Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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    M l
.i A EollioMug Hotel llan Heaps a Harvest
" * . tbo Wrong Way.
- . _ _
K . , ,
Blniiclio Komnrs' Attempted Hutoldo
. ' ! Burn Hltixvo'rH nt Work A
. ' l-'it/Rcralil Hol.ree
City Jottings.
IITOM Tim llrr.'s LINCOLN lloniuir.1
Enrly lAst wt-ok V. M. ( iorlmm , of Unr-
1cm n , ciimu to Lincoln on n visit
and lnuunft.H combined. Gorlmni at one
Umu luul quiUi ovtcnsix'o inturosta in Lin *
coin nnd linilt tint hotel wliicli is now
en 1 led tlio AVindsor , but : it the tlniu of
cotniiiolion WHS nnmud tliodorlnun , after
tlio bulldur. Uurliiuu opened Ilio
and k | it it for seine time , but luck of
patroiin u and otliur rcverwcs , it is sild : ,
drovu ( itirliiiin out of thu hotel. The
jro ( ! iit nropriiitor , Kat Brown , ! > ( ) . ,
who \ fiu'oi'ably known tlironthoiit thu
west , ; issouatud ! himself wild Mr. JcIF
( JlaKS , an cxpuriunccd hotul man , some
five or HX ! rnontliH in \ , Kin on which linio
Ihu.htitul IIIIB lii'coniu very pniulnr | nmony
nil uliiMfR of travclurs. Corlnnn inovi-d
from Lincoln buck to Hnrlln lon , which
liad formerly been hin tiotnu. Uu had not
vinltcd Lincoln since until hist wi > ck. A
tiny or two itftur his urrivul huro ho wunt
on a Hjtrcu mid for ncvera ! days
kctt | it un. Ho wnndiiriul alxntt
thu city in n ticantly Htuteof dninkonni-gs ,
nnil at nifibt visiti'd disorderly bounce ,
nud 11 ted 1 1 niomtnls ainbjcd forpustimn.
Iiaht WctlntJKiliiy ni lit , it is Hnid , hovunt
to 11 Ic.nditi ambluiK IIOIISR nnd won
$1)U ) ! lit taro and poker , and the next
iiifihl wun t to tin ; Kiimu placu nnd lo t
what ho had Won the previous ni bt anil
ttevoral liiindrod dollars bcsidei. Wlu-ii
he llioui'ht over tin * matter ( lorham con
cluded tiiat liuvantc < l IIIK money _ buck ,
nnd iijion K0'"K ' ' ° " lawyer , who ! H also
a cnnnuilnian , ilt-fided to brin suit to
recover thu money This papers have
been isHned , and thu rasu will conic up
for him rin < ; in si few day.s. A pcr.-tisteiit
Ruuruh failed to rrveal tint court wlicru
thu ciiHe in brou iit and any of the par
ticulars , but in Hiibsliuico tliu matter is as
( iiirham has been sometiiiiof ! ; ix .sport.
nnd Ilio gamblers scrni to bu nonplnssiid
that hu would , ii8 tliuy ay , "Hqueal" ut
hit ) own medicine.
A roi.Min : : ornriAi. .
I\l. \ M. Lnscher , a short time i\o \ ; ro-
Biding in Lincoln , was arrested Sunday
, at Hustings and brought back to tbi.s city
tv * nndur u charge made out at the instance
of n fnrmluru dealer ami 11 disorderly
woman. . Sonic time mncc , and during
tliuKtatn fair , LiiKcher wan employed us
a watchman at tin ; city jail. It wan dnr-
Inf ; bin employment that the jail delivery
of sevi'iitven men occurred , and there
nre now rnmorH that he wan in Home way
implicated in It. About n month a b
LiiHclicr left for Ha.sliiijr.s , and betore ho
went it ia charged that he disposed of
r ( some ip'OO worth of furniture which had
been bought on monthly payments.
Luscluir and the woman hail beenoninti-
tnuUi UirniH lor quite u period , and it is
thought that site catuscd his arrc.Hl in
ordur to haves revenue. A privatu detec
tive loftycfiterdav for IlaHtinya to brinjj
LiiMcher buck to Lincoln.
Tlio woman lilanehe Soincrs , who at
tempted miicidc at the Wind.ior , is on the recovery , and she is now at a dis
orderly hoiiM' on 1' street , where hlio is
roooivliljf visits' from numeroim admirers
and curious persons. Afi soon au the
hotel proprietors learned thai the
man Dobson and tlio womatr
wuro not married , an ut-ated in
yesterday's HKK , they were promptly
elected from the hotel. Tim theory is
taat the woman , from A Reimntional motive -
tivo and to ain a little notoriety , po.ssi-
bly took : i .slight do v of morphine , but
not with mncidal intent. Thu doctors
rather conlirni this view of the ease. The
police say they look for a third miicidc or
nn attempt , before the city will ayain re
gain its wonted moral tone.
Early Sunday morning the mrat mar-
luitof Itohannan llrotliei-H on O street ,
next door to theState national bunk , wai
( .inliu'c'd and the .vifc opened. A hole
was drilled near the combination lock ,
nnd afUir it had liecn blown with powder
the door was broken oil' with a Hled e
hummer. In the money drawer was
$17b in checks , made out by the linn to
OiniiloycH for salaries , and ; W in cash
ami a gold watch. The thieves took the
cask Hiul watch , hut left untouched the
checks , which showed Ihni they were
professionals The Misers. liohannan
bavu an idea that thu burglars were local
crooks , tint there seems to be no definite.
DVidunce to that ctl'cct.
A < ! lt.\Nl > WE1.COMK.
Mr. 1' . K. I'arkln ton , the lendiir of
the Fltcrald hose company , returned
from Ncvv York and thu esist laul Katnr-
day lu ht. He wis inet at the depot by
n committal ) of tin * Fil/gurald boyn , who linn to 11n ; hall , which liml been
appropriately decorated , nnil after u
niinibt'f of HpoiMihc * from noun ) of the
prominent men of Lincoln , tin : bo M sal
down ton KiuiiptiiDiis hanqnol. Speeches
and toasts wore the order of the m'uiiiii .
At a lutii hour the company departed
niniil cheers lor the 1-ityjjorald IIOHC com-
inmy iiiul their leader Tlie Kit / ; . ; raid
li ( > ie ooinmny | liny * , held thn champion-
shlptnf t ho stnto for year. * , nnil thu neo-
jlo of.Liucolii fed jiifttly iifond uf lliuir
siioec-Hs ,
rirv in : * ! ? .
Niitluni Hlakloy and son C'linrlen , of
lUnitr'co , wont in the t'lty vt U'nltiy on
their way to ( ) mihi. : ; Mr. liliikely in om <
of thu oldi t HitttlurH of Is'elnt.slii , having
tuniio hero in 1M.)7. llo hlill retains thu
. .niiiiio entliiihiasin whiuli lie hail for tint
eta to in early tinieH.
; TlumiVJIH a trouinuiiititdli ut tint < lriv-
ui K pa'rk Into yi'Mtunlay afternoon for n
inirud of $101) ) , botweeii a naiiied
rhino , otviutil by H , T. Knib-f , of Sioux
Citvv atiil Tnuminllnr. nwnud by Frwl
Uobar , ofrand Ihland , Neb.
Tlui eoiitiiined line wentlu.TliaHbrought
ninny country penplo tu Lincoln within
1 thu iiast went , to Ir.ide , und the nttail
.niiu-iaiiLs ( ! | urn liupny in coitseiueni0 | !
Hnndiiy iv naloon in the lower jinrt of
thu oily wns visiteil by tlni iiojico \\lio
found llitit It was open anil iloini ; busi ,
; iSK ( , 'I'liero was no nrrust but the pro-
prielor was told that anotliur otleiiso
would caiisiiiin nrrcht.
rolieejiiixii yinilli , of this eity , i-etiirned
yoHtonlay from Kuiirney , wlient ho WIIH
culled b.v tele rnpli on account of the
very HorioitH illness of IUM brother , O T.
Smith , \ char o of the fnrtn eon-
tincUid with Ihu reform neliool at that
plaoc. Air. Smith is still sonoiibly HI
with typhoid futer , .but ho In now c.\-
, jiot-tcU lb recover.
W.M. Aiider.son. Crnnil Island ; Will
CloiiHton , ( J. 1) ) . Schmidt , Omaha ; J. K.
Kiimlcr * . Sewnnl ; U. H. Alollct , Denton ,
, J. 0. Hi borts , UaviiU'itv ; J. H. I'onlon.
1. U'luiimtH Jensen , W. H Itatcs. K. U. Xim-
nii-rmun , Ulynsi'M ; A I. Mran , II D
* Miuliitclv , Omaha ; U. Horn , b\/mitM > ,
Ituv. Dr. Miller. Uttca ; S. Dee , Omaha
. Airs,1 Louine Reward. S. M. Duvvall , iiuut-
' riucj G' . 11,1'owcrs , Hcatrico ,
From KuriiiiH County.
Oct. 2-1-To thu lvillu > r.-
71iiK'liileto : | of 1MX ( ) inhalillant-4 is
' { ( cati'd.on llui linuof the It , iV M. . about
niiles w < > t of MuCkiok. It la i >
I 'I
thriving , po nhcnd plnco , boasting of
two weekly papers , The Pioneer nnd
Mirror , nlso two banks. All other busi
ness l well represented nnd doing llnoly.
The farmers Imvo liad excellent croj > 3.
Hrooni corn hill boon oxtflnsivcly raised
In the oonnly tlds year , und wagon loads
nro coming la uailyi Jortvnine lands
worn co 11 nl od yesterday. It U brought
in nnd shipped directly oast.
Furims county has had n prodigious
growth in the lust two years , nnd to bii
appreciated must bo traveled over. Emi
grants are coining through daily , nnd
"Prairie . " that
tlio .Schooner" is a sight
bus ceased to atlniet attention , except
from strangers. The eastern farmer
seems to apprcelnto cheap nnd good
lands , which uan bo had at from $ U to
$13 nor aero.
The Mock Is of the bc l quality , both
horses and cattle , nnd the people know
bow to keep it in good working order.
Although thi ) patient and tniiuh endur
ing broncho cuts a lignre hero , bo is be
ing rapidly sot aside for tlio American
lior.ii ) .
linildmg Is going on extensively , both
in the town and country , thu farmers
putting np substantial dwellings in placu
of the atlobi ! house * of thn early settlers.
Political circles are < | iiiel , nnd both
nnrtics have goo I tickets in the field.
Thi ) republicans will undoubtedly elect
their entire ticket , ns the county has a
largo republican nuijority.
After Diphtheria.
Diphtheria is a terrible disease , requir
ing tlio grontoHt medical skill to ellect a
complete euro. Hveu wlidti its jiowrr is
broknti , it clings u the patient witli grcnt
perKlstonpy , and olten leaves the system
jiniponcd and prostrated , .hist here
Snrsaiiiirilhi vast amount of good ,
expelling impurities from the blood ,
giving it rioliiiiwi and vitality , while it
renovates and strengthens the .sy&tum.
Mews. Wasserman & Hnrni'tt have
sold out to Simons , Hatch it Whilton , of
Very little business is being done in the
justices' courts of this city nowadays.
Election is too near at hand. V. Cody , "IJutralo Hill"is in
the city , and will remain here a day or
two before returning'to North Platte.
The registrars in tins various wards an
nounce that they will not transfer names
from the old registry books of last year.
( t. A. liobinson , drunk and disorderly ,
was n victim to Roundsman Mat/.a's vigilance -
lance last evening , and was conlincd in
the city jiiil.
Charles Esters , colored , was an occu
pant of the city jail last night , charged
with being a vagrant. JIo was arrested
by Olliccr Shields.
The lir t , Iv. of. P. ball of the season
takes place ne\t Tuesibiv night. Tickets
an ; now on .salu nnd can bo secured at
Kanlthian Bros. , or of Andy Hordcn.
Charles Surface was lined $ T > and costs
in police court yesterday afternoon for
disturbing the peace bv lighting Satur
day night in the Planters' house saloon.
Marriage licenses were issued yester
day to 'Charles Loamann , of ( Jrand
Island , and Lena ( Janz , of Omaha , and to
William W. ( luill , of Omaha , and Mrs.
Kudora M. Snydcr , of Hampton , Iowa.
The ladies of St. John's Parish will
give a dinner and sup | > cr at 310 Sixteenth
street , ISushman's block , on Tuesibiv ,
Oct. . a7th. for the benclit of St. , fohn\s
church , North Omaha. All are welcome. '
Full dinner I ! . " ) cents.
Sunday was the last pamo of base
ball which will bo playud this season by
the "fairies of the field. " The club dis
banded yesterday , some of the mem
bers going to their homes jn Chicago and
others remaining in this city.
S. N. Mealio , thu veteran showmnn , has
taken charge ot the People's theatre , as
the old Wood's Museum will henceforth
be calh il Nothing but first class attrac
tions will be placed on the boards , nnd a
number one play house will bo main
tained , The new management started
out witii "standing room only" houses
at both afternoon and night perform
ances' .
Ko.sidents near the corner ot Fifteenth
and Capitol avenue sav that three shots
were fired in that neighborhood about ; t
o'clock Sunday morning , and that they
were followed by the noise of scurrying
feet , : ia though some one was giving
cha.-c. The police profess ignoranci ol
the affair , and say that they have lieaiil
of no shooting nllriiy with which these
shots could bo connected.
"U is the little rift within the lute that
by ami by will make the music mule , "
and it is the little tickling hcnsation in
the throat which brings on hoarseness ,
sleepless nights and lung trouble. The
early use of Hed Star Cough Cure will
prevent all thin. It is a prompt , butu and
btiru medicine.
IVrtUHinl I'iii-a
Senator Van \Vyek arrived in the city
this alternoon.
P C. Himcbaugh left for the east
yesterday afternoon.
Miss K.VV. . MeCormick returned this
morning from Now York.
J. II. Russell , advance agent for Kntc
Castleton , is in thu city.
A. C. Coble , n well-known stockman of
the Powder River region , Wyoming , is in
the city.
Mrs. G. W. Clark has gonu to Philadelphia -
delphia to attend thu national U' . C.
T If convention.
C C' . Clark , Kcwnnee , 111. ; James Bar ,
her , North Bend ; I ) . B. Smith , Cnnnison
City ; K. II. MuButli , Chadron , aru at the
Abu Is'cwbergcr , of Cook < Ji Burn-
heimer , Neu Yo.k , is in the city on ins
way home from a very sncce.ful trip to
New Mexico and the southweit.
Mrs. II. T. Leavitt leaves for Chicago
this afternoon to meet her husband who ,
thoroughly restored to health , is home-
uard bound Irom New England ,
A. L. IVrkins , head book-keeper nt
Reed , Jones it Co , nnd one ol thu moil [
esteemed young 111011 of this city , has ru
turned from a trip to Connecticut , ac
companied b.\ his bride , nee Mis-i Dim-
niiek , one of Ihu mo t charming ladies
ol Willimanlic'h be t social circles Both
of "the high conliMcling parties" muni
n. ii. nouoLAss vv SONS- CAPSI
CUM COWJII DROPS aru thu result of
over forty yeaiV experience in com
pounding cough mixtures. They aru the
Mown roiis | | | lo Hello .Tlatcrl ll/.cd
A'oiuiM In a Itallfoom.
A noted society woman who created it
sensation in Louisville at a ball on one
occasion was Mrs ( Jeorgo D. Prentice
She was strikingly handsome and gitted
In many wnyi . tlicretore it goes witnout
saying that she hud some vanity and > hu
decided to attend a tancy dress bull in
the character of Venus. The huly knew
that shu was fust acquiring thu embon
pointwhich IK a destroyer of perfect out-
llne.s , and gavt * orderfe for u perfect tit
ling , llesli tinted satin roreut , which worn
under a comidete suit of lleshings , was
Ilio mo t particular part of her attire , us
the .shot ! pink satin skirt , wrought with n
bonier of elion , and a girdlu of gold con-
lining the cloud of pale pink tullu float
ing about her superb Hhoidder.i , wen-
scant of measure nnd easy of adjustment
riuirt attired and seated In n gilded car
drawn by six little Cupids drcwed in
| iink liglits , harnessed with silver anil
iCiiiilud by pink ribbons , KIU | , at n late
hour , drove into the ball room , whence
'tis said the ladies ran iivay and the men
i-cniaine.l toiipdand ) tliu nmtcriuli/.atiun
ol Viuui.s In this superb form.
The Votcrnn Comstock Hoportrr on
AVhom Clomoiis Used to IMnjr
1' Jokes.
The nppcjirunco of Dan 1)6 Qnlllo as n
contributor to a metropolitan contempo
rary recall * thn fact that the Nevada
Journalist who uses thu signature was , in
the early days of Virginia City , the chum
nnd very often tlio butt of Sam demons ,
othcrwiso Mark Twain. Tim t\vo men
were icportors on the Territorial linter-
prise , then , as now , the lead
ing paper of thu Silver State.
Dan Ie ) Qnillu is one of thu .simplest of
men , kind hearted , absent-minded , and
with a genuine wit of his own. His foul
name Is U'right , but thosu persons who
have known him longest have forgotten
that he has a claim to any other name
than that of Dan or Deqnille. Clemens
used to set np all tiortsof practical jokes
on Dan. They occupied the same room ,
and the saturnine humor , st , who never
was n genial man , had always some
trick to play on his companions. Usually
too , it was un unkind one ,
which ; when inadu known , had a
mortifying eflect on Mr. Wright.
In tho'e davs it was Dan Du Qinilc ,
nnd not Mark Twain , who was expected
to be successful as n wit nnd humorist.
But for n certain habit Wright would
probably have instilled his admircw.
Do Qtiillc is , without question , the bust
informed mining journalist in the United
Status , and hu has thu least capacity also
for putting his knowledge to any otlior
nsu for his material advantage than earn
ing the Bnlarr ho receives from thuttii -
terpriso of Virginia City. Hu knows
uverv foot of the Conntook lode , und can
tell It * history from the silver discovery
by thu brothers Grosel down to the pres
ent borusca or barren period , when thu
ruworking of thu upper levels for the
low grades is now being carried on.
What attractive and interesting remin
iscences thu veteran could writu ! The
history of Virginia City in full of the
pathos , tragedy and comedy of human
life. The lust of gold , the love of ntlven-
ture , thu passion of the { rambler , the. ex
citement of fortune hunting , the sudden
nsu of men and their even more rapid
downfall , thu tricks and . of needy
ami greedy adventurers , and thu strange ,
sad stories of the failures that have
bestrewn thu day.s and nights
of this strangu and exciting
mountain mart , could find no
more competent historian than Du Qnillu ;
and if thu story shall ever bo freely and
faithfully told , as he C n do it. it will
form one of tlio most thrilling of histori
cal episodes and pcrdonal narrations
Tin1 Comstock loilu hag produced over
$200MHoiH ( ) ) in silver , and may do it.
again , us it is asserted that a genuine sli
ver lode never gives out Its barren days
are not wholly unprofitable ones , and the
sheen of its bonair/a hours have been
golden enough to make avarice faint
witli impossiblu greed.
Tis vain to seek a powder that defies
detection , but usu I'o/.zoni's to improve
Ihu complexion.
- &
"An Item IIH She IH Edited. "
Wicomice ( Md. ) Constitutionalist : A
yellow-bucked pirate named Jim Cnm-
nungs ; who works for Sum Hardaete
ne'ar Millville , c.une to town last Satur
day , and , while drunk at Creswell's gro
cery , made some remarks about our
selves as wu were passing np striit with
our youngest daughter. He was soured
because we turned him over two weeks
ago anil his crowd , that took the lynchpins -
pins out of old man Purcon's buggy at
the Goortc creek meeting. When littupoko
his insulting froth Hanberry Davis took
it np , and in a row which followed he
.struck the gorilla a suobindor on the jaw
which knocked him out Irom between
his wool .suspenders and loosened six of
his teeth , llo had Davis arrested by
Marshal Billings , and the mayor levied a
fine of $10 , which wu paid for him as
soon as we learned thu faeUs. Wu intend
to show up the whisky yahoos from the
( Joosu creek neighborhood who try to run
this town Satnrdoys , and by tlio way ,
Han Davis is a candidate for town mar-
biiai. lie is the man for that job.
Fortunes In Htouu mill liron/p ,
"Carp" in Cleveland Leader : Washington -
ington City has a great , deal of money
invested in st Unary , and some of it
might be looked upon as a mignty poor
investment Gruenough'H naked statue
of Washington cost $ I" ,0J ( ) , and thu
statue of Liberty way up theru on the
Capitol dome co-t § jrOJi ) . Clark Mills ,
the suulptor , received great sums from
the government , though he died com > ar-
atively poor. Fitly thousand dollars
wns tlio price paid for Andrew Jackson ,
who sits upon a rearing opposite
thu White House , and hu received anoth
er $ ji,0M ) ( ) lor his equestrian statue of
( Jen. Washington in Washington circle.
Another $ . "il > , < K)0 ) statue i.s that of Clen.
Thomas in Thomas Circle , and it must
make the tux-puyor happy us ho looks at
it to remember t.'nit ' congress paid ? % W- ,
( Kill for the pedestal , and ( .hat the four
bron/.e lamp posts around tliu base cost
sjl.MIt apiece. Away oil' to thu cast of
the Capitol , in Lincoln Square , three
thousand pounds of brass represent.
Abraham Lincoln giving freedom to tlu
negro. The statue uoall7.)0lhiit ) ) it was
pai i by contributions made up by freedmen -
men of thu south , Gen Nathaniel
C.reen stands in a park northeast of the
capital at a cost ol $ .jiOIi ) ) ) . and in Scott
Circle. General Winlield Scott has been
embodied in bron/.e for $15 , ( KM Vinniu
Ream's st.itnlo of Fnrntgut cost § .0,01)0. )
The statue of MePhersou together with
its nedeslial cost about fiO.iKH ) , and down
in Rawlins rtfjuaru , southwest of the white
house , there is a bron/.e statue of General
Rawlins which looks just as well , at a
eo > t.of $ h,0m. ) In addition to these there
is thu statue of Professor Henry in thu
Smithsonian grounds , which cost a small
fortune , that of Admiral Dnpont. oppo
site Blain's , which rttprosiMits a largo
enough sum to pay several tiling u nun-
greman's salary , and tldi beautiful bronze
statue of Martin Luther in front of the
Lntherad Memorial church , which cost
but $ . > ,00 ( ) , and is as line a piece of Mjitu-
arv as yon uill linil this side of thow.ilor.
The rage for equestrian statues which
prevailed a few years ago has died awa.\ ,
and the more si'iisible custom ot nietur-
ing men and not horses is being adopted.
It i.s well that it is so. for thu d.iy will .
come when people will l.mgh at the idea
of trying to honor a man by u bronco
imago of his favorite horse.
Nervous Ielilltnteil | 3Ion ,
You .11 callow cd a fiictrtnlinr ililrlji if/ir/i /
of the use ot Dr. IHc's Celebrated Voltaic
Hell with Klcctrlo niwiu'iisorj' Aiiiillancjs ,
Inr thespceilx ii'llef and ueriaiincnt cine Of
XeivousDufjllitv. loss of Vitality nnd Man-
hiiiiil , iiutl all klinlted tumbles. Also for
niiUiv iitlie diM'iises. Coiinilelo restoration to
health , \K in nnd nuinhiKHf. No rink I.s In
clined. Illu-'tnik'd pamphlet with lull Information
mation , term" , etc. . mulled fieo by
Voltaic Itult Co. . .Miu-shull , Mich.
Short KsmiyA flu The .
A nude cannot ljr y without lirst rals-
ing Ids tail. llo can kick , howe\er , with
out any preliminaries.
Thu man who jnonkeyed with thu east
end of n mnlugoingweatuevcraftervynid
posed an a professional beauty ,
A philooophcr says : Never tickle a
mule's heels until hu is dead. Beg par
don. A mule's heels cant bo tiuklud af
ter thu mule i.s dead.
The mule has one more leg than u milk
ing stool , nnd hu can stand on one ami
\\avo the other three round in as many
dillerent directions
To fully appreciate tlie mule one should
listen to his voioo. You nuvur can reallv
know whether yon liku a mule or not till
you hear him smg.
Tim editor ot it Florida paper hud just
uold bib journal und iv > Ubl > suuiuut fur u
mnlo. The man who owned the mule
was evidently dreadfully anxious to gut
rid of It.
A nutln novcr grows old or dies ; once
br night into existence ho bontmlics < m
forever. The oh"ihnl mnlu is now ullfo
somowliprp.- -
A Newark , $ , ij. < - lior.'e-tralncr Pnys
that mules ni us j bu taught to kick
accurately , , 'tldmwill be naws to the
numerous mnn who nro lying around ( lie
counlry with'flisUlcated limbs. They will
IKHV roali .u llmt they were simply fon-
dlnil. ' ' i
The inulo Iv-n Jjood worker , but ho can
not bu depended upon. He i.s liable to
strike , and when ho strikes a human
calculation filta-io find out any rule by
which to reckon when he will go to work
again. It is useles * to pound him , for ho
will stand more baiting than n sitting-
room carpet. _ .
TC.ilnttill In Western Nebraska.
NoitTit PiATrp.'bjt. . 21 : To thu Editor
As Mr. K. D. Wobrtor , dnsiros this > Hclal
statistics of thu rainfall lu Western Nu-
braskvl uiicloiu the appund.'d tables
which I published six months ago nnd
now correct np to date.
They show conclusively that the actual
average rainfall in Lincoln Co. Nebraska
for the last ninu yours , i.s sulliciunt for
all agricultural purposes and that iv
grcatur rainlall liQWovor dusirabto is not
Tims for the plowing of Jam ! and plant
ing of truH can have find but little cihiet
in'the c.\tremu wcsUfrn counties ns im-
nrovcments wore now or too Inr
between lj apjrceiable chan u.
On the fur d'slant past thu Plattcvas a
mighty Hood s x miles in widtli but'in
recent times thuro must havu been ex
ceptional years of abundant precipitation
since a iM D.-touri River steamer went np
to Kearney and back ( in 18 > 1 1 behove )
and also year < of excessive drouth lorol'd
freighters have told me that they have
seen the Piatte absolutely dry from
Kearney westwards.
Statistics show a marked increase in
the annual rui.ifall at Omaha and as the
clearing of fen st-s and washing away of
the soil have caused almost perennial
drouth in i.\.cnded regions , formerly the
garden spots of t ID earth , it seems proba
ble that , plowing the land , making every
Ii ) ld a.sjiongu , planting 111 HD miniature
forests , the cornlii'lds.tnu ' iluady inereasu
of wood along streams ami in ravines ,
will in time , not only preseive , and make
useful every raindrop that tails but also
increase thu actual amount ol rain.
1'lie SnoDinan'H Calcclils-ni.
"What is a well deserved holiday ? "
"Our administration enjoys a month in
the mountains tishing. "
"Correct. Nu.\t boy. What is junket
ing ? "
' Any member of the opposite admistr i
lion attending tlm luneral of h.s old
tattler. "
"That's right. Now , what is U states
man ? "
"Tliu gentleman who runs our caucus
in ward lour. "
"I'es. And what is pot-housu polit-
iuian ? "
"Thu heeler nominated for president
by the otli. r mirly. "
"Right iou'iiro. What is the pauin of
victory ? " < „
" 'I'linsu checrsfor our candidate. "
"And what is a Irideous howl trom a
scorn of drunken .HiroaUs : "
"Throe chuursfor titu other candi
date. " " ' '
'VVhat is nu' ' the millions of free
hearts and honest hands upon which
rest the liones.aud destmius of thu re
public ? " :
"Us. " , *
"And to whom does 'the groveling
liordu of testWingMcorrnpliuii' icftr.
" " t
"Them. .
"Correct all urotmd. U'o-morrow bring
your bluc-boiilc to school \\ith you ami
we'll pick out wfiju is good lor you. Re
member , oil fleyy | home , thu opposit
ion members ill ; Ih'jC .on tue shady s de of
the street. 'ITiii pupils will find a basket-
till of stones in tne iron ) area as luey pass
out. Now , be good boys , and don t
create any dibturbancu. The class ii
dismissed. "
Ladies will find it to their advantage to
examine Patch's stock of yard wide em
broidered skirling Ihinncl.-t before pur-
How They Distinguish Ilio Value ol'
Moiioy Tlioir U\porlcnuea With
"Arc there many ol us in the business *
Well , yes ; about thirty. " hud ; ; a Tliiul
avenue ncwsilealcr who is blind. He
alluded to blind men who sell newspa
"Hut this docs not include blind men
and women who have no stands , butuho
vend papura on tlio htrceU. Counting
them , I suppose there would In ; si.\ty ol
ns. I know nioitnl the blind folks in the
newspaper line , and they're all good
fellows and seem to gel along. Sonii _ ! of
them own houses. _ Yes , I do a fair trade
tiHsclf , especially in the morning papers.
I sell upward ol one hundred and lilty
copies of The Star , for instance , every
day. I boll all kinds periodicals , trom
fashion monthlies to huso ball guides.
"No it in a mistake to suppose that the
public is ready to palroni/.o a man simply
nccniiso ho is blind. At least , that is my
experience I have had men leave mo
me because they said I did not wait on
them quickly enough. iiutlhal ol
was not Irni ) . 1 am as spry as any ot
them , oven if I am compelled to work in
darkness. I have .homo very queer
customers I cannot call them cranks ex
actly , but they come very near being so
Many who deal" with mo continually
never speak a word. They pick up their
paper , deposit the money and wall ;
away in .sileuco. The other day a gentle
man said ho guessed ho wouhi stop
patroni/.ing mo , as 1 had not not cod luni
ouco during the your and n lull ho
dealt with m i. H w. > d.l li.ivo d. > in you
good to have hoard him i\\n \ > \ < > $ . / < : wlun I
informed him I was blind. Now Im
speaks to me every morning. A
many ot my customers arc not auaio of
my blindness and ask all sorts ot ridicu
lous questions1 about the pictures in I ho
illustrated papoivs A man once nsked
mo to direct him in ti choice between two
comic import ) . I'did so , and ho was do-
lightoil. Ho complimented me , and stud
my taste tigroed * > < Actly wilu Ills own.
Yesterday mnrnfftg ono of my best
customers , who p.o.-scsscs a ponderous
voice ho is u polityciim asked mo if I
had road whatjipptfiirod about him in iv
Mugwump oiviiin , , I said I had not , but
would gladly listed.'whilo ho lead it to
mo. llo dcoaiio ) and used
hard words ' 1 learned afterward that
tlio article alluded fo was ot a disparaging - .
ing nature Th < morning\\hun I told Ilio
politician I w ) * hi' treated twice. "
"Tho Star * * aid u young man , IIH hoer
picked up a pni or nnd handed the IIOWH-
man n coin ,
"You hnvo m ido n mistake , " said tiio
customer , on c < ; untlng his change.
"Then it is n iy ( Ir&l ono , " uugworcd
the blind man.
' 'How much in The Star ? "
"Two cents "
"Then , of conno you hnvo nindo n mis-
tnko. I gave > ou a qn.irtcr , anil ) ou
have returned only twcntvnno , CUIIIM. "
"You gave mo a Canadian coin , which
\H \ worth just lwuiity > llmu'viuitri ' , "
Tim young mini boucd and meekly
acLnoulcd < icd ho wits in error.
"Iluvr did AUII Knm warf a Can-
nilian coin * ankod Ilio visitor of the
blind ninii
"I full it. "
' 1 nn jou tell it that vvn.v * "
"Alu ) b la luut , it .s Uu only way 1
Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica ,
Ltimb.igo , O.ickache , Headache , Toothache ,
DorcTlironlKirclllnB .Kprnln .lIi-ul c .
II u rniScnliU. . Ti-ont ttllf * .
ro Al.i , OTiitii itiiiui.T ftl < ! S
cuilrt , > T. < | Pt > l > ri tvf rrxlitr , .
blrwiumila 11 L ncu > cri.
run niAui.r.9 A. VOUULEU co.
.MoUJl. tOOUtRACO. ) BtlllBtn. tit. , f.
linvu. 01 vi ) mo any coin you like and I
will tell its vnluo. "
"How do yon toll paper money ? "
"Hy fueling. 1 liot only ha\o to dis-
tinguishoil thn different d'onominnt'otisof '
American bank notes , but sometimes I
get foreign money. No , I never get
stuck. Although once I did ; it was by a
newsboy who had an old I'enian bond ,
lie bought three papers , and I gave him
iflMiJJ change. That was n long lime auo ,
however , when 1 was young in the busi
ness. The lad came back next day nnd
retnrijcd tile money. Ho only wanted to
.test my ability. es , it look mo a long
while lo learn to tell money by the touch ,
but once I caught the knack it canto
i-i'sy. Of course , I have to keen in prac
tice. 1 hitve n number of bills at homo
yimply for that purpose * .
The Garland Stoves and Ranges hnvo
the most art'stic ' lin'-h ' of any that wo
have oviTHcon. They nre every where ac
knowledged to bo the best in the world ,
While they co-tt no more than is olten
asked for inferior goods. They are as
noted for durability , convenience and
economy of fuel as for style and beauty.
Vronosliie toStipiilj Philadelphia and
Ne\v York From IMUtlmrK.
A sm-eiuj from Pittsburg says : Roland -
land H. bmith , councilman Irom the six
teenth Ward returned ie terdny from
Now York , to which e.ty ho went' in Mir-
eranee of a project in which ho ami a
number of Now'York capitalists are in
terested , for carrying natural gas to Phil
adelphia. "I am not ready to say much
about tlio mutter yet. as it is only well be-
gnn"said Mr Smith to-day , "but 1 will
.sa.y , however , that such a scheme is per
fectly practicable. To torco gas lo the
cast it will ln > necessary to use pipes much
larger tlian thos'o now in UMliere. . Of
course the outlay tor such conduits will
bo largc.'but I ho importation of possess
ing such a fuel and illuminanl ns na
tural gas to cities like Philadelphia and
Now ork will be manifest , and the cost
of conducting it only an incident of the
enterprise. That it can bo dmui we feel
ralislu.'d , nnd I think tlio demonsration :
is not a matter of decades bv any mentis.
I only came back Irom Washington n
short time ngo , where I wns for some
time prosecuting claims to two patents
which I think will be issued in n very
short time. " To supply railroad trains
nnd locomotives with natural gas for luel
is a part of Mr. Smith's scheme. In fact.
it is said that ib Ins present pntcnts
nro upon.
It will bo done witli a system of tanks
nnd tubing under the cars and in the
tender of the locomotive. It is estimated
tiiat one lillingot these tanks at Pittsburg
would bo sutiicicnt to dnvo n train on
tlio Pennsylvania railroad Irom Pittshiirg
to Philadelphia nnd back. Of course , ns
there i.s no natural gis : cast of the Alle
gheny mountains , the supply would have
to bo taken aboard between Pittsburg
and ( ireensburg from the Murrayavillo
or Taroiitum regions.
The Great Invention ,
Without llorm In f\IHItICt > r llAlfltS ,
andpnrtlcuiarlj iKlnplrdtoir > rrmC mute .
No ramify , i Icli , c poor , blunild 1)0 without It.
Hold by nil Urocein , but in > > -c ofllo tmt-
tatiotiH. I'lLlJiLlXi : ts manuIaaurcU
only by
'Jhe Oi'lulniil uii'l Only Urnuiiut.
f > nk aiU ) ) lrllilili > II' warrof norlltl. liMlfttlbOfc
Jtil.i n Wu u LODIEB. A k vinir llrilitBl * ! ' <
Tlilth l rVEiiirll ii ' 110.1 . t k. nonihir i r IT , , lo u.
I.IUKII . u > ti. for i unlculBf. * * * l/rrr * > r return . tn IL
PAPFH. I hlrlir lrr Chrnil | l
ron lAPit
IN iic Dv-ii.iDe QHorj 10 ncuavco.
oun OOOD3 wncncvcR iiirnoDucEo
THE HDicnons or nncAKirio-iri ARK
AVOIDED : T.IEV Arr cowfonTABue
We WIME 18 eiiEal in M v/iDTiml
- ettf tfame en Itse Sotn ,
& T.
Many a Lady
is beautiful. all but her skin ;
and nobody lias ever told
hur how easy it Is to put
beauty on thu skin. Deauty
on tlie skin is Magnolia
National Bank
S , W. Con Famam & 12th Sts ,
Capital , - . 100,000
.ii .
II. M. Cnl < lwollaV. . Iliinilllou , 11. R Smith
J.T. ! llnrlutr U Will llnmlltoii.
Nebraska National Bank
TAID UP CAI-ITAI . siv .onoi
ijini'i.iiH , Muy t , ibs.'i..t.
H.V. . YATIW , I'rcsltlotil.
A. K. ! , Vice
W. V. MoitsK ,
JOHN H. Cot.uxs ,
Lr.wisS. HUKI > ,
W. H. S. llumtF.s Cnalilor.
Co. lltli nnil Km imiu Streets.
A ( icncrnl llaiikiiiK Hiiaiuost Tiuiisuokxl.
lculcr : la
Wines , Liquors & Cigars
KM Smith l th St.
JOHN IVAM : In iitoailnnco. ;
IStli Street Market.
All lilmln or fro h unit salt tmmts constantly
on hand.
I'oullry , ( mnioetc. , la poiisnu. Iv. llurluirt/ ,
Meat Market ,
At 20H Cuinliur St. , istl o iilncp tntfot tlmtoii'lnr
I'M nail Ilio I int choiM uiiil mints. I'loali Hall ,
( liuiio unit all tlio ilulk'iuilud la
ED KUPPIS. Proprietor ,
Wl K. Hlxlcrnth Street.
Frp liPnlt nnd Smoliuil Muntn. ( ioniititi Sun
IHUHJI cicclnlly | ( liiino , fimltry unit Vcgoui
ilvi la teuton. No cheaper inurkut la town.
California Meat Market
DculoiTi lii I'lTsh mul Suit MenlH , I'liultry uiiil
Tclophono 130 ,
C04 Xoi III IClliStieot ,
Upholstery & Repairing
No. ICOI Cixss Street ,
MiilJMovor Mmtri > - o .ro | > ! ifrU'ninltnro innlto
Iny it ns nnil us nuiv. I'lllouH und HnUtorx inndo
to iiKloi ( Imlrs rocoatixl , Ion or prloot Iliun eNo-
when * and wo iloimr own oik. llo > .s aio not
nnployi'il. Fonil imstnl unil wet 111 call on jou.
Tlio Uniil Oonuliio rillNI'.SK TKA. In qimrtcr
jidiind. hull pound nnd ( ( mud | MI ( ' ! > UVOS Id'ul
imporKMl tliol cla x ( iiiaiiliin Chlnoso dilute und
nut Ilio liiiiiilniif puliiteil tuus.
Sold only by
No. 41R N. SKtiM'iilli Sliec
Olllco mid Itosiilonco , T 'i N. lOtli St. ,
PrescriptionsPerfumery ,
Corner atom. JIusonIo Hall.
irth ANOviiiSTiitHT3. ; : .
nnitris , TnlntH , Oils nnd Slnllonnrv. Knrnkn Pllo
) lntnuiil fiiMHovmy tlino. I'nco SO touts. IJv-
ciy box VVurraiildJ. "
Win nuiloil Ilio liost ( ! ! ] > of rolToo In Ilin rltv-
MniilcHiiiml Ii0fiiiiillcd | liuiiul by I Im ui K $1 ;
hlnL'niicnli-"c. ! UU poonlc * ilillly In titlondimcu ,
MUS. ft. I' . WM ON" ,
7111 N Ilitli Mi oot , ( ifiir HIM t ,
Restaurant , Cigars
Mouth to orilor , A liiivoiitn | ) > iuo lion
l ( iaiiln-M | : liicnuiil ni'iii' tlio RMNII i mini id i-lniH |
und llinNiiluoliini c'o'Ol ' Itno IH CHII Ixi HII-
CMUcil In llilH.uil | dl linun'lir.iH'rlliunuio | ollior
U'fHftulikl | ! ( > i'ullin In Diniilili ,
The American Cafe ,
501 ! SO. l.'iTIJ STKKKT. N'EAH lIOWAItl ) .
I.iidRi.s1 mul CoMtltMmin'n Ito tiiiiinot.
MruU well ciioUoilvdl Mia-.dfiod nnd w
Hull hiiiicr' | | n | iffliil'y. '
Ilomil nun muni i.ckuih , Jl. Host fiiiorcot1oo |
n tlioclly.
J , W , Jones ,
fiimlstifMl , wiill linpt , Ililv
No nil Cumin * M , nnil nil ulio
lilni u irlnl "III lie iliKUlurciiHiimiiiiri lloilnon
lilrtinvn cdiiklui : nnrl lilt * wllo utlniiiU In tlio ni"
liiiirant , IICIKO Ilioio iHllrat uliut Imc nnil ovn-
r > lliln ; ; us U tlinulil bo.
mul h r coinliictml cuisinu In tin
The Norris Restaurant
IB Ilic \ Li'V bust vulliiK liouso 111 Ilio city , Tr > It
unit ) oil "III bo xatlHllcd
Tltkulu for l inoiiU * JM.
Ilouril by Ilio u uok ifi M. McuN , ! % o ouoU.
IGtli Bet. Dou las and Mge Sit
Billhrd Tables ,
Manufacturers of Billiard 5 PrOoKTabljj ,
And Saloon , nnironml Han * . KlxtutnV Market
ninl Huron Sta , Cliloajo , 111. Oui.Uu
S. 10th Bt. ,
Book Bindingi lc ,
Printers , Book u.uuo , . (
And ninhk H\ol < MnitnfAMinmV Niri.'lM nnd
tus South 14tliStryOtjUiimlw. NoW.
Butter Tubs ,
.1. ? KY-MOtit. ; '
Jannfacturing of Butter Tabs ,
' ' ' ' " '
to * , ko. 1MK Ktul'l'iLtroo'8tmniii ) , 'Nch.
Cigars and Tobacco.
* MAX MiYiit : : .v ( "tC" "
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
Onns nnd Ammunition st.1 lo UMSontli lltli
Stu > ot , ItOI to HUI Kiirimm Hli ot , Oinului , Noli.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
AmiVliolo : il Doiilorx In l.oaT Tolnu-cos New.
ltd inn ) IM N. ntli fliml , Oniulin , Nob.
Cornices. .
Eagle Cornice Works-
.Tnliu KIHIIIOIIT , rionrliilor. Matiiinioturor of
Rnlntnl/ivl IIIHI mill ( \triilco. Doiliro , iuid Ul
mill UK Norlli Mth Strcut , Onmhii , Noli.
, t itot'/nt ,
MnmiruoturorAof Orimmcnlnl-i
. Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Wlmlimn , 1'liwl" , liia.IlliVS li'thSt Workilono
In HIIJ | im < if VliooouMtry.
Western Cornice Works ,
C. Sl'lXII 1' , Proprietor. ,
l/ciil Irtin Cornlco * . I'.to Hivootif * I TV
rioiiii I'nii'iit MrtnllloSkll liu StwiuUl MJ3.
lilli M.inuliu ( ) , Null.
Doors , Sisli. Elc ,
Mnmtfm'tnrur nnil l > oi < l < ir HI ' * '
Doors Sash Blinils
, , , Moulding ! ,
Ktp. Ktidr Hulls ii hpocliid } . ' Tnloimiinu No. nX
_ If.lh mill Mmcy Si .
Elsctricn ! Supplies.
Electrical Supplies ,
I.V. . WOI.KIi A Oft , i''i ' 'lricliin < ,
Mitponlo llliK'k.Onwlm IliirrlurAhmiiH. . llolll ,
HID Aim mi , r.lna'rli * > > 1'il'ir ' , SiniiKliu i'uooi ,
( Jolil , tilv or mul NIcKul I'l.itliijr , 12ic.
Iron nfid
OMAHA NA'l I. M ANIJKAirrtnilNO.'CO. ,
Cut Hails awl Spikes , ' . '
I'liii NiilN u Oiiiiilin , Nu& .
Omaha Iron Works Company ,
Mnrliiii \ , ( ' ; , StiMiii | liujuis } , llnllnrfl.
AieliilM'tiiuil lion Win k. Iron UrlUljus. Mlnlnir
mul Mill Mni'lilnorj , Olllov mul v , iKs.l Union
1'nolno It. It. 17lli mul MM SttiKilx , , '
WI\KNI5 & lltO. ,
Foundry Works ,
Cor. 1 llh mul .IticliHon Sic , inep'iroil to iln nil
klndH < il' Iron mul UIII H CnMltm * ; i > lft > ) .l > . U.
r H KouklnjGnilo Llu'-t nliiiiiif.ifcturo.1
i i
* " " ' "
i : . M. iiu'usi ; ?
Haltress Company ,
Mnnnfnrtiirliur M.illiesMn , lloililliifr. Fmtlior
I'llUnvM. I'otH , 15lo. UXW mill IX'lW Dounlus Slroot ,
Uiniilni. Null.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jonti.i I'aiitb , Shirts llo ! . lltri mid 1U1 , Douglas
btrinjt , Oninliii , Noli. ' '
Paper Bozcs.
j. i , . .
Hanufaclurop of Paper Boxes ;
IOCS Dili SI .Oiiiuliu , Nnli Dnlni-sliy limit so-
lu'llcd mul will i-ocolvu prompt iiltoiitlim.
OmaJia Safe Works ,
l-'lr , ' mul Itilrcl ir I
Vniilt Pnoi-M. .lull WVnk ShHtrrrH nkul Wlro
Woik. Cor. IHIi mul Sl . , Oinulm , Noli.
I' . J. QUI
Soap Manufacturer ,
ItTico imil I'lictorv , nenr rondof MiinzliiD ( (
Oninliii Noli.
- - -
V/agons / and Carrii es.
Manufacturers of Fine Carri ? cs ,
" 15 uiiil I ilT lluiiioj tun-in , Dinuliu.Nnlii Hols
\lenl * In N'olniiakii lot .louua' Lclclnatol tilit ! |
bliult .Siillflcn.
A. .1
The Leading Carriaga Factor ; ,
HGlUmil Hit ! > < MlfO.SIi , i < i , Oiiiuliu , Nob.
While Lfiad.
OMAJIA wiijTU u\iuxrip.\NV : ,
L'orriiilniri mul fiilmU'i1 * lit'
Perfectly Pure V/liito / Lead ,
Dmiiliii. > < > li I CM ( mlci. I'll * . I W Mol.l :
Vini I'nw : II. V. Vulfs. tco unit Trctu
Tlia Millard ,
.Blicurs , J. 1C Mm Icol Tims H\vobo , ] > i oprlutori
. Diiiuiiii ,
Arcade Hotel ,
Jmiii 7'u ( oy , 1'riiinlolor.
lu'l.'i mul U'I7 DmiKlii .St. . IJiiiulni , No ! )
rlio | > ! iiM > iiiiiiMirmiiuni ! > wli < l nn n icsiioi'irullir
Hilicltod I'l.Hijulllliitltlilhtlii host tJuila/
IlllUhO WOet Of
Ti3 !
V. Hutn'oy fc Cn , I'rn.irlntori.
tatoa t-.lii PCI iluy , no ilurl. IOIIIIIA. Alan I'uluso
Hotel HIIIU J''o , i , .
Ganfleld House ,
"or. N'lnlli mul Kiniiiilii ? ? IH 'I1i 1 > c t f ! | ior
lit ) liiilcl In oiniilm lltinoiti > li > il , irtiii'illxliol ,
iiil ; ono bluult lioni iiinij lioiuliiiiirl | < 111 ;
) Union I'ui'lilc Iiciiliiiniuori4i | Hliuot UIIK
in-lUioi ( Icoivu Luiitlold x ' . | ) | o-
Alao Uiiluii ( > 'iuiU llulol , SoulU
Hotel de Goes ,
I' . (100H. ( I'ropilfiiir.
I'.iiropemi I'lnn Tlio { inly mmlrnlly Incut ) i | $1
iilay lioiiio. 'I'll i ( HI diMit lioni l oitu OIHIM
lllllK'llllll IHUV-lllllr block flllllt till' I'd.Ill IIJO
Mill tlio Court HIIIMI ; . ' IW , I'M , fjU I'
it.OiimliuJs'it ) , ?
Planters House ,
o. i ! I'citifis. I'ltoi'iiurr/
flute * . l fill per ilio Hlr < M ITI-I , I'
lriKil. | HMliln ni'C ' I'locl * o : ' lidu
Juditv unilH/llJ > UiV'l , ' 4iulju , Nvls