DAILY BRJS,1 TUESDAY , OCTOBER 27 , 1885. * v * HBLP. \J'ANTKl > -Younif ) abpnl It. for T\ tight hoiif-owork. V14-S3 \ ? ! " - * walor-rtrnT vtrfct ai Hoiilhllth . WANTIlAffKHlKrlto ! | ivMlst In cooking. lnn.ulrol5l7Jntk&oii. "HU WANTKII I wlloi tornni f7 ff > l" " wool. I y Bt thulr homos In city or country. S'oinn lcnoirlodRoorcn > eliot nml fancy work rfxiiilrc l. btciwlywork. Uoods tent by tnnll Send uo tor iiimplo and ponraKe. limn Silk Work-n , 1 3 W. ITth Bt , Now YorU. iMn'SP W ANTI ! ! ) Qo < Ml n hUU ! > u vork SH N orth Iftli ftt. WANTHI ) flood ( rlrh for jrnieral hntim i work , cook Ing , tirst Hml wcond work. MU. Phiccnprlvonfnxi tot-liU. Cull at II J Cronn u'a lllock , IBtlmtrtHit. Mrs. Hmlth , WANT1I ! > A Rood nillllnor to fill uool flllna lion. Ail'lmss , Ktatlnv tnrms mid nxper Ion co , 7. , lloo ofllco , Council lllulTs. MUM YXTANTKIl Ihrpo A. No. 1 lady rnnvnwnis ) T ? Rood rofbronecs lf > iUlrod ] Whlto HewlliK Mnehino olllto. No 121 North IBth st. CTMM "WrAKTKD A ( flrl about II yours old iw tmrsc Ajply NW cor VltKlnla Around Oront si "TlTANTKn Oood ulrl for Renoml houo ork. Vr Conk , dinlnir room Hliln chamboiiimlds to Cainiio ranmm St. l l. WAN'I'RD-AnentjoiinRKlillo with baby. WK H. mil Bt. H1 * JIELP. WAM I'll A M till oyirom 12 In 10 jrnisut 8.1' J.ttin niir'nlliilt.clfiiir nndmiitlonary itoroU > K lu H. Uctiitnn piilcrnd- 7u-.il Tl IIOUOIXllll.Y comprtonl puily wnnled In IhUdlxtrlctto control uxclupltul ) tliu Milo ot our Rood ? , patented : the merit of thnpooils pio- rnn , mid IIHH no competition ; fatoruhlo condi tions tn lliu rlftht pattyndi'res : ' lorpuitliiilurs. KTANDAllIlMgUItlCUllLI. C > ) , Nl ) ll'oWlllol .St. , Now York. t ; * WANTICII-A .In'ry hand. Inunlin at th" ruunorihu Id < k prliifri ) Dili ) , \ tnlli-S W or Omiilin , or wivnn. C'C ) ' . " ; * WANTKlt MOM ntiil women t'i stint H new liin < lnp.s , < m thulr hnincH , eunlly loiunod In an l-oiir : no pc-dillliu ; inc. foiI rumples and a iKOtif tinitmlid to to nm OIKO u ink on. Ad- American Supply Co. Allmii ) , N. Y. UMlllV WANTKIl A first I'l tas limn ( look for rcstnn- runt work.applj uti ( 1' Munrnu a fmid'ij' , ir.tli mid lavcti | > ort , ( H - T WANTKII Tnn first-clam li'tir maker * ; nothing tint flrst-chws workmen Not Hi rinttol'ucioiy , No.b. ( it.7 : * WANTKD n-'ii-ood men for It. K.woi H.7fi to ? .i.l > t > PIT da ) . 1'ioe limisporlullon wIllnhlpTiiOMlaj morning nt'MIi , call HIM I'ar- nnm. No iludus wantud. U74 I , 'ANTKI I'i Intel Poimnnont Kituutlon TI and frond pny toiiMiber , lullublu man Ap ply In pen-on to The Pilot , Illuir , Neb , ti7G--7p TiITANTKn- llrst-eluss burlier ; ( food locution , TT room.olo. Addresi ut once , HOY Vi , SMI- porlor , Nob. ( )7r . WANTHO At Once .7) ) carpenters on ! ( e IIOUHO nt Cut off l.aku Kood wmju-i. Apply atthu Inko , Ooo. II. Hiiuiinon I & .uo. , ( 'j-7p Second cook at imniel : bouse. WANTUD Salesmen now helllntr leather bOotAamlxliocsto t.iku a line of i libber boot and Rhoo HiimpluH mid sell on comniKt'Iiiii. Addi-otiswllh uilcroncos.J. It. C. 1 Jil Kriinklln 8t. CblCUKOlll. r,7U-7 * WANTi : An oxporlonced drv Roods clcik with roieronco ; nonu others need appl ) : at COD nouth tilth nt , CM WANTKU Good uuirCM pnlil to n ( food thst class butchut , I til I Ion HI d M. 4' > B'ti * TfJfTANTi : ! ) ( tuntlemen to taknordum In city ; V T n nuw thin it , and monuy in it : business jiei- manont ; cull at loom U Arlington block. "iHu'-t WANTi : Fifty cnnvnssorn. ladles and frcntlctnon uro making $10 per day RUllinir our "Kitchen Queen , " Address , with Mump , Bhiipfon > V 1'arsons Tool Co ,4.1 Itoiud of Tiado Bntldlnir , St , 1'aul , Minn. Munuluctory. Lou oil , JAMS. 4W-J7 WANTUU StcauKrapliur. llox KM , Omiilia. ? i5L. ! _ < IKNTS-Sollinfr SII eonrl steam washer . nuiKo blic monuy. J. Woilh , bolo Manul.iu- feirt , 8t Ixiii8 , Mo. ! KKSdecl4p _ BITUATJOHS WANTED. TTTf ANTi : 1'oHltlon as bool > l > e peror ( iii-hler t oHllsfnctniy lolmcncca will bo ftirnlshod. DlrootA. A. Itooofllco. 7ia-Ill WANTKIl Bltlialloii foi ( I German Klrls to do house and dining room workH17 S 10th nt. German iuiph : ) } mentOlllco. 71K-27 ) * WANTKU Situation by rxpnrlonced bntiid nncl cake baker. Address US thU ollleo. 7Ul-2d * WANTKH Hy u thoroughly competent and oxpcrlenood bookkuopoi , a poi < itloii at ) iuch. ilrtaa L. I' . , lice ofllco. 7U4-S7 * TTTANTKD-Posltlon In nil ofllco. HaIft ) f V yearn oxiiurlonco In ullUludu tC ) ollico work. AdUrcia M O , lte < . Ofileo. 71 - ' WANTKU Situation by n comnotent nur . ItofortnicoH If requliud. Cull or address Mnt. > lo. , 414 North 17th Bt. WW WAA'Tii : > T'ortllton by compeicTit hidy stun- oxraplicr and typo wutor operator. Address - dross V / . , lloo OBIcc. 570 28' ANTKH Stunllon by competent young Indy HtonOKniphur and typo writer. Ad- U T. HUB otllco. ( ttOCTp WA2TCS. l Two iliifuiiilnlioil rooms.d - druas bUitliiK ternm nml locidlty , J. It. Ileo flloo. 7U'W7 * WANTii : > A trcnniMiand dnntnl chair. Call at Dr. C n. C Smlth'dJiiulH block , corner tClh Ht. and Ciipltol UNO. ( KJ W ANTKI Work In n roiintry printing oft co aruiiipetent tipo. Aiidio-H Hi x ftcNub. ! . Wl.-.T' ex , ANTKD Situation by n competent iNMik- f f Lctipor : be-t of lefoiiincos tin disbud by former oi"7lojfi-s ; ntend ) emploment only do- 'ie < l.idmes M. II. U.17 N lull t. , l.lncoh Nob. I.NI .in * WANTKII ToKxchaiuQDpunor horses for Ktiod aetlvo , medium sjiiiii of innlej. 0. 11 , Mooio .V Co , IMS Uoilirc st. O.V. \B7ANTHn-K\erjbody In Omaliii To" know Vi that Iho pltuft to buy und sell ion ! c'stnlo Is at tlioollico ot t , ' . B. Mn > no , S.V , ( or , ot IMh and I'armim Bin. I Irt-u-i WANTiiTo : meut iloTiianMor ( romeloiit | ) Ixxikkcepuu I nil ) loach tun Indies and two boyH , and w alt for pay until situations are InrnlHhvd. J. II. Hmlth , I'Kartiain. . t-To r nt furnUhed mom uith board , TUIIIIH icaHinahlu , Adiliixs or call atKUUUlorKla uvudouis to. Ua\ciiniirlh si. 4U-.1) ) Tl'ANTKII riy H Nuw Yoik tlnu lepiesenllnw Yt and cmitroIliiiK dcMuible anil ipili k hullln > ; idH > < i KoiMlH and etiilalns lot Ihodij Koodsilolh. \i\K , iipholsteiy and mattiess trades , a lltn man In toll ittMxIh on ( .ommlssloii In thu.Stato ( it No t > ia ka , Addiei > 3 , t'alesmiui , I' . U llov(7J ( , Nun Yoi k. WANTIC ! ) KiiinlPtiril hniiMiiil a nxiniH tin llio nlniur. No ihlldrcn Ho- _ _ JJ , Ilee mU'o 4li ) 7 fANTiiD-Te.mis. T. Murray. W A.NTin : Mutlrvs * iniikor nt Done ) k Ktuno's. WWANTI1I WANTI1I ) A full lol nwn tint city at a rea- wmnhlo piho Statopilce , term and lo cation Addu s'.J N C " llcuolllco. TDK nEUT-KOUSES AND LOTS , 17WII IIUNT-Three finiit looms nicely fui- J. nlshixl. on Miiet cm line ; Biillable lor loin s , elthci ciit.cnion or lailUi * , wil N .nth ItiM' : Clicap hull of huued , No M\ \ FOK . Cull at inicu. 70U.-J- TTI Olt 17th ol. , JL'Olt utcnui'und ' Datenixirl , $ lf > . 8. Ix-hnnin. ' " ; - * " i isiincr ll'Hi ' mid I'lielllc' , oiiubluik from U 1'ilepol. Owen Wiialui. Tllli : KICNT Itotue , r , moms. null nnd olst cm * U , K. Thumpinii , t > W cur , lllh and Iliiinc ) . PH ( KKNT KnrnUhod eottiijn ) , winlh fldo of DauiuiKiil bclwnen 19th mid H'lli ' HCU , | JUu niiinlh ; nifcrineo rcsjulrut. M'UXIp Po .til N. ISIhSt. I FOU IIINT : llrhk ImiiM1. iinclirdOliiCull ul MrVlnlcV lllh and I'liriiwn , U'.n-I Ol ' " 'lltu- " 'n iliiiioiii-ii icpuir. IIUHI Kir C liliiiiilH M , . J-H pvr iniinin. liujuirc itMint "I , iiunul UiuiU bull tin/ . ill Tl ItKNT room lionet honr cor. Pth ntul * I. P. Martin , 3W 9. 15th t. ( T 1 17MMI llKNT-IIon on rooms nnd kltohfti , nml 3 icotns at CVS N. 13th 8t , K5 . FOIlltr.NT-Houso. InqulrololV Harmy. fVKKM * J/MMl ltivr * IT room cottcpt tnodern Im IIHIVCIIH nts , 711 S. p-ili st. Knnnlnt mat ilrornoith , fx > | 171OK ItKNT Kletrnnt now resident1" . 0 room * J. with PHK , bath , hot nnd cold illy mid cistern wnif-rs Krntn In front nml bunk parlor * , nml In trout ( Iminltr tip Malts ; fine ubmidol'i ' rs und tUMii" ; Is-uii'es from the opera hou o H"in lln Allrfiwti. . iilt oiitli Uth Ft. rlM7 HI-NT Ni nt 7-rooin colti'Rn In tlni'lo- ' L culli n. iii'd unit IlKk from Rtifiti- A Rimndi rs .V Co , 1 101 Farnam , opp. I'atton 617 FOIt li\T-Contraily : ! ( > cntedTnpw lirlck btiildlmr oiiltnhln lor tnoil < ruto pi I rod hotel und KHimirmit : III Inn it HI in ; Imth nnd water on nurh Hour. Ihls Is n rnanrc to establish piijltii ? hotel. Ames , 15J7 Ini num. rn.'i r , Foil 1C KM' Cu tnfroi : roiimV-tfiT ! "t , nca'r Clink , J10. A. P. Ittuiy , I.Wl rnrnam sf. nwui _ _ _ "IjlOIt ItKN'T -A B i oiini fottiiRo on Clmrlm 9t. 1 ? Imitilte of Ir. U. H. Paul. 61J J OK Itr.NT A room hoitjo. Apply to Ir ) Nev Illo. 4-.1-N2 17i ( K ItKNI' Tlueo ( rood honws wt-ll located. O. K D.ivls .v Lo. , 1 * f > r.iiniim * t. O > "il IjlOU IlKNT-Htnro l.iuiiilru lit lloston Dry -I1 liiHidi sr , , . . iil ( M lotli St. 4lt ) FOIt III NI ( t of 1 roTmis : ttnt bu"e- inent No lit S .Vstici t div atul ifsttrn wa- tei. liKiulieoi Dunan .1. walhlee.iisa. Ifilh st. Mltl I 'Olt 111 VT New 0 room hon ; on sin ot. pin lei b.i ) windon.oa t fro ( l < trrn , we ) ) . alks. lo.i 'o < and out ho'Uo nnd COM emenf fH per month. J. K Itlkt.V ii , V-.S | I Ith street. .Ull I AUK III. NT lliiu < nfl looms ; 17th. bet. Call- 1 lei nln mid Webstei ts ; fi'.V ) per month , .1. W. MiUHhall , I'M ' ! 1'ain un. < n\ \ IT'OIMIKNT HOIIMI with kCMin t-itoms. UI7 Micimiin A\u. Kniuiiiool 1) . T. Mount.IIS. . FOI : HUNT A pooil form with inllpi from po t olliro ; 75 nurps utiili v eiiltl- Milloh. Niino but rtpi ikniol farmers m i d npplIteleiencu lequlicd. llnmlln V llnmn Ml Soulh lllh Hi. 118 31 TriOIt Itr.NT Nov. i , a tlrjt-cl as tMoomrot. 1 Intro'lint loontlon ; by S. T. I'ctniseti.s u. cor. l.'lh and Douulus. lui Troll It 1'XT Tno ncx * ii'siilciii.Nii roiimi eaoli , -L ( otti'L-o ' . " > roomslioiiso lu looms. J. I'hlppi ituo , nvi FOU Iti\l : * Two-stiii > ilwcllln r , 7 room * : Kood liualit ) . Appl ) Cor. Uth and Doniilui. CT.Tnloi. 711 > OH llKfrrsTorcToii'Jtli ifrid hcmeinroilh Ii 1 cm I stiiio nn Poiilh rth st. Until llr t-cla = J Imsl IHSS locutions A1"O IIOIUPS to tent. A. MeOm- 01k. t" I iriOll KENT Ilnnno of n rooms. Apply C-ir. I1 Hthand llongli" C. T Til ) loi' . 710 FOIt HHNT-Povi-riil ilwolllnirs. A | \ < \ \ Cor. lllh and Douglas C. T. Ta ) lor. .V HINT : oit SAM : A house , bam foi Ji cows , nml 4 lots In Walnut Hill add JJiqper month. Inqillio Jjmus Lliri liiiii-cn , I * . I' . ' " " - 1st. or lifter , a dwelling I1 Imili-efi rooms , nie turd , i Klein , water , $ J ) pci month Applr Mil 1'ailcWild a\uoi.lnu. W. It < II , ( lriiar Ht , * M Hinith lUlh St. NM in ou KINT Nicnrottuco 1010 Pouth rith st. J lliillliuot | ( A. lloldili ron Ksirr KOOBIS. _ _ "I J1OI ! lll'.N'TWith or wilboilt lioiiul. an ele- I Kanl son Hi 1 1 out loom in handsome ( ottacu , Hiiltaldo tor two Kcnts , In prixalu lainily : el hl mlniitis1 nulk liom U , I' . ile'ot. | ' 4M VViiluut si. 71.1 _ _ I 71 oil HUNT Vurnlshod room 71T4 South Kith htieet , with or without board. ltS0 * rjlOllKCNT-H room homo on 2tli stnd ! i housif-oiitb o IloiiMlus t lt ! < nt # 'ii , ill ) \uitei.applv nn piemi orior 151i DouyliiHttieet. \Vm.Menell. I. ' > 7-J7 Foil IlKNT I.IIIRO furnished fiont room with USD of bulb room ; one block liom htieet eats and ( Ue minutes' nulk trom pns- | tilhcu. Hnilablu lur two. Add i ess I' . O Drawer 'M. 71V& * " | 7inil IINT : Anclo unt rnrnlsheil loom. Illll -I ? Doiltro. C'Ki'J * ' JjlOU IHNT : Tno nicely finiiKhisl looms , wnrin undconiloiliiblo for tvintoi , foi KIIII- tlemon only. No. l7iWCallfoiniiist. ( MJi-t.'U * FOR Itr.NT Two nunly liniiisheil looms , pailoi und bed room elf south windows. No SS3 IHth gt cor Davenport. ( > 7-'sU ! ItKNT Duslrablo front rooms. Ill FOIt South 18th st , I- ! : ! ! * JT1OH ltiNT : A nicely linnlshud cottaw , 15 1 ? iimma.HfT North aithfct. _ _ ti l FOIl ItKNT [ 'iirnlMliml room * lor UKII | hongoltcuplnif , Imtulic N W cor 18th and Clark. fllil-Sl * E O lFlUNTIla lrMblu lOomT.atlHl S Casi T < f. FIK ItlINT Two imrmnMiml rooms , 1(117 ( CIlicilHl ) St , ClB ITlOlt KKNT I'or lUhl house keeplnir. ! ! tur- Jj nbhed rooms , & W , corner Hand Howard. FOIt HUNT LIUKU hanUsoniu room , 1704 Capitol live. til HUNT ruriilshed room. No 7i I'llh J7UIH Wubstei atnsns with pi it lew ol buth. _ _ _ Foil IUNT : : i iiHims Hidtabln for liuu Ueep liiK. Kniiilr | 1lil liivi'nnnt ) | Mreet UiVJi' KKNT ruinlsheil room with tiMj ot bath loom. No. 71 11'Jht. , near Webster. IjlOlt HUNT Nicely furnlslied loom UK ! DoiUit Htieet. 'iS'Unl' HUNT Two nicely lurnMicil looms , KINT : Nicely fiiril | < li sl moms , ehcap , lei loiirKontlinien.'UjsS llltliHtiout. r > ' )4 ) TIIIK Ui.NT-LaiuliiilildicdromlHlI : ) > o < lKO. - F HUNT rutnlslitd rooms , S.VJ Dodtve. - FOK HUNT Tno iilcKiuil fiont rooms iinfin- nlshisl , Imlli IIMIIII hot and told water wiino t'iMir. ' vet ) ilehhiiblu location. Kiuiuliu H. W. Coi III and Uodfc'u. 4VJ Ki.NT-Hoom : with tumid. IblJ Oodjru. 4.o ! ITtOlt ar.NT Iloonift In clt > hull biilldlnjr. 1 Itooms In Uiiikur block. C. E. Muiie. Ulli and I'limum. 4ll FOU llUN'T-lIleiianlly luinlsliud looms at IWirmnmnst. 40U IH'NT l.in-uu tiiriisln | t front room ; cull i C p , m. , 7U Illlh M | , nmir Wolislcr. ; ctt 'li | - , ItUNT I'loiu.nil lurnlahed rooms. 1707 I-Oit CllSH. tftVKll * . KI : > T Tno ploauint front woms mi- I.AOIl 1 IniiiWicd , nillnblo fin liirhf houseki eplnir , III llccini'i H Illoi K.coi hlh miiMloumil. Ml _ FCII lU'.NT 'MoieKlnthu bilcii building ( in llowitld St. , but inth and 17th. No I1'1" ' > u > J I'JIu inilllie | lit diliKhlinoior. KHli t. ' . ' ' -J 37'Olt ItKNT I.aifc'i liiint loom nicely fin- nisbid : pilvilui-uof bath loom ; wnitalilu lor fwn p ( IMIIIS ; 11\c < minutes walk limn 1' t ) ; nno blink Horn stiei torn liau. Addiubs 1' . O. box ; KK TUI _ ItKNT A nice , pleasant inom , furnish- ITIOIJ ( nnfiiiniii d Imiulio ul 1J1J I.eiuun- WOllllMMCI. < IU ITtOll It I M'Itooms with 1 oiiiil , lll llllllle lor 1 pummel. Appl ) ut bl. Cl ai lui Hotel. Ui\ \ lll'.NT-Nlcclj timil.-hcd Iiont loom to Irtoll 1 ( .cnllemmi ( ml ) , ut S K. miner vth und Donxiusdtiuct _ ' _ _ wa _ _ I ItHNT l'uinl hu < l HMI'III , 1WJ Km nam 17 > ott lti\Tl : ( iiiiilflicd i unins on I'aelllo J1 hticul , between Vlh tiiul lUth.one block Minlh ot tlm I ) I ilenot. _ _ 4'J.I TTtoit ItKNT u'pleui > iint Fouth f runt 11x11113 9. JW cornel litlnimlliuunpoit. ! _ _ 7U POIt ItKNT Two nlcdy flllilUlud loom's , N W. cor ' 'lit and St. Mm \ 'u utuniiu < IAI SAI.E-lIOUSEa-I.OIS. s.\l.t--7U ; IIHII front on lA'iixcnnoiil. bIN \ Pitlt ) liotduup cornel Iny on ai lnul alii ) MMIII ! liont cam pin s oioij let niliiuiun , I'liin tt.'M AmiJi.lJUi i'mimni. < ? HI HOUSES , | ottfhiiiiU litiiiisUth and Douubui . ' . ' a.'jnor.'l kv > TTOII SAl.U-fliMtd 7-ri > oiii hui > u on 1Mb M , : J1 full Int. cll Improved ; T..HUi 1'oller X i.nbli , I'i l"i I'm mini l ilrtf 310I1 s'Al.i-Twolots ; In lllniobmiVh"pliict- juM c-lil ( I'aik iunnc. pikes Jl , < : rmiid il 'iii ) ittptuiiulj , Auti4. 1501 1'unnuu , Ust I.IOIISVM ; Nowportlsroncb > ! vir thMwo bf MrcttnlnUinuhn. ' * itrrntliAtntnl Snuti- ui-s t , n Isns bfittlfitl a tMMl ) ot landason orprsaw. fh's pun l tlotnoti-irntiil to jftiir own KHtMifioMf-n when you w it , Newport v\te \ on Itftoviimtnltaand rilU fn t. Then. ' Is no urn- luitpfrt ) likoit AUwhonoolt admit tlm full Newport ( iplls l-f-onii'o It Is vrhnt Iho people nnl. When tone < > tlit'rouiiH ( on will ndmltlt. Ily next Kprltitfjoti will find ucrc' lots'Pllliiftforonu tlitrd moro HIHII they do now. Ily ntttf.ill they will fell for iloulilo what thpy ( to now. Iln\o iinn eonitilt.net. thru mid buy now nnd mnhc this mil .into. Do not delay lint Invest j-o it i money unJinnka Ihu udv nco- Ames , 1607 rur- IIHItl. IWl | , > OHSAI.i : On .ll t ° t. , fln" lots at fr'i ; t n r I1 Itiinn. Call nt olliec. I'ottcr te Cobb. IMf. , rarnnm . 410-tf iTloll SAI.JOn : P'Tni'iiwiMihooinnHsp I1 mid lot MUlin , * I.M ) ; alto bousii mid I luU , { 4'uuu. Cunninxiiain .V llrcmuin , 1511 Du-li'c. > - Ir ) ou want to Ml real oMnto ll l it with C. 1 ! . Mnjno.svfnrnth and rarnnm. If It Is not t oni unleiit to call drop n cunl 1th n full I'PS- crlpllonof tl'fpiopcrt ) p\vln \ numlier of let an 1 block. Itnfllp'i ) jou If jou want to nil to wml duscrlptl'"iol jonrpiTvertj tot'ils nponcy u hero II will n t < ! to prompt attention. 1i-lu- phonolSI. _ _ JlHlL FOIt SVI.i : : > l udillilonnl ots 111 Smindeii .V llltneliiuiKh's a tdliion HM now otti'M" ! for f ale at the old prices Tli ( > Cell Mnc rnilroii'l is hirnlisl within a fen rods ot t'lls n''dllloutui ' I lhe iilot itl fiom JK.itoY-'iritbe cbeapestt iitoif irtj tntl'ccltj' . TIT us , f iidownnnd luilnnco in tnont'ilj pa ) mi nts ol 1 or lu dollars. A. t-niin- .lint I ai mini < t. iV'J' l I.n C < i.ti-rnnSniimicisoL : business lot , l.iixLMoi : I ) $ ! & > . Pinter i-Cohli. _ _ _ 4H51 _ _ I/ll > KMA l.h An elixant li room holier mid J-1 lot IfUvlMI on I'aik iivenlio , luautirul lix'a- lion , fl.V.l ) CntmliiKhum A. lliinmui , 1M1 I'oiUe. ! * * * Jiioi : SAI Kciulot.i uro non thu popular sufu ami i-uiu bixubtmunl , Nunpoit IH thu choice of ult uct clots ; jou will niv n juilr'i If \vh ( i unipccll. Como andI/ciko\H'Nii piit Amos , liVIT rai'iiam. tWi [ P jou want to sell lent iHtntullst UwlthC. II. Majnc , MV tot b.th mid I'tni'mi. It' It Is mil cent' nil nt toe-ill I'ron a nml with n tulldos crliitloii ol tin pi-opcrtj etlvinif number of lot nn 1 bloek. It will pat ) ou Ir jou want to hKl In M ml tit > ci hit loll ot jour propel lyle thlsiiKniK V wl cm It will rccelMt prompt nllotitlon. Telu- plume Ul. t:4J- : ' ) JjlOH S VI -A leiull'ol ' lot with U-roo'it I'o'i-o ; ' .oiilh rrtmt.t ntl : ot inirhtibool : will rent tor * IJU pur j uar. ilusi bet sold at once. It. W.llppOllVit. txil-'H" J t S\l 1' I.oltIn Thornb'iis ' I'lnco. vc-t i.ii u.sroto kM inch , nipi'i cent down. ii montlily payments. 'I ! ie i i.ruITJ ii < - li.iblit humid tlici In npest In'.u 'I Omaha : the ltd : l.lno di ; ut will I u built at tb u.ineiol Tliui nbi'itr I'l ice. Cull and Kit I iitticulurs i.nd sen the | input ty. C II Muj no , b'lth nnd rartmin. 67'l ! .7 FousAl.tComoiMid'co : t ho in w est , iii ant and bo-it neicloiH lor lliu monnj' in Noupoit Ames , Iru7 riiru.ini , W-l t SAM : A few J.PICS In IllniebitU'th addl- tlon and lirookhne. I unnlnitiain& Itienmui , ' TTMUt > Al.i : l.olH In Thornbiirw I'lace. we--t Oniuliu0 to (40i eiieh , lOpci cent ( ' . ( mil. baluiipn monthly pa ) nuttits Tliese .11 ei ry ilc shut lu lolH nnd thu ( li ( jicsl in wi > ttOmahuthi < licit l.lns. ilu.nc ) vlll bo unlit : u. the inrmiol rhoriibmu I'lico. Cull unit trur ptri.enl'iis an t MJO the piopmty. C i : Mujnu , l.'il'i ' and l-'armun. fi7iV--7 HOlsi.s , U-td , lauds Hem 'i llthand Utmqlis M ' -.i-iuinvi ) FOUSAM ; Newpoit lspinuiil'tl : to bit all that Is cliiimxl toi nitliHjon will iidmlt th.s wbnii > on sec it : i ome and look at the itiouril , mid heo with j out own oj o , tie ! MHICM , nicest ndolot"cvei olfui cd : come and -i e flu lots , MIII will adti.it ull that is chili : . ed. Amu- 1 VJ7 Km f.uu. IV1O1 : SAI.K ! i lionnnd ( rood lot one bloi k -I nottholbt < I.sij si'\onue , tented lor $ l-i ) montb , will be sold cheap. Uinnmnlmni > V Iliemiun. 1.111 lmdru. bJ.)1. ! IilOlt sAI.K Acio lots in licit cileio. I't. Oi'iuliii ( in * ho hot III. TtiN is hj tar the linest und cheiipcst ucie piopcit ) lu Hint direc tion. Cull and see It. Son to f ell po ticto ens , tunas , C. I ! llnjne.Bn coi. luth ntul I am un. ITVUI svi.r A hint \ > .mlth hop nnd tools.tt a bntK'iinillliaituloi ' Kun a.soi Nebt ! ku land. Chiis. Mmei.ch , Ciecton , ill. TTIOK SAI 1C Lolrtin HintcbHUi , ! ) un i 1'i'ttcr HHi's8Ut > -dlii-lniiidi : | > ! nin'tliui : ( n nuliO".d limits on nbu lull pul. uniiiil nouses mi 1 Mint s mil to he built I'l lies j-Mfl to * | i > 0 nu hi ; its\ tcuna , 'J ho-ioluts uio belling \c'ij iiipull ; : call bCionlljou wi > h to tun. It C I'attuison f > U JI'j-ou wunl lo.dl ivul osliiiulHI It witbC r. Miivno swcor Irilti uml I m num. II il ii > not convenient lo cull drop a i.ml w 1th a full dcs- ctlption ol the propel t ) Kiting number ol lot undbUuk II will pay vun U toil "mi ! to sollto bend ilencilptiono , yoiirpiop ( rt ) lo this ( rene > whcru il will luioltc' piompt attention. * luo- ! pbonoii-'l. mJL" > FOISSAI.i : Newport N si'lllnur because it ii nearlevant cionnd not a b.ul lot in It , Ien urulni ) Imriu luloln tiiiaii'Uthc } iiinmukumoru i.iouij Imjlnir IILIOI ilniu hi i'ii > other way. Ilvei ) aci e of New poll will lov ; , oith mid will sell toi'tnUepiicunowasked lor it ill less thin a ycnr It jon will luoli at Newport jou will eit Is allth.it is dunned lei it. Amc.s , I.VJ7 Km mini bt. Wil FOK SAM : A baiKiun in two lots on flier iu utcniie Koranlioit llino$1700 nilltake the tno. W. r. ( Ji ahum , CioiKliton block. fcl FOKSAI.K-Acielotsin llolveiluio. $ .1)0 ) to juiuicidi No bills to i limb. Nlie level mud all lliu win Splendid locution , Yiow un- Mirptis-.i . d. C I' Muynu1'ith und rurnam. U4.1-M ) Tl' ' ton w iint lot-ell i ml c-tnlolK It with C. II. Mayiie , sw ( oi lritb und I'm mini. If it is not COIIVCIIK ill to ( iilldiop n cunl with a full dev cilpllon ol the piopeil ) ji\liw numbci ol lot and lilock. It wlllpii ) ton If von tviint IOM < H in Mjnddi script ion ol > our piopi ily to this agency ' wheiu ilnlll iieeite piompl attuiition. Tulo- phoulC-'l. l > ! J i nilMlsAl.i : Newport acio lols , sell becuusu l the ) mutlii'iiemi si.nunusl and cheapest lols foi wilu , tins will bu ptoti d when jou M' tlio /'ionnd / , uimo jnd Mioloi voiiincll. Ames , lut > 7 I'm mini. TM I/IOIt SALT. Iol * In 'I hoi nlmi ; , ' I'laco. weft .1 Oniahii , * To to t l" " i i ai.li , h ) pei com don n , bulaiuumonthly piivments Tho-oaro toi ) do Miuhlu lols Hint lb cheapest in went Omiiha. the Holt l.lno di pot will bu built at ttie iiirnei ot ' ) Inn nlmiK I'huo Call and net purllcilliii s and em Hit piojicity. C U Majnu , I5tli und Km nam , . ( OOlISl.'s , lott.lumls llenils , IMh nml Douglas IjlOK SAI.K Now port Is thu lURit now in ncro kilt ) and hulls on IIH minis , even nciu of Nonpoii will hell lei not lu-is limn J-'nll In u yc.iis ilniu. Vou can llnd no MULT uu.v ol MIV- nj , ' inonoy mid iimUiii money Von c.in satKly jonrnell wlitlhei HilsiSMi 01 not b ) looking at Nowixirl. Como and teu It yourself. Ames , iJo , rainiuu. ( M II ) on want to 8ell iciil cMiitu list it withU.i : . M.i ) ne , HH tin ir.ih mid I minim. 11 II Is mil ciiiixuniunt in ( all tluip iicmd wtlh a lull den cilp. tun of I he piopmjK vin iiumbei ol lot ami block. It will pa ) ) ou U ) ini naiit KihUll to Mind 1 doNCilptlon 01 ) oni propeily to thin iiuenu\ , wbeion will iccelku piompt attuntUm. 'I'olo- plioiiciK : , til.- ' . " ) 371OU SAM : Tbiuo nlco cottaues In Waliiul Hill on miinthl ) pit ) munis , bpleiidlddiume ' I lei poi'aouaol miidciulu iniuins to yet aood ( tuime. A bmindois > \ Co. , 11U1 ruinmn St. , opp. ruAton. Dili IT Olt ! > AIi : Two lots In l < ani ) and 81 MUII'M - mid , coi net , ; IUJJ , > i cush. Teller , V Cobb. I i 1 1 > OIl SAI.I'-l its In ThornbiilK I'liuu , woit ( limiiha , viVi in llikieiicli , M pei i uiil ilonn , biil.inic inonihl ) | iamciils 'I lnu mu tui ) du- ninlilo lots uml llio oho.ipoiil in wosi Oniuliu , llio licit I. lliu depnl will bo liulll al llio ( dim i ol 'IboiiibiiM I'liu it. I all and ui t piiillcnlais and kcu thu piopeil ) . Ili Miiiiu , IDth and I minim , Foil SAI.i- : llrst thix-l and well hoillilllli : lium-o.i enliiilly locilliul lei piutlu Uhllh Addii sC X lliiMilllut. _ Ull 1711X1 SAM : -Ncn port , ncHtust , iiuuuit acru loin Newpml ln .l .mdi heip : < Hi neie lots. NcwJMiii hilUliikiei Ihiiiiuii ) nlliur , Nett jioil IHIIIMIII i limn HID other. Nun ( mil I * InindMiimil ) loc.UuU , NuwJKiit has not a bud lot. Nun ( Mill IH ull KOod lols. - Newimil HCH | | insti'i limn Niinjiuil IH lliucliolio ( Neniunl IIH Men llio Imjer. Nun purl ml thu piHiplit. Ncn jim I belli on Ha inuilln. Nuwpoil Is a plum lei NetvMiil | nill double in tidtiu. Newport ( .uniiiil be eiUiilli | J. Newporl pluuMMlho publlu. Newpoit you inlisl nxi. NUWHII | | Hill Will llk ( | , Newport Is nuaiui . - ' . .in un ) iioiu lots IUTI Mid In thin market , and w bill ) ou Mull ) on ttlll adinil II I * nil and inoro Until U clulmed lur It. Comu and MxiNctriioit non , It itlltpuy ) oultlo u. Amuu. IWJ V'ur- num. eiT .K.-OiU In llnrkpr.vMayno' * snb- ( dlrlsion on f v'i f-trfvr. thw blocks from Mt-etl cnrs , f.150 lm < 1 { I'jOeiuh. ' Monthl ) pny IllCiiits. | IxitsniiCnl'fonilavn1't ' near Hty limits , f la n < h. llxtm larKi-plJc ' T o ( ! ( X'iH-d WhridtiIwolots 7lv2W. hsh ' hK ! t fre'n P rk RVthiie. one block fmn Loav t nwiTth hlftb cniunj , fl.i > ) tmch. tprms lloii"f t UOms , apr t nf arroiiml , on woith si.ltdl Ilii" Kvpswllliln liWfcct of $ .tv " ; n lifirjrftln. Tn itoi > nn liiist nroro l near Fnrnnm , t nch , iiKntthlr paj inputs ; ihry are rhttip S.'s ' ecus In ItrooklliKi tii ir proi o < i I IL It. depot im.l Mnpftv. : \ . Tweho enft frortl lifT4on C-olun t , ono Mock north of Ix-.ivenwoilli. flVkl , ? ; l.i ) downnntl J-Mpor inonlh ; tho-o. mo iltsiniblo lots , nenr Ftrrot cir , nolr ttixVl schiMil * . np.ir lni lnt sj ; tLej will iiinki ) K'Hid lioincior make M'od ' In- M-sltTK Mf. ' "lti l on I'arnntn tit ar inih , 4.Wl One ncii1 In ( ll-.es addition ni'iir fcaumlers st. , Lots on ( leoirfla ntp Ix'twoon Intcntrortli nnd r.iriiam , * l lVi e.ich , f ir > JilHii mid f'j per tnotith. Him ncro nn South ISlh st . Jt. H : oasv terms Sn-Ixtt ridv' iiiiU.'thiit betwtun Donuliis and Ikxlvo , nen iiiitiiRo ; i rooms , $1,200 , $ . iJ down and fill | er month. SOI Uriel , bouso 11 rooms , all tnodern Itnproto- taunt' , tintli , furnace , lurxu burn , Milan H udd , * < - < " ' - ill lilIvU'l. . hotlso 8 rootiH , Doilgo gt. bot. l.Uli mid Uth , uiaUoo'iur. ' "WI'lill 1'it , two houses , Shlnn's mid , C0 ; tnf ) Icitns. ' - " .I'Hid iicrp with hoii'u , bcnnllfiil loc.tllon , Wit t Omaha , dOO I lot , l.iipi'hou-c S room > i , noith I'lh St. , : , - > : I/it tWt 140 ttfo blocks south of St Murv's ate on UM 3lnlio ( Hiitiu-i > fl luonts , lnr.o bum. { .I.W , S-iVidonn uml 5 1 pel month. ' . ' 17-NVrtt iiittsiso lull lot. north IMht . ? . ' , i l. " ! l > Hou'u" rooms , lumo lot. llmisIm Mm In Hnti-etttn pliio.ean front , Kpleiulid tlen , I.VU ; c.ist terms. ! S i-iotiM)7 ! ) loom * , lot MxfV , ItiuiMXini place1 , $ lJ-x. ( ' , JsV idinTii , biilanpc to nlilt ' . " ( ! ot > l eottllK" 7 Itioms. bum coat $1.03 , liumtMTOf oIlieroullmlldlnjM , lot UHxtOTI , tery line Inintlon , wlibln ono und a halt mlUsof PO. , near Ix-iitunworth bt. , VI.tHA ) , > 'ivsti inn. -Hrli'c hoii'O 7looms , Iliuncy ii nr Slth , Itooil lot , f V-V ) . -OiH'diollnm1 H roivni , Imif lot. bcuntifiil luc itioii.lliili'com pi ic'e.t-IJ lo ; eus ) terms. -Ixit tihixlin. ( .ood c ittii'te 1 looms , Minth 11th Rl-J."U ! ' S . " 0 dot ; n mid * " I per month. -V.Hest cottii0 | In Ontalni. non , ntco lot , ii.ituniltici" , ( jtsiitrlii nto. ui'ir Lenten- . . . . Im-l.ot iiilvl. * , south l.ith st. , cottiiKu t > i-ootns , FJ.OXI , ? juilo.tn mid fij per month ; this Is n IM lira In. li30-l.otl.i\U < ) , luriu hotiP" , pood. Hickory st bet ioth nnd llth , ? t,7lO , 5 ) do\v n and fjii pei mouth IV lot IfluvSM , neat ( oltnicu fi rooms , lin lib ) cistern , outbou cJ. tvmi n ed cell ir , li ( Imr Huiitdint park ; ihe iuiiiul iilone is worth mom than tl e pilio ii'lctsl foi this pliici- ; II jounanta ile 'iublu ' place w lib plenty ol jrround room ; tco this , H.ijuU ; o.iey tenis. . IW \ tlno two ktory home 11 looms , ( orm riot , I'1\I4 ' < > , on I aika\e , itii Id' irnl.Cion r.iuium r.t. nearr > th.tloi . W&ftf A lew pieces en South Kith ft.nltli Imlldliifis on tlirm II jou wiint ifooil lnu > tmpnt look at lot II , I UK U ' , luiiint/e IM-iiild. house 4 rooms. 1 1 'iPti. > MM down i.nd J-'il per month. Ninth half lot Id. bloik. ) . Kount'ii s jit udd , hoii-o II looms , . ' $ . ° VA ) down . ' J..U > \ and 'il pn month ' .t -r.i-t 'j lot 'Milock 177 on .li'tkMin st. nilh l.onsp nn I Iiiiiu.f l.iwt , ffU donii and J S , p < r month. "I ' lot mi shorninn ute IVK1.M In lloib.uh add , tVWi ; ul-o lota l vl'i-i < u litn , Hot- bitch sudd , fl.HK ) . "i - l , " > ix Vlcoinfirnnt-t. M > ry"s uvo . inn'trs : > M-i ) desh-ab'o ' lots ; | tn pr.coand piticu \ - Kll s ( Illll lit llfllc" . SH ) Lots in Vates .V Itood's utlj , fVOc.ich ; monthl ) pajmcnfi , 301 Ixit II ) , bliivk H | , Ilai uoni place , $1,000ery ; oust terms. IFH-Uit In Cert Intuit plnctt on Honnrd ht-'Si.ca ' ) ; M.U emy torjis. 1 o Tut o ! ' the mini acres In We = t Omaha , imn.bcis . ; ana , Uocl. - ' t , ifi.OO I 174 Tin uo lots on Vuvlnhi ui o. II in-pom place , the thin- . 17. " ) Two lotson N Ijnln u.l\o. inbltuki ! , Huns- Kim pl.ipn. $ ilii'iiL'h. 17U Tnolnts In llliloiiiitli ! | p'Rpuon ll'do ' ; st , iC.ttlieilne ave I vlitH ( i ueli. Lots unlmptiiM.'d . anj , itiipiotpil pioperty in ( \eiy puit ot thoc'riy. ( ' . I' . May no , H. W. ( or. rth.ind Farn.im. Tolojihono tl.i. i > lf f T TiTFt U.t-lhilif LTiiiiiuuTots } ; llilc ClfftTium I mecU Hie denmnd. ' It MXtisllos. tlumo vho i.iuit rltvlutM. O'iKClmtliam ha not u bud lot in Ir Tl ( Kiiai'id les .is lovcl in iinythlnK in this counlr ) . Tuoui r.m ntver biiunuuttin ' ' of On' . ClnUlmm lols lurKiadlntc. It on fr-ii : ! > , OAk Chiitlitnn bus n Itilt Mno depot now loctloil on thuKiouml This depot - pot will be itUimuttuqitfio. nnd will do iiirieut deal lonuitls thu sulo ot Oak Chatham lots. Oak Chatham inn bo scon at any timu. 'lliu pnrtlo ) tiuln lliiito now will imiUo a splendid uucst- niont , Comu mid bcu thuso lots. Ames , 1S07 t'lirnnin. CW L1OII .SAIji ; ( bo.ip resldcncu lots on Coining sf. 1'otter & Cobb , I'll" ) Karmim hi. 415-lf TAOHSAM : Tnunly ncres nour city limits , JL ? hultublu for illuillnj , ' : part cash ; tine in- \ostinunt licll&MLlHiiilllsh , : .SAM : Oak chathuni This Is what I ? WHS called tbo Tonsloy tiack ; thuntral Dupotof the Omaha lit It linn lo.id is locntdl on Oik chatlrun : Oak cliatham L opposite liuluu Kedlck'B lusldencu on Saundorn Hticot ; You can iiiukejonriiioneiyiloubloonthuMjIots : Come and MO oak Chatham bctoio it Is to lulu : Ouiahu vill doublu her population In n yours : Youcnndoubleyoui money on Oak Chatham In Ii'sss than ono j ear ; Come and fou Oak chut hum ; \oucanllinnscoundjndgolor joursclf ; Amud ir-TL'itrmim. WS .toil SA M : lu lots on NTiTiiilers ht74 blocks I 1 fiom streetcar line ; east fronts ; ( UiUoiicli ; easy pajmeiits. Thuso uro cot nor lots. ,1. I. . Hlloj .V Co.'If ) 8 1,1th ht , 'f.M fjioit HALi : Cheapest piopertj- near West Kar- t mi in st : loi.s In Potter H add. trom 4 n to ' tunas. I'otter.'t ' Cobb. V-'oo ; uu j 4 Vtf HOIIbl's , lots lands Homls , lllh und DouyliH fil i r > lnot > o POH SAM : fxts in 'Ibornbui r 1'luoo , wo t Oniuliu , f ' > to 41M each , 10 pur unit down , biiliuuu monthl ) piijinontN ; thcbu mecryde - shalilo lols nnd tbo cheupest InwestOiniilm ; thu Melt l.lno diipor will be built at the coi nor uf 'Uioi iilmrs-I'l.Ro. ' C.ill mid set piullenliun and reu the piopcrly. C K ibi ) no. 1511 : and Km nam Ki > L7 _ IT't ' It SALK Lols In Ilioriibiuj , ' Place , west X1 Omaha. frJIIoftmoaeh ; 10 per cent doun , Uihineu inonlhly pnjment' ) 'lbu o mo ti'ij du- i-li utilu lots and lliu etii upe't In west Omahu : thu Itult l.lno depot will lu built ut the coiner ol Thoriilinifr I'laco. ( nil und trot pmliciilais und t-ce the piopurty. C UMaiiu , 1'itli and Karnuin. irioii SAM : nak clmlliuni This Is what WILS ( ailed tint Totmloj track ; thu Contra ! Depot of thu Omaha Hell line road Is Incatul on Oak iliatham ; dale Chatham is opposite .ludpu Itodlck h rtHl'lumu on Saundeis ntnel ; Yon can miiko jour money iloulU < on Hn.-olotH : /omo und M-O Oak challiam bntoiu it Isto late ; Omaha will double her population hi fi jeaii , ; Yon eimdonbli ) onr money on Oal : chathiim In h HS thanonuuiir ; Comu and M'I > Oak Chatham ; You can thoiiK'i ; mid Judge loi' > utin > elP Aii IMi'arnam. . fi4K I.iOIt SAI.H-1 him u cornur lol In Ileud'ri Isl lid I1 JI.CW. I'oltor&Cobh. Tl' jou want lo neil irul eslato list it with C. 1' . Mnjno.Hu mi l..th und I'm num. II it is not convcn'unt ' to call iliop n caul with a full tlo-orlp tlon of the piopcily Ktthu number of lor ami blo < k. llwlllpii ) j on If toil want lo boll to nmd desciiptlon ol joui piopoily to HHF UKOIIU ) , wlieio It will Kicno iirompt lUlunllun Tulo- phone ( Ul. | UJ.'J _ _ _ _ ji. _ FOK SAM : Ixit8 In I'lhornbiiiK I'liuo west Oinnlia.7l In 8(1)1) ( ) ) inuh ; 111 per cunl down , biilamu monlliU prn IIIOIIIM ; thee me Mtiy dc- nlrublo lotrt and the eheapuat In wuht Oniahauho ult line depot will ho liulll ul tliu corner of 'Ihnrnhurif pliuo Cull and Hot purlleuliiiHiind ti o the pnipert ) C ) { ilfij no , ISth und rarnum. fi7i--7 TJAOIt SAI.IC Wbon buj'ers ' neo Nuwpoit they -L mi coiuincwi It Js tliu nunust , neulust and bc t iiuiu lots tor ham. Vou can milltit ) ) oni- Kill ot this b ) lomlmr Iieio und lidlnjr Oiit to Newioit.ot n huh . .thru ; Is not one IKIOIlot. . let In now when jom ulifilco will bu tuuoiiK Ihu lint. Alum I W ri\riajt \ } | bt ftsii 171OII S VM.- Oak"hulliiini This Is what wasc'.illcd the Tuush. ) Iniili Tliu Cuntrul Depot ol lliu Omaha IILlt llneroinl is loc-atcd on Oak chmham. I Unit' ' Chatham Is opponltu JinUc ; lie-dick's loa lrnyn on Smmduis htiuct. Vou t un nuiKooiiriiioiiu ) double onlliUMi lols. Como mid KCO Oal. climlin ) | | ' ( ) ) H li to lute. OniMliu will doublu her JHipulation In n jours Viiiiiindoubli > } ourmone ) on Oak clnillnim lu Icsb Hum one ) u'ii Comu and HUO Ouk chuthum Yon can then ie and Jndiro lor ) our uir. Amos _ _ _ _ _ EOK SAI.I'ilicnpoat hue ilisuio pioiiori ) in tlie maikd , Kwldcnco lota In Hlllsulu nild. , Wo to ll.loo , Potter $ . Cobb. 4.a tf ri'ouniuilloK.ll lonlostalollHtft with C II. --Muyno , swcor Kith and Kurnuin Hit U not cuiiMJiiiunt todilldiop a caid nith u full dos- llplloil ol Ihu pnipoiiy KiVlnK nuinlKir ul lot und block It Id pay jou It jou mint to Mill to nenit d < u rlptlon or jour property to thlsiufuncy whuiolt nill leceltu prompt uttunllon. Tclu- phgnott. ! . ti Foil .SAMI-IloiiBuiiml lot In North Oniuliu ; liiMiMfliiisru-oomB , oletein , w oil , east fronl ; ( * ) * . 'tlUV . . a.lLl.li room now honso nnd lol on cor - 1Mb M. . will be Mild lor $ -MU C'uiinmKluiin itllrniiiuui , Kill Dodxe. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ wa _ Foil NAM : On Luuvenworlh Blioel near Phil 8h ( > ridiin ol.u comer lol 7J tool wan h fitint by IWftuusUiout , l'i k-o JJ.iUi. Amuslud7'uriium SIM . I't Omnhn on the north ThUls by far the flni"-t ami chony | > st ton1 pitiporto In tfiat dlied- tlon ; mil nth ! vo It. fcwu to f-'tn ) | > or ncrn.ev y terms. C. U Mnyne , st tvr ISth mid 111:121 : I OIt SAIii.civ : , bmttlfnl land , I Hell line uml Humidor * st , f fXO ( , fn.sj Kivjuii-o Stivett diiiK stern 010. 1710IZ sAM.-.Wnhinl Hill lo's ant the bc t.tlip -1 rbprtpot mid most de'lt.ihld. U. K. MMIIK , 1'tli and rjumm. fiTU-Tt I jlOlt sii.r _ rn. lots In 1't Oniaha on the noith This Is by tar the flni'Sl hud chroppot ncre pi-opprty In th'nt dlreu tlon , cull and UN It. ( Junto $ .OJpcr ncn > i a ) toi ma. C. I ! . Mn ) no , n cur lot I and rurnnin. ITUilt.SAI.K rino lot * In Hnnscom I'lncp. ' , ( ) J. toHM ) . 1'otli r i Cob ! ) . 41 MI Aerolotfl In llolfodeio. J-W to t-Tn ) o.irh. No hills to ilimb Nice lottl road ull theway. . Splendid Irtoutton View un surpiissii | o. U. Mo ) np , liith nnd Kanimn. C4ISP ] j1t USAIi : Uts lii Thonibiirjf Plneo west - Oma'i.iftjso ' toSHHtaih ; in per eonl ilonn , baluneo monthly pauiiont.s ; tbo-u me ter > do- fdnibio lots mid thoc'heupeitln wc t Omaha : HID I eit line depot will bo built ut thu coiner ol UhornbtitKl'lico. ( all and tret pmtluul irs und sou the propertj. C. V. Mayne.l.ilh and Km nam ' thny i'iii 10 ini'intus well , iron lliri iinii I'ark and I'.uk At en ie t , curs ; Hell Line Depot Is now locale I CM Mnho'o Hill ; yon c.i'l buy the" " lots lei t , o pitltiT $ M down , j.unme l"i dferj tln-er months. On-no mi i me this iiropei ty. H is u oalu Invpstmptu and w II ir.pldlj inc 'n e In taltKj. Ames. lno7 I'arnam. Ml li'Oll SLi : Twenly aoitS. . W. ot citv chuip J at Jl.Vpei ncie. Voltur&Cobb. 4H tf IjlOK SAM.-Aere lots 111 lloltorteio adjolnlmf -L 11 Omuliiioti thuNotth. This is by lur the Mm st and ehciipr-it acii > propert ) In Hint direc tion. Cull mid K'e It. JJdii to tfltlpor iicro ( asy ( ' . i : . Mujnit,8n cor l. * > th and Karnuin. Fi lts.\i.i : Wnlnitt Illll tots niotlin Poitlu rlu < npi > ii nml tnoit di-slniblo. 0 II. Mnjtio , 15th and rurnnin. ro-.f : I/ltnt SAliK Acri- lots In IJoh i-doro , uljolnlnir 1 11 Oninliuiiii tlio noith 'Mill N by far tint ( Iniwt and rlirnptxt nrnipiiilii'rt } In thnl dlit-o- Hon. I nil and ic i < It.1H to JIH ) nor ncrnouay toi mi. C. I ! . Muj ni' , sw i-or tjth and Turn mi. IjltiKMAl.i : 'Hit1 tin < " < t neiti propcitvbx Ions - 1iu1ds > it < ilTi'UliH HclUrUiic. which lies ill- it'ctly \\-t ( n J't Oninliut : ) ) to } triici : ) acio Tills is tlioelKiipot I'cic pioporti to hit linil tlio saiiii'dlstiiiiciiut. lthth'il.dviintii eel innoth. lincl n ) id nil thi ) unj. C. 15. .Miiyau , bith mid Turni'iii ft'il ST Ij lHt S XI , K Nonpdif ficnKMti nt-irt"'T iicro Jlots. . Ko | xirl licit and clionpcst ucrt > loll. N" P < irt Mll' > rii < 'tiir tlian any other. Noupoit Is nciu rih'in an > otljiir , Noujioit Is li.imNuiiH'h lociit''il. Non poi t lia > net a bud lot. Nmoit | l < i ullKood loti New port w Us inmur than anj tiling. Noupoit h tlio < link c. Ni ujxirl linltos din bimr. NiMport Kiilts lh < > ixopln. Nowpoi tcl ] on Its merits. Nouport cm Munil liiMv Now | > ort In a pluco for Iio Nun port ulll doublolnalno. . N u port c'lanot be o innllcd. Nun port pleases ttio | inl > lic. Nu-.v port j mi mud RLO. Nun port uni will like. Newport mivniu' . Nuwpoit Isliotlor Than an ) aciu lot o n prld in this innrket. and when 3 on ht o Itou will admit It In all mid moro th in Is Liiilincd for It. ( \iino utul hcu Nou in > rt I'on ; It will pay jou to do f-o. Ames , 1507 rar- limn. ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ G47 F'oTTsIII Ac.ro lots n lToITr7loro , SSS ) to } > imjh. ) ( No hilHtncllmli. Nlro level n > ad all tliu KIIJ. Siilondld location. Vio.v unstii pnsnl. . C , ' . H. Mijiiu ; , 1'itli uml I'liruuui. H OUSKS , lut , lands liunils. 15th and Donirlns ' _ _ FOU s Vl.i ; Walnut Hill Im mo the b"ht lliu choupr"t anil modt doaliiiblo. C.r. Mayno , ISth and Knriinm. 67D--7 J/t > K HALU Il.ti. I'ATTbltMiN. Hth and I'ai- . iinm. Act 11 property In IllmctmtiKh's mull- tion : this addition adjoins tliu now purchase of thoMKsoiuil'ucitloUU C . 5J1 POIt BAIiK-Qn Callfoinia St. . I'i miles Irom postollitu , half nciu with ( 'ood hou-o and liirn , only iS.lno. 1'ntlt r.tr hli. 42Vtf IT OIt SAM : The nm st ncro property bj IOID : 1 odds jrt ell < rod Is lcll\edero ! , u tilth Ik's (11- iHtly west of Kt. Omaha ; SU50 to SUO per acru ; this Is tliu uhuapost aero propci ly to bn had the sumo distance out.with tliuadv untnsD of smooth levul ronil all the w y. 0 KMn > nu , inth and Karnaiu. fi76-J7 FOIt SAI.U Fine corner lot on rarnaiu , Slfl.001. Splundld coiner lot on Douglas , $ aX)0. ( ) Umi lotoppoolto exposition bnlldlnff. JIO VM. All the atHi\ n ro lull lota , GGxLK ! loot , and ex- collunt for luiKlnc hinif t J. 10-iooiu houbo and full lot on Davenport st , S roAldcnoo lots , Slilnns 3il add , $1 , < ( X ) ! l tlnu rcslduiKO lots , Hanscom place , $2,600. I tine itHdencp lot , Hiinscoin pliicn , tV > X ) . 1 tlno rcsldeneo lot , lliinetmiiRli plnco , f 1,4'A HOUHU ofurouniHimd lot on Sownrd street , $ ; ! .ouo. 4 aero In Ol o addition. $000. Ut In .Shhm'.s M add * 700. Corner lot Tarkor's adit. , $1 , rxiacrua In I'loicmu add , , Acio property In Klorenco Ixmil , 10 and 2o acru tracts neir city at tlSo per uuro. 4o aero tract Improved | C5 ! per aei o near city. Wliifio tnrm , Imin-ortxl , hoiiso and Btablo lor fl-r > per aciu. Section of Iandr4n ucrtH In Morilck county , at JJ fo per aciu Chiup L'oto auiuH land In ( lieelcy oo. at ft M per aero. r > , UK ) IICI-IH land In Nanco co al fo jior aeio llamlln .V llronn.illl South nth Mieet 447--'ll FOK SAI.i : The llniHt ucii * piopuit ) by lonh' odds j ct olferod llelhedeie , which lies ill- lectly west ot I't Omuh.i : ul to $100 pui acio. This Is thu cheapest acru piopmtj to tin had thu unno dlstn nee outwith the lunmitiiKO of Hinooth. Imulruad ull thu wu ) . C. I , . Maiiu , Ifitli and 1 'm num. _ T'h'tZ ! TTOUhKS , olB.lands Homls , l'th and IjMlllSAI.i ; : The tln-t ( acio propoitv bv lonvr ( Kids yet otTcied is MelUedeio. which lien ill- ootly wcHot ft Omiihn ; * ) toluO ! pin ncio ; | IH | Is tliovhoapost aeio propniiy t'n ' < "iiino dla- aneu out. With the advantatfii of HIIIOO 'i level road ull Iho way , U U Ma > nu , 15th und 1'armim. SAM : I will hull a numhorof line cot- Foil taKUs and lots to good partfos on monthly pa\ments Also u numbtirof line diU'mu' horsus and a lot ol top buirKliM ( but I will cell on time or tl iiilo foi ruulosiiitu. K 1' . 1'ru ) n , 1. ' > 7I Ninth Ihlh. 077-'M _ _ TOlt BALI' The finest HUbuibun icpldiincu 1 piopurly \Niilnut Hill. Without u doubt tilts piopeil ) bus belter pi oi'liectH Uu Immediate tidiancu lliiin liny other addition tliu sumo dis tance out. With Btrcut car line now he-lux built , Holt line irnidul Ihioimh. and a dupul located lu the center of the proper ! ) , nearly lee line build- lniH elected dniiiu tbu past hiimmc'i , miikus Walnut Hill the most dusirablo losldunco piop- ! eity In tlm maiket lo-dii ) . Cull mid tuliu u lido with us and MO for ) onrwUes. 1'ilcus uml tei ms \ ory rc-fi'itublu C U Muno , wiiithniist ( corner ritlcenth und Karnain. OtUVI'J-JO IjlOK SAI.K-Walnilt Hill lots are lliu bust , the 1 cheupe-t mid most desirable. C. K. Miitnu , 1.1th and Kuinum. f'i- } ? - | JTOir.Sis : , lots , laiiiix , lands-Iuinli ! < , Jjh } nnd FOIt SA 1. 1 : Newport , neiiiest ncio lolH , If \oii come mid sou this piopeily jim will ad ult It In the neuiosl , best and uheapost aciu otx turtiiilti Ames , ( VI7 rarnaiu , Did ITUHC SAMt-Walnilt Hill loU lire the IjoM.tho I1 uheapi at and most duMiublu. C. II Majnu , Dili und Funmm. ! > ' , b l Foil SAM : oit nx < ; iiANoi-rino : bmk boiisu , IU rooms , bain and Mublu , city wati i mil necetnuy oullmii.se.s exclimiyod lot mi novcil liinu not o\ur- l miles IKIIII Omalni. It : { AKUIUS need not apply. Addict 1C 1 , Ike ' OKSAU : Ileiiiitlfnl M ldciKii lot * In V. ill- I nut Illll JiiUto $7i" inli , In IKJI i out ( iih , ( tiidaiiM ) imnnlily piij incuts. U. K. Mu > nu , Ull > t und I amain _ _ fiu . ' 7 FOIt SAM ! Nuwiiort nuiicst , ncnuat ucio lots. Newpoit best and chi apnsl IK lu lots. Nonport K-'llnfiisiei-ilmnmo otliei , NoHKiitlj | neiircrtlianaii ) other , Newpoit is Inuidi-oiinily locuttd. Nun port has not a bad lot. Nowpoi t IsallKoodlolH. Non | Hrt t-ell * lattui thunnnjtiilnjr , Nutv | KJit U thu vholiK ) , Now poi I Int lies thu bu > er. NuwiKiit sulls thu people. Nun poi t MilU on Its merits. Nun | Ki t ciui mum ! | it CitlU-ii NutvJKJit Isuplacolor nuin < > * . NevvKii | t will doulilo It ) vulutl , uw > ort tllioi puhllu. Newport you must sue . Newport > ou will Ilko. Nowpoi t Is ncmcr , Newport Is better. Tlmnunync-i-e lot ever Kohl In lliUmRrket.niut lion you hue It jou will a ( mil It Uull anil nuird thimU clulinoil for II. CIIIUH un I rui > Nowjxirl - nou , It vrlllpujr you to do ttu. Aiuoi , Ifr/T l'ur > ( umu. MI 8\M ; Nor-B room hoiif : corner In . t.nt rent , well built h't i , IH niMtii I tt'llu ' jnxxl wood woik , itmntnN oil T.ils 1- . .1 ihok < pls.ev : price 1C..U . AIIMM 1X17 Karinm. 'I ITM toil s\l. | ; in room boit e ; Imth ; hot nm I ' co'd ' valor : Ijiumlty : llonso rinWif ! n tmril wood , most poine.iient lixittion. ( no block iioin < St > , irt"i > t on > 'i di < I.lcs'tinl m'ishhor. l < i > otlless thnn it mil" from Test OiKo , rrtic f r.txmon vi ry i-eHsotubltitfrnis This Is n n w -.o'll tnillt pluco und wotlh all asked lur It Ames fort Kuril-mi. Ml" Ir ton want to'fit KM ! rfttlpll'tltwllh C. 1 ! Mnt no , sw coi Itth and Knriiiiln. Hit Is no * iiititcntcntln cill ilion nitiiil wllh n Illll ills irlpHiin ofihe propcrft frit hut number of lol nml I 'OCK. It will pa ) jou It .ton want to sell ti t"i l iu > 'crlntiitiiol join preperty lothls whr > relt will icteltu prompt iillnntluii. phone nsi. P I.IOlt SAM : Nenpoit nonrcst , Hint ell acre lots. Ni ti port best mid ilioiipu * ! iicro lots. NewKit | sells fiH'ei llmu.tit ) otlioi * . Ni trpoit is neuter ilniu nut oilier. Nenjort U hull tunnel ) loe.iu.vl. New ) urt bus not a bud lot. Nun port Is nil ( rood bits t Nowpoi t seJIsiiistoi ih.in mi ) thing. NfWOits | | Iho choke Nuw ( nut Intl.ps the hutci. Non | nit sills ( lie people Non pint Fit'on ) ! Its meilK Newport oin .t.in 1 llttcsil NPW port Is a pbict lor homos , Nun poi I will double- -il'iu. ' . Ncwpott I'.innot be'cipnille.1. Nuwpoil phinscH the public. Ne-rpoii ) oti must n-e. NIWMllt | } OII Will IlkU. Newpml Is neiiier. Xi > nKiit | Is botiei. Than an ) neioloiseter oM In this mirkot. nnd win n you site It jo i will iilmlt It Null Mild moio tlniii Is i l.ihncl'tnrll. Coniuanil nee' Net * poi I now , Unlit pay ) mi todot-o. Auie's , l . i liif' ii'iiu. bit _ l OlfSAI.l : Two lots ( ttrcrorsla Ato. two f blocks M of lt > .i\f nwoitli , tlu'iO Ol tVI J. K. Kile ) i.oTi S. Uth M. Ull l lOlt SAI.I'-'llio HIIP-.I Hilmiban ie ldeuc-o JL piopeity is Walnut \\lihoutniloui.t . this pi-opuil ) hus bc"tci piMspectstiu Immediate ad\ mice than any other addition the wiino IH- timeonut. With htii-elc.ir liiii'iinw bollix built , Kelt line Kradcd throuuh , und a depot located In thucditc't ol thopropetty , neail ) lee tine buildIngs - Ing-s elected iltuliw the p 1st Mimmer , inal.ps Walnut Hill thu most desirable ic-dik-nce piop- erty In the inatket todiiy. Call and take a rmr with us , and ten lor joui-ehes. 1'ilces mid terms \oiv luiMJiuihli * ' . II. M.i > ne , Minthwest corner I'iiti'enth and I'm num. fit'tMJ-'il AI.K-AcrulotH In Itclveilcio f ( to ix ) o ich. No nllls lot limb. Nice lei el i oad nil th" uny. Hiiletidld loc'i'lun. Mew IIIIMII- pusscd. I' . K > lii ) ne , 1'itli and I'm until. IM I--"J I SAM : .Si'i tuc-t front by 1IJ liiist rnml , on Gooijlii ! iixenuc , luu tcot Iruin mis ; t.- . Ames 1W7 I'm num. ti'll FOilSAI.t : Sittj. notiM tlueo iiillos fioin the po/iloiheo would Dveaaiwe lor c'iiy piopcit } . A lna > , iim. Hnu-o , barn and lot , fXM I. , for (1'JX ( ) . llou"o and coinci lot , fl-co. Would take a patrol hoiscsln pint pament. 1' nil lot , east limit , with , -roomcd houto on Enundurs and Ouuu lei .M.oun. A tow lois lutt on West DO.IIJU stieet at a bar- . Ixit nml two houses on 39th stieet , noiir Ilir- iimiiVixio. 1'ull lei , bouth front , 0-roomed house * , Hurt , noai Division , lorss-.ooo Onu ut thu llnost eoinera In Ixnvo'fl tit a bar- Bain. lltillou Ilros. , U17 S. 1 ith s\ \ , tJ i FOll.SAI.r. Cbo-iplots In Mcliosu Hill ; fM > biitstliom , b ) pnjliirtiki | tlown , Imltinco xll utorj thno moullis. Amus lju * Km mini. .VO ItouutUul nislduiico lols In Wa | . ITtOllSALlI JiVl to s.tiioiioli , in iur cent cash bulamu monthly paj munis. C. 1 ; . MIIJIIO , _ lMli ana Km num. iiil-J7 , : > OIISAI.E llcautltul rcslditnco lots In Wai- 1 ' nut Hill $ - " > o lo $ , UO iiiitili ; III net cent mMi , biilmue monthly pajments. C. U. Mujnu. loth und Kuril un. 67H--7 FOR SAM : Lot with new bouse. 3 blocks v.estotr.irk atoauo , * lr > W. J. E. Itiley At Co. , Sin S. 1 Ith &t. tf-'l I7 > OIl > AM.Acro : lolBln llcivcilui c. JfJOOto J 100 I1 c-auh. No lulls to climb Nicu letcl load all tliu nay. hplundld location. View uiisnipassed C , H. M.IJIIU , l.'ithand Imnum. lili-'i FOIt SALi : .Melioso Hill on boll line , mound nlruiiUy deeded toi depot : lot.s gelling ut unlj VOdown balance o ovcij tlueo months. Ames 15 7 I'ai num. 5NI FOUSAI.K-lluantlCnl renliU nco lot.s In Wai- nut Hill $ JVJ to i.tXIoaon , U tiei cunt cu-i , balance montlily pa ) mums. ( . ' . K. Jlnjii" , lUh and Faruuin , . .riS7 ( FOHSAI.r flood notiso and lot In north Omalia , houec 1ms n IIITKO room : , celler , well , cistein , closets , SIbOO , easy torma. W. T. Um- hnm. CiclRhton block. l.VKI 771OUSAI.K Ileautlful rcsUlonrc lots In Wid- -IJ nut Hill i M to $700 uach ; IU tier tent caMi , bulancu monthly paymonts. C. II. Ma ) no , Ilim and I'aiuuui. fi70-U'7 Foil SAM : On Hanmlurs t. , near ear line , lull lol : ( MSt trout ; nuw hout-e , --ttoiy,7 rooms , $ JUuO. Yory chuup. J. U. lliluy \ Lo , 'Mb 8. lUtll ct. V l FOU SAM : The nicest , the nciiiojt , thu cheaposl. and most convoniunt to the busi ness tumor. Wuliiut Hill Is tar ahu.id ol all other suburban rtnldenco proporti. Call and take a rldo and fee for youibult. C. K. MIIMIO , luth and Fiirnum. 67B7 "I71O11.SAI.H Omaha Is acrowinf ? city and lots J-1 for $ 'l'Xa ) ploco aio sturco , when you get tbum In Mulioso Hill at prceent prices and terms , ) on KC't a rare hiirirain. MelniMi Hill is ten minutes walk from I'ark A\c. street eats , und has a bidt line depot located on it. Coiuu and Hto MchoHO Hill. Amos , 1507 rmiiiun. r > Ml ITtOIt SAM ! The finest mibuihim resldcneo -L1 property U Walnut Hill. Without n doubt tills piopcrly has belter piospoctslor Immediate luhanco than any olbei iiddillon thu saniu illb- Him o out. With Htreet cat line now bcliiK built , Hell line Ki'iided tliiim h , and a ilopot located In thocuntei of the inopurty , nuarly iml tlno build- eiuutcd dmiiiK Iho past hiimmei , miikes \ \\iilinitlllllthoiiiiiit dualiablu rnsldunco pi up- oily In the mm but to-day. Call and tal.o a rldo with us , and sue lei jouinclves. Prices and - teims M'I v lensoimblo C. II. Mii > no , mntliue.st coinci Fifteenth mid I'nriiiim. ' : 1'nr u lew days , yi' and & ieio loin in lloutluld iit l'.oanil up an aero This Is loj below pi.con jolnlnt ; thldtuict. .1. W. Mm- Khaliw \ > rurnam M. n > .J7 1T1OU .SAM : The nlust , tu ) < nciiK t. the -L cheapest and most com unleiit 10 the busi ness cunlur , Wiilaut Illll IH tar ahead ol all other suburban usldenco piopnity , full and tukoa tide and i-eu lei jouisulf. C , K. Mujno , ifith and fill innii. fnil-.l FOU KAMI Tim liUo t , tiio ncmist , the cheaputl and miiht ( onvenlent to the IniM- liusscunlur. VMilnut Hill Is tar uln-.id ul all oilier subiiibnu lonldemo pioieiiy. Call ami lalfu a ildo and heo tor juiiiMtll , C , K Mil ) no , 15th and I'limam , rill-7 irioit SAM : II jonemi buy acio loth IIH near , Kltimtcd as well IIH Ninvpiiit , .MIII inn IIOMUO ol dmililim , ' vmi miiuej In a ) eiu'n lime ; can jou do .u well with it In nm otbcrwa/ When kou t > uc aclty uiuwlnx IIKnOinalni luincnibci it Is thu HI on mi that mnke * jim menu > when vim ni ) acics MIII uet hind cnoiiKh lu nun mm lu innl.e.laoo I lols , and acic lots mo imw Iho tiling to buy I omo und -co Nenpoii.u lilch ) on an casil ) Jmlwo ot joiiiself ; nil asked olou Is to i-oo it and bu coin Incud lib to n built i unll ) in Ami a , 1307 r.umiin. t ii TTlOlt MAM : Tlie nicest , llm neaiosl , the -L cliiMpe-tiind nio-l cimveiilonl loihul ii-iiicKi conlei tValiini Hill is im aim.id ol ull othui suburban ie lluiico piojiuiti. Call nn I lule a ilihimid bOolorjouiBulf. c. n. Miiiiu. lllh and Km mini , fi7DJ7 il i ; OK HAMI-Two lull lom , uiim-i. IHI end 1' two blocks liom Kurmiii. M ; MIIII | | | imi V,11 ! ! " 'Iti'.l"1"iiif'lk,11' ' ' ! ' " ' " ' u'iit.Miu ' .1,1 : llilcy XCo..SI08. lltlmt. jf | l Olt SALi : The llnnst Hnlmilian ie < | deme , nii i , , u'.iii.ni Wnliont a dniibt .i Vi ' | " * * t > * < t j * < < fi > ir iiiiiJ ' ' . ti iiliinl Hill ihu iie moi-t innile ii ldemc pioii il ) in the inaikol lo dnj Cull nml luku n il.lo > Mh UK , and me lui ) oineli s 1'ilem mid iiiniHtiiy iiiMiimblo ( ; K. .Mujiic.WMilhwo.t curiici I'lllcenlh and Iiu mini. M1I5UJ1 you SM'lloioiifoiiih ITib.i ; , u pji. J inentH and tetj i lieup. 1'or Sitle Adtlnilble phice tn louuc ami build irioicit utoie , Vlnlon K | .lieu tiinilnimiif lllh \ M un Ultu , $1WO. J. I. Itiluj i. l o , Jlj .S l.jtli. . _ „ . .ii 1 7IOII HA I.K The nlceiit , thu nimest. tbo clniiX-t | nnd iiiuM toiitcniunt lo tnulm ; * < IM liter Wiilni t Illll IH tui ahead of nil olhet fiibiirbun loshlunu1 projiert ) Cull nnd liiKon rl le nnd scu for ) uiirn Id V , IJ. "u ± > * * - ' - ' . ' ' r'liritiiui. " ' " 67ij. | Foil KAT.KOn I'alllornln * T"oil7u-J ; dp lra bliiiesidciice , t'AJa J. K. KlloyX Co. , SI5 b I.Hh it. , IM | HI.K Oouiui lot iTiilocki'Ti miT ti'iVct cunt. J. U. Itiloy \ Co.Jl'irlllb l. Ill'l ' IT'OltHAI.H-l ilH in llmuuoiii I'lnm from Vw -I1 lu tlKK ) , 1'iuy tbiniK Lola un 1'u ik mid iuoiKlii Attnuvi IMW. W , T , UrMhaiu , Ctxilvhtun btoOt , Ul. sAl.K-110 feet lit tfWonIM I1 Iti < 4 front , on cur linoWW. ' " " ' I'm nim , inniffTu 77 I'frst OHS ! Ifl 'roo rv lr c. S J siliiiirt * from I'nttmi hotel , full lnl M" < -1'1 . ImpnirctmnU on , Wli st nm " < t Mni ) * Atomic No. I Unatlou l itVixl t.'T "yiilni-rs fttnn t-otirt hou o with | J- t n > st ticwHi.mni cnttiijnt , yi.m. lut M'jV.vVtrtnt ( on Hill and IMh strix-t wltli nmili mom and ntioHi-dOlithouso wllll nil noco * iiy oiltbullillnfr'.fi.fn' . . Ho not lull tu litvostlinttv. thpro l mono In II. ( ur lol 14th neirlllliimsMUH'i ' , with email w ell t'nl ' hed bouse , JU"inl , . , .llu's POI I-alicniiil nth.n7'5 ft oust front ntul 140 ft < : p withli-K ( > iii huuso , f-t kt. P.HS ) ' tornw , iiRiitnt lint irnin. , Coi CxMandl'iercosfiotil , trOxlffi ! wltll 4 < Ml- taacsStl.UM Hhep'Unb-irpaln. ; find P.i t front , n Ktli ituar Oil mill w tth ono ! i and on n loom Imut-o , $ "iUi. ( A bargain. ( Intlcn lots In Ilatlscoill 1 lur , JIIJ.B , lrms. ( i * Clmlco lot an I'ark avenue. $ I,2.V > . casr ' . ' Cm lots In I'rkPi's add nour stttict car * Ii * I ol ! lxli > " > o front on 17lh Vv.'ll"'H rfriints ISIh st iioir WllllaM * wlllifl ptoiji-newhtoit' buiMliiB , ft.nuv. A ffronl bit- ' ) 't 7.ft cast front w Itli 3 ncifcoUnirrn 8 IStli , IlHitiiuesfitmi SI MiirtH BXP SVUIJ Chonp. . M i huk u lots In W. A. UcMlck'rt nJd , fVM OflCU I'tisv ti'inn. l.iiilte ii "oilmiMil of siihiuhnn ncro lots nnu lots In niixl mi > iidilltiun at Ion' lbrnn . t noru nlth ttinall nut > houau In llrooVllno add , t7lV | . ) ' line's In UmoUllne mid f > v | onoh. -tl ) acii-s't miles trom ( inmlia , with not IOM llimiX ( > iiunlh nnpidicmoMtsia choloo farm at Ki pei iicri i iiillosfmiii poslolllcc , lilgbly lm , I'mil-en A Co . l..l b'urnaia Bt. 'ITVilt s \ -Xonport nearest , iio.w-l.8t , ncro JIon. . v Nenport be t inn ) tin a1 e t ncro lots. Niwpoi' Mllsinstct u an mi ) othor. Ncwjxtrl Is i enter limn unt other. Now purl l bHinlMimelt li catod. Niwp'iilha * not a I ad lot , * Nt w poi t Is all wind lots. > Newport wits luster tlinit an ) thliiff. New poi I Is the choice. 4 NiMHnt | hititi H tint Inn or. , Nun jtoit Hiiitu tbo pcoplo. Nenpoitells on IN merit * . Newport can Mntul Intosil ) ; Nenjioit In a pbico lor liomoi. Non pot I w III double In valuo. ; Nenpoit ( iilinot bo ( ipnilcd. ' Ne tMiit | plea es the pitbllo. v Newpoit ) on tin""dt. ! . Nitnjtoitou w 11 Illii' , J Nenpoit is IH uier. " , . Now js.irl is bettor , ' . Than any aero lol etcrold In f hi * irmrKOt , nut when ton too It > ou will mlinlt It la nil nnd ntoio lliu n Is eluln t I foi II , Como mid ecu Now'- PHI t now It will puy junto dneo. Ames. iSOI . . . SALl ! 1'bo tlni'St hubnrban rooldonoo piopeutj is Walnut Illll Without u doubt his propel It luus bettui pie peeLs for lintnodlato iiiltaiu'c than any otbut addition the natiio dls lam o out U Ith t.tit < ot car line now holnnUmllr , Dill I.lnoKrndiil thiopKli.nnda doitotloontoJ lit thiMontci ot Hie piopi ily , ne.iily Ion line build- Inifs erected iliiilntf Jho past summer uiiua'J \\nlmitllllllliomint ( lesiiiiiht ) ro ldunco prop- eit ) In the nun ket today. Cull nnd takunrldo wlin us and MU tor toiu ( Itoa. I'ricwt aim let ms reasonable. C. K Ma ) no , B. tr. cOr 15th and Km num. 675-27 _ _ ONf.YnnioiHto triulofor Improved propp.rtrj will iissiiiiiu mot t ? ases 01 pny dirroroinio In ciibh. I'm ties wlshlntr to tr.ido better call at once W II. ( Ircen. over 1st National Hank. 174 SAl.t. N'cu | oil ncio lota thu best nnd ITiOll ' InvoMiiu nt for yom money Hint you can llml Itccnii'-eof the location of tbo ground , thu jirlio asked iiudlcrnix ult on nnd Iho rnp'u umlsiibstuntlulKionthol Omuhiu WhonthupcHV * r,1 sctiNunpori II Isno wuiider they buy , acres llicio , tor tint ) acknowledin'lt to bo more than can ho claimed lor It. Amos , 1W7 rarnnm. i iUK ) FOU SAI.K A fuw lots In Hnrtlolts mfdltlon , llireo blocks tiiim Mice ' cm , J.VxJ to 7M oil inontlih pujinciita. Cialiam , CrolKhton bliKk. TIOU.SAM : HoiiHtHiind lota on monthly pny , - nieiitH. I ) . T. llajdon , Suundcrs , bctwucti jiKu and Wllll * n\es. tn-'M * H OCSCS , lots , hindsIlemls , 16th und IoujliI5 ( _ _ FOU SAM : flat miliis in aero prgpoity , la choice residence lots. In comfortablu dwell. Inpiwltli niodurn ImiunvcinonM , Ini tlrst-cbiM business pioperty , In Imids of nil kinds In tir L , Ion a and KIIII HH. U will pay yfil to call and eo my p ileus. J.V. . Muushull , ) CUQ Kiun-m sticct. 717n3 FOIt BAT.K HrtiMt nml lot u'nd ten lots tioftr 1'aik nvoniio. eheap , on eu y terms. Q. l > . Stehblns , Itoom .11 , Arlington LKoai. 04t or7 * FOK NAI.i-Oak CliiUlimn-Tnls Is what was tailed the Toitiloy track : the Contnil Depot of the Omalm licit linn ronj in located on Onk Chatham : Oak clmtham la opposllo .ludifo KcxIlek'N ivrtldonco on Hnundcrs Rtroot ; Vnu can make > our money dniihlooiith < is.i lots ; ConwandsooOnkrhatham i.clnro It Is too Into ; Omaha will donhlo her popiilntloo In r yean ) ( You can double > our money on Oak Clmthiim In less than otiuj ear ; ComoandsuuOak Chatham ; You can then KcumuJ Jndgolor yourself ; i , Ames 1'iUTI'iirnnm : _ _ _ RiB FtlllUKNT New honsb n rooms Ono of I'ost ' built IIOII--CH in Omalia , ! 3ml between Ciimlim and l/ard. $ A Cottapo 4 rooms South Uth st , . Ms. Cottatro 3 looms , l.'lth Kt. , ne.ir Piorso , $10. Cottiwe 'J rooms , ' 'Hth near IniffluH. $ s. Two front olllcos pocond Btory llnrker block , 1.1th and I'm num. , ' Two largo looms In city hall bulldlnff 10th atul I'm num. ' Oneoi two mall Htoni roonisoninth gt near rainnin In City Hall liui1dliiK will bo arratiftod to milt i outer. C , IS. JIayiio , Ifith ttijd I'nriiain. TJIOH SAM : Ono of the fluent residence prop- JL1 ui tieb In Omaha , $13tXXJ. C. E. Mayno. UtU ind Farniun. jITS FOIt SAIil ! Tliron new cotf7im . five rooms each. In Walnut Illll ; iroiid oelUrH. .clonota , uintileH.eiiiturnMutu : two lots with each oottntro FI.Nmeiioh. $11X1 down and ( tl per month.O. . B , 4nyno , Hill and I'limum. " , " 13 , , HO.MI : P lieiilais about fieo and clloun lanrtHi In \VexteiiiNubiasKii addresM I'lUtorsim i Whlto , It-ill K-tnlii Ajrenta , Noith I'latlo , Neb. B _ . TjVMl SAl.K-Oak Chatlii'tn This "f.ri hrt * -1 wai < called tliu Toimluy tiack ; tlio Contnil Jepot ol tlioOm.ilm Kelt line loud la localoU * in Oak CliHtman ; Oak Clmtham li opiKx-llo hidt'ii ltcdl < k's losiueniu on .Suiamers ] istroet ; A i'oii emi miikujoiirnioiloy doiiblo on the o lota ; 4 'nine mid scoOiili Chiitliuiii buloiu It ID too hifoj Imalia nill iloublu liei piipiilmiiiii In .1 jour > ; You can double , \otir nion u > on Oak Clmtham lit esHlhun one jim , lomo and xou Oak Chut hum : You can then MU und judyoiui ioun-olr ; Amoa .W fin nam . ' na 1JlllU.SAM-Mflioni : > ! rillls III irtlhUtos Willie 1 finm llaiiKeom I'aik and I'ark HVCIIUO Htrtot ais , a lot Ima IKUII Hlnni I o' I ho bull line ompany lei adcpot. jon bu > loin InlMoliOio III ! Ini c > Ken ) UIIHV piiiineils , ijM down , bill' inco VJA rciv ihieo montlm ; Ihono IOIH uro lioiip. well huntvil and cannot bo nmtchoJ , Ames , I.MI7 Kill mini. iilOlt SAM ! 17lolsoii ( SeoiKlu and vTrKllllit { im > s. . lledlck s add. JI.1.W tn JI/iUJ euclii f easy lei ms Utll ) Neu eoniiKo i inonia , uooil banituornor uraiilaiid l'ier hiieclri , Sirw : , inontlily pay. (171) ( ) I.DI laulni ; llmiM'om pmk on 1'iulc uvo. , fl.MX1,1'iisj tcims C , I ! Ma ) no , IDlh and Km. num. /i ) FIOIl SAM-f'lienp : , n llnp lot In Hunioom I'l ) . AldiussN I' Illcuonico. . IM IjtOKsAM' A lit n bloiy'i.'xt > l , f ino bull I- 1 Intr , Hiiilnble fin a MOIII , Hum luth und Kar- iniin MM Apply at this oiliuu. . V4T r X.OOT. U I'll VYIIO-Oct "IM , hunt SMh uiiil' llllt"u ! ' nlilleuntv mill .Hunts Itewnnl will bu pnld lethineJ to liinuat Metmeieimth , "Hill uml Unit. - FERSOHAli. 1" > iilso\AI : - Ue want me liouwikeepornof Oiiiahu Hi Know I Iml noKeo.iu full line of ilalii nhliu iioiiiiiino ulnmi as well IIH Illmr Kiods , ami tlml Un ) iuunii\u mone ) by bliyliitf hen ilialuti ul Miini ( ) ' China bliiiuiuiN r lllih > t , 1 > tiiONVI : | All ) 0111 nMiliiK-'li ! ( ( ) | u IIUA ! ) boin iilb.ib ) ttllliiddie-s If , 0. Hu6 niiu pl.ltso\AI M'leiiM luVenulhc Hint on No" I icmhoi M new dio-NiimkiMj ; pmlom will hu ipi m d b ) Mii < Hole , iiIn I ho AndciMin blocU mi bilh und lliu imiiiiii. 7thKn * TlMllt l vlllltllOC III' IjllVO , " Miiilc"iJuKd is , i i iiluii il lit scvci.il rfciisi-s ii Hii > uniil. \ci.V lillrl.V , lll.ii Iliiist nailililiT.-l , : iliilMlU | in , t xri'iil ilenl ul . | Ho niut 1.1 1 1 HID sailillu culiifcil d iii ( if ' . , a uoilliv cdldicil IWH- ( - i't . l.il Inin-us HIM ) u-Tn riuiuy i-ti-iii , Al'lllllli'il b" , niin-fil til. ) ItlilllM'A ' 'Miilltll' ' ilult * r.iiiii'i' | | in Aihli tui1 tlio limn. ) of \ \ \ \ iliuiiililur Sl-ilt iuy "Vun sn t tor t HI ! tri ( iioiuf'lx | n . i Icf li-ltiniii" ; lo nli u | J iKu | iu : | to iy , \ H "Vi'S. Mill. I W.llllS li'C IIKll > olMfluiply'v ! | tf ' " "If i Lit * iiiuMMU'r V iUiCrl ilM hiH * * I ] ! , Vi't oiler "ct 4/11" Ul un uilikr it.il. "