THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , MONDAY , OCTOBER 16 , 1885. WAirtrnxnUAX.a HELP. olrl wnnte.1 for w houtow ork 14 North 1Mb ft- WANTHD-OcKxl plrU for jfcnornl IIOUH- trork.cookint- ami second trorK. etc. riAconRlronfreo loKlrU. Cnll nt lltf Crounsos Block , 10th tree t. Mrs. Smith. ANTBO Yoirnsr ffirl wllh W work , In small rmnlly. Apply 8ii : HUmh : flood ( rlrlforKcncTfU li WANTin Bit ! ! Dtxllto Bt. ANTIIP A plrl forffm ( r l hoii't'work. In \v emnll liiinlly. Apply nt BsM l.pavenworth bt. 6111 ! * * i t'ANTKD For jcnorol lion-oworx. n Rlrl to T > liuitrnr lo Council Hlults , In. Cull tit 1713 California , Omaha. 6IJC1 * _ WANTED-A trwxl mllllnor to fill ( rood nlttti lion. Addrcm. PtHtlnv tnrms niul or nor Ipnco , Z , Hoe onico. Council mulls. Mi 8 ' . - - . No. 1 Iwlr canvi rs : WANTI'.Il-Thn-oA. . Wlilto SowltiK Mflcliltio unico , No. 121 North ITth Bt. fi7t > ta ANTISD A fflrl alxmt II ic"101'1 ' IUI nnr K ) . Aiiiity NW cor Vlwlnla Avouud Urant Bt. WANTKD-flood irlrl for hiili r ook , dining room Klrls utmmbnriimlds uU ) . Cull U-'o 1'HriiHin St. IU4. -A ynunK Rlrl to assist with bnt.y. UU3H. aittBL TW WAMTIJJ-JJAIC j _ WANTIitl Slfrood moil for It. Il.wmrk watrc f 1.71 In ) pcrdaj. Fn'Otrannpoitnt'on. ' iwlll Bhlli TiKcday nioinliiK nt7:45 , call liai Fur- limn. No dtldct wuntod. ffH WANTKI. Pi liter-Permanent nml Kood pay to a ? ober , rellublo man. AIH ply In person to The Pilot , lllalr. Neb , G7rt-U7p ) --A fIrKt-cliiiifi burlier : Hood locution , roomcto. Address ut once , Ilex 55 , Su perior , Nob. G7VWI WANTr.n At Once fiO carpenters on leo honso ntCntolf Ijiko Rood wages. Anply ntlliohiko , ( Joo. II. ituniiuiniil M eo. , CiDK-'Tp W ASTii ] : > f ocolid cook at limmut hou o. IUl-1' WANT ! * ! ) Snlo mon now rolling leather liootHaiulxlioosto take a line of rubber lidnt nnd slide si\tnpl'H \ ami MO ! ) on ( miiml slon. AililrwH\v llh iTfcrciictM , , ! . U. tMiW Fianklln st. W ANTT.I ) An evporlr-neod dry . floik with t ofrrenc-o ; none others noedupil | > ; at Ultlist. 5tU W ANTKU ( looil wni i paid to a ( rood llrst olaan butcher , UU4 Mowanl t. 4Vi-ai WANTHD-dnntlemen to tiikoonlcrs In city ; a new IhliiK , and mount * In It : business per- inanent ; call at i-oom . ( ) ArlltiKtou block , - x- WANTICD Fifty c.invuiserH. l.ndlcs nml itontlomen nro timUm : ? tO per day selln | > r our "Kitchen tjueen. " Ad < lre. s. with Htninp , Hlmnwii .V Parsons Tool Co , 4't lloniil of Trade Ilulldlni ; , Ht. Paul , " "Una. ilnnutactory. Lowell , W ANTJJU iitonoifrtUiher. Ilex ( , Omiiluu rm Bcllliw MI-.Miirl steam washer AOKNTS mnko I'lK ' money. J. Worth , Solo Mnnnfuo- turcr , St. Ixml * . Mo. IKKdeoUp SITUATIOII3 WA1ITED. > A lady wishes to tsach and earn KniwiiiKcliildien , would witii IlKht tvoik. Halnry moderate. II. J. , ( jenoral dolliory city , UTb-81 * W ANTKU Stuntlnn by competent younpr lady Htmuwraphor and typo writer. Ad- sis ( I. T. HKI : ollleo. < nn-i7p ! WANTKD Position by eompotent ludy stem- ojrrai her and tyjio-wntur operutor. Ad- Y- / . , Ueo Ollico. r,7ol l WANTS. WANTii : > Tol'xeliniiKOSpiinof horses for good uctlvo. miMlium span of mules. 0. II. Hooro & Co. , 1.115 Uodjjo st. O.V. " \\f ] ANTI'O Evorj-bodj * in Oinalia lo know T Hint the plnco to buy und sell soul efetuto Is nt tlio ollleo of U. F. . Muyno , 9. W. cor , of l&tli nnd Furnnin 8ts. CIQ''U WAN'riI : mcot domund lor competent bodklicepcis I will teach two Indies and two boj'H , and wait lor jiaj * until xltuatlnns ni-o furnished. J. II. Smith , 1 1 Farnam. iL'l-ai * ANTIiO-l'iirtnor llh $4rooto cii-riitro in Ih-Ht-clusH roller milling Addi-c ' , V-Sons , I'amima , la. tllO ANTKO. 80 laborers. Wa ros fl.fiO per W day , , J. 1C Stout , Louisville , Nob. U1KM TX'rANTUI lent furnished room with T board. Terms reasonable. Address or call nt 800 Ueorglu ave , , " doors HO. ( .euvcnworth st. TIT/ANTKIl Hy a Now York linn ronrosontlrifr if nndcontnillliiiiicslrublu and iiiilck hellin piece Koods and ourtains lor the dry Roods clot It 'UK. upholstery and mattress trade * , n llvo man to soil goods on commission In the State of No- briiRkiu Address , SaleHiiian , 1 * . O. lioxlT- , Now York. W4-28 WANTKIl FiirtilBlmil honsoof at leadtsoven rooms for Ibo winter. No chlldri-n. lte foronces. < 1 , II. , lleojOlllco. _ 4.IU-3T _ WANTKD Mproliantfl to pee the best nnd newest adjustable store shelvlntf Iroiw In tlio world. Inquire of W ,1 Itecs , iiiont at the Occidental Hotel , until noon. Monday , alter that wrltotothomanulactuier , J W 1'atton. MIU-OM , Jlo. KI7-4 W ANTKO Stock scale. Olve partlonlar , prlco and where can to HCOII. I * O , Ilex ANTIJU-Tcams. T. Murniy. 038 WANTKO Mattrcsi maker at Duwey fc Stonu's. liitf WANTIIO A full lot nonr the city nl n ren- gonublo lu-ico. Staid pi Ice , lei 1113 and lo cation. Address'J. N. C. " lleooOico. 'MA rOZ HENT-IIOUSES AKD LOTS. 17OH HUNT Furnished cottatfo. south uldo [ Y JL.1 of Davenport between IHth and IDth Btroelr ) , CtO u moiitji ; reteronco lo-inircd. tll9-0p ; ! OOll IlKNT-Bloru nil N. ISthSt , 374-BO * I IK NT Ilrlok lioitn , coven i-ooms. Tall villlo'a Ulhnnd I'm num. Ol5t I IOIl HKNT-To Hinul family. tlr ooltiiKu In tlioii'iitrn ' repair , near cor. d and Calirornlatd , , $11 per month. Imiulro nmin II , Omilha National Hunk bulldlntr. 71 * | 7OiMll-NT-lniom ; hoiisu nriuTcof. Ulli nnd JL1 Iodfu. ( M. F. Mar tin , ; ili ) S. ir > th st. l l Foil HUNT Housoil rooms nnd kltclien , and U rooms at ftM N. lHh ! et , ffi'J-M TJIOIl Iir.N Iiniulrcl&O'J Harnnj * . FOU Itr.NT-fflx liMin i cotfupt modenr Itn- _ pmvoinents , 711 H. bill bt. UiKiulio no.U door nor th. fxil fTIOII ICKNT-llonse.jro , iTftioitli 17thstreet , -L1 at SIS. 8. Lehman. ty , 17011 HUNT-Flvo-room Irniiso I10 l ) : voniort | -L1 - HUNT A new oukii. seven rooms , on ( .uonrln iivt-iiuc. Apply to ieo. ! A. Wil f nUconcr'f. r 75--4 Foil HUNT iioj.rant : new teslOenco , rooms With Kits , bath , hot and rolU city nndeUtein miter ; unilo In front nnd back pnilors , and In Iroiit rhamber up ctnlix : Iliui ( > hum'o"tirs ' nnd tlxiums ; 4siiuu-es | fnmt thoopuiti lieu o. Ham- Iln & Hi-own , mi South lltb bt. tl'i-l POH HiNT : Neat T-rooni cotta o In line hi- oallon. anil ono block from stiecteuiv. A , . , 11(11 ( L'uruHin , opp. l'a\ton. 517 Foil HKNT-Contrnlly lounleTC nrw'bHck liiilHllnjr , Hitltablo lor moderate nrloed hotel and n-Kiiiui-.iiiti S livliix too UK ; batli nnd uaier on each lloor , This Is a o union to i > MiiblUlr n Ames , i.vw I-arnam. Tfion KINT : st. , X1 CluiU. SIU. A. l'Tui.ey , I M l-'iiramn t. Flit HUNT lloiiMof Aroomi for ' 111111 ! fain llj. Nn. Ml , third hiium IIMM und Lett ifl f. vunworih ; rJ | POU KUNTA f > room cottnw on fl.urldt st. liuiulro of Dr. C. U , Paul. Olj T7OII IJHXT 0 room lu.-isc. Applv to Dr 1 Novlllc. 43I-N4 I5KNT A KOO-I < " > iu brivko.ittin.-v , . coni.-rMi : rinl ll-c-Kory. 4ivill 3 ; > OU KUXT Three irorttl hoii" * ! uvit l mutod. 1 O , F. Out U > i 14 > . , 1-W. Furin-m ot. 4.\i- l "i OU UiNT-J : uouat. I smJ J room * . < iS. J' HIIIIY ; hlinuiro 91 lk > 3lou Dry FOU RKNT Tollnnti ot 4 rooms nnd base- tnont Nil. 1/5 8. 39 Btrcct rlt y and rUtertr wn- ter. Inquire ot Duncan k wnllaee , S19 B. inili st. . . . . _ 'ii-tr _ IJ'OH HUNT Nowfl roont boti'o on Baunrlorn ftroot , iintlor , bay window , omt front.ccllnt- cistnrn , welt , walk * , fences nnd out hoit es ; new niifl ronvnnlenli ? W per month , J. R. llllo ) fc Co. , 2li 8. 1.1th utreot. aio 170H TtTlNT-Itouw l nKimiTlTlh ? bet. CJilT -I-1 for n In and Wr-bstor ts. ; JJU VIK-r month. J. W , .Miu-hul ) , ir.JJ I'm num. ! 1 I OUIUJNT Hon i with seven rooms , ltlT : 1 fhonnnlt Avo. Uttqulro of I ) . T. .Mount , 2il 9. 14th st , as _ _ _ FOH HUNT A ( rood farm with bulldimrs.O mllo' < fiom iHiitolllco ! 7o acres tinder c ltl- vatloh. None lint I'-perlenced fiirincm npul apply. It'-foreticu ixsiulrcil. llnmltn & drown .til South llth f > L 443-31 IIKNT Nor. 1 , n tlrot-chi-w o-roomcot- taffnllno ; location ; by 8.T. rotonon. s. o. cor. I Mil and DoUKhu. 1U1 TT O11HINT Two tiowro'ldcnceafl nnnns pnclt. JC cottuci ) n rcoms.houso 10 rooni. . ,1. Phlpps too. em 17011 HUNT Twivstory tlwellltiR , 7 J : ( rood locality. Apply Cor. llth and IHniglu ? . 3. T. Taylor. 71ft _ _ _ _ _ I7Oirui"NT 3 stores nil Mth und i1 Ma. 1 Rlom on Fonth l.tth st. Ilolh llrst-clnss busl- ; ic 3 location. ) . AlMi to rent. A. McAluV- ock. _ . JKI ? OH HUNT House ot t ) nuims. Apply Cor. T ' llth nnd IoUtla ( . C. T. I'nylor. 710 F iOlt HUNT Several ihvtillliKrs. Apply Cor. Uth and Oonvhus. C. T. Tnylor. 71il li"OU ISKNT CHI SAI.i : A hoiiRO. barn for l L cows ; nnd 1 lotsijti Walnut Hill add. $ Upor ) iionth. Iminlro .lame ? Chrbtlan en , IF. I' . I'u-lxht olUce. ! 7S5i | IJiOll KHNT Ocl. 1st. or after , ii dwolllmr ' houcn S iiionn , nice yiuM , cistern , water , $ ! ) prrmontli. Apply 1411 I'ark Wild iivo. , or Jim. W. lloll , ilrnjfKUt , ( CO South 10th St. IKW 1OK KKNT-Xicoeottago 1010 South l th Kt. JL luijulroofO. A. Holdln. 4. > IKkp 7\tK \ ui'NT Iluiiu ) 11 KKIIHA S2i i > er month ; 1 will mat pnit. 0. K. Thompson , S. W. nor. llthand Uuiney. U'O roil BRUT-ROOMS. InOK KUST Twn ne.vly furnMiod i-oomi , parlor and bed room oil xonth windon ; * . No ± . ' : t ISth ot cor Duv onport. imn 71OU KKNT Dealtablo front nMims , 111 1 Pouth imhM. THOU Itr.NT A nleelv furnished cottaw , 0 -L1 iooniMN)7 ) NorthSOthH. 1)711 ) "T71ru ( HUNT l < uinl licHl niImi5 for"llshl -I. housekii'iihi ! ' , liuiulto N W cor . and -'lurk. fi31. rooms , at 1 ! > 1& (3 > t. Itr.NT Two unfurnished rooms. 1017 M'hleaKost. BOTi fTMHlKKNT For llaththoiiho keeplny. a fut < - .13 nlihed looms , S. W. corner Sand Howard. 608 OR HUNT VurnNlied rooms In Rood loca tion. Will Innird man and wild on reai-oii- nbloturiiiR. F. If. , lleo Ollleo. ( TW-'Jl * JjtOIl ItKNT LUKO : buiidsouio room. 171 01 1 Capitol avo. < iJ4 FT * OH HUNT Furnished room. No. 7i' J I'.tth I and Webster ht reels with piivloso of bulb. ItlINT 't rootnt sultablo for honi-keeii IfiOlt liipr. llntilro | MIU Ia\nnportntreet. W"HI * 171OII ItliNT Furnished room lth u < o of -I- bath room. No. 700 19 Bt. , near Wobster. T71OU HUNT Nicely furnished room 18 1 Dodge street. HS-iil" Foil HUNT Two nicely furnished rooms , 17tW California st. tWI-Sb * FOIt ItKNT NicelyfurnWied rooms , cheap. forrourHUl.tloiiion.WMS lUth street. GH ! virirBO f uriilshcd roonFl liNT I'limonnt I-OOIIIH , Cl IMoaxant t. , near St. SIiiry'8 uirjl'ie. ' _ r > 7K4 * _ I7OK HUNT Tin oo front itmms in nlet-ly 1' furnlshod , plesuant location , onstreotcar lino. So3 N. iiotll St- 4t.Wl F OH Itn.VT Furniihed rooms , Kl/J Dod o. fjAPIt HUNT Two ekwint trent rooms iinfnr- JL1 nlshod , bath IIMIIII hot and cold water stumo floor , very desirable locution. Knriulro S. W. Cor 1 and DodKO. 45S MU HUNT lloom with board. 1812 Dod o. J.ioit HUKT ItooniR In city hall bnlldlmr. .Ilooms in Darker block. C. K. Mnyno. ISth and Furnam. 414 TrtOIt HUNT FurnNied room 70S South inth Htrcot , ttlth or without board. IRI-'Il * F Oil ItKNT-UloKuntly funiNhod i-ooms Rt llr-'t I'nrnain st. IK ) FOH UKNT I.nrtro furnlshod front room ; cull after ( I p. m.,7UJ I'.tth ' 8t , near Webster. JCII-Slp 17 OH HUNT I'lcusant furnlshod rooms. 17U7' Cuss. afrai * 17011 HUNT Two iileiusant trout roonn uir- 1 tiirnlsheil , Miltablo for IlKht housekeeping' , in Ileemer H Illoclt. cor , fcth and llowaril. 'MJ FCIt HUNT y st(7rcs ( In tifo tirlclc " 0111111111 < in Howard t. , bet iBth and 17th. No 1UI5 and lfil7. _ - - _ rOU HUNT I.ara-0 front room nicely fur- nlshod ; prlvilOKoof hath room ; Miitalilo Inr two persons ; live minutes walk Ironi I' . O ; ono block tiorn street car line. Address 1' . O. box you. 7K1 37011 KKST A nice , plcunant loom , furnish- - od or imfurnlsed. Imiulro lit 1J1J I.cavon- worth street. 41U IJIOll HUNT Itooms wllh board , doslrablo for i summer. Apply nt St. t'lmiles Hotel. Wl I neil HUNT Nicely turnUhod trout room to ' neiitlemun only , at S. K. corner 'MH\ and FOU HI'NT FunrlsliCHl i-oom , 19U Furnam ; u , 'nov8 171 OH HUNT ! 1 furnished rooms on Paclllo 1 striH-t , between Uth und IDth.ono block south of the U. 1 , depot , 4.U _ FOH HK.N'T 2 jilciiffnnt houlli f rout rooms S. W. corner H'tli ' unit Davenport. 7UO I7IOK HUNT-TWO nicely firrnlbheT rooms , N. _ H' . cor. " 1st and St , Mary's avenue. 4w ) "I71OlT HAIr.-lM wlllliiiv n tonmof 4-yoar-old Jitruy ponli-i' . Cull at 1.1111 Hiirney. IJ77--4 . 171OH h A I. U Newport rreurest , newest ueio JL1 lots. Newport nnd cheapest acro.lots. Newport sells faster limn uny oilier. Newjidi t Is nearer tlmn any other. Newport IslianiNomely located , Neu-port lia.snotn had lot. Now-poi t ! > nil K-iiod lulu. Nowpoit > ll * fast intlmn nnythln , Newpoil Is the choice. Now' ) oil Invites tlio buyer. Newport suits the i eople. New IIOIT sells on Its merits. NowKutcunginnd | lin'c tl'f.itloa. Newport I-u place lor nomes. New-Kit | will double In value , Newport c.mnol bo onunllu.l. , Now-port pi'jiiNOs the public , Nowpoit jou must nee. Nowit | joii M-lll like. Nowpoit H ncaicr. Nuwjiorl Is belter , Thau any acre lot over cil , ! in this mnrl'ct , and when jou sco it you will u ( mil I , U all und moio limn Is claimed for Itl.'di.o nnJ sou Now-port now , It will puy jou to do AO. Ames , 15o7 Fur * nam. l > 17 IF jtniuuit to Kill real cstato llsl it with C.7 Mayno , swcor l&th and Farnatn. If it Is not convenient to call drop a card wllh n full doi- crlption ot the property ifUlutr nur.iber ol lot nnd liloc-U. It whliiay jon It jou wnnt lo fell 10 send description of jour pi-opcrty to thUuiBcney wlmioit will tciclvo piompl attention Tclo * phone o'l. t > i-"J : : I-V US , lois , lands HuiuU , 111 Ii nml Doi.Klas M'J ' liJiHiv 'o lots In ll.-os- 1 ( s in place , lllmi'licuKli ph'Ci1 , and llrrik-i' * i lulUlllou , Cuuiiiuuliuni ' liti'Ui > , till 'hijo. ! I OIt SAI.i : ID room hoimo ; biilh ; hot and coM watori l.iuinilry ; lloncc fiiKhi l In Ii. u wood , most futivuiilinit locu''oi. ' i > ; ic i > l-x-k tituii i-ui , street on I'raiio. I'lv-aunt .n. l-ood , h < 3n tliuiui n l ( riijm 'MM OHk - , l'ri- ' , ( J-7.i > jU on vcr > i in. L.tlito u'riim. Tills U n niuv built t plic-e nnd worn ull ni > kis | tinIt. . ; I' 'anuiin. Tl'you uiuil It'H ri-il "into ll ( iirllli * \ K. i-Ma > norcorlniU \ iid 1'urnain. Iflt is not c-inu-n.ciit to ealhlnv ii-ml wllb n lull ili'.s- L-nptioii oft'Ki pinpirrl" Vlvln ; ; iminU'r of lot mil iJ'n.1 It vl'l ' puy > i-u lf. i > v iil l i ll to MMil litvcrlnlldii ol tour property inihUnirtnoy . - K t < it will rvtvll | > ltiiuit | lli'iitni'i. re-It- phone < KI. H trui K SAM5 Arro properly noitli nnd trc t of ioHty 111ft * . o 175 pornero. WTllfflham , .7rt 'jf iton lilodk , HSI IflOlt HAl.K ( Joodtwi Mory hoiiw. T ittofn * , J.1 cLstpriM'llnrt'osM. . .i > nGeorgia livelotw..t ) ermitotK ) Hffi-eed upon. , WT ii blook. < WI tilon AAI.U on ixMiiTtiwc 1 nnd lot Mtlt < ) , $ umi ! nlo hmr n nnd 4 lot.- ) , ? l'nm > . CunnlliKliniM JL Jlrumun , 1&11 rhtttf-c. cq > iM T .rotl wnnt to Mltrnl cMnto lin Uvltli 0. Ti. .Mujno.swt-or 15th nnd Farnum. If It Is not . vhero It will rccclvo prompt attention. IflOH SAT.i : a ) nddltlonnl on In Hrttinrtersi & 1 Illmeluuiiih'H uilillllon an- now ottered lor iilo lit tied olil prior * . Tim lklt MHO rnllroud Is located within ti lew rods of this nildltlon.nml HMKMJ lotMit from f ITfilo $27fitlm cheapest prot > t-rty In the city. Tet inn , $ i' > ilown und iialanro In monthl } payments ( if fi or 1U dollar * . A. Sunn- tier * .V Co. . ilOl Fnnmm ft. f/W-sJ I7Olt HAI.K Cornc-r on Sunndois Kt , : business JL' lot , 19) ) viA ) ; inily Sl M. Potter it Cohb. IjOK .SAI.K An olOBHtit 11 i-noin house iinrt I ? lot trotiin on IMrlt iitonut" , liouiulful locn- inn , JI.SUI. CunnliiKlium & llronniui , 1511 FOIt HAMAciolots : nro now the popular Mfo nnd mini Investment. Newpoi t Is the iholci.ofidlncivlot : j-uu will .say no torn-self , when yoii'oolt. Coino nmllook over Now | Hirt. Amos.lfiWFnrnaiii. " * " > I 'I' ' * j on tnmtto H-llrvul oslato list It with 0. F. . Miiyni' , mv cor IMIi unil I'rritaui. If It Is not convenient In call drop n eurd with a fuUili i- crlptlon of Iho propel ty jrlvitw niitiitior ol lot arm Mock. It will pay ynu If you want to sell to wml description ofyour property lo this njfonoy whoiolt will receive prompt intention. Tele- ' - fTloil SAl.i-llun : oand lot In North Ornului ; -I. honsohiisAu/onis , ulsiorn. ttii I , oust front ; prlcolIHl. WTlttllniin.ri.-lxlitoil ( ( block. t-tS J1OK SAl.K ( I room now hoiisu and lot on cor - Imh M. , will hosc.ldlor $ MI. CitmiltiHhum . \ : llrennan , 151 1 Dodjio. fl KM ITUMl S.VI.K-A lountlful lot with C-room -I. house : minlh limit : buck ot hlKh hchool ; will rent lorl.u ! per joar. Mu t ho wild utunoo. I ) . \V. , ItodOIIlcc. WW-'l * IP OK SAIiI ! Uiti In ThornlmrB 1'liieo , west ' t > inuliH.taitti ) * i'Kl ' cadi. H > per cent iloiMi , lialnnco monthly piij moult. Tlifuo lire verj < lu- slmblc lots' and tlii'chciii : | t In ui'-t ( iniaha ; the Holt Line dupot lll lui linllt at the corner of Thornhui-tf I'lrco. I'nll and u'l piutluulnifi and bco the property. C II Alnynu , Ifith and Farnnrn. 71OHSAI.U Come and HCO thonowo lnemt > - > t . und bo-tnnu lotn lor the money In Newixnt Ames , \M \ Farniun. O tl ITHMt .SAI.U A few acie-s In Illiiiohnui'li addl- 1 tldii and HitKiklmo. ( ; uniilngliainllreiimin , 1" > 11 led ) re. l' < 144 I7OH 8AI.K I-ota In Thornhnnr Vluco , west Orriulin , WD to $100 unch. 1U portent down , luiltirico monthly pnytnonts. Thosom-o very do- Hlralilii lots and thochcapi t in w ( > > tOmatmtho ; Holt I.inodopot wilt ho built at tun citrncrol' ' Hiiro. ( Jail and sot particulars and i-eo the pioporty. ( J1 ! Mnynu , Ifith and F H Ol'ST.S ' , loin , lunda Homls , 15th and .r.i : Nowiott l niiiiraiitoL d to l-o all Unit I * claimed for It ; thlH.\on will admit thn lien jdUfccit ; niMH'aml look at the gioiinU , and t-ecwlth jouro.Mi eyes tlio nmiivt , nlcost aero lot > 'Vcr oil i > ivdcomo ; and KM the lots ; you will admit all that Hrlnlmfd. Amotf , l.V > 7 Fui num. TlOlt SAI.i : ' ! lidiiK'fi and Kood lot ono block - ninth of St. Mar > a avoniio , rented lor 'Jua month , will IKI solil uheaji. CniinliiKliam > t > ll Dod o. ( KiV-t Fill HAI.K Ac-to lot In Iloltcdnro , luljolnliur Kt. Omaha on 'ho North. This la hy tur tlio lino-st and ohcapust uciiJ property In that direc tion. ( all and - eoIt. . S-'OJ to SAI per acio easy U. K. ilnynu , sw cor. luth and rarnaiii. SAI.K.A blacksmith fchop Full a haifralir. Will trudo lor Knnsasor Ni'luits. kaland. iJIn , " . I'rni tieli , Cu--ton , III. icu't' TTlOIt SAI.K-LotsIn Hlmolmimli and I'utti-r- - -llvi-loiiiuljoiniiijrthoiiow uillroitd hinds on which doinit , lonnd IIOIIHOS and bliopt 1110 to bo built. J'rlcos 'UO to SJoO ; terms , ThoMilots ate ellinif very rapidly ; call boon if } \vi-htoliiiy. . U. C. 1'iittoi-hOii. 5'.U 'I' you mint to M-ll it-iil i > stnlnlUtlt with 0. 12. - -Muyiio Mvt-or inth and Fariium. If it In not convenient to cull drop a curd with a full des cription of the property fftvlnf ? number of lot and block. It will pay you if > on want to sell to Horn ! divicilptlonol j our pioporty to thl.s UMoney where It will rtceUo piumpt attention , 'lele- plioiiolUl. UI2 2 ! .i : Now port is selllnjf because It Is J near , elejf ant Ktoiind not a baillot in it. Men are Iniylntr act o lotn because t hey ran nniKo iiioi o money huylm ; : ieres than In any other way. I -Ivory ucroof Nenpoit willbowoichand u 111. sell lortwleoirieonowaikodlor | It In less Ihaa a yiar. If > on will look ut NewHrtyou ] will see It In all that 1 ? claimed for It. Amos , 1W7 Furniim St , 6NI I.K A buigaln III t > volots on Georgia avenue. For a short tlriK < il7Uil will take tlio two. W. T. Ciruham.CrelHhton block. fol FOIISAI.K AciulolHln llelvedoro. $ 'UI to f.U ! ) each. No hills to climb. Nice level road all the wav. Splendid location. View mi- biirpasned. C. 1 ! . Mu > no-151 Ii and Farnam. r OH SAI.U-Coriior lot on Chicago , with JL * iixiiii IIOIIMI and barn ami all nccossurylm- iirovomeiitK lot l < < ivl.U , Capliol Hill. $ iWid. A. filvCiavock , Vth Farnam St. * I > 71l II' j on nut toKoll rual estate llht It with t ! . II. Mayne , .su cor 15th and I'lirnam. If It Is not i-onvenient to calldrop iifunllth \ a lull des cription of Urn property Rlvltw number of lot and block. 11 uill pay you it yon want to hull to tend description ol > oi > r pioperty lolhlsiiHoney wlieio itwlll ii-cei\o prompt atlontlon. Tele- iilmo IKI. 171IMISAI.i : Novvpott aero lotn , cell they m ellioneareit , now est and cheapest low for milo : Ihlf will bo proved uhnii jou i-co the irioiindcomoiindcoeloryourself. ; Arne.s , i rarnani. r > 30 1/iOK PAI.K-I.ots In Tlioinbnrj , ' Vlaco , west .1 omaha , y t > to li)0 ) eueii , ! < / per cent , down , butanco monthly | iii.\iiiontx. Tlidsoaro vor ) do- hirable lotn mid the cheapest In west Omaha ; tlio Ilelt l.lno depot will bo built at the corner of 'fliornburir I'lace. Call and jret | artlculurH and bee the piopei ty. ( J K Mayne , 15th and Farnain. H OI/'SI'.s , lotslands--Ik-mHIStli , and Douglas "J7 Ml HA I.K New-Hii | t Is Iho rajfo now In aero JU' lots and sells on Itn merlls ; every acre of Nuwpoit will sell for not lais than SiOj In u years UIIHJ. Vou cuii Iiml no sui-er way of sav- IIIK money anil iiuikliiK monny , Vou can witlnfj- joiiitM.-lf wlether this is so or not by looking at Newport. Come and wo It j'uui > clf. Ames , ir > o7 Farnam. f > U II' you want to Ml real c-ntnto lint It with 0 H. 1'itti mill Km nam. If It Is not i-oiivniilKiiltocall drop aciird wllli a full deg- crlpilontif the pmicnyK vinff number of lot nnd block. H will pu > jou it you uunt to sell to send doseiiptlon of jour piopeity to tlilsuueney , whoiolt will loteivo piompt iitleiHliin. Ti'li'- - POH HAI.i : Thren nlco cottusrtH in Walnut Hilton monthly paj incuts. Splendid chancu lor perMxinof iniHleraiu to Rut u ooil homo. A. Siiiinders , V Co. , 11U1 Fainiini st , . opp. I'axton. J.'Olt liAI.i : Two lou In l.-aao und Mi-l , i diner , llt"A ) ; l't ci ) i. Potter A : Cobb , 1-OU t-AII" Txits In Thornbiirsr Pluee , west omii'iu. ' i'u lo f liMiniuli , lJ pel cent iln\n ( , bidtiiiicmonthly p.ijmentH. I'he-o urn voiy tie- tliulilo lots nnd the chcupodl In w.e-,1 Omulm ; tnu 1'clt Line depot will bo built at thu corner of 'Ihoinbuw I'laco. 1'idl mid tret pnrtlciihirH nnd bc-o tliu piojicrty , C Khi > ne , IMIi und Farnum , 17 < ) H SAM : A m > tlnsi t and well paying 4' bourdliiKrlioiiso.ccntiiilly locutttl tor panki- tiluii ) . Address C. X. Iteo oilli-e. iiul 17MlSAr.i ( : Nc i > oiiTi iiciii'Cot , ' lie u oat ulie J-1 lot * . . NewKiit | best and cheapest acru lota. Nou-K | > it hells luster than nnj otber. Nc-wjuiit Uiieaicr than any olher , Ntw JH- | ( IK InindMiniciy local od , Ni irpoi i has not u Inul lot , Nuwpoit IsidlxiHidliiiM. New- | > ort sellluitev than inijtliir.jr Ncwpoit Isilieclioit-o , New poi t InviUx i he buj or. Newport BuilK Ibo people. Nt-iviwiri sell , ou its iiienif. NoMlwiit uiin etand lnti < iiiralloa < NitwJMiil UH pluco lor bdint-i , New poi t will double. In value , Non-port c.iuiHil but , ujtlod. iNiwiKitt pleii jif , I lie jiubliu. Nikvpoit jnii inii.l n-e. Nuu-Mirt | jou viliiitkO , NlHpori ( s iiiui- . i > bi Tii.-initnv a'-u ' liii cvi-f AvUiu lids mm feet , und ttbed .Mill siiMI Jim uill lulmit It Is ull mill nidm I ! an l > cl.iin . isl | , in | , L-ODIU und > cv Newport now , It will puy ) oi 10 ikj < > . Amw ' loU7 I'nr- naiu. MI 17OH SAI.i : . I/its In TUrkr-r A Un.t fio'n will- J. dlvuioti on nth Ftt'oct ' , thtw bli-ek-i front Mm-t curs * " " nn < l f l-M o cli. iloutlrlr i > ay ' nonr oitj Ilinllr ; , ftno oftch , K\tti : large sire. Ttvo deeklisl biir J. ! nl ( tnoloto 74 * * < * . linlf block from FatW nventto , ono block from l.ortf- euworth , lilgli cnntn'l , * -j.ifl pnch. Very ortsy lloufoHroonti , ncro.of protinil , on f nvrtl orth M. , Hi-It line ' KN-S w llhiti liKl feet of II , it bari-Hln. Two loton l-i ! t ( lii > r i M , nenr Fftrnnm , ffM enrh , monthly p.iynnntii they urn ohotp. : - ' . , iicn-s in Hiiiokllno nuur proiHistnl U. U , depot nnd shops , Jlnm. Tiwlvo imstfivtit lot * on Colfnv st , OIK block north of Iriivi-iiuoitli , jl , : l , % \ \ ) down nnd JMpor tnunlli ; llmnr desirable lot * , near urcet cur , nMi- froirdolnwils , near business ; they will umko Kood ' liolnes or nuiko K > H > < | In- ! tvct on I'.irnnm nf > nr lllth. f I , ' , ! " ) . One nci-o In ( JNo'snddlllon near SaiiiuU-r Rt. , tl.iwu : this Is cheap. I/otH on 0 nvla nvo. between T.cavenworlh nnd Fin mini , Jl/lVJe.-u-h , Jli'ldoun nml month. Ono ncro on South Utln "t , fl.HiXl ; easy term * . 1W7 I it iVixiTJon thst. betwt-oti OoimliH and , new cdttngn ; i moms , $ l t.iO , T" > J down and JIO per month. 2PI Uilck hous < i 11 rooms , nil modern Imtn-ot-e- taunts , b.ith , furnuco , Itaxo barn , Shltm'ri add , SMW. U3I I/it ' Ixiai , hon o 8 rootn' , IKiJao at. bet. Kith nnd Uth ; make oiler , Kl > 0 Full lot. two house. , Shlnn'H add , f-'A'.O ; easy term.- ' . SCI "Ono aero wllli lieu e , beautiful location , Wee t Omulm , ( .Vital. 2W Full lot , luivuliouaoA moms , noilh Isth ut , 3,0iin. 2i. LotWxlllllivo l.locks south of St. Mnrv'fl live , on < l Ht. , nice cottiue H moms , lar.-d barn , filrVn , VJ.VJ down ami j-ff , per month. 317 Neat wittaw lull lot , north lHh t . $ - . ' , ! i. Sis Hoiiso 7 itHims , l.-irw1 lot , llnest. lue a Ion In Hiuiseom plniis oust iront , splonuld vioiv , > l.riiO ; inisjlurnis. . Sil lioilMiT looms , lot. MvlMQ , Hnuscoii\ place , $ , ll i , $ V ) down. balutK-e to suit. 880 ( iooil coltiiHO 7 rooms , bum eost tl."W. number of other outbulldlnuH , lot IU4\04 , very line locution , wlihln ono and u hull1 miles ol P.O. , neur l.cnvunwoi th st. , feUUM , t-usy tin ms. S18 IlrloK hon-'O "rooms , Hanroy near 31th , ( , oo.l lot , $ .r > , m "W ( iOOd CllttllSCO S ItlOtlls. IniKl'lOt , iK'lUltlClll Ion , Hunscomphiee. l.-V iiasy terms. 1)J ) Lot liKi.vHU. o < l iHittiiKo I r Mims , south 15th st.f . ' , ( > < 0Sf,0 down nndI ( per month. IKS Neatest cottnifo in Omulm , new , uicu lot , niitiiiat tiees , Cvor iii ave. neur leaven- woith. l.HJD. 17r > Lot liOviai , Miilth lllth st. , iHtlUKo ) 5 looms , fUKIf.VKldownarrd : ) 5J. ) per month ; this Is a bargain. ICO I.oti > i\lH ) , Inrvo liousn , irood. Hickory st. bet , 10th and llth1,700 , Ji'iU down und $ .1) per month. 158 Lot I00v"ii : , ucat rottii | * 5 rooms , 110 bbl cWinn , outhoiisns , cemerred cellar , tiiclnir Huti-H-oni pink ; Ihetnounil alone isworlh rnoto than the pi leu apMsl lor this pluee ; If jou wnnt a desirable plaui with plenty of ground room ; .see this , $ IKO ( ; easy terniH. 1BI A tinetwo storjhoiisti H looms , corner lot , Ci\14n ! , on I'ark a > ttU. ItKS l5\i ! : > ! > on Farnam st. near STitlr , $11,000. S i&h7 Alow pieces on South liitli st , with building ! ) on them. It jou want u good Investment look at lot 11 , block" . Kdiiut/o ; t < l add , honso 4 rooms , $1.'JUO , > : ) OildnwH und $ JO per month. North half lot 1U , block : ) , Koinit , . ea M add , house (1 ( looms , $ u',0 0. &VK ) down anil.11 per month. 71 Knst S lot S , block 177 on .Inek on pi. with house mi 1 barn , | : iUt1 ( , JlfiO iloun and $ .3Ti per month. " 10 Lot on Miinmun avo. QUIIUI In Itorbarh add , JJriiii ; al-o lots t'Oviai on , Hor- bacli'Hiidd , $ I-IM ! ) . 207 W > i\SM corner on St. Miiry'H ave , milker fi very di-shable lot.s ; Idr price uiul particu lars call at ollleo. , UCO Lois In Vates A ; Ifecd's add , fV caph ! monthly pa.vment . 201 Iot It ) , block 111 , Hiin L-om plaeo , $1,001) ) ; very eusv terms. i In Cortlandt pluco ou Howard at.&flW ; very easv terms. wo < ii the i'.nest nores In West Omaha , numboiH .1 und 4 , block i , fn.lM i. 171 Tlire < lot.s on Virginia avo. Hun > eotn plueo , RJ.V/tl / tor tlio tltreo. 175 Two lots on \ liKiriii.-ive. : In block 3 , liana- com place , f /each. I . 171 } Two lots In lIlimjhiuiKh pluco on ItldKO Rt. , iCatherino a\o. ; * I,1W eueli. Ixjts unimproved and impioved propoily in every part 01 tlio city. C. 13. Mayno , S. W. Cor. IMH and Furnam. Telephone il.i. U ! tf Foil SAI.i : Twenty iiftrea nrir city limits , suitable for dltkllii-- ) part c.tsli ; line In vestment. ItoIUVMol'niulllsh , l'J-JI ! 17OH SAI.i : Two houses und lot fifivUW on I- North loth street iti'lJl. CuuniiiKhiun < V. llrednun 151 1 DodKO , t ) . ' -4 : JfOll SAI.I" (1u > np , a os ( in Tlioriiburir Tluco. I'otter At Cobb. 4 o't ! ' 17011 SAI.P 3 hoilriojiincl lot 73\l4lon ) North J. 1Mb street rented lor $ l."i u month , will lo Mild chop or will ttado lor aero proporty. Cun- nliurlnuiuY llrennun , 1511 Dod u. liA7-31 'IJ10H SAI.H-Oak elmtham Tills Is what JL1 was culled the Touslay track ; Iho Control Depotoftho Omaha Ilelt line road Is located on Oak elmtham ; Oak Chatham Is opposite .Indue Kcilk.-k's lesldimco on Saunders street ; You can make jourmonejdouble on these lotn ; ( 'omo and see Oukehathum beloio it Is to late ; Onnihu will double her population In n jc.-irs : Voiicandoublejourmoiicy on Ouk chathiim In loss than ono j ear ; Come and see Ouk cliuthutii ; Von ean tlmn sro und Jiulffd lor j-ourself ; Ames l07Farnam. MA IjOHSAI.ISix : lots on . 4 blocks fiom Htreet cur line ; oust IrontH ; } I"1'o.ich ' ; ciusy payments. These uro corner lots. .1. I' , lllloy JL Co. , Ki5 8. Kith nt , ! DI TTOIJSU.S , lots , binds Ilemla , iJtli nnd Douflim POH SAMi-Full lot corner ± 'iul nn.l Hurt Sticots. ( 'unniuKhum Krcnnan , Hill 17OH SAf.IJ Ixls ill TliiiinhunI'luco , west -L Oinuha , $ : .r'H to SiOl cacn , 111 per cent down , bulunco nionthlj' paymeat8 ; these aioveryde- slralilo lots and the cheapest Inwest Omaha ; tlio Hell Line depot will ho built at the corner of 'ItioinbiirK 1'hico. dill and Kot part lenlais and H-O the proper ! ) ' . C II Ahryno , 15th and Fuinuin ' rill It SAMHou&o ; ol H rvoniH on 17th nt. . souili of Cim.inn ; lot 44 It bj M It ; cheap ut 1'ottur iVUibb 1015 Farnam st. 4JU4 1.11)11 SAI.I' : A full lot cat I'urk avenue f ! ; . Thla IssometliiiiHr north nceiny. Ciinulnjf- hum H llrennun , ir.ll lodKo. CiVI-- ' ! 17OI1 SAI.I ! fxits In ThornbnrK I'luco , west J. Omaha , JviVto ) 4i ) each ; Id per icntdonn , baluneo montlilj- payments Tlieuo mo u-ry ile- slralilo lotn and thoclicapo-t In wentOmuliit ; the Holt Line ileiot will bu built ut 1 he corner ot' ThdniluiiK I'lueo. Call and net partlt'iiliu-rt ' and si.d the piopeiljC i : Muynu , IMh and Farnum. fj OK s.Yr.U-Onk ehutham-Thls Is what .L was called tlio Tonsloy tnick ; the Oentrul Depot of the Omaha licit line rouil In located on Oak ohtitham ; Ouk c-lialham is opposite JmUid lledleU'H ri'Shlencd on Siiiimlerrt street ; Vou can iiiuKo your money double on these lo | ; Comu und sco Ouk Chatham beloio it Is to Into ; Omulm will double her population In n jeurs ; Vou eun double your money on Ouk111111111111 In less than one year ; Como and E > CO Oak Chatham ; Vou cunt lion see und Juiitfo lor jourt-elt ; Amex araam , ( MH I neil .SAM1 : Two corner lots III 1'nrkor'n ad dition ; will bo fold very clieup. Cunnlnuham \ Ilicnnan , irdl 17011 SAM ! Choapo t line Itisido properly In JL1 tlienniiket , ii-t-ldeiKu lotb In Illllslilo add , , t'.io loloo. | 1'o FOIt SAI.l'-FIno lotfli Hailbcom I'luc-o , $700 toSI/idl. ( IotterA.Cubb. - 17OII KAl.i-A : lot uixifllrunnlnir irom 17th 1. ' lo IHili hti'e tH , , iO ) . CunnhiKhnm A ; Brim- niin.l 511 Ihxltfe. Kil-at _ JF you want to sell real opiate list It witli 0. 1' . Majne.Hwc-or I.MhindiFjlinuin. | lilt U not convenient to call drop u card wllh n lull doscrip lion ol'thuproport ) Brivlny numborof lot nnd block , H will puy you If you want to soil to Kind ( lo-tTlptldii of jour ipiopoiiy lo tins agency , wheio It will lecelvo inoiiipt attention Telephone - phone ( Ul. ' ( H--2U Foil SAI.U Loth In Thornbuiw I'luco wi t Oiiialiu , t'J.VMd rliM.iiuli ; in per cent down , balance monthly payniimU ; tho-o aio very dv- Hlrnblu IOIH and the cueupjvt In wo.-t Omiumthu ; lelt line depot will1 lie' built at tnui-ornerof Tliornburtr pinto. Call aildel ( iiaillcuhrrriaiid ceo the properly. U i : Muyite , 15th und Furnam , l , * OKSAI.I'-rwonty acres S. W. of city cheap J ut tl.MJ IHJIaero. . Totter & Cobb. 1/11)11 SAI.K When bujrs wo Now port they J. ' urn font Inuvd It Is iho now oit , nealest und best wcitilolH lor Mile. Vou can mitlsfy yourself - self ot ibid by tonilmr hero and ildlnx out to Nowiort.of which theiols not ono jwor lot. ( lot In now ulien joiiroholco will bo umonjr thu tii'ot. Allied , IX > 7 Fanmiii St. Kv ) FOH SAM ! An elegant 8 it > om liouao ainl lulllotonO ( < orKluaveniio. Fiidttront , every ouivenlonce. C'uiinlnjfluiia ( t Ilienimn , 1D1I DodXO. UU L'l 17011 H.vr.i-Oak : rlmthiim This U wiml JL lumCHlU * ! tbo Toiifley line I ; . Tno Central DojKit of the Oinuhu Holt llncroad ia kiuited on Oak dial hum. Oak cliulbam U uppoiilio .linltfo Itetllck'ii n < hldonc on Saunders sm > et. Vou can make your money donbbi on thctto lotn. ( Snno and too Oak clnitluim bofnrti It U lo Into , Omaha will double her | Kipuhitlon In & youm , Voucun double jour money on Oak vliKtlmtn In lw > thunonyjCMir. ( Vnrdundwxi Oak clmlliam. Vou can ' Urea BOO ana JudjfO tor luuraolt. Amos 1.-MHI NAf.'i-Ariolof-iln Ilclr den'.ndolnliir ) ( .1' If OiiiAhaoiithonotlh. Thu U by far thu ilntxl and t-hcnpi t ecie properto In dluvl- I hm ; call nntl wit it. gjix tti $ Kfl per acre , only Ufin * . C 1 ! . Mayne , sit vor l" > th and Tarnum. was * ilOU S.U.K-v ncres. tiviiulrul land , near - licit llnfi nnd HniiiuleM st , $ I , < XM , ( Mis.v teinis rallfouim . , 1'C tulles from postotlleii , half ncro with trooil hou > o and Imrn. Cililjtfloii. . IMIter A. fobK 4 > TpX'4 I7OH SAI.II-Wahint lllil lots are the best , the J. cheap-si and most dc-slrnblo. C * . IS. Mri ) ni > , l.Mh and riirnnm. IJIOH SAt.U Aero lots 111 llelvixlorr-.ndjolnlntr 1. FtOnmlm on the north. This Is by far the Inoft and chuoH < t ncro properj * In that dlrec- ilon ; call and . _ It. JJOO to tMi per ncro ousj * terms , ( i ti. Muyne , sw cor 15th ntul Farnam. ITOU SAU'-Good 7-ivom hnuso on IMh M , ; I1 full lot. well Improved ; fJ.Bitf. Potter & Cobb , l.'il.'i I'uriiiini st. 4l74 70HSAI.i-Acr : ; k > U In nolvwloro. SJM to ' f.Mi ) uch. No hllLs to clrmli. Nice level romt nil ilui way. Splendid location. View tin- C. I ! . Miijne , irt.iand bVrnniii. C4.T.V 170H SAMSpicndld ! nn - H room hoifo c * > - V mentod cellar Inrpo new burn nnd ovurj' con- venloneo. Lot Wxlfxi east trout floor-kiln Avenue iieur roppelton I block Irom Mrv t our. Kasj1 terms , > , ono , A. McUttvock IJol ) Farnum st. 17OHSAI.I : lx > t la ThornburjI'laco ' el JOnmha , 4WJ1 ToiM-vfOfnch ; in per cent down , inihiniMt monthlj pn.vinent ; the o are very do- slnible lots nnd the cheape. t In west Omaha ; the lidlt llntidcipot will be built at tlm comer of riioriibiirirl'liivo. Cull and fret purtlculurH nnd see tlio property. ( J. K Mayne , Ifith and Farnam 17011 ! s.VM-C : < imi > and. see Melro o Hill lots ; .U tl-oy am 10 minutes walk iron llunveom I'ark and I'urk Axcnito St. , cars ; Ilelt MmiHipot now located en Mplrow Hill ; you ciui buy e-iii lets for S Xi ) > it.vini * $ IJ ilown , bulunco ! i everj- three inonlhs. Pome and Mil1 t'il-4 iiropei IjIt Is u sute Investment and wdl rapidly [ ncro.iso In value. Arne.s. l.'io" Farnum. 51 lAOU SAM * On : il t N | . , line lots ats'O ; eusv I1 terms. Call at onleo. Fetter & Cobb. 1.M3 Farnam st. 410-U'l FOIt \K Aeru ititx hi Holvedero ndolnliir | ( Ft Oina'iuon theNoith. This Is by lav the llnust nnd eboapest acre property In tliat ilree- | llon Cull and see It. ? .V to Jit inper ueio cusy torms. C. K. Mayno , sw vor'Alli and riirnum. Blil-Ul. SA Iil-i Six hon e'all ' 17OI1 room , necessary 1m- 1 provementM , lot ri4'i\lC2 ' , on D.ivenport , near til st. , * .liuO. ; A. Mela\ock , IWJ Farnum. 17011 Al.iWahint Hllllotn nro tin. Lost , tlio J clieiipest ami uio't dealrublu. C. K. Mtijne. inth ami Fainam. ( VtK:7 ; 17OIC SAM ! Cheap n. ldimco lots on JL' ht. 1'otter iV Cobb , ljl.1 Farnam .st. 41.W4 17OH SAI.H Acre lots In Ilfilvedore , adJolnhiK JL' Ft Omaha on the north. This Is by lar the llnest and cheapest acre propeity In that tion. t ajl and see II. J.X1M to f.lnO per acre easy teitns C. K. Mujne , a cor 10th und Farnum , in ; : „ * . ) TIOUSA1.I ! \ burKiiln for ashoil. thno in lots In Slilnns addition , line cor. lot IM It on CuldweU st. l iO. Mime smaller lots "AMI an W. T. Urahiim , CreiKhton block' l.VI-8 1jlOH SAI.i : ' 1 lie thirst aoie propnrlv bv IHIIB adds yet olleieil M llellveduro. which Heidi- iectl > west of Ft. Onuilra ; . .1111 lo $ : i HI per acre. This is tlclieupest ueio pioperty to be hud the sumo dMitncooiit.wltlithu ml vantage of smi.ot It. lo\ol load all the way. C. K. Mayno , nth und Farnam , 5707 I7OH h.1B No vport u'oni-int , " nu oat , nbro 4lots. . Newport best nnd ctinapost ticto lotg. New i oil sells last er than any olher. New pent In tiouicrthun any oil. or. Newport Is ImndEomely lonuted. Nc\v.oit | him not a bad lot. New i oil Is all frond lots. Newport SIN tasierthununythlnar. No-.vjmrt is the choice. New poi t hit lto.s the bu vor. Nowpoit miliH the people. New pint sells on Its merits. Newport can htuiiil Investisallon. Nmvpott s nplacn for home * , New poit will double in value. Newport cannot be oiuulled. Nowpoit pleife.s the public. Newpoit jell III list see. New poil jou will like. Newport Irt nearer , Newoit | N better Than any acio lot cvrr rcld in IliUinntkdt , and when jou see It von will admit U is all and mom than is claimed for It. Como and MIO New pott now ; It will puy you lo do to. Anio3Iuu7 Far- num. C47 17 < ) ll SAIi : Cheupes-t propeity neur West Fur- J1 nam st. ; lotu in I'otter 8 add. Irom ft ft to ; OIINJtnnna. . I'otter A ; Cobb. 4..V.1 17OH .SAI.IC Aero lots In Ilelveilere , psnoto JtJ * ; W ) each. No hills to climb. Nlee level i-oad ll the wat. Snlondld location.iew unsur assed. 0. H. ilaj'uo , IMh and Fnriium. llllt'J ' HOIISis : , lots , Itimls-IlomK IMh and 17011 SAI.K-Wnhiut Hill lots are the best , the J1 cheapest und most dehlruble. O. K. Mavno , 15th and Farnum. f > 7l-n7 FiVUl s > Al.i : U. C. PATTKHSON- , Kith and Far- 1 num. Aero property In Hlmobaiwh's addi tion : thi-iaddllion adjoins the now puichasnof the Missouri I'acilic U It Co. G'.ll ' ITfOH SAI.I" The llnost acre propfn-tv bylonif 1 odds yet oilorod is llcllvedoie , which lies ill- rectly w est of Ft. Oinalia ; WrfJ to SI M per acre ; tills Is the cheapest acre piopertj- be had the sainn distuneo ont.with tlioadvantaire of smooth level mud ull the way. UK Mayne , Kith and Farnain , r > 70-37 17OH SAI.K Fine corner lot on Farnam , J.1 Slll.iXH. Splendid corner lot on DoiiKlas , PM.009. line lot oppoelto position hulldlnif , fc'0,1' ' ' . All the above are lull lots , ( Vl.v ! ; ! : ! lout , and ex cellent I or business IIOUPCH. r lo room house and full lot on Davenport St. , , 8 resideneo lots , Shlnns M adil. , $1,400. II line icsldiinco lotfl , Hunscom pluco , fPOO. ! 1 line tcsldencu lot , Hansuini pluee , tujil. t line reddened lot , HlniebaiiKli plaeo , tl,4M. llonmi ol D roorna und lot on Howard Mrcot , , Vt aero In Ol-o addition. ? 8DO. UK In Shlnn'H M add , 70J. Curni'i- lot 1'nrkor'n aild.Jl.0'9. . Nl ucrcM In Floience add , , S-l.f ) X ) . Aeiopronorty in Floicnco. Land n , 10 and 'o acre trautrt nonr city nt $11o jior aoro. lo ncro tiact Improved $ j8. > per aero iioarelt.v , POaciolarm , Impioved , houao nnd tttablo for Jli'i per aero. Pci-ilnii of hindftlO acres In Merrlck count y , at "vl-fxi IKJP ncro. Cheap , "olo acioN land In ( lieuloj- . at ? 1 TO per aero. r > , Q'i ) ) acres land In Niinco co , nt $3 per acio. Ilauilln A ; Hi-own , Un South Illli Btii-ot , 4171 1 17OH SAI.K Tlio llnost aero propeity bv lonir JL odds j'litollenid In llellvedure , whleh lies di rectly west of Ft , Omaha ; t.ou to " * ! > * ) per ncro. This id tins elioupOAt aero properlj' lo bu hail the t > ainodlntunenoulwltli thoudvaiitiiool'Hmooth | , letulioad all the way. C. 1 ! , Majiio , lith ! and Karnriiii , _ _ _ D'1"i'- K OLIS1 > , otstnmlrt , llemls , 1'ith anil 1,1 ( Ml SAI.i : The finest ncro propoity by lorn- iKldii j-et oirored Is llelheilini ) . whluh lies ill- locllr west ol Ft Oinuha ; CMI ) to SI' ' * ) per acie ; this Is the clKnipest acio piopurlj * tlio NUIIIU dis- tancaont wit i tiiuadvuntiiKO of t > iiidoth lux 1 roud all thu way , C 1 ! Mayne. 15th anil I'arnuin. 17OH SAMI : I will ficll a numburof line cot- Jtnifos and lots to KOOI ! parties on inoiilhly payments. Also a number of line ilrlvint , ' horses nnd n lot ol top bUifKios that I " 'ill Hell on tlmo or trade lor real i-H.atu. Ik 1' . I'ruyn , 1571 Ninth IHII. fi77M _ J ? OK HAI.H The llnest Kiibiirban re property \\nliiut HHI. Without a doubt this properly Into bettor prospects lor limnndlate ndi'itiK-e. than anj other addition the same dls- tuiueont , Wltli street car line now brilntf built , Ilelt line Kl'ii'ltxl ' tlnouKli. und a deixit Ideal eil In the tHUitorof tlio propeilj' , neaiiy lee line build- | IIH ciocied duilntf tnu past Hummer , makes Walnut Hill the most dctdrahlo uiiidcnco prop- ( irty In the niaikot today. . Call and take a ridu with its and see lor youi-soUc" , I'rlccs nnd tiirnm vn ry if < usenublo. C. II. Maynu , Miiithwoot txnnor FillLCiith and Farniim , CI5l54U-3i ) FOH SAI.i : Walnul Hill lots tire the bolt , the chcupo-t nmi moit Oeulrublo , U , I' . Mayne , 1Mb imil 1'itriiuin. _ _ CTil-jiT _ HOIISKi , lots , fiinns , lunilallumls , 1'jib anil Donglm , & 'M U5nov" o FOHSAI.i : Newpoit , neurojt ncro lots. If you ( onio and seu till * pi'oi't'ity ' you will ad mit H Iti the neatest , best and che.ipest ncio Iota lor biilo. Ames , 15U7 Furiiam , CM ) 170U BAI.H Story and hulf hont > e , 7 roomg.vol- JU h r mid clMcrn , lot 'Mx\W. \ on I'opplelon licnrxftlh si. , on citby ti mis. 5I.MW. A , McOuv- cx-k , UWJ Farnum tt , : I7U ( Ml RAI.I'-Wulnut lim lots are the butthO olii-upont and mntl du fruble. U , Ii , Muyue , 15th and Furniim. ! i"C-37 ITIOIC SAI.H OH ixciiANm-rino : : bi-icii JJ horiMi , It ) rooms , barn und Btablo , city viucr nnd necoi'sary outhouEci oxuhaiiKeil for im proved tuna not over 'M miles Irom Omiiliu , It. K. AKCIIIS nuixl not upply , Adilrooi K. K llco _ S45-UJ1 _ 17011 SAI.F.-Iicnutlfulru.ldonoo lota In Wnl- J nut Hill J-Oi to $7UU each ; lo tnir com ciu-tb , balunco moatUly jmymcuU. C. K. ilayno , IDtli aud FurUKliu 67U-.T 7'Ml ' SA1.1" Nowxirt | npnrWt , i , 'irn t new bet and cttonpoM nero lol . Now port vlls fa ti > r tlmn ntiy othor. NowinHt H tiftirer than ntij-olltw. Newport Is baiulMiinely Im-jitod. Newport has not a bnd lot. NeuJKiit Is all Kotkl lots. ; New port sells tm ter than anj I h tuff. NeHpoit N thu I'hokK. Newport Itn lies the biljTr. Newj oil slid.- * the people. NewKirt | sells on Its merits. NowM | > rt ivti stand lmt < .stl < ; nlion. Noit port Is pluco for homes. N n port w III iloubki In valno. NewjNirt cannot l > ee < | Uidlsl , Newport plwiK" * the publlo. Newjiort vou must wjo. Newport t on w 111 llku. Nowpoit H ne'irer. ' Nowjioit js bettor , Than any item lots pvt > r "old In thU inurkot. nnd hi.njoiisecilt you wnladinltlt Is ull and morn Ihanls clalmot for It , liiinunud MM .Snwitoit n < iw. It will pay you to do so. Ames , 15J7 I'ar- mini. 017 17oTlSAi".l-iVtridtsTni : : ? lieor ln"At7t < 7 two" JL" blocks S. of I.i'at enworth , f IRW or t-V ) eurli .1. K. lllley A. Co. M S. bill St. ill ! * 17011 SA1.1 ! Tlio tlm t subnrlmtt rvsidenco JL1 piMpeityl.s Wnlrint Hill. Without a doubt this property liai bettor ] irospoct lor ItnmtHtlato hail n llj' other ndiillliin the mime dis tance out. AS till street cur Irnu now beltiff built , licit line pnidfd tlirouitb. und n depot located In tin- center of the property , neai Ij tun line bnllil- li'tfs ' eriH.-tod duihiK the past siinuni'i- , makes Wi.lluit Hill the deslrablo 'reililenco prop- ( rtv In the market todujCull iiinl tukoa rldo with us , and see tor jour.votvo.s. I'lloes uttd terms \ei\v leaMUnitile. ( ' . K. MKJ'IIO , Mint hw est comer Flttienth and Farnam. ' 170H Al.K-Artii lots In llelvedwool ! to 1 t-.t ) ca-h. No hills to climb. Nloolovtilroud all thu tray. Snkndfd loualbn. View utisur- luissed. t. I' . Majiio , I. til and Filriiiini , l > iiil ; ; 170H SALK- Sixty aoies thn-o mil's from the JL jiostolhco w ould eAtiaauKe tor oil J' propi'i ty. A bal-Kum. House , luun and lot. MU.W , for SI.'SM. and oorner lot , JU'oo. NVtnild t ko a pair ol tioi-veslu putt pa.Miiont. lll lot , cast trout , with 7-riMmed ) lieu o on iraundirsund Oiace tor M.eoo. A KHV lei left on West iHmjru fctttH < i nl a bar- ( 'Uill. Lot and two houses on ! Wth Ptreet , neur Far- I nil'lot , south front , fl-ioomed house , Unit , neur Division , Iorooo. ! Otioof tliu tlnest vor nora In I. < iv-o\s at a bar gain , llidiiiu ltros.iit ; h. UtU. % 4.f- : > lilOHS VI.i-Cbeiiplotnln : Mclrosu Illll : * .W ) 1 ? bujstlmin , by piijliiursil ilown. bulaneo > „ : > . .nejtlrtxu : months. Ames Fu7 Furtnim. fii ) . - lesldoneti lots In Wai- 1 nut Ulll JS-Vi to'.cli , in per cent i-ush bulunco moiunlj pajments. O. I' * J.Iayne , lulh nun Km nam. int-7 > Olt SAI.1I Heuutiful riHidenco low In Will- 1r 1 nut HHI * - ' i 10 fHi ( each ; Id tier win casii , baliiiice nio nthly payments. C , 12. Jluyne. 1'ith and Farnum. ( t'ii ' 7 7Olt SAI.J" Lot with new hoii'-e , .1 blonks - westofVark ruenue , ? 1 , " > W. J. I ! . Hilej ti to. , 215 3. ithbt. : : cC.'l 17OHS.\l.i-Acro : lots In lleUeileio. i' X ) to ? m * 1 ouch. No hdlto climb. N eo Unel loudall t..e way. Splendid locution. Vio\v \ unsurpiis-oil C. K. .Miiyne , HUli und L-arnam. d\-i-\\ \ \ \ 17011 SAI.i : Mclroso Hill on belt lino. Kiomul L1 nil cadj- deeded lor depot ; lots m-llliur at $ uim > , only sOdottiibiiliriattJii otvry Unco niontlis. Amea 15.J7 Fill num. "wil iiOIlSAIii : lleinillful rusideneo lots In Wai- nut Hill $ 5i , to MUlitaea ; I ) per cent ca H , btilance monthljpajmentf. . C. 1. . Maj'tio , I..IU aim I'm num. 5,1- , ; FOR HAI.U Oood nonse and lot In north ( > malia..houio has 5 luivo rooms , cullor , well , * lt KI , easy terms. W.'t.ia- ( ! hum , L'reJ liton block. ITIOIISAU : lleiHitlfill resldcnoo lots III Wai- .1. nut Hill JviV ) to ifOeauli ; III iior cent ca-h , balance monthly payments. 0. I. . Mayno , lain anil lainain. , nii--7 "I71O1S SAI.K On Sanndor.s Bt , , near cur line , -i-1 lull lot ; east liont ; now IHIU.-C. u-ktor > , 7 rooni.s , $ ; , IK I. Very elieaii. J , I ) . Itiloy i'c ( 'it. , .luS. iflOll HAf.i : The ilk-oat , thu nourost , the elieapo-tt and mo t to Inn bu.fl- Unas Loiiuir.ViilniU Hill is lar ahead ol nil other Mihiiibun roolilonee pionert.\ . tall tin I tiiKi * a rldo and wo lor jourholl' . C. U. Mavno , IMh and Fainani. ri7ii7 J7OK SAI.F. Tlneo lots In IChUwood'rt add. 1 S4./tl.A. / _ _ _ ! ilj''lv""I ' { ' MM I'aniiini nt.HJ _ ! FOlc SA 1.13 Omaha la a iowlinr city an I lots for JIliH ) a pluco aio bcurcehen ; you ( jet them in Moliow HIM at pn-M-nt ) > rlu > s and ternm , you fjet a ram baiK"in. Muho-d Hill Is ten minutes walk liom 1'urk Avc. btreet car- . , nnd has a hull line de ) > ot loi-ulod on It. Come and ceo Molrc u Hill. Ames , IOU7 Farnum. r > MI F KAI.1J Thu ( h\est Milmrlmu rcsideni o ' property Is Walnut Hill. Without a doubt this property has holler prospects lor Imineillale adviiuco than any other addition the sumo dlv tunco out. With htieel cur line now belinr built , Ilelt line graded tliidiitfh , and a depot located in the center of the property , nearly MM tine build- IHKH oroetud dnrlnx the past Minimor , iniikOH Walnut Hill the most ilti-lnUild lesidenco piou- eity in thoinutkot to-day. Call and take a ride with im , ami see for j ourselves. I'ricos and terniH very leasonnblo. C' . 1C. Mayno , Miiithwust corner Flltoenth and Farnain. btMbll-'M ( 17OKSAtK For a few days , " ! < 6 nnd r , acre 1 lois m lUmlleld at Sirxi and up an aero. This is I'M ' hulow prices joining : this tract. J. W. Mar- bliall , IMHI 1'iiniaiii St. Ittti.-J7 Foil SAI.i : The nicest , thu neuro-t , the chenpnst and most eonvdnlent to the busi ness comer. Walnut Hill In lar ahead of all other huliiii'ban rosidcnco properly. Call and take a rldo and see fur yourself. 0. K. May no , 1Mb and Faruam. IYTO-27 IjlOK SAI.IJ Tliifiilc-oit , " tlio iieurost , tlio J. ulioapust ami mobt convenlenl to thd busl- lioss center. Walnut Hill It lar ahead of all other HUbiirban loildonuo proieity. Call and lake a ride and see lor youiselt. 0. K. Mayno , ir.tb and 1'annim. & 7U7 " 7 < OH HAI.I' Two Moiy lionio , B looms , bath , I1 bay window and all coiivenluiico.s , cornin- lotdflxiuj , i > iiky tuiina. jfJt.'At ' ) . A. JlcJa\ock ( , inui ) Farnnm. IITH "I71OII HAM : It von can buy unit ) lots as near , JL' filtiinted as well as No\vpoi | , you can IIOHIIKI of doubling your money in a JCIU-'H time ; can > ou do asMill with It In any ether way/ When jou HHI a city Ki-owlmr UKo Omaha umieniber It I the Ki'ound that makes you money ; when yon buy nciosjdu KOI lanil onouifli in ono acio to rnako BI.OO 1 lots , and auio luls are now thu tiilni * to buy. Como and i > o Newpoit.whieh you tun niiHlly JndB" ol' yoni-Aelf ; all iwliwl of you Is to too It and bo ( ominccd as to what U rcallj la. Amos , l.r . > u ; Farnam , csu HAI.i ; Larwo new U ! room houho * Two loin Inoxlio wwt Jiont every tonvonloncH. J'urty wlsliosto lomove imin oily nnd will t-oll cheap on euay terniH. ( ioorplu Avennu 1 block troml'aiK Avo. , M. , cur line , W.u'.o. A. Mo ( iitvock , IViti I'liniiHii H. 4 ( it Foil SAIi : The nicest , the nearest , thu cheapest and most convenient to the I ii uicss center. Wnlnut Hill H fur aliead of all other fiiihiirhan ie.sllem-0 pro ) > oitv. Cull and take u iJdoamlMX ) toryoureolf. ( X 1 * . lajno , 11th and Fat . " num. WO-7 " 17011 HAM ! Two full l.ils , corner , \vesloud J1 two blocks 1 1 din Farniin : st. ; wintli fumt and on irrado ; $ lM ) for both. A bargain. .1.1 ! , Kilcy & Co. . sr > B. lHMbl ; , 317 SAI.I ! The liiuwt siiliinbun roslileiuio piopurly In Walnm Hill. With t a doubt IhN property bus betterpioBpoctHfufli.imodlalti advance than an > other addition tlu < Hame ills- tuneoout. With Ntiiiot fur line now liningluilll , Ilelt line railed tliniu/ili / and a depot loi.ated in tlio center ot the piojieily , noaily line InilldlnvMiircvti-d durlriK ihu na't Mimmer , mnK i Walnut Hill the most desiiiiblo n < nldonce proii- iirty In the inui lull lo day. fall and take a ililo ultn us , mid sen for ) ouir.olvn $ , J'rlces and tenim very icHMinalile. ( ' II. Maynu , wnit liunst corner Fitttenth ami rarnuni. ffl.rt.1lll-.M : 170K HAM5-i ; lot on Fouili Kill . ; cwcy pny. J inenla \eiycln-up ! , For Sale Advisable place to loc.Uo nnd build ioci'i-y ftore , Vlnton * M . , near tormlnurtof litli , bt. curllne , $ l.UUU. ,1. K. Ulloy > V Co. , 'M 9.jili. : | T7IOH HAI.U-Tho nicebt , tlm iioaro-t , Urn -I chrupxst nnd moat coimmiunt lo center , Wnlnnt Illll I * litr nlieud of nil other Bilbuibnn ru-ldenee projiortj * . Call nnd tal.o n rl lo nnd t-co for joitinclr. C. U. Muynu , IMIi iiin ) Far nam , D7'-'i7 ' ) ; dohlra bio roshlcnco , fJfM. J. JJ. illljy d Co. , air. s. iuii ; a. ; IIH 'ITIOU SAM' roirnr lot Jl blocks fiom 6troet J"carN. . J. K. Itiley V < - ' < > 'M a 1 ) tli st. Uiu 170118AMi Iiots In HatiM-om Waco ffom " .1. to lltiiu. cit y terms. 1/ota' cm I'orU anil Ucoitflu AVfimcg i\'M \ , W , T , Urtiluiiit , Ci olifhloii block. lr. . | . T710K8AU * A fcwloti In ISnrllottB udillllon , X' tluco blocln : IVi'in ' etrr-ot ourf.ViUK'H \ > nn monthly pnyutoutn. WT. Uraluim , L'roiubtoti block. i.vj 3711 MS SAI.i : lldiii.r.s nnd Iul9 oil monthly p y- 1 menu. I ) . 1 , lUyUen , fUnndtre , luj ( i > n l.ako Hint V.'IUU HVC3 , frfj--- SAI.E-Chotoo corner let Ic RcvJ'K 1st U I'oHt-r it Cobti H SAI.I. Flt > l ( > ln < w in room twltlfnpo , 6 JL' fmitufvIrom PrtXIon bold , full lot , vpletidld location f IO.UM. 10room rosldenwmodern Improtc-tnents on , S Mh Mtunrflt .Mnrj'ontt-nuo No. 1 locution srpianvr from court hotlfo with nl- most now K room cottime , f.l.HM. Uit bUirSfiil fnint on 17th mid tstli street with one fl room nnd one II room hoUM.iwIth nil . . . Do not fnll lo Itivesllirnto. thorn U money In It. Cor lotHth near Wlllhims.fOxHtt , with Mirull Ulill Illilsluvl buIKu , flJ'WJ. ' : ilotj > cnr LnkpnndF.tli.lK'i n cnit front nnd 140 It deep wit lifl room liouti. , $ ; i"o , ru y tcrnift , a ( Treat Imrmilti. CorS.'dnndl'lorcoNrrontlSxlOSwllli ! 4 oil- taireaiMi. ( Hliero Is n Ixiritalu. 73 lm > t orst front , n 17th near Oil mlllnltli ono I ) nnd one n room house , f.tixi. A banrnlii. Choli-o Ion In Hiinsoom i into , JUIP , easy torms. Cholro lot an I'ark atvnue , $1 M , asJ termn. " Cor lots In 1'ikcr's add near street car | U\V ) ( < uci | . r/it fUxti-Ti o front on 1 7th strict , Horbiiph's Ut udd , f SJ ft oust front , s 1.1th of near Wllllntnn wllh S story new tion > bulldlnir , JJ , ' " * * . AKreat Imr- snln. Ix > t 75 ft i > nst front with S now coltai-pi 8 IMIi , I NinurtK froin St Marys ave. $5ixxi ; ehivip. ! l choice lots In W. A. Itisllck's add , (5XI ettoh easy terms , Laruo assortment of suburhin acixi lota ami. ot-i In most any addition at low UKIIIIW. 1 acre with small new hout > u In UrooKlIno udd. ' $ rii ) . ( * aertN In llmokllno add , $ . ' eaolr. 4IM aorivs fi iiilles Irinii Oaiuha , with not low thnii $ GIIIJ woilh unprovcmentN ; n oholeo fnnn it JJV ) per aer.i. K > acres 7" mile * from postolllce , hlnlily im > iiroted , > . ) . _ _ ' u | i'n _ & Co. , I.1W Furnam st. Full Ncw-j ort , mmcst , ucrv lots. lSo\vpoit \ .K t nml cheapest ncro lots. Newpoit wlls taster tlmn liny ether , Nowpoit Is neuror ihnu any othnr. New-port Is linmlfomtilr located. Newport bus not a bad lot. Nowpoit Is all -loml lot.s. Nov port sells lifter than ntirtlilnff. Now ( wilt is the choice. Newport Int lies the buyer. Newport suits the peoplti. Newj-oit tolls on Its niert < , .N"ew | > ort can stand Investlu-atloa. Nowpoit la a | IIK-O lor homes. New-pin t will double in value. Newport cannot be equaled. Newpoi t pleujos the pnbho. Newoit | jou must niu. Nottpoit ton ti II like. Newport Is nenrer. Now pott Is better , Than any aeie. lot over Hold In this umrtrt. , nd when ton * 3O It ton will ailmU It Is all iid \ moiv than U clalme I for It. O1" " ' nnd see New * [ Mitt now , ( t will puy jou to do M ) . Amot ) , 1&07 I'armtm. _ _ _ _ _ W7 | j"OK 8AI.I' Tlio llnest Huhniban rcsldeniHi -I1 propiitty Is Walnut Hill. Without a doubt Ills properly has better prospects for Immedlalo advaneo than anj other addition the mimu ills- laniu out. With stieet car line now belli ) ; built , Holt Line in-ided tliiuni'h.unda dei > ol looated in Hie cemer ofthe pit > pertj , neiiily lOU line build * nirH erm'teil ilurluK the paat Hiitiiinor maken Walnut Illll tu ) > most dcglia'ilo ' rexldencti projt- 'riy la ( lie miiilii-t lo-daj. Call nnd takonrldo \\ltii us and set < lot jouivelte.s , 1'ilcctt and IcriiiDiniisoimhlo. ( \ II. Mnyno , s. tv , onIMIi mil Fairiam. iVili" . ONLY ftiIota lo trndn for Improved piopertj % will assume nioitvriie.s ( or pay dlirerenc-o In cash. 1'artios wishing to trade Ixittor call at onco. W. H. Oiecn.oyer Isl National Hank. 174 [ TMlllflAI.I. lloiiKi and lot mid ten loin near i Purlc iiv iiiin < . cheap , on eusy terms. O. P. IStebbln : ) , Itoom ill , Ailln Km Illock. mr > nov7 * T7UMI SAl.U-OuK Challuun-This Is what , V was onllc'd the Tonslev track : tliu ( 'eutrul Depot of IheOmuIni licit line roud Is located i > n Ouk Clint ham ; Oak chut hum Is oppoxllo ! ndro ) Hedlek's iosiUuiee | on Suunders street ; Vou can make join-monoj'doubloon thu.solole ; ( 'onieundi'eoOukCliiilhum befoiti It tatonluto ; Omaha will double her population In fi joarc ; Vou can ilotibln.tooi monej on Oak Chatham In less than ono yiuir ; Come and sco Ouk Chut hum t You can tin n bcu nml juilwu lor joureulf ; Amus l.ViT I'ai'niiin : RIM iriHt HUNT New house V looms , Olid ol1 - ' | os | Imilt lionses in Onmhii , 'wl between [ 'iimlHH and Inird. $ 'J.i. Cdtaso4 rooms Ponth l-lh Pt. . &li. ! ColliiKe 'I IOOIIIH , Illth st. . nuur Pierce , f 10. Cottujfe U IOOHIH , Wtli neur OonjrliiH , $ s , Two li-ont ollice.i sucond Hloij * lluilier block , 151 h and Fai num. Two IIII-KO iiHinib In eltj * ball building- Kith and Fiirn.un. Onnor two small stoio looms on tfllli si nonr Farnam In City Hull hiilldlUK will bo nrranued to Hiiitienlur. ( J. K. .Mnj'ne , lOth and Ii'nrmim , _ C40 ; 171OU SA rU Ono of the fluent rc-ldLMico prop. i1 ertl ( > s In Omnlni , fir'.OvW. U. K. Mil ) no. Uth and Fin num. ! ' > 75 ITVHl HAt.K Three new cvdriiiFesr'llt'o'rofiTiis i. each. In Walnul Hill ; iniod c-ell-ira , uloxtitH , piintrlosolAluinn nt i ; two lots with ouch eottairo * IKW epcli. J-H-0down and ? U per month. C. K. Muyno , 1Mb and I'm num. UrJ HO.Mi : SKHKKUS , A'lTRNTION-FoT'fiill p-Tr tlciihirs ulHiut free and ehean lundH In Woslern Nobrasltu address Puttorsoil & Whlto , Hi-ill Hstuto A-ont ( , Noith I'lutte , Nell. 17 > HAI.i-Oak : ( Jlmlliniii This U whi't JL1 was oulliMl the Toiislej tiuclc ; thu Central Depot ol'tlicOm.ilia Holt line Mind is locutod on Ouk Chitlmiin ; Oak Chutham Is oppoflto .Inil n Hedlek's KMldenoo on Suiindnrs Wreet ; Vou can nmke your monejloiiblo on these lots ; Como und son Ouk Chatham hnioru It Is too Into ; Omaha will donblo her population In n years ; Von can double j our mini py on Oak Chatham lit less than ono j ear ; Como and bee Ouk Chutham ; Von can then teu and JmlKo UirydurtuH1 ; Amos 15J7 Farnam , ( I4H FOHSAI.II-MeliosoHlllH 10 minutes wnlls trom Hanscom I'urk and I'urk iivonny atuut CUIH ; a lot baa benn nlven to the belt line company foradeiMit ; jou buy lots In Mulioso Hill lorKimion o.isy pajmonlh , KKJ down , bill- mice i3 inery HIKHJ iiiorillm ; these lots uro cheap , well Iroiited nnd cannot bo lautchod , jmos , 1507 Farnam. Flt ) HAI.i : ITlotHou ( leorKia ami Vlrtfluk- IIVDS , , Itedlck's udd. fll'iU , ! to tl.WW oaoli : cuby terms. CiMi ) New ootttiKon rooms , ( food burn , corner Crairlund I'ier Hlrcots , fJ'UO , , monthly puy. inents. (171) ( ) 1/ot laulatr HuiiPcoin park on I'ark nvo. , flitK'ciwy ( terms. ( J. I ! , Mil ) no , ICtlt und Fur- nam. _ _ _ -JT1 171)11 SAI.IC Cheup , a flue lot in Hanscom -L1 Plaeo. Addt ess N. F. F. , Iteo ollleo. 151 17OIC SAI.K A iwo ptory , ! 2x o , f > - nio buliil. -I- Ilisf , Millnblo fora Moie , nuur luth und Fur- nam stu. Apply ut this oIlUK ) . _ V17 _ plIHSONAl , Any Intonnutlon relative lo tlm I wliereal-onls ol' Mill-in Kiue.wlio lolt nervlcn with Mra. Wymuti In city onomnntli rmoitml Inn nol commiinleuted with hortrlemlA Hlnco , will botlitnklully rucelvod by Vondolu Johuson.caru H. A. I'aniKdeo , Oiaalia. U1. " > " 1 H AVI ) UN'S Vholcindlers , wlmlosalo and roi ( nil at. I. iMoVutlo d , llth amU'arnain. llHii l MOM'V to loun on reid ostalo hoonrltyr" * Nn cominlsMon clnirged. U , 1 { . Mavno , 15th ami Furniim. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r _ _ W ) Nov. ai _ 1JH1VV VAULTS , fcinliH , cosupoolH clonnodi entirely odoilu-a way. Ii. hwlnir AU > llK.-BH thrdllgll | HsolliCO. | LICSSONS iroitA vc w-i'iipn tniwlri boiv toniuku ciiiyon portrallH , A Ill'n alzo portrait trait 1 1 ( Jin any photo pupil may doslro Klvc-ti Itcd with term of leMinH. . ( 'oluull , V Cooke , uitlMs , llootri l , Ailiiittton IliooU , west of 1' , O , U77novU LAOlF.SIn wnnt of irood Bill fo work A.U. , can llnd them by appljliiicatOma- ha Kinphij-niurit lluieuu. II : ! I Furinun Ht. II 17 AI.WAVhon liiiml ut a | iai'S7.ln , No. I hi hand carrhitfO phaetons and side bar _ ( Clob , ut A. .1. Simpson , H'W ' and 1411 Diidjfu St. fM7 LAOll'S lu wunl of Kood ddincMlo liclp oaij bo supplied by calling on the Omnhu Km- plovnient ( illleo'JI7 N. Hilli Bt. , up-btalra , MM. J. W. MorriMjn propiietor. B74f _ _ _ _ ] " > ltlVV vnulls linn cesspoola t-leanod In nil . odoileas way liy F. ( i. Abi-l , I' . O , Ilex 1173. iir , svr.s'iiiiN : HWIMiti.uiin' : ; . Prim-in. . unit ( -urn ! lli > iM'lii > lur .mi4 ln > | lu f.uicii. Ahk your ilrarKt fir uiiiHtifi ) AiMri-oH , W HiMiiH : ( Jo. , Oliialiu , Nc-brimLa. A. i o NUWB Nit : ( jooilwiu , tlio uinmlik ) conioilluti , Htiya thai I.utvntnoo liairoU : unl IKI went into tlm I'ulmcr lioiti'i ) liurhtsf hltop tlm oilier inoriiiii" ; to ut hluu'cil. BaiTtitt foil into it cluiirllint wns iii'iislilod itvtiv \ > y ono of your tallcti * tivo ImrburH. 'Dill vou houtlint inutt wlm jtt.slgot out of thu olrttlr ? ' ' ; i.sKi-l ( tliu lii'lior. ) : ' No , " rt'iilioil ' Htirrul , iinliDunjiilly , " 'I hut with Jiulyu ( Ji'ttsluiiii,1. Kiiii'l ( ho barhur. ' ' 1 tliilit't know liim wlioii ho ut < Juwn , hut whitn I ooi ; to work on him f knuvvho WUK it iml o just by thu look and niiiimcr lui Inul. it's a win ulm1 tiling , but I fan loll a tuiiirs tnulii nuiirly ovury tiuio by just lonkinj : at him. " "You nan. uliy" ctaitl ilitiTclt inoroilu * lously. "Well , tliun , what liiHinua unt I 'j'lio bafbcr ran his mi | l llngorH ever Hit1 traj-wlhin'ci liund , lltnii atoppnl for. tvtml in front of llru uliair innJ sonilini/ . cd the tragedian's face nnd , prrson in- linilanil UIKII.viili an oxpru.-nioti t { fOf.iiUinaitco anil u lone of voice tmt ! wcro hulf-liiqiilrlnKiinrl yet half-po3lti p , the burhor said : "bhou btoroV"