Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1885, Image 9

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ATnlo of Two Dans of the New York Dem
ocratic Poldi
The President' * * Political Knthor IB-
nored-The Cincinnati Hcnn-
torliil Contort In Court
Coukllu | > 'H Dental.
News oT the Now Vork Contest.
KJW YOIIK , Oct. ! M. [ Special to the Bii : : . )
Co ) . Lamoiit , the piosldunl's private ooie-
tary , In an Interview , wldi "My visit to Now
Vork has no political significance. My wife
Came hcio to make .somo purchases , and I
linvo accompanied her. 1 have no mission ,
cither from the president or any cabinet
Olliccr , As to the rcpoit that I am to meddle
with thn formation of the civil service com-
tnlsslon , it is cntliely erroneous. I have not
talked to any one on the subject and do not
Intend to except lo answer n simple question
like yours. In my conversation with the col
lector the subject was not even bioached. "
Congressman John M. Farquhar , who de
feated Daniel Lockwood In the last election ,
nays : "There In * but little doubt that my
d 1st i let will return a huge lepttbllcaii majoi-
Hy. The .slalwaiN , mugwumps and half-
breeds are winking In baimoii ) , and many
democrat. * will vote for Davcupoit. They
think that be Is a better man than Hill , and
the action ot the adtiiiulsttiition has disgusted
thorn with their own paitv. "
"What caused the coolnesii between Mr.
Lock wood and the president'.1"
"Mr. Lockwood is a vei v wealthy man. At
this lust , election , when lit ) wns luunfnglor
coiigich * < , bo lilied five men with big badges
tOHtand at the iiolllnq places and tiade his
ticket foi mi ) other. Daniel Lockwood , the
man who put Cleveland's name In nomina
tion foi cu-iv ollicu that In- has ever held , is
today liriiottu. We thought in Bullalo
he would l > e appointed minister to Franco or
Spain , lu m ) opinion this neglect to locog-
jii/e Dan's services has M > miwhut seined tlie
demociacy and made their allegiance uncer
tain. "
Tin * Cincinnati Election Cases.
CIMTIVN vii , Oct. -Judge Iluchwulters
little court loom was ciovvdcd lo the utmost
caparltv ibis morning by attorneys of can-
flldati i in 11 ollieis interested in the icsiiltof
legal pio'-ccdiiigs before him in connection
willi tb > - dellveiy of ccrtilic.ites of election
lo four candidates for senator fiom Hamilton
county. The matter had been aigited and
submitted to him on admuricr , nnd on a mo
tion lo dissolve the rostiainiuKoider lieieto-
foio js.siied by him in favor ot the four repub
lican candidates ou thcli petition. He ten
drml his decision at omisideiable length ,
lioltllng us to the delimiter :
t ' 1 In ic no misjolndcrof paities , that
four candidates could Mie together or
U. The toiut had jurisdiction not to de-
clan who shall hold olllce , for that was clcar-
1) tie piovlnceot tin1 IcuNlntmv upon con
test , but In deelaio who was entitled to the
cerliin ite , lor that was a personal
riuht s < paralu liom the title to
otlkv. He also lield that II
\\as net necessary , In ordtrto obtain the aid
of tin-1 null , lo pii'vont nicparable injui ) . lo
jiituc tliau uiuKooiil a piima facie case , while
In tills case the aveuuciits ot tact In the peti
tion weie liisiillielent , ) ot tlie plainlilfs weie
entitled to amend in that paitleularlf news- , anil in any oi-.o tbcv vvt re entitled to an
order to siav the baud ol the cleik until tlio
meilts ot the tase could io dcteimlued by
another eouit. The injunction was
then-fine continued in foiccauil the manda
mus case , including llio same points , was
taken up by the circuit couit.
Thccnhv in the election injunction befoul
JiidgoHiiolnvaltergave the plaintiffs twenty
days In which to amend anil continued the
restiainnig order of the eouit. Mandamus
proceedings bcloie tlio elicuit eouit , com
posed ol Judges Cox , Smith aud Swing , oceu-
jilcd the dav. Mr. Jordan , for the respondent ,
Argued against the juilsdielion of the couit.
The argument was not ended at the adjourn
ment ol eort , _
Fabricated lutervlovvn with Itoscoo.
Nnw Vonic , Oct. . [ Special to the HKI : , ]
There was published Sunday morning what
purported to bo a Ions interview with Koscoe
Conkllng , in which he was icpic ented us
mercilessly scoring the republican party ,
lliainu and Davenport. Conkiing was seen
last night ami denounced the publication as
tinlrue.aimr he could not compiehcml
where It came from , as , since Ids leiuin , he
lias lofused to talk ou any such subjects. He
fuithei Haiti lie had neither tbo lime nor in
clination todlsi'iirfs politics , and iinjtbinir tit
this natuit ) that has appealed or may appear
Jicreatter , as coming liom liim , maj bone-
copted us iiiisiepiesentation , : us under no cir
cumstances will he discuss political aflalis.
Crooked Work In Baltimore.
BAi.riiiour , Oct. " ! . For some dajs past
Uicie bus been coiiniderabio commotion iu
tbis city because of alleged sinking off oC
names from the lists of registered voters.
Tlie case came up before Judge Phelps to
day , Judges DutVy and Fisher com oiling.
A rule was made icquhlng tbo icstoiatjon at
all names to the list until the leglstcin can
Show the persons whoso names have been
fitrlc.ken oil aiodisiiiialliicd. The named aie
tiuid to amount to several hundred.
BOSTON , Oct. 'JO. About S o'clock till
a ( jang of twenty trackmen on the
Cent 1,1 1 railroad , weiobeinK
convojed to "work by an engine and lint car ,
Tlio men were bitting on the sides ol the eai ,
ten on each bide.Vhcii near OaUdale , with
out n momtuit'H winning , all on one hldi
ot the ear weio Mvcpl elf In some \MIJ
jiot known , but prolmtily by a ( alien tieuoi
telegniph : > ole. Nine ol tlio fneii were eltliei
instantly killed or inlinvd. Ambulance-
ordere < l at tlio Alas3.ichusetth
tal , where It Is expected the men will
ni live this atteiuoon.
The men have nnlvcd at the liospltal. OIK
died on the way and the other sustained
fractures ot thu limbs mom or lead boveie.
Antony tlio ItnllroiulH ,
Cmc.Uio , Oct. SO. Thiough tickets to Xt-w
Yoik at Sll.&o am plenty In the maikei
to-day. Several of the roads openly made a
cut of 8' on fust ehibs passengers , anil
brokers nio well supplied with tickets whicl
tell at n like discount fiom thu tariff. Thb
condition of things Is regarded only us tern
pomry however. Anin emenls mo belnij
made for n meeting of the iKissengcr agent ;
next week lor the purpose ot toimim ; ;
money pool tu ( he east bound liclih ;
VirxoniA , H. C. , Oct. ea Only clover
nillea of the gap In'tween the eastern am
western end iciiiallis to complete thi ) Cnna
tlian 1'aciiic railway. The lust splko will lu
di 1 vea thu 15th ot iN'ovcmber without cciu
WalUnp'H Myutcrious Dentil.
EMI-OUIA , KAN. , Oct. UtThe Walkuj
case oiwiied this moinliiB by the atato tin
nounclng that It had no Uuthcrcvldciu-i
ready and gave way for thu defence. Mr
Fcott called n list of twenty-live wltnessei
nnd addressed the jury In explanation of tin
defence which his client pjopo-ed to make
Jio spoke for inoro than an hour nnd wen
over the whole ground of the caio in u stroiu
DKTHOJT , Oct. M. The ownoin of the
flrncu Whitney nnd tha Kurekn , , both o
toMrlt ucio n-nortt'd hmt last week , lercivei
, t > iid | , fioin botlii visshiil * Saturday , The ;
in lUu liaitor ot
Ontofthe "Pen" nnil Into .Inll Agnln
ou the Hninc ChnrRo.
HKATIIICT. , Oct. 0 " . f Special to the nr.i : . )
.Tohti Moore , formerly of Coin Hand , this
fitato , who has l > cen serving a one-year term
In the i-enltentlary for forgery committed at
Platlsmoutli , has been brought hero by Sheriff
Herron nnd lodged In Jail. Ho was Indicted
last spring by our district court for forgery In
this county , committed one year ago. His
time at tlie penitential y was out on Saturday ,
ho having earned a few months under the
good time net. lie bail been carrying on the
forger ) business tor some time pievious to
ins ilrst arrest , anil hnd duped soveial parlle.s
around Courtland. He is a smooth , languid.
quiet , ) ouug man about 27 > ours old , and
worked bis schemes on his unsusiK-cting
vi'-ilmsvvltli childlike simplicity. He has ad
mitted the forgery lieio aud will undoubtedly
enjoy the M > cltislim of Nobcsvlllo again be
fore long.
A Correction.
Srrr.mot : , Neb. , Oct ! W. IXolc The foi
owing special appeared In yesterdays BIK :
wilder a Schuylcr date. It Is republlshed
iVlth the collect date. )
A lodn ! of the Ancient Older of United
iVorkinen has IM-CII orgnnbed In SutHr-
or by P. I' . KIIK grand lectnn'r , with
wenty cliaiter memlicrs draw n ftom among
our best cltlrcn * . The list of oIllceiN Is as
follows : J. S. JohuMon. P. M. W.s Prof. W.
F. Buck , M. W. ; W. C. \ unGuudv , foreman ;
I. S. Fosmlcr , overseer ; 11. C. Ward , record
er ; 1' ' . J. I'addeu , financier ; J. F. McCorkle ,
ecelver ; Asher lle.ile , guide ; W. A. Myeis ,
I. W. ; J. F. Davis , O. U. ; tuistces , T. A.
MeaKcr , John Biuce and M. N. Beemaii ;
medical cxamlnei.s , Dis. J. W. Milchel and
I. F. Bradsliaw. The lodire will meet ou
Monday ninht ol each week nnd invites visit-
'ug brethren from ( hddu llock , Chester ,
la dy , Ixlgar and elsewhere. A grand lodio
'or the state of Nebraska will soon be organ-
_ _
II Leun ? to the ( 'ulnilnulloii of a TJo-
inaiiuu In llcnl I , He.
Ni'.w YOIIK , Oct. M. | Special to tbo Bm.J :
A veiitablo lomancein leal life , tbo facts of
which aie vouehcd lei by tlio attorney of the
young lady in the ease , lias been developed
by hlselfoits to propuiu the way for admis
sion to probate of a will by which she was
mule joint heiress lo a valuable estate upon
conditions which me now in course of fulfill-
iicnt. In 1811 Joseph W. Walteis , n .New
Voik broker , living with his wife and only
son In Green avenue , near St. James Place ,
Brook ! ) u , died , leaving a foitunc of 3100,000
to Ids widow. She was nboul foit.v-eiglit
) ears of age , and her FOU , Lester D.
Wallers , was sixteen. The boy was
of a roving disposition anil wearying of
the stiict discipline of his mother's household
it-solved to leave home ami seek a foituno In
tlio west. Time passed on and no tidings of
the truant was iccclved. Alter a while tlio
lonely widow Inscited an advciliscment call
ing lor a young lady companion. Among
heM ) who applied for the position
as Mailo Delacy , -a joune
Fionch girl , Mis. Walters was strongly
attached to the vounir woman , ami
tieatt t ! her as a dauirhlor. Mr5 ? . Walters dietl
ami lelt a curious will , piovldiug that the es
tate be divided equally between her son ami
companion , it they mini icd. It the son re.
fitted , three fourths to go to the girl anil one
louith to him. An acquaintance of Mr
Waltcisadveitised lor him. He came to tlio
city -ind the joung lady was pointed out to
him by her law ) or at the theatie. He fell in
love at once and the ) were intioduced after
the piny. Walters , vvho know nothiugof the
ti'imsof the will , \lsited her aftervyard anil
they becameengaged. . Tlio wedding will
take place next Fiiday.
A Drokcii Hull Causes u ScrioiiH Ilall-
rend AVrcck.
.is , Ind. , Oct , 26. The Jour
nal's Lapoite special famishes information
of a railway wreck four miles west of tliat
place on the Wabasii , St. Louis & Pacific line.
The wicck was caused by a broken tall. The
train passed the broken mil in safety with
the exception of tbo icar ear , which left the
fiack and rolled into a ditch , Injuiiug the lol-
lowing persons :
Conductor O'Brien , leg badly ppmlned.
Mia. Sarah M. Bascomb , of Muskegon ,
Mich. , contusion on the bead and bruised
arm.W. . B. Wbcelock , of Chicago , bruised badly
about the bead , face and slioiddcrn.
Mis. Honrleltu P.Hartol Valparaiso , Intl. ,
liclit iirm ami hand badly spiaiucd.
N. Sullivan , ol Michigan City , lib broken.
Mis. Alice Daniel anil tlneo cbildien , of
Walkeitou , Ind. , all badly injmed.
Tito iniiucd were taken to Lapoite , wheie
medical attendance was iuinbhul.
ifoliu McCullouh at Homo.
Puil.AiinM'iiiA , Oct. M. John McCul-
lougli , the demented actor , who was brought
from BloomingdaleInsane nsylnm.New Vork ,
to his homo in tliis cily on Sunday , is In a
pitiablecondillun , and Is repoiletl to have
been peiceptlbly Impioved by the change to
ids own home. Mr. Johnson , who ac
companied him , siis : " 1 think ho
is going to get better , not tiiat
lie will be able logo on the stage ncnln , but
ho will be able to get about , mid will u-galii
to some extent his faculties. Abend ) a gieat
improvement is perceptible. He is blighter
and watches those who attend him , a thing
ho has not done for a good while. Drs. Kn-
gel and Lloyd believe he will iccov er. They
pioiiose a now tieatment , and hope com
pletely to restoie lib icason. "
Accused ofAhduutlou.
Mn.w.vt'Kin : , Oct. SiO. A dispatch fiom
Madison says Hud A. It. Van Colt nnd his
son Chailes have been aircstcd on aeliaigi :
ot abducting F.mum Huntley , sv fifteenear -
old daughter of G. W. Huntley , a leading
business ninn and momlnent church mem
ber. Young Van Colt had piovloiibly been
arrested on a cliaigo ot bituilnr (
the ulil- It is usscilcd I.itci that
tlio older Van Colt jicisuaded the ulrltogu
to Chicago under a piomlso that there she
would be sccietly married totlmboy. Ills
also eliaigcd that on Wednesday sbo was re
moved liom her Chicago hiding place , ami
that she cannot now be found. A. K. Van
t'ott Is well know n In Chicago , nnd for sev
eral years did a largo levvehy Imsluesn until
the great tire swallowed up the l.uger pait ot
hisroitune. They will have a pielimlnary
examination on next ' 1 hursday.
< '
Ilrutal Assault Upon a YOIIUR Woman ,
VivrcNSKfl , Ind. , Oct. W. Satinday night
nt Carlisle , Ind. , an Ohio girl , whose name i >
unknown , wascilnilnnlly assaulted by loin
young nilllans. The young lady came to Car
lisle bv mistake , and being a stiangerln the
town she lolled upon the tour young men to
show her to tlio hotel. On the wnj the )
bound her bands and feet und assaulted lici.
The names ot tlneo of tbo men are San1
Tiouit. John Flsk nnd Billy Tanslnv. Tin
othei iu no Is unkiiow n , but lie Is said to be .1
A Ijltllo Flfiht on thn Frontier.
CATTAKO , Octio. ! A light has taken placn
on the tiontler of Montenegro lictween Al
baiiiun and Montenegiln tioops. Ibiee Albanians -
banians and bix Montenesrlns weie killed ,
The Chnrto Dismlsscrt.
SAX Fn.vNCisco , Oct. SO. Tlio cliargc
against neimty U. S. Marshal Mellus , foi at
teuipt to bilbo a customs Inspector , was dl * *
nilsx-d to-day.
The Antl-Vacclnntoifi.
NRW YOIIK , Oct. 'W. A. meeting of th <
Antl-Viia-hmtlrtii knguc waa IwM to-nl ht
; uul attended by .quite a number of mi'dlea
jueu.Henry Jlcrgh WBB clwicu j\reeldcul.
Oivil Service Oomraissioucr Thoman's Resig
nation Accoptedi
Itonmrkalde Doci-cnso In Postnl llcvc-
MUCH Ycstcrtlnj-'n Hutch of Appoint -
point men td Mutters of
National Import.
Commissioner Tliomnn
W.VIIINHION , Oct. i5) ) . Civil Service Com-
ntltioloticr Thoman tendered his ivslguatlon ,
and It lias been accepted by tlio piesldent , lo
take elleet November 1 next.
The follow inic is the eonespondenco :
"U.S' "ii-AiKs Civn , biitvici : : COM
MISSION , \Vasblnnton , Ocl. Ot , Hs.-Slit :
lesiecitully { | icierilng to the conversation
had with you as eai ly as Marcn 10 , In w lilch
1 expressed a vvlsii to Iw relieved of my du
ties as a membei ol the United Stales civil
hcivlcu commission , aud also to tin ; appaieut
lael that It was not then youi pleasure to
consider my ruiiuest , L have now the honor
to tender my resignation , ami earnestly to
beg earlj eoiisldciation of the same , and Its
acceptance. While thus asking release troiii
so lumoiabloii tiibt , 1 desire to record my
grailiicatiun ovei tue jiroved prnctiiMiilliiy
and lemedlal eirectiveue-s of Hits loimof
pioccduie. Tiled vutemns In political war-
uue view v\itli aimi/ement the lacde , tlumg ;
radical , dep.utuie liom the lamiilar metliod
ol the spoils , syjsteiu ol dlstiibutiiig patron
age. Stienuous and sincere argument ami
aiso deliberate pet version m.ulc the oppo-
.sition ot' dllleient gioups of auta on-
'hUs , and > et It must bo conceded maioiitj of ( be political le.uleis in
either jiaity is in accord with the Pendleton
law , it ius oil.inalemtclmeut and emphatic
endorsement oy a subSLMiueut congress were
honest legislative eNpic.ssloiis , and notuour-
cion ot moral cowardice bj popular bcniimcul
nor paitlsati legcideumln.
In the great task of administrative fonn
which you have undertaRcn In accordance
ivitli pei.soual and party pledic ? ( , the people
ivlll give alii. It has been in } pleasuie with
in the last two mouths to visit ijuito a num
ber ot htates and territories ot tne union , and
it was my good fortune to meet many ol their
citizens , it Is gratifying to know that the
people eomide in the unequivocal Intention
ot the president to sustain the merit system
in tin * civil service. They had condemned
the evils ol toimer methods. Long e\-
IHJiiente had made their Knowledge ac
t-untie. They welcomed tlio inanimation
ot the new. Tbo distinctive teatuies ot
the picspnt leform appealed to a typically
Ameiicun sentiment which iccommeuits and
advances merit. Wall the pieclse details ol
the new pioceduie their acquaintance was
not so intimate. To tills they uro last suc
ceeding , aud tlio icsiut will be coidlal ap-
pioval. The Inception nnd maintenance is
with the juople. I believe that the fitudv
meiital Iitea ot civil service rctoi m is charac
teristic ot Amei lean thought. To tl'.e popu
lar hesitation over the acceptance ot t he statu
tory details ot this ictoliu theix- was u le-
spouse thioughout the nation. Political con
tests assumed a new tone. Old time methods
of eoiruiition weie discouraged and bo 3ibin
was grappled with tiesh vigor.
The Impiovemeiit is yet marked. If the
vicious elements > tlll seekobtiuhlon into elec
tions , the chances ol their success have been
lessened. The icloim spirit is militant and
advances toward complete success. Coirup-
tlon by otliclal patronage has been lemoved.
\Vith tlic imp.iitiiiK ut'a junur lito to olliclul
circles , the power ol the private to pur-
cbae political honors will be less dangerous.
Public appieclation of the fact that thisie-
foriu docs not trench upon sturdy pmtisan-
"lilji came late. It was studious ! ) maintained
thai the civil service wab to be composed ot
men who should abjtue ceitain lights of citl-
/cn. liip. With the giadual but inevitable
letiitation of this false view , the outlines of
reform at last blood forth In cleainess. It IH
the lelorm which views the civil service as a
vast business agency. Its seaich is for the attainable meiit. In a business which is
not political it enforces no tests of paity.
With conildent trust in the success ot jour
administration , 1 am your obedient servant ,
LiuoY 1) . THO.MA.V.
To tlio President.
Kxr.ruTivE MANSIOX , Washington , Oct.
24 , isjo-Hos , ' . LKIIOY D. THOMAN , Civil
Service Commission MY IIAU : Sin : I
have received your letter tendei ingyour resig
nation as a member of the civil service com
mission , which is in lurthcraucc ol an in
clination expie.ssed by you very soon afler
my inauguration as picsidenl. Tlicicslunn-
tion thus tendered is beieby accented to take
elfecton the lirst day of November next. 1
congratulate you upon the tact that iu the of-
nco which you relinquished jou have been
able by sincere , earnest work , and by steady
devotion to thocauss which > ou have had In
charge , to do so much in the interest of good
government and impioved political methods.
Yours siiiceicly ,
An Associutedlpress reporter culled upon
Commissioner Thoman tills evening , and in
answer 10 u question as to his Inline Inten
tions , lie haid : " 1 will not be idle n mo
ment ; 1 have some piivate business
matter.- ! that will occupy mv attention tor a
nliott time , and then I expect to resume thu
practice of law. " It is said that Judge
Thomau has under consideration a proposi
tion to toim a large coipoiutlon in New Yoik
city. His only icply to a question on this
point was : " 1 do not tecl at llbeitytosay
an ) tiling upon that subject at present. "
Docrcnso In Pontal llcvenuen.
\VASiiiNiirox , Oct. 2(5. ( The decreiiso In
postal revenues for the past fiscal jear IH
laiger than was expected. The law to ruluce
lettei postage hum three to two cents waa
enacted about two yeais ago. For the last
thice-qiuutc-rs ot tlio first fiscal jear the effect
on the loveiiucswiis Inconsiderable. Tills was
attiibuted In a largo mcanuiu to the gicat in-
eiease In the niimherot twocentalamjitjthat
weio used to enclose business eliciilaih. It
had been exacted that this Incieaso would
continue , so tint then ! would not bo a large
lediictlon In tlio postal levenues. Hut IhiN
expectation lias not been realized. 'I ho first
complete liscal j ear under the operation ol
tlio icduced postal law clo-ed on tb (
! )0i ) | ! ot June. It was not a good
luibl' . It had been supposed that
the dlllicfeney would not he moio than . - ! ,
OOO.dfK ) . on theconliarj it will be about. 57-
000,0X ( ) . These ligmes me not to bo taken as
accurate us tlio piesldent's wish thathmeaii
lepoits shall not bo given to tin1 public In ad
vance ol this message mnkca It Impossible t < i
obtain thu exact ligmes.
WASIUNOTON , Oct. VM. Tlio president to
day made the following appointments : To
IH ) United Stales attorneys , J , W. House , ol
A rkamsas , for the eastern dMrlet of Arkan
sas ; Monti II. Sandals , for the western db
tiict of Arkansas. To be United States mar
Minis , T. II. Fletcher , of Arkansas for tbt
eastern diMiIet of Arkansas : John Carroll
ol AiKansas , for tbo wc.stcm district ol
Arkan as.
fipnclal i\imlnor.s : Aiipoliiteil.
WAsniNrniiN" , Ocl. 'X The ' < ecreliiry ol
the interlui made the follow iiigapiwintmenl.
of special ox.imlncis in the | K-n < lon ollln
undei civil f.L-i vice rules : IJbcn K. Chirk , ol
Mur.vlaudjTiavIs F. llen loy , of Missouri :
Thomas A. Stocklnger. of Kansas ; John II
Anthony , ot Illinois ; ( icon/o P. Smith , ol
Kansas ; K. J ) . tiallion , ot Vlit-inlii : F. W ,
Kdwauls , of Illinois ; Jacob F. IClu-'h , < >
Pennsylvania ; Aieh Mcdlunh , of Indiana ;
O. K. Hrowniug. ol HlinoK , nuJ HovvnnlS
McCanJIIss. ot Virginia.
Poiu-lh'C'lai-4 I'OKtiiiiiHterH Appointed
WAMIIMIIU.Y , Oil. 'Jfi. The acting jHist
master geneial appointed the follow Ini
foiutli-chisa poHtmahteis :
Nvbi-aska-At Cloaler , Ivor Chtistensen
( irafton.T. V. Combs ; Turkey Urccl : , IWc
Ucher ; Davenport , J. ( ) . Moorn : Krrihiier , 11
A. Nason : Coleridge , Samuri WIndelt ; Ord
J. It. Fahbanks. At UICOMJ , i3o > nliuU ; Haven
Neocn , Jonathan lllgglnfi Annapolis , Wni.
1) . ( Jreen.
Iowa At Motions , W. A. McGonlgle ;
Elkjrort , P. J. Soyster.
PUontorlAl Supply Cm-H.
W\ . .1UOTONOct. . 20.-i-A Unlte < l States
fish commission car will leave here to-night
to supplv applicants In > il vwuri , NYbruMta ,
Wyoming , Idalio , Ulofi , Colorado and Kan
sas. The ear will go vlaSt Louis and Omaha
toOgden. and will wny of Chey
enne , Denver ami ICun > vn''lly tu .St. Louis.
Another car will leave hem Wednesday night
"or Pottland , Oregon , and will supply en
otilo applicants In Iowa , Minnesota , wlseon-
iln , Dakota , Montana and Washington teni-
01 y
A Proper 1'i-olenU
WiiiKOToy , Oct. 'JO. Commlsfloner
sp.irks , of the land olllcc , does not approve
> f the iHillcy which Assistant Secrecury
enks lias laid down of nUHjM'iiding the thirty
nils in Montana against Ihosu who are
'haigcdwllh taking limber from the public
loimiin. He has vvrlllen a letter to Sccrctaiy
' amar protesting against this.
They nro nil Democrats.
WAfiiilNfitoN , Oct. M. The four officials
of thu department ot justice In the stale of
Arkansas , appointed bv the president to-daj' ,
[ n > all personal friends , of long standing , of
Attoincy ( ieneral ( iarlaud aud gentlemen of
ibllltv and high stiuidlnu' In their respect ivo
localities. They are all deuux-i-ats and each
las been more orless active in politics.
A Suit Against the Government.
WAHIIIN'OTON , Oct.X ( The couit of claims
ica.sembled Ibis nuniiingand lesumed con-
sldeiation of the casoofthe Clioctaw nation
urainst the United Slates , a suit involving a
; ngc tract of land In the Indian U-nitory. It
is expected that arguments in this caie will
occupy three days.
"Washington Urovltics.
Arguments on the apnlicatioim of the
Globe and Washington telephone companies
to have the United States biing suit to va-
cute the U 11 telephone patents , wlllbebeaid
' y the secretary of tliu Inleiior ontlie.'SlsL
The secretary of the tieasury has appointed
Kiclmrd M. Jolinson , of Indiana , to be a chief
ot division in the sixth auditor's olllcc , vieo
Mr. Dickei-son , tiansfeiied to the olbceot
omptioller ot cunency.
The Army of the Guuls Det'unt , the Co
horts ul * the IJInok 1'MnnH.
CAIUO. Oct. 2(1. ( ( ien. He Comecy , com-
inandcr of the Fiench forces in Annam , tele-
graplis fiom Hanoi to tlio warofllee tliat he
las defeated the black Itacs in an engagement.
PAIII * ' , Oct. 2C . Great excitement exists
lero over the ollielal announcement of French
iiiceess in Aiiam. Ciowds of excited jieo-
ilo throng the boulevards eagerly discussing
he ncvvsr A later dispatch received from
: ien. Ue Couicey states tiiat the French
loops gained a victory notwithstanding that
the enemy weio immensely superior in num
bers1 , and that ho indicted i > gieat slaughter
on the black Hags. The fi itiii ! ' was veiy
Fcveio and lasted three ilajs. The enemy
fouu'lit stubbornly butweiuounipletclyroiitcii.
( ien. Do Com c ) adds that the enemy mini-
icred 0,000 men , consisting of Ulaek Flags ,
Aiinamitesand deseiterrt from the Chinese
.uui ) . Three of the chiefs were killed , and
lining the engagement many prisoners weie
taken by thu Fiench forces , ( ien. Jaiimont
conducted operations iigainsf the enemy
which lesulted in the captme of the stiongly
foi tilied town of Thaiunai.oneof the lost nnd
most formidable places ot resistance held by
tlio HIack Flat's. The Kiencii lost thirteen
men killed and wounded. ( Jen. Ncgilur Is
pursuing tbo piiales beAwren Uanibos rapids
and the canals iu the province of Tonquin.
Turkish I'ruyo s to Allah.
NKW YOHIC , Oct. 20 , [ Special to the BEK. ]
The Herald's Constaiit'noplo cable says :
The sultan does not the Idea of a con-
feieuce. He remarked to the grand vizier at
tlie mosque , "no conference yet has ever re-
ulted in anything but Injurj' to Tuikisli
interests. May Allah grant that this confer
ence may juovo an exception. " All minis
ters arc opposed to tlio conference , but the
German ambassador , under explicit instruc
tions of ISIsmaick , ha.s Ubfd Mich pressure
that thn porlo has been obliged to consent.
Military pienarations are bclntr pushed on
ylgoiously. It Is believed Hussia Is leady to
insist on Turkish occupation ot eastein lion-
mella if fie incorpoiation ol the latter pro
vince with Bulgaria can be pieventcd in no
other way. _
Ou to nurmnh.
CAT-CUTTA , Oct. 20. Lonl Dutterin , vice
roy of India , received an oiderfrom the home
government tor the immediate dispatch of
troops to Burmnh.
LONDOX , Oct. 20. Foreign residents of
Mamlalay , capital of Dm mall , are beins boy-
cotlul by the native" . The llmmese envoy
wlio arrived at Kangoon lecently , ami who
bald he vyas on bis way to ( Jeimany to sign a
tieaty witli tliat country , but who&b ical ob
ject. It is thought , waste watch military piep-
arationsatKaiigoon , now announce.- ! that he
must retuin to Mamlalay to translate to bin
KOV eminent the Uritishidtimattim , astheiois
no native olllcial there able to do so.
I'.vilis , Oct. 20. The Voltaiie publishes an
interv iew with the Burmese delecatu In which
the latter says that ttndiug Ie ) Fieyciuet ,
Freucli foieign minister , would lefusn as
sistance to Hiu iii.ib in event of war between
Huimab und ( .real Britain , be udvij-c.1 King
Tliebaw to Bubmlt to thu demands tit Kng-
hind ,
Interceillnj- : - Itfi-1 ,
OTTAWA , O.NT , Oct. 20. A number of con
wrvntlvo memlxirs of pai linmeut arrived here
to intercede fm ItleJ. The lso ! lo which Kiel
lias been respited is Novcmbei lit.
LONDON , Oct. W. The committee formed
for thoimiiosL ] of seuiirlngu commutation of
the sentence of Louis Kiel has Issued an ur
gent appeal for help , and states that the time
lor elfectlvu action in nhoit , A memorial to
the queen Is almost linlslu-d , and the commit
tee is ariunging tor a public meeting to uige
u commutation ,
The Trial ol'Kt.II < or fitoml.
Loxno.v , Oct. 2/1. Tlie tiiitl of Mr. Stead ,
editor of the P.dl Mall Oazette , and other do-
feudiintb in the Aruibtiong abduction ease ,
was lesumed this morning In the central
criminal eomr. Mrs. Ann 1) . Uougliton , a
neighbor of Mr.s. Aimblroiu.oduccho Inlrw d
tliu latter to Mis. Jain-tt.wab examined foi
the prosecution , bho u\i \ > eiit < 'dl.v contia-
dieted herself and ilenliU that MIH. Ann-
sluing bad asked about thcchiuacterof ilr .
Drill i.v , Oct. S0.-M r. William Hastings
pioprictor of the Loyalist newspaper , lia-
been threatened with death , and his icMdeiie <
lias been p.utially bmucxl.lor e.uicaturing tin
Parnellltcd , j [
The Caiuulluii Spoui-Ro.
M Oct. "A TJiere were thirty
sevc n deathfiom Hinali-pox In this city Sat
mdti ) , and lilty-two dcjktlis yesterduy.
AVunt ItuHshiu Intcrvontloii ,
ST. 1'i.ii.iisni'itrj , Oflt"ax A deputatioi
fiom Mcsinuna airived at Mentocumplaln o
Alghan oppu-bslon and tougk the Itiissian-
to Intervene in thuir behalf.
nt a Maud K. < 7iil ( .
'u i.i > , Mast. , Ocl. X William
Woodslde , in a ton mllu ride at Hamjidei
park to dny , lovvcrctl the. vvorld'h biccle ice
nnlK from ito ten mle ) . Inclunlve , making
ten miles lu sSljlttSWi. Tills lowers the leo
oulli ) 7 S-ft siiwuuls. William Itovvo ul-M tliu tlirec-fourihs inilo iccord fitm
A S < ! i-vian Denial.
.iaiib .joi'icd the llalpiirlan Iwrdej-
The Part r Shovel Phycd iu Settling KQ Old
Dispute ,
V Wlfriuti the Trail of a Trim tit linn-
baud A Housing llopitbtlonu
Meeting A I'jirtvot'IIuuterH
DlKCovci- Suluhlc.
An Old I'Vuil lleiultR lu tinnier.
Sioux CITY , Iowa , Oct. iM. fSiiw-lnl to the
Uli : ! . ] Yesterday morning A. U. Alt , a
omiE fanner about ! i ) yrars of age , living In
Joncord towiiRhlp , Woodliuiy county , about
en miles to the northeast of Sioux City , was
killed by A. William Miner , also a farmer w ho
esldw in the same ndshboihood. The par-
Icnlnrs , ns nearly as can be learned at this
line , are ns follows : Several months H O the
.witles to tills teirible ti-agedyhad trouble
ibout the cutting of some grain , but alter In-
luluingin considerable talk over the nfTalr it
IVMS thouitlit to have been dually settled.
However , All , being of a quarrelsome d po-
Hltion , sought to make I tut her trouble about
the matter , aud on the morning named
mounted ids horse and rode over
, o Miner's residence , aud hceinir
Miner he at once nllxhled and
\ecoidlng \ to the formei's statement , made an
unprovoked attack upon Miner with a knife
n bi band. To delcnd biiuselt Miner nei'/ed
shovel 1 > lug neai aud stiuek Alt twice on
: lm head , making two teiillile ga.sbes. The
injuied man tlien walked to bin liome. wliere
no died trom the elfects of the wounds about
10 o'clock.
Immediately after Miner struck Alt became
to town and told the sheriff what he bad done ,
and was lulvit-od to go homo again until
chaiges weie brought mralnst him. In obedi
ence to this ho returned home , but nnlj to llnd
that Alt was , dead. After airatiilng ; some
nert-onal matters at home , hu came tuck ( o
[ own last evening aud suriendeied himself
to the Bheiilf , and Is now In Jail. The > ym-
Kithv of the nolghborhood Is w lib Miner , who
.s said to l > c a quiet , inollcnslvu nun. The
pil.sonejthis moming baid tliat be had no
thought of killing A It.
Sioux Cnv , Oct. UO. [ Associated IMess.j
Adam Alt , afaimer living in Concord town
ship , thin county , was stiuck on the bead by
a np.ido in the bands of William Miner , on
Sunday morning. Altdled at Up in. Miner
came to town and gave himself up to the
sheiiff. Miner claims that All had assaulted
him willi a knife.
A UollKlous Onthoritiff Ailourns. |
CH MOINKS , Iowa , Oct. tiO. [ lolhc
llri..l The DCS M'olncs eonfeienee of the
United Uiethien chinch , which has been In
session near this city , adjourned today.
liichop Kepluut announced tlio following
appointments :
Heranton District (1. ( 0. Torter , P. K. ;
Ogdcn , W. T. Daw son ; Leliigh , J. Dan ;
Homer Mission , to be supplied ; I'eiry , X.
F. Hicks ; Dale City , IX W. Craven ; Scranton -
ton , N. F. Cronk ; Lake City , A. , f. Patterson ;
Dow City. 1) . Fjo ; Whiting , to be supplied ;
Little Sioux , F. Stln-on ; PI asant Valley , ( ! .
W. Pnty : llock Ilivcr , J. E. Dennett ;
Cheiokeo Mission , W. 1. Murphy.
Ci Psion listrict-i. W. Sliaugliton , P. K ;
Davis City , A. O. Wilful ; lloiiesvllle , I ) . Ji.
Long ; Decatur. P. 0. Kickle : PlatteHIver.
A. Wickwiie ; Cromwell , J. Talbott ; Quiitcv ,
I.C. Jacob , ; Millfoid , ( } . . ! . Crabam ; Clarinda -
inda , W. 11. Clavvbon ; Kmerson , S. F. Ldiig-
ohoiu ; Hlllfcdale , W. .J. Linlliyum ; Avoca ,
A. W. Hob-ion ; Audubon , 1C. M. Jones.
( General manager of Western college , L. II.
Hufkin ; agent of Weateiu college , J. K.
II. mi.
Uos M'olnps listriet-Geo. M. Miller , P , K ;
. .
MI tft * < i * > iT.A\Mii\ijir > % IT * iiiu\ii/iiit\t
Van Meier , h W. Curtis : Carlisle , J. W.
Taylor ; Karlham. ! ' . II. Brookmiller ; Noi-
wood , J. A. Hayues ; Winteiset , S. A.
SearcImtK Tor a Truant
DnsMoi.vuH , Iowa , Oct. 2i5. [ Special to tlio
Bnn. ] Tills morning a lady called at the of
fice of iho city maishal and stated that her
husband , C. K. Gieen , had left their home In
San Francisco some weeks since for the pur
pose of collecting S2.V)0 ) that was due him in
Toledo , Ohio. Not hearing anything fiom him
she had also gone to Toledo and found that
ho had seemed the money and left the town.
Some days since ho c.une to Des Moine. ,
stopping at theGault house , and resristeilug
In IIIH own name. The wife traced him here
and followed. AriiviiK hist Satinday , slit )
discovered tint t'io fugitive bad rented a
pontoflicebov , und "si " i.i't : bad leoeivcd one
or two letleisnddioiscd him. She is still
on the watch lor tl.i . missing liusbnild aud
tliluks that by the aid . -I tin public she will
find him , Xo icuson is a higned for liis dis-
appcarauce and evident deslie to avoid her.
Itcpuhlican JIuss
Dri MOINIS : , Iowa , Oct. J. [ Special to
the Ur.K. ] Congicssmiiii Herr , of Michigan ,
and Frank Palmer , late postmaster at Chl-
eago , addreshcd a largo lepublicau meeting
hero to-night. Botli gentlemen ate making a
series of speeches in this state under the di
rect Ion ot the state cenlial committee. As
Mr. Palmer was n former citi/.en of DCS
Moinesandcoiigiessman fiom this distilcl ,
there was much Interest lelt in Ids t-p neeh ,
and a large number of his peisonal 1 1 lends
worn present , Hoirgavo a vety witty and
seathiiii ; aiialgnmeiit of tlio demociatic
paity. _ _ _ _
A Sulahlc Plshcil Kroiu tlio It Ivor.
Di'iiUQUU , Iowa , Oct. "JL [ Special lo the
Un : . ] A party of hunteis jesterdiy discov-
eicd the dead body ot a woman In tbo Miss
issippi river opposite Spiecht's feiry. Slid
proved lobe Hie wito of' . ) . II. Schneider , ot
Putasl , Wis. A boltlo containing poison vva-
found m\u her , and it Is supposed that she
rommiUed suicide under mental abeiiatlou ,
caus-edby Ill-beallb.
I'rohahly n MtmlcTur at
CixciNN'An , Oct. at. Anothei slioollnt ;
affray occurred Sunday afternoon , the result
oflioyncarrlm'iilstols. Thiee cases oflhi'
kind have been lecoulinl during the past
week. Pdcr King , a newsboy , aged tifteeiii
and lil.s thliteen-eai-old brotlter weio in u
boat about 2 o clock that afternoon on tin
rlvei at the foot of Stoim si i eel tiacing a trol
line , Mike Gaihigehr. fifteen ) ciis of age ,
eamo up and ian his boat into UK- line ol tin
King boyn. Peter unified him away am !
llireateued to t-hiK.t If ho did not obey. Gal'
liuliur pnld no attention to ( lie threat , ul
got in their way agfiin , when Peter diow i :
pMoI and Hied , the shot taking eltect in Gal
iimhcr'B idxloiiu-n , The wounded boy \va'
takt-ii to his home ami liom theie loa hojil
tnl , vvlieii : lit ) Ho in n ciitical condition ,
King was anested.
Down the Coon.
iNUIANAl'OMri , illd. , Oct. ft5. [
Tilbuno Special. ] At o'clock this moinlm
Cbailes Tiavls , diiver ot tlio police paliu
wa on , shot and fatally wounded Hohcii
hmilb , a negro. Thn wagon was ansvveilnt
a call , when a woman's el y of minder wai
lii-uid , and Smith was seen lunulngacK.s-
tlielielih. Travis lired , hliiklng Smith h
tlieback , the ball passlmr tlnou li the binlj
and being cut out In fiont Smith has servei
two terms In thu penitentiary , and , althoiigl
It H Jess than two months since Im was lasi
icleasrd , bo linn bemi again Indicteil tui
assault and battery , with Intent to kill a col
oied woman , _ _ * _ _ _
Halo of tlio Current.
CUICACO , Oct. Ort. J udgK PreiuUrgast tbl
morning " 'riliui'd thu saloof thuCuinnl ,
I no mufia inc founded by K. L. Wakenmn , t <
A , J. Uli > \ vi , Tbu ylc Ui
A < lury Soonroil ntut the Cnsc Coin-
ciHIeil--righ on thu8lnnili
YUUK , O-t. 20. The woik of sreur-
Injrn Jui v for the trial of Ferdinand Ward
wa completed ( bis afternoon , and Dlslrlcl
Mtotne ) Mai lln opened the cast * . llns. ld
Ward hail been indicted for lar-vny und be
rend the slrttuto covering the ciime. While
he dif-trlcl attorney was oppaklnjr. Juiues D.
Fish , with his custodians , entered the couit
mom. He glanced at Ward and was removed
o a private loom where ho remained unit' '
wanted as a witness. The district attorney
said that Ward on May n. lssIn | this ellv ,
liresented a check for Silto the Maiine
> ank , drawn against a check for ST.VOO of
the First National bank. Ward received thu
money fiom tlio Marine bank. The S7ft,00t )
heck was not honoied by the Hrst National
.rank , and Ward was guilt ) of grand larceny
: y procuring STl.oot ) on it horn the Muimo
bank. Tlio jur ) niUHt i f member \\urd was
not on dial lor rulnlni ; ( ieu. Giant aud
MMidlnnhlm broken beaitedto the grave , or
fur Hemline tn state pilson for ten vears a
pontli man highly connected In banking cir
cles , but wiw mvivly on tilnl for grand
J ames D. Fish was the lirst witness called.
He IcHiied over tliechali. and glanced suv-
imely at Ward , who loweied Ids eje.s.
Wai d'scouuvcl moved that the jury be dis
missed on account of the statement made by
the district attorney iosaidiug ; Gen. Grant
nud Mr. l-'lsh. The motion was denied. Mr.
Fish -aid : I am MI years ohl , a convict at
Aubinn slate pilum , to which 1 was sen
tenced for ten ) ears at haid labor. I saw
the check handed to mo on May r. . IbSl. It
was handed to me bv tbo pa ) ing teller. I di-
n-clcil It ceitllied alter 1 went to the tele
phone nnd rang up Ward. To thi1 question ,
"Is Uiepiisoiu-r hoie , Waul , the man you
mesinV" Mr. Fish ( leaning over again ) , "I
would like to sco him. Yes. tliat Is the man. "
Continuing the witness said : I said over
the telephone , "Waul , 1 have jour
check lioio for certification for
f-71sot ) nealnt an unceitllled cheek for
s"i,000. U'aid telephoned back it was all
ilu'hlaud 1 certllied it. " Witness then de
tailed the oft-t'ild storv of the events leading
to the break down of the Marino bank. The
witness' biother , Benjamin Fish , paying
teller of fhe Marino bank , coiroboruted the
ox-president's testimony and the court then
adjimined until to-mounw.
A I'lilliKlolplilu .liulKc lollies a Show-
iiuin Tor Iiuleeonl Advert Ising.
Piiii.AiuuMiiA : , Oct. W. William J. Gilmore -
more , proprielor ot the Ccntial theatie , was
this morning ariaigned liefoiu Judge Bltldie
on achaige of obscene libel , picfened by Jo
seph Leeds. The cliaigo was ba-ed on an
exhibition of a picture representing charac
ters In the spectacular pioduction of "The
Seven Havens1 which it advertised to be
performed at the theatie some time ago. it
was hung on th'1 outside of the tliealie. The
question was left by the couit to the jun
to dcteimino from the picttiie itt-clf ,
whether it was as cliaigedan indecent publi-
calioii. 'fhe jury , alter shoit ddibeiiiliou ,
leturned a verdict of guilty. Counsel for
( iilmoie saitl tliat tlie pictuie was no worse
than similar ones exhibited iu trout of an-
otliei theater where there was a ballet. The
judge said that it was time to put a stop to
ibis soil of thing. The whole object was to
eel people into a place to see a nude woman.
He did not , however , think that Gilmorc
oiiJTbl to be made a seveie example of. The
judge theieforo lined him Si.
Disappearance of Money.
Four WAYNE , I ml. , Oct. 21. [ Chicago
Times Special. ] A farmer named Craig , who
icccntly purchased a faun in this county ,
called at tbo ofllce of the American Express
company to-day for a package of money tliat
ho was expecting from his brother , who lives
In Omro , Wis , This money lie was to u o in
making a final payment on the farm. The
package , which was received hero on the 23d ,
was handed hluu It was shipped from
Chlppowa Falls , Wis. , whieli is the
moit convenient railroad point to
Omro , and left tlio lornior point on the
Bltli or 'Jlst. Mr. Craig receipted for the
pack-age , which was supposed to contain
about M.003. and it was opened in the presence
enco ot W. P. Chapman , lite express agent ,
and George Toiianee , the real estate aient ,
w bo made the sale of tlie farm. When It was
opened it contained slips of paper cut from
the Milwaukee Sentinel , Tltesmpilsc of all
the parties can only be imagined. All tiny
can do Is tu wait nutlicr developments. Tlie
theory ad vaucednt this end of the
Mr. ( laig handed tlio money to another paitv *
to ospiess , and that It was never expiessed.
This theoiy is supported by tbo tact that a
common envelope , addrcs-ed in whntlssup-
po'od to be Mr. Craig's wiitlng. inclosed all
lliepapeifl , and the envelope had been opened
at I tie cud nnd doubled over and placed In a
ieular inonev envelope of the
pau\ , and was ic.giilailv sealed at four nlact-s
with thestanil.udstamp of thu company at
Chippewn Falls.
A Kentucky Dt-Rpecado Killed.
M < nrvrSTiiii.ixo , Ky. , Oct.J5. . ( Chicago
Times Special. ] Maik Miller , the noUtl des
perado , was killed by Bowland Slone at
Chambers' Station , Mcuifeo county , Thur.s-
da ) ineiiiiiif. They liadbeen diinklngficely ,
when an ultcicatlan ensued , duiiiiu'which
Stone < licw bis revolver and ( .hot Mlllnr In
in the lace , tlie bullet coming out at tlie top
of his bead. Miller jumped at ami stabbed
bis assailant hovoielv in the side , dying
almost in tbo act. Miller was one. of the
most notorious despei.uh > c > s In the tato. He
often imbued Ills bauds in blood , and
was a constant toiror to all with whom
ho came in contact. He was one of the
chief attors in fho celeluatid Vaiigb-Hilton
tragedy two years ago. He went in advance
tothelioiiso ot Hilton , wheto lit : was hospit
ably i ntoitaiucd by his unsuspecting victim.
He slept with Hilton's two little bovs. When
the signal was given by his followers , ho
aiose aud pievenlcd bis host | rum defending
ills famll.v , white the Barueli eiowd , liir , fel
low assassins , shot him dead amid tlio cilen
and entiealics ot his wile and children tin
nieiey. Miller escaped by turning slate'H
evidence , and tlie Haunt ! followers , his ac
complices , weio s < > ncn ( < 'M to Hie impilson-
ment. The people of Menlleo will breathe
ficelv now tliat Miller is no moio to mrnaco
them vvitli Ills presence ,
Another Attempted Wrecking.
ST. Louis Oct. "A Another ox-plosion on
tlio htieel ear line tool : place to night , thlft
time on iho Mound City load , tlneo miles
fiom vvhciu the ono of last nljjht owuuetl.
Ono of the front wheels of thu car was
broken and tlie diiver knocked over , but not
hurt. Tbeiowoio no passc-ngcis In tlio car.
Lillet'of pollen Hurikun has offered 500re-
waul lor the capture ol the peipetiatoiu.
Died I'Yom IIIH l ather'H Hliot.
Kim : , Pa. , Oct. 'W.-Cbaile.s Waul , who
was shot by Ids father ut Uii.ud , lliH county ,
Tue.stlay , in a family laiaucl , died Sunday
affernoun. The quaircl Is said to have been
occasioned by the old man's Immoial con
duct. Tliu intiideier , who was out ou l'i,0ixi
ball , \vas placed In jail ,
A Had hud ArrcAtod.
Ceor < ? o Tlionipson , ri suvenleeii-j'ear
old ) ud , was arresled by Itotiiulsmnii lust evcniiiR nt tlio cornur ol
Twelfth and Dodge streetsus n suspicion1
elmnieter.rhilo being taken to the iiitv
jail Thump-on threw iivvay fioniotliln
whlc-h lie w.ib < ; In liln luuid , bill
the durkmtsg the olllnciway
oxvliiy to way un-
nbln to liml it last t\cnin ! . TlioinpFon
1 hiiinMtil | | ) to be cine of u an ot'onnp
lliiuvns and bur liU'ei vvlioli.ivi ) been coiir
mitting numeruiis depredations lu thn
( slty recently. Tlio iirthluvlileli lie
tliruw uw-ay List iilj'ht is biipuoseil to be
n diltful , ami u nt-ai-un will bt nuulu for il
Monilay's ' Markets ft Eopotllbn of Last
Wcck'a ' Report !
flio Cuttto Outlook
Wheat. Closed u Mliado Higher
The Kn llst Mnrkot , nntl
< ! i-jilnlii Hln'it niulHtorRt
Chluauo l\\v \ > Stock TUnrliot.
Ciilt-\iii ) , Oct. W. [ Special U ) the JJiJ. : ) ]
M n.r.Tiatlo was slow In all the braneho. *
Up to a late hour there hnd boon scweoly
ulllclent number ol e.iltlo bold to nmko
market. Thehulk of the liesli Brrivall were
and ningers. Auiom ; the
were only a fe.v loadb tli-it could .bo
as good and useful stot'lc. Thu UHOful unlives
that weie Milil madu a shade bolter prices
Umti siR'li sold for dutlng the pnnloot Krldayt
but low gi.ideH and common uutlvca wuro
selling no better. Stockers and feexlore are
In fair supply nnd prices steady at I wl wccli'd
range. Stex'k calves are In liulil nupply nntl
trade was rather slow. AlthoiiRh trade was
slow at the oiH-nlnir , It was the gonornl opin
ion that the stock on Kilo would bo disposed.
of at one price or another. The outlook for a
btiong and active maiket for the week Is not
as bright as sellers would desire. Thu ejitdoni
and r.ngIKh markets ate full of cattle aud
die-sed bed , andtmvcic , botli In tills coun
try and on the olhei side , huvobocn advhod
by the lien is on this side that tha run of c.lttlo
Is likelj to continue lieav > i or another month
or so. Iteceipts ol r.ingc eattlo wore liberal
to daj and the maiketiis slow and W'O lt ,
While tlieio weie a lew good northwcKlorij
e.ittlo sold at stionucr pileot , tliu Kenorat
maiket was as bud as last wetik. Common to
lair gi.ulea were In larg'e supply anil nobody
warned such stock , e\en at n tow price , bales
were uiiulo slowly and generally nt about
Fild.vj's rates. For cunning caltlo there wa
almost no demand , and salts \vero made \ery
clowly at b.uely steadv inttw. hblpp
meeis WiOtn l. t.M Ibs , 5M."i > ( K' ' > .Wi IISWU * lilfiO
lbsS-J.OOi/ri.tX ( ) ; aid to VJJU Ibs , 3.iV.&t.W. !
Tliiough t'evtis cattle weak ; U.'x > Ib.s , su.Q ! ) ( )
itA'O ; ? , VJ to 100 * Ibs , S.'MJ i i.WUO. ) ; ) to 71H ) I1)B ) ,
Jf-ANKi/'J. ? . * . Sales t.H .Montnim , liiu < l IbsJ
SUM' i'M Montana , I' sibs , , D-J M. m'
Una. ia4l ( Ibs , jK..Ki ; is ! Montana-Texan ? .
i , ? ; i.lO : \Viomlng-To.\ans , IUW Ibs ,
. .
llo/.s The market opened active nnd about
r > e highei all aiound , i losing ruthei oasiur ,
however , especially on light packing Borl *
jet at the elo-is the stock hail u ( ii well sold
up and only a tew loads in each division
weie caniixl over , aud thent ) were in tha
bauds ol peculators. Sales atJO ; ! to ? il.63
tor odds and ends , VJI.WI tojf"s7.r ; for pack
ing soils j' (0 ( s.hj tor Uie bout
liejyy. I'ackingand Milpping , a > 0 toWXbs ) ,
I fKMf l.K > . Light weijcbt-s , IKO to 170 Ibs.
.COiitvJ.b.j ; IhO to 410 Ib > , ? . ! . &OjS'.U5.
Clilcnso Grain Market.
CHICAGO , Oct. M. | Special to the UKB.J
nn.vT Tliere ww : un unsettlcxl nnd ner
vous feeling in the wheat market to-day , and
fluctuations were numciousaud very rapid
within a nariow range. Unmonofun open
iujture between Servla aud Uu'g.vrla ' had tlifl
effects of causing sboits to cover , besides lu
ducins other .speculative buying , but Hiitlrih
consols did not show any rpeclal ebango
from Saturday , quoting only 1-lcG dcclioo for
the account , and French becuritlcn were
quoted higher. With every advance in tfio
pi Ice. of wheat , theio was Hem dcslro to
realize , which would cause a rwwtion. rjl-
vate advices fiom the c-ist Imllpatol tna
there wassomo buying on , forslgn"acconritf (
The maiket opened ! /c ' ' o highlit , " but nevvfl
to the elt'eet that the Minneapolis mil lore h\d
reduced prices lie , and that rocijipls tlioru jverd ,
heavy , caused a weaker le'eling tuid pliccS
declined JjTc. The muiket started up agafn
on good bu > ing and with several lluctuutionu
advanced to a point l > fe olwvo Insid6
liguies , e.xsed otf again aud cliMud on the
n-gular board ? ie higher than Saturday ,
In the alteinoon the market ruled tmila
strong , prices advancing to outbido figures
for the day , and closing at b7o tor Decem
ber , or UM- higher than the latest prices Siit-
mdny. The stock ol wheat at Now Yoik in-
ciea.sed only about 1,1 > K ) buslitila dining tha
weak. Kstiiu 'es as to the viallilo .supply
dilfeicd widely , varying from l.UOO.UUU to
Jrh)0 ( ) , ( ) < ) busliem iiiciv.ibeV
Coit.v There wa.s only a light speoulativc-
trade in coin , but the leeling waa linn and
prices ruled geneially a "hade liluher Umn oa
Satunlay : receipts weie larger but the linn-
ness in wbe.U helped to .sustain corn , and
closing quotations weio . ! , ( a ) > 4i ! higher.
OATS Oat.s ruled steady and Urm with
option * * i-gat'jr blghci.
I'liovisio.Nb I'lovlhlons were fairly a < ; tivTX
with mess poik closing a hhado lilgher ana
lard unchanged.
Jlevhnv of the III | | HI Orahi
LoNDON.Ocl. ! . The Mail : I.nno lx ] > rc.9t
in its review of the British grain trade during
the past week , ways : It.iln has temporarlljr
cheeked autumnal sowing. Wheat In likely
to continue cheap until the bulk of stock 1 ?
exhausted. Sales of Knglish ilurinrt
uui ifull ; bujers aud m-liers icfuso to yield to
each other. Flour is Meadily hoUL Corn Js
weaker , owing to the lepot tot' an oiiornioua
eiopin Ameiica. There has been no Intsi *
lie-win eaigoes. ln ( ! caigoeH arrived , 0119
caigo was withdrawn and nine ,
ncluding three ol California. To-iluy.'ii mari
, ct wa.Shlowanddiigging ! ; wheat dull ; bar
ley and oats ( julet.
Amount orOalii In SI/Iil / and Htok-o ,
CiucAdo , Oct. , ' ! . Tim tallowing injure *
taken liom tlio ollielal statement of the
board of tiwdo to bo posted on 'Cliango to
moiiow , show the amount of wheat , com
oats , ije and bailey In the UnlUxl Stales ana
Canada on Katunlay , Ootolier a , und tlio
amount ol lueieayc or decicasoover tliopr < v
cccdlng week :
Vv'lieat . Jt , fNV-J.i | lncroa o. . . .
Oats . . . ) KI9
lye ! . KiOs8 IncMttiso. . . .
Harley . J.wo.cfii incie.wo. . . .
Tliwamount of grain in stoio Irt Chicago on
thu date named was :
Wheat . 12WUICC
< 'orn . | , ( WI,4SJ
Oats . 2ia,418
ye. . 2394Stt
llailey . VXf > IS
\l\K\\\ \ \ II n try Market.
Cirii-vno , Oct. w'-On tlio boaiil of
butter was Mi onganaln. llcgulur ealu.s v/erfl.
Ifl.INi pounds at S0 } < f cents. JtOKiilar uilet of
ehcei.0 were fiOj bo.\e.s at 5@S eunU ,
A lluel Unto DoutJi.
N , Texas , Oct. 2 < X-A duel in wluelj
both paitlclpants weixj killed , occuuwllast
Fiiday atTihhomeiigo , Indian tc.rritory , An
Indliin ludlccman named llnmuaiid aTe-xas
( ovvboy quaneled In a saloon. Theyngreed
lo go ouliiilo and light It out In tbo preaenca
of the assembled Indians und wblteH. 8cv Mints weio cvhaiigt'd. llrovvn fell
pleiced thiough tbo lie.iit , Tlio oowbuy o-
jilied u lew minutes Inter.
The M'ciither.
Wsm Ndi-oK , Off ' 'ii. Upper MlhsMpiA'
vallej- local mlns , generally colder , vurlabiS
vvlndH. Missouri valley fair wcothor , varlo *
hie winds , .slight rise in tcmpeiaturoin north
ern poitinii , Ktatiuiury tuuiHii-atuiti in uoutb *
em portion.
A 8 now Kloi-in OoinliiK This
< IIMMI FOKKS , D.ik. , Oct. ii' . Quito < r
heavy Mimv tall In le to niu'liU Tlio eu < nt >
l ti.U'uiluj ;