THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , TUESDAY , OCTOBER 27. 1885. DOSED BY HIS OWN DOCTORS , .1 A Eolliokbg Hotel Han Heaps a Harvosl a. Vho Wrong \7tiy , * ' ' ' . A FORMER'OFF'IC'IAL ARRESTED * * . . * , Dlnitclio Homers' Attempted Hnlolilo- . ' ' BliJ'o HlownrH nt Work A . : l''M/Kemltl Sorcc | City Jottings. tl'i'OM Ttin llrr.'s T.tsrot.N tiotiKUM Enrly Jftsl wt-tsk V , M. Corlmtn , of Hitr Huston , loua , cumu to Lincoln on n vlsi anil huMlncft.s combined. Gorlmni ut 0111 tlmo bwl qnlUi extensive InturcsU in Lin coin nnd bulk the hotel which Is nov called the Windsor , but ut tliu limn o completion was iininud thotiorliiun , aftu tlio builder. Gorluun opened the anil ktipt it for sonio Unto , bill luck o pnlronnjru anil oilier reverses , it i.s said drovti ( lorliuin out of tliu hotel. Tin itfoHdnt oroprietor , Nut Drown , Kfq. when \ fnvorubly known throughout tin westjussociatcd himself witlt Mr. Jcl GhiM , an c.\eriencid ] hotul nnin , Bonn fire or Hlx montlm ngo , nineo which limi thohotel has bi-comi ! very populnrnmon ; nil oliifwcs of travelers. ( Jorhain movei fnnn Lincoln buck to Ilurlington , whlcl bud formerly been hi.s homo. Liu liiul no vmlted Lincoln since until hist week. 1 tiny ur'two sifter his arrival hero hu wen on a 8proo nnd for several day kept it nn. Ho wandered nbon thu city in n lirafitly stale of driinkunni-8-4 mill ut nluht visited disorderly hoiiso.s nnd alodd moments gambled for pastime Liht ; Wednesday nl-'ht , it is mxid , hu wen to u lending fjambhn house nnd woi $1)10 ) tit taro unit poker , and thu ni-.x night went to the same plaee and lo-i what , hu hud Won the previonn ni lit am Bovoral hundred dollars besides.Vlni liu thought over tin- matter ( iorliitin con eluded tliat hu wanted his money baek niul upon Koi"p lo " lawyer , who ! H alsi n councilman , ( let-idi'd to bring suit ti recover thu money This jiaper.s huvi bison iHHiied , and the i-aso will i-onie ii | for himrinir in si fi-w days. A pi-r.Hi.ston ftcaroh failed to rrvoal the court whcri thi ) CIIHU in brought and any of the par Honiara , but in substance tlie matter is u given ( inrliam has bot-n somithiiiof a anort nnd Iho gamblers SIM in to be iHiipliH. > oi that liD would , as thuy 8ay , "MitiL-al" ] u bin own iniidicinu. CO ,1 A roit.iiKit orrtt'iAi. . M. K. Ltiselier , a Khort titnti a o rp Hiding in l/uu'oln , was arretid ) Simdn ; , nt llastitifrs and brought buck to this oil ; tmdur u chir : < ; u made out al HID instanc'i IV"I of a furniture dealer and u di.sordcrl ; woman. . Soini : time since , and dtirin ; HID t a to fair , LiiKuher was e.iuployeil a n watchman at thu city jail. It WHS dnr Ing hm employment that thu jail deliver of suvt'iiU-un men oi-cnrreil , ami theri nru now rumorrt that hi ; was in HOIIIU wa ; implicated in it. About u month a < r' < LiiHclior left for Hnstin < r.s , and buloru hi went it i churgcil that \w \ disposed o ft Boino ? . ' ( ) ( ) worth of fiirnitnru which hai Iiiiun bought on monthly payments Ln.sclier and tin ; woman hail on inti tnalo liirniH for quite a period , and it i thought that sincan&i'd his arrest ii ordur to Imvii revt'iijTe. A private detuc tivi ) luftyeslerdav for IluHtinya to brhi { LtiHchur hack to Lincoln. Till ! ATTKMITEI ) SUICIDK. The woman Uhinuhu Somera , who at tempted Hiiicidi- the Wind.sor , i.s on tli , road ( o recovery , and she is now at a din orderly hoiihe on 1 * street , wheru who i rooolvinjj visits-from iiumeroim admirer and curious persons. At ) M > OII an tin hotul proprietors learm-d that tin mini Dobnuii and thu wumiu worn not marrit-d , na stnted ii ycaUirday's HKK , they were prompt ! , ejected from the hotel. The theory i tfint Ihu woman , from a Reimntional'mo tivo and to ain a little notoriety , bly took n .sli lit do.v > of morphine , bit not wilh suicidal intent. Thu doctor rather t-onlirm this view of Ihu case. Th police nay they look lor a third xnicide o nn attempt , beforu the city will ajjiiin ru gain its wonted moral lone. HAPK HI.OWINIJ. Early Sunday morning thu input mar kotof llohannan ItrotherH on ( ) street noxtdoor to the .State national bank , wa unturi'd and thu .safe opened. A holi watt drilled near thu combination lock and after it had been blown with powde the door WIIK broken oil' with a nled bummer. In the money drawer wa $178 in checks , inadii out by thu linn I omiiloyiiK for salaries , and iS in ca.s and ; i gold watch. Thii tliiovon took th ciiHliand wati-li , lint left untouched th checks , which Miowuil that they xver iirofeHrtionals Thu Messrs. liolninnai liavu iin idea that thu hnr larri wisni loea crook , tint them wenis to bu no dclinit tividenco to that ell'eet. A ( illAM ) WKU'OME. Mr. V. K. I'arklngtnn , Ihu leader o tliu l-'it/.ircrald hose company , rulnrnei from Nuw York and thu last tjiittir day ii | ht. He W4is inet at thu depot b A committcu of the Kil/uerald ; boyn , wh ttft-oi'tcd him to Hie hall , which had bee ; appropriately decorated , and after number of spoetthe.s from some of th prominent men of Lincoln , the boyn sa down to a ( sumptuous banquet. Speechc And loattU ; wurc thu order of thu evening A tit lulii hour thu i-omiany | depart- nmid clieerH lor tin * 1'iferald hose eon > any and their leader The Fitral { loteoompany bayi held thu ehampioi yhip,0f the stntu for I-IIM , and Ihu pet ] > lu of.Lineoln feel jnntly proud of Ihui anci-cijs. ' ' CITV ITI : I ! . Nathan Hlakley and son t'liarli-H , c lUialr'cu , wi-.ruin thu city vet'ti-rday o their way to Omaha Mr , Itlakely in on of thi ) oldet-t Hc.ttlerH of Ni-braska , havin como in IH.'i ? . Hu Mill mtaiiiH th ouiiU ) eiithiihiasm which he had for th state in early times. t Tluuiu wan a trot tint ; niiileh ut thu dri\ ' tug pa'rk late yi-Htunlay afternoon for iinrtiti of $10D , hutwi'cn u name i r'lacM , owniid by K , T. Knibs , of Kion City.- and Tr.i'nniolinr , owned by Frc Uoliar , of Grand Inland , Neb. Thu continued line weathurhaHbroii ! ; ! ! . ; > ninny roimtry pi-oplu to Lincoln uithi | V' tlm past week to trade , and thu rota Jc. .nutrajiants am | iilpy | in coneitienei | < Sunday a saloon' in tint lower pun i f Ihc city wns visited by thu pollen wh | ; found llnit It wa oi'ien and tloin bus ; - , ; iK ! TliL-ro was no uri-unl but the pn , , priolor was told that another otVoua 1 would i-aiihean arri-ht. K : 1'olU-tumui Smith , of thin city , re tunic ytiHturday from Kearney , whiiru Im wn culled b.v telegraph on acrountof III very HiiriotiHlllnuns of his brother , O. 'I Smith , who charge of tliu farm coi with thu reform nchool at tin piaou. Air. Smith is still \yith typhoid finer , , but hu in now u : , | ) t > ftcd U recover. W. II , Aiulerson , ( irantl Island ; Wl CloiiHton , C. H. Schinidt , Omaha ; J. 1 Sijntlern , Sewartl ; It. H. MolU't , Dcnloi /JO. Huberts , David City ; .1. U. Tordei ' .U'hoiuaH Jensen , \V. 15 Hates. K. H..In ml-rimm , Ulissi-H ; A L. Mrang , II 1 " Mediack , Omaha ; O. Horn , bIIIIIM . llcv. lr ) , Miller , Utica ; S. Dee , Omahi Airs , ' Louise Sewanl. S. M. Dowall , Buu ; ( J. 11. 1'owcrs , lleatrico. Vwc-tii Kroin I-'itrnax County. iuti : , Oct. . To thu Kdltor.- ' * : , town of 1.1MX ) inhabitiinls i ' { ( en ( tul .on Ihu line of the M , i M. , ahoi fvry milus cavt of MeCook. It la thriving , RO nhcnil plnco , bojistlng of two weekly jmpors , Tito riont-cr anil Mirror , nlso two banks. AH other bnsi- now is well roprcsentcd nnd doing lincly. Tito farniOM hnvo had excellent crops. Hroom corn lint been oxtfliisivcly rnliftl in thu county tin's year , ami wnpon loads arc coming in .daily ; Jtirtv-ninu loads worn counted ycslerdny. It Is brought in and shipped directly oast. Knrnas county luw had a prodigious prbwtlt In Jhf last two Years , and to 1)tJ appreciated must bo traveled over. Kmi- grants are coining through dally , nnd the "rralnu.Schooner" is a sight that has ct'ascd to attract attention , except from Ktrangern. Tlio eastern farmer seems to appreciate cheap anil good lands , which can be had at from $ lt lo $1H er aero. Tim stock i.s of the bp t quality , both horstM and cattle , and thu people know bow to ki-i-p it in good working order. Although thu patient and much endur ing broncho cuts a ligurc here , ho is be ing rapidly set aside for Ihu American horse , Itnildtng Is going on extensively , both in thu town and country , thu farmers putting tip substantial dwellings in place of tlio adobu IIOIISCM tif the early Rultlers. Political circles nru tptiet , and both narticB have goo I tickets in the lield. Thu republicans will undoubtedly elect entire ticket , as the county has u largo republican majority. After Diphtheria. Diphtheria is a terrible disease , requir ing ( ho greatest medical skill U ) ull'eel a complete cure. Hven when its power in broken , it tilings tti the patient with great pers-lstcnoy , and olten leaves thu system jm'iFoncd and prostrated. .lust herti Sarsaiiarilla doesii vast amount of good , expelling impurities front the blood , giving it richness and vitality , while it rcnovatua and strengthens the .system. Brevities. McPars. Washerman & Hurnett havi1 sold out to Simons , Hatch \Vhitton , ol ISnston. Very little business is being done in thu Justices' courts of tliiH city nowadays. Kleetion IK too near at hand. WUIinm K. Cody , "nullah ) Hill , " is in the city , and will remain here a day 01 two before returning'to North Platti1. Thu registrars in thu various wards an nounce that they will not transfer names from thu old registry booksof last year. ( i. A. Kobinson , drunk and disorderly , was a victim to Roundsman Matxa's 'igi- lance last evening , and was conlined m the city jail. Charles Ustora. colored , was an oncn- pant , of the city jail last niglit , charged with being a vagrant. IIu wus arrested by Olliccr Shit-Ids. The Jii-Ht , Kof. P. ball of thp season takes place next Tnesdav night. Tiekefi are now on sale and can be ncc.nrcd at Kanlltnan I5roi.or of Andy Hortlen. Charles Surface was lined $ . i and posti in police court yesterday afternoon for disturbing the peace bv lighting Satur day night in thu Planters' house saloon. Marriage licenses were issued yester day -Charles Loitmann , of Grand Island , and Lena ( Janz , of Omaha , and U : William W. Guilt , ot Omaha , and Mr * . Kudora M. Snyder , of Hampton , Iowa. Thu ladies of St. John's Parish will give it dinner and snnH-r | at 310 Sixteenth street , IStishman's block , on Tuesday , Oct. 27th , for thu bent-lit of St. John's church , North Omaha. All are wulcomu. ' Full dinner ; 15 cents. Sunday was the last game of base ball which will hu played this season hy the "fairies of the lield. " The club dis banded yesterday , sonio of the mem bers going to their homes in Chicago anil others remaining in this city. S. N. Mcalio , ttiu veteran showman , haf taken charge ot the People's thea're , as thu old Wood's Museum will henceforth bis called Nothing but first class attrac tions will bo placed on the boards , and a number one play house will be main tained. The new management started out with "standing room only" houses at both afternoon anil niglit perform ances . Residents near the corner ot Fifteenth and Capitol avenue say that three shots were fired in that neighborhood about ! 1 o'clock Sunday morning , ami that they were followed oy the noise of scurrying feet , aa though , some one was giving cha.-c. The police profess ignoranci ol thu affair , and say tliat they have heard of no shooting allray with which these shots could bu connected. "It is the little rift within the lute thai by and by will make thu music.mute , ' and it is the jittlu tickling sensation in the throat which brings on hoarseness , sleepless nights and lung trouble. Tin : early usu of Hed Star Cough Cure will prevent all this. It is u prompt , tale anil medicine. IVrsonal Paragraphs. Senator Van U'yek arrived in the citj this afternoon. P C. Iliinebaugh left for thu easl yesterday afternoon. Miss 1C.VV. . McCormiuk returned thi < morning from New York. J. H. Htissell , advance agent for Kate Castleton , is in thu city. A. C. Coble , a well-known stockman ol the Powder Hiver region , Wyoming , is ii : the city. Mrs. G. W. Clark has gone to Phila dclnhia to attend the national W. C T U convention. C C. Clark , Kewaneo. 111. ; James Bar her , Nortli Hcnd ; 1) . It. Smith , Gnnnisoi City ; K. 11. Mclieth , Clnulron , : tru at tin Caiilicld. Abe Newbergnr , of Cook & Hern hi-inier , New Yo.k , is in thu city nn hi- way home from a very snuce.ifnl trip tc New Mexico and the Miuthwctl. Mrs. II. T. Leavitt leaves for Chieagc this afternoon to meet her husband wh < > thoroughly rcntorcd to health , is homo uard bound Irnin New Kngland. A. L. IVrlJns head book-keeper n liced , Jones & Co , and line ol the mov eMoi-mcd young men of this city , has ru turned from a trip to Count-client , no coinpanied b\ , his bride , neu Mis-i Dim miuk , one of thu mutt charming ladle- ot WillimanticVi bust la ial circles liotl of "tho high contracting parties" muni congratulation 15. II. nOUOLASS As SONS' CAPSI CUM COUGH DROPS arn the result ol over forty year- % ' ( -xperiencu in t-oni iiouiuling cough iiii.\tures. They arc tin best. How a I.oulstlllo Hello "Materlall/.ec VOIIIIH in u Itiilli-oom. A noted society wi/man who uri-ated i si'iisation in Louisville at a ball on om occasion was Mrs Gcorgo I ) Prentice Shu was strikingly handhomu ami glttei in many wayn. thi'i-uloro ' it goes witnnul saying that she had some vanity and sht decided to attend a lancy dress ball it the eharac-tcr of Venus The lady knu\ > that shu was fast acquiring tliu embon iiointwhich is a destroyer of perfeet out lines , and gave orders for a perfect lit ting , llesh tinted satin corset , which won under a complete suit of fleshings , wai the nio t particular part of her attire , a. the short pink satin skirt , wrought with i border of t-lion , ami a girdle of gold con lining Ihu cloud of palu pink tulle lloat Ing about her superb shoulders , wen scant of meat-lire and easy of adjustment Thus attired and seated In u gilded cat drawn by .six littln Cupids dreused ii pink tights , harnusited with silver am guided by pink ribbons , she , at a lad hour , drove into thu ball room , whenct 'tis said the ladles ran mvny anil thu uu-i remained lit applaud thu inuturiulu.iliui of Venus lit this superb form , DAN DKQUIIjT < K AND 3IAHK TWAIM The Veteran Comslock HeporUr on "Whom demons Used lo IMny 1'rnctlcal Jokes , The njpoaranco of Dan Do Qulllo ns f contributor to H metropolitan cnntompo rary recall * thti fact that the Novadsi journalist who uses the signature Was , in the early days of Virginia City , the chum nnd very often the butt of Sam demons othcrwiso Mark Twain. The two men were icportcrson the Territorial Hntor iiriso , then , ns now , the lead ing paper of this Silver State Dun lc Onillu is ono of thu .simplest o men , kind hearted , nbsmit-mindcd , am ! with a genuine wit of his own. His rca ! nainu Is Wright , but those persons whc have known him longest huvo forgotten that hu has a claim to any other nami than that of Dan or Uequlllu. Clemen ! used to set np all sorts of practical joke : on Dan. Thny occupied the sumo room and the saturnine humor , st , who tievci Was a genial man , had always Bomi trick to play on his companions. Usually too , it was un unkind one which ; when nmdu known , had i mortifying cfl'ect on Mr. Wright In tno"u davs it was Dan Do Quiilu' ami not Mark Twain , who was oxpcctw to bu successful as n wit and humorist But for n curtain habit Wright wonlt probably have justified his adniiccra Do Qiiillu is , without question , the bus informed mininir journalist in tlie UnUe.i Stales , and ho has tliu lea- cajiacily alst for putting Ids knowledge to any othoi usu for his material advantage Uilutunrn ing t4ie Hithirv hu receives from the , n terpriso of Virginia City. Ho knowi overv foot of thu Cnmstodk lode , nnd cat tell Its. history front the silver discover , ' by the brothers Groset down to thu prc.s cut bornsca or barren period , when tin reworking of the upper levels for tin low grades in now being carried on. What attractive and interesting reminiscences iscences thu veteran could writul Tin history of Virginia City is full of tin jiathos. tragedy and comedy of huma ; life. Thu lust of gold , thu love of ntlveii tnre , thu passion of the gambler , the. ex cileiiient of fortune limiting , the sinldet rise of men ami their even more raplt downfall , the tricks and cralt of need ; and greedy adventurers , and thu strange sad .stories of the failures that havi bestrewn the days and night of this strange and oxcitin ; mountain mart , could find in more competent historian than Do Quillu and if thu story shall uvur bu freely am faithlully told , as he c n do il.itwij form one of the most thrilling of histori cal episodes and personal narration combined. Tlit Comstoclc loilu has produced eve $200.000,01)0 ) in silver , and may do i again , as it is asserted that a genuinu sil ver lode never gives out Its barren day. aru not wholly nnproliUiblu ones , and tin sheen ot iUs bonan/.a hours have bent golden enough to make avarice fain with impossible greed. i Tis vain to seek a powder that defie detection , but use Po//oni's to hnprovi the complexion. - "An Item IIH She l Killtrtl. " AVicomicp ( Md. ) Constitutionalist : t yellow-backed pirate named Jim Cum tilings ; who works for Sam Hardacti ne'ar Millvillc , came to town last Satur day , and , while drunk at Creswell's gro eery , made some remarks about our selves as wo were passing tip striit will our youngest daughter , lie wassourei beoause we turned him over two week ago and his crowd , that took the lynch pins out of oltl man Parson's buggy a the Goose creek meeting. When Iwspoki his insulting froth 1 Ian berry Davis too ! it up , ami in a row which followed In .struck the gorill.i a suobindur on thu jitv which knocked him out from betweoi his wool suspenders and loosened six o his teeth , llo hail Davis arrested b ; Marshal Billings , and thu mayor levied i fine of $10 , which wo paid for him a soon as we learned the facts. Wo mtoni to show up the whisky yahoos from tin ( ! oosu creek neighborhood who try torni this town Saturdoys , and by the way Han Davis is a candidate for town mar hiiai. lie is the man for that job. Fortunes la Htotio anil Itronic. "Carp" in Cleveland Loader : Wash ington City has a great deal of mono ; invested in stttnary , and sonio of i might be looked upon as a mignty pool investment. Greouough'.s naked statin of Washington cost $ 15,00 J , and tin slatuu of Liberty way up there on tin Capitol domu cost $ jriOJl ) . Clark Mills the sculptor , received great sums frou the government , though he died com > ar ativcly poor. Kilty thousand dollar was tliu price paid for Andruw Jackson who sits upon a rearing horse oppositi the While House , and hu received another or $50,000 tor his equestrian statue o ( Jen. Washington in Washington circle Another $511,000 statue is that of Gen Thomas in Thomas Circle , and it mus make thu tax-payer happy as hu looks a it to rumember t.'iat congress paid $ -5 ! , ( Kill for the pedestal , and that the foil ! hron/.o lamp posts around the base cos $ IJJI > apiece. Away oil' to thu cast o the Capitol , in Lincoln Square , threi thousand pounds of brass reprosun Abraham Lincoln giving freedom to th. negro. The statue uos.l$17)0lliit ' ) ) it wa pai t by contributions made up by freed men of thu south. Gun Nalhanie Green stands in a park northeast of tin capital at a costot $50,001) ) , and in Scot Circle. Gencr.d Winlicld Scott lias bcei embodied m bron/.e for $ i5UOJ Viiuu Ream's statute of Farragut cost § .0,0(1(1 ( ( Thu statue of MoPherson together will its pcdoslial cost about $ ' > 0IKU > , and tlowi in Rawlins scjuaru , southwest of thu whiti house , there is a bron/.ustatuuof Genera Rawlins which looks just as well , at i t-ost.of .tl'I.IMl ' ) . In addition to tliCMithcfi is the Maine of Protessor Henry in th Smithsonian grounds , which cost a sinul fortune , that of Admiral Dupont , opjiu site ( Main's , which represents a largi enough sum to pay several tinies a con grcuian's salary , anil tint beautiful bronz statue of Martin Luther in front of th Luthurad .Memorial church , which cos but $5,01)0 ) , and is as fine a meee of Ktatu arv as you uill find this side of tlio water The rage for equestrian statues whicl jire\ ailed a fuw years ago has died awa.s and thu moru siMisiblu unstoni ot nietui ing men and not horse.s is being adopted It is well that it is so. for the day wil eoniu when people will l.tugh at thu ide of trying lo honor a man by u bronc imago of his favorite horso. Nervous Dclilljlated Men , You aitalluuril a fim trial itir Ililrtii ( f < m of Hie usu ot Dr. D\e's Celuhr.itod Voltal Kelt witli IClcc-trle HiinjieiiHiiry Appliance : lor the spi-e < llellef anil permanent emu i Net vims DL-bllltv. loss of Vitality niul Mai hoiiil , and all Ichulicd tumbles. Al.-o fi : niiinv othe iliw-ases. Cuniiilflu it-storatlon t heitltli , vKornuil nianhiKHi. No risk is Ii i-nried. Illu-tntU'U paiuplii'tllli | lull Info , nuitluii , terms t-te. . niaili-il fieu by Voltaic Holt Co. . .Minshull , .Mict. | Kliort I'siayA ( in The A mule cannot bray without first rah ing his tail. IIo can kick , however , will out any preliminaries. The man who monkeyed with the oar end of u nu i kt going weBtuuvcrafterwni posed an a professional beauty. A philosopher says : Nuvor tioklo mule's heels until ho U dead. Beg II.HI don A mule's heels cant bo tiukloil til tcr thu mull ! is dead. Thu mule him ono more leg than a mill ing Moot , and hu can stand on ono an wayu thu other thruu round in u.s man dillerunt directions To fullv appreciate the mule ono shonl listen to his voit-u. You never can real ! know whether you liku a mulu or not ti : you hear him mug. Thu editor of u Florida paper had jut Mold hl jauuul utid tvtUblitMiuuut for mnlo. The inttn who owned the miilo was evidently dreadfully unxlous to got riil of it. A mnlo nort-r grows old or dies ; once br night into u.xistonco ho bontiniics < tn forever. Tito oKghjnl mulu is ifow tillfo " ' * bomowhcro. A Now.-u-k , $ , il. f horse-trainer says that mules in 11.4 bo taught to kick nccnratoly. , 'ihjmwill bo news to the numerous mon who are lying around the country wilh'fli Hlcatod limbs. Thuy will now rjalr/u llivit ( lioy were simply foil dluil. / „ : The mttlo itt i tjooil worker. 1ml ho can not bu upon. Ho is liable tc Mrike , and when ho strikes n human calculation falls. to find out any rule by which to reokrtii wlu'n ' lie will go to work again . It is nseU'S < to pound him , for hu will stand more beating than n sitting- room carpet. " . ID Western Nebraska. NOIITJI P/\Trtl'bjt. a I : To thu Kdilor- As Mr. K. D. WolMtor , desires the ti.llclal statistics of the rainfall lu Western Ne- brask.i I enclo-io the appund.Ml tables which I published sk inontlia ago and now correct tijt to date. Thuy .show conoluslvuly that Ihu actual nvorago rainfall in Lincoln Co. Nebraska for Ihu last ninu years , i.s sulliciuut for nil agricultural purposes and that a groatur rainlall lujwover desirable is not essential , Tlitm for the plowing otjand and plant- in. ; of can have had but little eihict in' the c.xtrtunuyusUirn counties as im- provunienls wore now exist. ml or too lai' belwcun tj cansj appreciable ohan o. On the far d'slant past the Plattu wiis a mighty tlood s x miles in width but 'in recent times there must huvo been ex ceptional yearsof abundant precipitation sineo a M s.sotiri River Hteamer went up to Kearney anil back ( in 13 > l 1 hclicvy ] and also yean of excessive drouth lor old freighters have told mo that thuy have seen the Piatto absolutely dry from Kearney westwards. Statistics show a marked increase in the annual rai ifall at Omaha and as thu Hearing of fort sLs and washing away of the soil have caused almost perennial drouth in ix.onded regions , formerly thu garden spots of 1 10 eai-lh. it seems proba- bio that , plowing the land , making every llsld a spongu , planting th HC miniature forests thu eornliiihls.tnu steady increase of wood along streams and m ravines , will in time , not only preseive , and make useful every raindrop that tall.s but also increase thu actual amount ol rain. H EMKIUUX. Tlio SDoiliiuin'H Catechism. "What is a well deserved holiday ? " "Our administration enjoys a month in the mountains lishing. " "Correct. Next boy. Wlial is junket ing ? " _ ' Any uiembor of the opposite admislrt tion attending tlio lunural of h.s old lather. " "That's right. Now , what is u states- many" "Thu gentleman who runs our caucus in ward lour. " "V'es. And what is pot-houso polit ician ? " "The hoL-ler nominated for presalont uy the olii. r pjirty. " "Right yon1 lire. What is the pa-an of : vietoryr" v " 'J'liree cheor.sjfo-r our candidate. " "And wliat isa Iridcous howl troin a score of dninUii : tliroats : " "Three chuisrsfor tuo other candi date. " f ' 'What is im' ' the millions of free hearts and lioacAl hands upon which rest the hopesand destinies of thu rc- publicr"j "Us. " ! . "And to whom does 'tho groveling horde of lestuvnUfJcornipliun' tofcr. "Them. " . I "Correct all around. To-morrow biing jour bluo-bociK to Hehoolitli you anil we'll pick is good tor .you. Re member , oti toi'y [ | : ; ' home , the opiosit- | lon member.s i"ll ; Ky' ' e .on tuo shady s tbof the street. Tluj jinplls will find a b.i.skel- tttl of stones in tin : trout areaasluey pass out. Now , bo good boys , and don t create any disturbance. The class is dismissed. " _ Ladies will find it to Ihoir advantage to examine Patch'n stock of y.ird wide em broidered skirting Hairnets before pur- elscwnere. BLIND MEN V/HO SELL PAPERS. How They Distinguish tlio Value ol nionoy Tliolr lixporiciiuca Wilh Customers. "Arc there many ot us in the business ? Well , yes ; about thirty. " said a Third avenue newsdealerlio is blind. He allndeil to blind men who sell newspa pers. "But this does not include blind men and women who have no stands , but u ho vend papers on the streets. Counting them , 1 suppose there would be sixty ol us. I know most ol the blind lolksin the newspaper line , and they're all good fellows and seem lo gel along. Some ot' them own houses. Yes , 1 do a fair trade nuself , especially in thu morning papers I sell upward ol one hundred and lilly copies of The Star , for instance , uvery day. I sell all kinds ot periodicals , Iroin fashion monthlies to basu ball guides. "No it in a mistake lo suppose that thu public is ready to patroni/.u a man simply because hu i.i blind. At least , that is my experience I have had men leave me mo because they said I did not wait on them quickly enough. Hut. that ol conrsu was not true. 1 am as spry as any ol them , oven if I am compelled lo work in darkness. I have wmio very queer customers I cannot , call them cranks ex- .telly , but they come very near being so Many who deaP with me continually never speak a word. Thuy pick up their paper , duposit the money and wall ; away in silcneu. Thu other day u gentle man said hu guessed ho would stjp patroni/.ing mo , as I had nol not eed him unco during the year and a lull' ho had dealt wilh m i. It w , > il.l h.ivu d. ) in AOII good lo have hearI him apolo./it wun ! 1 informed him 1 was blind. Now hu speaks lo mu every morning. A many ot my customers aru not a\\iiii > ol my blindness and ask all sorts of ridicu lous questions about the pictures in I hi illustrated papers A man once asked me to direct him in it choice between twt : comic papers. 1'dld ' M > , and hu was delighted - lighted , liu complimented mu , and said my taste agreed ut'telly witu hi.s own. Yesterday morning one ot my bust customers , wljo p.otsusdcs a ponderous voice he is a polit < ciiin--asked mo if I hail read what appjiiu-ed about him in n Mugwump orjltiUri I " "id 1 ha > l nol , but would gladly lifilciLwhilu hu read U u mu. llo decaipu inili iiaut and used hard words ' 1 learned aftunvard that tlio article alluded foyas ot a disparag ing nature Thi morning \vhon I told tin politician Iv.hv I . liluid he treated twice. ' "Tim Starr' i aid \ouiig man , as lit pioked ii | ; a pni er nnd luuidud thu nuws m.iii it coin. "You have m ido a mistake , " said tin customer , on c < unling his change. -J'hon it is n y ( irsl 0110 , " utisworod the blind man. ' 'How mueh is Thu Star ? " "Two cents " "Tliun , of couriu you liavo made n mis taku. I gave jou u ipi.trter , and you havu returned only twenty -ouo cunts. " "You gave mu u Canadian coin , wnlcl In worth just twDiit.vthrci ! cents. " Tjiu young man himcd and inceKlj ackno ] edicd hu wan In error. "How did \uu was a Can adian coin " ' * a-ikud Ihu tiailor of lla. blind man " 1 full it " ' ( an i n U-ll it ( hat wii.v" "Ahuija In lut/t , il A Uu only way 1 OU H ES Rhoumaiism , Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago , Backache , Headache. Toothache , , p. SruliU. I'i-o t tllli- , ( TD * I.I , ( UII til nilMll.T I'AIXS AM ) A I KM. 6 1J LDi ui Ulf iiril Pt.Vr , evf rrnlier * . FIR ; Of uu tat : Dlsvllnitsla U Llncilkcrt * Tim ciiAiii.r.s A. vooii.r.u : co. ( lumtMi , u A. VOOtLCRtCO. ) Billlnlrr , H4. , I' . M. ha\T3. ( Jive mo any coin you like anil I will tell its valuo. " "How do toll " voti paper money ? "By fueling. I Hot only lm\o to dis- tingujshod tin ! difTerent ilenoinlnat'onsof ' American bank notes , but sometimes I get foreign money. No ; 1 never get stuck. Although oncii 1 did ; il was by a newsboy wlio had an old Fenian bond. IIu bought three papers , and I gave him $ lUit ! change. That was a long lime ago , however , when 1 was young In the bus ) . ness , The latl eamu back next day and rotunjed themtntuy. Ho only wanted to .test my alullty. PS , it look mu a long while to learn to tell money by the touch , but once I caught the knack it eamu fi'sy. Of course , 1 have to keep in prac tice. 1 have a number of bills at homo yimnly for thai purpose. The Garland Stoves and Ranges hnvo the most artistic lln'sh ' of any that wo havo'everseun. They are ever.vwheru no- Know ledgud to be the best in thu world , whilolhey cost no more than is olten asked for inferior goods. They are as noted for durability , convenience and economy of fuel as for stlo ami beauty. A BIG GAS SCHEME. loSiipplj I'lillnilelpliln ami New York 1'Voni I'lUshm-jr. A snceia ) from Pittsbnrg says : Ko- land H. Smith , councilman Irom the six teenth ward returned jesti-nlay from New York , to ujiich city ho went in Inr- cram-cot' project in which he ami a number of New York capitalists are in- torc.sted , for carrying natural gas to Phil adelphia. "I aiii mil ready to say much about the matter yet. as it is only well be gun , "said Mr. Smith to-day , "but I will say. however , that such a scheme is per fectly practicable. To lorco gas lo thu east it will bo necessary to usu pines much larger than those now in usu lieru. Ot course the outlay tor such conduits will ho large , but thu importance of possessing - ing such a fuel and illuminant as na tural gas to cities like Philadelphia and New i ork will be manifest , anil thu cost of conducting it only an incident of the enterprise. That it can be done we feel ralistied , and 1 think the demonstration is not. a matter of decades bv any means. I only camt ! back trotn Washington a short linio ago , wheru 1 was for somu time prosecuting claims to two patents which I think \vlll be issued in a very shoittime. " To supply railroad trains and locomotives with natural gas for lui-l js a part of Mr. Smith's scheme. In fact it is said thai is wlial Ins prcscnl patents are upon. It will bo done with a system of tanks and tubing under the cars and in tlio tender of the locomotive. It is estimated that ouo lilllngot these tanks at Pittsburg would bo sutlieieUt to drive a train on the Pennsylvania railroad Irom Pitt-sburg to Philadelphia and back. Of course , as there is no natural g.ts cast of the Alle gheny mountains , the supply would have to be taken aboard between Pittsburg and ( Jreensburg from the Murraysvillo or Taroiilum regions. The Great Invention , ForEASYV/ASHSWG , IN HAR3 Olt SO'T , HOT OR COLD WATER. inthutit Harm In f\mitJCt > r HANKS , andiinrllciilnrlyiidnptrtltoir ri CIHiutev. Ko family , i Icli ; r lx > or , khmiM l > u Itliout It. Sold by lUI ( inx-eiH , but lirwn re \llolml- - tatloiiH. rJul'iXJ \ manuucturcd only by JAMES PYLE. NEW YORK. "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. " 'J he OHirliinl ami Only < -iiulii t. Pftft anf l ti IMUM < - I ) , orarrof m r1lili linlutlbOl , ! cili > i nut > ! o u L ( > nlES. A k ' " Hrilitel-t ' " 4 ' D'l t1lk ' "ih-r ' r iii'lo-- * "I'liutiff'trrV Knull-1 * ' > " * * ' . . , . . , . ) t.i I , , far | * * Ittltr * > 9 rrluri , innlL " PAPGH. 'hllir lrr 'hi-nili-iil 4"i > - ' Oun PRODUCTIONS ncrncscHT TH * PcCCTION or SHOC-MAKIHQ. IN THIM rvcnv OIIJCCTION roiiNO IN riEfloy-rj.iDt QHOCJ 10 THCBUCCtSB AT OflCC ATTAIHTO at oun OOOD3 kviicncvcn inrnonuccn OWf | < OTO TriE FflCTTHAl THtV AflS ciovc-rimrio , CICOANT IN sivie ANOnMIBH.OrTHK FINCSTMATCBIAta ttiD WORKUANfcHIH , AND hOOCHATC IN I'RICI , THE HonHons or DREARING-IM An > voinco : T.ICY Arr coiufoniABi. * moMTHK vcnv Finsr. We MAKE IS Slltal I 14V/IOTH | ND 0 OHAPI Or TOta AND HCCtO. fhs ffniite en tt.t Selti , & T. NJiW VOIUC. Many a Lady is beautiful. all but her skin ; and nobody has ever told her how easy it is to put beaut yon the skin. Beauty on the skin is Magnolia Uahn. UNITED STATES National Bank XT. S. S , W. Con Farnam & 12th Stj , Capital , tj 100,000 0.V. . HAMir.TOK , II. M.Cnliltroll.tX W. Hamilton , 11. r. Smith M.T. llnrloir O. U'lll llnmlltun. Nebraska National Bank OMAHA , NEBRASKA. I'AittUr CAPITAK . Sioon,01 ti'llll'l.UH , JlllJ- , iNS'l.J.OJJ.JJ 11.V. . YATI , I'tTslilonl. A. H. Toit7.At.iN , Viro rroslilont \V. V. MoimK , JDIIK H. COI.UNI , Lr.wts S. KuKi ) , W. H. 9. lluOUF.s , Caahior. BANKING OFFICE ) THE IKON HANK. Co. IStli nnd I'm iianSlrocls. . A Ucncriil liunlcliix Ilutiiui-Kt t'la DIRECTORY MEAT MARKETS. JOHN K1CLKEXXUY , Ucnlur In Wines , Liquors & Cigars , W4 BnnUi ISth St. JOHN KANK In iitutidnnco. ; K. HUKIJUIIT/ , 13tli Street Market. All Ulmlrt of froMi unit Knit tmmts coastiintly mi liiinil. roiiln-y , ( fnnio , otc. , In SIMISOII. K. HmtiorU , CHSo l.tliHttcot. 1IKNIIY R1TTKKS. Meat Market , At eOTI dunlin , ' St. , is tl n pliico tomtit tlio toii'lnr- ' c-st mill the I ot t-tioiiH niul rousts. I'icsli lldli , guinii unit all tliu iltilk-iuilua hi SARATOGA MARKET. ED KUPPIP. Proprietor , m K. 9Hloi > nth Street. rrt > sliPnlt nnd SmolLCil Munis , ( ionium Sun- f-iipiiNjiKiK-clnlty ( liiiiin , 1'oultr.v niul Vrttoui- blus la tuusrni. Ko ulioapor nuifhut la town. California Meat Market Uculora In Kix-sli niul Suit. Monte , 1'onltry anil Tek-plioiio 1.K1. 004 Not 111 ICtli Street , UPHOLSTERY. Upholstery & Repairing B. S. 't1MT .T . ( i-r T'.g ; No. ICKICiissStroet , ; psovr -s'M.ioalrsriiinlturomnUo | \nif \ it iiMjjudil us IHJU. rill < ) Hiunl to oidiii- liulrs rof-oulixl , lo uiprkoi tliiin cl-o- whi'io mill wo do our own \\nik. Hoys mu not rinjiloyi-'il. S'ouil pontiil unil wo will cullen jou. TEAS- SAN GOON ! Tlio Honl ( lOiiuliiu riIINiS11 : TKA. In qiinHi-r imnnil , liull poi'iul mill | ( mini piK'I-iivus. li-nl ! laiiorlinl | HIM tluix M'iniiliio Cliinu o drink unil nut Ilio Ininilni pulntcil tow. Sold unlyliy SAN ClOOX , No. 418N.'i < l\tui-iilliSUuc PHYSICIANS. D1L JAS. UKCKr.TT I'UVSICIAS AMI fiimKOH\ Olllcc mid Itoihlonco , TJ4 N. IGth St. , DRUGS. PrescriptionsPerfumery , PATENT MKDIOIXES , UTC. Corner sloro. Mu'-onlo It.ill. W. J. WHITEHOUSE , JCth AND WinSTitl : : 8T3. nniShi , 1'iiIiitH. Oll-i mid Shitlonorv. Hnrnk-i Plln Oliiiiiiniii i-iiiiii ovoiy tlmo. I'rico M cuntKr ai y box WiiiTiinlfU. " RESTAURANTS. It. I'KTCHSEN'S DININGHALL. . Win ninloil tlio lio-ii c-np of rotTen In Hie city. Miiiilcmiiiol boriiiiil | ) < 'il liuiinl by tlio ui-ol. # 1 ; Miiirlniiinili."c. : UU i > uoili. ) < ililily In attuiulunt-u , MUS. ft. WlhSOM , 71 NllilliKtioOMii-nr Hint , Restaurant , Cigars A\i > Cosn.orioMJiiv. MuiiUtocirdin- laitfUiutniiuu | lion lojiil liomiloi-HjIoi-iiliiil HIHIIlin Kl" t uuliiriil cliiip-t iiniltliiiNoiluu4toiiii'u'iot ' ' Hounsciiii bo KO- i-in I'd In Ililn pin t of HIM n i'oin ! ] | < rt liun tin ) olliur IChllllt'tUlllulOl'UtlOll III Olllllllll. The American Cafe , SOU HO. lifl'II S'I'KKKT. XKAIl IIOU'AKI ) . I.mlfuA' niul ( itmllcmiin'n Itu titinnnt. wi-H cookcil , dl wtiMinixl and w Hull HIIIII > In nnvli'l'y. llomil mm ini-iil i.ckuir , , Jl. Ilir > ti'iiiol | collco n l ho city. J , W , Jones , Haft uri < ll furnii > tiVl ( , ' ol ! kept , llilv online ; limit-out No 171 1 Cumin * ct . mid nil ulio rlui llllll U Itllll lll III ) Illk'Ullir 1-IIHlllllll.lH . HlllIOOH lilrtowu ci.oklnn and liU ullti iillondto thoio- > - tunruiit. IICIHII Iliiiin Isllrat cliuilaio inul uvn- rjtliln ; ; ui It slmuM bo , 16tt7"st7 RESTAURANT t CIIAS , R. WEBSTER. Pfop , Tliq ticnttHt mid l > wr condiieti l culMlnu In tilt the Morris Restaurant ID HID \ LI-V liost vulliix liuiivo In tliu cay , Tr > U unil > on "III bo fall-tiled 'I'lLki.-ls for it inuiiU W W. Huutd by Ilia wuoV U33. MeiiK Kc ( nioU. IClh Bet , Dotiftlai and Dyilge St OMAHA MANUFACTURERS. Billhrd Tables , TUB tltUTW > WIUIMlAtiKK'Xlt,1HNl ( > Klt A On" Manufacturers of Billiard 5 Bool Jabln , Anil Snlcion. DDIco nnd llliuJi < < ixturotMnrkot nnd Huron sis , UlilOi\-to. HI. Oin.ilu oflh-OiftJJ S. tuth St. Book Binding , lc , " " Tir.lWl'UINTINO < X > , Printers Book Bla'deri ' , , . , And P-lnlifc ttoolt MilitufAMifuuV Virt. 'lM nnrt UM South Mill Slrrutimlm ) | , Nob' . Butter Tubs , .1. ( JKY.MOUH , Manufacturing of Butter Tnbs , M IN ft'o ; 4i ( "to , : H : a ? . . ste , i n > . i'o ; ton m flrV- ln , IKo. iMli Htul 1'lcivo St. , Omnlin , Nbb , Cigars anti Tobacco , * " * * * * * 7 , TVv * * > -vwf * * AB MAX Mirvint & ( V ) . , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos , flu in niul AinnninlHoii al5 to SSI South lltli SlMHit , lit0 ! to lid Farimm Hlrt-ot , Oinulm , Noli. iN-rrit-ocKAN Citt.ut KAOTOUV. \VisT : & KlllTSUMKU. , 1 ( ' Manufacturers of Pine Cfear's , And \Vlioln nl < i Donturii 111 Loaf Tobiiroo-t No * , _ lt niul 1M N. Ulli Bin-fit , Oiuulin , Nob. Cornices. _ _ _ , Eagle Cornice Works- . . John Kponi'it-r. I'loin-lntor. Mumtfiictiiror of ( iiiU-iinlml Iron niul rnriilru 1UI l > odifo"iuid Ut mill lifi Nortli I.MIi - Omnlm , Noli. itoiVrti , Mnmiriioliiun-nr Orimim-alnl i Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer \ H d , l-'limK Kia.iilitS L'lliSt Wnrkdono In mo IHII I , or tliuoouutry. Western Cornice Works , C. SPKCIir , Proprietor. , finU-nnbocI Iron ( \irnli > iii , Hlo Hpooht'n l-tv l-ioit-d Pnli'iit Mi-lnlliuik > llKlib SlW tild MJS. U-lli St. , Omnlm , Null. Doors , S.ish. Etc , A. Miuinriu'ttmirmiil I Doors , Sash , Blinils , Mouldings , I'.tP. Mull- Hulls il hpoi'lndj. ' Tnlnpnoliu Ni > . ill Itilli niul Mntoy St.OiimhH'NVtV.l Eleclricil Siipplios. " " Electrical Supplies , I , . W. WOI.KI5 X- Crt , I'.lni'lrlctiinn , MiiponliIllock. . Dninlnx luiluiAhuiin. . HolU , I'll o Aim nn , I'.loc-rle M 1'il'ir , Snn.iKliu fa u til , Uolil , bllor anil J J.-Ulilj , ' , Klc. Iron p.nd Nails * } OMAHA NAII.MAN Cut Hails atid Spikes , - ' . ' rii-u Ninls a siwlally. [ Oinulm , No& . Omaha Iron Works Company , Mnrliinur ) . Ca-tliifh , Slfiaiu lIi.ulnijM , ll Aii-liilix'tiiiiil Itiiii Woik , Iron lirklU'iH , niul Mill Miirliliior ) , Olllov iiiul NOJJ > M Union 1'iicittu It. It. lilli unil Isth siiixiiH. , \VUAHNI5 ft IlltO. , Foundry Works. 'or. Hth niul .liu-ltson Ht , | > i < ' ) i-iroil to iln nit ' ' of Iron niul Hi 11-1 rnr-Uiias : olr .O. U. H Itoukliu ( inilo U II-H Miltresses. " " * i : . M. III/I.SK , , Hatlrcss Company , Mnnnfnrtiirliir Jl.itlii' in , IU hlliiRi. Fontlior 1'lllouM. Coin , Klo. Law unil L-'IXS Dyuslus Slroot Omnlm. Noli. Overalls. ; * CANl'ir.U ) MANUl-'AC't'UHINT CO , Manufacturers of Overalls , 'uiilb , Slilrls Kir. , lllf ! mill llJi Douglas btrixjl , Oiiiultu , Noli ; ' Paper Bozcs. .1. I , . WII.KtK , Hp.nnfaclnrfir of Paper Boxes,1 IMS Hlh SI .Oinulm , Knli Dnloi-s liy limit no- lit'llt-il inul will rocclvu prompt iittuiitloa. Safes. Omaha Safe Works , C. ANIlltr.KV. I'lni mill Itilrul ir 1'rfmf Snrn , Vnnlt JVioi.lull Work HIiHIfci-n 'hint Wlro U'oi k. Oir. I4tli mill .lin.-l.-Miu Bio. , Onmlin , Nob. Soap. I1. J. QUr.AUSV , Soap Manufacture , Office imd I'lu-Kirv , noiir Oiniiliii Noli. 4- V/agons / and OltA'ITO.V A. DltUMMOND Manufacturers of Fine Carriages , iniiimul I > IT lliiiim.i Hiii-i'l , Uiinilin.Kiiln Hcil Ai-ciilh. In Nobiiialin lot .Jouua' tulvbiutoJ tfiilit bliuti Sulkicu. A. .1 HIAII'SON , The Leading Carriaga Factory , HOliimil HU DuilMuKtiiti-i , Olimliu , Nob. While Lciad. OMAHA WU1TIJ IiVf'lX'll'ANV : , t'ornulniH niul fliindinuf Perfectly Pure V/iiito / Lead , Oinulm. > cli I i-\i iniii-i. ri'W ( MonJ Vn-o I'l-o-t. . II. V. VIIK-H. tixt unit TI- HOTEL DiHESTORY. Th3 Millard , , J. 1C MiukorriKH Hwnbn , I'mjirlL-Uiri , Dinuliu , Nubroiiltn. Arcade Hotel , .liiiiicH''ii-oy ( , I'ropilulor , 121.1 mid I.'I7 DniiKln Si . Umitim , Neb Tlio pinMiiiujii nl'oiiiiuniiHihcl ini-ii i < si-flfiiMy | Hilu-lliiil 1'J.inj u ill nml tut ) , tin boot llMIMOot Of Til3 P. UumtayAc Co , I'ru.Mlotoi-i. llatOa tC , ' . ( l lift ( III ) , III ) ilili-l , I ( .num. Alj ( ( 1'ul.tOO llutol H HIM 1'V , U.iu.i i , M > i > . Canfleld House , ( "or. Nlnlli niul I'aiiiulnJIK 'I1ii > lx-,4t f. ' ! | ior tliij lioirl In omiilm lloiuoili-li-il , -tiii'illxliul i , iiHliii-imi'il , mm bluuk lioin aim ) lniul < | inirl < is ; opi'dMlM Dillon l'iulllthciiliiiiuiiuiH | ; miuul uiir * iiiiKrt tin- door ( li-oivu Uinllulil X Cojniii | o- loix Alou Unluii V'mtU llmui , SoulU UlllllllM. Hotel de GODS , I' . UOIW. I'ropi K-lor. Kuropcnn I'lnn Tliupnly ( xmiinlly Im-alnlll n iluy liniiiu. Tin co IIHII | > lioni lrfi > il * Oiur4 | lliuiK-and oiiit-hair blucU fu.iu tluI'n.lo Iba mid the Court HOIMC. IG'M ' , I'M , IjlJ 1'jnu.a Ht.Onmliii.Nut ) , ir- Planters Hous ? , c. K. mints , pHiH'imrrpjt. i. ll t i . * INiii'r | iliii IT'- < from U I1 riniHit. uilliln iui < > Mw l in' lieu o. Cum * - - - - , xu i ,