Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1885, Page 7, Image 15

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    i , i'HE OMAflA'tiAILY -WEDNESDAY , OOTOBlfitt 28. 1883.
In k d njtrmu M * ltsi i „
U U jd 1 j Iron ( ring nutrition , (
. . _ . _ ) li lone ot the j.ti
1 IlKpia Drcllnn.
Oulcklj MA cntTrtilf * > 'f ' Onrrii Ilynp p''lH In nil
( Mfonni. llrntltinriit Hrlrliliiv. Tn. .Inn tbo
Fnort , A a. It i-nrlchM > mt iiurttlMi tbn bloort. nlnn.
( itwitho pn 'tlt ndtldijhBtMimllitl'mol fmn.
HrT. J.T HOmJTrn. th honotwl ft r nl th
First | U > ( oTniod Church Baltimore. Slit
"IUiin u > d Ilro n' Iron Uiltnra fur
nd IrtdlrfHlnn 1 Uk itr t pl urn In
Oj nrti't It hl htr A Im oonnldrr il. cl W Umlo
nd In nd f mrtr n thf nln "
ha tlrovfi trntl m rk and rrnm d rtwl llnM
f Tnl r no ollirr * Mudnnnlrliy
HANI > llooiDM'nlitnd ktuwtlto ran-
-r CI7
A r | ntir n r 1ait f two Ufdlrkl Coltf
lh * pe < ftl irc tiu iitof Ciitomc , NkBpnoi ,
Hi * n Iiiflittti thftn anr thf r I'hjticUo ID Bl.
* how * J All eld rt < l > 1fnu know
Nervous Prostration , Debility. Mental nncj
Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and ether Aflfc-
tlons 61 Throat. Skin or Bones , Blood Poisoning.
Old Sores and UlCCrS , are Uttted with uopirkll l 4
DCttiM , tm Ulit el niiBfi pHnelplfN.Hiftlf lrl ujr.
Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess ,
Exposure or Indulgence , * Meii proJupe non or th
fotlo * | Dg * tTcet i nrrtou ecu , dtblHiy , diraii ii or lht
fcn4 JertcllreTiwrnorf , plnplti on Iht law , i > brilflkld ftf ,
ftrrrtldn lethe wHei/or frmiUs ooofuiloi of Mtti , * to.
rend rliir M rrln o improper or unhnppy , t
& ur 'l. fkraphlet(56ptj | i ) on the b n i ( wnt
Krm&oriitlj i ) ( ( ( ' * firftto nTmJdrfi. ConnlitiUaMof-
Derorttjr raatl rrv4 > , lfuit * < ] unfliflctly etoAdflDlkl.
A Positive Written Guarantee < u n ID < rtrre .
r bl C4i . U > tleln tent ttrcr/ where bmll oretpr ai
200 PAnEI , rtNK VLATK'J. cTft&t ololh nl Rllt
blnit * KileAfT5 lo In 101 .d * r pJirrcuoy , Over flrtj
wonderful i a j lctuYfi , tru * io Ui ( rtlcl ontba f lln | ng
iibJ UI who mr marry whoimt hr mtahood , womm.
. i * * nft ii.tfiihiti .
bo 4.rtitfllfnl kui-iKwti ltAVbji.
. . . , .
lolotf orrrnr < lii"t * * un. , - tnirrleJ
A Case Resembling That of Gen. Grant.
Bwno ton yonn IIKO I luul u xorofuloiH nero on
my rlfflit luiiiil which KH\O 1110 [ front lr"ii' ' > ! o
nntl undtii- the old tlnmiroatnicnt hoalc < l up , hut
It luul only tiucn Unvcn Into the yi > toiii by the
uxo of ptitiihli anil mercury , niul In Maroh. 1SSJ ,
It broke out it broku out In my throut , mid con-
cvntnilcMl In hut porno of itu > Uouioiy ui.ux
onnucr , oiling tliiouuh my uhuuk. dobtroj IIIK
roof of my mouth IIIKI tippur lip , thru ittuuklii
- 1'iiluto mill lower Up , Uuntroy Inir tlio
piihUO und uiuli'i- lip ontlroly ntiJ luilt my
toiwiio.'OHtlnif ' the top of , my lolt oliot-clc
lioiio unil up to the lolt uyo. 1 could not cut liny
Boltd load , but Milisi-tcU on llqiililH , und mv
< oiiK > 'CTIW ' HO fiirvono I rouM not talk. Snol
f wiitiiny wititohixl , holplona ( ondltloit the tlrflto !
' fciftOOuflxn' , ( IhMt. whfii my friondticoiiiiiivnccd
jtlvliiK nil.'H\vilt'HSi'clllo. | ) In luHNtluinu inontl
ti o ciitlnw jilnt'os stuppcHl mid hi iliK ! ) conl
metiMHl. und tlm tciu-l'iil iipcitnro In mvohcouk
fau Ktin cloMol unil tlrmly knitlod together. A
procow * ot n now niidor lip is KrojfroaHlntf llnoly
und the loiiKue which was nlmo-n ilost roycd 1 <
btliw rtieov'nrtMl , and It ccumn that mituro Is
iipplylny n now tonin T can talk en Unit my
frlciulH uin n-ndlly iinilnr-tand me , unil can alto
v > tsolid liMHl aKHin. It liny one doubt tho-f
tliiptg. I would refer tlium to Hon. John II. Trnr
lor , stnlo Miniilor of this district , anil to Ur. T. 3
Uimlllukl , of IjilrHiiK ( \ < "
Ijinuiftj ( , Ou , , Muy 14. l r , ' . .
'I'liietiwiirT fcii'K.Mui : Co. . Urawor U , Atlanta
Cn. t ( . V. , 1W W.SJUBt. _ _
f\\i\ James Meal Institute
Chartered by thcStateofllli-
jnou for thecxpresiipurpose
f of giving immediate rellctln
all chronicuimary and prl *
> v te diseases. Qonorrtiuea ,
J'Glccl andSyphllia m oil their
complicated forms , also all
disease * of the Skin and
Blood promptly rellevedand
permancBtlycured by reme-
, diei.tcstcdina/'VirJi/lVvir *
\WmmViFUmg \ * Hj-rf.ull'rartlrr. Seminal
Wetkneii. Night Losses by Oreami , Pimples on
Ihe Pace.Lost Manhoodr'-n//ii'cyn/rcd. 7V r
lnofxi > rrlinmlin < j. The oppropriata remedy
li at once used la each case. Consultalijni , per
sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med-
.Iclnet sent by Mall and Express , No marks on
( package to Indicate contents or sendrr. Address
pn.J MESNo.204WashlnrjtonSI.Cnlcngolll. ,
Uprlln > trii
I | lvi > vo. Jjtuttetof the Kldnrro. Itlnit *
Orr. fcnnlnir fJInnil 'M"t Kl > iih ut
tiomMfli Vrdiriter uy th * 'nnitrtii llrltm V it *
rlPiii'tiinCiiminiiliniitiurKcrt I realise and let-
lir. . All o > rre .i > onrt nof ponmli-nll * ! .
lb aapofltl < r < iiinilii > r lin breci : . " - .brlii
HKiuiiniliof ck. "l lli * m.t klu , | nijii ( lorn
uodlnir lmT l fircil'i > i ] , ln < lr * < l. oitrontflHrurral to
i i .iii no mirii.M linn.
. , nl I' o iJJ , > > . .
in r nit. h rv
1 Tolt'pliotio 113
Plombers , Steam and Gas Filterj
, Cflliitaiux furnUliisl , or itlll null IMU OI tally
Aitonib lor thu Imperial ( iiw MIUMIIIU L'lUuu.
IbH. 1Mb et. . Oniuliu , Null
" "
Special Attention Given to Diseases of Women
Can bo fonnultix ! lu Kiw 1-h uml Uurinun
ItMim tei.'iuuitMibilluuk.M
lt-\tJiiiu iiiul auuKiiitu M i inc. *
.Men Think
, . . .
o\T all about Mustang Lin-
' Ijncnl. Fcxy ( ] o. Not to know i3
' '
' oot'to have.
' '
M I - >
I , T " " " \
Or the Etory of a Great Minors' Strike.
mi i : ?
Trutiitdlcd liwn the /Ycnch.
PI-MM MIY or plir.cftiiKtr
Anlon I/itilici. u inc < -liulilr , uiHililo In Mini
riiiiliiu | , > iit nl Ills tnnlc in I'.iiih , drifts Into
lie interior of I lance ntnl liritius up nl tlio
Monl.-iiii coal liiliiiDirii'L'liiii. in entlj i-iriliu' | .
llelliuwllhrnit tiiinn'y lie lemilly neccpUvoik
In ( lie Vtiltnie inine nnd MKIII IHCOIIU nn
expert XMirknuiii. Tliu low \\ntrt of Hie inlti-
trs. nooiHintit "tniintli' nunlnst litinjrcr , and
tlicinlM'inlilccniiditioii of old nndouni : , e\-
citcH In linn u lit'lIntotivt ntnl In1
Ilicliiilv of liibtlinds teniliiiL' to ullevlitlo
Ilieh ciihilitloii. ( irailnally ho linpuiu his
loiiilu-H and leadihei'tires the
port ami COIM ( > lulioli ( if the poor , stiiijtullm ;
\uiikuicu. A saving fund Is started tn which
each inlnei coiinilititHl , tlio iiiuney thus ob
tained to he UH'd to Mipppit the i.iuii In cao
01 trouble with the co.u companies. Ity the
1st ol XoveinlH'l the fund iiiiKiiiuled to arnu-
Hldciiihle sum , nnd the tiiliufs , emboldened
b > this fact , deteriiilued to .resist a new
iiielhod of pnjinfill Introduced , by n mnjdnty
ol the companies , which wrts to en lutii ef-
lect on the hist of Deiember. The ji'uii of
tlm companies \vn.s to < ll\lde the ten centimes
paid for each cnr of conl , one-half to ( to
towaid paytilK lor propping lu the iliillsnf
the nilno.s. The \\oikineii. lo lortlly their
position lu case of icvoll , wotked nfteen days
under the nesjstein of pax men ) , and found
Hint ilwn.snn indited but effective method ot
redtii'lmt their wanes. To strike wns the only
nlti'rnutlM1. Meetings wore lield nnd n dele
gation appointed to wait njioii the niaunitliuc
( lliei'toi ol the mines and iuhcfoio him the
demands of thu menthe nbiilltiou of llio new
HjsU'in ut pa > meut und an luereaso'Of HVO
centimes pereai. Auloii .s ability and snitu-
eitj made him lit once the leader in thoMiiku.
The lutei\lew of the minus with the inium-
Her was without lesult. and the iiic.ii , with
veiy little hope of ultimata .success , settled
down to a loiutaml bitter.simple the him-
of poverty against unlimited wealth.
Anton , whom Catherine's slap luul
liereil , ran on ahead of his eouirndes.
Hut as he ordered them on toward Mont-
.sou , another voieo uitliiu him cried ,
"Why all this ? " How was it that , when
ho hail Htiirliul for Joan-Bart , intending
to net calmly , aml if possible , prevent a
disaster , he had litiishcil thu day with violence
lence : uul by besieging tlio director's
hoit e ?
\Vheu llio mob spoke of going to the
yards of the company unil destroying
everything , he shouted , "Mop ! " Now
that thu Mouc.s had already begun to do'
facethu fronUof the , ho asked him-
.self without finding : iu answer upon
whut legitimate p oy lit ) , could set his
men , ill order to avoid great misfortune.
ItiHtiiteof his order , the stones con
tinued to lly , he was astonished and
lightened before thof-o brutes unmuy./lcil :
by him , so slow to be moved , but nt last
terrible with a ferocious U-uacity in their
raiji' . Ml the old liery blood was thuru ,
which , tit lirst slow ami quiet , it luul
taken mouths to excite , but , after it was
stirred up they tjirew themselves into the
most abominable excesses , caring for
nothing. Ho fought with Luviiqiiu Irv
ing to snatch his a\e from him , ho could
not restrain the Millions , who were
throwing stones with both bauds. The
women especially frightened him , Mrs.
Levauuo , Moipietto and the others , show
ing their teeth and nails , they howled
like female dogs under the guidance of
old Brule who had boc'ome tlieir leader.
Hut there was a sudden pause , the sur-
piise _ of a moment caused a little suspen
sion of hostilities , which Anton with all
his shoutiu" coujd not obtain. Tlie
CUreyorys him ileeided to take leave of
the notary and start across the road to
the director's house ; and they .seemed so
peaceable , so snjilinjj ; , they litid so much
the uir of luiHuving it all u joke on the
part of the liereu miners , wliosu patience
titul nourished them for a century , that
the mob , astonished , overwhelmed ,
ceased throwing their stones lor tear of
hitting that old gentleman and ladywho
they believed , hud fill leu from the sky.
They allowed them to enter the garden ,
asee'nd the door steps and knock at the
barricaded door , which the oooup.mts
within fceemed in no haste to open. .Iitht
then the chambermaid , Hose , retuniin ; ;
from her dnv out , nmilod at the furious
workmen , all ot whom she knew as she
was Irotn Mout.sou. And she , bv pound
ing on the dour with her list , compelled
Ilypolito to open it half way. It was
time , for the Gregorys luul just disap
peared within when the shower of atones
again commiMicuil. Recovered from its
surprise the mob clamored still louder :
"IMith to the ari'stooraoy ; lou live
the soeialisUs ! "
Mr Gregory hung bis hat on tlio raol ;
and , when he' had assisted his wife to
take oil' he heavy cloth mantle , he s lid.
"Nil doiibt in thuir luart.3 fiuro is no
malice.Vlienthuvhavoliad enough of
it they will go anil endure once muni "
At this moment Mr. Hennebeau came
down 11oiii the top of 'he house.
" 1 have thought of having the hoiisn
cleared , " said Mr. Heunebeau. "But thu
woist of it is 1 am alone hero and 1 do
not know where to send the servant tn
bring mo four men und a corporal , wbu
would MIOU clear out this rabble. "
As lie turned toward Madame firegorv ,
holding open the door of the salon , lie
wa- > surprised to see sitting on a beuuh in
thu hall , n m in whom ho tiad not distiu
guisheil until then , on account of thu in
created darkness. Ho recogui/.ed him ,
nud cried
"Why , it's you , Maigrut. What is the
matter ? "
Maigrat are e , and his face apnoarei
still tatter , but very pill i from fright. Hi
had slipped into tue d ivctor's house , ti
claim help and protection , if they rtlioulil
attack his store. .
' You hi-o that 1 sim also thro.ale.ned ,
and I have no one , " answered Mr. Hun
iiebeau. "Von would have dinu : buttet
to have at homo to pro lee I
yourgoodi "
The sitiuition was becoming iutolcra
ble ; Mr. llMiiueliau was speaking of go <
ing out and cluiMug th brawlers nwaj
hmihelf , and then going to meet the ear
riage , when llypolito r.iu into the s.ilou
ci'viug :
"MonMi'iir ! monsieur1 hero is madamc
they an * killing m ulallie "
As Megrol learod. the carriage had not
been able lo iws > tlirougli tdo narrow
road ol llequjlbM't ill thu miiUl ot thoii
'hreateuing crowds. ' 1'lieii ' lie tlioughl
they could walk the hundred metric
which hopaivtud them trom the liuusi
and enter by the littli ) gain opening ink
the garden , which was near the summit
quartern , the gardner would hear them
and open thu gate At ( list the plan had
worked splendidly , Madame Heuiiobeai !
and tin * young lailies wure. already at th'i
little gate , when the women , informed b >
a boy , had throwi themselves into thii
narrow iMHsaiii' . 'J'hen all wat sunileil
The gate wiiiild not open. Vainly Mo-
grel tried to force it In with bin shoulders.
Then pu iin" betore hint his aunt and
the joung ladies la ) tiiedtu run and reaeli
tlio sti , is lint this attempt only augen-d
tlm crowd u on ) . Tlidy would not allow
them to go. A howling mob tollowcd
them , some m-U > nUlnd ; at tio-o ) beautiful
ly-dri'-sied ladies who had fallen : mionjj
tlicin , , Kniiu that moment the confusion
beuamo xueh that it brought about one ol
thom ini'idunU which nru always iue.\ '
plaimibhi Lucy nnd Joannu lirst arrived
nt the Mop ami ran in thu door , whloli
iiitd been paitiully o ) > ened by the chain
bermaul Aladame Hennobeaii biiccced
( id in following thom , and then Mcgrel
entered and btiifed the door , s.ttisjiud thai
Ceeille had boon thu lii'fct to pas * in. Kill
she was not there Catried aw.iy by hot
fright she luunt have run fiom the house
ami rushed right into tinmob. .
.Suddenly thu cry msiv
"hong live the soeialistt ! Death to the
aristocrats ! Ooath to them. "
" .Sdiue one in the distaneo , imdc.r the
veil wliicih hid her fiiro. HKik her foi
Mndiiino lIcDiuibeuii. Otheis said shi
wuo n fnuudof thu Mudamo'ij , thu youu ; :
wife of a neighboring owner , li.itotl by
his workmen. Hutinoro than nil , it was
her silk dres , her fur clo.ik , and tin
white feather in her lint , which OK ni , r-
aled them She had a watch , and the
pure skin of an idle person who did not
touch the c ( nl.
"Let's tear her clothes ofFI" cried Mrs.
'I hen Moquetto rushed'np.
' 'Yes bent her. "
, jes , we must
And tlie women were Mtlloeatcd with
their sav.ige jnnlotuy , each one wishing
some piece of the clothing worn by that
rich girl. This injustice luid lasted long
enough ; they would force them to dress
like workmen , the o wrctchim who dared
spend t went-live cents lor the wusuing
of n .skirl.
In the house , ns soon ns they perceived
the absence of Ceeile , Megrel and Mr.
Hennebeau again opened the door to run
out and save her. 1'h' * mob now threw
themselves against t he-1 ; ailing nround
tlie garden nnd it was not easy to get out.
A struggle was about to commence , when
the frigntened Gregorys appeand on the
door-i > ii > t ) .
"Loavo her alotm , old man , it's the
daughter of the 1'iolaino ; " cried Mrs.
Million lo the grandfather , as she recng-
ni/.ed the \oung girl whose veil a woman
bud Ptv.itclu'd oil' .
Anton , ashamed of retaliations takf.n
against a child , and wishing to make thu
crowd let her alonewith a Midden insplr :
ation brandished the a\u saying :
"To Maigrat's. lie has bread thero.
Let's break down Mnigrat'sshop. "
Ho ran and gave a blow to tlio
shutters of the shop. Some comrades'
had followed htm. Million , Lcvaquc and
others But the women were excited.
( Voile had fallen from thu hands of Bon-
nemort into those of olit lirulo ; while
liihuniu , Hubert and Lydio were pulling
ut her clothes , tearing them in pieces.
.Suddenly a man on horseback appeared ,
whipping aside tliO'io who did not move
quickly enough.
"You beasts , what are. you nbont "
It was Denciilin , who oo.ning Has
tily to the dinner. Ho quickly jumped
into the road , took Ocilo by the waist
with ono hand and with the other led the
horse making him jump'tind. kick from
one Milu lo the other lo clear a path lor
them , At the railing of the garden the
battle continued. How'dutr ho parsed
through , though bruising thei'- limbs
some Tliis uniorseen assistance deliv
ered Mergel and Mr. llonncbeau. who
were in great danger , in the midst ot
oaths and blow-.s. And , while the young
engineer returned into the house witli
Cocilu who had fainted. Deneulin , who
covered the director with Ins Ijirgo body
at the top of , ho door Mep , received such
a hard blow \yith a stone that his shoul
der was disjointed. .
"They have broken up my machinery ,
iiml now they break my bones , " said he
In thu ff.ilon , the Gregorys were crying ,
though Ceoile had regnincd conscious
ness. She was not injured , not ovun
scratched ; only her veil was lost. But
their I right increased when they saw be
fore them their cook Melanie , who told
them the mob wanted to demolish I'm-
jainu. Killed with fear she had run to
iulorm her masters.
"Do you see that rascal , Has-enaur , in
front of us upon the doorsU > ) > f the
shop ? " said Mr. Heunubeau to Deneulin.
"I know ho was there , ho is always ono
of the first "
Nevertheless , it was not Uassciiuur , it
was Anton who was breaking in Mai
grat's shop witli an axe. And ho kept
calling his comrades ; tlid not the goods
in there belong to tiocoalm-n ? Was it
not just to make this robber disgorge
this wretch who had traded on them so
long , who starved them at the slightest
word from thu company *
Gradually all the house of
the director and ran lo pill-igu the neigh-
boringshop. Theory : "Btvud ! bread1
bread ! " was shouted again. They would
Iiml bread behind that door. A rage for
broad had seized them again , as if , all at
or.ce , they could wait no longer without
dying on the road. They rushed against ,
the shutters in such a manner that
Anton was in fuar of wounding his com
rades at eaeli blow of the axe.
Meanwhile , Maigrat , who hall left the
vestibule of the house at thu time of the
scutllc , had taken refuge in the kitchen
below ; but he heard nothing there ; ho
imagined hirf shop would bo attacked ,
and lie had just ro asoondud to hide behind
hind the pump pulsido. when he clearly
heard the crashing of his door , and'the
shouts of the rioters , in winch his name
mingled. It was not the nightmare then ;
ho did not see , but ho heard now , h" fol
lowed the attack with eagerness. Every
blow of the ave struck full upon his
he.irt. A bolt must have given way. two
minutes more ami thu shtin would be
taken. All this was depicted in his brain
in frightful reality ; the brigands sacking
the house , drawers broken open , bags
emptied , even thing eaten , everything
drank , the house itself carrie.l oil' noth
ing left , not even a stick to go and b.-g
with through the villages. No ; ho would
not let himself be ruined in that manner ,
he would rather give thom his life ,
But his affection for his goods strug
gled furiously against his fear ; ho re
coiled from the lig it With'cowardice. All
at oncu a louder blow from lhca\o de
oided bun. Avarice carried the day ; bo
and his wife would cover the sacks with
their bodies sooner lluiu yield u loaf of
Shouts broke out fltonco :
"Look ! Look ! The it'ionkoy's there' "
Go for htm ! "
The mob hud just perceived Maiural
upon the root ol Iho shed. Though a
heavy man ho had climbed .tlm tenco
with alacrity , without cariilg' for llio
breaking wood ; and now he had llat-
teued himself out along thu tiles , trying
to reach the window
" ( ! o for him1 We'll out him to pieces' "
Suddenly , losing his hold , ho rolled
like a ball and fell upon the wall , anil
from tluuM dropped over on ( inn side of
the road , with his skull fractured. His
bruins guhed out , ho was dead. His
wife , up-stairs , pale and trembling be
hind the window panes , had bce'n thu
whole ocouiTcnco.
At lirit a stuoor came upon tfinm.
Anton pans'd with the a\o still in his
hand. Mahon , Lovaquo mid the others ,
lorgi'tting llio shop , turned their eye * id-
ward the wall from which slowly ran a
small red stream. The cries ceased ; a
shivering sileiicu oamu in the growing
But Midd'inlv ' fie cries ngaln com
menced. It was the women alonu this
"Itsnrved him right"1
Tliev surrounded the filill warm dead
body thov laughed at him , spitting in
the faen of the dead the hatred of their
long life without biead ,
Tlio ius'illx Increased ; they all linemed
wild , while the dead man , lying on his
back steadily stared with his largo open
eyrs iin into I'm ' immense sky from which
night wis fulling. That earth stud'ed in
his mouth was tlio bread ho had rofiinc.d
them , and th it wai thu only .bread he
would eat now , it had not brought him
happiness to ntarvu tlie poor people Up
at tin- window , thu widow Maigrat IIOM *
mov t'd , but under iho last of thu
setting sun , the imperfections in the
w indow glass spotted nor pale face w hloh
seemed to simlo. Beaten jivury hour her
shoulders bunt trom morning until night
over the register , perhaps shu was happy
at the tliougiit ot her milled sutluriiigs.
Anton again nourished the axe. But
the horror could not bo cast till' , that
dead body lay across iho road , protect
ing thu shop many muveI away It
seemed a recompense , which quicUnl
them a ! | Mahon remained quiet , but a
\oicuriuidiu his car , "Kun uwaj " Ho
turned and recognised Catherine , still in
her man's coat , dirty ami out of breath
With n gesture. . Im puihcd heiuiwav , lit )
did tint wiih-to listen -to lim' . ! ' d { brunt
unixl lo bual her. 'luuii uhu vvud in itu-
spair and , after hesitating n liltlo , run to
Anton ' J
"Hun nwny ! cttrr uwayl here tire the
gendarmes. " ' -ft
He nlo drove her ttwav , nbu ing her ,
ns he felt the Ijlorrd rush to his cheek
from the ship 'fto 'had given linn. Hut
she was not di conrogcd She made him
throw down the 'lire She pulled him
IIH ay with both * rmu with tin irresistible
strength. I.
At that inoUiiit the heavy sound of
horses' feet was hevard und the cry burst
forth : "The gendacmes' thegendnrinc'i ! "
They ran oil'so uu'urkly that in two min
titi-s the road W ; < 1 free , absolutely clour ,
as if swept by iirs\orm. \ The coipso of
Maigrat mailo the only dark spot upon
the white earth. At the door of the
'I ison saloon there only remained Kasse-
noui , who applauded the arrival of the
gendarmes ; while in des Tied Montson
the rich people remained behind closed
planter * , covered with si cold pcrspira
lion , nnd their teeth chattering. The
plain spread out under iho dark night ,
thorn wore only the high furnaces and
the coke lires burning in the dark sky
The heavy galop of the gondnnne.s was
coming nearer ; the\ rushed on without
being distinguishable , in a dark moss
Anifbohiud tiiom in their care , the car
nage of the pastry cook of Marchiennos
sit last arrived ; a carl from which jumped
a cook boy , who , with a quiet air began
.to iinpuok the dessert , Iho pastry , and iho
[ TO nn CONTI.NUKI . ]
'Wlion Tlit > 7 wiw dftV , ns p To li r CMtorls ,
When she wvt a Child , sbs orkxl for < 'mtorlfc ,
When dim lircjino Niton , Rh clung to ( Jiutorlft ,
Tfhou iba li.vl Ulilldrou , iho jftvo UIMU
Orlfiln > ! ' Uin Word Vnnkoo *
Kditorof thu Hoston ( ilohu : The fol
lowing is an answer to "Llewdaert" in
regard to the word Yankee , which 1 Iiml
in ono of Soiithwiok's books , and copy
for his beuolit , "Tlio word Yankee is
believed to have been derived from the
milliner in which the Indians endeavored
to pronouncedo ( word Hnglish , which
they rendered Yenghoes , wnenco the
word Yankee. " The statomontin Irving'.s
"Knickerbocker's History of New York"
concerning the tribe of Yankees is a
mere joke. The word Yankee undoubt
edly had the Ycnghees origin referred -
' ferred to above , but it lines not seem to
have been fvery common until
tlie time of the revolutionary war. It is
not seen in any writ.ugs previous , lo that
time-and in letters in which Iho word
occurs , written in 1775 , il is relerrod to in
a manner which shows that the writer
considered it something new , and intond-
dl it to be contemplu > us , as it wa.s
by their Iheil enemies , the British
soldiers. In a curious book on the round
towers of Ireland , the origin of the term
yankee doodle. wus4raeod to the Persian
phrase , "Ynnki < lt > o"niuh , " or inhabitants
of the new worltl. Laynid in his book on
"Ninevah and its Remains , " also men
tions ' Yanghidunia" us the Tersian
name of Auierigi. ' , * lOUMi.JUl .
Wliixt HH ! it Do for You.
3. . * . , *
Rrovvn's Iron j { 'liters will drive outdys-
] ) et > sia and mal | ria : tnd make you Ami
able , Bland , Cm. 'Delightful , Klnstie.
Kloiiriahing , Generous , Hopetul , Inde-
ti'-ndent , , lolly , Kind , Loving , Muscular ,
Nimble , Obliging , Patient , Quiet , Hoas-
oiiablc. Smiling , Thankful , Untiring ,
Vigorous , Wise , VXoellent , Youthful and
/esiful. It cures all dyspeptic , liver und
kidney complaints.
thiv Porter.
Chicago lfuralifytMI have traveled a
good deal in my tinu , " remarked an
elderly man. ' I h'iw been in railway
accidents , explosions , battles , the craters
of volcanoes , Kansas clyelones , and
African simooms , but never , no , never ,
did 1 have mv breath knocked out of mo
and my senses so completely duzod us
tney were a few minutes ago' "
"How did it happen ? "
"Why , I gave the sleeping car porter
n quarter and asked for 15 cents change ,
The look he gave mo made me seasick. , '
An injured knee is t.ot u knee-sy thin"
to euro , unless you have St. Jacobs Oil
at hand , in that case the task is a very
simple ono.
llr reason of IK ffiiti/il nn < Mlnn ntvl rlnio nlntlonto
all | > iin Ipal llnt-i KJM ( nrl' UV-t at In'llnl ' unit If r.
fnlnid po HI4. i nn4tltiitr llio itiiiM hiiiiuiliMH lnid <
riintlnunt il HilU III I ml * > * * { . ni tiT llmiilirh tlnn.Ntr. |
tntliui tvliloli lii'liiH unil n < i Ull 'I'llnvrlniiil Inillla
lirlnei'iirllleHiir Uin Ajlnnllc nil I'm Hip l' < m-l It
l fiUu I lip f ivinite nnil lui.t i until tnnnil fii.iu imlnla
ll t. Nmthei I mil Smitl < i l Mini ciiriv-liuliillliu
| iul It * Wpl , Nin li r.t mid hilllliHrMt
The Great Rock Islantl Route
The Fnmous Albert ton Route
In tlio ilhert nnil f - orlt line lii-lwim I'lilcncci nml
tllimraimlUnmlsr I'nil ivhi'io mniierllnn mi-niinl *
In Ujiiiiii I ) ii t < ru | ( liHnili In III' 1 , inliiilis mid
in Ciuvliuoi. lliVi 'nil * ri'inr left , l-.piii-a
Jriliu HIO inn | < | iit < wnlmltiir.IIMM | | uniinir ro-
rii-lii. | ikt nm'i'lu hi-ilil | ( on I liiimini' nnil llhl.lnif .
I'liMIII Ij'if I'll * I nnil Mluj'l'"I ' ' ! MI ln-lli'i-t |
-Irnl.l.T iiinio | y , , fl , wheat mitis unit luiluml
uii u r liiti't lor ti-,1 | , t , , f
Mill iiuutli r IlliMlVI.'V rlnOiifrn ml K < n
kilti'i * . Iia4 ln'i n niite | l tietMiit i liiiliin li Inili r , *
fiwlw inil Lilnvcil , ! , , , , | | niliull lUllIf * Knn.nkCajr ,
Uin iriiii'iiiiiiiist | ' | I'ILIII nnil iiiK'iiiiHIair | HIIH | >
l-ur ili'l ll- < l liirvntilV'iii ten > lni | < i ml ulitrrn ,
plittlii-ililv iu urn if/tWrK , t nil | . .iliiiluilTI | . i
O'l < in the tulUJ BUli-i ullJ tunuUi , M liy uU-
Ora. ' " -
n. r.r.
r.r.n i ruc , rau. AK'S ,
& SI Pail.
and Best J&outs
From Omaha to the East.
, . ,
Bt 1'aul , ( X ; lur KupiiU , Ii\viiHirt ) | ,
t IlllUin. liilMlUO , lUwikloril ,
Iti-clc lilunJ , fiOODOI ( , JaniMVlllo ,
IKIII : | , Miullsoii , Jji UruA i ,
Hvlolt. Winoim ,
And nil nthor imporUnt points Kimt , Nnrtticujt
unU Boiitliciut.
Ticket offlco ut HJI I'uriiu'n ' utrwit , ( In 1'axUm
Hotel , unil ut Union 1'iuilllo Dupol ,
1'nll nan Slumiuri ml I tim Knioii Dlnln r ( ' iri
In the \\nrlil i4io tun on llio main line * of ( lie
tlllCARO Mll.WAllhlK&rVr I'till. II Vll.H AV.UIlJ
( iveiy iiMniiUoii IN paid to pun.- * ! ! ! ! by coar-o
ounuinploto-ior thuco n-iany.
) ( . MII.I.KU , ( icnoriil Miuiauur.
J. 1' TuuKim , AsHlsuuit ( ioncral Mii'i'nor-
A. V. /'viirt-vrtt : : , ( lunonil I'asio ifjr U'll
Tldkol Aifcnt.
( iKu i : IU I-HHIII , Aus. luat U iutiull u fct >
B or uu I 'l.t.ui Aouut.
"We do Itniviiy ciirllfv tint e mixirvi o tlui
nrriuipr > iiiont inr nil UK1 Monllilt nnd Scttn \ .
liiuil ( liatviiif * of tlio IxiuMnmi Shiii' l/mi'r\
foinmli ( > .niiil In pcr iiii nmimirp ntnl conlHil
tlmtliiiwliitrs tlimiiM > .ti , niul Unit tin. tuiim- urn
condiiuU'd with lionc-M ) , fnlrnp-w niul In K < WI\ \
Inlib low m.I nil imrtlei , uml r mitlmilHi mo
conuutnylo ti c tliNeortineiitc. with rue-sun I > H
oLourslKnflturv iittncln'l In IN niUrrllMiuiiiU
Tiicnrixirntml In | H\M tor S3cnts . lir tlio le'l *
Intuit * lor IMucnlloiwl niul rlmi-llnNo iiuriKi (
nith iioii < ltnl ( if ft.iui.uiii-to ttlilph it r > 4 > rvo
luiul t DMT fVilMM ) 1ms slnrr horn mliliM
llj mi \\lHihiiliiK-lMiliiiltirvimi itsttmu-liUo
viiaimulouimit ol tlio prp-x'tit Htnln omstiuloii
HilotitiMl IKfnnitit'f.M. A. I ) . 1S7H
Tlio enl > lottury OUT \oiod on Mini etulorsul
l > y Hit ! people of nnv stiitn
It IIPIUI SCIllo * ( If | > O t pOtlCS.
Its inniiilKliitflo number draulntta tnko iilnoo
A Sl'I.KMltllOl'POIlTtlNtTVTO WIN * Toim'SP.
lltliUrntut UunvliiK , ri i I , , lii tlio Acndoiii ) or
Mti le. Now OrlimiH , Tllosdity , Nov. luth , ISVi ,
Montlilv Uniwliiir.
lUOM'UTIilict ! nt t'I\-o Ddllnrs r.iich. 1'iuulioiis ,
lu ntth , In I'roixirllim.
I'lti/Ks :
HO" Prl/pB , mnnuntlnar tn . $ -0.1/101
Aiillonllou | ] to i- nit 01 In flub * should lie iiiiulu
only to llio olticu of tlio company tuNon' Or
Tor otliur litrormittlnn write deiulv , irivln ;
full nddio-w. 1'OSTAI , NOI'Ms , K\IIIMS | Monuy
( hdoi > , or Nmv Yoi U r.VL'limiHu In oidlimry lot-
Ur. I'liiieui'y Iij o\nu | > dill mini * ul 45 itiul uji-
minis nl our o.vpoiisc ) inliliccil ,
Or M. A. DAITI'UIN. NowUiIouns , l.u :
Wiiwhlturton , T ) . 0.
Mntiii I' . ' ) . Money Oidois pulmblo nml tulilroM
h 10
ln ( JiUi
Now Dili-mid.
Cura Disoajsca ct
Horses , Cattle , Sheep
In IIHO for over 20 years by Farmers ,
Blockbrcedors , IZorso It. li. , < o.
Used by U. S. Covcrnmont.
Mounted on Rollers & Cook Mailed Trca ,
numplircyVMcd. Co. , 109 Pulton St. , N. Y.
In njo 3U yeiro. The only nnooesifu ) remedy for
lcknotw luuxw tlio clillil in such con
dition that It ( 'iinuot ii'txlmlliite boiirty < OO < | H.
Such n ono Hhoiild at oncu coiiiiiienco UK' ns of
HIilKo sl'oinl IIH n dully illut ItwilliMion roitorc
thoirdloclivo orir.ins tiitlmlr noriiial cuiKlllioii ,
anil | H KUt' ull nt'iMloil htiiniKth All ( Ini rKl"
soil It anil Mime mtiforj I'ut up In foi
. , and
Omalia ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago.
The only ronrt to tukn for HOB MolnrMur
f ImllHUMi.ljCilar Hiiiil'Union. ; | ( . 1)1 ) xln ( 'hU'Hiro.
Mlluuukoo unil all rHilntK OIIHI To tlio i > coiil of
NubiiUilui. ( 'oloiihlo , Wyoinliiu , Dtnh Idiilio ,
Ni'VailiiiO'-riin. ( ) Wii litiiTtnii niul ( ' 'llfm ' nla it
trcri tupcror whantiiffiH not ( HisHlblu by any
OiiiKr line
Ainontr u fnw of the numoroiiH points ol HIIIIO-
rlnrllv onJojuJ by tint palroiis ot this rouil lie >
tucuu Oiniiha and Chu-airo. nib ll two tiuiin n
( ln > oI'DAV COM HUS lilch mil the Illicit
biiiiian nit and innunnlly fan cionio Itsl'AI ,
ACK SI.IIHIMNO t'AHs. wluuli inn Mini : Is o"
1'0'iiroil aiiili'li-K'inro ' HH I'AKl.OIt 1)11 \\V\i | ;
KODM CAItS , tiiisiirp-ifinil In nnv. ami its wldo-
I ) uolobrutdd I'AI.ATIAI , DININfl CAIIS , HHJ
cijiial ot which ( Minnot IKJ loiind cl-nulnini
At Council Illulln tlm lialiiHofllii ! Union I'lol-
do Ity. roiim'i't In I'nlon IX-not with HIO-IKI ! tint
Chimfio& NorthHOirii Ity. In I'HUiiuo tlm
trulim ot IlilH line miiko cliiMi eoiiiii'cllon ilh
tliiiMioi nil oimiiiin linox.
Tor Dutiolt , Columbiis , InOiaiiupolls. Cinclii-
null , Nltnnint 1'nlN. llniralo , I'ltthburj. Toronto ,
Moii'Kvil HoMon. Now Vork. riilhuli'lplilii. II il-
tlmor' \ S'atlilu'tiii anil iillpolntHln tlnjoaet , mlc
tlio tlcUul iifiint lor tu l.ctw via llio
' NOItTII-Wr.SI'I'.ltN' , "
If > nil wlhh the best iiM'Oiiiiiioilatlonfi. Allllulict
ULIMIH wll tirlcrln via tlm line.
SI. llumilTT , H. R IIAIll ,
r. , Gen. l'a < t. A unt
( i AW. N. IIAHfXlCK ,
Gen. A t-'nt , Hli I'unium Si , Oiimlut , Neb
Boulixl iirniKiiiiU will 1)0 i i-colvoil at thu o'lluc
ot tlio t'liiiit I'.iiKiiiL'or , I'nio i I'uuillo ralhvay ,
Uinuhti , until Wn uiosliiy ovmiliiK- 'ioborH. \ .
lor thu ( Irwllni ; , Mawinry , Hi i lelnvr anil Tiuok.
laying ot the Manliallaii X Illjo Vulluy railroad ,
fiom ( lurri on lo Mai > H\illo , Kitnw. . und abe
uliont rloviw ill. miles of muil In Neiirnsk.i
1'rollli o. planx ami Hicuillcallo | IK can hu t-orm
nnil turthur iiiiorinalKJii olilaluul ut the Clt.ul
KlI llKHil ' 8 OlIU'O. DlllilllU.
J. liI < irKK > MIKIfK'l , H It f'M.I "WAV ,
( h' ' < 'i Hnirlnn'ir ( Ic'ii'inl Muni 1 1 <
Nebraska National Bank
PAUI ri'CAi'ii M. . . . ? 'iVon' )
S'niri 1 1 , Mav i , IK 'I . . ii.iu.i.Jj
U. \ \ ' YAIXS , 1'rns'ulfiit
A K TiirxAMN' . Viuo 1'ixililuut
\V V.Mi.itsi' ,
JOHN S ( loi.i.iva ,
LI.WIS S. Ui.i'.u ,
\V II. S. Hroiir. ? , Civ hler ,
Co. 12th und I'unmni Htnmls.
A GcncTHl iiaimin
KlnUo In Every Style nnd Variety Known to Nlotlorn
Cooklns and Hooting Steve and Ranco Construction.
PRICES FROM $80 to $75-
Thn nftofe Trade Marie is a Gtmrcntco Mat Ever ? Articles
' /s the finest and Beet Itet crv 69 m'-do for the price asked.
\ Beware of Imitations. If your Dealer will not
' 'furnish you with a "Garland" write direct to
The Michigan Stove Company ,
\VliiliA o trlll-il
iini-iluiMi < tin tnrrllili HKA INS mill
inil'OTI.NTitml mull ii.r inu
m \W1EN of all ages , who find tholr POWER
ol A run ! \imllty , iicr f ° um' 8L.M1 MHIvMiin \ > . - kcnnl 'if
_ " CHIIV Inlmw ( , r IIKI ! > P > . 0- rn lw n puxllUti i. l IllJ-lll C
raK/&iiii / * * ' Ill : > "i Ucr ill linw lot unnlliiK llic I.UIIIIIIHV \ > v. ul -li
[ ? y > f2 Iii l < * llc I In < 'ii' > .ltv u it w n > , 'Un or iniiiilliH KM ni tin tuleluulctf
Athnnin wi liont ci-.kii | u. Ill I l > s llnir niMlinr i t.iiHinct Inn
anv oilier in ' ln > 'l ' liitlipnurl . \ \ i" > l > ti < li. ln > ailui > hv KillSi-KINrt.
liKaltlltlu , tnK iiiifiilrlll | uiiil altibltl > l ifl' > 'tiiv Uitiiiphll it I i il I ul
( Irciiiis. iliiritlxv ini'Miivrt. IMI' ( > riN : < 'K , 11m. liiiK-illiiirnii | > l
. Mid null ) ii litr iiniilii | lcu > lliii > tn lllNai "Tl II'N "f
" are | iruuitiT | rmiuvud b > lint trritlULlil , % ud vlnx wl
ZMiirrieilJIen ( , or those ivho intend * o
PEMI'Mlsnt. | ) ' "lcrl ncunl ircni'lli nirnns livanli , tlvori | u o < r
1 c. Inns life nnd the lorjanit ni > i < a ni H r\llhlul Hire. Wml , men Flu.iil.i In ri > lurecl lu vl < .r A
inlninu iiclMrp nmrrlarr I'rnoftif > tliiiftii1nlH MinMaliul'ie' tre > * | i < ii clump *
1S77 lAddn-sc The ClimaM ModtcnS Co , 5O4. St. Lo-'ls ,
One of tliG Best and Largest Fttoclts in the U. S.
to Select from.
No Stairs to Climb. Elegant Passenger Elevator ,
M. BURKE & SONS , ' "T
CISO. liUltKH , Mimntror ,
Vcrplmnttnnil Fnrrnrrs' IluiiU , Dm Id ClU. Neb : KoirnojNntlnim
my. Nub : Coltinihus Ptalo Unnlr , Cdluinbus , Noh. ; McDiinultrs Hunk. North T'liillo , Nob.
Ninloiuil Hunk. Oniiilin. Ncli.
\Vill puy cutiinira' ilriifl with bill of lading iillaclii'il , for \Mi-thlnl6 vuluo ( i
er Full rttriictilnrs about Fr6o and Cheap Lands in Western Nebraska. Address
& WHITE , Real Estate Agents , North Platta. Nebraska.
Growers of Live Stoclc an ill
It islbo IMWI ntnl pliivip < t food for lock of any kind. Ono IHIIIII I l rxiunl to thn-o pouu 11 of
emu. riUH'l. foil wit i liroiniil Oil CuUu ill tlio I'lill mi \Vniioc I , nt run \i\\f \ \ ilo < in , will hi'
crKiu-oin wt'lKht ami IMI tn KiHd iii.iiUiitiiblocondilion in llu > > . ; iilii'.r. D.tiryniun IIH uoll iw. olixtri ,
.ciin tmilfy to Ha mums. Try It midjiiilrfu lor yo imilvm. I'uuo s > J pur ton. jfj
MiuK-i. AuiUivt WOUU.MAN I.INnUl-ilJ OH. WOJliCh. Oimiliu , Nehru k.u
A. TirjJIOL'Jt ' , Uiiif. and Supt ( I. I' . N. SAUUJ.RK , AMI. l iiz ,
II. W. DIAMOND , AbSt. Bccy.
Missouri Valley Bridge and Iron works ,
GFHCE AND | ( Af , AS.
tC/tX MtlillK ANII
V/rougiit / Iron , Steal , HOWJ
'li iidi am. ) I'oinliiinuloii
i H I D ( J13 'S
Itnllioitnil iiml III ) iroirli ) .
Tun Tables , Draw Spa'nf , Rick
, Pie-sand Siibi (
Mriot'Tii. \ n A\
Afienls ,
hoiicilnd limn cn
Fl U S T
r Wtnsor cUratnr loMl n.ii IL I. Vf nnd U'lO funiain Struct.
< > M.\llA ,
, it llutfriiuVruin I
irihLirHli.o Art invaVfvr .ii > ;
IriiLl'i < u Orndu. Ncl iiiiiia
England , France & Germany.
'Jhe li Hiiii > lipinl | tills u ell l.'iim n line urn ill
< i | Jinn , in uaii'i lirfli , ( uiii | .tiiuitiiiiM , aiHli'i-
liiiiimiiixl with uv oi i nun ? 111 mane ilm im - 140
iKHb aj | < IMJU axuxjiUii" Thny ciury iliu U.iUo.1
Miilihiuul iiiiioMiin niuilii , uml lo.ivoN'cu I'lii'k
'niuiMliiyxiiri'l S'.itiiiilujrn lor I'l > mo'ith , IX ) N
lllM ) < pul > < m > > AI < jriai | < l IIA
KfiI'GSafe8VauiGTimeoack3 ! !
end Jail Wp,1c.
1C Vu mil tMi oo Oiii.ttin , Neb
B , H. ATWOOD , i
PLAvrwouni , NEB ,
Hiec < ! nror TJn > Miii'll ( , > nJl ( uml Hlirli ( liiula .
Hereford ami Jersey Cattle !
AuU Uuiuu nnU . 'fiMjjItta ri.vluo.