Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1885, Page 5, Image 5

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ANT1I ! > Oorrt Blrl wnnltxl for
hoiitoorK ffi4
* ' TJirANTHO-flood pills for gener * ! hou t-
5 TTrnrK , cook Ing , nrrt ntid wcond work. ML :
PlAce Klvonfr ( > o toglrli. Cull nt 110 Crounao *
Block , loth street. Mrs. Bmlth.
' - girl to nsslst with htm o-
w work , In small f until/ . Apply 8ii : H. lyth ( .t.
ANTI'.I ) llo < xl jrlrlforKcnrrrU hotn-jnork.
Apply nt2r.ti : i > o < iiro st , eat *
ANTlin A plrl fnrifpnorol hoti't-work. In
dinall lantlly. Apply iif iO I.piivunivortli ht.
611 W
"l\ANTKn For jcnornl Iioii oworx. n Rlrl to
Vt po over lo Council llluirs , In. Cnll nt I7U
California , Unialin. 61J-H'
WANTED A ( rood mllllnor to fill KOOI ! nltim
tlon. AtldroM. ptiitlim term * nnd ovpur
Icnco , 7. , How onico , Oouncii uiuiTn. wn-sa
- - . . 1 lady cAn
coed roforonciH nwinlrixlVlilto
Mncbliiu onieo. Nn. 121 North l h st.
AJfTRD A itM nlKiut II } < nn old as nurw.
Ai.iily NW cor Vlwlnln A\ouiul Orant st.
WANTKH-Oood irlrl for KPiioril honcowirk.
r ook , dlnliifr room ylrls uhambnrmutils uto.
Call U-'i > KKrimm 8U IU4.
' "XATANTl'I ) A young ghl to assist x lth
. VV t by. wa H. ant BU rw
WANTltn npnoil men for It. H.xvork trapes
fl.7r , lo f-MMI per daj. Free transpoitat'on.
4v > IllHlilpTuesday imuiiliijrHt7:4"icall : 1191 Fur-
num. No dudes xx-untud. (171 (
HfANTl'l ) Pi inter Permnnent oltuatlon
T niidKoott pay lonpobir , lellublo man. At > -
ply In portion to Thu Pilot , Illair. Neb , C7it7p
, . . ' , lIncatluu
--A flrst-clnsjbarber : goo ,
room.Pto. Address ut once , llox M , .Su
perior , Nub , G7WI
WANTP.O At Once < " > 0 carpenlers on Ice
hoiiso ntCutoirijiko good mines. Apply
nt the lake , < ! oo. It. tlammon , ! tt CM. , C.W--7p
"ITTTAISTliO Second cook ut Kmniet hou < o.
WAN rii : > Sale imin noxx- rolling leather
bootHnndxhoosto take u line of rubber
boot and shoe Mimplns and sell on commission.
J. It. ( Miuruinklln it.
W ANTii : > All uvporlrnocd dr > olcik
with iotoroiiiuiii ; > iiuotliuisno < .slapil.\ | ; nt
tilth at. TM
W ANTKD-Hood WHiri-s paid tn u ( rood lht
utcher , 1 LM llo nrd Ht ,
WANTIlD-Oisntlomon to takooi-dors In iltj ;
u now thlnir , mid mon \ in It ; hUHlncss pm-
tnanont ; call at room 'Jl Arfln toii blook. 7 < j
'AJ ' THI > I'lfty Uwllos nnd
W gonlhiiwii are ? tO per ( Hy
our ' 'Kltihon liucoii" Addioxvith i
Hlmpvon .V ParMinsTool Co , 4 ! Hoard of . . . . . .
IlulfdiiKT , St. ruul , Minn , llanutactory. Lotvcll ,
W ANT1UI iitonoirrapher. llox ( i , Ounhu.
AOlINTS-Bnllliw MUtoiirl sttam wnshor
inako IdK monuy. J. Worth , Solo Mnnufuo-
tunr , Ht. lxtnl < i. Mo. ! KCdoolli ) |
\TfANTii : > A lady wlshus to ts'tch nnd cm c
KrowltirT cliiUltonould M-ltll
woik. Balmy modorato. I ) . J. , ( fonoral ilollioty
city , UTb-HI *
WANTII > Stuallon by competent yonm ?
lady HtcnoKraphor and Ijpo wrltor. Ail-
drt < 8 (1. T. IIKI. ollloa WXi-STii
WANTHIl Position by oompptont Imly bttm-
oiriiii her and OiKvwtilur opurator. Ad-
druM Ylloo Otlioo. f,7o-ai
WANTI3O To i\oliaimro : span of her oi for
Roodaotlvo , iiKMllnm xjianof mulos. 0. II.
Moore & Co. , 1115 Dodtfo st. (
"lTrANTii : > Kvorjbody In Omaha lo know
TI Unit the pinto to buy mid sell real ufetiilo N
ot the ullioo ot C' . I' . .Ma ) no , H. W. cor , of If.tli
and 1'urnain HIK. CiUX-J
WAIN M5DTo moot duimmd lor tompotont
bookliocpois I ulll toauh tno Indlus and
two liny.M , mid u alt lor pay until situations nro
furnlahod. J. II. Smith , l ± r ; I'arnmn.
ANTi : > -l > nrlnor llli $4COOto uuu
llrst-cla l H roller inllllngr business. Addix' s
, V HOUR , I'anama , la. lilO - "
TXr- p. 20 laborers. Wages ? l.fiO per
TXrW day , .1. 1C. StoutI.oulsxllle , Nob. Ull : "
TX-'ANTKD-To lent fiiinUhed room with
V board. Toims loasonablo. Address or call
nt HOO Georgia uvo , , " doora bo , cnwoith fit.
) Ityu Now York linn roii
and controlling desirable and ( iiilck
iilocoKoedi and curtains lor the dry goods i loth-
Ing , npholsteiy nnd niuttros tiade < . u lU'o man
to eell troods on coinniLvslon In the State of No-
briiskn. Ahlioa.s , Salesman , I * . O Box (7J ( , No\v
York. l , " > l-Sa
WANTIOD I'm nlahod IIOUHO nl at Icarit fionm
room for the Hlnier. No chlldicn. lie-
roronoea. ( I , H. , HooOlllco. _ 1IU .T
WANl'lin Moroliiints to ? eo the best nnd
nuwcwl' adjustable store ahelvlmr lion * In
theworld. Iiuiulio of W J llocs , uiont lit the
Occidental Hold. until noon. Monday , iittorthat
wrltotolhonmnutactuier , J W 1'atton. Miu < on ,
Mo. KI7-.M *
WANTlin A full lot nonr the clt ) at u iea-
Bdnablo pnco Stale pi lee , 1011113 and lo
cation. Addicts'J. N 0. " Hoe oflloo. W
1J1OK KUNT furnished cottmro , wmth uhln
of Dax-onpoit hetxteon IHtli and HHh Htiocls ,
$00 u montji ; leturonce io < iiilred. '
TJIOlt IlKNT-Btoi-o.'HI N. tJthSt.
371 0 *
> ll ltiNT : Ilrlpk tmi n , poven iiKims. Pull
lit MoVltllo 8 lllh and I'ainani. GHicsi
EOU HKNT-To HiiinlT family , n llrst-olass
o itlagu In IhoK ugli repnlr , nuarcor d ami
Calirornliisl. , $1) ) iier month , Imiulru IXKIIII II ,
Omaha Niiiliinal Hank building , ( .71
TUNT.1 : room ImiiH ) npu coiutli and
M , r. s. inth st. uii
011 lliNT.-Hou ) : i-ooms nnd kltolien , and
; i looms at KM N. litth t > t ,
TJlOltlll'.NT-Houso. Imjuliciwa Harnny.
FOlt HUNT Six loom cot fur f modem Im-
pnivonicutrt , 711 H. bth bt. Uiujuho no\t
door noith. 5nl
* I7IOU ltiNT-Houf : , So.17 iioFtli I7lhstreet ,
-A-1 uttr > . H. Lolnmin. IkVi
FOll UlSNT-rivu-roonihoiituMO1. ) Davnnpoit
oj jy *
IriOK HUNT A newhoiiM ) . ROVOII looms , on
CJooi ininemio. ' Apply to lice , A. Wlluix ,
FOlt HUNT llUvant nexv iePldence , ti looms
with iri'q. ' bath , liol nnd culj city mid cUtoiu
itatcr ; irndo In front nnd buck pml.ini. mid In
Irunt chamber up ftalrs : Him eham'o"irs ' nnd
Ilituitix ; 4 squares fnm thoopumhou u. Iliun-
lin & ; Ill-own , yi I tjoiuli nth % l. DIRT
POK Hi : > T Neat 7-i-oem cottiwu In line lo
cation. mid nun block from bticcttarx. A.
Situmh-r.s A Co. , 11(11 ( rarinim , opp. I'aton. . 517
FOlt KKSr-Cuntrnlly locnted , ncxr bTlck
Inilldhur , HUltablo tor moilorato prlcoil hotel
mid rouiuirant : s > UvliiK io < > n > < ; tuilli and xvutcr
on each Door , 'I his Is a numce to octablUii u
I > uyhif ( Iwilel. Amos , tW7 I amain. 5 < Li-7
JL'oit UINT : numni.JUt t. ,
JL' ClmU , A. 1''lui.ey , IWl I'ninamst.
IIKNT-lloiiMorSnwwiafor snmll r\m
llj.Nu Ml , third housu IDI.Ikl und I.on
vunuorih : fiiX yji
T7IOII KIINT-A s ronin enttn iiim C'Lurlostt.
JL1 Imiuiroof Dr. C. II , Paul. tAt
llII KH.NT-B Ajiplv In Dr
Nuvjllc. 131-Ni
" 171 OK ISIJNT-A Kixkl > Mom brick
* - cliC'ip corn riiilii'iul H-cKor ) . 41K.'l *
I TTXOI : HUNT 'iinco cooii iiouci i xvoii I' UIIP.
( J1 u. r. tuii U .i ( . < i. , iw , Kunii'in n. 4.\i-v > i
Ui.Vl'-vJ :
lMli l.
Uonou Dry
dHiS. | U.t > i.
FOlt ItKNT Tottniro of 4 rooms nnd tinsc-
immtNd. IJIS. SSBtrcctHtynnd plstcrn wn-
ter. ItiUlro | of Duncan & xtallac-o , 2IS H. Ifith st.
441-1 f
ItHNT-Nowfl tooid hoti o on flnmdors
J sttfrpt , tmrlor , bay window , ctut f rout , ct liar
cistern , well , wnlki , fence * nnd out lion es ! now
niidninxonlent ! } H pur month. J , R. Itlle ) A
Co. , 2i : > 8. Mtli Ptrcct. af
7710U ItllNT-Itmi'Pfl nHim l7lh , hi t. Cjill-
JL1 for n In and WMiMor t .s ( J2.50 | > er month.
J. W. Miughult , ir > r I'nuium. A
IriflItIST-Hoii ! i' xvltli seven rooms , 111 !
1 Shennnn Avo. Ktiqulro of I > . T. Mount , SLI 8.
Kill 8t. ' W
FOIMtr.NT A ir l farm with bulldimrs.n
mllps fi m iHistofllco : 7 acres under cull I-
x'idloli. None lull I'xporloncf t fanners nc/s |
npply. ll < fen-nco nUlreil. . Hiiinlin & Ilruwtt
nil Hdtitli llth MU 44S- (
If tin HKVr Nor. I. a llrnt-chuw e-roomcot-
1 lrtgnllne ; locution ; by S.T. Peterson.s. o.
cor. I Mil and Dougla-i. lui
TT > 01lllINT ! Two nowroMdenccsO rooms cnch ,
X1 ( ( ittuL-o.'i rooms.houso lOroom.o. .1. 1'hlnps
Hoe. VM
EOH ItHNT Txxo-slory dwolllnff , 7 tiKiins ;
peed locality. Apply Cor. Uth uml Douitliv.
C. T. Ta ) lor. 7n
" JiOlf HUNT 2 stores oil Ptli nml Ltnvciiworlii
' Ma.
1 store on Pouth Mtli Rt. Ilolh nrst-cln s Imil.
ness lcKutlon.i. AU i hoiiiias to rent. A. McUuv-
ock. . l
"IT OIt IIMNT-Honvt of 0 rooms. Apply ( > r.
r Illh mid Pollute" . C.T.Tnlor. flu
F ) llItNT : aocrul ihMilHmrR. Arplv Oor.
Hth und Uoiitrhus. U.'r.'ni > lor. tin
iTioit KINT cut SAI.K-A house , burn form
-L cows : nnd I lot'Un Walnut Hill add. tin per
month , IiiUlru | James Chrlbtau- ! , If. I' .
I'll-lxht OlUce. : i77-o-S5p
ITiOt : KK.NTOot. . 1st. or nftcr , a dwcllluv
1 houcnB IIIOIIH. nlco viinl , cistern , water , $ JJ
per month. Apply 1411 I'ark Wild uvo. , or Jim.
W. tk'h.diiifwkl.ttt ) Woutli 10th feU M-l
lOlt Itr.NT Nicooittago 1010 South lUth KL
JL' Inmtlro of 0. A. Iloldlu. 4-VKMp
TTlOlt UI'.NT Ilouyj II rooms $ S'i per mouth ;
i xf 111 innt pntt. 0. K. Thompson , S. W. noi.
llth and llatiiey. U-'O
_ _ _ _ _
ITIOIt ItUNT Two ne.xly fiunlshcd rooms ,
parlor und In d room oil Kouth wlwlo . No
. ' : ! ISlh At cor Iaimport. . iiJ > 11
HUNT Dfahablo fiont roomi. 111
BilKIl *
FOlt Itl'.NT-A nloclv fuinWiod cotttwc , 0
iooiiisMi7 North 'JthM. 1)7,1 )
IiUFli" ltixr : t'uinHie7l roo7a3 Jfo
1 housukiepiujr , Iminlto N W cor IFth and
Clark. ( tti
_ _
l/lt > u"itlS : F Dealiuble rooms ,
1- ? 03J
Ki : > T Two unfurnlhc < l ronnis , tnl7
lfi itUiNT 1'iirlUht house keeping , 2 fnr-
lv nishod i ooin ; . , $ . W. unncrttund Hoxvard.
FOR KUNT Vtirnlshod looms In ( food locu
tion. Will iKiutd niun mid vile on reason-
ublotorins. 1' . tr. , llco Ollleo. ( TiJ-'l'
JTXOlt Itl'NT Largo hand'-oiiio room. 1701
1 Capitol tuo. Id4
: KiNlV-Kuinlshed : room. No. IM IDili
mid Webster htreets with piixlego ( if bulb.
"I71OIC HII.VT II looms suitable for hoii'iocu
J. Ing. Liuitilro M10 Dux eupoit street. O-'iHii *
"ITIOIt ICI'Nl' Furnished room xxlth uvi of
JL bathroom. No.7001flBt.noarV.'obslor.
Foil itHXT Nicely furnished room HK1
Uodo stieet. 5ffl-nl
TfTloit ItKNT THO nicely furnished rooms ,
1OU iiNT : Nicely furiilshod looim. , c1icu ,
lorlourKontlomPit.WMS 1'Jlli ' street. 6 t
TTIOK Ki.NT I'Ieii = unt iiioniH , C l Pleasant
JU Bt. , near Ht.Jlary's _ yivjlrio , _ f > TI'-'t' _ _
Olt HUNT Tin co front rooms In nicely
1 furnished , pleasant location , on streetcar
lino. tk > ! i N. Both St. 41W1 *
F OK ICiNT rurnlihed looms , _ JI/J
I71PH HKNT TVo t'lOKant ' Iront looms niilur-
-1 nlshed , bath room hot and cold xuitor tuimo
Poor , xury donliublu locution. Hnqulro S. W.
Cor IU and Dodgo. < 3S
HiXT-ltoom with board. 1812 Dodifo.
fTiOlt Iti.VT-Ilooms : In city hall tmlMlmr.
I1 .Hmims in Ilmkcr bhx-k. 0. II. Ma ) no. Til h
mid Karnam. fit
Kivr : Furnished room 70S South inth
btrcet , xx Ith or without board. lftt-i *
FOR HUNT KloK'uutly futiilshrd itioms at
1021 I'm mint st. UiO
FOlt HINT : Luiuo furnished front room : cull
after (1 ( p. m. , 11 ! I'lth st , near Webster. : cil--p !
17 lt It KNT Pleasant f tit nWiod rooms , 1707
Cusa. axv ii"
KINT : THD idea.sniit Iront rooms un-
tiirnlshed , snllablo for light housokcupliiK' ,
in Iloomur H Illuck. cor. bth and lloxuird. 'MJ
FM ( ItHN7 jrsTic bTtirobrlck Tinlldlnjr "TiiT
Howmd Ht. , bet ilth and 17lh. No 1UI5 and
1 017. luqulro at. driiK Hlorucor. lilih st. _ ' . "Ni
FOH HUNT Dinro fiont room nicely fur-
id-died ; prlvllcHoof hath 100111 ; hidtali'olor
txxo persons ; live minutes xudU ti-om 1' . O ; one
block tiom htreot car lino. Addiosa I * . O. box
] 7OK ltiN'T A nice , plciiHimt room , furnish *
- od or unfnrnlsed. Imiuhu at 151J l.eavon-
4 1(1 (
ITIMltKNT Unomi with board , do lntlilofnr
-L summer. Apply at. St. Chmlus Hotel. Ml
POIt Ki.M' : Nicely lurnl-hod liont loom to
KCiitleimm only , tit ti. i : . corner -uth and
Douglas Htioot. MS
FOH ltlNT ! ruriilbhod raom , I9W rmmitn
Hi nova *
JTUHl llixr ; II fiirnlthed rooms on Pacfllu
1 sttis'i , belHccn fill und tOth.ono block Miuth
ol Iho II. 1. depot. _ -t-1'
POIt ItKN'T-SjileaSKiit soiilh front rooms S.
W. coiner 1'Jlli ' und Davenport. 700
I71O11 lll T Two nicely implied rooms i , N.
W. cor Ulst unit Ht. Mary'ti avuniio. 400
1J10U SALP.-flWHlllbuv u tPimiofeiirotd <
JL KIuj _ ponlei- . Call at 1510 Hainov , n:7--.4 .
" 17IOII D.VM : Nuxxpoll mutest , noxioat ucio
JL1 lotH.
Noxx port bpst and chonppst ucrolots. ,
Now pott sells fu8ipr ill m any other.
Noupoitls nem or than mi ) other.
Ko\vKirt | is haml-oniely located.
Newpou hits not u bad lot ,
Nowpoi t Is all good Ints
Now poi t cells fast er than nnj thlna ,
Noxxpoit MhechoUe.
Now | oil lux lies the buyer ,
Newport nulls the i eople.
New poi t sells on Itsiueiltf ) .
NowiKiitcans'iaiid lino-ti ration.
Nun pint I-a piice lor nimics.
Nuixjioil xx III double in vuliut.
Now pott cinnol bo oUillo.l ] ,
Now poitplgiinos the public.
Now JKiitjou iniistBCO ,
Nmvi iitoti xi 111 like ,
Nonjioit Is iicmor.
NuHJiorl IH hotter ,
Tlnui any neio lot over wild In Ihls marl'Ot.iind
H hen ) on seu it ion ixlll u Unit h Uull ami inoiu
than U claimed for It Cm.o mul r-uo Nimpoit
noxf , It xvlll pay ) ou to do sy , Amo > , 15o7 Kar-
mini , ( > 17
1I'ouxuuit toToilToal iwtntollsl It' with C.7 %
Mayno , tx > coi IMh and I'arnmn It ii is not
convunlent localldiopn caitl xvlih a full do- > -
eilptlon ot the piopcrty t'lxhiK nur.ilx'i ol lot
and hlticK. It xvhl tin ) jnu II jou uant in mil 10
send dofecrlntlon ot jour piopcily to thUagi ncy
nheu'lt uill icClvo piouipl ntlcntlon TUo-
phune u-'l. i"J !
H 'oi-sUS - , lots , laudsllcnib , nth und
TTIOIt SAI.K S"O ( xciycheiip lota In II. us-
1 com place , lllncbr.u : h idt'fi1 , and lli < iil.i' (
addition. CuuiiiiiL'linm ' Itrini.fdl Minl o.
OIl SAI.i : 1(1 ( loom hoima ; biilh ; hut mid
iidil water ! Laundry ; Hont-o fnUluvt In
h. il x\oid ( , most ouiHOiilont locu-'o. ' ! . ( inc. i > lik
liiimcitiN street ( MI I'tiino. iio : 'Uit .K ll'ir-
I oed , lo5StUui u mil liijia ' ' . ) bl OHIi-c , i'i'.i' <
| -7i > Xiiii ) x 'i ) idii Hii.ililo Urm - Tola Ur. innv
ucll lnilt : jili 10 nnd xxurti ull a'Aed lur It ,
Aiiius I"KI rirmim , ' > i7
T I' ) enant t wllr'vil' ' intollhliMxllli < \ I' .
.Maine , vr vorlftih and lurniun. If It Is not
c-i'ncn.cnt 10 oalldioi. iii-nnl xvllh n Ulll dos-
criptlon oft'io ' pitipcri" 9lvhir } uuinK'r of lot
UlU i.l'.cl llxO'lpti ' ) JMI If.xiOi mini In veil toT
MS idiip-cripllonoi xoiapropei ly lu
i. m > I'll ulllitxi-h pruuipt iiciitip'i. uk-
iKI. -
Plt .VI.I * Ac'uxpropertynoilhnnd wrsl of
IhPMtytll- ! 17f > prrncrc. WTUfflhtim ,
Ctti'ff item hloaV , fisi
" flOU HAI.Iloodtwii : story houw , 7 teem ,
J1 cN tciii.icllar.thp.t LI , tmrii orpin live ; lot
lYlMirlPoyuoiitmiKtolMj ngrrcd upon. WT
( IrnhHiii.Crcighlon hlook.
n IxM\7.
. Jl , * ! * ) ) nlo hmi nml 4 lots ,
Jl'Wl ) . Ctmiimghnm & ilrttin.ui , l&U
Jr you * nnt tn cell ton ! < > Mntu li t It with 0. H.
Max no.swcor lith nnd I'limam. If II Is not
oonxvnlcnt tooall dropn card nllll a full ( Ins
cription of the propcuy nixing number of lot
iintl block. II xxlll pay } oit If juUHiuittiiMOll to
K'ml do crlptlonof j onrprpporty to this uRcncy
xxhero It xxlll rttolxo prompt attention. Tele
phone iKI. WJ-y
IJIOIl SAMJ a ) : ulillllonnl of In { " ( Hinders &
JL Hlimihaitah'fl uilillllon lire now ollcred tor
wiltiHt tlm olil prices The Holt I.lno railroad l.s
located xt ithln it lew rod * of this addition , und
tln Hj lots nt from fl'tl to tttTn.tlio chnutio > J pro | >
city In the clt ) . TCUIIH , JJ. ' > < l < miinn < l bnhmcoln
niontlil ) piiMnouts of fi in lu dollar ; * . A. Niutl *
dot's A , Co. , UUI Kuninni ft. CW-S1
171011 8AM' tlorwr on Saunders nt. : business
JJ lot , UtKtft ) ; only Sl iW. Killer A. Cobb.
S U.i : An olegimt W i-noin house und
lot trovIM on I'urli inomit' , bountiful loca
tion , * t'Aj ) . Cunningham & lli-onniui , Ifill
ITIOIt KAI.i : Aciolotsnro noxv the | Mpulnr
' Mfo nnd sum Invcxlmrn ) . Nexx-jioit Is tlm
chole > orHllacrolot8iu : will say so xotim'lf ,
xx lion } oii eoit. Conio muUookoxorNiixviort. |
Allies , lf > 07l'nrnam. fU
II" > o > l n-antto M'll roul oslato INt It with 0. I1. .
Ala.xno , WXY cor and I'miani. If It Is not
conxenlcnt to cull ilrop i * curd with 11 lull des
cription nftlio propot ty giving nuiiihor nl lot
ami bhxk. It xvlll pa ) .xnii If you xxmit to sell to
wild ditilpt ! n ol yonrproportyto tliLsugoncy
whole It ulll reeolx'o prompt attention. Telephone -
phone ttl. ! _ jMS-ai
roit SAl.K-HonMjmid lot lit North Onmlui ;
hun umsll ! > looms , olsioru , x\o 1. front ;
price ? ll m. WT ( lruham.iihrhtult block. WJ
TTlOlt SAM : fl loom now house ami lot on cor
.A. iKth M. , xx ill Imsf Id lor $ JOJ. > . Cunningham
JK llroniimi , l.'ill Oodjrn. MM
171011 SAI.K A liMlltlflll lot with Broom
-i hoiiso ; neil th t lout stiiK-k nt lilwh K'hixil ; ulll
H'iitlorM-1) ) pci iinir , Mii5t liu wtMutoiifo. 1) .
W. , lliinOUIoc. UJO-i'l *
, - < OU SAl.II-UiN In 'riiornliiirc IMnco , > ut
1 diiinhn. tS'Otii ? HM inch , loporwit tliinn ,
liittnnoo montlily pninuutH. . 'l'hio nrut'ij do-
lnlllll lots unit HUM hpnpi'it In u > t Uuiulia ; thti
Holt I. Inn ill pot III lui luilll at tlm cornvrrif
TlioinliuiK I'll ' on. ( . 'nil nml lcl piiitionlnirt nml
boo tlio propcitj . ( J r .Miii no , luth mul rnrnnui.
fi ifi 7
JjlOlSSAI.IJ tiouio mul trot IIP miufw
miillxi-tiiciolottlor thu inonoy In
AIIHH , ni rurniim.
l/U > KSAI.i : A lnu-iii > ti < i In lUliiolniUKh nddl-
1 thin mul IlnMikliuo. < , nimlnulimn& lli niiun ,
K.U . DodKO. KI4-U4
IT'OHS.U.H-T.ota In TlioinlmrB t'liico ,
Oiniilm. 9&"U tn $4W ( oncli. IU jior tout ilo n.
Imlanin monthly pivjinoiitM. Tliosomo xcryilo-
hliiililo lots mul tluKhciim'it In ( " > tOinaliutlu ; >
Holt l.lnu depot Hill IKI liuilt nt tlio c'orncrot'
'riioinlnir I'liici ) . ( Ml anil K t piirtietilur-i nml
MO Iho ptopin ty. ( J 1 ! Mnysiu , l&th unit I'm num.
FI OUM.'i , lotx , landa lloinN , 1'itli iin.l DoliKliH
015 lnox'u
Iri ( lt > AM : Nowjott IsKiiaiantoi'd to I'o all
that Uchilmul lor ltthiHjon ; will admlc this
w lion jou M'O it ; HIIIKI and look nt the giound ,
niHl t'Wltlijoni OMI ojos the noaiet , nicest
ni'io lots t > \ or oilon'dtfomo and son the lots , you
v , 111 admit all that isolaimod. Aniotf , 15u7 1'ai num.
Poll SAM-hoiiM'fimid : Kood lot ono block
ninth ol St. Milt } H nioiiiin , routed lor lf-J.j a
month , " 111 IKI solil ulienp. Ciiiiiiiii luun , V
liionnan , 1511 DodKC. ( > < > VJI
FOlt SAM : Aoto lotw In lloltcdnro. adjoining
Kt. Oinalia on'ho North. This la by tar the
linostand ohoapost ucn ) proportv In that dlroo-
tidii. ( all and xoo It. -0) to $ M per acio easy
tuiins , U. I ! . Jlayao , h\v cor. luth and rmnam.
SAI.i--A : bhiokhinlth shop
n hmiruln. Will titidnlor IviiusasnrNolnius.
ka land. < lit. " . ! : nn ticli , Ctoston , 111. i l *
FOUSAM'-IxitsIn IllmolmtiKh mid I'attot-
Kin'f.hiilHlhi-iiiiiadjoinlnirtlioiiuu iiilhoud
lauds on vtlilchdopot , lound iionsos nnd bhops
mo lo bo built. 1'iloos Saw to SloiJ pnfhoa.s\ ;
teiius , Thesolous mo Killimory rapidly ; call
b0onlf > ou v.i-li to buy. It. U. I'attotwm. fi.i-
I I'3 on ant to wll teal citato lint It with C. i : .
Mu > no MVcor mid Fimiain. If It IB not
loiuonlont to call drop a card ivlth n full dos-
crlpllon ot the ptopoity KtviiiK ninnlicr of lot
nndblock. It will pay jon ii > ou wantto sell to
HUiiddosorliitloiud jourpiopnit ) to thlsut-'onoy
lioro It ill rtceho inompt ntlcntlon 'lelu-
iJl. Uliii-t
| JiOli sAl.i : Neixpoit is selling because It is
JJ ncar.Lloganlgiound uota bail lot In it , .Men
m o bu ) lug aci e lot * because t hey can make mm e
money bu.xlng act us than In any other xuiy.
Kx'ui ) uci e of Nimpoit xi ill bouoi th and u ill sell
lorlxvlcopiiunioxv asked lor It in less Iiuu ti
) inr If ) mi Kill loolc at NowHrt.xouxillsoult | | IH
all that i clulmed for It. Amo-i , I'M' Fariiam
St. fisl (
i : A baigaliiln lixolots on Georgia
For u short time & 17UU xvill tuko the
two. W. T. Orulium.CrelBlilon block. fol
Plilt SAM : Acie lots in llolioderoM ! ) to
flit ) each. No hills to climb. Nice 1m ol
toad till the HIU. Splendid locution , Vlow tin-
U. I ) , Mil ) no15th and Farnam.
r. HAMI-dHiior lot on Cliltiw > , with
' mom IIOIIMI and bmn mid all iioioshiiry Im-
, lotiitlvlW , Capitol Hill. fiM ) i. A.
! ) rauiam st. * V 'J '
II' ' jou ant | OKO1 | loul e tatoM ) It ultli ( ! . K.
Mil } IK * . SH cor 15th and I amain. 11 It is not
conxi'iilent to culldiop iicnid vtlth u lull dos-
cilpilonortlHipropcii ) KivliiK nnmlior of lot
mid block. H Hill paj > on 11 von Hunt to boll to
t-cmldisciiptlou ol join ptopi'il ) lotlilf ii inuy
\\luuo It w III retoi\o piompt ntiontlon. Tclo-
: NeiKit acio lot.s , sell because
-L ? they ui u the ncaicit , nun e-tt and ehnapott lots
forKalenlilHHlll bo pioMnl Hhun jon MH the
L'iiiinlfoiiinuidr.iilor ( ; ( ( > ( iurBt'll' . Ames , 1VJ7
Fiiiiiani. M ]
PAI.B Lots In Thoinhiirff I'laco. Host
.1 ( Iniahii , > J"m lo } li t cacli , l.i per luntdoun ,
lialiinoo monthly lai.MiKinlH. ThoMi are uuj do-
snablo loin and the uhcupeiit In uohtUiiiaha , tlio
Dolt Line depot uill ho ImllL at the ( orncrot
'niornljurjf I'lacu. Call and ( t't I urtlculars and
hut the pi opci O. I ! I' Muiio , 15th and 1'ainam.
H ( , ljt-.landj"lk'mN,15tliiinil ( )
I/I ) lt HAM ; NoHxut | is the mire IIOHIn acio
J , lolh and r-olls on itn ineillh ; nroi- ) new of
Nimpoit xtlll sell for not lius lhan SWJ In a
yearn Uinc. You can llnd no SUIXT way of sav-
IIIK monuy and makliiK iiiouey , You wttlnl )
joutio'lf xtl.othi'r this is so or not b ) liHiklat , ' at
N'owiKirt. Come and sou It jiniifelfmeti ,
I5o7 ' fill iiaiii. f il
II'yonxvHiit to Fell roul c-nUUi IM It xnth C K.
Mnjno , bin ui l.'itli and I'ainum. lilt is not
iHinx'eiileniio tall drop ucaid Hlth a lull den-
crlpilonol ihu pin ) oriyK vln iiiiinlieror lot and
block , ll it 111 pit ) ) im h jou Hunt lo sell to sund
doscilptlon of jour piopeity to thin HKOIICJ ,
uheioll will iC'Cimn pionipt atlenllon. 'U'lo-
' '
FOIt HAM : Three nlco ( otiuifos In Walnut
Hill on nunilhly paj nionlH. Sileiididcliaiiiu |
lot ( iei..inof modoiaio moans lo KOt UK cod
home. A humidors \ Co. , lu l fuimim M. ,
opp 1'uMon , 5111
AI.i : THO lol.s In Uiuio und Holilen'B
i.ii'l .cuiner , tlUAj ) Hcasli. 1'nttrrte Cobb ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ i-S4 _
l'Oi : t-AI.F.-Uits III Tlioinhuix Plaeo , xvest
I dmn'ia ' * : .rijli SliKJeuth. Ij pet unit ilonil ,
b.dnute niunthlj paj inontM. The-iiain uityiiu-
tiiat.le hn-i and Ihuchcupeat inc \ - > l Omaha ; tno
1'clt Line iIciKit Hill bo built at the cm nor 01
'Ihoiiiburjr I'laee. Cull and K < 't paitlcuhirM and
bcv the pie | > ci ijU i : .Mu ) no , l&lh und Karnum.
_ _
jriOUSAI.i : A fli > t class and neil pnjliii ;
J' liomdlm ; house , eontndly located tor panic-
iilarb. Addic-iC. X. lleouillce. iiul
Iio 1 it SAM : NC.H | > oi ri i6iirijait io est
Nuxnt | host and cheapest noio lots ,
hewjKnt hoIMastei than mi ) othor.
Ncnpoit Ibiieaiii than ail ) other.
M w IMII i U haiid-smicly loualod.
Nl vvjioi i has not n hail lul ,
Nunpoil lit all xiiiidhild.
NewHirt | sells iu > iei than imjthlRjf
NOH put t lux Hoilie bu.v or
Next pott tnlu Iho piniple.
Newport M-IU on iiM met itc.
iit can siund inve-iUiilloa.
li H place KIIhomed. .
t \\llldoulilo tn ml , 10.
. . .
u t plcjui-hthe. pubhu.
tXtpOlt ) IMI lllll t M'C ,
Noujmrl iiiu xtiliiiuo ,
Nix\pon \ Is no.ii i.
Junpou l > In " r
TIUI.IIH ; iii-ii h - 'V ( r-cfUIn lids iniukct , and
ttlu.l ion M < ; n } im uillitdmlllt Uull and uuiie
tl an l. < l > im is | tor n Comu und fee Nenpoit
mm , ll uillpu > ) uiU' < lu < i. Amw , I5U7 Vai-
n-iiu. MI
" | Tl ! > ltsAM : . Ila la VlntkprA Mnilio' * Mil -
J'dlxishm on Itili f-troel , ih x > b'ceks ' from
Mrtet cur. , i-IVi mid | | Ji ) onch , Monthly | > ny
tiosir Pit ) llmlls , fine ;
cPi-h. Kxlii Inrco "Ire
Two deeidisl f > iii i.Uli < ( t\tii lola 74viW. hnlf
block from riirWiixciini > . , < > no block from I.ertv-
eiiwoi-th , hleh cnmnd , r ) i .fl oncti. Yrry isy
Iloufo H roonH. hcrp < it prnuml , ori f ux'crt-
worll < n. , Ik-It llmi'gf ' > c" xtllhln IwfH-t ot It ,
Txfo lot on IJ'ist llnirii , t , m > nr I'ftnmm , t-ViO
onrh , monthly | > i ) nuinti ! they urn ehc IP
'ii ! ucies lu iHiKiUIno utar pmi > o-0i.l It. II.
il HHit iml shops , f I.I" " .
Tirnlxn oust fivnt lotion Colfav vt , ono block
north of I .iixnnxxoith.f lr" m , ? IV ) ( 'otvn nnd
Jilpcr month ; llmnhi deslrablo lot * ) , nenr
f-trcet P'ir , nen ire ( ( < -uhools l , near business ;
they xvill umJcti g < Mid liohiosor inako ffood in-
' 1 tict on I'.irnam nenr nth , fl , ' > l .
One ucro In ( ! l < e'suddlllonnoar Saundi-M . ,
( IJMJ ; this Is cheap.
I/otH on ( Jisiwlu nvo. bolwcpti T.eaxuiiNorlli
nnd nirnuin , $ I VJouh , Jir.ldoun unit W per
Ono ucro on outh i : > th Pt , fl.WX ) ; pasy tornu.
.V7 I it iVItUoii Vftli st. belxxfon Donpliis nnd
Dodue , HUHtotlngn il looms , Jl .n ) , f > ]
down and JH ) poi' month.
291 llilck I'oiiso It rtMims , nil mndcni Improw-
uionts , kith , tnrnaco , luixo barn , Milmi'n
iidd. WV. (
l I/itKlxiai , lieu 8 room' , DoJao st. bet.
13th nnd 14th , imiKootlor.
.W Full lot. two housoji , Shlnn'H mid , $ J "X ) ;
easy toriii.- " .
UC-Oiie ! ! aero with hmi e , huatitlfnl locution ,
Wo * t Oniahli. glfM.
XA \ \ \ \ \ lot , Itajjo hotiso ft rooms , not th l"tli at ,
$ . , UDO.
81 ! LotWxlllltHo llntks smith of Pt Mnrv'n
uvii. on : i.M st , , nlcn collate U ITKIIIIS , lar o
barn , t l , * > in , fiVJdonii mid f.'fi per month.
317 Neat isitt.i x < lull lot , north Uth st . 9JKH. !
-is Hoitso 7 i-iMims , I iw lot , llnost looitloti In
Iliuiscoiu pl.'iw. east iront , spleuuld xloi\ ,
fcViOU ; HUM ) tunas.
2iV luutsiiT rooms , lot IVKlH1) ) , Hansctmv pluw ,
Sd.oon , fVKldimu , bahmce lo suit.
! } ) Hood ixutisno 7 nxims. bum ( est tlrw ,
tiumboi of ether otltbulldinuH , lot It\"r4. : !
ver ) tlue lociillou. Hhhlii ono and u halt
miles ( d CO. , iioiirl.oniiuoith : ! st. , t.Hi.OO ,
easy toini" .
SIP IlrleK hou o Trooim ) , Uiiuiny near 24th ,
kood lot , $1 ! Xl.
" 15 ( food oottiisro S i-oottis , li fc tot , bountiful
loc.ttlon.lluiirtcoui,1' ) , ; tas , ) terms.
'Mi Lot lKixl4l ( > , ' < iiod eotlmto I rooms , Niutlt
1Mb st .f..t'K O.SCOdinxiHind.1lli > ei month.
lite Niatest cotttiife 111 Omaha , noxv , nice lot ,
nututiil tioex , Uunffl.i axe. near I axen-
xtoith. t-'I. Wl.
175 Lot litlvUI , Hiuth I'lth st. , ootttuto 5 looms ,
$ .tiKt ) , J.ViO down and f-i ) per tiionth : this
Is n baifrilu
ICO l.otiiivll' ' ) , 1 irwe IIOIIMI , irood , Hlckor ) sd
bet. 10th and llth , 1,700 , ? > dou n and
$ .1) ) per mouth.
158 Lot lOOv-l I , mat rutt.iKP. 5 rooms , 110 bbl
cNtein , oulhoiisiis , leuu n'cd cellar , taclim
Han > -com pink ; Ihe ionnd alone Is xuirlh
inoto than the pi ' ( o apkinl lot this place ;
It > ou x\ttiil n desli.ihlo pliKdvith plenty
of ( 'iound room : sou this , jliKO ; ; easy
lfkl A tlnotwo stoiyhouse 11 teems , comer lot ,
GOU40 , on I'ark nxo. , > f > UJ )
1U3 H5\l.r , on rariiamst. ncnrKUli , $11,000.
lnJib7 A lew pli-ces on South IStli st. xrlth
buildlnjis on them. It ) on want n good
Inx-cstment look at lot H , block : . ' . Konnt70
'M add , hoiiso 4 moms , $1 UCUwi : down
and { --0 per month. North half lot IU.
block ; ) , Kmmtros 3d add , house ( ! UIOIIIH ,
SSo o , f.vw down mid ? -n per month.
71 nast S lot a , block 177 on Jnukton st. xvlth
house mi I bain , $ ' ! , OJO , f 150 dOHii und $ " >
per month.
! HO Lot on MiDiman axe. GOvl.'iO In Horbach
iidd , JAIwUid-o lets I0\l' > l on , Hot-
bach's add , $ lfO ( ) .
207 l.'mJJ.'iOi.oinoroii.-'t Miiry'H uvo. makes 5
xciy do'hable tots ; lot price und particu
lars call utollloc
Ul'O Lots in Vates V Ifoed's add , $ > i0iaph :
monthly pimiiptitg
SOI IM 10 , block ID , lliin < voiu , $1,001 ; x-oiy
easy terms. i
1K8 Lot in Coi tlandt phno on Ilnuard st.n'V , > l ;
xci ) oat ) teiiiiH.
UO Two o. Iho finest aoies In West Omaha ,
nuniliciM.I and 4 , hlock.i , i1.11,11. .
171 Three lots on \ ifKinitiiiM" . llaiijcom place ,
170 Tun lots on \ lininliKixo. hi block U , llano-
com place , $ UK acli.
17(5 ( Txvo lots In lliniobauith place on Itld o St. ,
iC.itliciino nx o j * ! ,1W eucli.
Ixjts unimproved mid impiox'cd piopoily In
oxeiy part 01 tlio city C. I : . Max no , d. W. Cor.
l.'itn and rainaui. 'lotuphonott.i. ( . ! Lt'
POItSAM : Tucut ) ' u ies neir city limits ,
Mitt.ible for dixjdiiig part c.ish ; line In-
vestment. ItolUVNO
"IjlOll SAI.i : Two hollies and lot fiGvlliS enL
L ? Nut tit llth street JflOJJ. Cunniiigluiiii & .
Ilicdnun 1SI1 Dodgu- ) , , l > .i -4 :
FOIl SAI.K Cheap , .1 ois In Thornburg I'laco.
Potter Cobb. 4-io'l :
ITIOK SAI.P-a homo ? mid lot 7.M4I10II Noi Ih
- IMhstieetrented ti > $ > a mouth , xvill lo
sold ( hop 01 ulll tiado lor acre pioporty. Cult-
nluxhamiV llionnan , 1511 l ) < idcu. 1 7--1
ITWHt SAMJ-Oak cliathAiii This Is x\hat
X1 XMIS called the Toiislu ) tiaek ; the Central
Depot of Iho Omaha Ilelt line road l.s located
on Oak Chatham ; Oak Chatham Is opposite
.Ind o Hcdlck'ti lesldonco on Kanndors Mieet ;
You can niakojoiii mono ) doubloontliCsololHi
( 'dine and see Oakohatlmin lieloio It Intolnte ;
Omaha x111 double her population in fi jcars ;
Voucandoubleourmoiic ) on Oak Chatham In
less than one ) em ; Comoandsco Oak cliatlium ;
V m can thenxce and judjolor ) oureolt ; Ames
15u71''arnam. Mrt
i.i-Slx : lots on Stiiindc'w st. . 4 blocks
I1 fiom Htrcet car line ; east tronts ; } H"nl e.ich ;
oiL y pax moms. Those are coiner lots. .1. I ! .
Itiloy i Co. , KI5 9. Ktth ht. ! tt < )
H IOL'Ms , lot.s , lands [ lomls , l.'ilh mid Douplnn
FOlt SAM : I'ulllot ixirnei'iid mil Hint
bticetH. CiinnlUKhum \ - liionnan , 1511
Dodge. Iw7l l
"jroil SAI.i : fx > t In 'nioinlmrsf I'laco , west
J Omaha , $ no to S.t > itiicii1 ID per rent down ,
balance monthly pajmoalfl ; II ! MJ mu very do-
hhable lots mid thu cheapest hi nest Omaha ; the
ll.'lt l.lnu diipot will be built nt tlm (01 nor of
'Ihouilmrir I'lacu. Call and Kot part Uiilmr and
K-o the piopeity. L Kiln } no , 15th and Km mini
_ _
riOH SAfdlloiiMi : ol H rooms on 171 Ii Ht , ,
iulhof Uuiiilmr ; lot 44 It iij Wilt ; cheap nt
< j. I'eaei-X Cohh 151-j raniaiu st. i.'l-
inOK SAI.i-A : full lot on I'ark a\enuo f ! ; ! > .
i IsMimethliur north sielns1. CiinnliiK-
ham , Vllroniiaii , irdl Dodge. CiVlx'l
lill ( ) SAr.i . : fxits lu Tlioriilmrif I'luco ,
J1 Omaha , $1M lo im each ; m pur ( cut dow n ,
balance monthly payiiiontH Tlic'-e meeiy de-
f-liablo loth and ihu cheapo * ! In wentOiimliu ; the
Holt Line dciot will bu built at Ihocurnorof
Thoinlmiir I'Jiieo. Call and net pailicnlaiH mid
H o thu ptopctl ) . C i : Mil ) ne , 15th and Karnam.
TlK SAM : -Oak chatham-Thls Is what
1 was called Iho Toiihlej tnuk ; the Central
Depot of thu Omaha Holt line mad In located
on Oak Chatham ; Ouk Chatham Is opposite
Judge Kedlek'H reslJoiicd on HiimdoiH htreot ;
Vim can iiniKo join money doiiblu on thesoloU ;
Como and HOO Oak chatliain heluiu It l-lo Into ;
Omaha ivlll double her jioimlatlon in fi JOUIN ;
Von can diiiblii ( > our money on Oak chatliain In
lens than onoj ear ; ( 'oiauandboeOaK cliatham :
Vim < an then MIC and Judju lur > oui > cl ! ; Ames
TjlOK SAI.K-Two corner lolfl III I'urkor'H ml
Edition ; will buHoldieiy cheap. Cumunuhain , irdl Dodge , IU > ! . ' 1
"THdlt SAM ! Cheapest tine Inside proiurtylii
Jthoimiiket. . Kv-ldenco lotb III Hlllrtlde add. ,
tu lli
F Olt SAI.U-KIno l < it ii HuiiBcom "I'lico. ? 700
I utter A , Co lib.
ITIOU KAM : Alot iiU til runningirom 17th
' lo IHili HtreHt8fJiUJ. Cuimlntrliiim A ; Ilron-
111111,1011 Dodge. OUI-2I
Jr jou aut lo hell rualOftaU' list it with U. H.
Majno.swoor IMh iindihiimini. II II Is not
convenient to call dnm n card Hllli n lull dd.-crip
Hoiiof thopiopnrti irnlntf numhor of lot nnd
block , \\Jllpaj j on If yon \vunt to soil to Komi
do-citptloii ot > onr ipiiipeily lo HUN agency ,
whcio It Hill lecelvo pionipt iittontion 'I'olo-
' ' -U
oil hAl.i : l.filsln Tliornhuw I'laco
Onniliu , e-.Vi lo f liMMiuhi M pur cent down ,
balance monthly piij inenlb ; tho-o meoiy do *
Hlrubki lnt.s and the tlu-apjist In \ > o-t Oimuiuillid
lolt Hue depot Hill1 lie Inilll al tiiu cuincrof
'lliornhurK pnito. Cull add got paillcnlain and
tru he piopeity. 0 U Muyiu | , 15th mid rarnam.
Ji'OU HA IJ5 T onty nciei P. W. of cltv cheap
nl tlUilHH' acre. I'ottcr & Cobb. 4IS i
] i1IIt [ SAM : When buyers MJO Nnuport they
. iiroitinvlncxsl It In Ihu lion UN ! , noiilool mid
best ociti lots lor halo , i'ou can satisfy jour-
* elf of i his by uiiulmr bore and ilillng out lo
NoHiort.ol nlilch thoiels not ono | Kx > r lot.
( lot In now Hhcu jourolioleo will bo umonx ( | io
liiot , Aineii , ! Jh7 I'linmiu tit. ( Mi
IjiOK SAM : An elegant 8 room bouaoiind
1 lull lot onUiorglaiivunuo. I'astlront , every
com ciilonco. t'unnlnghaiu > V lliunnan. 1511
/IOK HAMI-Oiik chatham-Thl ! ! U what
J.1 ntidtullod Ihu 'I'oiiHloy irack. The Central
lK | Mit of the Oiiiahu Itolt llneroiul lu kieuted
on Oifk C'liallnun. Ouk chullnim U opixmilo
Judja ttodlok'ii n < ( .ldoiico m Haundera bti-i * ! .
\ on inn inuke jour money double oiitlioio lotx.
( iuno mid M > O Oak clmtham Ixtfora It U to late.
Omaha wllliloiiblo her pdpiilatlon In 5 yeiird.
Vdiicitiuloublojdiirinenoyon Ouk eliHtlmm In
lens than onujluir , ( Viinoundwx ) Ouk Chatham.
You can then biximiUJuUi'U lor ivuwilt. Amos
lt7 r urtuur $ t& Ilolvi dpn'.ndj0liilnf (
I It Onmhaoti fhonoilh Thl l bv far llir
MUM ! and fhenpt-l ucicpropi rte In that ditod
thin : cnll and < MHI It. gjou to $ wo per HITO.ORIJ
UTIII * . U. U. .M ) tie , sit oor isth and rnrmim.
I 7U lt SAMIncres. . beautiful Imid , nenr
- licit llnfl mid b'nuiidors st , $1,000. NH.V ten
1'nvjulro Sates drug jtoro. WK.
FOltHAt,15-On Culifoinm St. , 1 ( miles from
jxMtotlUsx , half Held xvlth XK > I | hou > ct and
bHrn.jrinly fc'.kw. _ lVittor A CobK
JTIOU SAI.iWalnut : lll.l lots uro the best , tlio
J choii ) ) < st mid most ik.slniblo. P.I ! Majno.
l.Mliuml I'arnnm.
IflOK At.i-Acro : lots III llelvcxlorp.ndjolnlu
1 Vt Omaha on Hip north. This Is by fur Ihu
llne t mid cliuoix'U ncni property In that direc
tion : call nnd fee' It. JJOO to $ .Ti > i per aero eai-y
tormt U. IX Mayiiii , ancor 15th nud I'nrnnin.
'ITOIl SATtli-Qood 7-room hnuio on 1Mb Ht , :
-1 full lot. well Improved ; fJ , tt 1'ottor A.
I > ) M > . 131ft iVruiim st. 417-JM
In IlehiHlorp. $ X to
p-1-Oeach. No bills to climb. Nko level
n id all the ny. Hplendld tiK'ntlon. Vlow un-
0.1. . Ma > tie , ir.tnaml
"JjlOIl SAT.K Sp 'tulld now H room house co-
- - montivl cellar Inrpo ntw burn nnd every oin-
\enlence. LolMxirmcitst lrontreor ) li Avenue
near I'oppt'lton 1 tiliK'k Iron ! slrtsn car Kusy
terms , $ ,000. A. McQuxock Uo ! > rarnam t.
: loin In. Thornbuw Mace \ \ -t
Omaha , WfJ ) to M l each : III per < tml down ,
biilanoe moiithl } payiiionlH ; thoni inn \nry do-
slinhlu lots nnd the Uii > apc t In wcstOuuiha ; tlio
belt line depot w ill be built at thn corner of
Thornbiinf Place. Call mid tret puitlculura ami
sou the proptity. ( J. R Maync , IMh and Karnurn
ftViVfl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"TJ1IMI SAM : Comoanli' ( > eMelii o Ull | lots ;
L II ey mo in minutes n.ilK tro > i lluiiscom
Varlcuud I 'mk Avenue st. , cars ; Hull I.Iuclvpot
I * ll'nv UK tiled en Melro i > lllll ; jou cmi buy
these lots lor $ ; vx > piijlnir J.U ilown , bahmce
jy > every throe months. Como mid MJI' I ils
liropoi ty. It Is u sate Investment and will rapidly
liicie.u-o In Milne. Ames , lio'l'mnani. 51
1 7M1H SAI.P On illst s | , line lots atsol ; eauv
1 tcims. Cullttt ollleo. 1'otter X Cobb. l.ll.'i
rmnam st. 410-U'l
371OII s M.i : Aciv loin in mlloinlng
t't Omnhu on the Ninth. This Is by lav the mid cheapest nciepiopcrlj In that direc
tion Cull and 5 > ou It. S W to J.sidpor acto easy
toims. U , K. .Ma > m > , s coi' Kith and l-'nrmun.
17011 HAM ! -Six room hoii e.'all ' neiessarj Im-
) i ) \emont , lot Wt\l.CJ. on li\oniort | ,
near ' 'W > t. ( wl uO. A. McOitxnck , IWl t'uriiam.
IjHHt AMWahiiit : Ulll lots uro the Host , the
* ( licapcst and most desirable C. T M > no.
15th and i'ainani. r,7i-U7
"ITlOlt SAI.U rtioi | residence lots o
J.1 ht. 1'oiteriVColdi , Ijl'i turuamst.
ITIOIS > < AM' : Acio lots In Ilrihedeio , udJolniiiK
1I I "I Omaluioti the noith. Tliblsby lar the
Ilnest mid cheapest acre piopettv In that illieo-
tion ( all and see It. Jwin TO J.lnfl per acie easy
toims. c. K. Maj no , acer luth and 1'arnam.
"ITiOlt SAM ! \ liawiiln for iishmt time in lots
I In Hhlnns addition , tine cor. lot IM It on
Culduc'l ' st , tlUl. Mime himdlcr lots $55(1 ( and S.I.XI.
W. T UtalmmCrohfliton block' IV 1-2
IjTOlt SAM : 1 ho thirst aoie propi'rlx bv 'nun
1 .idd-yotolloiodu llcllxedeio. xxhlch lies ill-
KHitlx xMi-tof I'l , Oiiuiha ; tv.\M > lo } , lii perucie.
This , itt e die ipest acio piopeity to bo laid the
same ( INImini oiit.xt Ith thu adviintago olb > tt.oth. (
lexol load all the way. C. li. Jlayno , lith and
rarnam , 5707
I71OU H \ l.i : IoxIHII t Iioarott , nexieat. aeio
J3 lots.
e x port lipst mul cheapest acio lota ,
Nc\xj oit cells lusior that ) any ulhur.
TM'-iXpoit Is no.ii < rlhan mi ) other.
Newport Ii handsomely located.
Nexv | 011 has not u had lot.
NLX\ i < u I | s ull good loin.
NowJHirlells tuslerthtinim ] thlnj.
Ne-xpoit is thu choice.
Nexxpoit lux Host ho lim or.
Nu'xpoit tmliM thu people.
Nowpoit seK ! on Its nieills.
Neixport can stand Inx-ostig.itlon.
Ninvpoit on plum for hornet" ,
Niux | Kit xvilt double m value.
Notxpoit cannot bo oiuallud.
Noix poi t ploii'-es the public.
Noxxpmt ) uii must boo.
Nexxpoitou xvill like.
Nowiiortlsneaicr ,
Nexx poi l I , lictter
Than an ) acio lot ever fold In thlriimuket , and
when > ( in NI > O It xou xvill admit II is all mid mom
than Is claimed lor It. Como mid MIO Next poi t
now ; It uill pay you to do to. Anio3I5u7 Cur
ium. G47
"IjlOIl HA I. IJ Cheapest propel ty near Went 1'ar-
J1 ii.imst. ; lots in Pottei s add. tiom it Ma
t-'ioo ; eas1)-lei ins. 1'ottor A ; Colih. 4JV-1
.SAl.i : Aero lots In Ilclvedeie , t.'fOlo
No hills to climb. Nlenloxel load
all the wax. Splendid locution V'lexv IIIIHIII
piissed. ( J. r. Mayiio , 15th and Karnmn.
HOll.SIJS , Jots , lands-Ilomls , nth and Douglas
fiJ7ni\ ( ( )
FiJU.s.VM : Walnut Hill IntHiito the best , the
( heupost and mont deoiruble. O.K. Max no ,
loth and L'arii.uu. 57f > - 7
F' ' IK .SAM : It. C I'ATTKICONl.lth and Tar.
niun. Acio piopcrtv In Hlmebau h'fl nddl-
tlon : thUadilltlon iuljoina the new iiiuchasdol
Ml-ooutll'iivlllc Hit Co. 6'll '
Ijioit SAI.K The llnest acre propnrtv b > lomr
' odds j-et olloiod Is llcllvodoie , which lies dl-
KtK west of I't. Omaha ; U'lUtu si 1.1 per note ;
this is the cheapest acre piopeily to be had thu
Himedlsiiuieoout.wlth tlio HU ant a o of Hinooth
level load ull the way. UK .Mayne , 15th and
I'ainiun. 57G--7
FOlt SAM : rino coiner lot on I'uniam ,
ilendid corner lot on Douglas. fliO.OOJ.
line lot opposite exposition biilldlmt , tlU/i'V ) .
All tlieaboMiaro lull lota , Mxl ' lout , and OJt-
( ellent lor hl'Muot-K IIOUPOH.
r 10 room house mul full lot on Duvonpottst , ,
enoolotH , Shlnnslld mid. ,
II Hue i'rldoiire lots , Hansom place ,
1 line lesldi'iioc lot , llaiihcom place. ,
1 line lexldenoe lot , HlmehauKh plaeo ,
MOIIBO ol D iiioina mul lot on Howard Mtcot ,
aeio In fllo addition.
Ixit liibliinn'Miid add ? 70 , ) .
Coim-rlot I'atUer'Hiid ! . , l. .
Ml ucies In I'loience add , , $ > l,5 U ,
Acio juoporty In I'lotenco.
Land . " , 10 and o acre tututrl nonr elty nt 31" > o
per aeio.
lo aero tiact Imptovod i-"i per aero near city.
BO aeio I arm , Improved , hotibo and stable lor
f I'o per acio.
Section of land , 010 acres In Monltk ocmnty ,
at t > : : .U > imr ncre. Cheap
"olo aii08 land In Oieeley co , at $1 TO per acio.
5,0)0 ) acru-i land In Nmico co at $3 per iiom.
Hmidlli iV Drown , Ull Houth nth sticut. 4171 1
"I71OK SAM' The llnnst aero piopoity liv lonir
-L' oilds yet oflorud IH llell\edi < re , which llesdl-
ici'lly weht of I't , Omaha ; t W to f l per acio.
This is HIP ohoapoflt ncre pronoily to be liiul the
MiinoUlntiiiu'ii oniw Ith t ho udnuilajfo of Hinooth ,
level toad all thu uuy. C. II. Majue , tnth and
I'm num. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B7tKJ7 _
HOUSis : , ots.landft lloiuls , 15th mid Douglas
Ii ( it SAM : The Jinoct ncio pi-opoitr by IOIIK
ixlds jctoirmod Is llnlli iiilino , wiilch lies ill-
lecllv wrsUd I't Omaha ; fcMl to tli'fl ' per ;
this U Iho uheapest IILIO piopmiy the NIIIIIU db-
tmiKioiit H'it i tneiulvauimro of ymooih leul
ruud nil thu way , 0" K Maj nu , 15th anil 1'ai num.
1 : I will ( .ell n numburof line cot.
' mifos and Int8 to Kood pmiles on monthly
payments Also u number or line driving IIOIXH
mid u tut ot top huti'Klcd that 1 willHoll on tlmo
or triido lur ical CM.ate. U 1 * . 1'rujii , 1571 Noith
IMh. _ . Jf"- * _
J7 < OH HA Mi Thu Illicit. Milmiban rcnldonco
piopeity \\uhiut Hill , Without 11 doubt
this piopeity IIIIH better pi OSIXTIM lor linniedlalo
udvaiKU limn anj other addition Iho Mime ills-
lame out , With miect car line now boiiiK built ,
Hell linoBrailml thioiiKh. and ndeiKit localod In
Iho ccm r ( if the propei ty , nem ly l < ) line build-
Ingiti lected duilnif tno pant Hummer , makes
Walnut Hill the most di'.iluible aisldoncn piop.
orty In Iho mm Km tu-day. Call and taken ildu
with IIH mid n ( lor ) oui olut . 1'ilces and
teinmvoiy leu-enable. C. I ! . Mnyiiu , Miiithuout
unnor llltienth and I'lirnnm , "
IriOItKAM : Wulnilt Hill lotHiiro the bust , Iho
1 theapo-t ami most deuliable. U. Ii. Maine ,
I5ih mid I'aiimm , _ IJ7ii-'iT
H lots , fauns , luinUIloinls.nib and
Donglus. DM-.Uinovl.'o
FOlthAMI Nenpoit , ncaroit UPIO lots. If
you < omo mid i-eo thli piupeit ) jou Hill ad
mit II IH Iho neiiHut , bent and oho.ipest acio
lota fur faale. Amos , 1.VJ7 Km mini , &NI
" 1710 H 8AI.U bloiy and half house , 7 Kioms.eo- !
-I- Ii r mid cl.slciii , lot : JJxli . on romilolon
near fiili K..OII cat > y ti mis. $ lf > OU. A. > leuv ( )
CM k , IW.i h'urnam tt. : i7U
OK BAMt-Wulnut lim lots nrti IhobiHt.llie
cheapest mid uiott dyjirulilo , O. K. Muj no ,
15lh and r'urmim. S'lb-at
sAr.K OK ixciiANoi-rino :
JU hmiMi , IU looms , liurii imd ulublo , city
mid nuonsury outhouEiH exchanged for Im
proved I iina not nvoriXI mlloa from ( ) mah.u It.
} ' . . AgonU need not apply. Addiosa K. I * llco
FOUHAI.K-Ilcaullful re ldonoo lola In IVnl-
nut Hill JJ.V to J7UU each ; lo iior cent ciunh ,
balunco inonthl ) ji xytubuU. C. K. ilaj no , I61U
iuid I'urUMiiu C7Ci
SAI.IT NVwH | rt nMro < t , t (
- lot * .
Nmr | > ort lict nml clu-rtpoil nrro lota.
Non inirt viu rmtiirtli\iiii ! > ij otlior.
N i frtrt H nf-\ffr thnn nn ) otllw.
Nl'lVport IH lllllljMllllcl ) IlKHtOd.
Ncwpin-t li.i nut ii Imd lot.
NcwJKitt l- < till KOO < | Intl. ;
N > ' * port H-Ui lai-tiM than mi } tlitnff.
Ncnpott N thil clioU n.
Nc\Y | > i > ll 111 * lti thn InHTr.
NCM i on slut * tin * peoplo.
Nc lK > rt ii'llson UM tnorits.
iin tind
Non port Ii H pliuo for homes.
ort , 111 1 doiihld innhio. .
Nuw | irt CJnnot lHU > iiiiillil | ,
Newport jilt'nH' * Iho pnlillo.
Nc port yon mint MJO ,
Ni > port j on 111 Ilka
Nmipoit w ncnriT.
NIIH jioit libottor ,
Thnn mu itcrii lots t-\t > r > W lit thU tnarkot.
\\l\i n > oUMH' It von xrtil admit H Is ml nnd mciro
tlimi Is clidmo 1 for It. Uunoniiil vx < Mwiioit
now , It will jinyyou tortowi. Amo-i , IW7
mi in. CI7
TWoloMTm OwirxlirXvT Iw-o
8. of oti orlh , ftuV ) or t-'a I'ncli
J. K. Itlli-y .v fo. 'M . l : h M. : '
"IJAOlt S.V1.I ! The Unc" ! Mtibilrlmn ttnldcnco
JL piMjicily N WnJinit Mill. Without n il ul > t
Ilih | iit > p < < rt > lint bettor | iropcctM tor lliiimxlliito
ndvuncDthiiiiiiny othi-r ndnltlon ihf stuno dh <
tiiiKcnut. \ ith etnt't car linu now bclntrlnilll ,
Holt line grinds ! tliniitttti , utnl H dcpi't ' loonti-d In
tlit'roiitoruf IhopiDporty , nesirlj ln < i line build
Intrn c ux , 1 1 id ( Ituhifr thu pus-t Htitnmvi'i miiki's
AViiltiut Hill thi' IIHI-.I ilpsliiibln'ri'tiU | > niiiprop-
i-rty In Ihiinurki't linluy. Oillnml liikini lido
IOi Us , mid sco tor jour .olvoa. I'lloiw nud
lurmsx'iy tcii'-oimhln. ( ' . r , Mnyuo ,
icnhi-r Kilticiith nnd Vnimiin ,
-W ) to
t ( X ) inii'h.Vi idlli toUlmli. Nk'olnxolrond
nllthouny. f i ltndlil lounll'Ui. Vlmv iiimui
pn si'd. ( . . I ! .vlujno , l.'itliMUil 1' llil.i
ipOKS.VUi SKtviirtt's thrwi mil's frnm the
postoihfo would ti\iaiiiKi : > tin clt > piMpotty.
A hm-Kum.
HmiH > , I'litn ' mid lotM\IM , forJl.'S * ) .
lliniso unit iwrnor lut , H 'oo. XVimlil tnko n
pail ol tiursfsltt pint | ni > mfliit.
1 i II lot , ou t In'iutlth 7-nHiiu > d lieu o on
MiMiiditri unit Oiuoo tin M , oHi.
A H'U IOIM lufl on Wuit l ) ) l l btlt t 111 II bur-
Lot unit t o houses oil IWth ptroot , noitv 1'ar-
null , v.loo.
I nil lot. honth trout , ( ! HKIUHH ! honso , Hurt ,
UOIII ll\l"ll ) > ll , tOrIMK
Onu ut tlio tln st iMimiis In I.ivo'siit ( H bar
gain. llalKiu lli\ii.ili.s. : l U. % 4.lK.ri
oits vi.i-'bouplotHiu : ( Mi < hiHu lllll : fr
1 hujs ihfMti , b > iiajlint > ! l down , liiditnc" > o
oj : thito mouths. Amos 1 u" Varliiiin , Oil
77 < OUSAt.K-lkMilltlflll H'oldcnwi IIM | in Will-
I1 nut Hill f&Mto m oi''ii , in poi iimt oiinii
biilmioo iiHintiilj iiu.MiH'Mi'0. . 1 Mu.uui , luih
mm r'tunmn. n.l-:7
> tit SAM : iitHtutiiiii nuidunoo lots in w.ii-
1r nui lllll . : > toy. in' ' ouch : uipor coin uutti ,
l iulmicc moiulily paymonls. C.I ; . MII.MH' l.ith
mul LAiinam. ( > 'ii:7
" 171 Oil SAM2 Lot ith now lioijso , fi bionics
J.1 viistufl'arK utonuts ? , " ) > J. J. I ! . Itiloj
lo.airiS5. llth st. < c.'l
yrio I IS AMAero ION In llclMMlmii'it > to t-Wti
I1 ( inch. No lull" to cllinli. IN r > ! liucl loiidall
t.o ii > . hilunillil | location. Vloiv unsiupns d
I' , 1C. .iiayno , ir.tli and L armim. Ill --.M
171OK SAM : Mtltoxo lllll on bell lino. Riomid
L1 nil oad j doi'ilod tor depot ! lots Helling nt f , ki ,
oill > % .U < lovtn bidiintt ! ? - . ! osory lltion mnntlis.
Aimia hVi" Till num. fill
1 poll HA lit ! Iteanllful lesldenoo lots In Wai-
' nut lllll f-'i" i lo f.Ulnacn ; | J pel tent oa ii ,
b.ilauco moiithl ) pa ) mcilt | > , t. ' . ] , . .Ma ) no , t.tli
and 1 at num. fnii- : ! *
FOHHAI.l1 Oood nouso mid lot III ninth
Oimilm..huuse has 5 huge looms , collor , xtell ,
nciosotM , tliMKl , i-usy u-rms. W.'l.C.ia-
hum , ( .it'J liKui blook. ir.o-,1
-ITIOItHAI.lI-ltoiiiitirul losMunun lots In Wnl
I1 nut lllll 5fJ. " > U to anvUiMu-lt ; IU tier cent cash ,
bulaiiLo monthly pnyiuuiits. 0. I. . Ma > no , luin
and latimm. iin--7
" | 71tK SAI.K On Hminilois si. , nc-jir out linn ,
L' lull lot ; ( uist , liont ; now hoiii-c. - > -lim,7
looms , J.J.H" ) . Voiv olioaii. J , I ! , Illloj ti Co ,
u ; > h. ltn , ! ht. It-a
iiioil HAM : The mcost. thu nomo-it , the
. ihoapo-it and most lo Inn IniJl-
iieasieiiuiraliiut Hill is lar ahead ol all
other suhuibmi lu-idonoo pioiicttx. ( all unl
tal.e a lido and see JoijoniMjIl. . C I * MIIMIO.
IMh mid Fin mini. fi7ii-7
I7 OK SAI.n Tluoo loti | u Khkxvood'rt add.
\ MM. _ A. JdcOuxook , IMH I'm mini sl.Wj _ !
Foil SA M : Oiimlui la u KIOXX Iiur city an t lots
for JUKJa piece mo bcutco ; xxhen jou ) , ut
them in Molioao Hill at pii'sont iiluis and
lotms , jou get ui me bin gain. Moho-o Hill is
ten mlm.tos walk liom 1'nrk Avcbtioet cms ,
mid has a belt line depot locatoil on it Come
mid HOC. .Moln o Hill. Ame.s , 1M7 I'ainani. TiMl
Tj * > OK BAIil3 Tlm lines. ! siibuibilu icsldenid
I' property Is Walnut Hill. Without a doubt
this propei tj- has bolter prospect * lor luimodliile
mix mice than any other addition Iho sanie ill- ,
tmicoout. With fitted cur line now being built ,
Ilelt line gi ailed thiough , and u dupot located in
the center of the propoity , in ally KM Hue build-
IngH erneted dining tlio past Miimnor , niakes
Walnut Hill the most dn < , iiabo ) losldcnco pioii-
eityin tlm nimket to-day. Call and tuko a iliie
xviin un , and see for j om salvos. 1'ricos and
tertiiH x'eiy loasouablo. C' 1C. Jlayue ,
toiner Filtuoiith and Fainuni. <
JTiQItSAIiR I'or H few diua , y/ and r. acio
1 IOIB in Houllold nt ? lri < i unit up an aero This
Is 10) ) holow pi icon joining tills tract. J. W. Mm-
bhall , KAMI Tat mini bt. Ub7
"ITlOlt SAM : Tlio nicest , the noino-t. the
JL1 cheapest and most com Milent to tlielmsl.
ness lomer. Walnut Hill Is ii\r \ uhoadof all
other huhuihan loHideiico pnipeily. ( 'all and
talto a rldo nnd too tor yourself , U K. Maine ,
r > th and Kit num. fi7Uf
jriOK SAM : Tho'TiU'Ost , tlio "iioaniht , tlio
JL' cheapust and mobt convenlenl to the Imsl-
nosscenter.umit ! Hill H Im ahead of all
ether Hiibiiibun losldonui pioioity. Call and
lake a lido and KOO tor i outsell. U. H. Mas no ,
ir.tli and rainain , & 7U-X7
8AI.I5 Tnohtoiy homo , B rooms , bath ,
bay ulmluir and nil ooiireiiluncos , corner
lotnOviiM , I'lihy tiiims. $ .1,1X41. A. ilLJiiM > ( k ,
15W rmnam. ; ira
I7IOK SAM : II jou can buy an i lots HMioar ,
JL1 Bltinited as ell as Nonpoil , you can bo MU in
ol ( loiibllmf .vonrmoiiej In u gear's time ; can
> ou doitsell wltli h In any oilier wa > / When
I on Hie nelly irro\tlnr IIKH Omaha lomeiuhor It
H the Riounii that makus jou money ; when jou
buy aoios jou et land enough In ono aeio to
mnkii r 1.00 J lotH , and auio lots are now thu
tiiltifMo buy. Come a ml ru > o Newpott.whlih jou
mu easily Jiidiu ol'yomsoll : all imked of > ou Is
to too it and bo i om luted ns to what II ru.illj la.
Amos , I'i07 Minium , fiSU
* l/IOlt .SAMI I.aiKo now 1 ! room IIOIIMV T o
J' IOIH loo\LV ) went liont uu'ry ion\enlonoi
1'aity wishes tri i omiu'oii-oin city nml will MJ ! |
heap on easj luriiiH. ( . 'iwiiK'la .Ueniio 1 lilni.k
liom I'liik A\e. , st. , cat line , til.i//o. A. M-
( iiivock , I'xi ! ) Km mini M. 4 < fl
"ITlOlt HAMI The nlu-ff , the iioaio t , the
J olieapiu-tiind mosKomotilnnt tn Iho I USIUUSH
{ enter. Wnlnilt Hill is lur ahead < if all other
hubuiban losl IOIKO prnj-oilv. Call mid take a
lido and hue lofjonr.-.olf. ( i. II , Ma.ino , 1'itli and
I'm num. KO-'iT
fAM' ) Tuo full Lilt. , corner , xnwt nml
two blocks liom Knrniiiu ht , : bonili fiout
mil on KI ado ; Jl,5mi I'or both. A ImririUii. .1.15.
,1 C ( . . . : ; r , a uthbt. JIT
I.tOll SAI.K The llne-t siiliniban io.-leneo | (
' piopoi I ) In Walnut lllll , With t u doubt
tlil-i piopoity lias liultorpuinjioctti lor Immediate
ii'ix'unce than mi ) oilier iiildilloa lim Hitnio ills *
tiuieouul. With slHKit tar line now bulng built ,
Ilelt lluoginddl through and iuloiot | locate. ) In
tlm center ol ihu piopen.x , noaily 1,000 Unu
buildings m ecu d dm lug tinp.i't Mimimir , makes
Walnut Hill the most d ( slniblo lenlilenee pi op
en j In Ilio mai kel today Call mid taku a iliie
" m > , mid sen for ) oiiiMlxo3 , I'Hces mid
'iy leaMinablo ( ' K. Ma > ne , wmtliHodt
corner ritaomliund rmnam. rdOL'il'J'M
T ? M : HAM-tlel ; on Pouili 17th . : cacy pay-
J incntH nnd \ oiy olu ap ,
I'oi Halo AdxKable plato to local o nml build
Htoio. Vlnlon Ht. , near luimliuiKOf nth
bt. cm line , f l.O'.W. ,1 , U. Uih > > \ I'o. , : :1D : 9. I Ith.
_ - . . . . w - . . - . . . * * *
Foil HA I. H Tlio nltest , Iho nearo't , tlm
chrapKit and mo tconvnnient to business
conlei. Wulnutnill i , < lur ahead of all other
Bilbuibnn ru'ldenoiproperty. . Cull and tal.on
1 1 loandbco forjoiu.iult , C. Ii Jluyuo. IMh hud
1 'at Mam. D7 - 7
J-On Calllornlu nt. , .
J1 hlo rcbldfliio , flfAV. J. 15 , | tlj | ; ( c Co. , ail
b , llith ft. Ul
"ij SAl < i' Onrm lot Jliilo'jkn firitri
JU ( ins. .1 K. Ililey A , Co. . KI5 0 LHIl M. UIH
Foil 8AI.H if , it In HaiiH'oni riuco from * ! HX )
to tltW , ea y t irin . I it1 on I'nrlc ami
Avrnuee < 1WO. W. T , ( linluun ,
ou l.lok. | r , | .
TTIOItSAM ! A fl-w lots lu ISutlPtts iiddltlon ,
X1 ilucu blocks fii'iii nlroi tin t - , .IfVrtJ l ( . 1'm , \ \ \
inoiitld > payuir.titu , W. T , Uruui'.m. LVuUhtoii
biock. t > j
3/IOIS SAI.i-HOIII.OS : nud lulf mi monthly pay-
' mums. D. j , Haydou , f'iiiiiiUtiTi , l.uiuiun
Lake mid Wllllj iivri , { & > " . ' > "
T710U HA.B-riioIooixirnorlit ( Ic RccJ'8
Itilf i kinJlvmli.lifUiiud ! fMnt-la *
' '
- -
"liAIHt SAM. Vlrsl i'lu. < 10 nxim r i lilf.npor.
-L siiunr * from IMtlon bold , full lot , tplondld
tOroomirsldonw.modPni Inipmx eimmta on.
Wh ct nutrSt Marj'aiiVftnto No. I loonllon
.i'ixl wn < nmn's from court ImuFo with nl-
tiiest iioiT M mom itittmtii. J.ISU
Lot bl'irtfid fnmt mi Ktli r.nd lilh Rtreet xxlth
ono ! i mum nml ( > noinMimbouM.i : ltli all nocod
Mry outbtilldhir ( , y > , W ) .
Do not full to Invest lento , th ( < m N money In It.
Cor lotltlh near AVilliaiiK , iMvUU , lth fiuull
uellllnlsiip.l tioiKii , tl U.
! l lots ( firUike nnd nth , 1A7' ft front and
140 u deep xx It HO room liou-o , JI,5M ( , ca"y terina ,
u ( Treat bargain.
( > ir .M nnd I'lerco fnwtlS\ta'i ! ' w Itli 4 exit-
tairi-s $ nim. llhpiM Isnbaiimln ,
75 liM > t op < t front , n 17th near Oil mill xx ttli ono
B nud one 5 room hotioo , fSjicXi. A haiiralii.
Choloo loN III IliuiEeom I Ino , J tar > , . 'ii < iy
I hoholot mi 1'iirk Hxviuio , * 1V ) , iwsy ti'Uiin.
B Cor lota 111 I'lki-r's add lioar street car
f IIYW eacit ,
lf > { ( MxIM i front on 17th * tro < it. HorbiiphV 1st
add. f-.lM ) .
2. ft euit front , mil of now Wllllnum xvllh B
story new Moro bulldlnir , l.l.M ) . A gn > ut bar-
l/t 7P > ft l < nst front H llh S nexr OIH KC 9 Iftth ,
! l minari's ft-om Ht Marys uvo. tAWii ch ( ip.
llcholco lots la W. A. ltslh.k'H mid , fjotl onoh
easy terms ,
\Mttftt \ assortment of tubnrb in ucix ) lots utul
lots In most HIIV addition Ht low tliruivs.
I nere ulth small now hoiifco In llrookllno add ,
rt acres In llreoklluo add ,
4iM acres fi miles Irom Oinulia , xxllh mil loss
thmifomUMiniU improxi'menisin uholee fnrtu
at ? # ) per IICIM
Ni nen's 7'i mlkvifroni postolllco , blulily Im.
imixitl.svA ) .
_ _ _ Jp u | i > n A Co , 1M1 rnrnam at. 0-i.t-M :
Fun SAM : Ncxxjort nvurost. IIOH ost. ncrf
Noixpoit ln' t HIII ) choawflt ncro lots.
NeHpait sells tustur than liny otlior.
Nexx-poit Is nearer than any othor.
Newport Is Imnd oniolx located.
NOH port has not a bad lot.
NoHJioit Is all ( toml lots.
Noxipoit will iH-terllian
Ne l > oit Is the rliohsii.
Non IKII t tux lies the tuner.
Now pin l ( .nits the poopK
Nuxxfmt soils on Us tui > r.l' ,
NoHportciiii stand Investigation.
Nixwpoit In u ) hico lor honips.
NCH jioi l xx ill double In value ,
NOH poi t itinnot be equaled.
New IMII t plen.-os the public.
NcHH | it jou miisiei' .
Nmxptnt xott xt | l like.
New port Is nonrvr.
NoHpoit Is liotlor ,
Thnn mi ) aci lot dx'or Hold In this murVpt.
. .ml nhiMi XOM see It .Mm will admit It Is ull iid \
more thun Uclalti'ol for It. Conio und t-uoNow-
mnt noxv , ( t xvlll pay ) on to do MI. Ames. 1 507
rarnam. _ _ _ _ _ _ W _
"II10K \LM-Thn milmilinit ttjsldeucn
-L1 piopeiiv Is Walnut lllll. Without a doubt
his propei t ) has bettor prospects lor Immodlato
adxance than mi ) other addition the stuno dis
tance out. With htii'ot ear Hue umv being Imllt ,
Holt l/lno iri'idiHt t IniuiKlMitlilH depot loeatod III
theceaiei of the pmpoit ) , iioiuly IUO linn build-
lmrn 01001111 dining the past .summer imiUoa
Walnut lllll tie ) most desha'ilo ' in-ldeneo proji-
oily lu tin * miul.ot toda ) . Call and takourido
xxltn us mid son lei jour ohos. I'llcow und
Icims in.i-onablo. C. K. Mayne , s. w. csn1 t.llh
and I'ainain. f > 7ii" !
ONI. % MIotHlo trade for Itiipniypil piopertfT
xx 111 assume moitmwi ol pay dllTeicm-o In
cash , t'aitlos xdnhlng to tiado Imtlor callat
onto. W H On ( m. oxer 1st National Hank. 174.
ITMiIlSALi : HuiiHi and lot mid tun lotH near
I'uik uximtip. cheap , on easy I onus. ( I. P.
Sitcbblns , Itoom UI , Ailtugtoii Illnok.
s\l.i-uU Chatliain This Is xxha ?
XMIS eallt'd Iho Toiishn ttiuik : the ( 'out ml
DepoloflheOuialiu Hell line road Is local nd
m Ouk Chat ham ; Oak chat ham id opposite
Iinlge llodiek's ios.Huice | . on Saunders Mieot ;
Vim can iiial-e xom mono ) douhUioiithHilol8 ( ;
'ome and . - > ( - ( ) Oak Challunn liel'inti It IH lee late ;
Imaha xxill double her population InTi jeur.s ;
Vou can double ) om moiiex on Oak Cbuthaiii lu
ieps than one ) ear ; Oomo mid STO Oak Chat hum :
You can tlu ntiio and judge tor jouraolf ; Amea
I.V17 I'm mini : _ _ ( VI H
' "
ITIOi : HUNT Now liiiuso 'J looms' , Om ; of
L1 | es | built houses in Omaha , ! nd between
'iimlng nnd 1/aid $ 'i.
ColtiigtH moms , outh 12th St. . $1" .
< \ittiigi < 't lOoniH. 1 Ith st. , nniir Pierce. $10.
Cottage ! l tooniH , " 8lh noiir Ooiiglus. $ H.
T o l runt ( dllcoi second sloiy llmker block ,
.Mh and rainmu.
THO lingo HHinib In elty hall Iniildlnff IGlli ami
Onoor txxn small stoio looiiiHou inih nl nonr
I'aiuam hi City Hall building xvill ba miaimod
o stiittuntor. C. U.Miiyno , IGUi and Ji'arnani.
_ _ _ _ _ _ (110 ( ; _
ITIOlt SAM : Onnol the finest residence p op-
' erties In Oiiuilni , $ inOJU. 0. IJ. Mil ) no. 1'ith
mil Km num. i75 !
17TIH SAl.H Tilled iHUVwiTriigf' lfxT "rofiTfis
. .1each , in Wnlmit Hill ; irood cell ira , elosotH ,
iiiiitilcs.cUluinseto ; two lots xvlthoituhoottnirn
MHk ) oi'eh. ' S-ICO dmvii and " 0 per month. C. K.
Mavno , I5ih and I'm num. iiTU
HOMI ; ,
ticiilnrs alHiut fito mid cheap laiuM In
Wiisloin Noliiit'lm addioss Pattei on & Wlilto ,
leal Kstiitn Agents , Noith I'l.itte , Nob. _ B )
1T1 Ml HAI.i : Oak Chathnm-'l hlu Is whil
-t ? Has ciillml Iho Touslov liack ; the Coidrul
epotol tbo Omaha Hull line load in located
in Oak Chiilman ; Oak Chatham IH oppoplto
ludgn Iledlek h Kinldonon on HaundorH f-troi't ' ;
VouoanmakiMoui mono ) Uoubli ) outhuxe IOIH ;
XimoundKeoOakCliiithain bolero It is too Into ;
hmihii xx III double her populallon In fi years ;
You cimdonblojonr mono ) on Oak Chatham III
osfithan oiio ) car ; Como and boo Oak Chatham ;
Von can then face and Judge loryonraulf ; Ames
15J7 Till limn. _ C4H
FOlt s.\l.i-MebiMj : lllll Is m minutes
tiom Haiiscom I'ark uud I'urk uxoiiugtitiiut
cais ; n lot lias lieoii Klx'on to thu belt Una
company lor a diHt ( | ) ; ) on buy kits In Mehoso
III ! lorSioton easy paj nienls1 , * ; W down , lull-
u ice T"-"I uxoiy Hi ion inoiilliH ; those lots urn
cheap , xvell { routed am ) laimot bu mulched ,
/IIIOH , 1107 Kanimn.
_ _
17IOK NAri-17 : Inly on Oeorgia mid Vlr lnK
JU' IIVOH. , Itodlck's add $ l'fiu to JIM ) each !
cuny tea HIM.
( -1(1) ( ) Nu ? ootiiigorirooiao , good barn , cornnr
1 rim laud I'ler Hlioots , fJ"W , monthly pay.
(171) ( ) Lot lacing llunepoin pmk on I'ark nx'o ,
MM I , eiwy tciinn. < ; , i ; Majno , 15th und I'lir-
mm , U7'J '
T71O It .SAM : Cheap , u line lot hi Ilansconi
L1 I'luco. AddicssN. 1' . ! ' , llco ollleo. 151
ITIOKSAMC A two Ptory , ixMi. f mo buliiii
JIng , hultnbloforn Ntoie , near luth mid I'm1-
mm S | . Apply ut this. oHloo. _ 1T _
OMUSONAl , Any information lolatlxo to thn
I xvhereaUiiltsoi'Maild ID lolt ttorvlcn
rlth .MIJJ. Wmau hi clt ) ono month ami and Inn
lot commnnluated xtjth her trlemls nlnco , Hill
iiithtnkliilly tucolvod by Vondolu ohnson.tatu
! A , I'armeleo , Omaha. un l
H Vliocudlois , wholesale mid roi
tall ut .1. iljVuilo d , llth ami rarnam.
Vto loan on roul ontato houiiilty. No
lil coimnlsMon chained. L ! . K. ilamo. | 5th mul
iirnmii. _ _ _ ( ; u Nov. a >
TJllIVV VAULTS , hinkH , cosspooln clounodi
Jonllioly odoilu-a xvuy. (3 I'.Hlllir AU ,
1IO8S tlllOIIJfll | H > HtOlllCO. 4 M10Vlb *
LICSSONS JN OltAVON Puplla tmwhl lion
to make ciajon portinllH , A llln sl/o HHV
lull fiom nuy pholo pupil niiiv dosiio glicu
ice xvltli term ol I MOIIH. ( 'olwoll .V Cnoko ,
uitlbtB , llomu l , Ailluuloi ) Illoolr , xvest of I' , O ,
i77nuvli !
IADIIlBIn xvnnt of good glil forgoueral IIOIIMO
I xx 01 1. A.U. , can Hud l hem by applliigutOiiiu-
m lliniiliijinunt lluicuu , H'iH'uinaiu Ht. UI7
AI.WAVh on hand ut n b.iifiT.In , No. I heeonTl
hand carrlago phm um.s and sldo lim bui >
trios ut A. .1 HlniHinM1 | \ und 1411 Dodjco St.
IADIKS In x\unt \ of Hood domestic help nail
f bo Bupiillrd by culling on Iho Omuhu I'm-
iloxmeutOllluo , " 17 N. llilh Ht. , up-blili'd | , 51 u.
J. W Morrison projiiletor. _ . _ „ _ * i74
OKM'Y vnults and to poolB cleaned In nil
J odoilea-j - xvay by ! ' . 0. Abel , P O Il < ji7 ; * .
Privent" mid
lii'lpj * In l.illca Ahk your dr
I'll iilnr-itieo Aililro'Vi .
lll.llflil C.U. , Oin dm , Kc'bruaLu.
Chicii" ; ( ) Js'uuh Nat ( Jooilwin , Iho
nniiililu I'mmnlhm , xayw ttial Laxvnnuio
U und Im ucnt Into tlio I'.ilnict
bin bi'i'Hliop tlm oilier inoruiii to
iuuil. HaruiU foil into iiolinirllint
> vn-i pro.hidod ovci l > y unu ol' your talkiv *
Uvo Imtliorri.
'IHil vim iotiiitin | n wlm Jtislyot out
of thu cliiiif. ' ' asked tlm harbor
' No " rvplind Hitrrul , intlillonsntly ,
" 'I hat vvtihJiiilgo ( Jivhhnin , ' . hititl Iho
jarbor. ' ! ilidn't know him wlion lie ut
lo\sn , lint wliisii I ( ; oi to work on him I
> nutv ho wjm it jtiil u just l y the look and
nannurlui had. It's a Hin/'iilur / thin ; ; ,
nit I can lull a niitu'ri I radii nuiirly every
iiuu by just looking nt him "
"You can , dli ? " mini Itunclt inonulu-
oiisiy. " \ \ oil. limn , what liiHliiua-i mu 1
'j'lut Ijurhcr ran his Htiplu DngcfH ever
lit1 tragedian's lioiul , thidi nUijipcil for-
v-inl in front of thu uhair ami
d Ilio liiigvdiaii'H face and , iii'i ou iu-
uiitlj , ami thnn. with an cxpumiou t (
or.iiUinaiico nml a tone of vuiuo tlntt
vcro half liiqtiirjn ami yrl half