Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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TH3 < 3 DAILY J'jtfS.
orrxvxi HO.
l tiy carrier In fcnj- * . of IM tlty t
Iwi-ni t ot iits per fr tK.
11. W.TJI.TO.V , > Manager.
Keller , tlio tailor , for fall goods.
Tlic revival meetings at the Metlodint
church cutitinuo to drnw Wi crowds.
The registry lists nro said to show an
Inorfiaso of fully nine hundred in tht
nnfnbcr of voters In the city.
The oily council will nest riei-t ou
Monday evening of nc.xtwt c * , th.t bcinfc
the regular monthly meeting.
1)111 ) ( iiilvin BJiys ha doetm't wruil to
Kf.rvr. ne contain ol police , which leaves
the major free to ujtpolnt Charlie Wol
1ers , wliich ho will probably do.
The superior court i Htill busy Y.-itl
the eafco of I he Western Cot Ing t Orgai
company against J. Mm-Urr , and the
cauc promises to occupy ninny days yet
Jud o Whiting , the democratic candi
date torgovernor / , hpent Sunday in the
city closeted with .some of his democratic
friend * . He has a meeting at Atlantic
Fremont Ittmjnnmi and A. y. i\skvith ,
who vfnru partners in jumping from n
republican convention into a democratic
one , have now joined together in the law
The Indies of the Presbyterian chureh
arc requested to inert at tiui church at 2
o'clock thi afternoon to decide on the
gfintmgof lha rhurrli. Mrs. ( iLOrgo T.
Phclps , President ofVomut 'a Kxchs.npe. ;
IVrry Heel , th democratic candidate
for fllH-rilV , han now resigned Mi position
n pobtmimUir at the town which boar.s
lili name. This relieves the democratic
ndininistrntion itf thu necessity of remov
ing him for oll'onHivo partiminsh' .
It is said that a number of eiti/.ens
have banded themselves together U > we
if they cannot jret the next grant ! jury t.
take Mime notion in the Bnloon rases , un
less the observance of bourn is unforced ,
and especially the closing on Sundays.
Lon Davin , EdVilliamn , P. Sharp and
William Wycoll1 , who wore aril stcd t'or
diBorderlinef-a on the streets
aturday night , were before the court
yetterday Davis wan lined , and the
otlierg are to have a hearing to-morrow
The Chicago , llurlington & Quiney
brakcmun , W. F. Drew , who wi si arrest
ed on the charge of robbing H. . ' . Drown
of ft watch , has "ivcn bail of $ : JOO for his
appearance for hearing to-morrow even
ing. It is predicted that the matter will
be fixed up wo that thu prosecution will
be dropped.
The city engineer has about all he can
do to explain to property ow icrs and
citi/enH generally points abouttno sewer
age , alinoHt every onu having an idea
that they have discovered Rointithin/j
ivrong , or which could be bettered , and
he has got his nerves ami patience norely
tried , but ho manages not to lose much
ilcHh , and keeps reasonably good natured
about it.
Smith & Loercki1 , the Main street
bakers , now roll out onto the Ktreets the
handsomest and most convenient deliv
ery wixgon ever . < -een hero in that line. It
iu a novel arrangement , and in made and
decorated in the latest metropolitan man
lier , and attracts attention and excites
admiration wherever it appci rs ; The
Jiriu should not only feel proud of it , but n credit to the city through whoso
streets it rolls.
The beer garden dances Sunday nights
arc again biting denounced as most dis
orderly and disgraceful. It seems that
there might 1x5 some police regulation
instead of having every sort of a place to
go on the free-for-all plan. During a re
cent fljnirt of reform tne mayor was very
strict in regard to the Sunday nijjlit
danccf ) , but he has got over it as quickly
tie he got into it.
The work of laying newer pipes In the
alley in the rear of Kiel's hotel com
menced yesterday , but the property own
ers arc now urging the council to have
the sewer run north and connect with
Fifth avenue , instead of running south ,
.is tl"jro is little prospect of the sewer
being extended south tor some time , and
they want to get the use of the sewer as
soon as possible , and the FiVh avenue
Bower will probably bo laid inbe spring.
The concert given last evening at the
opera house by the Schubert quartette
called out a good si/.ed audience , not so
largo a one ns the high order of the en
tertainment merited , nut still an excel
lent one for this city , and one composed
of the best classes. The programme was
an enjoyable one , and while of a high
musical order , still there was a tinge of
popularity to it. The artists who thus
nflorded the public such a treat arc cer
tainly entitled to high praise , and those
who neeured this city sncli an entertain
ment deserve the thanks of the public.
Those who heard Congress nan 'Horr ,
of Michigan , when ho spoke hero two
years ago , will need no urging to hear
nim again no.xt Saturday evening. Tnoso
who did not hoar him then cannot atl'ord
to lese the opportunity of hearing him
this time. lie is one of the clearest
thinkers , most thoroughly educated and
most popular speakers whom that state
has produced , and his public life has
fitted him for giving to the people felid
faetn , while his natural keenness of per
ception and brilliancy of thought makes
Ills addresses such that they command
and hold the attention of any audience.
lie should have a house crowded to the
utmost , and these who attoad will bo
amply repaid.
Be Buro and ask your grocer for the
bread made at Smith itLoercko's bakery ,
No. r > 211 Main street. It is the very best
uiatlu. Try it and bp convinced.
Woatlier Siripa ,
Weather strips , weather stn ps , weather
strips at W. AY. Chapman's art store , 103
and 107 Alain street.
A new and elegant line of plain and
colored photographs just received at AV.
W. Chapman's ' , 103 and 107 Main street.
Substantial abstracts of tlt.o and real
estate loans. J. AV , , & E. L. Squire , 101
1'carl street. _ _
Lamps cheap at Homer's , 23 Main St.
Carpets going cheap at
Cash tolls in favor of loj prices at
Unrhness llrothors. _
Cottage ranges. Garland stoves , Ra
diant Homes and Hub huuturti of tlio very
Jatest patterns nt bed rook prices , ut
Cooper & McGee's. No.II Alain street.
For linnhvarn and house furnlshngs.
pit prlci'H of Cooper & McGee , N11
Alain stix'i't.
AA'heat , corn and oats in car-
lots , Liberal advances made on all con-
wi'Y.irHmtH , by J. Y. Fuller , Council Haul's ,
Iowa , am ! Omalia , Nob.
W von wish Tomn'ko ! .jgitnjr.tsy ! ! 'roni
" ten fo filly dollars per any write ( o ' : iau
& Smith , No , M Foiuth street. Council
Clonks mid wraps ol all styles ami
prices at K'lVV esa Htothei-s. Or' rs
token for spi i'r./ / garments i M * H'.guar- '
Kino Cr.irtV * Hair Underwear for
Jbdles and < irJuat Uarkiuss Uroth-
r *
, " ' . .
,11" 'lifilfMnllii < * - -
More Ptting Oidered , c3 Iinportwit Ac-
tie nn Varions Mftttcre.
A Counterfultw Almost Xinpwl A
Vnrloty or Nown
In and Almut the
The oily council spent the v/liolo of
yesterday forenoon In considering vnri-
MIS matter * of interest to the city , thu
C5filou proving nn important ono. All
the members were present , as well SIB the
A petition for a lamp post nt the cor
ner of Avenue I ) and Tenth ktreet was
The mayor informed the council that
ho had ordered the gas lighted , o\cn on
moonlight nights.on surli streets us were
being torn up by improvement.1" , so as to
do iiwny with Ihu pojsibllltyof accidents.
This letl to the inquiry ti * to v.-hat ar
rangement hn < l IK-CII nude with the gas
compnnynnd the anwrr was that the gas
was being supplied under th" old con
tract , notwithstanding the recent roar
for a new one.
Mr. W. S. McMlekcn requested the
council to consider the justice nnd advis
ability of a diflVront mode of assessment
for paving. He owns the lot at the cor
ner of Willow avenue ami Main street ,
and while he ban been assessed for the
paving in front of the property on Main
street , the cit.v now proposes to make
him pay for paving Willow avenue. Ho
claims that the lots north of his on Main
street tire gicatly benefited by the paving
of Willow avenue , and should pny a part
of the expense. This led to a disciiNJiioi
of the modes of making spci'lal r vens ?
nuMits. It was claimed by HOIUI : that ii
Chicago , Omaha and other lilies as
segments were miido in accordance
with the benefits derived , and not on the
basin of the property which directly
fronted on the paving. It was statin *
that Judge Clinton urged the point o :
oKM'Cijng in Hceordnnce with the bone
lit derive , instead of by frontage , It
borne cities a jury is given the task , of de
eiding in regard to thefco benefits. In
others a certain portion IK paid by tin ,
abutting property , and the rest by the
paving district in which the work is
done. As it Is important to settle this
question before any more work IB done
the matter was referred to the city
attorney to report as soon us possible.
John Stewart asked the council to set
tie hi tome way for lillin < c doni' by him
oiiFotuth avenue and Union awnnc ,
the property abutting not being of Mif
licient value to warrant a suit. Re'
The mttU > r of a change of grade of tin ;
sidewalk on Scott street was rti'-cns > od nt
lenuth , and referred to the city engineer
ana attorney to prepare the neeo-wiry
resolutions , if the property owners in
\yriting would agree to relieve the city
from auj' damages.
Resolutions were passed ordering Pearl
street paved with cedar blockh ; also the
alley north of rtrotuhvjy from Main
to North Second street , and the alley et
of Main from Fifth avenue to Story street ,
the work to be let to the lowest bidder.
Bids were opened for lilling the inter
sections on Mynstor street , and the work
let to Fred Klein at 20 cents a yard for
filling on Sixth street , in general 'fund
warrants , or 10 cents cash : on Seventh
street one cent more a yard. The only
other bidder was Gcorgu Wooltver ,
whoso bid was only ono cent higher on
Seventh street , and jtiet the saruo as
Klein on the other.
Some communications were read from
M. Vincent in regard to the threat of the
council U > his annual contract for the
power ditch , unless he proceeded to put
on a full force of men and teams , and
push the work to completion. Mr. Vin
cent insisted that ho had worked when
ever the weather would permit , but that
the council had not kept its agreements ,
and that ho could not go on with the
work unless he was paid come ca h on
his s. He claimed to have about
$17,000 of the warrants but he could not
use them as collateral , nnd he miibt
have the cash. If the cit.v would sell the
bonds , ns was promised , then ho could be
assured that he could have some cash to
pity the men. As he understood the. law ,
the defaulting party in n contract could
not annul the contract , and as the city
was in that position he proposed to in
sist on his right ? . Ho .suggested that the
various actions of the council in regard
to the matter nnd the way he had been
treated would form very interesting
reading matter. There was considerable
talk , and the sentiment of the council
seemed rather in favor of Heeinir if Mr.
Vincent would not agree to throw up
the job , and then the city could go ahead
and employ men and teams , and pay
them in warrants , and get this work fin
ished. It was estimated that it would
tal.c about $ * > , OOU moro to complete the
enterprise. A special committee con-
sibling of Aldermen Sirdcntojif , Mynster
and Straub , and the city attorney , were
appointed to confer with Mr. Vincent.
Alderman Shugarl offered the following
resolution :
Resolved , That the mayor be requested
to i'trictly ' enforce the Sunday ordinance
in relation to closing the saloons upon
that day.
This made a little flurry. It was stated
that the hotels could not very well clobe
their bans tight , and that the electric
lights burned at other saloons Sundays
us well as other days , nnd that some of
the saloonu had no back doom , etc. The
mayor said that if the resolution was
| > : it-M > ( l it should bo strictly carried out ,
hotels mid all. Alderman Shugnrt voiced
the sentiment of a large n unifier of people
ple in declaring that it was disgraceful
the way the saloons were running Sun
days , and after further talk it was de
cided to let the resolution lay over until
next Monday night , and that if the
saloons did not brace up FOIIIO it would
then bo passed nnd all shut up tight.
A resolution was passed instructing the
marshal to arrest within three days all
saloon keepers who had not paid'thoir
license for October.
J. T , Stewart requested the council to
lake bomo steps to have the Direct lilled
up so that the Q. track leading to his
iiacking house could bo relaid , as the
business could not bo started up until
then. Referred ,
Some talk was Indulged in regarding
the now bridge across the river. It was
Miggcstcd that the old dump kept thu
water from running oll'iu of u Hood ,
and that the building of another dump
Would make it still worse. .Sonic thought
there was an old contract with the Union
,1'ncitio requiring the company to imtko
tunnel * or other water ways through the
old dump , at each street , nnd a resolu
tion was passed that the company should
t.nyway provide suitable waterways
both in the old dump and the now ono.
Jim city engineer and committee on rail
ways wore instructed to investigate as to
whether the putting tin of the now
i m- -V.'C"l ! ! ? ° i''u'ro-v thu water course.
ss to endanger the lower pare ui mo C.lj
la case of high water.
The city engineer suggested that the
i puncll had not better bo too rash about
t'feir proceedings , as ho wanted to sco
t'o ' ) now hrldgu built , and ho WUH not any
Coo certain that the uompanv would
"r.tllO ' .t titter all the tall ; . Ho thought it
B/oro probable that the company uould
jdluulv build un icu bridge , und then ie-
pair Iho old bridge , and then take away
the temporary Mxut'turc.
The railway committee were his'ruetcn
toseflftbotilflHiiiraistiosibHity of getting
a free w con anil foot bridge put in
across the nvcr at the foot of IJroadwny ,
thr bridge to bo a low ono
The same committee x < as instructed to
correspond rritn the ofllciOs of the f , H.
& Q. railway company In regard to hav
ing them build anew deH | > t , it being
greatly needed here.
The long delayed election of a street
supervisor nnd ehiel of the fire depart
ment then cnmi ; . In order to eloar the
deck for notion , it was decided to do away
with the further terviees of Jo Hess ns
street supervisor , and elect a man under
the new ordinance. The salary was fixed
at f 75 u month. On an informal bal
lot IJ. S. Harnctt received four votes , and
AA'm. Hritwo. . On the formal ballot
the cleeiion of Mr Harnctt was made
The election of a ticw uhlef of the tire
department called forth omo fcly P'av. '
The oppo IUon to this i.-lectkm of 1 > . r.
Kicher seemed an.\ious to letaiu Charles
Sanderson. He lists been serving HH tem
porary chief , tind hn been allowed ten
dollars e\tra a month , above the iffl.'i
which he draws as a regular llremnn. It
was Ruagoktwl tbat thi. * arrangement
should be continued , as the city would
not only have iv good man. but would
MVB by having one mnn Jill both posi
tions. The e who felt in duly bound to
elect Eieher , he having been elected be
fore. and having made the legal light
and been nefeated in trjing to hoeuro
junt what the council had orueied him to
take , would not have it this way , and on
an informal ballot Sanderson received
one vote , Jake K tigers ono , Harry Hirk-
inbiiie one , Eieher three nnd Fisher ono.
The formal ballot gave Kleber four ,
Hogors one , atid Pat Lney ono. The
election of Kieber x\nn declared.
The request of Jndgo Aylesworth to bo
paid his sihiry in cash instead of general
fund warrant * ) was ro ] > ortc'd on adversely
by the committee. Alderman Sie.den-
topf was very tilmip and keen In his op
position to thu paying of the judge in
cash. Hein > < the law was very
plainly aguinst paj ing him in any other
way than city warrant * . In addition t
this he felt that it was not fair for the
judge to insist on cash. The Kilnry was
a good one , .fii.QOO j'car , and while
workingmen wore obliged to take f l.r > 0i
day for hard work and jret their pay in
warrants , he thought the jndgo could
fctiind warrants. He felt that the judge
was too good natmvd , and did not get as
many fines into the city treas-ury net ho
might. He cited j-oiiio instances.
was it tieree light between one man with
iv knife and another with a brickbat , si ml
yet both were discharged free A farmer
and a butcher had a cow , the tail had
been twisted off , tins animal had been
clubbed so that its eyes were bulged out ,
and a tire had been nniit under her to
make her get up and mote , Mm having
been ho used up by a Mxtcen niilo drive
that him could go no further. The. par
ties were arrested for cruelty to animals
but nothing wa.sdone with them. More
than this he did not like the idea of a
judge tbieatening the council that unless
he was paid in eakh lie would itllow the
saloon men and othtrs to pay their lines
and licenses in city warrants , and thus
cut otV the cash income. On a vote the
motion to pay him in ca'h was lost , Al-
dermuii Mynster and Sbugart alouoot -
i ig in its favor.
Iho council then adjourned.
A Oarrlaeo Overturned.
A carriage containing Mrb. T. J. Kvans
and two ladies from the institution for
the deaf nnd dumb , Miss C'lonusut and
Miss AVilcoxson , was tipped over on this
corner of Sixth and Mjnstcr streeta by
driving a little too close to the edge of
arm being broken and her blioulder
brtiiicd. The huTics wio taken to tin *
home of Mrs. Evan" , and are getting
along well , with good pro'peets of speedy
recovery from their injuries.
For everything in the grocery line give
the new firm of KinU & Klecb , ItW
Hroadway , a trial. K\erything new nnd
fresh. Fancy groceries a .specialty.
NOTICE. Special lulvorttfrmimta , sui'h HH
Lost , Found , To Ixinn , Fur SaltTo Itcut , W-tuts
UoartliiiH , etc. , will lie lii > vri l In this column at
the low rate of TUN CKNT8 J'1'K T.lNi : for the
flrst Insertion nail FIVK GEM'S 1'EH UNK for
ouch 8iiliso < iuout liibcrtlon. I la e adrtrtlto-
mcntsnt our oflice , No. M 1'euil hticot , near
Jj'OH BALK Hctnp : ( k'Mrous of lucirltiR to
Omuliii , on account ni my tnifini' s , J offer
for snlo my residence , corner Fourth iiM'nnn
iindNintii etroot , Imiulio on premises. A , I' .
fANTBD A. K O(1 ( gill lor Krlivrnl IMJUM"-
I work ; No. ItW liuitunilt etrouU
O 1IKNT A new swen-room house. Euquiro
FOH KENT A tlvionm honso , ten
wulli from Inihiiit'hS , city water , Wfll nnd
tern. For iimt chcitn.
Foit No. 1M IlairUon ftiret , thioo
rooms. JlcM.uioN , V Co. ,
< Fcilll 81 1 DOt
HO. Kl For ruin or rent , on vei-y lllirnl icnnn.
The Council llluITu ] ' ; IHT Mlll.roinplelu , with
boiudluif Uouuu uuil throti ueic * > of
No. 16 A Imslnofg iiroporty In Clicrokeo ,
ChoioXno county , lewd , will undo for wottcin
lands. Vuhlii , nliout tl.'X ' ) .
No. ill A beautiful lioiuo In the town of Hust-
Inirr , Mills I'ounty , lowu , for Nobuiska limd.
Viihio. $ ,1C,00.
No. 41 A good liiiBlnoi.8 property nnd also u
ptMKl lesMoiH'o pnipcity In tlio town of Clionvo
Mclxjan county , III. .low down for CHKU or will
oxdiaiiKO for wvttorn liindB.
No. 17'J A bplundld fnrm , well Improved , ( MO
ncies In DIoklriMJii county , lowu , joining the
town ol Spirit Lako. 1'rieo , lor a i hort tlmo ,
J35 pur ncro.
No. IS ! to IP" Are four Inprovod farms In
Phlllllis count v. Kiiusas , each with binull in-
tiunibrnnro. The ciiuIlHswIll bo cM-liangcd for
unlncumlit'rcdwllil lund In Nulirafkn.
No. 1 3 4W ) iicris in lloll i-ounty , Noli. , tmrtly
improved , nt u Ma biirguln , Wiinlb to oioliango
for mrrcluuidl-o.
No. M A line two stoi-j- brick resldimeo , ono
of the best locutions In found ! Illufle , will trade
tor ( food nnlnciintiDrvd Kunsua or Nobiublw
Ittiidd. Vnluu. Jl.l.CuO ,
No. 65 anil 11 Are two other Uciiutlful bomoD
In Council HlulTd , which citsli piomuuia will buy
No. W A beautiful piilnnbnn location In lowu
Cltv. Iowa , will uxubniiKO lor wi.-tern luiiUB.
Viiluit , fl.uoo.
Thuuliovo arc only a few of our ppi'clal bur-
Nrulns. If ynu'vo jrot unj thliiff to tradoor sell ,
nr want to fell any rnal cutatu or iiicrcluuidleu ,
ivrlto UK Wo have buvinal toxxl stocks nt goods
lo undo for lundn. rtlAN . \ . WALK lilt ,
Council Illiiir , Iowu ,
I'inctlccfi In StaU and
touins 7 an , I t ) , .S pia
' * '
rorroerly of Now York ,
Jo. 31 1'ourl Suiiet , Council Illuffa , low *
R. RIGE , M. D.
or other luiiuirn i-uinovcd without
thiMiiiiruordimvliiKof hloixl.
31IROKIC DISEASES of nil Unto n specialty.
0\rr iltt ! > ' .lours' priu-llnalc.tpciiJiicu. OUlu
in. II V'i'nit.-trvc-I.L'ouiivllUJuUii.
Exclusive Rubber House !
Immense Stock ,
Eastern Prices Duplicated
Send for Illustrated Catalogue.
TVaroliousfl mid ? lesroom . , 41 N. Mntn St. , Council IlluQ'e , lovm.
OOlco 413 Hroadn aj.
Plumbing Co ,
Sanitary Hydraulic Engineers ,
i t
Public end Private Systems
i \
of Sewerage.
Water woiks and Vc.ntilation designed
Plumbing work in all its brauches.Thls
company have one of lh best assorted
blocks of plumbing goods in the west
Estimated furnished ,
Now York Plumbing company M3 Broiul
way Council DlulliH. Telephone No 'i7.
342 and 344 BROADWAY.
ftiens Fall & Winter Wear
JIi-nB' mid Koys1 DuilncM finits.
MUIIB' und Hoys' Drop B Hult ,
Uilldrcnfl' Bvory 1) s and Prcsi Ralta.
Overcoats tor Mou , Roydmid Ch
llerclmut Tailor Suit- .
Merchant Tailor OvorcoftU.
Moi-clmnt Tailor TrowBorB.
K < ] unl to the brat , to order ,
At half the pi leu.
Kut M n ' Bulls nnd Ovcrcniits.
I utn Mons1 Hnit luid Ur > : rcoata.
1'at Wens' TrowRers ,
Pcamlefca Bhlrta oiid TwivfcPjs In ( ? cotri ) wools ,
Mtxllcntcxl Scarlets , Rx Jft Hi'avv IlalliriKimns.
Fancy Colored Wools umltiuujoi ) ijuulliioj ) , f itim
25o each to ti.bO. (
ron THE FAi.r > nF IKS& .
, .it
Neckwear ,
Shispenders ,
Handkercliiefs ,
And Cuffs ,
Of fl t class ( juamlcs wirt rwiwiiablo prices.
612 Mid iiii llroauirny , Cuuooll llluffo , Juwn.
Fancy and Staple Groceries.
No * 162 - Broadway.
Opposite Ogden House ,
Council Bluffs , - - la.
Tins house being a new one , oonso-
qnoutty uvevi'thintj in slunk is now an J
Prices as reasonable us any other gro
eery in the west.
One trial id all we ntik.
Grocers *
in < } f. omccR. W. w. 11. rtiPCT.
B. A.
All aliK's of I.ail'Irrs cooBtautir In sUxJi ms < lo
fiom epruea iilnc jjlunk. Tlio very best
Ho. 19 Pearl St. , - Council Bluffs
Over BuElincU's I ! < xl [ Htoro.
Iu Council 1 1 hi ITs having
And all miMcrn Improvomculs , call iKJbi , tire
nlnrm bullB , < : tc. , Istho
Nos. XM , KIT ami 219 , Main Street ,
MX MOI1N , 1'ropriclor.
J. L. De BEVOISE , Agent.
No. R07 Jlroiidvrav , Council Hind's.
Bailway Time Table.
The following1 IK tlm tliuo of nulval and
ilupaitiiio of trains l > y ediitml Miinduid Mum , HI
the local depots. Trains leave trnnMerilcpot ton
uilnntua rurJIor inxl : nTh o ti'n mlnuton Inter :
. AllllIVK.
. Mall nnd Kipre&g . . . .6Wr. > i.
1"MUP. M . . , . . .Accoumio < lHlioii. . . . IM I i > . m.
0 : Ji' . M . i\press : . . U05A. ; M.
0 : riAM . Midi and lJ\pr < - * < . . nMi'.u.
7-15 A. M . AccoiuuuHlatlou . fiM'n1. M.
6l : l'.M . ExprefcB . U:05A. : M.
l0il ; A. M . . . \lrtll and i\prc6H. : . . lijfiOi' . M.
& :2il' : . M . Kvprci-B. . . 0:05 : A.M.
atlCAOO , lllIllI.INlr N A QtllNCV.
1:10.M : . Mull and Kxpii.B3. .7:10l : > , M.
fi-.Kir. M . r..xirisn | , . . H-.UJA , M.
: ) 'il > . M.I/OL'alKt.l/iuU Hupit'si Iuail .
,1 : ( < I ) ' . x.TraiiBfcr tit. Loiiltt j'x. Triuii-lcr. : ! : ' . ' * ! v. M
10:1(1 : ( A. M . 31iill Mini i : | in s. 7 : 1' . U.
U ; ! ' . M . . . KxpicMi . fiaiA. : M.
7lflA.M : . Hloux City Mnil . 0tne. : ! i ,
8:09 : I * . H . . . . Kt.l'aul ISxpress . :2o : A. u.
11:00 : A. l . . . . Tlt-nvur KxpiUJEi . < : IWp. H.
lu'i ; i > . M .Lincoln 1'iihu , , dm , vV It. V , : ; 15 i * . M.
7l"d' : . M. . Ovt.'ilmid r.iinrsr . .8iiOA. : M ,
Ix'iivo Couni-ll llliitU-7W-7r : ( : > .V-U-W-10ro- :
iiiii : n. m. ; JsBJ-s iaaioiSrt
1:15 1 1 , 111 , I MUO Dmitlm 0SV : 7rt
lil.u. m : 12r2 :
No. in llroaihrnj1 , Council
Hair Goods of all Kinds
Made to Order ,
Hair G-.oods of all tyles
Ready Made.
No. 33 ? JSroadway * \
Never , Never , Never
Was able to buy so many good goods for so lit
tle money as now , at the low oask sales at
Silks , Tricots
Homespuns and Boucle Dress
Such Bargains in Blankets
and Flannels.
Our stock of
Cetarpets Cto.xta.laa.a ,
Are particularly choice , and our prices for them
are the lowest they have beeu in twenty years ,
No. 413 Broadway , Council Blufis.
Our customers get the benefit of tins expense thus saved Send for price lists.
"W" .
ildlnfts of any kind rained or inored nnd satisfaction gimrnnU'C'3. ' trrnino housca rtora
on Uttlu Glnut trucks Iho bust Iu the world.
10108th ST. , fOIJNf H < IILUI'FS ' , 1OAW.
Have removed to their New Store ,
Hos. 32 ft 84 Iain and 33 30 Pearl Sts. ,
Where they Inivu put in a new Meek of
ladies' ' aod Gents Furnishing Goods , Etc , , Etc ,
Among wlilch are the tailoring lines :
Hats and Caps , G-loves and Mittens , G-ents
Neckwear , Gents' Underwear.
Ladies' Clittdrm's anil Missies' UndvriZSS.1 . ® } '
Hosiery and Gloves , Cloaks and Shawls , Ladies' Valises , Bfankota und
Flannels , Rockford Carpet Warp in all Colors.
No. % nut r > 4 Main Street , Council I'.lufl
No ! J3 anil iW I'carl Street
No. 29 Main street , Ootmoil Bkrns. \
200 Heating Stoves from $3 to $10 Each.
ClirnpCouk Blovc * iiil Ocnonvl Ho * ' . -if nil > llfU.y | Now nnd Uti llaiirl
63(1 XKQMWAlf , COUNCIL UL.Uf/8.