Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1885, Page 7, Image 15

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h'trdlnc rrnrm I rtrrncth , w * > ha > flVr from
loDrmlllttrenllar la tbtlrarl , ahauM > ' ?
iliut I T.vutimi lump. H Fur-fll At.
kni VVIr. v. nndor ( l l fnVc Kth I9MI
" \ ti TR U H nrmrn'a Irm Dlllm and It haa ! *
tnnrnthinfiilivilfir In m hatlnit cnrrd mint I In
wntknoMladlmlxTiln lifa. Almfurwl tnnnf I.ITJ
r ( ViroplKlnt f nrt now mr cr > mpl il"n U cli > and
( n d ll Ixwn tirnnflcUl tn mr rhildran "
Oonulnx hia'lxiT * Irari * tn tlc and rrrmd n- ' line *
on wrappw. Tokr no tillirr. Mnrtn Ptilr I'T '
CIIHUOAI. ro..iui.TiMoir. ! , MD.
HARD n < OK-dMfnl and attrwll con.
t nf pnzra ttr tvltiM InfrirmMlTi nlKrut
a r n away by all ntftm In vniNllrlna. LH
.l/ - *
A rr af two VeitliiftlC 11f | * , Lt *
- .
tad Vi. Dimtiiki than anr olkrr l-bfilelva l&Sl. Loali ,
aelir r > r riiiiow Ddftllaldr > .ldr-tN koo *
Nervout Prostration , Deblllly , Mental nnd
Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Atlf c.
lions ol Throat , Sklnor Danes , Hlood Poisoning ,
Old Sores and Ulcers , ara lr > l.l , vllh npir.ll.l.J
QMrt > a ttUtl el DllOQ rrlnelptcd. Hifel . Prl U If.
Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess ,
Exposure or Indulgence , * bieh t > r < Ki > * mm < of u
rollowmi drills ntlioii ucii , dfMIHr. dlranni of illht
nddifprllr m mor7 , plmpteqoa thi TKN pbrilealdtei/ .
ftfcrilon tolhd twtletjof ffmftlci. ecoruktoa or Idttl , eie .
rendarlnir Marriage Improper or unhappy , aia
Krntntnll ; eurvd. r iiiiMctiS6piruonlt tt e , fooi
t0d eare'iif * , fr eto any aitdrcit. C4 > n nlUlloaalor >
fleear f In&ll trtf , Inflleil nnd ttletly eaifi Italia ! .
A Pqsltlfo Written Guarantee clnu In tnrrea.
f U > lbeM. U dUlna icnt rvtrjwbara bj mull or axpwi.
9(10 ( PAOBI. FTNH VLATflB , elrcut ololb mnJ cllt
llDJI > f. iMlttd r > rO o id | "Mf ie rourr oa ; , Urer fiftj
wc < n < .frfal i flp1ctarritruf ( Iliti MieU oal > * rollowla
ub > ttit who mtr iu rrT wrmh.a WHT ; tntDh 0'1 ' ( * romin-
1 i *
A Case Resembling That of Gen. Grant.
' Pomo ion j curs IIRO 1 I "id u wroluloim Horn nn
inyiltrht himilvhlch KHVU inu mtvil tr'nnlo
. wul under tlmold tiniutiuntinontbuiikil tipbut
- 'Uhmlonly ' boon ilrivon Into Ilio system by tlui
ti eel iMilnMi nnil inuiciiryHint In Mmx'h. Irtt' ,
II tiniKii out It bruku out In my tlnoiil , ami con-
ouiitmt4'l In what i-oiuo of tin * ilouiorci cu itul
Ciuicor. citing thioiiKh my chintk < lc-stmyln
roof of my month unil upper Up , tlu-n altucklnx
iny IOIIKIIU. puliitu uml lower lip , tlcstroylnjt the
piilnlo anil umlcr lip entirely mid hnlf my
loiiK'uo , ( jtitliiKout lu the top ol my lollehoouk
bonomul up to the lull cjo I could notontuny
Milld luoil , but Milwl-icd on HtiuliU , nnd mv
, loiiguo wu M ) fiirKiinu 1 i-ituld not liilk. Such
/ wiis my vrrotchml , iiulplusit I'omlltlon Iho Mist of
lnj > tft-iubcir ) , HSMi. when my frlonitacommenced
prlvlnjf incHwirt'H Hpoclllc. In Iu4utlmiiu month
t ti o oilIIIR phicod Mopped unil huiilhi ) ; co-n-
1 incne < xl , mid the fi-Hilnl upritiuu In myehoeek
him been closed nnd llrmly knitted together. A
ruiH'osH of a new under lip Is urtiKroiwIn llnolv ,
sod the ( OIIRIIOvhlcli deatrojeil is
lx.ln recovered , UiiJ It K.'UIIM that nntiiru I.H
fupplylny a new tonicu I eitn talk K > that my
f rlenuH can rendlly iiiidorKliind me. nnd can nNii
i-nt xolld looil nuiifii. If any unit iloulit tho-m
1nelH. I Mould uilor tlii'in to lion John H.Trav.
lor , i lnU > cennlor ol till * district , unit lo Dr. T. S.
Ilrmlllokl , of I.iUJniim't' , ( In.
! .MllS. MAUY I , . COMEll.
IjnGrmiKn , On , , Slay H , lnt-5
-Ui.K hwikiKi'K.oinu Co. , Diuwor U.Atlanta ,
Oa. N. V. . Ii7 W. SM St.
ta Meal Institute
Chartered by th Statcof III1-
Inoii for tlicexpre&dp jrpose
of giving Immediate rclielln
all chronic , unnary and pri-
vale diseases. Oonorrhcca ,
Gleet andSyphillii in all their
complicated forma , also all
diiensei of the Skin and
Blood promptly relieved and
permanentlycurcd by reme.
_ _ irr/o/Y > rary. . Bemlnal
Weckneii. NiRht Losses by Drcami , Plmplca on
Uie Pace.Lost Manhood , l > - > ilttvrli/r > irrtl.2lirre
tint rriH-rlitirtttttui. The appropriate remedy
u t onc.e used In each case. Conaultai'jna ' , per.
anal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Mcd.
Iclnei cent by Mall and Dxprcss. No marks on
package to Indicate contenta or sender. Addreu
OR. JAMES.No. 204Washinglon GI..Cnlcagolll.
I'r'-ninliir Tli-rtlii't fnimrrmnor .
I ! l'u > . jl o t if till' lidlnrr * Illilil.
. ' .
fxnmki.H Mullen , r or tl" Miirstiin \ iu
r i'M > - i iMifmwiilir > > iti < tiriii'r > I'mi
I i.o mi u PI- . Alt rt rrt * i ) ) nuf-nr * c
A FINE LINK < > ! <
I hT apMltlTr , iut < iy l.-rtliaabora . ( ! : < - .briu
thiU4aniauf C4 * . ! Mia HMI klinl ud ut l n (
aumlln liaralf * nrii il 1tlel. uniiiiiulMiiirf l a - , , , , i > ii < ! , .ii uo norri > < MU.
atr ll > i * V tl.l'AMI.hTIlmTISHi.u llil.di..M ,
y amf r r l > lVMr | trp ikhil I * o Hddr N
-H r HMirug mrrarfi. MOV V *
Telephone 410
Plumbers , Steam aod Gas Fitters
Sri'.AM UEAHMI A 8i' :
T tllini os fiunl-lie-l , < nm cull porwniiilly.
AReniH ( ay Iho linin-rnil U.ii Mminlnn. X'lu un i
16 a llith bt. . Oiiiuliu , Neb
. . NICE ,
Special Attention Given to Diseases of
OmrBllonis-j "J1 " rj t jljj
Cnn IM ? eunsiilu-il In Kn lth mid Ceriiinn.
IltKini U ( 'KIUIIM * > Illoik , Mill nuisl Lornur Cup.
Avcnuo and mill i-nli
' fl f Men Think '
, < tieylnow ! all about Mustang Lin-
i laici : : ' . Fcvr do. Not to know b
-1 - '
- ,
\ lost , to have.
Ct the Story of a Great llinors1 Strike.
Ttttmlalal hwn U > c French.
Bt-JiMAtiV or runt UMNO .
Anton l.nntler. n niedmnle , uimlilu to flml
riiiplo.Miientnt his lindu in Tnrls , drifts Into
the Interior of l-'iance nnd liiiii'n ( up nt tlio
Montfoii coal inlnliii : rej.'inn. In enrl > .sjulnir.
I'.cliillhiiil ) iiidiiej heicfldlly ncceptM wotk
in the Viiltmo mine and soon liceomcN nn
cMn-rt \ \ ( > iKiiini. : ' 1'ho In \snKCH of tlui iiiln-
CIH , a coaMani Mnmirlo nualn-t hunger , and
Iliends'ialilecoinlltlon of Mil and ummr , ex-
I'ltwt ' in him a llM'ly Interest nnd lie lu'L'liis
the study of nu'thods tciullni ; tn nlle\lnto
their condition , ( irildinilly he Impnita Ids
lileiiH to others nnd ira < lilscciire.s the sup *
| mit nnd co-oK'iatlon ' of the pour. Rtuifa'llir , '
\\ilKiiicn ( , A saviiiu' fund Is started to ulilch
enrh nilnrr ronlrlbnteil , the laonoy thus ob
tained to be n M d to BitpMit | ) the niun In casu
ot tiotihlu with the coal companies. By the
1st of N'i\cinlci ( the fund amounted to acini-
fthtenible s-mii , ntid the uilnctH. enibolduiicd
by Iliin Inut. determined to re.slst n new
method nl paiacnt Introduced by n nuiji r ty
of the companies , which was to ire imo et-
lu't on the tnst of Dcci-mlnT. The p nn of
the rompanlc.s wax to divide thn ten centime *
paid for citrh car of coal , one-half to j : < >
io\Miul paliiL'for | triipnln ( ; In the drifts of
the uihie-s. . I'lio woikihcn , to toitlly tlielr
position In of if yiilt , worked nftccn < ln > s
muhrr thi ! ! new riynton ) ol'iiiviiieiiUand found
that ItMihiia Indlrcol lull -lf ( < clhu method of
rcdtiuim ; theli wajtes. To Miiko was the only
nltcinathe. Meetln s ueie he'd nnd a dele
gation appointed le wait UIHIII the ninmmltii ;
dlrcetoi 01 the mini Hand ia\ before him the
di'iaands of the menthe abolition of ( he new
Kjstcm of pa > ment nnd an Incicaso of n\o
centimes per car. Anton sabllltj and H.iira-
city made him at oneu Hie leadei In tliOKtrile.
The Intel \ leu of the miners with the laami-
m-r ius without ic.sult. and the men , with
\eryllttlehopeot ultimate settled
doxvn ton liinuranil hitler strmjL'le the stiuj- ;
o of poNurty against unlliidtcd wealth.
' iiArinu xxvni.
Mr IIenuejeau had jilaoed himself at
the \Vimlnw or the oHlce to see the de
parture of the carriage which wna taking
his wife to breakfast at MarchiiMines ,
after stopping at the Gregorys and the
DeiieuliiiH to take up the > oung ladies.
lie had watched Megre.l for an instant ,
on horseback , tro.tting.near the carriage
door , then he returned and quietly sealed
himself at his With neither his
wife nor his nephew to cheer him with
thuir noisy biistlu , the housu seemed
'Inwards ! > o'clock , notwithstanding
that he had received orders to admit no
onu , Hypolilc took the lilieUy < , ' ! ' announc
ing Dan.saert , who said he brought e-
rioiiH MOWS It was only tlii'u the director
learned ot the meeting held the previoua
exeningin tho. lorestof Vaudame , and
the details wlcre so minute , that he lis
tened with a feeble , unconscious smile ,
thinking ot the amours of Mrs. Petera ,
so well known that two or three anony
mous letters , every _ \yoek denounced lo
him the wanderings of the master over
seer. Conversation continued on the
strike ; that meeting in the forest was art
yet but the blustering of braggarts , no
suriijiiH danger threatejuid. In any case
the alleys would not stir that day , be-
CMiiseol the respeettul tear with which
they had been impressed by the military
disphi > tlnh morning.
Vhen Mr. Ilcnnebeali found himself
alone again , he was , .nevertheless , on the
point ol sending a dispatch to the pre
fect. The tear of giving an unnecessary
Hign of uneasiucns restrained him , Ho
had not yet forgiven himself for having
failed to scent it ; for having s.nd every
where , for having even written to the
owners , that the strike would not last n
fortnight at the most. To his grout sur
prise it had gene on for nearly tvyo
months ; and ho was In despair a bout it ;
ho felt himself daily growing weaker ,
compromised , lorced to Heck lor some
brilliant stroke if ho wished to regain the
favor of the managers Ho had just
asked for precise orders in the event of u
dispute. The answer was delayed ; ho
was c.xpecting U by the afternoon cour
ier. And hu said to himself that it would
be time enough then to issue telegrams
for the military occupation of the in. lies ,
if such should 'be the advice of those gen
tlemen , In his opinion , it would certain
ly bo a battle ending in bloodshed and
tleath ; and a proportionate responsibility
troubled him , in spite of his habitual
This silence deepened his preoccupa
tion , ho felt himself chilled to the heart
\\hen an overseer , running at full speed ,
WIIR intioduced and told him ot lliu
march of the mob upon Miron. Just as
lie was finishing his coll'ee a elogram in
formed him that the Madehiiue and Cre-
vccnMir were menaced in their turn.
Then his perplexity Became extreme lh\ \
expected the courier at two o'clock ;
ought he to ask for troops immediately ?
Would it not be better to wait a little
longer , so as not to take any action bo-
tore knowing the orders of the mana
gers' He returned to his ollice ; ho
wished to read a note wh ch he had
charged Megrel to write for the perfect
the previous evening. As he could not
find it he thought the young man might
have hilt it in his room , where ho often
wrote at night before going to bed And
without coming to any decision , thinking
only about this paper , heenl up to the
room above to look for it.
'I he stroke ol u bell in the distance , at
this moment , made Mr llennebean
shiver He recogni/.ed it as the signal
given by his orders on the arrival ot thu
'Monsieur , the courier and M. Dun-
sacrt has also returned , and says thut
they are killing cash other. "
"My ( iod' I'm going down1"
HeloW , live mi ssmgers were standing ,
will out counting Dansaert. All bioiignt
him tidings of iiicreasing"ravity respect
ing the march of the strikers around the
mines : and the master overseer related
lo him at length wl at had taken place at
Miron , saved by the noble conduct of old
( jmimlicu Ho listened , ho shook his
lual , but ho unib istood nothing ; At
last he dismissed them. Hit said he was
going to take necessary measuiVH Whun
ho lound himself alone again , si tiled be
fore bin desk , he appeared to do/.e , his
brad butueen his bands , his eyes hidden.
Ilis courier uufl there , and he decided to
examine tliero the expected letter , the
reply of the owners the lines of which
danced at first NcvcilhelesH , ho at lut
understood that gentlemen wanted
a coilis on ' 1 me , they diil not tell him
to make ni'ittei'-s worsui but they let it bo
seen that onllm aks would hasten the end
of the striked , by piovoking energetic
He hesitated no longer , he scut out dis
patches in all direotimiH ti > the prefect of
Lille , to the corps of troops at Douai , to
the gendarmerie of Marchicuncs It was.
u relief to him. he had to shut himself up
at home , he even gavu it out that he was
si'ftcring from gout. And all the after
noon he bid himself at the back of his ol-
lice , receiving no onn , contenting himself
with reading the dispatches and luttcus
which continued tn riin in upon him.
Tims from afar , he. followed ( ho mob
from the Madeleine to Crcvccicur to thu
Vietoiro , trom thu Victoiro to ( iaston-
Marie From anothei < | imrtcr , ho receiv
ed information of thu light of the gen
darmes ami of the dragoons , wandering
nn ( ho road , always turning their backs
on the attacked mines. They might
throttle each other and destroy everything -
thing : he had again put his head doun
between M'IH hands , bis lingers over his
eves , he was wrapped in thu profound si.
jetico of Ihi ) hoiiho , which nothing broku
except the occasional rattle of the sanco
pans in the kitchen by thu cook in vigo
rous action before thu liru. preparing her
dinner for the evening Twilight already
darkened thu room ; it was livn o'clocU ,
when a tumult made Mr. llenuclmaii
ip-mblii , di/v.y. in-r ( . Id * Hhow. Mill in
hipapeo He thought U u-i the IHH
iiAuruin ; ; . ilut thu tumult iu-
creiwtl ; n terrible cry nroso nt the mo-
mutit ho was upiiroaamng tlio window.
"Hrcadl broad ! bread r
U was the strikers who wt > ro in
MOMVjlill-\vllllnt 'Ilio 'Kclulntlhesi
Ing In an ntt'nuk on tlui V'ulturo , galloped ,
with tliulr b.toka turned , lo occupy tlittt
'Iho women had njiponrud ; nrnrly a
thousand women , with streaming hnir ,
dishcvqled by thpracu , in rjijgj showing
the bare skin , hnlf-iriikcd wrtnibn tired of
giving birth to children only to see tlii'in
dii1 of hunger. Some bold thuir liltlo
onus in their arms ; raised them ; waved
them about like a Hug of iiour'ning | ' and
vuiitcuanuc. Others , yciim'gef , wjtn the
swollen throats of warriors , brandished
sticks ; whilu lliu old onm , frightful look
ing , hou led fo loud that the cords of
their .scrajjpy nooks Bi-enifd to bo break-
IIIR. Then the men streamed along , two
Ihotiftand fnrioiis mun , t-muiil toy : ,
miners. ruttulruM , a compact mass rolling
on in a Hinglu serried column , crowded
lORellicr in Hiii-li a niHiinpr that neither
the faded breei'hello'f * tin * 'old woolen
jackets could bo distinguished , all lioing
uniform in the litiiuknw of dirt. Thuir
wyes worn burning , llui opunlnyA cinly of
tnuir < ltirk mini 11 i.s were seen , Miigin tliu
MiirscilliU.Mu , thu vernt-B being lost in a
confused roar , accompanied by the nbit-
tering ol their Hut oUson tlie hard ground.
Over the heads of the people was parried
on high an a\n , as the stindard Of tlio
people , and in the clear huavnns the
Hharp blade shone out ld o a-.guillotino.
Anil in icality. ragi. , liungurv these
months of KiiMering and mall tnimps
iiround the minus , had extended their
jaws likn beasts , entirely changing the
unco | ) laoid faces of thu .cool . . m i of
Rlontson The HIIH was notrmg-rfliu lust
rays of a sombre redllluinined the plain.
Tlio road seemed lilledvilh blood- and
tliu women and me.n mntinuml lo paxs ,
dyed like Initchur.s in Uie midst of slaugli-
It was tlio red morn > f a revolution
wliicli will csarr.v all before it in a bloody
night beloru the end of Iho century./Ycs ( ,
oiio evening the people lirt loosisunbri -
died , will run thus on the ro.idsjaml , spill
the blood ot the cilr/ensj. .they wiU wiri.y
llicir heads on poles ami scatter the gol'd
liom their safes. M Im women will . . ,
the mini will have , their woU-llku JIIYVH
open to bite. Vcs.'tllOre Vvinild be'thu
same rags , the same thunder of heavy
shoes , the same terrible crowd of dirly
sk'iisand ' injected breaths , killing the
old people in their suvago puaning ;
housis would bo burned ; not a vv'all of
the cities would remain , they would re
turn to thu vvild lite ol Uie woods after
great feasting , vhen' tluv 'poor in the
night would beat down the women and
empty the cellars of the rich. There
would be nothing left not n cent of the
great tortuncs , it would be like a new
land. Yes , it was these things which
passed on a road like a force ot nature ,
and t icy received the terrible truth in
their laces.
A great cry was heard above 'the Mar
seillaise :
"Hread ! bread1 bread ! "
Mr. llennebuau was standing at the
window of his ollieu , when llypolite en
tered and closed the shutters , lor iijar tin :
window panes would be broken by the
.stones , lie shut all the wiudous ol ilio
ground Hoer ; then passcll 4Jo the hrst
story above and onu by onu tinshnlteia
weie heard lining together. Unhappily ,
the kitchen windows would not uliu't ,
and the lire and bright sauce-pans shone
out upon thu road.
Mr. llennebean , who wished to see , as
cended to t o top of the and en
tered Paul's room , and trom behind thu
window blinds he watched the crowd.
Under the window the \ellahad burst
out with increased violence.
"Hread' ' bread ! bread ! "
"Fools ! " said Air. llennebean , between
his teeth
He heanl them Jibusing him in reference -
once to his largo appo ntments. The
women had perceived thu kitchen and a
storm of imprecations iollowcd for the
cook , who was among the greasy sauce
Hut thn shouts still rang out :
"Hrcad ! bread t bread. "
Then he beeamo exasperated , and cried
furiously in thu noise :
"Hread , does that sufliee fools ? "
Ilis entire life rose bnloro him. He-
cause one had bread ib no fign that ho
was happy. Who was tlur idiot , that s.ud
wealth brought happiness ? TIOM | > revo
lutionist dreaimr.s could demolish so- and build another. They could not
add to thojois ot humanity , they could
not take away from man u sorrow , by
cutting oil' for each one his slice ol breail.
Kvt-ii that would increase the nnhappi-
ncss of the earth , and make the V"i-y dogs
howl in despair. No , the only' good
thing wan not to be ; or if one did exist ,
then lo be a tree , a stone , or better still ,
a grain ol sand vvbiclit.aiuiot. . bleed under
the heel ot the parser by.
And , in his anguish , tears filled his eyes
and then rolled down his cju-eks. 1'\u-
light settled down on the road , when the
stones began to rain against the trout of
the house. Without anger now against
those furious people enrage.d only by the
sharp wound in his own beart , no' con
tinued to murmur , amid bis tears :
"The fools , the fools' ' "
Hut the hungry cry Btill rang out , u
tempestuous yell , overpowering every
thing :
"Hread ! br'-ad ! bread ! "
lrio m ;
I'MjlCS M I'llUS ! !
A sum cine for Ifllnd. l.lccdim , ' , Itching
ami ll ! < viutd Piles has been dLsuovoied by
Di. Williams , ( an Indian lemcd.V ) . called Di.
Williams' Indian file Ointment. A single
box bus cmcd tlio woist clnonie cases ol : i > or
. " 0 veaisslaiidinjr. Xo one need sutler live
niinulc.s niter applying tills wonderful sooth
iiii : incdiaine. Lotions anil
more liaini than trnml. Willlnins' Jntllaii
I'ilu Ointment uliMulB tliC'tuniitiij , allajs thu
intense itelilnt ; , ( piirtlenlail ) at nitrlit aflei
LelliiiKMIIIII In IH.-I ! ) , arts ius a jmiiltiei' , ulves
instant leliel , anil IK lueimud oiii > lot 1'ilcs ,
Itchiiu- iiriv.ite . p.til.s , anil lor nnllilii' ' else.
Dr. Kia/ler'rt Millie Ointment i-tnes as liy
iniulc , riinjiles , Hlat-k Heads or ( intlis ,
Hlnlelms and Kiililions | on tlui f.u : * ; , Jciivjn , '
tliohliln eliiiraiid lii-aatlfnl. Alsin iito lti'li ,
S.ilt Itlii'iiin , Sum Minnies , Sore liiis , and
Old Obstinate Uleein.
Hiild 11) ilinggistH , or niiilli'il on receliit of
Ketnlled by Knhii .t To. , anil Srluoeter it
Heelit. At ulioliwale by C. K , (
Lieutenant Kretleihik SchwntkiL foliller1.
Aletle c\i > lincr , aitist. ilnclor aiirl Ix\v\ei' ,
lias also iiinven his tit'e lo lllei.irlionois. .
He i.s a htalw.irl , | n ueilii ! , lini Ii 'oiil.inx
man , with a pleasant taee ami a hrail 111
bitas.ialuia , anil h billllant and
8lorteller. .
HOMK IU fKIV (9 ( \\i\r
miVVVOltlTU to roatula n aluslu imr
Uclo of nuiruiirr or any InJiirlonH bill )
btiincc , but U I'uatu.rT'KT ; IMI.K.
it wn.i , ( u HI : AM. niHivsL3 c\ut-la > lit
Ujnurllvoi lit oat or order , tlirtn j'uur
vtholuHjHKiia Is doiiinuud , Tlio Iflixnl In
Imiunu , tlio bibuth olTniifhu , jou lm\o
lieuiliwliu , loot liiiitiiild , ilUjih licit unit
minims. 'l'iii > itivi'ata iiioro
iHlloii. nil.o ut oacu s'linmuas
KioilI.AJ1)lt. : If jou
lliu. or Biillur ultli KID.SKV AmrrioNs : ,
innlil tiiiiuilals uml luKu tilunmmb l.ivcr Itu u-
lut DI Sino to lullovo.
iruni liavocatiiu nnytlilnjf hunt of ill-
pesllon , or Joel tionvy uflor incnla or
hlccplviiM lit nlKlit , tiiku n iloim unil you
lll It el rcllu\e < l mill 8ltKi | > pIc.iHanlly.
K jou ii iv H inltorutilu tiilfcrer with
Co.xsiirvnoN , Dtruehi-HlA Unit llnaous-
MSS : , K'Ck ullnr t onto in Hliiiiniiiu
Liter KcRiiliitdr It UIMM nut i-uiiilre |
conlimiiil UiMliiK , uinl t < Jata but u tilllo.
ll lll emu jou.
Irj-ini iUi iiilu | Iho morning wlUi u
t'lllur. tiud taslK In > uur mouth ,
T4KR flHiiuoiw l.hcr lif iilutor. It wirn-ctd
inixu ( | | O itiljmin stoiiuicli , Huccinn , tlui
Iliuiilli. unit CleiuiMjs Ilio l-'iiriKlToiiiue ( 'illi < -
nut s ollcn iu-ml MIIIIU fiilo ( 'iulmitlo nnil Tiinio
. . . . , . . . , . , . . . ; . . . „ aii'kni-A . hluinieiis l < iyer
Ifr/jiilnlur / will i fllvtu folio , IJt-nUiifiio , HIcU
biniiiiii'li. liull/c-tli > ii. l ) > Min try , mul ilio cxjiu *
jUnlula liHliluil lutliililhnod.
The HutTon" lUg ItccoTcred.
The HKK yestorclny morning contnlncd
tlio account of Ji Ifcrso and buggy In-long-
\\\K \ \ \ to Brny'd fvi-jr sUiblo hoing etolim
from Hroiiihruy , where tlio horse was
left hitched fun a few rninutcB wlilln Iho
young inun wlip Iiatl liirpd it weut in lo
niiiko u call. Tuitonliiv morning wlillo
ono of the IlKHf carrier boys tiumt < il
lotijrlu > \vas'iinkinR ' lilsroiimls , lin no
ticed n horse nnu buggy standing iiiwr
whiTO tlidstriM-t car lltu < turns on lirnnd-
AVII.V , and u little later vvlulo up urnr Air.
I'cUiliono's hwuS\ftliii \ siunu liorso Oamu
along t a im-fty good pait. without any
driver. Ho thought thu horse must belong -
long to some ilootor , who was making n
call tit that onrly hour , and Hint lliu
had broken away from tliu ) > < > - < t JI < >
captured the miinml , and taking it back
made inqitirii'.t , from which it was
luanifd that the animal had been stand
ing there for .some- time , and that u few
minutes but'oru tuo follow * had como out
of some place mmr by and had iinhiU'hed
the animal and turned him loo-o lriugl > -
tirty on making further iniinry | foiu.d
Unit it was Mr Itray's stolen rig , and lv
turning it to tins Ht.ible was duly reward
ed for the reeovery of the property , ll
appears that Minn ; Doling fellows who
weroouton a sprw took the notion of
riding instead of walking , and seeing thu
horst ) and bugiry standing on MroiiihujVi
jumped in and diovu about , landing In
some place wheio they turned in for thu
restofthij uight , and on auaking in thu
morning turned the loote. It IN
thought | that limy will yet be brought to
tlui , Ironl to answer tor thisir n'oUi-h * dis
regard , for the property rights of others.
Would Not liu Taken.
A wlick looking stranger made a little
purchase at Mrl HtiiitingtonV store , and
endeavored to jiiy : for it with a Mlvvr
dollar which Mr. Ilinitiiigton diheoveifd
to bo counterfe't. lie refused to lake it *
and informed thu str.ingur , who on leav
ing went into tint' ' ue\t store , and thure
called for a difl'erent artichi from the onu
liu tried to purclta u of Mr. lliiiitiiijjton ,
A.s Mr. Huutingtoii entered tin ; .store
with the intention of watuhing and nab
bing the. man , I ho lellow hurried ont ,
without eomidetiug tile piiivli. u , and
ran up the.street. . Hnntiiigton
him , nnd overlook and captured h in
near Spencer Smiths u idcneu. The
lellow ins'sU-d on being lit alntir
he lived near there , \\lneli f-u-l his e.iplo'r
was snhslicd wnsnothii , In.I ho told him
he would go Wilh him and see \\hi-ro be
lived. As they wern walking along to-
iri'llier. Mr. lliuitiiigton haMiig him by
tin- arm , and bad le.iched n place nrir
Mr C.-ussiih's , the fellow suddenly broke
from him , and pulled a re\elver , wh.cli
he pointed at Mr. iluutitigton , and
earned him to Ii t iiiui I'lntio The captor
turned about lo utill some iiii-n to his as-
hi Hnci' , and tinlellow t.ikiiigadvantjigi )
ol . _ ( % ' the . at moiiient.topk hilV/lwUl to t his . . e . . . Ic . _ . .a. s anil * IH. . . . ran . . . .
oH'uii the / out of sigiit This po
lice Iiavo a full < li-M-nj'tion ol the fellow ,
and arc on tli" looLoiil for him , but lie.
lm-4 prolmlilv l\ this tmi put a _ uonlly
( liM.incu between himcll and t.iii city
ThIEjS'i'f'0 ' rjjlfftniii.
The eleetirin of 1) . 1' . TJeher as chief
of the dipaitmenl IUIMIIH the real
choice of .John To.npleton , as has been
understood fgr Jiylong time , Kiuhur , if
ele t"d , would appoint Tomi > lut ii as his assistant , ami would le.uc the luan-
ageiucnt of tliedei.rlircnt hugely in.
'lrni | > Iuton'n hands At all Kno\v
' ! ' ( mpkton JH one of the oldest and most
experienced liremen , ard IMS ri-en t ( . ' ] >
liy Mep in wiici * until ho was
made ohiet , in which eapue ty ho served
most aeoepiiibU to the oopartment and
to the public , until by political complica
tions the ambitions ol others were i-
bed , and he was lUuci'uilpi ! by anotlur.
With Tcniph ton as hin iisnihtifnt , to take
command in c.tse ol lire , and to have : t supervision of allah'o , the de
partment w ill lo soon in line working
order , and the public may rest assured
that the.y will have no cause to complain
ot the inelliciency of this important
branch ol the e.t.v MM'viee.
I'erf-omil ' .
- I'uriiKrnjiliH.
Mr. and MIH. lieorgi IJebbington ara
vi .ting IricndH in Kansas City.
MrH. A. H. Iloughlon leaves to-day for
a visit to triiMids in Sioux C'ity.
( ! eo , Mcl'arlaiid. who has been viMting
friends here , returned to hid borne in
Lincoln > e-.lurday.
Fred I.oonns is back from a long and
successful tiip in Nt'br.isKu , in thu inter-
i-bt of David lirulle.i'co. . ! .
1) ) . A. Itencdict returned from I < in-
coln , where ho has bei-n doing home
aitihticwork in sign-writing.
Mrs. U. S. Smnlhn , wife of Ollicer
Pmullcn , of the jiolicc force , returned
yesterday from an extended nhit to her
ivlalix'es in the cast.
Mivi , Herr , wife of cvt'ongresKinan
Herr , of Michigan , who is lo speak hero
next Satnrdav ' cuming , i.s in the city
visiting her'brother , Dr. U. Jl. l'inne > ,
and family.
Wlicn Kabj won nick , we R TB tier C.
Whrn slio WIM a OlilM , Hlto onod for ( i
Whoa slio lim-ama , jliii , "lie < Inns to ll
Viheu eliO lieU L'ulldnm , eho ; ; ave tlioui Caslorio ,
AVitli the ineotning ol tue new ni ) fninn-
terthe ellicicnt nsssUnt , Mrimmer ,
has been allowed lo step down and out ,
and his place has bivn tilled by A. W. , of HIM Citi/cns' bank , who has
belore tilled the fiamo position , and bonce
understands tlio duties thoroughly. Ueg-
istrv Clerk ( Jregory hart been Hiiifpliinti'd
bv 1' , Olkcr , wliojias also had expurjonce.
Il . llouman seems determined to move
slowly and carefully , ami while he him
allowed two 6 ( ' { \i\t \ best initn in the oflien
to thus letire 'hi'1 has been \vineiirimik-
ing selection frf-'two as experiunced and ) men to hi I the placas.
IH generall.t" i/imbnled / to something
wtongabout'lho eyes lint before jou
pay heavy fefcH toan onulist , jiiBtsen if
your system is not debilitated Very
otton that telj tmthu oyeu ami makes
vou think . \oivr slight IH failing Yon need
lirown 'H Iron Hitters , which in toning up
the system , will hell ) the enfeebled eye- . .
Mr. A H Sherwood , Ui'lhel. Conn , Hi.VH ,
' I usisd Hrov W ton li.ttorn with best
re.sults , for indigention and weaklier
that affected Jjiy&ad and djiiuu. "
T/iorouyfi instruction on the Piano
and Organ
! Vr > - < > imlr ! rHi of rocolvlnr ln > lniotlua
( lit ) uUifU will | .li UH > ( till ( in or uihlnnj
Prof , G , B , SJ.pfsrt ,
At cauit'i'i > l lliiulo , loira.
Atlrcrtlslnfr Clients ! Jt
"It 1ms beeomo t-o common to bogln an
nrliclc , In an elegant , interesting style ,
' ' '
I'lion run it into.soino mlvortlsoimmt ,
Hint vreiivuld t\li ; < nioh\
' 'And simply call attention tolluuneins
w ; Hop Hitters In n3 plnln , honest terms
" I'o iniiuco people
"To giro them ono trial , which RO
l > rovc.s their valua tliat thuy will never
use nnj'thing else. "
Tm : ItlMr.DT w > fnvorntiljr noticed tn nil the
ml feculnr , H
sale , and I * * ii | > i > lnntltig nil
other iiu-ittclnus.
"TlioioN mi tlpiij Injr the vlrUli > of the Hop
plnnt , uml the ( iniprlolois ( if Hop Illltor * liiixo
shewn grvnl ( .lircnilnos-t inul nlillltr.
"In ciiiniKiiindlni : n tiu-illi-ltio no o vlitiun
nro so piilpiiblu to tn dry uau a obsui Viitlua. "
Did She Dlo ?
"bho lingered and uflcred along , pining -
ing away nil the thnu for years. "
' I'hi1 doctors doing her no good ; "
"And tit last was cured bv this Hop
Hitlers the papers say sp much about. "
"Indeed ! Indeed ! "
"How thmfkfnl we should bo for thut
medicine. " -
A Dnufjlitcr'.s misery.
"Klcvcn .Vears our uaughtursuircred on
a bed of misery.
"From a complication of kidney , liver.
rheumatic trouble and nervous debility ,
"Under thu car > of the best ph.vsiclups
"Who gave her disease various names ,
"Hut no relief.
"And now she is restored lo us In good
hi-alth by a.s wimple u remedy as Hop ' 'it
ters that Wo had shunned for years belore
to Ilio Huln ( Her ! ! '
If whim .vou cull for Hop IIIUprM.intv
rhiMurol'llujiHon tlio tvliltu liilioh tluul
liiiuijsiiirim > nlhor mun cilleitr. I ) WuraorH
OoiMian lloi | Hitlers or u Illi nllHT 'Hop ' lutiim ,
rol\iMi It imilslitm tluit Unionist use \\oulil i a
viper , atiil If I HI IIIIH tiiKoa } tmr money InrtUii
Ulfl lihu lor the Inuid IIIIL' fun him Inr
lieiliiniimci for tlio HWlnilln mill wo will ruuiinl
( in IllieiaUv lor tliui-onvlotiOii
J > lt. If A
Asthma Cure.
i 'Jlil < liivnliiiihlo cperlllo tciutily uml poriiux
IH'iillj CUIIM nil KIIIIIS of Aslliniii. i'lui iiui-l
iitioimiiin ami luajr htamlmj ; CIIM-I jicld pi-onipt
1 > * to im VMiiidnrful viirluir piopcilltn. It U
knunn ttn-uivhout tlio i\oiM lor Its unrlvaloil
I. Ul.'AlI ) lU.L.cltj of Lincoln. Nib. ) , vruiH ,
.lull Ki. Irvsj Mnwj iwliif li ) lluli'H Asllnnu
< 'uro. lor nioiu Iliuii one , \cnr , inj \ \ Itu h is liisou
ciilui'ly wull. uml not mini u syiiiploui ol tlm
iliSfii- . ) ! him iippcnrcit
II.UAM hl.\MriT. Itlchlilliil , lou.i. ilU-s ,
N"oit > l. IKSI. I linvn liooa [ illliL'loilulli lluy
uml Ahllmia since ls i 1 lollnwed join
tUlcciioui unit inn li.ippy to nn > thut 1 nnxor
lt-pl IK Her la mv Ille I tun irliul thut I inn
niiionj , " the miinj uho uia npeuk su fuvorublyol
jour i eiiieilii1'-
A vuluabluiil ini ( ! < i trculNo coiitulnliii ; wlinll.u
1'iuol iniin tix'iy suiit * In Ilio I' . , Caniuiii nun
OiiMl Ituiiiln , nill 1 1 inuiliil upon application ,
Any iliujriU'.t not lnivhi ) ? it In MocK will pie
u.o u. .
d T rih. -.ulLlf ( ffv | t , I pvt . d ll > nui flMI > r
I. * s . . . ft tnap ru rcl to ftll ati.n dri.Hi Tiv II t 4
MUkU , Uln > r tu J lif l't ' J ( i tt r 0 | K * AbO- .
j. w. w:2HiiM.T , c3 A : : r ,
ct iiim.iiiH.i\ .
Council BMs Carpet Co.
OnrfloeK Is r w rotnp'o'o ' tn every ilonnrt-
ment mid contiiiii * nil tie ! l.UeatBt ) led unil oJectx
LTC. , Hl-
-Till- !
Largest Stock
Lowest Prices.
PAMI'I.IIH fnrnlsliixl upon npjillcutlon to o
l io n p.ii
Carpet Compaoj
405 Jroadway.
Justice of ! iie Peace ,
OUlco Over Amcrlean K pre 9 ,
'J'lONAMHI' , JJCI'luiuli blrt-et. belweou Kiiriiuni
mid llmne > , "ill , ullli the iild of ynunlmii
i-piiilK.iilitiuniin ; for miy one u ( iliinto in Ilio
1'iul nnd inu.tcnl. mid ol ( niliiin tiniUilioiM In
the inline. Itootn mid kliniui muJo to urdur ,
1'n Itct Dutuluctluu n iur4iiUtvd.
mwafVEwiaw 'T ' * wWiT aj > wwre'
One of Uie llcsl Mid Largcsl Mocks in the 7. S.
to Xelcct from.
No Stairs to Climb , Eicgant Passenger Elevator.
A. TUUIOCK , Knir. nn < l 8upt. " ' > 8At > ll.Ka , Awl. Kixr.
11. \ \ . DIAMOND , A l. Poor.
Missouri Valley Bridge and Iron works.
MANtirAortwr.a.s AND ntmiieiiH o
Wrought Iron , Steal , HOWJ
1 HIM Hint roinlititHtlnjt
J $ R 1 l > G E S
I'oi Idillniiuid and fllglminili.
Turn Tables , Draw Spans , Rock
lasses , Piers and Sub-
Tropilulnra ,
& * gjJ ? A Noiouril , A itv ,
Tlon o poml us worJ of all urlitgo work to lot. Correspomlonr" willelled from
OKI ) llUUKi : . Mnmicor ,
VnTVPKrr'5 Vr..plnin ctiil Knimnt-H' Hunk. 1) \ M Citv. Neb ; Ko-ir-tiiy Nivtloail
t-ey. Nt-li t foluiiibun Stntu iml , Columlms. Neli : JlcDoauM's Hiuikt North I'lnttu , Nvb.
Ni-ilonnl I'nnk Oamliii , lll' . . . . , , .
Will juiy eimlonnys' iliufl ltli bill of luilliwr ntiu-ho ( < l , lor tno-thlnU v.iluo of AUtotc.
or rull Fcrt/cutcrs about free and Cheap Lands in Western Nebraska. AJdross PATTEBSDh
& WHITE , Heal Estate Agents. North C ilo. Nebraska.
of Idve Stock asifl
wi : cAiiii YOUU A 'l : TIe f TO
It iBibn lihst unil clif-iiioitfooil for tockof nnir klul. Oiiopounl H o-iunl to thitn i > onn1 ot
roni. Stockfwl wit i UruiiiiilOil t'ako Hi lliu TaJInnl Wlmor , liuloil of rilanirix diiArn , * itt In-
crcn o la nolKlituiul ho In irooil mniKrlubln condlllon in the pprltiT. D.ilrymon us well iw otliori ,
\\hii UMI it.o-iu lusiifj to Its mcius. 'i'r > It anil JmUo Tor joiirnolvoi. IMco f * per tin. ( No
thurj.clor stiuka. AUiliosi WOOUJIAN IINaiHI > Oil. WOUKS. OumliM , Nobr.i4kx
I'nssenifor olovutor to all floors. 121X1. i : 5 find 1210 Kiirmtin Street
JJA1A11A. Nl'.ilUAriKA.
llvieuonnMlicriiti il | .o lllnn nnd clcwo rrlnllnnta
l prlii Ipil linn l.tut mi > Went at Inlllnl ami li-r-
initial IIIIIIK rniHtltnu. Hip itin. i liiiiKiilKiit inlif.
f nnltllviil it ll.ik In t nit nil hi or llnunuli tmn-inun.
talliin wlijoti liivllrtiiiil rjrllll Im UntdnlHllnllln
li , iwcMirllliMiifllm AMninle Mill 1'iirillr I-IMC In 1C
f nlin lliu ruri'i lin mill In t i.iilu tnanilfiini points Nnihet-t nnil Sunn ri i ml ruru- > uiiJine
| iul it" Wu-l tiolt \ > ui nnil .Si.utli , . . ( .
The Great Rock Island Route
Gitirantira 114 patiniH Hint M'tmt * of iK > n oiinI nt il.
rtlnlfitnlHil lif n > < iilll. OiinniiL'lilv Imlln.le-l loud-
I'11-1,1 ' . ! IHriikK , if niiiliinoii , , lr. l i , | | nil..tnn.
tl .Mr IMIIII rnliiTi mill I.I.IITH | n Mini. , mini. iuiinr
' ' , ' * ' " ' ' " ' " " " ' ' kf" ' " " I"-u U U' mifty
' ' ' ' ' ' ' "
nnil Hi n f < I'llnir > IN lilliiu | nlili'li'i.'m'rMir I'lir'i'nn" '
- , | . ; nil linlinln. oiliri hM- < Inllli-of
IllH Illlllr HIT ! 11 III ! fi IM nl nil 1 I Illlfl llllLll.llllH III
Union D , iir tti. ( imi | tliH nn iniiut Mil cuinluiU uuil
. Ill" l'n t ' 'iin- | < n TrnliiH Ivtirrrn rhlrairn * nl
I'mrlii.Ciiiil | | lllnll . Knuwtii City li-ntrnw III. . m d
At t lit iiinnl | of Kill > , lliMlt iii.
liiilxiiiiil liiv CiiiiliM lliiinlllKiit l-iillmnn l-u | , o
hli f'l'nt llm nle-l itrsl n ami , iiiiitiinii | > IHiilnir
t"ir In nlililii'liliuuiUily . . . ( Di.kfil nirnl , . „ , , . | , | m , |
eifii lli.l"-i. .i-ili.ic-i ( | unit Hi'limnl'IM i Mlrlil-un
inn iil > inn tlm riK-iiuiieil llfillnliiKi Inili Cum.
The Famous Albert Lea Route
I tin dlirft nnil fnvniltt line liMnn-n flilrnito nnil
> lliiiifaii.'l | niilst l-iml. ivlif-ie tiinnr < tliin uii liniiln
III Union lput l * Tin n I pnlnln III tlir Ten ll.irli unil
ar'1un'il"rii'l"i""i'"r ! ' ' I1'1" ' ' * ' * mmii'ii-i rn-
' ' " " ' ' " " ' " ' '
If " . " " 'J ' "f I ' * i 'l Jnmi""t'i 'l"l"l 'illM."tlir'M/.t
4l-ilnl > l iriulntii llm
ililittliiut flililiuiul
i > a < lolul
, '
Unl ir Inlpiiiir llili.l-i
Mill niiiilli r IIIUKI-T MV III rnfc nml Km.
Mkjj. . haf "tn | i lint Iti'tm-in i nn Inn n Imll i. .
nitnlN nil I I. " ' iVftiif ittn ) i , ,1111 , | | ninrf. Knmnr < l-Uy.
MlirirutMinminil fct l-nnl unit Intri nuillalii point * -
, . ' ' , ' " , ' ! l-"ll"l | jllfuliiullini frn Htni | , , , | loldfrn ,
nhliliiil.h im i'I n. l .krl. , nt nil inlmiinl lick. I
I'll Vn " Ul' ' " ° 'l Utitul uua Luiuilji li li/ua
n. n. CAnuE , c. RT.
Fonli-d | > niMi5iilet | will lie reeoived nt tlio
ol llm Chlel IIiiKlncdr , Union 1'uc-illo iiiilivii ) ,
Oiiiuliu , iinlll WeilniiMitiy ntiiiilnt ; , Ocuilier M ,
Kir tlioCnullnir , MitMHiiy , llrldvlntr nnd 'I'liieU-
'ny ' Hi ; ( if I Im Mnilliultiiti & Illun Vnllny mill unil ,
lie n CiiiilMin in MiujxvJIle , Kniihit , , nnil ulju
nlniiii eleven ill. inlli'sul mini InNeliitibloi
1'iiilIltH. plniiH uml Htieuillciillotm eiin liu MKHI
niiil luillKir liiliiiiinitliinoliiulnetl nt tlm ( Jlner
Kntrlneor s oHii-ii , Oni'ilni.
J. Hi.icKiAhiiK'iK'jii ' , H. It. CAU.AVTAV ,
( 'hUiriiiiKlnour _ ( ieneiul MitiniKO
liHTiiirToiCor.t'MiiiAWiu.liitiiriuiil ) ; lo ! l-tli
SI "TJIK ( KDAltb , " n limn diii uml ( lay S < ' | KK > |
lin joinitf Indies UeliHlillully hltimteil on
( < criri. < itoMii l.tirto ( 'iiiuiiUs ; uiiinnliir
IK IJinltt ' ) ftt
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul
The Short Xdne
and Best Route
From Offlatato the East
tlik-HKii , Mlnneiipolla. MIIWHiikuu ,
Pt rani , , IluveniMirt ,
i- " " ° i"l i ' " 'I'tioiio , HtKkioni.
I in k Ulniid , J ; nsnxnt , .Iniifivlllo.
. ,
llrlolt. WiniuiK ,
And till titUcr lniMiitiiiit | | > lnt n Bt , Northeast
TleUt-t iitlfiw lit Hat rnrnnni trcvt. < ln I'nxton
Ilnti-l . mid nt tJnltin I'acllU ! Depot.
1' . ilcepCMinnl tlio I'liicHi Dining ( ! in
In IliiU in id im- un tin ( litiiniln linen of
( n u .uiiOlii.M I' tin. II tiin A v , nnt
cu t > iitlcntion it pulil to piisseuui-in by fouuo-
iniHUiiiploytsor tlineo npany.
II. > ltti.i.n. ( ieneral Miinnnur.
J. f 'luCKiui. . \ > imuni ( ieuiwM.1 Xmiuwor. .
A. V II. C'uti-t.MMt , Ucnerul I'MtuiuiT mil
'Jli kt-i Audit.
lii.u. It. Jli.Arrtmn. AselsUmt < Jt.iiiriil
BIT uuJ Xicxul Atfuut.
Omalia ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago.
Tlio only rosid to tuko for Dps MolnoH , M r
v-iiilltoim. ) ( ulnr UiipldN , Clinton. Divio Chtcnfro.
MIIuuiikiKiiuid nil iioInUeiiHt To the ponnloof
Nuluuslm , ( , oloriilo , Wyoinltiff , I'tiih. Iilnlin ,
MiViiila.OioKin.VnnlilirUin nnil Cnlllnrnlll It
UeiNsnporor iidvuntiiffOi not poislhlo by miy
oilier line
Aiming n few of the inininroiiH polntnol snpo-
iloiity iiiijdjod liy the PIIIIOIIH ol lliN iniulbu-
Iw euii Oimilm mid Ulikit o , um Itu two ( iiilns n
duy ot DAY COACH US whloli lire llm llnu < t tlitit
liiiiinin nit nnd liitfiinnlly eiin eietilo. Itul'AIr
At H SLUHI'INO CAU3 , winch mo inodeM of
million nnd oloffiilU'O IN J'AUU K DltAVINfl
liOHM CAUS. nuHiirpiiHMnl liy liny , imtl HH wide
ly eololirn oil I'AI.ATJAL DlNINfl UAItS. tUo
( - ill i u I ol wliioli cuiiiiiil lie found elAO ,
At C'onncll IIIulM the liuliiH ol thu Union I'ncl-
fie Ity. conniM.-l In ( Tnlini Denot with thnno of Iho
UhieiiKoi Norlhwe-itern Hy. In'hlcuim ( tlio
lialiiH or this llnu niuKo Uosii connection with
nil r'Htinn l
l-'or Detroit , ( xilninliiw , lndhnnipoll $ . Cincln.
iinll , KliiKiini KnlN. Unlink ) , 1'jituliniv , Toronto ,
Won lenl. llo-lon , , Now Yoili. rhlliiilelphin , Itul-
tlnioitVii8lilnuliinnnd ull polnlsin tlnjuajit. lulc
the ticket uueni lei ln-l.nN vln thu
" . "
II ) on wlHh thu besliuuoinniodiitlons. Ail ticket
inentH Kiill HckelM viu thin line.
Ji IltKlliriT , It 8 IIAUI ,
Ueneiul Mumiuor. < < un. I'lt-w , Axont
' ' .
t'HU'Adi ;
Gen. Airnnt , 141Km mini Si , O.niilm . , Neb' lxieileni-e | ,
Hali'sSafcs VaulfsJimeoaclis
and Jail Work ,
10 I'nrniiHi.Stnji't Oinalm , Neb
Z o-clzot
England , Franco & Germany.
1 lie bleinnhlilpc of this w ell Known line , ,
of litm In mer Hiflit t-otni iirtiiiuiiti * , nndio-
1 in nihlicil vrlih ufiiyihliiiri ) imilioilie piMLtyo
| MII | | wilt ) nnd ii/H'cnljle Thej i-nny llm UiilteJ
Sliiiiniiiul HniojK'un niiiUo.nnd lomuNinv York
IliiiitJlayaiuiiI Butnidiijij lor I'lyinontli. ( I.ON.
MNlC'limlmiir | il'AUIH ami | IAMIIIJU < / .
llHtus-1'a-btKublii , SW-SliU. btuuruuu t No <
I'ri-vniilauiiUruiKii lliu Cliuli-ra mill
hulpatii fiitlun , Auk your < titiiul > U
C'lrriiMn Iri-u Artilrei-a , U'mTKUtf
- 1'u. . Omulw , Ncbrujlui ,
Bieodorof Tlioninuhtired and High nrodo
Hereford and Jersey GatHo !
And Duioe mid Jerkey
Ihnrcr-i- i sin , I ( I
. AN'JT r.\1iAI.MKKS. :
Al Hill Dill till' < l I .
i .
nun. : | On Iff * \ > r
MM "I1' ' ' Klllf n , 1 I'loiiipOy ulluiiilvj li
U 1 till . * l . ' 'i *