, _ X/JM31 OHHUOHERSLDIREOTORY / 1 ' Dealers fa Agricultural Implements , Office , Corner 8th md radfloStn , OmiOin , Neh PAI11JN , OltENDOIlFF ft MABT1NJ Wholesale Dealers In ricnltnral Implements , Wagons ml Hugglof , Omaha , Neb. Boots and Shoes. W. V , MOI18E & CO. , Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , Jill Fnrnam Street , Omaha , Neb. Manufactory , Bummer Btrcot DoMon. ff [ ffI 8. A. OHCHAlin , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , IIMtlngD , Oirtnln OooOn. Klc. , 1(23 Fornam Etreot , Omonn , Nob. Coal , Lime , Etci JKPP W. HKDFORI ) , Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone , OfflCO.SlOB. WtJiflt.Omnha. Neb. Yards , Wli and InvvnHirt | Blrrotfl. COUTANT & Dealers in Hard and Sort Coal. Best vnrktU . Offlco. 213 8.18th SU Tclephono No. 14WOmnhRNolx NKniJABKA FUEL CO. , Shippers of Coal and Coke , ill B. lath fit. , Omnlm. Nob. flro. 0 , TOWLK , rrwldent. Grx ) . FATTKIIOOK , Ke . and IVcns. i. 11. IIUIJIEUT. F. A. llAl.Cll , 1'ropriftor. Manager. Retirash Coal and Lime Company , OMAHA , NnilllASKA. Ofllco , 217 B. 13th Street. Telephone 40. Ceo. F , JjAiiAon , Pre . O , F. GOODMANV. 1'rte. J. A. BUnurHiJiKD , t-te , nnd Trctw. Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company , Jobber * of Imrd and ( -oft coul , WJ B. l.itU Bt. , Oinnlm , Nub. OMAHA CfAL ) AND I'ROUUCK CX > . Hard and Soft Coal- EicJnclvo deoJu-d In llouldor Colorado Goal , 217 Mintb Uth htrcot. Coffee and Sptccs. CLAHKR IJKOS. &CO. , Omaha Codec and Spice Mills. T n , Cotleos , Spleen , llablnif I'owder I'ln JUtnictP , Laundry Illue , luk , eta 1411-10 liar- Boy Blroot , Omalia , Neb. " Commission ) Etc , DRANCII & CO. , Wholesale Fruits Produce , , Oysters , Kumaui Bt , Oiunliu. Apples Our own pnck- .n 'llgcr llrand Oystcid , lluttcr , uge , tintno , 1'oultry , Potatoes. JOHN F. KI.ACK. General Commission Merchant , Produe i , Provisions FniltH , Flour nnd Feed. 105 ft. ] 4th Bl. , Oninhu , Nub. C'onslgnmuntB Eollcited. Itotunis uiHdu promptly. LOUIS 1IEL1.G11 , Jobber and Commission Merchant. Clioem , Banengpp , Kmtt , IJutoliors Tools and 8 iipllOM. 1215 Janet ! St. , Ouuihn , Neb. W. 13. General Commission Merchant. BTKCIAI.TIEH lliitt > r , KgK8 , Forolirn and T o- mcHtio J' ullf , 112 8. 14th. , Oiuabu , Nob. Telephone - phone No. IIV5. B. A. aUIUKV , Commission and Jobbing , Butter , Epfrs and Produce. A full line of 8tono- Yraro. CoiiEifuinoiUB tollelted. 1414 Dodge Bt , Omabn. E. MO WON Y , General Commission Merchant , Iruttor , K B , CUCCHI and Country 1'rodnco KOn- tnUly , BOU B. 12th HI. , Omaha , Nob. McaHANE & SC'lIUOUDF.It , Buyers of Butter and Eggs. Jlofrbrorntor mid Packing House , 14tb tt Iaven - worth Bt , on U. P. It. It. Trnck , Oinahii , Neb. Kstnlillfhnl 1870. iioiujiiT ruiivis , General Commission , HI B. Uth St. . OniHhit , Ni-b. epeclalUea-nutter 'g , Poultry and Uaino. PEYCKK IHIOS. , Commission Merchants , Fruits , I'rcHliico mid Provisions , Omaha , Neb. A. r. SHUCK , Wholesale Commission Merchant , JVnlU , Becde and Produce. No. 'J13 8.12th Street , Omaha Nebraska. THOXEI.I , & WIUJAMB , Storage and Commission Merchants. Jfrulte. Vlour , Apjiloc , BtxmoH lire. . , BeedH , iliittor nnd ) CKKH , illd und U15 EoutU J3tli street , Omalia , Nohraskn. W1EDEMAN & CO. , Produce Commission Merchants. ffoullry , llutter , Gninu , IVults , Ktc. 220 8. Hth ft , , Onmlm , Nobrnbkn. A. F. 11KTHGE , Wholesale Foreign and Domestic Frnits , s , Ijirtl , Jellies , llnttcr. P.uus , Hirose , Ktc. Nil. Jlitt H. 12th it. ) , Oi'iahii. ' Nob. General Commission Merchants , JIM DodK Ctrett. Oninna , Neb. Canetenmcnta Boncltvd. Crockery , W. 1 * WIUUHT , Agent for tlio MunufacturorB nnd Importers Crockery , Glassware , Cldinnoj s , Kto. Olllc-o , 317 South 13th Street , Omaha , Nob. Dry GooJs , J. J. 11HOWN & CO. , Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions , IttTJ UouKlug Btroct , Omnlm , Neb. J * omsiir.ito & co. , M'liok'wilo Dcalcra In Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions , I4ic < > 8 , Kintiroldury und White Goods , Omnlm Neb. Lnginw. llUOWNKIJj & CO. , The Baker Automatic Engines , Ctntlonury nnd portable. cnvlncB , boilers and ( lieot iron work , WIKOHP : , ntrlcultiirul Implo- vilMain Lciweiiwoi th Hi. Leather. Hides , Etc , It 0. HUNTINOTON * SON , Dealers in Hides , Wool and Tallow , 11M Jiickcon Hlruot.Omaliu , Nub. BLOMAN DltOS. , WIlOlOMllO Leather , Saddlery Hardware , BAddlcry nnd Bhoo nndlng , Hides , Wool , Fun , IVIlB , Git'iiM' , Ttillow , 15to.LOn nlmJiob. _ _ Flour. Etc , KlClMaDBON. I. Wholesale Floor , COS , MO onJ 6li : llorco BlrcotOmalm , Neb. U A. 8TUWAHT A CO. . Wholesale Flour Dealers , Ana manufacturer * oi llhimlnntlujr tutluu Ulln. nmwo TTsaiccK , .JR. Aitent for J. C. Hotlmaj r A Co. , Manuractorers of Highest Grades of Flour Hy lloliers knit Hunpnrlnnl'KHHWarchouco , 1213 Jones tttm-t. Omnlift. Nob. Wholesale Flonr , Feed and Grain , Mamtfncturwft of W. J. Wclsbunn i Oo.'s Quick HnlPlncIhiekwhcntflour Riul proprtotorgOmahn City Mills , cor. 8th and Panmm Streets. Omnlia. Furniture , Wholesale Dealers In Furniture , Fnrnnm Street , Omnlm , Nob. Groceries , ALI.KN 111103. , Wholesale Grocers , 1110 ami 1113 Doupliiii Street. Omnhn , Ni B. n. CHAPMAN A ; CO ? Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars , Tobacco und Smokers' Articles , 1217 Howard Bt. MBVF.lt .Ic 11AAPKR , SnlctsWholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , Snlcts , CltriirH ami TobnccoR , 1.117 and 1310 Dot ! Ian fit root , Omaha , Nub. McCOltl ) , nnADVA COMPANY , Wholesale Grocers , Corner 10th mid Purnnm Streets , Omntin , N'cb. PAXTON , OAMAOlir.H * CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , Noe. 705,707,7W > mid 711 B. 10th fit , Oranhn , Neb. Hardware , W. J. lIltOATCII , Hardware Iron Steel Heavy , , , , WHRon Block , Hardwood Lumberetc. 11 Ilnrnoi Btruet.Oinnliu , Neb. RDNBY & nnillON , Wholesale Iron Steel , , Wagon And Oirrlupc Wood Flock , llonvy HH Kto. 1217andr.no -nviniwortb Street , Oniuhii , Nub. HIME1IAUO11 & TAYLOlt , Builders' ' Hardware , Mechanics' Tools nnd flnlTalo genius. 1405 Doug las BtrtHJt , Omabn , Nub. 1.EE , miKt ) A CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , Shoot Iron , Rt . Affimts for IIowo Scaloh nnd wdor Co. , Omitliu , Noli. MILTON HOGKIIS i SONS , Stoves Farnaces Tiles , Ranges , , , Mantles , Grates , llnicH podls. 1S1 ! and ixa Far- num HtrooL nKCl'OH & \VJI,1IKI.MY CO. , Wholesale Hardware and Hails , Kmcrson SU'd NnlN. Cor. 10th nnd llarncy Streets , Omiibn , Nub. Harvesters , WM. DKKHING & Co' , CHICAGO , Manufacturer of the Deering Harvester Goods , Write to Win. M. Lot liner , General Agent , Oumlm. Ti'loplionu 010. Iron Pipe , Etc. COWING & CO , Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers , Jell > orn In Iron Pipe , Iron lit thur : ) . Iron and llrnxd GoodH. Kn rinooiir Supiillcs. Hth und Uodgo Streote , Omnliu , Nul ) . A. L. BTltANU COMPANY , Pumps , Pipe and Engines. 5tcam , Wntnr , HiUlnujnnd Mllllm ; Supplies , Etc. 1KO , tCi and ( C'4 l-'arnam til , , Oumlm , Nob. Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , ? team nnd Water Siipjilliti. Ueodqunrtcra for Must. Fonrt Co.'s Goods. 1111 Fiirnam Htrcet , Omitliu , Neb. Jewelry. EDHOI.M i ECIOKSON , Wholesale Jewelers. Dciilcrs Iu BilvcnMiro , Diamonds. Wfttcbcs , Chieho. JMTI-IITB' Tools nnd Materials , Ktc. , 1U1 and 1(0,1'itti ( etrt'Ct , Cor. Doclgo , Omubu , Not ) . Fish. Etc. irKKN , BIKMSSKN 4 : CO. , Wholesale Fish Dealers , Importers of FOIU.IKII Fb ) , Nos. till 013 Jones Street and U. 1' . Track Omaha , Noli. Live Stock. Bridge Stock Yards , Omaha , No Ynrdagn Churifod. Oofio to U. 1 * . Hrldifo. PIIIX" ! ! ! ! iicoommodutlon nnd a ( rood niarkut tor Imi fl. K. C. Cooper , Muu- nRer. Ofllcu. WJ South 6th Street. M. I1VKK1J & EONS , Live Stock Commission Goo. llinku. Mauatrer , Union Etovh Yanlc , 8. Omalm , Neb. Tolo. 6S2. W. F. IIKOWN A ; TO. , Commission Dealers in Live Stock , OUIcti Uxclioniro IlulMlmr. futon Hloelt Yards , South Omoliu , Neb. Tulophuno No. an. MA1U > UY. SON A CO. Live Stock Commission , TTnlon Slock Yimlu , Chlcupro , 111. , ami Omaha , S'eli. I"ninkiiltHinil'n.MiiiuiK : < T < ) riiihii llrunch. TulepllOllO No. 2B3. Ivetnlillslied lt . . W. I. . 1'ATIHCK & O ) . , Live Stock Commission Merchants , AildrcsR nil communlciitlons to UK at Union Flock Ynids. SonOi Omalia. Advances made on stock. Union Stock Yards Company , OF OMAHA. Limited. John F. Ilovd Superintendent. WAOXHH&SAVAGB , Live Stock Commission Merchants , ShlemcntB of any mid nil kind" of stock tollclt- cd. Union Bteck yards , Oimitm , Nob. Lumber , Ltc , " IXJU1B lilL\lFOUU , Lumber Lath Lime Dealer in , , , Bosh , Doom , KiO , Yaids-Cor. 7th und Douglas , Cor. SI.till' ' 1'ou'-'aa WHIN MANUFACTURliViJ CO , . Maoufaclurers of Sash , Doors , douldiiifTB , Stair Work und Interior Hard Wood liilMi. Just. opened. N. K. cor. tith and I.euvcn- voi-th Streets , Oimilia , Nob. CIIICAOO LUMIIKR COMPANY , Wholesale Lumber , pM S ltlj ? Street , tOniuba , Not ) . F. Colpctzer , C. N. 1)1 KTZ , Lumber , 13th ami California Street , Omauii , Nob. I'lU'.U W. (1IIAY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc , Cor. Olb nnd Douglas Sticrts.Uinnbn , Ncp. _ OKO. A. I10AGI.AND Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , Oumlm , CIIAS. 11. LEH , Hardwood Lumber , Flock , Tiinoy Woods , IlrMiru TInibors , . W. Cor. Uth and Douclns Oninbii , Nub. O. K. LY.MAN , Dealer io Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings , lluirdhiK I'UIHT , c. South nth ? trcyt , Omaha , Nchiaeiui. Nebraska Lumber Co , I'nld in Omltul Stuek. 5'iim.riin. Logiier , iiunuraeiuroiii and > vh iles.iM dPfil- . rr . Si illc ut Mi-rnll. W IB , W hoU-i.il. ! an , ! i otull Oletrlbuth'pyurJ.Oinnba.Wct ) . 511 NWbht. OMAHA JOBIERS' DIRECTORY OMAHA M'MJinn CO. , Denlois iu Ail Uiml of Building Material at Wholesale , , Uth Btrootand U. } ' . H. K. K.Trrtck.Onmhn N o GUHMAX \VYATT. . . Wholesale Dealer In lumber , sntli ntid linnlfitrcut * , Onmlis , Nebraska. J. A. Wholesale Lnmber , Latli , Shingles , nnlldliiK IMp r * . 8ii h , IMor * , tlllmls , Mould- Intro , flcVotai lV > Mi , l.lme , Vlnnti-r. Hftlr , tVinciit , Ninth anil JOIKH Uinnhn Hub. Millinery. i. Importers ninl Jobbers of Millinery and Notions , l.'l.lnml 1211 HariHiyPtri'ot , Omnlm , N Musical Iniirurnenls , ii ; > ll6l..M KUirKKIN , Wholesalers of Musical Instruments , SMnwny rionfti. Wtbsr , Decker , Utilnoinnd IlrlgPAl'Innnx , 1'wknni Orgnus , I'lmso Organ * . 101 mul 1CU IMli nttwt. Notions , Etc , J. t. TIUANtms' : & I Wholesale Job Lots , Dry Oooili , Notions , fJuntfl' I'unilphhiR Good' , Ooo.li . from Now York. Trnilusflles daily. Wo mid aw fcknith Mth St. , Omnhil. C. 6.OOODWCH A CO. , French and German Fancy Goods , pMs' nml fetal loners' Sunitrlos. Hlo Far- lumi , Omnlm , Not * . J. T. Robinson Notion Company , 4CU ntiil 40Ti H. lOIli St.Jninhil , Nob. Wholesale IKiUlors In N.itlona ami Guilts' Fur- Oils. Etc. CONSOMDATKl ) TANK LINK CO. , Wholesale Dealers in Oils , Gneol'iio , Mlcii Ajtlu Oiooso , Etc. A. II. Hialiop , Miinnircr , Omaha , Nob. Pork Packing. ' Pork Packer and Shipper , Omnlm , Ki'brfltkn. HAHltlS i PIBIir.lt , Packers and Provision Dealers , ' I'nimi Markut. 1.117 IMilKO Street. I'aclilnir c , I' . 1' . It. H. Track , Oimihu , Neb. Tclo- ptiono No. 157. Safes and Locks. r. HOYKlT& CO Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s Dro nnd Humlar Proof Hiifys.TIino Loclts.Vimlts nn < ! Jail work. 11CO 1'artmm struct , Omiilm , Noli. Seeds. i. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds , Agricultural VoKOtnl.lo , Htr. Odd Fellows' Hull , N. W. Cor. Jtth nnd IHxIgo St. , Omalm , Nub. . Drugs , Etc , II. T. CI.AUKn 1MUO COMPANi , Wholesale Drdggists , Bobbers of I'nintM.OiU , Wlnrtow Glass Etc. , 1114 Huniuy ritrovt , Omtiha , Nob. C. F. GOODMAN , Wholesale Druggist , And Dealer In Pulnts. OIK and Window Glivfs , Uimilm , Nob. , Wines and Liquors. " Dealers in Liquors and Cigars , MB nnd ia DoiiuliXR St. , Omim : ) , Nob. Fuctorif-s Jfos. 4 nnd SfH , 3.1 Ttist. N. Y. GIO. : w. Successor to ML-NAMAUA Jt IIT : > CA" , Importers nnfl Wholesale OvalorKln Wines , Liquors and Cigars , 14 mul X1G hi. Hth Bt. , Omalm , Nob. K. 11 , GIIOTTE , Wines and Liquors. Wcsto ii Agent J-5S. Suhlltllrowine Co. 71DS. Oth Street , Omaha. HKNUV I10HNIIKHG1CH , Wholesale Wines , Liquors and Cigars. 1IBJ1 Douglas htrcot , Omnbn , Neli. I1J5U & CO. , Distillers and Importers of Wines And Ijiqiiorn. Polo miimit'aotnrers of Kennedy's Eim India , lllttord. 1112 Hurncy Street , Oniufin , Neb. L. P. T.AHSON & CO. , Wholesale Dealers in Whiskies ! Anil Cijrars , mid r.oiiprnl Agents for the Philip llcbts' Ctluhrfttcd Mllwaukoo llccr. Omaha , Nob. Harness , tic. WFJ.TV & LANDKOCK , Manufacture mid Jobbers of Harness Saddles Hardware , , Saddlery , f\nt Goods , HluiiUi'ts nnd Holies. 1421 Kurimul Struct , Omaha. Neb. THE MARKETS. New Vopk. Oct. ai. MONBY On ctill In better demand at ' . ' ( jf-l per cent ; closing at a per cent. PIII.MK .MKHOANIII.E PAVKU1 < ! < 5 per cent. cent.Kouninx EXCIIANOK J5n.is Dull at 84.KI ; demand , S4.K" . ( lOVKitNMExra Dull and Htrong. STOOKH H.xc ] itlng that thu grangers were heavy , the market was very active mid strong at. the opening thin morning. Prices were generally U to M per cent higher than they cloned on haturday and made further gains ofi \ to % ] > cr cent. Dolli the mtivlty : and the advance culminated In alwut an hour , and from t at timu until : i o'clock the market was we.ik , though the decline was not continuous. In tinal dealings prices were generally about Mcady at or nearest ( ho lowest otioliitlnns rewhed , and liom yt to VA per cent below last night. The greatest decline In the activn liht was In Jersey Ceil- tial , which show.s a net l < iw of a } } per cent. STOCKS OK WAI.I , 8TI1KET. 8 cent bonds. . . 103i ; o. i X.V 103 U. S. 4k's lii'-4 : ' tireferred. . . KW New 4's iBUs V. y. C lOl'i PSr-ISf M t I'-WUlOrogon Trail. . . Central f ltfe. . lUdracilie.Mail C.&A IL14 | ! . , ) . * . . . preferred. . . . 1M jP.J'.C. . Ml 0. , IJ. &O lil ! llloi'I { i ud , . . . . 1SJ ! . U. , L. AV 117'h'St. | 1 , . & .S. If. . , . ' ! < - n.AH.a JGJj-l preferred. ' " Erie . „ . U1J * C. , SI. & SU I . ' ' ' * < ' irofs'Ce'nfraY ! ISJJf St ll'riO.r ! . . J. , U. ifc AV . 10 prefened. . . IM Kansas .feTevas. Texas 1'acllic. . . Union I'acilio. . . L. & N \V. , St L , iVl' . . Mich. Cmtral. . . preferred. . . 17 Mo. 1'acilic Wei-tern Union , 7/i / Northern I'ae. , . 3IJ < 0. IL & X. preierrcd. . , . " pitonucB. Oel , SO. Flour Very n easy ; winter wheat , tuuthern , Si 75 00 ; Wisconsin , Si C.V.il.v . , ; .Mich- RIHI , SI.VWI 00 ; holt Hpilniheat 537Cuvlt'U ' ; M nncsota Utki-ii , S.J S0@ 4 W : patents itl 75tfi575. Wheat Unsettled and nei\niis ; opened > < Me higher , declined Ji'c , mlaneiM to point m < ! nbo\o Inside , cv > f < { < itr , clc-i.l JiO over altuidiiy ; bl' fViWo , . , ul , ; .sij c Oi > tober ; iANovemUi - ; SA ? Januaiy ; W iMaj ; So.'j ! I , yjiB- ( . Coin -rjnlcj , htcud.v. i > . . 'l unu ; in..ilcl ; closed ' ' ' , i\erSaiinl.i. 'i'lJ 41' \ n v i-i\ii niul October ; llO.'j'e NovuMln ' . ontft- ( ) Steady anil Hi ID : ' i--ti | -.isli ; iVt'c ( MnlK-r ; 3A- , ' ' " . v UocoinU'r ? atiWu lny , JJyo-Uull at flic. jrQutef ot TlniflHiy , JTo. 1 , $1 W. Pork Kalrly itflUvn : nileJ2'5c 7ilsli- cr ; clowHl ndy : 68 & &M W cash : S8 ah { WS25 October nn/t November J SS CT.S' < < i.8 80 fiecembej- ; 12 , ' /January. liuK Meat- - Sh'iuliltr \ ' 'J40a.l60 ; ; short clear , f.'iavt.v.n ; short ribs , ? i - 4 83. Whlfcy Sl 18. . Hutk'r In fuir.detuqnd ; fancy creamery , ItxniXV ; good to choice dairy , 11W17C. ClieeeI'irin and in jrooa demand ; choice chediUrd , ' ' , ) 'Sta > VeMat \ * , OJ/fiilO e ; young Atnerlcn < 4VijiflOJic ; fcklms , > ftc. Kara Firm ot } Si. H Ides Steady ami jmrhnn ced ; heavy green Mltt-d , fully cured , 'Hfc ; light , Hf/e ; diimatcd , OJ.e ; hull hides , fi et diy salted , like. Tallow Steady and unelianged ; No. 1 , country , fo. Itecelpts. Shipments Flour , Mils I7uw r.0 ? * } Wheat , bu 'li.noO Corn , bu ] r.2.wio Oats , bu W.OiXi 00,000 Uyr.bu 8,000 14W ( > JJaricy , bu & 0.uoo 41,000 Now York , Oct. W. Wheat-receipts , S tMX ) ; experts , ra,00 ; spot higher with more doing for Dxpurt ; options opened lower nnd later ruled stronger , elosiiu ; tirm ; unginrieit red , l < 8l 7Sie ; No. : i red , ttlc : No. U red , Who in elevalor , W CaWXc ntlo.il ; IJeecmuvr eloilng at ! > 7 > fc , ccmlwr eloping nt * J. < o. Oats Higher and le.r active ; rrcelpti , MnM ( ; espoits , 0,000 ; nilMnl western , ; SA ; ; whim e.sei ! n , SIS-loc , PetiolcumStendy ; nulled closed sit 31is ( > i. Kggs Firm mil fnlr dcm.unl ; receipt , fli" , ! < i packages ; western , VKfcfcB. e. , Pork Ste uly and very inuderato itemnnd ; ine i , S W lOW (01 ( liihppcted. haul -.Shade lilvhcr nnd moie active ; west ern stenin spot , r > ! i030 w ; DecemlM-r , 50 18 ( iUi it' . IJntter- Firm nnd demand fair ; western , 8@Me. 'heeM > Quiolaiuletcadv ; western flat , 0 ® 10.te Milwaukee , Oct. 20. Whe.it Finn ; November , W3o ; Deccuilwr , . Coin Knsler ; No3 , 41 ( fA Oats Htad.v . : Xo. 2 , S.'i s'c. Jtye-Dull ; Xo. l.fllc. Kailey KH , V ; Ko. S , Me. ProvNions Higher ; incs * pork , casli and November , SSQfl ; DecemlK-r , t : . Minneapolis , Oct. 'M. Wheat Opened weak and closed .steady with only modcr.itG iiniuirj ; Ko. l hard , KN ; Oct < tx'r ; W c N i- vembfr ; lV Ueccinlx'r ; wunplo lotspold nt Bflc ca h ; No. 1 norlhem , 7 ! < o October ; Tlic November ; McDecrmher. . Flour Dull and buyers holding ofl ; patents , S' ff.JO ; bakers , Hecelpts- - Wheat , -115,0H ( ) ; flour , . . Hhlj.menti-AVhMit.ai.ooo ; Hour , i,000. AVheat in htoiu 4aV > , UI5. St. Ixintn , Oct. 2t1. AVhrat Active , higher nnd unscttleil. closing ? ft , e over Hntunmy ; if--jc for cftHli ; Hi.- for rsoveiulK-r ; tTvVc for UecMiiber : SI 05' lor May. Corn - Steady for cash. Irregular for futures ; 38@ : ) Uc foi cat > httcfQr ; $ Octolwr ; : Jicfor Kovenilierand May. Oats Verj' slow ; ! JJ c for cash ; SOJ.efor May. ' liy Unchauirr * ! . " Pork Jull ut"83 7S. ' Lard-Dull HtSSTO. . Whisky Steady at * 107. Hutter Unchanged. Afternoon JJoard W heat , higher ; October , ftjjfje ; November * Mjflc ; December , lOJ-4c ; May , S105J/ . Corn , } 4c lower. Oats , fcrm and unchanged. ' ' KntiHiiB City , OcX ST . Wheat Lower ; cash , 72Jvc bid , 7o/e asked ; November , 74-oC ; bill , 74' < ic asked ; December , 70 e hid , 7 < c asked > Corn Weak ; cash. Sc bid , " ( e asked ; November , 2flc bid , 7Xc asked ; Mav. 'J7/o bid , SSVjc asked. , Oats 30c bid , ! .u e asked. Tolcilo , Oct. i 20.T-Whcat Quiet and steady ; each und ovKinber , ' .Me ( 'orn Unchanged ; eiash , 4-t'j'e. Oats Unchanged ; esiah andy"ovemlter,27c. MVE STOCK. Chlcajjo , Oct. 2C. The Drovers' Journal icports : ( 'Httle Ilccelpts , 7,000 : otoady ; nhln ping steers , S3 CMS5 in ; stoukers and i eders , SO 00g/s ( : CO : L-OWS , bulls and mixed , $ U 15@ : ! 00 ; throughTeocnns S' fthrfsi-O ; weit- ern ranger * , .steady ; natives und half-breeils , Si ? ! r,0@4 , 'JJ. Hogs Ueceijits , 2 ( > ,00 : slow ; rough nnd mixed , Si ! llSw-'tXI ( ; packing nnd shipping , 50 50C'I ! K' ) ; hufps , 2 f/ ) ! 10. Sheep Receipts , iW.OOO ; plow ; natives , 51 7.XJ ! 40 ; western , il 751 00 ; Tcxans , The Di oven. ' Journal Liverpool special ca ble says : J'ost American cattle llj c per pound dressed , or Ic lower than jirlces have been since the American expoit tmde tiegan. KaiiKiii * City , Oct. 20. Cattle 1'eccipte , 4-l)0 ( ) ; .shipments , lbOO , ; dull and weak ; ex- porterh , ? : > avrfS10 ; common to choice wlilp- ping , 34 40V.Z5 10 ; utoekers nnd leedera , Sa W ) iIS70 ( ; cows , S'JOOfe'J t ; grass Texas steers , ' on. Ilogir Iteceipbi , 4,000 ; shipments , 000lirm and 60 higher ; good to choice , g515(5 ; ( ( X ) ; common to medium , SJli5c ! ? ! i 10. Sheep Receipts , none ; shipments , none ; quiet ; cvmmon to good muttonrt , SI Wt3 ( ? 00. St. IjoulH. Octaj. Cattle Itecelptfl , 1,000 ; shiiunents , 700 ; slow and weak , with only local demand ; native flipping Hteers , Si Wiw r BO ; butchers' fctccis , S 33 ; i4 40 : mixed lotfl. S2 O.i ( : i 50 ; Texuns , 6'J 40 < afl 'Xt. Sheep Receipts , .WO ; hhipmentH , f/00 ; eearce nut very dull nnd weak ; common to choice , 5W 0"J(4 ( : ! a.5. * . OMAHA JAVE STOCK. U.VIOK STOCK i AKPS. S. OMAHA , I Monday Kvenlng , Oct. 'JO. f The live stock market was quiet to-day. The demand for feeders b.u > fallen off. There uas mine di'inaiut lor butchers' stock to-d.iy , nnd considerable stock changed hands. The hog market was stronger and about ftc higher. The receipts of cattle were very liberal , theie being over 0,000 head in the yards this morn ing.mrleen Imnclied head went over the scales on Saturday , IIKCCII'TS. ! , [ : . i . , ' CAT3I.B - . . , No. j't. Drol , N. W. CblOfli-o Mil. ChlcA-io C.ltQ. Chlchgo HODS. It. 1. Chlcflgo . . "On MM. Chicago oo ( All wlie of stock in this market ntt < ni.idopcre.tvt. li\o ueicht , unle..s otbinvl o rtutnl. Dend hues jvll nt Ic ] * r Ib. for all jvcicht ? . "Sllns , " orhoKA welchlim lc < stli n 1 < X > Ib . , noaltie. . Ptv ntint fows HIC ilooKcil 10 Ibs. nnd stags M Ibs. OMAHA WHOM-SAM3 MAHHKTR. Monday Kvcnhiff , UvLCtV. Oencriil Markets. KoosThe market wns ilnner to-day ami receipts were \orv small. Sales wen. ' inudo at tliu oK-nltin | of the nmiket at IN. % but later thej were held at ll > c. Increased receipts will e-Ui e it to McaKt-ll. HVJTMThe : receipts of roll butter are o the Inciease , Thole IH not much of an ehnuj.-o'ti ' the > -tate of the market. Thopn vailing prices are ns follows : Choice talili 14 1 < V ; fair t < > good , m Ute ; inlcilor , bn rroamery , 'Jdo.'lc. Porr rm As usual on Mondays vciy fei Miring ehleliciit were icrelvcd ; 82.00 Is iibou the a\eiiiKo price fur fcir sizes , a few goin nbmcthat and a tew lower. A few coops o extt.i choice brought S'J.'i'i. LUe ducks tliv ntStf.'J.V'l'j.i'VO ' ; Ihc turkeys. 7cjn < rlb ; dres- < chickens , chnli-e , pn Ib , < rtfturkev \ tlif-itii , choice , per Ib , 124111 Me ; duck'- die.ssfd , choice , pfrlb , lK < U2e ; geese , lie-'hi'i ! choii-e , per Hi , I'.tM.'i , SWKI T POT MOK1" Choice large , iniotabl at 2 (0 ( 0 per Ib : S4 ivi M.riO per bbl. I'OVAIOKH- larieit ? : price paid so fur I S7e for choice , but mo t hales have been mad at : aK" ' ! > Sj ( for .straight vnrletles. ( ! oed cl/ci stork is uuoted at ilS lOo ; mixed and small Goun lloNi v California 2 Ib. frame , HIM. In case , per Ib. , I'M.- : ( \trnctetl , 2 Ib , tin cans , a doin ivise , j > r ttoz , S2.iO ( ; Mb. Inn ' riimitNVwYork refined per bbl. , 87.00 do half bbl. . S4.0U. CoooA.svisQuoted alSl-OOO-l.-'OixT Imu dre l. ( J \MJ : All kinds are in strong request an supply Itlit. ! ; Deerc.ireatse * , per Ib , % tKs ; ul die. ' , r18c ; atitelopi * . tr rtfc ; saddles , 12 < i ! ! ' < ; elk , 7fi to ; .saddles. lOiTHc. 1'rnlrio elilekeiii , j > er do/en , 52.75 ( :1.00 : : ( niall , pe do/en , < fl.r/Xii'.00 ! ; Milne , per dozen , 7. ' > c ( < il.Od ; jack r.ihblt.4. JKT diuen , S LOO ; nuilluii dneki , S1.7iVtf.Ol ( ; teal ducks , .Sl.WV.fl.75 mlved duolti , M..VI il.W ; small rabbit" ! . S1..V' ' OYSTKIIH N. Y. counKt.'ic ; extra selivtc tri , ! ! 7e ; ht'ndftrdste. ; ! me < Uum . viSx1 Tiiwe are not tu.iiiv coming In a Quotations are iM iVx' , Ku.U"i--rvrbbl. V bbl. - - , SA50 ; per - . $ UK > . Puss' Kr KT. Tuii'K , r.Tr. Pics' fett aiK lilpepcrJs bbl , V'.OO ; do. " 4 bbl. . S3.WJdo jH-i kit , S1.10. Liimb" ' tongues IMT } ( , \ > \ \ \ . J-'iO ! ! ; do. per kit , J2.75 ; do. quart jarn pci dor. . , 55..V ) ; do. pint .lars J'uiitnitvi : * . tiru.it. s r/rr. All kilida , C < Mb. pulls i > r Ib. , lie ; as.'oiteJ. Mb. pails pvnlo.fS.OO. . Jellies : All kinds. be t giwle , 80-ln. p.iils , j > er Ib. , tfe ; all kindfj second crade , :50-lb. : palln. perlb..Cc ; Assorted Wli. pallR. rwr di/ . , W.wi ; do. ! Hb. tin paK ! 53.75 ; do. f-lb , Siioz. in ca e , per cane. tsa.'iS : Fchonners , 1 doz. In case , S3.V5 : tumblers , 'i ibv. in eae , iKr CAM' , 91.40 : apple butter , Kl Ib. pall.s and ? < bbl. . per Ib. 7Kc ; plum butler , 1Mb. palls , perlb. .it'e : assorted fruit lmtl < : r S-Ili palls , per doz. , i.3.75 : Fancy "Hom Made" catsuji , do ? , pint bottles per Ai'i'MJi Seal cor loa/ls were rei'ei\e < toilay , mostly choice nnd fancy stock. Iei l eis are commencing to Iny in winter stocks , nnd thenIB coiibldeiable activity in the mar ket. lioth local and outeido trade nrelmviiif ; iuiteh | ivj\ The stock < xiislhts tirinelpallvo Ken Davis. ( Jenitons , Koiunn Hcauty , Winr Kaji ; quality Is exceptionally line. Late hhipincnts will brlnp DnldwiiKi , 'ireenin R , ltus--i'tt , anil u number of other line va- rieti' % * . The jirevailinir prices are : fancy eat- IIIK apples , $ : ! .00 < : ! .fj ( ) : choice winter unit in round lots , . ' .I.Va.S.OO. l.t.MOKb Messina , small , per box , S . .V ) @ 5,00 ; Ko.ll , faney , Inixeand juicy , Sil.fiO. ( iit.n'is : In 10-lb bankets , Conconts.ri5 ( ' < ; 7fle : Ciita\\ba , r ViilOi' ; Kabi-llii. Waiyk- : Malaga , per barrel. 5:7tX,7.5i ! ( ; Cnllfomla , Kmperor , Toltav ami Morocco. JXT slnijli ! er.ite of 30-lln , Si.VJ5a2.60 ; per double cnite , 40 Ibs , G.OO. G.OO.CnA iitntnu : ! * Hell nnd nugie , IMT bbl , 3.00 : lH-11 and cheiT > ' . Jier bbl , SO.OOXg7.VO. Capo Pod. ucr bbl. . Se.W ® .y..M > . UiMxriis : Louisiana , per bbl , SV.OO ; pc bo v , sSl.'X ) ; .lamalca , per bbl. , SU.OO ; .la in.iliM , per box , gC.&O ; Florida , per box , S5..W VN'.VS Theie Is but n limited demand nt present and maiket ntles low. Choice oo- Icetion P'i.0t > f < oa.0il ( X'AMKOHN-IA FJttnr 1'ears AVinterNellls , Heuriv. Diul , Lawience , K , IJcurre , Vlcnr , and other varieties. JK.T box. Si.75Cic00. ! ( iiiAix The following are the prevailing prices for to-day : Corn , tlN.1 ; new oats , I7vrf -Oe : whe-.it , Nfi. 2 , 00 < ; ; rye , Kft' Sie. Vi in/it AMI Mti.i , STt'FKs Winter wheat Firm ; best quality patunlnt S3.00@3.30. Se-'ond quality , $2.5 ! ) < Via.OO. " ' ' t-Uest ijuality patent , ill 52.60 . , Second quality S2.-105i2.SO. Hurk\\hent Hour , In 100 Ibs sacks 8.1.50 ; ready raised , S-l.tt ) per ease of S'J three Ib packages ; ready raised. ier case of li ( six Ib paekajje.s , S-l.K ) . New \mk in bairela , 7.50. Urantfie pcrcwt. Choplied Feed-lVr 100 Ibs , SOc. Corn .Meal . . . .Mealfcl.00fetl.10 yer cwt. .Screen Ing No. 1 , 75c JK.T cwt ; No. 2 , 50e. Hominy Pl.N ) per e\\t. KhortH-TOi1 pur cwt. ( iraluimfe2.00 per cwt. Hay Hal * * , 6H.OO.i . < 7.00 per ton. lliAXh ( iKd blight iM-aim are fcnrce und In demand ; dirty and interior hlm-k dull ; hand-picked navy. Sl. % > l.rx ) ; hand-pi Ked medium , . 1.30vu > MO ; jjooil clean country , ? l.ai [ . ' , ' 0 ; Inferior. r.t7.rtc. Kisr. CUT Hard to Ueat , TOe. ; Channof the Wet , C > 0c ; Fountain , ' ! 0c ; CJolden Tln 'ad , 07e ; Favorite , ttte ; IJuds , We ; Jtocky Munn- tuln.SOc ; Fancy , 450 ; Daisy , 40c ; North Star , 70c ; ( iood J.uck , 55c. PJ.UO TonArco Climax , 44pjiprll ; Horse shoe , -Me ; .StarOi ( ; ; .Spearhead , ! ( ! < ; Our Hope. Me ; Piper Heidsiek. ( XX- ; Punch , Wo\ \ Young Frit7. 41c ; Silver Tas , ' , 4Cc. llAiinwAUK X Ccombinalloii liHip hames. ? .vr. ; X C I. O. T. hamcs. ft 1.70 ; vat L O. T. hames , SJt.flO ; perfection pads , S1.75 ; 47 rint ; bits , 53c ; Harbouis No. 10 thread.7.r j ; jai ) breast htrap nllde , We ; X ( ' breast Mran .sfidL1lOc : 1M X C 8 loop ehamp T buckle : * , 81.03 ; lilaiill roopi'liainnTbiieklc.s. t c ; 13/X C il fo"op champ T. buckles , Si.w : ; W jap Joun champ buckles , SI 'M ; coi - tcr rivets No. l ) , : iOo ; ISrhtol hiians , \ \ < ifi.w ) , i > 4SJ..W , i Jane , ; . 3.k S0.50 ; Cerman maps 1 % 83.1KIX t-2.M , , . , . . Jlinr.s Steady jsreen butcher's , Se ; grecji cured Ik1 : dry flint , Unities dry halt , lOe ! damaged hlden two-thirds price. Tiillow flc. ( ireahu Prime white , aglc. Sheep Pelts tKATHBn No. 1 Pltlsburjr.T. C. L. A Sons , He ; No. 1 Plttbbnrt' . If. & S. c ; No. Cineine niitl , : Me ; No. 1 lace leather. Uc ) ; piimt ) flaii'hter ( sole leather , 2 ; jirlmo oak bole leather. ! ! < . Upper leather , per loot , 22@2-c ! ; Jiuni kip. 75@hBofakkii : ) . * W < HBo ; I'iciicli kin , fcl.oo > l.Bft ; JU'inealf , Sl.OOfri'1.10. ' oak calf , 81.00(0 ( l.SJi ; French calf , Sl.'JSl.B : ; Morocco boot lejr , ! ( 'tWe ! : Morocro oil pebble , ii8if. ( < ' ; top- JJIJAW HAnmvAitK iron , nitcs , 82.15 ; plowfleel , sjii-clal east , 4e ; crucible Mteel , Oc ; rant lonlft < u > , 12filfc'c ; wa on spokes , per set. B1.7.r.Cn.'l.oO ; hubs , nertet , Sl.iW , lelloes , .sawed dry , S1.-10 , toncues , each , 7U ; , axles , caeli , TOn ; squait ! nuts , per P > . , 7fIle ; coilchaln iwr Id , " ® l'Jc : malable , be ; Iron wedges , lie : crow- liars , 0 ; harrow teeth , -le ; spiIiiK hteel , 7 ( 'Sc ; L'uiiltJi's liwi sUr * , W.Ws UtmlPii'a ihnlo ] ioi-.i , t..20 . , Haibed Wire-In car lots , 81.00 ier 100 Ibs. Iron Nails-Hates , 10 to 00 , S : ) . : , ( ihot-Sl.f-0 ; buekPhot , Jfl.W ; oriental Dowdcr , kegs , 5a.50i4.00 ; do , half kegs , S2.00 ; lo , quarter kegs. M.MJ ; blastinic , kegH. sa.a.1 ; iuse , per 100 feel , rxto. Lead , Bar , 1 , < V5. COAJAntliracitfl egg , SB.25 : anthracite lilt , S&fiO ; anthiacite lange , JsB.50 ; Iowa , 53rJj ; Walnut block. S3.76 ; Illinois , Si.1t > ; Indiana block , , 5.75 ; Van Scott , S4.25 ; Itlch Hill. SI.OU , Dny JOINTS VVliltolead. Ro ; French ? \nc \ , ivliitlng , com' ! , liici lampblack , ticriimntuwn ! .2c ; lampblack , 01 dlmtry , lOcPiusil.in : blue , iOc , , untiamailne , ISc : Vandykeblown.He ; miner , burnt , 4c ; umber , - nlllion , J'.ngllbn. in on no-si , iw ; IHW mm mrnt umber , 1 Ib cans , lOy ; raw and biiint ilenna , 10e ; vandyke blown , Iw ; u'lliHtl > ampblack , 12c ; coach black and Ivory liUck , dc : diopblauk , Ific ; I'mssiun blue. 40e : ul- nimarlmi blue , 16c ; chiome. gieen , L. , .M. & ) . , lf.c ; blind and shutter gieen , L. , M. Vr D. , ( ; PaiIs green , Ibe ; Indian led , loc ; Veno- Ian re , | < ) ; ; ' nni n irtl.2ii Ainerleiiii ver. ' iiilliou , 1 . .t 1) . , ia ) ; yellow ochre , tte ; L. > f , fe 0.1) . , l * ; golden ochiu , lOo ; jwlent ilryur , v paining colors , light oak , Uaik oak , \vul- int. clwstnut anil awi lie. OnWliito Jca < ) , Omfthft , 1\ Oc ; wliHfl Irnil. SI. Loiil , p rc. > 0.75i Arn Ics prccn , l lo s B > cnn , 'MFnwli \ Kircn 5 v > ( J'.V ; Frrnrh y\nf \ * roil conl , Pu'hrJi jliir.lii vatul hnst,9w ; JVouhwno , 7.Vinnllllon ; , Aiiiprlcftn , IS ; ; Inilliin. tni , KVM ; > 3i'lnli ' , Wet Vciirllaii.nxl , Cooks-onV , S.c Vcnotinn ro < l ( Atneilran , l.o . ; rx'il loftil , 7'o ; rhroiMf yellow , Rcnulni * . av ; olmmio \ ulloK , UVt odire rtvliclk' . So : < chro , FTvncli , * Ji < ' ; ( M-tiro , Ainciicnn. wj W' mineral. ' " .r : I.i'lilt'h liro\vn,3 ; c : J'rlneo's inlnotn R v. -llUrarnou.iierL'nlloii.llc ; 150 Iitn | . llclit. i-cr srallnn , v.V ; itr.s , , jeailltKii ! , JK-V . , Ion. l v : t.Vie water Mhlte , l.V : llneed. raw , wr trillion , 4Jc ; lliiM-ed , boiled , per gt' i7e : hid. winter str'd per wllon , f\k- ; l.WV ; No , S,4 kv. castor XXX , i > er pi fcl.45o. ; . ! ! , 31.40 ; sweet , jter gallon , Sl.ttl ; sperm. AV. U. , jier gnllon. Sl.rJJ ; Jish , \ \ . U. , iier gallon , Wio ; tiealsfdot extra , per p.ilUin , IV : No. I , f > ? o : lubrleatliur , ? ere , per gallon , JUV : Mimrwr , ifv ; golden machine , No. I , i r pillon , Wo ; Nu. a , ii'ic ; ftpcrni. signal , IMTgal lon , 7.V ; liirwntlne , i < er gallon , 4'n ? ; naplha , \ Aiisisni.s Uflirelp , HT Knllon : Kuinl- tine c\tni. SI. 10 ; furniture , No. 1. 81.00 ; c-o.u-h , extia S1.-10 ; coach , No. 1. Sl.ai Damiir , estni , 1.75 ; Jiipan , 70e ; n iiliRltnm e\lia , K6c ; t-helluc , 8.W ; liaixl oil lltilili , KpiittT-f ColoRiio Spirits IRPp roof , jl.lOi ilo. 101 proof , 5M.13 ; spirit . sivonil nvinllty , 101 jiriKif , 81.11 ; do , IN * proof , Sl.tW. Aleoiml ls > < proof , s > a.lo pervlno cnllon , Kedlstilled wlilikle.t , 31.XK.il..W gin Mended , fl.MViM.dOj Kentucky iKiuriwiiM 8li(0nVi.OOj Kentucky nnd Pennsylvani rye , Jsa.o.K'Ni.M. tSolde.n sheaf , Imiubon am rye whl-Osle Sl.&Oc i.tK' . IlraiMies- liniiorteil , SS.IK.VSS.W : domeMIe , 81..VJii' ' * , .no. ( iiHH - Iniiiortdl , SI..WM.Oddome.MIe. : Sfl.flOi.t .V > o. HuiiH-Iinpoiteil , gl.WK' .iK ) ; Now iH , 4.tiO ; donii's ImiMirted , tier i , pcrca c , Groorrw' IjlRt. wdcri-rt , < ? o : cut loaf , 7HC ; confrctlonrra' A , t w Standard extra C , rt'i'e ; cxtm C , 0. < c ; inedi inn yelli.w , 0)ic : dark yellow , O c. I'u'Ki.Ks MiHllum In barnslf" " , S7.fiOdo ; In half KureU. Si.H ( ) ; small In luirrels , S .OO ; di In halt biirieK ? l.ro ; gherkins In barrels , ? ' .UU : do In half Iwirels. M ( M. < 'AN.M : ( ? OOI > R ( lyslers. Standard per eiiK1. Vv'i ! ! : Mtntttberrlef , 'J-lb. , jwrcase. Si.t < < ) ; rasplicrrie" . vj-lii. , per can1 , § ' 2M ; California ] ifirH ; , | RT en e , proX ) ; njiileots , per wo , fc < .4'i ' ; peaches , per ea.se , S1.75 ; white ehei- ries , pi-r cube , Sii.OO ; pluniR. per cam1 , S4 U ) ; wlmilfla-rrlcs. JHT case , 552.-10 ; ejrc iilunm. 3ill. . , JUT case , SU/.K ) ; gnvn n Kes , ' i-1' . . per I'IIH , .ri.CO ; pineapples . , i Kir case , SU.20' 6.60. 6.60.CANIIY CANIIY- Mixed , lV'i12cHttcK ( ; , NOIM In ll pnperx , S'J.25 a cabc ; S'--'i. ex per Hi. - - \ IM.OAU CniKit incjiscsvhlto wine , ir 'Kici--Louibiann : , prime to choice , 7'iC. SOAPS KitkV Savon Impnrial. KirkV satinet , hiUr ; Kirk's st-imlard , . . . Kirk's White Hus.sian , S4. X ) ; KIrk'b White Can , 50.50. Koi'K SNal , inch nnd Ktiger , 8l-.e ; inch , He : } .j inch , ! . iSAi/r Dray loads , per bbl , S1.5 ; A--tttoii In Hacks. F.VX ; } { sacks , Ashton , OOe ; bbls dairy- . S3.00'St2.7.ri. < J i/t v ' < l > * A foid'hulk. . . Svitri Standard C 20c , bbls ; Htindnrd- do'lpallon kc ? , ! . : ; New UrleuiiK N r.4 IXT iillon ; Jlajile Synni , % baircl , P. < t K stiictly pun"Oisper K'dlon ' ; l gallon ran1 ! a gallon cans , 5r''W per do/ . : quart . Si-tc K8-l round Black pepper , boxes. If n'-Tx : ; l .plcc , iSrsiMc ; cinnanion Iwrf lovn * . , 15 ® e ; ginger , 15@2flc ; mustard , 1 27e. 27e.DIIIKD FHUITS No. 1 ntiarter apples.4l u ; e\iornted ] , boxes , Si < c ; blackberries , boxes , 10c ; jM.'nolR's ; Ktntein : , ir9ui.V4e ) ! ; i > en 'li.H. ovnjioiated , 35 > acjl7e ( ; rhspberrlen , new 2-ViWTe : cut ran if. .i'ie : imim-s. 4'-M.v. ' CIIACKKIIS Uarnenirs soda , butter nnil picnic , G'-iV ' : ereatns , , 8 , ve ; ginger snas ] ) , 8 _ c ; City soda , 7J , < J'oTAsii i'diiuyivania cans , 4 cans In caw. SH. : : ISnhhltt's ball , 2 do ? in cax ; , 1.W ) ; Ani'lior ball. 2 doIn ciit-e , 81.50. MATO HKs - Per caddie , JiV ; ro uul , rl. C.T e , iiare casse * , § 1.70 ; Oshlo.h mule MIII. ire , H 30. boxes , -fOltj , 10 oz , Cs , 12 > ; u ; haTl box , ' 0 C KrEis : Oidinary grades , ICc ; fair , lii"fC'll'ic ; prime If.j ( < tl3 , c ; choice , 12c ; la.c ; fancy green and ycllotf , it c ; l.'i' ' e ; old goveinmenr .lava , iX ) ( " ( ! j ; ImekleV roasted. " 1 ; . ( ' ' ? ' " loaf-ted. 14e : Dilworth's. K ! 4c ; Ued Cross , I34'c : ileLaiiuhlin's , Ailmckle's and Me- Laughlln's XXXX are * i Ul 50o per cast ) elf above prices incase ! lots. Sricin : Whole 1'epjier , 1'Jo ; alsjiicc , llo ; Ganlen allMiiee , 12 } c ; Xanibar cloves , lile ; Amboyna cloves , ML' : , cassia , lOc ; nutinegs. , Vinfi5i ! : Saiiron ( 'as.sla.4-e. Ti AS Gunpowder , fair , Soft ? 15 ; good , 465 ? ! 5T c : choice , ilO < i'75i ! ; good Imiierial0 < ii43 < ' ; choice , ( SOfii'iOe ; ; VotingIIj on. good , . ' ) ii 5o ; choice. .10 ( < i70 < ! ; Oolong. ; ; oed , : ! 5' < rnie ; Oolong - long , choice , 40iiOc ( ; Knglihh Ureaktastgood , " I0c ; choice. "KV'ivifH " * : Souchong , good , : ; oc < s > : "ic ; choice , : J. j ( ( ir ! ; .Inpaiiii , lair. 2.X" > tto ; good , ; t5 ( < ! I5a ; choice , 55 'TCic ' ; Tea Dust , inc ; Tea iSiftlnjiS , ibe. , 1E 5 CATCH. „ . . . . . , . . . inrflirf nr | QV. iiiih'i'isUtfl , . , f UBII. , . , | „ Jf ( } W ) M < Q Jfl , 1J ( Miinn'K S t No.l ! . li 7 ( ) I 01 .T 115 S O'i 1 70 7. ! I i ! 70 " ( Jlli'ul I IIIU'I.U Wa fiOIl 4ii 1 Nil 507.rifil fill ' rejjuooi : ribM i 701 Mi.i.i.riiil . . 10 VKP VISH tlbhj CutOll. ) New O'r H'l P'l Jfts 01 411 i W I ID NoTi NVhii'oThbTrTTTT'filioirsnTjiinriO ' vi Si r.imii > - " a m ' . 701 w j : > o w ci No. 1 Trout 't ' TiOJ UiariTiU I0i 74 5 No. l Pifkiict . . .u nia Mi'a ; iu'i ' w ca tij CAl-CII. ) 111)Hillf ) IJbls'otr ' Now 1'Jsli. 111)- ! llls 00 WO W ) ! 00 40 | I | | IlonturM''ss. ! stt oo is TO 10 : :5 : o ( ft 7 n > i 01 UK. No. I Hi'r : : < ( MIS nou : uo ijon 101 < o No. 1 Hhoro in 00 ' . ) .VJ K i ! H (0 ( il M 1 10 Mod. No. 1:1 : li ) . 7 oo ] c TI ; i .v , no R- , Uny . c 45 y 05 a I.nrgo ruinlly. . . . II OO1 D III 4 0.1 B 65 a 10 J'nt ' 7 ( iO400 _ 3 01 y < i5 1 7U I'lCKI.ii : ) K.M..MON. m > lb Jllf llllls Ort . . . - lilts t FAT . , ( j , , ( HlOOd . . , II 007 500 80,3 03 101 2.11 0-1 IW l It'.il Cnl . il uoi7GOooi : FOI : 101 B.VI 01 CO 111 ! lihl.sdr lllilsl'nllp orklta IS IU iu Nonrcylatt I ( I | I KKK llur'hurs U 00 7 f/Ofl in > ,3 103 10 1 25 1 04 0 N < mrc'liin ( I I I I 0M KK lift rings. 13 007 000 433 fift'S CO 1 10 JW M _ no i utf , WJ Holland hciiing , new , jier lcir : , Srl.bt.1 : llol : land Iierrlng , new long spilt Mooklish , li J < c , Holland heiiing : , new short .split t > t Connsii New English hummer i whole cod , 'c ; f.ca King , ( icoiges < : luiiiln : , jWe ; rliniT if.if. < ! i-orges strijis , fikc : 1 II ) rolls , 2 IblMXf-s , 7c ; piuliictlower , 21h brick , % > ; wild lose. 2lb t r'rl , . ( je , i & .MOKII : ) FI.SII Halibut , new , lOKc ; new ' 1 herrings. We , i.s liomtslle Holliind herrings , . , . . Jlusshm i-ardliic.H , herrings , 45C ; Xni-hovles In glasr . Ole Hull branii , iiento/ . . , 5 .fiO ; Anchovies in kegs , \t \ Ole Hull bianil , 5 .0i ) ; spiced Hamlmiir heirings , skins and ic.ids oil , per pall , M.15. Dry Oooils. Hi.KACHEn Co i rofanners' Choice , 5 > / > ; Cabot. ( % : ; Hope. 7e : Hill 4H , 7' e ; Hill X , ' > > 40j Lonfidttle , 8 ; Fruite ; Wain- ulta , 10 > < c. Cousin.Ir.Axs Kearsargo , 7e ; Armory , Peppi'icll ; , 7Kc ; Indian Oiclmul , O fu ; FI.M ; Hnow.v COTTONS Pepperell 11 , Ci/p ; IVppcivll O. 5e , Alias , Ojctotatuo ; of Lib- rty , Cm ; Snianitc H. ( l c. Puma Steel Jtlver , Cc ; Arnold's , Oc ; Cocheco , Oc ; k ; : Lyiimn , f > u ; ( Jloticestur , fiJiu ; Dun- it'll Jiiciiurd | , f'c ; Diinncll , f > ; liniini- MI , ajio ; Windsor , Cc ; 1'adjic , e ; Harmony , 4 e ; Anchor Shhllnxsc Men hnack KlilrthiKs , 4Vc ; lienvlck . 'ancy , 13' ' < c : Kverctt , ISc ; Haj-inaUciJs liluo mil brown , Ike. IuoK-lUnbieached8oz. ) Magnolia , 10' ' < c ; 10 ot. . MaKnollu , l-'c ; s w. West 1'olnt , 10 oTi. Weot 1'oint , lijfc. f JluCK ( colored ) Boston 9 or. brown and > i nnd drnli , o ; Pearl Jmnr , li'nc ; Hamilton , TJC ; * & „ . Hlver fPe : Sheittehet H. ' V * ' , obetuck' ' ! ; SS J , " ; ' ! > , ' < ; MouUuk.AA , KV ; MonUUik HH , lO o : 'S03 CiilvioTfl-A : ioskonc , rliixskvOMo ; Ajijfs- J < Tnifi.lrl | > OH. Krto ; .SluU-r , Mrlpos , IVsJ J-xlliH iniKC , " 'n'1 : > Viiitt ( > inltii. ) strlfom c : > * iiKi % I'p ; Otis , rfiooUs , U'v'c ' ; Oils , fitrhwa , W , Itoyal r , 4v : Aniosk iir , impiMNl , Wwi * ; * * i ray' , lH > . ) k ' lold ) , iSo ; Olt.mni , iwok foJU , iWc ; Kndtiranci' , book fold , I'V. lrvv Ilii' iftlii.'tlon . of ( > n ti > rti trnnfcportrttlou talus causes n nMuctlon In Uio prloxi ot Jum- IMT : nl tlm R.UIIC time thi-ro Is mi ivlvnnoo in prrt.-tln grades of ltniilxr , ; m Uiattliu rruuc- tlon Is not UK Rival , ts It would olliomlso DC. AXtt T1MKR1M. it B\4 . 15.S5 1S.Z5 1.VS3 lfl.00 17.tXHR.00 19.00 15.2,1 15.5-r , I'--5 ' * . * l' ' " . ' iutiis. . . No. IboanK J3 , M nnd 1UTI . , t.,91 l > 0 No. UlMiitnls I'J , Hniid 1'Ut. ; . 14.00 No. Hlitmrd * , 1'J , 14 iiml 10 f ( . . . l f > 0 No. ilKuuls lS,14undlOU ? . 10.SO sinivo. , 1st Com. , 12 , H anil 10 rti-.t . S31.7S 1 Coin. , Hninllrt firt . < . . . . . 10.75 'lil Com. , 1-1 ami 11 fix't . , i. . . . . . . . . 14.75 enlVc , M iiliil 10 fiM't . . .i . 10.73 M.ll.l.MI. Kt fnin. . ; V hirli , Nonxty . , , . . , , . . . lfi.50 ' .M ( . ' 0111. , ? , ; incli , Nonvuv. , . , ' . . , . . . 14.60 rcNrixti. ' No. 1 , iiniu ! > li , laaud Htwt , rnucU. . 810.60 No. 1 , -I itfl Innh , in IVH't , ttitiEh. . . . . . . . . 17.00 No. a , 4 * 0 Indi , W and 14 fiMit , rough. . 14.00 No. V , J A.i noh , 10 fed , rough . 14.60 mm' J. \i- . No. 1 , Plain , S or 10 Inch. . . . R17.00 No.s 1'lp.lu , 10 inch . i . 1S.OO No. 1O. ( ! . 17.M 1st , Cil and "d Cli-nr , 1' ' hu-h , . 2s . ? .VJ.OO UtiainmlUdriiin , I'diiiidUlncli , f 2s. 150.00 H bflcot , i ! { , i'4 mid a inch , p. : ij . . aroo 1M. 'J < 1 and ! M ( > ar , l Inch , s' U . 4VO ) A Si'Ux-t , l Inch , s. is ! . ' . ; . 40.0(1 ( II Select , 1 Inch , H. ftj . M.OO KUIOIMXO. 1st Com. Cinch , \vhlU < ] ilni ! . > SS8 00 i-MCoui. 0 Inch , whlu > plllis . . . . . . .1500 SdOoni. 0 Inch , \vhlto ) ilno . t. . . . l 00 I ) fiineh , Mhllc jniif ! . 2000 Chlciiico Ho ) . Ki'DPc Klootlni ; . . . . 18 OU 1st nnd'-'d clear yellow pine , 4-0 Incll. . . 20 50 K'HM'JC IlllAllllP. A 13 inch , 1 h 12. 14 nut ! J feet . 54000 H " " " " " ' . .4100 1 " " " " . . ; 2000 1) " " " " " 23 co No. 1 Com. 12 in. n. 1 n. 12 , 14 and 10 fU 17 00 No. 1 " " " in , IBiinUSOft. 18 0 ( > No. 2 " " ! ; , u audio ft. 1500 LAIII. Lath S3 23 White. Cedar , Oinch , halves . . . : S il " " . " " ' r.Jtf iindBlnq'rs 0 " -1 " round H Tennessee rod oedar , split uif J.IMB , rif. Qulncy white llmij ( best ) , 30c ; wmont. Alaon , # 1.7' ; plaster , a'AM ; hair , per bushel : > e ; tarred felt , per cwt , 51.75 ; Btnnv boaixl , IlOWKli CfMPLAINTS ctirod unrt prevented vented by Di'Hi'v's Piun. iUi.T WIII KKV Ktvomiiii-ndfd by I'mliii phydlciaus. Hold by w. r , j. W. F. Johnson & . . Ga. Commisson Merchaiitsl S18I.A BALLK ST. , CHICAGO. Ilecolvcrs of Cnilii nnd Feeds. Fururoahonahl Mid Sold. fpix-iHl iitti'iitlon to sale tiy r-umploE. f Ilopicsunted by Gduid llarton , Lincoln. Railway Time Table. All tinlnsnrnvo and d < in.irt from Oranhab ? Central Mmidmd tlmn. TrcliiH ot tlio C. , Pi. 1' . , M. .to. nrrlvo a'lul lo\ part Irniii tbelrdPiKit.formir oC HIli ' Mi-rhtrevlHi tialnson the II. & M. , O. , II. , < b Q. nnd K. C. , St. .1. .t C. tl. Irom the 11. & il. danotl all ollierN Irom thi ; Union 1'ncltlc depot. n , daily ; h , except Satimliu' ; c. d , except Monday. Benr.rt. WKSTWAIID. AlTlvo. r. M. i UNION PA cine. A. * l' . U. biSOn1 . .Piiclflo Kxprns-i. . . . 7 : Oa " ' . . .Ilonvor Kxnrenf. . . "i'lda O. &Itii' : . VAI.LKV. laoa : . .Mull nnd Expri'sx. 2:104 H. Jt'Mff IN Nnil 8:10a : , .Mill ! m Mxprcie. . lOUOu - * -r Depttit. SOUTJIWAUD. Arrive. A. M.I l\ 1'ACJKIU A , it. , r. x. Dii C00d ; UlKb : ) ! . . -A ' :0 : * K. C..ST. J. , V ( Ml. 0IOn : . . .Via riHltsnioulh. . . 7:00.ll. . . Viu Council IllutTa. . 7:60(1 ( , " " WAUAKH ItOUTK L" Depart. A an. Arrive. Arrive.M. A. M. c. M. A ,11 , , M. ; 15c . . . .Uny n.\prcss. . , . . Nlgnt KxnrcHR. . . . C. H.-I. & 1'ACIF10 8ir : a. , . Iiy Kxpress. . . . 7:35o ' ' . . . Nltrlit Kxpit'ss. . ( i'iibc . . . .Accommodation , . . C , A : N-W. 8:00c : . Dnyliirtt \ < 9 . .Nlifnt Btprusa. . , . U : < fid ; . H. AJ y. fl:2fln : rorCbi. vlal'lnttsm'tli ' :65o. : _ H15 ; 4 ? Mn I'or Oil'o via C. Itlutrn :4Bu : 7 : ftl Depart , NOHTHWAItl ) . Ari-lvo. A. M. l i > . M. ( ' . . Kl' . P. , M. & O. I * . M. BWa. : ! . . . . . Sioux City i\ii-Sft..I : | ui 5 'ilUoOiikliiiid ' Accomniod'n lIKXk ; . . . | ' ,1IWA , ( IV , 8. t' . & P. : < 0a' . . . . ' St. Paul Di.y KxpioM. ' . : 7:05 fi : , ' . 'a Bt. J'nul Nli < lit I'.x\iri \ > 3i UjfGa OMAHA milDGE THAIN8. Mr TIHINH Iavo Oinuba at 8S5i 7:80. : : ui. ininu. m.i 1UW,8UU. : 8:0 : , 4:00. : iiSSi 1 :5.1nnd : 11:10 : p , in. On Hnndayti tbu 715 ! and 0:00 : a. iu. , and U:00 : und 4:00 : p. ID. truing do not run. il..t : rim riU sVuit TiMiNs-Ix-avo Omaha at 8:00 , fiJ3 : if" IU. : is" ssaai. ; ) : : ( W nil7ui : p. m.iiul y. t\ I'M and 11:15 : a. . Jao.VM V:3J : Arrive at m. ; . , : . . . , . ! U.nK * ind B:05 : u. m. To nnd fioin Clilcnijo vlaTrlparulto P 4 MONTH. 11 October. U-2 15 i-aa .November 14 C-i7 : JO December n ua STOCK YAIIDU TRAINB. ! Tlmo tublo of piibscinKor triUn * . . . „ Diniihn ami Union Block Viinls ; iii effect W.oO- y.AiUfiUt Wtb , IBM : * , WKfifWAMII 1IIA1NS. | j K S1 WAlTl ) ' TltAIHrl. " N'u. Uiniihu. U.8. Vwi-dt i.U.Hi : Yardu A , i. A. M , A. U.- Kl ' 7:55 ° ° 8:27 * ? . : 1043 on5 ' 6M : * . . . on5a loi'l't a 11:20 : I * . M. 1' . M. 41 CK 4 ( MS ) cet ( CJO Train No. 49 , dullcicopl 8uud4jr. 0'bw < *