Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1885, Page 7, Image 7

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1 h ( ieniilnt hn Trxde Mark anil eromil tUd
Line on wnpp r.
\ t ,
K 4 In the ipM.fcl irtatEUnlof CNIOMIC , NaiTftCi , Hun
anil uu > n Otmiti tbanftar oOti r rhjileuii loSl. Loult.
rllf p | * n tba * < ! nil eld r * Mf M kiow
Nervous Prostration , DcbllUjf , Mental and
Physical Weakness ; Mercurlil and other Afire-
lions ot Throat , Skin or Bones , Blood Poisoning ,
old Sores and Ulcers , r trut.j wiih nDrmiioiij
tori-fig , MI ltt it ) 'Dtiao f rloelpltt.Rtfelr. Prlvitd/ .
Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess ,
Etpoture or Indulgence , wbleii prodaen iom or ih <
rollowitii ; , ITf.-li ! ncnuu Den , Jtllitj. : illunei , or ilfhl
aDddereellferatmory , plmpltl on the ttet , ( tb/ilcN 1ee f
.imlonUllM cltljof ffm.lf i , ODruiloof Idxf. ( tic. ,
rendorlnc MnrrUito Improper or unhipnr , '
. curt'ope ' , rr 0ta aiijMddrtii. Coniullatlabilot
Cetorbf mill rrtc , tnrltid anil it letlj en&iciitlat. |
A Posltlvo Written Guarantee iiren in c trron
t > t > l < cue. , tledloltm not f , rj l rc bj nsll or tipni.
200 PAC1E1. PfVK PLATES , et ( iot elotti nJ | llt
blull * f , vQt > fd f f n * o. in I'O'tMBor fMTTfuej , Oter an/
Wonderful r n | > f oiurf . true to 111 * j irttclr * on thn following
vfho muT iy rr ? wuuimt WHT ruAuhaod , womtn *
" '
, , A Cas Resembling That of Gen. Grant.
SoinnlunVoiiri ! tiKO I hml asurotultms twiro on
yrlKht Inuiil which KHVO mo uient tri'i'--i '
mill umliT the old time ti oatmuiit hualoil "P. 1'iit
It tiiul tmliKxm ilnvuii line tliuMyritoin liy thu
\iHOOf pdliiHli mid moicmy , nntl In March. 1H < . ; ,
It tiroko out It bmku out In my thrcmt , and oon-
rontriiled In what MHHII or tno < loclor cuiio.l
cnncor , o itliiK throiiKh my cht'Ok ilostrnyhiK
reel ° of my moiitli and upior | lip , thru attiioiilnir
my totiKiip. piiluto nnd lower lip , dostioyiii ) ; the
pillule mill tnulor lip untlioly and ImlC my
totiKoo , ciiiliiK out. to the top or my luttohocuk
bonoanil up to tlm lot t eye , I could nntontany
dolid lood , hut Hiilisl ted on HiiildH. | aiul niv
lotiKOO was HO ritruonu I conlil not tnl'c. ' Such
trim my wioluhod , tiolploss fondltlon Iho tlrxt of
liint Ouiohnr. ( Ivili. when my rrlumlHcommouced
Klvlair mo Swift's Kpocltio. In lus thittia month
> _ Uo..imtLiif ( | ilnto-i .Ktoppcd neil huallnu co'ii-
monccwt , nnd thn foiu-riil apcrtnio In mychoock
IIIIH lifcti'floKixl uml llnnly lailllixl tovuther. A
procoi-x ot'ii now iiiulor lip U KroKrusnluu : llnolv ,
'nnd the toiifjnn which wan nlmoht dcitroycd Is
liuln recovered , and It POOIIH Unit iiiitiun Is
tupplvJiiy 11 nu > v KIII < O I can talk MI that my
frlouiln can rondlly iiiiilorMitml mo , and can iiNo
ent eolld Idod HKiiin. 11 any oao doubt ilnvo
( I'ClH. I uould icier tliuin to Hon. .John Il.Tniy-
lor. Htnto KMialor of ( liU district , and to Dr. T. 3.
Jfnulliold , of I.aUramio , da.
I.ndrniw.Gix. , Miiy 14. K-.V
THK dwu-r SI-KUIHO t'o. , Druwor U , Atlanta ,
Ciu N. y. . luT NV. KoU St.
James Kedical Institute
Chartered by th Stateoftlll
E/noiB fur thecxprccjparpose
Jof civinclmmeuiate reliclln
I nil chronic , unnaryond prl-
( vate diieasci. Gonorrhoea
1 Gleet andSyphiHs in alt their
complicated forms , also all
dtaeaie * of Hie Skin and
Blood promptly relieved and
permancntlycurcd by reme
dies leatedirmf'rrIVfir
, . _ _ _ ' Hiirriull'rarllre , Seminal
Weokneui , Nicht Losicsby Dreania. Plmplei on
the Pace.Lost Manhood/ ff JwriirwTtirrr
lno efl'frliitriilhiiit The appropriatr remedy
M at once Used In each case. Consulutljns , per *
lonal of by letter , sacredly confidential. Mod-
Iclne * ' sent by Mail and Express. No marks on
package to indicate contents or sender. Address
DR.JAMES.No. 204Washnglon ! St..Cnlcagolll.
om rrrnn or
was snf the K dnr Illml.
iDio Claud ' ' ! ' ' ( KM niilmul
.o u < II' * Muralm > nclii * \ iu
r tin-it urcrilrrMI esnuni
. Atamfii > iDitnr * c inniii'iio 4
aod Ops
UQ llr . .
> > K 4 iii
lllH'lllr pj.l 1 1 . | | , - : , II vill Imrri I .1 I lit
itoirr. n. mmc N. AI.RX WAMACH
Telcpliouo ID
( Pluiiite , Sleam aod Gas Fitters
Rnlmii | o < tiirnbliisl , or Mill cnll por.scmitlly.
Spca'al Attention Given to Diseases of Women ,
' '
Cnn IH > txiiiMilKxl In Ku Hli unit firrntHii.
Ilifim Isi/iiiun-ot.llliic'k / txiu
„ „ , Men Think
< iwi , they kmnrjill about Mustang Lin-
Jnicnt. Fciv do. Not to know is
noi io luivc.
Oli , Pi\a > Ins : \ \ rt-al'is of red and brown ,
Oh , jullinv , ( truing li'iiv'i I
No iiioro tlif riit'niiii | rays en io ilown ,
Tlnflilrils linvn U-ri Uio cnvcw. j
The tuneful Mings of joy arp lleJ
The siin hino of tlit-'yi-urls dead ,
Tlioj stiinimr | anted away.
And outby ono 'nmth clouding i\iy \ ,
Ye too must Rinelygo ,
Till fore t-patlis In silence Ho
Beneath tliu shrouding snow.
Not vainly , when the moon was lilsh ,
Ye bowed In shadow '
'j Imthlldien's liolj si
Not vainly now ye pntlent fntlo
In ( | tilet aiitifmn Inmr ,
The woodland sod anew to aid
Through nalure'.s niile ! power.
What matter thnnshearth's wintry
May M.CIII to hold you .Still ,
If but tliu blaster undersiKinls
That \ clinvivmked ! Ids will ?
[ M. H. Hnj cratt In the Quiver lor November.
A duck of n girl tlie foimtle bather. >
IJonni t Mi Ings an ; tied miller thu chin.
set in .Sliver nro used for
Clnipa nml buttons of wood'aru liehly
Col'nrs , cults and belts arc made of beaded
KnglHi tailor-made pulls have pnnnclsnnd
binding of fur.
Di-npeile are nnirow , ono , breadth of the
innteihil sulllclng ,
Upenwoik embvoldory on velvet is larcly
for millinery ( mrpo-iM.
Ovjd'ri'il ' Hllxpr pins am very popular for
mom jtj ; weariiud for fustunlngsliawis.
Siik stocklni'l hub ) , covered with nets of
ftllkcont of tlie same shiuleaie noveltle.s.
Velvet and good velveteen aVt ! niuch used
for slioit jnckeij. tu be worn witli light woolen
Wool costumes nio very stylish , and nre
tiinmnd with wool Ince matching the dress
In color.
Piiisli and satin c-mbrohlered ribbonnio
u.ied for mil.lm.'iy ) unuse.s and fortiiminiiig
til esses.
Itotind bioochrs aix > again worn , and squat o
bloodies with blight enamelled llowers are
Ovctilii'sse.s of ilHTeii'iit nntt'rialorn \\ilh
velvet in ii'tmli hklus h.tvo Vi-stu or eimnleU
Tlit'ii'aieindifatioiiH of a continuance of
tinsel cIlt'otH in fail lubrlcs , but this is not
otiMiicd iwet. .
I'hich skills nro worn with overdrove
trimmt'd with goal or btls'er braid or oi > un-
\Mirk oinbroltlcry.
HlglicnllnrHwItli stilt llnlnp nro ppon of
all \\oolen fiKlnme-t. Linen col law or folds
aio woin with them.
Mary Amler-on is paid to have done her
lirst plaim ; at l.imi vilU- , when Bhe "iilayed
hookey it inn school.
Anil nnw another accident has happened
Sar.di nernliault she fell tlnou li u craek in
tlml'on-of the theatie.
The imnt in irked failure of thu romins
.iea.Min'8 tlrcssiw will Iu thu absence of the
"Imnehy" side dnipeiii-s.
Hhoitspal [ ilnsh .jsickrts arc tilinmeililli
IntLs ol' tlie mitteiial , nnd cloaks ot it have
ball fJiin Q of the ical lur.
Fine I'rcnch , white nainsook Is the muslin
for mnmnin. ; frocks iitnl truck Jaiul plaited
Hills are their iniiy tiimmin s.
Flnnni'l is the best ootls for walking or
animatett gann-s. and plaits and tucks reeom-
int'tnl tor trimmintrs.
1'liiin skirts witli these burdens for orna
mental cnYcts will be worn annic-t to the ex
clusion ol' lltmnci'd or tiininiul ones this fall
and HUM winter.
Headed dresses aio very fashionables. These
are' worn over tieh Hilk ijowns of bright lines.
TlieatnpJednipriesaie looped tip with eats-
tcred silk velvet llowers.
It'nck toilets , not inonrnin , K\\O \ proiniso
of taUini ; tlie lead in liantlsonie dicssm for
antninn uuirbliick silk , velvet and all tliu
nncr grntlcN of woolen fabilcs ,
Pearls are no longer "unlucky" jewels for
pie.sonts , but. a ban has been pronounced
against emeralds anil .sapphiies , wliiuh , It will
bo noted , are tnoie oxiiensive.
A young lndlio was recently out driving
became uliu mcil when thu b nn to
kick and nahely lenui'stetl her bean to get
out and hold tlii ; annual's feet.
A moil' ' the long hailed furs tolwiuirclmspil
at a moderate price max bis mentioned hux
and blaek mai tin , or as it is nNo e.illed A'lus-
I , a sable , lioth aie tlaik in color.
"Iilsh cloaks" nit ) revived. Tlicy aru a
nprleet copy in rlnjiL1 , of the cloaks of the
lilsli ix.'a'-aiit women. They au > gathetvd
about the Ihrtial and luuo a loiuid hood.
Tills fall tlie rough woven eanvas effects
obseiMil In tliu summer uool novelties aio
tiinated in e\aweittul ! fmni in tlie htnlfs
sent out Irom Fntneo lor antninn and winter
" .Just think , " said n Vassir Rradmto ,
"heiu Is an account of a t.tain lulu , ' thrown
from a track liy a misp'a-ed switxh. : Ilfi'.v
utterly careless Himm women are about leav
ing their halritronn I.
A new simile of " .swallow blue. " very rich
and Imml-ome In ellect , is shown among
fnbrie.sgl Ottoman , satin bioc.ule , and btoche
goods. It is a ini\iuru of bine and green ,
and has many dllleient reflections.
Hustles anigottliu larger , growing In s'zo '
an tavor. Tneio nro often m.tny lauglnb o
Intl uts noticed In tmirnmial tl t'oVmity.
I , , , . M bustles are certainly nn ajo.nlnatlon ,
M ) tew can wear them with any bott ol
Vety Jaigiifihopiiln ! ? bags , made of velvet
n'.usli , or.siulu , atM lakiiu the jil.iti ) In f.nlt-
lonable nsti ot the hand b.tgs ot Kuisi.i le.itlt-
erand al ig.ttorskin MI long popul.u. ilauy
of tlo ) new kind are matle at home anil gteat
pains un > taU cl > In their ornanientation.
"Ilavojou 'The Rise of Silas Lapham' " "
asked ayounglad > fiom the city of theeieik
In n eoiintry hlinnlnro tliey kept almost
t \erythlng. "I dnnno whether wo've got
an > pertlcnlarbiMnil. but we'vo got
Mime all-iired good rice , Just tlm Aame. "
The awession of twin girls to the family of
the jmpular County TriMiiiror .V , II. H tike ,
nt l-argo , last week , cads atlentlon to the
gt m nil tact that trout tlnee-loinlhs to four-
lilllihof the blitlis In | > akota at piv.sent ate
ot I lie female MIX. Appichen.sinn Is I'elt that
the tiling IN being oviulnnl ) in tliat tliiecliou ,
A lno\Mi homtt.siin ] | tilths Ims thu fiont
ami panes ut wimlcn 'brocade. Tim lioul
tliapeiy Is arrin red son' lash. . on , an I liu
blaek dnuiciy Is hall broc.iiKiand halt home-
hpiin. Tlm jnekiil bullet ) ojiuiis uver ve-t
01 the luov/adu anil lueolL'evc.s li.ivt > w.doctilT.s
of it.
Immense inches pie i ted up ovceedfngly
In.j aieinvlved lor nuNiilii1 , ' tlioluilom of
dtchs skills. Tliesti ate m i le of fringed silif
in olio color or of sli id . ( , loruvoula <
toilets , and of the IIIM--I Idcdwitli
li ivnttr.iMinguo.or lor liiuiiUoinu visiting and
"Look here , I wish \ou would evplnln how
Ibis got Into one of j our clgitis1 s.iidit .
iiishinginloaeigar store anil ho , din , ' up a
little snip of t'.Uleo. Tlm in.iniitaetiner eyed
itxitli ilfsgu-t , nml eselainii-tl : "It's UIOMI
new glrlsa iln , Tlnivdnnt seem to know
tliiullllen nee between a Mother llnbb.nd
anil a Connectleiit wrapper ! "
It Isn finioii.-i elifiniistancu that long os
trich p limes .should MI otlen' become liishlon-
aiile as winter iipprouclies , uml yet niidec-
onitlon In milliu'ij Is MI abjtillv under the
Inllueui oof tlm weather , In a nio w > damp
da } nti atlier loses all Its graceful curl , and
it pje-ientx it 'ilra'i'led appearance that is
HUite Indicium : but In spile. ' or this. Ion'
leallniiM'ikt'ioiunmM. i Vv. . next lit
birds , bjih In hais and u. in nets.
Poetry ol'tlio Tl
'J'ho ine'ancholv dnyslia\t < coim\
TlieMiildtsl of tin * year ,
When the li.o-eball plit her le.i\fs tlm land ,
l the tanillilalii in hcie.
TSic * lliiwcr Hi1 Iho family IN nflen lite
JCii.wijnde'i | | iat .JiimlMi dljsilloiiuhelore hN
prim. ' , lleiiscil to ill Ink a pall of bceretcry
Mieldpin nnimiuer.s have biomrlit suit
1'itxtmdeiur \ niin-fiiliilimciil of
Theie are men wlio iln nut n.iy tiiiMlilir '
nunght ) when thuk put the innelltiuu biiish
ll'illuink : lollu- . -
are : U IUVH nl' 'i-V1' u l .i an ts-
change. Wo don't know. The Mtfmcn .of
Ui an- what nir > * t men want.
A Clipp'c'ietgirl waiiN 10 know how to
runa tlcKilngen'itloii nlHiut the
Tell him to go get n ceatiht : ! o.r [
, , The inali who wont to Ihe WMryjfflr'"r }
nnd rlihtiKn'r > n ) > ( tlio vnlters uol Inostof the
change nnd Hit innd.oid ( lie test.
" .Mori innt thu gate , love , " Ins bixin
rhatuisl to "Jfeet mu at the grate * -love- "
The cool weather IMS noce liufcd 'tho '
' Tliu sntioorliit Inn to the season ntj
\oik' Melnipmltaii oper.i liouk1 .nln.ndy
teachrs WW.UiW. I.ast jear thu enllio nb
scrlition | \ \ M St ouo.
H may bo true that the Spitz doc Is ' 'a do-
ineMleatctl Hiib.urtlo variety of thn imitrlo
wolf , " but our own pQiNimi ! opinion is that
he Is n confounded nuisance" .
, Mine , Teipso Caireno , , thn jilnnlsto , has
called for a brief Hip .III' South Anlellra , In
thiM-iwiMj of which sins will visit Venezuela ,
her nili\icounliy : , which she lias not seen
.since .she left It us a'chlld. '
A iKinr IttleS-jear-o'd ' girl of Westmln'stpr ,
Conn. , goes to tlie reform .school tor thirteen
years for hittinu' n woman with an apple. If
she had shot the woman with n revolver NIU |
Mould probably h.ivo gut off with a repri
Tliu Mr. Holland who lias lately joined Mr.
Liiunet'.s coniiuny. Is not tliu Mr. K. M. Hol
land , lute 01 U'allack's and the Madlsnli
Square. Tills cotnijiedlan. thu clever son of
o'dCcorgo Holland , still remains In New
Mr. Thomas has arranged a notable seiles.
of ptogramme.s lorthepopiilarcooccits. lobe
given at the Academy ol .Music ; , New Yoik ,
each Tuesday evening and Thursday alter-
noon during the season of ibNVil. The or-
chcMra to be employed In these conceits will
number seve.nlmo iteitoimel.s , and will be
ineiea.siMl as Hie progi-.imuie.s may iciiulre.
Miss Hope tileiin , writing tti u frieitd 'u
Chicago 1 1 om London , sjieaks gleefully ot . or
niin > excellent engagements. She was .
take p.u t in tlie recent 1'alti concei t at Man-
che.steron thostli inst .Slie is. moreiivei'.en-
uageil losing In tlie concerts of the lilrming-
hani Clioial Mielety from NovembcrtoMaivli :
December 1H in Cowen s "Sleeping Heauly , "
and in tlie Royal Albert Chorai Society's con
ceits , which extend from November tu
'O ' I '
A Change of HIIRO.
UIMIII the garden gate they
v\ hen nights weiu warm and fair ,
And p.ile Diana often Hung
Ikr light upon iho pair. *
To-nlglit niiiom : the leafless treoi
Tnu autumn wind tuakoi IIUMII ,
The gate is hwinging in tlie bieuzu ,
lla rusty hinges gioan ;
And wlietn me now the youth so gay
And maiili n dit's-cd in lawn ,
Oil , whither tin their looUsieps sliay ,
Wlieii' liave thu lovers gone' '
( lo to tlm parlor warm , go there , '
And ask. if jouottlil know ,
Timltloulile lo.ided KKiking hair ,
Tnat lauii | turned < lown so low.
[ Huston Couilcr.
The CntlioMccnlhiilml at Haitford , Conn. ,
will cost . " > ( WO.U
The ehildicu of Israel now number about
0i7iKW : ! Uio world ovei.
A New Haven ( Conn' . ) man has sent to
Evangelist Moody a check lor t > lr > M to a.shi-t
him in his w oik.
Cx-I'resldent Arthur ro-cpntly assisted at
thu laying of ( lie corner-stono ot the new
Trinity church at Lenox.
Chili disc-aided the Itoman Catholic re
ligion as tlie le igion of the .slate , ami has an
nounced pcitcct liberty to all louusof tliu
Christian lailh.
Theie are lour rich churches in London ,
baviiio' a total seating capacity of lsw ( per
sons , which lepoit'an aggie al membersltip
of .0 , and of as are olllci.ii.s.
Tlio Presbyterian church in Ireland cm-
braces nearly one li.ilt ot this Piote.stant pop-
u.ution of tlie country. There aiu VJeon-
gieg.iilons , fljo ininiatur.s , and lul-4.V com-
His Imlinesslxy ) XIII. has just pent 40,000
francs to his eminence Caidinal CeiiMit ,
aichblshop of I'.ilein : ! ) , tof distiitiutlon
among the poor wiio HIO .sutfcring tiom the
ravage of cito.cra. " * , i { j
The date of tlio Baltimore conference of
tliu .Jewish ministers' association has bfen
changed to the Kh and -Ttlt iiist , , tlie i.uter
day tor thi ! con feruneo of Sahb.ith achoul sti-
pciintemteiiU and pimcipais.
Metlioilisni has obtained a good foothold In
Newlutindiaml.Tuu total nnmlierol climeln-s
ami nii.ssion .sUtlons is M. and iTiexolniio
43o-ii : members. iJuiing thu year there
was an increase in mcmlwrMilp of ! : ; , ; - ( 1.
A new dt'pirturo in ro'lgions ' matters is
clnonieied by the gatheiing of about a bun-
died of the Ivpiscojial cleigy of New Yoik
city anil neighborhood in iho Highlands
ol the Hudson fora " "
spiritual "tetieat" tor a
ta.l hcu-soii t evangelistic woik.
Accouling to the telegi-aphtcj dispatches
vaccination dlaws a line between Piotesiants
and Catholics in .Montreal. Hitlicu oits as
this apiicais' it is not more so tuaii soiniiiit
the Hi via. i ties tliat lVtletants | sum umes
quanel over amon. ; themselves.
Clang ! Whang ! Mt.iut ; ! ! ! '
'Tir. ibu slovo | ilpo'- > i.t.l jnbllpo ,
And i wmiid thai mj ton mm might utter ,
The thought. ! that iisc in me.
U Imt tor my innocent wuo
And tlm iunote.iu intants two ,
I tl s\vvvrat this pip j
Till the aia.iniiit eth 'f .
Clang ! \ _ ' ! ! H.uulM
( ioed the Cu.sat'.l sLovo pipe and njn.
A pronrlipr who Hhhnk liands with an III-
inoixgir , bio ! o her arm.
A minister , having \\ilh him KIIIIC of bis
old Si-rnidiis. w.isas.sed what liu hail In his
luekage. "Dried tongue , " iv.ts tin ) n-p y.
On tlio west coa-itof Alilca the mi.sdioiia-
rithuieMihltol'Chtinvingli rfootl. in other
lioitn.nsi.i lite "daik uuitliieiit" the peopiu
All oiigiiuil loim of luveiigo In a church
( lii.ii lei was that iidopti'tl iivtmtly by a dis-
itlltctul mciiioer in a ISapti-t church on
biaien Kami , who piMJiiud ; and
lioieil a liniu in tlu b ip.iitrv , thus icmkriiu
It a ' btuKiMi cisteiu which would ha.d nov
\v liter. "
A well-known Texas gambler was convert-
pil. nnd I lent HID a minuter. Onuhundiij ,
ju > t llm ser\icube an , | iu was ubsoioed
m tlioiuht , when hu was appi./aeiici ! by tin ;
organist.who. u-ieriing to t.iuoponiiig nyinn.
said. " \ \ lint MKI.I l play : ' ' "wmu Ic.inl m a
baud have jou ; ' " ivsjiundcd taj ao-iunc-
mindeil mlm.sti'r.
Mankind loves n Ibht , When tie | satieti-
miniums o.d Tom , of ' Uuc.u Tom h Cab n ,
us picM-ntcd In tlie Howery uist week , dioppt d
the iiiimatioii ot hi-tlptiiru and put up fits
ustsmraliisi ihe liiuLu overseer , uvuy beer
glass in tlm iiudk-iiio was sei dotvn , the
smoke of cUais liiieil instantly mini urn
KUUIII- . and apitliy w.i .iitn ctau dtspl.iceil
by 111len.see.\eltoiiu'llt ,
Mlni-ter ( tllnlng with the family ) Well ,
lulii ! ) , do j mi il.vj tu road ( hu liiu.u , ' lioimy
I don t get much of , i culture at it , J > 1 tei
has U iiiiisi ol iho thin.Mmlst'er ( turning to
sister ; Ah. Mi > s C ara. 1 am glad lo kiimv
that you mid uuitioud ( iooU 01 tldl > u-uaiid
eill.-olllllou ) to jou. II ibbv Vl'b , she H.M.-.S U
torpic.ssingiinlumn leaves ,
"And MI yon liked thu SL-imnn. did you'1'
said a i.nly in her IIIIMI md on lit Or way houm
limn chuicli , "Yi'sl vviis iiiticn pleased with
it. " " \\i-.l \ \ , Ihat'.s nither singniir .John , l
never knew von lo.-puik so well o ( a-eruion
lu'lme. " "llm this.siimon was MI diilfient
fiom sill others I vo lie.nd. " "Jn wliit vyay
diireient' ' " "H vv.ii sanrt. "
"Dun t .von vvant to go to ( lie b tk-r world ,
I muni } . asKcd me inndiiy sclio ii u aclier of
the new "No. mum , ' piompiij ie-
p ltd tinIrani ; lilllo leiluw , "And tvli > not
roiiiiii ) ' . ' ' ' " ( > . when I die I want to gij
w lieu- fi'llmv can rest. " " \\rullmj \ boy j o.i
can theie.Vell \ , in ihatMing wo nt'int ;
it .s.i id ilial we'll all itlihii ) thcn % " "Ctitaiii- ;
l.v , don I you want In shine their' ' ' ' ' -.So ,
mum : I don I want ! " Miine tlnia 1 get
i-nmigli of that 1 1 era I'm a boutb.aclc , mum. "
At n Ni > - York wax woik . how .Jrsns
rhiirit , .Sir Moses Mnnielloie , Cen. llumo-k
mid 1'npt. .lack auv aiimmmvil as the lme > (
i-.liractmns. This lcad- levcivni nitMnpuix.'r
to leninik tlml a thoroughly COIIMTVII iveinii )
K .Indue ( iiHulrleli , an oil in-lileiit ol .it.
Paid , llcalu'ujh IIKes lii lalU'd nit mKs nn.
no wiirk.and he always mpre < Ms his iipinlun
liint if liiHlMiuicd lhelieiihi-nnn ( cried He
uimld t-diivert Ini-ni lllniM-lf ' .
.eiy iju u\i > ,
Thi-iilhei iluj uiLieii | | < illlliiniIc > of tinindue
ruiuurLkil : "Jmlj-e , { I you were uudu su
promo nilcr of Milfiinivcrsft , wlmt won'd
\oudo ? " "IM ri'Mirn iunncdlntc 5 % I would ,
by pad , sir. I'm not hankering After any
luoio responsibility than 1 am coinimlled to
bear. " ff , niter ino iminner of the Howcry"
shows. thes.Mubniic Dig 4 Imd IKK-II ntt.ichol.
theseiisibitie.soPgKid | | ( iKxijilu coultl not bo
luuru painlniiy shocked ,
Nursery Kliyino.
Trpinbl. ) , tirwble , little Car ,
Don'tyou wfiud rhow yon arc.
Wou'dn't bo n.luKsliui Kln0' ,
No , .sir I not uir tn > thing I
You're on Iho MIknilo list
Ol the nasty Nihilist.
Pretty sooii we II see you fly
With smno iWttipultc. on liigh.
Hetter get your life Insured
Siift r 'tis In be secured.
Cmry lead around In loads
\ \ hen the dyiiain tu explotlM.
.Sovo lihl you now pond-by
Hope to sco \ on in the sky.
Tieinb c , tremble , little Ciiar ,
Soon you'll wonder \\lu > rti > oti nrol
Tlirro are Hftecn cows In Ohio that nro
slumping around on wooden legs.
An tCngllshnian has demonstrated ( hat n
snail can creep : WJ feet between btiniise and
Aeodusli exhibited by Lovctt A Co. . Port
land , Me. , weighed 111) ) pounds , and measured
.It eel 4 inches In length.
Samuel Kissinger , of Wllllaiu i > ort , Pa. ,
rei outly killed a rattlesnake tliat was Hftecn
feet in length and had tweiity-nvu rattles.
Thlitecn nnd a half Inches is the length of
the Icet ot n mini living on Indian farii | ,
Lewis county , \V. Vu. Hu is but seventeen
yeaiy old.
Dr. ( ! . N. Cage , of Kast Washington , N.
H. , has a half-grown chicken that is able to
don double amount of sciatching , luviug
lour legs to do it with.
There ait ) four wonderful fur wals now on
exhibition InPurls. . They ure trained by a
Dane , taught to me a gun , liu on their backs
and smoke u pipe , play n violin and me a
Two hones of ( he elophos prlmogeniuf ,
and others of some other gigantic animal
have been found lately in Colorado. One
ttisk belonged to K monster a quurter as huge
avail ! as , Jumbo.
The swiftest largo rlvei In the world , ac >
eoidiiigloa Iravedng eoire-ipondent , Is the
Mitej , in liiitisli India. It has adcsocntof
1'j.oui ) feet in ts ( ) miie.s , an average of about
sixty-seven per mile t
Tlnee bears , of a new species , found in no
o'her pait ot the wor'd. ' lw\o leeentiy been
killed on Mount Shasia , Caliloiuia. Tliey
ate desciilit'd by the Saciaiuento Union : ls
w Idle in color , aiitiut tlie M/e ot a s.hepheid
cUw , anil veiy ferocious.
A Nevada man was treed lately nnd kept so
fnrtlie nlgnt n > u tiund ot Imnury eo.votes.
He killed man. of theauima's ' willi Idsiiile ,
but oven that did not cause the otliers lotle-
sist , A party ot liunteix lOMiued tliu uufortu-
nateman in tin ; morning.
In the Arctic occ in ships are freqiienlly In-
vatiexl by swarms of mosunitoes. In Alaska
they toi m e ouds so dense that it Is impost-
hie for spoilsmen to aim at objects li joml.
Native ( logs aru pometlmes killed by llii m ,
nnd even the giiz/ly bear Is Mimctimes
blinded liy their attacks.
The Industry of a lionpy-h"fl working a
clover neld is t-oiuctliing w'ondeirnl. Ivtch
clover head has' sixty separate llowei tubs ,
ou'h containing jiliout the ive liumliedth
part of n grain of sugar. There are 7.030 grains
to a pound , so that tne b > e must , luve sucked
the contents of ilWnT , ) ; ( ) , , ) clover tubea to have
gathered one iiotiiuirof honey.
It is icportetF fnifti tlm Usbing grounds in
Airannmie bayV'e < t Donegal , that nnge
shaiksof a most viiriicious siKX'les attacked
thu usliiii ! : boat- , mill In one case gave battle
so de peralo > that th" men liad t < i use all ex
pedition in gelling into the safety of slu.Iow
water. Onohiiat neaily Hiinlc and iish-
imr has been Interrupted , lew of the men
caiing to venture out.
.Tho nhlWntloil
Queen Viclotimlwns recently swindled
out of lifleen poiinds by n liefj arlv
K"onndrel wlitfji'retendcd to want it foru
charitable purpose. But many oth"r
womim have been robbed of health by
overwork nnd under nay. Knfeebl'-tl anil
liiiiiXiiid women with shuttered nerves
lind strength nntl comfort in Brown's
Iron Hitters. Mrs. Amanda Lay.son.
Cravvfonlsvlllo , Ind. , says , "I used
IJrowii's Iron Bitters for trcnornl ill
liealtli with jjo'id results. " It cuiva dys
pepsia , weakness and nnilnrhi.
Thp < " > n of Win. Ttuvers , the wealth New
Yoik bioker , ivcentli eloped with a Ditxik-
lyn girl.
A Pennsylvania bridcsirronin got inarriPd
on thitty-one cents. Scumble man I Hu will
have but little to lose.
Tlu-re Is a pictty strong pvJd ° npo of color-
blindn-'s-s lor two when a gicen young man
mai lies a red-headed gill.
"Ambulator" wi lies to ask if wo can Ml
him how to lake the em 1 out of hair. Have
yon ever tiled getting m irrled
The proper way to pop ( lie question In
Philadelphia now is to lemark to the gill :
" \Vill \ you nn halves with mu in getting ix
imurlugo license'/ "
The united ii''es of ov-Cov. English , of
Connecticut , and bis new biide me over HH
> cnis < . and their united loitune Is S.s or.ri,000.
Of these the m Kim ( mulshes 7 ve.u-s nml
rfSX)00. ( ) [ ) ( ) HD dm not iuan > for money.
In a western lo'vn thn other dav Mi. Dunn
was man led ( o Miss \ViigIit and all the p-t-
P"rs went and put "Dunn Wilglit" over tlm
account of tlm wedding , lint only time will
tell wliethei it was or not.
An o'd man was met at Kenmibec , Maine.
leci'iitly , who said ho was M years < > f : igi < ,
had walked six miles fiom a jiolnt in Sldne\ ,
and \\usoii his way to meet fiis alll.inced , to
w bom liv w is a ! ) ml to b m irried.
Tin1 m iiii.u-i llceiisu luw is alreadv giving
trouble iu I'liiladelpliia. aeeoidliu to the Kcc-
old. A nc io apjih ing fora license was r" .
tused b'v.uisi' ' he fouM not tell his age. al-
tlmu li ovid -utly b'uviim J ) an I 1) ) .
At an < ild-iislioiied ! ( i 'iiinn wedding In
Wlsr-on-ln tlim-o nimtteeon Invitailo'is iode
tiom housf in hmi-c. tln-irii-i sons anil Imi-es
dccoratid witli nhhons and leave.s. Tne
allnlr .is toencile much com
He : "Did ltevero"cur to you how dim.
cult It must have boon tor Kn'omnn ' lo mo-
iioseloa thons mil maidens' ' " him : "Yes :
Imt not halt so dilll'Milt ' assume of tlie nit-n or
the picM-nt day i.iul it to bj to | iiopo ij to
one maiden. "
"No , " lie Raid. "I lml ! remain single.
Man linnny is gmting moid expensive every
ihiy. A mm njuiiiy now wiiiiont pav-
iiu lilty cents fm-'f ? license. Lets go In nml
liavu .soiueiliiilj.VolAnd when hu leu itu
.saloon lie was rfJi > n < iicr.
It is not periiiltMlla .Mexican to ride lit tlm
same eat rlagi"Nltbriii ; "oiiniii to w 1mm he js
b-trnthed. ThlVpfnbib y beeaiis-e theie is , il-
ways nuire or ICis dfi ' ) vr of people in near-
i ia'e falling mllv NV'i ' MI a senorita h is lav
sued a bean sliejalo no lisks.
Miss Mary Hfftlittti Hyde , the onlv daugh
ter of Hemy H.Jldbi , pro.slde'it ' of Iho Kijmt-
able Lite As iinMi < vxocit-t > . Nw Y'irk , win
man led at herjntljg'.s cuinitiy lesh ti ice it
llayhhoii. LofljsJ j and , last week 10 Mr.
hidne.v Dll.oii * JIW | x , a nephew ot Sldn , < v
Dil.on. Sidney fttuiior donated a Inndt.M
thousand doiniiioLitie as u wedtling piesttnt.
Pnblio MieaEfrsTimd Hinders lind B. II ,
oii < 'las-t & Srtnnt'apsleiim Coiijj
: i si i ru remedy IONIUM r.scni-d
To Sncucieil Jtid' o Dlokoy.
CairAfiO , ( ) , - | . a. 'l'M republican conven
tion tn-tla. . , to nouiinutt ! a candid , tit ) Im HII-
pieuio conit JnMlcelcoT.Ljie. . Dickey ,
( Uvea < iil. nominated Uenjamln N. Mii indor ,
"What wo learn * with pleasure we never
forget , " Allrcd Murmur. Tliu follow.
inji is u UUMI in | iolnt. "I paid out hun
dreds of dollars without rvi'iiviiijj any
lioiiulit , " hays Mrs Ktuilv Hhoads. of Me ; .
Brides , Mu : i "I had lit'm.ilu cuniplninis
c.speulallv d' i'giii ! < down. 'for nver'h x
years. Dr , i Piercim Knvorilo Pnv
scr nt mi d i ! ) < niorii awi\ \ than nny
Ilieilli inn I \ < v to < iK I n Ivtsi * everv'
Hit'k l.tdv to il > i t ' And MI do we 1 }
nevi nlta.1) ) poi , t.i ita iniiroiin. lru iii
sell it. i
oun EB
Rhcumailsm , neuralgia , Sclalica ,
Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toolhacho.
NorcTlirnnt , . ' , rllliie . .Sr > rnlN .muI o ,
inn-Mi , NcnliU. t'ruil Illlo ,
K\n kit , O7iiirn nonit.r rms AMI Ainr * .
Sold If Druciltlifcnd n ] i > i * * rf wlc rfc Filljr 0uU UU1 .
Dlr rtloullo It Utiiftitrrt *
, MA XCOtU&tCO. ) BlUlmrt. B . . f.8.i.
Miirilornd UN Cousin.
anr.K.WiM.K , S. C. , Oot , 21. ( Cldriuco
Times Special. | - Hd wntd Grlspuml William
Dry-son , twocousliiM , tin- heads of rcioctal | ) > li >
families in Lamens rounty , had n dispute
over the ownership of n | iir. | Crisp \\as a man
( if line ptiyshpte , while Biyiou wris n pygmy
In stature. They wcru on horseback and
agreed In inrnlftn tliu woods uml B ttlo thu
mailer. Them Diysou called Cilsp u liar.
Crisp gmn > d Hi\son by tliu Imir. lifted liliu
( ilf his hoi , se and dropiH'd him to the ground.
Ilryson IIIOSP , pidli-d his revolver and M-nt
tluvu bullets tlnnimli Cilsii'i biMly , killing
liliu instantly. llivMin is at homo awaiting
lliuaclton of the shciilf.
Dchllltntnl Men ,
Yon nin allowed n free trial r thlriy dm/i /
nt the use of Dr. IKe's Celcbiatcd voltaic
Jlelt wltli Electric Siispensoiy Appliance * ,
lorthosppcdy icllef audperm.inent cine of
Neivous Dchilih. lossuf vltalitj nntl Man
hood , anil all I ; I nil i cd doubles. Also tur
nianv tithe diseases. Complete restoration to
health , vi.'oi and manhood. No tM ; is in
clined. Illnsiat | ( > i | pamphlet with full Information
mation , teims. etc. . mailed free by adiliesain. ;
Voltaii ; P.clt Co. . Marshall. Mjcli.
Assassinated Ills RNtor.
M.UIION , Ala. , Oct. 121. [ Chicago Times
Splvlal. ] The tlMMI NCNfitld 0\er tllO ( 'Old-
blooded minder committed hero Unlay by u
14-ycar-o'd ' negio boy. Heniy Huntley li tlm
boj's name , ntul Ids victim wnshis sister , 'JO
years old. A tew days atro she chastised him
lor emu misconduct , and ho vowed ho would
kill her. This mninim : he pit a shotgun and
took a stand when ; she won't ' ! have to pis ; ,
and when she came in sight he shot ncr in
Iho abdoinen , kllllni : her almost instantly.
He tlien put the gun down , stepped up.
looked at her , and milling her dead , \\alked
Icisuiely away. Them weio several wit-
n ' ' - , but they weiu so stunned hy the
s | ht that they did notofVei to detain him.
He wa < pursued later , however , caught ,
brought back , and placed in jail.
Advertising ( JlientsI ! !
"It 1ms bet-onio so common U ) b ( ln an
article , in nn elegant , interesting style ,
" 'I hen run it into sonio advertisement ,
that wo avoid : | H siioli ,
"And simply call ultontinn to the merits
of ] lop Hitlers in us plain , lionuat terms
tin possible ,
"To indnoo people
"To frivo them ono trial , which so
proves thiiir valno that they Will never
Ut > c anything else. "
"Tun ItRMKiir to fuvotubly noticed In all tliu
pupcr ? ,
mid seimliir , Is
u Lirjo Hiilo , mid la supplanting all
"Thuru is no ( Itmyliiff tlio virtuoso ! the Hun
plum , uml tlio | ii-oirlutoi-H | of Hop Uittuit , li.tvu
t-howii ( float slnottclnoss and ability.
"In compounding u iiicillclno ulm-o virtuoi
mo si. ) imliMlilo to iovci j ono s uU orvutIuu. "
1)1(1 Slio Die ?
"Sim lingered nnd snfTered along , pin
ing uvvay nil tlio time tor years "
KTliu doctors doing her no good ; "
"And ut last was cured by tliis Hop
Bitters tliu papers .say sp mueli about. "
"Indeed ! Indeed
"Ilow thankful wo .should be for that
nu-diuine. "
A Daughter's Misery.
"Eleven years our UniiglitorsuUered on
n bed ot mimu'v.
'Trom n complication of kidney , liver ,
rheumatic trouble uml nervous debility ,
"Under the care ot the be t rjliysit-iai's.
"Who gave her disuaao various names ,
"But no relief.
"And now .shy is ro tiyed to n in good
hi'iil'.li by us sjinple a remedy us Hop ' 'it-
tcr.s ( hat we had shunned for veatsbelore
it. " THE'
Prosecute the .Swindler ! ! '
Ifwlii'ii you cull Ifir Mop liitiurd , ic
rliiiturlif Mupt > < in tliu hlio lutieli tlie .irntviii
IniluUuiit nil > Diner-tull calle.H' . I ) Warnei *
( ieiiuioi lloii Illttt'isor with oiliui 'Hop ' uiiinv ,
u-ln-0 It imi. slum tluit tlruiorNi aso i would .1 .
% lur. | and If lie Ini.s nikon ) onrnumolurthu
Mil ! ) liiilmt liliu tur ( ho Inuiil rni1 uc lil'ii tor
In ilamniris tor lliv wliiillo and no will u-iv.u-it
ou Illiomlly 4or tin. com mtloii
7'DR. . HA IMS
Astlnna Cure.
This Ijiviihnilik ] Hpnclllu luudlly unit portmi-
iiiimly ttniiis till UIMIIH ol A-iniiui. I'lio iiant
[ ) t limtt ( > mill ( | > ' -liiniillijr CU-L > vlolil
i\ l < i UP uomtciCnl L'liniiK piii | < 'iiio- > It H
Known tinounlioiit tnu uorld lor it > unriv.Un.l
.1.1 , l > A.lWii-l.cityiI ! : [ .liicolii. Nih. , vvnic-i.
Jun. - : ' . ln. > { : aiiiLi ; lining lr il.urs A , < ui n i
( 'mo , KII IIIOKI tliun one jeai , 1115 wuo Inii lnx'ii
I'liiiH'Ij null , iiiul not unm n H > mptoia of tiiu
lll-OllrO Illtn lOIIHMrOd
\V U.I 1AM lllINMyiT , HlPlilimil. Iowa , willm.
> ( Hiil : , ! * - > ! ; | iniM' h'i < n nlllieleil unli Hay
1 cMi-mid Axtlmia KIIHC IViii I iiiihnicu jour
iiiLMjiioiiH ami am I npi | ) to Unit I nuviir
i-lcjir In-ter In my Illo I inn ulml thm 1 mu
iniiomr I no inaroiio can HpcuU MI ln\0iubly of
A vuliiiililc ill init'O ticallso ( oatalnln slinltai
i loot' tin.n I'vciy Hiauj in mo I' S . I'limida HIM
Limit Itnitilll , will hu lllilllcil lipdll upihf | > lllil I.
Anj titujfjfUt nol hurliiK it m r.u.cK uilljuM-
uio it.
- * t , in * 4 it I \ / U P * " J3J ! * 6 * v t ,
. . . , - - . .
u iao itftia it
Ill * OrlKlniil " 'i'1 < "l.v < > i'iiiilun.
> I | | Jl , llrlll'll ' l < - rri > rHurthl , llnll > lU .
It'U' u I\pEB. | Auk > o r llrlizuUI
" < hlihf.lrr' I'uirll.u ' 1 r " ' In. !
tti\ttit\ \ li. M | , ullLUl r IH I'lIM1 t.y return II.KII
I lilrhr.l-r flii-uili" ! I' . . .
Many a Lady
is beautiful all but her bkin ;
aiul nobody has ever toM
her how easy ic is to put
beauty on tin ? skin. Deauiy
on tlie skin js Magnolia
( Vlpcip , In Every Style nnd Variety Known to' ' Wlodorn
Cochins and Hontlhg Steve and Range Construction.
PRICES FRORB $30 to $75.
J3l Tflf ttl > 0 Trade Mark Is a Cuarcntco that Vcr/ Article tanrng if
I2g3s t e finest and Best ? izt ccn bo tnzdo far the price astcd.
Beware of Imitations. If your Dealer will not
furnish you with a "Garland" write direct to
The Michigan Stove Company ,
& , Stoia-e's
One of I7i3 Best and Largest Ktoclts in t7ic V , 'S ,
to Select from.
No Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passenger Elevator.
Growers of Iiive Stock antl Ofeliera.
II htliolKiot nnil dioina < t rood Tor tnckof nnv Ictml. Oiiopnnnl l o nlll to tlu o iKinnll o !
corn. Slock fed wit i Uronml Oil Calio 111 iho Rill mil Winter , Imtoii of running do vn , will. In-
rrcaM.1 In wuljrht ntul IHJ In ( rood markolulilo onndlllon In the snrli7. | Prtlrymon na upll in oUiorl ,
who OM > itcan tottlly to hi UILTIIS. Try it'mld jmUo for yaur lvp . 1'rlco fj pqr tyi. | , , Wo
( .lian.0 K'lrsiickj. ' Adduv-y WOOmtAN LINSI'UU Oil , U'OUKJ , jUmubu ,
IX'HKK , Mutineer ,
Itrj-T.HENTnS : Merchants nnd T'lirmerV Hank. Dnvlil Cltv , Ncti : Kivirnoy National'
rej , M'li : Uiliiniliiis Stiiio linnl : . Oilutnbti * . Nob. : Jlcl. > ( iimU'-t Hunk , Ninth I'l vtto , Nub. O.milu
hiiilmnil limik. Uniiilm. Noli. ,
Will pil ) L'Uhiuiin'i-3' iliult tvltti bill of hiding attachcJ , Tor tvi-llilrd3 vuluo nCHtook.
' ' , t
A. TL'I.IIOC'K , V.\\y. \ \ nml Supt. (1. I' . N.HADII < QAa8t.ICn : ( r
II. W. niAMO.Vn , As-t. Scoy. l T
Ilissouri Valley Bridge and Iron works.
Wrouglit Iron , Steel , Hke
Truss and CoinlilimHon
n H i D a j ] < s
For llallromid mid IH'/hrniMla. '
Turn Tables , Draw Spans , ftj ' : ! <
Tnsses , Pis-sand Slib-1
strin lures.
jr-Tja w. 'J-Tv-Ttr ' ' ? 'j' i' " 'r L-ITW : " > --'aL ' > Js ± iiii-a
A. Mou > nK il A.
' ' > -
P' . '
AHiH ) '
I > | n < i n'iil IH wor.l of ulfbrliUnrorli to lot. CorrtMinn | lotu-o sollcltuil truin oiiKlnoorft mi
or full Particulcn about Free anil Cheap Lands in Woslern Nebraska , AMrosa PATTERSON
& WHITE , Real Estate flge/its / , tfprth Pintle. Nebraska.
F F t
' PttTV-a
rnswijror Olovaior to all llonrI3 . I'M'nnd lilU Kaniitm Blrort.
Nebraska National BanS
I'.MII UI-CAI-II-AI. . . . . . S'J.V.OH ) )
hini.t | h , May I , | t > vs . ii.JJ.i.JJ
II , WvV.vrcs. I'rortitlont.
A. K. TOLV.ALIW , Viuu
Jini.s1 S. ( Ji i.tiS3 ,
J.KWI.- . KKI | > ,
\V. | I. S , llti
Co. 1'Jlli uml lltrnatn H tree In.
A ( iClll.'flll llllllklllV IIUnlllttnl i'lllll aCU'd '
& MAUL ,
i to .1. ( I. JaciilM.i
At tlioolil niiuii | HJFiirmini St. Orilors liy
< lt'Hliipi > riiluiiiuti tiud ( iiompily utlim a ) . I to
Ci in , inic No. > .
A IUtl,7 ) ( ( , IN15 I'Oll
England , France & Germany ,
'Hit sit itiiii-liijM ol dim ticll kiii | n | : tii' ( ire .dl
ill non , in vjuivr iit'in iiimiuiiiui | > n . mi.i ri >
| IHIII. MI | H-IIII ouoiiiiny to ma.i.uc ,1.1- , . . , .
Unit MIIU uml iwifi'iiluu Tlui ) rair > nic I nnd
M , If mil Kuiopfiiii inmliifiiiid It'iuc.Si'if Vmk
'I li , . .MII | ) > UIII | nutljllny ) Inr I'lnuuui i. UIX
IUN.Chi > iMin > r il'AMRt iiiHl ll\ .Illl'll .
iol i-uliln , W-fM. | ) ; < li > .Vu4
S. H. ATWOOD , , ;
liiTodorof Tlioronjfhhroil aad Illx'i ' Ori'lVo
Hereford and Jersey Galilo ]
And D.inou mid Juieoy Kinl Sulno ,
Chicago , Milwte & SI.Paul
* t , ( I )
The Short Iiine
and Best Route
From Omahajo tlie East.
TWO nuiNjUUlLvluTnVIJISNtl'MAHA .tN | >
rlneiiwn , MlimcniiolM , Milivii ilou ,
M 1'iml , ( oiiMr ICiiilU | , Diivdliinirt ,
< linimi , Imliiiiiiu | , Jtouklnnl ,
Ilixk llnii.l , Iirini'iil , . ) | inc < villo ,
llcloli , Whmim' , '
Ami all otlior liiixiiiiiiii | I > IIIIH | Itasr
i iillcoiii Jl'l Pinna n si i eet , ( In I'mliin
Kind , mid m I mull j-iiHIiu Ueput/
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: I Hli , M.U.\.IMV , t ht.i , \ M I'll i. It il.KrtvAnil 'I
i v < i > mii'iiiiuii if i"il'i In I'liHMiiixuri'
Him e iiiiluj es m die rn m > | iv
II. Mn.i.l n. lifiieiiil M.uiniicr.
.1 , I' I't | Krili | , Vvi > | mn tli-.H'
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I KIT mi'l Tiekt !