THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , SATURDAY , OCTOBER 24 , 1883. OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY j Agricullural Implements , LlifINiit : AJIKTI AM * CO. , Wiolc ) no ! Dealers hi Agricultural Implements. Ofllto. aici I'ficllloRts , Oinnliu , Nell. F & M VHTIN , JlgrlcuUura ] Implements , Wagons nnd ItuiflrlvH , Oinahn , Nob. Boots and Shoes. V'V. MOIBI : k m. , Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , 1411 Fnnmm J-'trrrf , Otnntin , Neb. Mitnufactory , - - , llo lon Carpets , " " "H."A. ouciiAiti ) . Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Hottlnif * , Curtidn OooiN. IJtu. ll-l Fnrnnni HIH't ' , Onribtl , Neb. Coal , Lime , Etc , JKl'TAV. ] IKIl'XKl ) ) , Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone. .i.'Utf. 14tliSt.nmnin ) , Ni-li. Vaute , Wh nnd Dnvciiport Str ftn. COUTANT 'i HQUIHKS , Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal. fH. < mii > i',2imi.1tliHt. Te1 > phone No. 14tUOinidia , Nub. NKDUASICA FUKI.CO. , Shippers of Coal and Coke , SM8.1.1tliHt.OinaliMN > 1i. fKO. ( , ' . Towu : , I'retldent. Gro. I'.vnruHON , HDIJ. andTroiw. j. II. liui.iiF.ii ri ' 1 % A. IIMII ; , 1'roprlft r. Jlaiuigcr. Nebraska Coal and Lime Company , OMAHA. NKIIIIAHICA. o.KIt H. llttli Htrect. Tclepliono 41. OEO. V. l.\li iii , ! ' . rV. C.wimiAS.V. 1'rcs. J. A. SUNiiini.\Mi : , Hoc. and Truua. Omaha Coal , Coke aud Lime Company , Joblier.i nt luud and soft . onl.-WS. l.tth St. , Oinaliii , Neb. OMAHA COAI , AND 1'UODUCU CO. Hard and Soft Coal , doalem In Ilonlder Colorado Coal,317 Mintli lltb Htront. Coffee and Spices CI.AHKI : lines , Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills. Tenp , ColTrcs , Bpltx-s. llakinK 1'owdiT Flavoring KxtrnctH , l-iiiindry Iliiin , Ink , etc. 1411-ltt Ilnr- ney Hlroet , Oinaliii , Ni b. Commission , Etc. " llllANCll CO. , Y/holesale / Fruits , Produce , Oysters , ] 121 riiniinii KL.Oinaliii. Apples Our nun pack- ln I'hitt&to'B I'IKIMlliand Ojktui-s , llutter , laino , 1'onltry , JOHN ] ' . FI.ACK , General Commission 'Merchant , Prodnro , I'tiivHIoiiH , 1-Viilt , Flour and Feed , 105 H. Mlh .St. , Omaha , Neb. OniHlyiimenls solicited. lU'turns nnulo promptly. IXUI8 lIHI.I.KIt , Jobber and Commission Merchant. Chce o , t-nnsiiKci' . lmlts , lluteliers Tools nnd Snpplli-a. l-ir > .ljiifs St. , Oinaliii , Nob. "W. K. ItlUDI'.LI , , General Commission Merchant. gi'FCiAi.TiBtt-lluttt'r. UJTKS , Forolfru nnd Do- inretlo Fruits. 112 B. 14th. , Onnilia , Neb. Toll- phone No. I6.I3. D. A. : ilWIKY , Commission and Jobbing , flnttor , KIW nnd I'lxxlnco. A full line of Ptone- aro. llultec ! . 11U Doilgo fit. , Oniahn. . E. JIOHONY , General Commission Merchant , Ilutter , lV r > . Chri-so and Country I'uxluco gen- eriilly7l > W H. Ktli St. , Oinnliu , Nob. JICHHANK & S01IUOF.DKU. Buyers of Butter and Eggs. Itofrltrt'iatoraiul I'ncMnjrllntHO.Mth .tl.rnvon- n oi Hi St. , oil U. I * . II. It. Track , Onmlm , Neb. Established If70. iioitEier 1'inivis , General Commission , 1S. 14th SI.Omaha , Nob. Specialties lluttcr Jtggti , 1'utiltry and Ouiue. nuos. , Commission Merchants , Fruits , I'rodneo and 1'roviilon * , Onmlin , Nub. A. V. SCIIACK , Wholesale Conimlssiou Merchant , Fruits , Seeds mid I'nwlnco. No 813 H. Uith Street , Oinnlm Nolini ku. TKOXEU , * WIU.IAMB , Storage and Commission Merchants. B. Flour. A pplne , Stontiwnro. CiderVlne > nir , Potnls. Hiiliiir and I'K M. 01U and ! I15 b'onth llith slicct , Onmlm , Nobnixlia. WIF.DKMAN ti CO. , Produce Commission Merchants. I'onltry , llutlor. GMIIH , Fruit * . Eta KXB. ) 14th St. , Oiimlm , NubniKku. A. F. Y/holesale / Foreign aud Domestic Fruits , , Ijinl , Jclllry. Ilnltor. E rff , Hieoso , Etc. No. aim l. h SU , Onmlm , Nob. WnSTKWlKI.D HltOS. . General Commission Merchants , J40S IkMlKO 6ut > ut , Onmha , Neb. Cons ! uinont.s Solicited. Crockery. w.lTwiumiT , Agcnl.for lie Manufacture and Importer * Crockery , Glassware , Lumps , CliliiinojH , Ktu. OIIIco. ill" South' 13lh Htreut , Onmlm , Neb. Dry Gooiis , J. J. IIIIOVVN k tU , Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions , icrl ; DoiiKliis Htii-et , Onmlm , Neb. I. . OINPIlKIiO A CO. , Wholfitiilu Deidurxln Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions , linens , Jjii'i-H , Kinbroldery and Whltu Ooods , tiret Onmlm Neb. Lngines , HIIOWNIU.I. .v co. , The Baker Automatic Engines , Hlntloniiry nml porfahlu fiiKlnrn. bollei-snnd Flieet lion nock , WMKOIIO , uKriciillural linple- jnciitK , pumps , cto. f.'lll-l''l.'i IA'nworth&t. _ . _ Leather , Hides , Etc , 1 * 0. IIUNTINCiTON J PON , Dealers in Hides , Wool and Tallow , 1111 Juckwin Htrvt't , Onmlm , Nob. B1.0MAN IHlOa , Wholc&ilo feather , Saddlery Hardvare , Enddlnry and Slioo FiAdit ri , llkloa , Wool , Fun ) , I'ultd , ( Jro.iMi , TiUlow , iic. ; , Oiualm , Nub , Flour , Etc , Wll , 1'IUKTvlN. ( H',0. ItlCIIAUDbON. WM. I'HKSTON A. CO. Y/liolesale / Flour , MS.HO owl CU llorcofitifot , Oinahn , Neb. K A , 8TBWAHT i CO. , Wholesale Flour Dealers , And mauuluctuioni of IllumUmtlinj iunl I.ubrl' OMAHA JOBBERS' UIRECORY nnuNO TzemiTcK , .in. , /rent ( for J. C. HolTniayr A Co. , Manufacturers of Highest Grades of Flour liy Holier * and itunimrlnn I'rrtvi * . Wiirt-houec , 1213 Jonts Bticet. Otunhn , Hub. " " W. J. WELSH AN8"ft"cO. , "Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain , Manufacturers ofV. . J. Wi > Mian A CO.'H Quick IhiNfnjrlliickiYlicftt flour iind proprietors Oiaahn City Mills , cor. KtD mid rnrnnin Streets. Onmlm. Furniture , unwcr &STONR. Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , I'nrnam Street , Omaha , > 'cb. -Groceries , AU.EN 1IHOS. . Wholesale Grocers , 1llOam1lll2 IkniKlan StreetOmnlm , Neb. K. 11. CHAl'MA.M k CO. , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars , Tobacco and Fmohcrs' Articles , 1217 lltmiml St. Mimm & UAAl'Ui : , Y/holesale / Fancy Grocers , Teas , pices , Cigars nnd Tnlmii-on. Iill7 umj Llltl " IIIK Street , Onmha. Neb. McCOltD , 11HADY & COMPANY , Wholesale Grocers , Corner 10th nnd Kiirniilii Sheets"Omaha , Nob. VAXTOIMJ A F.t. AO 11 KuTcoT' Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , Nos. 7u7U7 , TOO and "ill B. luth Bl. , Oiiuiliu , Nub. Hardware , W .1. HUOATCIlT * Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel , . . . . . . „ ! ! , WniMin Block , Hiinlwood Lumber , etc. lam nntl 1211 llurnoy Mrcct. Omutm , Neb. Wholesale Iron , Steel , Wagon , And run-lairo Wood Htocli. Heavy Hardware , iic. : l lTiiiul l.'l'J I.caventtortli Street , Oinuhn , Nub. HIMraiAUGH & TAYIXlt , Builders' Hardware , Mcchnnles' Tools nnd Ihurulo t-culo * . Ins Street , Onmlm , Nob. LIK : , ritiKD & co. . Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , Kheet Jron , I3to. AKcnts for llowo Scales and Jllnini I'ovrdor Co.Oumha , N 'b. MII.TON KOGHItS k PONS , Stoves Furnaces Tiles , Ranges , , , Mantles , ( Jrutes , llrnss iroodx. 1321 nnd liKl Fur * mini Street. HKrroii & AVIMIEI.MY ro. , Wholesale Hardware and Hails , Emerson Steel Nulls. Cor. intli anil Ilarncy Streets , Oinaliii. Null. Harvesters. WM.DBlilHNG & CO. , CHICAGO , Manufacturer of the Decring Harvester Goods , Write 1o Win. M. Lorinier , Giinerul AROiit , Onmlm. Telephone ( ill ) . Iron Pipe , Etc. COWING & CO. Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers , Johl.orH In lion I'tpo , Iron UltliitfK , Jron and Ilrass ( icwxl-i. Knvlnocrs' Supplies , lith and loio ) ) | Streets , Onmlm , Nob. A. L. BTIIANG COMl'ANY , Pumps , Pipe and Engines. Stcnm , Water , Hallway nnd Mlllhur Supplies , Etc. tt.V , U J und UiLPumiuii St. , Oiunlui , Neb. CHUHCIIH.L PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Ptcam and Wntor Supplies. Ilca < l < inarturti for Jliist Koos-t CO.'B Goodb. 1111 Karuam Street , Onmlm , Noli. Jewelry. EDHOI.M & ECICKSON , Wholesale Jewelers. Dealers In Silverware , Diamonds , tVntclie , Clock ? , Jewelers' Tool.s nnd Mali'iIuK Etc. , 1U1 nml HO , lAtli Street , C.or. Doiltfti , Oinnliu , Neb. Fish Etc7 JCKEN. BIEMSSHN \ . CO. , Wholesale Fish Dealers , JtnjK > rter8 of TorclKii Vlfh , Nos. till 013 Jones Stieet mid I ) . 1' . Track Oiniilin , Neb. Live Stock. Bridge Stock Yards , Omaha. No YiiriliiKO Ctiarj-'cd. Cloec to II. 1' . HrlilKO. Special accommodation nml it peed market lor riotf. K. C. Cooper , .Mi'.n- liter. Ollieo. two South nth Street. M. nUKKK * PONS. Livestock Commission Goo. llnrhu , MIIIIHKIT , Union Stock Yards , S. Oinaliu , Neb. Telo. W. K. 1IIIOWN k CO. , Commission Dealers in-Live Stock , Otlli'o Kxclmnio llulldlnt. . Union Stocl : Yaids , Houtli Oiuulni , Neb. Telephone. No.lXM. MAU.O1IY , SON * CO. Live Stock Commission , Union BtiKjh Yards Clileiino , 111. , nnd Oinntm , Neb. Frank Clilttendcn.Miiriii rorl > iimha Brunch. Tulejiliono No. SXI. IMabllshed IStU. W. I * VATItlCK * CO. , Live Stock Commission Merchants , AildrpFRnllcomintinlratlonslo us lit I'nlon.Stork Vinili , Soiilli Onmlm. Advances mode on Mock. Union Stock Yards Company , OK OMAHA. Limited. John K. Hovel Hnpcrlntcndcnt. WACNKll A SAVAflR , Live Stock Commission Merchants , 'iiis of iinv and nil Minis of stock solicit ed. Union Sleek Ymds , Omaha , tivlt , Lumber , Ltc , l.OUIB IIKADrOIlD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash , DoorH , VAC. Vardn Cor. 7th anil Douglas , Cor , ftli and Donulas. 1IOIIN MANUI-'ACTUIII.VG CO , . Manufacturers of Sash , DOCK , Blinds , MouldlnKK , Htalr Work nnd Inlnrlor Hani Wood I'lnlidi. Jiiht opened , N. H. cor. th und Lcuvtn- orth Btretts , Omaha , Nclt. CHIC.UJMlinil ( COMl'ANV , Wholesale Lumber , 9. nth Etioet , Oinidia , Neb. T. ColpcUcr , C. N , DIUTZ , Lumber , inth nnd Ctilifornla Btrect , Omaha , Neb. VIUD : w7aiiAY Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Cor. Olh and Do UK las Streets , Onmlm , N'eb. Or/1. A. IIOAOLAND Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , Omaha , Nnhruskn. s. it. ran : , Hardwood Lumber , Woiron Block , Fancy Woods. Hrlilpn Tlnibers , A. ? . , B. W. Cor. Uth and I > mi-Jus | , Omaha , Xeh , G" R LVM AN , Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Moulding , llulkllna 1'upor , Kte. South 1'Jih tituel , Omiilm , Nebraska Lumber Co , I'll Id In Capital Slivk , t'HVrtX. / rsjimnu liiciiuvr * und wlmk'tiilo di'iil crt. Sllllnal MtTrill.WJs. Wtolusnlo mid d , Oiunlut , Mob , Ul e. Vtli 6L OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY OMAHA U'Mlinil ( X ) . , Pf filer * In All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale. , ltb Street and C. 1' . It. It. ILTrafk.Omnhrt N OKIIMAN n.WYATT , Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , S th nnd Imnl etrcots , Onmha , Ncbttiska. J. A. WAKKVlKtO , Wholesale Lumber Lath , , Shingles , ncr Papers. 8rt .li , Doors , 1llhid < , Jlould- . rickitn. Posts , I.lino , 1'lnMor , lliilr , CeiiH-nU Ninth nnd JMIM Oinnliu Millinery , j. oniiitriUiit. : ) : Tmportors nnd Jobhrre of Millinery and Notions , 121,1 nnd 1214 Hm-ncy StreetOnmlin. Neb. Musical Instruments , VV.HICKPON , Wholesalers of Musical Instruments. Ftolmvny Plonnn. Wi bor. Dcchur. llnlnes and Ilrlt-'K * PlumM , 1'ackam Organt , Chneo Organs , lul and Jf5tli ( ] Mi'cct , Notions , Etc , 111 ! ATOT\1TQ Jt * KllV JT t 1111 AiN l ll + J iv C Ji"t | Wholesale Job Lots , Dry ( SnodP , Notions , Rents' Kurnlfhinjr Ooo. . tiooiln from New York. Trndo sales daily. MX1 nnd MM South lUth St. , Omaha , 0.8. UOOniUCH t CO. , French and German Fancy Goods , Druggists' nnd Stntloncis' Sundries. J4IS 1'ar- v , Neb. . J. T. Robinson Notion Company , 403 and 4a' > S. 10th St.Omaha , Neb. Wbotc ° nlo Deideii * In Notion * ) mid CenU > 'Fur- l" . CONS01.1DATKD TANK LINK CO. , Wholesale Dealers in Oils , Oitsollne , Jlk-ii Ale tireiiFO , Kte. A. H. lllshop , Miumiior , Omaha , Neb. Poth Packing. JAMKS lJ. ilOYU , Pork Packer and Shipper , Oiiiuliu , NobriH-lm. iiAintis & Fisiiniti Packers and Provision Dealers , j Union Market , 1517 Dod e Street. I'm-nin liousu , IJ. 1' . It. K. 'I'niek , Uiinihn , Neb. Telu- phone No. 157. Safes and Locks , cb ? , Agents for Hail's ' Safe & Lock Co.s Flin anil Huri'lnrPionf Parrs.Tlnio IxxlS.Vtnill , t and .lull uorlt. 1C.'U ( 1'iunaui street , Onmlm , Nub. Seeds. J.T.VANS , Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds. AnTlcnltnrnl Vc > KCtnlilo , Kte. Odd Fi-llows * Hall , N. W. Cor. Itth and Dodjro St. , Onmlm , Neb. Drugs , Etc. COMPANY , Wholesale Drdggisls , Eobhcrsof Paints" . OIM. Window ( Jlnvs Kte. , 1114 lliirney Street , Onmha , Nob. 0. F. ( JOODMAN , Wholesale Druggist , And Dealer in I'ainls. Oils and Window Glass , Onmlm , Nob. , Wines and Liquors FjlANK DKUxiNE &CO. , Dealers in Liquors and Cigars , 12U3 and 1204 DoiiKlas St. . Omaha , Neb. Faotorlcs NOB. 4 mid .Ml , 3d Dlst. N. Y. OiO. : W. DUNCAN , Euccessor to MONAMAIIA A. DUNCAN , Importeis nnd Wholesulo Dealers In Wines , Liquors and Cigars , 14 and Jilt 8. Htl ) St , Omnlni , Nub. it. K. GHOTTI : , Wines and Liquors. Westo u AcciiL. ! ) . SohlltllMwlnjr Co. 719S. 'Jlli Sticet.Onmhu. 1IF.NHY IIOHNIIKHGKH , Wholesale Wines , Liquors and Cigars. ici ; ; DoiiKlas Street , Omaha , Neb. ll.KH * CO. , Distillers and Importers of Wines And Liquors , polo nmniilacturt'isot' KenncoVB Knet India Hitters , 1112 llainey Stioet.Onmlm , Ni'b. L. P. liAUSON" & CO. , Wholesale Dealers in Whiskies And Clyarp , mid ( Jencral Aj-'uits for the Philip Herts' Celebrated Mllnnukco llcer , Onmlm , Neb. Harness , WIJI.TY . % Jlnnnfaotniiirn and Jobbers of Harness Saddles Hardware , , Saddlery , Tuir Geode , lU.inUitH iniii Kotx.'C. 14 1 Fitrnum Ktr oU Onmliii , Neb. THE MARKETS. FJ.VAXOIAL. Now York. Oct. 23. MONEY Easy ntyt \ QM per cunt. Punic .MiiicANTii.i : I'APKU1Q5 per IHMlt. IHMlt.FOIIKION EXCHANGE Uiu.e SJ.K5J/f ; do- iiiand , $ -t.M.f. ( lOvr.iiNMiiNiH Active anil stronp. Sioriih Uiisliu" ) * , tlioudi Mill laiye , wan ilit'ldctlly the smallest of this wiH-'h. Dining Hut loiiiiioon the inaikt't declined , ' . ( per cent lo 1 | Kf ! cent , but inobt of the active list re acted 1 per cent to IK iHr cout , and closed tirni at or near the best liK'.iresot tlmday. Tlio net sains are only lor wnall fraetlou.s , with a few exceptions. Ainonj , ' thu inaotivo .slocks arnVestein Union ami NoitluM'St- cin , c.ioli of illicit sio\ ] not gain of 1 pur cent. 6TOCK8 OX WAI.l. STHIJKT. ny rent boinlu. . . 1KI/.0. ( ! it N. W 10SK u. H. ! h"t liy : , l Pieforioil. . . v&\ \ } ( Now 4rH li's ) N. V. 0 m % I'acilhsO'sot " .O. rJs. ' OicKon Trail. . . 27H' Central 1'aclllc. . W < , Pacllic Mall ttijjf ' * ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' " SirefoVriVl. . . . lv'al ! ) ! ! 'l''c. . . ! . . ! . 1 ) C. , ii. , vq 1:11 : 1 Uock-Wand. . . . l-.M 1) . , L. , VV 118 LSI. L. Aiti. K.JO } , ' 1) . iVH. U Ml , jnuft'inil. . Erie. SI ) . , C. , M. , tSt , I' . . * H4 piefernHl. . . . -1-1 ' Illinois t'cntial. . 1VI ! sr.i 'J.m ! : : 1. , 1) ) . , tV. . jiiefenoil. . Kansas A-Texas. ! ' ( } ( , Texan Pacllic. . I.akiiShoie MUnion , Paclne. . 1..V N 4H ! W. , HI. It. AP. . Mich. Central. . . . 7f M prefenotl. . Mo. 1'acillc 101 Wi'stein Union 7 ! > J < Noilliein I'M. . . ! ! . & , ' 0. JI.&N DTK prelt'ftcd. . . . 6'Jfil 1MJODUCI5. Cliloauo , Oct. 23. Flour-Quh-t and weaker : winter , WTSftSOt } ; Wisconsin , 84 05 0JM5 ! MlcliIu'.iii , SIWK&JIW ; bolt hifrlni ; w heat , Si70 \ ( 4 ( Xj ; Minnesota balcrn. ; Jfil W-s 4 J ; patents , 51 7.v y , 7:1. .Moderately active , ruled fctronjrer , t'iic-d weak nt , 'k < g\i ! lower , rallied Vc , 'cllncd ? sc. adxanccd Ifu'lifc ' , declined J < e. casli iiiarkcttkh } advanced JiCsifci ) anil cloH'd htcady ; ll o cabh and Octohur : JW Of.'iD-.o NiAc.ntx'r ; Aijfcu year ; li'j 'c Junti- an ; .XI < : IH'HC Jlay , Oals MoiirrateiyHi'tlvoaiul nxhadoiinuer ; 2. " o r.i.h nnd ( Mobcr ; ' . ' " ) , o Novciubtr ; 25 6o Drct'iijlH'r ; * i'H'f < | Alay , Hyohioiidj nt OU'o. HaileyMendy nP'tc. Tiii.ulhjQuiul at SI C QnlctWitsflfcady ; No. * , $ ir ( j } . Poric Fairly nrtlvni nilol somewhat Ir nnd tlocllneU UJj'ti nearly , Inter i tvncwlnnil closed elootly ; S SSfifS : w wh S83T ( W ; j October ; S8WSQ8 ; 35 December SO Ji ! .Innnary. J -Mixfcralolv active nntl rtito < l 2 Jo pr ; SMK ) \ . li nml Octol > cr ; sriKU/ ( November , ft twtjft ! > % Deeembor.s'S bTj year ; * . ' > ! 1.V 6W'f ' Jaiuian. Hulk Moa'ts-ShonlderH , f.14Kft,1M ( ; short clear , &VJ.W-v.r ( ! > ; fthnrt lln , ? 5 10. AVhisky-lllKhornt SI w ! Butler Fair dcmnnd and linn ; good to fancy ereamcrj't ls < 2i' ' < 5 ! fiootl to choice dar ! > , llf < tl7e Cheese- Fair demand nnd steady choioo full cream che < ldnrn. k ( lOo ; ilats , MitytlO yontu Am rleasitHiifiioSfc ; skims , Tjje Kef 9 Flinlat l"e. 1 1 nU'jjKtcady and unclmiiKod ; hcftvy KixHn palled , ftillj ottri'd , s , ' c ; ll ht , 8J4' ; dammed , Oifo ; Imll Ithles , OJ.fc : dry snlfod. 11'Xo. Tallow SUwly and unchanged ; No. 1 , country , Flour. Mils . 11.0X ) 8.XK ( ) Wheat , bit . WI.OOO Ii2.VW ( Com. mi . lftSX ( ) 2.T.rjOn ! ) Oats , mi . W.tnio yebn . 7.WXI Harlov , btt . .0 ) Now York , Oct. IK ) . Wheat-bpol quiet : options opened weak , ami ro.icled. closing Mronc ; icepipts l'il , iO ; exports , 8,000 ; uiiKiiulod ivd , H.I . < IV ; : No , 2iod , U7 ( . , nom inal in elevator ; December closing nt . Corn SjHit a shade e.T-ior , but dull ; option ? hli'lirr , closing linn ; urelpts , ; exiKtrts , rstooo : tinuradod , 4f. ( < ; No. ! ! , 4V ( : No. ' . , toJtfgMc in elo.vator , MVc alloal , HOJffSMa e. 1. and I. ; December dosim ; atW 'e. Oats Higher and loss acllvo ; rero.lpt ? , 1M,0K ( ) ; export. * , IM.OiiO ; mixed xvestern , 'c : lUilte wcsteni , : tt.'l7 , ' < To , Polioleuin lrlniinnlt ; l closed at SI 09. Kpu * Finn nnd In lair demand ; receipt ? , 2Mio jiacKaites ; western. S nSa V. Pork Steady nnd in light demand ; . haul Shadi ) lower nnd IP.SS active. Sale ' ; western steam si > ot , smOfeO'JO ; Jc.coml > er , Utttfor Finn and In gixxl ilcmatul ; wes tern , 7 tiC : . Cluwe-Qutet and heavy. Cliiolniuul , Oct. 23. Whoatr-Lowor ; No. 2 red , MdrlX'e. Coin .stronger ; No. 2mhe < l , 4.V f'lV' ( . Oats Moderate demand ; No. 2 mixed , 1 lye Kit ! r < lrma n il ; No , 2 , fyY- HailejQuiet and unchanged ; extra No. 3 miring , We. I'mk-Qtiii ' > Ut SOTS. Lard- Steady alSSW. Whisky Finn and in good demand at. 3107 Milwaukee , Oct. ffil Wheat Strong ; cash , bUU'c ; November , fcQ c ; December , Coin Finn ; No2 , Oats Finns No. 2,2fie. Jho-Quiet : No. 1. lil'tfiv. Uarloy Firini-r ; No. 2 , ftV. Provisions Lower ; IIHMH jwrlc , cash and November , S W ; Deceml > er , S8oy < . Tolotlo , Oct. 23. Wheat Active ; closed fiinicr : No. B wift , cash and November , ICw , foi nQuli'l ; No. 2 c sh , l iJijc. Oats .Neglected ; No. "Te. Ijixorpool. Oct. 23. Whrtit In fair iln- ii.\nii ; new No. 3 winter and nnrlnir , 7a2 > d. Corn -In fair demand ; Is0' ' $ > 1 , spot and Oc tober ; -Is td ! Noutnl ! > er and December. Sr. r.oiilw , Oct. 28. Wheat Active and higher , esiH'eially Noveinl'r and .May , clos ing ? < ( "Wt over jc > t4'rday : tiWiyyro ; ; lor ; WiJi'i ! for November ; Oti' ulor JJeconi her ; SlOiki l Oii'fl for .M.iv. Corn ijuwly and Jinn ; ! iSiiiiil.1u ( : for cash ; October ; ir > * 4tXVic lor Noveiuber ; Oats-Steady but slow ; JM tf(225Vc ( for cn > h ; no opt ions. Rye Quiet at ftO.w , Poik Steady at S8 * S. J.aid Dull at S. > 7f > biJ. Ilutter Unchanccd. ; Aftoinoon Bo.titl Wheat , firm and hiqlicr ; November. UlJ c1 ; IMrmlxir , OtJifCaflflJfc ; lay , .SltXiJ. . Corn , steady. Oats , bctu.r ; Way , SJ 'c. . IjIVp STOCK. ClilciiRO , Oct. ai. ' Tlio Drovers' Jonrnal reports : i- rattle Hrcciptc , 7,000 ; slow and woihhest ; steady ; Phipjiini : uttyrs , :5 : : @ 5M ) : stockcrs and tedcrs , plentiful itnd lower at &i 2. > ( u ) : i-10 ; COWH. bulls and mixed , SlttKjtUOO ; western rangern , weak ; natives ami half- bti'wlSJ20oJJ ) ! 1.cowf ; , S'J tWyiH25. llous KecelpK ! it,0)0 : ( ) ; openc < l .strong and floseit weak ; rough anil mixed , Jf3 : ! 0 ( 'UiO ; iiaulduK and Hliipjiiug , S 'l W < HN5 { ; liglit wi'iiihth , : HOKlb. > ; skipsi , S3 503IX ) . Klieep-Jteceijits , ( it < JO : Mowat2.V : ' native * . Si17.'X : MO ; western , S20X lambs lf.0 } . ' .0. City , Oct. 23. Cattle Iteccipts , S.OK ) ; shipments , 1. UK ) ; dull and weak ; jioiters , 5 40jf."i4.ri : common to choice Hhip- iilnij Ktoei-fl , 51 ' 10VJ5 ( 15 ; stockeis and feedeis t2M@atw ; cows. SBOOd'JtM ; yias-s Texan btocix S3 rxx : i 10. ReocijitK , IKX ( ) ; shipments ! , * ) ; nnd active ; iood l ehoice , $ : ] 40@ ; common to medium , $ ! 2.'K < ? 33. > . Shoeih-IIocoipts , 1,0 HI ; shipmontR , 100 ; rjuiet ; common to good muttons , si &oc < JtiO. St.LouiH , Ocl. 23. Cattle JSeceiptsif * ) ; Miipmonts. 1KM ) ; dull and weak ; all fin-ides lower ; n.ttivo .shipping btot'rs , .SloOii 'r O : native bntcherlin ; .steoi.s , SiBSfi iii.l ; mi.\ed JoN. ranjtoi's , SJO ( ) ( < rW : ! ; Indians , § 2 % ! $ M. Sheiiji Koceijits , 400 : shipments , CXI ( ; jrood muttoiiH in demand , otlieis dull ; common to choice nativi-s , sVJ Wu ) ! B , " > ; lamus , SB 'JofeNJ W. O IAIIA IjlVK HTOCK. SIOPK yAHDP , S. OMAHA , 1 J'ndny Evening , Oct. ' ! . \ Considerable stock changed hands to-day. Feeders are lower , atleast 10c. The hoj ; mar ket was about bteady , with n > cty K"od de mand. Cattle . lWiil Hogs . BOO JIEI'JIENK.NTATIVB HAI.KH. hTOCliEKR. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 150 . 10-l'J ' SH 4ri S4 . 1068 S3 M li . WXJ ! I45 nui.r.H. No. Av. Pr. su . iwa ss as HOOP. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. ( . BftS 83 15 00 . 251 $35j 01 . liia : i in Poor to ( inod to IIKBOUPTION. Medium. Extra. Cattle 1MX ) Ibs and over ft' , l,8iOai.V)0 ( , ) His 4 OOfe-J 40 4 40Ti6l IK ) l 'JOWu > liV , : ) Ibs. 4 00 U ' , Ka25 \ I'Vcdci.s ' 340 Stockeis r w ( ! rass Texans. 3 00 825 Wwitcrn ItangciB 3 OOS3 „ > . > Native Cows 2M ) a y -1 7.T B W ) Ilozs Mixed 2 JX ) a oo Packlm ; and Shipping. too : Lldit Weights. . . . . . ' . . . : i IR 2 no 2 75 I'lllf'UH 1'Dll . . . . The extrt'me ntnijo of prices for louah mixed , packing and shipping ami Jliit ; ! weight hojsfor _ j > litla.VH _ la hhowiijiclow : I HotiBlj ll'wltlnif \ f Mifht I MU-e'l' I I'r'lday Saturday .Monday Tin-winy WedntMlay Tliuixlay Filduy Note All Ktlc.s uf hliH'U In this market are made iK.'rcwt. live weight , unlcws otherwise btated. Dead hoiMiMll ! < at lo PIT lh. for all wttiulitB. "tikinH , " rhoss weighing le > s than 100 jbd. , no value.H'rviriiiuit BOWS are ( locked OMAJIA WllQLKKAbE MAItlCKl'S. Friwlay Evening , Oct. 'J3. Ounornl MnrketH. Knus Oiiotalloiia for to-day vu'io 18o ; the maiket bcfiiL' stronger. IJu ITKU ( Jixxl qualities of fieri ) mndo hu- ler are getting moie n-arco every day , and as cold Horace loom ainlR-lng olein > d up last if all tlio L'ood June butter , theio Ls Ixnind to clied'lnr ' , September , full cioain ilat.s , aeptem- XT , 1'Jc ; full cream Vonni ; Ameri can , Seiiteinbi-r , 1 c ; S\VFH. \ | fancy , lOc ; SWIMS , choice , 14@15c ; brick. 12 c ; nr er , 10e. Pot i.rnv Tinmajority-of spring chlckona coming Into market wll at S-.oOcyi.'A a fo.w lilKtier. Live dnckb hl nv at 2. ' < " ! > : llvo InricyK , I'l ' ? p-r h ; clilckcn * , choice , PIT Jb , fc ( ) IOc ; ilre ped , cholco , per Ib. 12 } { < itl4n ; thicks , ttffssixl , choleo.jirr lbllaiKci ( KU ° * < \ tires * ! " choice. JUT Hi. 1. { < TIV. ! ! Swnirr 1'oTATor.sPholco larco quotable tit 3)j ( vo IH.T lb ; I.Oi > 'V-4.fiOperlbl. ) VoTATorThu larKi-MjuiceiMlil MI fftrjls 87c for choice , hut most wha ha\e been inado at nftrtj.e , for straight varieties. ! siwil - v.Ji Is quoted nt.8. > @lOc ; mixed and small , . . COMII HONKV California 3 Hi. frnmo. WI Ibs. In 00.04' . Kr Ib. , l.V ; extracted. 2 lh , tin , 8 doz In case , per dor , S'iOO ; Mb. fiame , Cnii-it- Now York lellned porbbl. , S'.OO ; do half bid. . S-l.txi. CocoANUT8-tiotctt at St.OOj ( l.GO JHT htm- (5 AXIK All kinds are in strong and supply lldit. DeoroarcavoIRT Ib. Al o ; sad dles , IC ( < I13i ! antelope. tKi''o ' ; Mddlo te i ) ISo ; elk , 7MS ; ; Raddles. lOjJllo. Pralrio chickens , IHT iliuen , S2.75vgiO ! ! ; qimll , p"r do/en , S1.60ii'iOO ( ; snliHN i > or iiozuti , * . " < ct'P 81.uo ; jixok rabbits , per do/on. Sfil.rt ) ; inallaiil hicks , SI. 75(0,2.00 ( , ! teal dticliH. PU.OiM. . mixed thicks. &l.ftO&l. ? : > ; small rabbits , Sl. O.NIONB Thoie aio not many comlnt , ' In at pirwont. Quotations arc t/OyHtto. OYSIRIIH N. Y. eonn1s,4.V ; extra Bclect ? , 40o ; BClocts. 3Te ; standards , ! t'e. KilAi'r ' Perbbl. , S0.50 ; per Jf hbl. 14.00. I'IHB' FEITT , Tiiiri ? , r.rc. Piss' fcol nnd trlpo ncrlj hlil. . Sft.on ; do. Ji bill. . SULftOs do. per kit , $1.10. Lambs' toiiKiie-s per } & bh ! . , f3.W ; do. JH.T kit , 8B.5 ; do. lunrt jars per ilor.95.M ) ; do. plnt.larn per dol.oO. . P itiijKvi : . Jr.t.i.iKH , KIC. Preserves : All kinds , so-lh. i i ! per In. , lie ; n oitod , 5-lb. palls per doSS.Oo. . .lollies : A 11 kinds , best Riadc , CO-lb. pails , per Ib. , fe ; all kinds. second trade , liO-lb. palls , per Ib-.Tic ; Assorted 5-lb. jiailft. iMir do/ . , ( rft.ixf ; do. it-Hi , tin lulls , $ B.7fi ; do. Mb , a MOin case , i > or ease , $2.23 ; sehoonurM , 1 doz. in ease , 2.23 : tumblers- 'o7. In rase , pi-rcaso , 81.40 ; apple butter , -10- Ib. palls and } 4' hhl. . IMT Ib. 7J < o ; plum butler , 41Mb. jialls , per Ib. i > > o ; asBOilod fruit Imttrr , 5-lb pjxlls. r r doSH.7fi : Fancy "Homo jNlado " eauup , B doz. pint bottles per c-.t e , ArVi.K" Time In u great deal of activity lo the market. Outside orders for winter irultaroiiulto liberal. Local trade is also buying in larger quantities. The Mock eon- slsls principally of Hen Davis. ( ioimtoii.s , Itoimin IloAiity ; quality iHOxroptlonally line letter Hliipinents will bring Haldwlns. liivon- Ings , Hti.ssott , and a number of Other line vatlolios. Sales won ) made to-day as follows : Fancy eating apples , In a iclail way , < ! .00 ! < $ D.WI : oholce winter linit , In round lots , a , small , per box , 6.dO ; Kodi. fancy , larue and juicy , PiAriiK Aret-'ottlii ! ; Kcaico belling to-daval SUM © ! 40. ( { itAi'HP Concords. 10-11) ) Inuskct , 6Vj3 70c AtalajiN i > or h.iriol. S8.00. CiiAMifciiiiiir.s Hell nnd ntigip , per hbl. O.W ) : hell and ebony , per bbl , S3.tXK.5r.uo. Cane Cod. per bbl. . JfD.OO&ClO.W ) . OUAKHKM Louisiana , per bbl , S7.00 ; jwr bo\ , 5-l.N ) ; Jan.aica . , per bid. , Sll.OO ; Ja maica , i > er box , ! rivA ) : Florida , i > er box , S5..V ) ( S-UX ) . HASA.VAS T/lierola / hut a MmihM ilcmand nt prevent and market rules low. Choice so- lectlon S3.tiOftKI.t ( ) ) C.M.ii'oiiNiA KiiiTiT P us Wint4'rNollit ! , Bcurro. Diel , Lawrence , 15 , Uciiriu , , and other varieties , JMT IMIV , S-.7fidv3.0i ) . llKA.NH-Citxxl bright iM'ans are nc.nce nnd in demand ; diKy and inferior stock dull. band-blckod navy. Sl.Wlt l.i'.O ; hand-picked medium , Pl.KtK't'MO ; UOIM ! clean country , Sl.dO @ 1.20 : inferior GOfiiTOo. J'IIIIVISIONS llani , lOJ tTBlOJfc ; breakfast baiion , ! V ; clear side bwon : , 7Jfo ; dry salted sides , 7'je : Hhoulders. suioltcd , ftJie ; mess pork , Tier bbl. . PliJ.tX ) ; dried beef ham.s , I''c ; lard , 40 Ib. cansB Inbox. 7Vtfi' . ( iitAiN The following aio Jifl iirevalllng prices for to-day : Corn , We : new oats , 17 ( > 8 20is ; wheat. No. 2 , Me ; rye , 'UKutno , KI.OUII AMI .Mn.i.hTtiri 8-\Viiitor \ Wheat Firm : bos ! onalitv patent at S3 OOtu ? } 80 Second quality S2 no. .Spring Whtjat IJoht fjtiallty patent at S3 80 < < W oo. .Second finality 52 40@J Sf ) . Uian tt cjiercwt , Chopped Fowl Perm \ Ibs , SOc. ( 'orn JMeal- ( XV8L ? 10 per cwt , Kcivcning No. 1 , 7f > c jM'rcwt ; No. 2 , 53j. Hominy 151 f > 0 perewt , Shoils 70o p.'r wt. fJ rahain 2 00 per owt. Hay Hales. Stl Win ( X ) per ton. TOIIACCO ( J. SJc : JfeerscJiatun SOc ; LongTom. : > e. iJluckwell'sDiiiham , IB oz. , file : S o/ . , Hoi : 4 oz. , 57c : 2 02. , ( iOc Seal ol North Caroling 10 oz. , wood , 4u'c ; 8oi. , wood. 45I ; o/ , , cloth , t-'x ; ; a oz. , ! * k : Navy Clippings , 20c. Killikinick . , 27e ; Uoz. , 2tc. ? 2tc.FINK FINK CUT Hard to Heat , 70o : Charm of tiie WostvtiO < j ; Fountain , 70c : ( lolde.n Tlnvad , fi7c ; Favorite , ( We. ; Uuds , oOo ; Itoeky Moun tain. Me ; Fancy , 45o : Daisy , 40o ; Noith Star , 70c ; ( Jood Luck. 53c. Ton ACCI > Climax , -Mi : IMT lh ; ) lor.-e- shoe , 40c ; Ktr.rHie ; SpeaiheadUK ; ; Our llopc. Wo ) ; Piper lloidsick. tide ; Punch , 41k ; ; Young Fritz , 41c ; Silver Tair. 4lc. ( tiAiii ) > : ny llAitnwAiiK XCoimblnatloii 104ip hamos. sn.25 : X U L O. T. hamos. # 1.75 ; var J. O. T. hnmcs , S3.50 ; iiortoction pads , S1.70 ; 47 ring bits , We : JJarhouw No. 10 thread. 7r c : lap bioast strap slide , ! ) < ; X C breasl "Iran slide , 40e ; IX X C'3 loop chain | > T bucliliib' , KI.05 : l ) ( ! ai > : i loochamnTbncklo.s. } ) IRc ; IjJ X C ! J loop oiiampT huuklos i.sxj ; 1 Jap lonji champ buckles , Sl. ' O ; coi > - iwr rivets No. 'J , 'JOc ; I'rlstol unaiis , 1'i ' Sft.W ) , IJ/ * J.W ) , 1 $3.60 , U S3.W ) , ? f S3.ffl ; Coiman snaps , VA W.w , l'i fc2.ftO , 1 U-J5. yn 551.40 , % Jjl.40. HiiTKb Steady ; green bntchcr'fi , fc ; green euicil He : dry flint , rJMHOe : dry wait , 10e : damaged hides two-thlrdrt pticc. Tallow 5c ( iroaso Prime white1 , KfeJc Sliccp Pelts No. 1 Pittsburg.T. C. L. .fcSons , No. 1 Pltlsburg. K. & S. 3lo ; No. Clncino nail , : uc ; No. l lace leather , ( XJc ; prime slaughter sole leather , 27c ; prime oak sole leather. ! l7o. Upper lentlior , per foot. 22ilo. < ; Hem kip , 7R ! ! bS ; oak kip , ftKiKttu ; French kin , Sl.OOyi ; 1.2Tilcmitlf ; ! : , SI.OOC.SUO. oak calf , Sl.OO ® 1,2ft ; French calf , S1..T ( 11.I. ! ' > ; Moiocco boot hv , 80ujt > c : Aloiwco oil pebble , 2S < jiWe ; top- plngH and llnlims , S .W ) 10.0 < J jwr do& JiiiAvy llARDWAin : iron , rates , S2.15 ; plow ploijl , .special cast , 4c ; crucible steel , tie ; cast tools do , lUdBlKo. ; WiUOl ) BpllliO.S , ) Hf ! M'l. Sl. < 5fui.wi : ; hubs , per set. S1.2S , lellocs , sawed drj' , St.40 , tongues , ouch , 75c , axles , each , 75c ; F < jnaro mils , per lb.,7f ! llc ; collchaln per tb. fK.i'1'Ju ' ; malable , t'c : Iron wedges , Do : ciow- barn , ( I ; harrow tooth , 4c ; wiring st < cl , " ( jj.J'e ' ; liiiidcn's Imref ! shoes , S4.20 ; Ihirdcn'B miilo Khw.s , j-fi.20. Hurbod Wins In car lots , W.OO ! > or KR ) llu. Iron Nail -Katos. 10 to 00 , 33.l . Shot-M/iO ; huckRliot , Sl.W : oiiental powder , kegs , S3.WXVM.oo ; do. half legHsaoO : ; lo , quarti'rkogB , S1.60 ; hla-stlntr , kegs. 83.ft ! ! ; fuse , per 100 feet , .Vc. ) Lwnl , Har , S1.05. COAIAnthraclto 0 , 88.25 ; anthracite nut , S8.W ) ; anthnuiltu range , S8..W ; Iowa , S3.50 ; Walnut block , 83.7ft ; Illinois , H.7ft ; Indiana bloek , S5.75 ; Fort KcoU , S4.25 ; Jtlch 11111.84.00 Duv PA INTH White load , fn ; French zinc , 12e : PailH whltlnir.'JKc ; whiting Kihi ] > rslo ; whiting , o/nn'l , I'lotlamiiblack.ltermantown , I''c ; lampblack , oidlnary , Ukt : Pnisslan blue. 5.V. , nntramarine , It'c : vamlyKi' brown. He ; timber , bin nt , 4e ; umijer , raw. < lc ; yio liuriit. 4 ; hienna , raw , 4c ; Pail green , g Ine , arm : Paris xroon , common , 20c ; clnomo preen , N. Y. v.0o ; chrome green , K , 1' c ; vcr- intllion , T'ngllsh. In oil iinst , ir > e ; raw nnd bin nt umber , 1 Hi cans , 10e ; raw and burnt sienna , 10o ; Vandyke brown , lc ! ! ; mined lampblack , I2u ; coach black and Ivory black , Hie ; drop black , Hie : Prussian blue. 40c : ill- tramailneblue , 16e : chiomo gni > n , L. , .M. As I ) . , liio ; blind and ghuttcr uiooii , L. , .M. & D. , lo ( ! ; Paris fjioeii , IHc ; Indian led , lr > c ; Velio- tian icd , c ; Tuscan n-d , tf.'n ; American \or- inllllon , L. it D. , 'JOo ; yellow txihre , Sk ; ; L. M. iV O. ) ) . , 184 ; ; coldcn ochie , IOc : ( laiunt dijor , 8t > ; gntlnlng colors , light oak , dark oak , wal nut , chestnut nnd aMi ifto. PA INTH IN onVlilto \ leail , Omaha , P. P. te ; white load , .St , Louis , pine , & 0.75 : Marnell- Ics croon , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 2 < ) c ; French zinc , .TOOII seal , 12c ; Fionch zinc , rotl heal , lie ; French zlno.ln vainlsha. > ! > t,20c ; Fienchzine , 7rcinillllon ; , American , 18c ; Indian , ml , lOojnHOplnk. 14n : Vonotian.ifd.CiMilibon'H , -Jtfc ! Voncllan led , Anitilwiii , IJfc ; re < l load , 7yC } ; chromo yellow , genuine. 20u ; chromo yellow , K , We : ochre rochclle , 3 : ochre , French , 25Je ; oclno , Amoiicin. "MWinter's \ mineral. "Met Lehit'li blown. B.'tfo ' ; fap.tuiuh blown , 2'Jc ' : Prince's iiilni'ral "c , MIIJI MOcaruoii.jxT ration , He ; 1W ° bead- Ight. per trillion , 12c ; 17'iO hcadliglit , per galen - on , 1 < ; ; ir > oo water white. Ita : lliiM'cd. raw , wr gallon , 44o ; linsoiHl , bolliid. per gallon , I7e : laid , winter btr'd IMT uallon , Klc ; No l,60o ; No. a , 4"o : castor XXA. i er gallon , fcl.45 ; No. 3. S1.40Bwcct ; , jH-r gallon , ; Biwriii. W. iV , i > cr gallonV Sl.fiO ; lish , W. U.I MT gallon , fiTic ; noatsfoot extra , per gallon , * 0c ; No. l,08c ; lubricating , /oro , per gallon , io ( ) ; iiiiiiuicr. l.'io ; golden machine , No. 1 , per 'allon , HOtt ; No , 2 , 2.Vs ; biK > rm , wlgnal , jx-rgal- on , Ifto ; turpentine , i > cr gallon , -I5c ; najitha , per gallon. 71c. \ AINISIIJS ; ; Harrols , per gallon : Furni ture extra. SI. 10 ; furniture. No. 1 , 81.00 ; roach , extra 81.40 ; co.wih , No. 1 , 81.20 ; Damar , extra , S1.7'i ; Japan , 70o ; nsphaltinn , ixtra , H-ic ; bhellac , $1(0 ; haid oil UnUh , 81'WiTs Cologne Spirits18Sp roof , gl.10 ; k lo , 101 proof , % 1.13 ; bpirita , occond quality , 101 proof , $1.11 ; do. 183 proof , 31.00. Alcohol J8S proof , 52.10 tier wine gallon , Hnllsullcil whiskies , Sl. < Xjl V ) ; gin blcmliHl , Sl.fiOcttiOO ; Kentucky bourmui" , fcUAWii.OO ; Kentucky nnd I'euim.vliAnfa r > es , fAOOMrt-ftO. ( ioldmi sheaf , bonthon and ijo whisklo Sl.HK'WO. llrandles Imported , SruxW vV ) : (1011105110 , Sl.Wv.iiMK ) . Olnlmixtrted , \ooOdome-stle / ! , Sl.riOfn ] K.PO. Hums-Imported. S4..VX < rj < .00 ; .Vow F.ngland. 52.XilCo ( ; domo-.itlo , ? l/ l-0. Clminpaffiios Inuiriitoil , per cs\s \ S' .OCKd Bl.tti ; American , pereaso , siatnliXXi. ( . , .in , ! , . . .MATKKIAI.-Until lirick. SiUX ) run of kiln. sa.tM ; Hum ( In bulk ) permit , GOo lime ( In bhl ; > ) We ; Louisville cement , Sl.W Utica , Akron and Milwaukee reiuent , l e hbl. . SI. 10 ; In wicks , 51.1R ; IVrt land ecmenl , Knullsh , SIM' sttt-co , S3.2S ; hair 111 rapcr Kicks , IH.T hit We. huoAiw Powdeml , Hi : cut loaf , 7-'e * ; pramilated , 7'tc ; eonfectloners' A , 7c ; Standard oxtr.v C , OJ/e : extra C , rt c ; inn yellow , 0\'e ; dark \cllow , 0\c. 1'iCKi.r.s .Medium In barrels S.Wdo ; In half bartcK SUW ; small In barrel , * , ? * . ) ; do In half lum-K SCO ; uherklns In barrels , Sti.nj ; do In half barrels , 51 OANNM ) ( Joons Oysieis , Stamlnnl case , Sl.f ! > 5 ; Ftrawbmles , 2-It > . . tiercase. S'isfl ; iaoilH | > nlcs. 2-lb. , percae , fifrt ; Callfomlti JHT ease , Jfi.K ( ) ; nltilcoK i > er W.40 ; iK'iichep , iH'r ctisc , t ! 1.7ft ; whlto cher- rlei , iK-rraw , 5 ? < UW ; iilums. per e-.tse , S400 ; \\hortleht'n-les , tr case , S'J.40 ; egg phtm- . 2-lli. , per ease , ? ii > 0 ; gnxii gases , 'i-Tli. . per c.-i'H' , S'-.vy ; i > ino applw , 2-n > . , percan' , U. ' iK'l ; ! 'OANDV Jllxed , lOrtBl c : stick , iCKJSllc KODA In Ib papcis , $ ; 12. " > a ea e ; ilbin kfBiH-rlh.S2.2X viNi.oAit ltV21Hc ; while \\lne , in Cap. SI .NI. , , Horr. Sinai , yt Inch and laiier , Bj c ; Inch , PC : W Inch , e SAI.I-Dray loads , per bbl , S1.M ; At-hton , In Kicks , Sil.Vi : M Kicks , AbMon , Wt'bbls \ dairy , siotKi.T.\ ! Pi' ' eonii King lib.fc.-ni. . . iord'Kbulk. . „ Kviifi Standard 0 21Vbbls ; Standard- ( ] litrt : i-.niis S3.0D. .Si > irr 4 ( iiimnilI'lark ' IICPIKT , IHI.NOS. 15 p'iOe ; ulsiiin * . l.Vi Oc : eliiiuiinnn ISy/ cloves , irKu'JTH ! ; Kliifjof , ICfit-AVj ; iuustinl : , 7c. 7c.Dnir.i ) J'litms No. 1 otmrlor appU-fi. I'vajximtwl , biiviw , ffu ; ultujklK'iitcs , 10 < ! ; peaches : KuMi'in , 15' dft 511 : ( viiHuiiuwl , IS'-fKlTi ' ) ; KisplH'i rliw , now , 'i'i ( < a7 ( ! eiiir.ununtil' ( . -i > ' : itt. * \ CiMrKKits (5nim ( us * Miiln. linttor nntl iiloulc , r > i , ' ; eioains 8 , o ; gliiKersiiaiw , 8 .e ; Clly sMliv,7 ( c. I'orABii J'cntisvminia cans , 4 cans Incan canH.w : : Dabbitt's hall , a dox in ivnsnif I.W ; Anrlinr ball , doin ISIMJ , Sl.5'J. ' JlATCiii.s IVriMddie , iVx" nnnul , rl. i-.v o , l.'e ; Kquaio ciscs , 31.70 ; O.-l k nil i-a--es , jsr. , " ( f.VN'WJis Hoxcs. 4011) ) , ICa lajjcrSs , I'J./c ; Imxes , lOfii , 1U OA < w , l'J > je ; h.ilf box. VOlb . CtiKFJir.H Oniiiiary cr.uliv. KV ; tfair , li ( f(3)ll ( ) > io ; ] irinu ! ll-j ( 'ia ' c 'hoUv , 1'J ' e ; ii : 4 : fancy pvon anil jollow , lire : ; l.V. j ; old Kovoriiincnt .lava. 20 < irt < 1' ; inU'ii-ir.lava , iiiiOf , : .Moclm , tfJwWljAi : - buckle's roasti'd , 1 ( 'j.McI.iiuxhliirs XXXX roailcd. I c : Dllwoub'.s. ii : , c. ; ltc < l Cross , ii : : ! 'c : McLainiliUn's , AibncKlc's and Jle- LiuiKlilln's XXXX mo sold Wc per CUB.olf. abo\o jivieed in : > caH ! lots. Si'iri.s Wholt ) IVjijier , V.ic ; alsplecl c ; Gulden allspice , lajjc ; Xanibur ciovcs 15o ; Ainlnynaclovc.s. We : , casshu lOc ; nuliuu s. uOi > t4i.M. > : Saliron C'assia. ' ! ic. . loiur , choice , 4Xonl ( ; < : ii lisli Uictikln.stKOoil , 'i-X-iMOu ; choice. MCJfioc ; SnuclioiiK , go < Ml. ) ! ! ! 5c ; choice , ittXi lie ; Jajv.ins , fair. axWvH ! ; toot ! . JlMMSn ; choice , 5.XfiT5i ! ; ; Tea lust ) , IHc ; To.i .Siltin s , isc. IICIllllNflS IBfB \TCIl. . ini'p'H'f ' iiroitjr. IIIN HI KIS | 00 | 103 W I 6J 40 15 IU 10 , b 7 0(14 ( OKI iWS 011 10 LVouiiied Minuy.owHffiiiaii MI Eorrir.t.Mi i.'no if < i sti'ni rvylfl W : t r , ) : i y , i 701 so foi | i u J. KI : visa dt i.catch. ) Fish. lou , „ , j w , ,4 I , „ No. 1 WhlloKMi .liK)54ii ( ) ( : : . Kamily " n ooa 7(11 ( il M No. i Trout J MI ( iu.v : : , : ; m No. 1 1'Jchcrel i4 OOaf.iaiHl 1HJ WAf 'K n niis : ( l "i f A c n. ) IlhK Half Ilhls Qtr Ills „ Now Kish. | 100 UO ! 5 < J 40 Illo A" > cm i ) w' ' . " ) i ) in 7 : u i itt i.v. : No. ISh'r zt nor ; MM iunM ; , ' , MI 4ii No. 1 Slioic IN ( l II M r ) III I Kl ! HOI 10 Med. No. IKhoiv. . . 1:1 : IK } , 7 ( H ) ' n ; ni : ri 1 1 s. % llilV 11 m ! I ! 0) ) 5 fill tkr > ' Mh 75 l. r o Finnily , n mi1 r , < ui 4 wu r > . - , : ; m ir > Fat " 7J1) ) l ui ; i ti.'i ; ; T > i 70 ! y , ' IMCKI.I.D SA'I.MON. ' | ) } lils 111 ! ' llliN Qr. lll > ls I'ulls or hits NEW k 1'AT | 100 wi W ) 40 I 15 W 10" Illood Ited ' Alaska. . 14 CO 7 SO (1 ( a t-o.t : 101 ai'i 01 W Illood Itcd Oil. _ I4w _ i urnws WK 10 i no ' iMi > ourli : > nsir. ( ffa.1 tcrw vi n . llllll " " 'llllla Or ll ! > 1h 11ilU or hi is HLW nhii. , , , ,5 UK ) , H ( i f(0 ( 1Q ] 5 j , „ KKK HeVliiKH 11 007 80..T Wi ) ! 101 2ft'1 01 01us KK iiinTinh'K. 1:1 : tw7 mo 4 : , . " . wy in 1 us lti-jstJ nj j. . . . _ 8 KM Ml I MIS ! ! O J till usflH Holland liciTlnc , now , lep , Sl.X ( ) ; Tlol : and licniii ' , new lon c Kpllt stoclitisli , lO i ; , llnllanU hcirln , now shoH split stockibh- r Now English .suniiiicr ctirc l whole cod , 'c ; t-xi ( IHIIK , OCOI UH cliuiiku , iuc ; cioxcr jcai' . ( Jeorfes stiljis , tijrfc : 1 II ) rolls , 3 Ibbi.xcH , 7c ; prairiiUlowfr , ! Jlb hrlck , \2 \ < ni wiuu < > . 3Hi I r-k. ; ( Sc. SMOKKP PiHif Halibut , now , 10J < Jc ; new sailed lit1 ! i ings.r x bu.NDitir.M UoniiRlic Hollantl licrriiiKH , ccKrt , Mc ) ; Uiihsian Kiullnc.s , lurrin Hific ; Anchovies In ulass , Oli ; Hull lirnnil , ] > ( ) do/ . , > l.f.O ; Ancliovics In I B < , } { ( ) I Hull brand , f-K ) ( ) ; Hpiccil lliunbnri ; huiTln H , filiH ! ; and icnds oil , jier jmll , § 1.15. Dry Good * . Jfi.r.Acimn COTIOXH i inncj-f ' Cholctt , fi'/n ; Cabot , M c ; llopf. 7o : Hill -M , 74"R ! ; li\\l.r \ \ > W J.onsdalt',8 ; Fruit , 8&cVtini. ; . hlltUl , Con r.r JKANB Krnrsarsto. 7o ; Annory , 7p ; l'i'iicj'll ] ] , 7)ic ) ; Indian Oivhanl , tyfc ; S'aninliea , 7 . KINI : JJin WN CorroNH JVjmerHI It , fi'fc ; IVpjK'iull O , r > c , Atlas , iyfc ; SUttio ol Jlb- ity , tic ; Kmanac. Jt. ( IJ c. I'niNTS Steel Itlvcr , 5c ; Anicilcan , Mtfc ; Arnold H , ( < c ; Cochcco , ( > c ; .Mant'licster , > c : Lynian , fa ; ( ilouccstcr. 5Uc ; Dun- it'll .Incijuuid , fli ! ! DuniU'llVi ; lUtina- ) o , ilJic ; Wlixlsor , Op ; I'acliic , ! < ; Hannony , 4Uc ; Anehor Shirting , lju ; ? Mcrrlmack SlilrlinuH , IWn ; Jlcrwlck s Heaver ciccl : AA , llu ; and blown , 7 ! e. lucK-ljnhlenehctl ( ) SoMairnolia , 10 .Magnolia , I''c ; H oz. We-st I'oint , ju c ; 10 oz. We t 1'olnt , 12) ) < e. DUCK ( colored ) lloston 0 oz. hrnwn and dial ) , ISki ; : iloston O 11 Inown and drab , i'u ' ; lloston XX blown und drab , lOu ; lioslon XXX In own nnd dial ) , M > jo ; JJoMlon o I'bhie , HJic : Waiiuii Tricot , 15o. Uitow.v COTTON l.awrcnco LL , 5c ; Shaw- nun lA , , ftc ; Ik-.iver Dam Uj , 'K : ; Atlantic Ll > , flu : Indian Head , 7c ; Watichn.s.set iWc ; down XXX , , ' 'r ) : Clllton Ctu ; , li. ' ej Utlcsi C.-l'fc ; Atlantic l'r , ' < e. TICKI.VOH AmoMtrair ACA , 12 > < n ; Thorn , dlko OOO. 7We ; Thoinillkefancy. UJ < ( j ; Vork A , 10 < ; : Vorlt fancy , lii c ; .Mlllbury , I'J o ; I'lnirl KlviT , Hc ; Hamilton , 1'Jc ; Kwltt ItlviT , ( % c ; Slietiicltct 8 , Wac ; Slirtticket HS ' ; e : .Moniatik AA , 1'Jc ; MonUiuk 1J1J , lO c ; Omega AHA , Wife. ( JiNdiiAMb Itvnfrcw , 0510Uo ; Amoskeii' < dr iM , Do ; AmohKnag , staple , 7 > ie ; I van boo OJie ; WaniHtilta , 8lu ; Nubian , b > o ; \ \ ' wfck , lie ; Wlilttendon , Ho ; Hates , dress , He Hates , i-taple , t e ; Uanilolpli. staple , b o l.aiFl ) < nvne , 7c ; tiloiiccntcr , 7 e. CiiKVioTft AmoakeaL' , clicckH.OJ c ; Amos- ° aif , fclrlpcs , HJ-lc ; Slater , < itiliK , H ; Kdliv- tourjr , t ; c ; WhitU'iidon , btrlpes , be : Ulcu- micPc ! Otis , clicck. % 9 o : Oils , strips , Oc , Koyal fyi6Amoskifttr \ , nnm-wl , lO' o ; J t" ray , book fold , ISo ; Ottrion , book fold , llJ c ; Knutironcc , book fold , I'-'c. PIT I'titubcr. niMKN8llK8 ) A.N1) T1MIIKK * " t I I I I 113 f I U ft 1C ft U ft 1 ft ! ft ) ! l ft 2x4 . lJV.7MX7M.Vffi 10.7fi IT. > J.-XI5 . IVJ.MA.V6 ir.X'.MUl- ( U B\ . . 15.75 l.V.7AI5.T.M6.7.M77i li VT DVB Six til. . IMS i : . 7.1V7I. . lS.7f. 17 75 " ' 7.V2I BT 4.4x8 No. 1 boat-its , 12 , II and in ft .81700 No. a boards 1' ! , 1 and Id It . 4fi. H , N itiul HI It NoJ bo-vrtls , VJ , Hand 1(1 ( tt i mo 1-11)1 NO. 1st Com. , 12 , l-tniiil It ) Unit . $21.75 d Com. , H and HI feet U'.7S JM Com. . U amllO Icot 14,75 cnFco , 14 nml lOftvt . , . 11170 f IMI.ISO. 1st Com. . JM' Inch , Noiway . . . s l Com. , ? ( , IncJi. Nonvav . ft H.CO nxriN : . Xo. 1 , 4 * n Inch , ia Hiitl H loot , rouph S17.W No. l-4ti lncli , H fivl , roituh r/O No. ' . ' , 4 A 0 Inch , 18 and H ft-ct , rough. 14 N ) No. a1 & rt Inch , ! ' foot , rouRh 16.30 nun1 LAP. No. 1 , Plain , R or 10 Inch No. v , Tialn , 10 Inch No.l.O.t ! . V-M nml nil Clear , l f litph.s. Cs . nntl 3 Inch , s 'Js. inch , H. Vs . M.60 1 nch , H. a . 4'i.ffl . J5 Select , 1 Inch , n. to . W.tXJ ) 1st Oom. f > Inch , white pint ) SSS tXl ' 'drom.ii Inch , white pine 350(1 ( "d Com. n Inch , white pine 1M ( Sel. Fence , inch , whlto l > liio 20 03 Chlcairo Sel. Fence Kloofing 18 to Iht nnd 2d ck-ar jeH"W pine , 4-0 Inch. . . 20 ta - 1MM38I1 1M1.I3SU L'lliK H A sure euro for Hlind. Hleeding , llchlng and Ulcerated 1'ih-t hui Di n dlM'ovetx d by Dr. Williams , ( an Judiaii rcnu-dy ) , xillc l Dr. Williams' Indian Pile OlnUncnt. A ilnglo box has curvd the vorst chronlt * ntM1 * ol 2S or Hi ) jours standing. No on IHXM ! suffer live minutes after appoint ; thin wondciful Booth- Inu modlclno. Lotloim nnd IniLmmpnt.s do tnoro harm than ood.Yllllums' Indlin 1'ik' Ointment nhsuihs. the tumom , atlrtys ll\ - intense Itehlnp , duttlciilarly Hi nldit aflo * ci'tlliiK warm In > < l ) , acts tin a poullieo , trlvrs instant ivllt-r , and Isproiwivd only ftir Flics , Ilehlni ; of piivato imrts , and for nolhttif ; else. SKIN 1HSK.VHKS OITKKII. Dr. PnixUT's > la 'ic Ulntmt'iit ouri-s as by maalc , Plmplc.s , lllack Heads or ( 'niba , lllotches and I'rnjitlons on the face , l < ' ; uluij tin * sliln clear ami InMittil'til. Also r. Salt Klit'iiiii , Soiv NiiMilurf , Sere I.IJIM , and OldOhstinatoUlcorM. bold by tlrugglbtis or mailed on r < w * > lvt oC ra cents. Ih'ttillrtlhy Knhn & Co. , nnd Selnoolxina Hecht. At wholesale by C. F. ( lOodtnan. w. r. JOHNSON , r.nw. r.j. pcnuvi.r.n. IV. T. Johnson & Go. Coimisson Merchants ! SAI.LE ST. , CIIICAOO. Itei elvers ot nrnlnnnd So < ls. nittircHintirh6 i and Sold , tfpeelal attention to Bulo b.tin . plus. Ituprcbunteil by IM'vnnl llarton , Llneoln , OMAHA lIKirXHC TltAlNB. DUMMY TUAINR IXMIVO Onmlm nt fi-M , ItSS , S : l , 10:01) : ) , Jlilfin. m. ; llWyfKI.m ! : ) : ! } , 4WiFi\ ; r > : W mil 11:10 : p , ni. On Knndiiyu the 7'J5 : and 111:1X1 : a. mnnd2X : ( ) anil 1:00 : p. in. UidiiH do not run. Leave Council lllnn"n ( Ili-ondway Depot at 7 : L 8iHVu : : : , ! ( ) : ) 11:11) : ) n. in. : l-MSMitaia,4sat ri ' 5i ! : * > anil ll:4r > p in. On Hiind.tyi the ti:0j : and lUiUila. m. , undx' : ) und-l : : p. in. trains will not run. TIIA.NKKKK TIUIKH Txiavn Omolin lit , 8ft : ) . :63 : a. m. ; lS : > nSSa , 4:20.fiiWand : 7txip. : m. dally , ArrlvoiatiM&and lll'j : u. ui. ; 1 : 0 , 'lfl ; , 'IM and 8:05 : n. in. BUNDAY THIAINS To and from Chleuiro vluTrlinutlto Alllnnca , STiXIK YAIIDS TIIA1NH. Tlmo tnhlo of pasHtuw'r trttlus bctwoon Omahii nnd Union 8locl < Vmilrf ; In ctrcui Weil- ncfcdiiy , Aujuit.Jth ; ( , IHXj ; \VihTWAIII : 'UIAINS , | ] n-VmrTTlTl 1IIAIRA. ' No. Oinaliii. U.S. Vnrds No. U.S. YnrdK OmnliiC A.M. A. " . I A. M. A.M. Kl OMO 7I.W Wi 4 ! ' WI OKIJ 111' ! ' ) 11:0) : r. M. 1 > . M. J ilia ) liw : : ow Km 1' . M. I * . M. 41 iw : : IHH < 2 2:10 : OH7 UV : ) 4ir : , U-M urn ) 6:40 : 0H 0Hwo Train No. 40 , dally fic.l Hundu- , Other trnlns run daily. IB CONDUCTED IIY Royal Havana lottery ( A fJovKiiNMi.iT : INSTITUTION. ) 3rawn at Havana , Cuba. Every 10 to 14 Days. Tickets hi Fifth * WholuMS. rnirJ'oiiB ' pro ratu . . Subject to lu/fnanlpnlntlon , not controlled by hopiirllcsIn IntiiKtt. His thufalreir tUlnx'in ho nattiraof cliiinco In i-xIMincc. Kor tlckolH apply to Hllll'HKY k CO. , 1213 Ilroadway , N. Y nly \ M. OTTKNH A , CO. , Hi Mulu tiuo t , Kiniftua City , Mo. P. BOYER. & CO , IJKAt.UIIBIH HairsSafesVauIfsTirtiDoack8 and Jail Work , 10 FarnamStrcct , Uiuttha , ! Ncl >