THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , MONDAY , OCTOBER 26 , 1885. . PURITY A POLITICAL DELUSION Tlio Operations of the Civil Scrvico Law a Commodious Failuro. ' TEE CASTOR OIL OF POLITICS , Anil nti ItirrlnKoiiiont of tlio 1'rosl- UOIII'H Constitutional Powei-s Nebraska llclfoi niern anil 1'ostjil [ WUITTKW von TUP. mr.l : In thlg letter 1 propose to give my vlowa on the much mooted question of civil ser vice reform , It will bu understood , of course , that ( hey are the views of myself only nnd do not represent the Ur.ii on the views of any other person. For three or four years or so the two great parlies of the country , repub lican and democratic , have stood In the presence of a few self-declared righteous .men who arrogate to themselves all the purity and uprlghteousness there is in political life now known by the classic title of mugwumps , as moral cowards , Iloth parlies utterly detest civil service ns it ia now known and practiced , and conventions liny Mallow reso lutions cnuoi sing it with wry laces and rebellious stomachs , as much so as if they were taking doses of ipecac , and thus a few impracticablcs dictate thu course of the two parties in this respect ; nud they , tlu two parties , oiler their en dorsement of the civil service us a bribe for mugwump votes. Not since this gov ernment was organized has there boon euch A I'OUTICAI. Ilf.I.r.SJON palmed oil'on the people , as what is now , known as civil service reform. Its advo cates cry aloud as to its merits , nud Iho blessings it bus conlerred upon the poo- . Lloriuan IL Kulon lauds il to the Iilo. bird lieaveu , as a master piece of politi cal invention which will remove all im purities , nil obstacles towards perfection from our governmental system , and all lesser mugwumps unite in Hounding its praises , This is to be expected , lor tlu-y naturally want to make a good showing for tin ir weakly ollspring. And yet , if they are asked to point to one single aspect of the public service where an im provement has been made , and they nro utterly at sea to lind it. They will say , "oh , yes the improvement has been won derful , " but that is nil thu answer you will get from them , as to evidence of it , they arc dumb. Civil service designs to Ignore nnd sot aside senators and mem bers in making appointments lo othce. Air. Cleveland has eairiud this purpose Into practice iu part , and Clever , since the first president took ollice , have so many ox-penitentiary convicts and in dicted persons.been appointed to lederal ollicus as have been appointed by the present president. lie has DUO III' MOIlrt KKA1II)3 und has boon obliged to recall moro unlit appointments in the last seven months than wore over known under the four preceding administrations. The expla nation of tliis fact is just tliis , he has dis regarded the advice of senators , and . . members ; ho said in his letter to KaU > u , accepting the hitter's resignation as chief of the civil service commission , "they impudently stand between the ollicos and the people " I hold it to be utterly im possible for the president .and huads of departments to make appointments intel ligently and niiderstandingly without consulting senators and members from the states anil districts in which the ap plicants live , . They stand in closer rola- . lions to nndiaro-more dirciltly the ropre- fleutativeH of the people than any other' ' persons ; and they can bu held responsi ble , too , while no responsibility attaches .ito the privatn oituiiu. The prjsi 1 snt does not knowor at least is not expected to know , many pr vate citi/.dna ; but ho does know the senator nnil member nnd 'that the f people have sent them there to represent the people. Who ought to be better posted as to thu lltn iss an I ipi ill- ficatioiisof applicants lor ollices than they ? No system is perfect , but every one lias its evils. Members and senators may recommend bad aiipoiiititiei.t-s , as they sometimes have done , but I have yet to learn that a senator or member has recommended n convicted lelon for a federal position , and yet Mr. Cleveland 'lias been misled so much bv depending on private individuals , tlmt ho has in less 1 than eight months' tinio cotnmissionc.u about a dox'ou convicted or indicted ras cals , thus very clearly proving that in stead of turning the rascals outhe is only turning the rascals in and turning honest men out. ' I am utterly and unchangeably op posed lo niiy policy that tends toward tliu establishment of n lift ! teniiru of ollico. The whole'theory of our system of gov ernment is opposed to it , nnd the framor.s Of tlie manifested their . government op .10 position to jt by providing BlIOItT'TKUSIS OF OPPICK in all oases except United States judges. The president holds for four years , and when he retires , his cabinet ollleers are expected to retire with him The consti tution provides that senators shall hold for six-years and members for two years only The terms of nearly all olliues , aucn as United States marshals , district attorneys , postmasters , laud oil cers , povernors and secretaries ot territories , nro limited to four years. Kvcry New England state elects its governor every year , Now York elects its governor oucu } n three years , Pennsylvania the samu ; Ohio , omul in two years ; Indiana and Il linois once in four years , and , I think. Missouri iilito. Nearly all the other mates , once iu two years. All the state ollicers , or nearly no , are changed aNo , nt IhaHiimu timu. Why irerpu-nt changes ji olllco , provided in every de partment ; , pf tlirt general ami state gov ernments , by the Wisest statesmen of the 1 century which has passed , if tliu porma- nout tenure system is the perfect pana cea for all evils it ; the body politic ? One object was , to bring publlo oilloura into close relations With the people , so tlmt if they prove faithless to their trusts , the p 'opln eau put butter men in their iilacuH , It was to have public o'licers ' fuel and know that their olllcial nets must bu pafwed in review by tlio pulfliu iudgu- muni ut frequent itntl stated periods- . Tor a senator or member to have any thing to do with appointments , it is A I'UIIMCTO HIM , Whcro ho makes one friend , ho leaves u do/.en enemies. But under a truly dem ocratic , republican system or govern- ineiit , the evil cannot , in my humble judgment , bu avoided The present civil servier statutes apply only to clprkhhips in the departments ut Washington , 'and in the va'-ious uiistom houses and postolllees throughout the country. The persons in those positions tire filled for llfo , or good behaviour. And right here this elvil .service 1 * fasten ing upon { -the government one of the must ull'ectjvu agencies of corruption is fastening upon thu government a class , aud hedging them in , of persons who will the moreVonddy yield to the siitL't- : t'vo inlliiuncca , of the tempter and lao knave , In my judgment the cliances for corruption are thus greatly Inerunsed IVifHoiin who know they ant .subject 10 removal in four or SIK vinrs. or si or at will , are much mnro likely t. Hot them- Helve.lirmly against temptation , than those Who te'el tha : thev HIM Herman nt- lyiutiiiro against removal. I'lm kind of corruption to which ruleroni-u i > uridu. is \vlmrt tint pariy HiM'king a dnoisu i ; i | - proachcK the Oui' who liuikr.s the decision or rK" t , wifli impiopi'i' appliamuvi. It f .1 1 nii'-u'lion bitvu'fn the two , ( t is utmost iiupui.-.ib'o ' lo nrovo. fnr It tloc < ? not tnl < o plnco in tlie market lihicc , or buforo tlio world , but. bolwoi'ti lltumwlviM only , with no witness. If t'linr od or stispcolcd , both w , II awcur to thtiir Innocence. To Ulna- trntoi 1 ( iiuio mill to ivKonlU'innn n few yenra ngo , who hail n Inrpo niiuiiint of him ncs.1 before seine of the di > hiirtincnU iu Wushinftton , AND wno WAS vr.tiY arociissFijL In Imvlng liis oliilins'allowi'il , liouis it ( lint you utmost invnriiiblv succeed with "Well " said ho "its I your CIIMPSIT , , am nbont rotlrinR from bitfilncfis I will ti-11 you. I niiiniiKd to see tlio jnirtlcs who mnko the roporU. " In nnawor to my in- ( | iiiry us to his inpthoil of procedure , he Hiiid hi ) would mnko the acquaintance of the \vlioo\nniliipil the cnse. nnd drnw up tin ; rupert for hifl chief to net on. He would InviUi him to his room ; if ho cnma ho knew he hail him , Refreshments fol lowed , interspersed with conversation iijion thu Hinnll pay of the clerks , anil a kind Hiifnri > fttion tlmt tlioy ou ht to lay fiomethlii } * by for n rainy day , all of which would bo kindly received. Ills claim would soon bo favorably reported , nnd allowed , nnd In due time thu pocketbook - book of the clerk would not ho troubled with cmplimiiifl n much nail wan. Ho went on to any that , thu clerk who , to hl.s knowledge , had thin accumulated the most , had the confidence of his superiors more than any other one in the bureau Tin ! class of olllicho1dcr.s ! ! , where thn facilities for such corruption nre the most easily attainable , and where the govern ment can be most Rtirlously harmed , ills the object of thu present civil Homco to surround with Siifcguiinbi against re movals for llfo. AXOTIIRIt OIUKCTIOS1 to the present olvil horvico la\v is that It directly infringes the powers and rights ol the iirrshleiltconferri-d upon him by the constitution , in niukinir nppolnlmenus ; and I fully believe , If tliu question ever reaches the supreme court , the law will be declared in conflict with the constitu tion. In making appointments , the first ques tions to be settled are , is tlie applicant honest , is ho capable ; those hi1 ! nurse ! tied favorably , I hold it to bo the rijlit of the party in power to select its own political friends and supporters for olliro. The administration is held responsible for the jiolioh'3 of the government , and it should lie allowed to .select friendly uguntH to carry out these policies. DUMIIUSS men in the management of their own alia rs nre not ivpt to selet-t as agents for carry ing on their business , those who are hos tile to it. They prefer to trust it to friendly hands. Why should not the government bu permitted to pursue the same common souse course * Again , the arty in power that does not put its own riends and supporters in ollice ; and the man that does not Btaud by bis own friends will ere long go to tlioull as he ought to. CI.UVULANU'3 SLOW CANAL PACK KN- DOIWKI ) . It was amusing to road the resolution adopted by the Iato democratic conven tion at Lincoln , which endorsed the slow ness of the president in making removals and appointments. The record of the mental anathemas uttered by those same democrats , and of the number of times they have consigned Cleveland to shuol , would be appallmir to behold. And yet they humbly tibuso themselves before him and cry out , "it is all right , Grover , como round POOH as you can , " ivnd some of them adding iu u sort of undertone. j'but don't let the day of judgment heave in sight before you move. " They remind me of U party of miners where one of the number did thu coo'ong ' for the party. The rule was , that this ono \vliocomplnined should take the place ot the cook. The cook became tirrd of his occupation and thought he would set some of them to finding fault with the cooking. One morning he mived up the biscuit , composed of ono-half Hour and one half Rait , and , baking them , m > t them before the hungry miners. One of them , seizin" a biscnit/planti'd his molars in it and set his jaws to wagging , when ho suddenly exclaimed , "Well , if those ain't the golilarnd'fit , saltcst hisuuit , 1 ever ate , " just then he thought of tlio consequence quence of finding fault and quickly added , "but never mind , I like 'urn. L likn'iim any how : " Thn democrats ate salt biscuit with a gusto in that connec tion. The object of that resolution is too palpable > ! t is tally administered to Cleveland with the hope that it will in duce him to put an end to his procrastina tion so far as Nebraska is concerned , and hurry up the appointments. And now they are looking for the axe to fall a lit tle moro rapidly , i'UAUi > 3 uvr rosropi > iCK ijfHi'ECTons. Whether the civil service l.iw includes Iho inspectors in the iiosto lice depart ment or not , I do not know , but if that department desires to ferret out frauds upon the 'government , it hud bettor t ike hold of tlmt branch of the public ser vice. It will find that some inspectors , I do not mean all , have fabric-it voucher.- , for services never rendered ; they have made up reports of fictitious trips from their places of residence , their ollices , their headquarters to points two , three , live hundred or a thousand miles from their headquarters , their place of resi dence , whan , during the whole time cov ered by those reports , they did not leave their places of residence. These reports have been sworn to and sent to the post- office department and are now on file , and on these reports the inspectors mak ing them 'have ' drawn their extra per diem and mileage for thosu imaginary trips The proof of the truth of th"si > statements is in the postolllco d tn.irt- ment , and there are living witnesses to the truth of them. If the department will compare the reports of tri | > s alleged to havu been made by some inspectors , with the rants on which the same inspectors w < ire paid the per diem anl : expenses of said trips , the authorities will lind that said inspectors were thus paid at the places of their residences as shown by their re- C'-intson tliii buck of the warrants on wh'oh they were paid , and yet the re ports , OM lilo nnil sworn to , locate the mime Identical inspector ? on the same days , two. flvn , or eight hundred miloi nwnv. or , iu oilier words , the reports and the payments nut the same man in two pimp's humlr d of miles apart on exactly Iho sumo day.Jons Jens M. OltAVD ISUANl ) , Oft. 'A Id33. , Ixwt nnil mire-it preventive , I'ntr. M.u/r \VIIIKIV , Sl/i pur bottle , hohl by truwlsts ) und Otocer- . A Queer Ailvort IsomiMit. The following advertisement , which appeared recently in nn Knglish weekly journal. und < tr the head of "Tho Ken- mil. " the ndvortm'tr being u lady , is quoted by thw London Truth : Wanted u husband ntonce foriidnugh- tnr of Olnimiiiqn Sooty : he must be prUn brud nnd In London. Terms , u puppy. Thn foundation plank of the socialUts is : "freudom troin labor , un\ioty mid sorrow * ' This they can Mover gut ; hut St 'acohs Oil will give Komi'thing equal ly Ucbirablu , Irnuiloin from pain , Will tlimln > io to Ilunvnu ? "Mamma , " aiiid little Kmma , "will Jumbo go to heaven ? " ' 'No , dear ; ultphanU don't. go > to hunv. on ? " "Oh , I'm sorry.1 "Why are vou sorry , dpar ! " "T'Uisn , jf he don't do Ui heaven dn lit tle angels tan't wide on him , like uiu mid MIIUU other littlu dirN ( lid in du show \yheii hn WAM huru nun timu. [ Kentucky Stitu.smau. For 'ill years [ Tmirv F. It doom , of Shir * . ley , , , Aiiile-v'd tvith rhuum itisni , He liniiid no relief tilt ho took Jluoil'a The PHtsburg Boy Ontrowa tliDOahadiad Champion Oanman. < ST. LOUIS FLIES THE PENDANT , The Nntlotinl-Amoricnn IJOHRHO Con test. l\r tlie AVorld'fl Huso Whit Championship Won Ujf tlio Ill-owns. Wcomcr Ontrows llnnlan , ' AT.IIANV , Oct. 2 > . l'n bably 10KW ( ppr ons wlttiessc-d the slnglo-scall race forJt.lXWa side nt 1'leasnro Island yesterday between I'M ward Haiilano , oTl' mnto , nnd Jehu II. Tecmer , of McKcesport , Pa. The wl-athur and wnter were nearly porfuct. Thcro was a tlni'c-fool f > shet In the river , hou ever , jwhlcli rendere l It haul work for the imrsmcn jgolns to the stnke boat. Tlio rase was three jniles , with turn. In tjio betting Hanlnn Was the favorite anil many privide wafers wefe Inj'l ' at odds of 8KX ) to SIX ) anil $8) on iihn. in tfio pools sold on the Island before the stari Han- Inn sold lirst cholro at S50 toS'JO und S-'X ? oven after Teenier had won the "toss for position * Tenner nclccUd the liAiilo | | > osltloiihich wits coiiNltleiahle of an advantatce. At 4W : ) the 1111:11 : wore onleicd out by Hcf- oroe.Ianies I' , Ornnuid , of Hoston. At vexvn iiiliuitesbefoi-ori the wonl was Ivi'ii , .JJoth men were In linn eomlUion. ILtnlnn piH a trll'.e the Ixist of the htarL lowing tlilrty-Mx to TiHiinur'h thirty-four htiokcis to the tnmite. ) An eighth ol a mile ironi the .start lliin.uti had the nose of his boat to the trout , lull was L'l.inrlui ; nervously over athls rivahis then li be fenrrd him. The nu-o was derided lxi ( > ri ) iho sciillei-s Inul Kline half a mile. SIMM ) ; after leavln the qiiailer-inlle point , 'IVeiiur , | iiv urnuil uoik. dievv upon hts rival anil took ( ho leail , wlilcli ho never aUwwuuls ur- r < ii'lcivd. ' Thife-nuarti'i's of a mile from the siait lliinliinxsitn : OJHIII leimth nsteh ; oC 'JVemer and was taking bin wa lu 'IVeiner Inc'ii'.ised his lend to the blaki > bent \\lilyli he iiuclinl tliice or four lengths In mlvauciu He tinned in 11 : ! : . ' 1-5 nntl Hiinlnti eleven Mvoinlh later , lliinlun struck the Inioy Iliiht- Iv In tuinlin ; and pive up the Twiner rowed lolsmvly home , stopping Jvvfeo while opMsle ] | the Island to throw MFW.S to the Rpectiitois runt dip npnter fiom the river with his hands. He was wildly chiTivil as he pulsed the Island , llnnlan m\\ l ilo\Mi h lice 11 minnles Inter , lie luiknowl- clfjeil tlmt he was lahly lit'alcn ' by a better , and had noi'\eii'C to make. Tlie olll- elal time wasll:13. ! : A few ininntes , alter llanlon hail ie ] > , itied to his ( | imttciM , an us- hiK'iatid piess lepoitvrculled to wo hill ) and proponndcd the iiieslloii ] : " .Mr. llanlaii , wluit ( liijoti think of Teenier now ? ' ' illaii- liiu liKikcil up. l > etr.i\cil .signs of nniisunl emotion jus he s.iid : ' 'lam glad to lid de feated by a man like Teenier , but I don t like tlio idea ol' tailing out of my boat. " "What \vould have b'en the icsnlt had yon steered safely' " ' "Opinions anil ivsi.lls dit- fer , " ho re , lied. " 1 think T could have won on the hoini , Quitch. " 'JVemor , In rusjxnise to cal s , inonnUd the roni ot Ills boat hou < e and said : ' Centlemen , I iinvul thm niro to win , anil have done nt. I shall endeavor to do like- wlsoheieafter. That is all 1 have to .say. " A veiy liux'o amount of money waswoinmd lost on the race , a-jil the I'ltu-biiigetN vvho vveioheie In till lime , go homo liilai'lou.s anil with their pockets well nlleil. ' Ifiuihui's hhell , when it fouled tinMako boat , unset anil the oir-iinnn tluiiwn into the \vater. He was rescued by the people on the judges' boat , who lighted It and lopJaeeil Ilanhin In it. llnnlan then rowed down to the iinNiing point. Hiinlail su\s tliecoltisliiii with the blake was cuusctf by the htioiig cunent. Tlio AVorltVa Itaso Ball Cliainplons. CINCINNATI , Oct. SI. The ganu ycsturday bcUvuun the tit Louis Drowns , cliamplohsof the Amurlcaii association , anil the Olilcagos , clmtiipious of tlio National league , \vas the decisive ono In tha series between these two clubs for the championship uf the vvnrldj and icsiilUul In an easy victory for the SL Lenis twin. It was Clarkson's day to pitch , but he apjioaied on tlio grounds live m'uint-'H fate and Capt. Anson ordered HcCoriiilck,1 who pitrhed Friday , Into the box. IJat two bif were inailo off MeCormick I-'rlrtay. Ys - tcrdav hevas hit for a total of sixteen lt.uo , nnd this , with the miserable lieldlngoi me Chli'a KOS , deoliliil the game. The Chioa os took the lea 1 of two nins In the urst Innliu' on hits by Sunday anil ICelly on an error o ( IlirKloy. In HID tnlnl inniiu Woluli made a tluee-b.ugor and cnusud the plate tluoii''li Da'ryiuple's ' poor iieMin' . Itukley mid OomKkov mnile hits nnd Bark- ley scored while Co.niskoy was forced out l > v Uiibinson. Koiii ! > oti stolu ftKH > iul and came homo on a passed hall. The St. Lntds team won in the lonrth inning by hitting MuCor- miek safely nve tiiuiss.- The ne.ding.of the leau'iiu chainplnns In tins Inning was the womt w-en Imro lor HOIIIU tliuc. Anson made two hint muirs , . Wil'iams ' a wild throw nnd Dalrymplea vvi'd ' throw and Flint hud two pauM'd balls. 1 ho rosiit v\iw six rims tor the St. Louis t-wii , only two ( , r vvhloh vv.-io eainuil. In the hfth Inning Chicago linule tvvonnearneil rnns , out thi-r bud no elmneo to ovrri'imie the lead ol their opponents and Iho game liieieafter was devo'd of intercut. The last half of the eUhti , jmilng was mil plaved on account or ilarkm. but Is ennntid in llio M-ore. as the at. l.imis clnh hnd the gamu without. Playing their ha f. Tlioat- tiMiil.vnco wisl-w. : Jii0sooio was : SI. llouis lit , Chicago-I The Ontiilanr-llnmm IMnioli OIT. ST. Louts , Oct , a'i. Tim Caiidaur-llamm sculling match which- ts nnangisl to'he lotted on L'revo Cnsnr lake , near this city , oil November 1 lorS.VJO a Kliloand a merchants1 pin si1 for the same amount added , hits been declined off us a public evelit owing to tlio tact that tlio MK-onrl I'acilic rallioail vvionld not give the oirsnun a ) ) Jreenia e. [ The mutch will l > lowed , however , in tlie ) iear tiitnro for the niirohiaw'pursu ' albne ] but only Mili-.ctihe.rrt to thn piusu ami a lew of their fr.einls will be present > nt the contest , .laine.s A. St..lolm , ot this'city , hnckiu' of ( iauilnar , hat ici'inved a telegram finmVal \ - liicn llosshtntlng thai lu and Teenier WMO willing lo low ( liiiuliinr and m Uu. Jjt. .John aiccptcd thu piolfer mid I\\M \ \ tee | > ; iapleil | lioss In nnniu Ilio time and Hiato Jlow mich | he wisliiN to inw for. It Is not Vet known who will ho ( iiiuiliuu'.s iliiiUi , blltitise\iexted : : tlmt cither Hamm or Hurtinuf Will t > ilhe | I1IHI1. Cotnlcii eil William It. wlio'li'mideml' ' ilarkMtn , llfb- | ad | I'll ) rat Kliiomingtnn , III.'Wiis StMileiiccd totliepeuitentiaiy for lite thin morning. , An hour alt rllm sentence Jackson wax pn tliu cars on hi * way to Juliet. ' The tluuo Ilnll.uih who were found guilty ot t thecelctnatid "tiiinU" nuinliir Iu Chicago went tnoiiu'ht Into comt tins ino'inlng , Judge Havves ovi iinlid their foiiiiKil's motion Ipr n iie\y trhil ami sentenced them lo bu hanged Novt'inlK'r H , lC\-iovenior ( I'nge , of Vcimont , died n ( his ic.shliMico In Kutland ot bioiiclilalpnuiiinOnm to-da ) . The weekly bank Malenu'nt f\nvn ] \ a 10- Bei ve deereiisii ol .Til.OOO.t OJ. The banks now hold ! ? ! itoooixw In OXCCAS ot legal inutiU. Four WOIITII , Tex , , Oct , ii'i. Iej ] > orLs readied heiu last night Irom Chncmlmi , Don- ley county , and other joints' uji in llus Pan Handle , ot the most devastating piuliiy lues ever known In this Mate , U is believed Unit tint number ol ncritt burned OVCT willi up The country In which the lui'-s am raging extends from the Caimdlnn livei aoo mi.csMiuth. It is iiipoti.slhlu | asjct to give any Idea of the Individual inssta. Iu KOIIIO iilaces the cowboys wore obllgi-d to rkli > Into Out liiUc-s tn MIVU lliCJiisolves. Judu'o liitiwu. ot Clarendon , was. hcveruly burniil while t'luli-aun Ing tit savn his Miminur cui- tuji. which wasdosiioytKl. Fully oiiu-lnniUi or liiH raiii'o vvaa alao duoiroycnL The AV rd Trial. Jfuw YOIIKOcL 1M. The trial of Ferdln- and Wnnl was continued to-day. The work of obtaining a jury was resumed. , Ward looked h mussed as 1m took Ills wat , U. H. ( irunt , Jr. . loiikcd havagvly at Mm. but "U nr avuldul bid gum aud lib couuiul cugutt ; him In a rmtreraitlon to divert his attention. Up to.I . o'clock Iho twelfth Juror had not boon sei-n red. . „ „ The twelfth juror was obtained shortly a ter I o'clockvaud the p.mol sworn In , after vhleh a recces was taken , A'tor recess ono of the Jurors was excised , and Iho work of examining another for his began. Up to three o clock the vacauuy lind not been llllcda , Dlaboll'onl.AVorlc of Striker * . ST. Louis , bcl. SM. Kvldcnce Is not wantIng - Ing tlmt the employes of the ntroetcareompa- nlcs have not abandoned the light against Iho employers , fonlatij Inst night a diabolical at tempt was made to blow up a street car filled with passengers. The car ran over an Infer nal machine , causing nn explosion which tore oil a part ( if the.side of the car , reduced the lloor to klndllilg , broke all the windows , but all the passengers escaped Injury , how ever. ' STATI3 A.N1) THKUITOHY. Nebraska Jottings. Thn Catholics of Arapahoe nro building a chui ch. New corn Is coming into the I'lcmont market. Ilumhflldt'fl wooden shoe Inclory iscrovvded with orders. The hog cholera Is emptying thu pens In Johnson county. A substantial brick school house Is Iwlng built at Itcd Cloud. John Payne , of Madison county , has lost SJIVi hogs liom cholera. lied Cloud's now opera house will lw thrown oiK'ii to the public this week. Charles Stump , of Albion , dropped four fingers' In the cogs of a thresher. The counlrv pnpci.s are harvesting a profit able crop of dollinmcnt talists. . The bee KeeiKTs of Dixou county will meet nt Pomst on thetisth to fonn an iisMoclalinu. HI hop O'Connor , rrSlmffuland Vt Ainilt , of Omaha , visited O'Connor , Cicely county , lust week. Oiimd Island will ctuleavor to complete Us waterwnrK befoiu the-jei'r ' closes , and then bwiur oil. Kilty thousand dollars woilh of piobertv was de.Htnijed by H inutile mv. In Hailan county le-cently. Sewnrd iiifused to take wafer iu her'u ' by rejecting the ptoiiosition to bond thu town lor water works. Pele SwI'-ait , nerd 17 , took the poison nmle from Blnlr lo ( ! oidon's leiry , and suc cessfully dossed the Styx. Beatrice 1ms disposed of tvS.ocO worth of fi ndlng bonds at pur in Chicago. Tluy nm twenty jinrs and draw U percent , Benti ice exhibits n bran sUdk thirteen feet high and M-VCU nud a half inches in circuin- leiTiitv. Nebraska beans talk. Hilling Ihe month of September the Beatrice ( .aimingcompany put up goods tliu wlioiesa'e ' vaiiieof whieli was Wl)0) ) ) . A ml roailsniveyliu p.nty 's ' runnln < ; lines In the neighborhood lit Inilianola , but the n-sidenls me ntmb.o to so'\o the mystery. Heniy Semmler , of Norfolk , has 1:0110 to Ceimauy to attend the diamond wedding of hs ! lather and mother , which occurs soon. II. K. Kollister , while lishlng iu Salt cieek near Wavcr.y , Lancaster county- , led out ol' the boat Into the water and hfoio assistance could reach him was diow lied. Tlie wife of ii well known icahlcnt of Ne braska City let ! her lui'-baiid and cldldien last week , inking .with her si.Tiwin money. She le.tuned to thu homo of her purunts. Nothing has b < 'on hcaid fioin Ximinciman , the muideiei , ntiu-u his luileas corpus re lease , and llnntut unities are as ignorant of Ids wheixubouUi us "llumgli ho had never ex isted. 1 Several farmei's in1 Hamilton county have h'-eu swlinlled bv 5111 eastern tiee Ono man druiH'd ] | M.T > li signing a con ditional note. .It lakes hard cash to buy w is- iliiiu. iliiiu.The The Ashhiuit cornet baud boy.s are now busily tooting tliu to > vn tlnough S'iOJ ' wonh ol silver instriiihentVi. "Ile that blovveth not his own lionsnitl horn Shall not bo blowed. " , , Sheriff Kikenbairy , of Cass county , wanton a wild u'ooso ehnsoto Aikaiisas alter a man supposed to be Bill Bitters' , the noted hors-j- iluei who bioko Jail iu Pjultsiuoutli three j ears ago. J. 11. McCoIl. and K. V. Viler of Plum Cicuk , w 'ixj throw n 'against a b.ub wire lenctf bv a inuaway teiuu.anil severely injiiied by tut ) barbs. MiiCbU's shoulder b.ntlo wes imctnicd. "Coin festivals , " iVithor hnskv affairs , have .sn ) > eicede < l thuclmrca ovster n tlio country towns. The gentlemen do the siellinr 0111 , wJiile the ladies stalk oil willi the sihciy kernels. Mr. and Mrs. "W. A.Clnike. of Columbus celebrated thur go dun wedding.a- > . U'ldnes- diy. Sevciu.v-aVM guusus ntte.ided and showered valuable and costly gilts on luo vuneiab u couple. Coal fioin the mines ten miles south o' llumboldt is sold ia neighboiiiiu towns at twentj ceil Is ft , bushcl. It is said lo bu nrst c.ass in quality , and much chct ; | > cr than wood at S i er cord. A draft forS'2,371 , signed by one of the best banking m ms in tliu eitv , ami cndniscd by the p uty to whom it was mad t pavublc. , wa.s picM-d up in thuHtiuet at J''iemont Wc-diiuv thiy by Kd Lawreiico. A man nnimd Mjers , living near Keaiinsy , was tlnowii tiitm a buguy and nmnng oilier injuiicrt one leg was biiiuon lie ow the Mice , . t m bone piotiuding tlnough the .skin. Jljurs dii.d Iriiia his iiijiiiits. Woikiiion and miteilal lo eoiiHtruct the meet inilway to cornice' tliu towns of Wviiioionud BlueSprliigsitrenii thugionud. Tiie woikol coiislinetion will be pushed as tapiili ) as tlio weather will permit. Hustings hail aMisgracelnl slabbing affray last Mnmlii ) . It wa.s couiiioinised | l > y tliu pavmOni ol PI"- ' and costs bv James Lock- wiiod. ol Alexaiuliia. The pail ) a'tucKcd ' was \V. A , Kud.ey , ol the Ailingtoii house. Kix'd Campbell , of the linn of A. P. Wil liams it ( o , oi Pii rie , was instantly killed Wednesday. Onu ol tlie paitneis , I'.dSlaggs. was mailing a gun , wh n thu weapon s.lpp , d lo the lloor and was illschaiged. Campnuil a bend was blown oil. Kit Mills and Lou Miller , two of Hastings' notoiioiiH law bienkciv , ot opposite su\ , had n shooting match opo last WTCI > . I'nloituiinK'lv ' both weie ludd ul and their alms b d The people ol llasiius wuuid gindlv have given both long-iallul iiineiiil ii.iil iliny lahilly peppiTed each other. A.sad ease ol povcity and diath was dis- rnveicd in Hastings mst week. A .amlly named lleibcit. husband , wile , mother-in- law and several children , lived in an old liHikeiv , utility destitute of the necessniii.s ot life , with a ienMiod ; ulil d.viiig of t > phold fever. When their condition he. man known , kind hearts nnd willing hands pui \ideillortiiowiintMoltliulIvlng and P.'OJRT bin nil Inr the de.ul. Lttlo Allio Bncker. of AMdand. a-'cil ! > , while nt school . she was sick ami wanted to go home , .Shu htaitul , but was ton weak to wa.k , and in nltis'ii inliiutiH was a corpse. The cause WHS no doubt an nllllction ot the heait. As somii- tliiiu luumrkahle , it is slated Hint In the family of Mr. Bobfits , Alllu'sgiandfatlicr , eoiisistlng of tVM.'lu : clilhlien and thlity giaiiilchlldien , t1i | | | " " - ' nrst death. The two yonug iie\i ) \ who waylaid , diiiL'ged , ouliaged ami , ili ' > il the death of Nellie QiiacKeiiliiisli li | r < iliiinbus iilmid a year iiyo have been iutifittel. | ( The iiuuder of tiiu > iiitug ghl wa.-i foiytinllv in conciiption and dukillsh in cpt.ciituii. [ J'liu ' Mcllm w.ts in duced to lenvo IHT , 'piuxiiit.s' hoiue , some six iliile.s in thu K'oiUlliy , on the pirttuiso of taking bur to Ihu hoiuo of nrolaiivo in Ciiliiin- IIIIH. Thuy bitnitzliM her to the cli > on a Sun day mninlug , took IHirlu their iniim , diugged and outiiutd lieriand , left her iheie in a simi-uiicoiiM-loils cAndltioii without fluid uiiiil Tue.sihiv'itioniiig ! , when shii was taken to her aunt's home to liu two days alter. The BolH-rt An'derMiii post of the C. A. IS. . at Vnik , Inw u ilv < d iigainst the abuses of "letting out" IPnJ location of rounioiirt to tliu highest bidder1'and urges the duj > arf.munt Iio-ls to eudeavlir loHWiiio ; \ jicrnmiient loca tion fertile annual leunioii. To biing tlio iiu ] > tlon up for dciiultc action the following was also adopted : 'That this subject Iu bumglit by our delet'iiUis before the aiiiiual fiicampmeiitiit Ited Ulmul Iu February next , and that all IK IS bu requested to send six delet-'atcs to said encampment pledged , If ixisslb'o ' , to secure this much desired end , nud , by all dcsliiihlu means iu their imwvr , to put comntdcri iu authority who \vlll HO to it ilmtonr leiiiilons are what It WHS Intenduil they should be. nnd not merely a nibble , u mob , a dun of thlevui" Iowa. Ten coal mined tire being worked In Scott count ) * . low u Falls claims lobe the prettiest town In the state. Thieved raided the tailor shop of U. M. .Ollhct t , Sioux CIly.'Thursilar night , and car- mil oft ssoa worth of goods , Polk county bns twenty-five lumntcs In the Mt , Pleasant Insane asjbuiu The pork jnckery nt Tort Doilgo will resume sumo oi > cratloiis November L Davenport proposes to do away with gas and light the stieets wllh electricity. , The Methodist lutreli at Kaglo ( hove was dedicated last Sunday by Bishop Koss. A legany of S ' 00 has beeti left the city of Deulson for thu establishment of a llbrniy. . ( ! en. A. C. Lltelilli'ld , ot Di.venporl , has been elected president ot the State Y. M. d A. The Q.will build a double trnck between Uurllngton and ML Pleasant lurly next SOA- non. non.Tho The twnly-tvvo eoal mlmvs In Wapullo county produced lOQ5ti ) tons of coal In the ] ) usl uvo jears. CiTslou expects to bo one of the ( owns on the proposed Kansas City branch of the Mil waukee road. The Ies Mnlnes treasury Is empty and taxes must bd Increased to meet municipal ox- liena-a and bonded obligations. Ono hundred nnd lifty ministers and lay men wore pnaeii tat the aiinmil convention of tlio Baptists at Waterloo last week , .1. H. Aildlson , a prominent citizen of But ler county , while temporal iiy Insane , com mitted huiciilo at his home iu Allison. Work has been commenced on the Grant .memorial fountain which is to stand In the center of the public paik at Atlantic , It will co-st Patrick McOlnnK of Wetwtcr City , has been ben tenet d to the penitentiary lor four years for obtaining a mun'H signature tuiilur lalse pretenses. Thodlteetoi-soUhe State Pair association nn % considering a .proposition to enlarge the fair giouuds and bid d a milu nice track. The cost Is estimated at fcU.UOu. Mis. Thomas Todd , while trading In astoro at Waterloo , was stilckeii with paralvsls. bhewn.s taken to a neighboring house wlieto she died Dm same evening. Chailes Pettlt. a ii-y : ar-ohl lad of Wash ington township , Buena Vista county , lull limn a horse , catching his foot iu tlio sthrup , and wiu > dtiiggi-d to death. Tlie second iiimiml convention of the Ijiot icrhiMKlof Uidhoad Urakcmcn met In I'.urdngtoiHnst week , with -MO delegates Iu atteiidanco Irom nil paius of Iho United Minion Prouty died In Davenport last ww'lsat the ipoagooi8l. | Ho loimht aualnot the BiliiMii hnadcix in law ami suit two sous to n'ht and die In tlio war foi the pie- servation ot thu union. John C.ialU. an utldetle thug of Keokuk , has kept lu.s inu-eJe In good outer by mauling Ids who with knives , icvo.vrs and in/oi.s , 1 ho lainiiy maiisinn Is too small lor both , so Mrs. ( ! . sues lor a di voice. Tom Koss , who ngiiri d in a minder case nt Lock Is and a lew years ago , was tliu other night discovered in tlio act of picking iho poekct of an iiitoxicn.etl man at Jn\cnpnit , and was inn down by the nlllcers. W. L. Smith , aged m years , living seven miles west of S.'C ' City , was toiiud dead In a well on Ins premises , lie had been a victim ot paialj tit ; uts , and It i.s suiipti-cd that diu- II > K one of thun lie lull into the well. Mrs. William Lyndc. the insane wife of a raliioad engineer , at Marsliuiltown , trhil lo comma suicldo by crawling niitlei a train at tuo depot and lying items * ihu Hack under one oi Hie < oai lies. She was ie-eued. Micliaui M.dier. of Diibmiue , gave his wlfo 5 : > 3 to stint u hunk tic'ount. for sale leep- ing she jiiiiced the loll In 1111 111111 01 ! heating siovu , vvnich Michael nietl tp ono eoltl niotn- ing , nud the bank went up In smoke. Mrs. K. A. Pitkin , of Waterloo , who was eiuagod in homo household duties , fuil to the Hour in a ut ol apop.exy , aud either in hilling orli > the spasms that followed , itipltued a bloodvessel. Her tccover > is doiibllul. Natives of Ohio , who lesidcin Iowa , will start on an excursion to Uiclr old homes , rsuvcmbcr 10. A loiinioti will IK ; held in Chicago on Ihe lllh , and irom theietlio pally will tie dhect to tlie capital ot the 15uckejo htutu. Mondiiy night someone shot into a msscn- gur ttaia iusi iitier it Hit , Waneitn county. This is thes'xlh or seventh oecui- icncoof thu kind ut the same point , The company is trying 10 detect the ) iiui > otraior oi he oirenso. Kd. Millls has been arrested at Red Hold for attempting to wieck a WabiMi mini uuir tnat place. Ho bad tied an lion tail anil a look on tiie tiaek , widen loutliinloiy dis- cuvuied In timi * to prevent the wieuk ol a pus- train. At Ottiimwa Thomas Heslin atteinptvd to kill Ins Kin-in-law with a gun. liendn s daughuu sluing her lailur with the wta | > on ran in irom ot tier hu.siMiid and got thu con- of the KMI , which inlliciul iibcnous wound , lie is out on tM bail. Allicrt Kiey , a farmer living near Scotch ( iiovu , Jones county , ihnupht u.iie was no canine tor dutcuon wiicn be ran an illicit sun in lu.s cellar , lie thinks dilleii niiy now , lor agoveinmcntolliclal not only cuptumi his ouint but imusuxl tuo ojiciatur. A eiti/.en ol Can oil who was going cost on the Mapio livur brancn the omur d.iy tcio- giiiphcd the txpiess agent tit Cm t oil lo have n iiuisj M m to ilie train to met t him. Wlieu ilie tram anivid ho inuml the cityundui- talvLi' tucie wiib the lii'tisc a 1 plumul oui in nno HiyiC , iiHiumg 101 a sl ( ) job. Beloie the opening of tliuiirescnt term of the ciictiilcourini , Daveiijiuil , o.J uiliiiinis.ra- lois , e.\ecuiors and gi' wirucileil to iippi'iirand make n poit-s. About mty ot the ilniiiDei aiosiid ile-iiiiptent , and sevend ( if Ilium have Ivcn atlnc.icd lor contempt of cuii it. The Union Loan nnd Tinst company , I capital t-lt ) , OU ) , has bin n oigniii/ed iu &KHIX ( iiy. Tlieinciiijior.itiuis me luoiye L. , Jm , ot bt. Louin. Jin. ; D. C. Slmll'ci minion , it. T.K. ; 1 { . .Smith , .lames K. lioogen , If. J. Chase , \ \ alter bti-aug , Kdwaul linakiiison , W. L..Ioy , li. I ) . Hiihtmid , T. P. ( .ciu. H. A. Jama , A. A. ( iiuieisuii and < i. P. l > etinb. Jakotn. Three elevators mo being built at Cm ml Tin mined haoe been dlscovoi-ed neiu Kapid CM ) . Blackbnds are pliinderlng the coinliold.s near Jnmcstovvii. The voteis of Pleno refusal to bond Iho clij lor rflii.OOtl worth of schoin liousi.'s. The beinl-nniiuul cleanup ot tlio llome- staKe mine , U i c . Hill.s , nutted i'.KujO. ; Tlicroaioelghty-llueownivictH In the. Sioux Kai.s peiiiU'iil.ary. two of whoiii aio women , A Inur-leggiid hen with two tails in a Wa- teitowii curiosity. It is a inn-back scrateher. ThoSisM-lon Sioux wish to lulunpilsli their reseivaiion anil take up lands uiuiur the guu- cial laws. Buffalo Cap , a town of a mouth , on the Black illll.s nr.ineh of ihu K.i.liorn line , boasts of a m < wsp.i ] > ci and . ! JO liilialiiiauU. Kx-Deputy County Cleik ( h.irles if. Tracy Is under airest at Ucndwoiwl. lit ; H chained wlili thu eiiibe/.7.hmunt 01 county \\unauin to the amount ofluo. ; : . J. F , CiuninliiH , the boHiiti/a farmer of Union county , living near P.IK Point , lidded I'.T.ilmsheisol'coin lioiii H jiateh or u.-Hth.ui lounceu awes , an average ot over nlnulolio biiHhclii ID Ihuai.'in , Tim capitol building at BUniaick caught IHo Thursday , the packing uinund lliu basit- ineiit steam pi pen being ignited iiy hot asaes , Thu IIHI was extinguished befoio any senun.s damage Wiis done , A couple of pugilistic young men of Sioux Falls Indulged mnsciap Iho other night , mid In their struggles botli of them tell into tint liver. They weie nshed out by their Iriends. After do lug their clothes tliny nniewed the contest and longht It out to a liulsli. lioih of them were badly punched. IMMCHtl IMIJC9M PlliK 8 A sum cum for Blind. Bloedlug , Itching and Ulcerated Piles has been discoveml by 111. Williams , ( an Indian leinedy ) , called Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment A single IHIX has cured the worst cliumio eases of ir > or ! ! 0 years standing. No ono need suffer live minutes attur applying this wonderliil sooth- ln < . ' medicine. Lotions nnd liistrnmi-ntidii more harm timu good. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment ahsorlHthc tuiuois , allays thu Intense Itching , ( paillcnhiily nt nlulit after getting win in In Inyl ) , acts as a poultice , uivc.s InstaiiT lelief , and Ispiepaicd 011(3 ( tor Piles , " ' ' gof private imrf.s. and lor notliin ' SKIN DiHKAKKS CUII 1C I ) . Dr. l-'mzler's Magic Ointment emus as by maule , Pjmnle-s , lllack Heads or Ciubs , lilotclnw ami Kruptlons on thu face , leaving the skin clear nnd licnutlful. AMI ) cunw Itch. Salt Klieiim , Soru Nippltvj , Soru LIl'S and Old Obstinate l/lcciu / Sold by drugj ; is Us , or mailed on imilpt of COeentK Ki-talled by Knhu A Co. , and Hrlutwter < & Ik-dtt At wholcialt ) by ( J. F. Oixiittnan. Trte from Oplntrti , jmrte * anil JYiftont. A PROMPT , SAFE , SURE CURE For Congli * , Sore Till-out , lloiir Mif , Itiflarn Colil * . Ilronrliltl * , Croup , W hooplnir Ooimli , invtlou. pfllitThroot 'n't Itiinc * . Trtw no ccnttntiottlc. Sold Iiy nrnirtlft § nrt DM ! ' ern. IWttiiinaMttoInductUutrOrnlrrtolirrnnpllf art lifer Mmrtl \ rrrtlre nro bollla , Kt > rei chargtt palti , tf ttnttlny m * dollar In TIIK mtnLKs A.Tonuiin rr.n PA JT , Sot li ii tinil i nur iurrr < , . _ _ . . . . . . . B Uli.orf , tl.rjll.4 , C. R.A. Nebraska National Bank OMAHA , NEBRASKA. PAID UP OAI'ITAT SiW.'KW.oa ' STiirt.tis , Jlsiy i , issr a5ooo.w II. W. YATKS , I'resldonL A. K. TOUZAUN , Vice PrcsldouU W. V. MOHSK , JOHN S. COI.UNS , Lmvis S. UKKD , \V. II. S. Ilununs , Cnsldor. BANKING OFFICE ) THE IRON BANK. Co. l lli nnil Fnrnntn BtroolJ ) . A Ociicriil llHiihliw ItiislncwM Triuirtiiatod. DBESEI , & MAUL , ( bnccrssors to J. G. Jacobs. ) UN&EItTAKERS , AND EMBALMKKS. At tlie nil ) Rliind UU7 I'luiiiini St. Onlora br 'hiupli Milioiu-il and pminplly utlumloil to. i t onu NIL ! ii" > . 13 IINPAILINQ \KpilflMo \ Fits , fSpaims , Pnlllng JjSlcUncss , Coa- valalons,8t.Vlt- us Dance , Alco- liollsm , OplnniEa'inp ' , Seminal Weakness , linpotcncy , Syphilis , Scrofula , and all Nervous and Dlood Diseases. ' Merchants , iaukcrs , Ladies nud all \\IHIM ) ecdcntary cmjiloymcnt causes Nervous I'roa- tratlon , Irrcgulariticsot tholJlootl , Stomach , liovvels or Kidneys , or who refuilro ancrvo tonic , appetizer or btiutUi-iit , Samaritan A'cmne as lnvaluablc. _ proclaim It tlio most wonderful Invigor- ' ant that ever sus tained a snUnK6 ! | tern. Sl.MatDrug- gsts. For tcstlmo- lilals nuil circulartf ccnd stamp. TUB DR. 8. A. RICnilO.VD MRTIXE C011PA.\Y \ , ST. JOSEPH , MO. Correspondence freely answjrcil by PhyiilcUnS. Jfor tcxlimnnliN nnd circulnrs ccnd stamp , j FOR SALE BY C.F. GOODMAN. Hspoolidly In cliolurainiiintiim IH thn nso of Itldf.Mi'8 looJ iiuuhmlilo , ninny cunoa cnnlJ bo ciutxl uhoro ovurytlilnir bad failed and ] iidj.o ° HlooU lias tioon tried and rotnlnod , Ily tliOHtixiiiKlb 1mpin led mid Its nuntiul notion on tl o I ouolc. tlio plijt-lcltui lias been iihlo to use M ch iLMiiodlos n to ullcrt apoiiuanent roatom- tionot Hbc putlont to benllli. HAIBDRG- AMERICAN A DIKKCT LINK FOIl England , France & Germany. ' 1 bu Hti'iinihlilpg or ibis \voll known line nro nil or lion , in wituir Italic ooiniiarlinonm , mid n > - aiimiicd willi uvoryililntf to nnu.i ) tliu pa-ni ; L' Ix iili Kilo und iittii'C'alilo Thny carry the Unliud MnUh nnd KiiioiKiitn niallH , und IciiyoNow Voi k 'J liuinilnyn und biitiuiliiyi lor I'lymciiitli , ( IONT- LOM. Uiuibouir.lI'AltldiiiuinAVIIIUHdi. Itatos Kirut rubin , S'W-SUKJ. Btoorajfu to No 4 "ioik. S. H. ATWOOD , PLATTSMOUTH , NEB. llitxidorof TliorotiBlibrod and Ill h Grade Hereford and Jersey Cattle ! And Duroo und Joiooy Ked Bwlno. Chicago , Milwaukee & SL Paul The ShortlGine and Best Houte From Omaha to tlie East. TWOTUAINSDAILY III'.I'WUHNOMAHA AND I'hlcupo , AllnnuiiioliH | , Milwnukou , i-l l'i id , CuiliuHnplcH Dnvunport , I llnlcii , Diiliuiino , Itiioklonl , I'lC'dlKII't , .IlUHMVllll ) , Mlllll-IM , And ull other Imixiitiuit iKilntu Kii t , Northoust niul Sdiiiliett-t. Ticket olllco nt I | UI Km iinin stront , ( In Pn.xlon Ilineli , nnil nt Union 1'uuillo Depot- I'ulliniui riloojiur * nnil the TuioU DInliuOirs In iho Woilil nio lun on tlio iiiuln UIIOK ol tuo < I. . iiAi ( ( , Mii.w tiiuii : .Sr. J'.MII. IUII.WAV , uii.l ev < ry nil out Ion In pnid to iiiiHsnuiriirA Iiy coin-to- ousoiiiilonor | lliouo'iipniix. It. M 11.1,1:11 , ( lenunil Mnnnuur. J , 1' TIIUKBII. AsHlntiuit Cuiiurnl Mnunvor. A. V. 11. ( yViii'hNruii , ( lonurnl l'anansor atid Tlphot Aifont. ( it.o K. IlKAi'ioiin , ASM 1st nut Otnontl I'UM > OU Kvr mid Tiol.ot AKUIU. P. BOYER & CO. nf.Ai.bim in Hall'sSafes auIfsJimeoacks and Jail Work. 10 fr'ai'iiumStniut , Onmlm , Neb Many a Lady is beautiful , all but her skin ; and nobody has ever told her how easy ic is to put beauty on the skin , Beauty on the skin is Magnolia Halm. MAHUFAOTORERS. Billlardl Tables. Manufacturers of Billiard & Pool Tablfl ? , Ami Snloon , Ofllc-o nmlllnnie Fit lure * . Mnrkol nnil Huron Sis. , Chlongo , III. Onmlm - S. 10th St. _ _ _ Book Binding. Etc , * WV * " fll'.lS HUNTING CO. , Printers , Book Binders , Anil lllnnlc IJook Jlnnurncturorji. No * . 108 nnfl tlthHtroot. lmnhn.NoU. Butter Tubs , J. SUYMOUH , Manufacturing ot Butter Tubs. M ft , .t'oj 40 B > , : nv : s& m , y o ( so n > , siotuo \ Ins , Wo. IStli nail I'lorco 8t , , Oinnlm.'Nob , Cig.irs and Tobacco , "MAX : MKYKU * < x > . , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos , flunfl nnil Ammunition. SMfi to 'J ISoulli tllh tjlioot , UCOlo lici I'lirnnm SUtiot , UnMttm , Noli. KACTOIIV. \V1 T A VlUTSCIIKIt , Manufacturers of FJno Cigars , Anit Wliolo iil Dealers la Usuf Totmce < > . fo HW nnil 110 N. Hill Btroot , Oniiihii , Noli. Cornices. Eagle Cornice Work John T5 | > onoior , 1'ronilntnr. Mnnuriipturor ot ( ] iilvnnl7Hl 1 mil nnil ( Totalce. I' ' l Doil o , nnil lilt nnd 1U' > Not Mi Mill Street , Omiiliii , Null. HUKMl'INQ & nOt.TK , /J MnniiriiQtiinirflorOrnniiiontiil Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer \ . Wlniloivs , MnnN , Klo.aiOS. K'lh St.yorkiloao' In any inu I ( il'lluieoiinlry. Y/estern / Cornice Works , C. 8PRCIIT , Vroprlotnn Onlvnnl7od ln > n ( lomlcus , Kto. Sppolil's Im- piiivod I'lilont MotnllloSkylight. RW mid 510S. U'tliBt. , Uniidin , Nut ) . Doors , Sash. Etc. A. KOSKN'llliUV'T Mnnnractiii-oi'inid Donlorln , < Doors Sasli Blinds , , , Mouldings , Etc. Blair Halls u Hiooinly. | ) Tnlnplmnu No. 03. ir.lh and Jlin-ey SI. , Oiiialm , Nob. Electrical Supplies. Electrical Supplies , L.y. . WOf.KK & CO. , niuutrtolnn\ k , Oniahn. lUir lur Alann , Holli , I'lm Alurint , HIiii'tHn Mallhu , Hponkhu Gold , Silver unit Nloltul L'liillnir , fclo. Iron and Nails , . M Cut Nails and Spikes , Flro Nulls o Spoclulty. Oiniihn , Nub. Omalia Iron Works Company , Mnchinory. Oastlnirs , Stunin iniflnos : , .llollors , Arrliltcctmnl Iron Work , him Ilildifos , Mining mid Mill Miuiblnory , Olllco mid \xuks , IFnion I'aoUlu U. It. ITIli mid Islli StieoLs. WKAUNK & IIHO. , Foundry Works. Cor. 14tli nnd Jnokhon Sts. , propiu-od ( o do nil kinds of lion nnd Ilracs CusllnH's : nlso.O , O. lluimUlor'H Itucklu QraUi Kara inmuifuotiiro.l Mattresses , Mattress Company , Mnnnfnctnrliiir Mutti-osscw , IlodilliiR , Fontlior 1'lllowH , Cols , Klo. lilW und UiOS l ) < iliIa.s ( Slroot , Oinahu. Nob. Overalls. CANFIIIM ) ? ANUll A(7 ( N ? CO , " " Manufacturers of Overalls , . Jcana Punts , Slilits , Hto. , 1102 nnd HIM Douglas Bttuut , Oiimhu , Nob. Paper Bozes. _ J. I. . WTMCIB , Manufacturer of Paper Boxes , 1008. 14th Sl .Onmlm. Nob. Onlorti by rnnll so- llcilod und 111 rocolvo prompt uttontlon. Safes. Oraaha Safe WorKs , O. ANDUKKN. > fnnuriIotnrorof Kirn nnil llurirhr Proof flit'o , Vni'lt room , .lull Work. HlintKTH nnil W'lro \Voi Ic. Cor. lltli und Jackson Sis. , Omutm , Nub. Soap , ! ' . .i Soap Manufacturer . , , t Ofllco nnd Fuutorv. ni'ar I'oivdor Mafrnzlno , Omaha Nub. - . aS ° ns ? 0 Carriages. ' GIIATTON & DltCilMOND , Manufacturers of 1'ino ' Carriages , ? Ilimioy HIIUUI , Unialiu. Nub Solo s in Nuliruslui iorJonoi' ColubuUod Split A J SJMl'SON , , i , . The Leading Carriagj Factory ; lltUand Ull OinlKO Hlinci , Uniuliu. Nob. While lead. _ > OS1AMA AVIIITIi MiAI ) COMPANY. Coinidora mid ( Irlmlomof Perfectly Pure Wiiite Lead , Omiilm , M'I > luvl luili'i. J-itw ; ( ' W. Monti VHMI I'm * . ; II. W. Vutort. bi > o. nnil Trctw OFrlAHA HOTEL DIREGTOHY. Th.3 Millard , B hoara.J. U MurkolTlioi Hwobo , Proprlnton Omulni , Nubiaxkii. , \ , . ' , Arcade Hotel , Jaino * Ciirtiy , Itroprlotor. l IJI7 DuuirliMSi , Oniiilm , Neb iMirwunnliiioliil itirtn icspuulfnllr 'J'liiiy will tlinl thjs llnb04t RS u da/ liotibo wotttol Cliliiuyn , ' ' i. . Tfl3' P. IturiHoy.V ( 'o. . I'rdiirloton. Uatod tJ.kiiordny ( | , no ilarUixioum. AlsoPnlitoo llouil H.UIIH Ko.U.iiaaa , NoU. Canfleld House , Cor. Ninth nnd IUIIIMIII b ( < ) The hnr.t F3 pot diiy hind in Onmlm Ituinoiloloil. luinrnlHuo > , iiulovruiod ; ono block liom nimy liOad'inm-K nt ; opponlio Union I'aoitlu heiuiiianoiKi | | autul can piihrt the door ( liMiivn l.'nnllold .V C6.pinii o. torn Also Union Bionk VunJi lloiel , Mouth Uimihn. Hotel de Goo ? , I' ( J ( IK. I'lopru-for nnroptmn Plan 'I bo only iiinmiUy locaio.l . ndn > iioiiKO Tlniio iloilrn liimi Hoyd-a ( Imirj lloiirtumid onoonlr blonk ' ' tmni the 1'onu M M jjnd tlf Umri llouso ISM , liii ) , lij Planters HOUSB , c i ; . i . SI tl iior i iiy Plicot Uoni il.iiK.1 with n OM' lilm.Hy . r widHtbBUictd.UmiiUii.Nuli.