Thoio will be a big boom at
the Gap as long a * the terminus of the ro id
remains then * . A new kind ot stock car is
to lie put on this loul. It will bo so con
stituted that each lie id of stock will stand in
a stall by itself , enabling il to lie down at
vvill. A teed ln\ and watering tiough will
bein fiont ol the animil. This will do uw.iv
witli the necessity ol unloading tlie took
en loute , and will save much valuable time ,
and will also m ike a s uing in shuiik-
a'zo. The * i un tiom Cliadion to Chicago , a
distance ol ovoi DOJ miles , will bo made in
Tlie Xo
Ui-A nicKv : Neb Ocl. ' 2A. | SpecIal to
the IJinJ 'Hie Nebraska U.iptist nn-
nivcr-anes will bo held lurj next
week , November 3 to 7. Tlie openIng -
Ing cxere'ses will begin with pistor's
conference on Tue-diy evening and holding
over Wislne ; < iilay. 'the Sunday school con
vention vvill begin on Wednesday evening.
The state convention will commence' on
'Ihuisd.i } and continue tlnougli the week ,
intcitainiiiMit : will he iinnishcd tor all del
egates who notify tlie committee , li , N. N
Hrumhack clmiinmn. liov. Iti'eel , of ( iiaud
Island , will a seimon on I'u.'sda }
evoulng , alco Tlun-day even n . .
An AIiiooneliiiK Merchant.
SciniiM it , Neb. , Oct , 28. ( Sp vial to Ihe
Hi t..J I. Stowait , gi'iieial&toio meiuhant ol
this place , has itbacondcd. He leaves debts
to the amount of S.i.OOO or 04iM ) , chiell } due *
in Omaha HIM t.iljllshed in business hi'io
six 01 seven months a o and seemed to lie
piospoiing. His wheie.ibonts aie unknown.
I'l lioOmabi ti.ido apiulspd of Stewart's
lli ht tlnoiigii Hiadstrr el's agency , h istencd
lepic'st'iitatlves to .Soilbai'i tins mouiing.J
A Hold Horsetliler.
KnoAit , Nib. , Ojt. 2 . [ Sii'dal to the
Hri : . ] On Mond.i } eveniiK , about half past
seven o'clock. C. K. < ! l.i/ior's hoiso was
standing hitdicd at thu corner of D and
Main street. A thiet untied the htiap ,
jumped into the eiuiup , anJ ntiilcdona
inn , headed lor Faiiaeld. A disiutch was
sent to Kairiield whieli aiiivid tliore ibout
In e minuteattoi lie bad lo.umccl that plac
and tinned south. The lioiso was ejtiitea
valuable one , as It was } < > un.j and ujiecdy.
Grand Island Water Works.
CnvM > ISI.AMI , O"t 38. [ Special to the
Hi. i . ] The piobabllltlcsaro tiiat our water
woiks will licit b.i completed until next
sm Ing , owing to the InU'iu'ss of the season.
'lliomaterlul Ins not } ct anivcd , and It Is
deeme 1 iiudvi able to tear up the slice is
now. as thov would have to remain Inthat
condition all winter.
Montrcal'H lIospllalH ,
MovTP.r vi , d t. 2H. [ Special to the Hrr. ]
The elt } has bevn horritied to-day by stories
of u number of patients just discharged fiom
the. civic hospital uiidoi care ot IhOHistois
known as the Oray Nun1) ) . Chargoi ot the
most molting nature are made. Atpiosont
thi'io aio IbO intlents In tlie hospital and only
fiixnnises and two women seivants. 'Iho
care of the patient- , has been most out
rageous , 'J he tault is elite In no re&pect to
the sisteis , but to the pninlmonlous conduct
e > f the I'll ) olllclals. All that the city would
na } tin * women to attend the uMlhted was
its a month and the men rescuu'1 * ! . ' . 'i'lm
ciiiiseqiu nco w.u it was Impos ible to jiro-
cine piopei niyc's , and the patients weio
lelt foi the mojf put to the convalescent pa
tients , who were entiielj
wasioqulud , * nd besides weio In such a state
as to be * until lei dut\ .
MOMIU , Oct. > . - Thirty eight death'i
from buiull po < c heio > c-lunliy.
tH ol'tlio Heathen.
Cmc.veio , Oil. a * * . 'Ilio sixteenth nn-
nital meeting of the gi'iieial oxreutlvo com.
inlttcn of the Woman' * ) fonugn mli-sionary
( octet } ot the Mtihodist Episcopal church ,
began to ay at Lvaiifiton. Dek-g-itos aio
present from ne.uly all eMstern and weslein
stutcfs. The day was consumed lin'Teailnj. ,
addiesses , no repoith In ing run ! } . /
UAHHOS' , Wls. , 0-t. . Attendance a (
thuAmerlcin Mis-ionaiy oeiet } hus rown
laigc. Mcinbeis aio now present from all
p.nts 01 ihccounti } . Ses.douM to-day woio
pnncipa ! ! ) ( H'cuplcd by aildic-sfM -.arlous
MilijcUn i ounooiod with the work of the so-
c'iet } , Ainon tbOHpoikois we ro Dr. A. L.
I'lMihiof lov.a , IJc'v. W. T. Day ol Illinois ,
und Kcv. J , Tiliwuith of illlvaukec ,
A iuuioi5 cnr.s AVAV.
I'roh.itjlo Lois or nNumber ol' People
hy JrovvnliiR.
Hvsr Svmxvw.'Mlclh. , Oct. OS At n-TO
o'clock this e cnin&aiiro broke out on the
tug McDonald , 1 } Ing it | the dock about 100
feet south of Oenesco avenue biidgo. A
large numbci of i < cople were c'oniiogatod on
the bridge when a piece of sidewalk on the
bridge , live' fcvtwldoand fort-llvr fett long ,
eontalnlni ; about sht } wople , gave way with
a vr v\\ \ \ and precipitated them Into the river ,
ill loon lo eighteen feet dieitltli a strong
rurnMit The nltthl was elinuly nnd dark.
MUuouIousIy , the gieater iiitmbcivcio sa\cd
but many were badly brn'sed. The river is
now being drafted and the bnd , of ono bo\ .
named Sidney l-allon , aged 18 } ears , has
been hiouphl up. It is thought seveial per
ished , M twelve or llilrte-en air missing.
James Tw alts was rescued but ho is badl } hurt.
John Hoth'nluiifT , nlured about the legs ;
( ieo. A. Irwln , flllghtU injuinl. K. D.
Covvlcs , of thoCourlei , was
standing on the extreme further end of the
bihUowhen it went down , lie could not
svv Im a stroke and was elraguod by tlie strug
gling people to the bottom of the liver twice ,
but got char , and drifting clown clung to a
pllo until ic-cued , sustaining but blight In-
Owing to the largo number of persons on
tliebiidgoattho tlmeof the dis.i tor , daik-
ness , xtid thet let that people picked lip along
t ic ihor wen * him led to their homes. Ills
Impossible to toll how mativ wcic
diowncd. I'tosociitlng AHornev Kmeriek
was it * | > oi teil missing but bis
turned up sate. The cinront is veiv swift ,
and il IH thought tlial some bodies um have
drilled some distance down thestieam. John
Hush , Chestei Meeres , James Muipliv , and a
lad named Shaip are among the supposeel
vie lims.
Kariner luvIs ) Starts ) Out for n HOUHO-
keetier anil MiirrlcH u I'tiupcr.
Hoxisi\tr , Pa. Oct.'JT. Jacob Lewisa
well to do farmer ol this count } , h.iv ing been
left a widower some months ago , had gnat
dillicult } In gottinga housekiepei who would
suit him. A tevv das ago he was in Monti-
cello , und an acquaintance tlieio told him he
might lw able to get a good woman to take
ch.UL'O ot his household Ul the Sullivan coun-
1 } poorhouse He went to tlie pooiheutse
Tud told biiperiniendent Osbmii what
Ills pinind wa . 'llio Hupciintondept
told him that he could not let any ot
the Inmates ol the house go unless Lewis
could mid some one among the leunles tliTo
whom he was willing tomanv. Lewis said
that il hecould tind a leputablo woman in
the institution who suited him ho would be
willing lo make hei his wile and take hoi
homo v\ilh him. Osborn showed him tlnougli
the hott-e. Mrs. Maiv Vlteh. a eotuel\ but
nnlortunato widow , was woikingat the washtub -
tub in the la nnd r } ' . Altei watching her feir a
tew minute's Lewis told Supoiintemlent Os-
liorn thatil sliowaswillinirlievvouldb.'suited
with the wnuiiMi at the washtub. 'Iho
supeiinti'iidont spoke to Mis. 1'ilih and told
her vvlnt the lunnor's eiiand was. she
stopped woik , looked at Lewis a moment ,
and then wiped oil Iiei binds and arms with
bei .1 pi on and said she would many him.
Lsqnire Hunt was summoned , and , in the
meseiiceot the other inmates of the Institu
tion , he man ltd Mrs. I'ltch and rainier
Lewis. The two diove to Monlic lie and
had dinner. The bndcgioom bought his
bride a now dioss and othei in tick's , and then
the tw o retui ned to ] iis tai m.
S to Omaha.
Ciricvoo , Oct. 3i [ Special to Iho IJr.c. ]
I'dwanl S. btokcs , of Now Y"ork' , Is in the
city , and will visit O.iU'.ii within the next
ten days on bminess'conuoeted vvitii tlm new
telegraph line of the United Lines asiocia-
thin which Is being erected towards Oiuilia at
theiatjol two miles a cl.i } . It is expected
that the now line w ill reach Omaha fiom Lin
coln within the next two weeks.
Stoke-i has leeently bought the 15 inkers and
Merchants' Telegiaph I'omp my which was in
the hamlsof a leceiver , and is knuwn now as
tlm United Lines , , Uking in tin * system ot the
Hoard ot Tiaelo wires , the Paclnuand Picittc
Mutual Lino. His wires eonne'ot with the
United wnes at bt. Louis and tun tiom there
to Kansas City and St. Joe and will be
extended to ( irand Island , running a distance
ot y > 'J miles on the Pachie lines. Ills lines
aNo urn to Lincoln , theme to Omaha. He Is
about to oxt'iid his line fioniSt. Louis to
Dulntli. The new line from bt Louis to Dn-
lutli will cost S.W ! , ' > - "The Western
Union , " he said , "has hid a monopoly ot
Hi Mr businee's long enough , and the public is
tiled of theii high lutes , and the opposition
lines are going to luinish the people an
economic h.jsteni ot lates. "
A Ciookcit Financier Caugbt.
Uosro.s , Oct , 28. Win. J. Best , the finan
cier who was formerly connected with the
alfaiis of tlio collapbod Paenio bink of Ibis
cit } , was arrested in New YoX } esterday
charged with cmbc7ling ? TjOOD , as tnistco
of the will of the late Tianeis W Cariuth.
The latter lelt a fund oi S7J.OOO income ,
whieli was to go to his son , W. W. Carinth.
Heloio the Paciiie bank failed , } onng Car-
nitli bonowed SWOU fiom the bank
on his own peisonal note , and
as senility for the loin tians-
Icried the income of this fund. Alter
the Hist tuilu.o. of the bink Hcst , as an e-x-
jieit , was empioed in pi.Ktieal c'liarge ol the
buik alfaiis When Kecelvei Piieo took
chaise ot the wicck ho totiml this note and
Its security and no iccoid ol an. pavment b }
Hi st is trustee. He tned lo obi iln some-
thin , . , ol Ilesl , but the ; latter k > pl out of
Ids reach. Voung Cariutn applied to
the piob.ite coint lor Best siomenal , winch
wasgrantid , ami Cluulrs H White appoint
ed. He tried to secure an accounting fiom
Host but was nnsueoe"lul. . Ihieleme was
htiong that Host had used a portion of the
fee unites In speculation and sold tlio re-
malndei outnght. He way indicted.
Tniiitimny'H liiii lllow Out.
Nnw VOI.K , Oct. W. Tammany hail bold
Ifej openini , ' mass meeting tonight. Tlie-io
wore baniioin , torches , Grerk die. and an im
mense gathoilng. Tl.o wigwam was hlh-d ,
and the stieeU Infiontot and adjoining It.
Speex-hes wern maile liom M'veral stands.
Only local Hpeakeis took part In Ihe oratoiy.
Attention was chlcUy deuilcd to the htato
contest ,
With refeienco to the slate ticket and ilfl
suppoit , the resolutions emhoilkd the'so
wonts' "Conlldentiil inn abiilt } to main
tain tlm miprcmtic } of demociatie principles
within this city , vvo jpledfc'U oursclvesto nub-
ordlnateanilHu'iliicocveiy consldi'iation of
Joe al aelvantage or ) > eison , il prcleiemv to the
succesot the democratic candidates nomin
ated it Saratoga. " <
< Toloraelo' < 5 Coal
t.'TVi ii , O't , -fSiuelil to the lice. ]
The mlni'iH at T.iloio \ have refused to
btill.isat thobollclt.ition of tlie Union Pacific ;
mlneis. They have , it is ( d , conceded so
fui ub to refuse to load c'oal in Union Pacltie
cars , lint tills will not an ] Mint to nil } tiling ,
as most of the coil wliich th'i Denver it Itio
( iiandeeompaii } di'livei tuthe Union Pucine
Islo.idcd in l ) > nver& Itio ( iraiidoc.iis.
The mlneis at Louisville die still out on a
ttiike , having gonu out when all tuu coal
mliii'iHoii Uniiiii Paciitc propuit > weio 01-
dei ° d cut by the JvnU'hts ol Laboi.
Joins the * ltciioillii ! .
PIT i VIA.II ! . , Oct. % - Judge Le\l M.
VllnH , ot JUii Claire , Wis. , brother ikt the
po-itmatiti r general , was muricd today in
the Pullman church to MIN > Llz/lo Stewart
Ludlam , ilau .hterof Major Jam- D. Lud-
lam , Unv. Tiank Warren otllclatinx. Owing
to the ) recent death of Iho groom's idMei , the
attendance wa& limited to iilatlvi-i , ahont
oi whom v en < JIM sent. Twu special
conveyed Uio ucstB fjom CJiie..go.
at Phtlailclphln.
Pun tm.iuuA , CM , 2i ? . < Jen. Logan ar-
rl\cd be-in this evening and after illnner w.u
pBeoited by the | iolitcal ! club * lo Hortlcaltn-
nil hull , v.lieio Im iiildtoa'XAl a Jargo republi
can uiaa niectltirr.
The Prcauleiil's Plight in Eeorgauizing tie
Signal Scr > lco Kdulents Com t
ttnlcd for Itoicntltifi Insults
J ml no Vincent ut the Ciipl *
tnl-Wmililnjloii Waif" .
> ho CoininUslon.
W \8itiMnov , Oct J.s . _ vn iiulniito iier-
sonal filcnil of the pi-e.ulent , who talked
with him on the subject , M > s h > is ex | > i'iiotio-
ln > ; intich dllllcull > In tlie eiforl to iron , inirn
fie civil Keivlco commission. Ho is aiming
to secure for tlmt.suuco tlnee men vvhoaie
well known to Ihe country and whose names
would bo received as nil eirmvst of Ids pnr-
POHto tMve such eh.iraitcu to the eomndsskni
as to ulve certain coiHidence to the ft lends of
the niiMomcnt that ho le 'ards rofoim In civ II
scivlcoas ono of the must important ot Ills
administration. At the Mine time the presi
dent Is sicking men \vlioso appointment
would Kilu-ly the people \\lutlieriiiendlv to
the movement 01 nut , that H Is in the luiinlsot
piactie il u -oiiin men w ho aio not docti in-
aliesnnd who will consider and surest need
ed modlinatlons to | iojinlaii/o the lefoim
in the e\ciition ( of the law without Impali-
Ini ; its honents. Tlie s.ilai > of the position Is
om > tiMX : ) pei jeai.aml lew men of piomin-
ence who jiossess the iiuallilcations named
aio willing to make the sauiiicc. ' 1 he ic.ison
why some ol the man ) persons whoso names
siiKRcst theni'dves lo the public in connection
witli the place me not ajijiointed Is because
they havoihead > dtclimd. No appointment
has > ctbion determined upon. Amoiujthose
who have du lined appolnttueiitsoii theeom-
mlsslon ate I. , haltonet ill and Oh.ules Cod-
man , ot M issachnssolts , and Jiulue bchoo-
mikei and 1 O. di-av.cs mo among Uio
whose names aio nndei consideiation.
Student's Con it Mai tlalcil.
WASIIINOION , Oct. 'J" . About half of thn
class ol Hignal se'iviie men , who are nn-
dei-goiin ; a eomso of instinctlon at Toil
MKI10 be completed in Januai ) , aieb'lmr
tiled liy c omt martini on the cbii o of In-
snboulination. Tlio ciicninstance-s are us
tollovvs : The men of tlie class tell that they
were beinic unjiistlv ami haishly tieati-d b >
their liistrmtor , Cuink ( iiee.ii , or
the wignal seivice. and when he added to
this gloss pint.init } , iudisciimiintclv call
ing them n imes onlj to be icpeited , ttiov 10-
soive l to nuke an elfut lei lohel. With
this vkvv a meeting ol llio class was hi Id
which icsultcd in a petition to the chief sig
nal ofllcei , hctting t.ith theli giiev.iuco and
appealing foi leliet. The petition vv.i an
swered l > i an ordei for tlie coint mu-tialing
ot all the men who signed the itetilion on the
giouiiil ot insuboidination.
( icneral IIi7Ui slid to nisht tint the men
vveieboing cotnt mart ialod , not toro\piess-
Ing theli giievames but tor holding a meet
ing and combining lei that pmpose.
which ho said was almost equal
to mntinv. Llenteiunt nieen Ins been
repiim iinled bGciuril lla/en toi his con
duct. Hie mombois ot tlio class ale being
delonded bj Conriessmaii IJutteiwoith and
Heniy Wise ( i.iinett. It is e\pe < ted that tlie
coint will boom to-mmrou , auiltlm tindings
will hi : subiniltcd to ( ! eiier.U JIi/cn. 'J lie
subject vvill not coino | * efoit ) the war dep.ut-
ment unless there should be a sentence of
dismiss il , which is hardly thought probablp
undt'l the ciit'inustaiiccs.
,7 u ilno Vinoent \VnsliliiRtnn. .
WASVINOION. Oit. lS. ! Judge Vincent ,
recently removed by the picsidcut's oidei
from the portion of ildut jitPtico of New
Mexico , arrived in Washington this morning.
A repoiler called upon him , but tlio judge
begsfi-d to be excused Iroin m.ikinir anv htate-
meut eoncuiiiing his removal or the delenso
liejnopotes to make. "It would , " ho said ,
"Ixj maniie.stly impioper lei mo to nay any
thing about the mattei betore seeing my su
perior In olllic 1 would Iv glad , howovei , it
von would slate : us coming Horn mo that I
have not a woid to haj about the case lei pub
lication. "
To lie I.rought Before
WAHIII.NCITO.V , Oct. 28. Accounting olliceis
of the txeasury department hive consented to
delay charging to bib personal salaij the
amount expended bj Admiral Jonctt in en-
teit.ilning visitois to the Tenneshce at the
J ow Orkans exposition , accoullng to a do
clsion ol the pccond ( omptiollei , until the
matter has been InouL'Iit to the atUnlion ot
congic'ss. 'I he amount in quoblion Is only
; ? 1W ( but it is deslicd to have some dolinito
action to bervo as a pieceilent in the Inline.
I'osliniisiern Appointed.
WASIIINOTOV , Oft. 2S. The acting post-
maiter-gencral to- < lay appointed the lollow-
Ing named fourth-class postm isters :
WIseoiiBin Sigel , if.itliias Mliimei.
Iowa Senej , Kittle Kdnnarsli ; Adrian ,
M. Much ; Newnnikot , IX A I'a-e ; Seinng ,
Allmrt D. Hix ; Madnd , bqnlii * Williams ;
Tripoli. Heniv lillerl ; Conway , 11. A. Hol
land ; 1'crshi , James L.uiiir.
Nebraska DiwMin , Mieliaol R. It > an ;
Meek , A. I ! . Daj.
Dakota , Salem. Phillip II. Itiniklo ; llou-
iid , Uaine'i O'Neal.
An Aipolntin | iit anil K
WASIH\IION , Oct , 2s. 'Jhe bciretar.v of
the trcasni.v today appointed Kobcit J. Maj-
lie'd , ol Indi.inn , to beacliiit ot division in
the oflleo of tlio coinpttoller ol cniiencj-
Lewis O. Martlelt , ot Indiana , second deputy
commibsionci ol pensions , has lOMgned on
account of ill heiUlli K'biiltitig tiom old
_ _ _
TllO IJUlll ColllllllsS'lDll'rt ItcpOlt.
Wsinv.iov , Oct U1) . Kx ( iovernoi Ham-
s-iy , rhaliman of the Utih conimlsHion , pio-
sentcd thorepoit ol the commission to the
Fecictai7 of the inteiior toda > . The com-
mis Jon hay It is now only n mattei of time
when pojjgamy will bcfome extinct , and
ricommciuhd the contlnuitlon of Ihu t > amo
liolley. _ _
i tlinii Called Kor.
Oct. 2K 'Iheilsh eommls.
sion e.ii whieli lea\es to night with cats lei
the hiipiiljing of applicants in Iowa , Wis'on-
Biii. .Mlnncsiitn , Iakola ) , .Montana , Ou on
and Waslilngton teiutory , eaiiies a kngo
ninntx'r of lisli in e\O ! > 'i ot the amount je-
iniltcd to meet the icqiicits on nlu.
To Hhuk < - ith the Shall ,
A\r vfiiiivn r \ , Oct. m. I * . M. Winhlon , of
Cliicago , has boon belected lei apitolntment
as I'liltod States inlntftor to Persia His ap
pointment will probably bo olhclall } an
nounced to-nmrio\v.
I'nr II IH
V/AMUviroN , Oct.i Assistant Secro-
taiv OKIII , u tuini'd In Washington to-d.ij
and lesiimrd the dutlis ol his olliic. His
hticuv.or will .soon bu appointed.
Antl-ClimoHo j\a Haifon In CJoorgln.
Ali.U.siv , ( i.u , Oct. 28. [ Sivckil to tlio
HIT ) A violent agitation of the ( him 10
question lias broki n out In this city t-iiice ilio
publication of the outrages at Seattle. JVn
fcovoral je.irs Cele tialfl huvo lipni flocking
hither , luuo piospeied , teveral have made
fmtun sand icturned to ( hlna , The ) now
own MI in.iiij groceries , wholoalo and ictail ,
that ni.inv ( Iti/ens to-day petitioned the
city " ouni'il tot.iko Mops to pievnnt fnithoi
iinmigrallon. The lidins is high , .w the
Chinamen have many friends union ; , thu
bettei oJat.s.
I'm HO I'or I'.iriK'll ,
'HiA , Oct. ! & > . A monster mncl-
Ing lo night In aid of the 1'ariicll pnllame'ii-
( iu > funii r.iL U $1 ,000 lui
The ( Jencstn Kotitrus to tier ICngllsh
Home A Knst Trip.
PnUTSMOl'TIt , O t. i"1. TIlC ( ll'lll'sU , ( llV
featcd In tlio recent international } oeht wco
for America's cup by the American yacht
1'uiltau , arrived In this port at o'clock this
morning after a v 0,1 , uo across the Atlantic.
She came Into pin I ll.iiigthc1 three tiit \n\ra \ \
flags won in the contests with American
j.ii'hK ( enthusiasm pievalled nmong
Uieeiews of men-of-war and vachtu In the
liarboi , who wekomed the ( ! enestwllli
pliccr aftei elieet. , ,
It lsbelk've.ltlietlmoof the neiiosU'n trip
IH-IOSS the Athinlh Wdavs and 10 hours
aeatstheb- \acht recoid. Tin ) wind din
ing the vovnu'o was iioith , noithcail to woe ,
with oicaslonal sinni hoavv seas \\huli
pn-atlv iitauleil hei ino.'iess. Ivvlco the
( iem st.ia - hove to. and the whole trip was
m ulo under looted sails. The only mishaps
wen * the breaking ol the mate s ankle and a
sht | | diNiiiaiueniont ol the steel Iiiir geir.
The best runs weie us follows : On the IBIli
InsL.iW miles ; r'.th , BIO miles ; mid UthHKI
inks. The cievv of tin * ( Jenesta Rpeak of
then tie.Umont in Anurlei wUlicntliu-jmam.
Hi j.on v r , Oct. 'Jrite < go\er n
111111 1 ropllcd to the colle-ttvo note of the
poweib and lefiiscd to ills inn the Seiv Ian
tiooiHuntil the equililnlumof llio H.Ukans
Ills tieeii lestoiivl.
rossiIINOPI r , Oct. 3s.-Tho ll.ilkan
coult rone. * will ui'cl loimillv Thuisd.iy and
and vvill then adomn | until Mtuiduv.
( HNS.MiNdii i , OM 2" . Pin * war nine i *
pieseiitsaMone ot unusual uitlvitj , eleinl\
indlniting that ( ho poll is deli imiliul on the
adoption of etfoitivo measinx's In tlio event
nf tlio conference ol the povvirs lulling to
au'iceon a plan toi t-eUlemcnl of the Kou
inellan qiiestlnn. An nflit ial lopoit lo dav
shows tint lNDftl ) Tm I Mi Hoops an * now
mustoied at .u.iilablo points on the tuintioi
loiaitho scivhe In the M.ilkan peninsula ,
and leinfoueiui ntsaio loiitinuallv anivlnu'
'I ho Mustihiu 01 Laiulstuim and the H.ishl
Mas ouks liave been mnumoned tin iiiillliuy
dill } . 'Ihelevj of Iho Landstnim Is mil } ie-
soit'od to as a w.u measure and wilt add ovei
lf > iKK ( ) men to the service. Conassla has ten
dered ti'itxiieav alt } and \lbania momlsed to
assist t' ' < e porle. In view ol this Tnikisb
tioops in Albania have been withdrawn and
massed on the Greek , ( iaiian and .Vivian
AnicM-lc-an Inilueiicc In Coi-oa.
SUV.NOUAI , Oct , 4-i Owen Dcnnv , foi-
meii } Ameiican consul geneial at .Shiinghal ,
his been appiinti-d foiIgn alvisir to tlu
king ot Corel , to rephe * Heir Molemlorff ,
foiniirh ( 'lien 'Ism. llio
appointment ot Demi } to this huh position
Indieitos tin * ( rorniin inllueuie In Coiea.
w huh since the advent of Heir Molcndoill
has neon p.u imount , is on the wane.
The HteaU Trial.
loMovOct. 2s.-Tho 111 il of the Arui'tiong
abdudion cise WOH rosumc'd this morning.
Thete-timonj foi the iiio-eention being all
in the attoi nev generil annonni ed his side of
thecase closed. Conn-i'l lor the detenso then
addiessed tlu coint in dclense of thu piisoti-
" \'li. \ Stead then addioss ( > d the jinv In ho
lt ill ol InmseU and the othei defend , inlh.
His iigumcatwas on the lusis Hi it the end
jiibtmed tlie means. Ihe coint .uljouined.
HpatiUh Ai MiainontP.
MAtH'.in , Oct , . 'Ihe Spanish goveni-
mont is htiengtheiiing IheCtnt.i peninsula in
Moiocco. Cent.i is oppuslto ( Jlbroltar and
enl } seventeen miles distant. It liasmany _
points ot resomblanoe to thai fotlillcation
and is well supplied with water and If gai-
lisoned would be all but impreirntibl . Ad
ditional he iv } aimiments have bocn onlercd
lei the polls ol the Philippine
A Pointer to
N" , Oct.tiS.A M.nhid dispiteh eon
ill ins ( lie icceiit statement that the American
( joveinment inliniatod io Spun tint il
the lattPi's soveioitiitv of the Caroline Is
lands is lecosm/ed , tlm American piotost-
ant nnt-sifin must be lespeotcd and the fiee-
( lorn ol icligion allowed.
Too Good to beTrue. .
LONDONOct. . * ia. J'he government dis
credits the rumor telegraphed } csteid.ij fiom
Kingoon thitaievolution ls.ul biokon out at
Mandal.u. and that King Thebav\ol Uui-
mali , baa been inindcrcd ,
The nnrniuh Kxpcclition T > elaccl.
M vnu v , Oi t. 28. The embarkation ot the
bilnados vvlmh are to tike nait In the pro
jiosi'd Jtinmexo expedition nave been post
poned foi luriliei ordeis ,
The Oreat I'ahtpi-n Sold.
LOVDON , Oct. 3s. The ( ireat Cistcm , the
I.ucesl Me unship In the * vvoild , was tolil at
public auction to-ihj lei V.iU.'OO.
In Now Vorlc Harbor.
NHW VOKK. Od. 2S. In the dense tog
which prevails hero this morning , the steam
Hackuisack , ot the Holioken feir } linewlnle
on a trip to tiih city , eollidd vvitii the ocean
Moamoi Scrvla. Thehoof the fenj boat
was C.U i led awav and afloat pinic pievailod
on both boils. In his liielit. asallm on the
Seivia jumpid overboaid and was diowmd ,
fceveiat othcis jumped but weie leseucd.
Arrest c'd lor Desertion.
Puriu.o , Coloiado , Oct , 2 . - [ Spci Ial to the
IJt'K. ] David Ho'iier , a deseilor fiom the
regular auuy , who cnllsl.'d at Tort Nio'irura ,
.V'braski , In ti ! . ' , a'ld d.file I at Onuhi ,
N'i biaska , in 1141 Ins Iron anostul in this
cllHo \ Isab'inl2-Jpanold. He has been
taken to I'oit Ljou.
Iteal Kstutu
Tlio following tr risfors w n1 ) llio I Get.
37. with tlm eo int > ulork , and repented
for the KBby Anr ' Heal K tate
David N. Mllki to Mlas II. H. Cluik.
lot 17 N'elson'H addition Omaha shcilliV
Patikk Connoisand wife to Tlinninn f'ol-
llnsi'-'j'ol lot U blcxk Kounl'B1th ad
dition Om.ihii W. ItfsOl. I ( .
AllcoO'Doiiahoeundothersto Noiman A
Knhn and 8am , K. hpahlliiir , lots 11 , in , lit.
17 , lh , IH , W , block d , mid lots 1. 'J , . ' ! , I. > , ( I , 7 ,
b , 11 , IV , li , II , 15 , 10 , 17 , IK , lil.'JI , liloi k7 ,
and Us 1. . ' , .t , t , , n 7. S , , 10 , block H Kilby'n
place udd Omatm W. IJ. SKMKK ) ,
Cliailes C. ilonsol and wife to John K.
Caubifld and Alon/o P. Tnken1 ; ol sv\ ' <
ol no' , si'c 1-l'i-lU , 5 iicics , Dotulas conntv ; '
JJIen A. Ainold to John riiinagan ; w 'of
lie' ' . M'C I-IV1.1 , Doiulas colllilv ; q. ' . 1 1.
Ito'icil ' HIaii and wile lo William A. Smith ;
It II , . blk 4 , Paikei's udd , Omaha ; w. d.
William J-Slcdman ( widower ) to William
M. Dodson ; s . , ol mvif secO-lU-10 , Dou 'las
tount } . w. d sln < Ki.
Alex II Swanandoihers , to VntonSnev.ik.
lot 11 blk 7 , honlh Om.ih i , w d4J4"i. .
Heirs of hwm PaliicK tohaiah O. Patiiek ,
r , iTJledof nvv U i > ec : i , r. , l.i , JJmula.
co nil } , w d Vl 'Ml. '
Cliailes McK.i } to Charles Cotbett , iindivl-
ckcl'-j ot lolrtii.nidTbllvii ! ) lots U , .1 , 4 , IH ,
17 , and I ! ) blk HI ; lot r blkliO , and lot " . bile
JY > , ( iiand Vkw add toOinnhii , vv d SnKJ7.70 ,
Cliailes McKav to Cliailes CoibUt ; It 0 , blk
17'J. and It. , I and 17 , blk l-u ; diandvlow add ,
Oninliu ; q c - ! ' V > ,
dioigoll. ltorr's and wile arid otliois to
Wilhelm J.ovijohaiin ; H 0 , blk ! i , Alboi
Pktic , Omnhn ; w.d--ri'X ) .
John Holllng and wile to Huns Holllng ;
undivided J. of nekf v 2V15-H , IM ) nties ,
Doiin'Ins count } , vv. dKsooi ) .
( iin\ct > x. U.Uer 'jivvin , ' Machine Co. to
John JMJ.u ; n' ' . . of H4. blk 211 , Omaha :
q. c. § 1.SH
DUoliejc-cl the Onlor ,
'llio umjni ' older olosing the > $ onna
at inilui.lit ( wns openly violated lust
night by 0 S HlxtJiiis , who uniioiinrul
liihattiiiitlon to run his tuiloou
D.uing Daylight Attempt At Munloi in
Ohirngo's Stroota.
'H Uoporl oil > liuile
Jlnae nuil lJninooc sfHl At
toiiipt ( it Itluokiniill
Criminal ( i
Shot Dovvii In tlio Htrrot.
Clltc AIIO , Oct. US. five tlioitiand people i
I'omjilelely bliK'ked Monioo Btroet from la )
Suite lo Clink at t. o'clock this afk'i noon nnd
went hall mad with excitement , ami hut for
the doxtoiilv of a couple of policemen 'would
have hanged A , J. Bums lo Ihu iiiuuu > l Iruiu *
post. I
Shoitlv before the t'mplojp * of the offlco1 }
and pi intlng establHnuonl.s of llionelghbov-
hood.nvielea ed fiom their da's laboin , n
voting ami well diessed nmn entered the
hallway ot the bulldln. , ' In whhii tlm of
licesol 11. ( i. Dun A Co. nro loeate'd anil
leaned against the wall as though walling lor ,
Mum * ono. A few minutes Intel the olcikH
and pilnters employ od In tlm building began
to stream down the stalls. The } oung nmu
watched Hum c lo-olv. and catclilnj.bighl of
two .vouui' women walking aim In aim ,
Mining lorwan' , diew a revolver , Hied t\vo
sltot.s in quick succession , and dashed out of
tin * hill and up Monioo stn-ot toward lilt U
iivonuo. Ihostiu'l was eiow ded vv ilb people
going homo Mom business. The sound of the ' .
shots attiackd others. An otllcci standing \
neiii tliecoiuci ot Tilth avenue noticed the
ciowd acouniulating , diIned tlm c.iti'0 of tlio
Minng man's ilight uml puuuptly feled lllm.
Tlicv wulkisl liaek lo t e M.TIIO of IhO
ihooting 'Ihe two women lay insensible on ,
the sidewalk At the sight of the man who
hid attempted thin mimlcr tlio eiowd IK > - \
cumolniious and attempted to iok\iso him I
tiom the otllcei'H ciusp. Somobndv erlecl I
"I.vneh him I" and the olllcei , re.ili < ing hla )
prlsonei s d.ingoi. hustled him thiomn nn
allcv in the diuctlon of the ntaiiflt .station. )
Ihe eiowd attcmlited to iollovv , but. only J
jammeil itsc-lt lust In the narrow entrance. I
'I he wounded women were taken into ( Jio
nearest ding stou and thence to the county
hospital. It Is b l loved that tbolionndsaiO
fatal. It his chvilopul that the shooting
was aoowuidlv u v ( ULO taken bIJuriis , for-
ineiU emploid in K. ( i Dun's otllio. on the
two women whose claim that lie had insulted
tlu m caused his disc haiLV , i day 01 two ago.
' 1 he joung man \ J limns bv i.ame called
at the ollke to d i } and was told by tin ) lore-
man that It he would apologue to the
women , who are sisters mimed Mis. liny
( ioodand Lillian 'U.illci , he would bo rcln-
Matocl. He left the olbie and was not soon
ntf.iln until .nu'sted Mrs ( iood was ihot In
the neil ; Her si tu icieivod a second nhot
in the side ot hoi lit ad Hiinis loluses to
mak > an } stitemcnl coiiceining the .illalr.
'I lie IiOston Slimier Ctmnplnioy.
Hos o . Oil , 2s.- The alleged murder eon-
spli.i' * } bclvNcen Huston and liiilllmoro par *
tics is stated thib ufteiiiron to bo a gigantic ]
scheme to lilitckmail a eoiinvvbtitckcn family.
'i'he stoi } as it now stauds Is tint Mm. Gool-
idge , know ingot a skeleton in the elosctof
the wealthy Mellin of lliltlmoro , con.spticd
with James Donahue , alias "John Dull ) , ' , to
get money out of Mr. Mciiln.
Then it la related that L'o ic CoLb gift wind , ol
the alia i , and to citriy favor with the polloo
inlormod tlu m of < h ( > plot. JSut ' ' .lolin Dull"
susjicctid Cobb , nnd to savcslilmorlf v.ont to
police headqnaifeis and told thov\h losloi-y.
J hen came a meeting bttweon " .john Hull"
and MisCoolhlgo , in wliich the Inspfjcilora
vvoie ptesonl but unseen , and during which
Mrs. t'oo Idge t-ilked lieclj , supposing "John
Hull" w is still acliiii' srnaroy ! vvitii hoi. i
John IJ. llebion , who WHI to clay appoliUrcJ
so ) counsel toi Alis. Coolldge , is lepinted a
si\nig that he ccMinideis I ! > client iusino , Miu. Cuolidge has IKJJD
tcailillly MLlimLi'd.
Thoj Died Tor Iiovo.
lliiiMivon-VM - , Ala , Out 27. [ Chicago Trl-
Imno six'ckil.J Uallei On , a Mis.slssippau |
whohasbc'on hoiofoi the last fouieais in
tholivi-iy biisiiu"-s and Plill filvan , a clerk
in a linnishing goods stoie , we're In love with
the same ghl. Tonight On had an engage
ment with her to oMoit her to the grcatro * led b } Sam .liineo. While on their way
n 1110.11 . appioai hcd and , grabbing Ori's righ *
aim , said : "Von are the d d scoundrel * I
mi looking foi" Oir at once lecij nlzod
Phil ( , and pri'iaic'd ] to dufond
him i If , a.s he had previously biwin.
w aincd that filvan would hhout him If 1)0 ) ever
( audit him with the ghl Chan drew a ro-
volvi i and began tiling \.liiki the girl otlU
holdOir's aim. Oir letnrned the lire1 , and
when the duel was ovoi It was found that
even ehamhei In both pistols w on ) OM ptird.
On was shot t.v ice , the tahil ono entering the
abdomen , ( llvan w.ifi also Hhot twho , once
in Ihe bliddei Both men will die bofoie
moining. Aliei On discluuged c\ory ball
Iroin his pistol he tan Into the honso of n
fiieml lieu by and boirowecl iiuotlicr , an4
leached the sticct lic > loiu tailing , ' '
walkid two MIUIJCS belmo ealling u bai'lc ,
Hoth young men weie hlglil } leopectciJ.
Ii'iinornljof four .Mnrclrrecl Clillclren.
Si sijuniiANNA , Pa. , Out , 27. The Joint
funeral ol the loin Howell ehildren , who
were nnnderid by ilieii cra/ed father , took
place M'ond.iy afternoon Heloro the bodlco
vvc'ii * placed In the collln t hey were carried ,
ono by one * , into tin ii lather's presence' , ho
having oxpiessecl a wish to see ) thc'in , Ho
showed no emotion until ho the boy ,
when a gleam of siilleilng Intelllgonco
pissed over Jim The bodies
weie then pa ! < ed Into their colllnfl
and jmt Into the htainos , two In each , ami
tlm funi nil mounded down the tatarncca val-
le > to the little hamlet wheni the nervines
were to be held. 'I ho lour octlllns were car-
rbd Into the chnieh b.cllit . llltlo kiiln and
little glrln , ill , ij males ot the dead children ,
and weio plniid in a low In front of thopiil-
pit. AtthocloM ! of the seriuon tlmpoxiplo
pisK'd hlowlj at tliu waxen facoa
ol llio little ones ' 1 he collltiHvero then
taken to Ihu cc'im oiy. v\heio the lour ehU-
di on were bulled ide b > twloin a largo ( ; i-avo.
Darkey ,
Pmi.Ani i I-IIIA , O < t. % Kobcrl j. Coofr ,
tie.iHUierof the I'liiladolplili I'rrsH ,
lacked thlw morning b } Stephen M
thoroloiod jaiiltorot the building , und struck
on the head with 11 hntchet , liai lining the
Hknll. 'Jim injmed man , who It ls thought
wll die , wabiomovid to the linKnlt.ll uniHiIs
assailant wax ( aptmed .Mcl'hci.soil 13 ft
large , mu'c nkn n-vro andllnd be.e'11 < linBurcit
b\ Cool ; for ulliiNvinir to usriino , It is
tlion''htthat Cook Miuuk Mcl'hci-hOll lirflt ,
and that the latt < i the n used a bali'liPt The
victim hid a national lepntalion afl an nth.
lete , liavlnu been eajitaln ol the famoim enw
ol Yale college , and tialnei of the colk'/.e / ,
JMurelor In ihn Ittit'oril li'nmlly. T3I
HT. J.otis , Oci. ! > . John Jiuionl , Bon oJ
William M. J'nford , \.ell-lo-clo fHimer liv
ing eight miles fiom Shelby v Ulo , Mo. , Hhot
and killed his f.ithii Monday , Inllietlng a
wound liom wlm h the old m in died In 4 row
bourn. The two hid liad miiirrcla
lalolv , and Momlav vvhlki the family word
toguhci In onu loom In the hoiiho John en-
jeicd and emptied two b molt , of a hhntgiin
into Ids latin i H hi ad. tire-at excitement was
piodurod in the noig'iboulood. ' Tlie ) family
ale lokited to the Jlufoids of Kenlncky.
An Innocent Man .Shot UoaJ.
KVA.NSVII i j , I mi , Ucl.tii At , i late limit
Monday night , at Kobitihon's sa . mill , near
town , Jush bpeiue , loloied , had MJIIIO niijji-y
vvoulH with a str.ingei and threatened to
Hliothlm. Ho got a shotgun , but In egckin. ;
It the hammer was Mi ml , against the coiner
of thi'hlove. whkli caii ed Iho gun tuoVn
the contenls enteiliig the liodv of Jim '
limns an dmo.-cmt pnty. kllliiighini
ao uv.