Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1885, Page 7, Image 15

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J3rowns Iron
Tb * qntKn hwi I
It wmHIM . en I e n' Ir-io B'M"r > " . .rf
fcln * ' " Vf.ll ltd. . H Rill It c ! . umr in < li -
fc * niati rtiptiiAttl ph/itun tfiMilJ ptMHint * * IdMl
rumour * r .v nli Ir.m IW l -t n ii u
M ot " I , U < ' | > r .f"iki n-t li imr > nl nj
C1lni h mln l finill il. t nll t tl -rUi. .
IbM th r nr * wr * i r * | tr.ll. t , l * n n lh * ftj
MMr nbntiino * mw1 In mllin ThM ttt- ' * * "
lontxl/ i ln t l > x IOU < I | | M | w l lh court
| Mtkrtril Ut < f In etvwufal m .lio l pf Ute II ft ,
tM ttv r r inrk l ( ict.ihtt tfiir t tb dtMitr *
* IlltOX * N'H HON IIITTI'.UMB..t-rt.rt.
If t t4 fM liirj ln > n r totilntllim h d ! fimDa.
fc1 /ib , or pmduv. r nHI | > M | n till nlhr tr *
nodlrlnr.ila. Ill , | | U N'l I HON IIITTKIIrt
tntf Imllimtlni , tllllnn * mis Wrnh ! >
tXoprppIn , .111 tin , I'lil'l" nd rV 'r ,
Tlrtxl IVrlln . nt-rnl
VI < U , llnrlnir l.ll hOlmr1 irlir nH Nr
jinm Likatll Ml M tbvrmii n n MM
mli Whiin t k i ht * ( M >
wfllu r n Mr r j Th im knif.t . ,
i > tni ! Ti-el I iniilltnifr | ii1 ni1iB fk < Kt.
a * ? " t Nnn * t nt i. in brith n ( lli * klm | MM.
Kb funrU
w mil i m.4h < ( bindinl i > n
IH R-tnwoUi Bm.n1.
tr < ll ! th.l U > .4
wd f r , fff I. * * * M n4 u
hu Tt Muk 1 rr > i1 r4 *
* UT * - l' : | |
017 Ht. VlmrlcnNt. , Nt. I.otllo , Slo.
n .Kt l lu Iho | > OIB ! Imlrnebt of Clia < ma. NkRVou * . 81111
and tii.o Oifi4 u tbtn nr olhcr I'btilelftii lafili toul ,
Mrlty i rrri ihow tail ) ! oldr * l Ifnn inow
Nervous Prostration , Debility. Mental and
Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Alice-
tlons ol Throat , Skin or Bones , Blood Poisoning ,
eld Sores and Ulcers , re U..IM nh ouc.nikifj
uceril.nb liitCktvel'QltBaprlnclplfa.Safclr. PrlrkM ; .
Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess ,
Eiposurc or Indulgence , bi'h mm or the
foil f in p % it n t > u ncn , dtbllllj. illmnfi or clshl
nJ Jcfcclltoii.tmorj . , plniplei oulh fic . | < litilc > | ilim ;
rtrl.mtolho fvfltljof rrm l i , ( unfnilo * "I Mm , tie
rcnucrlnr MnrrUffo Improper or unhnnpy , ate
rrrmturull ; eor l. r.mpbltliJH r ? ti | on ll.e l , te , lenl
itr > li < l n > i > 'ow , fr , io nr .Jdrc , , . Ci > D > ull lliaator.
Brr orb ; mill trtr , Intlttd > nd tMrlly ( nllj-iulil.
fl Posltlvn Written Guarantee itit.n IP or rre .
nUlo cue , UMllcluu imt > tr ; olitrt b/ malt o > i | > u ,
960 PA(1 < 1. PTNB PLATES , tlfevit oWtli nnl it 1 1
blnlh r , i sk'J firfl lo in | KI I itfaormrrcnp ; . Orer tifij
wpnderful p dpwtur * . tructu liif ) ntel'ioniht followlo
Qbjoelot who mnr iu rfr wtiuiua WIT nn uliooJ , * omtn
l ii.-nv ttttr * * * i M.tihH % Ui > nc # the
f wi'i
rniVATR cotnrsrton
Cfrrrn OF THE
A Case Resembling That of Gen. Grant.
i , BQIIIO t An yourrmro I Inul u scrofulous sere on
I inyiriKlitllmml which Ritvo mo irront trouhlo
, .andundH < ihoold ( line ti ( v.Umont hdiilcNl up. tint
/ H hXdLonly | liuoii ilrivon Into ihoujNiuni liy the
I ijHo.oC iHitiiHli mul inoicniynnd In March.1K& ,
II bh > kj6ut ( It Inolto out In my llnotit , mulcoti-
contiiitcil Inlnit homo of tno IIOUIOI-K t-it.iuil
omicor , oiling tlnonuh my uheok Oontroyliiir
root ol my mouth mul upper lip , tlirn utuickliiK
ni > IOIIKUO. pnhilo mid Inner lip , itostroyln the
imlulo mul iinilutUp cntlicly mul hull' my
toiiKiio. oiillnKout. lo the top of my Inllohoook
bono uml up to the lull eye I could not ciilnny
Bolld looil , lint HiibalMoil on Ilipililn , mul my
tonxtio wiis HO tnruonu 1 could not tulle. Such
WIIM my wiolchuil , liolplcwH conilltlon Iho Ih-st of
Inct UoiulKir , (1M ( < 4 | , when my li lunilHconnnoncoil
KlvliiK mi > Stviri'a Hpucltlu. In loss thun n month
tno mitlnjr plncon toppoil nml hunting ixiin-
moncod , mul the li'iirliil upcituro In my cliocck
IIUH l > cinnlohHl : und ( Irmly knitted toxuthcr. A
III-OCOCH of IX now under Up la KroKietwInir tlnolj- ,
and tlio tongiKf which was nlinoHt doatnijud H
buinv nujovoixKl , nnil it HIHJIIH that mituiij I.H
nppblny n now tiniRO. I can tulle HI Hint my
frlcntlB ( inn ii'iiillly iindcmliind mo , mid cmi IIHO |
out Hiilld rood niriilii. ir liny onn donlit tlio-m
i fuels , I would loiurthum lo Hon. John Il.'l'niy-
' Ur | , btuto Minixlor of this district , mul to Dr. T. 9.
i Uiudllold , of LuUimiiio , Oa.
H ) , fin. , MnjM , Ihffi.
TIIK tjwu-r Si'i.ciHO Co. , Uriiwor 'J , Atlanta ,
tin. M. i' . , 1 7 W. xl bu
Chartered by Uu.SuieofHII
of giving Immediate rclielli
II chronic , unnaryand pri
yate dlscasca Gonorrlireu
Qlect andSyphills in allthcii
complicated forms , also all
diseases of the Skin ana
Blood promptly relieved am )
pernianentlycurcd by reme
dies , lestedin a Fiirtyl'mri
. . - „ „ - ' I'rnrtlcr. Seminal
\Wcoknesi. NtKht Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
Hie Face , Lost Manhood , ji-nllin-lurtnnl. Tlirrt
l ii rx ; i-mnif < > i > | . The appropriate remedy
u at once used In euchc se. Consultat'jns ' , per.
onal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med
icines sent by Mall and Uxpress. No marks on
package to Indicate contents or sendrr. Addresi
OR. JAMES.No. 204 Washington Sl.bnlcaqo.lll
, Pr mnliir' tli-rTJn-j fnimprrnnnr , - r "
I ( lvu < l. ll > i > s > nf HIP Kl'lm-r" Illnil.
Srr. unn I'riiHinio ( Jlund ' ! ' ' ( ICI * n Illuiut
V > liini > * > -l < WfJlPn.0 , U ) tli * Mnr8hm lii'ltm X a.
. . * i i it > . * I ! O"rrii'l nrp cnnniii-niltl
t w - > W M - ! tfQWn ' 1
fianos and Hips
. .nt. i U
uadlnif IIAVB ! n , ti r j. I I.P | * . | , upiii > iiil.iui
lulli illeiii 11 wi I IKII IT > MI Hun 1.1 a tin
li-C.lh.r .11 i Va l.l111 KTIIK Tlf K nil Ilil. du.u
T I MIlli'lIM ' in rrl l
Tulrphnnc UO
Steam and Gas Filters
kS.1.,1.1. ? ! .r.'illr'V.'i1.-"f ' ' " ' ' ' ! pi'Moniiiiy.
. . , . . . . . . . , , .
Attention Given to Diseases of Women ,
OrrU-K ' " *
llnunaj "rt ( t
Cnn'tie umsuliiKl In En * Mi uml Cvrmnn ,
nudiu l-Linuii-u i-llluck.hiui UuuatCoiuorCup.
AXUIlUtnilUl OH" " -
Men Think
they know alj about Mustang Lin
iment. Few do. Not to know 13
not to have.
Its Flourishing Farms and Stalwart
People ,
A niril's.jEyo Vlcntr of tlio Stnto , ns
IMcturcd by the Oraplilo I'cn
of nil KaBtcrn porro *
"Montclair , " the rorrcspondont of the
Kllolil , iMnss. ) Hupiiblinan , who lias
rucuntly written intorostinj ; lot-
turn rLurdlii Ki'bniyku , contributor to
liid pnpur thu following onlurUiiniug letter -
tor from Sioux City concnrnng ! lowu :
Tlioso who lnxvo ttlbbou's fiimous no-
count of iHo in Mi ciunp will recall with
what precise care thu uamp w\3 : iuarcd
oir , and with whiitaclonllllc method the
streo.H , rows of cnmps and ixppronohos
worn maitpt'd out. In all things it may
bi > Raid Komo was great boonuso Homo
was soioiitllic. If 1 wt-ro to niontlon the
most striking fnulnni of all that ixppoals
to OIIUH fiutiiuof flatisfaction , lioro In Iowa
sts wclfis in all the new west I should
say : "Hero a in nil the Uoman omplrc ,
sclonco has inarrod practical ndmitilstnx-
lion ot auairs lloforo nm li s a map of
Iho state. It is not an cxjwnsivo onn , but
it is KO arranged that tit a Blanco any
fnrmcr can put Iho point of n pin on to
'tho evict spot Avhuru lins liis land , llo
can toll within HO many foot the latitude
and longitude of hif farm. Hu can compute -
puto , nt ix yliinco , itH distaiu'o from the
nearest town , or from the farm of snmu
friend , orfrom the railroad. Notoul.y this
but Ho can doBoribo by ix few iibruvliitloiiH ,
tiial would occupy half a line or so in
tin : Itcpublicaii , IhoMiluation of this land
so that any ono ulsu can locate him. AH
a ruin tlio'simplo cuumi'nitioii of three
uumbcr.s will do this with sulllcient no-
curacy. ' 1 ho llr t nunibor indicates the
exact position ) t the milo square where
his farm , within an exactly scpiaro town-
hhip of Jill square miles. The second num
ber indicates the township , or latitude of
this suction , the third number the ran o
or longitude. The ellect on a stran 'r is
at lir-U ludicrous.V are bowling across
the country , behind a span , ton miles an
hour , looking over a .series of those great
farms , when some ono asks where wo are ,
' Thirty-two. ninety-two , thiity-sixl"
Hack comes this mysterious reply as-
promptly as the report of iv .sliot gun
when a prairie lien rises , To a person
tamiliar with the system of enumeration
this cahalibtic answer conveys delinite in-
tolHgnnuc. If ho mlds , "Nortwest quar
ter" Von ISloltko himself could ask no
more. The advantage of having all land
thus defined by straight lines and an ex
act , easy system of measurement is mani
fold and immense. It saves quarrels
among fanners as to boundaries , it makes
property holdings in real estate perfect
ly delinite and hence doubly safe ; it adds
simplicity to titles ; last , not least , it is a
constant education of the mind to deli
nite habits of ( Inscription.
Another illustration , near at hand , of
"science married to business , " is the ad
ministration ot tie ) great creameries.
Each farmer keens his milk in cylindric
al cxns of a given uniform sine. An inch
of dream means two exact quarts. But
this crctim may be rich or poor in butter-
making qualities and hence the cream of
every tormer is daily tohtod. Tim mana
ger at the creamery can tell to the frac
tion of an ounce how much butter each
man's cream daily produces Every
lirst class creamery out here should have ,
by good right * , a signboard with n pair
of scales painted tliereon , for scales , big
and little , are used incessantly and great
er accuracy secured thereby. It wiH bo
seen at a glance what a consUint.stimu
lus this system affords to the practice of
raising superior breeds of cowa. The ex
treme euro used at the creamery in the
matter of drainage , the use of the purest
spring water in tlio double washiujj ; of
butter the constant use of ice in making
it come quickly , and a score of details
adopted mini the practice of the most re
nowned creameries of the world , reduce
the whole process to the nature of an ex
act science , certain mid most prolitablo
I need turn no one's thought to what is
by tar the most coiiHniciious illustration
of csssntially scientific method applied
to pr.icticul business in this irrout state ,
as in most of the northwest , thn develop
ment anil maintainance of tlieMi superla
tive sy.itoms ot railway. Over 7,00) )
mileh are in Iowa alone. Several of those
lines a ord a decree of comfort to ono
travilling long ( M-tunces equaled at the
east by one line onlv. That , at least , is
my exnerionee , and I find many who
* hare it Capital comes hero freely , emi
grants pour in , men of the highest capac
ity in point of business talent and ener
gy are attracted , these might
railioad kings have boldly pushed their
lines to every part of the state , and these
tanners have the world for their market.
Refrigerator cars , in particular , are
working out re-nlt.s undreamed of.
Therch.\ the lincst quality of fresh I ) lit tor
and dressed meats tr.xvof hence to New
Orleans , Now York , KoMon , and oven
abroad. i
hook with me onn moment out upon
the scene before us ami note some of the
feature1- that make life hero attractive.
About the house is a lawn that would do
credit to any plaep in Springliold. It in
green , soft , luxuriant , springing from
the native soil with no need of special
fertili/ing It has great beds of ht-arlet
geraniums , verbenas pansies , that bloom
with a prolusion and brilliancy that sug
gests the tropics. They grow in the na
tive Mid. diluted with sand. Beyond , lin
ing the slivut , are trees , 10 , si ) and : tJ
feet high- maples , cottonwoods and ci-
t.ilpas Oil'to the east is a garden where
nourish grape vines , raspberries , str.iw-
hcrnes , gooseberries and plum and apple
tree * . The o 1 is gudUuss of "Alapes , "
or "Bradley , " or ' toekbridge. " but I'e-
ter Henderson hilusulf would not bo
n-liamed of such vegetables. Pick up a
haiullul of the soil , pulverive it , see how
triable and how ink.v black it is. It lies
one , tuo , three , four feet deep. It U
charged and surcharged with potash ,
nitrogen , pluHiilione acid It covers tlio
u hole lace of tni * vast state. Talk of thu
future wealth of Iowa. The wealth is
here , in the soil , far more precious than
sii much gold diitU.
II \vn extend our range of observa
tion ims > . out from the town to the great
tields niiyoud I am sum , " rt-ader , you
cannot but bn made glad by uliat wy
HIU < Bear minimi we ani in a remote
DIII tot Iowa , the north wcMurn corner.
But lii-re , in some counties at leant , nil
over thn luce of thu landscape , are
planted groves of trees that beautify thu
linmcHtcads nrotcct from cold and high
wind and already iillord to man , ) farm
ers their Inel , A gentle roll to ( lie
praii in gives frequent chance for a far
distant outlook , am ) thu landscape is
studded with farm houses among clus
ters of monster hay and grain blacks.
Occasionally intervene space * of the or
iginal pratnu. It U thickly covered with
grass , until within a fortnight as green
as is ours in mirl.v Jnnu. These sleek
Dnrhams that graze upon it ( and it only )
are as plump i if Mall-foil , and are
shipped wuxtwnn ! to Denver , as well as
cast. On ono filrm hero I saw yearling
Uiirlinnis that weighed ftX ) and 7u < )
pounds and a bull that at two mid a half
years weighed ' . ' ,01'J pounds. Ho was
the lines ! < | iccimim I ever have seen , hi *
back -htnilght as an arrow. Ids hair tinu
and glovty , hiscvti full of intelllgunoii and
lile. Ills siru cost in England f I'J.IKK ) ,
Time fails me to biiy but a xvoid of the
gioning ( own of this locality , bioux
City , on this Alison n river , It is tuoru
likii Kansas I ity it ) embryo than any
place I h.ixt ) een and U building up a
tinu trudi : all oxur llu j > uil of thu
It bonsts an olcgant court boufso of hand-
eonio Milwaukee brick nnd Un'rotcU sla'to '
roof , nnd a nulmtAtitint now brick po-t
ollicoj four wholesale grocery housus do
ing a very lively business , two xvholcs.ilo
dry goods housi-s , and aho ono hardware
and ono crockery whnlos.ilo ( IsUxbltsh-
ineut. It has a pork-packing hoiio
x\ hero , on an average , over 1,000 porkers
daily are rcduccii to ham and bacon.
Just lioro a word to the wise. I think
my readers xvlll not accuse mo of faintly
praising the institutions of the west , but
I cannot , no" , I cannot , slug tlio praises
ns I have beard them sung , of
a "packing houso" It IS true ,
master pig la dexterously caught ,
deftly killed , shaved , frozen
quartered , branded , packed , and scut to
his travels cast \vltn most merciful ixtid
scientific dispatch long before ho has
lime to think anything about even the
very lirst skips of the operation. It it
trim that a imcklng-houso is a great
xvcstorn institution , and many travelers
even ladles "take It in , " My experi
ence is not favorable to their so doing , I
found that my appetite for crisp bacon
was not quito MI keen as formerly. I
found thu squad of frisky young plga
thereafter acquired a new and ominous
suggcstivnncss. I afterxvard recounted
my sensations xvhilo in the packing-house
ton good Congtcgational parson , who
replied' "What strange times they must
have had at thu Jewish sacrifices. Solo
mon celebrated the completion of the
temple , and its dedication , by the slaugh
ter of .W.OKI oxen and UU.O.U sheop. " I
must confess Ids reply in thu connection
was decidedly striking and almost
Iowa is a great commonwealth intel
ligent , populous , moral , wealthy. She is
proudly situated between the .Mi3ss3jppi !
and Missouri , in the northern part enjoy
ing a similar umbrai ing atmosphere to
that of southern MiniicMita , and having
on all four .sides neighboring Mates
which share her producUx'ciius and pros
perity. I am especially impressed by tile
rugged healthiness of nor people these
sun-browned men , women and children ,
who live on HICMJ upland prairies and
breathe this pure air When at a popu
lous open-air picnic one is distinctly con
scions of the nerve-giving vital force of
the people all about him. At the limn 1
attended even xvlien tlio orator of the day
leaned wearily against a post pro
testing , "be could not help going on"his
audience , mirabilu dictu , dd not in the
least share his fatigue. And after three
solid hours of speech-making the young
men shot glass lulls to pieces , and a platoon
teen of blooming girls dressed in xvhite
went through the broom-drill , xvholly
unconscious that an > thing wearisome
had tr.xnspircd Pardon th.'so strains of
continuous eulogy , gentle reader. \ \ hu
a man in Dakota is especially ardent
they do not roughly call him a "gusher , "
but gently intimate that he "cascades. "
If I seem'to any reader of the Republican
to "cascade , " lot him suond six xveoks erse
so out hero himself and * oo whether or
not lib is profoundly impressed by the
present resources and near future
of this fair portion of our country.
Three Cents' Worth of Gold.
Somebody who calls himself a scientist
has discovered that every ton of hen-
water contains three cents' worth of
gold. The bother is how to got the gold
out. In order to get enough to buy a
bottle of Brown's Iron Bitters , he xvoiild
have to sort over just thirty-three and
one-third tons ot the briny lluid. By
that time he would be so played out that
the contents of at least one bottle would
be necessary to restore him. But it is a
great restorer , and cures completely dy
spepsia , malaria , etc. .
In Nebraska anil Kl.sewhcro m the
. West.
IT. T. Evening Post : There has been
much incredulity over the reports xvlrch
have come from the far xve'st tlio cli
mate of large regions xvas changing
under the inilucnco of civdi/.ation , but
the accumulating testimony seems to
leave no room tor further doubt. Evi
deuce , xvhieh xvill carry much weight , is
furnished by President Psrry ( of Do.ino
college in the town of Crete , Neb. , in the
soiitlixvctitcrii part of the state. Mr.
Perry xv.usgr.iduatd at Yale college in
181KJ , and xvent to Nebraska in 187. ' , xvhen
it uas hldl a frontier commonwealth.
He says that when ho set
tled there , the atmosphere was
excessively dry , the * > od waa tough
anil stubborn , and it Huemed doubtlul
xvhother corn or grass or fruit tree *
would groxv , xvhilo the interminable
wind storms almost xvoru the people out ,
Now the atmosphere was so much moister -
ter that house wives have to guard against
mildew almost as much as ill the east ,
rain is much greater in amount and
more ox'only distributed ; there are fewer
and fexver "xvind storms , and the hot
blasts from the south in bummer , which
in the old days usjd to xvilt the corn , no
longer occur. Mr. Perry attributes the
change in part to the ploughing of the
ground , xvhieh rendered the soil porom ,
and thus prepared it to receive and r it-
tain moisture , und in part to thu inlin-
ence of the shad of thu countless groves
xvhieh have been planted , and even of
the groNxing corn , in preventing rapid
evaporation of the moisture while the
reciprocal inlluenco of the clouds and
the .soil inevitably increases the rainfall.
The moi.ster atmosphere in turn makes
the air less volatile , while the trees break
tin ! force of the wind , so that It no longiir
sweeps across thu Htato as though it was
a sheet of water. Standing by itself Mich
testimony might not bo conclusive , but it
is .sustained by numberless otlur author
ilies. Correspondents of the Evening
Post in other parts of the xvohlern coun
try have borne xvitness tonimdarclmngos
and aio traveler over the Uu on Pacillc
this season might verify the truth of Iho
stories by neeing Holds of corn yrrtwn
without irrigation as far west in Nel/ras- /
ka as Antelope. onl. > three sections from
thu Wyoming line , and much beyond tint
eastern line of Colorado , in what used to
be called "the ( ircat American Demnt "
The impoi lance of this va t widening of
the area open to .settlement through a
chitiigii ot climate can hardly bu'ov'eres- '
Throxv Axvay Trusses
xvhcu our new method is guaranteed to
permanently cure the worst cahcn of rup
ture without the tine of the knife. .Send
lu eiuiln in ntainpn lor pamphlet and ret-
ercnces. \ \ orld'H Dispensary Medjcal
A&aoulalion. ou ! Main -street , Bullalo , N.
_ < _
A Good Ono on the Doctor.
A good many stories have been told of
the snrprine canned in thu north by the
mild manners and personal appearance
of the luindsonui Senator Butler of South
Carolina. Some of them were in x'e tiled
by the joke-loving Senator Book , but
Senator Butler owns thu truth of the following
lowingHe xvas with a party of gentlu-
men al Kit rgo , Dak , , some ' years ago , A
country doctor came up 'to him unit
asked "Are you ( Butler of South
Carolina ? "I am , " responded the senator.
Thu doctor looked him over deliberately
and carefully , and then remarked :
"Well , you don't look likit a man xvhojl
kill niggoiM " "No , 1 don't suppo i
I've killed as muiiy as you have , " replied
( toneral Butler , ft was nonieliini ! before
the doctor saxv xvliat thu crowd
I1OUSKKKKPKIIH that fail to acquaint
themselves with the value of .JAMES
l'VI K'S PKAUUNH in tin. kiteh.m . and
laundry deprive themselves of thu most
convenient and useful article of tlio ago.
Elegant Imported merino and all wool
underwear tit very low pricus. Hudson's ,
Milhiid lloUtl block.
Personal , lnra > ; rn | > hi.
11. F. Clayton 'xvas ( n thu city yesterday.
AVilliam Iluntingtoa has rcturnud'Yfom
Dr. Maorao liha gene to St. Louis on n
brief trip. r j }
P. J. ( Jal honor , * of Wcalon , xvas in the
city yesterday . _ v
Will Hnntington has returned front a
visit to Chicago.
Lafo Young , of Atlantic , was at the
Ogdun yestorjliiyi
Mrs. F. Koos lias returned from hot *
visit to Nexv 1'ork.
Charles Bray is now book keeper xvilh
Eiscinan , Uodda & Co.
\V. H. Kridler , of Donison , wni among
the Sunday guests at Bechtulo's.
William Kcarville.of Neola , xx'ixs among
the loxvans at the Pacilic yesterday .
C. N. llarrinaton , of Cleveland , is via-
iting his father , N. S , Harrington.
A. A. VanOrder kept close at homo
yesterday xvith that uuxv boy of ids.
Miss Lena Blum of Chicago , Is visiting
In this city , the guest of Airs. II. Fried
Jacob Sims , csq. , goes to Dos MolnoS
to-night to attend to tuo Injunction cases
xvhiuii are to bo taken up in the tcderal
court there to-morroxv.
H. II. Green , of North Urooklicld.
Mass. , is in tlio city looking around with
a view to bottling in business here. Mr.
CJreen is a butuiier , having been engaged
in Brookliold tor thu past nineteen jears.
Last evening a livery rig from Bray's
stable xvas stolen from the place xvhoru it
xvas hitched on Broadway. It is thought.
the thief xvas the sanm party who -stole
a horse and buggy trom an Omaha mini
named Fitch , as the snivy xvaa broken in
ihu same xvay in both cases.
NOTKJH. Sppclill niWcrtlPornoilts sucli us
lost , Koiiml.To ( xian , 1'orHnlo , To Itont , Wiuils
llomilliifr , inc. , ulll tin liiMuiptl in tlilt * column ut
Ilio low i-nto of T13N L'HNTS LINK for Ilio
Ih-ht liihortkni nail 1'IVIJ CUNTS IT.It IINU lor
eauti Hiitiseiuiunt Ineoi'llnn. Ixjave uilveriNo-
inontsut uur ullloo , Nu. U 1'uutl uti-oot , nujr
] rOlt PAI.ll llolns ilcf roils of niiivliiK to
llniiihii , on nccoiuil ot my InHlno-u , I olTor
lor Milo injr riMiiloiiru , coriior Fiiiiuh moa 10
iinilNiiilli 3.1-oot. lu iJH-u on pro imui A. 1 *
WAM'IKI ) Ono n I to. ono tonor. ono linrltono
and ono tuliii ptiiyrr lor u tir IMS lituiil
Apply in oiico to H li frooinnn , uiiniiiKi'i'of '
I und s HUM ) Hall club ami mil tury ulu H , nt
liotol mr 'Qi t > i > n of Ihu lioiul. " ut Union I'imlllo
( lummy ilupot , Counoil Illulla ]
T OST Sllvur xvutoli nnil m > lil uhixln. Itoivnnl
JLJ will l > o pnlil the lludor. Miirilti
bill Ninth stroot.
WANTKDr-A RooJ pit I for irnnoiiil liouso-
woik ; No lUU Iiinunli MI out.
TO UKNT A now wji'on-room liouao. Rnnulru
I ISr.K Ulllco. ,
COIt UKNT A Pix-room linnso. ton mlinitm
r ll ( I mm luiMiMfvs , city witter. oil und cin-
ti'in. For lout clioMp.
1'ou HUNT Ij'o. iJU Hiirrlmn strpot , three
rooms. . , ,
4 1'oml street
FOR HAT.K , If.OU [ lt ! ! > T OU KXCIIANOK.
NO. r T I'or fnlo or ront.on VPIJlllKiral forms.
The Council Illuirx I'mmr Mlll.complolo. with
tholurifo l > oiiiliii , hou uml Unco ncros of
No. M A blmlnosa property In Chorokco.
Chcrokoo roiiniy , lown , will luulo lor western
InniH Vnlim. npont.$4. ( XI
No. ! ft A liciuitllul liomu In Die town of II iat-
loiri > , iMIlU countyloivn , lor 'iniskii lunil.
Vnluo. M.WO. -
No 41 A R ailiiiiioss ) ) | imipcrty. nnd also n
< rooil nmlilciiu-o in-opoity In thu town r Chunvo
Mcl.oun county , lllx krtv ilown tor oiiHli or will
oxclmiiBO lor UCHIOIII liiiiittt.
No 17'J A sploniliit fnrm , well Improved , fil'J '
ncros In Dickinson count } ' , lowii. joining Iho
town of Spirit Iul.o. 1'rico , lor u nhort tlino ,
$ ! ! r > pur ncio.
No 1M to 187 Are four Inprovod fnrms In
riillllps county. ICtinmm , onc'h with n Hinnll In-
oiimlinuico The ciiultas will lie e.xchuiiKOil for
inilnciimlKMcdullil land In Nohnuska.
No. 1U ! Ml Helen in Holt county , Neb , partly
Improx'od. nt u til ) , ' tuitniln. XVuiiM to o.xoliiin a
lor inorulinndNu >
No. 54 A Dim two Htory brick rocldoneo. ono
of the best locations In Council HlullH. ulll Irado
lor ( rood tinliiciintioiod Kansas or Ncbuislui
hinds Vnluo. $ ir > , < ) ( Xl ,
No. fMiind 11 Aio Iwoothor lioniitirul homos
In Council 111 nilsvhich ciu > h puymcnia will buy
ut n buirmln.
No Mi A iMiiuilirnl snliiirtmn locution In low.i
( Ity , liiuu , will oxohuiiKO lor w ( > biorn liuuls.
Vnluo. tU (
Thoabo\o iiro only a row of our t-iM-rlul liur-
( riiins If yon'voKot nnyllilii to Irndoor sHI ,
or u ant to Kill tiny uml ostmo or nicit'liiiiuINo ,
nilto us. XVn Imvo MJVdinI vood stocks ol'uoods
to undo tor luiuld. bXX AN \ WAI.KKU.
( .oiuiuil Illulla , town ,
342 and 344 BROADWAY.
f/lons / Fall & Winter Wear
Mnnft' nnd HII.VH' Iliiglnoxs Suits.
MiniM1 nnd KoyV DiimHnllH
ClillilioiH' i\-nry : | ) ii > uml Dic-isR ilfi.
( ncicunts lor MIMI. lloyrtiind CliiKUoii.
Wuiulniiifl'tilliir Suit- )
tluichunt Tuiliir ( ) v orcouu.
Morchunt Tnllor Tro\v i > rs.
i : < | iiiil to tlio lie l , in or.ldr , . v
At hull tlio pr.oo .
I'm Miint' Snjiiiund OxoniMits. - I
I.i'iui Mont' Suits uml Ovtuvo UJ.
Kill .Miws'TKiwcL'rs ,
PomiilcMM hliis mul Trow i > r In Scotch wool * .
MfMlloiitiul ScmlcJp , ' J\IIH : Ili'avy ' ,
1'iiilcy Uoldiod XVoi'j ) } uiul mUud iiiiiliauo | , limn
o uucli in $4.'iJi ,
I'AI.I. OK ISi-i.
Neckwear ,
% . " ; . Suspenders ,
Handkerdhiefs ,
And Cuffs ,
Of flmt fins * qtinlltl ( < 4 nnd re AMI mi bio pricot
CUuud HI llruadwny , fountII Illuiri , luw * .
' ' ENGLISH. "
Ihe Orlnlnnt nnil Only ( li-iuilnr.
Hufr .ot | I JB lUlUMini wftrecf nurlklr ft Imlutlcnft.
"I litrhVuIrr1) Knell.h * UU i > lli'r i.r lnclo . U
( IVIIMIU * U4 f r i' rtlou'iirii tn trllrr hf rrliirn mall
NAME PAPER. . I hl h .li r fbcmlfHU'u.
. I'LIUitM. .
U.I1D llHdl uii Nuu r .
Cwv -
-t Or"\ jo
'L i H/O / i sz
llrn-ioonnf IMcfnlnl | m > lllnii nnd clo i > rclnllnn to
Kll prln Ipil llnoi llant nil'Vit ' nt Inlllnl ntul Iff
intiml | > o nt. , tttii.niiitp Ilio nio-t linMirtiilit | mid
rinilliiuiit il Hale in t mt K Hti MI tir iliuiimli ( iftn > | Min
tnlloii uhlrli IIIVIIIM nnil fiti Illli'tiillavtlnmlitiiilla '
lioiwi'i > iii < | lli.4i > r the Allnnlli. Mil I'nplllc Cunrli. It
IH nl ti Iho rnvotllu nnil li < . t i-nutit to nl < tl fit lit imlnu
Ktit Virtht' it mill SIIHMMIS | | | mill runvi.iolidlliir |
pol lln Wittt. Niuhwi. r nixl KoulliUfHt
The Great R. ck Island Route
OmrnntpM lla pTiliniiH ilint i-enfr of i > iK innl neon ,
rltv Minnie.I liy n Mill I. Ihi.ioiiL'lilv Imlhi.liil ronil.
hi I. nui'.olli II n'k4 iiT iiinllnuiu > , tlrrl mil Hiili.lnn.
lllllvlnilllfiil i > iKiiii | > l liililKcx ii llhii-hli 'l , us n.ur
p rri'cll MI n < h mi ii I ; II nin inul.n II II c MI Ply
fipollniif * ' * nf pit nt linllVitnifm i Hniiilnh Iniikf" , .
nnil 111 it i'\ni. InifilU Ipllnu ulili h inn fini. HIP nine *
Hi > ln | > nintl..Mi > r nil llilinliH Oilier rna Inlllc" of
till * i-iinti * mo 1lnli.ri.rH nl nil i , inii-i Iliu * n.ltiM In
Union Ui'intN. mil tlui nil IIIPHK > .IHI ( .KinfulU nnd
liuutlu-iiir It-i 1inseti r 1 itnliniM nl
The Ki t "iprww Tnlni t rtnrpn rhl-nun nnl
IVml i. Cuiini'll Hiiilld. K insiij , ( (13 ( Nmiinvv iilimil
At liUun rn en ip. i ) ofi | | uii'llntnl llinh np >
liiiNioiliir , ! O.nclu'r. MiiMilllivnt fnllnnin Tnlud
Slei-pPrHnr Iho Inte-t < lpi.lfn. mul , nini > lnoii. Ulnlnif
CIIH In will 'Ii fl ih irnU ly i iioki il nip i nli M'-llirlr
ctt'Mi llptui iMthii.iir < nnil Knmnvrlt * ni il AM lilu > a
uir .ll-ii nm Ihu ( Vlili'ilisl KuillnltiKi I'.ill ' Cula.
The Famous Albert Loa Route
In Ilie illrrct nnil faviiilt , lln lirlMi i n clilrnKO nnil
illnncnpollnanJS' l'.iul. ) u ia rnlinn linn-uir inn.M
III Union II 't > ot < fin4 it I pnlntH In lln > Ipiilloilra nnd
Ili'itl'.U I'Kivln-et. OriT Ihli innlp Fi'H Oprim
I ruliu 1110 run In tlui vvnli-rln ; ; plntpii. iiiininiri re-
n tn. lilrt'iiiM | im liii-illlli's nil I liunllnK nml Ikhlnir
BI.IIIII luiif liint nnil Jllnnoxitn. II I - , | M tininii.t
il sir litter , lite In l"e ililinlieat lltMiunJ liaMolul
IjllUor liit"i IM II u ( .In
Hlill niiuili r IHIliXir I.IN" . TKypnrrnini'l Kin-
kil'-e , hai h .n upuicil liflwcm i Inilnn li hull n.
muillif nil'l ' l.nlnvi-tlp i ml I-111111,11 Ulnir. . ,
tliu | I'ani nnil nm rmiillalu imlntu
I' InrninMllini ic.i MnjK ml I iililen ,
ohtiimhlu 'H t pll iu I 'l.i-ti , nt nil I'-lnclpnll Irkct
( I I11-1 in Ihu Uiilto.l BMUjj miI Canada , i/r by utl-
illfi Ini ;
1'iei't S Utm'l M'p'r. O nTkt | 4. fast. Aft ,
Tin ? PC T " . Avn
Omalia ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago.
Tlio only rniut lo Inlto lor DI-H Molnon. Miir-
rlrililort'ii.Co.liirHiipiils. ( linloii. Ohio Chlcium.
> ill.iu iht'o ' uiil | nil jHiinlMiiiit 'I'd Iho pooiilo or
NuiiiuKku. Oiloiuilo , XX'jniiilnir , Utiih. Idaho
iNOx-iulii. Oiouoiir xX'imlihi'rtoii ' mul ( ' llfoniln It
lUu'iMipiii or udvmnuKos not pot lblu by miy
Oiiioi- line
Amdir u few nl Iho niiinoroiis points ot Riipn
rlorllt diiioyoil by inu pinion ol nil * iniulbo-
luoon Omiih i mid ( Jlilciun , mo ItH luo liuln-i u
ili | > ol DA V COAUIi- : > which mo Iho llno-t Ilint
liiintmi nil mid hut-ii'ilt ) can uioiilo IIH I'AI.
A < K Hl.liHI'lNd CAItS , wlni'li titu inoiloU of
( iimloii und nloimm-o UN l'AltMl ( DltAXVINfl
llOil.M CAKN Jiimn IJ.I-M.-I ! tit miy , anil lit. u hlo
l > ( tilohin ml I'AI.ATJAI , DIMNd CAIIS , the
( Hiniot | | wliloh riniiiiit IMI liinnil I'Uonlioio
Al ( onni'l ! HlullH the I mini i > r the ( tnioii Paul-
t'o Ity. colnii't'l ' In l/'nlon Ili'nol with tlumoiil' thu
( Inui o.V Noilh i'i < iciii liy. In Chluain ) tlio
liiiins ( i | ibis hnf iiiuKi ) clone coiiiicullon witli
tlio oof nil iiasirin liniH '
I'mDctioll , Coliiinbiix. IndlnniipnlK Clncin-
null. Niiruuni I'M IN. llullnlo , 1'niKbiiiu' . Toionto ,
Mini ioid. HII-HIII. S'iu Voik , l'lillailolihiii | , Itil-
tlmoK XX'u luiiiin | ) ( mid nil poiiiiNlii tl"ioust , unit
Iho ticket iiuunt lor tiuKcin \ In Ihu
Niiini-xvr.sri'itN ( , "
II , xon ivlhh thu host iiccomniniliilhiiH. Alltlcxut
ll.flllH ( hull llokl'lHl.l tlllh HlIU
f iiuDiiirr , it s IIAIII.
Uononil Jliiiiiinor. ( ion. I'uvi. A ont
Gun. AKIIIU , 111I'arimm tft , timnliu , .S'ob
buttiiiuun Vcmi' i\poiiuiico : ,
Tv/o Years
The "OiNiiKd" llt'DDEn Co. | ; ue n U , tr lnt ! >
tet limn r n bo nhuinc4 slic\vlnra for tlio uuma
noinrvili | tliolr crcat Imprmriacnt of Ilia
out nii : linen im.i T.IIJic . r 'ri. ' . - . m
A U to tee the CAM > SB" nmiblo Thldc Dull
uubbcia in llouii , Aiain , uremlii < i < , AUbLji. ic.
A Common Sense
One oftlic Best.ami Largest Stocks in the U.
to Select front.
No Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passenger Elevatorj
A. TUUIOCK , Knjr. nml Silpt. ( I. l . N. SADDM ! ! ! , A tat , Knjr.
II.V. . DIAMOND , Asst. Socy.
Missouri Valley Bridge and Iron , works ,
tvv'rouIlltlTkon7sSliotfar \
Tniiw mul ConililmUlon
Ji R I D G E STet
Tot linllnmnd nnd ItlKuroniK
Turn Tables , Draw Spans , Rock
Trusses , Piers and Sub
J JA Pi"vf. . V- - - - ' M -f. .1 I'l-opi lotor * .
Vloiipo f-oiut us wonl of nil tnlilgo work to lot Ooiiosnomlotico solksllod Itiini
bildgo commljs
no. ItLUKi : , Mminirnr ,
rnrvrT"Vi' -1iiin"i nml r rnipr * ttnnU. Hnvlil Cltv , N'oh : ICtviriioy Nixllonnl ttlli'f
rcy. Nob.Culinnlin * Sluto limitCulutiibus , Nc li.i MrOmiuM's lliuili. North IM.Ulo , Nob. Oaiiilm
Ni'iloiinl lliniK. dii'iihi' ' . Nob.
Will pny ciibtoinui ! ) ' Uiult xvlth bill ol Imlliw utliiuhoil , tor two tlilids vuluo ofalooic.
or Fnil Particulars about free and Cheap Lands in Western Nebraska. Address PATTERSOh
& WHITE , Real Estate Agents , North PIMe , Nebraska.
Crowers of Live Stoclc anil Others.
It \ * the Ixvil nnd phpiiio | t food for look of nnv Ulmt. Onoiionivl Is oqinil to three jKiiuiti of
coin. StockTod wit i ( iioinid Oil Cnko Ih the Kail iin.l XX'Intor , liutoiil of nninlti' , ' do in , will In-
( roustin wiMtilitniul bo IIIKOOI ) iimilii'ltiblooondlllim In tlio xprlnir. Dulryimin na ucll its othorl ,
\\hci UMI it , can loitlfy 10 Its nionia. Tiy It uml JuiUo for joiu ulvos. I'rli-n fi per ton. , No
clvS. AiidioaS WOODMAN LlNdUlil ) Olli XVOltlCS , Oiuiilui , Nobru ku.
I'nsieneor olovmor to nil floor * . 12W , 1X08 nml L-'IO I'.irmun Strocb
- , J
13th St. , Cor. Capitol Ave. ,
Fof the Treatment of all Ciifonic and Surgical Diseases ,
D3 , McMEH/lMY / , Physician and Surpn in Ciiarp , ' '
Particular attention jmifl to Drj'oi'mltiri * , Dln-a en of Women , of
t/m Stomach , Llrn ; lihliiei/t * tnul Jilooil , l'flt'n , < 'ain-i-t'Kt Tit- '
imirn , I'li/it anil l-'ar Dlm-ast-n. ( Jiifiu-rti , llro > n-hltl
' '
'nn'il Luna ntHi'HHi'H ti'eutrtl l > iMedicati'il In
halation. , Si'.VFOIt TXIIALIii : , i' '
Write for Circular on Deformities and Braces , Diseases of Wiraen , Piles , Tunics
Cancers , catarrh , litoncniils , Inlialatlon , Electricity , I'aialysls ' , Epl- ' , (
Itpby , Kidney , Ear , Lye , SMn ana Bioon Diseases.
Tim Only IlelmMo Meillc-al Inolliutu iinikiii | ' ( x | iccniliy of
Private Diseases of the Urinary & Sexual Organ ?
iitniilfivli\MWOHK , urWnimv ihn INMHSCIir.TIONH ( IK MH'TII. or : > r.H nr rlU'r
. r "r liiiU | > i-r limy Itlnlti.l.n.i . tii > l"ininrilf.--ul l rin. . tinning iiiTHiniin. ! , il a dl'lll.
It i.ri'tlimi" ' ! nn a inlnni MiukiiipvurlliKi '
linriau irinriiiiilorrliiuii , mul iirinmliiin ili-i HI. InlUin.'il
jr I tut IHU li ln 01 ryniii | < i'u ulinn tin-midiriT Minna Inn I m wi II iiriMiir'd liy iiiirmm n tnNll >
nuliiu-iil , ruuwiii.'ilt.din . mid iij-nr Hinln liiiliiLMiUl iiliyi-imlinid nnilul pouir ' '
I ni irfiiiiii in of inn rh.n nf < , l > i-iw ini unnlfry nri'iilly IH-CII m-tjli'iii il liy > cli-ntinc , oiliuitilul
lilivliiaii- Mild In. liccn In tli luinlri , , r lUunt Miillclnn uilu laud IUHO mit null claiming tc ( uve
iiiiiiiiiillcliii' linn > 'itHfti.i\-cillo | ml miiilil iiir i\i > ry in-c
WnKj"n ; Unit lli UMiiilMilTiriiiiili ( < M Hi 1.1 f dKff vrrn hn ticru ( lii iii oliilcd tn oft n iti t
they nrr illHiirvril , | mul linTenliiuwi fl\fii un lojiiMif i irr ln-iuiiiirrd 'loiijl vie ile'lnilnHic
Hi t a i luntf IK iluy iiiiiilniio liM'spr nun. ! with pftiiH irintdiiK or iiiiiliiuii | < ii rcn | > iinn ) tn IOTI
mil m ivi f > , tln-y rr Ilkr y l > unit "itli unllillii : hut ilia i | > | ili um m -Iw-M ni-crci xnrll/ntlLr
nun nu inn rrmnly m r li.m Im u nr < n-r inn Uiri'iwnil [ in nml ilu ii-iiiuri'iiuuU i f nil \\eliu\r
in.irtit n cull fill liiily , | | , i ( ; iwK | | , | | n nil tlii'lr vnrion , lim mul ' , mul nil tin-n'.l ' l.f
nil alinn.t m - i IIM rlim i' l n Killing in ulim-nt to linli. hum i > it. , MV ulu cunljlcd Ui nirc nfUf
U'u wu'u anniiii ; iliu Urn In umke n f | i lulu nnil niily nf llil > i lifi nf cll * .i v . mill In irrnl tlirm
UlJlOlii lll-.K\Nrj < 1 friiinluliaii-u iniiM'iirniliiru . > iiiir full ) trmuil Ho'can ri-rau\c br'iiblMic
| ioi i'ii fr in tnoi'i.leiii wllliuiil Him un tir } In nirinniin.
All CO . * l" l All Ni USHIII.VI Ml , Cil I Mul ( iiumili n nr rni | ii.inii nnd IMVI fi\rn \
W1 ? , , ' , ' , I'/ ' . 'J.'lil11 . ? . "l.l.l" | , ' . < , " .Hl"l."l1'1"1. " " " ' l"uil.u in pluln wriipii-r our rlllTK
Cl ICUi All ,11 MlIX , Ul'i N I'l IVATl' . I'l'.i l. l. ANII MtllV JlH i ISI.A * > l H H'SIINA
XVKAKN SM , sPr.UM'vnillKIHK * . IMPdrKSl'V. r YIMIII.IS MIMI'MIKA | | ' l.l I IT 11 1 Alt
IHHK h J , 01' TIIK ( 'J NI-IO UIIINAHV t. . I. S.NS V , ! , \ hut-rv . } "u.f . S ttimi oi\ jli/ , ,
I' . rin iiiii4MB.Ml.i | | n. inny Im iri tiil i ilulr IminiI'r lo-r iiniKlriire MiilliliiM rnd
in.I iinu'iiu ti ul ) iy mtll of i > | ir > SKl'Jini IV'V \ Kl li FIIOM t'lHKKV.VTIi'S ' I I rk ti
i-iilluiii riiireiit. in Miidrr ( l. i Mr iuiiil inti-mov prifrind . . If . . i mvunloiit. Hflj ro > * nfur UK
tti-xniinudit' ' iinfiiuili- Iliurrl unU ' - - -
AUWtlrM AM , I.irri'IXN 'I'll
Omaha Medical ana Surgical Snstilutei ,
itdi at. < tn < i ( .ttjtitoi Aft- , , OMAHA , .v// ; .