Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1885, Page 3, Image 11

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Dealers in Agricultural Implements ,
Office. Corner Oth and radnoStn , Omnhi > , Neb.
WholoMlo Dealers In
JgrlcnKnral Implements , Wagons
nd lluffglop , Omaha , Nob.
Boots and Shoes.
W. V. MOIlflB & CO. ,
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
JUl Farnnin Street , Omaha , Nob. Manufactory ,
Bummer Btrcot lloston.
B. A. OHCHAltD ,
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Curtain Goods. Ktc , Il2i ! Fornara
Btroot , Otnalitt , Nob.
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone.
Offleo.SWB. 14Ui 8t , Oinnlm. Neb. Yardt , 9U
anil IlnvuniMirtBtrrcu ,
Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal.
Deet vnrk-ttt R. Onion , 2108.18th Rt. Telephone
No. HW , ( > m hn , Nob.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
SH B. Kith St. , Omnhn , Nob.
flro. O , TOWLR , Prwldcnt.
3. II. Hui.niiur. F. A. UALCII ,
I'roprlrtor. Manager.
Hebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
, 217 6. 13th Street. Telephone 40.
OEO. F. liADArm , l'rc . U , F. GOODMANV. Free.
J. A. BiNunHi.AKD , Bco. and Trcaa.
Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobbers of hnrtl and F ft coal , WJ 8. l.RU Ht. ,
Oinnhn , Nub.
Hard and Soft Coal. '
Eidwlvo dcolcro In llonMur Colorado Coal , 217
i nth Mi-cut ,
CofTee ami Spices.
CLAHKK 11KO3. &CO. ,
Omaha CoITeo and Spice Mills.
TAB , OotTeos , Spices , HnhlnK I'owdcr Flavoring :
Kitravte , I/nunury lllue , lull , oto. 1414-10 liar-
noy Struct , Omalm , Neb. - -
Commission ! Etc.
Wholesale Fruits Prodnce
, , Oysters ,
1121 Kurnttin Et. , Oiunha. Apples Our own pnck-
[ ng Dntt & Co. B Tiger llrnnU OyBtera , lluttor ,
livas , Uiuno , 1'oultry , Potatoes.
General Commission Merchant ,
Produce , IViivJfiloim , FniltH , Flour nnd Feed , 1M
K. 14th St. , Omnhu , Nub. CoiiBlguniunta Bolicitud.
Jlotonie iniulo iirotnptly.
Jobber and Commission Merchant.
, SanenROP. Kmlt , Dutohon ) Tools and
. 1215 JOIIOH Bt. , Omaha , Nob.
General Commission Merchant.
BTKCIAI.TIKM ltutt ir. Eggs , Korcltrn and To- )
BieBtfeKrultc , 1128. 14th. , Omaha , Nub. Telephone -
phone No. IW5.
D. A. a
Commission and Jobbing ,
Hotter , Kpga and 1'jtxlnce. A full line of Stono-
IMirc. CoiifltiimoiUB eullcltud. 1411 Dodge St. ,
General Commission Merchant ,
Dultor , KKK9 , Ohepf-o ml Country li-o liico gen-
enUly , BOW B. 12th St. , Omaha , Nob.
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
BeTrlnorntor ami 1'auUntf House , 14th it l > aven-
Horth ( St. , on U. 1 > . II. It. Track , Oinutuv , Ni'b.
noniniT ruiivis ,
General Commission ,
dl S. 14th Bt. , Omnlm , Ncti. SpPciulUca-nuttcr
Y.gim , Poultry und ( jatiio.
Commission Merchants , Fruits ,
Vrixhioo and Provisions , Omaha , Nob.
A. P. feCHACK ,
Wholesale Commission Merchant ,
, BetdB and Produou. No. ' ' 13 S. 12thStreet ,
Omaha Nubrankn.
Storage and Commission Merchants.
Prultfi , llour. ApploH , Bt no art ! . Oidcr.VlncKar ,
jlraBA 8oi > dR. llnttor nnd ICRKTH , illi ) and U1D South
13tli street , Omaha , Nebraska.
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultry , llutter , Ganiu , Fruits , Ktc. 2208.14th
Pt , , Omnlm , Nebraska.
Wholesale Foreign and Domestic Frnlts ,
filcats , Liml , Jellies , Itutter. EWKS. Oirose , Etc.
No. n tt B. 12th St. , Omaha , Nol ) .
) nitos. ,
General Commission Merchants ,
JlCODodKoStrett , Onmna , Neb.
Agent for the Manufacturers and Importers
Crockery , Glassware ,
ailmnojs , Eto. Ollloi' , 317 South 13th
Street , Omaha , Nob.
Dry GooJs.
Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions ,
T < K3 Douglas Btroct , Omalm , Neb.
L. OINSIir.HO & CO. ,
Dealers In
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
, Uicos , Einbruldury und White Goods ,
lUODougliisHtrt'i't ' Omaha Neb.
Lnginei ,
& co. ,
The Baker Automatic Engines ,
Stationary an < l jHirtnblo rnirlncB , bailers and
Ihcot iron work , \viinonn , iiKrtcultural Impliv
ipn , etc , lia-iaili Leavunwoilh Kt.
Leather. Hides. Etc.
Dealers in Hides , Wool and Tallow ,
1114 JackMin Struct , Omaliu , Nob.
BLOMAN nuns , ,
Leather , Saddlery Hardware ,
Baddlrry itndHhoo Hndlngs. Htilos , Wool , Furs ,
1'cltB , OIOHM' , Tnllow , 'jl
Flour. Etc.
Y/lioiesale / Flonr ,
C08 , MO ana 61i : llurco BlrcotOmaha , Nel ) .
I. A. B-l'l'.WAHT * CO. ,
Wholesale Flour Dealers ,
And manufacturer * ol Illumlmuiui ; uuil Mibri *
BHUNO TzaoiucK , .in. ,
Agent for J. & Hoffmnj r A Co. ,
Manufacturers of Highest Grades of Flour
Ily Holiers ml llunjrnrlnn I'rot'fss. Warehouse ,
1213 Junes Htiwt. Oinnhn , Nob.
SA CO. ,
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain ,
Mumifiurturorsof W. \Vclsbuns & Oo.'n Qulcfc
HalMngrlniekwhcnt flour ami proprietors Omaha
City Mlll , cor. 8th Mid Fonmm streets. Otnulio.
Wholesale Dealers In Furniture ,
Fnrnnm Stroll , Oirmlia , Nob.
ALM'.N 111103. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
1110 ami 1113 Douphu BtrcotOmnhnNob *
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tobacco and Smohora' Articles , 1217 Howtird St.
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Bplcts , Clgiu-H and TolmecoR , 1S117 nml 1310 Douglas -
las Street , Oraiilm , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th ami Furnnm Streets , Otnahn , Neb.
I'AXTON , GAt.LAOIF.ll ) A CO. ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
NOB. 7 < W , 707 , TIM mid 711 H. lUth 8U , Oroiihn , Neb.
' "
W.'j."uHOATCH ,
Hardware Iron Steel
Heavy , , ,
Springs , " " iRon Stock , Hnr-lwooil Lumber , etc.
law nml 1211 1 llurnoj struct. Omnlm , Nob.
Wholesale Iron Steel
, , Wagon
And Carriage Wood Block , Heavy Hardware ,
Ktc. 1217 and mo Uwonworth Sticct , Omaha ,
HIMUllAUGll A TAYt.01t ,
Builders' Hardware ,
Mechanics' Tools nnd nufTulo Scales. 1403 DOUBT-
las Btruut , Omnba , Nub.
Jobbers of Hardware and Kalis , Tinware ,
Shoot Iron , Klu. AnnntH for Howe Scalob anil
Mlmnl 1'owilor Co. , Oinalia , Nub.
Stoves Furnaces Tiles
, Ranges , , ,
Mantles , Grotes , llrumt cooils. 1 ! 1 nnd 1321Far-
num Street ,
Wholesale Hardware and Nails ,
Kmcreon Btci-l NulK Cor. 10th nnd Homey
Streets , OmaliR. Nob.
Manufacturer of the
Deering Harvester Goods ,
Write to Wjii. M. Lot liner , Genend Agent ,
Onmltn. Telephone 010.
_ Iron Pipe , Etc.
Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers ,
, Iolborn in Iron Pi | > o , Iron HttlmrH , Iron nnd
UriiHri GofMlH. Kngrinoom' Supplies. 14th and
Dodge Streets , Omnba , Neb.
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
Etcain , Watt'r , Hallway and Milling Supplies , Ktc.
Eft ) , ttB und ftM Parnam HI , , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Stonra and Water Suppllitj. Headquarters for
Ma&t KooBt Co.'s Goods. 1111 Fartiam Htrcet ,
Omaha , Ncl ) . _ _
Wholesale Jewelers.
Healers 111 Bilvenuire , Diamonds , Watches ,
Clocks , Jfwi-lern' Tools and Materials , Etc. , 1U1
and 103 , 1,1th Street , Cor. Dodge , Omaha , Nub.
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
Importers of Voiuicn KIMi , No . sill 013 Jones
Street and U. I' . Tinek Omaha , Neb.
Live Stock.
Bridge Stock Yards , ftnak
No Ynnlngo Chunvud.
Closn to IJ. 1' . Ilrlditi. Ppix-liil accommodation
nml a irood markut tor lioifs. B. C. Cooper , Mau-
ngcr. Oilie , OVJ South 5th FtrouU
Live Stock Commission
Goo. Huiko. Manager ,
Union Stock YimlH , S. Omaha , Neb. Tulo. C52.
W. P. 1S1IOWN A CO. ,
Commission Dealers in Live Stock.
Onieo Kxclmiuro1 Iluil.llnir. Tiilon Slnch Yards ,
South Omaliu , Nub. Tutepliuno No. fiU. (
Live Stock Commission ,
Union Stock Yards , Chlcupro , 111. , ami Omaha ,
Neb. Frank Clilttnnileii.MitmnrerOiimlm Hranch.
Telephone No. 2K1. Jvstiiliilshod ltd. .
w. i , . PATIHCK & ro. ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
AililroeB all coniinu nlcnt Ions to us nl Union Hlock
Yaids. South Omnlia. Advances mnd'j on stock.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
Limited. John R Ilovd Superintendent.
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
Bhli'incntB of any nd all klndi of Block Miliclt-
cd. Union Bteck Yards , Omaha , Nub.
Lumber , Lie.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
Bosh , Doom , KtiJ. , Yaids-Cor. 7th und Douglas ,
Cor. ? Ii .eiil DoiiBlas.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , BiiuuS ,
Monldiiifta , Stair Woik anil Interior Hard Wood
1-lnbli. Juston'iixl. | N. , II. cor , Kth and Leaven-
\vonli Btructs , Omaha , Nub.
Wholesale Lumber ,
" " ° I4lh . Btreot , Omuhn , Nolt. F. Colnctzcr ,
Vtt nr * % w n
Lumber ,
I3lh ami Oillfornla Htroot , Oiiiaua , Nob.
I'ltr.uv. . aiiAY ,
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Ktc.
Cor. Olh and Douglas Stint * , Umaba , Ncb.
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Oimitui , Nubioiika.
Hardwood Lumber ,
Watrna Flock , I'aney Wood ? . lrl ! < lrn | Tlmliers ,
\o. , B.V. . Cor. Uth nnd Ijout'las oniKha , Nob.
" "
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings ,
HulMlnj ; IMIKT , l c. South nth Ptrcvt , Oiiiuliu ,
Neln asSia.
Nebraska Lumber Co ,
Vnii in e-ipttul stoi * . t'tfifffi.
VogptnM.wu faeturoi'a oml wlmlcfciM deal-
era. Sllllh at Merrill. Vie , Whole uil.j . nn.l lotull
distributive yard , OmftbB , Kcb , 6U N ttli hi.
Building Material at Wholesale. ,
IfthBtTCotondU.l' . H. It It.Track.Onmhn Ho
, Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Oftth and Irani fitiix'tc , Omahn , Nobrnskn.
j. A. wAKr.nii.D ,
Wholesale Lnmber , Lath , Shingles ,
f ? l'rtMTs. | Snsh , Dour * , IHInda , Mould-
'icVi'ta , lVMfi , l.lnic , 1'lnslcr. Hair ,
Cvmcnt. Ninth and Joiin Oin ha Nub.
i. OllttUI'ICI.TtKH ,
Imimitcrs miit JoMwrn of
Millinery and Notions ,
1.M3 and 1211 Hartley BUi-ul , Omnlm , Sr.b.
Musical Instruments ,
" lful6l.M ! & KHK'KKIN ,
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments.
Stolnwiiy PlotiRi , Wtber , DtvKcr , llnlncsnml
rtsof I'lnnoi , I'noknni Orsuus , Cliiwo Organ * .
j , Elc.
J. L.
Wholesale Job Lots ,
Dry Ooodi , Notions , ( Jentfl * rurtilPhtilR flooda.
( Jooili from Now Vork. Trndowlos daily. Wo
mid CUS South Mill Bt. , Omaha.
a B. OOODHICH A co. ,
French and German Fancy Goods ,
' nnd btat loners' Sundries. 1413 F r-
uimi , OniHlin , Nob.
J. T. Robinson Notion Company ,
4 l mill 405 S. loth St. , Oinnhn , Nob.
Wholcsulu Dviilors In Notions and Gunte' Fur-
Oils. Etc.
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
Oneol'nc , Mica AiluOjonuo , Ktc. A. If. Bishop ,
Manager , Omaha , Noli.
Pork Packing.
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
Omnlm , Ni'bifi'-kn.
11AHIUS & FlSIir.U ,
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
ORliii I'nlon Mnritut , 1T > 1V IMilKO Stroft.
house , 1T. l1. It. 11. Track , Onniha , Neb. Tolo-
pliono Xo. 1J7. !
_ Safes and Locks. _
r. liovKiTi co. ,
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s
Fire and IlurKlar I'rivjf HafoB.TIinu I > ocltsVault8
and Jail ork. HEM I'arnatu street , Omnlm , Noli.
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds ,
AirrkMiltmitl VcKOtnMo , Ktr. Odil Vcllows' Hall ,
N. W. Cor. llth nml l ) < Hlgo St. , Omalm , Nob.
.Drugs , Etc.
Wholesale Drdggists ,
Pobborsof I'nintM.OiK Window Glu6sEtc.llU
Hnniuy BtrtH-'t , Omtiha , Nob.
c. r.
Wholesale Draggist ,
And Dtalcr in 1'ulnts. Oils nnd Window Glwr- ,
OniHliu , Nob. ,
Winos and Liquors.
rTtANK'nKI JXNK ) & CO. .
Dealers in Liquors and Cigars ,
I'.iQ nnd 1 H UoiiRlaR St. , Omalni , Nob.
TactoriPS Nos. 4 and 60 : > , .T > 1 Tist. N. Y.
GiO. : AV. D1TNPAN ,
Successor to MuNAMAltA A li * > CA" , Importers
and Wboli'tulo IK'alor in
Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
14 und ' -fill 8. llth St. , Ouiiihu , Nob.
Wines and Liquors.
Wcsto n Agent Jos. Suhlity. llrpivinfr Co. TIDE ,
mil Street , Omnho.
Wholesale Wines , Liquors and Cigars.
li l Douglas htrctit , Omah.t , Neb.
11.KH .t CO. ,
Distillers and Importers of Wines
And Liquors. Polo manufacturers of Konncxly's
Ea t India HlttoM. 1113 llarncy Street , Omaha ,
L. P. I.AHSON & CO. .
Wholesale Dealers in Whiskies
And rijrurs , iiiul fJoiipnil AKcnts for the I'lilhp
Ik'bts' Culobratiil JlllwauUeo Itccr. Omaha , Nob.
Harness , Lie.
, TT & LANDltOCK ,
Manufacturers und JohV'.orsof
Harness Saddles Hardware
, , Saddlery ,
Turf Otxxla , llluukiitB anil Holies.
Street. Omaha , Neb.
Xcw York. Oct. ai. MONBY On ctill
In hetter ileuiand at ' . ' ( g-l per cent ; closing
at " pi'r cent.
PUI.MK MKIICAK'IIl.B PAl'KU1 ( ! < 5 per
cent.Four.iON" ExrjiANdK Hn.i.s Dull nt
J-l.KI ; ( IPnillTKl , S4.K-p.
( lOvnnNMKNrs Dull and ntronp.
TOCKS Kxeejitltig that the gnuiL't'H wcro
licsivy , Uic market was very nctivo and
strougal. the ojM'nlng this nioniliiL' . Prices
were cenorally K to Ji per cent higher than
they closed on haturdny and made further
IMliiRof \ to J/ per cent. Uoth the activity
and the advance culminated In atiout nil
hour , and from t at tiinu until : i o'clock the
market wus wc.ik , though the decline wmi
not continuous. In limil dcalliiBH prices
wcro generally ahout ( .tcady nt or nearest the
lowest quotiitluns rcjiehed , anil t'lom yt to
'J | percent below last night. The greatest
decline In the active Ji.-f wan In Jersey Cen-
tinl , which shows a net loss of > j pt-r cent.
8 cent bonds , . . 0. &N.W . 103
U. S. preferred. . . Ki-'l
New X. V. C .
D'/AU. ( ! . , : . , . . . Ifij'jl jirelerredV . .
El ! & . . . „ „ iilJi C. , 51. A St. 1 . . .
' ' ' ' ' ' '
'lllliuIis'Ce'nTraY. ! ISJJf.St. l .t'o. . . . . .
l.H. & \V 10 prof en ed. . . 08
Kansas.tTcAas. ) } iTcxa-j Pacllic. . .
' ' Shoio 80Ji UnionPacilio. . .
N \Y. , St IAP. . , ! > > .
Mich. Central. . . . 7 ; ) } . ; jireferred. . . 17
Mo. Pacllie 100' < \Vei-iern Union. 7fi
Northern Pae. . . 2IJ < 0. H.&X
preiorrcd. . . .
-Chloatio , Oct. 20. Flour-Very njifetniid
cosy ; winter wheat. Mjutliern , SJ 7S
( $ ! > W ; Wi onsln , 31 ( JK'fl'O ' ; Mich
igan , 5tl.VX I 00 ; holt xminiT wheat
SaTOuyil'U ; Mllllifsnla hakeii , SJ .OOCai
< Mi psiU'iiU , is I T.V/i.1 / Tfi.
Wheat Unsettled ami IU > IMIIIS ; oiienod'f
c higher , declined Ji'c , lul.-aiii'ed to twli'il
u aliovo liihidi1 , erihr-d oir , eli > -id jjo over
tober ;
SiAi Janmiiy ; W iAlaj ; So.u i- ' I , hO'-'i ,
Coin -Quiet , Meadj. i. . . < l ini.i ; iiuikel
elo-ed * t ir > 4i ii\rr Sal m d.t- ti \ < < rdi niiil
October ; : K.O ) , ( Noiumtx * ; fv ' , > vrar %
asfetc.lanufu > : Bx..eM.o. ' '
oOnt.i- Steady .ind 111 in : ' ' , U'ltir-'iJii'
c.ixh'r ; > Ve < Mulh'r : Ud.V ' " } . WV
' ' 4'
UecemU'r ; 2tiji < u May.
JJyo-0ill at flic ,
Quiet ot o4.
T ImOfliy jyi-\j T | | . | iiitv , &i\rr\ * ,
Klnxsecd Ixjwet.jfi . 1 , ? llt .
Pork-Kalrl , rtotlvw : ruled 2 * > Sc litoiV
er : cloiod 1 B ? idyH58Ci.Mr-ocaOi ( ! : sl'jf
( it-JlB October nnd November ; SS ! J7 i < < * . ! } 0
December ; 8 ! > 12,1 , January.
J trd- Quiet , sternly , nbout unchnnped ;
SftW ) easli and OrYober ; f.'i KVVM b7' . . No-
vcmbor ; 55 S7lvf'iS oo IJoccmbf-r ; 5 SjfJja S7) < f
year : 55 li55 fi7JY Jnntisn' .
Hulk Meat--ShouUkTS , t > a40 tT60 ; shoit
clear , f5 20cSC. ai ; short ribs 51
- .
HiitterIn fulr.ilcmaud : ( anoy creamery ,
IK.tlXV ; KOdd to rholco dairy , 11 17c.
CheiI'lrni and hi pimn demand ;
clitilep rheddRrH , ' ti' tjjiioc ; list0 > /0'J > 10.Jso ;
ynuni ; Aiocrlcn PJjuclOke ; nkhus ,
Ktriw-Klnnnt ) e
1 1 hies Steady ami Uiirlmrsged ; heavy Rtwn
Mltfd , fully ctirtxl , { clichl \ , Hffe ; diim.-vKCd ,
Cke ; imll lildes , he : dry led. ( HMo.
Tnllow .Steady and uueJi.MiKCu ; ; < o. 1 (
countrj' , DC ,
Jlecfliit.1 ? , Shlptnciitfl
Flour , tihls . n.iwo 22oon
Whrat , btt . 70fM ) J > SoiX , )
Corn , bu . jr,2.txw awKKi
Oats , bu . uvotxi tVooo ) . 8Vfl M.tMi
UariVr.bu . to.uoo 41,000
Now York , Oct. Whwit-recHpts ,
8SWW , ; oxiiorts , raoo < i ; spot hluhcr with more
doing for expiitt ; ojitlons diK'urd kmer nnd
C < irn-hnot ( inlet ami rather weak ; options
higher nnd closing hti'rd > ; receipts 187,0011 ;
exports , NJ.OOO : uugiwded , JXaWc : No. S , Mo ;
No. ; ! , Xovoinbor , fV : No. 2 , ( YJtf.VJ 'c in
elevator , fx'VgV ntlontj 5i > ic , e. f. and I. ; Ii > -
cfinlM-rehM'tig ' ( it W.e. . .
OaU-JJigher and lei i active ; rrcelpK
Wt ) , o ; ospoita , HO.OOO ; mLsed Moitvrn. WM
SJ.whlto ; weMein , M&4f\ ;
Petiuleum- Steady ; united rioted at
1'lrm mil fnlr demand ; receipts ,
flifii , ! ( jiaekages ; western , WiXH ( ! > ji .
Pork Steady ami very moderate ilemand ;
me s SB.WG'H'IO ' fin liibpocted.
1udSimile higher and moie netlve ;
crn stefltu spot , SO 20-30 i. ; DecrmlM-i , SO 18
gfl I'.i.
Uutter 1'lrm nnd demand fair ; western ,
'heeM > QuK't nnd Ptwidy ; M-estcm Hat , C ®
3IIUvau > jei > , Oct. 5. Finn ;
cash , So.'ic ; Xovcuibur , bOo ; Vfccmbcr ,
( Join-Kn'-ier ; NoS , 41 fi\
Oats-Hti-oily : No. s , aVs'c.
Jtyo-Dull ; No. 1 , flic.
Hailey KH V : No. 3 , Bflc.
ProvlHions Higher ; mesii pork , cash nnd
Novemher , SS25 ; December , fcrtlW.
MinnnapoliM , Oct. * 1. Wheat Opened
Weak nnd eloped .Mcady with only moderate
iiiinrj ( | ; No. 1 hard , j OCU IKT ; Wte No
vember ; We December ; wimple lots sold nt
We c.vh ; No. 1 northern , 7& October ; TUo
Novemher ; Nk. ' Deermher.
Flour Dull ami buyers holding oil ;
patent , 8.VJO..W . 0 ; bakers , S-l''O l 40.
Iltuvlpts- - Wheat , -115,01X1 ; Hour , 12. " > , OW.
Hhlpments-Whwit , 2 .000 ; llotir , 1,000.
Wheat in btoiu-4B.Vi,9 5.
Ht. Ix > nU. Oet. 2rt. Whrat Active , higher
nnd nns4 > ttled. closlnir J a 'c ovcr.Snlniuiiy ;
ly.-je lor caHh ; K ! > for Novcmlwr ; Wi 'o ffir
December : SI 0 : > lor May.
Corn - Steady for eash. irregular for futures ;
38 ( : Rij < e foi MMitfr ; < cror October ; XiJiefor
Novemlier and ilay.
Oats Very slow ; Ul c for cnsh ; 20 > 4e for
Slay. '
Kye Uiiehaucftl.
J'oik-JiiHi\t"837S. <
Lard-Dull lit go 70. .
Whisky Steady nt * 1 07.
Uutter Unchanged. .
Afternoon Hoard wiieat , higher ; October ,
ftj ; < e ; NoM'mtHT , IKIJ C ; ileci'inlMT. ( > % c ;
Mav , S105J/ . Corn , ) bc lower. Unts , bnn
and unehaiiged. ' '
KniiNflH City , 0t ( ? O. . Wheat-Lower ;
cash , 72bc bid , 7:1 : , ' s'e naked ; November , 74-oC ;
bid , 74'ifc asked ; December , 70 ( ; bid , V.c
asked i
Corn Weak ; cash. Kc bid , 2S o unked ;
November , 2fle bid , 27'rfe askwl ; Hlay , 27j/e
bid , 2S C askwl. .
Oats-20c bid , 'Xfc asked.
Toleilo , Oct. i 20.T-WIical Quiet and
steady ; each nndNovcmber | , ' .Me
( 'oru Unchanged ; e-ash , * l ! < e.
; ciSluinuNovemlMr,27c.
, Oct 20. The Drovers' Journal
report B :
rattle Jlecclpls , 7.000 : steady ; shin
plm ; steen , S3 25S.'j ; ' fiO ; stoekfrs and
i' eders , 82 00V/H ( 50 : cows , bulls and mixed ,
S2 l.ri@00 : ! ; throHjhTixans52 ( ) WHjttlUOetl ; -
ern i-angei > , steady ; natives and half-broeils ,
S8 ? fio@4 'JO.
HOKS Receipts , 2C > ,00 : slow ; rough nnd
mixed , Sl ! : i5a ( ! ( X ) ; packing nnd bhlpping ,
Sa60t555 ! Wi ; slilps , f > 1 Myiai 10.
Shcm > llereints , 2T.,000 ; plow ; natives ,
SI Viai10 ; western , 1 75 5a 00 ; Tcxans ,
Si rtOgiMW.
The Dt overs' Journal Lhcrpool special ca
ble say K : I'.csat Amciican cattle ll e per
pound dressed , or Ic lower than prices have
been since the American export trade hepnn.
KnnsiiH City , Oct. 20. Cattle I'ceipts ! ,
MOO ; shipments , l.bOO ; dull and weak ; ex
porters , . ? . ' ) avrf.l10 ; common to choice hhip-
' ' Rtockers tiiid letters , Sa b ( )
S5 ; grass Texas steers ,
IIo s Kcceipts1,000 ; shipments , fiOO : linn
nnd no higher ; uowl to choice , 83 15(3-31X ( ; ) ;
common to medium , RJi5c ! < ? ! i 40.
Sheep lU-ceipts , nonn ; shipments , none ;
quiet ; ewmmon to good muttons , SI nOCW 00.
St. I ouls , Oct.a5. Cattle KeceipU , 1,000 ;
shipments , 700 ; slow and weak , with only
local demand ; native shipping Hteers , $4 o > m
r yo ; butchers' hteeis. ; J S5i ; 40 ; mixed
lotfl. 82 O.)0 ) : i 50 ; Tcxuns , 5'JJ0a ( 23.
ShcerUecelpts , .WO ; shipments , fXX ) ;
eenrcc out very dull nnd weak ; common to
choice , a OiJ < : ! .
Monday Kvenini , ' , Oet. 'J3. f
The live stock market was quiet tolay. .
The demand for feeders hwi ; fallen off. There
was ( -01110 de.manil lor butchers' stock to-day ,
and considerable f-lock chanced hands. 'Hie
hog market was stronger and about 5e hluher.
The receipts of cattlBwero very liberal , there
being over 0,000 head in the yards this inoru-
IIIK. Kouiteen hundred head went over the
scales on Haturtluy ,
Cattle 8-WO
Hogs 200
No. Av , Pn
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1H 000 S'J M lit 10D7 Sa 75
f b' a 55 25 101U 2 75
25 048 CM 5 1030 'i 75
No. Av.
at 1003 83 SO
No. Av. Pr. I.No. I . Av. Pr.
: iwt saoo , „ 14 line 52 10
0 130,1 2'(10 , , .
No. Av. I'rP No. Av. Pr.
ol U75 Sa'WW ' B7 239 53 ! i5
HANOI : OF IMIICKH I'ou nor.s.
The extiemo raiiRO of prices lor rough
iiiUnl , paeKlng and filleting und light
ycltiht hogs for i-evcu da > H U nhown below ;
ll'oujjh , PaiKllii ! ! & | Ll ht
ShiiijiiiDf.lMielKhts. ,
Moiulny 3 10
'J'iuMlay ( < J . . ft 25
WeilnoMl'y . 10 : - , Witt : ' : i if/Ai : 85
Thursday 3 W : j oo n
2 ! XMU ) 00 Sfl !
Sturday ! J ItO/ili 90 ii.1 ! as
a inis so
lnijllii ; numlu'r ot isittlc , IIUKS ; > ml
-p khliK | ] > ( t Iiiuu Eolith Omaha diiniiK HID
l-nsltwi-my-iourJiourd , anil their points of
. .i..t,4mM-
i . .ri" SL - * * $ * * * yam * * *
"Vc. . ' MLtAt uOK ' j
, , CATJI.R.
No. Jft. Dffft.
WO it. r. ChVfuro
EM K. W. Cl.ioo . o
M Mil. Ciiw2o )
f C. 11. .t ( J.
) Jl. I.
Mil. Clil 'aR.i
Ail Mlto of stock In this innrlii-1 nn >
rr.nt. H\o welclil , uwless ntlxnvl u
Dcnil lioira wllt ( Ic i r Ib. for nil
xvclclits. "Sllns , " or IIOKS wclclilim' lc < ; s llinn
1 < M lli . , noalno. . rtv
10 IN. niut stass W lb .
Momtav Kvcnlntr ,
Oouofiil Mnrkcts.
Koo'I'lu * market wns ( 'inner to ilay
rpccljtt * " wcrfon4 HinaU. Salt's wi-
tit Hit ) ( iiK-nKiq of the inniki't nt ISc ,
tlicj wt'ro lii'lti nt 11V. liicrua.oi'd ivcoijits \ \ 111
WllH' II lo WfJ'll. {
Ufi Tt u 'I'liinfcl j'U of mil buttt-r nn' on
tlio iiifioast ! . Tlit'iv IM not much of any
clinn n * ! ! tltt'-.tati * of the market. Tlmiiiv-
vnllliij ; prloos nr < ns follows : Choice tntilc ,
MWlCo ; fulr to Komi , lo.i-'lilc ; Inlcilor , % * o ;
t'lvfiiiifty , 'JJin.'lc.
i'oi'i Tin As uwal on Mondays vny few
PiirlnufiiloJiiMH won- wived ; Sioo It iibout
InoaM'inKc pilc i furfclr nlzot ) , a few Ki"t. |
iibn\otliit ; nml tew lowr. A few tixips or
cxtrn clioli-f linmtjht S'J.W. Llvi ; ihiok.s
, jirr Ib , ff"cttirkpjs { \
tv * ti , rhnlcr , JMT Ib , 12 > 4iMc ( ! ; duek < ,
uii'Mcd , choice , jit-rib , IH'Cl'Jo ; KWSC , dieted ,
cboliv , JUT Hi , I'A'M.'I.
SWKIT I'OT M OE Choice lai-co , iiuotnble
nt aJudiJle IMT H > : 54 IH-I.M ) iiur bbl.
J'OTAIOKH- lnnCit ? price paid so far Is
B.ifor choice , but imM sales have been nindo
nt lavnvv. fur straight vnrlullcs. ( Jood nl/t-d
stock H nuolod nt ! i5vfftOo ; mixed und suiiil ! ,
UWiOAi r
COMII HONI -California 3 Ib. frame , 00
UN. In c iw. IHT 111. , l.V : cxttncU'd. i ! Ib , tin
. 'i doIn case , IH.T tloz , S-K ( ) ; Mb. liiiiui' ,
, ,
CIIIKHNVw York rofitiod per bbl. , 87.00 ;
do half bbl. . 9 4.00. .
CoroA.svi stioUnl nt S4.00(2Ll.f'Oi ( > or htm-
< ) \MI : All kiiiih arc in strong reupstntid |
. - , , > > -
j , ! ; nnti'loiM1 , ( rftrtfc ; saddle12 < i
; elk , Tf o ; .saddle * . lO.riic. 1'rulrlu
t'lilckoiis , jK-r dozen , : ! .75ifl.OO ( ! : tjuall , per
do/on c , ui. , ! _ SI.MKit'J.011 .1 _ . . 1.1.11. . ; - . MIIU _ | V . > , . . . . per . r > i.iu. dozen . . , . . 7f i. > c . ( ' ! )
" , nt ; > ndftrdsi.'o. : ' .
Tnwr uiv ntitni.iny emuUij ; In at
Ouolatlons are fitkaWo.
KitAn fi-rbbl. , SAW ; ptr Vbhl.
> i. .
I'liis' FPBT. Tuii'K , r.Tc. Pics' fctt and
tllpepwrHlibl. , V'.on ; do. " 4 blH. . S2.Wdo. .
wr kit , * 1.1U. J.tunb'toiiKUe.s JMT 's' l > b ! . ,
SS1.MI ; do. jtoi- kit , ? 2.7ft ; do. quart j.ira i > ur
dor. . , S5..V ) ; do. pint Jars per doz. . Sli.fA
.iri.t.irs , r/rr.
All kind * , co-lb. palls \ \r Ib. , lie ; assoiled ,
Mb. iiail < ii > 'rdi > /.nw. .Tellies : All kinds ,
best giwle , 20-lb. mils , per Ib. , 8e ; all kindf.
second crade , :50-ll : > . palls , per lit. , Cc ; Assorted
Mil. { Kills , per doW.lXi ; do. S-lb. tin pails
52.75 ; do. l-lli , Stioz. in en'-e , per ca e , I'i.v :
Fchoouers , 1 doz. In case. S2.V. > ; tumblers ,
doin ca. < e. ] > crw.e , S1.40 : apple butter. W-
Ib. mils and ? . ( bbl. . per Ib. 7 ? c ; idtim butter ,
10-lti. pailh ,'e : assorted fruit Imttar ,
Mb pails , per doz. , W.7. ' > : Fancy "Home
Kindts" catsup , " do/ , pint bottles per case ,
At' ! cor loads were reecl\t > d
to-day , mostly choice and fancy stock. Deul-
cis are commencing to lay in winter stocks ,
nndthcK'taconsldemhtc activity in the mar
ket , lioth local and nutBidR trade nrohuvini ;
itiit4 | % heavy. The stock eonsihts iirineip.illvor
] { en Pavli. 'Jenltons , I'muan IJeautyJno
Sap ; quality Is exceptionally line. Later
shipments will bring Baldwins , fiteenlngR ,
15uH--ett , and a number of other line va-
rioti' . The pr.'vailitur prices are : faney eat-
inir apples , ! l.OOf : ! .M ) : choice winter unit ,
in round lot- ; . ; ? -.T.WH.OO.
I.f.MONb .Messina , small , per box , S-t..V ) @
5.00 ; Kodi , fancy , larte and iule > , M-'pO. )
( ! KAi'is : In 10-lb bankets , Conconts.rir < ' ? 70c ;
Ciila\\ba , ( " > . ' , ! ' , ; Is'ihi-llii , Hvitxv. ) ! ' : Malaga ,
per barri'l. 557.00iu 7.50 ; Cnllfoinln , Kmperor ,
Toknv and Morocco , jwr slniflo crate of tfVlln ,
S2.'i5@,2.60 ; per double crate , 40 Ibs , W.25t
< 'itAitir.Hij : < < Jloll and nugie. ) x > r bbl ,
9.00 : lu'll and cheiTy , iier bbl , 5fi.OtK37.lK ) .
Ciino Coil , per bbl. . Se.iVirtJ..i..M ) .
Oiux iis Loui-iiann , jwr bbl , SV.Ofl ; per
box , 51.-V ) ; , lamalcv , per bbl. , 511.00 : , Ia-
maiiM , per box , 50.60 : Florida , per box , 85.50
C Hi.OC ) .
JJAXANAS Thnio Is but a limited deinaim
nt present and maiket rules low. Choice ae-
Icetion P'J.OOfWS.Oi )
OAUKOH.NIA l''JttiT Pears WinterNelliH ,
JJenrre , Diel , l.awience , K. IScurre , Vicar ,
and other vaiietles. IK.T box. § v.7.Xi ! < : ! .00.
< ! UA.IN The following are the prevailing
prices for to-day : Corn , i c ; new oats , ll i
20c : , No.-,60. ! ; rye , Sft'oSic.
KinuJt AVI Atn.i. STI'FKS Wint'T wheat
Kirm ; best ouality patent at S3.00@3.yo.
Second quality , ft2.5'J ' ( , o.OO.
.Spiint : wheat Uest ouality patent , at S2.S.-0
Second imallty S2.-10J12.SO. (
Uiiekwheat Hour , in 100 Ibs sacks Sfl.50 ;
ready rniscil , H&'M per ca m of S'J three Hi
jiuekaves ; ready raised , tier case of li ( hix Ib
packages , S J.80. New 'i ork in baireh , S7.50.
UranWie percwt.
Clioppi-d Keed-Per 100 Ibs , SOe.
Corn .Meal "fel.KK. ( l.lo yer cwt.
Screening No. 1 , 75c i jruwt ; No. 2 , 50c.
Hominy P1.WI jier c\\t.
5llortH TO)1 jiur cwt.
( irahiini & 2.00 per cwt ,
liny Hales gd.oo. < f.7.00 per ton.
lii.ANh--lixid brignt IM-UIIS are Fciirco und
In demand ; dirty and Inferior Mock dull :
hand-picked navy , Sl.WKtol.fiO ; hand-picked
medium , ? l.o\iil.40 : ! : need clean country , ? 1.00
il.20 ; Inferior. 6f > 'i7f > e.
KINK CUT Hard to Ueat , TOc ; Charm of the
Wet , liOo ; Fountain. 'Oc : Golden Tlnead ,
07c ; Favorite , WJc : Buds , We ; Itocky Moun
tain.We ; Fancy , 45o ; Ualsy , 40c ; North Star ,
70e : ( Hood J.ncK , 53c.
Pi.un TonArco Climax , 44cpor II ) ; Her o-
fthoe , 'Me ; Star , 4r ( : ; SiHMirhead , K ! ' ; Our
Hope. Wc ; J'ipi'r Heidsick. WK- ; Punch , We ;
Young Kril7. 41c : Silver Tai ; , 46c.
HAIIIIWAHK XCeombinaliou
likip hames. ? S. ! : X C I. O. T. haiiK-s. s-J.71) ;
var I. O. 'I' , hainu.s , S.'t.50 ; perfection pads ,
81.7/j / ; 47 rii ; bits , 55c ; JJarbours Nil. 10
thiuad.7.rK ; : jai ) breast htrop nlide , We : X C
breast Mrau slide , 40c4 : X C 8 loon champ T
buckler , Sl.Oi ; IK Ian 3 fooiH'liiunnTbncilc.s.
tttc ; 14'X C 8 moji cliampT buckles , Sl.i0 : ;
W jap lotm champ buckles , SI ' < ) ; coi-
pcr rivets No. U , tJOo ; lirhtol wiaps , \ \ <
is.60 , 1W S4.M , I SilW ) , % S8.W , X
SS.SO ; Cennan maps , \y 83.K ( ) , l & 2.0 ,
LiATiinn : No. 1 Pltlsbnrir.T. f. L.
'He : No. l PlUbburt' , K. & B. c ; No. C'incine
nati , : He ; No. 1 lace leather , tiOc ; piinui
filnuKhler sole leather , ' sc ; piimo oak solo
leather. ! i-c.
Upper leather , per foot. 22Mc ; JIuni hip.
WSiWu ; oak kip. NVillKc ; J-ioncli kin , M. < iO' < 7) )
l.Bft ; Jlemealf , Sl.00wi.10. oak calf , Sl.OOftfl
! , ! ; French calf , SJ.Ar > ( Jln : ; Morocco boot
li > p , SlOfrt.'WeMorocco : oil pebble , USfofc.V ; top-
plmjrtand llnlnss , 0.00V ( 10.0'J per doz.
JJiA\rv : JiAnnwAitK iron , rates , S2li ! ;
plow Hteiil , sjiecial cast , 4c ; crucible steel , Oc ;
cast tools do , 12@lfc'c ; wajon spokes , per set.
S1.7SC * .00 ; hubs , nertet. 4 1. as , iclloe.s , .sawed
ihy , 51. JO , tonRiies , each , 7&c , axles , each , 75 ;
srmait ! nuts , pir Pi. , 7llc ( ; collchnin i > er lt > ,
PcfiWc : mnlable , tc : hon \veilges , Oc : crow
bars , 0 ; hanow ttidliIcj sprhiK hU'ol , 7 ( ! to ;
IJilUlJJi's litiirAn * * , W.W : intrdnn's ' ihule
Miom , sVX ) . Uaibed Wlro-Tn car lots , 84.00
per 100 tts. Iron Nails-Kates. 10 to 150 , SU.IH.
tihot Sl.V ) ; buckshot , Srl.S.'i ; oriental
powder , hetfs , S3.TOs4.00 ( ; do. half kc sS2.00 ;
do , quarter Kegs. M.&O ; bhustini ; , kegs , S3.a.5 ;
tiiBc' per 100 feet , tJOu. Lead , Har. Sl.ft'i.
COAJAnthraciUi egg , S .2ft : nnthracito
nnt , S8.SO ; anthracite lange , StS.M ; Iowa ,
S3.M ; Walnut block. 83.75 ; Illinois , S1.7.V.
Indiana block , S5.75 ; Fort Scott , 54.25 ;
Itlcli Hill , i1 1.00
Diiv 1'Al.NTfi U'hlto leail. Ke ; French 7-Inc ,
12o : J'aris whltlnir.-'Me ; whItln'Kllilers ( , li cj
whltlnroiu'I ( , U/elnmpbhicIc.iennantiiwn : ,
12c ; lampblack , nidlimry , 10c : I' blue ,
55c , , uiitramailne , ISe : Vandyke , blown. KC ;
nmocr , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , * D ; sienna ,
burnt , Ic ; Blunna , raw , -to ; Paris gieen , genu
ine , i 5e : J'arin irieen , common , iidc ; ehromn
fireen , N. V.'JOe ; , K , 12c ; vermillion -
million , -Knalli , ! ! , i oil n st , I5o ; law nnd
burnt umber , 1 In cans , 10u ; raw and biunt
sienna , 1Vvniulyko ( ; hi own , | 3c ; iellied |
lampblack , Vic ; coach black and Ivory black ,
lf.c : diop black , Ific ; 1'rnssiaii blue. 40c : ul-
truniarlnttbliip , ISc ; chionm Ktuen , I. . . M. &
I ) . , ItV ; blind and snnttcrKieen , I. . . .M. A- ! > . ,
KM- ; Paris ntin ! , Ibc ; Indian red , 15c ; Vene
tian red , ! > < . ' ; Tuscan led.iUi ; American ver-
milllon , L. .t I ) . , 0c ; yellow ochre , tta ; h. > f ,
& 0. 1) . , if-c ; dolilcn ochie , iflos jmuml dryer ,
Bo ; paining colors , light oak , daik oak , wal-
nut. chestnut and aui 15c.
P nrrfl > N Ou - White lead , Omaha , V. F.
Cc ; wJiifo Itatl. SI. LtwK pure. ? 0.7S ; Mnrijcll-
IPS prcrn , l lo S lt > ennn , aon ; Frt'iioliInc ,
git > cn w l , JW French rlnc. red senl , lie ;
Y'leiicJilitr.lti varnish nsstwe ; Frrnehzlnc
7.Kcrmilllon ' ; , American , ISo ; Indlnn. red ,
lOem ; wplnH , I4c ; Vcnrtlan , rtxl , Cookson'c ,
'J\c ; Venetian ml , Atneilcan , ljo ; red lead ,
OH -UUcimmn.pcrpillnn , lie ; 150 JICMJ-
llcld. per CTllon , KV ; lihs' ' hiuulllKht , jn-r BO- !
Ion , 1 v : l.-o water white , l.V : lln < ced. nw ,
tier trillion , 4Jc ; linseed , boiled , per o llon ,
47e : laid. vUuter str'il per cullon. MV : NO
1 , .W ; N . 2,4V. castor XXX , jH > r pnJIon ,
fcl.45o. ; . ii , 31.40 ; sweet , per Knilon , . ) ;
sperm. W. H. , per Dillon. SUM ; lish , W. U. ,
IMT giillon.tV'n. ' ; iieatsfrot extra , per gallon ,
JH.T P'llon. 14c.
\ Aisisiii.s Kftuels , j > JT gallon : Fiunl-
tiotvfxtni , SI. 10 ; furuliiuv , No. 1. 81.00 ;
fo.ich , oMta Sl.-lO ; coach , Nu. 1. Sl.'JO ;
Dam.'tr , extni , 1.75 ; Japan , 70c ; nsphaltnm ,
f\lja , K6c ; Miellac , 58.W ; haul oil linlsh ,
HPIIMIM ColoRiio Spit Its iRfp reef , l.JO ;
do. 101 pn > of , 51.13 ; spirits , second iitinllfy ,
101 pninf , SMI : do , ls.s ! proof , 81.W. Alconol
1K1 * iirtiof , fe'J.10 per whin irallon.
Uiillslllled whiskies , Sl. W i1.AO ;
qln blnnded , PLftOyfiiiO ; Kenluelcy iHiuihoim ,
& ! . ( iO ( > ii > .00 : Kentucky nnd IVnnsylvanln
ryi > , S'J.OOjjW.fiO. cclifi'n ; sheaf , boinbon and
rye whlskle 81.50ciUM. : HmiKlies-
Jmixirted , S5.OlVjJS.NJ : domi'stli' , Sl.ri'AtiUW.
( ilns-Importeil , S UiOM.OO : domestic. I . .Vi.t ;
! . ' . HutiH-Impoiteil. 84.MK.-SH.HO ; New
JCngland , 5 > 'iWfMoo ; domestic , 41.5tv.i , ( Hi.
.oo ; AmerkMii , VH.Tc "e , s-io.ooio.oo.
Groorrn' Ijlist.
I'owtiott-d , PC : cut loaf ,
, T e ; confectioners' A , fi' > i5 !
Standard extra C , v'e : eiti".i C , O.Vc ; medi
um yellt.w , 0 > ve : dark yellow , 0 'je ' ,
PICHI.KSMedium In barrels , S7.fiOdo ; In
half Kureh. S4.IH ) ; snmll In Iwm-ls , S .OO ; do
In halt b.inelM , ; eherkins in barrels ,
f'.MU ; ,1,1 , In half baiwls , W ( M.
< 'AXMI > tioous Oysters , Standard per
cnK' . V' ? . : straw berricK , 'J-fj. , pcrcnse , 2.fO ;
raspberries , U-lli. , PIT eaM' , 5i.Vi ! : ; Cnlnornia
, per IM I , yw * ) ; npilcots , ) > er case ,
; jienches. per case , 81.75 ; white cbej-
6.W.CAHY - Mixed , lV'-J12cHtlck ( ; , 10Mile. (
Sni in Ib papers , W-So a c bc ; hal
kcx per Ib. $ ' > ; & .
\ i.M.oAit CiDHU ing.iSe ; white wine , IB
( S-SOc.
KICK LoulMann , prime to choice , C'f ( < 5
* *
Ji i (
SoAi1 ! ' KiikV Savon Impoilal , SH.OO ;
KirkV satinet , { : ; Kirk's standard , W.'iO ;
Kirk's White KusMnn , 4.00 ; Klrk'b White
Call. S'5.50. '
Koi'K Sisal , } 4 inch nnd linger , S'-.c ; inch ,
vie : yt inch , u $ e.
SALT Dray loads , per bbl , S1.S5 ; A'-hton ,
In sacks , S : > . : ; ' / saclts , Ashton , Wc ) ; bbls
dairy , S'ioO'iW.TB. '
STAUCHNiaijara gloss , 1 Ib.rtVe ; Ningwa
gloss , : i Ib , rc ; Niagara slois , nib , 7c : Ma aia
corn , 1 Ib. 7e ; Kinjjsford's coin , 1 11) , V ' . \
KlUKsford'w Klo'-s , 1 Ib , be ; Kin Hford's nlosH
Olb , ( she : King-jford's pure , alb Oj c ; Kinus-
foul's bulk. 4c.
SYKIH - SUndard C 20c , bbls ; Standard-
quart Vn .
Si'ic KH tirouud Black pepl > er , boxes. ] R
ft'JSc ; iiKiiice , 15@20c : cinnamon 1W K V ;
cloves IGfe-iV sinser , 15@25c ; mustard , 15
27. ' .
UitiKi ) FHUITS No. 1 ouarter apples. 4' e ;
c\aporated , boxes , SKe ; blackben ies , boxes ,
10c ; jx.'nclk's ; Ka-itein , l.Vodil.V e ; i ocbcs ,
evapoiated , 15Jjijl7e ( ; ; raspberries , new ,
2.V < V.7e : cuiraiiK .i'ie : rmnu-s. 4 u : :
CHACKKIIS ( .Jarneau's soda , butter and
picnic , rAjc ; creams , 8. .e ; glu i'i1 snaps , 8 .e ;
City soda , 7J-je.
POTASH J'ennsyivania cans , 4 cans In
case. Sillabbitt's : ball , 2 doz in CAMSH.W ) ;
Anchor ball. 2 doIn caws. 81.50.
M.vrc'iiKSPer caddie , : iV ; ro iiul , rl. en-e ,
f.crinarc ; OIMJS , SI.70 ; OMil o > U cams , ir. ,
tlA'O ; mule Miiiiiri1 , H 80.
( . 'Axni.KS IJoxi's. 4on > , Kis l2Vc : 8s , i2V/c ;
boxes , -lOlb , 10 oz , Cs , l'J > ; e ; hall box , U
CoKfEKS Ordinary grades , ICc ; fair ,
K ) jill'ic ; piime il feia tc ; choice , 124v \
1J ! , e : fancy green and yellovv , 1-1 "ac " ;
l.'i e ; old Koveiiimem Java.MO'Hi. . ; ;
inleri-n .J.iva , lii oi-'Oe : Mocha , iKftSfc : Ar-
bnekle's roasted. 1 ieMeLuighlin's ; : XXXX
loas-ted. Ne : Diluorth's. li ! 4e : Ked Cioss ,
13J4'e : McLsiUKhiin's , Ai buckle's and Mc-
l aughlln'R XXXX arc sold 50o per case elf
above prices in It-case lots.
Si'iCKn Whole 1'epper , 30c ; nlspice , llo ;
Gaiden allspice , 12 } e ; Xanibar cio\is KV ;
Ainhoyna cloves , r.0c : , cassia , lOc ; nutmegs.
i ; ; Saiiron Cassia. 4.c.
TIAS : Gunpowder , fair , 8.615 ; gooil , 'iS ®
K > c' choice , fXji75e ) ( ; ( ; oed Imperial , 40ii-3e ( ;
choice , ( XVi'iOe ; ; VoungHyson. j.'ood , . ' ) i > l5 < ! ;
' ' '
iftlngs. itc.
iinititisos 1S85 CATCII.
NkW 1ISIT. Ill's H'f Ill's QV. nils'risUt.s
aw 100 no no < o ir > la 10
Munn's S tNo.l 1.1) ) 7 ( M 0).T ) 115a 011 707.f | , U 70
LVD Clll'lnl 1 miejil ! Oja Wil ) ! i' > 1 N ) 1 50 7.1 6 > M ! lll"- ' ' 'e.Ll00i : 51 3 ! J5,1 70lfiUiS'ilHfp
tu\.Kr. nsii ilbKi Catch. )
in1 iri O'lIl'le
1UJ 110 III I 12 i 111
No. 1 Whllul'hb . rfi ( VJfi 408 ! l < ty 'M l < f
' | 3 iw a w i 80 1 si )
No. 1 Trout . ' 1 fin I Ul 2 m U IQi 74
No. 1 I'iekiicl . . .14 Oilil W'SiW'l ' ' SMJ ( H
_ M MKiitll. : (18S. ( CATCH. )
Now 1'Jsli. llbl ? . Halt Hbls'otr ' HlsL
UOO UJO W | DO 4U | = " * .
niouter M-S9. . . . , : fi oo is ro 10 as o w 7 n ) i 0:1
llv. No. 1 Hl'r . . . X4 ( X ) 13 W ) 11 iiOO ins ID 1 ( I )
No. 1 Hlioro IB 00 ! IIW HtlMtOiMlOl 10
Mcil. No. l.Slioro. . HI m. 7 00) ) ,11 ; i v. 3 HO
Iliij- Jl IW G 00 G 453052 f > 0
l.argu 1'iuniJy II ( ' E ( I ) | 4 5.12 fifi 2 10
1'nt " . . . . 7 CO 4 W. 3 12 US 1 70
"llls lllf 1 > llls . OrV 'nils ' or liits
Jllon.l Itei
Al.lhU.I U0075oo803EO3101 2.11 01 W
cni . - . 111517 MB FO'II ' ro'i ' : 101 a i 01 CO
iMy8TKi _ KISII. ( li-s.'i rAnrn _
. . . . . . iftblBlIirillilsOr Ifhls rails kits
. , .
J.LW rail . | , , . ,
„ „ inn 01 gy 40 j5 j. ] ( J
Norwegian I I
KKK Hi'r'liit'R U 007 500 li ? 3 CO 3 10 1 25 I 01
KonrcKimi | '
KK HuirlliKH. 13 007 OOfl 453 Rl'S M 1 10
Ij ; jni 50 4t)0j ) ; ao i U ! > ;
Jlollaiul honing , new , per Iscc , il.Oi.1 : IIol :
land herrinjc. new IOIIK split Mockllsh , liJ ) < c ,
Holland huirliife' , new short split BtocktiiTi-
loc.Connsii New English Miinmcr cured
whole cod , 'c ; hiiii ; , ( ieoims : chunks ,
G'c ' ; clitMT iii-orires strljis , ( ! J/c : 1 Ib
rolls , 2 Ib b.wcs , 7c ; | iialiictlo\ver , 'Jib brick ,
BJ/e ; wild lose. 'Jlli I rVl , . Oc.
i SMoiii ! : ) FISH Halibut , new , 10 > . ; c ; new
fcciileil herrliijis. ' 'Oe ,
St'.vniili.s JioiiHSlid Holland herring ,
licjjs. 50c ; Jtusslan n nil lies , heiriiiKS , 45c ;
Anchovies In irlasK. Ole Hull branii , PIT do/ . ,
P.-S.50 ; A nehovioinkers. . JfOloHnlf bland ,
SI.OO ; spiccil HaniliiiiL' heirlngs , ftkins and
heads oil , per pall , ( tl.15.
Dry Oontls.
lii.KAciir.n COT roN3- partners' Choice ,
f.'fe-.Cabut ' , ( lfe ; Hope. 7e ; Hill 4-4. 7'fe ' ;
HIlIX , ( > ? ic ; LonBdale , b ; Fruit , cj Wain'
sulta , lOije.
( Jonsirr JKAXK Kearsarge , 7c ; Armory ,
7c ; 1'eppi'H'll , 7Kc ; Indlnn Orelmul , C e ;
Naiimkeat ; , 7e.
FI.M ; Unnw.v COTTONS Peppcrell It , CJ/c ;
IVpliejell 0 , 5e , Atlas , ( " . { c ; btiituo of JJiii-
erty , Oe ; Saianuo H. H' c.
Pin. vra Steel Klver , Cc ; American , 5 > > ;
Arnold's , Oc ; Cocheco , fie ; ManclieMter ,
Oc : Lvman , fto ; ( iloutcster , r > j.c ; Dun-
nell Jacquard , Tic ; Diinncll , f > ; Kama-
pi ) , * % e ; Windbor , Oc ; P.iciiie ,
tie ; Harmony , VAv\ \ Anchor hhlitlnxs , tylv\ \
Menlmack SnlrthiKS. 4Ke ; Ik'iwlck , 4c.
and brown , 7ke.
IiCK-ljnbleachcd--8oz. ( ) Mazuollaloiic ;
10 MagnolKt , U'c : S o& Went Point. lOKu :
10 o/ . West Point , lijic.
ItodonV or.brmvnona ,
irab , Jn. ' ; IJnsMn 0 JU brown nnd draH ,
lltwfim brown nml Unui , lOc ;
If ROW VI tl mK ' ' " "IVV ' . .
mill 1.L.5C ! Heaver J > nni I.I * . r ; Alh\ntlo
illkf OOt ) , ? ? t'JlioniillKornm'v. : . V > < o ; \
A , louoVor1 ; < fancy , W1os MllllmOi J' ;
iv'virl im r. U\c ; Hamilton. IJc ; Swi
Ulvt-r. OV ! fehfttu-Hot , \ ' c , SiJ'1' ' ' ' tvss.
' * : Jilontauk AA , ISo ; MontnUk 1HI , lOJ o :
, i ,
( I'jiWmniuttn. ; . 8UV : NublRti , 8 > fo ; Wft
\ > fi-k , IV ; WhlttcnAou. lie , Hates. Urtiss , flo
llatoi , ilaplo , Crt-c ; lla'i'loliih.
louo < sti'r , i ic.
lrvr Ltinibar.
Tn ! > K'du.'tlon or fji-storn tranbpfirJntloli
ins iMusrc n nxlm-tloi ) In Uui nrlwiotJum-
ln rnttlinR. : iu' thm tln-it ; Is nil ndvanoo in
ocrtalu t rmh-s of lumlx'r , so Uiat tnu muiio
tlon Is not a .is It wmm otiiorwltio DO.
n\4 . iri.i:5i.'i.xr.i.v : ia.oumxuR.oomoo
SMI . n.iiiii.niruMin.ooiT.W ) t.o.i2i.oo
HjS . 1 . .JSi lfi. i 1.I.2R 10.W 17.00 18.00 19.W
a i ui. . v > .is > KM IB.SS IT.OO ao.ortsi.oo
S.M3 . in.2ri 15.Vf. l.V. > 1IMW 17,00 IB.tM.SO.O
NIL l luiiinK 13 , M ami in n . . . . .S1WO
.No. DhoiinN 1'J , 14 anil 1'Ut . , . KW
No. hoards , 1'J , U anil Hi f ( . I'-iM )
No. 4 > Hi.uits K , 14 anil 10 It . 10.50
Iht roni. . 13 , 1 1 nml 10 ftH't . S31.73
1M rom. , HnmllO fivt . IftTG
Jlil Com. , H iiinl M fwt . , . , . . . M.'S
t-n I > . ' , H ami Hi fevt . t . . . . . . 10.75
im Coin.V lui'h , N nMty.MM.n. ' . 1"M !
Al Com. , k iiioli. Xonvav. . ! ; . ! ! ! . ! . . . .
riNriss.v :
Xo. l , 4 , to Inoh , ia and H Iwt , rouuli. .
No. 1I Afi Inoh , irt itH'f , 17.00
NCI. a. 4 A ; d Inch , 1'J nml H fixst , rou h * . M.OO
No. V , 1 Ai > inch , 10 ( Vet , rough . 14.60
HUH * i M' .
No. 1 , 1'laln , 8 or 10 Inch. . . . 817.00
No. S 1'lr.ln , 10 Inch . ; . 1R.OO
No. 1 , O. ( ' . 17.60
It Select , 1 Inch , s.
1st Com. 0 Inch , wlIftepYuc ! ' . .SM 00
2dCom. 0 Inch , white pine 35 00
8d Com. 0 inch , white pine lt. . . 2000
1) flinch , whiles pun ! 2000
Chicago Hoi. Fence I'louilni ; 18 OU
1st niid'Al clear jollow pine , 4-0Inch. . . 20 50
A 12 inch , 1 h 12 , 14 nud Hi a-et 54(100 (
It " " " " ' " '
C " " " " " " 2000
1) " " " " " '
; vj ot )
No. 1 Com. 12 in. s. l n. 1'J ' , M mid W f U 17 00
N" . 1 " " " l'M8uua20ft. ' . 1800
No. 2 " " " i-i , 11 and 10 ft. , 1500
I.A'1 II.
Lath $323
White Cedar , ft inch , liuhes. . . . . ' S 11
" . " " '
$ aiidaina'rs 9
" " 4 "
round 11
Tennessee rod cedar , split 14'
1.1 MI : , no.
Quincy whlti ! llmo ( best ) , SOc ; w incur.
Akjun , sl.7"'plaster , S2.3T ; hair , per bushel
BOc ; tarred felt , pcrcwt. , S1.73 ; straw board ,
BOWKIi roaii \INT8 cured ami pro
vcnti'd hy Dt'Kpv's PIUH. ifAi.T WHI KKV
) { ivomini'iiilcil hy Icmling phyalciaus. t5oltl
hy t
w. v. JOHNSON , jsnV.
r. j.
W. F. Johnson &
. . Co.
Gommisson Merchants !
Itocc'lvors of Oruln and Fi-mls. Futures honahi
and Sdld. Spix'iHl iitli'inlon to Bttlo by fiixiiipk'S.
Kopicsi'iitod by EUniinl llarton , Lincoln.
Kailway Time Table.
All trnliiB arnx'o and dop.irt front Omnlm b ?
Central Mnmlfiid tlinn.
TraiiiH ol the C. , . t. 1' . , M. A O. arrive u'lul < 1H (
part trmn their dfjKit , conuiror llth onil'WobA
Ft.-rMriU'tf * : trains on the II. Ac M. , O. , II. .t O. , '
nnd 1C. C. , St. .1. .t C. . IKIIII the II. 4 ; It. dspotj
all oihiTK troni th Union I'noltlodepot ,
a , daily ; b.oxccjit Saturduj' : uoxoopt Sunday }
d , uxccpt Monday.
Depart. WKSTWAUD. Al-rlvo.
A.M. r. M. I UNION PACirid A. I'.U.
bSOn' : . . ,1'aclflo Ktpross. . . . 7 : OaI'.U.
' . . .Denver i\presi. : . .
| O. Altii' : . VALMCy.
. .Malt and Express. .
It. & 'M IN Nnil.
8:10a :
- -
Dnpait. SOUTH WAUD. Arrive.
A. M. I V. , | MlbS < JtJlU 1'ACIKIC. A , M. i r. Jt.
n-.noa i. . . .Day Impress. . . . 60tkl i.
I ) ! . . . .NIiffitKxprc,1" : . . . . | 7:00a :
I 1C. C. , ST. J. k C. Jt. v
0:10a : . . .Via I'iiiltsmoulh. . . 7:00ill
:60a : 7 ( Hill Via Council Iliiin'a. . 7Bkl. (
. . .si. ixiuis r\iiresfl : ,
A. M. C. M. AKT. I'AUL M.
8:15c : . Dtiy Hxpress. . , . .
. . . Nlulit r.xiircHR , . . ,
8ir : > a. .Day Uxpix'ss 7:350
. Nltfht Kxm ess. '
. .Accommoilatioii , , . 'tiito
C.t N-W.
8:00o : . . .DayImprest 7:35a :
.NlKMt ETtpruss. . . . UMfi.1
' ; . n. A : y.
8:2fla' : rar. : : ; rorCIil.vlal'lattflm'th
4 : in rorOii'o via * ' . Illutrii U:45u 7i5al : :
Depart. NOItTIIWAIH ) . Arrive.
A. n. 11' . M. I ( ' . ht. F. , Al. , t" ( ) . t A. M. 11' . sir
K'M\ : ; i. Slonx City i\pru8r : > . . ' I B 'iOa
. . . . . .j CilUoOaklimil Accommod'n UrfJOo' '
.IOWA IMV.S. l\ * P. .
: Wft ' .St. I'niiJ nny UvpieM. ' . : 7UBa
fiS'u : St. J'aul Nlt lit Ixiro3i ! | & :4Sa' : . . . , , . .
DHWMV TIHI.NS Iavo Omulm at 8S5 : , > lOG.
: WI , WWi : , llslf. u. m. ; is 50,2:00 : , 8:00. : 4:00. tHe !
( i:5T : ) and 11:10 : ii , m. On HunduyH tliu 7i5 ! und
lii0 ; a. m. , ami 2:00 : and 1:00 : p. in. trains do not
l javo Council HluffB ( llroiulwiiy I > ppnt at 7:0
) , ; : , ' : - . ' ( HMTi p. ni. On Bunduyu Uio'u'Uo :
ami lUiDOa. m. , aua2:3uana : l'ja : . ra. trnlniwlll
nt ; run ,
'fu-v siKH TiuiKrt l > ave Oinaht at 8:00 , SS3 :
n. m.'ls l'i-i ' . < ' < l. lWuml7lHp. ! : ( : in. dully.
Arrive at i' ' ! < " ana llslG ; 1HW , 3:4J , 73J
and ; 00 u. m ,
To and fiom Chlcaifo vla'fripatvto ! Allljuio *
tjcptornbiii' . \
. Oi toiler.
15 .Novemher .
Dert-mljcr H'JI
Tlmo taljlo of pa onumIf id in bvtwfcou
Omaha nml Union Stock Vurds ; ill effect , \Vod-
nctday.Auifiitt i-'iitli. IBM : - '
"WIB/WAII : | )
Trnlu No. 49 , ilully eioopt Buudujr.
t * Jna run dniir.