Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1885, Page 4, Image 4

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OXAKA Ornru , Mo. Ml Bin I'AnrctK ST. VouKOiTicr , HOOH
. Tlin
only iloiulny moraliw imper | iuUILslio < l In tlio
v atnio.
Ono Year . . . . ( laOO.TIiron Mnnttis . MHO
El Months. . liUrOno. Month . I.IM
1 MB WrcKt.r llf n , 1'ubllslicil K\ cry \ \ eOtuwilivy.
TfllStf , I'OSTPAIU.
Ono Yimr , wllh premium . . . . . . . . $200
Ono Ycnr , wlllmut premium . . . . . .
8lMf > nllii , without prumlum , . . . . . . . , . 71
Ono Month , on trial . . . 1U
All conniHifjIoi.tlmin rotating to newsnml o-ll-
torlnl tmitloiM vlKilild bo iul < lros.socl to llio Hoi-
Kilt or Tin ; HER.
i.v.Trr.ttS !
All tuMncM It-Horn nml rt'iidtlnncrs shnulil ho
niMrOMUl til Till ) Ilir. : 1'UIIIJHIIIMt UHMPtNf.
OMMIA. Druftn. checks ninl postoniui union
E. ItOSKWATIUt. r.niTOrt.
Foul ) intends to statid 1'ut in tlio
Ctuuo of political poker.
iHQUUtiN'O Hr.ADKU : No , I'at Ford is
not llio propt tutor of 1'ord's thuatiu. Ho
IB tin old attache of tlio council uluuubor
Kx-JunciK VIXCHNT , of Now Mexico ,
desires to explain , but us hit successor
luiH boon appointed , his explanation will
do liliu no > ; ooil.
TUB lloyd-Miller element hml it nil
tlioir own way in thu democratic pri
maries. With tlio assistance of Pat Ford
it was nmilo it jug-handle all'air.
GUN. HAKUN wrote to n Now York pa
per unking lliiit tils book bo favorably re
ceived anil oiFuring to''pay tlio necessary
"Soxpunso. " Tlio paper published tlio
letter with tlm suggestion thatlluzuu was
cither a knave or a fool.
GKNT.UAT. SIIKKMAN has been Interviewed -
viewed on the Grant-Johnson controversy
butsiii8 ho wouldn't tell all hu knows
about it tor a million dollars. Teeuniseh
is a llttlo lee high prieed for tlio avuragu
St. Louis iiiswsp.tpiir reporter.
CON GAI.LAOIIKU ! H anxiously waiting
for the result of that investigation of tlio
Omaha postolllee. If thu report is nnidu
that it needs a duinocratio postmaster
Con's applleation will go forward witli a
special delivery stamp attaehed.
i : Ct.Ai'ur ; always declared she
Would cut a figure when she married.
Tlie cable announces that she has mar-
| ricd a Portugese viscount witli the foreign -
! oign name of CooU As Mr. Cook is a
London tailor Tennie will bu ablu to
swing llio tillu of Counluss du Pantaloons.
Tin : Pacific telegraph company.a branch
of tlio Baltimore and Ohio system , will
soon reach Omaha. Omaha experienced
thu novelty of a computing telegraph
line about once in every live years. The
competition frequently lasts for two
months at a. time.
PATt'owu is the coming democratic
candidate for sheriff. The report that liu
has $1,000 to distribute where It will do
the most good has attracted to his banner
nil the men of "inlloooncu" in his party.
They are rallying around Pat like Hied
uround a molasses barrel.
Tun deitlliH from hinallpox in Montreal
i from August 21) ) to Oolober 51 numbered
I 1,180 , and of thcso. all but 100 weru
French-Canadians , who persistently re
fused lo bu vaccinated. Thesu figures
ought to convince tlie anti-vaccination-
ists of tlio foolishness of this opposition
to the great proventilive of smallpox.
Tiu ; rush for the democratic nomina
tion which will hc'ad the county ticket is
tremendous , but it will bu nothing to thu
rush at the poll,1) ) to beat any man nomi
nated against Mr. Cob urn , provided ,
always , that faitlitul work is done by
republicans for their ticket.
Nnw YOKK democrats are loudly callIng -
Ing for the scalp of Postmaster Pearson
of Nnw Yoi k. As it is doubly fastened
on by a good record ami a four years
commission it is likely to remain in its
place in spile of tlio howling war dunuo
of thu Tammany Kpoil.simm.
EVKHY assessor who has assisted to
cripplu Omaha linanuially in the past is
a candidate for ru-elcutioii , although llio
legitimate value of the olllco is the
smallest of any iithu county , Thu per
quisites paid by tlui"lii , ivy tax dodgurs
form tlio principal part of the milk in
the as.sefisortihip cocoa nut.
A sciKNTino man , with an equal talent
for mallu'inutics and electricity , lias ro-
ooiuly calculated that if thn entire nerv
ous forcit of a human body bu reckoned
Hi 10,000,000 ohms , at least 5.000,000 an :
expended by the muscles of tlm mouth
onil toiiguo. This in the tlieor.y of tlio eo-
ooutrlo mid .silent Oeorgu Fr.incis Train.
Tot haps Train i * , MS liu el.dms , a hundred
yours ahead of tlm age in his plan of
conipletuBilencoas a pnflnngcr of life ,
exchange ligures up that a
true a year planted now for nvury Inhabi
tant would givu us tuiaily sixty inillUins
n year , which in fifty years , or oven less ,
would bo woith $800,000.000 , not to speak
of llu increase of forests , orchards , etc
In fifty years , if such a course weiu pur-
Mied , Ihu wealth of the eon n try would bo
utmost doubled. Nebraska's lemons in
true citUuro aru attriietiiig a universal at
tention , which will bring splendid lesnlu
In tlio cmnhig , > uars to a country which
is being rapidly tUMimluil of its forests.
Ont esteemed and mom or loss pictor
ial contemporary , the Uerattl , advisusthu
dumocratic oonvuntiou to lisli hard for
the laborers' vote , and volunteers the
startling inform itlon that soiuu of Ihu
working ola.s.siS ! "aro particular as to how
and for whom they voto. " Wu uulintly
agree with tliissuggijbtioii , which , though
novel , In coming horn thu llernlil , will
bu gunurally uwlor ud , Thu nuinhiir of
workliigiuun In Omaha who aru particu
lar "us to how an I for whom they vote , " '
is Incroaslng ovury , and now com
prises l.irgu class , which will oviduino
closely ( ho tickets and under u the bust
i , regardleas of party alh'Hutious.
Ilomn liiiliiHtrlo" .
hold otittocncoitrsignbotno
Industries nnd holno cntorprlso Is a lover
to advance the prosperity of the city and
state. The ino t enterprising communi
ties of thu west nro the most prosperous j
nil the most prosperous the most enter-
piising. The cities which have shown
tlin greatest proportionate growth since
tlio hiftc'cnsus aru thtwo whoao oitl/eni
have been quick to detect now and
profitable lnvo tmnnts for capital at
homo and oagur to develop and to
diversify industiius whicli would employ
homo labor and consume home products.
Omaha has reached a point whom the
"attention of her jicoplo needs to bo di
rected to her urgent want of morn indus
tries to furnish employment for hur rap
idly Increasing population. Thnre are
scores of enterprises which once planted
would liii ( ( root In this city and give prof
itable returns for the investment. Flour
ing mills , oat meal mills , canning fac
tories , plow and agricultural implement
works , and dozens of loss pretentious in
dustries , eacli of which would give em
ployment for labor and investment for
capital , could bo maintained in Omaha.
Manufactures aru what now give life and
importuned to cities. The artisans and
operatives , tlio mechanics and special
ists In various industries build up and
maintain the commercial prominence of
great municipalities as well as of thu
surrounding country. With thu same
density of population in Wisconsin and
Alabama , thu Value of lands in the
former averages $ W.70 per aero and in
the latter § 1.11) ) . Tlio secret is found in
the .siTO of their imliHtrial population ,
which is 20.7 and 1 7 per cent , respective-
1 v. Similar compai isoiis between other
states give similar results. Prof.
J. It. Dodge , who collected these
significant facts , savs in commenting
on them , "It Is not merely
population , but a harmonious develop
ment of industry that makes thodilVer-
enee. "
No city can become great commercial
ly aside fiom the importance of her
manufacturing interests , In the ten
largest cities of the country , whicli are
generally deemed especially centres of
trade and speculation rather than of pro
duction , tlio value of products of manu
facture amounts to one-third of all in
llio United States. The more industries
whicli wo build up in our midst the more
rapid will bo Omaha's advance in wealth ,
population and commercial importance.
Invostisj.ito Teller.
One of the lirst duties of tlio senate
when it convenes should bu the investi
gation of Henry M. Teller. The air has
been full of rumors and reports of his
olllcial malfeasance while secretary of
the interior , ever since ho stepped
down anil out to take his teat in the na
tional senate. Every dirty pool of ques
tionable odor which has been stirred up
in laud frauds , Indian suiudling , badly
filled contracts and wholesale claim
jumping and occupation of government
territory by catllo and railroad corpora
tions , has been connected either directly
or remotely , \yith charges against the ON-
secretary of the inferior. 'Senator
VanWyck's scathing denunciation ot Mr.
Teller as a pliant tool of the railways ,
which created so much excitement
in the hist senatorial suasion ,
was followed by a score of cditoiial
assurances from all parts of the west ,
that the half had not yet been told.
Later came the scandal of the Indian
leases in Oklahoma and the charges from
San Carlos , and now 'the supervising
architect of the treasury joins tlie ranks
of the accusers with n story which , if
verified , ought to sccuro Mr. Teller's
prompt impeachment.
Architect Hull charges that when the
new public building at Denver was to bo
built there xvas a general demand that
Colorado stone should be used in its con
struction. The lowest bidders were the
owners of the Rock Creek company , but
when Mr. Hell examined the material ,
ho pronounced It wholly unlit tor build
ing purposes. At this stage of the pro
ceedings , according to Mr. Hell's
statement , Secretary Teller put in an
nppcaranu and urged the architect to
award the contract to the Hock Creek
company on the ground that ho had a
brother u lie was interested in tlio quar
ries. I.ator when Mr. Hull rejected the
bid and advertised for others , and whan
another quarry company was treated in
the samu way by thu supervising arolii-
choet , Mr Teller overruled thu decision
of Mr. Hell by sending his own export to
nmku a favorable report on the quality of
the stone and succeeded in getting it ac
cepted. It has been dillienlL to secure
proofs of Teller's operations , but there is
a general impression that ho lias been
and N a thoioiighly corrupt man , who
worked the interior department for all
that it was uoilh. If an investigation
which was warranted not to whitewash
could only take him in hand , we imagine
that several volumes could bu filled with
repoitsof his questionable transactions
in thu various biiruaus under his chaige.
It will certainly pay to try it on
No Moro Tips.
The revolt of the. commercial travelers
against the giving of feus to Imtul por-
Una , waiters , liackmuii and to employe *
in thu Pullman burvicu , has attracted
much attention. Their uMimplo is now
followed by thu propi iulors of thu Palmer
hoiisu in Chicago and Windsor hotel in
- Now York , who linvu forbidden their em
ployes to recuivu lips from guests. Oilier
leading hotels in Ihu country will , it is
said , .soon follow Mill In assisting lo put
a slop lo a ptniilcioiiti bjbtem which has
been grafted on America from Hnglidid
and Hut continent. The tip system in a
hcliemu'for goii lng gue.stsj and increas
ing tlio pioliu uf tliu promietors.
Employes aio foiccd to tcaott lo llio du.
grading means in order lo eku out thu
misuraldc wages paid tlicmby lliciroin-
pli > 3ei > . In ( tin Pullman Mirvicu thu
Mihuies given thu poilers waieely keep
lliem in clothing , and thu public is ex
pected to uiaku up Ihu deficiency. Many
of our hotel proprielois put up to tliu
highest bidder til ) positions vvhuiu tipn
can bu nxtoitud from travelers , and du
ll VD a good ruycnuu from services whicli
properly should bo an item ofpoiisii. > .
Thu custom has become so thoroughly
adopted in America and llio tips
extorted BO largo thai thuru
Is a general molt nmong the
traveling public ngnltifrt its burdoti omo
The idea of gratuities for Jaboi not per
formed , or for trilling sorvieps , Is un-
American. It has only coino Into general
adoption during the past tun yean , and
there is no reason why it cannot bo
greatly checked , if not entirely eradi
cated. As soon us emtdoycrs learn that
thn public will not assist them in meetIng -
Ing their pay-roll , and employes that they
must , look to employers nnd not to thn
public for their wages , a great deal will
be accomplished.
TIIK committee of the city counuit appointed -
pointed to invostigata the condition of
"loose funds , " which might posVihly bo
applied to grading , has succeeded In
sur.iplng enough togathor to gradu Har
tley and Hurt streets This needed Im
provement will bu madu this fall , moru
by good luck th.uiby goo.l management.
Other grading , as much nucdcd.will have
to bu postponed because of thu u > ual
scarcity of fniuU in the city treasury.
That careless or corrupt assessments arn
resrtiuaiblu [ every year for placing drags
on thu forward nnmih of Omaha's progress -
gross , cannot bu too oftun ropuated.
Year by year tlio sumo men who act as
tools and tsatspaws for wealthy tax shirk
ers eomo again before tlio public asking
for a ro-oleution to thu o.ll.uH which they
disgrace. Year byear the HKK
has faithfully sought to arouse puhlio
Msntiment against the assnsHiuont out
rages and the discriminations which per
mit the broad acres of the rich to remain
practically nnlavd while the1 small lots
of the poor bear Ihu principal burden of
uneven assessment. Wo assert again , as
we have 60 often asserted , that the shame
ful inequalities in taxation in this city
are Injuring it in the eyes of capitalists
ahum ! and preventing its rapid piogro s
through the ollbrt.s of its citizens at
homo. Some of our propel ty is taxed at
less than ten per cent , of its market
value , a very largo proportion at to ami
20 pur cent. , and thu least valuable only
averages thu third which the assessors
pretend lo inaku as a basis of valuation.
So long as wo continue to elect men who
have found it prolitablu lo discriminate
in assessments and to serve wealthy pa
trons rather than the interests of thooity ,
just so long will the cry of "no funds for
improvements" bo heard in our city
council. The evil is one that no boaid of
equalisation can handle satisfactorily.
Until a thorough reform is made in the
methods of assessments the question can
only bu dealt with by a change in the
assessors Now men and new assessment
books will accomplish , something. No
change which could bo m.ulu can bu for
the worse.
Tin : demands for additional police pio-
tcction are well giounded. Omaha has
too small a police force in proportion to
her population and territory. It has
been too small for ten years past. Hu
what is the use in crying for an increase
when tax-dodging citizens and piopcrty
dodging assessors are year by .year de
frauding the city treasury of funds which
c.iuld bu applied for this ami other equal
ly important purposes. "Short of funds"
s the annual cry of Omaha nithin a
month after the tax levy becomes avail
able. Reform in the assessments must
piecedo a good many other reforms in
this city. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
RIE i. , the rebellious Canadian , will bo
hung on tlio 10th of next month. The
English privy council has declined to in
terfere , and sontcnco will accordingly bo
executed. Hiul's execution will bu thn
first for treason which Canadians have
witnessed , and for this reason rioting
among the half-breed population is
Oilier Ijands Than Ours.
Denmark's revolutionary temper broke
out during ( lie past week in an attempt
to assassinate llcrr Estrup the Danish
premier. Rioting and imposing demon
strations against the king have become
so threatening that King Christian
has ordered the garrison of Copenhagen
to be reinforced. The trouble bcUvenn
the government nnd the people is of
tliiilcon jcais standing , during which
time thu lower house , the folkething ,
lias vainly persisted in its demand for
tlie removal of the unpopular Estrup
cabinet. Its attempt to coerce the gov
ernment by refusing to vote supplies
was boldly met ; the king anthori/cd thu
lew of taxes by royal decree and dis
solved the rigsdag with a reprimand.
This has since been done repeatedly , but
each time a larger radical majority has
been returned to the lower house. In
Ihe popular branch of Ihu rigsdag ,
whicli met this month at Copenhagen ,
them are now scarce half a do/en sup
porters of I hu government , Tlm tipper
house bus remained loyal to Ihe King.
The methods of Ihu government in the
Miugglu have given rise to an emphatic
demand on the part of thu opposition for
: i leiiimpliou of Ihu parliamentary sys
tem. The demand is resisted by thu
croun by every means in its power.
This is now thu Usiio. During the last
year thu situation has bituu growing
daily more grave , nnd it has bceomu
clear that thu government must cither
yield or face a popular revolution.
Everywhere Ihu opposition loft is in great
numerical majority. wealth , tlio
aristocracy , ami thu bureaucracy of the
country .side with thu government.
Many citi/cns have of l.itu refused to pay
Ihu pioviMoual ta\us which have been
le\icd by thu government as illegal ,
and havu njsi.sted HID authorities in
their attempt to collect them by force.
Tlm attempt lo assassinate Kslrupp shows
the height ( o which popular resentment
hasiisen and thu dangerous volcano on
which the ohMiuatu king persists on bit
ting to tliu-puril of hia thronu.
. *
The e\puetatlons of the Immediutu out
break of war in the Halkans have not
bcun realised during the past wouk , and
thu situation rom.iliiH practically un
changed. The loprrsnittativcd of the
powers have bent another collective note
to the portu urging diday , and thu suit-in
has leplied that lie will not begin mil
itary operations until thu ppwiirs have
made 0110 moro attempt to restore Tur
key's cmpiru to tlio position in which
it wiu > buforothe Bulgarian union Mean-
tim Turkey hud 3011,000 , lueu under arms
readj to movo. The Turk lso\Idcnty !
determined not do wall much longer
upon diplomatic dt > llj1' ! , but lo strike tlio
blow for iiMfainin his territory before
his vassals have iau oppottunity to com
bine and to give Austria and Russia oc
casion for a friendly Interference whieh
would preclpltat u goiiural European
conflict. It Is uvldcul from thu tone of
the dispatches that : i painful sting Is
added lo llui preparations in .Senia
and Hulgarla by , ttio knowledge which
Turkey has that tl v are moru or loss
directed from ViPtltui and St. Potors-
burg. The beliuf is now gaining ground
in diplomatic circles that the only suttle-
mo.nt of Ihu question , aside from the
arbitrament of war , lies in the
deposing of Prince Aln.xandcr and the
restoiation of Roumclia to thu sultan's
empire. Tlio Servian trortps on the Hul-
gailan border are now only held In chuck
by tliu threats of Austria , but thu restora
tion of thu status quo would rumovo at
once the opportunity for a quarrel In
which all the Turkish principalities nro
only"too anxious to engage.
Thu llngltsli campaign la daily growing
Warmer and is filled with political sur
prises. Thu latest is tlio decision of
Gladstone that Chamborlaln thu radical ,
and not llartingtou , shall bu his succussor
as leader of thu liberal party. A careful
canvass of the country has convinced tlio
liberal leaders thut party success Is certain
in tlie coining elections , and that it can
be won on a platform M > radical as that
on which Mr. Chamberlain is now stand
ing. Tills decision of Mr. Gladstone is
uxiiccted to cause a moro rapid secession
of the \ \ higs from the liberal ranks , a se
cession by which -thu toiius will gain.
Hut Ihe 2,000,000 now voters who will at
tend tlie polls for thu tiist timu next
month are expected to make up thu de
fection and furnish a hundnomcmajoiity ,
on xshich the liberals will again rule into
pow ei. For this pri/.o the orators of both
pai lies nro contending with all thnir ro-
tourees. Salisbury , Ilnrtiiigtou , Cham
berlain. Gordon and Churchill are speak
ing almost daily to cumdcd assemblages
in the south , while tlio veiierablu ox-
premier will shoitiy attempt to renew
h s tiiumphs in the Midlothian district.
* > >
The Irish executives , or rather the Eng
lish executives in licland , have entered
upon an attempt to check boycotting by
means of the oidinary laws against con
spiracy , nml are pushing prosecutions in
many quarters. " ' 'J'hfv ' have gained one
eiicct'-s by leNokffig ( hu liceiiH-s uf keep
ers of public houses who mo proved
guilty ot i efusiiig supplies to boycotted
persons , thereby causing thu exemption
of publicans froih obedience to boycot
ting oriluis. Two hj'mdied ' citizens of
Sli.idbally , county Queens , have been
itnesleil , convictijd aftd oulered to lind
Miioties for their good behavior , but on
their election lo go toiprison lather than
give bail flip , maiistiato he i-
tithd , nnd g ve ' them a fort
night 'o Ihiuk o"ver the matter.
There 3i talk of [ rev4Ving the "White-
boy ' , ' wldcli , yillicts . .seven yc-us'
nuutl servitude on persons found guilty
of menace or conspiracy against the
peace , person or pioperty of "loyalists , "
but. this would catdjr-.ii a very sining
.specimen of cocicion tor which neither
political pu ly is picpared to lake the re
sponsibility. PariieM is letting the boy-
cotthig matter lake can ; of itself , though
he has expressed his of the
method , and continues to devete himself
to perfecting tint organi/-ttion of the
l-'ish ] > il.Bids . for its support aio
freely coming in trom both consul \ atives
nnd libelals in Ihe English camp , and
Hit ! Micnglh of this now weapon uill
* ! iorlly bo tested against ore or the other
oi ll a two pai ties.
England is hastening her preparations
for the subjugation ot Hiirmah , and King
Thebaw's days \\ifokilling are num
bered. Tlie English ovpedition will
ascend Ihe .Teiiwaddy with a force of
10,0(10 ( men fully equipped , and with artil
lery enough to destroy any impromptu
foitilications which may oppo o them.
The probabilities are that the conquest
of ISurmah will be followed by its imme
diate annexation to the Indian empire ,
and llicvplacing ot it under Ihe control ot
Ihe viceioy.
Tlio number of women in col-
leije.s inns up to ts.oid.
The imiU'rsity of I'ennsjlvaiila lias HUC-
cre.lud In | u > in , ' off a dubtut jllO.iWO tlio
piesont jear , and Is now iica from incum-
biaiifc .
Thu most leinuneratlve professorship III
the w 01 III Is that of Professor Tinner , thu
distinguished aimtomMol IMinbint ; , which
> lelds him iO.otw a > eur.
Air. Andiuw C.iinojiu hni jjlven a library
bnililiiif , ' , cistlii' ( < , OJ ) , anil Si.oOJ tor tliu
iinrcliaM ) ot books , to thu witikaiun of tliu
KojMoiH ! brid \\oiks at Plttnbai ; ; .
The. tiusttes of Dakota university nro said
to 1 1.1 vo In shapu a pliiu liu establishing it
collude of M'loaeo ami ait , tu bu
imiaed in honor of ( ( ir.inl.
DuUota. has a school tuaeliur who Is woith
her weight In K" d. Her 11,11110 Is Hello
I'liinlclin. Iteiently she MUM ! , i neighbors
wheat blacks anil lum > u lioin tliu jualrlu mcs
by ImincssliiK tliu lijn.svs lo Ihu plow and
turning ovcrseveul tunows winch eroatcil iv
substantial me Imil.u.
The iflniKisdU flu'.slivterlaas , diuliiic thn
meeting of Ihtlr synod last week , dedicated
AltviL 1-ea , rollf ; fin [ limitation lor tliu
ciliKMtioa ot yoimf ; wmtrn. \\lilcililhiiis- -
sunlial lu.itures ot tlirt.Mt. Hiiloyoku si'miiu- '
li will liu tiiliijiti'i ) . pjiiu collide Is Intended
as a Niiniiliiiiuint liinHiu-iiU'sicr college , thu
sectarian institution1' ' ; t. t ; I'.uil.
In thu publi . . . . . . . Pa. , a lml
iscd to jlil i Ihu other pnpilh in a
conceited ivil.itlon'o ' ) the hold's pia > er. tlm
school boiuil ilecldiilAthitt wbbu they would
not attempt to control thejcmisclencu of Ihu
paid ! , or make him laiin.iUihu | miser , liu must
at leant rise ami amnm i luspi-clml attitudu
wldlu It was In piiKliiSfJ Tau lady tu.ichur
threatened lo rosUiifl ( Ucopiiii bie.ieh of di.-i-
cipiliiucontiiuied. j J
lioiton Traiiscilpt : The ht.itutcs
of Alasiacluisuttiw nuivlde any wonuia
can votuloi huhool commlitccs who Is 1
. \carsot ago , bus ic.slded within Ihu htiiluonu within the cliy or town In whicli
fchu claims alight to votislv months im\t
iirecediny any election , and who has paid by
herself , her patent , Kii.itdUn m tuistce , 4
hliitu , county , city or town tax , iisse.vsed upon
bur or her trusted in thiihlatu within two
jears next luuccdliiK such election.
Kemalu Voto.
Hoston Transiiript , Thu luiiubor of
womiin housuholdurd Jn England is ' . ' 1-
( M ) . ) . Many of thusu aru at thn head of
magnilieunt cslatus , and pay a large rev
enue to Ihu government And yet thuy
are shut out of tliu piullamuntury fran-
ohiso and cannot havu a ohoicu as to who
shall represent their boioiigh , Thuy ,
liowovur. bavu thu municipal vote , which
is important to Iur0'u luudholdurj
iiml ta.vpaycri.
Tlio Split In Trinity.
. "Tlio trouble I uTrl u Hj eulinltiidcd just a
I expected It would In Ihu ivslijnidloii o
Demi .Mllliiiaugli , " said a eimseftntUc incut
IHT of the conim-patlon. "The troablu Iw ni
some tltiio K"i bntojeii oxncsslons | of ills-
Hnllsfaillon with Mr. Mill.spitu li ns tcclo
arflMld to tint a been siiinesscd | during tin
llfu of I'lshoji Olnrksoii by u-nsoii of thu fnm
lly connoi'tlon. Mr , MI1lsintitli | was broiu ; ! )
to Omaha by lll.shopClaik-'oii troin Knrllintilt
.Mlunesoti. Holsstddto have IIEHMI rccoiu
muiiiled to thu duuclimcil on account of his
thorough parish work , ami certainly none of
IhiHU who have been uust nctUu In iiii hlii (
him from his jut'sciit position can dcio Ihui
smco his transfer to Tilnlty the .samu clftnU
Hint were MO ] iromliiciit in his cliuul
wmk In the ninth htuo chnrarterlml his
labors here. Mr. MlllspaiiKh lias been verj
net ho In all Hint poitnl us to the postulate
nnd also In tliu iu > ; anl7iitloii of clmiittos am
thu \ LslUtlun of Ihe ) < uur. "
"What ctiusetl tin ) prcssiiro nsralnst bin
then ? " nsked theUnr.'s representative. " 1
was not with Mr. Mlllspaugh as pastor thai
fault was found by the faction In Tilnlty thu
liimlly succeeded In securlm ; his ivslf uatloii
Wldlu Ti hilly parish occupk'd a little wootlei
biru-llku fitiucliiru , thu objections to Mr.
Mlllspau h's ministrations in thu c.\thednd
as It was Killed , were few and far
between. The liiminuratloa of the
proceedings for building the new
cntln > ( lnil , nnd the iisiuniuces f Hint
thu presenl h iiiilsnni'j stru 'tuio was to 1m the
fnturu homu of Tilnlty people , no duiiht
RIVC ; ilw aiming a eei tain faction that a mote
eloquent pastor should bu secured lor so
Jmlslietl and oleBniit a structure. You see Mr.
Mlllsp.iuili Is an e\cry d.iy iniiii ; a prnctiea
worker in the causa of the clnnvh. liu Is not
a Ciiuiutt. Theiu's the secivt of the whole
ttuiiblc , 1 believe. A part ol our COIIKIC&I-
Uon wiuil a hl h-pileed pulpit oratoi , who
will clvu them their money's worth in
high-Down laiiguaxn mill hlu'li-loneil
eliiipiLMuc a man who can wind up
thu Kimllsh luiLiuii'o ; ; like clock-woik
and then let the \\onls come foitb in the
miHt polished combinations and as diicnl'y '
ns waler off a duck's back. Mr. Mlllspaiih !
mi fortunately Is not that kind of a man. Open
expressions ol theleelliijrsof thesot.ielionlsts
were restrained on i ccount of the repaid for
itlsliTip Cliitkson , who was sliieeicly nttnrheil
to Mr. Milli ! ] > , uiili , mid who at one tlmu had
hopes of seem Ing his elevation to a mission
ary blshopilc In one of the teriltorle * . Mr.
MlllBpaiinh hlmsftlf nu\erravu ( nuy evlilunce
that ho knew ol any such feellin ? existing
against him In the church. Ho hiuu himself
liku a Clulstlan gentleman. JIu fostcicil
no jealousies , and listened to no
complaints. Illsoik in Trinity
Riilld nnd in tliu parish missions
connected with Trinity was continued with
vi oi. This was brought airainst htmnsnii
additional cause of coniphiint that. knowing
thu feel in. i , ' him on thn part
ol a faction in thu church , he
did not tit once resign in ouler to
] mn out fin thcr illsiuptlou. Thu dissatisfac
tion , whlju piobably not uxtonilluj ; to a mn-
joilty of thu vonpt'jr.tllnn , was , iiiilortii-
nately for the peace of the pai Ish , voiced by
the most prominent of thuestiy. . Mr. Wool-
win th. who find done so much lor the chinch ,
and whose donations to oldTiinity me said
to have amounted tooverSr > , ooo , felt peihaps
more htiongly than any other the necessity ,
ns he said , of .seeming n stionji man to hit
theplllliltof ( he callieilnd nml to add to the
diiiiity.of thenmgnilictiit ecclesiastical sui-
" 1 have hcaid it Faid that HMiop Cark ! = on ,
slioitly before his death , exacted fuiniMi.
MilNjuiiuli Hint he would not ic.slgn tlm
ieeoi > > lflp ol Ihe r.ithediitl imlil Cniiiially ! -
quested to do so. Tlie issue was distinctly
iiuiile ut Ihu l. t Easter election of tlioestty ,
when thu ( ipponeiils of Mr. Mlllspaugh us-
seited that distinct pledges had In en mailn
by .lose ] ih Clarkson and 1'icd Davis -both
lelatlvcs of thu dean that Ids leslgnailon
\vuiilil bo promptly forthcoming. Whether
this is tine. I cannot positively say , but thn
failure of Mr. Mlllspangh to inimedlatuly tu-
sigu , was followed by .steps to orgaiii/.u
another pai Ish in the southwest part ot the
oity. which. It was Intimated , would attract
liom old Tilnltv thu tnot wealthy and ans-
cr.itlc elements \\hich liavo BO lou , { be u in'e there.
"Thu ] > ublicatlon of M r. Woolwoilh' ' ! letter -
tor in thu/frni { < { wti thu Hist public rctei-
euro I'MomjIi ' tint ] > ioss to this mifoi Innate
chinch difllrulty. .Mr. Mlllspau h's renlgna-
lion hooa followed. Ills1 1 1 lends Kay he his
icecivcd several llatlniing calls to olliei
chinches , and It is u shami' and n ills-
fii.tre tlintn man who has Iahoix > i | so long
nml t.ilthttdly lor Tiinity in Its days of ad-
veinlty sliotild be so luieeieiiioiilon.slv hlillicd
tuonuhldu now that tliciu Is soinu honor at
tached to tlm leUoi.ship of tliu palish which
lie has dune so much towauls building up. ! U
isintlierasiiigulnr fact that since hu IMS iu-
blgiitil , iiiinii ot tlm ladies who had .sided
uLMinst him lor Ihu last two j ears have sud
denly hvvltrhcd over to his sldu anil n\.picssetl
deep and geiiulnu sympathy with thu dean
on account of Ids tieatment by Ihu parish.
What the result vvlll bit it is dlllivult nl this
liinu to s.iy , but 1 picdlct that tliL'iu will be ,
: all piohihlllty , a permanent split In thu
Nearer Heaven.
"I notice thu Chilean church Is being
moved lo the southeast corner of Capitol u\e-
niu ; and Tweutielh stieut , and a new Metho
dist chinch is to be built at thu southeast coi
ner ( if Duvunpoit and Twentieth stieets , "
ohsni-ved a CaplUil hill man ; " 1 don't under
stand why they want to gel on the ) hill unless
it N that they wish to bo called high-chinch. "
"NottlmtiitaUY'icimukuda bystander ; "It
is..slmplv because tlicy want to get nearer
leaven , mid llins have Ihe nilvuntaguovci Ihe
other chinches. "
Another Hnllroail
"I wish I bad time to glvu yon newspaper
folks HIV Ideas nn tliu niilio.ul slttmtfiin , " 10-
nmtki'd \ \ ' . ll. Ilowen. "Of course we want
that loud to Ihe noithwest , but that Is bound
to come any way. nnd therefore I think vvu
nru wasting tlmu in that tlliectlon , U' wo
want moru than an j thing else Is a lalhoad
Of iinlloim giadu running dnu cast at least
1"-0 nillus. Such n load to tniiisport coal and
[ iioducu alonu would pay. "
Mnfor I'Vinda.
"I vvasupnt UlHiniieU tliu other day , nnd
who do jou suppose I saw them ? " said an
) miiha cummeiclal ti.iveler , " ( five It up , "
Mhl the DKI : man. "It was nolmily but
Major Fomla , thu cranky ,
, stli a''it.itorlio used losciiil-occaslonally
hlir up thu inuniigoi lu in Omaha. Thu 'major1
n as fiush and talkative as nm , but his Held
s rather limited In D.ikott. Ills nuw sui-
oiiildlugs havu siiljlneil ( him.
I'liey c.ill him 'urijor' up thoru just as wu did
u Omaha , mid I think thuy slru him up about
ho baiao as wo did. He owns a farm
i car StmUiii , In D.ikot.i. Thu major had
ust returned from an o\tondod uasturn trip.
iVhllolu Wasldngtoii ho c.dlod on Clovo-
and , Lnmar nnd Ha > ard , uiul I have no
loubt thut liu undertook to Impress them with
tlio Idu thut he was oiic uf Uie big guns of
the tonllnry. At Ulplminml , Virginia , hi
was husplttibly eiitcrtnlilod by Col. Uiiiirtiioy ,
the-hend ot the lruhlleonK r lu lids countrj
who eomiiiKsloneil htm as ouu ot the vlsillm ;
delegates to thu ( Irand drove of Kn lniid ,
whloh invts next July In l.otulon. Tli"
major told nu tint hu was tlourlsldiiji
auiieoniideiitlnllvns iuod inn thil U was si
luiil thing to keep a good nun down. " .
. v
Quliin Hohriiitoti an it t'oet.
Quiiin Hohnniion , wh'i Is contuuM In the
Nobmskn City jnll under wMilonwof death
for the minder of a yoiunrnmu vUthwhom
holmd n coiitrnvtrsy about the vvny to spell
the wont "peddler1' which Is bxilled1huu |
dllTeient wnys In Webstei h n poet as well
asn professor of orthography. Ho recently
sent to tldsotllce awell-wrUtou letter iciiiiesl-
Ing the publication ot the following oilginal
IKJCIII , entitled
There's a quiet or a tone , uliady doll ,
Upon thn ncutnd giuimd between heaven
nml hell ,
Where thudopaited ph Its fnint lhs ! inuit'lanc
short )
Will gather hi myriads when life Is o'er.
II ts Ihu level plateau vhcio Father nnd Sun
Will nt last sit In judgment nml Justice bo
It Is thuplaco vUioro Um soul shall p.uisu for
respite ,
After passing the baulcr of death's dark
It's Ihu chosen place for Ihe great separation ,
WheiUbouls nru consigned to tliu last tescr-
Ilctu the "goals ftom the sheep" at last are
divided ,
And tliu doom of the soul finover decided.
It Is heic Ihu last tears uf thu whole human
Will be shed o'er thu lost wlien thu p.u tin- ;
takes place. [ Quln Doliauuon.
AX1 >
One .Mikado Is all th it.I.ipm can support.
New Yoik , however , Indulges- two.
Mr. Lawrence llariett Is Mild to IMS prepar-
ng tor tliu piodHctloii of ouu of Victor
Hugo's tiagedies.
hhantytown Im.ists a go'it ovct lifrj je.irs
ofnite. This old butter juobiibly tiiiojs bis
01 kin lo ancient Ciceco.
Miss Viola Alton will be tu Sk'iiorSalvliil's
complin during tits coining reason and bu
M.UII as Ue.sdemona , I'm then la , etc.
Chew ins-gum keeps up the old slylo of war
prices notwithstanding that old niLi.ier hauls
nru as cheap as i.iw matei hd ever was.
Miss Stella Hues , of Indian ipolis , Is hailed
as thu coming Juliet. It in announced that
Him will shoitly essay thu ch.uactur in New
Geoige (5. Ml'n ' writes from Atlantic , la' ,
and etianu'teiues tliu topurt that hu hiis
cioscd hlsbuason as an abnu.l and malicious
S.ilvinl occimlcd a prlvatu box at Hie Union
SMIIIUO tliu.ilt'1 , Now Yoik , and wasgcneioiH
in his applaasu ot Miss Mather s iieiluniunou
ot Juliet.
A Uouuy Isliitnl limit lias shuck a Inrso for
tune bv a recent dNi'oveiy. Hu feeds Ins
cows on live hens , nnd the cow tiuns out egcj-
.liimbo vvonlit .stilvct at the sight of a rat
Pool li'llowl ilo coiildn t climb up into a
chair with his clothes gathered up about bib
A tronvio of Patcee actors , composing
tweiity-nvc men and a nnmbiM-of women Is
to visit London , and will appear at Her Al.ij-
e.sty .s tluatiu In November.
I.awteiH'u llairctt has engaged a new
artless , .Miss Minna ( ! ale , who bus .shown un
common talent and whose nrotesiiuiul suc
cess Ls confidently anticipated.
The brothers. 1'cidin.ind and Hcnnnnn
Ciiui , witli the a.sslsl.uiee ofotliei nubts , will
frivu thuaist of a swics o ( M.cpnceits at
OliieUeiin hall on November 'M. r.
Mr. I.ocko I'icliaidsoii lias been giving
.Sliakespciiilau iccilnls nt San Ki.uieisco , anil
he ticeu biiccessinl thcic drawing good
houses and winning much ciltic.d favor.
Max .Mullet's last aiticlu in tlm Nineteenth
Century is on " invtlis. " Ouu of thu
most ahsiird . , ths is Ihu idf.i thai it
Is meat tun to get up in timu to .sue the him
Tliu mother of John Drew , the Philadel
phia actiess , in ill yuais old. Shu is a regular
Mlienil.uitat nil liist night jiouoimincus , and
tbitsu who know but .s.iy biiu dou.s not look
older si\ty.
Thu iiiimlirlt ( > of ilnzol Klrko appears to
be almost purunniid. Dining one week in
liiookljn inst month , it was witnessed by
DvurUJ.tXX ) , and is now meeting with great on the ro.ul.
Kllun Terry iutioilnccd In this country the
present limey toi slioit hail. Ono ot MKs
Tern's husbands was a vuiy irascible tellow ,
and to him pilmailly , iHiili.ijH , belongs thu
ctcditol thu iiuiov.itlon.
A Ilo.ston piper stiggusls VMccInatlon as n lor loml talking ut theaters. 'I'llis wnnlil
not. elTeet a | icnnaiiunt emu unless tliu tongnu lemoved ahoiit three feet tiom thu lauath
when thu operation is pur/uimml.
Tliu Paris Vnuiluvlllo the.itio hits Jnt
adopted a vuiy clever invention hv muaiis ot
which e.u'b seatciiu Itj at on > n foidud up Into
thut hick of lluou Inchus. lost toi thu
in ms .mil all ; likmvibi ) u hat .stand and a canu
Myion W. Whitney , tlm nniioiiuces
that hu will letiuii to opuratlu hinging alter
thu conclusion ot lilsengngemont witliThco-
iloiuThornis , It has lieeii staled that he in
tends lodevoto Idms.'lt excliiilvely tu mator-
lu singing hencutoith.
An Oic on 111,111 Invented a iiiachiiii ! being atla bud to a sleeping person will
aeeiiiutcly lOiistcr tlie dicams of thu night.
As an eluiiicnt of family discoid such a m.i-
chlnu won dcoiiimttnd a veiy high luemlinn.
Jt Is no Hsu to Uilk lo a man about the beau-
tlcsol tlieiier.soiindiiii , ' M'a and thu josous-
nessol'tliohllviiiy sands vvliun hu has just
come back fiom , i.sea-side hotel where he h.ul
had lo sleep on a shelf in a clothut do et and
had to Keep a t.iek hammer uudci his pillow
to kill tliu bugs with.
i'lio ' AVroiif ; CJiistoniof Again Jls-
New York Sun : lie was this greenest
old man you ever saw. lie looked
around thu pussijn ur coach in a way to
provu that hu had never entered ouu bu-
lore , and hu bat down so woltl.y , and
seemed to bu so afiMid of damaging something -
thing , that all thu pasMMiguivi mmled.
Iy $ and by a yoiing man went over nnd
sat down beside him. This young man
might have been directed by lihat tilluu-
lion , and hu might not. "Which way ,
uncliir" hu noftl.y HHkcil.
"Mu ? Oh , I'm goin'tosuo ' my dartur
in Connecticut. "
"Ever travel milch * "
"This is thu limn I was ever on the
kcurs. 1'vu driv ofl'siivenluDii miles with
[ liu o\on to sen my other d.ittnr , butoxun
mint no comparison to kuurs. "
"I should say not , It lakes a lot of
moiiuy to go to Connecticut and back. "
"Dioll'iit lot. but 1 jiut hold thu tariii ,
you know. "
" 1 presnmu you could change a
iimdred-dollar bill for nior"
"Oh , j'lHt as well as not. "
"J ma > wantvou , to by and by. This
s good weather , eh "
"StronUnary vveathur fur fall. Jamus
ins bcun worried about his com , but I
guuss it's all hafu. "
Nothing tiirther was said for ( .01110
Inui. tliu old man looking out of thu
window and thu Doling man reading a
mpur. Thu train made a fuvv slops , and
hu car was so warm that tiftur a while
ho old man began to yawn and nod. liu
ought it ol'for ) tun minutus , but at last
ils head full back , and Ins guntlu snotus
nliigled witli tint mar of thu wheels
A slim white hand , with tapunng llng-
TS. rested on Ids lug , then it was elo-
vatcil to his breast m touch was that of
i leather Its movumuiit was that of a
icrpunt creeping forward l i stiiko , The
incurs touched an oldfawhioncd wallet.
Pliu young man continued to read , and
lie old man slept on , Inch by inch the
wallet was lifted from its sung re-nling
ilncu , and tlie bund wiu nliiiosl ready to
uniovo , it entirely , when Aomethiiiglmn-
loncd. With H fiuddun movement of his
right hand the old muu piuucd thu lukir-
The Great Invention ,
infinite llnrm tn FAJtttlCor 11AXDS ,
Ko family , t Ich IT poor , should ! without tk
HoKl l > y nil Uroccra. but bttcnre of vllo IrnV
txtlonn. MtAJiTlffJi la mnnulacturcj
only by
lopcr fast , and his voice was honnl cnl I-
"You lilamed sknnkl Hut I knowcJ
all Ihulinuiwhatyou wuroallurl Wheru's
the conductor1"
There was a rush of passengers , nnd
they found ; v helpless , confused jiiuk-
pocket nml an Indignant , but yet clatud
old man.
"Consarn his piektur/but ho took mo
fur an olu haystack from n back mudderl
Work roots on me , will vo ! Sot a trap )
fur mu and full into it vursulf , eh ? "
Kvcn a professional pickpocket lindn't
cheuk enough to nrgu a single uXuiisu.
The fellow nadn't ouu blessed word to
say , and was walked off to thu bagijajjo
ear to bu kicked to thu platform at thu
next station. *
"Yo see , " said the old man , as ho
turned to tlie inquiring passungurs. "I
hadn't otter donu it Whuu a man Iris
bin constable , Sheriti' , or drover all IPS
days , travellln1 all over and inuutfii' w'lh
all .soils of folks , liu hadn't ortur play oil
greunhorn and liro.ik a young nun's
heart like this , lint I tult sort o' rcekle 3
this mornln' . I must put a curb oa my
spueiits , I'm gcttin1 lee old to bo uhiyin1
jokes on cotilnlin' young munt"
Inoltlent in the Ijiiotu General Grant'n
IdolUoil Dantllitor N'olllu.
The Morning Jotirmil : ST. LOUTS ,
October li ) . The stories of tlio domcslij
mi ury of General ( Jrant's only daughter ,
Mrs. Saitons , slriko with pueuliar sad
ness , huru in til Louis , where litlluNelliu
Orant first aehiuved Iter national rupiita-
tiou. This was moru than twenty \ears
ago at tliu fair of thu Mississippi Vatluy
Sanitary Association.
"Thu chief attriutioa of Ihu untcrtain-
iiHsnt was "thu old woman who lived m a
bhou , " the old wonriii being uliariniiigly
personated by thu daughter of the gruat
Tliu fair netted sotnu $50,001 , ami many
a poor soldier in camp or hospital t s'liJ.
eon loits and delicacies that hu owed to
tliu tilllo "old woman who lived in a
shoo. "
No i coord is kept of all the sirt'ns who
may liavu lured thu Ur ton trom I i.s
inarriago vows , but ono who cruat d a
national se.audal by IhuSaitorisuscapado
on ( Jieen Bay a year or so ago h.i uJ ,
Irom St. Louis. She was a daughter of
sinlov-confi'doratit who drifted liilh'i-
ward alter thu war , tilled among other
employments u tesppiisiblu position in
thu Board of Public Improvemi nts ,
and drifted away , not , howuver , until li i
beautiful daughter hud crualud a SCIIH.I-
tiou by throwing liursiilf outof tliu win
dow , a victim of hy.stjricd and
A. Tou li C iso.
Now York Sun : After beating n
Ilorsu IIeads _ lawiur down to $ ! l "for a
low words opinion , " an old farmer stated
his case as follows :
" 1 sold a feller 10) bushels of cider ap
ples for twenty cents a bushel , and now
eider applns has gonu and ru to thirty.
Kin I legally baok out ? "
"No , you can't. The only thing you
can do is to givu him all the windfalls
and wormy fruit. "
"That's makes mu so lionpin'
mad , you know. I don't buliuvo I kin
hkcer up ovur tun bushuls of sicli fruit.
Hain't them any lugal way to Indiicu the
words to come in on the other ninety * "
Thu lawyer will probably try to liiid ,
some plan to help him out oil.
To CaWornln.
On November Ctli thu 15. & M. R. K. ,
will start a sulect excursion party for
California , via Denver and Salt Lako.
1'orty-flvo dollars pijjs one way , return
vvhen you nleasu. rirst-clnss cars on ex
press trains Ihiough to destination. Sti'rt
trom any station on the 15. &M.K H.
For pnrlicidaiH apply lo A. C. Xiemer ,
ticket agent , Lincoln , Neb. , or lo 1' . S.
Ihislis , general passenger pud ticket
agent , Omaha , Neb.
Too Much Morphia.
A woman living in a liouso nt Thir
teenth and Chicago , Thurwlav niht
swallowed sixloun onu-oiglith
morphinu pills and slartud "ii
k'liii' over tliu Jordan. Dr.
Wileov was promptly summoned by hur
friends and with a. stomach pump called
her buck. Shu explained on iccovurin Y
that she didn't know thu pills were so
Iiirantilo nml IMrtli Iliimors Sj > ccdlly
Oureil by Cntloimi.
FOIt clomii.liif ( tlio nktn f'l i-cnlj ) of blriti
liniiioiit , lor idlityliiK liunliiK , liiirMlii iiiiit
liitliiinmutioii , lor ciiiliw I'1" ' Hint Hyiiiilomsnf |
itv i mu. | isoiiii-x | , milk i runt , wiiM IICIIII.KOIII.
tiilu mid ollini Inlicilteil hliln nml llond iliHi-itscH ,
I'lilliuiut , tlm xiiml Flvln cuio , mid Cm com
Niiii. | mi n.\iiWto | shin lifantllkr , ovlcinnilly ,
unit ( 'nlleiiiii llc olvt'iit , tliu mnv lilooil p
InU'inallj , mo Inltillllilu. AbMilutuly jiui
Sir. nml Mis I'xmutt Hlolibhn , Itelclinilnwii ,
MIISM , . uiito : "Our tilth ) l > oy u iii lcmlilullllcl -
eil wlih K ml nla , wilt i him in nml tiiKlpdimuvi-r
sliicdliii uaslinin , mil neil I IKun coulil lvo
htm lielpeil him , iiiilll u liiuU Cnllcuia lleii o-
illeN. uhltli viiiilmdly tincU him , until iiul nottr
imJalr Hsniiy child.
"t-'OO roil Nf/l'IHNO. ' "
Wm. Ronlon , H7 Aillnirlon AVD , f'lmrlciflonn ,
Jliiai , illns ! "Iliuhu I'lild nboiil ir"iMloMiHt
elu-sdnclori to cine my I iitiy ulllioul FIICWHS ,
I lrl l lIlU ( 'lltleillll ItllllKlllltH.WlllLllCOIIIplOIUl/
( mu H , nllur iihhw liinu ) | iaiikaKt > n. "
"ntOVt I ) HAD TO ITKT. "
ClmrliH 1'ajrii llliiMu , Jnifejr Clly Ih'luhln , K.
J. . wrllns : "My MHI , it liul nl iHiilvo > f am , MHI
oniiildli'lv curo'l nl u loirilila niMi of i-cr ninit
by IliuCiillciini KuiiimllU' ) . I'roin llio top ol hK
liciul to HID Mili't * ol hlx liicl waHonu iniutsor
ftiilM " Hitiiy othi r iciiioily uiul jihyi-lc.lru)4
hud bcou lilul la Miln ,
A r.irn.i' jiov CIIIIKD. "
Nil sli .V Kncli , Cot liiKlon , Ky. . rlloi "Ono o
oiireiiMoiiiiirn liouwht jniirCnllciiiii Itoinodlni
fur hlHlllili ) l > y , ulio luiil H kiiul nt liuinnrln
till ) llClllI , K ( Illlll III ) ItllH U MlhclKllllOl f 0118.
Ilo uiwi'iMluly cm oil. mill Ids Iwilicr t-ajslio
noulil not l ) - riulKi ) t iu for tliu i > o < l u liua
ilono him. "
Hi > Mi'Vftn lieiu. 1'iUiii Pullcurii , 60 ccnt a , Jl w. H'Wi. | Vi cimU. l'iuiiin | l \ < T
I'OIII'.II Dill U AM > ( JllKMIUAI. CO , llOStOII , MUfS.
Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases , "
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