Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1885, Image 1

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    ' 1
Porator Tans tlio Political Wave of Success
in Now York.
A MoiiRtor rjnthorlntf of Ilcpntillcftiin
The Tcrrllilo StrnltoT the Dem-
oci-nilo 3lnniiKcrfl Tor Cam *
pnlgn KundH.
New York City's Flr J. itally.
Nnvv YOIIK , Oct. -Madison Squaru gar
den was filled to BiifTiK-atlon to-night at the
first leptibliran inass Hireling held in this city
< o endorse the state' ticket. Fiom an early
liour ciowds began to pour Into thu hall , and
nt the hour tlio nicctlng opened fully t > ,000
were piefcnt , among them a laigc number of
Indict ) . Among the vice pnwldciitswero ex-
3'resldcnt Arthur , Senator Hrnrts , Senator
Warner Miller , Alone I ! . Coinell , John
Jacob A.stor. Plcrieiiont Morgan , Channcey
II. Dcpevv , Kdwaid Plenepont and neaily
IW ) othci-s. Thu platlorm was nowdcd with
inon eminent In the icpubllcaii party , niul
among oil ict n weio Joseiih II. Clioatc ,
Gov.-elert l-'oinkcrof Ohio , Senator Geo. F.
JMiiiuudH. ( ion. Jos. U. Cair , lia Davenport
nnd otheiH.
Air. llllss called the mectlnc to cider and
nominated Mr. Joseph Choale chidrman.
j\tlrr mime introdtictoiy lemnrks by the
chairman and the appointment of a long list
of vice prc.sldcnta , icsoiutioiis approving the
platform of the Saratoga convention and
pl ledging the suppoit of all lepubllcans to
t hu stale ticket , wcio lead and lulopted.
The cliannian then Intioductd Govvelcct
Foraker , who aftei a few introductory pleas-
nulricsrcg iding MA surioundings , bind in
part :
1 nm not concerned In your matters of local
character , but 1 have the meat satisfaction of
the republicans of the whole United States
that thu fhurauter of your candidate lor gov
ernor Is of the highest ordei and worthy of the
republican party. Kverynian who wauls le-
form will couiu on Novembers tothusjippoit
ofDavinporrand On. Cair. We havu nad
victory In Ohio , and I'll tell you why. We
won that victoiy because Ohio republicans
determined lo plant themselves on the plat
form that gavu expression to sound repub
lican docttluo. When the republicans went
out of the national ollices they went out
will ) bands playing ami Hags 11ing , and
every man standing six feet high and looking
thu world sqiiaiu in the face. Nobody was
liiullni ; fault localise the heresy of secession
had been shot to death on the battlefield , nor
because thu eoloied race had been enfran
chised and special payment icsumed. John
Itoacb , that poor old Irishman , broken up.
Tlm democrat bavu broken tlown ono of the
IcaiJIiig indiistiies of the country nnd thrown
SfXH ) inin out of work.
While the renubllcan party was in power
they Invented a postal card wltb'thn goddess
of liberty printed on ono corner , but our
democratic friends changed all that and
iKMird a new card with tlm face of Thomas
Jefferson , the author of tliu damnable resolu
tion which caused all thu trouble in this
couuliy slneuthat time Thcru's no room in
a democratic piocessioli for the goddess of
liberty. It don't make nny dltleronee.
Hpeaklng of Glover Cleveland , what
i party and policy thcro is behind
Him. I was greatly snrpiised
to find In coming hero that the best way to
.appiuvcof 1'resldeiit Cleveland wtis to vote
for Ira lavcni > orL I hue ; heaid agieat
deal of his fiuo appointment ; ) , but those of
tbo last six weeks in quantity and quality
Would bu enough to damn any lepnbllcan ad-
.ministration. You can gain some Idea of
'llio ' herculean labor of Cleveland when he had
'to take all his Hppdilitees fiom tbudemocratic
Koraker then paid a tribute to the Irish and
( German votcis in tliu icptihlican ranks , and
Bald If Paruell with bis taiilt' views had
'lived In thu United .States ho-\\ould bu a re
publican. The speaker concluded as follows :
iiivotw n response from the state of New
York on November ! ) , similar to that we gave
in Ohio October S. Callant Jolm Wise In
Virginia will break the back of thu solid
fioufh so that we can say wo not only havu
0 llio and New Yoik , but we want the whole
CCirili , Virginia Included.
Senator Edmunds , ot Vermont , was then
Introduced amid the cliecis and shouts of thu
multitude. When at Jcngth quiet was reStored -
Stored , he wild : If yon gentlemen who are
making such a noise tonluhtill only wait
until November you will then havu a chance
to Rhotit yourselves hoarse over
n great icpubllcan victory in
New York. [ Applause. ] 1 do not
Intend to icpcat thu arguments already ad
vanced by Mr. Foraker. ibave only this to
say , nearly every democrat In the senate
tueutj j cunt ago voted against the doctilne
of ixiual rights. What kind of demociacv Is
thlsi1 If tliciu Is anything ncio
In this country worth preserving it Is the light
to think and sucak as one pleases. It a man
wanted to be H democrat let him be one. I
am willing. Let every ninn bo titiu to him
self and allow others to do the same. 1 am
jglad to hear that In this gicat state tliu name
of paily Is losing largely this year its sign 11-
cancc. Men are beginning to think without
refeicneeti ) the consideration of party.
I want to say a tew winds about the civil
service. The lepiiblicau iiaity in Its last
platform had a civil soivicnclausu insetted
therein. The democratic pmty had a plat
form of a most elastic character. It could
take In everjlwdy nnd jet bavo room for
imoje. Thrro aru 1 suppose , a bundled
Uhoiisind offlceis In tbo united States. Tl-u
piesident cannot himself select men to ill !
all tliCM offices. He must trust to thu advice
of those who are his counsellors Tliu mem
bers of his cabinet are expected to act In this
capacity. If Cleveland had selected the
seven right men tor positions in Ids cabinet
there would not bu such an upiuar of discon
tent axaliibt him among UIOMI who wished to
secure his election and aiu dissatisfied with
tlm wanner in which thu ollices havu been
Ait ) wo to have this ereat country filled w lib
working men contented and linppv , busily
employed , or am we to let the evils of tire
trade hold swny hero , shutting up our shops
and factories and bilnglug misery and want
t < < thu laboring classes In tlila couutiy' '
Cries of "no ! no I" I btilieve , and a majoilty
of tlm woiKing men of this countiy belle.\u
with me. tlmtatalrpiotectivo t.ullf is what
wo need.
ICdimmds closed bN brief add i ess In a
yolcu scarcely above a whisper. Them wcio
loud calls for KvarU. and when ho appeared
on tbo platform tno aiidlenco called out
' 'Hurrah for our next meslduiiL" Cheers
followed this sally and tliu senator o\cu > ed
iilniKulf fiom milking a speech as also did
{ en. C arr , candidate for lieutenant governor.
The uniting then adjourned.
Now York DemoorntK' PIlroiiH Strait.
NKW YOIIK , Oct. 'J3.-Speclal [ to thu HIK. : !
The democratic managers are In a des
perate strait for want of fund- * with which to
conduct the campaign , aihlu from buying
rotes. sent out from
headquarters says thu democratic candidates
for tlm governorships aru moii of only mod
erate means , and aru unable to cope with
their republlc-aii opponents , who nro said to
bu men of ulllucuce. This "unequal match , "
ns the connuUtcu. call It , compels them to seek
conliibidloiiH from the ] > aity Ihiouvhoiit the
state. Small donations me to bmipmeclatcd.
mid ibo Inducement N held out in tins appeal
that "contributors will ha MI the tight to
claim their share of thu honou of
thovlctoiy. " This taffy. It U thought , will
collect many dollars. ( Jen. Cair. thu itpubll-
cun ( vndldiilo tor lieutenant novel nor , wild
toacoiii'spoiidentto-day : "I have traveled
thtotmb the statu f\ud every vvheio thciu is
republican actlvilv uild loyalty , and tbou-
saiulsot'demociiitoai'u dlsgiuntlod boe.uisu
lloucr was not noiulnatcd for governor and
nio imlllVeu'nt alKiut Hill. I think tliu ivjn b-
licjin ticket will IH ) elected by from WJM to
fO,000 malorllv. " An old deuuM-mt said hn
bcllevitl lien. CaiTst'MImatu not far out of
the way. "If Hill isdcfeuteil , " sUd tliiu item-
( x'rrtt , "ihe no doubt will bu thu udmlnlMia-
tlon will Ixi mom to blaiuu tliuu nny other. "
Jhls opinion Is shared b > thousands of doiuo-
rnttJi In the mctioixjlis and thiuugliot.t tl.u
NKW YOUK , Oct. SL-Col , Daniel S. 1-n-
Juout , Uio iircaldont'b
was at Ilie HofTtnan house to-day holding a
consultation with the executive commitlcu of
the democratic state committee.
Conkllng Out of Politics.
NKW YOIIK , Oct. a ) . ( .Special to the Hnn. ]
In rcjily to an Invitation to address a iwc
Ing of coloi'cd republicans , Saturday , Hoscoo
Colliding writes : "I have not , lusyoumay
know , for some jeafs engaged In the can-
vas'cs which have occnn-cd. > fy business
exacts all my time , and 1 do not feel called
upon fids } ear to take ivirt in politics. I much
appreciate , ho c\er , the wish and Invitation
of. the colored mnn to have me speak to
them. Did I mean to sprak nl all In reirard
to the election 1 fhonld not fall to apeak to
j our people , nnd there may eome a time here-
atlcr when lean do so , nnd shall lw * glad to
doo. JMease convey my th.inks to thojc for
whom you write , nnd .say to them that 1
have not grown cold In the things which I be-
llevo right and good for all raced In Amer
ica. " _
The Provident Golnj Ifoino to Vote.
Nr.w YOHK , Oct. 'iV-f Special lot ho IHn.j :
A Washington dispatch io the World says
It Is likely the piesldont will leave for Xow
York a week f i om to-day , nnd remain until
nftcr the election , casting his ballot for Hill ,
tin will also Secretaries Manning and Whit
ney and Col. Laruont , who will constitute his
paity. The president will bu the guest of
his loimer law partner , Ulssoll. while in
Uulfalo , but will IK' In New Yotk for u day or
two prior to the election.
Itofilst rnt Ion In Xovv York.
Nr.w YOUK , Oct. 'J3. Kegislralion In this
city tor the forthcoming election closed to
night. The total Is no.ico , against Cj.POl In
ifc f , and W.OJO in
licit Hiitler Claims tlicro Is Some
thing In the Dcpovv Letter.
Nr.w YOIIK , Oct. 23. Tlio Commeiclal
Advertiser publibhes an Interview w itli ( Jen.
llutlerbylts liostoii correspondent on the
Grant-Johnson controversy. Gen. Butler
says then ; aru many reasons why the charge
that Johnson desired to icvolutlonUo the
government was not brought up In the Im
peachment trial. The chief reason and con-
elusive one wius that the olfensu was nut
charmed In the ui Moles ol Impeachment , and
be ( Butler ) as counsel In that case did not
care to oiler incompetent testimony. Thu
charge was not embodied in the articles of
impeachment because they could not * be
p loved.
The talk between Gen. Grant nnd Johnson ,
hscommander-la-chief ! , was In thu natniu of
a pmilegod communication , anil tliatGcn.
Grant so held was shown by the fact that lie
did not disclose it till long after Johnson's
death. Thcie was another proect | of Presi
dent Johnson's as to revolutionizing the gov-
eminent , some of. the details of which were
partly known at thu time , but which could
not ho proven , which bad not taken the form
ot action and which were not brought into
the Impeachment proceedings. 1 myself had
some very strong moral evidence upon
two questions which I did not
eaie to make known to the public
In the impeachment proccedlngfi , but ono ot
which 1 investigated secretly as chairman of
the committee for that puiK | > &o , and while
there weic disclosed to mo some very dam-
a ing facts , under the circumstances they
wcie not soconclusivethat I deemed It proper
to exhibit an aitlcle ot impeachment against
the president ot the United States in that
belief. 1 still lelaln some ot the instiumeiits
of evidence that Mrougly lead to Mipportmy
The other proposition of Sir. Johnson to
control the government differing fioiu that of
General Grant In thu measures to be taken ,
but not in the end tit bu icachcd , it now
seems to mo lor the first time , must have
been made utter General Grant had rcluscd
to accede to Johnson's proposition ; ami
knowing now what had been said to General
Grant , It would seem to show that that prop
osition wns entertained because of Grant's
refusal , anil while what was known to me in
regaul to It gave me a stioug belief , it was
not in pioiwrBhapu to be biought before the
public. "
Geneial Hutler declined to say what these
proofs were , and Intimated that they would
probably not bo made public till after bis
Piiir.Annu'iiiA , Oct. 2.1. A statement by
Admiral Ainmen jelatlvo lo Cs-n. Grant's
part In the l > olsteious times of Jouvson's ad
ministration Is made public here to-day.
Ammen relates Gen. Shetman's speaking to
him some time ago. Restated that ho ( Sher
man ) , upon being called to Washington by
Picsldcnt Johnson , went liist to Grant's
house Immediately upon airlving in the capi
tal. Giant said there was a disposition in the
cabinet to get lid of him ( Grant ) . Apio | > o-
sltlon had been made to send him tn Mexico ,
but bu had determined not to go. lie .said he
would stand a couit maitial lirst. "Well ,
what do they want of nie'i" ' said Sheiman.
"I do not know , " was Grant's reply.
Sherman then went directly to the presi
dent without waitinir to visit anyone else.
"Mr. Picsident , " said Slieiman , "this is a
diplomatic mission , and Gen. Grant will not
coupon it. He will disobey thu older It ills
Issued. " The piesident seemed very much
surpifscd , and said that ho bad a very great
icgaid tor Gen. Grant and would not like to
do anything that was distasteful to him. "
Sherman remaiked , "If it will iclle\e the
executive of any embarrassment I will go
down myself. " "Very well. It you will no
that settles It , " said the president , "and It
will bn Just as well. " rlvu dav.s later
Gen. Slieiman took a steamer for the Gulf.
"Thus , " said Sherman In stating the mat
ter to Ammen , "was the dllllculty , so far as
General Grunt was concerned , biidged over ,
and lie was kept from an OJHMI inpturo with
the executive. .My onlnfon is they dcslicd lo
get ild of him and uucp him fiom beluga
candidate tor the presidency. What they
v.antu of mo in case General Grant was sent
out ot thucoiintiy I do not know. ThudLs-
ctisslun botwecn Piesident Johnson nnd my-
s > elf never got that far. "
Among ; the UnllroadR.
DrnuQui : , Iowa , Oct. : ? . Articles of in-
coiporallou for a new union laihoad depot
In tills city have been Illcd. The depot
will piobably bo used by thu Illinois Central.
Chicago , Uurllngton & Northern , Dabuqiio tfc
Northwestern , and possibly the Chicago t
Noithwestein , when the latter pushes its
load Into Dubuque. The Chicago , Milwau
kee Jt St. Paul has a new depot of Its own.
Contracts have been made to build thu
Dtibuquo & Nuithwcatein I'M miles Horn this
OIIICAOO , Oct. 2J. Atn meeting held to
day tlio managers of thu Chicago hues which
have been making a rein to of nine cent.IMT
hundred iMiunds In packing house products
shlpjH'd Into territory south of the Ohio liver ,
agreed to restore thu rate total ill and main
tain It. This obliterates ( ho grievance of thu
Fort Scott load , who- business thu making
ot tUo icbato referred to soi lously Interfered
with , and does away with the piospect ol'
linther rate cutting for the picwcnt.
Kansas , Oct. irt. Dr. Gardiner
concluded bis testimony In thu Walkup case
this morning. In examining the viscera of
Hit ) deceased ho could Hud no evidence of
syphilis. Piofessor Jones , of the Kansas
I'lty ' medical college , who next analy/ed thu
lemalns , te.stllledthuthu found in the million
submitted to him two grains and a traction
of a irralu of atvenle , part of which ucioou
the contents ot thu stomach. Adjourned till
thu afternoon.
Ijox.iii TnlUs to the f.rand Army.
Si. Jon.voiiur.d , Vt. , Oct. 2 . Thu Grand
Army ) idr of Chamberlain Post : clo.sed to
night with an addiess by Gen. John A.
Lilian , hlsMihJcct being ( it'll. Grant. Senator
IMmuiids scut bis u'Ktcta at not bclngublo
to be present. t- * a
' A Kofi Hit nt n IlK ) Balnry.
Sv.v FIUICITO , Oct. 2-V-Asiatic advises
today say Judge llupny , cx-lJnitcd States
consul general at Hlunghal. has accepted the
iwisltlun of foielun aitvlscr to the Corcnn
tovctnuicut nt u salary uf tlKX ) a montli.
A Farmer of Dixon Oonnty Shot Down bj
a Erato Named Briggs.
, _
- - - - -
An Interview Avlth the Doomed Spell
ing I'rofossor ill Nebraska City
A Horrible Crime Ke-
porUd ; from Kmlncrtl.
A ftirdcr In Dlxou County.
DAKOVA Cn y , Ncl > . , Oct. ! O. [ Siieclal to
the HUD. ] Ono of the most cold-blooded
murders over committed in Nebraska occur
red yesterday , seven miles west of the vlllago
of Ponca , Dt.xon comity. Janic.s xVloxander ,
an old and respected resident of the county ,
VMIS engaged in measuring wheat with a
hired man named Hriggs. Without any ap-
paient inovocntlon Hrlggs shot Alexander.
Death was Instantaneous. The murdcier
then repalied to the farm house and coolly In
formed the wlfo of Alexander that ho had
killed her husband , and that if she raised an
outcry he would kill her also.
Ihiggs then took a horsu and fled. The
imirdeicr was captured to-day at Hartlngton ,
Cedar county , biotight to Dakota City anil
will have a preliminary hearing to-morrow.
Kxcltomcnt runs high In thu community
where tliu killing occurred , and loudthieats
of Ijnchlng are made.
Sioux Cnv , Iowa , Oct. 23. [ Special to the
IlKi : . ] A dispatch lecelved here to-day says :
Last night at 8 o'clock James Alexander , a
farmer living seven miles northwest of
Pouca , Neb. , was shot and killed by a hired
man named Briggs. The deceased had lived
In Dixon county for twenty-five years and
was quite a piomlnent man in his neighbor
hood. He leavesa wife and several children.
The piovocatlon lor the murder is not yet
known , as the two men were quite Intimate.
After the deed was committed tlm murderer
went to the house and coolly told Mrs. Alex
ander of bis bloody vvoik , but forbade her
going to the gtanary v\hcro the body lay.
After threatening the life of an aged brother
of Alexander's in the hope of obtaining what
money there was lu thu house , without avail ,
Diiggs in on nlcd his horse and tied. The
country Is being searched by ofllccrs and an
Indignant populace , and if taken the mur
derer will doubtless be lynched.
Tjast Appeal.
, Oct. U3. [ Special to the
Seeing the following paragraph in
the Press ofhis / city , your correspondent
called at the jail to learn the effect it would
have upon tlio man to whom it would most
Interest : ,
HOIIAXXON DOOMED Woid reaches the
Pies.s that the stipicnic court refused ycstcr-
dav , to grant Hohannon's attorney a lear-
gumcnt for a new trial and also overruled
his application fora wilt of error to ttio supreme
premo court ot flit ) United States. Nothing
can bu done now but apply diicctly to a judge
of the United States stipiemu coinr.
which will necessitate a special
lip to Washington , not likely to
bu made. The impression .seems to
be that Koliannon Is doomed and that the
last sentence ot the court , that ho be executed
in January will be carried out
On gaining admission to the jail the pris
oner was found smoking his pipe and perus
ing some legal volume. Confined as bo has
been for over a year In an iron box six and
ono-half by four , and six feel high , the pris
oner In tlio iron cage presents an appearance
that ono would not expect.
My mission was in anicasureunsucccssful ,
for after the ustinl greeting the piisoner re
fused to say a woid as regaids what he
thought of the decision , or what his prospects
for the future might be. "My counsel has
told mo to keep mv mouth shut , and 1 am goIng -
Ing to , " be replied as Interiogatlon after m-
tcirogation was put to him.
Not to be bullied in this way your corre
spondent , from other sou ices , and which are
autlioi Izcd , learned the following tacts : Ho-
hannon , on seeing the ai tide copied above ,
drew a deep sigh and remarked : "Well , it is
just a.s I expected. I nuver had much eomi-
dcnco in the supreme court. "
lie yet retains hope that Ids counsel , Judge
Mason , will not give up tlio case , but go In
person to Washington to argue ( he admission
ot the case to the United States supreme
lie appears to bas-n the greater part of bis
hope on the casu of Kiing vs. Slatu of Mo. U.
S. S. C. Jt. , vol. 'J , but In thu opinion of
learned counsel and Uohaiinon'H
have no Klmilaiity whaUwer.
From the same source 1 learn that Bohan-
non does not expect executive clemency
should the United States supreme
Ills case comes before it. decide against him.
Also , that It was not his wish that his casn
should ho tried in Nebraska City. Ho knew"
it would go against him should ho ever bu
tried In Otoe county.
Thu supreme court of this state In the refu
sal for a leargniuent ha cd its decision on the
gionnd that it did not think the point In
question a constitutional one.
An Intercut itijj Invent at AYood Itlvcr.
WOOD Kivnn , Neb. , Oct. Sl.-fSpcclal to
the Ur.i : . ] Tlio WOIM ! Hlver post of the
Grand Army held a largo and enthusiastic
gatlieilngyostoiday for the purpose of rais
ing funds to pay elf the balancj romilnlng
due on the largo hall erected for tlio use of
the post , A handsome stun was realised.
Thu reception speech was made by Comrade
I.cbhardt , and replied to bv Gun. Thaycrin
liehall ot tbo people. Kov.Mr. Lcedoni , who
was u soldier , also addressed tliu irathcring.
All thu soldiers foinicd In battallion In thu
alteiiioon anil vvent tlnotigh several move
ments , closing with a parade , ( ion.
Tlmyer being in command. In the evening
there was a most Interesting and enjoyahlo
ramp-lire. Seeches weie made by Gen.
Thayer , Adjt. ( Sen. Shirley , of the depart
ment , Mr. I.cedom anil otheis. Capl.
Wescott was master of ceremonies. Cant.
KoyStewait acted as adjutant durlnc tliu
afternoon. Thocauip-tiiu was followed by a
A DnhtaiHlIy Deed.
JJuAiNAlsu , Neb. , Oct. 2 } . [ Special to the
BKB.J Information has i cached hero rcgaid-
ing a most dastatdly deed committed near
Waco by a man named Urandt , who was run
ning a threshing machine. It appears that a
boy , aged thhteen years , while cutting bauds
accidentally cut Hraiidfri hand. Brandf
became enraged and told the boy that If ho
cut Ills hand again ho would run him through
thu machine. Tlio bov became excited and
did again slightly cut flnuult'-t hand. I3mndt
; liL'rciiMii | seliixl the boy and shoved him
Into thu cylinder head Hu was In
stantly killed , his head bchu ; toin almost
completely Irom Ids body , Itramlt fled to
York , where bo wascaptnriul and taken back
[ n Waco , wheie strong threats weic made to
lynch him.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
Accidentally Killed.
I'JEIICI : , Neb. , Oct.A [ Special to the
II i.e. ] Fred Campbell , town niaishal , .was
[ tilled accidentally yesterday by Ills partner
in the livery business , Kd Staggs , vvlm was ,
ioadim ; a gun. The weapon slipped from
Staggs' grasp , and falling to thu Jloor , was
discharged , the contents entering the luck of
Campbell's head. Campbell fell to the lloor
dead , pait of Ids skull being blown nwav.
Stag's Is distracted with gi'ief at tbo horriblu ,
accident. _
Heath & CO.'H MlK Failure.
Niw : YOUK , Oct. % Ths schedules In the
assignment of William 1 tenth A Co. , hunkers
oud brokej-tf , were tiled to-day. They show
liabilities of Sl.r.TO.atf , nominal assets SJOH-
003 , actual' assets 53 ,003 The schedules
slalo that the creditors htild securities to the
amount of $ HSUO. ( There are unsecured
n-edltora to the amount of .S1,1W5,000. Tlm
cause of the dllfercnco between the nominal
and actual value of thii ostulo is due to thu
fact.that many of thu assets depreciated In
market valuu or IntrlnMn value , and that
KOIIIO of the Individuals , whoso ohlt-
gitions are held by them , mv embarrasscil
or Insolvent. Among the ftrm's creditors aio
the following : Pomth National bank , S1 V
ooo ; Dank of New Yotk an National bank
ing association , .VJOO.fXX ) : James Low ( no
security ) , 3113.000 ; Jay Gould ( no security ,
money advanced ) . saw,000 : ( J. P. Aloihlnl
{ no securlly ) , W7 . ( KW ; Win. Heath .t Co. ,
London , estimated , $300,000.
A Peaceful Settlement , of the Coal
St. [ Special ( otho
HHK.J Tlio long standing difficulty between
the miners and operators in the coal mines
t Angus poem to recelvo a peaceful settle
ment. Doth sides have agreed to submit to a
board of aibltnttlon composed of tlvo mem-
beis , two each to bo selected by the miners
and operators , and tlio four to select the
fifth. The miners have selected Lowry W.
Geode , editor of the lllado of this city and
State Auditor Drown. The selection of the
other members has not yet been announced.
Angus was the scone of the large stiike last
winter when the military were called out to
protect proiK'ity , and moioor less feeling he-
Iween the oMiiatoi'sand | miners lias existed
ever since. It is thought that a harmonious
agreement can now bo leached , and work
will then be resumed In the mines.
Grand Gommandcry Ofllccrs.
M.vnsirAi.r/iowjf , la. , Oct. 2. } . The grand
commandery Knights Templar of Iowa
elected tlio following oflicers : Grand cain-
maiidcr , W. A. MeGrew , Ottumwa ; deputy
grand commander , A. II. Dewey , Washing
ton ; grand general Is dmo , A. H. Townsend ,
Marshalltown ; garud captain general , A. L ,
Heaidsloy , Manchester ; grand senior warden ,
C. A. Wise , Cedar Falls ; grand junior war
den , Geome R Loved or , Clinton ; grand
treasurer , Irwin Maker , Oskaloosa ; grand 10-
coider , .1. C. Parrish , Des Molnes : giand
sword bearer , James H. Power , Creston :
gi-and standard bearer , V. W. ( Jaiev , Council
ItlulYs ; grand waiden. 15. W. S. Otto , Cedar
Kapid.i : maud sentinel , Theodore Schteiner ,
JMount Pleasant. _ . .
o .i.
A Pioneer Dead Blew Ills Ileail OfT.
CMNTOX , Iowa , Oct. a . [ Special to the
Biu.J : Daniel Hess , one of the oldest pioneers
neers of the state , died hero last night. He
lived on goveinmcnt land which ho entered
In 18.JO. He was the lirst postmaster ever ap
pointed at Lyons , adjoining Clinton , and
was for many years one of Uio prominent re
publicans ot eastern Iowa.
Kddie Schtiojder. living at Wheatland , tills-
countv , accidentally blow tlio top of his bead
oil'this morning by puling u gun out of a
boat muzzle lei ward vvhilo on a hunting trip.
Tlio hammer caught and both barrels weio
A Fatal Hop Dlsenso.
Four Doncii ; , Iowa. , O.U ; 83. [ Special to
the JJii : : . ] A fatal disease Is killing oil the
hotrs with liighttul rapidity in Webster
county. Many tartneis in the southern part
of the county have lost nearly every hog they
owned. Tlio dKea'-u Is nrt tbe cholera , but
a new and strange one.Thu / animals aru
attacked witli a cough uad in a day or two
are dead. It attacks Vllh equal fatality
animals of all ages , r '
Two Men Die From thp Polgoti nuil a
Tlilnl at Eternity's Door.
CHICAGO , Oct. 23 Two men lost their
lives in a sewer to-day , and a third who at
tempted their rescue w w so poisoned by
sewer gas that he Is likely to die. Tlio three
men Stephen Brennosk , Edward McCarthy
nnd Peter Mooney were occupied In skim
ming the grcaso off the filthy water w hleh
liovvs through tno stock 5 ards sewer , wlicn
Brcnuock received an outer lioni the Union
Rendering company to ses rch foraml lemovu
some obstacle lu the sevvci near the stagnant
south branch of the Chicajtu river , into which
It nour.s il.s liltli.
Tno obstacle was located and McCarthy and
Mooncv were lowciod tlnougli a manhole
nloadaik and Bliiny jiool some ton ortiftcen
feet below the street level. McCarthy went
ahead and was Instantly prostrated witli the
jffoets of the eas on roaehinir thu bottom.
Mooney started to tinn back but was over
powered and fell senseless to the bottom of
; he sewer. Bionnock instantly went to the
tsslstaucc of his men and was also oveicomc
: iv the gas and fell acio&s the bodies of Mc
Carthy and Mooney.
Some witnesses of the disaster called for
ielp. Several men employed at the stock
yaids hastened to tliu spof nrmed with long
i > lko polo' . These they tiirusted into the
clotblng of HreuiHK'lc and biou ht liim to tlie
sin face before life wus extinct. The bodies
of McCailhy and Jlooney jvcrj not recovered
until evening.
iTohn Hoach at Homo.
CIIKRTKII , Pa. , lloacli vlsilcd
Chester to-day for the first time In live
months. He was cordially greeted by evciy-
body both on the streets ami nt his ofilcc ,
wheru a number of Ids old employes called to
nay their icspccts. It was pioposed to glvu
him an informal reception at the residence of
ills mm. Hu d' clliud , however , at this time.
Mr. I'oach is regaining his mental anil plo.v
Ical vigor.
Will AVonders Never Ceaso.
SAX FUAXCISCO , Ojf. 23. Sixty Chinese
cigar makers In the factory of Kocnlgsberger.
Falk itMejcr , Plnustrc2t , struck work lo-
dav beeaiise tliu Him refused to dlsehaigo
their whltu woikmen. His learned t'mt ' tliu
( 'hlne > o union of tldscityt ordeied the stilko.
J'lils dictation bv the Chinese that the "while
men must go" has creaU'd no small tcnsu-
tlon. '
Women's Missionary Gathering.
PUJL.UIU.PJIIA , Oct. 25. The fourth an
nual meeting of the general board of man
agers of the Women's Homo Missionary so
ciety of the Methodist Episcopal chinch was
tiold liero to-day. There wore about Jtt ) ladles
present , Mix. Kutberforrf B. HayoN calling to
order , and Bishop J.M. Wallacoled in prayer.
An address ot welcoirte on behalf of thu Kpsc | iiia | prciicjicrrf ol Philadel
phia was extended by Andrew Longacie.
DIsenHod Cowsj Killed.
Nuw Yomc , Oct. 2J. li. Sattenstine , a
inllk dealer of this city , owns a dairy farm
near Williams' HihUje , Wesfchester county ,
and a largo numlicr of Ids rows Imvu Ix-en on
thu sick list. The board of health to-day
made an Investigation and found that Ilm
animals were suffering from plnuro-pneumo-
nia. Slxty-livo of them vveru killed this
evening by orders.
KchooIinatoH Fcaut Fornlccr.
Nr.w Yoiiit , Oct , ! . Thcmemltoisoftlio
New Yoik association of Cornell university ,
of which ho is a graduate , tendered Jtidgo , )
II. Koraker , governor ehfi of Ohio , an Infoi-
nul rrvcptlon nt ClaiU'.s to-night , attei thu
republican demonstration at Mucll.-on Squaru
Garden was concluded.
Tlio Want Trial.
NKW YOUK , Oct. aj. Thu woik of obtain
ing a Jury for the tiiul of .Ferdinand Ward
was resinned to-day. The eouit room was
nmdcd Uie-xceMi. Up to 1 o'clock ji. m. blx
iuroin had been obtained.
ronif , Oct. ' 5. Bmineii failures
throughout the country diuiuj the last seven
davs woj-o m , coni irud witli KW last week
nnd 207 thi ) week pruvlo'ii to the labU
The Land OoinmisMoncr's Effort to Prevent
Land Grabbing.
Seorrtnry COOII'H ItcslKtiutloit Cnttctl
l-'or Hcnalor Van AVyck Object *
liiK to Convict Imbnr on
I'ubllu llulldlngs.
A nimv nt Tjntitl Grabbers.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 23. H Is Mated At llio
l.ind ofllce that under the present practice of
ihatolllcc , when ] ) ubili ; lands within n town
ship are ojiened toontrj through the filing of
pints of Hurve.y , there was a rush of specula
tors ami land grabber * , who often mccccdcd
In seem ing lht > lii'-L lands to thu great Injury
of bomt lido M'ttlers. Moieover , this class of
persons went nhlu frequently to learn when
ilie pintsol .survey were to bu received In
advance of hettlcis whoweio placed at a dis
advantage. To eoneet tills abu u as fur a.s
nosMlblo the commKblolicr of the laud olllco
Ims Issued the following iiibtnictlous to local
Imid otllcoitt :
Hereafter when an apjirovod plat of sin vey
of nny township IH tranMiillted to yon by the
surveyor general jou will not iVganl such
platnsolllelallyieeolved ntund Illed In vour
ofticc until the following regulations hiuo
boon compiled with.
1 You will forthwith post anotlce In aeon-
Hpienotis placu in vour ollleo specifying the
township thai has been btirvuved and slating
that the plat or survey will bo Hied in your
ollico on : i day to huiixcdbv vonand named
In thu notice , which shall not bu less than
thirty days troni the date of such nollee , and
Hint on and utter such day you will bo pie-
naied to iceehe applications for entiyof
lands In such town ? .
a Yon will ako wnd a copy of such nntico
to the postmaster of thu postoillco nearest the
land , and a copy to each clcik of a court of
record In your district , with a request that
thu eame bo conspicuously posted In their
respective olllces.
if Yon will furnish the public press In
your district with copies of such notice as a
matter ot news.
4 You will give nncli further publicity of
the matter in answer to inanities ( for which
yon will chaige no leu ) anil otherwise us jon
may bo abb ; to do without incut ring adver
tising expenses.
Treasury Department
WASHINGTON , O t. .13. Secretary Man
ning refuses to say anything In icganl to the
report that .Assistant Sex-rotary Coon has
been notified that his resignation will he ac
cepted In n few days. He intimates that nil
Information on that subject must eome from
Coon. Thorepoit linds general credence in
the treasury department , mid It was oven ru
mored that Mr. Youmans , of New York , now
chief elurk of the treasury , hud biUMi selected
as Coon's successor. Yoninaus denied the
report ,
The second comjilioller ofUtlie troasmy is
making a thniough Investigation of the ac
counts of Indian agents , which aio reported
to bu In very b. l condition , and has already
reform ! a dozen ea es to the solicitor of the
tieastnv for a suit to recover the balance
found duo tlm goveinmcnt.
Senator Van W.vek called nt tlm treasury
demrtment ] , ycstciday and lelt a note tor
Seeietary Manning , requesting that he would
make a condition with the contractors for the
constitution < > f public buildings in Nebuiska
that convict labor should not he employed.
In case , the secretary should think the law
prohibits such a condition , the senator asked
that , JlDiJi dilcrs for cvntruuls iu required to
slate whether they proposed to , employ eon-
viistirupon-pnbllii work * .
First Comptroller Durham made a decision
that 11m head of a department cannot grant it
third class clerk leave of absence without
pay , and then appoint him to another position
with lamer compensation , than he would have
Secretary Manning inado the following
changes In the register's otllce : llartwell
Jettison , of New York , chief of the division
of loans , icduccd ton foiuth class cleikship ;
Paul Hersch , of Pennsylvania , clerk In Class
1 , dismissed ; Thomas ( ! . Ileiuy , of New
York , clerk in Class 4 , dismissed.
William II. Stensoii. A. B. AVoodford.
T.iinns Held and Lewis Wilhelm , special
ngcnltt of the bniean of labor , havu icslgned ,
mving completed their investigations.
Cleveland's Future Indian Policy.
NEW YOHK , Oct.C3. A Washington fepceial
Bays : A gentleman In a position to know
the conclusion at which the piesident has ar
rived on the Indian question expresses the
opinion thitt the main fcatuie of the Indian
lollcy of the administration , as It will be an-
lounccd to congicss , will be a teeommeiida-
lonthat there shall be a radical change In
the method of puichaslng and issuing pro
visions and all other supplies. Almost every
'eatuic ol thu pieeeut syhtcm is disapproved
ly the president. The president believes
hat if tin ; army Is to bo expected to movent
Indian dcpicdatioiiti , the military autlioilllos
should be given power to assist hi removing
.lio causes of dipsatislactloii by piovidlng tor
an honest distribution of .supplier. This is
.hi ! policy which has loin : been lecoinmeiuled
) y uoncrals Sherman and Sheridan and other
ilgii military officers.
Tlio Prolinlllo KtiHslun Minister.
Nicw YOIIIC , Oct. ! . A Washington
six'clal says : Persons whooii ht to know say
t lias been decided to offer ( Jen. H. Law ton ,
of ( icorgii , thu mission tj Aitstila , hut that
, 'io nomination will remain In abuyancu
mill after thu assembling of congress In
irder thatnppllenllon may Im made for the
removal nl hlb poliliutl disabilities. It Is
Jiouulitthatsueh aeourM1 will bo more ex-
) eilientthan toils ! ; the lailmoof coniuina-
lon , for of course It Is not ivitaln that tlio
epubllcan senate will accept thu opinion ol
thoattoiney guneial that the paidon fioiu
I'lCsldi'iitJolui oii had thoeirectdt icmoving
tluullsatjllitles. ( fen. Lawton Is the gentle
man nominated last March fur the Ilusslan
Illb.SlOll ,
Niw : YOIIK , Oct. " ' ! . Assistant Secretary
Coon , of the tieasufy , is in this city. Ho was
vsked to-night about the rumor that Secretary
Planning had asked for his Designation , and
said It was true that ho ( Coon ) had mailed
to-day his resignation to Manning. The > tec-
elary , in asking Coon's resignation , had told
ilm that he did not dohO U-causuot any dla-
Mtttifl'action with any olllelal act.
A I'robnlilo Appoint incut ,
NBW YOIIK , Oct. i'J. The Post's Washing-
ion dispatch says : Thu latest rumor ns to
ho civil Bervlcc rommisslon is that Judge
lU'iiJamln Ilncknor , of Louisville , who just
Icclined thu nomination ot chief justice ot
S'e.vv Mexico.vus ; to Im a iitciiibi'r ot thu coiu-
nlssion. Ills fi lends say that ho apptovi..s
of thu civil wsrvlei ) policy.
A Good ThJiiK' I'DIHtplorors. .
WAHIII.VOTON , Oct. at Tlio hjdrographlo
ofllco has just Issued a new map uf the arctic
eglons , which embraces the icstilts ot the
atvM explorations. The airangement Is such
lhattho mimes and iclatlvu jiosiltloiisot all
> luun : : aiound tlm polar bisln can ho seen
without tunilnthu : map around ns IK usually
Admitted to thu Union.
WASHINGTON , Oct. iJ3. The Independent
state ot Congo has been admitted to the uni
versal postal union , to take effect January 1 ,
next _ _
Du.xvci ! , Oct. tfThin moinlng the itrad
jHly ( of Jacob Kautfiuan , a well liiioxvn nnd
respccUblj connected musician ol thin city ,
YV.IS fouud on thu jsrnlrlu near the Orphans
Home , Thu body was entheJy nude , and
ho back , arms , hhlcs nndlc s werehorrlbly
ewrhlcd and covered with blood.
tlonn ealetlthp fuel that after undressing ,
KaiilTman forced his way Imelc ntu ! forth
through the barb wire fence eight times , us
nhown bv blood and pieces of skin on the
wire In different places and hand marks on
Uie sand beneath. Tlio skin in nearly eu > ry
) > art of hlnbody linns In jhred * . Tlioeoiouei
Is satlsiicil that KautTmnii Ifccnme suddenly
Insane and held no
rttOM OTIU-Jll ljAMS.
The Case or Hfrl Deiicnds ITpoti Proof
of Ill Insunlty.
TonoNTo , Oct. S3. Referring to ( ho dccl-
.slon of thu privy council in the Kiel appeal
case , the Mail says : "Tho only plea now left
to H lei's f i lends U one of insanity , but the
jury has dctci mined that point and unless
new evidence has come to light the sentence.
of thu conit will be did v carried out and Kiel
o.xevuted for his crime. "
The ( ilnln ? says : "It now remains with
Sir John Mae Donald to uy whether or not
the sentence shall bocairle.l out. "
Hills load. Arriving there Conloy enlisted
At the cabinet meeting yesteiday It was tie-
elded to iio.stnono Kiel's execution until No
vember 11. French Canadians still ( ixpiess
confidence that. Kiel will not bo hanged.
They base their hopes on the recommenda
tion to mi'i-ey of the Knliri jury ,
Qnmc : , Oct. 83. I.emleuv , counsel for
Kiel , luus sent u request , to the goveinor gen
eral asking that a medical commission he n | > -
polntcd to iiuiuiie into his mental state.
Lemlenv left for Ottawa this evening In con
nection \\ith the request.
The Itiii'innli Afl'itlr.
P.vnts , Oct. .M. The Hurmese envoy yes
terday handed a note to Lord Lvon * . Hrltlsh
nmbassador , in which he said ho had sent a
dlMiatch tn Ids ubvcrnmcnt ad
vising them to accept aibltration for settle
ment of the dispute w lib Kngland , ami that
he was eci tain they would be ulad to lestoro
frlon.lly ielillon < wil'i ( ! vit Hritilii. Ui.-ul
pean ifsldents in Hutmali. I'o ' slid , wen ; ner-
tecllysafe. The people in that country luul
no desire to be hostile to Hnglund.
PAIIIS , Oct. ! . The Join mil des Debates ,
eommeuthig on the Hi ItNli expedition against
KlngTIiehaw. urKCS tlio Kiench government
to piotest agulnsl any sort of annexation by
The reunion .Snnnilal
LONDON , Oct. i ? . The trial of Mr. Stead ,
editor of the Pall Mall ( ia/otU * , and other tie-
fendants In the Armsliong ubdnctlon ,
began to-day bpfoio Justice Lopes at the cen
tral eilminal court. A large crowd assembled
to hear the dial. The prisoners plead not
gnilty. Sir Kichard U. Webster , attorney
general , opened the case for the ciuwn. Ills
nildress covered the same ground as that of
Poland , who was attorney for the ciown at
the inelimlnarv proceedings. The witnesses'
testimony so tar Is meiely a repetition of flic
evidence given at ( lie preliminary examina
tion. The ttial will piolubly bust the week.
The defendants are charged with misdemeanor
meaner Instead of felony so a.s to enable them
to testify In their own behalf and be liberated
on ball during the ptogiess ol the tilal.
The Carolines Question n Ijivo IHSIIO.
JM.vnitii ) , Oct. ' ! . The populace is becom
ing Incensed at the reticence of the govein
mcnt inspecting negotiations on the Care
lines question , and fears are enteilaincd of
an outbreak. The German legation is
strongly guaided to prevent a repetition of
tin ) recent outrages. Spanish accounts of
the German occupation ot Yap eon linn the
icjiortif thereof telegiaphed from Jietlin.
The Itiilffurfnu Plan.
AyriNoi'i.t : , Oct. 23. Her Van Hod-
owiU , a ( lOrinan cmba sador , has informed
the porte that Prine.o Alexaiifle/ guaran
teed that Bulgaria shall not disturb the. pres
ent order of things. The prince .ordered
troops to avoid provoking si conlllct In any
qnaitcr , but docs not bold himself answer-
uble for his neighbors.
AMiuldlc In Frcmoli Politics.
PAIUS , Oct. 23. The present ministry Is
now uncertain as to Its ability to hold the
new chamber of deputies , as a seilous split in
the republican ranks is threatened. The re
publicans united to eairy those districts
which rcquiied a second ballot , but now each
faction Insists on thu adoption ol' its own
Chiirolilll on tlio Stump.
UlltMlNflllAM , Oct. 21. Lord Ilandolph
Churelilll opened the campaign in the town
liall here to-day in tlio piesence of a crowded
and untlinslastlcnudlencc. The meeting was
iipioarious tlirougliout , but wad generally
la\orable to thu speaker.
The Weather.
WARHINTJTON , Oct. 23. Ui > per .Mississippi
vplley : Fair weather ; bontheily winds , be
coming vaiiable in southern poitiun ; slightly
Mlssomi valley : Fair weather , followedby
ioealsluMprs llsht cbanges in tcmpciatuie ;
vaiiablo winds pieccdcd in southern poition
jy southerly winds.
Beiionlli H Fulling Arch.
Si'KtN < irnri : , 111. , Oct. 'i % While taking
down thu laigufiont stairway of thu utato
loiibo this afternoon , an aich ga\e way , pre
cipitating a gang of workmen among thu
ciunibllng walls. I'atnck Flynn'n Hkull was.
ciusbcd , and death was immediate. Seven
otheiH mo bruiNcd , not fatally.
A Itcll loiiM ( iatlinring ;
CMVII.ANI : : > , Ohio , Oct.The ! national
Christian missionary convention , which hns
licen In session since Tne.sday morning , ad
journed ( o-nlL'ht , Kansas City .is thu next
iilaco ot meeting.
The Dead-Look Coiiiiiilsiilon.
Si'iiisoriui.i ) , Oct. a.-- Thu Soldici's
Home commission adjourned to meet In
Chicago next Tuesday. No location yet dt-
clded upon.
DAs it reporter passed Wm.
btoro on loth anil Cuss this morning , ho
was astonlHlied to sen so many potatoes
in ono plneu , Upon inquiry ho was told
.lull ( hero were about -J.OQJ hiishclH In
the cellar to bu sold very clmap. The
: ! roekery > toro is also much improved ,
Mr. Gentleman Imving stocked it from
lloor to ceilintr with now and dcairablu
{ foods. Jt pays to visit Mr.
Organs ! O
Wu have inado H out in the jiriees of
OrgmiH nnd defy uompctition. You can
now buy tin * best make of Or aiiK in thu
world from $ 'J > .tM to $100.00 , whiuli is a
greater reiluction than ever bnforu inado
, n America. Our stock is lar # ami wdl
suleeted , Yon aru Invited to call and in
spect. KDHOUl & fiillCKSON ,
Uppusltu I' . O.
Wo employ on y skilled urtis-ins in out
work .shop , and your precious. si OIIOH thai
need renionntiii will bu handled with
'reat euro at Kaymowl'n the Jeweler , cor
I > ou"hi9 and ICtli SU ,
Wo solicit watch and Jewelry repair
ing that IIUH been done iiiiHalUfaotory
elsewhere. Try n.s and satisfaction # nur-
nnteed. Haymond , the Jeweler , cor. ;
Douglas it lOllt St.
You can liny fnrnitnro cbonpor of A.
[ , . I'itch & ( Jo. , VMi st. , bet. Karnam nnd
Douglas , than any other plauu in thu city.
WANTBO ! l A No. I Lady canvassers.
fJood roforenccs rennirud. White Sow
ing Machine Co. . J l N. IGtU St.
I'lio Omaliu Stoum Dye Works , 1213
Douglas St , Satisfaction guur.uu < 'id :
If you buy lumber nnywhero without
tlintf IloiiglanU'i pricuB , 3011 will
Tlio Slayer of Jolm Brown Resurrected
with nn Office.
A Mont-ann Murderer In Irons- Three
Omaha Vouthn In .lull nt. ) Uf,4
niarok , Dak. The Con > ; o
Country n Pai-utllHC.
ilolin Rrovvn'H Slayer
Nuw YOIIK , Oct. -Special [ to the
The Times' Washington "ays : Just
a.s the fame of old John Unwn , of O. sowattA-
mle , Is taking a new lease of lifothiough
Sanborn's memoir , tliu man who struck him
down In thu engine hotiso at llarpurV l erty ,
twenty-six yc-irs ago this month , Is honored
with an ofllco under the federal government.
Israel Green , of Mitchell , Dak. , today ap
pointed agent of thu Indians at Slsso-
ton agency in that teultoiy Is the sainu Iilou-
tenant Green of the maiiiie.s who led the
linal assault upon the liberator's stronghold.
Alter the llaipei's Keny oplsodo ( Sreon went
on a long cruise and returned to this country
to find the civil v\ar under full headway , lib' '
cnlt'icd the confederate service and at thu
close ot the war went west , settling finally in
Dakota. The Inlluenco through which bn.
obtained the present appointment was Ihutot !
M. 11. Da.v , a member ot the democratic com
mittee for the tonltory.
YOIIIIK'H I'lil'ortunuto ' Minion , ' "
Niw : Yoitit. Oct. W. JSpccbil to the Hoa ]
Thu World's Washington coiix pondcnl
says : Pilvato Infoimatlon ixxelved heroin.
dlcate that John Husscll Young , ox-iulnialcr
to China , is very ill. The mission to China ,
lias been very unfortunate for Mr. Young. |
He lost bis own health , and Ids wlfo alsodicAJ
from the effects of the climate. She waaj
obliged to leave the country befoie hho huA
fx'en there six niontliK. She went to PutltH
and there a child was born lobera.sboit tlmoj
before her death. Mr. Young was not wllli
Ids wife when she died. Ills little daughter
was keiit by .Mrs. Mackay fora time. . utUir the
mothers death , and then n member of Mar
shall Jewell's family brought the child homo.
Young had never seen his little dangbler/
until be came home from China a few wcckal
tmo. The child is with him now In Pblladol- '
pldn. Young has hail a sovuro fever ott and
on for neaily a year. Ho Btopttod in Cal-
llorniu on hl-nvuy liome toseu it thu climate
the e would beneiit him , but ho has ( steadily )
gtown vvoree since his return. J
A furdcrCr Kn Itonto to ? rontati .
ST. P.vur. , Minn. , Oct. 21. [ Special lo the
Br.i- : ] > Deputy Sheriff Conloy , of Mite CHy. }
Montana , piuc-cdthiough St. 1'nul un his tVity
home wltlt a piisoncr , Dave Lex. , whom ho
captuied nt Chadiou , Nebraska. Leo \va
known as Peeler in Montana. Three years
ago he killed DodoStiver at llox Alder in that
( eiiltnry. Dodo and Peeler vveru pltvylnff
caids , when a dlsnutc aios'e , which cuhiil-
natcd In Peeler snooting Dodo dead. Ho
then defied tlieeiowd to interfere , backed out
of the saloon and escaped. Pcchu was next
heard ol alGoidon , Nebraska , wlicro ho was
running a saloon. Conley vvo.nt after
him , and found that he bad
gene to Cliadron , the terminal
of tlionoiUiwestein cxteiiBJon of thq IJIacfc
tlio services of a local deputy siioriiT Hn
quietly inside the arrest. JPjU-J.'wUwty
they found a deadly vyeapon , but , ns
deputies bad thudiop on hluTThu did not ut-
tClllpt tO UbO it.
Tlirco Omaha Tougha In Jail at Uls *
nmrck. . i\ \
BISMAHCK , Dakota , Out , 23. [ Special fo
the HBK.J Tlnoo lioyp giving tlinir naiiim n.4
HaiTy Kelly , Hairj'Unrnett and JamoB Fos
ter , each about L > ycai.s old , and claiming to
be from Omaha , ate in jail hero for an at- .
tcmpttoburglatizeasaf1 ; . They aru held to
await thu action of the grand jury , thejrbaft
being S200 oaeh. Thu young tniu grcsHors
aiu by no moans strauaers in the police court ,
They appeared perfectly at homo vvhilo bclim ;
examined , and alter leaving Justicellare'8
court they indulged In waggish criticism of
the loom , the judge and their smioumlinga.
They me not only artists of tlm jimmy nnd
Ilie drill , but aie accomplished song and
dancu specialists , and occasionally entertain
the jailer and visitors with a double clog or
lively song fiom the vaiicty stage. They are
blight , intelligent boys , but with erimo upon
llifir life and the words "hard cases" firmly
Impiintcd upon their laces. .
The Con/jo Country.
Niw Yoinc , Oct. ! -Specal [ ! to the HBK. ]
The Ileralil Hrnsscls cable nayn : hluiit.
Coqnllllut has just returned after tlmjo years
stay in the Uangala country , upper Congo , '
andhcllatlyconti-aillcts the repoiled nnwsa-
eies ot Km opeans there. He gives an opti
mist account of the Aliican International as-
sochttion'h progiiMS and dticlitred cminlhallHiii
In the Congo Isdyliu ; out and ( hat the na
tives are friendly. A special sun eying party
is at work tiaclng thu loulu of thu future rail
way. The Kuropean colony ! H to bo swelled
by tlm arrival of the lirst two lady sc.ttl.n ) ,
the wile of Sir Prancls Dewinton , adminU-
tr.itor general , ami llio wife ol Major Jl'ur-
mentei , at Slvl .station.
Illcyclo KcuordH , \
St'ltixoifii.l-o , Atass. , Oct. ! W. W. A.
liowe , of Lynn , loweied the mlle amateur
lIeycloicconl ) to 15:85 'J-5 tliin afternoon , Ho
went two miles in ns'Jl : ! - . " > . nnd thico inilas lit
8Orlj-5. : Thu lasttwo are the world's record * .
Hos-i o.v , Oct. " \ . K. IMvos , of Mciidon ,
Connecticut , and \V , A. Itboden , of DorchoH-
ter , this atteriioon concluded their attempt to
lucak tboMct'iudy blcvclu iccoid ol UU1-10
miles In t enty-toiir hours. Thny lodu fiS-
Inch machlncH and completed a-ltiMU miles
In - ' ! ( hoiiis , r > s minutus elapsed time , niul
( vtnl lidlng tlmu'-Jhoiuii , i minute.
A .Toalous IIiiHbiuid'H Doubln JMm-der.
MOIIAVIA , N. Y. , Oct. 23. TJito aflornoun
llemy Dlekeison shot and killed bin wife and
then latally Hliot himself. Jealousy wan tlio
CatarrSi Cured
Catnnh Is a very prevalent illseaM' , vritlj
dlstrcstlni ; and odcnalvo uymjitorus. llooil'o
B.irxaparilla iHcn ; m.iily relief and upecdjr
euro , from tliu fact U actn1lirouRli tlm blood ,
anil tliui reaches every part uf tlio system.
" I suftorcd with catarili fifteen years. Took
llxxVn ( B.irE-ipai lll.i and I am not tnitililcd any
with catarrh , nnd my general health I'unucti
Ijcttcr. " / . W. I.JI.MU , I'ostal Clerk
: fit. l-ouls Italiroad.
" 1 suffered with catarrh Cora years ;
many \\omlcrful cures , Inlialcra , etc. ,
Ingnvarly one luiiulrrOtlullarH without benefit ,
I tried flood's Karsaiiarill.i , ami was ircally ;
luif roved. " II. A. AUIIJV , Worcester , .
Hood's R.irtaparllla Is cliaractcrlrcil br
thrro i > tculliilllcs : t lot , thu coniltiuttlnti < i |
Ifiiicillnl ngc'nt.s ; L'd , the jn-ofxirUoni 3d , tno
jmcat of scciiring tlio jirtlto medicinal
quullttcK. Tl.n rMuUlsanudlcliiooftmiiisiia )
Mrenutb , clfcuini ; cures lilihcrto unknown ,
Bend for book coiiuinlng additional evidence ,
"Hood's Hus.irarlll.i tinc ( \ip \ my cystem.
r'lllllcs ' n , y lilooil , hliaii'i'iisiny ' iii > n > llic , ima
to niid.o um over. " .1. 1 * . TnoMi'BOK ,
Ikcds , l.owcll , Mass ,
H irf > ; ipniilli licats id ) rlbcrii. au < 1
fHVYIirlllllSVVClulll llll'nlll. " I. Il
fM Dank tilrect , Hew VorU City ,
Cold by all ilrUirKiatii. ft ; tlx for VS. Had *
cnly byO. I. KtmiJ & CO. , Ixiwell , Maw , 1
100 DososOno _ Dollar.