Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1885, Page 8, Image 8

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    3 ? ' *
How n K\iM \ Action Ohangod { ho Cooree
of a Woman's ' Life.
Inventions Which Mny Ilcroliiilotilro
tlio Knllrond AVorld United Btntoi
Jurorw Drawn An Interest
ing : News
How n Little Aot Changed Iho Course
or a YOIIIIR Clrt'H IilTc.
A llttlo incident was brought to the nt-
toition of n reporter ycstculay , which
Jllustrutcs In u marked decree how much
good a lillie act of kindness may accom
plish. r '
About twelve years ago n young girl ,
only about 'thirteen years of age , was
lirought into police court charged with
toeing n disorderly person. She was
fatherless nnd motherless , mid hnd lend
n life which wns quite the opposite of relining -
lining in its tendencies. lint still her
fnco wns round mid rosy , nml with her
golden hair she was u beautiful child ,
"What to do with her was n-qucstion with
the city authorities She was undoubted
ly guilty of what she' was charged with ,
and the only remedy for her case
seemed to bo n short term of
confinement. Just us the was about
to bo sentenced , however , a well known
attorney who was present a hed to bo al
lowed si fo\V Inomont's ' con vorna lion with
the girl , which was granted. At Its clobo
the gentleman surprised the court by
nuking that the girl's case bo dUni'Mscd ,
[ promising that , ho would be responsible
.for bnr notions hi this future. As it was
enHlestfWay-out of the dilemma , the
p'udgo was owy'toglad to comply with
'the ' gentleman's request , anil the self-ap
pointed guardian walked out of the court
room with his protege in charge. Ho se
cured employment for horns u domestic
I in u private family , and made her prom-
'jR'i ' to corno and bco him us often .HS DOS-
Bible. 'J'he girl lived up to her a rcr mimt ,
nnd the gentleman's kind treatment and
advice which ho gave her in hur little
troubles cOniploWly won her heart.
'Time passed away rapidly and the little
girl became ,11 , young woman. Shu
was . an excellent housekeeper ;
her character was beyond reproach.
She became trioro and m.n'c beautiful as
HIO matured in years , until at nineteen
she met a wealthy railroad man , who fell
deeply in love with her. She returned
Ills affections , but when ho asked her
hand in marMngo slid refuse' ' ! him. Ho
pressed his suit , however , and finally she
related to him the story of her early life ,
/jiving / it as the reason why she hail re
fused liis suit. Her lover was not thus to
be driven from her and she finally gave
her consent to the marriage. The wed
ding occurred shortly afterwards , and
the newly married pair took up their
residence in an elegant homo in u west
ern city , where they now live.
Last week a bountiful woman , hand
somely dressed , ari'ived in the city and
called upon the lawyer above referred to.
At first h6. did not reeogni/.e her , but
when she spoke Of the little girl whom he
had taken from\ the police court years
ngo his e.yes were opened , and be Know
h B visitor to bo Ids former protege.
Both were deeply affected by the meet
ing , and fervent were the thanks which
the lady gave the lawyer for his kindness
to her in the past.
The next day the lady loft the city for
New York , and yesterday sailed for Flor
ida , where she will spend the winter on
nn extensive plantation owned by her
husband. Through her benefactor the
Btory reached the ears of a HEE reporter ,
tut the condition was imposed that no
names should bo used. Iho story is a
remarkable one , and , as remarked be
fore , HhowB how an act of kindness can
completely chaiigo Iho course of a lifo.
A AVondcrAil Invention by an Omalin
Man General Notes.
In n smalll.c'abtn . , 'within a few feet of
the Union Pacitio tracks on South Fif
teenth street , a work is in progress which
if it oven in part realized the hopes of
its designer w\H \ revolutionize the present
methods of railroading and bring a great
elemental change into practical me
In this house lives David C. Rush , an
ngcd man , widely known from years of
residence in this city , and in times past a
skillful carpenter and joiner. He is now
crippled and far advanced in years , con-
lined almost nltpgother in doors. lu an
swer to his invitation n reporter called
upon 1dm yesterday. Hush i.s not rich.
nnd although he owns his dwelling and
the little plot of ground it htands upon ,
ly grace of 'ilia vnion Pacitio , bis wife , a
heroic little woman , lias had much of the
family's support , upon her shoulders.
For the past year the old gentle
man has been engaged upon the task ,
reference to which opened this writing.
The results of bin labors stand to-day in
[ several crude mrtdels. Ho luis iluvised a
'locomotive With the triple motive power
of steam , hydraulics and coal oil. The
engine Is equipped with an extension
brake , alarm whistles , converging head
lights , and a lookout turret surmounting
thu cab. The train which the locomotive
is to draw i.s not less unique than this
jilcco of machinery. Thopnssongerooach
IH u radical departure from the present
ndopted stylo. Instead of being the
standard length , | t la ono hundred feet
long and supported upon thrco trucks ,
ouo nt eaeh 'ou'd and another under the
center. F.aoh ( truck has three wheels.
nnd by their peculiar construction nnd
appliances are calculated to hold ( ho
track at thu highest attainable rate of
speed. The center truck * uro constructed
in a sliding plato. and movu
liack nnd forth nt right angles
to the trend of the car. Thu iitllitvof
finch a device is found in rounding
curves , when the truck ) will spring out
and hold the rails , so that at a spued of
lifty miles an hour the sharpest curve
can bo taken lit safety without thu danger
of "whipping on" . "
The old go itldman has at the snmo
timu conceivod-tv patent pump and steam
motor , which can bo cheaply constructed ,
nnd being run by a common steve is
ndapted to household purposes.
Several of tiio olllcial.s of the mechani
cal departments of both the Union Pa
cific and Mnrlington & Missouri have in
spected Mr. Rujjh's locomotive and oar
mid have encouraged him to proceed
With his work. IIo will shortly have his
models completed and will without dllli-
oulty have trial specimens made. If suc
cess mcet-s Kis'plaiH , Mr. Rush will forever -
ever hold oiu > of the most prominent
places in thu hUtory of railroad mu-
W. U. Onllawny , general iigent of the
Canadian Pnclllu at Toronto , and brother
of ( ienonil Manager Callaway , of the
Union Pneillo , is in the city.
W. It. MoKenzIo , stationery agent of
the I'niou Pacific , has ruturnod from
Wr. A. C Shollov , ngcnt for the Union
I'neillu nt t'larkV , Nebraska , wns married
yesterday nt KNotcr. III. , to Miss Carrie
Itufiii'ltf , n iiet'oiiiplished young lady of
Hint city. Mif. Shelley has many friends
ill Omaha nlio with ifii-m a lifo of un-
touudod uuceuis nud happiness. They
ha :
will tnko up their residence at Clarkq in
about two wcok.s.
Mr. F. , T. Knnnpwho has , long been
dcpot'tiOKet ngcntof th Hir- )
Hnglon ity Mis'ouH.j wns yestcrdny promoted
meted to the control , of tlio office. j ir.
Knapp Is congratulated by liirgo num
bers of friends And' Hio traveling ; pnbljc
generally with whom his eternal good
ness nud courtesy has won him great
favor. Mr. Knapp'.s advancement alee
conies as a recognition on the part of tlio
company of Ids long ana otilcicnt
D. C. Bond , Iho Unjon Pacific agent nt
Elm Creek , is m the city.
General Freight Agent Shelby nhil As
sistant McMillan returned yesterday
evening from thq west. _
- - m Jj
Grand and Pot It , .Juries.
The following panels of grand nnd
petit juries were drawn yesterday , to
serve during llto ensuing term of the
United States circuit nnd district court ,
convening November Oth :
Grand.Jury I ) . C. Howard , Kearney ;
Robert Garlich , Omaha ; Joint * Lodcr ,
Wormlcy ; N. J. Honton , Tccumsclr < J.
Orene , Sunlight ; Chas. 1) ) . Osgood , North
Platte ; Chas. Hiekmmi , Tecumseh ; .Tolin
AU'lvnn , TocnmschV. : . A. Albright ,
Iaw5on : Walter Hates , Avoea ; J. S. Kd-
ward. Lincoln ; James Kesterion , Super
ior ; John Pratt , Sterling ; J. F. Betiner ,
Sterling ; W. F. Goodwill , North Plalto ;
M. A. Hartley , Lotip City , Henry Holln ,
Omaha ; H. tt. Kirtor , i.ineoln : .H P.Tay-
lor. Sunlight ; 11. FiUworblc , Klk Creek ;
Hryan P. Kussell.Ord ; J. U : Johnston ,
Crab Orchard ; Wm. V. Allan. Madison.
Petit Jury Isnae Crow , Verdon : George
Acres , Dakota City ; Hobert ( iregg , Fre
mont ; John W. Itraman , Jack.son ; Will
iam 1) . Thomas , Fremont ; C. S. Jones ,
Ponca : Frank Dixou , Ulair ; CJuy IJarton.
Omaha ; (1. ( W. Walback , Ponca ; Fred
Lowe , Omaha ; K. Truekey , Lincoln ;
Chailes Ferris , Omaha ; Kdward Xnbris-
kiu , Omaha ; Frank Jones , lied Cloud ; J.
P. Taylor. Lou ] ) City ; John Loder ,
Waverlv ; William Hennes y , Omaha ;
H. H. Pinnoy , Fairmount ; Thomas Me-
Lain. Falls City ; .John Pratt. Sterling ;
\Villlam GSu'an , 'JVcnimeh ; Luther
Poland , Omaha ; H. A. Koenig , Grand Is
land ; J. C. Weekbneh. Plattsmouth ; .
H. Bennett , Omaha ; Kdwin Davis , Oma
ha ; Samuel Citlbortson , Pern ; M.V. .
Wells. Schuvler ; I ) . L. Carpenter , Papil-
lion ; John Williamson , Creighton ; Pat
rick Powers , Millard ; James Ireland ,
Fnirbury ; Charles J. Martin , Clay Cen-
Icr ; Henry Lapp , Superior ; C. W. Pierce ,
The jurors arc required to report No
vember 10 , the second day of the term.
The docket , both -ivil nnd criminal , for
the approaching term is full of interest.
Among other matters of public note , the
.ognard and Otoo county land frauds
will bo revived. The Union Pacific-Hull
, ine suit , it is believed , will not bo
It is moro of a task to draw a United
cut down the jury fee from $3.00 to SiJ.
) or diem , also enacted a peculiar law.
1'he ollico of jury commissioner was ere-
ited , and his functions and methods of
mieodnrc peremptorily declared. Dr.
i'ildcn is thu jury commissioner of this
court , nnd under the laws , he ,
vith clerk Frank , selected from
ho state directories , from his
icquaintanco anil from other sources ,
100 names These arc written on strips
of paper , put into a bat and drawn , every
illernato name being doomed to jury
ervico. By this means no blocked jury
can bo imposed on thu court , but also by
bis means it occurs that the ignorant
selections are not of.the best ot prime
character. Ouee , a ic\v years ago , the
ury commissioner at Lincoln , made up
i draw from the state poll books and
ipon summoning the jury found that
, wo were tax-paying widows , ono had
> ecn hanged , four were up on penal sen-
uncos and half the rest were drunk or
dead. The prcsont jury , however , deems
o bo fortunately selected BO far as its
numbers arc known.
Sallcd Their Playmata.
A sorrowful looking youngster , his
lead bound up with linen , sat on the
) ench in police court yesterday , with
lis father , waiting to get the car of the
udgc. It appears from the story told by
ho boy. ( whoso name is Willie Abshur
xnd who is a son of T. G. Abshur , Nine-
ecnth nnd Cabtcllar streets , ) that ho was
issaulted and stabbed by bis playmates
Thursday evening , near the Castellar
treet school. Hosa3'3 that the janitor of
hat school had given him some kindling
ind ho was wheeling it homo in a barrow
vhen ho was stopped by a gang of four
or live boys , who demanded that ho
should turn the wood 9vur to them. This
10 very naturally declined to do , nnd the
young highwaymen then pounced
il > on him lie says , and assaulted him in
; ricvous manner , kicking and beating
limabout the body and faec. Not con-
out with this , ono of the boys. Joe Sny-
lor , ho says , produced a long knife from
lis coat sleeve and stabbed him in the
lead , producing a cut two inches or so
eng and about an inch deep. Medical
is iitnnco was summoned , and his
vouuds , though bleeding profusoly.were
found not to bo of a serious character.
A warrant has been issued for the ar-
e&tof thu alleged assailant , Su.ydor , and
ds accomplice * . None of the boys arc
over M or ID years of ago.
A Hard I ot.
Such a lough looking aggregation of
emales as appearcd.iii police court yes-
erday afternoon has not been seen in
hose classic halls for many n day. The
circumstances which called thorn there
vas the trial of Hello Smith , who was
iccused of shooting at a man the night
) uforo. Belle refused to plead guilty and
strongly assorted her iunooonco. She
vtaiiicd Attorney Buriiham to defend
ior and District Attorney Kstollo up-
) earcd for the stato. The women were
ill HU'orn , some for the plaintiff and
seine for the defense , The crime was
iot conclusively proven against' the
voman , and ns Dr. Kiukotts testified that
she was sulloring from fatty degeneration
if the heart , Judgu Stonborg was very
onlcnt with her , Imposing only a line of
I and costs. Hullo could not bear oven
his ollght imputation against her char-
icter , and hontcnco was pronounced
ntrt-t Into lo.irs. Her companions In slu
succeeded in making up a shaku-pursu to
tay her flue , and shu was oi.eo moro a
reu woman. _
A Had Accident.
AR Mrs , S. J. Cutler was driving down
) ouglas street about 6 o'clock last even-
ujj , two dlz/y females , driving a liorso at
lively paeo , suddenly turned the corner
it Thirteenth street und endeavored , by
vlilpplng their horse , to drive in front of
lor. They mHealculatcd the distance ,
lowever , and the two vehicles collided
vllh a crash and were overturned. Mrs.
Cutler and thu two females were thrown j
violently to the itavumont , thu former
striking on her shli < . Slio was picked up
n H Komi-conscious condition nnd carried
ute llogora' ' drug htoro nnd n physician
summoned It wad found that her face
mil head were terribly bruised , nnd her
iinlis worn also injured , but no bones
n-oken. Her husband , a rlcrk in the
Jiil.on Pacific freight audltor'sotllco , was
cnt for , and upon his arrival conveyed
ter to her homo on Plerco street , Thu
other two wumuu escaped withoutborious
, . * * . . . „ . „ _
injury. Both vehicles were considerably
, I'rospeellvo
That man whoso heart doe.snofc | soft , en
nt the thought of buckwheat i-ukos Is .In-
c.ipnblo of enjoying : life to its fullest t-x-
lent. Winter bus many pleasures ( fiat
belong exclusively Ioilse1fleighridiiig ,
skating and coasting ; but to Iho nvcrngo
mortal there nro few things more pleas
ing on n frosty morning limn a plate of
steaming hot buckwheat cakes a feast
lit for ( ho gods. The prospect , ot pan
cakes to coino docs much to ajllay thd
dread of the approach of a cold' ' winter.
It may tiol. bo out of place to give a
few points regarding this favorite of Iho
breakfast table who the producers arc
nnd who tlio ronMimer.s. Americans nro
the only peoplu who know the full value
of buokwlieal , so called from the German
btiehwelzen or beeehwhoat , on account
of its Hose resemblance to the. beechnut.
The Knpllwh speak of this grain ns
being very good for poultry and thht
it i.s used for food by thu AiiHTlcnius and
Hindoos. It is UMM ! to some extent for1
human food In the northern countries of
Europe , and forms a portion of the
rations of the Russian soldiers ; but they
have "no idea of preparing it properly.
Of all the grains In common use , it re
quires to bu the most skillfully milled , as
tlio hull contains certain properties not
tondueivo to good health , and must bo
entirely removed It is tirst run through ,
a scourer and blower , which removes all'
dust ami grit. U is then put through 1ho
huller , which takes oil' the outs'do cover'
ing ami leaves the pure white berry ,
which is then ground into Hour. The
most complete mills are in the ensl , es
pecially in New York , where the grain is
very extensively raised. The greater
portion of the Hour u ; ud in this Male had
to be shipped from the uabt , and owing tote
to the heavy -ailroad tarill's it was rather
an exncnsiv luxury. Of late Nebraska
has demonstrated her ability to raise
buckwheat equal to any fitato in
the country , nnd the Omaha
mill has ueen turning it into
a line grade of Hour. It is intended
to increase the plant of the mill next
year to meet the increasing de
mand for Hour and to uoiisumo
the increased supply of gram.- The man
ufacture of ready raised buckwheat is
carried on extensively in Omaha. This
grade of Hour is a modern invention and
consists merely of thu best grade con
taining ( Improper proportion of leavening
properties so that the addition of water
makes it ready for immediate use. Its
advantage over the regular grades lies
in the labor saved in preparing it for the
tab e. All lovers of the festive cake will
rejoice at the inercaso in the. homo pro
duction of the grain and Hour , and bid
the good work go on until it is as plenty
and cheap or even cheaper than in the
east. _
An Oniccr Given the Slip ,
Oflicur Murphy , whoso b"at is on Thir
teenth street , heard loud and angry
voices issuing from a disreputable house
kept by a woman named Bates about
11:30 : o'clock night. Ho proceeded
to investigate , and , in company with
Frank Klell'ner , a block watchman , went
to the house. There they found two men
and a female indulging in a high oldj
time. Murphy took the two men in
charge , and started with them for the po- '
liee station , leaving Ivlcfliicr to care for"
the woman until ho could return. When
the policeman reached Farnam street
with bis prisoners , ono of them suddenly
made a spring and toro himself loose
from the clutches of" the olh'cor
and ran. ' At tho" same time the
other man cndeav6red to escape ,
ami Murphy concluding that a
bird in the hand was worth two on the
run , let the first one go. giving his whole
attention to retaining the other. He suc
ceeded in marching his prisoner to police
headquarters , where bo was locked up
for the night. Ho gave his name as Mike
Murphy , then returned to the Bates
lioitM' for the woman , but she had suc
ceeded in making her escape. It seems
that the man who succeeded in breaking
away from Murphy bad a horse and
buggy near the house where he was ar
rested , and. while KlefTner was watching
the girl he suddenly dashed up , untied
his horse nnd jumped into the buggy.
Klcll'ucr endeavored to intercept
him , but the man succeeded in
getting away. The girl took advantage
of her guardian's absence , and she , too ,
disappeared through Iho back door of the
house and left for parts unknown. Later
at night Murphy saw his escaped pris
oner driving along Fourteenth street and
made a rush for him. The fellow , how
ever , did not propose to bo caught , and ,
whipping his horse into a run , disap
peared uj | St. Mary's avcuuo. As ho is
known , his capture will probably bo ef
fected in due course of tune ,
Tlio Gas Lamps.
A reporter for the BEE met Gas Inspec
tor Gilbert yesterday and askeil about
the proposed lettering of Iho street lamps
so as to show the name of the streets.
"The report I made to the city council
the other " ho said "
night , , substantially
covers the ground. I found that the let
tered bands which are to bo placed about
the street lamps could not bo made at
less expense than -15 cents a pieeo. It
was at first thought that the lamps could
each bo supplied with Iho lettered bands
for about In cents each , but I have since
discovered that some of the painters
would charge that sum for palnting.alono.
The matter has been . 'ofcrred to a committee -
mitteo nnd 1 can do nothing until they
report. "
Mr. Gilbert said that the quality of
this gas manufactured was but little bet
ter limn It used to bo. The cold weather
had ateiidcnoy to relieve the water of
some of the noxious vapors and this no-
counted for a Might change for the bolter
in the quality of yas.
A ftlraudcd Marino.
Gen. Howard received a communication
yesterday Irom Col H. A. Morrow at Fort
Sidney , lulling tlw mliforumusof Private
John Fielding.of the United Stales Marino
corps who WHS en route Irom : ho Piteltio
coixt to Philadelphia vvliou 2iu wus
robbed.\.s ;
Fielding was andor ordor.s trom Mara
Island. Oil. , to report to the nommand-
liigoulcer of llm League Icl.iml Navy
Yards , Philadelphia. He left Mare
Island on the iirst IIIM , and three
days later , while nn ronto
to his proper station wns rohlied of his
ticket amf money. On the morniii' ' of
the lit It in.-l. ho loported to Col. Cliap-
nun , Seventh Infantry , at Hock Springs ,
Wyo. , and when "A" uud ' 'C" ' compa
nies imuie to Fort Sl'-luey , ho accompan
ied them. Fielding lias served eighteen
year < in the iiiannu curpi , and was In
thu war of tin1 a-bullloii from its begin-
iiing to it * " closo. "
Col. Morrow ! ia * communicated with
tlio commanding otlleor at League Inland
about tint mutter , and puiiding an an-
Mver will provide for the istramled.
( "apl Sladeu will leave for his post nt
Tort Vancouver about Nov. S. His sue-
ec-isor ha notyet been decided upon.
Mr. John Howard has recovered from
thu cllects of his wound , nnd is once
moro able to bo out on the street again ,
The delegation of Omalri policemen
who wont over to thu Council Hlun's ball
Thurmlay night did not rcuuh Omaha until
7 jesleniay morning. They report
a splendid time.
Lefwo of absence for ono month , fo
'tnke eflect November ,1' , IS8 * > , with per
mission to apply for nn 'extension of onu
.month . , has been granted S-Jcond Lieuten
ant Clmrlc * II. Noves , * Ninth infantry
( Fort D. A. Jluscell , Wyo ) ,
On the adjournment of the general
court'lnartinl appointed to meet at the
c/imp / nt Hock Springs , Wyo. . all the
ollieers composing the .conrt whoso sta
tion i.s not at Itouk Springs , Wyo. , have
been ordered to their rcspcqlivo station" .
Dr. Galbraith is understood to bo a
candidate for the ollicu of coroner of
Douglas county nnd -backed by the
Union Pacific company , to the extreme
tlinfc the delegates , wlto nro employes ,
have been inMrueted to vote for him.
The doctor presumes largely upon public
tolerance when ho thinks for a moment
that ho ran servo the company ns it * sur
geon anil the people ns coroner. No one
cares to sec every casualty occurring on
Iho Union P.icilio thrown out from ex
amination by a coroner who is virtually
it ; the road's emply. There is much in
dignation being expressed among the
people at this presumption on the part of
the Union Pacltto and Dr. Galbraith.
' Till : M'GIUEN'V rAMU/V.
A largo audience , comprising ladies" ex
tensively , greeted the McGlbony family
at the opera hou e night. The pro
gramme is musical , although of a con-
curt character , nnd very excellent. The
children aio thoroughly trained in their
parts , and are certainly musical prod
igies. In fuel the whole family is a re
markable one. But it is doubtful whether
the pleasures of the performance will
compensate ono for the annoyance suf
fered from the pert and forward children
who , throughout the evening , in the
niiiKt of exercises which command eloso
attention , race up and down the house ,
slammiuy the proseeiiium doors , and in
clearly audible tones request pur
chases of the family portraits. That
kind of small trade is at best worthy only
of dime museum "freaks , " nnd should
not bu toleraled nor encouraged. But
when aggravated by the noise of a pack
of scampering brat.s it becomes abso
lutely execrable.
The Family gives n.mutineo this after
noon at ! i0 : : o'clock and this evening
another regular performance.
A.O. II. Keselvlty.
The eighth annual ball given by the A.
O. II. Benevolent society No. 1 look place
last evening at their hall , corner of Thir
teenth and Jack = on streets. About leO
couple enjoyed themselves tripping the
merry glide to the inspiration of Hof-
man's orchestra. Prof. W. O. Mathews
noted as dancing conductor. A pro
gramme of thirty numbers was gone
through before the. "parting" time was
echoed , when all departed , retaining the
ever faithful idea tliat rtho A. O. It. so
ciety furnish a pleasant time nt every
undertaking. Credit is duo the follow
ing committees who had the affair in
.1. F. Price , master of ceremonies.
Floor Managers J. McGee , Andrew
Fabey , John Kirwan , B. Maher , Thomas
Douglass , James Connolly , T. F. Bren-
Reception Committee Pat Ford , 51.
Luby , John White , P. DuilV.Pat Graddv.
Stoxyards nt Door M. .McCarthy. B
MuGinn , Thomas Casey , Richard
_ _ _
Needs a Pecuniary Salvo.
.Tames H. O'Neill commenced a suit in
district court yesterday claiming $ . \030
damages from his former 'employer ,
Charles S. Iliggins. From thu petition
tiled in the case it would appear that
O'Neill was an employe of Mr. Higgiiis
up to October 10 , when , as alleged , ho
was arrested at the instance of that gen
tleman , on a charge of stealing napkins
from the establishment. This ehargo
was supplemented by the additional one
that ho was a suspicious person. Ho lay
for two days in jail without hearing ,
when ho was takon. before Judge Sten-
berg and upon examination discharged.
Mr. O'Neill's character and feelings have
been so hurt by the transaction that h' )
thinks about $ .1,000 will be the correct
thing in the way of a "mollilior. "
ThoCrlininal Term.
District Attorney Kstello sunmitted
yesterday his report of the cases
docketed for trial at the coming criminal
term. They arc as follows :
John Harris , burglary ; Frank Martin ,
grand larceny ; William Wilson , receiv
ing stolen property ; Henry Movers ,
grand larceny ; Charles Wood , grand lar
ceny ; Kddio. fames , grand larceny ; John
Kelley , assault with intent to iniuin ;
Thomas O'Brien and James Manning ,
grand larceny W. S. Phelps , as ault
with intent to kill : John MeClelland ,
burglary ; State vs McICeiiua and liron-
nan , robbnry ; Bessie Woods vs. Charles
Mason , bastardy ; Lulu Corui.sli vs. Al
bert Green , bastardy ; Van Ness and Ol
son , reform school ; Bcruhardt Meyer , re
form school.
The business of the criminal term will
commence next Monday.
A Dld'ercnco of Opinion.
L. K. Willlamsou.a joint iigent of L. H.
Thomas , the Chicago manufacturer of
inks , miicllago , etc. , and of Gibson , Mil
ler & Richardson , was brought into po
lice court Friday by OnicerTurnbull for
peddling without a lleciiso. The oHlcor
claims that ho had been soiling Ink nnd
muoilago to difierent parties , whilu Wil
liamson claims that ho was disposing of
samples at thirty-tivo cents n sot , merely
to introduce his goods , which are hereafter -
after to bo sold by Gibson , Miller &
Richardson. City Attorney Council
holds , however , that thi.s Is iiothin > ; inoro
nor less than peddling , and Air. William
son will not bo nliowed' to resume busi
ness until ho has procured hid license.
Hurglar.s Haufcail *
James Russell and Charlc.s Rote were
arrested at nn early hour yesterday
for the robbery of the grocery store of
B. Sachson , nt M2S iSaunders &treot.
It scorns that aboiit 10 Thursday night ,
they foreed opmi a rear window , ami car
ried oO' some tobacco and uigars , to
gether with a few dollars lirMlvcr. This
morning , Koto , who is , a callow young
ster , "gave thn whole tiling away " to a
policeman on Cuming stroot. With thi.s
clue the stolen plunder wa ; for the most
part , recovered. Russell 'and his pal
wore placed under arrest , nnd now nwait
a hearing , on a nhargo of burglary pro-
furred against them.
nol > lRd by Ills I'mptoyii.
Robert Hartley , living on north Nine
teenth street near the Saratoga house. ,
reported at pollco headiiuartern yesterday
that lu ; was robbed last night of $75 oy
Chas. Redding , a teamster formerly in
his employ. Redding had been stopping
at his house up to hist night , when hu
suddenly disappeared with Iho e
There is no clue to hi * whereabouts ,
A Partnership
William H. Hollhelmer coinmonc/ !
suit hi the dUtriet court yesterday against
John Froyhan to cluar up an alleged
partnership troiiblo , The plniutlll * says
that ho formed a partucr hip with Froy-
That Is so fastidious llwt ho thinks hJs Ideas cannot bo sr.itlflcd nt tlio Only Misfit Clothing Parlors. A visit Is kindly solicited of him t < H
convince tils mind that any mincnn be pleased In any portion of Ids wcarlm ; apparel , from a pair of pantaloons to a lulldro * .suit , ami an
o\omont , ho can tlnd more cle anco alwayn on display than an cyo ever wltnesj-cd In tlicshupoorelothlng for mnn. We do notcaroto makff'
a pmvonnt mention , but do sollolt tbo attention of every Individual nun in Omnlm nud vlclnlly for ono Inspection of llio lollowlng mcntlonw
Ho will Hud a pair
* o.oo $ n.noLOO $ 4.-io * B.OO $ ? c.oo $ 0.30 $ 7.00 7.80 $3.5050.25
That wns made to order by a Leading Merchant Tailor for
$ 0.00 $ 7.SO $ 8.00 $ 0.03 $10.03 $11.00 $12.00 $11.03 $15.03 $17.03 .518.00
He can find any slylo of cut in coit from a plain sack to asw.illow Ull ( full dross ) Incbiilln ? cnlawxy sifk , straight cut sack , double.
breasted tack , a four button cut away frock , a ono button cut away trod : , a 1'iiiicc Albert frock , at tlio following prices :
$10.00 SlO.fiO $11.00 $11.00 $12.00 $12.40 $13.00 $13.50 $13.83 $14.00 $14.70
Was made to order by a leading Merchant Tailor for
$20.00 $ 'il.OO $2'J.OO $ > 3.00 * J-1.00 $23.00 $20.00 $27.00 ' $ 27.50 $28.00 20,00
$1:5.00 : $10.00 $17.00 $18.00 $20.00 $22.80 $25.00 $37.50 $30.0 ! ) $33.00 (
Was made to order by a leading Merchant Tailor for his customer for
$30.00 $32.00 $31.00 &H5.00 $10.00 $13.00 $50.00 $35.00 $00.00 $05.00 ; \
Can be found atiy-style that Is worn bv man. but the thin ? that catches Is that latest st vlo one , the only duo ever soon in Omaha ( See TO
ami at the same time tee those SURTOU'i'S , N KWMARKKTS and SACKS , in nil btyles at tuu followluj ; prices.
$ 8.00 $ 8.80 $ 9.20 $10.00 $10.00 $11.25 $11.00 $13.00 $12. i ) $13.70 $10.K ( >
That was made to order by a Lending Merchant Tailor for
$10.00 $17.50 $18.00 $20.00 $21.00 $22.00 $23.00 $2-1.00 $21.53 $20.00 $20.00
$13.50 $11.00 $15.00 $18.00 $22.50 $20.00' $27.00 $29.00 $33.00 $33.00
Was made to order by a leading Merchant Tailor for
$27.00 $28.00 $33.00 $35.00 $10.00 $45.00 $50.00 $53.00 ( J58.00 $00.00
These are tint a IIKMO mention. If von will consult vour Interp ? ! ' euoitsli to piv a visit you ran bo convinced that every nian'c Interest 1 *
. & . Hf TWIT' . ' OTVTT V "R/TTQTT'T'T1 : '
± ± ± © r
Open Evenings lniil 9 O'ClocJc.
ban in July , 1885 , to bell tlw Fall ; beer ,
Freyhan agreeing to put in some money
and IlolVheimcr the experience. On Oc
tober 2 , as alleged , Freyhan declared this
paitncrship dissolved , ami refused to let
Honlieimcr have access lo the books of
the linn. Hence suit is filed bvtho latter
to compel a legal dissolution of the part
nership and a settlement of the a Hairs.
A nrco e From Utah.
R. n. Hall , Esq. , lias returned from
Salt Lake City where he lias been for the
past few days. He says that the saints
are being rapidly sent to prison and that
affairs arc in a rod hot state. The Mor
mons are highly indignant because of the
"rank persecution" to which they are be
ing treated. The sermon A of their elders
teem with rebellious and treasonable
sentiments. Mr. Hall says , however ,
that there i.s every indication at present
that Ihe government will be successful in
at least repressing in some degree the
evil of polygamy.
Married In Omaha.
Homer C. Swan and Kiignboth Shorn-
berg , two pilgrims from the Hawkcyc.
state , the ouo from West Liberty and iho
other fro'n Nichols , aoppedotl'i'n Omaha
yesterday , on their way westward , to get
married. The knoi wns tied by .Iiulge
McCulIoch of the cnuiiry court , and llio
happy pair resumed their journey to
ward the western wilds.
Judgu McCulIoch also performed the
ceremony yesterday which united in the
bonds ot matrimony Martin Tibko and
Anna C. Johnson , both of this city.
A Now hake.
On account of the present grade on
Twelfth street , between Chicago and
Cass streets , Mr. Loodor will not be com
pelled to go out to Spoon Lake to shoot
ducks , as "Corrigan lako" is so near the
business portion of the city. Boating
parties will find this lake very desirable
tor excursions. Lot even body go nnd
Corrigan lako. " Mr. CotTigan takes
great pride in his "lako , " because it is
directly in front of his place of buhiuos.s.
J. J. C.
Candidates Indorsed.
The democrats of the Third ward held
a caucus last evening at the store of
Louis Hoimrod , and instructed thu dele
gates from that ward to the county con
vention to vote as a unit. It was also resolved -
solved lo endorse Iho following caiull-
dated : For 'shorilV , Pat Ford ; for trcas-
liter , 11. F. Madbcnj for county clerk ,
tiiifttav ISonuko ; for conimiasloiior ,
Richard O'KuoU'oj for coronur , John
Drcxul , _
An Ancient Debt.
Marshal Cunimings received yesterday a
letter from IJenj. Leadboather , of Hook
Springs , Wyo. , asking if there was a man
on ll < n Omahn police force known as
Frank Murphy. The writer bays that in
IbSHio lout MurpUy who was then in
Rock Springi undcra difl'etuut namu , thu
Mini of $ )0 , which has never lusen paid
Ho iis'cs ' Out .Murpny btt n..pi < , ted to tep
to thu front and "cash in , " as tlw money
is badly needed.
"No JMiyfilc , Sir , lu Mine ! "
A good utory comes from a boys' board
ing feeliool in "Jersey. " The diet was
monotonous and constipating , nnd thu
learned Principal decided to iutioduco
some old-htjlo pbyolc in tlio apnle-p.iueo ,
and await tlio happy result. ' Ono bright
J.ul , the amartobt m school , discount !
thu fcuci'ct miiio ill hirf tuueo , und push
ing bacK his plate , shouted to the peda
gogue. "No physic , sir , in mine. My
dad told me to use nutbin' but Dr.
Pierce 's 'Pleasant Purgative Pellets , ' nnd
they are a doing their dutyiikeacharni ! "
They are anti-bilious , and purely vege
_ _
North Omaha Cornet Band.
A new brass band has boon organi/.cd
in North Omaha with the following mem
bership : II. A. Nichols , president ;
George Reed , secretary ; John Reid ,
treosurcr : A. J. Lunger , leader ; Frank
Cain , P. Cosgrovo , Will Fruckey , John
Sehmitrotli , John Kurkts , John Curry ,
Luke McDiirmot , Harry Davis , John
Herold , R. Prueitt , A. Aeustrem , A. R.
Too er.
Pollco Court Docket.
Judge Stenborg disposed of the follow
ing case.s in police court yesterday :
Thos. Rasmussan , John A. Smith and
Al. Gordon , drunk and disorderly , $3
and cosU. Gordon committed in do-
Dan .O'Connor , suspicious character ,
John Nova , vagrant , discharged ,
Union Vutoran Club ,
A mooting of thu oommiftBu on politi
cal action of tin : Omaha Union Veteran
club is called for this evening ,
October 2fth , at 7:30 : o'clock , at the ollico
of Gen. Geo. M. O'Hrion in Withneli
block. ( Jto. M. O'litn.v ! : , Chairman.
The hlliol CHHO.
The case of IMitor llryaut , of the
Waterloo Ga/.utlo , who U charged with
libelling Councilman Leedor , will coino
up on change of venue buforo Justice
Anderson , Ootobur 2(1. ( Meanwhile Mr.
Hryant is under 'OJ bonds for bid ap
pearance. _
Col. Chlpman , of the Suvuiith Infantry ,
telegraphed to ( Jen. Howard Friday morn
ing that In : would Invotigatu and make
report of the "alleged" anti-Chineso
riots at Rock Springs. At urm.v head-
rjiiarturii no serious apprehensions of
fresh trouble are entertained.
An Honorable Exception.
The recent decision of the supreme
court of Nebraska , relative to Mu
tual Hcnovolent lifo Insurance compan
ies dooa not impair or weaken the WES-
ciation of Uuatrico. Tii.s ( company from
the start complied with the Insurance
law. by putting up $100,000. and received
the auditor's cortllleate. The following
is a copy of their cortilicato :
OKPIUK Auurrou or Pur.uo ACCOUNTS ,
STATK OP Nr.isitA&KA. LINCOLN , Jan. Hi ,
18 . - - It is hereby eortilied that tlio We.s-
torn Mutual lleiievolent Association , ot
Himtrico. in the State of Nebraska.- has
complied with thu insurance l.iw of thu
Stain , and is authorized to transact the
business of Lifo liiMiranco in this State
for the current je r , eoinnuneingFobru
arv 1st , JHi.
Witness my hand nnd the seal of the
Auditor of Public AecuunUt , the day and
year above writtun. JI. A. H.Miconc ,
Auditor P. A.
TJiis company has been organised only
nineloeii months , has written nearly
twenty millions of iiifiiraucu , nnd are
writing a million nnd a half per month.
Its management is hafe. nnd conservative ,
All popular and dehlmblo plain of im-ur-
nncis are ndoj.iU ! < l , It la a IH/IJIU uomp.ufy ,
perfectly sound nnd reliable , and shonW
receive the patronage of pur people.
Those desiring an agency or information
should write to Oliver C. Sabiu , HCCI'C-
lary , Beatrice , Neb. , , *
' ' *
Marringo licenses were issued yesterday - ,
day to John A. Linborg and Hilda II. !
Palm , and Herman Schallcr and Anna '
Sautter. e
Carpenter's union social takes place
Tuesday evening , Oetober 27th , at 8 p. '
m. Members aiul friends will be enter- ,
tallied with short speeches , musiu and. (
recitations. Fruit and cake will bo
served during the evening. >
A young lad was knocked down and '
run over by a oarringo last evening , ab
the comer of Fifteenth and Farnani , but
was not so seriously injunul but what ho
managed to pick himself up and run.
away like a frightened , deer. i ]
Mrs. Henry , state missionary for 111- ,
inniri of the W. C. T. U. , delivered an
other iiitoro.sliii2 address lust evening on
tlio subject of "Tlio Unanswered Prayer. " '
James Russell and Charles Rote , ,
charged with burglary , wore arraigned
in police court yesterday afternoon , but
owing to lliu ab eneo of a witness their
examination was * pp&tponcd until 2
o'clock this afternoon.
The lime allowed the city lo commence
grading around llio court house oxpircil
yesterday , and at aninotingof thocouaty
commissioners an extension of time vrua
granted until the flr.stof next May.
Absolutely Pure ,
pow.ior never rarlov A mnrra of
fjili mill wlioUmnicnon. Moro rx'ononii
il'iui ' llio nr'lltiiiiy IIIUK | , uivl t'Hiinol li tcild lr
< iiii , | > i < ilt < nn M-llli H o niiiltltuilu nf low lutpl > ort
" ' Wit nml l > lu | ilmi < > iinwtiorA. Soli | only lit
" .in * . Itoyul Itukl/i ; ; I'uwilur Co'W > ' Wall aruot ,
leuulua CarrluuuwuUunn ionI )