Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1885, Page 5, Image 5

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Thomas WLUoly and Some Elt3 of Eh
ProTiona'Hiitor/ .
The Now AVntcr Worlw nt Ilio fltoclc
Variln A. AVcstc-nt Union Tele-
urnpli Comjiolltop News
About the Cay.
IFnoM iiir. nr.R'n I.iNCOt.r * Munr.Air.1
The attempt of Thoimw Whitely nrul
Ills wife to suicide proved , us Htated In
yostonlny'a paper , to be ( successful , anil
after n great ninny hours of Buffering
both expired , notwithstanding the skill
ful nnd faithful labors of several physi
A number of very strange Incidents are
connected with this itflalr besides tho.Ho
already spoken of in the Bute. On Tuos-
tday iifturnoon whllo n married sister of
MM. Whltoly's WIIH witting in her homo
in thu eastern part of the city some one
fired u pistol shot into the room \vhero
the lady was Hitting , The bullet hit the
ceiling nnd then fell to the lloor. The
Ituly who wns about to bo con lined was
BO badly shocked that .she guvo birth to ir
child prematurely.
Thu suicide occurred in room HO , which
l the Name apartment in which C. K.
Yost , of Omaha , Church IIowo and
others hud their hcudimartcr.s during the
Into republican convention , and where
they sot up the pins for Yoat's reelection
for chnirmnnKhip of the stale central
committee. Snpi'rMiliotm people Imlkivo
this to be an omen of misfortune.
\Vhitely's brother arrived lute Thursday
night from his home in St. Loui.-t. It has
been determined to bury the couple hero ,
und ( ho fmuTul will occur to-day. The
motive of the deed hits not been learned ,
its a careful .search through the
dead man's eflects failed to bring any
paper to light , which would explain any
thing. One theory is that \Viiitely wns
jealous of thu woman h married , and it
vriw a preconcerted plan on bis part to
commit the deed immediately alter
marriage. There was so far as can be
learned not the slightest foundation
for his suspicions nnd all who were ac
quainted with tlio young lady before her
marriage speak in the highest terms of
lior'niodcsty and becoming behavior on
all occasions. She WIIH exceptionally
good looking nnd bore a distinguished
Another rumor which also hicks author
ity has llotited about among the curious
gossipers who have Hocked around the
Hotel since the tragedy.Vhitoly , as has
Leon stilted , traveled for the Standard
Shoo company , of JolTorson ( Jity , Mo.
It > i stated that : i short limn since
ho drew tv draft on his house
for about $ lKK ( ) , and it was sent buck to
hint without payment. This fact seemed
to have bothered him greatly. Some
time ago Whitely had brain fever and he
never entirely recovered from it. This
together witli his morphine eating habit
leu doubtless indirectly to the conplu'tt
sad ending. There was not enough
money found on Whitoly's person to bury
the two persons or pay other expenses.
The brother , Mr. A. A. Whitely , paid nil
thu bills.
A HKK reporter visited the slock yank
yesterday to witness u test of thu now
water works ) . The exhibit was entirely
unsatisfactory so far as wnssaid by these
interested , and the works will probably
bo tested again by the contractor.
Whllo looking over the yards : i number
of improvements since the reporter's hist
visit wore noticed. The hotel is nearly
finished and its three stories and high
stone basement loom tip greatly
from Its olovntoil site on the
top of the hill. Near by are the
brick works , which arc far ahead of what
had at Ilrst been anticipated. Tlio sheds
are largo and substantial and the capac
ity was increased over what had lirst
been intended , This enterprise is duo
entirely to the lion. John Fitzgerald ,
whoso public spirt is well known not
only in Lincoln b'ut over the entire west
ern country
The stock yards have not yet been
opened for regular business , although
several cars of stock have been sold at
the yards and largo numbers fed on their
w y to custom markets.
"The grout and only young ladies'
base bull club vs. strong nine of Lincoln
young men" was tin attraction at the
capital citv yesterday which drew an im
mense crowd of statesmen and otiiors to
an open Held at thu corner of Nineteenth
and L streets. The canvas covering to
keep out those who had not paid their
quarter admission was but a small pro
tection against boys and others not pro
vided with cash. Before the game was
called the young ladies had many
ndmirers and several young men had the
temerity to feel of the muscular develop
ment ot their arms. Thu ladies blushed
thereat to such an extent it was feared
that they would be unable to play ,
Deacon Hyde , of our esteemed but or-
ratio contemporary , was asked to umpire
\ the game , but his natural galjantry for
bade him accepting thu position , as ho
Bald he'd bo if he could decide
.against the Indies , With great reluctance
on thu part of the ladies another gentle-
,1111111 wtis called upon to net.
The game itself did notainonntto any
thing Judged from a sciunfilio stand
George M. Myers , Ksn. , of Kansas City ,
superintendent of the United Lines tele
graph oompn'iy , was in thu citryestur-
day on business connected with liis com
pany. Ho has rented tin olliee in the
basement of the First National bunk ,
corner of Tenth and O streets , and ad-
jncent to the Bni : ollieo. It will bo
opened for business by the last of novt
week , nnd iisuilleieiit force of operators
put on to handle .the business , which
it U expected will be consider
able from the htart. Mr. Myers
said that his company now
comprised whut wore known as ihu Balti
more & Ohio telegraph company , the
I'osta ) telegraph companv and the new
western comjinny which has been build
ing through Missouri , Kansas and Ne
braska. Tim tliivo will be called as
cil above , the United Mm * , and it will
light the \\VMern Union for hii'.ini'xs lo
nearly nil points in the United Sl.-itrs.
The line is within twenty miles of Om.iliu
and its olllcu will bo opened them about
the sitnii ) time thu Lincoln ollieo opens.
It in likely that the fomnlo Imso ball
club , which played hero yesterday , will
strand in Lincoln. Several of thefenmle.s
conncctm ) i villi the ontlit have caused
nn attachment to issue against Harry
Freeman , msmagor. for $ ' 'Uil ovtirdno
salaries. Constable I longer has attached
everything of value bcloii inic to thu
manager , Including n portion of the gate
receipts for thu performance. The club
is thu ftimu widen is to play in Omaha on
There will bu ti Japanese wedding nt
the liKiitlbt church Monday evening next.
It will 1)0 a novelty tmd till : ire invited to
attend. '
Thu Lincoln city railroad company is
building a track on Kloventh street north
nnd south of I'Mml.
Jim Kelleyaml piTty ; Hturtod yostordnv
on their uiinunl yvio hunt. They will
Jifojile eomewliero nn thu I'latto river ,
uud expect to bring homo loU of gnme ,
the company shipped homo a
number of wagon loads , The river la
said to bo white with gocso.
The street crossings in Lincoln nro In
very bad condition and Street Commis
sioner Wilcox is haul at work with a
force of hands repairing them.
No city in the country has such reckless -
less , heedless nnd careless drivers as
Lincoln- . Many people of lain have como
ver.y nuar being run over by thoughtless
hack and dray drivers. The city has an
ordinance against fast nnd careless rid
ing and driving , but little or no attention
Is paid to It. Only a few days since an
elderly lady wan crossing on the corner
of nnd O strcet.i , nnd was knocked
down by an awkward drayman the
wagon running across her botfv. Fortu
nately the > lady was not seriously in-
in roil , but no thanks are duo the driver
for tliiMgood hick. The city pollen should
see that the ordinance is enforced.
. Secretary of State Ko.ggen Imq Pont out
postal cards to all the county clerks In
the state , Instructing ami requesting
them to .fend In thu election returns of
their respective counties at the curliest
possible in inent. The election takes
place November ! J.
The inevitable and Irronrrflsibln hand
organ is in town , and the Italian is gath
ering In thu nickels without thu aid of the
trick monkey.
Lincoln lias one moro wholesale liquor
house , making three in all.
Great improvement.1) ) are still belli"
made in Lincoln , and plasterers 'and
stonemasons are receiving four dollars
per day , but still there is a scarcity of
workmen. ' *
I' . W. IIowo , who has for some time
acted as county missionary for the poor
and has received larsjo sums of moni y
from the county commissioners of this
county to distribute among the pour as
he saw lit. without making any report to
tin ; board , has dismissed his claims
amounting to some $8)1) ) , which were
appealed to the distriet court , thus
virtually admitting thatthecoiinty hoard
had no authority to deliver county funds
to him. During thu year KSil Klder
Howe applied for and obtained several
thousand dollars in aid from the board.
Ills dismissal of the appealed claims is
virtually a notice to the board that they
have been violating the law in issuing
warrants to him by the wholesale , ami
citizens are now asking , cannot thu
money be recovered from thu county
hoard and their bondsmen which they
have checked out in this reckless manner ?
An inquiry and invustigati n will prob
ably bo made In a few days , and very
likely a suit will bo brought against them
to recover it.
V. N. Oorhiim , Ksq. , of Burlington ,
Iowa , has been in the city several ilays
on bns'mo.ts. It is well known that Mr.
( iorhnm built the present Windsor hotel ,
nnd when lirst opened it was called after
its builder , until the change of
mnniigi'incnt. Mr. Gorhain expresses
himself surprised tit the marvelous
growth of Lincoln. He has beau shaking
hands with large numbers of old friends
since his arrival here.
A. B. Andrews , I'nwnoo City ; II. W.
Tobias , Sidney ; J. II. BjUor , Howard :
W. 1' . Mumnugh , Omaha : George II.
Powers , Beatrice ; Ben. II. Ilayden , J. II.
Hardy , Wilbur.
Charles Ilmlat , of Norfolk , is : it the
Uuiiliun LisjBO , of Lodge Polo , is at the
J. M. Strauser , of Sidney , is u guest nt
the Pax tou.
A. II. Ncidig. of Norfolk , is stopping at
the Milliird.
O. C. Salmi , of Beatrice , is stopping at
II. S. Nowcomb , of Lincoln , is si guest
at thu Pnxton.
Dr. Charles Whitney , of Friend , Nub. ,
is at tlio Millard.
K. K. Smith and. wife , of Long Pine ,
tire at the Paxton.
A. W. Clark , of Pupillion , spent yes
terday in the city.
C. M. Stendman , of Valley , is regis
tered nt the Millard.
U. Wheeler anil wifo. of Osccola , are
guests tit the Millard.
IT. M. Roberts , of Ncligh , is in the city ,
stopping at the Paxton.
S. L. Gardner , of Norfolk , Neb , , is
stopping at Iho Millard.
K. W , Murphy , of North Plattc , is reg
istered at the Pnxton.
George _ W. Hani hart , of Lodge Polo , is
stopping at the Paxton.
K. W. Batty and Mrs. C. II. Paul , of
Hastings , tire at the Paxton.
Charles II. Bnmnor , of Fremont , is in
the city , a guest tit the Millnrd.
William Loose and James Suott , of
Lincoln , spent yesterday in Omaha.
Congressman Jim Laird , of Hastings ,
is in the oity , stopping at the Paxton.
W. A. Johnson anil ( I. M , Lambcrtson ,
of Lincoln , are stopping at the Paxton.
George W. Frank , one of the leading
bankers of Corning , Iowa , accompanied
by his wife , is at the Paxton.
15. It. ( iroom , of Lexington , Kentucky ,
one of the largest Importers of Hhorthorn
cattle in the country , is in the oity , stop
ping tit the Paxton.
Sioux City Journal , 3M : Mr. and Mrs.
S. II. Moore , who have been guests of
Omaha friends for several days , will re
turn homo to-morrow.
A. T. Aii.stin , Logansport. Iiul. , is in
the city ( o look alter his ItoMon shoo
store on Douglas street Mr. Anst n is
much pleased with the city , mill \vijl no
doubt transfer his other stores in Indiana
o this place.
W. Dixon , Auburn ; C , M , Hunt , Lin
coln ; G. W. Spencer , St. James ; Dr. L.
A. , 'ihat'er , Sehnyler ; J. . L. Uittur , North
Bend , are at the Can Held.
Mr , S. F. Lewis , who was a delegate
from I'Yaiiklin assembly , No. l - ' K of
L , of this uity , to the general assembly
tit Hamilton , Oat. , lias rntiirned to
U , II. Froldig , of Norfolk , roennt flno-
rotary of the republican state convention ,
hart moved to this oily , and will locale
hero in the real estate business.
( Jen.1 J. Kil S'n'tli and wife arrived
home from the east last night , accom
panied by their son , Dr Chas , K. Smith ,
dentist , who contemplates locating here.
Mr. Harviiy Hawkins , of Creston ,
Iowa , and .Miss Nettje Hawkins , of
Mount Pleasant , Iowa , am ] Miss Nettie
Hawkins , of Ohio , are visiting Mrs. U.
K. Allen. 'JOI'.l Webster street ,
Mr. T. K. St'H-o'H , the receiving teller
nf the Omaha National bank , has rn-
Mitned his position to accept another in
the Commercial National , where he will
olliuiate a-i both receiving anil paying
teller. This Is quite a promotion tor Mr.
Stevens , anil Ins jarge elreln of friends
will rejoice with him in his good luck.
Prof. Kdward I'.iihl , who gained con
siderable celebrity hern as thu painter of
a very clever picture depleting scenes on
the b'anks of Ihn Missouri during the
Hood In Omaha in 1 SI , is visiting tlm
oltv , and is seriously thinking of locating
liiiru pormnuontlv. The professor has
made a thorough tour of the west , but
snvs that taking all things Into consider
ation ho has nowhere found sn/h general
prosperity as ritjlit hero In tlm Gtito citv.
Ho has just completed a very artKtlo pro
duction entitled "Facing the Storm , "
which is on exhibition ut lion's art gul
lory ,
Tlioro is no telling when rheumatism
mav toixd vou ; therefore always keep on
liatid a bottle of StJaeol > H Oil. *
Llttlo Casino , skating rink Saturday
QVU. Oct. 31. tlm great emu mUo raou ,
St. Joseph's Hospital the Greatest Sanifa-
riutn of Nebraska.
A Visit to Ilio Hosiiltnl Tlio Good
Sisters of St. l-'nuiuls nail
Their Order.
st. .r
The greatest of Nebraska's charitable
institutions is St. Joseph's hospital. It
is the greatest , not because the spirit of
its foundation is any inoro righteous or
its upholders more charitable than
others , but bi-canso it has won public
confidence and itsihlnislratlonsaro more
wide-spread , reaching the larger number
who require charity.
Situated at the corner of Twelfth anil
Mason streets , on the crest of a long hill ,
descending easily on all sides but to thu
east , where the declivity is abrupt , its
site overlooks the nity , tlio rolling plains
beyond and the Iowa blnll's opposite ,
seamed apart by miles of the winding
river. Such a vista viewed at any season
of the year is inspiriting but sconbathed
in autumn it was yesterday.word
painting fails utterly ot the HU nil inly ,
beautiful prospect. None can question
that this .splendid panorama ot nature
commanded from the hospital , is an cle
ment in sanitation as to the fevered
traniii , in the tedious hours of convales
cence , it brings sweeter ministorings
than all the soothing draughts the arts
of medieino can devise. Those who have
passed the Weary journey back from the
shore , of death to life , know others are
in ignorance , that the surroundings of
the invalid , which please the eye , bear
grateful healing to thu soul to fortify in-
liillcront hopes and pulseless energies.
Thu hospital i.s a large frame building
of two story elevation , Hanked with rear
extension wings. No ornamentation is
attempted on the exterior , save a balco
ny or portico at windows hero and there ,
but the structure and premises have a
cheerful appearance. ' 1 wo front entran
ces back from the lot line about ten feet ,
with the intervening space between the
fence and the building sodded and plant
ed with trees and llowers ,
communicate with largo halls
on the interior. These branch
ami ramify throughout the building so
that every room and ward is entered im
mediately from the halls , and from the
semi-court structure of the building , ex
terior windows are allbrdcd in every
apartment. Upon the lower tloor there
are foui wards , an apothecary depart
ment , reception ehamoers anil number
less private rooms , tneso hist furnished
by gratuities from various citi/.cus to
whose honor a memorial tablet is upon
each door. Above stairs thu same order
ot all'airs exists , the chapel and the sleep
ing apartments also tituling place.
The reporter made his visit yesterday
in company witli a gentleman of
wealth ami high o&teem in Omaha ,
who adds to his liberal
monetary dispensationsthe moro Christi
an task of frequent visitation upon this
great refuge ot tnoalllicted. Histaco was
lamiliar evidently to the greater number
of the poor unfortunates , as they smiled
in greeting to his cheery hail and feebly
extended their hands for his warm pres
sure : The wards are large apartments
occupied in common by a number
of patients.nnd are usually devoted tu the
less serious types of injuries and disor
ders , while for cases of grave char.ietur ,
the private rooms oiler abundant aceoiu-
limitations. The Union Pacilic company
has award of its own and the fact that it
is regularly occupied by maimed and
crippled is a sad commentary
upon the perils of railroad
ing. The railway company adds
to this portion of its medical t.ervico a
splendid surgical faculty and on this
score , if on no other , the great corpora
tion seems to bo doing the fair thing.
All have been in sick rooms more or
less , and are aware of the painful im
pression , they create upon the visitor.
Thus , in a hospital , with its vast agrrega-
lion of human suil'enngs , it may well be
imagined that the situation inspires all
tint pleasurable reductions. Faces , wan ,
haggard , worn anil discolored ; eyes
sunken , hollow , lire-lit or death dimmed ;
physical frames wasted , pain-racked ,
maimed or bleeding all tnat the llesh
sutlers presents here its doleful array.
But what a glorious struggle the humani
tarians who took practically to heart the
teachings of the Na/.areno in
founding this institution have inado
against the palling atmosphere
ot disease. The light Hoods in through
largo easements set closely together , tlio
walls , eeihngs .mil tloor snino with clean
liness , while the cots in tlio neatness of the
whitest linen bedding , woo slumber
amid the direst suu'oring. No pains are
spared for the perfect comfort of the
unfortunate lodgets , while their slightest
wants meet prompt attention.
There are at present seventy patients
in tlio hospital , about thu average num
ber. A number somewhat exceeding
live hundred have already within the
present year availed themselves of its
shelter nnd treatment. To those who
are able , a no initial charge for lodging ,
board , medical service and nursing , of
11) ) a week i.s made , while in cases of
extreme indigonoy , a fund is drawn upon
to cover thu expenses.
To tliu credit of the good Sisters of St.
Francis is this monument of huniani-
tariatiism raised and sustained. The hos
pital is managed in every detail by
twenty-four of those pious women. Upon
them every duty of the Institution de
volves , thu ministering to tiu sick , the
kitchen , washing and general housework.
A more noble task than these women as
sume is not to 1)0 ) Imagined. Forever tit
the side of wretched livosstruggling with
death as it visits humanity in its every
form , from insidious unseen disease to
the most shocking won nils , they lead an
existence whosesublimity : ahovo common
pursuits words fail to measure , That to
their ellbrts alone , restoration to health
of many whom death had claimed , it
t-Tomed beyond surrender , is duo , scores
of men and women in thisoity will vouch
from their own experience.
Tlio SUtnrs of St. Francis are not nuns
but an explanation ot' theirexact position
in the great tinny of toilers under the
Itouian Catholic faith , is .something inoro
dillicult than can bo hoped to attain in
the piYsuiil small scope. They are
bound to no removal from the concerns
of life nor to the ulo'stored seclusion of
the convent. Theirs is a lifo of puhlio
duty and their places are in thu schools
anil hospitals. Their order diil'or-t in its
olllees from the Sisters of Moruy and the
Sifters of Chanty although thodntics aru
.similar. Their dres.s is ilistinclivo , their
brown hoods and gowns with white
cord belt is peculiarly their own.
Upon entering the order , a privilege
which is open to till women who success
fully pass a form of examination known
as tnu novitiate , this habit is formally as
sumed and worn through lit'o or until
absolution of the vows of sisterhood is
t ikon , for a sister cuu tit any tlmu honor
ably retire from the order upon present
ing good and valid reasons for so doing.
Although lint religious natuto of their
obligations forbids frivolity , they are not
under severe restraints , nud tlieir dutio.s
taku them as freely out upon the streets
( o scenes of distress nu within thu
wards of thu hospital , They Imvo less
formal devotion in their laws tliun U
uiintonmr.y among tlm nuns anil many
other orders of ulsturhood , Twice or
thrice a year they go "into retreat ' him
m -lit together for a period of two or
tireu-duys in devout solemnity.listening
to and liccding tht > exhortation of some
Franciscan fruir Mint to tlic-iu for that
purpose. Surli an-oyent is now In pro
gress at St.'Josepjn's hospital.
The order takes Us name from Its ac
cepted patron saint , Francis of Assisl ,
whosi * adventurous ntiropr forms an in-
torcititi"chapter in , iibtory.
He was born at AsVisI , an ItalKui town ,
in 11HJ , and although olimUuiml Gio
vanni Bcruadono , MVUS earlv nniuoil
Frant'l , from Hi" ftivt thit : ItU father , a
merchant , traded Hindi in Franco. He
passed a youth of thoughtless dissipa
tion , serving as a'coldier for a time ami
subsequently taking Indulgence in theft ,
for which his fathnr.had. him temporarily
, imnrisoiuul. At last , however , the ree-
I ortls say , ho hearkened to a voice from
I heaven and reformed to a life of the
strictest piety nnd the most religions /mil.
Ho dovotcd his llfu to relieving sullbr-
ings and ministering to the unfortunate.
Such an exemplary career did ho lead
that two years at'tor his death , in 13-2(1 ( , ho
was canonl/ed and nn order of monk ?
and a sisterhood In his name and devoted
to duties similar to those of his life were
The lodge of Modern Woodmen held
Its lirst meeting for degree work on
Thursday evening at Williams' hall ,
about forty members being in attendance.
Some interesting work was done in Hie
degrees. There nro now sixty members
in the lodge. The charter wi'il bo held
onen one week for further additions to
thu charter membership of thu lodge ,
IMATiAKf A prevented and thoronu'lily erad
icated by Iut't'v's ) PITUK MAt.-r WHISKKY ,
Pl.'i"i per bottle , bold by all Druggists anil
N'ot In Greek.
Or any other dead language , but in
plain English wo wish to state that wo
are going to sell on Saturday
A & men's shoo for $3.- ( )
A $3 men's shoe for $ -.V,1\
Our stamped slippers for ! > cents.
On Monday Brown's Dressing.
Kemeinbur our dress goods sale now in
Bheet MiiHlc at Hall' 1'rlco.
Wo are now closing out our immense
and well-assorted stock of Sheet Music
anil Music Books at just ouc-httlf regular
marked price. This is an opportunity
that you cannot allbrd to miss and an
o Her that no other dealer can duplicate.
If yon want to save 50 per cent call and
see us.
A special sale of fine overcoats nt a
great reduction until Saturday 'Jlth 10
p. m.
ji.ouTTtit : : , Tin ; MAMMOTH CI.OTII-
IKK , 1001 Farnam cor. 10th St.
Until Saturday , October 2 Hh 10 p.m.
n special sale of line overcoats at illiberal
HOUSE , 1001 Faijuain , cor. 10th.
Heal 1'jSt.iUo1 Transfers.
The following transfers worn lilotl Oct.
23th , with the county e-lurk , and reported
for the BKK by Ames' Keal Estate
Kriek Hansom and wite to Oliver 1C. Jlar-
tis and wife , ni \ of lot S blk Ml , Omaha , w
d-tfVr.o. i , i
An ; ? . Kountzeetiil to.Oo. W. Shields , et
al , lot U blk 8 , 1'lai'iWlow ' , w d-wn :
A. J. I'oppletou and wife to Silas II. If.
Clark.oJiofnwtf.ol' of see 'JJ , T 15 ,
11 VK , ( i c St.
Joint 1. Itediek and 'wife to Silas If. II.
Clark , n M of e of nw if of bw } f of sec i-'O ,
T M , U 1 : 12 , w u-4i 0.
Patrick Uoukbud 'and ' wife to Omaha Belt
Ity. C . , vr\4 of lot ? , blpck ! IJ7 , Omaua , n e d.
A'll.'Swendby anil wife to If. II. Goble ,
trustee. w's > i of lot 1 , block lll.itf , Omaha ,
W d. S2,50i > .
Uobert Jf. Taylor and wife to Omaha Belt
Ry. Co. , part or lots W and 14 , bloalc Xt , Wal
nut Hill , w d. 57UO.
Chas. Chandler and wife to. Joseph Woof ,
lot s , block ii , Parker's add. w il.
Ursula Springer ( widow ) to John 0. How
ard and Murdoch G. Mclcod , s US feet oC lots
Wand 11 , block 1 , 1'ark 1'iace , Omuha , wd
' " " '
"cfe'orgo P. Stobbins ( simile ) to T. W ,
Blackburn , lot 17 , block 7 , ILmscom Place ,
Omaha , w d 5700.
( Icoive 11. Guy and wife to William Fitch ,
undivided Mof lot 4 and undivided K of w
} 4 of lot . ' ! , block 3 W , Omaha , w d . tf.suo.
William T Seaman and wife to Ilernua J
Meyer , lot A , Kuan's add Omaha , Allen's
subdivision w ii , MOO.
Stefan Umatliimi and wife to Everett O
Ballon , w of lot 10 block 'J , Improvement
association add OnVilia w d St.SiM ) .
Mary K Stacbelle to Mathilda A IIK'slns.
all interest to lot a , block 1 , S I. Itogcrs' add
Omaha o c. St.
William V. Morse and wife to Melissa Fid-
rlcdo loto block 0 Syndicate II 111 aild Omaha
w d-S7.- .
Jefferson Bailev and wife to Hubbard Hart
lotr. block "T" Shliia'sid add Omaha , w d-
8 > lBOO.
Augustus Pratt and wife and others to
Susie S. Southard lot 1 block 1 Pratt's sub
division Omaha w d StViO.
TilKliniiiii II. Lowe to Will Ulna Oraddy
block 7 Lowe's 2nd add Omaha q c SI.
John C. Willis and wife in Joan A. Law
rence lot ii : block a fdlo Wild add Omaha
A. I ) . Morse
yon to road his big cut of prices
posted under the clock on east aide of
Best Newark make
$ . - > .0 ( ) shoe on Saturday for $1.00.
$3.00 shou on Saturday for
Thin citl is for Siiitmlay only
A few broken-sisal Men's button $3.00
to ehno at $ . "i.)3 ( ) for Stitnrdny only.
The only Hhnc Store in the city where
a Woman's Slipper is sold for
This Slipper sale closes on Salttnlaj/i
Special sale of Brown's Dressing on
Monday the 20th ,
Mth and Farnam. A. D , Moiwu ,
C. S. Raymond , Tollable jeweler.
AVhen you buy furniture lie snro j'ou get
prices tit Chamberlain , Howe i\s Mar
shall's. They buy from the best manu
facturers , and gtmrnnteo t/ > make the very
lowest prices. Opp.Falconer'aDouglas. _
L. R. Williamson ' who was arrested
yesterday for peddling inksand mucilage
about the streels , 'still continues his bus
iness , having secutvd an order from
Mayor Boyil granting him fie privilege.
The Greatest Madlcal Triumph of tha Agsl
u " * r . ii u a * ? iui y 17 bxB& a
J.Gsxifiipprllte , IliurcUcnsUYC.i'ulnln
Ilio bend , irllh a dull eensallon In Ilio
bacu purr , I'alu nur tlio ahoulder-
bJade , l'ullao uflertatln ; , wilUmllt *
iacllnutlonto exertion of boilr orinlnd ,
IrrlluLllltynflcinptr , I.i > tVB | > lrllB , trllU
n feellncofbuvlin ; ueclcclctl aomo duir.
Ilonrt. Hotn bcfurothe crtu , Jlcadoclis
over Iho vlclit ere , Jtc tlfnncrllh
Btful drenint , Hlzlilr colarril Urine , anil
TOTZ'S 1'iLI.Bnio especially adapted
to iuch caaeH , oao Uoao oirecla uncli a
. Tboy Iiirrcme t tin A | > petlle , ncl caiua tha
bodr to 'I'nke uu J-'leoli. tlnn ibnayetem U
uourlihcil.anil | jyihelrT iilo Aclluu oa
tha IUtcittleOraiiiltreiiluritouU ra\cnl. \ I'flcaunc. 4 t glurray SU.1V.Y.
Uia Iwjy. muttsj tieolUir Hesti.
ttrcngtliens tha cut , nspuli-sttia noste of
Uesj-Etwu with imro bkxxi onJ hant miiscla ;
tones tliu nervous srsUm , luvlrorates th
train , dii.l imimrtt trie vigor ot manhood.
81. KoM liy ifniiOj.t8. |
OI'l'U I. 1 1 Murray St. , Now York.
Tha Market s nt Chicago and Ebowharo
Oforetocked with Stuff ,
Tlio I'lurry or the rust Kow.lnya
Hlou-u Over The Minor-Markets
All Hliowa Htcnillor Cimill *
tlotiuuil Hotter 1'rlccs.
Cliluaco Iilvo Stock Mnrlcot.
CHICAGO , Oct. St. [ Hiwctal to thu IJr.n. ]
O.vrrt.i : AVItli tlm frcsli arrivals there \vuro
from ltC03 ! to 14,000 on snle. Tito IXMWvt ro
ftlll Of StalO Stock , MIIM ! Of SVlUc'll lllH bct'll
hum for suveral days. Kama- * City Is ! MI
ovurnlockcil. At the minor imuki'U , Cincin
nati , Kt Lotilrf , tnul I'lsouhuro , roccliit.i nru
nioro than can ho dlsiwsed of even nt the low
prices current. Not since May last has thcro
boon .such a loitj : , continuous , unlntorruptod
break In cattlu ni fur the past cluht or tun
lays. To-day thei-u was no Imiirovciiii'iit ,
The dpclliio on ordinary run of fat cattle Is
fully f > 0c per 1 < X > . Low Krado natlven , KOOI !
medium .sU-ers nnd llphl little steers aio fully
( XX ; lower than eight or ton days
ano. Uest milkers nro making only
S1.7S to Sl.'i" and then down to SW > .
Host Texans are sulllnc at St.M : to ? : t. ! ! . * > and
down toS'J.75. Sti'ors , IS'M to IfiOO Ihs. JM.'O
( it.vw : 1MOO to HIM ) Ib * , 4.oOfiftX ( > ; wo to f.'o
His , SlUVXtel.OO. The tough Texas cattle me
dull and M' lower ; tiso Ibs. S'J.WiUaMO : 7r > 0to
5HX ) II ) ! , , SidOytatK ) ; 000 to TOO His , .VJ.5XiW.JK ) .
Western ranuers , weak ; natives and naif-
breeds. ; cows , Si K' ! . 'Jwin ; -
teivtl ' ( Vxtuis , MJ..K ) ( < Ti.0. : ! Halct-N ) Dakntn ,
HIM UH , st.40 : : aio Colarmlir-Te-iciiiw , < > ; < > Ibs.
.Si.20 ; 75 Montana cows , 1151 Ibs , siwi ; HXJ
Colorado-Texaus. KM ) Ibs , si.3) : ) ; UH Wyom
ing , 1170 His , 8U5 ! ; fat liBO to 1400 Ibs rung-
ers. S ! .7Rfirtao.
lions Trodo was nctlvo an < l prices a trillo
easier on ordinary ruti of imcklni : sorts ,
which sold at ! > ! .i' > 0H-UR ( Itiuigh and com
mon odds and emls sold at SUCKiKMiO , and
ln'ht heavy at sUV : ( l.rii ) . I'ackini ; and shlj > -
llillL' . 'J)0 to ! i J Ills. S > : WIH < " -.SO. J.k'flt
Wiilsrlitri , 1'5D to 1TJ Ibi , S:5.0Jj : . * > ; U ) to ' ' 10
Ctitc'Ui > o Grain Market.
CnicAdo , Oct. tf ! . [ Special to the Bri : : . ]
WIUAT : Tliuru was a steadier feeling in the
wheat market to-day , and the tone was MIIIIU-
wlmt stronger. Keeelpts troiu lirst hands
were roiiorted as sliowlni ; a falling olT for the
lirst time in three weeks , and it was declared
that deliveries from tills time forwaul would
bullghter. UecalptsntMinneapolIsnnd Duluth
continue free , but arc lighter at all whiter
wheat points. Early cables reported quiet
nnd steady foreign mnrkeU , and later cables
quoted Liverpool as a shade tinner. The
market hero opened at S < ; for Deuc.nber , > ' e
under the closing yesterday afternoon ,
but rallied under fair buying to 87e , full
back toSTJ c , rose attain to biCi ruled steady.
and ( hen durlni ; the middle .session advanced
to HS e , receded to S7c , but ro < o aiiatn
under ; ; oed buying to bSv' c. and closed at
ssj ss 'e on the regular board. ' I'urclms-
ing was v ry free by some of the large local
houses at. times during the session , and the
avKivgntu trading lor the day was larger than
usual. The feeling was strong again in the
aiternoon , closinijat SS > iigSS e tor Decem
ber.Coitx There was an Improved feeling in
corn , and somewhat more trading. Tliu re
ceipts continue quite tree , but shipments arc
also large , and stocks in store continue lljjlit.
The market advanced } < o for October , while
November showed an advance ofc. .
OATS Oats ruled ( inlet , closing at a shade
higher for cash and the near options , while
Slav adfanccd fully i c.
I'novisioNs Provisions were quiet and
steady and generally a shade higher.
The AVeck in Society.
The first anniversary of the B'iwi Brith
occurred Monday evening til the 1C. of 1 * .
Hall , Fourteenth and IJiingl.-is streets.
The festivities were attended by.n lurjre
number of Omaha's Jewish society. A
programme of musio uiul .speeches was
] Ua.j. William Chambers lias returned
from St. Louis.
K. B. Salmon loft this week for Loa
Angeles , C.ilifonii\ ; bo jjono for aev-
oral months.
JMr. ami Mrs. John A. Horbach have
goiui oast.
Jud e Dmuly hiw returned from liis
western trip looking much refreshed
nnd ready for the November term of
The Metropolitan club opened its sea
son auspiciously Thursday ni ht at Met
ropolitan hull. The ball wns well at
tended and WHS : i full dress iilluir , many
bountiful and costly jYwoIs buine ex
hibited by the ladies present. The de
tails , which had been arranged liy I ) .
Kntifmaiin , J. Sehill' , < ) . Mc.yur , A. Calm ,
and S. .1. Fisher , were perfect. The sup
per , served in the buftdinf' , was elabor
ate. The music was furnished by the
Munical Union orche.stm , and the man-
: i < rcnuul : of the floor was _ in competent
hands. The Metropolitan is the leading
llobrow organisation of this .section , and
its members nru iimong the host known
citi/.on.sot'OnmliM , Thursday night's ull'air
wns atteiule'l By many who wcro present
on invitation , Tint hereafter only mum-
liors of the club will he expected to par- ,
tioipato ,
The menVbers of thoThird Con ropa-
tlniuil church gave : i sociable Tuesday
ovcnin at the residence of the pastor ,
Kor. ( j. S. I'ulton , on Norlh Ki liteontli
slrcet. Thu lar o house was very com
fortably filled with people- who indulged
in various amusements , anil during tlm
overling an elegant lunch , that had been
prepared by tin : Indies of the uhnruh.
was served. Everybody present passed
a pleasant and profitable nvonin&tlirougli
tluicH'ortS of Alru. 1'clton to make them
Ull f ( > ( ! l at llDHIL' .
A tourist party , co'iisisting of Mr. and
Mrs. KV. \ . Uroc'kcr.Mr. ' ami Mrs. ,1. C.
( 'rocker , Must or Hobbio Crookor and
Mrs. ( , ' . M. ( rockitr , all of Now York ,
passed through the city this week.
A very ploasanlenn ) party was given
ntthu residence of Mrs. Dr. V. II. Coil-
man in honor of Miss llugu.s Thursday
Unity Literary Club Ijolil its regular
mooting last evening til Unity church ,
corner of Cass and Hovonteontli streoU.
The programme consisted of I'S ivs on
Charlemagne and St. Bomulict , and was
followed by n convorsution on thu Cru-
C. ( J. llonsol , of Chicago , i visiting old
frinnds here.
Miss Mattie Iloyt , of Comanche , Town ,
is ii guest at the residence of Dr. Carter.
Tlioj , fjtovuns and wife have returned
from tt pleasant bridal trip in the oast.
Mrs. J. M. Cornish has rotimieil from
a Jdng.sniiinior trip in thu cast.
Mm. T. M. Thatcher , poat-lrador at
Fort Nlobrara , auimt a few duy * in the
oily this week with his wifo.
\V. J. Broatoh IB in Chicago.
Hon. William F. Coily , known to faino
and every small boy as "Buwilo Bill , "
passed through the city tins week on his
way oast.
Miss Myrtio Butler , of Cherokee , Towa ,
is in the city oa her way homo from
Mrs. Harvey Dnvel has gene to Illinois
to visit friends and relatives.
Milton IloguM nnd MIs Honors have
rctnnuid from a visit to St. Louis.
T. D. rcCallluy. ft friend of Dr. Con-
norrt , front Detroit , la lit thu city ,
The Young MOM'S Christian Assooln-
lion eoulnl vvasrjuito n pleasant ovont.
MrH , K , L. 1'atoh nmlMiss Nclllo Pntch ,
of KHIISHB City , nru thu guests of Mrs. L.
A. Garner , 2511 Douglas street.
If , C. Btuwnrt , the well known Insur-
VZLVET , mm ,
Sold by L , B , WiUiams & Sons.
nnro man from Des Moini'H , 1 groeti njj
his friends in ( his oily again , lie Is
gradually recovering from ills injuries
received in the Missouri.
Tim Uinalut ( Jttii Club IKH issued beau *
tiful invitations for their annual baiiuet ( | ,
which occurs at the Mlllnrd hotel , Thurs
day evening , October iii ) . On the ottfsido
of the invitations is a handsome colored
plctnru of a dead iluok , in relieve very
suggestive. The members expect to starl
out on their expedition about Monday
Oncrt apiln .this great tnauhinn , the
woiulorl'nl instrumunt whoso mechanism
is direulud to thu purpose of clearing tip
the matrimonial mysteries oC the hour , is
ready for its weekly task.
The hands arts moving. Slowly they
swing about responsive to the subtle
magnetic intlueiuu ) which controls them.
Soon they stop nnd , glancing at the dial ,
the observer notices that two names nro
linked in sweet conjunction. One is that ,
of iiclerk in ti shoe store "on Fifteenth
street thu other that of n young lady
from St. Joseph , Mo. , now visiting trionds
In this city. The acquaintance of the
two has been but a brief ono , but it is ru
mored that the ell'ect. . is already fatal to
the siiiirlu blcssi'dness of both. The sec
tion of thu dial on which the date should
bo illumined is blurred and can not bo
plainly read. When it blooms forth ,'r , the hymoaomotcr \ \ ill announce
the happy climax.
Again the hands juovo urouwl. This
time they tell all'cction's tale on a young
lady who is a soprano in ono of Iho choirs
in this dly , and a gentleman employed in
the "government corral. " This case is
in a noniRWlmt unsettled state , but it is
believed that thlt Imuils point conclusive
ly to : i matrimonial climax ; thereto , it is
saiil that since doeloping tlut "symp
toms" thu young man has become a
constant attendant at the
church , anil always takes a front seat
although ho is not a Imldhcad.
But thu hands cease their restless
quivering , and. the hymemunelur is at
vest for another wfck.
TVTien IHby wan nick , wo RSVO tier Cantoris ,
When oho TT.VI a Cliilil , she cried Tor Cnaloriu ,
AVTjon film Imuamo ill , Mm climeto Oa torl ,
VThiM she had Children , alio givro thoui UitgtorL'k ,
Purest and stroncest Natural Fruit Flavors.
Vnnlltti. lx > mon , Onmtie. Almond , Unsc. etc. ,
flavor as delicately ami naturally as the fruit.
yeterlnary Spscifics
Cur * Dleciasei cf
Morses , Cattle , Sheep
In HBO for over 20 years l > y Parnior3 ,
Gtockbrcctlors , Ilorso 11.11. , J.
Used by U. S. Government.
Mounted on Rollers & Book Mailed Tree.
numrlirey 'Jtcd. Co. , 1OO Fulton St. . N. y.
In lisa 30 years. The onljr miecmufnl rcrneJ/ for
Nervous Debility , Vital Weakness ,
end I'rnstmtlou , from Ovfr-work or nllier c iuii"i.
91 per Tint. nr6 rial-ism ! Urjso vi l iMimlrr , for 9.
SOMIIIV JHUfliirfT8. ( nrBi'nt poHtjialilo i rDcnptuf
price. Illl l | > trr > 'JHlIrl : eto. , I OS lulfoa hi. , h , IT.
5 . , ll.lowu , ' . ' .
c.r tuu C'f I'ourhu , IK.IU , i
Jf iTuni Mij < * OnlfiU. ronif oi. huioti.
J RHul.ll.l.bbCMil.W IU.OU. Oold Ckird oi
Iju-r > . llutlon * , ( irnamniU. lUvAatnl t'/oc -
ll n rltni.'l tit. t i. CllAinpi , cle *
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago.
Tlio only road to tukcifitr nun Molnoi , Map.
flmlltown.Codiir Htiildi | . ( 'llriliiii , Dlxlo. Clilcnvo ,
o unit nil | ] : : . To tlio iioniiloor
. Uiloiudo , WjoinltiK , Uliili. lilulio ,
n. WitMlilnvlon ami I'lillfrn-iilii It
not | > < M. , | | > | O liy nny
tiihoilluu. .
few or Iho tintiicroiia points nt Mipo.
rlnrltyiiiijoyiKl by the jitilroim or thu road Int.
tvvi'im Onmlm iiiid-C'liiuiiKii , uro Its two tinltiHii
duy of DAY ( X > A'IIKS ( ulileli nro Ilio line-it Hint
lininiiii urt mid Inifoiiiilly can ctcuto. Itril'AI. .
AfK HI.KIil'INO (7AIIS ( , which urn models of
coinlorl und iiln iiiicd. Us J'AUI.OU JIIIAWlNf ;
ItOOM OAH3 , liiiHiiriii M > d liy miv , mnl UH ivldii.
ly fclclmiliid I'AI.AT/AI / , DlNIN/i / OAltS , tlio
LHinil | of which tiiiinot bg foinid ( ilsoivlioro.
At Contidl lllullH thu triiliin of thu Union Paul.
flu liy , ( Amiioui -Union Dcnot with t hos nor tliu
I'hlciiKO & N'oi'tliwoiitorii liy. In OlilcuKO the
traliin of IhU line iniiko clotio coniu llou wltlt
thonoor till iwHtitfii llnoii.
I ' 'or Dbttolt , ( 'olilnilniH , Inillnnii | > ( iH | , Clncln.
iiatl , Nluifura I'ulli4. llnllitld , 1'itlMliiirfr , Toronto ,
21ontruiil , Il < i ton , Now York , ridliululphhi , *
tlinorvViigliliiKton und all polntfl In tl > u ( iUbt.Udk
ttio tltkot UKoat tnrtloki'it. via llio-
If yon \vikh tliu Lent acooiiiiiioduUons. Allilokot
HKuntn si-ll tlckcw via ( Ins lino.
U. IIIKiliriT , 1C. 8. HAIIt ,
W , N. .
Qou.fconl , HIKiirnam St. , Uinnlm , Not *
Sovctitoou Vou-b * Kxperlunoo ,
OAI'U'AI , IMU/U , 75,000
TtcViit only $ . * > . Bhnrot In Proportion.
"Wo dohoroliy certify tliul wn RU | > nrvt.-to tlm
iimiiiKi'montM tor nil UiQ Monthly niul Hmnl-A.iK.
mm ) ilrawlnir of Ilin l/nil.Mntm Stnto UiltiT/
Company , anil In IUUMIH umiuwi unit routrol
thsilrnwlnj ; * thiMii ( < lviH , mid tluit tlio piuiiORro
roiuluctrtl wltli tionostr , ( ulrnnot innl In n < 'J
lultli towiuil nil imrtkiM , uiul MO milliorlro io
coiiivnny to usio this rnrtlilonlo. with fiin-nlmlla *
of our sift nut tires lUtuo'.ioJ in Ita iiilvmllsmould.
' -A
IneoiTornted In l&TS 1'urAI yearn liv tlio lolls *
littiw Iwluentiitiinl nnd l'liiiHtiil > loiiirpo- | ,
with iioiipital of $ lifH.tiM ) m which 11 rttsurvn.
tnnil OI'ONXT $ .v > i'uo ' Inii hitii'i' Iii > eil iiddod.
ll.v mi overwhelm ( UK ) Himlu-votn | : Its I nmcMHo
wii * niMili' tpiii t nt' the pit > oiit stale cniifttutlon
iiiioplod lramiti ) [ > r.M ! , A. I ) . IH70.
Tlmonly Iniiory mir < voioil on nnd oinlorsuJ
by tlu > people nf iinv hbitu.
It neversmlosor postpones.
Jtit irriuul sin.flo niniitior ihiiwln tiiUu tdiwo
A SlM.KMllllDl'l'OltTt'MTVTO A 1'OKTUHM.
tltlidiiiiiil Drawing , Clu-H I. . In the Ai-ndi'iny of
MII.-.IO. Now OrloniK , I'uusdiiy , Nov. lulli , idttj ,
IWltli Monthly lriwln < r ,
nnBti'fi'fla i v Dilf A' r * rmt\
CAPITAL PHE/.E $75,000
100UiTickets ( ) lit Klvo l ) lliir < Knuli , Fractions ,
In Kllths , In riii | > iifliiin ,
t.isr of iMif/
ICAl'lTAt * VU1/.K $75,000
I do ill ) UTi.UM
1 do do
ItXW '
It do
U ill )
IWiTl'rlzns. nmoutitlnp to c- > . , " " -i
Applk-iitlun for rate.-i to dubs xhiHild tin miulo
only to the ollluu ut' the cinnpiiny In Now Or-
For other Inrormalloii > t-lto vlonrly , nlvlirr
full nddi-css" . I'OS'I'AI , NfTKS , Mxprms Money
Order * . oi-Ndiv Viit-U l\cluniK ! in inilliiiiry lul-
tcf , cniTunt'y liy oxpir.viiitUbiiiiisor Ji ) and up-
M. A. DAUrill.V ,
Or M. A. nAUl'llIN , Ni-w llrliiiins , T.n.
Wiialiiiurton. 1) . C. .
Jlako I' . O. Money Orders pntuiMo nnd address
Now Ork'tinn , In ,
Now Orluuiia , I < a.
Now Orlouiir ) , r.n.
Nuiv Urluuiid , Lu.
Ilr rc on oflN crntnil | > u < lllim and clone relation ( a
nil | > riiiHpil llni'H KiHl an I Wo t. Bt Inlllnl and li-l >
nilml i > o UN. I'liiiHtlincoi iln > nui l ImiKiiMnt mlif-
rtinllnuntil llnU In tltitt HVHI.II | l Oirunirli Itrtn-imr.
tutlon Hllluh iMVltrl mill ru'lllli.t | . liurtlnmllliillla
lieKvm-ilflllrinr Iliu Allnntlu i nil rucllliCimxti. . . 1C
In rtlnii tlio ruviirlto niul lii-ni Kinto tun rut fri'in ' imlntj Ninllx-Kt niul r < oiitlc.i l , iiml curitvpunilliur
IKjI'ila Wnit , Niirllitr < l niul Hi.iitlmmr.
The Croat Rock Island Route
( lnnrnntcMi Ita | iuO'om Hint wn n of prmoniil > cm.
rltv niritrilril liy a neil I , tliinouulilv linllntiril ron < | .
IIH I. niniintliirui-ki or rnnilMmms nrl rail , mh.lun.
tliiilriinlli I'lili-i'in nii.l iiriiUrcH , n.liiinrncci ; II IIIP
li'rrn-tlini 4 Imiiiin Llll mil innkn II I hi' Mtletr
BH.II | < inw iiriit-itlMiir.M- | | , | ,
iidlliutfsfirilittfillwli.lliiu . L-OKMII , IIP priio.
lloil M | > rittliiil of nil ll * Inilm ( lllirp rnvi'lnltlii' nf
tills roule ni 'llnii-r.-iM nt nil rniiiicrllnir IIIIH | | | ti
Iliilon Uriutii. mill tin , i.n . iirp..i-M-il coiHfoita aud
Injuilosuf Hi r.ns n-ur | . ; | | , , ( . | .
. Tlw l'i t t'jii- | . . TiTilm l < . | ivtn riili-no nil
Ti-orjii.Cuiiiu-ll Ilinilu , Kuinuii. City. Iviiimw. rlli mil
At'liNoii lii i > nHiiM. , | or cll ninllnliil. Uniir mi.
III-I.M-I-I | | KIT ( JimrliM ( ( fiillinnn I'.li.i'n
Klpi' | ; i or ilm hiii..t. ilotlcn. mnl tiiiii | > iiuii > liinlna
lir ! < . It ; hli-li cl ilMiml ly riiolicil liiciilK nn < li t-iiii-lr
'Hi n , lli-t > v iihli ! < 'iir.i mnl Ki'M-Vni ) mil AH-MI-OII
m-o l i IMII thu LVIiriii. < il liTllnlni ! ; ( hair ( 'iun.
The Famous Albert ton Route
Is the illi-ppt unit tuvnril ; line hftwwn Clilwiifo'nna
hlliiiica | ill < nmlst. I'linl , ivhcio roniicrtloiiH mr nmiln
! , . ! ' . " " , , " ' ' ' ? " ' " ' ' R" P"1"1" I" II * 'JVirlloilm mnl I'rovliirn-i. OVIT IhU IIIIH ! , . t K i > n >
1riln ; inn inn in | ln < vriiii-ilnir plnirii , wiinnii r ro-
S'l'-K , iik'l'innriio | loiMllih'H. uiul IniiillMj.mnl llnliliiir
irn.MM'lji.f l , rk mnl Jlliii ! | . ili , It I , ? ! . . , tin. mo/6
il'i'lrillilu ' i-ulllnlii ino i Mi wheat lkld mill liubtuial
l.m U < > r Inti-ilor HiUMi
Hllll nnotli r lilltl'.in1 WNK , * U Fpiirra unit Kiin *
lii-p , IIM hviin oi"ii | l liviHmn i liirlnii'iil , Indln. .
. , ll < nn < l Iarnyi > tic.inii | ( ' 1,11111 II lilnir , , KnnmiiCltr.
Mliiiipniiiilliiiiiiflht. I'niil nnil Ilili riiidllnl | ilnt T
Jiir ( jotallnl liiroiiinitlnii ten NMH | i ml VoMen. * , i | | l'i-l.i't '
; in , HI all | iilnclMlTI | < > ki-j
Ir i'Vn I'11"1 ' btalo * mnl fuiiadat ij \ nU
R. n.oAnun , E. BT. .
i'let't&Uiiii'l Jl'p'r , Oi 't
Kspcclnlly Inclinloniliifniiliiiii la Iho uno ot
liljio'a fiXMl ilivnlimtilo , Mnriy rnsim conlj bo
ciiruilvliuio ovorytlilnc i. < | g Innl fnl ml mill
ii ' IIIIH lici'ti tried nnd rotnltioil , y
tlm KtrciiKih liiii | i-ii'l ' nnd Us niMiirtil iiftlnn on
II I owoln , Ilio iiliyplcliin IIIIH licnti ulilo Id imo
Kiiuli niinoillus im to oil cut ii iicmiuiu'iit roatciriv
lion or f > ln imllcnt in hoiiliji ,
Corner Klirlitcctilli und Cum Htrontfl , Omali *
umli'r Ilio ciito ul tlio Slstt-ra of Mnruy ,
TliiiHclioliMllo your uonmimro ( < i Ilio Orst Mcm
diiyul' SuiiKinihor , mid cliiMit Iliu liut tvcuk o (
.IIIIID ; It Id dlvldud Intu two Missions or 11/9
muni IIH each.
niiilnif I > oinrtiiioiit | , i'-'iTi j
Pupm-linom , fitil per HOIHIIIII ,
! > oiurliiiont | , J | | iorhos. lo > i ,
Tlilr.l lioiiufliniiiil iior M
I'niu-tli loiiii-iiiont | | , f l ; > po
ril'lll Iillirlllllllt. | ( IU plir kOSnlllll.
Junior ) pnr hchwlini ,
r.iyublo Half Votirly In Advanuo.
J'liiln potvliiir , fiinoy work , pinlinildcry , nt *
frnii of elun-Kii. MIIKIO uinl nthitr ucodinplU1 !
nuiiilH fdriii iiMt-ii uliurK'i. This itihtllulloii U
cii y. ol iiccew * liy the Mii < ol cur linos. Hey *
nniicc Ilio nun of ten nru : i'l"'lit-d. '
IIH di irlnv prlvii' "cuiH In
s , limpid , niiply ii' r nru.
tlio luiiiiitalou of | uiills. |
U. U aAII.ICII& ! . r. n. JDIINSOX
Garlichs Et Johnson ,
516 H. 16th STREET , OMAHA , NEB ,
InviwtTiicmt Swurltlc. ! , Mort aso I.oans.
s ni'Kdtlutctl on oily projiurty timid *
cent ! iitcrc > tttllu\vcd on tlini : ilcpo.slU.