Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1885, Image 12

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Oritce. Mo Ml VMI 1 FAimvt Bi.
Nrw VotiK mrirr , HOOM fo.TajmiMF.
PnblnliM ovrrrmornlnff.f mi't ' Sutidiy. Tito
only Mfii.ilny mi rnitu imper initialled In tlio
Trims nr nut , !
One Vrnr . . tin ( rtiThroo Months ? 2M
HU Month * . . 6 till Ono Month . IM
Tr < \VrtM.v tlrK , CiiMlihiil JItcry Wodncsda ) .
TI imx , ro < m'Ain.
Ono V > nr , wllli ptoinlum . . . . . . fJOO
Onp Vi nr , wltlioiil | irriiiliitil . . 1.3ft
fllx Mr iillix , without premium . . . . > * >
One JUiiuli.oti trlul . 10
All fommunlpnliotiN n Intlnp I" nrwa nn < l cell-
torlRlirmllor * MiouM be iicMres'tt ! to Ihu Km-
loitoi tin : II rr.
rr.nuai.vrss t.r.TrrnS !
All lin ilnr 11 loiter * nn < l rniitlttanrrj Mioulcl ho
itiVltwri ID 'liir II K riiiu.isittNn COMPANY ,
DM AHA. Draft/1 , tlit-ckn und piiMoniue onlfrs
to iKMnKdi ) pHnt > lototlioordtrof the tninpuny
m m m\m \ com ,
K. K03CXV HotTOlu
Act'OitfUNO to the Ikrnhl the demo
craHo Itokcit Is sliontj. So is rancid
liu tier
id ( Justav Ileneko is likely tea
a fatal mistake for thu Douglas
county democracy.
1'A.r Folio proved himself better at
{ Kicking a convention than hu will ut till
ing HID ballot
TiUicgl ! < trirs : nru sitting to niako tip
the llsU for thu couiitiK election. Kvcry
voter whoulil | iursoiiallv sou to it li
11:11110 : is on thu books.
Horn pujtii'3 liavo plucotl tlirir cuntll-
tittles in tin ) liultl : iiul thu c.niipiu n in
Dou hi * rniiuty is fnirly opened It is
likely to prove : i wnrin onu. White the
ruptiblloittt tiekot is nn excellent one
there i o room for over confidence or
ll.uul work uill bu the
'J'liKcon'-ollil.itlon of all thn Vjindor-
bill lines is now talked of. Thin would in
clude thu N > w York Cenlnil , Lake Shore ,
AVusl Shore and thu Notthwesturn sy
Uni : , niuklnir n continuous line fiom
Boston to St. I'.uil. The miloa u woufd
l o b.y far thu lavgost of any railroad Hya
In thu country.
A iMtoMiNKNT citizen of thu second
> \'uitl debires us to ask if it is the proper
tiling for the tuglstriir of tliu Bceontl dis
trict of that w.ird to sit in a saloon , espe
cially in view of the fact that ho had ad-
Torllsrd to sit in a cigar store. Wo think
that a man should do as hu advertises ,
tuul furthermore that a saloon in not the
jiroper plaeu for a registrar to attend to
thu duties of his position , an theie ate
jKir.Hons who object to entering such
GUANO ISLAND is jubilatiii } ; over the
assurance that thu Grand Island &
Wyoming branch of the 15. & M. , \ \ hicl
18 to run into not thwestern Nc.lmiski
from that point , will bo promptj- ! con
strueted. Uightof way is now being pur
chased , and it is believed that track lay
Ing will bu begun in the spting. North
jvestorn Nebraska promises .soon to bu as
thoroughly supplied with raiho.ul con
auctions us any other section of our stntu
TIIK supplementary elections in Franco
tire rather dispiriting to the foreign edi
tors of American newspapers who pro
dieted , as the result of the first elections
the downfall of the French republic. The
republican majority is so large and secure
that i'rcaidcnt ( Jrovy has announced him
self us a candidate for re-election , will
Btrougprobabilitius of seeuringtho oflice
How illtlo the French people dosiru a re
turn i > ( the monarchy was scon in the de
font of the Due do Hraglio for the assem
bly. Franco is republican and safely ru
publican for many years to come. The
surprises of the first balloting were sim
, ply the protest of thu people against the
plunders of the lute cabinet.
Tin : Cedar rapids delegation who so
recently visited Omaha have returned
homo greatly impressed with the excel
lence of our sybtum of publio improve-
Mionts , and with tliu growth and pros
perity of the city. The change in Omaha
fllnoo our hmt visit , writes ono editor ,
"floeniH like an Aladdin's ilroam. " Public
xntorprisoiind a wisu and conservative
expenditure of monuy has given Omaha
Slit advertisement throughout thu country
Which will bu worth ten times the money
pxpundud. Wo have got the vvoi Hi of
Ijjir money and moro. Uettor still , thu
croakorw and iiiossbaekH have been foiced
to a back seat and Niluncud , while the
meat will i br.i'uiH tinou h to HOU a fuw
ycara In itdvaneu of thu prosunt have
thulr claims as piophuts of thu [
fj'iiu census returns fiom Iowa nro
generally disappointing to thu ] ieoplo of
tijitstato. | The increase hhown in five
years , or since thu cciiMisof 1880 , is little
'moro than 100,000 , or about three times
tiit.of | ) Omaha alone , v'arions reasons
urwod'enid to aeeount for this cheek in
( hi ) rapid grouth of one of the
Ifronpeums and feitlle of the western
pfjitoH. Tlio absence of free lands and
( rongur inducements oll'uied by thuest
qnd noithwcst are doubtless leatliuj ;
CiiURPfl. Hut theru seems to be nu tpies
\ot \ ( > lhattlui prohibition legibJrition hat ,
t'Oso had u poMorlul ullcct ) n retarding
iUo development of ou - neighbor While
tiio Jnw IH F. ttieally Inopi-iativo in
nwny tow Vs ami cities , Its Imi.isiinK
cfTt'C ic. generally full Thu foieign ole
mKit has speeiallj resented what the , )
unntmlur a tyiannieal lestilellon on their
IHirKoiial llboi ty , and 11111113 have im > \ ed
\veet to otlitir stales The ofl'cut lias boon
to chuok Immigration and at the same
jhnu to diminish thu nnumios of the
jitatu whllo tliu amount of Intumpuraneu
not appear lo litivu been matoiiall >
This Is thu growing feeling
many who were formerly sttong
of comptilhory tompunmeu by
ymhibitlon iiimctmunt. Tlutro is n
( jmwjug feeling in favor of high license
MB ti\vnipllliud in Nebraska's o.xa-lluiitly
( uforcod law Thu people ot lowit nro
jWrttttlcml and I'lilorjtrlbing , und uhile
tll\l'ftfo \ dinjiosed to gi\u prohibition a
iulr Iritil , they nil ! in all probability
to insist upon its retention uheii
If Is prn\ed to bo Inoperative und
iu > | HM > sHi1o of enforcumunU
Tim Mnnttorson Ull I.
The nttny ill wnloli with much inter-
j -t In llio coming congress the oflibrt
uliioh xsill b , ' m.idu top.tsw the bill of
Sonakir Mniili ( > rson to improve the or-
jjnnli'alion of Iho infantry branch
of the errico Mr Mandcrfion'rt
meastiro simply catrici out the oft-
repeated recommendations of Gene
rals Sherninn and Sheridan , In pro
viding for Ihu increase of the infantry
rcgimenta tn iv battalion organization ,
with tucUe companies Instead of lm , as
at present , imd three majors in the
plncc of ono. This organisation h that
of the cnvalrj and nrtillury as now con
stituted. Ills in thu line of the ben
thought of the buil tacticians. Military
iintlioiitifi. both nt home and abroad ,
agiee that the change would greatly in-
ciea e the MUuioiic of the army while it
uotild , at the same time , lumovc the in-
jn-tlee of slow promotion from which
the infantry has been dull'uring since tliu
clo i ot the war.
Tlt'j Mandcison bill proposes to add
fifty conip-inlcj of Infantry to the army
org.intration Thii , on the present
basts of mutt allowed to Infantry com
panies , would increase thu army by
HO mi ! , ( ( ) ) privates Itould maku
hfl > new majors , and nn number
of oapt.uns and first nnd second lieuten
ants Uy its operition fifty old
r.ipt.tins , none of whom have been less twenty } cnri in rank and
many of whom base .ersed in the army
siniMi the outbreak of tliu civil war ,
would at onee reeui\o the promotion for
which they have been waiting for yeiis.
Il is a well Known fact that the reorgani
sation of the army after thu war bore
down most heavily on the infantry.
Much iniustico was necessarily done in
effecting the great r-hange of tran-fcrring
the establishment trom a war to a peace
tooling. 'I'he Mandeuon bill , wliilo in
creasing the ellii'iency of the servicu in
changing the otgamzation of thu infan-
Ity ho that it can eontorm to
impKHcd tactics , will also im
prove Us chancier by in
fusing new blood and giving
a prompt and well method recognition
to old and met itoi ions veterans.
There has boon a good deal of well
deserved complaint that the vast bulk of
legislation for tlio at my has been in Ihu
inteiests of the stall' , on behalf ot tin- -
cu-liioned chaits rather than for the
benefit of the frontier tpiaiters. Thu
ollicers who wear thu faded shoulder
straps in dilapidated army posts have
been placed at a gieat disadvantage in
pushing their claims , when compared
with thu snfl M-r\ice brigade who dance
attendance on the congressional lobby at
the national capital Liku the scriptural
poor , Washington has the stall with it
always , and every session of congress
shows its influence. Senator Mander-
son's bill is for the relief of the line. It
is a.shoit , concise and practical solution
of the problem of how to ellcct an impor
tant and long needed change in the ut my
oigani/.ation without detriment to the
service or injustice to the otlicets It
should be pushed for all it is Worth at the
next session.
Count ) ' Otllccrs.
Voters throughout the entire state can
not be urged too sttongly to examine
carefully the claims of the vaiious candi
dates for county otlices who will como up
for in the fall elections.
No ollico is bo small that it is unimpor
tant. Homo indorsements are the first
steps towards stale prominence , and our
farmer and meichaut friends in thu in
terior should take great care as to whom
they advance politically in their own sec
tions. As a gencial rule , the men who
are mo t anxious to gain ofllco and caru
very littlu by what means they se
cure their ambition , are the ones who
should be given a wide berth. The great
trouble with Nebraska in jear- past has
been the indifleiencu of her people to the
calibru of her olliceholdeis. This has
been chielli responsible for the detects
in her legislation and in the execution ot
the laws A faithful performance ol
duty at homo should bo the stepping
stone to higher political honors , nnd bj a
careful selection of able and honest
county ollicials our people will be able to
greatly improve in the near futuio tin.
mental and moral standaul of the incnni
bents of our higher state oflices The
eounty judges of to-day are likely to be
the supreme judges of a lew jears hence
The iittoinu ti , clerks , tieasiirera and
eommihmoners , if successful in seeming
influence at homo in the disehaige o
their present duties , will be found at IK
distant day representing districts in tin.
m-natu and their own counties in the leg
isliitino. Kvery local political prefer
meiil , however slight , is u piomise o ) the
For theHu masons the UKI : urges its
readers , on gionnds which concern the
state , to take aheailyinteicbtin the loca
campaigns and to use their inllt'ence ii
fonvaiding the claims of tl > u bust candi
TIIK HUB is no , KiVm to blowing Ha
own horn. It may bu excused , howtner
for mentioning that the live business mei
of Ihnaha and Nebraska aio m. iking i
win-k very haul , nowadays , in pn > * > unt
mg their aiheiiisument- , promptly , am
In proper .shape to its patrons. The Hat
nrday evening edition of the JJii : : contain
ed in on- than thirty eolumiKsot atheitise
menu. Kitiit columns of wants and ether
or special noticus found their way into
our pages. None of them were flee , the >
were all paid for at ( he legulur rate am
aiUuitiseis do say they are well worll
the monuv Omaha of course mtmopo
li/ed much of thu spaeu , but noar.y ! inorj
uesluni Mule and toiritory ga\t > lepro
suiilativu patrons to our columns. The
Iti.h ih not pi luting many pictures these
days , but it is illustrating thu unturpriaj
of its adveitlburs in a inannur whicl
shows that livu business men know i
good thing whim they SL-O it
Wofilmll not , howuvor , puimit our reatl
ingKpuoo to bo entirely monopoli/.ed } > < ,
thu intoruhthiK biifllness notieus which aru
crowding in on us. As often us maj bo
found necessary thu HIK : will publish sup
pleinunts which will give nil the room
for Iho rcquhcmcnu of both clasaex of
pntrons. It has every facility for hand
ling its rapid incieaso of circulation und
for taking caru of thu flood of advertise-
menu which b pouring in upon IL Our
businessini'tican help us-tgrcal tl"iil If
they will send in tlioir mattnr t-nrller In
the day , thus'minting Insertion di.'l giv
ing us more llmo for ng addi
tional pagis If nece'siry.
TIIP. Keandlnavians , or rather homo "f
the Danish vote , have held a iiiei'llng
to cvpri-ss their discontent at the failure
of the lepublleau contention lo noinin-
nte Mr Jaeobson for eounty clerk. If
\\illgivothismatterit second sober
hought they will sou that they are iuik- :
ng n setious mistaku. When a man goes
u to u coimmlion and is faitly Imaten hu
must aliitle by thu result. A majority of
ho convention saw tit to nominate Mr.
Sccilhnm. There was no fraud or Intent
o slight the Scandinavians , who luivu
to gioiind for complaint with regard
o the county patronage. Judgu
\nderson has been police judge ttntl jus-
Ice of thu peacu for years , and was again
umilnated for ono of the throe justice
ships at Iho disposal of the convention
Mr btenburg , who had been justice of
the neace foi several years , was ulcuted
o the police judgcMiip last spring. The
dea that thu republican party or any
othct party must favor this or that na
tionality for the .sake of peace , harmony
mid "Ircnglh is nbsuril. If any Dani < li-
Ameiican out of personal jtroftMico is
disposed to vote forMr. MaiUen for trens-
incr hu has a tight to do so as an Inde-
pendenlcili/un , but it is perfectly propos-
Tou ? for Danish republicans lo go over
in n bed > to the democratic candidalu
tor clerk , because Ihu republicans did
not nominate Mr Jttcob-on. Such con-
luct would only react and place the
Scandinavian lopubllcans in a very bad
Tin : president has replied to the criti
cisms madu against his policy of territo
rial appointments. He claims that ow
ing to thu factional fights on the frontier
it has been almost nnpossiblu to .secure
suitable residents for judicial positions ,
liom the settles of hind giabhci.s and
coirupt politicians who apply lor the
ollicus. On this account , thu president
iavs , appointments have been made fiom
outsitlo the territories. The excuse of
President Cleveland has a color of fair
ness , peeiall.y when applied to New
Mexico and At i/ona. Hut it does not lit
the cases of the remaining tcnitories
w hcu > , in the mime defiance of platform
declarations , the piesidunt has filled the
federal ollices with non-icsident office
holders Dakota , Montana , Washington ,
Idaho and Utah all contain men whose
reputation and abilities arn above criti
cism. Tlie.s-0 are the kind of men which
the pcoplu of the tuiritories deintnd in
places of ollicial trust ; men who have the
inteiests of the tuiiitoiy at heart because
they know that their own inteiests and
those ol their neighbors are identical.
Sixvroit : VAN \\\GK ictuiiiod from
Washington jcsteulay and spoke
last night at the Parnell meet
ing : it Ho.vd'H opera house. The
senator never goes to the national
capital without making some good point
in the interest of his constituents. His
last , as noted recently in our dispatches ,
was to icquest of Secretary Manning convict labor should not be permit
ted to compete with Nebraska workingmen -
men in the construction of government
buildings in this state. The senator bpe-
cilically requested that each party bid
ding should specifically state whether he
pioposed to employ convict labor and
that the answer should bu taken into con
sideration in letting the contract. It m
one of the senator's excellencies as a
public oflicial that while others are talk
ing he is w01 king with personal effort to
carrj out the reform which hu advocates.
His action in the present instance will
commend itself to every workingman in
THE warlike Sliatis ate already harrow
ing the herdtes of Burmali on the cast
jiiil as the Anglo-Indian army is prepar
ing to mat eh in from the west. The
Slums are unsubdued mountaineers who
are said to boar about the same relation
to the Cochin Chinese peninsula that the
Swiss do to Km ope. A part of their ter
ritory is within the limits of Upper Bur-
mah and the remainder within those of
Mam Some time ago it was leported
that Thebaw ceded to Franco all his
claims to the Shan states , but as I'latico
has not been able to aiibdnc moiethan
the neatoast of Tonqnin , it is not likely
at piosent to try to annex Thebaw's '
MK. JOHN O'Co.NNCi.1. has decided to
inn as an independent candidate for
bheiifl' . Mr. O'Connell has numerous
liiend among the workingmen of Oma
ha and -.vill make a lively i nn. 'j'ho fact
is ho is liable to overtake I'at 1'ord on
election day , and leave him euveial
lengths behind.
I'.vi 1'ouu has decided to give up his
Tenth ( .fleet boarding house after the 1th
of November. Ho proposes to louato in
the eounty building. His present board-
eis have been promised appointments UN
deputy sheiifls , and his fntiirn bnanleis
w ill all tuku their meals in jail. This is
what may bo called a stem winder.
WK understand Mr Foul has
sivud ii ) > $1,0)0 ) for tliu shorifT campaign
fund. This will be gratit. } ing news to
the boyn. 1'at'ri moiie is .is good as any
body's ulso , Wo want moro money in
IK Mr 1'oul will only agree to resign
fiom the council before election he can
get a gicat many more votes for&hoiill
than ho would othciwlsu receive.
UOSTON la to have a now census taken
bj the police foifo. Omaha's census of
the policu foico can bo taken in two
Tin. ftilenco in the neighborhood of the
supi emu court in loference to thu Mitch
ell mandamus suit is absolutely painful.
A PENNSYLVANIA knitting mill turned
out .ViS.OOT stockings last week. Another
industry on a olid footing.
Is it actually a fact that nnmnbody la
trying to run ngalubt Duo. Smith for
county surveyor ?
.ludtro Ton
( ? nl < Iliu.illt' n's lollt'tal loiter * areas
Lmvj n her li inline
> nii M ilii.i. . i h.xMink ? V > * > of Ids
piimti ti'iiil ' in the V.trg ( <
IX C'oi ine-Muan ( il-inftn Is a candl < lnto for
thr Ore , on eualorshiii. ( inirije Is six ami a
hull teel lilph. *
Senator TAjIr will l lln onl.vreprc cnl.itlvo
In the ii'tinto of tliodrjiiormtin votu VM > t of
tlio SIKs < iiiil river.
( } ( > ! I.Hinrmt says ftiO , 'prcslitcut Is o\Tr-
worked , anil th' strr.ui o ( naih'ln , ; visitors
upon him is toopvnt.i
undo Ids ur-t polltWil 'v'i ' > eeeh In Vatiuill
Ih'll nearly lift } jean ago.
The linnet sentence. Mr. Kvarts has ever
been knovvn lo utter fa n stumpcamtmixn nro
tliOM' bo Isilellveilmj In uehalt ol Unicnpoit.
( S. C. Steveiwui , of Gold Hill , Nevaih.
{ Senator .limes' plaw of. te-slileiioc ) , will
t > iohal > i > hu nominated loraovcinor by the
ieiiibliuiisoi | ( Hint stato.
lion. Tail Sdnirz Is now nllttdetl to by Ids
former ftdmiiers In the west us "ThoFhlm ?
Dutehmnti. " lie iiuvir mateilnllzos long
emiiiL'li lo Iw of service to any political ] iait > .
lOVeinor I'ameion and Mulioiie and \\'lto \
have buoiuo reconciled , and tliu ( iiiarrel Is
on" . Kvcrv UTou will beimulu In Vfijltila
tucupltiii1 tuft K'xNInttironnd ic-t'lfct Mahoiie.
H Is sild that the IJvtra. Mural Halsteatl's
p.ijicr puhlHii'd In Vow VoiK duringIhi1 pit's *
uli' tamjialKH ol 1 1 , eost the it'pubitt.iii
m makers M. , M.M , mid brought suuruJy nuy
volts to Ulaliie.
\V \oiir hiHbaml ever lu nubile oflice.
Mrs. hnlnkV' Mis. bjiltik : "Oh jotiuhull
llowiis nmoni > | mllilod cltctlml onlcei 111 his
pieoiiiet , lie \\as to luvo seived an ciitlro
day , but mifoiuinntui } , ho wii * taken 111 ami
had to uslin ; lieluiii his teim VMIS luill undid.
1 Imvo maul him M > It vMi1a mwit tlis.ii -
lioiiitim ut to his party , a vuiy gnat tlKiy-
pumuiit.nt. "
Nnvv ratnpali'it HCH
Iticicaso in "ue ,
Anil eniullil.ites In vvialh tulso.
In viun the > pray
I m mme lull play.
Yet OIK.UIS Mill will have thcli say ,
AlacKaday 1
imnITY , 'inn souij or AVIT.
There must fx' some newspaper men amom ;
the llulKiinans. lla > y haVu lapiurcu thu
homo one " 'IVH the Ootlde"8 of Mbtuty on looks us tlmuu'li she hail lost
Mimethliu' , bhu has. bhe'sli t ullion cents
hhe can't seem lo laid.
.Some burfilnrs , tlio olUv nltcht , v\eio
"tlnMiited b > a iiooiUo ilo- . " o Innuiai
likes to Kiioiit lu uio tmioiiilijlit with tliu bur-
ilei.s ot his pant K' ; > elu ucd.
"It coats oiilj a ten-cent stamp Ingot a ninii
Jim don't ilkiM\\ikuiiul at miiluiuht. " 'Ihus
the Miivv.iuitee bentinol sums ui | the liitunt
and openitioti ol tiio now Mptuhd deliveiy sj v
Thirteen Is an unlucky ntnalKT. It Is for
this uaMin that vslien a shupKeepur halves
a'J.ctut iiiueo ho luvaiiablj ives > oa W
I'euLs. Tin * bhopkecpet is miM.ltish , ami as
siuiii'hoilj must urn the liskoi bad link ho
lieelv t.ikes It liliuself.
" 1 attended two theaters the tirst nicht I
was in New York , " wrote a iiiral huck to his
fond uaieiits , "ami tlucc balls the next. 1 hid
aglonoui time the lust , and oui > ot b'J on
m > vvaieli the next. ' ' 'I'he uiiMii'lnsluatod
old peopiuittestill v\tVudviimvvhallio iiii'.uit.
Iiato Stipreinu ( Ct | rL Ucclblonn
State urel. . , Ci-atl ! > vs. Ciwimiir'H Mneoln Co.
Aland.uuua.Viitiavv.Udcd. . Upmlou bj
Iteose , J. t
1 Counties and ! cdiuity boards can
only exereiso such povvuid as ai u expressly -
ly granted by atatuto , stud such grant of
power muist bo stt'iptly ' Construed.
SJ Under the pniiisipus ot the law of
1871) ) , now in toice , eounty eommibsioneis
have no authority to isslio county bonds
tor the purpose of luising monej to bttiltl
a jail , and a votu of tUe jiooplu of the
count3f instructing , thFim to issue such
bonds will ctmtur.uo > authority so to do.
CldcnKO Luiabei Co.Ovs.'t'lsher. ' Eriorfrom
J.ancastci County.,1 Allinaud. Oiilnion by
Ketse , J.
t. Whore a debtor uxccuted to his
creditor a chattel mottgago upon a fetoek
ot goods , and lotainou possession of the
goods , there being no agreement by
which tliu mortgage was to sell any pint
of the goods m the usual cotusi ! of trade ,
nor pet mission given him by the mort
gage so to do , the fact that a small pait
ot thu mortgagu was , by tliu consent of
the mpitg.igeo transferred to a third
party in payment of a debt , would not of
itsclt lender the mortgage fraudulent
and void as against ci editors.
2. Whete a chattel moitgago is given
to secure a bona lidu debt , or has the
right to do so , under thu provisions of
the moitgago a judgment creditoi ot the
mortgagor cannot , without the consent
of the mortgagee , levy upon tlio moi t
gaged property and sell it under exeeu
tiou , and especially would this hu tliu
case if the mortgaged property consisted
of a number of aitieles such as a htook of
goods The remedy would bo by garnishee -
nishoo process or biich oilier proper pio-
cecding as would reach the interest of
the mortgagor after the debt duo thu
mortgagu was paid.
Austin vs. Austin. Appeal from Lancaster
enmity , docieu tor i > laiiititl , opinion b >
ItccAU , Jr.
1 Where a hnsbaiul in advanced years
convoys piopoitj to his wile lor thu pur
pose of having it held in tiust for him ,
and the wife , eontrary to tlio intention ot
her husband , and in v lolulion ot the
trust , convoys il to third pat tie- . , and
with the proceeds thereof or with tlio
money or property of the husband , pur
chases other piopeity and leuuivcs tlio
tillu in her own mime , upon their .sepa-
lation equity may leqime an accounting
and niako mich iloeieu as to the piopeilv
owned at the time cif ihe dociee as will
protect thu inlei isls of both the husband
and wife.
Holmes vs. Iivvln. l iror from Cass count }
Keverted , lemaiuluil. Opinion | > j
When A pin chased of 1 ? an unclosed
pasture , paying therefor an o.xti.i price ,
the consideration lor fciieh extra piieo
being that A might linn his Mock into
such pasUiio and tlieioby avoid tlio e\
pense and trouble ot having to held his
Htook , which was fully timleiHtood by U ,
and whore thu stock was turned into the
field and continued to urn thorn until the
pafilur.igo vv.w eaten up , B residing upmi
the iiiemiM'S and in a position where he
could know ot any damage being done
by tlio Mode , and wiiero ho had
cubbed his corn ion 4lio piemiHCR ami
within the inolouiii'u In which tlio Mock
were iermitted ) lo ' Juil , ' , but A had no
kiiowli dge of the f < iiHtinoo | of the crib ot
corn and whereA'sti Ht/xjk , without his
knowlodgo. ate and'doslroved ' the corn
Held that A would not bo liable tor .such
daniugo and that thoivwas no question
of iiegllgonco on Ifjfj pn\t \ to submit to u
trial jurv. , t ox lei. Attorney Oerteral vs , rarnmr's
lite. liiMiiitiu'i ) t'iiUij4nr , fit
! niiu > , . ; . , . ! stiicmrdr ii.uintllf. Opinion In , J , ii
1 A contract by. hlfth ono imity for a
coiisidur .lion promwoi to make a cer
tain payment ot moiioy-tipon the destine
tion 01 injury of solnetjIJJng in which the
other party fins nn'itorcst | | jrt a contract
of insiuaiiee , wh.itovur may bo the terms
ot pa } mi lit of the coiisidoiation by the
iibsiuod , or the modi ) of estimating or .se
em ing payment of the sum to bo paid by
the in-sutur in Ihu ovnnt of loss
> J Upon thu fuels appearing in the
recoid , held , that defendant was a mutual
iiiMirancR company and no such must
comply with the provisions of the act of
ilnno 1 , 18 ? ; ! , and leoeivuthn coitifieale
of tlio auditor of bttito before transacting
biisinass ,
vs. Itohcrts. Ai ) [ nl from Johnson
i mm t > , Alllnaoil. Uilnlon | by IteoMi , J ,
1 Kcpiity will interfere by injunction
to prevent the destruction ol O ugo
I led e fenru , by n stranger lo the Inherit
ance , as buing such an injury to the real
ty as cannot bu fully compensated by
il. unugeo lor the trespass ,
y ( juudlions ot fact nnd upon conflict
ing testimony uro for the trial court to
depldo find its ilcol ion will not bo mo-
by the appellate court unless clear
ly VYU ng
Code vs CarHon. Krrot from Tnn 'nster
county titllrmed. Opinion by Cobb , Oh. J
1. A. .1. A. wn a cub-conUhetor under
tf. K , to btsild eorUin froetious of a mil'
road , which voik hu again sub-let toll.
d and I * , who were performing said
work. Upon the completion of p.nld con
tract .said .1 F would ne indebted to A.
J. A. t.Mia 37. H h. ami I * filed nslnttt-
torv lien on said railroad for their work
and J'tlxii in bulldlnx said sections theie-
of. W. I ! 0 , in thu pr. smieo of A J.
A.prcsuited for acceptance and puj-
meiil to J F a draft or tinier drawn by
A. I A on J F In favor of and payable
loW It r. for tliu sum of $ l,0ll W ) in
full of all claims Whereupon I. F.
stated to A. .1 A In tlio ptcsouec of W.
U. ( ' thathu would not pay It until all
of thu liens for labor on said sections
woiv settloil and paid oil1 N. G 0. C.
sued out iin nltaclimcnt ngnlnst A. J A.
and garnished , ) . F. Ilnldthatthero was
an equitable alignment and appropria
tion of the moiiev innuhlo fiom J. F to
A. J. A. to W H'C. to the amount called
for in Mild ilrnft order subject to the said
httltttlOIV llollH
Mettt * A Knnne vs. > lriiiokiii , error fiom
Domains eounty ; nlliinu'd. Oiiinlun by
Iteesc , J.
The net of thu legislature approved
February W , 18SI , commonly known sis
the Sloeumb Liquor Law , IH not uncon
stitutional as being in violation of the
provisions of the eonst'tution ' of the
United States , wliiih provides that "thu
citi/ens of each state shall be entitled to
tlio privileges and immunities of cili/ens
in the several stales , " it being the exor
cise of the police power of the state for
the piotcetion of it * eiti/ons and not for
Ihu pm post * of levonuo or the legitlation
ot commerce In the exeieiso of such
power it is compet'Mil for the legislature
to i cquito that Iho Hceneee shall be u ies
Idem of the statu nml subject to it s law s
und to the moei"-ses of its eouits.
It. iV M Hiiilroad C"o vs Chicago Lum
ber Co. Knor fiom Otoo county At'-
filmed. Opinion by Koese , J.
1 Jn pioccedlngs in garnishment
after judgment under section 13111 of the
civil code , it it is found that tlio gai-
nishoo is indebted lo the execution defen-
dunt , the order of the couit .should lie
that thu garnlsheed pay the
amount found diiu If the order is not
complied with it may be eiitoicod bv exe
cution as in eases where an oidiliary
judgment Is tendered
L' When agariiishee piior to the time
when it is required to answer to its In
debtedness , tiles an answei as in an oidi-
nary action , nnd , issue being joined
tlieioou , a trial is had and otliei vvitnei.it1 *
are examined , without objection to the
course pm.sucd , siieh gainishee will not
bu permitted It ) question llioiegularitv of
the pioceedings in thu appellate cuiiit
1'tirmulu vs. Conn. Knm limn C.ns couutv.
Allniuod. Opinion b > Ue 'se , J.
1 The verdict of ajurj 11)1011 ) iHU"-tion--
of fact w heio the testimony is conflicting
will not be .set aside unless clearly
2 So where ono of the questions in
volved in a cause submitted to thu jury
was whether or not a paitnersliip existed
between the patties to the suit , and upon
tlio tacts stated b > some of the witnesses
the jury could find that a partnership
did not exist and they .so lound , sueli
finding will not be molested And the
same rule v. ill be applied to all cases
where there is conflicting teslimouy upon
material or vilal points in tlio caso.
How the ( iiinrnntcu Companies Ktcp
TtaoU ol' Their CHnnts A Uu-
liiultcr At rested Within
Four Hours.
Clason Graham drew the money on a
cheek for $ vGttH ) ) , signed by his employ
eis. Spencer , Tiatik it Co. , oil biokeis ,
and took a train lor Canada , but was
stopped on the way only four hotiis
later , both man and money being back
in Nevv York the next day. The quick
ness of suspicion anil action in the case
of a man who-u reputalion has been
good , was due to thu fact that he had
given bonds to the firm for honesty , and
Ins bondsmen were one ot the several
gnarant.v and fidelity companies that
have lately come into use hero in Now
York. These concerns insure employers
against loss through the thefts of em-
ploves. and relieve the latter ot the often
dilhcult task of finding available friends
to take the risks , Not loss than 0,000
men are already bonded in tins way by
the companies , among whom bi isk i iv airy
has already aiisen. _ Vimts to their ollices
show large promises and numeioiis
clerks , indicating tar more than would
beiequisito for merely making out the
papers and dealing with the customers ny
to the point ol completing the bonds.
The explanation is that the most elabo
rate systems of watching tlio instiled
men. and registering their habits , is in
operation ; ami already the extent anil
thoroughness of the espionage lias be
come sin iicuto nuisance to its subjects his eveiy action may lie un
der surveillance by a spy , is annoying in
niany cases wherein Iho man is well be
haved , and much dislike ol tlio uewoider
of tilings has developed , but Iheio is no
escape , bocaiiho the existence of the
companies provides so reasonable an ex-
eiiso lor iiulividn ils to decline to bu
bondsmen that there is no escape
Tiuri.\ss : or
Hiiilroad employes , bank clei ks , court
ollicers and all MH ts ot financial ollieials
aiu chiefly the men involved. Hofoio
making tlio bonds thu iiui sous' chaiacter
are investigated as lullj as possible , but
that is no complete protection , for one
company lias already loitMOIM : ( ) through
Paying Teller Cluih A. Hinekloy. of the
Wust Side Bank , and Teller F J. Diete-
i 'ohs ' , of thu Lacledo bank , St Louis , botli
of whom were above repioaoh and one
fieomingly pious The piofereiico is tor
employes of institution * subject to State
investigation annually rather than the
haudleis of money for mivatc linns
Nearl.v all the men m the Now Yoik 1'osl
Olhce , and over half those in municipal
olhees of finance nre now included in the
i isks The charges range tiom J to 1 per
cent on tlio amount of insurance. The
piincipu ! business is detective l > vcr >
iiiHiiiod person is watched , and very
closuli , too , it tliu hlighlesl looioncss ut
conduct is obseivcd. In tlio mst.iiieo ol
( Mason Graham , a dctcotivo rejiortoil
Unit he was becoming a lounge ! about
town at night , ami appaioutly w
spending mote income tliuu l's salary
could inovido At thu > 'iinunl when he
cashed the big d > "tk a hgy hud him in
sight , itud > ' , u not quit him until ho took
tiio Dais. Then thodctcctno iclographcd
to Iho company thai ho was g ) | it lo go ,
too , and would look tor oidotn at jn'iiiK-
held , whoio tlio tram would mnkoits liist
Mop. Hasty iuqtiirv 01 Sponoei , Trask iV
Co brought out thu fact that Graham
was absconding with * . ( ! , ( ) ( ) I , and woid
was wuud to Spriiiglield to anc > t him
A MVV : n. vit ur
A featuru of the now IMIMIIC-IS is a leg-
Istry , called the List ot I'nreliables , in
which the paitionlarsot oxcij obtamablo
case of piobablu or actual mudoing ban \
an iiisincd man aio noted flic books of
ono iistablishment contain about JO.OOi )
names , another 1 1IHK ) , and thoio aio not
IDS.S than 50,011) ) altogether thus recorded ,
Including railroadem , bankers , public of-
fk-iaU and other lldueiarioi I'lio amount
ot money .stolon by ti listed omplo\e.s \ is
not dieamed ot b > tliu public. , as proved
bv the uggiegato of neatly } -'M ! ' ) . < MU paid
fiom ono ollicu } lut thu bonded men
aru aware of their positions , and a con
sciousness of being under sciutiny has
beoonieonu of the common sensations of
their lives.
If joii suffer from looseners nf tlm bnwels.
AnuoHluru Uiltrru will niiu-h emu JIML ,
Ke\\.ue \ of fuiintei felts uml iixk oiir iiix eror
ilrii'iiKt { for the Kf nulne nitlclu , iia-tiaicd by
Dr. J. 0. U. bltvt-rt A. Sous.
OciioanUsoiit for a soWr photographer ,
Tlmyer count vehdiiw the iHUiiifuit for com.
- "
Sneak thlevc-s am Ihwomlnic alarmingly
nutiK rous In Nt'lirnki C itj * .
'I'lio Atslii ! on elevator oollni'scvl the other
tiU'ht nnd sjillkil ' . ' .wfl bushels o
A trim club has Ix-eti drpnnlzed In
with C. A. UHidiirr a * pri'sldlntt
The meanest fhlef of Iho oason stnirk At-
kln on rceentl ) nml stole n let of fal < u
Five iioiih-s rollhlcd with n fraln on the
I'tilou Viieine , ntxu O'l'iillotis , and worn
'Iherlty c-ouncll at Fremont has decided to
lew a livu mill tax for the maintenance of
Ktutie siiirlted sneak entered the rmtoher
shop of if. LDllly , In Hastings dmtiiKtlie
ahsenceof the pmiirlctoi , ami destio.ved n
itiautl | ! ) of mnit.
I'li'ililent IViklns , oC Iho Hmllnctoii mad ,
visited Nebraska City , batuulay. andpiom *
Ued the i Itl7cns a mmilN'r of lmi > oitaiit tall-
roail impinvcmcnls.
With the eomnlollon of the pile bildtre at
Niliraska City , the Kansas Cily trains will
m Into ami depart from the elty tleimt a
ivnt convenient * ! to thu jH'ojilo.
Hie tit inocrals ut Nemnha couut ) have
iilaccd the followlui : tleKet In the Held-
Trcastiror , ,1. i : . Ikntslield : intluc , J , H. Dun-
tlas ; elurk , .1. VaiidehtitK : siieiilf. D.l'lastors ;
coronur , v. M. final1 survejor , U. ( .Sllbeit ;
commlsslonei , K. Dask.
I'ottionsof n human slteleton vvero found
lu a Mimlhai In the MliMiuil rlvei. mar
Pouea. last week. The kull , some libs , u
poillon ol Hie hip bono and other jileees were
seemed. Dr.llav-oii Is ut thu oiilnlon that the
skeleton U that nt a .voting woman who was
tiiou nt'd two 01 three jeais URO.
Fremont has contracted with ( ! . C. Moreati.
ot Ihlfa o , lor tliucoiistrui'tliiu of a svstein
ot watei VN oiks all but the dine wells , for
WOl > The eoutraet foi the dilve wells was
let to C. II. ( ioiltiej , of Fremont , foi Sl.r > sr.
lli > iiiantntees ; to tuiuMi lMKiKX ( ) gallons of
watci eveij twoiily-foui hoius.
loviu I loins.
luhuiuols | piomiseiluimton depot fo ioit
The corner stone of a new Catholic church
ut I.e Mars will bo Iniil to-imniow.
I'lio hodv ol a iliovxiied man was found
unAera mit of lojsat ; Kenkuk WeduiMhtv.
Kiev en divorce can's will oumettp Im settle-
metitliithe tireult comt at Utiuuiwa this
John .lacklev.ot Ashtnii. had a cancer re-
movcilfrom his chin , eaiucd wlthit
the entile umlci lip.
A cow on the track at Whiting ; threw a
fieiuht an oil the mils. The car rail Into a
waielmiiso. ktiockim ; one side out ami throw-
iim the builtllm ; oil its toitmtatioii. The uow
\\asal-o b.ull } ili'iiiirili/til. (
Last week the wile of a blind man named
.Muliloon. at Ccilar Itiqiids , clonoil wUhaonu-
ejeit imiii. takinu ; &WX ) ol hei hiiihaiid s VNitlihct. She wai uiptuu.'d in No-
biaika ami letiirued lo her solid Muliloon
.Nun Mellluj-er. onoot the trloof tuothcis
tiom WoithliiKt'iu , DnliuiiucLouuty , coiiiiuiil
on the chaise of attempted murder , escaped
trom the count } jail at UubuiiueThuiMla ) ,
ami had not hueu caphiieit at last aciouiiti.
A step 1011 ot S. A. llimi | > liic\ . at .lellei-
BOH , disoht'.ved the lilies ol tliu school of
which he was a impil , ami 1'iot' . Keiulall
lUinishcd him. Mi. Iluuiiliicj ] bciaiiie eti-
lamd ami visited 1'iof. Keiulall at the si 1 . 1
loom , and hi the | iieseiiie ot all the
In a piolaue ami luioleiil maiiuci. bc an
almsiiu ; the ] iiucl ! | > al. Ho was told to tle-
slst , but beeimiim ; moie bnlstuious , the city
maishal was seat for , who .11 rested llum-
plney tor niislii a di.sturb.iuce. lie was
lined Sf > and costs , ami lu default of pa > -
meiit wivs sent to thu county jnil.
A cntflsh vvelKhlnz IW pounds was caught
in the Missouri near Yaiikton.
O\ei 'J.IOO hushels of flax were maiUcteil at
Mitchell one dtj iccontlj , Ul icnts poi busliel
buiiiK the juke p.iiil.
A Sioux Indian at one of thn aeencles has
receiitlj lenrned toilde.iblejrle. Ileswa | > jied
sevoial | Mines ! lei a wheel anil now goes
hunting on his bicycle.
Last jeai John Hall , of Madison , Invested
? -U > hi hcej ) . The sale ot wool ami mutton
trom the Hock has netted him S.MJ , ami the
incieaso hits kept tliu Hock up to the ongiiul
mimbut miichasod.
Hun. ( ieoigo II. Barnes , president of thu
Noitheru 1'acitic elevatoi sjhtem. has givt'ii
notice that lie will donate $ Vouo ) tovvauls
lounUiiii ; a Con iojationalrolle.u at Fai o ,
to bo called the Hat lies university.
Charles Itlncker , ot Chojenne , lost a roll of
SOOO in greenbacks in a lire last week.
Thirty ot Clic > enne's rosy-cheeked belles
are hilled to onto , the matiimuinal .state this
v\i liter.
A widtH anleloiK ) Is the latest curio in Chey-
enno. The tow u is now looking arouail tor a
white elephant
DmiiiK the hscal jear entliiip June. , last ,
"M'I ! , : acu'b ol Iho pulille domain in the teiri-
torj w 010 disposed of.
Kev. C. il. Saudi r- , , for tun years pastor of
the Congregational church in Cheyenne , was
] iic-ent .il with u uld watoh by his people
last week.
Thu Chicago it XorthvM stern railroad com
pany has uleil m tleles 01 imnrpnniion wiiii
tlie ten itonal secretary lei Iho extension ol
the 10 ul thuiiuh Wjniuini ; .
The new coil mines tvveiitv mih" > uoith ot
Laiamlc aie l > > im ; ile\oloied | hjuivate cajii
Ul , and tliu iiriMliict is ; ilnnl : > siipuiuedlni ;
tlio U. 1 * . iiilfelo in the local maiket.
"lil.irlc Jack , " a Kumch p'lilteiiian , and an
Huffish loid , aioaiUeitlsid aiiion the miss-
111 , ; men In the leiiiloi ) . Then disainioai-
aiico is due to the duns ot ncdltois.
'Ihe ( lie > cune , .Montana & lilavk Hills
i.nhoad must have a bundled miks of the
load in oiieiatlon by next hiuid.ij 01 It will
lese * KO ( ) , JK * ) m county bomlh lorloitcd. A.s
100 miles of track aie > ot to Im laid , there Is
vei } little luosjiect ot the ooiniany | sucmiii
the houds.
The Bij ; Horn Ditch company has tiled
aitjcles ot iiicoipiiiation with the teriltoiial
.stcietao. It is piojioscil In coiistiiiet hi\
ditches , vvhlrli will take watei trom liulla.o
ciuck at thieo poinU , liom f'owdei iivui ,
lioiii Xatuial sjirm s , and tiom a biaiiuh ol
Willow uetili.
The Placer Miuin ; ; roinpiny , at
Atlantic CithavDiiaisiied etcavaiin , ' a ( un
milo watei ditch , ami h tvo a 1 u o louo ol
men biulilili , ; UIIIIKM aioun fthe lockv points.
'fhej oxpei't to tiiin watei into this ditch ami
luaco ( hull hjdrauhc machinery in jiliiuu this
lull. MIUS In hau'cmUhii. in leadiness toi
v\oiK \ at > mil ) as | i > si [ i e in ll
Ye-iteiday OHieur'l uriibull fiirnislied the
( J. lining .slicet Htitioit VMtii a now
table , cliair and jail record. The ap
pointment. * of tuis "u.ilahnosu" aiu now
eomjilele , and the institiitioii is tin own
ojion to noith end patronugu It is in tlio
uimige of a regnluiJ'empioMd janitor
ami will bu usud .simply lor holdover
The Greatest ladicaTTriniiipU of the Agol
I.llBHIll IlPpt'lltC , lIunFlNKIIIiVf , 1'ulll III
tUo bcnil , irlili dull nenanllon In llio
buck purl , 1'aln mi' * v llio elmuldcr-
liJudci l''nllnei ' nftor vatlnc , wllli nilU.
Inclfuallon la exei lion of builr oriuluil ,
Irrliulillllyoftcinpcri I.oir uplrln , ivllU
nfeellnuorbitTlneiiDelrrtPil HOIIIO iliur ,
VVe rlnf ! , 1117/lnciia , rimtrrluz ut llio
lleuri , Dai * liurutotlio eynii , JU'Uilucliu
Tor I hi' ilelit rrr , ) te tloinn ii , wltU
atrulilrcnniD , UlL-lilrculurcil Urlue , uuU
TCTT'S lltT.9 arn especially ailapteil
to such cases , onu tloto eifoulu nucli a
cliin oorfecillnsnstonitonlilitliusnirfior.
indy lo Take an Klc li , thin tbo r < ( rm U
noiirlf licit , anil liyihelrTonCc Aclloit on
ttui lllcotlvoOrBaniitttRiiloraioolora
proiluc 1'rlca aSc. l Jl iirray Nt..M.Y.
Iti-iioratM Dm Lixljr. niftkri liialUiy lltsli ,
itrengthciu thu uralc , rrpalrilliH naKt s of
Vie B/stein with | > uno UliKxl awl liant iniiscl * !
one Ilia nerroiu irstein. Invl uratea tlif
brain , ami Impart * In * ylgor of umihood ,
H. H. > lhlnii | , - . - ( t .
VVl'lVU 44 Murray St. , Notv Vork ,
thW lipurt 10 font * per
line for l ho flrat In wrtkm , ami 7 o nts for r.icU
Mibmiticnt ItiMirilon. fox-en word * will bo count *
i1 to th ( > llnoi they miiM run ronH < cutlv(4jr ( inJ
inlt < t bo pntd In ndvonoo. AIL mlvortfi > cmont
must behnmloit In Ix'foro 5 o'clock p. m. , nJ
muter no rfrcunt tnnc < * will lliftjr b0 Ukon or
di'Cnlitlnuixl br tnlouhono.
lnitlc mhorlMnr In thc roltimm and haT
InjrthpHnswrr * mliliewil Incnre of UIK , nil
r > l < n.'e nxk Tor check to pnablo them to irot their
Intctf , HA none will bo delivered nxcopt on
prr oni < tliii of ( lux-K. All misnirs to iwlver-
tl'criontti ihoulil IIP cnclowct In cm ck > in.
MONlvV to lOHiinn renlmlntc security.
commn lim clnii-Kixl. U. K. Mnj nt. 16th i
rnrnnm. C.MNor.:3 :
MONKV-ToVun The OmMm KlnnnolalB. *
i Imiifto.lHttt'arnatnstrret , tip-Malm , makes
lenn on nil ln . t M uf security from a JlO olmt-
It 1 limn to ( lu.utx ) > m rrnloitnto. VVo makelonns
to cull nil iippilciinlo on long or abort time on
lmi > rnMMl ieul ( 'Males land ix > ntrnet , IMUM ,
buildings on li'iHcil Intnl. seem oil notro. collator-
nl ( InitleN or jrooi' ' cecutllvor nay kind. f.nw
rules , oils ; terms. Oinntm Flimncinl Ikichniitro ,
lf i Km m'ni strict , up slnlts. i. >
MONKV I.t.v\in-liciul8 ) : , Iftth nnd DmiRlm.
M ONKHI t.OAN-O. ! ' . Dnvln &Co. Rdal
itnto : nuJ I.onn njrcnw , 1605 Fnrimtn St. '
MOXl'.Y TO l.(1AN-On ( good soouritlos. A
McOiivuili , riMim 7 lUillck Illock , | nmi vm
MOVKV 10 i.oAN'-nn clinttpU. Wooler &
ItunlMin , t-outn 'M , Onuilia Nntlonnl bank
MOST.V TO T.tN On roul oiluto nnd ohai-
tula 1 > . 1 Tlionnui. Ka
On rtmtlcl" , cntrMk.H.
It tickets bought ntul Mtld. A. Forinan.UU
S. ] .1tli St. Ml
MONKY TO LOAN' 111 s\liilft \ of fJUOntiJ tH ! |
nrd on nrot-eliiM i-rnl ustnto ( Cdiirlty.
rotter & ( obi ) , nir > IVirinun St. 652
M < ; voANUI ] nt 0. V. Itroil * On * *
olllt o , on tuinltni-n , plniioi , liofwenn f < ) iM
I 01 ( innl pioixMt ) ot nil kinds nutl nil other AI-
tkliKot Milui" , witliont icinuxnl. Over lilt Nut'l
lliiiiN , oornnr Mill und I'lirnuni. All blisuo | 3 > - lonlliklltul. CM
\10 > r.\l JIOM'Y'l "atONKYIII Money to
I'l tonnonclinttclMwurltylir W. H Crorttttiom
\\ltluull building. N K coriKU' loth nnd llur-
ncj A'li'i > cnrs or ( ixpotlunco nnd n curoful
Minh til tlic lumlnos * nt lonnlntr money on pur-
HIIIIII proputt } , I linxti nt lust iiorfi'Cuila8y ( tom
vilitii'In t lie pntillclly iiMinlln mioli custn Is
doiitu tv\ mill , and I mil now la u | MHltlnn lo
tin-ct tin1 ileiimtuU ( il all nlio bwnino torapor-
uiileniliiiiiii'.vfd tuul ikHlro to riilM ) inonoy
ulilHiut ilfhiN mill Inn qiilot iniuinur. IlouHo-
lifici.-i | piuiosmoniilKrntloiiiun , nicclinnlL-Miind
otlnis In Oiiialni und lonnull UlunX oiui olitnlu
ml\iiuir < Iioiu ( lllto fl.UU on such fxxnrlty
nn household furnltiuo , plntiOH , niiiclilnory. h r-
M > , U.TUOIW , MiuclioiKo itx'ulptii , stHiilitsI noUia
ol liiuid. ( Ho , without rpnu > \ ( UK sumo from owu <
ris u sldoiiiu or plucu ol liuolnoxfi. Alf > o oil line
Wnti IKH iinit IHtmiomU , ono or tlio ndviintnK'Ufl I
olln I * tluil tuiy pint of mi ) loan ciin IHI puld nt
nny ( line which III risltiuo the liilcroal pm r U
mill nil Ion tfiiuued ut ttio orlniiuil riitoHiHIn-
lei ist. I liii\oiiot > ri > konliioonnoctlonwttli my
' , but pin Hiniilly superintend ull my ItmiiH. I
pilMUuollliortcoiinecHxl with my ROiukrd
otlruM ) that ciiKtonioiD do not como In con-
tuirt ulth omli othoi , con < -tMiii'ntb ] umklmrnll
u.'iiiiii'iloiiH stilctly privnto. w. It. Croft ,
loom ( , Withnull liiillillnir , N. 1 ! . corner 1MI ( und
Hiiinoy , Oiniilm. nnd S ! 1'inirl St. , Council IM
tiT > 4
TT'Olt RI.r. Ill would tnulo for ( rood city Or
Jt tnrni proporl > , u llrst cln KMJk of millinery
Hiiilli\ii ( > cooiN , in ( rood lorntloiis und ( loin ?
Kood liuemt'BM O. n Mu > nc 15th. ud Fnrnnm.
GUKI.KY IOANK Itciil INmto AjrentS. 9.
W. cor. Kith und Doii.nliw , nro now olT
lor i < iilr iHi.Minc'p" , ruxldonc-c und Hitmrlmn
ci ty. Somu ol the ndxantnpfous
no In the niiiikrt cun uoobttilncd by
thuni , Impfov'od und unimproved property ,
corner lom und doiimblo sites In the bontlo-
cnti d nildltlons cnn bo had nt reasonable prices
und oosy turms. SBnovlJ
FINi : liiiii-me | < l faruiH.wlll trade Tor iinprpypd
cltr property. W. II. Qroon. over 1st fl J
tlunul llrtnk. AoH
MKAT f-clllnff ment i\t pncklnT hon o prlcrs
lorcusli , 11.4 lloi\urdatojr llth. IVed'in ' -
mor , ttf. . n25
T7 Oll HALE Medium platform \rnvon painl
1 box neuly pulntcd , porlcct ropulr. Milton
FOIt AIi : Cheap , fnrnlturo of nn eight
room house , HUltHblo for boardimr liouxoor
loomoia ; Also liouso lor runt , nt IM Howard at.
J toRiujili Ktillory. ostnlilisliod is jcnrs , dolnfr a
f oixl biiHlnoss ; c\orj tiling In compluto ordgr. In
u tloiirlHhlnK1 toun of 7ooo inhabitant * . Kor
pnrtlrul irs nddrcHs I'hotoimiphor.Lock Hex Soo\ \
Nobruskii City , Noli.
PtntK IinCKVVIIRAT FrXUH-Cnrlol8orleM
lo suit trnilu , In Imri-cls or Hiicks Our "No 1
Hciuly Itulsod" ituokwlicut Hour , wnrronted Inist
' ' " "do , nek vout irroonr tor It. IllRliont priceixilii
'liiit'kttiioiit Kiulir VV. J.Wclaliuua Si Co. .
City Mills Oiimlui. 117
Foit HAM : rurnltnre onipleto of n tpp-
room hoiito , "t bloclc from postolllco.
Ilouo lor rout , Sl.'j pur month. Apply lit 1&3J
Dodiro st. 14" >
FOIt SALi : A No. I drUlniror work lior for
uisti innn tlnio. VV. It. Ciott , Kooin i ,
Wltliuull HuilUliiif. 74J
OfOinKM'AI. 1KITKI. 1'iirnltiiro for snlo
nml liotcl lei rent , full nt Occidental for
Inloiiiuitlon , corner U ) mid Ilimurd tit. 1X25
Flllt > < AI.i : HnckuliPiit brim. 2.V ) per IDOttn.
W. J. WuUhiuiti A ai , City Mill * . 4V
FOItSAI.r : Two lota in I'ollmm IMiioc , ono
Mock liom htruot tur truck , i""i'Mau
l.ith t
Felt SAI.I : Orwotild trncln lir UKood horao
nnd Imcrv , W iiuren In Uutipur Lounty. A | > -
ply to'IB Soi tli 1 Illi atroot. & .
IJMHt Al.i : Iliisinonschunco , In iiHiiuill Inivn ,
H ueiiural slo < k ot innreliiinillno ; Cnpltal ro-
iliiliod.yi.i4K ) . Slorofor Hint. Addio 11. H. I * .
cuio lleoolllte. IIIB-Wl *
IT'OH ' HAM ! Complete outfit for blinking
.1' IIOIIHO , eiiiulstln of liirao Iho und hiirulur
piool Hilo.iion ralliiiK' , clieny coniit r , etc , till
IK iv Would tnitlo tor Oinuliiieltv pro | > urty or
\\lldliinds t ) . I ! Muyno , 1'itli iiinl 1'immm. KIT f > * Vf ' ,
10OK SAI.i : ItcNlll t-took uf drimg uud Ui- Mr
1 turns , nil In ifooj onlci ; pnod locationanil , 4 * *
tnulo AdiliOtiS X. V. / . , Clink Diutr Co. , Dinulia ,
Nob. _ _ _ 6 . " < .
O4MI mid bomil , $ , " > pur wenU ; cry bept lo-
cation. 1BH Uuvunport &t. liMncn U >
W ANTI.IIiy ) boaulorH ut 71 North
noai Unit. _ _ _
UM"o M with board , lul I Cuplfol uvo.
linw ( Miil/ncrSlo\olupiili ( Co .III South
Ulh M butwoun Dmlifu und
J"Mtsr A > A lexpttctiililo ) onnir ludy
j-lii'M to cm in-poiiil ultli ivir ( ntloiiniu. A
< l ( at ol tin uliii piitli ned with iiiutiiinonlul In
< \ < iiiii I-N MlhS M. Kcllf ) , lu' >
I , I.N
\T' ' opciiiilon fir iisdlosj ) ( nm > ( " < lr ) M M
iMCHIIO Sit Wnbiihh .
- - , mo. , Chicago. Will
bo ut Cu//ii ) lloiiso , ( ) ( tobur > J , onu iiuy only.
- 1 DI | i > tiii i , n usiimirloii , illill ItMli
f-t "rill' CKDAIIS" A hoiiidlnif und dtiy
Mlidol lor jouiur In HIM Diill liltiilly Hlluutod
on UmiKOIoun lldiirlilt l.iiitro Kiounils ; Mil-
PCIIOI M liolii'tlii udviuitnueii Mm Hun f.
I I AYlivs ; | ho Kliidlius , uhuldriilii nml ro-
* * lullut.l MjVittln J.lltiiiiul l' i-lliiAJ
13HI VY , ,
J enVY ) oiloile-it < uiy l. linr Ail-
poblolllto 4.'inovlH *
T ISSONS : i.v ntAio\-j'iijis | | tnuvnt how
I lomuKu moon | irliullH. A lllc l/o po -
Unit liom mi ) photo piiill | limy desliu KUIIII
I urn with teini of IKKROIII * . Coin I'll & Cooke ,
urtlatf , ItoomJJ , Allliuton Illocktmt of l'U ,
TADIKHIn nuntof KOOdK'rl ' foi KCIlpriU li ( lbj ) >
' uoik 4.1) ) , mil llnd thuni li > | | Inir ut Dili * .
hu Kiiiploymuiit HUM mi , IUU ruiniiin Ut. UI7
Al\V.V VS nn liiiml at u b.uxaln , No I Kix in3
liiuid cut i luiro pliilutoni und Hide bur Uujr.
Kit's , ut A J. blinpson , IIM und 1411 Dudje tit.
_ _ M7 _
IAOIIX In wiint of Komi domeMlo helpc-m
> bu Hiippllud Oy onllliiK oil Ilie Oiunhu L'n
Ulllto.i'lT N. ( ititi Hi , , u | > oliiim Mi .
J. W , Mnril < niiiri'iiii'Hir. | ' | _ _ 874
T3KIYY tniilla nml ooiopooli tleunoil In an
L oduilus tray by V. U. Abut , 1' . O. Uux .IT * .