TUB DAILY BEE. OMAHA Urncc. No. Ml AKI flfl I'Ans-.vw ST. tirvt YORK orricT ! , HOOK llL'lt.Ol.NO. riil > 1i hc < 1 dvrrr rnornln r. 'tx.it } Hnndny. Tlio only Moi.ilRy meriting pnper publ&licd in tlio nv iuf. ! One Vrnr . . tinin.Thrw . Months . . . . $2.M Six Month * . . ti mono Month . I.V ) TIIH \ \ rt.M.v Ilr.B , l'ulill hisl lit cry Wudnos'tay. 7HIMK , FOWPAIn. Ono Vrar. wllb premium . tl& ) OIIP Vfiir , wlllKiut prruilinil . I.S * HI * MMilli" , Kitlioiit pi fin In rn . . . 7" > ( ) nniUiiilli > ( iu triul . 10 All romtniinlcnliont t Inline to nrwanndrdl- fortnl miilicr * should be iuUirc M.tJ to thu Km- 1OIIOI ItlU II FT. . Alt b slnnw totter * rind roinlttnnrri ahonM ho d III TIIR ItfcK rillll.l.tlll.NO ( 'lHPANV ) , Itraftn , clifok.1 ntid po tnnicu onlfri | mj nbloto the order of tlio tompsny. m ctt ruBiisHiiis mmi mmum E. K03KWATKK. KOITOH. to the Ucrnkl this ilcino- crnllo lickut Is sliong. So is raucul Jiiiltor. J HiiKr.vi.vn ( Justav Henrko ! fl likely to prove u fiilsxl inistixku for tliu Dou la * county tlcinocracy. I'vr 1'oitu jirovud hinisctf bettor nl l > ncl < htK : i coiivotitiun limn liu will ut lill- in < ; lliu bnllul boxes. Tin : I'C'giitrurM ' nro sittiiip to mnku tip tlm lislfl for Hits coming tsluction. Kvtsry voter Hliould iiursoiiullv sue to it that hid iiniiU ! ! H on thu books. IJoril paititis luivo plucuil thnif caiul- ! ilatui in thu liuhl : in < l thu cainpui u in Dou lsw county is fairly oponcd. It is likely to provo a warm onu.Vhilulliu ropiiblican ticket i.s an otccllunt onu Uioro i no room for over conliduncu or Hani work will bo the TUB consolidation of all the Vanderbilt - bilt lines is now talked of. Thin would in clude the N * w York Central , Lake Shore , West Shore and the Northwestern syn- torn , making a continuous line from Boston to St. Paul , The mileage woufd bo by far the largest of any railroad sys tem in the country. A ruoMiNKNT citizen of the second ward dcbires us to ask if it is thu proper thing for tlio registrar of the second dis trict of that ward to sit in a saloon , espe cially in view of tin ; fact that ho had ad- Torlibod to sit in a cigar store.Vo think that a man should do as hu advertises , uiul furthermore that a saloon is not the proper plaeo for a registrar to attend to thu duliu.H of his position , as there are juir.ioriB who object to entering such places. GIJAND ISI.ANI > is jubilating over the assurance that thu Grand Lsland & Wyoming branch of the IJ. & M. , which is to run into northwestern Nebraska from that point , will be promptly con- struolud. Kightof way is now being purchased - ( . - , chased , and it is believed that track laying - ' ing will bo begun in the spring. North- tv'esUirn Nebraska promises .soon to be as thoroughly supplied with railroad con- flections as any other section of our state TUB supplementary elections in France are rather dispiriting to the foreign edi tors of American newspapers who pre dicted , as thu result of the first elections , ( ho downfall of the French republic. The republican majority is so largu ami secure that President ( iruvy has announced him self as a candidate for re-election , with Btroug probabilities of securing thu ollice. How iittlo the French people desire a re turn f/f the monarchy was soon in the de feat of the Due de liraglio for the assom- bly. France i republican and s.ifoly re publican for many years to come. The surprises of the first balloting were simply - , ply the protest of the people against the blunders of the latu cabinet. Tin : Cedar rapids delegation who so recently visited Omaha have returned liorau greatly impressed with the excel lence of our system oF public improve- Ijiont-s , and with the growth and pros perity of the city. The change In Omaha olnco our hint visit , writes one editor , " /annum / like an Aladdin's dream. " Public ftnturprisoand a wise and conservative expenditure of money has given Omaha n advertisement throughout the country M'hiuh will bo worth ten times the money pxiendod. | Wo have got the worth of lir money and more. Better still , the croakfira and nuHsbacks have boon forced tit n. back seat and silenced , while the men with brains enough to see a few ycara In mlvnnuo of the present have juMHUiil their claims as prophets of the fturo. | | _ „ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fj'im fcnsus returns from Town are generally disappointing to the people of titHtato. | | ; Tim increase sliown in five years , or since the eentmsof 1880 , is liltlo pioru than 100,000 , or about three times Jiat of Omaha alone. X'arlous reasons qrn on'erod to account for this chock in fhe rapid growth of one of the most jH'ospi'rons and fertile of the wofetorn SjntiiH. The absence of five lands and pjrongcr inducements oHeivd by the west jyid northwest are doubtless loading ciitiwa. I5nt there seems to be no tmi-s- * Uou ( hat the prohibition legiUraion has KBO | bud a powurl'ul ullcct hi retarding jpio ( luvvoloinunt ) ) o ( oinneighbor. . Whilu tie ( , lHW is jnvt-tically inojierativo in many towi'/s and cities , Its harassinir oflffc generally felt. The foreign ele- inc tt has tijii-oially rescnteil what they consider a tyiaiinical restrlelion on their IKTsoiiiil liberty , and many have moved \vcBl In other states. Thu uJVoet has been ( o thuok : immigration and at thu same ilino to diminish the revenue * of ( lie jitnto .svhlle the timonntof intempuranee ( iow-tiot iii'iir | ) ) to have been materially ( loproascd , This is the growing feeling many who were formerly strong of comiiilsory | toniperanee by prohibition enactment. There is a fet'ling in favor of high license ' " Ni'braskn's excrllontly law. The people ot Jowa are mid unturjiriiiing , und while dlxjioscd to give prohibition n Jalr IrW , they will in all probability reM - M > insl.sl upon its retention when is proved to bo Inoperative and of enforcement. Tim MnndorKon Hill. The army will wnlcli with much inter- o < .t In the coming congress the t-fTort uhidi will b , < made to past ) the bill of Senator Mand'-rhon to improve the or ganization of the infantry branch of Iho service. Mr. Minder on's inea iiro simply carries out Iho oft- repented rceommemiatlons of Gone- rnla Shcrmnn and Sheridan , In pro viding for the increase of Iho infantry reghiH'tUi to n battalion organization , with Incite companies instead of Uin , a at present , und three majors In the plnco of nnu. This organization is that of the cnvalr > and artillery tis now con stituted. 1th In thu line of thu bcU thought of the best tacticians. Military anthoiilics. both at home and abroad , agici- that the change would gruatlj' in- cieaic the i-llioienoy of the army while it would , at the saint * time , remove the in- jiiMire of slow promotion from which the infantry has been autl'erlng since the close ol the war. Th > ; Mandcison bill proposes to add fifty conip-inli'j of Infantry to the army organization ThU , on the present basis of men allowed to infantry com panies , Mould increase the army by some tt.ouu privates. It would make fifty new majors , and in oqtul number of captains and lirst and ccond lieuten ants Hy Its oi'fition | : lifty old captains , none of whom have been less than twenty veins in th.it rank and many of whom have served In the army since the outbreak of the civil war , would at once receive the promotion for which they have been waiting for years. It H : i well known fact that the reorgani sation of the army after the war bore down most heavily on the infantry. Much injustice was necessarily done in on'ecting the great change of transferring the establishment from a war to a peace tooling. The Manderson bill , while in creasing the ellieieney of the eervice in changing the organization of the infan try so that it can conform to improved tactics , will also im prove Us chancier by in fusing new blood and giving a prompt and well merited recognition to old and meritorious veterans. There has been a good deal of well deserved complaint that the vast bulk of legislation for the army has been in the interests of the stall' , on behalf ol the cushioned chairs rather than for the benefit of the frontier quarters. The oflicers who wear the faded shoulder straps in dilapidated army posts have boon placed at a great disadvantage in pushing their claims , when compared with the soft service brigade who dance attendance on the congressional lobby at the national capital. Like the scriptural poor , Washington has the stall'with it always , and every session of congress shows its influence. Senator Mander son * s bill is for the relief of the line. It is a .short , concise and practical solution of the problem of how to oll'cct an impor tant and long needed change in the army organi/.ation without detriment to the service or injustice to the ortlcers. It should be pushed for all it is worth at the next session. County Otllcera. Voters throughout the entire state can not be urged too strongly to examine carefully the claims of the various candi dates fpr county olliccs who will como up for popular approval in the fall elections. No ollice is so small that it is unimpor tant. Homo indorsements are the lirst steps towards stale prominence , and our farmer and merchant friends in the in terior should take great care as to whom they advance politically in their own sec tions. As a general rule , the men who are moot anxious to gain olllee and care very little by what means they se- euro their ambition , are the ones who should be given it wide berth. The great trouble with Nebraska in year. . past has been the inilill'erenco of her people to the calibre of her olliccholders. This has been chirlly responsible for the defect * in her legislation and in the execution ol the laws. A faithful performance ol duty at home should bo the stepping stone to higher political honors , and by a careful selection of able and honest county oflicials our people will be able to greatly improve in the near future the mental and moral standard of the incum bents of our higher state ollices. Thu county judges of to-day are likely to bo the supreme judges of a few years hence. The attorneys , clerks , treasurers and commissioners , if .successful in securing influence at homo in the discharge of their present duties , will be found at no distant day representing districts in the senate and their own counties in the leg islature. Kvcry local political prefer ment , however slight , is ti promise ol the future. For these nianons the Km : urges its readers , on grounds which concern the Mate , to take a hearty interest in the local campaigns and to use their inlluence in forwarding the claims of tJj best candi dates. _ _ _ _ _ Tim BKB is not given to blowing its own born. It may bo excused , however , for mentlc/iilng ( hut tlm live business mon of Omnlm and Nebraska are malting it work very hard , nowadays , in pivbunt- ing their advertisement- , promptly , and in proper shape to its patrons. The Sat urday evening edition of the Kr.i : contain ed more than thirty columns oi advertise ments. K'yht columns of wants and oth er special notices found their way into our pages. None of them were free ; they were all naid for at the ivgular rate and advertisers do say they are well worth the money. Omaha of course monopo lized much of the space , but nearly every western btatc and territory gave repre sentative patrons to our columns. The Ilia : in not printing many pictures these days , but it is illustrating the ontcrpriatj of its advertisurs In a manner which shows that live business men know n good thing when they see it. We shall not , however , permit our read ing KJWOU to bo entirely monopolized by the Intorextlng business notices which are crowding In on us. As often as may bo found necessary the JUi : : will publish sup. pIcmuntH which will giro nil the room for Ilia requirements of both classes of patrons. It has every facility for hand ling it * rapid increase of circulation and for taking care of thu Hood of advertise- menu which U pouring in upon It Our business mi'iican help us : v great ilnal if thc-y will 8i < ml in their matter curlier In the day , thus in niing iuvrlion oii'l giv ing us more llmo for prepar ng addi tional page.1 if nrcwiry. THKScandinavians , or rathe ? some of the Dnnl&h voter * , have held a uicoling to express their discontent at the failure of the republican convention lo noiiilii- altMr. . Jacobson for county clerk. If they will give ( his matter a second sober thought llioy will sou that they are mak ing n serious mistake. When a man goes into it convention and is fairly beaten hn mint abide by the result. A majority of the convention fiaw tit to nominate Mr. Necdhum. Thorn was no fraud or intent to slight the Scandinavians , who linvo no ground for complaint with regard to the county patronage. Judge Anderion has been police judge and jus tice of the peace for years , nnd was again nominated for one of the throe justice ships at Iho disposal of the convention. Mr. blenberg , who had been justice of the notice for several years , was elected to the police judgr hip last spring. The idea that the republican party or any other party must favor this or that na tionality for the s > ako of peace , harmony unit strength U absurd. If any Danish- American out of personal profenec is disposed to vote for Mr. Madson for treas urer he has a right to do so as an inde pendent cili/en , but it is perfectly prepos terous for Danish republicans to go over in n body to the democratic candidate for clerk , because the republicans did not nominate Mr. Jaeob-on. Such con duct would only react and place tlio Scandinavian icpnblicans in a very bad light. TIM : president has replied to the critl- cHins made against his policy of territo rial appointments. He claims that ow ing to thu factional fights on the frontier it has been almost impossible to sccuro suitable residents for judicial positions , Irom the scores of land grabbers and corrupt politicians who apply for the ollices. On this lie-count , the president says , appointments have been made from outride the territories. The excuse of President Cleveland has a color of fair ness , especially when applied to New Mexico and Arizona , lint it docs not fit the cases of the remaining territories where , in the same defiance of platform declarations , the president has tilled the federal ollices with non-resident office holders. Dakota , Montana , Washington , Idaho and Utah all contain men whoso reputation and abilities are above criti cism. These are the kind of men which the people of the turritorios dum mil in places of ollicial trust ; men who have the interests of the territory at heart because they know that their own interests and those of their neighbors are identical. SIINATOU VAN' WYCK returned from Washington yesterday and spoke lust night at the Parncll meet ing at Itoyd'ri opera house. The senator never goes to the national capital without making some good point in the interest of liia constituents. His last , as noted recently in our dispatches , was to request of Secretary Manning that convict labor should not be permit ted to compete with Nebraska working men in the construction of government buildings in this state. The senator spe cifically requested that each party bid ding should specifically state whether bo proposed to employ convict labor and that the answer should be taken into con sideration in letting the contract. It is one of the senator's excellencies as a public ollicial that while others are talk ing he is working with personal effort to carry out the reform which headvocates , His action in tlio present instance will commend itself to every workingman in Nebraska. THE warlike Shans are already harrow ing the herdies of liurmah on the cast just as the Anglo-Indian army is prepar ing to march in from the west. The Shans are unsubdued mountaineers who are said to bear about the same relation to the Cochin Chinese peninsula that the Swiss do to ICuropo. A part of their ter ritory is within the limits of Upper Unr- mah and the remainder within those of Siam. Some time ago it was reported that Thubuw ceded to France all his claims to the Shan states , but as France has not been able to subdue more than the ncacoasl of Tonqnin , it is not likely at present to try to annex Thebaw's ' gift. Mit. Jens O'Co.vNEU , has decided to run as an independent candidate for bhcrifl' . Mr. O'Coimell has numerous friends among the workingmen of Oma ha and -.vill make a lively run. The fact is ho is liable to overtake Pat Ford on election day , and leave him several lengths behind. PAT FOUD has decided to give up his Tenth street boarding house after the 1th of November , Ho proposes to locate in the county building , His present board ers have boon promised appointments as deputy .sherills , and his future boarders will all take their meal's ' in jail. This Is what may bo called a stom-windor. \Vu understand that Mr Ford has saved up $ ! , U')0 ) for thu shorilTcampaign tund. This will be gratifying nowa to the boys. Pat's money is as good as any body's eUo.Vo \ want more money in uiroiih'.tion. IK Mr. Ford will only agree to resign from the council before election ho can get a great many nioro votes for sheriff than hu would otherwise receive. HUSTON Is to have a now census taken by the police force. Omaha's census of thu police foico can be taken in two minutes. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tin : silence in the neighborhood of the fiiipienii ! court in reference to the Mitch ell mandamus suit ia absolutely painful. A Pr.KNsvi.VA.viA knitting mill turned out , ' .J8,000 stockings last week. Another Industry on u solid footing. Is It actually a fact that somnbody IB trjlng to run nguin.-t Duo , Smith for county surveyor * iur fe I < ft . I ? pij. Cull n . .illt ( n'.s iuiical ; : loltoM nre iu Liw/y a be r 1 1 * i ii.unc .fjtnuK' : ' . S < na . MIHI.I ! . lux Mink ? , ftm of his piUnte tiiiid in liu' V-tiWi'T 111111- ! ' ! Kx-Coi'itre-s'.mrvn ( , t'in-o 1 * n candidate fur thi' Ore -eiutorsuii ) . ( Joorge 1 * sl < c and a linlf tn-l Idph. * Senator Vulr will l"lieoalyrpi ! > reientatlvn In theit'Witoof Uic driiiurrnticoto west of tlioMK-nHiii rivei. Col. liftinnnt says Qiu , Vrcii1dcut H onr- worked , nnd Ui strain. t' narfKln u-more \um ) him Is too great , t roiierewimn Kolle ' * of Pennsylvania ; tnnduldt nr"t pollMi'.u 'Vpecch In l-'aneidl 111 ! nearly tifty jeaH a'C'o. The longest scntenctv Mr. Kvnrt < has c ( r Ixvn known to utter Inn stump ciiniinl > ; n nre tluiM' ho liilflivciing In luhtU : ; ot Diuenjiott , 0. 0. Stevenson , of Hold HIM , NVvadi , ( Senator .1 ones' plnco of lesidence ) , wid Viobablybo nominated lor govei nor by tlio it'imbllruns 01 Hint state. linn , ( 'nit Srhurzli nownlluded lo by his former udmiicis In the west us "The rlilm DiiHiinnn. " lie nevir innteilnllzes lon ciitmuh to bo of M-nico to any political i > att > iioU'tnur Caini-ion iindMahonc and U'lw ) luuo Income nM.-nticllt.il , and the quarrel Is otr. Ku-ry UTouwlll tx > Hindu In VltRlnla It N nld that the Kvtro. ilurat Halstend's palter publMiud In New Veil ; dtiringthi1 idfiitlul ra nipjlKii ot KHI , eost the ii'imb tirinaiteisM-jw.M , and brought swiii'eJyatiy Mile.s to Ulaine. "Wns your husband o\er in public , Mrs. hnlnkV" ills , fejilnk : "Oh.Mlndndl lie was niico appointed ehetloii ollirci In Ins pii'uiiiet ; ! \MIS to hue sencit nil entlni day , but. iinfoiuinntciy , be \ > H taken III and had to u'slin ' boluro bH teim vms halt ended , 1 have heaul Inta N > Ua > - a Kiwtt itisai - imlitlim nt to his party , ticiy " Now cntnpali'ii lies InriraMi m j-i/e , Anil riinilUlites in ur.ith arise. In unn the > pr.ty l-or inoie inir piny. Yet oigans htld will linve their way , Alni'Kndnyl or WIT. There Hunt fH Minionewspniicr men iiinani ; the Itulgiinaiis. Tlu-y bo inpturoil the IM SOH. Some ono t-nys the Gixldess of Iilboity on tlio silvir dollar looks us ttiuimh she hail lost iioiUL'thln . bholias. bliu'slu tnttLon eoi .she enn'l seem to nnd. .Soinu burjjlnis , the otlav nltfhU wrio "thwaited b > a iiooille itiv. " o binv'iai likes to KO out In uie iin.oiitlgiit with thu bur- ilei.s ot his pant le n i'lu wul. "It costs only a ten-cent stamp In pot a man you don't like. nuiKenuil at inhlnluht. " llms the Miiwnuurt1 Sentinel sums up the intent and operation ot the new spuchd dollvuiy sis- tern , Tldrteon Is mi unlucky ntuiilKT. It Is for this n iisdii Unit wlien a Miopki'Cpur baUc.H aViVccnt jiiwe he imariablj ! u'.s jou 1- cvnU. 'flie shopkn'iier Is nnseliiih , and us some baity must urn the lisk or lud luck ho lieely takes Itldmself. "liittemle < lU\o theaters the liist nlcht I was in New York , " wrote a mrnl buck to his loml parents , "and Ihiuu balls the next. II ml agtonoiM time the lust , nnd omyKut & ! on ni > watch the next. ' ' The miMii'liistu'iiteil ' old puonaMtiestill wtMuL-iing what he aii'.uiU l.alo Supreme tCHrl Dcclslonn. State ei rel. , O'l-ady vs < . Cwmmr'tt Mneoln Co. Mandamus.VUti awudeU. Opinion by liPC&C , .J. ' I 1 Counties and ! comty { boards can only exercise snulupowcrs as Hreexpresa- ly granted by statute , : tnd .such grant of power must bo stt'ic'tlyjconstrnod. U Under the provisions of the law of 1870 , now in force , , county commissioners have no authority to issue county bonds for the purpose of naising money to build a jail , and a vote of ttto people of the county instructing tliTim to issue such bonds will center o/authority so to do. Chicago Lumber Co.-,1 vs''Flsber ' , Krror from Lancaster Count/'Affirmed. Opinion by Kecse , J. 1. Whore n debtor executed to his creditor a chattel mortgage upon a stock ot ijoods , and retained possession of the goods , there being no agreement by which the mortgage was to sell any part of the goods m the usual course of trade , nor permission given him by tins mort gage so to do , the fact that 'a small part of the mortgage was , by the consent of the mortgagee transferred to a third party in payment of a debt , would not of itsclt render the mortgage fraudulent and void as against creditors. 2. Whore a chattel mortgage is given to secure a bona fide debt , or has the right to do so , under the provisions of the mortgage a judgment creditoi of the mortgagor cannot , without the consent of the mortgagee , levy upon the mort gaged property and .sell it under execu tion , and especially would this bo the case if the mortgaged property consisted of a number of articles such as a stock of goods The remedy would be by garnishee - nisheo process or such other proper pro ceeding as would reach the interest of the mortgagor after the debt due the mortgage was paid. Austin vs. Austin. Appeal from Lnmnstcr county , decieo lor pialntill , oi.inion b } JJeese , Jr. 1 Whcro a husband in adviineed years conveys property to his wile for the pur pose of having it held in trust for linn , and the wife , contrary to the intention of her husband , and in violation of the trust , conveys it to third parties , and with the proceeds thereof or with the money or property of the husband , pur chases other pioporty and leceives the title in her own name , upon their sepa ration equity uiny require an accounting and make such decree a.s to tin ; propuilv owned at the time of the decree as will protect , the interests of both the husband and wife. Holmes vs. Irwln. Uiror from Cass county- HevcTfed , lemnniled. Opinion by Kccsc , J , When A purchased of K an enclosed pasture , paying therefor an extra price , the consideration lor such extra piicu being that A might turn his utoc-k into .such pasture and thereby avoid the ex pense and trouble ot having to herd his stook , which was fully understood by 1 $ , and whore the stock was turned into the Held and continued to run there until the pasturage was eaten up , B residing upon the premises and in a position where ho c'onfd know of any ilAmage being done by the slock , and where he had cribbed his corn ion > the premises and within the inulosui'o ' In which the stock were permitted to'hill , , but A had no . . . _ . * _ . . I I f I I ' ! .i ! I f knowledge of the ( < ) , 'iHtinee | of the crib of corn and whore A' > stock , without his knowledge , ale and'deil ' roved the corn. Held thai A would not bo liable for such danni o and that Ihofo'was ' no rnieition of ni'glfKuneu on ( ) | mjjt to submit to a trial jury. , i ht.ito ex lei. Attorney Oerteral vsu i'arnier's liihiiianeo Cimij4/i / > , tt , ut , uiio war- , nut. ) . . ! ; ; , ! sciu f ' r p.aintilf. . Opinion by Kecsu , J. i. ' s t A contract by , litih { ono parly for a ( consider. , tion proiMwei to miiKu a c \ tain payment ol ntnnirv'iipon ' the ile.slrno- \ lion or injury of soirtutjjnf ; | , ' in which the other party nan nn Jjiturcst in a contract of hindrance , whatever may bo the terms ot pa } mint of the consideration by the 'cd , or the mode of estimating or so- payinont of the MUM to bo paid by the in.sinur in the event of loss. U Upon thu faotH aiipoarnifj in the rccoul , held , that ilofnndant WIIH a mutual Insnraneo company and as Mich limit comply with the provisions of the act of Juno 1 , 187t ; , and roeeivo the eisrtitieato of of ( lie auditor of btuto before transacting business , Sup ] ) v.i. lUiberts. Apjx'al from Johnson county. Alllraiud. Oilnlon | by Ituc&o , . / , I Equity will interfere by inumction to prevent the destruction ol Oan o hedifo fence , by a stranger lo the Inherit ance , as being such an injury to the real ty IIH cannot be fully compeiibatcd by ilamu cji tor the trespass. y ( iuedtions of faet und upon eonlliot- ln testimony uru for the trial court to JJr decide .nnd its decision will not bo mo- letted by the npuollatocourt tnlos. ly wtvng\ Code * . " . Curltoti. Krror from I.ntii-asler county ntllrineiL Opinion by Cobn , t'li. < 1 1 , A. it , \ . wn ? ft sub-contJactor tinder J. F , to build eerUin sections of n rail road , which work ho again sub-lot toll , li. and L. , who were performing said work. Upon tin * completion of said contract - tract said J. F. would In * indebted to A. .1. A. f 2,118 ST. H. 1 * . nnd It filed nstatn torv lion on said railroad for their work anil lal orln building said sections theie- of. W. I . C , in the prrsoneo of A. J. A. , prcsi tiled for aocoptanco and pay ment to J. F. n draft or order drawn by A. J. A. on J F. in favor of and payable lo W , K. C. for the .sum of 51,011 W ) In full of sill claims. Whereupon J. K. stated lo A. .1. A. in tlio presence Of W. U. C. that ho would not pay it until all of the Hens for labor on said sections wctv settled and paid oil' . N. ( . ( J. C. surd out an nltacliment ngninst A. J. A. nnd garnUh'jil ' . ) . F. Hold that there was an etiitablo ( | assignment and appropria tion of the money payable from J. F. to A. .1. A. to W. H'C. to the amount called for in said dm ft order .subject to the said statutory IJCIIH. Mctti-it Kanne vn. Motiuokln , error fioin Dointlns , county ; tilthmcd. Opinion by The act of the legislature approved February 28 , 1P81 , commonly known as tlie Sloetimb Liquor Law , is not uncon stitutional as being in violation of the provisions of the. constitution of the United Stales , which provides that "the citizens of each state shall be entitled to the privileges and imnuinitlesof citi/ens in the several states , " it being the exor cise of the police power of the state for the protection of its citizens and not for the purpose of revenue or the regulation of commerce1. In tlio I'xercisi * of such power it is competent for the legislature to icquiru that the licencee shall lie a re.s- Idpnt of the state and subject to its laws and to the processes of it.s com ts. II. & M Kailroiid \.s.Chicagol.um- - bor Co. Krror ftom Otoe county. A I'- United. Opinion by ltcc c , J 1. hi proceedings in gar after judgment under section 3111 of the civil code , if it is found that the gar nishee is indebted to tin * execution defen dant , the order of the court t > hould be- that tlio garnisliecd pay the amount found iliie. If the order is not complied with it may bo enforced by exe cution as in cases whore an ordilmry judgment Is rendered. S. When ngarnisliec , prior to the time when it i.s required to answer to its in debtedness , Ides an answer as in an ordinary - nary action , and , issue being joined thereon , a trial is had and other witneiis are examined , without objection to the course ijur.sucd , such garnishee will not be permitted to question the regularity of the proceedings in the appellate court 1'atinohi vs. Conn. Knnr tiom Cass county. Atliuned. Opinion by Ueese , ,1. 1 The verdict of n jury upon nestipns of fact where the testimony is eonllicting will not bo set aside unless clearly wrong , So whcro ono of the questions in volve.il in a cause submitted to the jury wns whether or not a partnership existed between the parties to the suit , and upon the tacts stateil by some of the witnesses ' the jury could 'find that a partnership did not exist and they so tound , such finding will not be molested. And the same rule will be applied to all cases where there is conflicting testimony upon material or vital points in the case. WELL WATCHED. How the tiiinrantci ; Companies Keep Tt-aoli ol'Their Clients A JJc- liiultcr Arrested AVitliln Four Hours. Clason Graham drew the money on a check for $ UttH ) ) , signed by his employ ers. Spencer , 'Frank 61 Co. , oil brokers , and took a train for Canada , but was .stopped on the way only four hours later , both man and money being baok in Now York the next day. The. quick ness of suspicion and action in the cnso of a man whose reputation has been good , was duo to the fact that he had given bonds to the linn for honesty , and Ins bondsmen wore one of the several guaranty and fidelity companies that nave lately come into use hero in Now York. These concerns insure employers against loss through the thefts of em ployes , and relieve the latter of the often dilbcull task of finding available friends to take the risks. Not loss than b',000 men arc already bonded in this way by the companics.among whom brisk rivalry has already arisen. Vinits to their ollices show large premises and numerous clerks , indicating far more than would bo requisite for merely making out the papers and dealing with the customers uy to the point of completing the bonds. The explanation is that the most elabo rate systems of watching the insured men. and registering their habits , is in operation ; and already the extent and thoroughness of the espionage hns be come an aonto nuisance to its subjects. To loel that bis every action may be un der surveillance by a spy , is annoying in many cases wherein the man is well be haved , and much dislike ot the new order ! of things has developed ; but there is no escape , because thu existence of the companies provides so reasonable an ex cuse lor individuals to decline to bo bonddmon that there is no escape. THI ; PI.ASS or itisics Railroad employes , bank clerks , court \ ollicers and all sorts of financial ollicials are chiefly the men involved. Heforo making the bonds the persons' character are investigated as fully as possible ; but that is no complete protection , for ono company hasalready lo t&IO.lUl ) through Paying Teller Chan 'A. Ilinckloy , of tlio \Vost Side Hank , and Teller F. J. Uiete- richs , of tint Laclcdu bank , St. Louis , both of whom were above reproach and ono Msomingly pious The proforonoo is for employes of institutions subject to State investigation annually rather than the handlers of money for private linns. Nearly all Iho men in the New York Post Ollice , and over half those in municipal ollices of tinanco nre now included in the ( risks The charges range from } to I per cent on the amount of insurance. The principal business is detective. Every insured person is watched , and very closely , too , if the slightest loo-ieness of conduct is observed. In the instance of Clasou Graham , u detective reported that hi : was becoming a lounger about town at night , anil apparently ivrn spending more income thiui l's .salary could provide. At thu t'unoiit when he cashed the big cl'"Di n .sgy had him in sight , and > " , u not quit him until he took till ) Oars. Then the detective telegraphed to the company that he was going lo go , too , und would look for ottlui'n at Spring field , where the train would make Its linst stop. Hasty inquiry 01 Spencer , Trask i\i \ Co brought out tlm fact that Graham was \ absconding with * 'tli , > i ) I , ami word was wired to Springfield to arrest him , A NIW : n\rnti : : . A feature of Iho now business i.s a reg istry , oullod the List of I'nreliables , in which the paiticularsot every obtainable case of probable or actual misdoing by an insured man are noted. The books of one establishment contain about o)0il ( ) names , another 11,000. and then * are not less than fiO.Oii ) altogether thus recorded , including railroader.hankurs , public of ficials und other fiduciaries. The amount money stolen by trusted employes is not drctimod of b , * , the public , as proved by the aggregate of nearly iilKD.O'W ' paid from one ollice lint the bonded mon are aware of their positions , and a con. sciousnoss of being under scrutiny has bucomeone of the common sensation * of tholr lives. If you stiller from Ioo.eiK.ss of tlm bowel * . Ancimturu Ulltcru uill .Miifly rnio von , Kuwait * < > f eounteifeltJi uml akixir iji-occror dniKiciM for the Kfiinlne mtk'lo , piejMied by , J , 0. U. Slutfert A ; Sous. ' 8TATK tVNIJ TKUUITOUY. Nrlu-nstc.t ilott Infra. Ocnoa rrlcs out for f\At | > hot iirniilit { r , Thaycr county clidins the VHUiiimit for corn. babies nnd r Hnoak thieves am iMx-ondnic alnrtnlngly nnimroiH In JS'rbnskn I ity. The Atkltfon elevator rollapspd the other nk'ht nnd spilled 'J.ooo bushels of itmiih A EIIII rlui ! lias Iwn orpudtisl in Huntings with C. A. Unidncni * pre-sldlm ; sliootlst , The meanest thief of the reason Mltirk At kinson ri-eently und stole n 'et of fnNo teeth. Kite ponies collided with n train on the I'nloii I'uelrie , ntsii O'l''altons , and were killed. The city council at Fremont hns decided In levy a Dm mill tax for the imilnlennnee of water works. Some spirited sneak entered tin1 butcher shop of S. C. Dllly , In Hastlnc" , dmlincthe ahs-enro of the proprietor , nnd destioveila quantity of inraU I'tcililent 1'oiklns , oC the Hmllncton mail , \lslted Nebraska City , Saturday , and prom Nod thocitl/ons a number of Important tall load iinpiovcnicnts. \Vlth the completion of Iho pile brldco nt Netira.sku City , tlie Kunsa.s City trains will inn Into and depart from the city depot a Kivnt convenient. to the in-ople. The di'inocrats ot Nenuiha rouuly hnvo plneed the following ticket In the Held : Treasurer , . ! . 1C. ItoitsiK'ld ; juileo , J. H. Dun- das ; elurk. .1. Vuitdcl'iin : ; sheriir. lU'histors ; coroner , V. > I. Html ; survejor , ts. Ullbert ; eonnalshloner , K. lfi < k. I'oitlonsofn hnniiin .skeleton were found In a Kinilhar In the .MI > MUH ! rivet , mar IVincn , la t vveek. The skull , FOIIII > tllis , . poilion of the hip bone and other pieces were seemed. Dr. Ha.s on Is ol the opinion that the skeleton Is that ot a .votingvoiiuui who vvus dtovviied two 01 three jeaisngo. Fremont hnsconlnicted with U. C. Morean. of Clileu < ; o , tor tlio construetlun of a system ol wutei v\oiks , all hut tin * dilve wells , for S'JMt.i. The contract foi the dilve wells was let to ( \ II. tioiltrey , of Freinonl , for SI..r > sr. lloiitan\nlpe.s ; to tuinlsh l.WKl.OOO gallons oC water evcii twenty-four hours. Iowa Items. Httbiiiiuo Is luunilsedu union depot to c ( The coiner stone of n now Catholic church at l.e Mnt > > will be laid to-moiiow. l'hi > body ol a diovvned man was found unflei a lait of lo sat KenknkViliieilay. . Kleven divorce cases will eniuenp lei settle iiient la die clicult couit at Ottinnwa this week. John .laeklev.ot Ashtnn. had a cancer n ! nuivedtroin his chin , nhith earned with it the cuttle uiulei Up. A cow on the truck atVhltImr \ threw n deiirht car oil the lalK The car ran into a wntchniisc. knoeMni : one side out ami throw- ini : the bnihlitn ; ott' Its Inundation. The cow was a No badly iloniorali/.ed. Last week tlie wife of a blind man named Muliloon , ut Ceilur Kapldseloped with a one- eyed mnn , taking MXK ) of lier husb.iinl . s nu.ney with her. She wincaptmed in Ne- biaska und letnrneil to her solid Muliloon. > ain Mellln er , one ot the trio of tnolheis trom WoithiiiKtou , IulmiitccountyconnneiI | on therluutfeof attempted iniiriler. escaped trom the county jail tit DnbuiincThutsifav , and had not heen cnptuied nt last aeconiits. A step-sen ot S. A. Iliunpluev. at .lellei- fion , dlsulie.ved the uiles ol tlio .srhool of which he wns a pupil , and I'tof. Keml.ill punished him. Mr. llumphiey hceaine en- lauidand vNitcil I'rof. Kendall at the .school mom , nnd In the inesencu ot nil tlio M'holnrs ' , In a piolniio nnd insolunt innnncr. bcir.in abusiii ! ; tlie pllucipal. Ho wns told In de sist , but becoming inoie lioistoioiis , the city marshal wns .sent for , who arrested Hum- plney for raising a disturbance. Ho was iinetl ? ! . " > anil costsami in default of pay ment was sent to thu comity jail. Dakota. A catfish weighing IM pounds was caught in the Missouri near Yankton. Ovei 'J)0 , ( ) bushels of tlax were mm kcteil nt Mitchell one day iccontly , ttl tents per bushel being the pik'c paid. A Sioux Indian at onoof thoncenclos has rccentlj lenrned toiidualtieycle. nesw-ntiped sevei.il [ Kinies tor n wheel anil now goes bunting on his bicycle. Last year .John Hall , of Madison , Invested S4i > in "beep. The sale of wool nml mutton trom ( the tlock has netted htm S'-tM , nml the incieasu ii i hits kept the Hock up to the original iiinnbe.r i purchased. Hon. ( icorKii II. names , president of the Northern I'aoilie elevator .sy.stein , hns given notice that hu will donate S.VOOU ) towimls touiulini ; a Congregational college nt Faiyo , to be called the Uuincs univcnslty. Wyoming * Charles Hlncker , of Cheyenne , lost a roll of SOOO in greenbacks in a nre last week. Thhty ot Cheyenne's rosy-cheek ed belles nre billed to onto , the muUiinunial state this winter. A white anteloi * Is the latest enrlo In Clie.y- ennu. The town is now looking around tor a white elephant , Dining the hscal year ending June .TO , last , fi.7-'ji.l ! ; ' ncies ol the public domain in thu terri tory' weio disposed of. Kov. C. M. Snnderi , for ten years pastor of thu Congregational church in Cheyenne , was mcfentvd with u geld w.itch by his people last week. Thu Chicago it Northwestern nil ! road com pany bus nletl at tides ot incorjinrition wiili the lorriloiial secretary tor the e.xtunslon ol the io.nl through Wyoiuini ; . The new coil mines twentv miles noith ol Laiamle me b 'Ing developed hv jirivate cajii- lal , and Iliu iiroduct is nlready siipcieedlng thu U. 1' . nitiele In thelocal mniket. "Hlnck .Jack , " a launch gentleman , and an Kngll.sh loid , aio nd\i'itised ninon , ; the iniss- ! ! „ ' iiien In the Icirilorj. Their ilisappeai- nnco is due to the duns ot crediiois. The Cheyenne , Montnna < k Ulack Jlills inihoiid must Juno a bundled inilis of Hie mad in opei ntion by next Sunday or it wilt lose &KOOiMI in county bunds lorteited. As 1UO miles of track me yet lo IID laid , there Is \ery little piosjieetot the comjiany seetning the bonds. The Uig Horn Ditch company has tiled nitielos ot Ineoipnintlon with the teriitoiinl seeiutary. It is piojiosed to constinct six ditches , which will take wnter trom linlla.o cieck at thieo points , lioia 1'nwdei livur , lioia Natuial Sjirma's , and liom a branuh of \Vlllo wcieek. Tlie Kiench Placer Mining company , at Atlantic Cit } , h.iv.i niiNunl e < c < : avatm , ' a leu- mlle water ditch , anil have a largo loice oj men building ilume.i aionn.l . the lockv points. They expect to tain watci into this ditch and piaci ! their liydnmlic inaelilnery in place this lull. MI as to have even thing in icaiMnc.ss lor woili as mil ) as | oj-sriii in iliespiing. Yesterday OIlicurTnrnbull furnished the - J , lining street station with a nuw table , chair and jail record. The ap pointments of tins "calaboose" are now complete , and the institution is thrown open to north end patroiingo It i.s in the cnarge. of a regularly empio\id ; janitor and will bu useil simply lor holdover i " -l The Greatest Mdical TrioinpU of tba Ago ! SYMPTOM'S OP A TORPID LIVER. Ji,9H l niipvlltci IliMVi-lntiiBilve , 1'ulii In the bvnil , irilb u dull ncninllon In Iho buck pnrr. I'lilu mi' * v Iho ( Imulilrr. bJudr , Ji'iillneia after eatliii ; , liiullimilnii to uxdtlon uf tiuilr ofinluil , Irrltiilillliyoricinpcri Jiinr eiilrltn , wlili J n frelinL'of liuTlnir neslrctcil xuino iliilr. \Ve rlnr IN , Dlzzlncva , Fliiitprluit ut ilio lieurt. Hat * bnloioHio eyrin , llcuiluclia ever Hiti ilcbt rrc , Itesllnmnni , vviiU fltlulilrenniH , llluliljr colored Urlue , auit CONSTIPATION. TDTT'S VlLr.Sarncnculaly [ ] nilnpteil to Biich cases , ono tlotu eirouts micli a clianrjnof/eellnsns to nitonlilitlio Biiife ror. Thuy Inrrcttto ( lin Aicllte , > iiclrauiutlia tmdy lo Tube oi > Kletlt. thu cba trfttnt I * noiirlilieit.Biul lirlhelr'ronlo Action on rroilucril. 1'rlcauSc. Yl Jlnrrity Mt..iV.Y. Kl TUTT'8 EXTRACT SABSAPARILLA KmioratM ( hu brxljr. inaLi-H JuulUillt.ili , ftrengUiim * tli uiMtc. repulra UIH antes of . Vie sjrateiu with | > ure btiKxl uiul lianl iiiu ; le | J. | one tlia nerroua system , InvUuntca th * tirnln , ami linpnrt * tlio Tiger ot SPECIAL NOTICES thU heart lin for ttio first lnv > rtkm , n t 7 wilt * for Mot mbfpiliient tiK-nHlon. Sovcn words will to count * nl to tlm line ; they milH run rotiJKHJUtlvfilr i n l mt ! t t'O jmld In mUiuico. All Hdvottlncmontl tii st lie Iwmloil In I K' torn S o'clock p. m. , and iinilrr no clrciimstnnoos will they be UUton or dfcnntlmiNl liv tnlephono. I'm lie * ftilvorll-lnir In tli ( > a rotnmni and bar liisrlhp Mtiswrrs mltliewd Incnro of tlir , trll l > k ate nt-k for check to runblo th m to Ret their Id tun , m none will bo ilollvcrcJ rxcopl on jimon'rllon of fhts-K. All niuvrtito exlver- tl'cmctits fliould tin rnclowd la cnvotopot. TO X.OAW-MOHXT. MONK\ loHiioti rt'fti eitnto ccurtr. ( conmH : lon charged. li K. Mnrnfi. lot rurnnin. _ _ _ _ _ KM Nor. a - \ \ ON KV-To lo'in. The Dmalm Klnnnol * ! B * A' I I'lumjjc. ' , I' < H Knrnnm street. lip-Mult * . make * IPKIIOUII nil ilnucm'f Rccurltjr front aflOolmt * Id lonii to $ IUmx > on rrol oitnto. Wo mHke loans Ki xiiil nil nppllrnntf mi loiia or uliort time oil Imiirnied i cul < < ! > titto , lain ) ixintrncto , InnlilliiKS on It'ii'Cd lain ) , seem pil notes , collator * n ) .rlnittpt or jrood m-cntlly of nny klnit. Kott rules : emj term * . OmMiri Flnnnclnl Uxchnniro , IMtt Kill nun Mri'et.np-stnlr * . * _ M ONKV i.OANKU lleiuls , loth and Dotijtlm. filsnov.'oA MM A M oNKTO I.OAN-O. P. Dnvln&Oo. lt al l lntc nnJ I.onn nycnts , 160J Fnrtmin St. ' MOXKY TO WAN-Oil fftxxl socurltlo * . A MtUnvoiU , riMiiii 7 Itltllck Illock , 1IW KHrnnm St. Sit . " > M ONKV TO LOAN tin cbnttpli , Wooloy ti lliiriLson , mum 'JO , Onmhn Nnllonnl bank MONKV TO LOAN On rcul ihluto nml nil at- lets. 1) . I. . Thulium. KX ) \ \ ONP.V M > AMt -On clmtteliiTTntruffe , It ! I'l It tickets bought nml sold. A. Fonnnn.JIUJ R 1.1th St. 651 MONiv : TO LOAN In minis offaiOnnil | > - minis on tlrM-eliiM trnl ostnto icourliy. I'ottur * t.'obb , inin niriiiim at. 6sa _ 't 6. R ltM.il * Oo . ollleo , on tuinltinti , nlnnos , liorwe- * , | iiix | > ity ot nil klnda null nil other BI-- \nlue.witliont roinoxnl. Ovorlat Nut'l Hunk , 1-ornnr tatli itnd 1'annun. All blisuo | eti Icily eonlliluntul. K > _ \IOXiVI : .1IONKV ! ! MONKYIII Money to -I'l loiiiHiiiclHittolfiunirltybyW.lt Uroftinioift 4 , Wliluu'll building. N. 1C. tHirnor loth ninl llur- ni'y. Alti'i1 jcnrs of iixporlunoo mul n cnroful pttub ol Hie hiHltiiwol loaning money on jnir- prapi'it ) , I linvo Ht Inat iiorfucluifn \thcieh } tlio mibik'ily iixniilln miuli cason Uo i if \ui.v it h , anil I inn now In a intuition to ini'ct tliciicinumiior nil who boeoino tumpor- ni lit emlmirtisvixl unit ilt < * lro to rnlso iiionoy ullluiut ilt > la\ mill In u qulot iniiiiiinr. HOUHC- , kui'pi'ii ) . pioiossionul Kfiitluinun , iimclmnlfH uiul othoi.s In Oiiuiliii ninl tonnoll llluiro , oiul olitnln nilMinirs tioin fill to ( l.UU on such * ( < cnrlty IIH liou-'rliolil rurnltmo , plnnon , niHuhliiury.lmr- ( , ( . HiiKoim , umnluiitso rooulptii , siHiiiiiMlnoUia ol liuiid.dtL' , without rctiiovliiKSUino from own- IMS ii'slileiRo or placti ol lumlnoss. Alfi ) on line Wnli'luH Mini Uliuiuiiiils , ono or tlio mlviititiws I oiler i * Hint any pint ot nny loan run bo pnlil nt uny ( line whluh M III nslncn thu Inlcront pro raU uiul all loniis ii > not > eil nt tlio orlitlniil rates of In- tcit'ht. I linvo no broktirti In oonncctlon with mr olllte , but pnrMinally suporlntoiul nil my louim , 1 hnve pi IviiiuollliMiM foiitibctotl with my tronOrAl oM , iMi that custiiiiii'i-a do nut como In con- liaot with encli other , ( . on-o < ] iuii > lly umklmrnU tii'iiiiiotloim ' Mildly private. w. It. Croft. loom I , Wlllinull liiillilliK , ' , N , K. corner Mill nna Iliiincy , Oiniilm , nncit : ! 1'iiiirl St. , Council EDTATE. FOUSAI.K Oi woiilil trmio for irood city dr Inrni pmporly , n llwt c-ln < stock of millinery mul Innty Kiioili , in iroml looAtlons nnd tloin ; liusincss C. K. Muync lOth.KUil Fnrtmm , GtlUI.KV & DOANK Itcnl K-tUtC AKBlltg. 8 , W. cor. inth nnd DoiiKliu , nro now otTorlnir lor mile hiiKlnoKo , ru lilrncc anil fubtirbnn proi eity. Soini' ol tbo mott ndvnntnpcons bnrjrHliu now In the tiuirkot can bo obtalnod by cnlllnK on thoni. linprovod und unimproved property , corner lots nnd desirable sites In tlio bent lo- cntcil nitdltlons cnn bo had nt reasonable prices nnd ciHy turnm. FINK Improved rariim.wlll i rude for iniprpvtid city proporty. W. II. Qroon , over 1st NiVj tlonul Hank. BA1E MKAT f-'cllIiiR mcnt nt pnclcln-r hou o prlcra torcusli , 1,1.4 , tlo\ard at , cor lull. 1'rcil X > m- nit-r , BS n25 T7 > OU HAI.K Mrdlnm platform WB-/OH paml ' box newly piilnloJ , purlcut repair. Milton Honors ic Sons. KM- FOR .SAI.Ii CliL'itp , furnltiiro of nn Olstht room liniiso , tniltHbUi for botinlnnr liouoonr tooniuia ; Ainu liouso lor runt , at IMi Howard at , I71OKSAI.E AT A BAltOAIN-A No. 1 PMo- totfiupliKullory , ofltahllslicd Uyenrs , dolnjf a l/ood bimlness ; evorytliiiiK In compliito order. In a tlonrlHliliw town of 7 , ono lulmbltmit. < Kor pnrtlriilant nildrcHs I'liotOifrupho Lock IIox 00 ] Nebraskn City , Nub. 44J-3 p ptJIlK IIUCKWIIBAT FIXUH-Cnrot ! orleM JL to suit trade , In tinrrols or nck . Our "No A Heady Italsod" ijuckwhrut Hour , wnrrontetl bust > ii"ilo , auk yoni Rixicor tor It. II l liost price iilil ( bnckwnwit Kiuin' W. J.WplslmiiB & Co. , City Mlll < t Omnlm. UT FOR HALK Furniture ompleto of n trp-j room lioiito. 'i bUx'U fixim ] > o4tofllco. lions , ) lor rout , $45 per montli. Apply nt 1KM St. 145 FOH SAL ! : A No. I driving or work liorso for ciifli or on llmo. W. It. Ciott , I too in i. Wltlinull lluildliiir. 74J OCOIDKNTAL IIOTKL rurnlturo for sals and botul lor rent. Tnll al Occidenul for Inloiinatlon , corner 111 mul Howm-dHt , 0 5 FOItSAI.K Ilnckulipat bran , 2.V ) per IWimn. W. J. WcbhmiH * Co , City .Mill * . 41 FORSAl.I' : Two lota in I'ellmm I'laoo , ono bliicU liom btroul cnr trnuli. IniiulroUlKH. iith ; slitut. Wo FOR SAI.i : Or would trndo lor a oed horao and luipfv , m aureH In Uonpur county. Apply - ply toJIH S < iMli 1,1th sliwt. KM BUDIHTSB CIIAJJCES. Ipoit S\IK Iliisltio.-.schnnrp , In iiNiinill loivn , 1 a ( jenurnl Hlouk of mcrclmndUu ; Capital ro- liiliod , * . \ , M. ijtora for iunt. Addruis 11. H. I * . umo lleo ollice. Hlfl-Kil * SAM : fnmplotu outllt for banking J' IIOIIKO , conslstliiff of Inrao Urn nnd burKlar inool sale , lion railing , cherry cmintor , cto.ull new. Wonldliadu lor Omaha eltv property or wild lands. O. II. Mayno , ITilli and Karimtn. KIT l ? < tll SAf.K-Uetnll Hook of driiRS and Or- J' turns , nil In ( joinl order ; pnoil location , and tiiido. AddU > t > 3X. V. / . , Clark Drug Co. , ( Mimlia , Sub. _ _ _ KM . BOAttDIlIO. TJOO1I mid lionrd , $ Apor wenk ; very bepl li ) . -It ciitloil. 1H14 Uuvonport St. IlHnovlH' W ANTiiIayboaidurH : ut 711) ) Norlb lO iio.ir Hint. _ _ urmovli * " I < ) ( ) .M with bonid , in ] I Cnplfol uvo. STOVE REPAIHS. riini : W a. Mut/nerSlovo ItopulrCo. . Ill Kontli X Illli St. liotwuon Hodjfo unil Uou iiu. r OUIISONAI. A leHpuctnlilo yomii ; Inily Uo- i-lii'M to coi u'Hpiiinl with u irculluiniHi. A rcul- ill in ol On tilin pinlcuiil lln niuliiinonlul In tention. AililiccH MlhS M. Knlluy , lin llroi ItiooKlin. i : D..N. V. Illl \r5 ! oienilloii | or litnlo'jH ' tiim'es. Dr. M. M > Jlooio , 1)1 ) Wabai-h uvo. , Chlciigo. Wilt lie nt lW/on Ilouso , Octoluir J'J , ono day only. er ovi oi.rMiiiv , tUislnnirlon , iliill ; tM1i Ht. "Till' CUD.MIH" A Ixmidliiir and day nl lor jomur linllni. Dnll hlliilly KllmiloJ on rioonrnlotvii HnlfliH l.iirk'o ( rioiinds ; MII- 1IAVIiix's : iiio Kliiillius. uliolii'iiln andro. > tnlliit.l.MoVatlu J.llliiiiul I'linwin. i > | ln J pltJVV VAIM.T8 , fiiiltH , c i 4 | > eels rlonU- ( l ! enllrol > odoilo-d way K linliiif Ad- i pobtolllco. 4. novl < lt LESSONS IN fICAYON I'llpils lailirlit hour lomaku eiuyon | irliiilln. A Illc \ / < > por. unit liom any plioio pupil nuiy ilmlio KIVIHI line with teim of ItwKonii. Colucll .V Cooke , urllsis , Itoom l , Ailliuloii lllook , went of I' , L > , .TTnovM LADIKHIn uant of uooilK'rl ' forKCUcriU lmiso ) oik & . < > , uiui llml lliiiin by applilnir ut Oiii * . m Kinpliiyiaunt Iliuciui , IU'0 rainain St. MT A l. W.1VS on liami ut n baiKiiln , No. I neoon3 bund cuiilauo pliitnioiu nnd lili'inr | bujf. < : * , ut A. J. blnii-Mii | , I1W Mini till Duiljo ctt. _ _ _ _ MT L LAUIIM In mint c > r KOCH ) iloinoTln help r'ia liu Hilppllud by liiilllnv nil Ilie Oinahli bii- | o\inent Ollleo , i7 ! N. l lh t. , up-oliiird , Ml * . . W. Monliuiii prnpiii'liir. _ _ _ 874 PRIVY vntilm mill uiopooli flfiinail In an oiluilu * * ruy by 1' . U , Abut , 1 * . U. IJiu . ' 17.1.