Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1885, Page 7, Image 7

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Hfl id ift
151 - BEST TONIC ,
Thtt wedlelnt ? , cnrnblnlns Inn tvllh r"r °
Vrwuhtt ? l/inlri. oiilrkly ntid rmni.leulr
Cnrm lTiprif,1n | , fniltcrittiin. U - UnrM" ,
Jlril.nraIllnod.II lullHlilll r lid ! ' " ,
nun Nrurrtlfttrio . . .
It III on imrnlllnc remedy for IUc * . e * > of Ilia
Klilnrv * nml l.lrrr.
It l Inmliwlile for Plwn p < pwtilwr to
Tnmrn. ami nil Vh" If il mtthtntj fhn.
IlrtrtOK tint lnjnri lhi > tr th.t nunliemlnrrit ; or
produce ronMlpMInn ofiTrmi innllrnMf > < .
Hcnrtplieminn1 piirlllc * theMow1. lniii1iilc
tronpt > i'tle. lilJ Ilirni-Mi'illiillotint ro-
llevpi Itcimtmrn nnl Hilrliliig. and Ktrcnglh *
n tlip innw lc and nrrrra.
For IntprinlHFiit Forrrs , iJU'ltudc. 1-ackof
Enrrey. Ac. , it h < no equal.
* The Krmilnr li.'i * l > ore tnulo mark and
crm ert red llncioii wrapper , lake no other.
C17 Nt. CbnrlrnSC. , St. I.oulu ,
A rf
Ircitmtatof Cu
Bi i > Dt i * > i thinanf other T
Nervous Prottratlon , Debility. Mental and
Phyjlcil Weakness ; Mercurial and other Affc
lions ol Throat * Skin or Bones * Blood Poisoning *
old Sores and Ulcers , r trfttcd wiih uapirtiieied
ncen tnlKtutkrl-Btin * rMtstlr Iti.Bfcrtlf. TrlriUlj.
Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess *
Exposure Or Indulgence , wbch ! f rodae iome of U *
follnwinf e ? tt I b rt * ta DII ( dcbllttr , ( Jltnnen of ilfkr
Dddefeeilrt roeftirtrjt IlnplelOO ib Ue t | bf > kftlde a/ (
' ferdontoiho * clet7of tttn\mt \ confuttoti of Idfti , etc. ,
rpiidcrlcr Marrfnzo improper or uuhnppy ,
Ijr cur d * ) * * rjpitiftSftp | fM ) a UtitWre , teak
, .
tet T lij rattl free. Inrlted wnitit \ tly tof JentltU
A Positive Written Guarantee Ktrtn ID Mt
table eu . Uedlcluo ent rverjMbari bw U or et | > rti *
SCO PAOE1 , PTWI2 PLATES. fl r t cloth nJ r t
Mrialif , unit JfTO'lo. In i > itiiNK rc'irrt ' > nej. Oter llftf
wonderrul p npUtum , trtiet * Mt | intclM on lha follow )
- -iV'.r-.i- . . <
_ _
w ( i
iori fured.
l fnrtnoro tlmnflvo rcnrt with Imll-
ppcllon , Mjiironly iililo to n-tuln tliu , Mniilust
looit on my HI imch. Tlio I'lirntnir foii iitl'in
IVIIH iiliiumt Irt iiltTUlilo. unit iny xvlinlo sjfiioiii
wim iloniiiuccl. i WIIH ivukornl unit not o'wm. '
mid conccmmmll } moro or lixs nervous nil tlio
tlinii. 1 ilijclinotl In Iliwh uml RiilTonxl nil the
tiNinil dupi-o-iilnn ntlonUunt tiinin tlilx tnrrltiln
JlM iW ) . In u wnnl , I wnt inlMiiiti . At ln < < t
fiUllnir to Iliut rolior In inivtliunt ul o. I coin-
nionptxl Urn ncoot' hwlft's Bpcclllo. 1 bvinin to
Improve ut onto. Tlio inuillclno toncil up Mm
Btonmeli , HtroiiKtn."i.'il ! thudlucwih-i ) orriin .iuul
rKK > n nil tlintlinrnlntr ooiipeil. niul I could rutiiln
fCKXlrltllllllt till ) HllKlltC-it ( UlliOUllJ. I IIII > t ,
clioorfiilly hour tills tcstlmnny liuoiuiso tluiro
> ArcnimlriMl ) imiir < ) iliiifii8 I > vn . niul I inn BMI-O
oin tiu "H rcMidlly lionlcd. Tuhu tlio pra orltio.l
, 'doto aHor oiitlnv Instoiiil or bo'oro.
JAMI.S JIANN , No. li Ivy Slroot
Atlnntn , Gn. , Muy IU , t > W > .
Troiitlr o on tjloinl nnd skin ill oasoo mnlloil f i co.
Tlio Swfft Siicclllo Co. , DniHor 'J , AtliuiUi , On , ,
Or N. Y 15T W. aW 6t.
Cbartered by UuStatcof I 111-
now furttieexpresipjrpose
of eivinRlmnicaiktc rchelln
all chronic , unnaryand prl.
.vale diseases. Oonorrhcc ,
, OlcctandSypliIli in ull their
complicated forma , also all
ditcsees of ( he i3kfn and
Blood promptly relieved and
permuneutlycurcd by rcme-
dica trstcdiim f < ' "rf'//lYfira
fiirnulJ'rurHrr. Seminal
VVeckncis , Night Losiesby Dreams , Plmpleh on
the Pace.Lost Manhood/ < i///iv/i/riiKiy / , 77n-
| jr HO fjritrrlninitSnti. The appropriate remedy
U at once lined In each cat.c. Consi'ltaiijni , ner >
onal or by letter , sacredly conRdential. Med
icines sent by Mall and Express. No marks on
package to Indicate contents or sender. Address
UR.JVJIES.No. 204WashnntonGt..Cnoano.lll. ! !
' ' n' ' from orrnn nr
f | I'UXP. j11 ' if jol lh < * HI'IncT * . llliif <
nrr. tx-n * r mnir Olnnil " ! " { UP nliliuiit
J.lnmw > , Wrilir , c > in H'Milsum Hclun * n.
rlr inr * "uii wnnf > "t < ntri freftllM1 nrm < r -
, 1.011
, r
I h ? o [ > lll I rlliii l imii ; . ! , 61 III
In lKrltlrtrr.1 I I l I ' * wn ITM'II lllirri.l I III I
b-Krlhpr n , V l I.IMlll KTIIK 1 I&K nn Oil. di..x.
' uf uir.'i. r. ln riir | g ii l ! ( I . .dd , .
-1 T i HMIlIUM III r-.r1- ! N T
uoirr. ii. . AUX \r.\
, Steam aod Gas fillers
, .mi IH InniHlii'.l , nr will cull por.iiiitlv. ! .
AKUIIIH fur tlio liiniuruil Uiu MuuafilU. KlUuuJ
lt > 6. fMli Bt. Uituiliu. Nuk
Special Attention Given to Diseases of Women.
On 10 omttiultcxl In Knit Mi ntul norinna.
ItiMini 1 t.'nnni-iiHllliKrk.Hou tiiuisl Coi nor Cap.
Aveiiuuund rjtxuicnlli Ml cot ,
- ; Men Think
they know all about Mustang Lin-
, fment , Tcvt ( lo. Not to know ia
not to hxvc.
Cr Ibo Ctory of a Great llinora' Etrib.
u u -
//to / / Frchctt ,
pnirintsu : : . .
Anton I.antior. n nii-cliimir , iinolilti to find
{ inilo | } niunt nt Ins tl-.iilo In I'm is , drifts Inlo
Hie Interior of l-'inncu ntul lirliijrs unfit the
MontMin Hml mining rv iiin. in cmly Kiirltiir.
Ik-liiKwItlioiit 11101117 li" rcnillly ncwpUvoik
In Die Vulture mini ! nml soon bmmun an
CXIH.IIMiiknmn. . Tlio low nmrr * of Hie inln-
( ix , a constant Mntiqrla nuiliif. ! hunger , nnd
tliDiiilM'ialiltiromlilinn ol old HIII ! yoiinjr , ox-
ntr.s In him n Iholy Inlrrcst and liu iH-irfnH
llio study of nictlioiH tt'iullni , ' t < > nllrvlato
tliolr condition , ( irndiudly lie linpn 'lilH
lili-nt ) lo other * mid iiiidilv r-eriircH tlio IIH |
) iott and co-otH'nttlon ot tfic poor , stntj lltin
uoikiiirii , A suvlni ; fund lt itftneil to ulilcli
each inliiiT coiitlibntcd , the money thus ou-
tuliu'd to bo iiHil lo support the men In cn < < u
ol lioiittii ) with tlic eo.ii foniianic4. | lly tlio
Ipt of Not ember the fund iiiiiniinted to neon-
Hitlcnibli1 Mini , nml tlid miners , cinlxilduncd
by this Inct , dctvnnlneil to resist n now
method ot payment Introduced by n ninjt
of the coiupatilcH , which VMM to 1:0 line el-
fed on the. i.istoC DccemlMr. The p an of
UK ; companies wits to divide the ten ccntlmfv ;
for pacli car of coal , ow-lmlf ( o jo !
towaid pn > liiK tor propping In the dilfl.siif
tlumilne.H. Tliowlnirn , to loillty their
po-illion Ifi Rtisu of ii1 volUorkcil nflcen day- *
under tluvnow nystcm of iinvnicnUnnd lom'id
that It was an Indlivc-t lint elfectUe. nielhiMl of
ledneiiiK their w.ijies. To htril.o WHS the only
alleiniiliva MectliHHi'ie Im'd and ti dole-
fntlonapponted ! to wait upon I lie maim'-riir , '
director 01 the mlnc.s mid myheioie him tin
ileinandH of themcn thunlMillllon of the new
Hjstein of pajmeiit nnd an liiriejisn ofnvo
eentlmes pei eir. Anton'H nbillty and saix- :
flty madu him ntoncu the leader In thuHlriki'
The Interview of the mincw with tlio inatia-
( xer was without lesnlt , nnd the nniii , with
\eiy little hopuot nltlni.iti ! 8iirrons. settled
tloun to u loiii : and liitter Mrnu'L'le thohtiii.- ;
Kloot jioveity against nnlimltedeaitli. . xxvn.
Across the lovul plain , nil white with
tlio frost , under the palu wlnlur HUH , the
mol ) went o , ninntn < ; iilun ; ; tlio roads
nnd across the bcut-liuldH.
All at oncu , n now cry
"Unmtl ! broad' hrumi ! "
It was noon , the lumber of that nix
wcuks Htrikts had nwakunud astliuyran
across tho-o fields. Tlio hnmll crust of
bread , oaten In the niorninj ; , and tin ;
few chestnuts which Moquetto hud pven
the women , weru not onou li , and now
hnn or was aiiilud to their ra e.
, _ " 'lo tlip inintH' no more woik ! bread' ' "
Anton , who hail rulnsud to cat Ills
share that morning , be < ran to feel ti
Knawin in liis stoin.ioh. lie did not
complain , but every moment hu took out
his ihiMk and owalhmvd a .small quantity
of KIII. llo was so weak that ho oon'd
not Inivo Keno on without it. Then lii.s
eheek.s Im an to burn and a flame lit m >
hisoyef ) , But ho kept his head , hu Mill
winhud to avoid nsuloss iluynstitlon.
AH the.v readied the , loifli'llo road ,
Vandamc miner wio ! had joined tliu hand
wanted toyt \ to tlio right , and veiled :
"To Oaston-Marit ) ! wo must slop the
pumps so that the water will Hood Jenn-
kirt ! "
The enraged mob had already turned
in spite of the appeals of Anton , who im
plored them to let alone. What
good would it do to destroy the galleries ?
that roused Ins workin ; ni-in 's hu.irt.
Malion also thought it unjust ; but the
miner .still shouted , and Anton , trying to
drown his voice , screamed wita all his
mi ht.
"To Mison ! there tire some traitors at
the bottom of Misou ! To Mi on "
With a gesture he droru the crowd
back , while Johnnie still blew tlio horn ;
and ( jahton-Mairo , for the time at least ,
was saved.
The m'lo which so aratml them from
Gaston-Manu were crossed in u quarter
of an hour. It was a foot race across the
broad plain.
When they arrived at the mine they
sii w an overseer Htamliti < r near the
hcreening shed to receive them. They
till recognized old Qtiandieu , the oldest
overseer in MnnUori , a vener.ible n in
with white skin .md liu'r , w r > at s iventv
years of : ijjo waa a very m.r.iclo of goo.l
"What do you want here , yn mob of
mischief maKorsr"s.iid he , in a
which washtill strong.
The crowd stopped. This was not an
owner , but a comrade ; and respect for
that old workman restrained them
"There are nun at tn J t > > ttt > tn , "
said Anton. "JMake them come out. "
"Yes , there aru some men at tint bottom
tom , " answered Quandicu ; "there are
about s0vonty-ivo ! , the others wore afr.ii.l
ot you niscalsl Hut I warn you. not one
will come out ; vou can attend to your
business with me. "
( i rowls were heard , the men pushed
nml the women advuncod. The over-
heer quickly stepped forward to bar the
uThen Mahon Interfered.
' Old man its our right ; how can wo
make the strike KiMicnil if we do not
force our comrades to join usr"
For an Instant the old man reniained si
lent. Evidently his ignorance in mutters
ot coal.tion equaled that of liu dig jr.
At length he replied :
" 1 don't say it's not your right. Lint I
have my orders. I am alone hero. 'I lie
mun do not come up until ! ! o clock , and
tnev all .stay there until then. "
His last words were drowned in tliu ,
shouts. They threatened him with their
lists , the women already deafened h in ;
and he felt their hot breaths in his face. .
lint he was courageous , with he. ) 1 civet ,
showing his. large moustaene and \
hair , he spoke \ out so distinctly that he
was heard above all that
"No my * ( i nil Vou shall not pass ! An
true as the HUH shines upon us , I would
rather die than let the cables be touch id.
more , or I'll throw m scll In the bhatt
before your eyes "
The crowd trembled ntiil paused ; then
they moved buck ashu p'
"loii ) l sou understand1 ! I'm only a
li ikj all of you. They til.l nu
to stand guard , and I do so. "
His intelligence went no further ; this
old man well understood h.s . military
duty nnd he straightened jiiiu olt up and
looked at them out of eyes dimmed with
gloomy sadness by reason of the half cen-
tn.ry spent at the uottonr , Hid Comrades
watched him moved , having soimmhcro
In them tin ; echo of what , lie hid NtiiJ ;
that Holdier-likit obedience , th.itdevot oil
and resignat on in danger. He believed
that they wcrehesitatingtiml
IIIH woriis. i
' I'll throw myself into the shaft before
you. "
They turned wvay and ran ofT uj ) 1 10
road ; and then their cries again rang
out : f
" To the Ma 1 delnut to Uruveo nuc ! no
more work : bread bread "
lint in the mildness of the march they
bitgan to shove each other. Some one
said that Chaval was trying to e.sjapn.
Anton caught his arm , threatening to
break his b.iek If he attempted an/
treachery. Chaval struggled violently
and protected.
" \\liyallthlsT \ Ain't H man free iiny
longer ; I'm freezing. | ind I want to wash
inyMdf. hut mo alone. "
In reality he was suflering from the
coal dust which the perspiration had
stuck to hishkin , and his knit jacket pro
tected him but littht.
" ( to on ; we'll wush you. " answered
Alter following the Jolsello road for
MHIIO dlftUinco , they turned olV toward
Coagny , OlV that way manufacturing
clrmnovs i teed out on the Hat hori/.ou ;
Mtme sln'ils of tain-d wotxl ami brick
workhhops. covered with coal dust , fol
lowed imch other in rapid miectiKsion.
Kiom tinifT to time they pawed alloy
filled v.'ltli low ' bonnes , tliu DmivLVnt-
VIngt tiien tie | JoixaiiU'-SuI/.o ; anil fioiti
caeh one , tit the call of the horn , joined
in the clamor of tliu people ; families
came out , men , women and ch lilren ,
who ulbo full in bohittd their com fttdcd.
\\hcn they arrived at the Madclclno"
( hero were qttito thirteen hundred of
them. The road descended u smooth
sloj)0 , nml tha Wnrmtiring jrowtl of
strikers was confpnllrd to go o\Tr n largo
Hquaro of ground before reaching tsie
At that moment ityns little nioro than
twoo'cloek , hut tlio orcrcccrd , having
been warned , had IniRtonril the nsdent )
nml when the mob .ari'ived nottrly ci'ciy
oiiu was out of the Miino ; there * only re
mained In the pit about twclity men , who
were soon disembarked from the cage.
They followed them , throwing stones af
ter tiicm. Two men were knocked down ,
another left with them a sleeve of hit
jacket. This chase after the tnon saved
the materials. Thc3' touched neither the
cables nor the boilers. Then the crowd
pressed on to the next mine.
The ( Jrevcenjur 'iw only a short.dls-
tnnce from the Madeleiuu. There the
mob also fell on them iuslx us they were
leaving the mino. A girl was beaten by
the women ; the boys uero slapped as
thny went by ; the men ran oil' with their
sides black and blue ami noses bleeding.
And , in the increasing ferocity , that wish
for revenge which had turned all their
heads , the cries of death to the traitor.s
continued. They tried to cut tlio cables ,
but the tile , . did not work ; it was too long.
Now that the fever wtis on , thorn , they
would go to cMremes.
A tap wasbioken in the boilers , while
bncketsfnl of water were thrown In tao
lire , which burst the iron.
Without their knowing why , n now or
der was sent along the line.
"To the Victoirgl to the Vicloirel"
There were no gendarmes therj. All
were roassmod and , .turning round , they
descended the hill townnl Aloutolsu. cut
ting across thu fields to again reach the
Joisello road A railroad obstructed their
way ; they crossed it by breaking down
the fences. Now , they were again up-
proaehingMontsoii ; a small hill was be
fore them , while in the distance ! were
seen the black housed Of Marehicnucs.
They were so excited that tkejr fatigup
was not lelt , and they were unaware that
tlieir lectcre bruised and Irosl-hlllen.
Tim crowd was always increased by the
comrades p cki'd lip in the roads and al
leys , When they hail passed over the ca
nal by the Magacho bridge , ami had ar
rived at Vietoire they numbered two
thoiiMinil. lint three o'clock hail
the men had comes up ; not a man remain
ed at the bottom. Vain throats wi re ut-
teied , but they wVro only able to drio < t
witli their brekbals the workmnn who
had come to take ( lie piuee of the gang
that had IJLOII relieved. These men hail
r in awa.\ , and the deserted mine was in
Ilieir po'ini'fcsion. In their rage at not
having one of tlic traitors to beat , they
attacked the mine. The grudge wlneli
had been slowly gathering in theirhearis
burst , tortn. Ali < -r jears and years of
humrer tliey noitKl have their revenge in
destroying all.
Behind a shed Anton perceived w > nio
loaders who were car.
"Willou go away. " cried he. "Not
it piece snail be moved. "
Umler h s eiders a hundred of the )
strikers ran forward ; and the men had
only time to save themselves. The
horses were tinharncfwd and allowed to
run away , while cars wuro ujisu.t and
Lcvaquc , with violent blows _ of Irs
axe , attacked the trestles wiiioh hel.l no
liiu bridged. Thun hie id'i.t occurred to
tear up the car tracks. Soon the entire
band was at this work. M tlion tor.s u. )
the flagstones witli his bar of ironvuoli ,
hervetl hiin as a crowbar.
In the meant mi ; old Hrulo led the
women to lamp room , whore
broke up the lamps , Mi > . Mahon and
Airs Lcvaqiio assisting. They were all
soaked witn oil , and Moqnetto wiped hi r
hand on her skirt , laugliing at being bo
Hut this vengeance- gave thorn noth ng
to eat. And tlio cries broke lor n omsj
more :
"Hrond ! bread ! bread ! "
At tne Vetiirn an old ov rsn"r had
lo t his bucket behind li'm.Vitliout \
doubt , taken witn fear. In had abaa'-
doned the build ng in haste.Vhen tm >
women returned and the men had im- i
iwhed destroying th s ro.i I , t ley grasped
the bucket ; tile lop was remove'd at onco.
Hut they found no bread , th-nw.-ro
oiny I wo pieces of raw nuat an I s > m.i
potatoes. But in loi'cm ' are in 1 t uy
toiiml fifty bottles ol g n. uhioh tlisap-
pean'd like a drop of water drank ip ) by
the sand.
Anton , who had emptied his llask , was
able to i dill it. Little by little a terrible
into\.icat on. the intoxiuat.on of hung.-r ,
had made his eyes blood .shot , and , like
u wolf , IIIH tii * tli sliono out betwi-on Ins
pale lips. "Suddenly he perceived that
Cliavai nad run away in tue midst of
the tumult , lie swore and home of the
men ran and brought the lugitivu , whom
they found with Catherine concealed behind -
hind a lotol wood.
"So yon re afraid of compromising
yonrselt , are your you _ rascal " yelled
Anton. "In th ; forest , ilidn t you .spak
of iho engineers' sU'ikii ami .say it * w iiild
stop the eng no.s ? And now yon civ to
get out of our wa.Vk Well , wo nj going
to return to ( i.iito i-Mari i , aul you cail
lireak that engine yourself. Ves , you
shall break it. "
Ho was drunk , ho turned himself and
his men against the very engine whioii
ho had H.ivis.l rtoinojionrj butoiv.
"To ( ianton-AInrie , tn ( jiHtoii-Mario'V
Kvei\y one nppianded him , and C.iaval
was sei/.cd by the shoulders , draggid
.and violently oiished along , wailj lie still
naked th it ne lui allowjd lo wasa.
" ( Jo way now , " cried Alalun to Cath
erine , who had again buguii lo run.
She threw angry , | o ( > ks''at.lur | ) ifHtlfer
and continued to run on
On Moutson , they went further
up the tloiselle road , and , to avoid tn.i
turn at I'ourelio-anx-Doeiifs , they' pas d
he walls ol I' olniuo Tlio ( Jivgons Inul
jiiit htarted out to call on MJIIIO trieiids ,
luttoro going to dine With the llenno-
bi'iius where tuuy were to moi t Cecijo.
The ] ) roierty | si'i'ined asleep its avc-
line ot limes and its ilev > tled gai'.len ' ainj
orehaid Kvorylhing Wjts q'liiet in tiu
house , even the windows bjjng closed ;
and from that profound Hilonco aroie ; i
suggestion ot happiness mid well being )
the thought of goo I bi'ds , * ji go-id table' '
and the jov , discreet and without li
in which the lives of tliu ownurd
\Vithont .pausing the crowd cast
threatening looks over tue iron railings )
along the protecting wilU , and even on
the white fro it of tlio hoiihe. The eric. )
n ' 'am commenced
"Bread bread ! bread ! "
The dogs alone replied by ferocious
barks , they were a pair of large DaniMii
dogs , having u tawny coat , who Mood
erect with open jaws , Behind a cloiod
shutter there were the two maids ,
Molalno , the cook , and Honorlmi , tnu
chambermaid , who , attracted by theory ,
turned pale when thuy sitw tlxKe savages.
They fell on their knees ; they thought
they wore going to be killed on him ring a
atone , only one , break a pane of glass in
a neighboring window.
"Bread ! bread ! bread ! "
On arriving tit ( ! aton-A'ario , with a
st II larger body of two thousand live
hundred enraged men , thev bioke every
thing around then ) , with the increased
force of'a falling stone. Some gendarmes
had | nissed there an hour before ; but
they had gone on to Saint Thomas , mis
informed oy the peasants , and in tlunr
Intst-u thuy had not ov-e.ii taken the pre
caution to leave ti stpiad of mun to guard
this mine. In less than a quarter of an
hour tint tires were destroyed , tlio boilers
emptied , and tint buildings overrun and
dov.ixtatod. But it was uduccially the on *
gino that they attacked , It was not MI ill-
cient tor it lo sop | with the laM expiring
breath of fcteam ; but they threw them-
MiIvtM upon it us on a living pernon ,
life they nought.
"Von nhnll Mriku the first blowr" Haiti
An tun t putting u Uuuimur in the hand of i
" Clinvnl. "Como on , now , you swore
with the others. "
Chaval tremblingly drew back nndtlio.
hammer fell. bli ( bis comnidcs witlioiU
waiting , bivatlugJJio engine with blows
of their iron bar.vith Id'icks and every
thing they cutttil.l&y tlu-ir hands otijsomo
oven kiiorkcd-oil it with sticks. 'I he
screws were loosuncdt the pieces of steel
and brass woni kiuicxed QlT. , A heavy
blow of an nAo , given with nil tlio
strength of timid strongest man , broke to
pieces tha iron tittik ot the engine , and (
as the xvatcr. 'isfcaped and it became
empty , there came for In a rattling houild
like a person fn his death agony.
That was the end ; the mob wont out
side , er.-uy , running behind Anton who
had not i ct leJ. go of Chaval.
"IJnatu to tile traitor I To the shaft ! to
the flhiifll" r
The mlscrablp mem bcenmo livid ,
stammering .souii ) , explanations and then
going back to the stupid idea that Lo
must wash himself
"Wait , If that's what makes you un
comfortable , " saitl Airs. Levaipic. "Why ,
hero are the buckets. "
There was a pond there , made from
the water which ran from the ungme. It
was white with a thick layer of ice. They
pushed him to It , broke the ice ami foreeil
him to his bead into the cold
"Uivoln " said old "
now , Brnlo. "My
God if yon don't get In we'll ' put you ii. |
And now 3011 shall drink some ; ycd , yo.s ,
like a beast with its nose in the trouglu"
He was forced to lie down ami. dnnk.
They all laughed witli the unconscious
laugh of c.riielty. One woman pulled In.s
oars , another threw it Handful ot Iro/.ijn
mud in Ins tnce. His old jacket came
apart. And , almo-it wild , lie fell upon
tiiuin. giving blows rlgiit and loit to gut
Mahon had pushed him , MD. Mahon
was aiming tiu most violent ; both . ; tno oltl yrtiil o tlu-y liail
n .iii l nun ; : iml iMoqutitti ! , who usually
was good tni'iitls with nil her old lovoiy.
was M > I'lirajji'd at t'li.s ' ono that she did
oVor. > tli.ii ; .siio uonlil to film.
Ulii-ii Anton ufii'il out :
"You IniVd nil tlono enough now. 1
want to have my ivvonyo. "
And turning to Cliiivul :
"it ion WIMI wo 11 li htltontto otlipr. "
His ii.iuiU oltxoil , hu eyes \vnro lit up
wita tlio liny ot : i luiiniuiito , tin it' tiio
iinnk wnioli no had taken had inado Ii.iu i
\ lo murder.
"Aroiou roinly ? Ono of ns sliall fall .
he I'D. li\o linn n luiilr. I have mino.
Ciilhurino , iixliiuiitrd and in fi'iir ,
IOO.UMI : it him and hho roniuinboivil IIH ,
coiiiiik'ni-os unit iir. > t u.i.v wfioii tlioy hail i
talkotl 01 lii.s wi.sli ( o kill us snon'us ho
diMiil : . Snit forward and lu-ltl hint
bid ; witli both hands , or > niLr ; to him , \
tilliiliU \ an i r.
him aloiiul This is too mitcli. I
You want to knl him now that fie can't '
stand up. "
She lurncil towaid her father and
motner , slu turned toward all tneother-s.
"Von are ctiwafus. cowards ; Kill me
too. j'll masa your laces it you toliuu
him again. Ohoucouinis. . "
Ana bile stood before li T man and do-
lendud him , lorgetting ttie blow , lorget-
t ng the Ille o. miher\ \ , loused at tlio Unit , .she belonged to him , aijd
tnat it was her shame wnen ho Was
treated . . N
tuns. , t
Anton , iinder , tin ; taunts of thogii'l ' ,
hail become very p lie. At first he would
have l.ked fo ijrranglo ner ; then , alter
Wiping his face , he said to Cliaval , in
m ilst o ; great silence
"aim's right1. ' That's enough. Go
away. "
Cliaval at once began to run ; nmlCath. *
ernu ; started after him. The crowd
walched them disappear nt a bend in
the load ; only Mrs. Mahon com
l * '
"You're wrong ; you ought to have
kept him. He'll surely go and play
traitor again. " , ij
But the ) crowd had resumed the march.
I'ivo o'clock sounded ; the sun , brignt
red , was at the cdgn of the lion/on ,
casting blood-rofl stums over that nil-
iniinsi ) plain.irfj > edler who was ) ) .tssiifg
told them that tne dragoons were coming
over the Crevceciuir road. . Then tlujy
turned back , alid the order ran :
| "To Moutson ! to the directors ! Bread !
bread ! bread "
piu HI : CONTINUBU.I . _
r Wo have no hesitation in recommend
ing the " ( iarland Stoves and Itanges. "
Their high rcpntat.on lor durab lity ,
ecoiiomy of fuel , convenience nnd artif-
tie finish , btamp.s them as thu bi'st In t IL
world It i.s the constant aim ot tljo
manufacturers to make tno very best
stoves t lat can bo produced. 'Ihey are ,
unrivalled. ,
What Men Wear.
Thos'lk hits are worn higher in thn
crown and ctraighti'r. ' U ho Lr m is \\iiu (
in. d well lolled. There are two helghu.
The loue-r is favored by ' ming men.
The K'I k serges , braids and l > iiidinirs t
m innlactiired hero are in somit u.-'u ' i'i to be superior to those import 'd , and 1
the trade now use them i.i proicrcucit to
tlie lore'gn made .
'J he cloths this season are very hand-M
some. 'I ho diagonal wor.steds o ! var. ous
M/.ed wales broad , medium ami narrow
are. in all ( he fashionable colors , and j
plaids , checks anil stripes of all Will ,
be used lor trousers. . |
There is homo talk among leading so-
ciet.y gentlemen as regards the introdiic- (
t'on ' of la veil ler : > i'd other light colors
for pantaloons for dress purposes. Tln-hU ,
were inogne Mine lilleen years ago ,
and were generally liked.
For ovcreo its there are kerseys , fur
lieaMM'.s and meltons , and tin suitings of
silk mixtures , casMincrcsand cheviots , in
hamlnome designs and eoloriiigs , nro id
gr"iit variety , akhoiigh there is little dif-
lereneo from those ol lahtseaMin.
A very rich mid neat material is shown
for biiMiiess suits in a mod urn hroad
wale d agouti I with biokon cheeks
thrown ovortlio faeeof the goods. An
other liamUomo suiting is a line wal.e
diagonal , uith an indistinct plaid wovei ,
in the goods - ,
Derby hats in black anil brown are
considered the moHt f.ihhioiiiihlo colors ,
although a dark trarnet i.svorn , Tlu >
liitenl Kt Ki Hliow.s a line , full shaped
crown , befweeii a round and a tliithliapn.
'J he have a wide roll and nr.i well
curled. > ,
Inlaid buttons , hahd-madoof wood and
horn , an * voiy.atojuijar , and biittonsofsillc
lw.t silk bra4iT , < Aneaud narrow wales , in
tmados and patti rns to mutch the worsted
suitings , nre itM'dBulhilo horn buttons ,
highly | ) ( ) IiHiiiRlurn in high favor
I'liu road ( nii' ' inediiiin diagonals will
bo usi'il for coats ii'iil vests , w 1 1 trousiir-
ingn in brond cheeks and stripes , m I'll-
tng the plain /jolyr.s / The line homes < mn
an I cheviots We Mdiregor ( and lilnr-
iiiiy give excellent faatislautlon for
btisincsd uses.
The tilonl AVoman.
Not n very fmlir-Svoman , nor yet Ian-
quid and listless , nor with waven-looking
skin. Him has rosy cheeks , a l-rni btep ,
nml a pleasing expression. She has iron
enough in henlilyo I and strength in her '
muscles. Tliowoman who is lacking in
th-se important , -particulars shoulil liikii
Brown's Iron Bitters , in winch she will (
find the vigor she nee < ls. She ean buy
this most valuable tome of any respect-
Thu number of telephone ) ! In iiso Is
steadily increasing , deo-o W. Schin-
dele & Co having put one intheir new
laundry , KlnU & Kleeb the new grocers , 'I
Inivu tehiphonu .No , 1WI , | | io Clijcngo linif- J
ber company has No. - ' , Tipton coal *
oompiinv No. lltf , and Sackett A ; Preston
are to have onii'In their new coal yards , I
nml T. ,1 FvanK is to hhvu omt at his .
gr < "i elevator below Uel ) . & I ) , instill- .
t.uu. In
A Form of Onnibtlng tlmt U Itnpltlly
1 Upcoming Popular of Imto.
Chicago Mail : "Tho boor goosf"
"Hoidsi" "ilight yo nro. V.woH"
"Mnko it brnntly and ginger nlo this
timo. " This from the lirst speaker.
"A * you itrofor. " "Hoadsl" "A tall
would take ft , " romnrks tlio gentleman
\vith th" dark moustache and goatee ,
who introdured tlio gamn.
' This time Uit'H inako tb H dollar a
call t" excitedly ejaculated the young
man who had conic in on tno excursion
and had mot tliogo.itoo by cfianco.
"Mako it a V and we'll quit , " nnd the
gqnteo wiggled in a insinimting way.
"That'H only what 1 expect our mar
riage license to dost. Mary and I gave
Uiu old folks the .slip last night. "
"I have scruples against gambling , * '
H.TId the pnrtv in bluok , "but I'll Illiia-
trnto to .von I ho folly of bolting. "
And so forth. The young man from
the country or the city , for that mnttor
lnnvo.4 without u cent , through the gen
tlemanly wilea and shrewdly drawn
RchnmcH of the professional player the
man who always awaits the call , or
ilouhlo hcittl or two tails boneuth his
Tlie matter of "matching" money , since
the suppression of open gambling , has
become it pernicious fact a phenomenal
rage. Heretofore John T. Itaymoitd and
it low of his ilk have been accredited , with
u monopoly of "heads anil tails" ( but wit It
what truth i.s not positively apparonU.Tho
vlco now pervades the best society , and
Is by no m-Mins to the o who
wagi-r whisky on the turn of a penny.
The ladies , too , have picked up the pas
sion , and many who exchanged toln and
bet bon-bons on the head or tail now
ri'foit to theft to swell the amtnint in
volved on llio lili ) of a copper. The old
gentleman's wallet is "touched" during
tne night , and a. Dearborn avenue father
who has kepi .strict account ot his small
change'Ireqnenlly finds it lighter by
several ( shekels in tlio morning.
lint the north si tin does not inononoli7.ii
this species of society gambling. Michi
gan anil Prairie avenues are equally
prnmincht. Matching is everywhere ,
while pitching pennies at the huso-bourn
on tin ; parlor carpet i.s us common as
black stockings.
It has been said that , ( his polite mode
ot gambling was spread by tlio member. *
of , llio board of trade. This is hardly
true. i The estimable
gentlemen com pos
ing i that I' hona-tido business
body o - , people
ple \ haui enough to answer tor without
this < lust immorality hejng dropped at
their | doors like a loundliiig.
ProiiiiUness in business is almost sura
to \ lead to success ; at least it will inspire
conijilcncc. , When 5011 find u medicine
like ] lied Star Cough Cnro aoiing at once
on , l'ie ' system and removing all tlio ill-
iseasn , yon liavu taith in it and half tao
battle i.s then over.
A "Howdy Westerner" In llio Hub.
Boston r.ecord. The daughter oft t\
ISoston merchant of g.-eat wealth , wide
mercantile connections , and bouritiless
hosp.talitv , was lately married. TIKI
Western agent of the mercnant liiiMiened
to be in town , an a.s the iirond "latliei-
was in v.ting about everybody to his
daughter's wedding , ho invited the
westerner too.
Tinwesteiier ormo. lie was uneasy ,
nniLsliittcd alwit irom nhico to ) > laeo in
tao house , as it he were mmt.ngforspots .
that titled him better finm tlio ones ho
hail been in. lie put hi.s hands noclial-
antlvon things and too' ' : them o V ag.iin
suddenly , as it he iiatl found them hot ,
and < cr lined familiarly at people he had
never heen before , and tlien suddenly
drew liis leatures back witli a , ghastly
holemii'ty. It seemed to bo an oceas.ou
o1 great 'and overpowering novelty to
When the re reshni'-nts ' came around
ho was inclined to tight shy ol pretty
nearly overtliing. It was as if he pro
posed to take oi ) a little I' iston formal-
itv ntnv that lie Was in ISoNtun , nnd re-
qniiv. in it troduetion to every dlsii. IHa
host saw that he wasn't oat'mmuea ,
antl'eaino arouml to sen about it.
"Whyou aren I eatiii'ranyta.n' . Mr.
West. " saitl ho. 'Can't I help you to
something ? "
' No , I thank you. " paid the westerner ,
"I ain't very hungry tonigitt ; J reckon
X'Ve ccit enough "
Just tluni awaiter , came along with
some i croquettes.
' ' .Mr. West t.iko some of th-so cro
quettes ; I think you'll liico them ; ta o
one. take , one "
Tim weitoner too' ' : one. IIo punched
it i wjth his Un'k. laid it onen a bit and
( i.xaniined it cr'ticallv. Then ho tasted
it and exclaimed "Cosh ! Hash ! "
Captain Mitchell , of th" baric Antoine
S'lla , Is'e\v \ ork and Havana trade , came
home 1 in May. entirely helpless with
raeiimatism. i He went to tno mountains ,
but 1 receiving no ticnetit , at bis wife s r -
ouoht , Iwirali to take Hood'sSarsaparilln
He 1 immediately began to improve ; m
two mo'ntbH his rheumatism was all none
anil i he sailed in command o' his vessel a
\vcll iran. Hood's barsapnrilln will help
you. Sold by all drugg.hts. .
" One-lift ! ) of ail the coal produced In the
United ' Slates is found In lour rountic.s. in
\\liirh Viit.slmu is the liiiMiu rS
Nearly olie-tfuid of the proauct is eonveiied
Ilitoeu'Tueto | Hie l ) < c i.w uuki'iii , JJ.-
i Xi mvns anil St' ( , ( " ) oj J in vested. MX thou
sand men ate einployei.
J'rea from Ujtlnlru , JJnnttc.1 tint !
Tor t'outli * , Here TliroAt , JIunr tnc , Inflncniu ,
Culil * . Ilnnclilllo , Croup , \UiooplnirConsli ,
A.lhinn , Qulii.r , l'nl" In OlarKt.iwi'lotI' ' "
/.r.wiloin ufllio Tli rout nil. unt. .
Trice 00 c-nts ft bottle. Bold t-y Dni-rlMl enrt DM | .
i-ro. Jrtc ittiaMi In Intliice IMlrdtnM ia rinn\t \ /
vet It/or Ilitin will reef Ire titn MUesLtimu citarael
iU , bj eenttlny out Oollar to
TIE fiuitirs A.YOt.riFtt witriNr ,
Ho ) Uwli rt n I Uinuficttiniv. . . . .
ll.lii * T r , A.
The Sliorfline
and Best B/outo
From Omahajo the East.
Clilcimo , JllnnuiiM | > lla , Miltvuiikou ,
PI 1'itiil , f ciliir ItuplJj , JdivuniHirc ,
fliilun , DutiiKpio , Itoekronl ,
ltK k Itilllllll , I'ltMJIMIIt , JlllllHVlllO ,
13irlif. MHIS | | H , IM Crosao ,
lliilolt. Winiinn ,
AnJ all oilier lin | > ornuit pdlnH Kant , .Nortlioun
Ticket oflloo nt 1401 Furauia blrnot , ( In J'uitim
Unit I , anil nt IJiiinn 1'noltlo Doixit.
I'lilliinui tSloopor-t uml tnu Kiuixt DlnliuOin
'In llio > i ( ii Id HID I mi on llio inuin Iliiiui of tiiu
imVUiO.MlM > AUKUK&bT , I'MJI , ItAll.tVAV.lUl.l
MiVry nitpiithiii U piilil lo | > muontfortf by couru > -
oiHuiiiloyi | [ | oniio ( M ) iipuiijr ,
11. MII.I.KII , Ifi'iiDiiil iluniiyfr.
J. V TilcKK.t , AHitUuint ( Junurul Mnnuaror.
A. V , 11 , Uun-KSruit , ( lirutril I'us-iuiuur and
Tlrkct Auuilt , ,
( JMI. K. IlKAfrillllt , AeCuiuut OciUJful
Tivlut Atfuuk
One oflftc Best and Largest StooJts in- the V. 8 *
. to Select from.
No Stairs. to Climb. Elegant Passenger Elevator.
Growers of Live Sfcock antl Ofclierc.
Our Ground
It la tlm Jiost ntul o1icn > o t rooil for tookntnnvklnil. Onoixuial t t > r\\\\\\ \ \ \ \ to ttiroo i > ount ot
corn , Stock foil will rtiiiunit Oil Cuko lit llio fall nail Wlntor , liutoaJ of ruimliijr , will Itv
rrcnwj In WKlitnml 1)0 In KixntinarkolnWociitiilllloa In tlio nprliiT. Dalrrmon nt ell ns otborl.
I viui mo It , < uin uglify to l.s ( morns. Try ttntul jiulKO tor joursolvos. I'rloo * J | K r ton. No
clwrgo lot-BttOKS. AiMmu WOODMAN MNSKKI ) OlliVOHKS , Oaiuliu ,
' '
Clio. lltHtKi : , Mniuuror , ,
T > PVtHRKCiS-Moh'lmntB ! : : nail IMrmcrs' Hunk , DnvM CIIV. Noli. : Konrnoy Xntlonnt HanV.'Ovit
" . , .M.III.S uilninjnisbtnto Hunt , Columbus. Noli. : MoDoniiM'rt Uunk. Norjii 1'lntto. Nou. Uiniia/
* * *
" | | h ' OlUHlltlaaNl l *
nht'pmors' urn ftltli lilll of liulliiff iitnicliiHl , lur tuo-tltluU vuluoor Hloolc.
< trill-it a WOT thr.r tntitlihilfpi rat I pu" r > * ' - hnaiS
Mlli-i'lHirlr.Mii ti'rrll > . < . JIIlAir S anil l.OSh 1 . oun r.'wfI' .
l iinili lur ma linen
MEN of all who find tholr POWER
r.ii'lltiillty ' , IIUMI ages 'ShMJ . -.rKKVinn W. . .mii1 -
rnrlv liiliiii or KAl'l > - F.rc - * cctu * nio > > ltlv i--ii liirimiv
CIT K i : , "Oniallur < > i Imw 10.1 t ii'llii > < Hie i' aviiut > U.or wl *
bun lailt-i In ni.i'.lir u ii'W w-'ij , ir iii > inlli n i' MI llif lelebrntuc
AtlintH'u , liiiiiH'l | ' . . u v , nit. tlinif. iiiiiiri | L >
n v oilier iiitihi.ii Iti llin v.rl . -
lnKrltuilu. I.-Riii spirits unilunihlll" . fli .nir ihoi.rhui. . < 1 r H . il I i !
ilnini. . . JMTOTKNCR. ni . liiit | ' t.
MiiirrUi'r. Kinl MI I it her s nipt B Ifuilliiir lo roVbl MITIHN
IN AMI' " , urn iirumutijr uiuuTvU l < > t'i ' < > In-klrui-iii. vnil "tirotuui
Married Men , orbhoRawho intend + o
VDMRMIIFIt. ni fci'i ruximl rurenirlli iiini'ii. 1101111. rixnrt | ii on
in * . tnni IHo anrt the lovjanrt rf | mt i > r u iilililul uliu. Wrnk nii'n lmiiln lit rr lur 2 < l lu"ir .t
Auiiiiiofia ripi * * < re nwrrl * * * * I'II * ? M. II-HlinoiiiiilH ! nnil tnlniiliit * trui'liM' a glumpt _ _ _
Jisttti > . ] S77.Adilress ) The Climax Medical Co , 5OC , St. t
A. TUUIOCK , Knp. hud BupU U. I' * N. SADDLER , Awl. Kvj.
II.V. . DIAMOND. A * . ! , Pony.
Missouri Valley Bridge and Iron Works.
Wrought Iron , Sleel. Howa
Truss anil Combination
a n i D a E s
Itiilli-oiUKl niul Illnliroiuli
Turn Tables , Draw Spans , Rock
Trusses , Piers and Sub
structures ,
A. McIAUl'lI. tV II.\A. WI3U
> fjorii'l ' i ] TrorilXof nil riiUrti work lo lot Currospondoneo eollcltcil lit > m oaxlnoaii
u o conimlsrilnnors.
or rutl Fcrltculars about free and CAeou Lands in H'ostorn f.'obraska. ' Address PATTERSOh
& WHITE , Heal Estate Agents. North Plutto. Nebraska. l
rnssonKW oleviuor lo nil lloors. , V.XH unit W1J 1'arnam Street
u.nAliA. .N'
'K ' ! oiiuni nc.n < Jimrivo ; away Watoruiirry Walohu.s , Irotu Ootoocr 1st until J.tntia'
ry ibi , to every jiu'reniiwr of if lo worth of gooda.
i ' 10U1 1'iirnam blrout , Corner o.'ljta.
" "
, .
The V Cinurt " JtrrEBEn Co , [ ; lvo n Umr ltn' ' *
tier Hi an ciri lu obluljiej clrpulnra for tliu fcuma
nunrjr , vllli t licit prcat Imprniracnt of I liu
liOllllU ; THirii Il.U.U The cri lli < rl- < 5 ut
Anit to ecn tha"CA5'lnB" ) Donlilo Tlilc ! : Unit
Ituhbcm Hi Hoots , Ati.ln.3 , Orcrtliuctj , Aliek.u , Jtc.
A Common Sense
HH | > ( xlnlly In rlio uiuiiiluiiltiui In tliu IIM > of
Miku'B lutxl liniilinililo. Mnny CIIMci nld ho
" ' " ' ' ii. ovuiyihtnK cUn find Infill un.l
ItliUu'o lufwl Inm Ui'ii IrliMlnnil ti'tnlniu . lly
IflUfctlUflKtll llllMlrl | < ; 't ' illlll llo III Illllll I flldll llll
Il UlOltvl" . lIlL * pflJHlllHI ) Illln | It'll Illifu ftl IIMI
n.uli luiuullox tie u > ujtoci H ( .uiiiiiniuiir
tldll III t-li { ' | iiUli'ii | U > lioullli.
u , \ YV01 ) (
, I/-.I , . . , . , . ' . - , . . . , ,
/ | \ H.n- * ' ! * , ; Id l | - > i--- ! nr uX.U * ,
ri"r . .
n in ur > iirt , if 1 ifi * "hit'ii t ln r/i I hr th' ' / 4 > < rt f tr
| n.t , riii , , , mid iv tlin 'itllctM I for rnlluf. It will Ii n9.
| 'l Mil I II'llllll 1,1 " 'I'l ,
* fl , rn l 1114 tlinill'fTllf COPll tV til W'Utlll ' HlH llnini
iif I ifiiwrl flit ii'Mi'i'tnl. wlitlir | | jnuih. ii'iri'nt , vim
A Mi-o UK , * - i v ii ' >
> lii'Htiil" , IT llr V. tt ,
* " ' * * 'n * Mn"ti" , l-f 'l , ItiMfn'i , s'viri ' wli'i'n ir
I o ioniiiiiiirl mi nil 'lini'iiif"i rft'iiilrfiu iklll * nnil ornorl *
f"ii flirit'i'diin I o1 " 'In'll'i il " < M o < ' it
I'lidliiif l-n kllif | I'll ot' > nrnli | '
rlnni , n f'MW'li'Mv HIHI'I lio'ii | > |
B < " | | | | it'll'Tllir l"l lim'llllPO
of 1'iilliini. Mnntlnnllil * lunur.
Iliwdord'r TliorcniKhliroif unit lll Ji OrH'tu
Hereford and Jersey Gafilo !
Ami Dm oo niul JorKuy Ittxl Bulno. ,
mum' I.INU nut
England , France & Germany ,
'Jliukii. > iuii iil | > Mi | iln * ui'll Itiiitivn Him mo ii"
ol linn. In uiiuir llxin t-iiu imiiiini a , niul ro *
lliin.sni-il \ > | tli i'rciiliiujr in nfui.u iliii uu4iuo
Iriiili MHO nnil nvifeiilile Tlie > vtiiiiy llio Unite I
t-Inn Mind im ; < i | mil iniillH. ttnil Unn'riNowtirk
'IIIIIHII | | ) > nnd ( uUunliii lor , I'linmiili.ilxi.V
J.dNi.i lniUiiiLil'.MtlSiiiiil IIAMlU'ltd'
- - -
M ,