.1 % tg * \ FHE OMAHA DAILY BEE. FIFTEENTH YEAR OMAHA , WEDNESDAY ; MO.RSING , OCTOBER 2R , 1SS5. NUMB.EK 100. CURIOUS DEEDS OF DEVILTRY A Mnuiao MotLcr's Successful Effort At Solf-Destrnction , SHE BURNS HERSELF AND BABE. A Curious Conspiracy Uncnrtlicil to JlHo | o ol'An Olinotlons DiiiiKhier- In-Kaw Tins LVnnl Dally Criminal Urlut. A fnllior Iliii-ny Ilor clf nnd Hnlic. NEW YOKK , Oct. UT. iSiiecinl to the Din : . ] A horrible story of fire nnd loss of life comes from ilohait , Delaware county , IliU morning , which Is best told in the woids of llartha , I ubce , n l'Jearold i lil , who gave the follow ing details to the coiotier's jury : ' ' 'The day befoie the lire , " she i-ald , "my knottier and the baby and mj self weio up on n hill. Mother laid the baby on the ground nnd piled a lot of dry brush together , hhe look some matches out of her pocket and Bald she intended to burn herself ami theb.iiiy nnahnishplle , andthat If 1 wanted to go with them to heaven she would put on more brush and I could He down and bin n too. 1 snatched the matches out of mother's hand. nnd took th b.iby . up In my aims , and would not let molhei have him , and 1 coaxed Ler to go home with me. On the morning of the tite 1 wolte up , hear ing the baby eiy. The house was all Miioke. I tu in lied out of bed and called to mother , tiliecliii not answer me. 1 ran to her door anil It was locked. I could heai'her Boothlng baby and ciylng. I ran back to my room and waked my little brotheis , and ilresHcd myself oiilcklv. I then went to gel them out nf the Iiou e"as 1 knew It must lie on Hie. When 1 got Ihi-in to the fionl door I found that a barrel of Hour had been placed ngnlnst It so that It could not be opened. 1 heard tin' lire ciacKIIng and was almost choked with smoke. I do not know how 1 ever moved the heavy lurid of Hour , but I gotltnwny ein.uu'li to open the door so we could get out. When I got my biotheis out of doois I ran to a window in my mother's loom and looked in. I could hear baby Screaming , the loom was black with smoke. and mother was lylnu on the lloor. She had lirewood piled around her little blid's nest : Uwas bhuinghlgh and they weie both dead. " A Slnrdor Conspiracy C CnicAdo , Jll. , Oct. ST. [ Special to the Hii.J : The Tiilmuc's Hostoii special bays : An attractive young woman was ancstcd in this city Saturday evening , locked up In a private cell , and the next morning taken to n hold and gimdcd by the police , who are reticent about the charge against her. Jt Is said that on October ! > this woman called on thopioprletorof a notorious gambling house in this city and said she wanted a young woman in Baltimore murdered , and offered to pay Sl.iKW to have the deed done. It is al leged that she told the keeper ol the house that a joung Irish ylil had entered one of the nicest families of Italtimore as a servant. The son other employer became enamoicd Of the glil and -ccictly married her. A child was born. Then the secret was icvealed. The Niienth stoimed but it was no use. Tim mm determined to stand bj his wile. The nuriMtor of this Moiyaid the parents , find ing they could notcontiol theson.deteimiucd to have the \viiinini > ut out of the way , bill on no conditions mu-t ( he child be harmed. The woman said her mission to lo ! ton waste to see the person with whom she was talking nnd employ him either to kill this woman lilniM'll or get some one to do it. The man to whom the piopo-Ofion was made first thought ronie one was liyJng to play a joke on him , hut determined appaienily to consent to the wofnan's ictpiest. He said ho would get some oiie to ( to tlie deed. The person sug gested was "John ISull , " a well Known char- ncter , who once served a term in the state . An appointment was made with Sniboii. elm and while fie talked with the woman rcsolvul to nlaee the case in the hands of the police , which lesulted in her airest Satmday , \vhileshewas in the act ol sending a dis- patc-li to friends In Italtlmoic. When taken to ( he police headiiuaitcis t > ho bioke down nnd confessed all. MunlcroiiH Moonshiners. NABIIVII.I.I : , Tenii. , Oct. U7. A dispatch fiom Tracy City , ( irundy county , give- , the details of a bioodj encounter between a party of Illicit distillers and citizens. W. F. lloblis and Calvin Tiplon weieanested for selling vvildcat whisky In the woods near that town. Theie aie no federal olliecrs at the place , and the men weie tiled before a civil magistrate and ac < iuitied. They at once diovo the wagon and band of whisky a short distance from the town , and began selling again , and considerable diunUenness and several lights lesulted. I/.iter in the iiipht Jeff and Jlill Smith and Dave Daker went to the camp nnd gave the "wild catter' * a severe beating. Karly this iiiorning TIpton ami llohbs bor rowed shotguns with the avowed pui pose of Killing Dakcr and tlio others. They went to Uakcr's house and called him out , but bcl'oio Tlptou could shoot , linker wieiiched the gun from Jlobbs , and wheeling , tired at Tiploii. Jiothgtins weio discharged simultaneously , TIpton Ulllug 11101 tally wounded and linker rcverely. .Some of the participants weie raught , but Ilobbi e-cajii'd to Ills home at Northcutt'st'avc , where ho sweats ho will Kill any one who attempts to arrest him. Ho Iskiioun to be a dcspeiate man. News hns also been received of a tenlblo fight at Hurrls' Cave , In the same county , Ir \viilclillarrlsonlluuibywas fatally stabbed Jvn ; mini named 1'hlpps and his two sous. Thementook lelitgein a cave. They weio Dually dragircd out and arrested. The section of country In which these murders occmred Ina wllit ami lawless one. and moie double Is i'l ] utcd when the piclimlnary tilals aio in Six PcrsoiiH Seriously I'olHoued. ( IUI.V : : IH-IUI , J'a. , Oct. ur. John Sldner oomplalned of holug unwell yesleiday and 10- Diicsted Ids wife to make some bonesct tea for his use. In mistake dried "jlmson weed" \vas used , and the entire family , six in num ber , drank of the decoction. Soon alarming pymplomsapjH-aicd. A physician was hastily summoned , who with gieat dillieiilty gave the Hiffcrers slight idiet. They may possibly rcro cr , but arc inn very pi ecaiiouj condi tion. _ _ A tilantlcrer COIIICH lo Grief , iriii\A ; ; , Mont. , Oct. S7.-lavhl Maiks , late deputy county clerk , has licen arrested for alleged larceny of county vvairants to the rxtent of several bundled dollars , the nip- tiOKcd tbett having oeciiucd two veais imo. Jlurks waived exaiiiinatlou ami was held to tht > grand juiy. The accused was the author ol MKI dispatch falsely accusing 1'nltcd ' States Afrtayer Ilairlson with using United States money in ills private business. Killed his Katlicr. ST. l.ot'is , Oct.V. . John Uuford , eon of W. M. Uuloid , n well-to- farmer , Jiving eight miles Irum Shelbyville , bhot and killei ! Jits father yesteiday. Tim two had had acveral quariels lately and yesterday John entwed thu rwtm wlicio tlio tamily weit cat.ljen-d nnd emptied two barrels ol a shot gun into his lather's head , He then tied. A Deserved Sentence , iCjjcJNS.\Vj , Oct. 'J7. Indgo Fitzgerald Of the police eon it , to-day dcdaicd John TVI'c.y , coloicd , and John Duller lliovvn Builty of violation of itho regUtry law \Vliey was sentenced to onti jear in the Vforkmmso and to pay $1,000 tine. JJiuvvu'a iao wus dtifcrrcd. A Slnrdoror CINCINNATI , Oct. 7. The Times Star's Chattanooga sivcclal t.ayn : John Thompson who murdered J. U. Whlui for Ids money near ( llcnallce , Tvnn. . a few ilays ago , was taken from the jail ut Kindlon by a nivb hu > Hiiht { and hanged , NKU'S OP NKIIItASKA. Arrcfitfd ( Jn n Charge of Criminal Mltol-A Lively lllovv. HI.OOVIIXOIOV , \ , ! ) . , Oct. 27. [ Six > clal to lie Htt-r. : : ] K. Hjde , of Kirvvin , Kansas mlved here this morning and entered a com- ilaint agtilnol .S. O. Barton for malicious and criminal libel , chaining that llatton bad wilttcn a letter to the mayor of Kinvln , as 'ollow.s : orni.T , K. , ep. , , , o he llouoi.ilile Mavorof the Clt > of Kit-win , ' \ansiis : - Unless it Is the ixiliey of vout town and cltl/eus to encourage nouses 01 piostltn- ion In your midst , It would bo well for you lo keep a shain lookout for the Hyde outllt , lately from liloomington. Evidence Is in- lisputabN1 that they ran a ratirlie here. Thu woman also claimed to have been an abor- llonlst , and It is a fact that they liroko up at least OIK ? famll ) here. 'I'hen he refers to a dozen business men H to the It nth of his statements All these men sa > the ) know nothing against llvdeor his vvlte except that they went In irood society and always appcaivd respectable. Deputy Hherltl Ifajniu went to Ite- | ) ubllcsni City and airested Haitou and irouirbt him U'ldio Justice Karson , and waivlni ; examination lie was held In SI ,000 muds to appear at the December court. F. II. Klnu and .lames llurvvcll aie Ills bonds men. Bin ton bears a hard name here , Ills wife leaving him on that account and his in- ibllity to ptoiide foi her a short time since. A hlii'/.ard stiuek us this uttei noon and it lias been blow ing a gale since. Dentil In tlio Itlind Asylum. Xnm.vsit.Y CITY , Neb. , Oct. 27. [ Special to the Ilci : . ] A\d Krlck-on , a jouthof 12 years , nnd an Inmate of the blind asylum , lied suddenly this morning about 2 o'clock. lie bad been always lather sickly , but noth ing ol a 'crlous nature. He ictiied last night it the ctistomaiy hour , and at 2 o'clock this morning his bed fellow was awak ened by a loud scream and upon xamination tonnd ids bed-fellow dead. I'llck'-on's patents reside iii.ir Hold- cge , wheie the bo < ly was shipped this miming. The coroner did not deem an in- liicsl necessaiy , as the symptoms Indicated tioart disease. This is the lirst death that has Declined at this institution. A Now Xolirtiskn Town. ( iitANti isrANi , Neb. , Oct. 27. [ Special to ,1m llr.K , ] The new town of Loup Folks , In llovvaid county , is likely to have a genuine loom from the stait. It was surveyed only a Tew days ago. It is located on the line ot the proposed new ralhoad. Two hundred acres lavebccn laid out in town lots , many of which have already been sold. A site for a ; iist mill has been selected , and woikwill icgin on it at once. Airangements have been inade. Install a general store , a dim ; stoic , a zrocery , a suloon. anil other business houses. L'oiitiacts have been let tor about twenty buildings. _ An Up-Tovvn Telegraph Office. HAXtil.sr.A.vi ) , Neb. Oct. 27 ( Special to the Hii.l : : The Western Union will open a city itllc'o over Iteynaid's dime stoic , which Is feudally located. N. II. Spalloidk of Chey- 'iine. tormeily a icsidciit ol Uiaud Island , ivill have cluuge. 11 * * ' F1XKI ) FOR ItU Vn Indiana .Jinl r Decide * nn Import ant Telephone Suit. v'AJfsVii.u : , Intl. , Od. 27. A few days igo it was reported in the Associated press llspatelics , that Judge Panclt , of the state ciicult couit here , had given several import- nut opinions advcrso to the local Hell tcle- ihonc company , in a ca o wherein Vickery [ Jrothcrs , iuerchant.s , sought to compel the lelephone company to furnish them thenseof two telojihones upon the linn's complying with the usual terms and regulations. There lias been along-standing disagreement be- I ween the parties. The ca e has since been under argument and advisement , and the eouif has given its decision in tlio promises. It Is held that the telephone company is bound by statute to furnish -telephone seivice to all applicants who comply with the terms and icgulations , beluga common cauler of news or intelli gence as well as a public corporation. While the patents and new inventions may be light- fullv and saciedly protected , jet when volun- taiily placed in channels of general com- meter , they must be so used as not to give partiality or disci imiuation in laver of or against any poisons or class ol persons. In this ease , no previous quaiicl or wiong would relieve either party. Under this declson the telephone company will have lo pay , unless relieved bj tlie uu- pieine court , $ HM penalty foriach refusal to lurnish telepliono service to the plaintllls. The latt"r have ncaily a do/en applications for two telephones , and upon this lefnsal have sued lor penalties aniount- Itig to 'JUD In each case. Incidentally , al though not stricllj involved In the case , Judge Paiiett gives hisoplnlon that another state statute , limiting the chatgo lor the use ot telephones to # : i tor a simile telephone and 5 tor two , is constitutional , and that the won ! telephone Includes all the appliances necessary to communicate between dillereiit points , accoidiiij. lo the usage of the system. Serious Storm on" Labrador. HAMPAX , X. S. , Oct. 27. A dispatch re ceived to-day fiom St. Johns , N. K , says : A gieat storm i.igcd off the coast ot Labrador on the llth lust. , doing immense damage among Iho fishing lleet. Klghry vessels were wrecked or driven ashore , ami at leajt seventy men , fiom thu ciewsof the vcs = ols' , lost their lives. Two thousand pcisons ate now ashoie In a destitute condition , The news eieated excitement heie. Steamers will be immediately dispatched to the scene of the disaster with piovislons , clothing and other necessaries lor the us-p of the cast aways. llosTo.v , Oct. 27. A dispatch received here in idation to the storm oil' Labrador coast says It raged from the llth to the rnh inst. , lit Inu' which about tweutj vessels and over a hundred lives were lost. Xo tuilher de tails have been received owing to the lack of telegiaph lacllitles , F.florts are being made , however , to obtain moie complete Intoinm- tlou , but It Is doubtful whether anything inr- ther can be learned to-night. Closing Snndity 'I'linut'i-cs. CIXPINNATI , Od. 27. The law and order league , of this city , lias befitin an effort to compel theatres to cease giving performances on Sunday. They tent notices to this elfcct to the inanatreu last week , but all ot the theaties weio open last Sunday , Yesteiday they caused tlio arrest of tour member- the two companies which gave perloimanic.- Sunday , and to-day these plead gulllj. The justice ot the peace , at the icqucst of the piesident ol the league , assessed them the lowest penall ) s.i ando - ts In each case. Nome ol the managers say they will be clad lot-lose on Sunday ii the law Is uniformly cnlurccd , A SeH'-Conreshed Hnr ; > lar. Xr.w Yum ; , Oi t. 2 ; . A man , looking tiled and hungry , accosted a police ofllccr to-day , and said ho wanted to give himself Into custody. Ho said there was a revvaul offeicd for his airest lor burglary committed in the store of Cumbei ledge A : .Smith , at Atliol. Dakota , which he rubbed of fc 1,000. He said that he had spent the money , and was willing to go back anil lake Ida dose. He gave his name as Henick 11. Hildgrs. Ho was locked up until the Dakota authuiltle * are communi cated with. A Denial From Mrs. Grant. PlIll.AliKIJ'lll.v , Oct. 27-The. widow ol Uen. ( iwnt has been greatly gilevcd and pained by tlio public discussion of the domes- tie alfalrs of her daughter , Mra. Xellio Siar- toris. Tlio Public Ledger Is authorized to nay that all repotts to the efiwt that Jlis. SartorU applied or contcmjilutes applying fur a dlvoivo or seiwmtlon fiom her husband nremitlivly without toiindatlon uud aie cruel wordb to her FROM THE NATION'S CAPITAL The President's Plan ' ' * V b1oTf ! II v ,7 Office AN OLD CANAL SCHEME REVIVED Questions DIsctiKncd nt the Calilnet Meet IIIJT An Indian \Vanlsa Wuo Point Appoint incutVislilng - ot I'-- i'if * . Ofllce. . o ; lcers Vow or Never. WAsmsmov , Oct. 27. Tlio following was today promulgated by the president for the information of the public : KM-.r tTivr. MANSION , Oct. 27. ! " . Vor nearly eight months a liirgt1 share of the time of the president has been devoted to the healing of applications for ollleo and de termination ol appointments. Much ot thu time t .us spent lias undoubtedly subserved the public good , some of it lias been saeriticed to tlio indulgence of the people In their national insistence upon useless Interviews , and some of It has been unjustifiably wasted. Public welfaie and duo icgaid for the clalmsof those whose luteiests in the government are entliely disconnected with oftice holding , imperatively demand that in the future the time ol tlie piesldent should be dlllerentlv occupied , and be conlidenllv expects that all good cltl/ciis will acquiesce in the pioprlcty and icasonahlcncss of the following plan adopted ( o that end : Alter the first day of November Iho presi dent will decline to grant Intel views to those seeking public positions or their advocates. On Mondays , Wednesdays and Fridays dur ing that month I nun 10 loll o'clock in the iiiornlim ho will icccivo such persons as call on stiIdly public business , and on the same days at I : ) o'clock In the afternoon he will meet those who ineiely desire lo pay their re spects. On all other days and times during thai month he will receive only cabinet of- iicers and heads of dcpaitiucnts. llevlval of an Old Canal Project. WAMII.MIIOX , Oct. 27.-SiKcial | ? to the Hr.i : . ] A new canal project has come to the surlacehcro which will Inteiest all concerned in the llennepin canal and Mississippi river improvement , because it seems likely to be used as "tiadlug material' ' when the matter pertaining to those Interests conies tip In congress. It is a rev ival of the project for the construction of a ship canal liotu Italtiinore to Delawaie bay , and seems this time to liavo such backing as to almost assme its .success. Largesums.it is asseiled , have been sub scribed liy New ; Yoik , Philadelphia and Hal- liuuiic capitalists- , and commissioners ap pointed to appraise and condemn the laud , and congicsc will be asked to guarantee the interest on SI.OKI.OOO bonds tor Its aid. Tills plan will put New Yoik , Philadelphia and llaltlinnic Interests in a mood to make \voik ing connections with the Mississippi valley people w hen the question of appropriations comes up next winter. No Chaoses Contemplated. WASHINGTON , Oct. 27. The Star to-night says : it is understood that Sccietaiy IJay- aid docs not contemplate making any changes in the consular service in countries south of the United States for some time. It is the policy of the state department to culti vate filendly idatloiib with Mexico and the south and Central Amciican people , and ex tend our commercial intoicoui.sein that dliec- llon. Fur this reason consuls who have already ecured the good opinion of the people with whom they have to deal , it is thought , will be of greater service just now than would now men who would have to devote much of their time at tirst making acriwUnt- ances and winning confidence. Delay in lilllng consular and diplomatic positions is due no more to the desiie toiespect Ihelon- me of oillee lavy than to the wish to maintain the.high standing of the service. Questions licl'orc the Cabinet. WASIUXO rex , Oct. 27. The cabinet meet ing to-day was attended by all the members except the postmaster general , who is out of the city. The session was devoted piinci- pally to the consideration of quest Ions aris ing under the establishment of ahoundaiy line between tlm United States anil Mexico , and resulted In a series of Instructions to olli- ccis engaged In this service on behalf of the goveinnient. The question ot allowing the publication by the press ol the annual le jioits of bureau olliecrs in advance ol their being submitted to eontriess , was also consiil- eied , and It was decided to leave the matter euliielv to the discretion of the heads of the respective depattments to which the bureaus aio attached. _ Wants an Appointment to West Point. W - Oct. 27. "llole-Iii-t " As-iiiNfiTox , - - he-Day , great grandson of the famous Chippcwa chief of that name. Is in the city with Minnesota inllucnce lo si > ciue trom the mcsidcnt an up poiiitmcnt to West Point when a vacancy occurs. He is joung. tall and straight , and of very prepossessing personal appearance , with but little to suggest Indian blood in his veins. He diesses well and is said to be highly educated tor his jcars. Ho was at the war department to-day and made a very ta- voiahle inipicislon upon the ofllcials that he met. Post masters Appointed. W.ssinxivio.v , Oct. 27. The acting post master gencial appointed the following fourth-class poitmaMeis : Illinoisliaiiney , W. II , Hrown : .Imvett , Columbus W.Oliver : Lisbon. Kdvvln Welch. lovva-Mendan , II. W. IJul ; Sagevillc , Adolph Jlabcikcin ; Postville , Norman .1. Hudy. Nebraska-Klght Mile Giove , Samuel Mil ler. ler.Dakota DakotaMenoken , Itobcit II. Marsh ; May- \ lllt1) ) . D. Muu.ty. Tlio War Department Objects. WAMHixf.roN' , Oct. 27.Tho war ilejiart- menl has objected to the lemoval ol the hand of Chliicahua Apaches to which ( ieronlmo iK'longsto the Fort Leavenwoilh mililiirj lurin. The suggestion made by the inteilor dcpailincnt that the leminal ot these Indian.- , to a place u here they could be held muter strict survellaiico would gratify the people of Aii/oiiii , who led uneasy while the tuilm'ent ' element of the Chliicahua tribe me at large upon the San Carlos icscivatlon , Jordan's A SMI nil on tlio Silver Dollar WASJII.M. rov. Oct. 27. In the compila tion of his annual report Tieasurer Jordan is pieparing what he believes will be a deadly assault upon the silver dollar. He has a iiumbt r of elci ks looking up the iot of transposition and cm lint ; tor a period of jeais , and he will show what an enormous cApoiiM' It has been to the eonntiy to main tain this nione.v. 'I'he t'muus , it Is said , count up a heav\ , total , lie will attempt to prove that the silver do'l.ir ' has no place whatever in the iiu'iuUurj woild. A Contldlim WlfuTwloo Deceived. LONDON , Out. , Oct. 27. Dr. Moore , of Dor chester , who recently ran oif to Ka-it Sa-fl- naw , Mich. , with a domestic , cicating the impression that he had lu'en muidcrcd , 1ms again made blni ell notoiioiH. Afterioiulng back and being iccdvcd h > his tamil ) , lib in duced Ids wife In sell her Dorchcslci piopeily on the plea that lie intended to lui ) a I arm In Delaware. As MIOII as 'hu ' had n-cincd the propeity he again dcpatlod foi Michigan , leaving lib wile and family destitute. Tlio Cincinnati Klcotlon Cases. CI\ INN VTI , Oct. r.-r-In the niandamu * ca o befojo the circuit court , brought by the republican candidate for senator In Hamilton county , the counsel tor the count v clerk aban doned his plea against the Jurisdiction of the couit and enteicu a motion to compel tlm re- lator.s tu make the petition more dennlie and 1 ceitaln. The couit sustained Die motion. 1 Further pioceedings aie stajod uiitll the amendment can be imidu. Undoubted Proof Thnt Ho Volocd tlio SentlnientH of Iloscoo. Xt-.w Yoitu. Oct. 27. ( Special to the Hi r. . ] The Mall and Kxptvss savs : Amos F. Learned , who wrote the Interview with Conkllnp , says the ex-senator did titter every word atti United to him. Learned says Couk- llng has not yet denied the authorship of tlio sentiment of the interview and there was no injunction to sccivcy. Conkllng told Learned to use his own judgment , when Mr Learned spoke to him with reference to the publication of the miller. The Sun editorially ' -Wo saysWo : published Sunday an Interview with Hon. UoscocConk- linir giving expression to bcutlmenl.s which Conkllng undoubtedly entertains and clothed In phraseology not Identical , perhaps , with that habitual to him , but nevertheless ncarenough thereto to leave little room for doubt as to tlio sotirco from which it was de rived. The interview was brought tis by Mr. Amos F. Learned , a well-known journalist , formeily agent in thU town of the New " \ ork associated press , and the New Kngland asso ciated picsv , a Republican all his lite and a /.ealous ft lend ami admirer .of Conkllng who , as we know , has enjoyed oppoi ( unities of In timacy with him. Learned was one of the famous : XM who gained so much distinction In the republican nation al convention In Chicago in isso. He still wears the medal which commemorates that historic stiuggle. As lie vouched for the truth and accuiacy of his conversation with Conkllng , we entertained no suspicion upon the subject and published the Interview as conspicuously as its contents deserved This Interview doe.s not contain a siimle sentiment in icgard to the icpilbilcan candidates or re publican platform which Conkllng now dis claims. Whathesa.vHof it Is that the publi cation was unautlioiizcd , not that the dtilt of ilisuntiue or nnjiHt , Of couise , if Conk- ling had sought to deny the accuracy of the opinions attributed to him icspeding theie- publicaii candidates ami the republican plat- lorm , he would not have fulled to say so. The iiilerciice Is plain. He despises the plat form , and would be glad to see the candidates beaten. ' ' . j. AFFA11JS OP FINANCE. "Weekly Itcport ol' Business Done nt the CleiirliiK House. Uos-rox , Mass. , Oct. 20. The following table , compiled fiom special dispatches to the Boston Post ftom the managers of the lead ing dealing houses In the United States , shows gross bank exchanges at each point for the week ending Satmday , October 24 , with the conesdonding full week In ISS ] , and tlio percentage comparison of differences : Week endPer cent. ing Oct. 2-1. Inc. Dec. New York . S 2 7:4 < )0ooo : ui.7 Hostoii . 7 , ? JOKS ! 2:1.1 : Phllado phia . ' r > B48tiiP. , ! tt. Chicago . 4'JsJiooo ' ir..o St. Louis . ir , ffiWVWl 12.8 San Francisco. . . . 10I7S)17 ! ( ) H.8 Italtimoie . 10.7Wi.lft ) . . . . lb.0 Cincinnati . D.SOO.Ooi ) ji.o Piltsbuig . 8.2lb , S . . . . 5.1 Providence . 5,844,800 ; t.r. Kansas City . -MfiiUMr 42.7 Louisville . 4tY/As | : ! DC , . ' . ) . . . . Milwaukee. . 8,770,000 2 ! > .0 Detroit . 3M.'i,12J Id.ii ( 'lev eland . 2,237,001 11.3 . . . . Minneapolis . 4 , f877 : ? . Omaha . 2sri7rilt } . Columbus . l.i'57.740 . Indianapolis . J,377sttt 5.0 llartlord . I.5r,0,13S 10.9 . . . . New Haven . ' 1,043.2111 0.8 . . . . Peoiia . ; > \5,7fiO 1 ! .3 . . . . Memphis . -Xl,5.V.2-4 ) : a.7 Poitland . J.OOO.&IS 2.0 . . . . Woiccster . UOUKU 14.4 St. Joseph . ; TJ.s.OOO 2U.3 Spritiifiicld . 'ttU.ttS 5.-J Lowell . ratOSt o.o Syracuse . 4b7BM . . . . 2.4 Total . Sllllni7ffl : ! ) : i2.5 Outside New Yoik 2tH,2r , , : > lK ) 21.8 TIIK WHISKY MA KG US. A Meeting ; to Form u Pool to Maintain tlio Price of IIiulKC. CHICAGO , Oct. 27.---About sixty representa tives of the whisky manufacturing interest ol the country met here to-day for the pur pose of organising the old pool or forming a new one. The first business transacted was tin1 appointment of a committee of eleven to prepaie a pooling plan. The committee repelled - polled shoitly , and the remainder of the day and all of the evening up to adjoin nmcnt was devoted to the discussion of tlio plans submitted , no agreement being reached. The plan pic'-ented by the committee is to restrict thcpiodiiclion ol the mills in the association to one-third of their eapaeit.v. and if thatdoes not advance the price of the pioduet the asso ciation is to expoit its goods even thoiuh it has to 1m done at a loss. In can-a member shuts down eiitlidy , the association Is to allow him the 'legal rate of interest on the capital thus thrown out of employment. The advance desired in prices is from -"M.Ol toSl.10 lor high wines and from SMO to 32.10 tor alcohol , A majority ot the members present weie willing to adopt the plan pi ex posed , and would have done so but for the objections of thiee dcaleis who hud amend ments to offer. The session Is to lie resumed to-tnoriow morning. Whitney DcniCH Ilie Clmrgc. Xnvv YOIIK , Oct. 27.-Special ( to tinilr.i : . ] .Secretary Wliitney , head of the navy de- paitmeiit , who went to Washington last night , was asked before he departed : "Have you lieaid the charge made by the Central labor union of this city against the JJrooklj u navy yard'1' "Yes , I have heard something about it , and can only .say in reply thai so far as 1 know. It Is utterly unfounded. It Is my lirni belief that thu men employed In the yaid are lully competent to do thu work as signed them , ami that there aie no giounds lor saj ing that they obtained their situations through pohticai Intlueiice. I have wiilten Commodore Chandlcrand have sent circulars lo heads of the vmIons Imicaiis on the sub ject , and as soon as Iiewlve. their repoits I shall know oxactlv how the mailer stands. " The Central labor < uiii > n maintains that theie Is positive nroof that many ol the men em ployed In the navy yard have been placed theie bv politicians , nnd do not know ( -vcn the rudiments ot the Hades at which they piufiss to bo export. Advocate * of Prohibit Ion , Mos'TdOMiMiv , III. , Oct. 'Jr.The Illinois ( irand Division Hon of Temperance met heie thlHafternoon , ( irand Worthy Patriarch I'oiesi Hihmlttcd bin annual report , In which he held leual prohibition to bi < the ultimate aim ot all temperance work. The iciiorl was ieterredtoaspecl.ilcommittee counting ol Representatives sjtoughton , ( iraflon and Moulding , Curious Atisenue of a Hnndsomo ( < irl. Coi.uMitri > , Ohio. Oft. 27.Tlio police aio looking for Miss Addle Ciapo and fieorgo 1'edciei , who m > ! , | eiuusl ) > disappeaied tiom their homes .Monday morning. Fedeicr's people believe he ban been made away with lor bonupurpose. . Mi Crai > , verj hand some gill , is jeaia of a .it' , a n d bad no cnpcchd fi lends that bhu would bu likely to dejiart w 1th. Channuey M. Dopcvv lo His Crilicn. Ni.vv YOIIK , Oct. 27. Chauncey M. Depew said yesteiday , icgarding the ciitldbin on hislirant-.lohnsonMory : "When the cou- tradiclloiis are all in I rhailcuim ) out with my jiroots. 1 knew what I was vviiting about , and at the proper time will replj In a man tier which I IK-IIIMO will set the whole euiitroveiK ) at rit. . For the present J do not desiio to say anything. " Tlio President'K Julciilloiis , AMIVNV , Oct. 27. U Is announced th < ) Piesldent Cleveland will MiCiul next Sunday hern us the gui'Rtot'Dr.V.ri ) . m Monday im will to to liun'nlo , and after votlni. ' on Tuesday \vlll return to Wa'.htn toii. - WORKING AWAY AT WARD , Progress of the Trinl of the Crooked DAMAGING EVIDENCE ADDUCED. Klsli Recalled to the Stand HU He- cltal of n Dramatic Interview Had With Ward nlXcr ( lie Failure. Tbc Wnwl Trial. Kr.w YOIIK , Oct. 27. The county eoutt house was crowded this moiniug with people ple anxious to gain admittance to Hie court room of oyer and terminer , whcie l-'erdlnand Waul Is on trial. Itenjamlii Pish , paving teller , was recalled to the stand and Ward listened attentively as he lead off the amount made by liimtclf and the lirni ot ( irant t Ward. Some of the deposits ranged in the legion of the hundicds of thousands. ( Ien. Tracy demanded that ceilalii books be pro duced , and they nol being at hand he asked for time to examine them. "I don't propo-o to delay this case , " was the answer of the judge , "and JIM will have to get the books the best way yon can. " Paving Tellei Fish testliied that on ApilI'M , iss'i , ( Jiaut & Watd had a balance ot MH.OOO , and on the morning of May 2 the balance was ? s l,7iio. oMaj \ \ 2 Waul was raising monej for the bank and he managed the deposits , liy consent of coun d , the sheets tiom which these state ments weie given bj witness weie admitted as evidence , theicby excluding testamentary evidence in icuaid to over-diawu ( halts' , ( rant & Ward had tvui accounts- special and the other general. Waul , be st es , had an individual account and diew against the thiee. The sheets ol these ac counts weie also admitted as evidence. Ward had spoken to the witness about the pin pose of the special account , but the testi mony on this point was iidcd out ami the witness was excused. Samuel I ) . Coi nell. book keeper of the Fhst National bank , then testified. His testimony was the same In general character as that of Paying Teller Fish. Kx-piesldeut Fish was then iccalled , and his cross-vxamliiatlnu resumed by ( Sen. Tnvey. "I do not know , " he said , "how many letters I received from Waul on May fi. It Is not true that my bank was in tinancial difficulty since , lamiary , ISs2 , and that Waid kept helping to save U. We pressed Ward to return to us the money which he and his lirni borrowed. " Ward then handed ( ien. Tiaey a number of letters to examine the witness upon. Fish was examined at lenu'th upon the meaning of these let- teis and also upon the testimony give.n bv him upon his own trial In the United Mates com t. Fish continued : "On Mav 5 I had no doubt but that we could have gotten lellef from the other banks had the govcinmeiil contracts been true as I believed them to be. A icti.sal to certify ( iraut it Ward's cheeks would have caused rumors which would have broken them up. and then our bank would be forced down , lam now staying at the .Mniray lllll hotel , and I be lieve the dlstiiet attorney icsiiles theie also. We have had tieiiient ) talks together , but not much about this case. " A iceess for thirty minutes was then taken. Kx-Prcsldcut Fish testified : Ward came to see me at my rooms over the bank thiee or four days alter the failure and t-aid he could not help It. He said I bad l > ecii his host friend. 1 told him that by his deception and treachery he had ruined me , ruined my family , ruined the bank and had destroyed the reputation I had. for twenty-live ye'ais bctih building , lit my Indiiniatiou 1 raised a chair : ho crouched on the floor , cry ing , "Don't hit me. " 1 told him if he were not Mich n contemptible , hypociitic.il sneak I could kill him. He crouched on the lloor like a whipped cur. 1 told him he had better commit suicide , hang himself , drown himself , poison himself , shoot himself , or do It In any way so the w orld would be rid of him. Ward smiled sarcastically as Fish described the scene. Theexainination of Fish then closed. STIURED UP BY SCANDAL. Sensational Disclosures Following tbc PMing ol' Papers for Divorce. Ci.nvr.LAW , Oct. 27. High society In this city icccivcd a seven ; shock jestciday by the publication of a sensational bit of history. Mrs. Maitha L. Carcv keeps a respectable boarding house in CouiUand street and Is en gaged to be manicil to Canlain Lacey , a wealthy tlivbriek manufacturer , who s con nected with some of the wealthiest lamllies in Cleveland. The two were Introduced about two months ago and immedi ately became engaged. Mrs. Carey there upon commenced a suit for divorce trom hei husband , Fiaiicis K. Carey , who is con nected with a wealthy Miiithein family in New Oileans , and who served vvilh distinc tion in the eonfe.leiate army , claiming tlio thought him dead , the divoice proceedings being a mere formality. Lacey's ; famllv had in the meantime scut a detective to Chicago , vvheiethe Caiejs had formcily lived , to in vestigate. Carey was llnallj found In .lollel. HI.vlnio be had become a prominent and respected citizen. He was hinimht to Cleve land , and said that he met Mrs. Carcv , who claimed she was the vvifeof Mr. Mowiy , a very wealthy citizen of Pittsburg , shoitly af ter' the war. She claimed that she had lived with him ( Carey ) as Ids mistress tor some lime , until she procured Ids release ) I rum Jail , where ho had been confined for stabbing a man in the Sherman House , Chicago , on his agieelng to iiiairy her. They then came to Cleveland , vvbd'n lie claims she has had criminal ida- tlons with sevcnd piomincnt citl/cim. .Mrs. Caiey makes counter charges against Carey , claiming that he had inisicpicscnti-d her , and that he ember/led V I.OOJ lioin Kdwanls , Townsend A : Co. , of Cleveland , which she paid uplieisdi , Lacey Is still loyal to Ids nance , and sav.slic will have tlio case sifted to the. bottom. Meanwhile the upper circles flit bis elty. Pittsburg and New Oilcans aio anxiously awaiting developments , which are promised soon , Jevviwli Ministers' Association. li.M.iivioin : , Oct. ' 27. The .Jewish minis- tern' association met this morning at the lesi- deuce of Dr. llenjamln 'I1. S/old : Dr. .lastrow , of Philadelphia presided , A lesolution was adopted to hold a McndcNsohncdchiatlnn on January I , ISM Mr. Mendee intioduccd a resolution piovnllnglhat the 21111 ol October bo observed annually as a Mnnteiioio ilaj. Considerable discussion was created , and the lesolntlon was dually laid on the table. The meeting then lesolved Itsell Into a committee ol the whole on tho.Sundav school question. It was decided lo foi in a .Icui-li school union undei theatisilces ol the Jewish mlulstms' association , Tins Wi-atlicr. WAMIIXOTON , Oct. 27.Upper Mississippi vi-lley : Light rains In the noilhern , , oiliim and heavy rains In the soiithein portion ; gem-rail ) cold vvlndx , shilling to noilheiiv ; higher barometer. lullo > ved in extieniu noun- ern poitloii by tailing baiomeier. Missouri valle > : 1'alr weather , picculcd by local ruins in the morning ; noillieilj winds bi'coming variable In noitlierii portions , coldcr.In souther porlions.wllh higher baiom eier and nearly stationary lempeiature ; in noitin-in poition , falling barometer. New York Dry f 'oods Itcvlevv. N'KW YoltK , ( Jet. C'7. Dltv ( Jooiis Kx- iioiis ol' domc.stic cottons lor the week liavo licen 2nni packages , and lor the explicit poi tion of thu year Kl.li-V ) . a-Calllst ISl.'SfJ lor the same time last yeai. As Usual to Tues- dav the demand has been light. Mill thiough deliveries are verv iidr to good , and a line totnl of hales Is being rctuined. An Actor WnntM CIIICAUO , Oct. 'J7. Mchuis. Mills .t Tin ner , at attornejs for ( Jus Williams , c'imo- dlan , tills mo ) nlng began a suit for libel agalntt the Dally Ix'evvs , lavlim damages at VVW The News ciitlciM-'d hlr. SVilliauiV new play au indecent. KOHKIOX AITAIItS. Slow Projire' ) ' ) Tiiw.inlH Sottleinenl of tlie lltilgarlan C , > ticnllon. ST. InKii nrnn. Oct. 0 ? . Tlio Xovoe Vcremja publishes an Interview which its correspondent nt Phllllppo.uolls had with M. Karaoloff , Hulgnrlan piciuicr. KaraololT de nied that Itnliathi had any agreement with Kngland or Austria holme the Koitmdlan re bellion respecting the union of Uutgaiia and Itoutudla. and that they acted on their own responsibility In btlnulng about tlie union. "If theie was an.v Instigation In the matter1 said the Ilulu'arlan ininlstor.V'lt was Itussia. w hose consul general at Plillllppopolls tirst agitated the union and hoped to Mint a I'a I'd' at PlillllppopnlN devoted to the-cause ol tlm union with Bulgarian money. When I en- teicd themlnlstiy , believing the game dan gerous , I soicd | | ] the Milnld.v of the Hulca- ilan government to the newspaper , and also foihiide the meeting of unionists in Itul- garla. " The premier reafllrmed the slatcment that Piliiee Alexander had notllieil ItusMaof the Inleutlon of Itoumella to unite with Huluaria. and that Itoumella was willing to continue TurkMi su7eialnty , but would not cede an. Inchol teiillorv. In conclusion thepiemler said : "It Turkey deel.ues war we alone are able to raise Macedonia In three days. A Kuiopean wai Is none of our busi ness , and we are not alaimcd at the arma ments ol ( tree.ee , as her ariuj' is far from be- Inir tcnlhle. " ' , . . , LONDON , Ort. 27. A dispatch from bl. Pe- tei liurt ; . tcceived this al lei noon , states that the c/ar aureed to the proposition to make Pilnce Alexandei gove nor of IJastcin Kou- liu-lla. on certain conditions , hr. 1 ii.itstu ni.ici.-i7-TlicNo\lo ( Vicmya and Moscow Ca/clte , in edltoiials tivilay. slate that they me. skeptical of the benelit of the confctcnconf the iiovvers on the IJouiue- lian question , and fear that it will injiiie Ktissfn's interests. Itus-sla has nottlicd lor- elgn banks of the piobable eaily willidniwal of her deposits. The liusslan piess consider this step u practical one. CoNhTANmopi.r. , Oct. li7. The potte continues massing troops , at points availa ble for offensive operations in eastein Kon- mella In event ol exlieme measuies being re sorted to. A dispatch from Sm.viua to-day says-'O.thX : ) men ol the reseive.s have gone to Salon lea. " liitiic.\m ! : : , Oct. UT. Itepoits from the fiotitler say that Hulirarian icgulars tiled upon .Servian customs ofllclals at Negotiva ami Itailuicvac , and thai the ofllclals with- diew trom their posts , pending oiders. but allci wards icoccupied them. Sorvla Heady Tor 'War. Xr.w YOIK : , Od. lit. [ Special to the Kr.r.\ \ The Herald's cable fiom London says : " 1 have just learned by wiiu fiom Nlssi that butter tor the change in the political situation de nted by the demand ot the porte lor a con feieuce , theie can be no doubt that Servian troops would have passed the ISnlgaiian lion- tier jcsterday. Pieparatious and ovcry other symptom weio unequivocal that the popu lation was in a state of high delight and eveiything was in readiness. The plan ot the campaign has been settled and action would have commenced at two points , as was cabled jesterday lioin Pirol. " The London Times this moiuing savs : "It was a ievolu tion really planned and oiganl/.ed by the Ilusslaii consular agent , ami there was a no tice of it sent liclorchaiid to the Itiissinn gov- eiiiincnt. These aie iiiiestlnns vvlilclt ought tobeansweied before Htissla can come lor- wanl with dean hands as a uuaidian and vin dicator of the ticalyot lieilai. " Tlio Armstrong Alxloctlon Cnwo. LONDON , Oct. ST. The trial of Mr. .Stead and other defendants In the Armstiong ab duction case , ( was cjontiriued t\iH ! \ morning. The pro.soeution'Hubpojnaed'Ur. Sliiltl ) . and ho deposed that he clilorofoimcd aitdain - iiud tlipgiil , KIba Annstiong , and tostilied to her virginity , at tlie iciiuest of Mr. Stead anil Mr. Hramwell both. This testimony created a sensation in couit. Thclmw lloportcd Mnrdci-cil. RANGOON , Oct'J ' ? . Ills reported heie that a revolution lias broken out at Mandaly , and that King Thebavv has been murdered. Col. Henry at Fort Doitglan. SALT LAKI : , Oct. 27. [ Special to the linn ] Col. ( ! uy. V. Henry.of Omahainstiuctor of lille iiiactico in the department ot the Plat to. is visiting here and is the guest ot Col. Stan- ton. fien. MeCool ; and the office. ! * ol the Sixth Infantry have been untiring in their effoits to make his vi-iit here a pleasant one. ollirlally and pcisoually. Col. llcniv visited Knit Douglas and witnessed bkiimisli tiring by the sharpshooters ol the Sixth infantry. 'I he tiling took place under the direction ot tlie commanding ollieer , ( ien. McCook , who has been untiling In hlscfTmts to secure the highest prolidency tor his command , not only in rille piaclicc , hut in dlM-lpliue and evvry soldieily accomplishment. I'he skirmish lir- lngdenioiisti.ited excellent skill. On ) ol .WO shotHied at distances varying fiom MO to JOO jards , aoi shots weie maiKed on the tar gets etpial to U per cent. Teenier Tendered a Hecejitlon. Pirrsnrcf. , Oct. : J7. John Teenier , cham pion oarsman , arrived at tils homo in Mc- Kccsport tins evening and was tendeied a reception bj : i,0ixpeoploat ) the Palaci' rink. Teenier looUul well nnd was in good spirits In an Interview he said he could beat Haitian again If necessaiy. The lace was a sijiiaic one and tlm accident at tlm tin nlng buoy bail no effect on the tesnlt. Tlie next man he desired to inert was lleach and he had every eonlideiico in his ability to outrow the Anv tialian. _ Colebratio ) ; tlio Invent. Moiitni.v : , Mo. , Oct. 27. The new system of water works , Including an aitilicial lake of 110,000,000 million gallons capacity , for this city , and costing &r2. ' > .OX > , was formally ae- ( epli d tiom tlie contiactor by the mayor and council lo-daj. Tlie event was celebrated by a imbllc demonstration by thu cltl/eiis. The vvoiks insuie a suiiply toMobeily tor all ) iur- poscs lor a population ot touo ( , The Dond Conunodoro at Host. Nv.vfi , , N. V. , Oct. a7. The leinains of Coniinodoio ( Joiiint-'e , v\ho luoiight the obelisk in this countrv , wen * intcired in ( lie ceineti'ij at Sparlisvlllo lo-dav. 'J'lm inter- mentwas piivate , the only witnesses being his mother and sister , her husband and an assistant lector ol ( iiacu chinch , New Voik. Another ISoxiiR Interview. XKW YOIK : , Oct. ' 27. Tlio morning papers publish acaidlioin N. I ! . Hacon , biollier-In- lawol Piesideiit Cleveland , staling that the alleged Interview with him which was wide ly published on thuMill Insl. , was nnaii- llioil/ed , ami in all essentiul iiaiticuhiis lain- . MAIHSON , WIs. , Oct. ar.-- The thlity-nlnlli annual mcelingol tlio Ameilcan Missinnarv association bewail heio .Ibis alteinooii , A uoodly nunibi r of delegates wcio piesenl. The tic.isurcr'x repoit show > leceipts lei tlio jcai wcio-f'ilio.b'.M ' : nxpemlituie.s , { j.Wi.urj. A l-'i-aiidiiloiit Appoint iiK-nt , Cuiro , Ctjl. , Oclobei ' 7 , Considerable ex citement pinvails over the discoveiy that the late appointment ol a postmaster lor Ibis city was aceomplUheil llnoiigh u fiaudulent petition sent to \ \ .ishlngton. An Invcaligar tlun Isoideicd. Arrived Nai'o and Sound , ST. .lon.N-N , N. K. , Od , ar.-Stnpail , Hud son's Day ohscivcr , who left his station he- lore the stciiiner Alert arilvrd , and whose fatii vva > in doubt , airivcd hero lo day. Cli I na n ten Dluobar ed , KUATTI. ) : . W. T , , ud. aT.-AII Chinamen emplojcd bj the Cedar Mountain Coal com pany , iibout foity in iiiinduvcie ) \ diM-huimil lo-da > . All tile mines In tile Seattle coul legion - gion uri ) now operated v , iibout Chi n c labor , THE PANIC'S POWER BURSTED Recovery Slowly Doming to Ohlcflgo'l Muddled Markets * GOOD NATIVE STOCK IN DEMAND A Devilled Drop In HOR < WlieiU Hold * v > Steady Market , At nil Advance Over YiMorduy--Thn VlHlhlo n Potent Vur-tor In Prices. Idvc Stoelc Market < Ciitc.voo , Od. sr.-Spwlnl | ( o llm lint ? . ] CAiii.K-Themaikct Is slowly recovering untl\i" < especially -I'miii the bad hrrak of last week , tin- lessen natives latiglngall iho way from -tOe ID U'e ' per 100. This only causa of n better feeling Is the uxtiviuuly light offer. nigs of natives. Out of 14,000 radio hi thio maikcl Iho past twodajs there was scarcely : tXK ( > natives ol all sorls and not ever 2,000 that weie. suitable for the diestcd bocf and shipping trade. To day there was scarcely half a doyen loads ol good native * among tlio anlvals and none Hint were prlmo orliratr eh" . Low Ri-nde natives , inclndlngeonimon steers , bulls and cows were In fair supply and were sollhur iienily as low as at any tlmo lastvvivk. Al least tliree-quaiters nf tlio Mock on sale were Texas lungers , and they wen ; rather slow mid not n nickel higher llian during tlio pinlc of Thursday atnl Krl- ilny last , btocker and feeder tiado was lather indet ; prices aio extremely low , especially on light llttlo Mugs , of which there are more on the maikct this week than last ; shipping steels , ltr,0 : to l.MJOllH. , Jjfl.00 C-M.50 ; 1-'ffl ) to l.ilVi HH. , 1.0X'-Vr. . ; tt&tl to l.'JOO Ih-i. . ; < . -IOtci 4.I. . Through Texas cat tie lOcrKie lower ; IttO to 1.0M HH. , $ v.l ! > 0ft ( ; i.lO ; 7Mi to IKK ) ibs. , S'J.OOC'DXX ; ( ) to 700 His. . S'-WKiM.TO. Western range steady ; natives anil hallbieeds. 8S.MH * .HO ; cows , S'J.li.V < : i.oo. Sales 141 Montana * , 1.UI8 Ihs. , il.OO ; or Nebraska s , t.OTU Ihs. , S.00 : ! ; 100 Idalios , VW. % Ibs. , SM.iO ; l.Vi Montana. 1'lT.l lb . , SI.,1 * ) ; tM W.vomlugs. l.'Jlit His. , i : ) . ? ! ) ; 11)5 ) -Monlanas , l.UKi UH. . Sl. : > 0 ; 171) ) Nebraska- Tevans , l.HfiO Ibs. . v ; ; . : . lloits The market opened with a drop ol fiirtiOe , and at this decline there was n fair business , but as the foicuoon passed it M'aa plain that the estimated lecelpus of tlio morn ing would lie largclv below the aetual count , and that Instead ol tf.oOO then ; would bo at least 40,000 , and theie was anolher drop , so that pilees at noon weie fully 16c lower tlian at the opening. 'I'he maiket dosed with 17.01K ) unsold. Packlngand .shipping , 230 to : ; : x ) ibs. tit 4v . " , .oo. Light weight * . i : to no His , S-i.40 : < . .it.5 : ; IbO to U10 Ibs , .M.3.@UO. Skips , S'4.r,0 ( y.oo. Closed with 7HK ( ) unsold. ' " , > Chli'ngn Grain .Market. . . CHICAGO , Oct. 'J7. [ Special to the KEJ : . ] < - Win : VT. "Tlio bear clliiuo , " exclaimed a heavy speeulotor In wheat to-day , "has liijcn huistcd e\er since Wociishoffer left it. Tlero ( aipears | to ho no one in It capable of lidding wheat uii. To-d.iy they gave us u doctored visible statement which loiced In a few small shorts , but even that did not hold. " The iiue l ion as to whether or not tlio visible Ja doctoied Is debatable. Owing to the Hyfitoin of computing it there Is 1,500,009 bush'cla known to be afloat at liuft'alo and Kde , 1C- cently withdrawn from the western elevatoie , which could not liguic in the olllcinl Htatc- mcnt bccauso itliad nolyct been slurud la elevators. The system of n iiriii } ; , rather than any clique , should IHJ h'fnined "for aucli deliclencies as enter into the Ktatcmont. At tlio opening December stood % \ over yCs- ti-idny's closing , llrst sales beini ; at. SSj Cj This pi oved later to be within } tfc of the top lor tin ) day. Considerable strength came from u small Increase In tlio vUiblc , the market opening HO numb. higher that a fiie.it many small shoit.s wcro loiced to I'over. 111 houses , however , KHVO them all the wheat they wanted , and their actions tended toeheek any advance , though it eannot be said tlieie w.us any decided ten dency to do this. 1'rom fi-S e for Decemlter there was a icaetlon , more or les.'i steady , to s.7J4e , which iiureicpie.sunt ! the exticmo raiMeofllie day. The tiado In wheat' waa active. There are still bulls and boars in the pit , hut ihey are dolni ; nolhliiK espi lally noluwnilhy. Fioin h7l ( , < j Deeei'ilwr made n RiMdual recovery to ssuceloslnealioul steady at the advance noted o\eryesteiday. roiiN AMI Ovis-Cdin and oats wore niaiii very .slow and void of feature , about the same stiunKth behn ; shown in all iuturi'B. I'udvisioNs I'nivisions wore generally easier and subject to a verv model , ile trade , then being only a slight sliovving of orders on the llooraml pai'keis not disputed to force sales at iue > ent prices. liitcrcHl hit : Trade Informal ion. CHICAGO , Oct. 27. Keenan & Hancock , a stock > aid- > him , have just completed tlio col. lection and clasiticatlon of Impoitant stalls tics ivlating to the cuttle , corn nnd hog crops of ( hi ; states ol Illinois , lova , Missouri , Kan sas , Nebraska , Wisconsin nnd Minnesota. Tli'-ys-enl out some 1,00'J circulars to people who were practically Interested , and received nl least so IKHct > nt of answers. The princi pal ipicstloils weie : Ate theie moie or less hogs in your vio'nlty th. in last year. ' Answers 1.7J more , lOG ) less , a ii 1 1 ! ) ? " > lluisame. istheie. any ho ; , ' cholera ? Answers 019 yes. Mil no. II so , is there moro or less than last year ? moie , ! ! IO less , and KM the When will the bulk of the IIORS ho mar- keledV AiihHW W7 In Nov.oinbei and CUO in Dei'i'iulier. When the linjr" ! are loaily for the maiket , if in Ices should Im low , will many hold lor liigliurpilccY. ' Answers .lis no , and 1,071 yes. yes.Ale theio more or less eattlo being fed than last VLMI' . ' Answer.- moie , ii less , -lit f-a i ue. Is the ernp lit coi n greater or less limn last > eai' . ' Au.- > \\eii l.OVi tcatcr , 'M\ \ less , 15-KJ same. Is corn selling at a higher or lower lliruro than last : \rV \ Answcis 105 higher , 883 linvci , f 70 saiiiu. DYSPEPSIA Causes Its victim * to bo mlscrablu , hop'16st ) , > crnriiscil , ami < lcprc3 < ieil hi nilinl , very ( rrito- bio , ) ; iiiiii' | ; , ami ilnnvsy. It Is a illnCMU VNlilch ildL-s not get Vicll ol Itself. It ri'UirC3 | r.iicful , jicri-lstcnt utd niluii , and a rcincily to Ilirow olt Ilia causri : .uil tone up tlm tliiies- ti\o organs tilt they pciforni their duties willingly. Hood's H.irH.ipaiIlla liw : proven jUSt till ! I CIpllK'cl I UlUClly III llllllttllHl.H Of C33C3 , ' " I Jiavo taken Hood's Satxaparllla for dys- 1'cpsla , from vvlilcli I | i.t\usiilTcrn < l two years. 1 trlcit many other iwd.r WPS , bat IIOIIQ provcii t-a batlsf.irtory in Haul's HarMparllla. " TIIHM.V.I COOK , liru'h Electric Mulit Co. , Kuw York City , Sick Headache "I'or tlio past two years I bavo been nniirteil wttli kcvcro I cmlacbes nnd dyjij w J ilu. 1 was Ini'.uccil lo liy Ilooil't HarKajVa- < lilla , s.ml liavo ( miiiil j.irat relief. 1 choir- ) JU'y | c < - < , iir..fil : ( 11 tu all. " Mas. K. V , \ A.ssxi-.i.r. , Ji-\v JI.ivin , Cor.n. > Ira. ? I .y C. Hmilh , C'aiulirliljciort ( | , MaftB. , , . Was a ti. . crcr from ily /i-ji. a nnU MC | ( headT nclio. .Sl.o t < > ) < lu-oil's B.trKupnrllla nu-1 fuuiiJ U the U'bt rcncu j Uio ever uwd. ; Hood's Sarsapatrilla x ' Hnlil liy all ilruri'litf ) . tl ; six fur % 1. Mail * only by I ) . I. HOOD & ia ; , Lowell , Wn . ' . IOO Doses Ono Dollar. I