Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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MOJtNJyG , > CT. 25. *
JK'i Is uiriii r li < nii ; | > nif ol llioi.ity in
t * titeiir f < ! < .
JI W. Tirio.v , Mjinngrr.
.A rare ( onei rllo-nl lil.
Tlio iming of North Second street hn *
hcen complied.
Tin. county lionnl of Mii rrvi ors meets
on tli. ' Ulli of November.
N M 1 mil \ evening lion .lorry Mur-
jili in lo address Itio dumocraey hen- . '
tlako Shoitji was airn'tcd Saturday
night for hcliiK ilriuik niul dl lurbii ! | { the
The p'tv intf of I ' .irk avenue has com
menced nl the junction of Ui li School
Neil ihlny evening is to be the inns-
nut rode bull of thttG. A. ! ' . , for tin ; bcno-
lit of tlic ivlkf fund.
The eighth annual narty of tlio Royal
Ai 'niiiiiii will bo fjjivim t ( lit ! Ojjdeii
llout-b on the Jilth oi .Noveinlie'r.
lion. H ( J llorr , of .Mi will
sneak here next Saturday cvcniui ; , with
Colonel Henderson , of lnhurue. ) |
Hi mouther the : to
night It will be one of the choicest
musical cnti rtalnmciits ever given here.
The unrollmcntof Ihe public cclionK of
the cil.v for I ho past month hews si total
of SV WH pupilK itnd nil aveni i > alttilidtini'o
lulni I'.ailey , ,1. Urown , and .1. ( ' . Dob-
fion are huol.iid to appear this morning
in court and explain , if possible , why
tlioy got driiiilt.
Tin1 X V X i-lnb , composed of jonng
Indies of the ( . 'on rciratlonul rliureh , aie
picparin ; ; ! > i\c it 'dairj mnid V t'enti-
val at .in I'-ii'li date.
who have not < > iga ) i'd their
foi the Suhnlici I concert tonight ,
hlionliliip ( into JVMurS early this morn
ing and HM-ive them.
Nim Long , who was arroted for hit-
tinj ; : i bartender over th'i h'-nd with a
bottle , IIIIH had liis eit-o continued for
hearing until to diy. :
'J'oHighl the Selmboit fjuarlollo com
pany 'lupriir at the opera IIOIIM ) . Willi
the national rcputntion which thc D artists -
tists liuvn justly earned , I here < -hould be
: t house ciovvded with mu ie lovers.
Hey Dr. < "ool"y , the ] > a tor of the
Hapti-t church , is on tins siek li t , and
llu ; pulpit \\a Mipplii-d yesterday nioru-
tiitf by Her. Jr. .McCrcsiry , of the
AtcthodM church.
A man named 1'urrnlt , vvho'has proved
a good deal of : i milsincn to the city for
ftjisaror more past , was a ain r.iUinu ; a
row with liis family ytMridny , : md the
police were sent for , ( nit before their ar-
n'va ) he had skipped out of th" < way.
It is Maid that the mayor is in a nur/lo
whetlu r to appoint Hill ( iiilviii or < liarlio
Wallers to the captainship of jiohee , to
lill the vacancy canned by ( "apt. llath-
away's resignation. If either of llieso
two are lo lie appointed it doesn't matter
which is clui-cn. us the vacancy wouldn't
be tilled cen if botn weic appointed.
Thole . - . a good deal of disorderli-
iicMs rm ( he streets Saturday ni ht. One
parly of revelers especially busied them-
helves kicking over ijii ; ; = , beer kes { , etc ,
and the , ittlcr them
police gutting arre-t-
ed four , oneof whom refused to give his
name The Ihree others were booked as
.7. Williams , J'ony Sharp and il. WtkolV.
They will be have a hearing to day.
The doors of the .Methodist church
were kept open all of yesterday , and
theic was ahno l a continual service
from early morning till late at night
The re\hal will continue this week , and
it is growing MJ in interest and in num-
hein lhat it is safe to predict that the
chnreh will bo crowdeu e\ery evening.
Those who want heats should bo on hand
There vis : t hnpny galheringof friends
at the home of .Mr. .l < hn Keller Friday
night , in honor of hK birthday. The
evening was very pleasantly spent in
H'inl eonver. c , games , ami in the par-
of bouniiful rcfro mons.
Mr Keller has li\cd in thiseityfor thirty-
two yciirs , and has many < d ( ( fticmlo to
wish him many mere birthday annUcr-
'J'yler was brought before JIM-
liett hchuiv. Saturday on the charge of
Mealing two overcoats from IMr. Van
Urnnt's s-lnblc , the clothing being the
property of N. \ ) . Miller. It was shown
that Tyler had 'old the coats to a second
hand dealer for $ l.r > , and there being no
Hiitisfaetory explanation as to how he
ciiinc honestly b.\ the garmenlH , lie wau
went to the county jiul for thirty days
Those who have secured for CVmncil
IlhilVs the entertainment oll'ered to-'iight
by the Selmbeit ipiai title company , at
the opera house , certainly merit the
thanks of the innt-ie lover.s , for ( hero is
no doubt a rich treal is in waiting.
There are few such entertain inentK of a
high order , and when one is fceoured
there should bo a generous response on
the part of those who believe in elevat
ing the -
mentx of the public. In thus giving en-
eouragement to Mich entoi prises , notliing
in lot , ami every ! lung to be gained , for
the enteilniumcnt even outtiide of Mich
considerations \yill amply repaj any and
nil who attend. '
John MeKennlo. ilm young man who
wns nrrcMcd for iillempting to burglar-
i/e the IIOIIMI of Mr Kelly , near the
riiieam ) . Imrlington .fe Quiney deitot ,
waw before Justice Fralnoy Kat unlay ,
and I hero seemed a lack of evidence as
to bin having any burglarious intent in
tillering the hou e. There seemed lo be
moro ic.ison to believe that ho entered
for the mirpose of helping n friend of his
get his baggage out , HO HH to skip with
out paj ing his board bill. McKcnnio
heonicun liard cituen , however , and on
general principled , under a enargo of
vngraney he was sent to jail for fifteen
< layn , by which time he will have at least
got the whisky out of him , if not hitj
eiiBsudneis ,
The city council had no quorum Situr-
dny night , and will make another try
thm morning , at il o'eloek , ami ought to
keen on trying all the week , and perhaps
by the cloe of the last day they can get
together and make a permanent choice
of n fire chieftain. In the meantime the
public will have to get along a bent it
can with this most important department
of the publio service only temporarily or-
gani/cd. It seems that when there Is
anything important lo do , it is wonder
fully hard to get n mioruin of the city
fathers. If they would simply Men to the
front and do whnl they think is the fair ,
bijuare thing , and pay lew attention to
the demands of politicians and to the
wishes of olllce seekers , il would be the
most satisfactory policy for the citizens
lit large.
Cottage rnngeo. Garland ttovo * , Ra
diant 1 loiues and Hub hentoisof the \ery
latest patients at bed rock pi ices , at
Cooper & .McUeo's. No.11 Alain street.
e.For hardware and house fiirniahngs ,
eM prices of C'oonov & AIuicu ( , NoII
M ain street , _
WANTID : Wheat , corn and ont&Iit cnr-
lots. Liberal ; idvanoe.s made on all con
signments , by .l.y. Fuller , Counell Dlull'if ,
Jowa , and Omaha , Neb.
If you wish to mr\ke \ Icgltintutely from
ten to llfly dollars per day write to Jiuld
& mitli , No. W 1-ourth btrcut. Counoil
Uhill's ,
The KvWxM Take Hie Tw"i Bat Mite the
In His
to ( lie ft
ter nnrj-liifs I-VlKliteiied Kniiti
ItolclVlnlt tu Ilio Itlood )
Hold llatl
A bold bit of highway robbery took
plneo at n late hour Saturday night , the
victim of which waMr. . I'd. Murray , n
deaf and dumb man , who liveson Horace
IJverctt'n farm near Underwood , about
fourteen miles from the city. Murray
was proceeding homeward , with his
team and wngon , ami when about four
miles the other side of 1'nrks mill , three
men jumped out from the londflde ,
stopped thn tenm , and a = aulto I him io
liercely that he wan knocked out of Iho
wagon onto tlm ground , and pounded M
badly that ho was lnbcnlble. . and
when ho cnme to hini'-ulf ho
was lying lit u Held , the fellows
having appniently tin own him o\er
the fence , afler seaniliing bin jiockets.
and hud then drhen oil' with the team.
They only got f'J from his pockets , the
rest of his money , about ! > ' : ) , " , being hid
den in his shoes , FO ihate-cnpcd their no-
lie. ' , lie found his ay as best lie could
to a neighbor's house , and them made
his trouble known. The authorities weie
: tl once noli lied , and telegiams were.
sent out in e\ery direction to head oil' the
fellows. Yesterduyvoid was received
I root Avoca that the team h-id been
found near there , but the fellows had not
been captured at last reports. Murra3r
was pretty badlj battered up , but not
seriously fmrl.
Sliot by n Special Top
There nave been several rumors the
pnst tew days about some special police
man recklessly tiring a revolver , but it
lias been dilHeult to get at the facts a
the chief of police has claimed to know
nothing about il , and other ollicials have
been equally reticent. H seems , how
ever , that there is considerable to the
nfl'ah' notwithstanding the viliecnee , and
it appears to be a sullieiently important
matter to have been ollieially and public
ly investigated. The mayor has had a
.special policeman named \roighl , who is
a tailor , but who has been so annojed in
his neighborhood , in the southwestern
part of the city , that he prcvulh d upon the
major to appoint hint as n. special , with
the understanding that In : could then
easily look after home fellows who were
breaking lamp lights in his vicinity , and
doing oilier mischief. The , pinuingofa
star onto his breast MVIIIS to have pulled
him up with a great idea of bin aulhoiity ,
and lie has been n ing it pretty freely.
lie has made several arrests , as appears
from the books- , and some of thoce whom
he has arrested have had the record of
lite arrest scratched oil the books , it ap
pearing there wane cause for making
the arrest. One such was a man for pee >
dling without a license , which is sup-
nosed lo bo the duty of the mars-lml to
look after , rather than a special serving
without pay. A short time ago he want
ed to have some help to arrest a crowd
of lellows , whom ho thought were suspi
cious , and were hanging about in a way
that did not suit him. lie went on to tell
where this one of the crowd worked , and
where another one , etc , and wound up
by wanting them all pulled for vagrancy ,
which indicated pretty clearly his ideas
ofagraney. . He was advi-ed to let the
fellows alone , nnles * they were commit
ting f-ome olibnso. It appears that lie
aroused the ire of some ol these parties
by what they deemed his otliciousncss ,
and the other night , when there was a
.supposed burglar captured for being
found in Mr. Kelley's nou = f , this special
policeman was on hand , and after the
tellow had been lodged in jail there was
quite a little crowd who had followed the
prisoner up to the jail , and as
they were going down the street
again , the np 'eial policeman felt it
incumbent upon himself to give
them some abrupt otders a.s to how tliey
should move on , and insisted on having
them proceed quietly. .Some words fol
lowed and an altercation sprung up , and
one of the party struck the upeeial police
man. It is claimed that almost immedi
ately upon the blow being dealt the pe-
cial pulled his revolver and lired at the
man who struck him. The ball entered
the lleshy part of the thigh , and after the
wounded man was taken home a doctor
was sent for , who probed lo a depth of
Iliree iiK.'luj.s for the ball and was uualdo
to lind it. The wounded man is not con
sidered to bo hi any danger of losing his
life , and it is said that he wants nothing
made publio about the affair on. account
of his relatives , and does not want
them to know that he was mixed
UP in nny ench street scene.
Tlie special policeman has made no
publicity to the a flair , because ho is
doubtless ashamed of it , and does not
care to have the matter aired up. It is
.said that the chief on hearing of the af
fair at once went to the special police
man and took his star away from him ,
and his appointment was revoked. It is
not known whether tlie policeman had
any bonds , ami it is quite probable that
lie had not tiled any , for some of the po
licemen serving regularly have been al
lowed to go for a long time without tiling
any bonds.
1'rcHcntntioii to Armour.
Yesterday there was Iho change , nl-
i eady announced , by which Tom How-
man is now postmaslor oi Council Bin Us ,
and Phil Armour 5s the ovpostmaslcr ,
and coming sheriff. In retiring from the
olllce he can feel assured that the busi
ness men and citi/enfc generally regret to
fico him go , anil they appreciate what he
lias done to improve and increase the
service here. Seldom does a man retire
from a public ollice , taking with him
such a unanimous feeling of the public
in his favor , and omany kind assurances
that ho has served the people well. The
reeling of the employes is even moro en
thusiastic over him limn the outsiders.
They had a better oppoitnnity to know
nun as a man anil as an ollichil , and
they suvin unanimous in their assertions
that a better man to work under is
among the haul things to lind. Taking
oil' his coal , and entering into the work
alongside- f them , always good natiuvd ,
ami yet energetic and prompt , he in-
snircd tlie whole force with a de
sire to attend clo ely and faithfully
to duties assigned them , and won their
esteem as well us their respect. Jn view
of the change , and feeling that some
expression ot their kindly feelings was
mete , the employes of the uoMolllcu gath
ered at his Saturday uveningunbe-
known to him , and he being up town
ihoy sent for him , the message being
that ; i man wanted to see him at once
distend of one man he found the whole
Force there , and without any formality
he was presented by them with as handsome -
some a cane as any man can e ire to have.
lie was no completely taken abick that
ic could make no ackuowhrnu / nt DC
yond a simple "thankou. , . " but n e lim *
iiu-w hint so well that t'ie > i > c > 'dei | no assurances that t'u. gift and
he fueling vyhlrJi prompted it wert > '
fully appreciated. The ennu 5s nu ebony
one , witli an eleg-tnt "old head heavily
chafed and richly engrav < tJ , iijwn MKJ
top there being the inscription , To
Philip Armour , I' , M. IVum bis cm-
ploy : . Out. 51 , 189-V' On tin ; sides of
Iholiiiiiillo arfl panels on which fljMK'fir
the jiames of the donors' , engr.m'd in
script : ] ' . Mejer II V. Slenil , Oorgc
Madison , 1' . Williams , (5. ( r. Hull , M. A.
( Jregorv , ( . ' . S. haw-on , K. Saner , C.
Ximmer , r. S. Parker , .1. A Spaukling ,
K. Johnson.
Hftwcen i.Wand 5 o'clock joslcrrtiiy
morning the proprietor of the Truuiont
home was awakened by a noise at ono
of Iho windows and distinctly heard It
raided , and two fdlow.s crawled in. Ho
jumped iii ) , : ind Iho burglars skipped out
with becoming lia le , getting nothing for
their Iroiihln. It is to bo regrelled lhat
some of thesn prowlers cannel , bo cap-
tuivfj , and the gang which is inflating
the citv broken up.
VlNltint ; 'I' ' * ' Ueiuler HonicMciul.
I'M Wright , tlio stenographer , ha.s j M
returned from a trip to Ktms'is , whore
lie has hecn visiting friend * . During hit )
uhKMiro hi ) vi.ilted tins neighborhood
made famous by the horrible crime oftlio
lletider family , Ihu di eoverof \ which s"o "
startled the whole country about twelve
years ago. Iin relates some intere ling
facts and reminiscences of the family
and tJio location. tlio hou o once stood nothing
now remains to mark thn pot except Iho
half tilled vacuity thnl oneo answered
tin : purpose of a cellar. Curious rclick
seekers have carried away llu : lu t rem
nant of the building and and all its np-
iiiirlcnnnee.s , even to Iho last .stone that
helped to compose the eellar wall.
Ono circumstance that serves to main
tain an interest in this event -o long past
is the t'ict that feu , if tiny , know whether
the Hcndcr family escaped and are living
to-day in home distant country , or
whether they were capliired by a.small
mob who ipiictly put them to
death and forever after held their
peaco. Hegurding this point ,
some are of ono opinion and Mime of an
other. The story has manyivariatioiis ,
but runs snhsUuitiallv as lollows :
Iticnilj days1 , while thai legion \vi\t ,
sparsely MMtled , Ihi.s family , eoiiMsliiifj
of an old man and his wife , ami a POI
and a daughter , took up their abode at
the place referred to , which is about to
miles west of a , little village etlle <
( ialesbnrg , in Neosho county. .Then ,
they kepi a .sort of wayside inn , making a
bus'mefcs of keeping travelers over night ,
and we might add , to see that they imvoi
jirocei'iled any further in the direction of
their desiied destination.
When a traveler was beheld a
ing some member of tins family vvouh
fetation himself at t1" ' roadside in front
of the house , and ut the unsuspecting in
dividual drew nigh , would accost him
pleasantly , inquire in u friendly maiinei
whore ho was going , and if it was any
where near evening would a-sit re him
that it would be impos-ible to reach hi"
destination before night tall , and propose
that he should remain over night , with
them , while the traveler generally acqui
esced to the hospitable proposition.
Jt seemed that the inside of the build
ing had been arr.iuged vv jth a view to
the accomplishment of their ghastly de
signs. The front room and a small
apartment luck of it were separated by
a thin curtain drawn across somewhat
in thu manner of the curtains used enfolding
folding doors , while in the center of the
room was a. trap door.
When a man whom they had marked
as n victim entered the door of that room
his doom was sealed. H would he
oll'ered a chair .sitting so that its back
would be toward the curtain , andho near
il , that when sat down , the back of his
head would he against it.
Behind this curtain in the little
apartment above mentioned , was
concealed the female fiend. Mi's Kate
Hcndcr , having near at hand Iwo ham
mers , one large and tuo other small , and
a sharp knife. When the unfortunate
victim would become deeply interested
in pome exciting orunusingeonvcn ! aljon
with the other members of the faniilv ,
who pretended to be exceedingly jolly
and vivacious , the murderess behind thu
curtain would deal him a blow in the
back of thu head with the large hammer
that would drop him senseless upon the
lloor ; then rushing from her hiding plitco
she would deal him another blow in the
temple with the small hammer : n here
upon the male members vsould drag him
to the trajt door , over which they would
hold him while the insatiate monster in
woman's form drew the knife across his
throat , after which tliey allowed the
bleeding corpse lo fall through the aper
turn into thu eellar.
Sometimes tliero would be two or three
travelers slop at one time at this abode ,
upon which occasions as many members
ot the family would take their places
behind the curtain , selecting their victims
at tlie critical moment , . \gain there
would occasionally come n man who.
when oll'ered the fatal chair , would
miconfciously remove it to some other
position , rendering it inconvenient to
strike him a suns blow from the place of
concealment. Under Mich circumstances
the family would always be very mirth
ful and dually propose a game in which
it would become incumbent upon the
htranger , in acting a certain part , to fall
upon his knees and cla-p his hands in
the attiliide of prayer. The jihice
selected for him to do this would boon
the trap door. When in the re
quired position Miss Kate would
steal softly from In-hind the
curtain and strike him dead as ho knell.
They always aimed lo make death cur
tain ; provided they thought the. .stranger
had valuables worth the trouble.
Their JdiNcovcry came nbont as
follows : A man left Ids wife some
where in eastern Kansas to go
and make arrangements for set
tling further west , sajing that as soon
as matters vvero adjusted , which would
be within a certain stated time , hit would
letiirn and take her west with him. He
went and the lime set for his return
came , but he didn't come with it. He-
coming alarmed at his prolonged nb-
seneii. Ids wife set out to overtake or
meet him. Sin ; , too , Mopped to remain
over night with the Hoinlers. It didn't
M'nin to be their ihtcntion to murder her ;
at leabl not in their iiHiinl manner of per
forming tint hellish act While sitting
in tlie room alone , .she picked up u lockul
that was lying on a Maud. Opening it
.slin was surprised to'perceive hiir own
picture in It and that of her little gh 1 op
posite. She knew then that the locket
had belonged to her. husband , having
been worn by him us a charm on his
watch chain. Her suspicions were
aroused , hut someone comliigin prevent
ed her f i oni escaping , and finally she was
taken up stairs to retire , but not to sleep.
Shis was planning an cscapo from the
liuilding. Afler u time she arose ami
looked out of tint window , and was as-
loniehed to see the light of n lantern
winging in a distant part of an apple
irehnrd on thu premises. She succeeded
in stealing softly out of the house with-
nit discovery , and drew near the light ,
ivhich she watched till the parties went
nvay , and then went to thu phico anil
found u newly-made grave. .She hid out
in the praiiie all night , and vvlien morn-
ng camu , went to a neighbor's IIOIIH * .
ind told hcr.-Httory. The alarm
0011 spread > itbroad nnd pco-
tie tloclifd to. the housis from
ar and near in great crowds. Hut the
'ainily had disappeared. Their horses
, V TC found standing hitched to u wagon
lot far oil' , and i hut was the onh tirco
hat could bo found A crowd gathered
nul foiineil themselves into a mob for
' \ \ miking vengoMie- upon
Immense Stock ,
Eastern Prices Duplicated
Send for illustrated Cataloue ,
i Snlmrooni . , U N. Mnlu gt. , Council lllufts , Town.
Oflluo4tllroiulnn- !
the murderers. Thn.v not oil"In u certain
direction and when limy came back , not
a linjjlc member of it could be iirevailed
upon to ny whether tiny had accom
plished their purpose- not. Hence , Iho
uncertainly. Some claim thev did and
were afraid to tell le.t it ini ht bring
them trouble. Others claim thai it they
had , they would have only been lee glad
to tell it , as a lariije n w/rd had been of
fered for each aim every member of the
family thai mifhl be brought baclc deader
or alive. Why they liould continue so
silent upon tins matter to even the pres
ent day remains a mvstery.
Some hint that they mjjjjit have over
taken Iho family who , giving ii ) ) some of
their ill trotlen wealth , piv\tided upon
them to keep silent , and allow them to
escape. Hut this is only vajue conjecture.
There are those who believe thai bo.vmd
a doubt that identical family can be
found in ( ienuaiiy to-day if' any one
takes the trouble lo jj ° there and look
for them. The bodies ot .several persons
weie found buried in the iirchard. The
graves were found by taking the end-
{ iralo rods out of wagons and stickin ; ;
them into llu ground heie and there until -
til they would strike a soft place , which
in every instance proved lo lie a tjrayo.
Ilow manv more niaj ha\c been biuied
in oilier places will never be known.
Mr. Wriyht was granted the privilege-
of iiibpecting the two hammer * that were
n cd fo often and srt successfully as in-
Mruments of ( le.-tru < ; tioii in the bands of
their villainous nnd bloodthirsty owners.
They are harmless looking implement.- . ,
but ugly weapons , 'flw , liiindl' " , of each
arc badly splintered ) us .almost everyone
who sees them is desirous of procuring : v
splinter or a shaving for a relic.
These hammers , together with an old
clock that wnce. belonged , to the house
hold property of the. Ileiwlcr family , and
perhaps often tollis ! the hour for the
bnrnil of Rome pnorunforlumiti' who hail
fallen into their clutches , are
in the poFsci-jioii of agcnllciiian named
Ilailcy , who holds a , ' di lingiii-slied ollice
in the city of Pars-oil' ' , Kan.
Substantial abstracts M title and real
cstato loans. J. WVJ &K. L. Squire , 101
Pearl sireet.
Tor everything in the aroecrv line give
the now 'linn of KbitICleeb , JIJ'J
Hroadway , : i trial. Everything new and
fresh. Fancy groceries a specially.
Took a Ticker.
A young man from the country , named
II. J. Brown , was seeing the city Satur
day night , and fell ( iitothc company of
.some railway boys , among them one
mimed W. } ' . ( 'row , who claim * , in be : v
brakeman on one of the roads running
ill here. linnrn says he kept spending
his money freclj with the bojs , and
when it was about gone , and there seem
ed to be : i hborUige of wealth with the
others in the parly , il was sng eiled that
he should let bis be pawned , .so ante
to provide means for more drinks , to
which he objeot-cd , but his protests were
not heeded , and the watch vyus taken
from him by force. He claimed that
frew wan the one who thus rubbed him ,
and the police being informed hunted up
UK ; ollcndcr ami nrrotcd him. The
watch was found hidden in the grass a
short distance from the caboose where
( Jrevv was found. He denies that he in-
lended to keep the watch , but the way in
which it was hidden is ntrongly against
him. Yesterday : m attempt being
made jo get the mailer Mpi.tred up , but
the ollicerrt , who had spent n good deal
of time in bunting iin the case , did not
take kindly to the idea of hu : ing Crow
get oft" so easy , and he was being kept in
durance until he can have a hearing in
Lamps cheap at Homer' * , 01 ! Main St.
Carpels going cheap at Ilarkncss
Cash tells in favor of low prices at Hrothcrs.
ClirlHllan YOIIIIK J len.
A private letter from Ham Cm lis , the
secretary of the 11 oeiation nere , who is
attending the siMeentli annual conven
tion of tliii yonngMoii's Christian associ
ations of Iowa , being held at Davenport ,
stales thattliny have been having a glo
rious time. Delegate.1) from all parts of
the slate were prcnt , and all seemed to
hit doing all in their jiovvcr to add to the
success of the gathering , From outside
of Iho state there wens bonus celebrated
workers , among whom went l obert
Weidensall , of thu international commit
tee , 1. K. Hrown , state t'eeretary of Illi
nois , and Deacon Willnrd , the noted
bible class teacher of Chicago. Mr Curtis
read a paper on "SoftJalAN ork. " AH this
has been a fpecial line of Micce-.rful work
here , ho doubtless was , ihh to give the
gathered delegates miiue valuable sug
gestions and interesting experiences con
cerning this. J-Vidaj , night there was u
public nioetlng in * rlio Jopi > ra house , at
which Iho ideas of suitable building : ;
were presented in a novel way. Jlr.
Wi Idensall gave a lecture , and about
thirty v lews by i alifliiiIight ( ) ucro shown
of different building" . Vi-lerday was
the cloiingduy , a farewell iiuetlng being
held last night. To-day the secretaries'
conference is to be | ielil.
Cloaks and wraps of all sl\li > / ; and
prices at Harkiicss' llrothein Ordurs
taken for special garment * and n lit guar
3'ino Cnmel'H Hair rndcivveir for
ladles and children at Harkne-i iiroth-
Thorough Instruction on the Piano
and Organ
Prrhnas ili JnniR nt u-eelvlni ; InHruclloQ
UoulMivo will iik'ive cull DII or uildn j
Prof. 0. B. Lipfert ,
No ( 0 Flret Avcnut t\uncU Jlluffi , lotra.
Fancy and Staple Groceries.
Ho. 162 - Broadway.
Opposite Ogden House ,
C/oimoil Blu-ifs la.
/ - , - - .
This lieu c beine a , new one , consequently
quently cvcr.v thing in stock is new and
Prices as reasonable as any oilier gro
cery in thn wftt.
One trial is all we a U.
TIIOS. oi nrrn. u. vr. u. ruscv.
1 i it it ltd , IS * " ! .
All stvlesor l.niMrinomsunilv in nock nniila
from Bj'i-w'ti ' i > iu < > pl.'mfc Tlw v ory lot.
No. 19 Pearl St. , - Council Bluffs
Over HicOiucirg Ilooli Moro.
In rmmejl lIliifTn l
Fire 3EC3soeipe ;
Anil nil minion ; liiiiiriivciii.ulu ( , cull buirj , flio
iil.trm liulh , rut. , Idtliu
Noe. 'M17 inul SI'i ' , 'if iiin Rlreut ,
MAX MOJIN , I'loprlctor.
J. i , De BEYOISE , Agent.
No. WJ llioivlwiiv , f ouiiL'tl Illutrs.
Railway Time Table.
corxcu. nu nv.
I'liu liill'/uin- tliii tlinii of iiirivnl nail
ilc'piirtuiiMir tin lus li > ft ntitit siiiiiitanl tliiKit
thulociil < l < I KIIITialnt. . lMi\n tiiiiisrerilc.iiott
inlinUL'H earlier und uirho Ifii niliiiilcH Inter :
nia'Airr. AIUIIVE ,
. Mull niul i\ircv : | > , . . .tt-Mi\\s.
AieinriiiHMluliiin. . 4Me : , M.
Kviiri'ih . . . . UIJJA.M. ;
.uioA IK i , ISI.VMI.
. > l . Mull mill i\imvi : . n.'li' , M.
7l.riA. i . AiviiiniiKiiliiilun . TiMie.M.
6aoiM : . i\jin-s. : . . viua.t. u.
CHICM.O. Mil AI'KI.K Si Kf. I'.U'I , .
UUOA.M : . Mull unU Kxprcdg. . lii.Vli'.M.
n ' 51' . M . i\preh- : . . . . 'Jift'iA. M. > , imu.iMiio.N i. IJLI.VCY.
0:10 : A.M. . . . Mull mill I'.xiiri'H 7:10 : P.M.
5iWi , M . l ! > | ir > h hMA. : ) u.
W UIASII , K ) ' . I.OI'IS/I CAdllC.
- ' : ! . ' i > . M I.IHUI ] hi. l.oilis iiiiivIxical. : .
: i:0ill' : . M/rmnrifnrKl. l. < iillHii.'rniii : ler30 : e. M
KANKVH llll. VI. .101. .VI Ol NUII. lll.l'ttf.
lOsiUA. u. . . . Mull rinj i\j : , M. , ! > . 7ir. : ; r. M.
Uitlj ! . M . . . . l\ill.-.S : | . fl.UJA. M.
him \ ( nt & I'Ar.'inc ,
71 ! > A. I . . . . .Klonrity Mnll . flWl'M. :
bU5l : > .M. . . ht. I'lllll KiiirfS | t : > A.H.
i MON lurinc.
lliMA.M _ Denver lixpii'is . . . t : , ' " > e. M.
1 ift'i i > . M , liiH' < in ) | > ai-x. , i iin. A il. V , ' ! : 'i'i e. M.
' , ; < . ' ! 1' . f ! , . . llveiiiinil llriiiess . HiuOA.M.
UllVO Council UluflN TJITi-T-rri-VCtW-IOiTO
11:10 : u. in. ; lH-S.'K : : > : < -t --3a'l-6:2l' : ' : -
11:15 p. in. Iuvo l niiiliu-l..U1l-7-i'i--M&l-lU.l : > J
11:15 iu m : lS:30-SW-a.O'J : : ' lW-l.a-Orfa.
) - , Council muffs.
Hair Goods of all Kinds
Made to Order.
Hair Goods of all tyles
Beady Made.
No , 337
As a saving to our customers , we adopt tlie
cash system and put our entire stock on lowest
cash basis.
Ootton Flannels 25 per cent less than usually
offered in the market.
Blankets at-$1.25 worth $2.
Blankets at $2 worth $3.
Blankets at 53 worth $4.50.
Blankets at 3 > 4.50 worth $6.
Blankets at $9 worth $12.
Comforts at correspondingly low prices.
Silks , Dress G-oods , Dress Flannels , etc. , iu ;
large variety and choice styles.
Lace Curtains. Curtain G-oods , Turcoman ,
Madras , etc , in quality and price to suit all.
Body Brussels , Tapestry , Velvets , Ingrains ,
Hemp , etc. Matting , oil cloth and mats , Office
matting a specialty.
Our stock is large and comprehensive and
we invite everv one to call and examine our
goods before purchasing elsewhere and secure
the most and finest goods for the least money ,
1 ? ,
mm ,
Ilriclt Imlldlnvs of nny Klnil ralt-cil or morod raul sntEf. > ctIeti jjuarantooil Prnmo lioi.-r a move
mJLIltlu ( Hunt trucks Ihu beet In Dmcild. .
T. , ror.vcir , m.urrs , JOAW.
_ . O IF1 -
Have miioved to their New Store ,
32 & 34 lain and 33 Pearl Sts ,
Win re tiej ; li-i-ve put in a new stock of
Ladies' ' and Genis Furnishing Goods , Etc , , Be ,
Among whlc h are tlio following line-i- :
ilats and Gaps , G-loves and Mittens , Gents
Neckwear , Gents' Underwear.
Lfultes9 1/JifldrMi'ii < u\d \ Misses' U
fosiery and Gloves , Cloaks and S/iaw/s , Ladies' Valises , Blankets ana
Flannels , Rock ford Carpet Warp in all Colors.
No. 113 and 01 Main Street , Counoil Hlnfl
No. 'M and < ' n 1'earl .Struct ,
No. 39 Main street , Council Bliiffe.
_ _ _ _ , . _ _ _ - _ _ - " - - - ' "
Juna - - - - -i rji i T - - - I i r i i IILJI niliii - - i
200 Heating Stoves from $3 to $10 Each ,
Clivup Cook Blovc ami ttt'iioiul llous'i rnvnlelilnt'poo'l' , Iin ludlnjf New mul KoconO Honit IM
Justice of the Peace.
OHIco Over .American Itxpiow ,
raclk iU t'Ht ( itsiil 1'Dtltul i
IIOilH Ut , S I Ij.l Jl UC'liUJJ <
iksaas. .A. , as. aaoBisRTs ,
Kounorlyot'N'cvr Vork ,
No. 311'cAiIHtruct , Council Ulutfj ,
R. BICE , M. D.
CANCFJIS ' " ' "l'-r ' ' "morn roinovcil vriilioul
' " ' 0" '