Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1885, Page 7, Image 12

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    THIS OMAHA DAILY BEE , S R 24. 1885.
poA' .SV//.A : 'nv AM DRUGnrars
1 h ( Aniline hi > Trade Mirk and crosieJ lUd
Lines on wrapper *
. . . .
t.r. MO OTHF.R.
A rriiUr it' ' ! it of o U 4lutOllt | n. hx hrf Impr
mn Ro < l lathe ii > e , fcl trttlcieat of Cui'iiuo. Nltrot * . ! < li
nil II u > n tin.mi Ibintnr olhur I'bjilcli. In SI. Loull ,
trtlr p | * riibaw tad nil oldrt MfM lioir
Nenous Prostration. Debility , Mental and
Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Altrc >
lions ot Throat. Skin or Bones , Blood Poisoning ,
old Sores and Ulcars , r tr t j with mrmitiiitl
t > rcr , KnUt t > el't > UaeprlDelplH,8 > rilr , ftltil. I/ .
Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess ,
Eipoture or Indulgence , wbleh proJocn iom or ih
ffolluirltie rfftfHit ncr.wu ueu , deia.lty , dlnnex of light
oddffc'.tUrmfmorr , plmpln on U l f , vhr.ktKtt \
* rcr lon t Ibti kcl ijaf frmtle. , eonfuiloi of IdrM. etc. ,
rendering MArrlAgo improper or uuhippy , i
rmali Dl ; Aurwl. r npblell3 pftCMnn ) llie lnrr , coal
, Inifftlni ctiTft'opa ' , ffota in/tddroi. Con.iiltfcllahaloC *
fietor hj riull rrte , Itirlttdanitct letlj etnlMeullil.
A Poslllvo XVrltton Guarantee jlren In rrtr/ea.
rfcbloeue. ( Uedlcltt enlrtfrj btrebj n&llorexpfrli.
200 PACIET. PWE PLATES , eit t cloth mj cut
tiludlig , leitrd f r fi o. In i'uMh < ttorrtirrfuejr. Our ttftj
Wonderful t npleiurrtj true la lite ) ruelM outfit ) following
ubjnctll who mar fuirrr wiiuiint. wiif Mkuhoud , wocntu
Z .oil , " plmUnt rf iHig'i 'i'wubH . i * uu tr i.the pbTi.
. .
u Ui.uj „ rUu < WArrlvd Or
_ _ _ , L
rniTAm counitixtn
Is . , . A Cas Ressmbling That of Gen' . Grant
r" 8oinmonVo n ) KKO I liml u Kcrolulous Bore on
ftnyrlKht liunil wlilch KIIVO mo uiciit ft-i'i'-'x '
. \ mid unilnr tlut nlil Uino uoiitiiiunl bualcil uploit
It tiiul ( nilIKHJII ilnvun IIIKI tliuHyiticin hy tliu
uxoof imuwli uiitl nioicury , iintl fu Miirch. IHi. ,
U tifoKoniil II UroKu out in my tlirnntaiiilxiii-
COntriUtMl tn u'liut Muni ) of tno doclur ? IM.IU.I
cnncur , oitliiK throiiKli n > y clieck ilostMiyln
rool' of my mouth unit upper lip , lln'ii nttnoUInu
my loniftio. puluto iind lower lip , ilustroylnir the
puliito unit iitulur lip entirely ami linlf my
IOIIKIIOculliiK out to tliotopur my lultohoouk
boiiouml up to tholnlt uyo. I could notofitniiy
noliil looit , tmt hubsl-tcil on liquldx , mid my
loiiK'-o wns ( < o Inruonu I conlil not tnl' ' < . Bnun
trim my wiolulinl , nolploss condition llio Hint of
liint OuinlKir. (1V(4) ( ( ) . when my friendscommoiieiHl
Klvliijf tno Hwltt's HpiHiltlo. In IOM-J than u inonlli
> tcU .atitUiv plato-i .Hopped and hoallnsr coni-
moncdil , unit tlm fniu-rtil iiportino In my choock
IHIH lifcui'loMxl and llnnly Itulllod loyotlicr. A
ptofOi-Mot'ii now uiulor tip Is tmwoiwIiiK' llnolv ,
"iiiid the lonjrno which WIIM nlinoht destroyed Is
IxihiK rccox'ottiil , and it rooms that initnio is
rupplylny a nu\v toii < o I cun talk MI tlntt my
frleiulH cull rcndlly undnrMianil mo , mill van nNo
eat solid looit ntriilu. It any ono doubt Ihn'o
li'ctH. I uould inter thuni to Hon. John H.Triiy-
lor , state MMinlnr of thin district , and to Dr. T. 3.
IJrndlmld , of I.aUraniic , ( la.
LndnuiRti.Gn. , May 14 , K-i. !
THK dwm SI-KUIHO Co. , lmnor a , Atlanta ,
Ciu N. Y. . 1..7 W. fexl tit.
S Chartered by th
jnois lur theexpr 4pjrpott
/of / Civmclmmcuiate rellctln
i all chronic , unnary and prl-
| vate dueasci. Qonorrhcci
i Gleet andSyphills m all theii
complicated Tormu , also all
disciiio of the Skin ana
Blood promptly relieved and
permancntlycurcd by renic-
diea teateitinafVirtf/IViir *
. _ _ _ _ ' " ; " < ' " ' I'rartlrr. Seminal
Weokneui. Nicjlit Losieaby Dreams , Pimplei on
Ihe Pace.Uost Manhood , i > ' > * lltfrturiirnl.Tlirrr
la no eri > ffli > ifiilhi < h The appropriate remedy
II at once Used In each case. Consultations , nrr-
lonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med
icine * ' lent by Mall end Express. No mark * on
package to indicate contenta or sender. Address
OfUAMES.No. 204WashngcnSt..fjncagolll. ! ! !
Tr utt < 1jr I > MlitM > r iiUs * o. > , t | U
rcis * ' * 'l ili i it klnl ttdnf fun i
* IM u r J. I 1 1 , otTnuiif | * utr fl
O > | l | I - > . TU I ) tlOITI I rt I IU 9
k. Vtl.tUrtl K'l HKITlSHcn IM dl.j
r. t < ff * ihi' * ' siiiil I * ftid * .
noirr. n. miNOtN. , , /i.r.x WAU.\CH
Steam and Gas Filler ;
CM turnblnsl , orilll unit .
iiliriiil ( ins Mnoiilno. 'J til mil
Jt > a. Ihtli bt. , Onniliu. Nub _
Special Attention Given to Diseases of Women.
Cnn IK > fonsiilttxl In Ki\x \ l li iind Ornimn.
f inrl l'niuii-li > llli'fk t m liuiat L'UI liur Cujt.
auuot. _
. . Men Think
thuy kno - all about Mustang I,1n-
Jnicnt. Fcrdo. . Not to know is
not t
Oli , swx\ln ( wrt-at'.is ( > ( ml find brown ,
Ohullov. . ( InuilU leaves I
No morn tliti npcniiu m > 'H wmo lovvn ,
ThtflilnLs Inivo left llio cuviw. ,
The tiincfut intsof jny nrp llcl - '
Al < > | iu.\l' slilM'iiMfr tay ;
The Miiir-lilim of tin * jvnr duatl , 4
Tliu MiniiiiiT | rtvwl u way.
And one by ono 'tiroth cliiuillns scy ! ,
Uiotiltist RliiVlyK" ,
Till f < -t-Kitlm | In slu-noo Ho
Not vnlnly , when tin- moon was \\\s\ \ \ \
Vt'biiwetUn .tlimlow ili'L' ! ) ,
'llmclilldien s holy sleep.
Not vnlnly now ye intlenl fmlo
In qniul nntifmn Inmr ,
The \\ooillnnil soil anew to nld
Throngli imtnro'H my lie power.
Whnt matter tlionaliearth's wintry bandit
Mny t-it'in to lioUl yon Kill I ,
If lint Ihu lna lcr nmli'i.slKinlt
'I'lial M ; Inivi ! uoikcil Ills will ?
I.M. S. Unjcrall In llio Quiver ror November.
A tlnck of n ixlrl tiio fcmiilo lalhcr. *
liim ! ) I nil lii'H ( mi : tied nmliTllio chin.
sot In dllvur' ttriJ use < l for
nnil buttons bf wood' are ilclily
, ctilTa nnd liclLi nro made of beaded
i tailor-Hindu pulls linvo iiaiinul.s ami
< ( f fur.
' .brcndlli of Iho
'iniivilcH uro nnrrnw , ono
IcilalMi- '
Openwork undn-oldery on velvet Is larcly
fof millinery ( mriin > o4.
Ox di/rd Hlhor pins nro very popular for
mom n , ' ui'ttruiiil for fti tunlii.siiawi ! > .
Slik stiM'kliict hats , covea'd with nets of
Hilk oord of the H.IIIIO Khtulis nto novelties.
Velvet mid jjood velveteen uVu much used
forshnit jitekeus tube \\oin with light woolen
Wool eostnmes nro very stylMi , and nro
tilmmulltli wixil Into mutclilng
In color. '
I'ltinh and satin enibroldoivd ribbons nro
tiM'd for inil.liiciy jiui " > -.r.s and for tiiinniliig
Itotind bioophes are afjalit worn , and sqnaro
buiochi'M with blight enaniulled ( lowers are
Oveuhessea of dllTtTcnt nntcrial worn with
velvet or Irtish sklivs have v ats or epaulets
like the hUlrt.
Then1 aio Indications of a continuance ot
tliiMjl dlirlH In ftnl fabrics , but this b not
a.ssincd us vet.
IMitfli f-kitts are worn with overdro sw
trhnincd with god or silver braid or opjn-
vvork embroidery.
lllgli colliifH with stllT linlnp niti seen of
all woolen costninei. Linen eollars or fold *
aio worn with them.
Mary Aiider-on U fald to have done her
tiivt pliivlni ; at Louisville , when she "played
hookey" iiom i
And now annthcr arcldont has Imppcncd Uemlmrdt she tell through a erack in
the To ir of the theatie.
The most unrketl foituro of thu coming
peison'H : dr " MW will lu this absence of the
"bunchy" Mtlo dr.ipeiies.
Shoit seal plush jackets am tilmmed with
tutus of tint matetiiil , and eloalu ut ithave
ball Ciinii ) of thu leal lur.
Fine French white nainsook Is the muslin
for mourning frocks , and truck Jand plaited
dills are their imiy ttiinmin s.
Kl\innel \ is the beet fjoods for walkim ; or
animated pann's. and plaits and tueks lecom-
mend themseives lor trimmimr.s.
I'laln .skirts with these borders for orna
mental effects will bo woi n anuo-t to the ex
clusion ot'lloimcTd or tiimmid ones this fall
anil next winter.
Headed dresses aio very fashionables. Thesu
are worn over ilch nilk gowns of bright lines.
The ample drap Ties are looped up with cms-
tcred silk velvet llowers.
I5'ack toilets , not monrnlng , give promise
of taking tiio lead in handsome diessing for
utilnmnvuirrblncki silk , velvet und ail the
liner giailes of woolen fabtics ,
Pearls are no longer ' 'unlucky" Jewels for
pie.senU , but , a tun has been pronounced
against emeralds ami sappliiies , which , it will
be noted , are mine expensive.
A young lady \\Iio was recently out driving
became alinmed when the lior > o began to
kick and naively remiestcd her beau to get
( inland hold the animal's feet.
Among the long haired furs to IKJ purchased
at a modeiate price may bo mentioned lnx
and black maitln , or as It Is also called Alas
ka sable. Itoth are datk In color.
cloaks" nro revived. They are a
perleet copy in rlupe. of thu cloaks of the
Irish iHSif-aut women. They aie gUhcivd ;
about ( lie tliioal and bavo a lonnil liood.
This fall the rough woven canvas effects
ob-orwd in the summer \\H ( ) | novelties aiu
njicated in e.Miggeiatid foim In the Ktnlfs
sent out from Franco tor autumn and winter
"Just think , " saiil a Vassir graduate ,
"heio Is nu account of a Ualn bjln thrown
from a track by a mlsp'aced swit < ; li. Ilffw
utterly careless soiuu women aio about leav
ing their hiilraronn I ,
A new shade of "swallow bine. " very rich
and baml-omo in ellect. Is shown among
fabrics ol Uitonmn , satin biocade , and brochu
goods. It is a mixture of bine anil green ,
and has many dillcicnt reflections.
Hustles aw g.-ttiiu larger , growing in size
an lavor. Tneio are often iii.iny .auglrib o
iii"d nts noticed In tournnrial -t'oViiiiiy. .
I.v. e bintlas are certainly an abomination ,
.so few can wear them with any boit ot
Very laigeMiopplii ! ? bags , made of velvet
jitnsh , or satin , aiM taking the jil.ioj in fiuh-
loniilile itsij of the hand bags ot Kuisi.i leath
er and al igator. skin M > long popular , M.uiy
of tle ; new kind are made at borne and gloat
pains an > eh In their ornanieutation.
"Ilavoyou 'The Ii--o { of Silas Lapham' . " "
asked a young lad ) fiom the city of theeieik
In a eotintry Hloiovhiw they kept ahmM
verythlng. "I dunne wlu'tnero've got
any of particular br.ind , but vvo'vti got
t > omo all-iired good rice , just the nanii' . "
The accession of twin gills to the family of
the popular Comity Tiv.uitivr A. II. H.nke ,
at 1-ai'Ko. lusl vNCck , cm Is attention to the
gem nil lact that troin thice.-lomihs to four-
nllhhof the bliths In ) > akota nt pn ent aio
of Hie female dox. Apjirehei ion is felt that
llio thing IN being ovi ulitnu In dliectlon ,
A Inown homespun die > s has Iho fiolit
and p.uiu H of woolen 'brocade. Tiio liont
Is airiiKudsuin' Caslcon , an I HID
black dnijiciy N half bioc.tiKiaml half lioinu-
hinn. | Tim Jacket b idlce OIHIIIS over 'i vo-t
ol thubiooadoami Inu sieevv.havoud scuffs
of It.
Immense tuuhes ploUcd up ovect'dlngly
In. I atemvlved lor milsaiii' , ' the b.dtodi of
tlit'Mi skills. Tlieso mo m , i Itt of friiued hllu
In oilo color or of MWOM ! slud.'s , torovimliu
toilets , and of theilivs-t , nmdil : l.n > dviti !
a cintr.tsilngco.oriorhaiMUoiiui ; visiting and
illnner tlievos ,
"Look here , I wish jon would i'\plaln how
thlsgot Into olioof jour elgaiN1' H.iida man
iiNung-inloaclgar htoruanlt ho.diii1 , ' up a
little hirip of calico. Tiio m.inntaetuier eyed
Itlth > t , and esclalnu'd : "It's HIOMI
new girls < , iln. Tlmy dun t si-em to know
the tlfllen nee between a Mother llnbbaid
and a Countclientrippcr ! "
It Is n cm ions ciiciimMniico that long rs. ,
trlcli ji. umes > honld M > otten' luvome lasldon-
atile as winter approaches , mid yet no dec-
orallon lu millnci.\ . MI abjettlv under the
Inlluemoofthu weather. In a blow ) damp
da ) n 1 1 i\l \ her lo-n-.aU Its gritcotnl curl , mid
it pic > entH ir drawled appejnincit tlntt Is
iiniio liidicroiu ; but In hpiie'iif thU , Ion'
teallern ( tiiki > ) Miumort phvv. next to
birds , bjih In bai-sand
1'netry of the Tfntcn.
The ine'anclio ! ) ilaysliavecoim\
TheHuddtNl of ,
\Vlicn the b.iM'li.ill pltilicrh'.ivi-s Iliiiliind.
thuciimlldato is lien- .
[ Philadelphia ( 'nil.
if the family U often thi ! In lot
III IJH' . j
> i'i | vvomliT that JumtMi dint tout ; ln'tore hN j
pr mi' , 'llu iiM-d tiMlrlnlc a p.ill ut1 Invrevrry
Michigan IUIIIKC.'CM Ifuvo luouilit Milt
imiuiihl l''ntlindrlur \ iHili-fiiliilliui'iil of
Theie are men who di nut nav ( ili.vlldii'i
( langhtlicn Hittv put the mm-lia e
into the Ink i nun- .
'W livrc antt u men u ( / . " ' asks an
rlinngu Wo don't know. The % T0mcti .of
! SI nro what 11101 inrti want ,
A Chcprc'iet girl want * lo know how to
r'tr.1 n ticKiing scn-'ition alMiut the laco.
Toll him to go gel a e.'caii slmo. ! ' ( j ;
. .The mah who went lo the connjryfor'"r , f\ .
nml rbhiiKu' ' > njrf the waiters uol most of tnu
change ami Hit mud.old the lot.
"Mool m nt tlm gate , love , " bus been
changed to "Meet mo nt the graUvloyc. "
Tin- cool weather has noco iuilcd Ulio
' TlHtsuWrlnilnn lo the season ntjhcNow
Voik Metropolitan opcr.v ninth ; .nlrinity ,
caches & 50ww. Last jcar the enllio milt-
scilptlon wasSSOuo.
It may bo trim that tlm Spitz dop Is ' 'a do-
incsUeatrd milurctic variety of llio tiralrlo
wolf , " lint our own pci , nnat opinion i that
ho IH a eon founded nlilMineo.
Mme Teipso Cairuno , , tlio planlste , has
"ailed for n brief tilji > ln Smith Anlellca , in
'Hi * " I'twisu ofhleh she will visit Venezuela ,
her native cnnntiy , which she lias not soon
.since Mm loft it as a'ddid. '
A jHior Illlo ear-old girl of Westminster ,
Conn , , goes to tlm luform school tor thirteen
yo.irs for hlttlnir a woman with an apple. If
she had shot the woman with a rcvnivcrsho
wonld probably h.ivo got oil with n tvprl-
Tlm Sir. Holland who has lately joined Mr.
I'.mmet'.H company , in not Iho Sir. K. M. Hol
land , into ot Wailiick's nnd tlm Madison
iiiinni'o. ThNcomuiiidlan , tlmelevi-r son of
o'tl tieoi-jjo Ilolliind , blill remalim lu Now
Mr. Tliomas has nrraimetl a notable ycilc.s.
of pie ranime.s torlhopopiilHrconeeit.s. to ho
Klvi'ii at the Academy of Music , Now' ' Voik ,
nwliTiie-dnyuAenliii ; nnd Thursday niter-
noon dnrini ; Iho M'UMIII of lbs"i- l. The or-
ehttiii ! to bo employed in these coneeit.s will
numlu'r M'Vtiit-nvo ! iierl'ormets , nrtd will bo
incica.scd as the profriiniiie.s may iciinire.
Miss Hope ( ilenn , writing d > H friend 'n
Chicago tiom London , ' peaksgleofnlly ot. cr
many excellent eiiirayciiH'iiiH. ( Sim wan .
take pait in tlm recent 1'iiltl coneerl al Man-
ehe.ster on tlm bill lust , She In. mor iviii'.en-
inted : to'-im ; In the eoncoits of Iho Birming
ham Choral Mwlety from Xo\ ember to Mareh :
Divember III In Uowen M "rileopuiK Heanly , "
nnd in the Itoyal Albi-rt Clmi-.nKiKiietj''seon-
ceits whleh extend from November to
A Change or HIIRO.
Upon thu Kardon Kiito they Hwun ?
\ \ lien nhxhts weio warm and t'air ,
And pale Diana often linn ; ;
Her ilglit upon the jiair. ' .
To-nlcht nmom ; the leafless tree < ?
Tiieanlnmn wind mako-unoan ,
The gate is svvinjinK ; in Iho brcezo ,
HH rnsly hinges gioan ;
And w here arc now llio youth so gay '
And maidi n tinned In lawn ,
Oh , whither do Ihelr'touWeps.tray ,
When * liavo lliu lovers gono' . '
( ! o to the parlor warm * go there , '
And ask. if jou would know ,
That double loaded lockingfhalr ,
Tnu I lamji turned down "s.o low.
[ Hoston Courier.
The Catho'io calhedml at Hailford , Conn. ,
will cost S.1UJ.OJJ.
The ehildien of Israel now number about
( ! , : ! T7UOJ the world over.
A New Haven ( Conn' ' . ) man has sent to
Kvamielist Moody a elit-ek lor oJ , ! > jo to a.vKt
him in his work.
Hx-I'iysldciit Artlntr rexiently assisted al
Iho laying of the corner-stono ot llio new
Trinity hpiscopal clmrcli at Lenox.
Chili lias discarded the Uoman Catholic n >
ligion as tlm le iiion of Iho slate , and has an
nounced perleet liberty to nil i units ol' Urn
Clirintian laith.
There are four rich churches in London ,
having a total > eatlng eapaeity of l.&Oti per-
soiii , wbluli report'un aggreiat mciiibcraliip
of.0 , and of as uro olliciats.
The I'rcsbyteilan ulmrcli In Ireland em
braces nearly one half ot thu I'rottwtant pop-
n.ation of the country. There niuKicou-
gregaiions , 5JJ nuniaier.s , nml lui,4.M com-
His holiness I H ) XIII. has just pent -40,000
francs to his eminence Ciiidiiml Ccit'-it ; ,
archbishop of I'.iietmo , for dlstiilmtlon
among tlm poor wtio uro sulferin tium the
r.ivaiii of eiio.era. " r , { j
The date of the Baltimore conference of
the Jewish ministers' association lm been
ehangul to the \Mtli and -Tth iiiit. , tliu rauer
day i or llui conferenuu of Sabb.ith wclioul MI-
piiiiitcntlciiU and piinelpais.
Metliodism has obtained a good foothold In
Newfoundland. Tne total mmihiTol eliinclies
and nii.tMDii stations is ftl. and I'lCsohuve
ta.U-l.'i members. Uniin the pat year there
was an inurcaiu In membership of : i : > , ; 4l.
A new dep.irtnro In ro'igions ' mailers Is
chronicled liy tin1 gatlttiiing of about a hun
dred of the Kpiscollivl cleigyofNew Voik
city and neighborhood in Hie HighiamN
of the Hml.son fora spiritual "retreat" tor a
ta.l hcuson ot evangelHtlc wotk.
Aeeoullng lo the teiOgmphlc , dl.spalehe9
vaccination diaws a line between'Prrtte iantf ,
and Catholics in Montreal. Kidictumsas
this appears , it is not more HO tuaii Miim ; of
the tiiviiiJtics that 1'iote taiiU aom umes
iuanol over
Clansl Whang ! ! Hini : : ! ! !
" 1'i.s thusiovi ) pipu'-s i'i , I jnblleo ,
And I vvoiiid thai mv loiunu might utter.
The tlioughln that arise in me.
0 tint tor my innocent wnu
And the Innocent inl.tnts two ,
1 ( ItuvtMriit this contrary pip i
Till Uio am nuiit eth * r .
ClanglVliiin _ ' ! ! Kaiull !
tiocfj thu uu.aCil sUn'o pipu and njn.
njn.u Drccze.
A prcncber who shbok hands with an 111-
Inm.sgin In oo : her arm.
A minister , having with him home of his
old Si-rnuns. was as.ced what liu had In ln
package. "Uiied tongue , " wits thy ivp.y.
On tiio west coast of A ! Hca tbo ndsdona- ;
rlih me Miltl to LcMarvIng Ii rfood. in other
pnitii.nsi't the "dark lontlneni" the peopie
aiuhtaiving Kirnii.ssionaiic/ .
An oilgimil loim of luvenge Inn church
( luaircl was that mloptcd iivuntly by a dis-
alieclid memiier ol a Haptist church on
Maten is , and. who ptMJin d an an er and
tioted a Imiu in tlu h tpjstrv , Urns icniU'riiu
It a luuiceii cistcin uluUi would hu.d no
watei. "
A well-known Texas gambler was convert
ed , ami became a minister. Unit Sunday.
jn t iiu.oiu Iho .scrvlcoLie iiii.liO vuisiibsoiucil
in thinubt. when huvvas aiipi./aciieti by thu
or .tnlst.who. leienhiL , ' to tiiu oiuning liymn.
.s.nil. " \ \ hat hiia.l 1 play ; ' " " \Vnat k.nd 01 a
hand have you'1 iv.sjionded tiu aoiunt-
Mankind loves n llu'lit. When lie | saiictl-
monimis n.d Tom , ol' "UnciuTom r > Cab n , '
as ptc-cntcd in thu ISnucry uint weelc , tlioppt d
thu limitation ot hcilpimu and put up ru.s Ihu brutal overMvr , uv'eij" beer
glass in tbo mullein o was MJI do\\n , thu
Miioke of ci ais jittcil lii-tiintiy inim tmt
scene. : ui , I apuhy'wa ? .lao etaur diaplaccil
liy IniciiMio.scituincnt.
Mlni-ter ( dining with the family ) Well ,
Holjuy. do yon d.iu to road tlm Hio.u. ' liotioy
1 don't get much of jienani-u at U , Sister
has U most ot iliu time , .Minister ( turning to
Mister ; All. Miss C.ara , 1 am glad to knotv
that yon und laufioml Bool ; 01 daily usuand
coiiMilmion to jou. H.ililiy - Vea , hu
tor picsslng autumn Icavts.
"And MI you liked thu seimon. did yon1' '
said , i i.idy u > her ntiiii ind on in.-ir way homu
Hum chinch , " was inncn pleased with
It. " "Wcl , Hun's r.tther Miign ur.John , 1
never knew .von in > piiik MI well ol -crmmi
lii'iou' . " "Hut this ; Minion was > o dlllcicnt
finiii nil others I vo lu'.uil. " "Jn vvhit , vyay
diifeienf. ' " "It vv.iss.mrt. "
"Dun't yon want lu go to Iho bi'tter world ,
Tommy'1 asked tno innday sdm ii u-acher of
the new "No. iiiiini , ' piomiaij i
ii iul thi' llttlu lelluw. "And u hy not
rummy.1' ' " ( ( .when I die I want to gij
wheie H fellow ni-.t. " " \Voll \ , my boy VIM
can IVM iheie.Vell , In Ihat son wu
1 ( .said thai we'd all shine Ihcie , " "C
ly , don I you want to sliine their ? ' * ,
mum : I ilon t want to hine Hurtt. 1 get
eimnxh of that hero , I'm a boutb.ack , mum. "
K\ .
Al n New Y.ork vvax wink show Jesus
Chi ist , Sir Moses .Moiiielime , len. ! llamu'k
und ( 'apt. Jack aie nniionneed us Ihu lnie - |
I'.liniclinn.s. This IcaiUa icvcii'iit mupaH.T |
In lemiuk HiHt a Ihorou lily C-OMMTVII Ivemii )
Is , hube ( iiNHlrlelt , an oil icr-hlent ol M.
Paid. He iilu'aih | | | , c , in inlU'alHiiii mKs on-
n rv wiirk.nnd he iilwiiys expresses Ids iitilui.iii
Ihitl \ ( ( ! IM | vMinted ihehiMihi'iiconvrncd Ho
w mild cun vcrl Inem Himself veiy iti | u i > ,
Tln-nilier duj niiactiiiaiiiliince < if the jmUe
ruiuarUfil : "Jiuljfc , it you ueru uudu su
prcmo ntlcr of UilT"iinIvcr ' > , whnlvon'd
von do ? " "I'd roMun Immcdlnto y , I would ,
by patl , sir. I'm not hankering nflcr any
mmu responsibility tban 1 am compelled \
t ) -ar. " ff , niter tnu luanner of the Hovverv'
shows. IhesymboHc Plg41md born nltachol.
thu .selisilillftk'.s oPKiSxl jtcoplu could not bo
muro puinluliy shocked.
1'uRsln'fl Nursery Khyino.
Trpmbl. , tieuible , little Czar ,
Don't yon wmdf ( r how von aro.
Wouldn't ( MI alluisslan Kin. , ' ,
No , slrl nollur njtldngl
You're on the Mikado list
Oi the nasty Nihilist ,
Pretty sooii wo II sou you fly
With somutbiv.'piite. on high.
Heller get j'onr llfo Injured
Safer 'tis to be secured ,
fairy lead around In loads
When thudynam to explodes.
.So wo bid j'ou now pond-by
Hope to seeon In Ihu sky.
Tiemb e , tremble , llttlu Czar ,
Soon you'll wonder where von nre.l
Them nro llfteen cows In Ohio that nro
slumping around on wooden legs.
An ( englishman * has demoi trate < t that n
snail can creep JWJ feet between btituise and
A codnsh evhlhltwl by Lovelt * Co. . 1'ortr
land , Me. , weighed 111) ) pounds , anil measured
. " > teet4 Inches In length.
Samuel Kissinger , of Wllllanisport. Pa. ,
retonlly killed a rattlcsnaku that was ilflecn
feel in Ipnglli and had tvvunty-avt ! i-altles.
Tliliteen and n half Inches Is thu length of
the feet ot a mnn living on Indian farii. |
Lewis countj' , W. Va. Ho Is but buventeen
yemy old.
Dr. ( ! . N. Cage , of Kast Washington. N.
II. , hasa halt-grown chicken that Is ulilo lo.
do a double amount of .scratching , having
four legs lo do It with.
There nro four wonderful fur seals now on
exhibition In-Paris. They are trained by a
Dane , taught lo me a gnu , lie on their backs
andstnokoa pipe , pluy a violin and ore a
Two bonus of Iho elophas prlmogcnlnp ,
nnd others of some other gigantic animal
have been found lately in Colorado. Onu
tusk belonged to it monster a ( piancr as largo
iu'iiin as.lnmbo.
The swiftest largo rivet In the world , ac-
coidlngloii traveling conespondent , U the
Snt ej , in Hiitlsh India. It has a descent of
I'j.ixjo feet In IMI miies , an nverago of about
sixty-suven pur mile t
Tlncebear.s , of a now species , found in no
o'herpattol thu wor'd. ' liiuu lecentiy been
killed on Mount Shasta , Calilornla. They
nredescilbcd by the Sacnunento Union as
wldio In color , about the hUu 01 n shepherd
dU , ami verj ferocious.
A Nevada man was treed lately and kept so
for the nigni ii ) , i Hand ot hnnury coyotes.
He killed mini , of Iheatilma's ' with hlsiide ,
but even that did not cause the others to de
sist , A party ot hunters rescued thu uuforin-
natuman in tliunmining.
In the Arctic occ in ships aru frequently In
vaded by swarms of mosimitoe.s. In Alaska
they foim e ouds so dense that It is Impossi
ble for spoilsmen tn aim at objects beyond.
Native ( logs aiu sometimes killed by tin m ,
and even the giiz/ly boar is Mimclime.s
bilndcd by their attacks.
The Indtistrj * 7if a honej'-bno working a
clover neld is fomcthing Wondcifnl. Kacb
clover head has" sixty .separate llower tub s ,
ou'h eontiilnini : jibont the uve hundredth
part of a grain of Mijjar. There are7.050 grains
to a pound , .so thai tnc b'u mnsi. have sucked
Hie contents of ilniixxi , ) ) ; ( clover lubes tt have
gatheix'd one ] iound'of ' hiiney.
His reportetP friifti the nsblmgrounds in
Airanmoru l aj % We < t Donegal , that nnge
t-haiksof a most viiraclous species attacked
the nsldiiL : boats , mid in ono case gavu battlu
so dcsperalo > that Hi" men had to use all ex
pedition in getting into thu Kitely of .shadow
water. was nearly sunk and iish-
im : has iieen interrupted , low of the men
caring to venture out.
, The DbrrnHidoil rmtllea.
QncDii Vietocimvvas recently Hwindlerl
out of lifted ! pounds by n bep arly
K-'onndrel who'li'rotuiided to want it Corn
clmritnbln purpose. Hut ninny oth ° r
wommi have boun robbed of health hy
overwork nnd under Day. Knfoeblml nnil
languid women with slmllurctl nerves
Iind strength nnd comfort in Hrown's
Iron Hitters. Jlrs. Amtiniln Lay.son.
Cravvfortlsvillo , Ind. , says , "I iibed
Hrown'.s Iron Hitters for jrcnorul ill
health with jjood rusnlU. " It euros tlys-
pupsia , weakness nnd nmlarhi.
The < > n of Win. Tnivers , the wealth v Now
Yoik hider , retentlj eloiM'd with a Binok-
lyn girl.
A Pennsylvania bridosirroom got married
on thirty-one cents. Sen.siblo man 1 Ho will
Pave but liltle lo Ipse.
Tin-re Is a ptetty strong evld"nco of color-
bllndip's-s for two when a gieen young man
mai lies a red-headed gill.
"Ambulator" wi lies to ask If wo can tell
him how to lake the cml onlof hair. Ilavo
j on ever ti led gelling m irrlud
Tlm iirowr way to pop the enc , tion In
Philadelphia now is to lemark to the glil :
"Will you go halved with mo In getting a
miirriage license ? "
The united nws of o\-ov. ! Mngllsh , of
Connocllcut. and his new Inido aie over 101
M'ars. nnd their united loiliino is ffs 07r > , OiX\
Of these the crumi tiirnlshes 7 veaix ami
3H,000ooo. ih , ,11,1 , , not many for money.
In a western town the other dav Mi. Diinn
wa.s man led ( o Miss Wiiglit ami all the in-
P"rs wont and put "Dunn Wilght" over tlm
account of the wedding. Hut only tluiu will
tell whether it was or not.
An o'd man waimcl atlvenncbec , Jfaiup.
recenlly , who said he was M years of age ,
had walked six miles from a iiotnt In Sldnev ,
and wason his way to meet his allianced , to
\ \ horn In * w is anmi ! lobmarried. .
The m-tni'U" llceiiso law is already giving
I rouble in Philadelphia , nccoidliu lo ( lie Kec-
old. A iie ioiijiplvlng foru liceiiMi was r"-
tuscd l ) iiiiist > he cim'd ' not tell his ago , al-
llion h eviilnlly b'twiiiii D an I I ) ,
At an old'tashroncd ( ! > rm'in wedding in
\ \ Isi-on-ln the co nmitteoon Invllinlo'is loilo
Iiom lioiisc' to lioii-e. their prisons and hoi-es
deeorat. tl with nblmiis nnd leaves. Tnu
allair was.sonanaiiala.s touncitu much com
He : "Did It evero"cur to you how tlllll-
cull il must have bu > m lor Solomon lo urn-
iiiisiitnu thoiismd maidens' ' " She : "Ves :
but not iiaii so dlili'Milt ' as some of ihe men or
the present day nnd it to bj-to propose to
one maiden. "
"No , " he said. "I shall remain single ,
Mammon ) ' Is gditing moio expensive nvery
day. A unn ninny now without iav- ,
hu' illty cents roVi ? liceiisu. Let s go in and
hiivu MiiiicihiilJ.VolAiid when I HI leu tlu
.saloon ho was rti iMnircr.
It Is not pernittfrtl1 ! ! Mexican lo ride in the
fame carrlago Itb a onmn to whom ho | s
b.'trotln-d. Tlnv pfob.di y hwaiise theiu Is , ) )
ways muru or li.-vs dl'i ' orof people in a car-
iia'o falllngoillWtii iisuiiurlt.kli.iH lav
.sued a bcnn sheJiilita no ilsks.
Miss Mary HSjjU < * Hyde , the onlv dam.'h-
tcror Homy H.Jldbi , presldi'Mt of Ihu Kijnu-
able Life As > niViitc < oclcty. \ > vv York , was
mnn led nl lierjntlKa'n cunntry icsii n ice at
llav MioriLo jl 4l ! | and , last week in Mr.
Sidnej Dillon * jIMv. { u nephew ol Sldin < v
Dll.on. Sidney. Muiior diinatfd a hii'i < lr. < . |
thuiis.ind iloluidiijiLiM' as a wedding pic-uini.
I'libllo Kpealfcl uiiil Hinders Iind H. U.
oujxlns-i iSflni ( . 'apsliMini C'on l1 Drops
n HUTU fianuily
To Httcoce'tl Jnil o Dlolroy.
CiiirAtio , Oct. ' ! . - Tiu republltMii conven
tion to-da. to nomlnaloa candiilatu
. ' , tor sit-
piemo comt Jiintico , vice T. Ljif , Dickey ,
deveasetl , nominated Benjamin N. Ma iudor ,
oi1 Chicago.
"What wo lunrn' with pluiiHiiru vvo nnviir
forgot , " --Allred Moreier. The follow.
in ; ; is n CUMI in point. "I paid out linn-
tlrudrt of dullars without ivei Iviny any
bonultt"hiiy.s ilrs. Kmily HhoaiU. of
11 rides , MIC i. ) had htinalo irmnpl
t'speciallv d-i4iiiii ; ( diivvn.'for eve
yonr.s. iJr / v i'h'rrnri ' Kuvontii I'rtv-
MTiildii d i ii" luoro iiood than nuy
medlciiiK I \i | ' lotiK I alvi < i < I'verj'
sick Imlv to 'ik'i.t" And n do > < It
nevi riLaii ) i-oi , t.i its paifuiiti ,
soil tt.
o u n E o
Rheumatism , neuralgia , Sciatica ,
Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothache ,
NorcTlininl , . . ! I lnc'.Nprnl nil , III ul c ,
Iliu-n , Nrnlil < . n-uillllic * ,
A n ut , OTIIKR nonn.T rn.\9 M > * inrx
Oolil 1 ; Iri , jl i nd n .l.i i rrwli.r . FillOMIII I
. .minAMIUa CO. ) B HI or . Mi ) . , r. S.1.
Mttrtlcrntt Ills Cousin.
OitKKNVtl.r.H , S. 0. , Oct. 21. ( Chicago
Times Special. | Kdward Grlsp and William
Urysnn , tvvooouslns , the heads of resin-ctablu
families In Lam ens county , had n dispute
over the ownership of a phr. Crisp was n man
of line phj'slquo , while Hiyson wrts n pygmy
In .stature. They were on horseback and
agreed to tepnlrto thu woods iinds ttlo thu
nuttier. Theio liryson called Cilsp a liar ,
d llrvson by thu hair , lifted him
tilf his hnisu and dropix-d him to the ground.
Ur.vson aiose , pulled his rrvoUer and sent
tluce bullets thinngh ( 'lisp's body , killing
him instantlv. llrvson Is at home awaiting
lliuacllon ol the sheriff.
N'orvnus Dolillltntotl Men ,
Yonamnllowedd free trial inr Ilitrtu iliiifi
of Ihu use of Dr. Dye's ( Victualed Voltaic
Helt with Klectrlo Suspensory Appliances ,
lor tbe s | > eeily lellef and permanent eme of
Neivons Dcbllitx. lo sofVltalitj and .Man
hood , nnd all kindled tumbles. A No tor
iiianv ( > thi > diseases , Coinplelo restoration to
health , visor and manhood. No ilsl ; Is In
clined. lllnMiatcd pamphlet with full in Tor-
million , terms , etc. . mailed free by addiesiln
Voltaic Belt Co. . Mai-shall. Mci. !
Asxmisliinted IIIsSNtor.
M.MIION , Ala. , Oct. SI. IChleago Time1 ?
Rpivlal. ] The town is evcltul over the cold
blooded minder committed here ( inlay hy a
14-ycnr-od ! negio bojHetny Hnntley Is tlm
boy's name , nml his victim was his sister , 'JO
years old. A tew days ago she chastised him
lor ome misconduct , and be vowed he would
kill her. This mmnini ; lie got a shotgun and
took a stand when ; she won't ' ! have to pis : ,
and when she came in sight lie shot ner in
the abdomen , kllllmr her almost instantly.
He then put the gun down , stepped tip.
looked at her , and muling her dead , walked
lei-miely awav. There went several wit-
n.'sflbut they weie so stunned hy ( he
sight that they did not offer todetaln him.
He was pursued Inter , however , canHrht ,
brought back , and placed in jail.
Advertising Cheats ! ! !
"It hits become so common U | bojjin nn
nrtielo , in an elegant , interesting style ,
" 'I hen run it into some advertisement ,
that wo avoid nil suoli ,
"Anil simply oall attention to the merits
t > f Hop Hitlers in as plain , honest terms
: \s possible ,
* ' To iiuliteo ioo ] > 1o
"To jiivo ( Hem ono trial , which so
proves ( heir vnlno that they will never
Use anything else. "
"Tun llRUKur to fiivouibly noticed In all tiio
Itull ious mid H'cnlnr , K
"Ilixvlnx u l.irjo biilo , und Is supplanting all
other inotliulnos.
"Them is no ilouyinttbo virtutisof llio lion
plimt , neil tbo proprietors of Hop liltleis huvu
"In ( oinpomulniK' a iiioillclnu wlmo vlrtuoi
mo si ) piilpilblo to ovoi j onu s observation. "
Did .ShoDlu ?
"No !
'Shu ' lingered and suffered along , pin
ing away till the tiine lor years.1
f'Thu doctors doinjj her no yood ; "
"And at last was cured by this Hop
Bitters the papers say ssp much about. "
" Indeed1' ' '
"Indeed ! !
"How thankful wo should bo for that
niediuine. " -
A Diiuehicr'H Misery.
"Klovcn years our ilnu-jliter-suU'ered on
n bed of inisorv.
"From u 00111 plication of kidney , liver.
rhennintiu troublu and nervous dihi lily ,
"Under the. care ot the he-t | diysitiaps. :
"Whoyavu her disuaao various names ,
"lint no relief.
"Al l now .she is ro ttu'ed to us in good
heal'.h by " simple a ronieily a.s Ho ] > "it-
ler.s Hint we bad shunned t'oryearsbetoru
u.siny it. " Tin :
Prosecute the Swindler ! ! '
If when you mil lor Hop Miners , M-ewrccn
ohiMiirol' Hope on tlm whliu latiel > I lie , inijrjfist
IliiliUs out tiny iiUcr | stint cuileil ( . ' , ! ) U'aniers
( iei-iiinn Hop Hitters or with othur 'Hop ' iiittia- .
x.1'u-o It niiu slum tlnil ilniutrHt it vo i weald a
\ | | K r. nml If lie hiis taken your mom-v lor the
Hull indict lilin lor llio Iniud rnc1 ue hl'ii tor
lit , liinlL'etor : : the swlmllo nnil wu will ii'iv.inl
on Illiomllv4or the coin icllou
Astlima Cure.
This Inviilimbld spoclllu icadlly nml pcrinu-
mimly OIIIKS till k mis ol' Asimim. Tlm IIIHI :
oli.-nmUci nmflonir > tiiiiiimy CIILvlolil 1
ly ( o UP noiulciful ciiriiiK' properiHii It M
liiiown tmou hoiit tnu uorul lor it > imriv.ilo.l
.1. 1 , . UA l.DWKI , ! , , city of Lincoln , Xiili. , wrncs ,
Jim. - . > . I > > ! : ainte iinimi' lr ituirs Asm n i
( 'mo , lot moio tliiio one jenr. in ) tvuo bus hecu
I'liiuci ) well , nml not uvon n rtyiuptoin of tnu
VV | l. I 1AM Hi\Mi'lT ; , Kichbmil. lo a. u-illos.
Noviil : , 1 1 : I hiive l , ( < cn nlllielcil uilb liny
1 1'vof nnil AM hum snuu I.Viii I loiloucU jour
uncuifoii * nml nm i.upp ) to iiy Hint I uuvor
t-lcpt iM'.ier . In in ) Illn I inn ulml tlmt I uni
iiniooir tno iniinj n no can Hpcnl , i > o ItivOiatily ut
jour rouiciiicj. .
A valuable < > l pn > ro tioutlso < oiitiilnlnv slinil.u
I iiinl' I Him cvmy NIUIU In tno I ; d , ( . 'imiiiiii iiiiu
Limit llr'tnln , will | K > iniilleil upon iiiplii'iulo | i ,
Any dru Ki't not luivlnjf ii m i > tc < , unll jiw
UlU K ,
rrr T P 3l
AqusE sg
fiP ) iPlgI |
I t ff II *
* <
, * T tit (
. .
. w. 77OTEiA.j ! ; , t,2 : A" ' ? ,
ci jiitu.tHti .1 r. JN' . r.
Ilir tlr-licliuil 'Kl Oril.v ( ieniilnn.
> ! > l al i > Krll > i I- H xrrof urtnl.luilluUnh
iLli.HUoMr 11 l.rplES. A U' > ' llrujul. ; <
' hlilir.lrr' . l'cll.ii ' 11 > n olh r r fuIUWM
( < % jmijiu u * M | iwiku ( r IM trltef l.v r'turm H.MU
ki/ucr PAPPII. | llrlir > l > r rbrmlmi TM.
w i lln.ii. .u rc.l'LIU > . "s
Many a Lady
is beautiful all but her ilin ; imbudy l > as ever told
her how easy it is to put
beaut von tin.'skin , Beauty
on the skin js Magnolia
Balm ,
Motto , Jn very Style and Variety Known to Modern
Coolilnpr and Hooting Sieve and Range Construction.
3 PRICES FRORfl $ SO to $75.
nt ntofc Traito Marie is a Ouarr.ntco that Ererj Artklq banrngH' '
fs the Finest anil Best "that ccn bo tncdo for the price aslctf. .
i Beware of Imitations. If your Dealer will not
' 'furnish Vou with a "Garland" write direct to
The Michigan Stove Company ,
Us/n.g'e < 5c
One of I7i3 Best and Largest. Stocks in the U. ' 8 ,
to Select from.
, *
No Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passenger Elevator. '
-Jt -
of Iiive Stock aiifl
71 l < tl > o Iwt mid clievmo t food for took of nnv hind. Oiioiiiiil ) N oi\ml \ to tlii-oo | K > imli i'
corn. Slock fed wit i 111 oil ml Oil Calco 111 the Kail nn \Vlntor I , ItHtoil of running do vn , will , In *
crt-ase in u-cl lit nml ln > In jrood iiiarliotulilo coiiilllioii In tlio snrlnT. Palrymon na wpll ns fiO ( <
who UMJ II. en ii lottlly in lla uiurns. Try It'imd jmUo for yo.nrolyps. . I'rlco fj pqr tOi.j | ) (
ihiirj.ulor'siu.-US. ' Adding WOODMAN L1NSIJICD Oil , WOUICS , Otuubu , - ' - - -
Cnr > . IH.'ltKH ,
nNTnS : Mcrclmnts mid I'arnipr1 Ilnnk , navlil Cltv , Neb ; Kivirnoy National
ivy , Neb : loluniliiiH Slaui ItiniLColutnbiiii , Nob. ; MclJomUJ's Jliinh , Niu'tli I'l.vtto. Nob. O
Miilonal Iliuil. . ( Jiiilui. | Nfli. ,
Will pn > fiiMomi'r : ) ' iliult with bill of ludli ) atttichcil , Tor tuo-tlilrds vuluo of HUxik.
' . .f
A. TU1.IIOCK , IJiitf. nml Stipt. < 1. I' . N. 8.YIW.nt : , Asst. Ita i.
II. W. DIAMOND. AsM. Scoy. i r
Missouri Valley Bridge and Iron works ,
Wrought Iron , Steel'like ,
Trims and ( ' 011111111111160
n R i D a & s
Tor Itiillmtuid nnil |
Turn Tables , Draw Spans ) ftxk
Trusses , Pis-sand Slib- '
strm.tiires ,
. . . . . '
jt'tT.ii * mur s f. t irjKiii/- " * " r * ii " ] iey * wn.vicA * K'K " i * ii ? s.i " "
ff'S SSr'WPSSOSSB A. McUUril. & II. .V..W.J33
" ' - - * <
nn < l iirnrJ nf ulf UrliUo mirk to lot Corrosjion lonco sollcltod Iroin cnylnoorft mi
ii i
or rail Pcrticulm about Free and Cheap Lands in Western Nebraska. AJdross PATTERSOfi
& WHITE , Real Estate Agents , North Plutte. Nebraska. '
rnswnaotoliivtttor to nil llooi . | 3y } ruul 121J I'lirnnin Slroctl
Nebraska National Bani
I'AIII U ! CAi'i r.M .SiV.OU' )
{ - I iii' , .May I , lo-vS ii.JJJ.JJ
\VW.\iKs , IVoHulmit.
A. K. TIHV\UI , Vice IVurtii
JIIM.V S. ( Jin.1,1x9 ,
\V. \ II. S , llitoiii'.s ,
Co , U'th und l''iirniun Street * .
A ( icnernl jiiiiihinu iiiiniuiind rriuiMiuu < d
fc MATL7I. ,
i | o .1 , U. Jacobs , !
At ti | oUI num. | HJ ? Fiirmim Hi , Ordori lijr ,
( lO--iiiMi | K.licjua unil | iioniiily | uttoii uM to
C.I I'IOIK' ' Nil. ' 'ii. |
A IMIU , T | .lKB roil
England , France & Germany ,
'Hie an HiudniM of ihm > M'II kno\vu uru .ill
nl HUM' lit umur iijriu jiimpanuiuii i . an > l ru
lllllll > | U'llll t'VOOIIItllX 10 IIIII..IUK - | I4-'HV
l iili MIIW mill iiKii-ciiiiiu 'I'lic'y ' i'inr > mi-I'lim I
M , Mind I'Uiiopi-Kii initiNdiiid Iriivc.Nciv Vurk
'I IM MHJ ) > uu.l Aiiiijifln ) ' . 11 ir I'lyiniiHi i. ui.V
1 ON. . IhMlMiiur il'.UliSiiii , ! H.\-IIU'll i
lHiui--Cu ( i i-uliiu , J'W-HiO. tJl
S. H. ATWOOB -v -
* U
IliUMlorof Thnroii hhrcul mill Illxlj 9Ti
Hereford and Jersey CaUo ] !
And I'taoo tuid JoiMjy Itixi
_ . ,
The Short Line
and Best R oute
From Omaliao tbe East.
" Miimr.liwiiUy. . Mdwii il.icvj ,
rt I'linl , ( o.nir KaiihU , ' lliivdliiiiirt ,
< Union Inilniiim | , Kouklonl ,
Miuin. Mtul | im , '
llrlolt ,
And iiliothur liii , > orliiiil | MH | ' | | , N'urlllu.ut
TK-kvt nliuuiil Jl-l Km nu -tlici't.dn 1'iutort
UliU'l , lUld HI I lltoll j'lii'il.u ll ) < | iiiU
l'ulliiiiii. > lfUiur > ai | , | MRIIIK | | IMiliur Uirt
In Hc , U 01 Id UK' ihii IIH tilt' li'iitfli lines ur.llui .
t HII .M. ii.iu.u , i ht.i A. M I'll i. lUil.viAV/'iin |
t \ < u IIIICNIIOII in jMiiii 111 | uiHXiiKiiri < by uniriu'
OUKC H.llO.ll" < HI lll ) < fit ll | > I IV
It , Mll.Mit. il'IICUlll.lllllvl't - .
.1. ! ' I'ri Knit , AJliiin tii-.ilirjil Miti'knr | ,
A V II l utiK > r ii Ht'wr.iJ'lt \ * * " urr-H'tl
'JU'kri A. fin.
lilll Ii. IU.AJHIIIII , An . llllll Ul'llfrul I'KlWCII
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WIT illl'l 'J'li'k ( '