Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1885, Image 7

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Browns Iron
t knixrn ! lh | i if > ii ) lt l ir nj
n h inlo l fln "ill Mtounltal * tb TU.i
.n ( r
rth.r nt tMiin owl In m-lli-ln. TJiu bt -
l . lf th l ln t > ko. > l"-l f > d W li , * > lymt
bil irt > nt ( ! < In c rvful m .llo l pf UH > lit * .
. { . tin .HOT .
OT TI > I rk l Inrl .i *
nMIICIIW.Vl * lt .NIIITTHIl ! M | cl * i
t r * 'Mif4if7 Inm i aaMn tlfm h d * * tp * ft ftMiod.
BROWN'S ' IR , NBimRSl'iTuSi'l'S ' '
BMjIaah * . of ; > mdti < < iwmKlifMl , n nil lhi-f lr
tn nrlnr fia. Ill , OVt I IN IIITTKXri
nrf-fc Indlmffltlni Illllnn * ii . Wrnlin * * *
tM > prp.ln , .llaj HH , Clil'l. ' n < i4 Hf 'r ,
Tlrrtl I'rrllnn.ll nrrnl III Mill i. Pnlr. t it *
PI4 , llnrltur b llrni * trlirwiil Nrnrxl *
( U-t-fiir tlllliiMi te oU ( man pm.'rtl.Ml 4ilf ,
to mm ti1t .Ulntlf Uktmofti mMlMnm n * 4
Wti f > Ukfti h * * > | H * flnrt rmpt * i f
t ta rn * * rt r ffj Th nn * l < M thn * * vi
rt r , Ui rtitf < tt < tri fcninit 4. h l " > l * r * ft * .
M nn.It hrUhn. . ill *
l' f en- l < Ih" i SM k ,
uptt.ri funrU' * * * l d < * nnct int * h-Momi * rc *
if tad if * nifvtn * m < 4h w * ti ihd nl t * n iK
nmniM fur ih r IM K mwnU B * - ' Inm
bw * Uth * IINM lr * w .l | ! thl U 11.4 ta *
r * r4 < i * ftrf fN-'ifff'Ii'i r * ? . * . * * * * * ' ' ! tt
tr > - fiu Tr 4 * Muh
017 HI. C'linrlcS < . , KM.oiilsKo.
Arfcil ' | r 'l l or t i > UfJlr lr < illfj-i , i . Vff n lontft
* n .RHl lu the , . ! trrftlmeot of Cuaoiiic. Nkiivnt ) * , Htt
tnd KtJt n ( Tin. M tbtn nr other I'hTiteUh lafil. Leul , .
jrllr | > .pfn ihcw ta < l nil old r . | .lfM inow
Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mental unit
Physical Wcakneu ; Mercurial and other Allrc *
lions ol Throat. Skin or Donei. Blood Poisoning.
eld Sores and Ulcert. > r tr t 4 with onr.r.ikW
uefMi.duUic.t.el'DtlSa prlnelnlfi.H rclr. PrlfiMj.
Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess ,
Eiposurc or Indulgence , hi-s i.nxinw . ton , or th >
faluliiK r.1 ali hJirtuu oett , ilctllllr. dlmof.4 or eight
oJitr tl mfnjorr , plmpUt oulh r.f. | .btlc Mmj
ftretxlun tntha fvelelyof rrmtl i. eonfuiloi r Idttt. tte
rtndcrlncr MnrrUro improper or unhnppy , ate
rfrrc r > nlj r 4. r = lpliltl | 5 r > ' "i l i e. ml
ikfRlft tcvB'otM * . fffttio ftnr Bddrt.i. Ctn.ultiitUo ft ( of *
arrorlijmoll 'rro , Utllcil > nd it Irtlj r.nflO-ull.I.
A PosltlYO Written Guarantee ( tr < n In crtryca.
tftUc tue. ilo > llclu t olev r ; wbtrt ! > / mail orei | < rr ,
flSO rAOS < 9. PTNE 1'LATKH , elfnnt olotli no ! itll
l * , * ' * \ f-r fi > o. * | > t t foor rqrrtbrj. Over tint
, tru tu in > t ntelnontbe foUowlai
' " ' ' '
iifut'r * ' * * * * " ' ' ' " Wi'
ri2m ti"Jtsy ! ? ! , 'iTi'i i.
: : : '
® R.mGg ;
P&SH J §
A Case Resembling That of Gen. Grant.
I Solno Km yoarv IIKO 1 buil scrofulous mire on
I inyiriKlitl liunil which KIIVO mo ( front Ironhlo
. ftmluiHliMMlioolU tlniotioatinonthoaloilup. but
It , li\ilonly | \ bc < on drivdii into ihimyHtuni liy the
WHO.oCpdtatth and iiicrctuy , and in March. 1B& ,
IVbktil > u6ut It biolio out In my throat , and con-
cunt ruled In what MIIIIU of urn dooior * eu. il
oancor , oiling thiouidi my ( ; liiok < lo troyinir
root of my mouth and upper lilt , then atUiokliiK
my toiiKuo. palntonnd louor lip , destroying the
jinliilo and unilor Up entirely and half my
toiiK\io. eutiiiLT out to the top of my Inllohoouk
bonoiiud up to tholult oyo. I could not eat any
solid lood , but HiibslMod on lliiuiilH. and my
toimiio was M > larirono 1 could not tulle. Hnch
wax my wtotchixl , liolpluaH eondltlon thullfHtof
Inft Ouiohdr , ( IhHll. whim my frlenilNCominonce < l
Swlffa pucltlo. In loss than n month
tno eatingplnees stopped and hoalitiK oom-
moncoil. mid tlio lenrliil apcituiu In mycliouck
IHIH been ehihetl uml tlrnily knitlixl toKuther. A
procofd'of II now under lip I * Kroxro.sNliuf llnoly ,
and the tnnKiKj whleh was iiliiiont ilofltniyud Is
bvinv reijmxmxl , and U hcoms that iiiitini ) Is
iipplylny a now toniro. I can lull : MI Unit my
frlcndHuan leiullly iiiidurNland m , and can also
oat Kdllil rood niraln. If any onn doubt lhos < i
i fncte , I would leler them to Hon. John Il.Tmy *
' br | , sttito Aonnlor of thin district , nnd to Dr. T. 8.
i IJnldllCld , of UlUrali o , ( in.
1 ' MitS. MAHV L. OttMEH.
J.nOruia.Oii.Miiy ) | 4 , ISffi.
U'IIK SWUT Si'ix-iHO Co. , Drawer a , Atlanta ,
Go. M. V. , Iu7 W.s
t Chartered by th Statcofilll
jnom for theexpresjp jrpoki
fofglvingimmcaiutc reliellr
[ II chronicunoarynnd pn
[ Svate diseajem. Gonorrhccu
complicated forma , also all
discosr of che Skin ono
Dlood promptly relieved and
perniatientlycurcd by rcmc-
L dies.testedina/Vir/f/IVitr *
MiimaU'rnrllrr. Seminal
e knea . Night Lxjsseaby Dreams , Pltnplea on
tlie FaceLost Manhoodti'itUifrlymmt.Tlirrt
II ltd ffiifrliitr > iHnii , The appropriate remedy
u at once used In each case. Consultatijna , per.
tonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med *
Iclnea sent by Mall and Express. No marks on
package to Indicate contents or sender. Addrest
OR.JAMES.No. 204WashinglonSI..Oncao.lll ! ( )
' , pr tmir ill" nrrllin frnm error * 01 t'lr- " * ' *
! I Uf lki * % u ii ) ra e nr the K I'lni'Tai Itltiid
fit-r , unti i'oHiMiciun M' cii : > m.-.m
.Pianos . and Ops
.1 U
iuin.iiici.ij.1 tixi i .
trgelh.rwli , , . V .4 1. Pi III UTIIK ITIrMiui i
U7 uCT r r Oiv t tlirvk , , r O .I
" T t HIOI'UV '
JPIijfc , Steam and Gas Fitters
I- : | \ ' . SriIAJI llKATIStJ \ Sl'KCIAl.TV.
II - v Rslmiiiurti-iil | | lu-il , nr | ll dill iMirsciniilly.
I- ARCint-lnr ilio liiiiiunul ( iua Mnclilne. ilUunJ
lb S. Ihtli bt. . Omulm , Neb ,
I " "
Special Attcnllon Given to Diseases of Women ,
Cnn'be consulted In En l li and Ormnn.
Doom Ut'iiiun-u . llluck.Snu liuust Loiuur t.'aii.
A > uiiuuuiul outuontli siiut't.
Men Think
they know alj about Mustang Lfn-
iment. Pew do. Not to know is
not to have.
i < t
Till' PniMT PTATr * HP lA U \
Its Flonrisliing Farms and Stalwart
Pcoplo ,
A Klnl's-.Kyo Vlo tof the Stnto , ns
IMcturctl ! > ) the Graphic Pen
'i ' > f nil KitRtcrn Corro-
"Montclnir , " the correspondent of tlio
SpritiKliokl , ( Mass. ) Republican , who has
rt'cuntly written sovcral intornsUng letters -
tors ru tirtllii" ; Xobntsku , contribulos to
hid pttpur thu following entertaining letter -
tor from Sioux City eon-corning lowut
'J'hoso who litivo ( ilbbon'ti ftimons no
count of u 1'omrui oiunp will recall with
what preclBo care thu camp \y\9 markw !
oil' , uml with what scientific method the
streets , rows of camps nml approaches
were mmpt : > d out. In till things it miiy
\w \ said Hotnu WIH : great hucauso Homo
wtisseientilic. If I were to muntlon the
most striking feittnrt ) of nil that appeals
to onus tiMi.-oof .satisfaction , in low :
us weir ; is in all the new west I should
sny : "Ilt'.ri1. us in all thu Roman empire ,
science has tmirrod pracllbal adminlstra
t.oii ol tuniir.H. Heforu nm lies a map ol
thu state. It is not an cxMjnsive | one , but
It is KO arranged that tit : t glunco tinj
farmer ctn : | > nt the point of a put on to
'the exact spot .where lies his hmiL He
can tell within HO many feel thu latitude
and longitude of his farm. He can com
pute , at u glance , its distance from tlu
nearest town , or from this farm of so mo
friend , or from thu railroad. Not only this
but ho can describe by a few nliruviatiotiH ,
tiiat would occupy half u line or so In
thu Republican , thu Hilimtion of this land
so that any one can locate him. AH
a rule the simple enumeration of throe
number will tto this with sullleient ac
curacy. ' 1 ho number indicates ] tlio
exact position of the mile square where
hi.s farm , within an exaotly square township -
ship of Jiilsquarc miles. Tliu second num
ber indicates the township , or latitude of
this suction , the third mimbur thu range
or longitude * . The elleet on a stranger is
at liivt ludicrous. We are bowling across
the country , behind n span , ten miles an
hour , looking over a series of those great
farms , when some 0110 asks where wo are ,
' Thirty-two. ninety-two , thirty-six ! "
Hack comes this mysterious reply as
promptly .us the report of n shot gun
when u prairie hen rises , To a person
familiar with the system of enumeration
this cabalistic answer conveys delinitu in
tollteenoo. If ho adds , "Nortwest quar
tor" Von MoHko himself could ask no
more. The advantage , of having all land
thus detined by straight lines and an ex
act , easy sy.stem of measurement is mani
fold and immense. It saves quarrels
among farmers as tolK > imdsirics , it makes
property holdings in real estate perfect
ly delimte ami hence doubly safe ; it adds
simplicity to titles ; hist , not least , il is a
conMiint education of the mind to defi
nite habits of description.
Another illustration , near at hand , of
"science married to business , " is the ad
ministration of tiu | great creameries.
Knell farmer kccu.s his milk in cylindric
al cjins of a given uniform si/o. An inch
of dream means two exact quarts , lint
this cream may be rich or poor in buttor-
makiii" ; qualities and hence the cream of
every tormer is daily tested. The mana
ger at tliu creamery can tull to thu frac
tion of an ounce how much butter each
man's cream daily produces. Every
first class creamery out here should have ,
by good rights , a signboard with iv pair
of scales painted Iheroon , for scales , big
and little , are used Incessantly and great
er accuracy sucurcd thereby. It wiH bo
seen at a glance what it constant stimu
lus this system atlbrds to tliu practice of
raising superior breeds of cows. Thu ex
treme care used at the creamery in the
matter of drainage , the usu of the purest
spring water in tno dotiblo washing of
butter the constant ttso of icu in making
it come quickly , nnd a score of details
adopted mini the practice of thu most re
nowned creameries of thu world , reduce
tlio whole process to the nature of an ex
act science , certain and most prolitablu
in "its results.
I need turn no one's thought to what is
by tar tin- most conspicuous illustration
of csssntially ficicntflic method applied
to practical business in this tcroat htato ,
as in most of the northwest , the develop
ment ami maintainanco of thcfeo superla
tive systems ot railway. Over 7,00. )
miles are in Iowa alone. Several of those
lines a ord a decree of comfort to ono
travilling long oi-tances equaled at Ihu
cast by one line onlv. That , at least , is
my experience , nnd I find many who
share it. Capital comes hero frciSly , emi-
irnmts pour in. men of thu highest capac
ity in point of business talent ami ener
gy are attracted , because thuso mijrht
railroad kings have boldly pushed their
lines to every part of the state , and thesu
tanners havy the world for their market.
Refrigerator cars , in particular , are
working out rc-nlt.s undreamed of.
Tlu'ivby the finest quality of fresh butter
and drusswl meats travel hence to Now
Orleans , Nuw York , HoHlon , and oven
.Look with me ono moment out upon
the scene before us and note somu of tlio
features that maku life hero attractive.
About the house is a lawn that would do
cii'dit to any plaepjn Springfield. It is
green , soft , luxuriant , springing from
the native soil with no need of special
fertilising. It has great beds of scarlet
geraniums , verbenas pansics , that bloom
with a profusion and brilliancy that sug
gests lln-tropics. They grow in tlio na
tive soil , diluted with Hand. Ituyond , lin
ing the street , are trees , 10. x'OamlJIJ
fet't high-maples , cottonwoods and catalpas -
talpas Oil'to tin ; east is a garden wheru
flourish grape vines , raspberries , straw
berries , ifooseberrics and plum and apple
trees. The so I i.s guiltless of "Mapos. "
or "liradley , " or ' ' toekbridgo. " bill I'o-
ter Henderson hihisulf would not be
ashamed of such vegetables. I'iuk up a
handful of tlio MM ) , pulverivo it , see how
triable ami how inK.\ \ black it is. It lies
one , two , three , four font deep. It is
charged and surcharged with potash ,
nitrogen , phosphoric acid It covers the
wlmlo face of tliii vast stale. Talk of thu
fill urn wealth of Iowa , Thu wealth is
here , in the soil , far more precious than
su much gold dust.
It wo extend onr range of observa
tion pas * mil from the town to the great
ticlils bi < yoml--l nm sum , ' , reader , you
cannot but bo ninde glai | by what wg
HIU * . liiwr Ml iniiiil wuaniin n remote
nart ol Iowa , the northwestern corner.
Hut hero , in some coiinties at least , all
over tlm fact ) of thu landscape , are
planted groves of trccn that beautify thu
liomcHiemls iirotcct from cold and high
wind ami already allbrd to many farm
ers their tnel. A gentle roll to tlm
prairie gives frequent chance for a far
distant outlook , am | thu landscape in
studded with farm houses among CUH ! >
ters of monster hay and grain stacks.
Occasionally intervene space * of the or
iginal prairie . It is thickly covered with
grass , until within a fortnight as green
is is ours in early Juno. These tdcck
) nrhains that graxo upon It ( and it only )
am as plump as if stall-fed , and are
flipped westward to Denver , as well as
-aht. On ono farm hern I saw yearling
hirhatiH that weighed frX ) and ? < H )
lounds and a hull that at two uml a half
years weighed ' . ' ,01'J pounds. Ho wax
ho lines ! -.peciinun I ever have .seen , hin
tack Ktr.-iight UH an arrow. Ids hair linn
ind glix.-iy ; hisityofttllof intelligunconml
ife. Hit siru cost in Hughtml IIJ.lhK ) .
Time fails mo to t > ay but a word of the
trimitig ( own of in ! * locality , Sioux
'il.V , on the .Mi iniri river. It Is tnnru
iku Kansas I'ily ii | embryo than 11113'
lace I hue : IIUMI. and Is building up H
ino tradu all over thia jmrl of thu
It bonsts nn elegant court litmso of hand
some Milwaukee brick und tniYotcll sla'to '
roof , nnd a substantial now brick post *
ollicoj four wholesale grocery houses doIng -
Ing a very lively businc * ? . two wholcs.tlu
dry goods houses , nnd also ono hardware
and ono crockery wholesale istilili | h
ment. It. has a pork-packing houo
where , on an average , over t.OtXi porkers
daily are reduced to ham and bncon.
Just hero a word to the wise , I think
my readers will not accuse mo of faintly
praising the Institutions of the west , but
1 Cannot , in' , I cnnnot , sing the praisca
ns I have heard them eung , of
a "packing liouso" It la trtio ,
master pig is dexterously caught ,
deft ) ) ' killed , shaved , frozen
quartered , branded , packed , and sent to
his travels cast with most merciful nnd
scientific dispatch long before ho 'has
time to think anything about even thu
very lirst btups of the operation. It it
trtio that a packing-house is a great
western institution , and many travelers
even ladies "take it in , " My experi
ence Is not favorable Co their so doing , I
found that my appetite for crisp bacon
was not qiiito so keen as formerly. I
found thu squad of frisky young plga
thereafter acquired a new and ominous
suggcstlvnness. I afterward recounted
my sensations while in the packing-house
to u good Congregational parson , who
replied : "What strange times they must
have had at the JuwisSli sauriliccs , Solo
mon celebrated the completion of tlm
tcmplo , and its dedication , by the slaugh
ter of'J-J.O H ) oten and 10,1,0,1. ) shoup. " I
must confess his reply in the connection
was decidedly striking and almost
lowti is a great commonwejiltli intel
ligent , populous , moral , wealthy. Site is
proudly situated between tlm Mississippi
ami Missouri , in the northern part enjoy
ing a similar ombrat ing atmosphere to
that of southern Minnesota , and having
on all four sides neighboring states
which share her prodnctivoiics' ) and pros
perity. I am especially impressed by tlio
rugged healthiness of nor people these
sun-browned men , women and children ,
who live on these upland prairies ami
breatlie this pitro nlrVhon at a popu
lous open-air picnic one indistinctly con
scious of the nervc-jxiyiug vital forcu of
the people all about him. At the timu I
attended even when tlio orator of the day
leaned wearily against a pro
testing , "lie could not help going on"his
audience , mirabtlo dictn , u'd not in the share his fatigue. And after three
solid hours of speech-making the young
moil shot glass balls to pieces , and a platoon
teen of blooming girls dressed in white
went through the broom-drill , wholly
unconscious that anything wearisome
had tr.mspired. Pardon tli.-so strains of
continuous oulogv , gentle reader.Vhn
n man in Dakota is especially ardent
they do not roughly call him a "gusher , "
but gently intimate that ho "casc'iidus. "
If I seem to any reader of the Republican
to "cascade , " lot him sound six weeks erse
so out huro himself and see whether or
not lib is profoundly impressed by the
present resources and near great future
of this fair portion of our country.
Three Cents' Worth of Gold.
Somebody who calls himself a scientist
has ( Uncovered that every ton of seawater -
water contains three cents' worth ol
gold. The bolhur is how to get the gold
out. In order totct enough to buy a
bottle of liroxvn's Iron Hitters , ho wotihl
have to sort over just thirty-three ami
one-third tons of the briny lluid. By
that lime ho would bo so played out thai
thu contents of at least one bottle would
be necessary to restore him. lint it is a
great restorer , and cures completely dy
spepsia , malaria , cto .
In Noljruska anil Klsinvlioro in the
. West.
IT. T. Evening Post : There has been
much incredulity over the reports winch
have come from tlio far west that the cli
mate of largo regions was changing
under the iiiiluenco of civilization , but
thu accumulating testimony seems to
leave no room for further doubt. Evi
deuce , which will carry much weight , is
furnished by President Perry of Doano
college in tlio town of Urutu , Nob. , in the
southwestern part of the state. Mr.
Perry wits gradual : d at Yale college in
18 : ; ; ) , and went to Nebraska in 187. , when
it watt still a frontier commonwealth.
Ho flays that when ho set
tled there , the atmosphere was
excessively dry , the t > od was tough
and stubborn , and it suemod dotibttnl
whether corn or grass or fruit trees
would grow , while the interminable
wind storms almost wore the people out ,
Now the atmosphere was so much moister -
ter that housewives have to guard against
mildew almost as much as iii the east ,
rain is much greater in amount and
more ovoiily distributed ; there are fewer
and fewer wind storms , and the hut
blasts from the south in bummer , which
in the old days iisjd to wilt tlio corn , no
longer occur. Mr. Perry attributes Ilio
change in jiart to tlio ploughing of tlio
ground , which rendered the soil porous ,
and thus prepared it to receive and re
tain moisture , and in part to the influ
ence of tlio shad of thu countless groves
which liavu boon planted , and oven of
the growing corn , in preventing rapid
evaporation of the moisture while the
reciprocal influence ) of the clouds and
the sod inevitably increases the rainfall.
The moister atmosphere in turn makes
tilt ) air less volatile , while the trees break
thi ! force of tiio wind , so that It iiolongoT
sweeps across thu Htato as though it was
ashiiotof water. Standing by itsulf such
testimony might not bo conclusive , but ft
i.s sustained by numberless other author
ities. Correspondents of the Evening
Post in other parts of the western coun
try have borne witness to similar changes
and an > traveler over the Un'on Pacific
this season might verify thu truth of the
stories by seeing fields of corn grrfwn
without irrigation as far west in Nol/ras-
Ia as Antelope , only three sections from
the Wyoming line , ami much beyond the
eastern Mmof Colorado , in what used to
IMI called "the ( ifcat American Desert. "
The importance of this vast widening of
the area open to soUlcimtnt througli a ii of climate can hardly ' '
Throw Away Trusses
when our new method is guaranteed to
permanently euro the. worst eases of rup
ture without the Usu of the knife. .Solid
in cents in stamps lor pamphlet and rot-
erences. \ \ orld's Dispensary Medical
Association. UUU Main street , liufl'alo , N.
A Good One on the Doctor.
A good many stories have bnon told of
the surprise canned in the north bj the
mild manners and personal appearance
of the handsome Senate ) * Hutlor of South
[ 'arolina. Some of thorn wont invented
liy the joke-loving Senator Heck , hut
senator ItutlerowiiH the truth of the fol-
owing : llo was with a party of guntlo-
mon at Fargo , Dak , , somu years ago. A
Miuntry doctor came up to him and
isked"Artiyon ( Joiicral Duller of South
Jarolina ? "I am , " responded thonenalor.
The doctor looked him over deliberately
mil carefully , and Hum remarked !
'Well , you don't look like a man who ( I
till nigger * . " "No. I don't snpposn
I've kmed as many as you have , " replied
( ieneral Hutlor. II was aoniolnmi before
thu doctor saw what thu crowd was
laughing at.
HOIJSHKEEPKIIS that fail to acquaint
themselves with the value of .lAMKS
PVhK'S PEAUMNE in tlm kitchen and
laundry duprivit themselves of thu most
convenient and useful article of the ago.
Elegant imported merino nnd all wool
underwear nt very low prices. Hudson's ,
billiard llotul block.
PerNotJnl , . . _ . . „
H. F. Clayton was fn the cityyp.stordny
William Ilnntlngton has returned Tfon
Dr. Macrao hKs gone to St , Louis on :
brief trip. f j )
1 * . J. GallaffSier , * of. Wcslon , was in th
city yesterday , { i
Will Huntlngton has returned front a
visit to Chicago.
Lafe Young , of Atlantic , was at th
Mrs. F. Koos has returned from ho
visit to New 1'ork.
Charles Uray is now book.keopor will
Eiscman , Hodda & Co.
W. H. Kridlur , of Donison , was among
the Sunday guests at Het'htolo's.
William Kearville , of Neola , w ,
the lowans at the Paoilloycsloril
C. N. Harrington , of Cleveland , Is vis
Itlng his father , N , S , Harrington.
A. A. VanOrdor kept oloso at homo
yesterday with that now hey of his.
Miss Lena Itlnm of Chicago , is visiting
in tliis city , thu guest of Airs. II. Friud
Jacob Sims , csq. , goes to Dos
to-night to attend to tnu injunction
whieti uro to be taken up in tlio ledora
court there to-morrow.
H. II. Green , of North Hrookfield
Mass. , is in the city looking around with
it view to settling in business here. Mr.
Given is a btituiier , having been engaged
in lirooklield tor the past nineteen
Last evening a llvry rig from Hray's
stable wiis stolen from the placu wliero it
was hitched on Itroailwuy. It is thought
tins thief was the sani" party wlio stole
a ) and buggy trom an Omiilui man
nameil Fiteli , as the snayviia broken in
the same way in both eases.
NOTI ( : ! : . Spccliil nilvrrtlooniont.1 , sucli us
Lost , Koiintl.To IXMIII. Kdr Snlo , To Itont , Wntila
llunnlliiu ; , olc. , will 1 > IIIMIIICMI In thin column at
tliolow rate of TUN CK.VTd I'HK I,1NK fortht )
Ili-ht liihorthm nm ! 1'IVH CUNTS 1'Klt I.INIJ for
t'lich HiitisuiiiiL'iit liiHcrlkiii. lani uditirtlsu-
inuiit.s nt our ullluu , No. U 1'uatl utivot ,
Irnil 8AI.IJ llolnsf iltv i-oiw of nuivliiK to
( Iniiihu , on mcoiint ol my hii lno-s , I iilFur
lormlo my ro < .tlonce , uornor Fourth itvoiiiU1
iinilNintlis.fouc. In jairo on | u-j num. A.I'
WAM'I'KI ) Ono iilto. nno trnnr. ono linritonu
niul ono tuliu pluyrr tor u liunil
Apply in once to H 11 Kreoinim , iininiiKi'fo '
1 units ItiiMi Hall clul ) uml mil tury ulon , nt
liotol rnr " 0' ' ci" ) of Ilio hoiiil , " ut Union 1'iicllla
ilnininy ilupot. Council
IOST Slivuriitoli iinil Kt > lil clinln. Hownnl
J will bo pnld tliu IliiJor. Murlln
( ill ! Ninth sli-oot.
ANTKBr-A Rood jrlrl for imnoml liouso-
uotk ; No. JIW limvitilt Miout.
O HUNT A now suvon-room liouso. Enqulru
Ilr.K ( Jlllco. ,
COlt HKNT A pfx room house , ten minutes
I wnlk Irom liiihinnss , city wutor , wull mul ciB-
torn , for lunfchuip.
I-'ou KENT Ijo. 1JU Hiirrlson Ktrcot , three
rouins. . , JIuM.MioN A Co. .
4 I'onrl street
rou SAF.K. ifpii IKHXT on IXCIIANOK. :
NO. K ! l''or ciilo or rout , on very lltiurnl tonim.
The Council Hindu I'npor Mlll.coiiiilolo. | with
tlioliirxu txinrtlliiir , hou o unit llueo ncroj of
No. id A btislnoAs pronnrty In Chorolfoo ,
Chcrnkco county. Iowa , will tnulol'or wcstoi-a
hiniN Vnliin. iifjnut.4.MHI. (
No. if' ' A beautiful home In tlm town of IPist-
inri > . Mills county , * Town , lor Vttaku hind.
Vnluo. $ 'i.r f < i.
No 41 A K < > O < ( linclnosa jinipcrtr , imcl nlso n
pooil rwfliloiK'o iiroporty In tlio. town of Clienvo
MeLcan county. Hit kiW ilown lor cnHlior will
oxchmme for "ostoni ImiilM.
No 1J A splondld fnrin , well Improved , OI'J
ncros In Ilikln. ! iii county , lowit. joining the
town of Spirit Iulo. 1'rico , lor n hhort tinio ,
JJin pur IILMC.
No. 1M to IB" Are four Inprovod fnrnis In
Phillips county. ICmiMim , otich with n Binull in-
ciiinlinuii'O. Thociiuitns will be ovehuiiKotl for
unlnonniboied wild mud In Nobriuskn.
No. I'M Ml iiurcM In Holt county , Neb , pnrtly
IniprovtKl. nt n tilt ; tuririiin. Witnt.s to oxoliiui o
lor inorc'liuiHll-o
No. W A line two ctory brick rooldnnco. ono
of the host locution * In Council Hind's , will tntito
lor itond imiMi'imhurocl Kiinsui or NclinisK.i
hi mis Vnluo. f in.iKXi.
No , rMiuiil H Aio livoothor bonutiritl lioino-t
In Council Ithillrt , nhich cuxh piiyincnia will buy
ut a bar tiln.
No M A iHiantirul suliurbnii locntlon In ( own
City , lowii , will t\ulmnKO lor wi Bturn liinda.
Vnluo , > .ixn
The itbovo iiro only a few of our ppcrlul bur-
( - iiliis. If you-vo ot anythiii ) ; to triulo or Bell ,
or uiint to Mill any null estate or mcii'hiiiuliso ,
nrltoiis.V" hnve Mivduil trued slocks ul'K'K'dM '
10 UiiUu tar luiuU. SU AN \ WAIKICK.
l Illiilld , lowit ,
'a '
342 and 344 BROADWAY.
ftiens Pali & Winier Wear
MOIIB' and Hoys' ltimlm" < i SulfJ.
MOIIH' and Hoys' DriHsSultH '
Clillilruns' Kniry Day and Dross S-ilK
Ovci coins lor .Mon , lloyn anil C'liildiun. ,
Murclmnt Tailor Ovoreonta. J >
Merchant Tnl1orTrow i'ri.
Kilinil to the host , tn order ,
At Inilt'tliL' | .
I'm Min ' SnltH anil Ovorwiit * .
I.t'iin Minis' Snts | anil Ovtnvn Ki.
Kill Mniis'Tiowctrs ,
PcaiiilensphlitH anil Tmw pr In Scotch
ModiciiKid S ciuui | , \ri nit air . ,
I'linoy t'oluroiliiu ] uuil inUud ijualltiua , limn
Jiu uacli to fl.iljj' ,
I'AI.I. OK I8i-k
i' .
Glovesf/1" /
N'eokwear ,
( .j ; J , Suspenders ,
Handkerdliiefs ,
And Cuffs ,
" ) f flrvt clniM qunlltUia nm ) rraitoiiiibk ) pricoi.
.Hl . llruudwuy. l'oiiiu-11 HluIN , low * .
! | F
. !
6) ) Sjncj .
x 2- , . " & !
ssNN' '
? ? ?
ll ?
rt' " ? " Ci
* -Ui
? w
rS a-
CO" ? ! " ?
p5l |
' ' ENGLISH. '
Ihe > rlliinl | iunl Only < 9iiiuliip.
K > rp > u < tl M. RrllkMr. nrw.rtoT nurlhlr * Imllitlcnt.
ItrliiwoMkk' ! LAOIES. A t r llrtiBKl * ! ' " ,
lioht ) lrr''nnd Uk. w Mkw i.r Inclo-U
t | . .1 u IH f < ir , i nlcuii.rii fn ttlltr t > 7 rrlnrn malt
Ki AMF PAPER. fhlh .lir Chrmlritl . . -
Uitl8M lUuiihuuitr . rl > IUi ! _ .
HT n n on of lf rplnttnnto
nil rrln | | i < i | llnoi Knit nil < \Vi-t at ItiUlnl nml trr-
inlnnl IMI UN , titiHlliiitp ilio tiutfi linH | > riitii (
pfintlituiit il liiiic In t mt f Ktt nt tir throtiirh ( fnn-Hir | >
tntliin uhlcli liiviinnrl rncllltDr.'N tlnvt-l Mini linllln
hiMwiti-nclMfiiir the Allniiiliml rarlttr C.'II ' IK 1C
li nl-ii UiortT : illu nml | K | route tnniul riitin ix'lntl
Kl-l Virllicur nlltl Snnllu-iiHl. unit rorivr-liullllillir
pol'iln Wiiit. Nnrihvircit nml Snuthni r.
The Croat R. ck Island Route
annrniilm Its imlinnt Hint trtiMor | iri > wiii > l wn.
rltr nirmilivl hr t Mill I. lliiiiniiL'lilv lmlh > tli > < t rnnil-
IM I. ittil'.nlli tl lrl H iif txillnncHli Ktrrl mil Hlilt-lnn >
llallvlMilltfiilvcii niul
| > nt h'lini i Ic'll can iniikr II. ( InMI rly
' .rMt | ntl > tliri > iiflnirni Hnnilnll linikM ,
nml tint I'XV'ltiif ilNItillnu ulili li irmrillM the pnio-
tlril opnmtii < t itr nil HH fining dtlior FW Inlttc- lit
thlii rutitH inn fit nil ( Miiinrrtliu * inlnlM fn
Union l > i'iicil . nml Hi ii mi i Htxl ci.inrolLj auit
liulirloinf It- * * * * r l'iiil | | t
Tli Ki l ' itiiv ii Trilni I'pturrn riil"nco nril
r orli. CVnurll IliulVi. KIMHILS < ilj l4 < n < i > nw itlinul
At-llUitn re en ip -4i | nf uHl l niilnliil llit.lun. .
IniNlplfil II iv Oiinrlui4 Mirttlllif nt I'lllltniill ral < r
hl pii > r i > r Ilia tnte-t ilp lifn. Ktiil , iimiti | < vn Dlnlnir
Cni I" "lihlii't ili.irntvly i-miU.'il ini-iU nn-li Miii-lr
eit'Ml Ili-tun-nClili-te'iaiiil Knlun-CIM ni il A'i'lilf < iil
me iiHu inn Ihu I'vltlir. ! ! ! HwlliihiK' ' linh dim.
The Famous Albert Lon Route
I ( lie llhrct anil favntlt , Illia Ix-lui i n ClilrnL-o nml
MlnncapKlUanJS- . li , is COMMIV tlnn > nii < ininl
In Iliiliin l ) > p t < r"r it I pnliitx In Iriiltailrti nml
ItfitUi , ruivln o4. OriT thf-4 tiiiitt * Fi > i > t l > pn > t < M
'IniliK a' a run l tin. ivMiirln7 plnirn. riiiiinn-i ru-
6n"t . pli > t'iiiMiia | liii-illili'i nn t liuniliiK nml IMiliiir
Knniti In "f | i. t nml Mlnnrxi.lit. Il I , l i > HIP iiiu.i nute tn Ino lliliolieat lUlJ.unJ | iu > tulal
lallUi < r Infiliir DiLnta
HUN nnutli r Itllllttr MX" , rli Spnwn anil K n-
klti'i' , hai h-vn op. nuil lirKri-in i hicliin li. Imll n-
niwilln nii'l ' l.nCnrnif t nit -,11111 , II Illuiri. , K.iniiL'llr ,
Uiu irnpolliiiinil.Ht. I'ani nml iiitiTninllalv iiulntu
KIIP ilftAll.liirnriiinllini ! n-n M.ip ml I iihlrrn ,
olitinnlilc. i pll 114 t I'ki'tt. nt all li'liiclpnllldci't
(1,11-iM in tliu Unlto.l Sutui uml UutiaUJi c-r by iul-
lil-Ui lll
R. R CAE1LE , E. ST.
l Jl'r'r. O
Till' I'R = T HOtr" " ,
Oiaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago.
Tlio only mml to tnkolnr DIM Molnoit , Mnr-
( Irihliiu-ii.Co.liir Knpiils , Clinton. Ii.\lo Chlc-niro.
> ill. u ilicuiuid all iiolnthomt To the pooploof
NutiiitKlsii , Otloruiln , Wyoinlnir , Utnh. lilnho.
ioviiliiiovoii.U'imhirivKiii ( ) niul < : Ill'onilii It
Itoi't xiipni or adviintiiKOs not po < ll > lo by any
Hi nor line
Aiming u few of thu niiinoroiis poliHs < it snpn-
rlnritt onioyoil by inu piiiioni of tiilr * niiulbu-
luoonCliniihi mill ( Jliltiuo , ui-o Its two tnilm u
iliiy of DA V COAUIIIS which nro the llnu t Unit nil uml Inii'il'ilty cull uioalo llpl'AI.-
A ( K Sl.r.KI'INO CAHS. which urn mmlcU of
cointoit nnd iiliwam-u UH I'AltlXlH DKAVVINfl
h.M ( ) ) CAIIN JiiHiiiia | ruil b ) any , and Ith uidii'
l > fdloliia iul I'AI.ATJAM.Jl.NINIJ CAKS , Ilio
( tinil | of wliluli ( iiiiuot tin lonnil I'l-owlniio
At ( 'onicll ) illulln tint Inilns of HID Union Paul-
t' < ! Ity. ciilini'd In l/'nliin Dcnot with these of thu
tlucii ii.V Noilhui-Hicin lly. In I'lilciuni HIM
lialiiH of UiH line iiuiKii clo-,0 coiinoulloii witli
llio-Mif nil iiaMtrin lni4 ! ! '
I'nr Uiitioll.Coluiiilinx , IndhiniipolH , Clnuitp
niitl. Nluuiini l''nlN , llnllalo , I'lil.-tnira' . Toronto ,
Mon niul. | ! o-Kin. Ncn Voili , I'lilhnlolplua , Itil-
tlinorf Wiifhiuuioii and nil point sin tl-'iuust.italt
Ilio ticket aumit lor tiekciH viu thu
N ( urii.wr.H.rnitN , "
II Jim wli-h Ihq bust uccoiniiHiiliitiiiiH. AlltlCKut
IIJ.UIIIH hull ticket * vli : the hnu.
M. HtJiJIirfT , It. 8 IIAIIt.
Uuuunil Jhmuycr. ( ion. I'u . Arfuut
OIIICAIil ) . ,
Gun. AKCIII , III : . ' K.iriiiiin St , ( luinlut , .N'ub
buvuuii'on VCMI.I' livpuiiuiicu ,
Tv/o Years ,
i Co. | ; uc ftUu Itul >
tlmn c n bo nnutncd , slicwh < ra for tlio nuino
jiiinrjr , ivili | their preat iRiurovriucnt of tlio
liUl'llLU ' THICK 1U1.I. . Tuuic- l"rb < M. ol
. ubbcrryUtuu-atho UuJ.cUcs I' LUI-b 1 tAll.
At > lt to are this 'CAMISK" Omiblo Thick Jlall
Uaubem In lloou , Atttlu , uverthxii , AU.bL.ii. Ac ,
A Common Sense
( .KNM.AI , AfJKNT ,
< & ,
One ofUw Hostand , Largest Stocks in tJic U. SIte
to Select from.
No Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passenger Elevator , !
A. TULUOCIC , ling , nntl Biipt. ( I. 1' . N. SADDliKIl , AssU r.njr.
H.V. . DIAMOND , Asst. Socy.
Missouri Valley Bridge and Iron , works ,
? i.V
Wrought Iron , Steel , Howa
Ti HIM mul Comlilnixtion
Jl R I V G E S
Tor Itiillroiuul niul lllnlininiK
Turn Tables , Draw Spans , Rock
Trusses , Piers and Sub
* Aicli i ' 11- * - A-
* * - * l Alntlklil
nml us word or all In liljjo work to lot OoiuM'Hindoiico solicited Jwim
brldgo cominlssloiiurj.
lir.n. IIL'ltKU. Miiiincor ,
Fni'VPr.11 ; Vfi'linn'o nnd rrtnnotV UniiU. Dnvlil Cltr. N'cl ) . : Kiviri > y Nnllonnl Iliii'c.tCoir
rcy. Nob. : Culiiinlinfl Sliito ItiinlColtuiitiiis , Null. ; Mt-Doniilira IliinU , North I'l.itto , Nol > . Omnlia
NiMloinil Itnnl , . nn > itii | < . Noli.
Will piiy ciibtomuis' diull > vlth bill of Indian utUiulusil , fur t"i ) tliluls vuliia offiloulc.
or Full Particulars about Froci and Cheap Lands in Western Nebraska. Address PA7TERSOti
& WHITE. Real Estate Agents. North flutle. Nebraska.
Growers of Eive Stock anil Qtlisrs.
It i * tlio lie t mitt clioiiio | t fooil Tor took of nnv Iclml. Ono ponti'l tl oqinil tn tliroo txiniHi of
rorn. Slock foil wit i liioumi Oil Ctiko Ih tlio Kail iinl rt'intor , liuioi.l ol' nuinlir , ' , will In-
croiti-C' In ' ( ! ljlit mul bo In vooil uiiirlii'tnblo oonillllon In tlio Dprliv ; . Dulryimin ua ell ILI otlioM ,
wlio utxt It , can lodtll'y 10 I Li munia. Try It mul JuiUo for yoiu ulvos. I'rlcn ( i per ton. No
AUdl-Ual WOUDilAN LINtiUUl ) Oil , WOUKS , Oliiilhu , Nobrasku.
I'asNicer olovuior to all Hooi-s. UW ) , 1 )8 mid UIU I'.trnuiu Street.
OMAHA , NUItltAdlvA.
I3lh St. , Cor. Capito ! Ave.
Fof Itie Treatment of all Chronic and Sufgical Diseases ,
D3 , McMEHAMY , Physician and Surgson in Charge , '
Partlrtilnr attention jttilil to Di-foi'initlt-n. Dlst'tif-cn nf Women , df
tint HtniiHirb , Llvt'i ; li hlin-ji mnnl Itlootl , l'tlt'nl'unwiTu -
inora , KIJH timl Mir I > imimn. . Ctittu-Hi , Itroni-ltitiH
'iiiitl litiifnimmwH ti-catwl t ifllrilirtitrtl In
halation. , sVi'.vron IXIIALIU ; .
Write for Circular on Deformities and Braces , Diseases of Wimen , Piles , Tumors
Cancers , catarrh , Hioncnlils , Inhalation , Electricity , Paralysis , Epi. ' , -i
Itpby , Kidney , Ear , Eye , Shin ana Biuoii Diseases.
Tlio Only Hclml.lo Muilinil Inclltiitu iniikiu ; n Mjn'ciiilly of
Private Diseases of the Urinary & Sexual Orgahp
inn iiii'illi-lni- lluiliHAhivclllc | ml u until i urn i very i . . .
Wit | iii-m Unit IlK'UHiinl. HilTiriinJ lliu cll tef IH | w vcc lui\n hci-n ( llnnii nliitrd o oft n 111 t
tlirynrrill-i < ' | mul liiiTenliniwl ifl\un mi linii-uri | icr IICIHB uircd 'louil nidi e ilolnifo'i'tr
ill t oi'lniifr imilny iiiiillniic ii > i-xii | > uuii.l uUli i | cuu ruiirilii-n i'f ' niiiluiiiirciuivi | | nlnl to n/ri
mil IMMVI-CI- . HIM atrllkf y 11 mitt Mltli imiliini : hut ilmiiuili | | urn m % . ! . , ( , i iirci xurllr nllkt-
in > nmiiii-rfiuiilr cur liiiiliiiiinrttiT inn It-pri-i'itri-il loini-ii tintiiiuiri'iiiinU if nil \\c Jm\c
niiuliin run fill rtiulynf . llii < iiiirii ; | | v In nil llulrnrieii. . humi iiu.l . i iiiiipiiiiniig ( | | | , . | | | , t ) , , , i , | lf
nil Hliiin-t in liinltiil i ii.i-ili-iiii- n nillii | Irmtiiicnt to liiiliiliiiini iiiro , MU iilu cimljlcj lu niru nfUr
u li'-r. Imvit u liily fnlli il ,
U'u wu'u ainoiii' Ilio llr l tn innke n | * Iul' ' > unit Inilr nf Ilil. 11 in of dUfa uy. niul tn I trr/il tlirm
ilium H-li-ntlflu | ilnrfili | > , \V rulixi trciit Mlriiiurir. Olut nml \ r OM-IO A II , CON'I'A '
m. nH ) III.KM , from uliainc liire . "
i BIIPT | in iiirri > i > full ) tri-tuil Uu cnn n-miiie"
| iuii > i < ii IT in tliun'ICHi wllliuiil iiininri or iniiiry | i > inr > mini
' CO MUNIAll Nt i uM-Illl.vmi. CillwMldMi.ult n r-ni'l n.mii nii'l jm.i. .
iiilli.ilii | rnii'ciit > 111 . . . ( liji M-fol lliK-rtict * | iri-fnriil If I'luvunlmil. Hflj rui4n fur
lU-i.mmixlit' . ' imfimtli- . Iliurd nnd mtcudaoui ut iKaxiiulili itji t
AuwtiH-i AI.II i.irrmw TU
Omaha Medical ana Surgical institute ! ,
Coi : litfh fit , < nnt lajtUol Avtt , , OMAHA , .VU/l. >