SPECIAL NOTICES. AiKertl on'ctitii under this bond llro for the first Insertion , nml 7 cents for enoa U MibfWtiont | Incortlon Seven words will liocount ed to the line ; they must tun consoemtJPTily nnd mint I o pnld In ndvnnco. All ndvortlwnnonls must t.elnitiihvl In Ixiforo 2o'clock p. in. , nml uniioriio clrcumstnncM will they bo taken or ClKonlluiiod by telephone. thooo columns nnd lint oil In ant ) of HKR , nil ) plriidc lisle for chc ck to onnblo llinm to net t'lolr Idlers , nn none will bo tlcllvcro.1 except on frofonlnilou of check. AH nnswors to udver- tlicmnids should bo cncloied In envelopes. CO tOAU-MOWEY. ONKVTo loan. The Otrnilm Klminclnl Kt. chnmio , l.'iKI Karnnni slit ct , iivstnli-s. | ttinkes lonns on nil chis < es of xeeurlty liom n flu emit- tel loan lo fUMXRi on real o tnto.o liiako loans to milt nil applicants on loiur or short tlnio on Improved rent o'lnlo , hum contract * , lon os , Imlldlnpa on len 0il bind.pocutod notos. collator- nl'.ehnllelo , or peed pecitrlty of nnv kind. Ixnr ri'.lcst ' pm > y liirms. Omnlm Kinuneiul Uxrli mro , IU.I rnrnrm street , Up Ftnlrs. t > 4 M IONHVLOANIlD-llonrs , r.lh nnd Doi-plns. &l nov.o 'ONKV TO LOAN O I' . Dnvls ft Co. Iloill Indite mid Ixiun nKonts , l. > Karnnin Bt , TO I/lAN-'tn jrwil Peourlllos. A MONKY , room 7 HiiJick Uiock , l't > J Knruaiii St. ! IJ7 MONI'.V TO lOAV-On chidlrU , Woolcy ft Hnrrison , room ' "U , Onmlm National bank bulldlinr. 64S ONKY TO lOANOn reul oftuto nnd chat M tels. I ) . I * Thomiig. f V ) I , < tANii : > Onchnllcl , cntrnto.lt. MflNKV boUKht unU bold. A. Foriaan , i'Ll ti. irth 8U Ml ONiV : TO LOAN III Mints of $ )0miil ) u | > - wnrda on llrst-cliiHH real csluto Bccurliy. 1'otler , V Cobb , l.Mf. I'miiam St. KX TlfONISV I.OANi : ntC. I * Itred & Co'ft. Ixinn Jl'lolllco.on furnltiiro , pianos , liorHes , Wilsons pernmul property or nil kinds mid nil other ur- tli ICH of value , without removal. Over Ixt Nut'l llnnk , corner iith : nnd I'mnaui. All Etriclly coniliUnital. rctMivi ' jtuiNivn : MOMYHI : Money teL L lean , on chattel hccnrlly by W , H. Ctolt.room 4 , Wlthncll bulldlti ) . ' , N K corner Iftlh mid Ilitr- noy. Alter jeais of oxporieiico ami n careful etmly ol the biiHlmwKot loimliiK monor on per- poinil tiropoi ly , I IIHNO at hint iicrloctcd n cysiletn xtliurehy the imbllclty usiitil In xuch cuson is ( lone uniiy wltli. and I am now In n position lo meet the demands of all who become temper- mllyumbm rasped and dcMio to raise money without delay and inn qnlut manner. HOIIHO- keepers , prolcsHlonal Konllenien , nieclianlcH anil others In Onmlm an. ) uninull HIiillH. can obtnln KiMinciis Imin S-li'lo Jl.MAi on pitch Fceurlty IP linnt-olnild finnltuie , pianos , miichlnery. hor- nv , WHKOIIH , wiuolimiho locolpts , K cm on notes i ot blind , ete. . without rcninvliiKHiinio liom own- i ei-8 leskiento or plnco of biiKlncsH. Al > o on line f \Vntclic mid Dlamoiulu , onoof thnndvantaxes I oiler Is tbilt miy pint ol any loan can 1 o paid at nny ( lire which will toduco the Intel est pin ratu mul nil IOIIIIH leneuod nt thoorl'inil ) : laleMo : m- toiof-t , 1 hnvo no In ol.oi Hln connection with m i V > ollice , but porcoiinlly eupeiinleiul all my loans , I I linvc prlvmo olllcos connected with my KCiieral * ' oil ce MI tlnil cnstomerx do not como In con- 1 Illicit Ith each oilier , tomtqt'cullv iiiakipKiill In iiMiclloim Hlrlctlv privnlo. WIt. . < toll , t' room 4 , Wltlinoll binldimr , N R. corner 1Mb and ' . llniney , Omuhi ; , muKt : 1'o.ul St. , Council lllulU , i TfT t T HELP. A KOO I milliner lo Mil iron I slf - ilion lion Address , Htn 1 1. 'O'-ir.s ' ' nnd o-por leiico , / , Ilvoofllco , Council Illuffs. GJ - u ANTUO Aplrltodo ponernl honi-owork. inliont 1JJJ UoJtf o U , coiner 3Hh. WANTKI > Ttirio A. No. I ladv cnnvuocor ; triKiil ro''oiu ICIM i-o iu.ru I White Sowinjf ) MnLhliioolUco. No l.'l North 15th at. f.7'H WANfKP A phi nl out H viiusold us A | ply NW tor VlrKiniii Ave mid Gr W ANTKD-Good Oormnn pltls nt tlio No biiu-kn Kmplnyimmt micncy , II I intliHtreet , Cronnw'H block ; placed tilvon to gltLs ttoo of - fee ! ( ' plrl forjionornl houfowork. I oek , dining room glib chauiborinul.l- . Cull ILio Knrnnni St. li'l. WANTKD A ncntyoiins Bill to assist with tnby. ty : 8. aitli St. T.W Salesmen now celllmr loatl-or WANTKlt Hluien to mko a line of rubber bpotiuulxhoo samples mid H'll on coninil Hioti. AadrnHS wltli roleronuos.J. It ( J. 1 JJ Krunklln st. CblciiKOlll. & , ' > - ; WASTiil : Hi ijflit , Himtrt.no I.o hid , ono well iicnuiilntcd nh the cl'v to run oiinuds. - nnmlln tc lniwn.l ) : ! ! S llth HtiooU r > 'J7- ' w \.NTKlt A tailor : peed wages paid. SJ Ilrodoi Ick. ( 10 S lutli li cot. Oul- * WAN run Anoxporieiieol dry Roods clerk with te eioneo ; nonu others noodnpplv ; nt Hit hat. [ til WANTKIt Two or tlneo peed carpv'ntois Apply In busomcnt , Withnell lllouk IMIi J * Ti7a-a. * Ilmney , - WANI'UU A hmiCHt boy at f , K. I oh'iiann'H ' Irult. clunr and novvu stoio , ut8 S. I ith * U ' Cormnn prolmrcd. 57l- * W ANTKD f ! eod wnpos paid lo n food llrnt elnmj butcher , 1UJ Howard U WAIvTKIl DaiielnirToiichorl A fiontlenian competent of tcuchlmr iluncinn- inl Us Inmiclies. ( joid ) siilury guuruntfcd. liupiliuot Max Mo > oriV Ino. 4 , ' > r- i ANTKD Coat and pants milkers. ftUHIioml- wny , Council llluits. 44- ! . w . flenUnmeii to taUoonlers In olty ; nnow thluir , and nioney In II ; business per- nuiiioiil ; call nl room jilt , Armiicloii block.'H : Kitty ciinviishers. Ijnlloa mid WANTiil mo niuklnu'U | per ( lay our "Kitchen Queen " Address , with btnmii , Hlmicon f : I'nrHinsTool ( o , 4.1 Itouid of Triulo IlullJIns , KC I'unl , Minn. Munutuetory , Ixiuell , ' filiitfl. 4JU7 XTANT1JO ytenoifniphor. Hex GX > , Onmlm. Atir.NTS felllmr Ml oml sleinn wnshnr mi'Ko hip money. J. Worth , bole Mnnnliiu- ti.icr , Ht , IJIIIH | , Mo. EITUATIOHS WANTED. "YTTANTIJO A | Ksilon | 10 do peneii I lioitho * VV worK In u small Imnlly. Iminlro r. W. i-or ( Till nml Clnrko. _ * ll-a' | * _ WAVri ! ! ) Vosl'lo'i bytonru en I uly s on- orni | bur mid lypo-wr.ter o.ioru nr. Ad- dioss V / . , nco Olllco. Wo4 * Vir.\vnli pituntlon ns si'osninn or online . . 'i ( or , Si euUs both Knpl "ii mul fliiiinn | ; M- . form os iilven. Aih.roas "K. " N , W. cor. I4lh 1 , and ilowmd. _ ClKkil * il A\7'ANT l > --Pltmitioii by n jouiTiTimm with 7 A T ) year.Vo perlenco In drux bupbuMs ln mi 'f ' cnMorn city ; i-'ood lorcroiK-oc : has lair practical i > - tno l'dpo ( n | fiornmii and nK.siotoil In loun. ; ( % Vonfdli' ' oloxood to Nuhrask.i , AddroisDrux- l .IV I _ WANTS. WANT inI : I iniiu r ith H.'itito cnvm ( In Ihst-chiHs roller milling luialnc s. Aildu s Tlnitlo \ S.iiis , I'nmimu , lu. ll"i l\M1KIt " 0 liilc'rcnVa " os fl.no | or Wdiiy. J. 1C. Stout , Umlsvlllo , Nob. Clli i -A few nloo lots near Pnrk nrontin. WANTKO ( , mid prlio lo II. Y. , . llbo Omce : ] 6Jl--i " \\rANTKD-To lout n house 7 to H loonm wllh Vr tuimict < nnd other lonxenlnncos UMI ! InrtfO burn. C U. .Miiyiio , IMIi nnd Kmnuiii. . . . | Mj.r. " \XJANTio : An liiom liinn-o within l.'imln- iV utoi'vta'k ' liom lototlico. AnUio-s 1) ) . J. C.euro II. T. Ol.itko lr..tf ) Co. 4-J-Ss * I To rent tiirnUhed n > om wlh | hoard Tor us ieii on.iblo Addio s or o II Ht OM Ueortflu uvo. , - ' doors so. 1-cuvcnu-niili st. 4V-.U \TirANTHIt * or ! l litoms hllltllblo T\ lo > okfepln ' by iiiun und Mile , /d D. o ; . liurbuuk. Cily. _ - X\'ANTKi > lyn ( New Voik llrm rrino 1 Mini rontrolllmf iierlwblo mid nulck ( . f or the dry ponds cloth- IK. npholMory aid ) mmtiuxi ir.ido-i , u llro iiiun IliyiUluiMHlsonaimmUsiou In IbeSlnte of Ni1- Inw-kn. Address , Bah/Jinan , I' . O. llnx 1 1 ' . Niw , Voik. " ANTKIt-rSlock foiilo. < ! lve piiillculni . price null winiv L-UII ! ic ccii. P O.Jlo.x 'tt'AVl'Ult A n rona , Miunil iMk Imive ; u ' ' KOUI lOUiUUT ! jrO'Ml UlMionillini i ; | ] I'mIMI In w pit Hixl. Pihv ' * . WIILtiil MO I. l.iMd Bl. MHO ' ttvciiiii' . . 2 * rooms lur Ibo unicr. U. II. . Uov OlU K. " \\rANTKIt-Tlynpontlofnnn nnd wife with- i I out fhlliron , boarl l.i n prUiito f u" I v wnero thoroiiro i o other bounicrs. Nxmldll ko t o rooms nnd wt.l pnnly htrnlsn If neo < - < M'ry. Address , A. & , onro of Imn otlico. tfll Bi * A N ii-TomnJ. : T. Murray ! WANTI'.H MnUiess milkernt D6wt y & Plbno's , ; j t " \\7ANT I' 11 A full lot near the eltynt n renT - . T wjnnblo pn i. Pinto price , lornia nml lo- catkin. Address'r'.N. C. " llctiolhto. 'JoS ron liEMi-nouSES AOT > 1,0x3. POlt Itr.NT Kor live jcnr . now nl ht room lifmce , nenr HUH nchool ; city water , KIUS mul howoritse ; worth * f per inonili , In.t will iiiijkocpeolul terms to rcllablo party. ! ki ffs & "JJ1OK UUNT-ilJouto. IniUliolut9 llarnoy. "rT" ! ! ! ! HliN'r Sit itjom vottiif. * ' inw'orn lm J pnivoinonts , 7U 8 , Uth ht. Knitilro | next < looi'noith. Col TTIOU HUNT FIvo-roDmlibusollOJ livoni ) > oit JL1 o 2-n * ITIOIt KliNr A rnwr tioiivo finvon vooii'p , on J. ( Icorirlinivuniio. Apply to Uuo. A Wllcox , nt I'nlcbncr R. t5-'l TTIOH HKST r.loiriint now ro'Moncn. rofims JJ lih - " . Imtli. hot nml cold city nmlcHlnrn water ; urnto In front mid buck parlore , nnd In Irmtchnmliur up xinlra : flno chani o'lttrn mid t'Ttiiro ; 4f < qunrrtK liom thnoporit IIOUHO. Hum- lln X Ilroun , oil South llth Kt. ftUk.7 J71OU KHNT Xont 7-rootn cotlnpo Ip flnolo- 1 onilnii. n'til ono l > ! 'irk from Mroot cnra. A. o. , 1401 1'nrnuin , ojip. 1'iulnn. M7 Foil UINT : Ciiittrnlly l"cnloil , ni-\r brick bnllillntr , Piiluiblu lor moilonitu prlro I hotel Mid irstHiirnnt ; , ' " llvlnjf roe IH : bntli ii'id wn'or on niich llnor. 'IhU N n n nnro to oslnlilNh n otel ; AmiM , lli > 7 Fnrnntn. WJ7 ! F llniiso nl-i ; rooim , well , cl'dorn nnd xtnlilo. No ISM iUt ! at. , noiir ( 'lurl ; eU ItKXT Vrnm November 1st. Tbreo very ilo lrnl lo 1(1 ( room ho'ifos ' , a. " > th nnd asHtH ; wutor , > TIH and all mo.inrti rumen- ; each fUpv moiith. HogKs .V Hill. UKNT Povnn-room IIOIIKO on "Tth nnd FDK J.unvtunvoi'th sin. , No. ( US' , chunp. V. Ol-oii. . _ 4ai * UKNT 'Homo of n rnotn < * for Riiuill fani. FOH 1UNo. . HI , Ililnl hoiibo Iroin 1.1 mid I.o.i- \onwniili ; $1(1. ( M'.il I . -"OK HUNT A I-ioom cotliiKO.SiaCnliroriiia ' Ht. liuj' lie on pipinKos. 4.tKU 111 ) H KMNTA fiiooni cottiiitoon Clmrhw st. 1 lniiilioorr | > r. C. ll.l'iuil. L\l \ HUNT 5 room lieu o. Applv to lr 1JM1K Nuvllo. 4M-NJ _ FOIC KKNT A jronil Ti room brick cottniro , cheap , corner Uth anil Hickory. 4lt-24 * KKNT Three irood bouoes well locntod. O. K. Davis Ac Co. , li Ci Karnam st. 4. o-3) ) T.- KINT 2 huusra , f mid 0 rooms 28. T.I1 I1 lath et. 4,1 KM * "TTinil HUNT Rloro. I'inqiilro nt Boston Dry JJ OnoilK Btoro.11111 8. Ullli St. 44(1 ( FOIt ItlINT roltnjro nt 4 rooms nml IIIIPC- nientNo ic'fl u'lsiroor cltviind cliicrn n- tor. Inquire ol Dimcim & wnlluco , 1S S. Kith at. 4 < ltr > IIt KI2XT Xow I ) loom IIOIIPH on Jj sticnt. piulor , bay Mlndovv , east Iront.ecllni' cNturii , ttiill. walks , lonco * and out ho'iviw : now mid convenient : f 18 per month. J. U. Itllov & Co. , Jill S. l li stroot. 1111 10R HUNT Store Sll N. Ijth SL P RUNT flniiso rooms ; 17th. hot. Cnll- - fornla and Wolislor sts. ; 5 .I D per month. J. W. Miushull , 15JO I'urnmn. ; ! CO 77 Oil HUNT Honoo with sove-t rooms , HIT J1 Shormmi A\o. Knqnlro ol D. T. Mount , iUS. llth St. SIB _ TJiOKItnNT OnoRtorobnlldli'jTMl h dwe'llmr ' ' rooms above , tp'endod local. on lor nn 'b isi- noss. Address 111) bee olllco. U-O . " * FOK ISIWT A peed fnrm with linlkllniri.fi miles Iroin post olUce" ; . "uieros under cnl'l- vutloli. No'no ( nit oxp'Tiencod fnrmom need n'iply. Heloienco rciulrc ] l. Ilnnilln & llrown Ull South Illb sU 171 OK HUNT oltn < ror > i coins , cor. Grand and 1'ierco Hticpts , fit. Cottnpo , 0 rooms , M nnd l/ai-d , $31. rottnpe. 4 rootns.'Miiitli 11th ot. , * ! : ! . Hoif-o , 3 IOOIIIR. Mill unit 1'Ieico , $10. C. E. Mayno , Ifith and Karnnm. -Tr > 1T ort ItKNTr Now 1. a tlrst-clnss n-room cot- tiipo ; line locution ; by S. T. 1'etorson.s. o. cor. Ilith mid DniiKlus. . Ul FOll HUNT Two nowroshlonccsi ) roouiB each. rtittuuo Ti looms , house lit ruoina. J , I'hlpps Knit. KXi "TT'Oll UKNT Two story dwelllnsr , 7 rooms ; -I. peed Ideality. Apply Cor. 14th and Douirlns. C. T. Taylor. 715 KKNT S stores on Oth nnd Lonvonworth FOIl HIS. 1 Moro on South 13lh st. Hoth flrst-chuw btisl- pe s location AUo bouses to rent. A. McGav- ock. - UUI KhNT House of 0 rooms. Apply Cor. J 14lh mul Oogslas , C. T. Taylor. 71U JFOH FOH UKNT Severn ! dwclllnps. Apply Cor. 14th and Douphis. C. T. Tuj lor. 7111 OK KHNT OR SAI.K A hon o. burn for 3 1 cows ; and 4 lots In Walnut Hill add. $ hl per month. Inquire Juntos Christiunsen , U , 1' . FieiKlitoll.ee. . liTT-o-Uup T.iOK It KNT Oct. 1st. or nfter , n dwelling 1 hoiihn f > rooms , nice yard , cistern , water , Si ) icrnionlli. AiiplyI41l I 'nrk Wild nvo.or Juo. w. Hell , driiwlst , K 'J South Uth St. KM FOKKIINT Nicnoottapo 1010 South lillli SU Inqlilieof C. A. llelilln. _ 4fhKiOp Foil UKNT HOUPO II rooms f.Vi per month ; will rent pat t. U. 1 ! . Thompaou , H. W. cor. lllh iindlanioy. KM ron I pou 1 UKNT Two unlurnibhed rooim11)17 ) POlt KIJNT Kor Ilirht IIOIIST ketiplnjf , - lur- nlshud rooms , . .W. corner U mid Howard. IXS ) "ITIOK KHNT I nrnlshod i-oom with UKO of JL bath room. No , 7JU1U bt. , nuiir Wehs'or. flWWn * Foil KUVT Nicely lurniiliod room I'd III do stieeu U-li-ul * Foil lll'.VT Two nicely furnished rooms , niHCullfoinlisl. tlC-UM * 7IOII HUNT Nicely furnished rooms , e'-oap ' , 1 lorloutpeii limon.l'OHS ' lnhstiwt. 504 F ffi nriNT Cni y of * urrii5LcdT- in , ] III ffllo o" Tlot KI4NT "only fnniW'O I room llh J. Lounl lor tuoucntlomoii. 'ill 1 South Iff h. FOK KiNT-r-"lcn : nnt noms , f21 Tleiihtmt 8t.roirSl. MHO'S uir line , & 7I1 * ltrN ; r l''nrnl < l o 1 mid unfiirnlsheil FOIE rooms , board It desltou 1117 Hurndy. opposite lleruld olllco. f > 0o-i : * Foil UKNT Kimnshod IIMIIII ISoS Diivonixirt , ' t _ WkKt-'p _ OK KKNT Three liont roorrm In nicely I 1 lurnlhMcd , plrn-unt location , onetrootuir lino. ro.l N. Kntll St. 44W1 * F OK lliVT Kurnished loomsSBi Dodpe. P'Hl HUNT Vlcoly furnlsheil nmms wllh bourd ± i.'ft UHlso. 411 tf 771011 UKNT Two cleirant fiont rooms iinlitr- JU nlblud , bath room lint mid cold water fiuno I cor. vorv doniiablo location , l.'uqulio S. W. Cor ID mul Dodwo. * M _ ItKNT iloom with board. 1813 Dod o. TO It II KNT Iloonis in olty bnll tmlldinir. I 4 Itooms In llurker block. C. Ii. Mnyne. 1 .Hi nnd l-'uiinim. 411 OK HUNT funilelioil ixioin 70S tSfllltll lltll IT stlft't. ' wljh or without board. IfJ * " ! * FOK III'.VT Klopantly luinistiod rooms nt | lt4 ! Knrnunj * t. _ 4l ) T/UllltKNT ) l.mvo furnl-liisl front i-ooinenll ; J Hllcrll p. m. , 7U Uth tit , ne.ir WebMur. Itll'lp | -OK UKNT rioa ant fltrnlshod KxniiK. I7U7 J4 CUBS. kViu * : > Oll KKNT T o plciiKiint fmnn . > m tin- I 1 rnniWaxI , fiilliil'lo ' lor lluhl ImiiMi lit llwmi'.r * | lu > ck.oor. Mil mid llowurd. UKNT "Jfinifs In Iliu brick buHilhix' on Fell M. . I ot Jith nnd lilh. No lUI/i / imJ ,1,17. , Imiiiiii- driiKiiiortiuir , UUItjiU Vb Foil HRNT--UIIVO fnml room nicely fin1- iilf-lnil : pihilcvcof luiih room ; Miitublo lor mi > | i'ixm l IIU1 ii'liiinca ' uidk Irom 1' , O ; mui I KM-U iixmi fcltttt vwliuw. Adiliuui I * . 0. Ixuc 'KJ. Tut Tpoit 1U5NT A nice , rlewnt room , furnish- .1. wtor imfuiiiiM.iL Imiulre ut lujJ Ix ) en- north fctrcet. 4IJ TTIOIl HUNT Iloom * with Imnnl. dc-slniblo for X1 summtT. Apply nt ft , Ui ile Hotel , - Nil F OK HUNT Nicely filnilihlMJ'iront n om to pontlcnmn only , r.t 8. K. corner a.th mid DoiiKh.ssltt-ot. . . .Mj. . . TTIOIt UKNT Furiilfdiod room , 1 JiO Kiirlmni ir OK HUNT 3 ftmiMiod rtiimis on ! I > ncino JL' utroot , bolwcen Vtli nnU lOtli.ono bloqk sontli Of the It. 1 . nt-not _ ; , "ITIOK ltiNT S tilrnminl foulh f rent rooms A. JL' W , corner IDtli mul Dnveiiixnt. TiA ) TjlOK ItKXT Two nicely fuinlMied rooms , N. JU W. tor. Slat nnd J l. Mnry'smenuo. 4W ) ' ' TOE SAI.B-nOUSS3-I.OT3. FOKSAI.i : Acroproportynoithnnd west of thoellyiSl'fi lo S17S perncro. WTdtn miii - JU71'tlt SAI.i : ( lotxl two htory hotlsft , 7 roo-nn , JU el.Morn , cellar , ' cloMits , on Ofror 'hi nvo ; ] tAix iruprleol.ui'iorinslobo ; : ( agmid upon. WT ( Irnluim.CittlKliton block. 6M _ ) K HAM ! SI mldl'lonnt ots In Snnndors fi II Illmobnuph H midltion nru IIOXT oiojtsl ior pnlout the old prices. The Holt I. ne rnllrond Is located within H Jew rods of this Mililltlon.nn.l tliesolotsnl fnitn f l itntOT > the cheapostpixip- crty In t hoclt v. Tonns , $ Vi down mid biilanco In monthly pn > monta of & or lu dollars. A. Putin- dcrs A Co , , 1 1,4 KiiriumisU _ MI.I aJ -TT10K HAT.IAcrn lots III llrookllno nnd JU HlnibuiiKli s n lilltlon A ( toed 8 room IIOIIKI nnd ncio lot In Illmobaiiph's , will Imsold elieap , Very cheap lots In Tlinrnbiiig place Some cliolfe lots on west U'livoitHoitli st > Now Is llio time to buy when this pmjmrty can bo luld at n rtuisoimblu prlco. Cnniiln lmm li llronnmi 1511 Doilpo. - TTIOK SAtJl Corner on Snii'idors st ; business JU liu otter A ; Cobb. 4 i-2l TTI'tlt.SAMC Aero lots are now the popular JL1 mifo nnd sure hno'itmont ' , Now | > oit Is tin oholeoofnllaci-olotHijou will pay M > joliroll , \Uien MiiiKelt. Ctnno nnd look o\criSo | ott. Ames , 1507 I'lirnum. f tl F'It SAM : IIon o and lot In North Oinnhn ; house bus n rooms , els orn , wo 1 , unit , trout ; price jliiOi > . WT Unih un , ( loiKhton block. AS. ; FOK HAI.i : A bemitlful lot wllhroom ( hoiiHo ; south Iront ; back oLlilwh school ; will rent lorSlai | nT > cur. Must bo Wild ut once. I ) . W.llooO.Ilco. OiKi-ll * I/Oil SAI.K IxitB In ThoinbtiW Plnco , wo t ' Oniiiua. J : : 0 to fill ) nneh , HI percentH6 n , 1 iilrnco monthly pnj meiits. Tliiwt i ro vqry no- Flruhlo lots mm n.e cbonr-Oft In vet t Onmlm : t ho llblt l.lno do'ot will lo built tittlin corner of Thonibiirtr 11 on. OH nnd not piutici Inrs mul f cu i bo property. C K Miiytie , If.t.i uil.l Ku-unm , F'tltSAT.i : Roino nml POO ii'oiiowost. ncnrost mull ( Ht ncio lorn lur the money In Noupoit AIIHW , l LTOIJSKS , lots , fmins , lands-Ileiilis. f.tli nnd filUC.uoV ! o IT OH 8AI.R lots In Tliornhunr Tlneo , we t ( Inndni. ? . : .oto $ . ( M uiioh. In i crcent down. Lalance monthly payments. 'JlKbOiuotryi.o - Hiral.lo 'o.sinm . thecheui Cst In ( : -tOiiiliiiti.o ! | ; licit l.lno depot will be built nt t.io . lorneroil TiiornbiiiK 11 ico. OnII n 11 Kot pur iculars an I bee the proporiy. ( J 1 ! .Mnyno , lljtli mid Karnmiu fiib > 7 "IjlflltSAI.K NnwiortUKiinrun o l to lo ) all JL that IselulniLd Kirlt ; this you will mi nit this hoii jo.ii-eo it ; eoinoand look nt thn ( fiom d. undt < eowituiourown eies th6 nvaie-t , nlce c nciulotHO.'roMoiOl'OniuiuiilM.'O ( tlu'l ' IH\OU | ; . Will admit till tbut Is claimed. AiiK .li ' "T710K SAI.K Lots in Hlmobnugli nliil Phtjor- JL1 MtnVHuli-iltviMon , adjoining tlio now nulroiil hinds on whIUi depot , loiind IIOUI-QS mm shops mo lo lie built. 1'r os KAjJ lo 84. * ) iujhoa ; y terms , TIIOMJlots uio Milling veiy rupullycud : booiili'jou wiahtobuy. II. C. Puuorsoii. Mi FOKHAI.I1 : No i > it Is sellhiff boonmo it Is noarelejfiint Kro'ind not.u Diul lotin u. Mo.i nio b.i ) ini ; iici o lots liixuinKi inoy cun tiulKo Inbio money buying ncres tnail In any other Iwiiy. 13 fory ucre i f New i on will Lo w onh und will hell loriwlcopriconownskedlor It In lev ) thun a ji ii'1 ' It you will look uc i\o porton wlllhculi H nil that iscluimedtor U. AUIOJ , LiJ7 I'ui'naui ' Bt. f > oO FOKSAI.K AbarKninlntMolots on Go rjln nveniie. 1 or iihhort lime $17u < i will UIKU Iliu two. W. T. ( Jrunuin , Croihton | lilocK. tal Foil .SAI.H A splendid farm S miles from H H station ; must bo sold MO i ; u spooiul bitrriin tor Min QOIIO. A Sumidors Co.,1401 Kurnani st , opp i'lixion. , fi'iol l Tjum 8AI.i-Cornor : lot on Chlenho , with. JT loom hoiiho and barn and nil necessary im- piovomonls , lot i > ( j.\lsi , Cupliol Hill. { y.iMi , A. NcGavock , 15 'J l''urnuiu ' st. : i7i ) FOK SAT. 1C Newport ncro lots , sell bocfiu-so they uioihn neaicoi.nijuoii undcncupeiLloiS tor'salo ; ilnsu.ll bo pniveu when you MIO tno Mio inuconiouudtooiorournol ; Ames , ItW Km i nun. . ( K > U "TAOi : the best list of bargains In all parts ( the JL' ciiy , call ut Uuniiiiitfham .V Uieuipini Lil 3 011 SALE Lots in Thorn'jurff Phioo , went uii.umi , - " to 1 IM caoii , la | .ur oO.it dqwn , bulmice monthly piiynioius. ilio.-oi. ro voiyuo- HirnLlo loin ii.ui tiiouiieai.ost in > > OhU > niihiU | luo Holt l.ino utpoc w ilk bo liult ut tno Lor.drot' 'jiiurunirK I'jiuo. Cull nnd not , | uruuiiiurs und Sue tiio pioicy. U K Jluyiuv , j."tn iiUJ 1'iirimiii. EUl HAI.i : Newport is the in o mmIn nciji lo s mid M'lls on us ineriiH ; every iicin of Nowpori will i-tlt ior nit lots man $ , > n | n u yoii > tmio. Vou can HIM no amor ivuy of n'- utf mononn.i m.i.iin , , ' moloy. t u can Mittsiy ; > o..isoh whetiicr llusis MI or not by looking ut i\owpon. Csimo mul see It jourscli' . Amos , ' ' " " i Karmiiii , > OIt BALK Two'low 'In l.Juuu anl Sel.lOii s J7 and. , corner , luajj V LIIHU , 1'ot.oroc Ldub. ' - HOUSKS , lots , farms , lunds Ilcinls , ith hud 1.'OU HALi : I-ot.s In Tlmrnbiirtr I'luco , Wo-t J unnuni , is-r.i to f mieauii. Ij \ or coH ooltu , Lulimco monthly puymoniti. Tno onro vory'im- ' mi mile lous mm n.ounu.iiioit \Vos.uinaln ; t..o licit l.li.o depot will Lo nuilc. lit tliu ( ( ii iii-cot'- 'JIHHIIII-O' I'liuu. Cidl and put ; paitlouluis and bto tiio property. C K llunu , l..th mul Kurnuni. IilOKSAI.K A Mini class 'mid well pnylll hinntlnplioiiocenliuliy > li/o.itoil lor puuit > - Mais. AiiuiOrjjU. Ji. IteoO.lk-o. i.l , TTTIOK HAr.i : a lota rKixlJ7'-i ' O'io ! | ( on u coriinr ) JL1 m the beat pun of tue cny lor ro.iijiu tji.bl tiio pliuo to build. All will do M ) | , | & Uronnan , lull Kodcu. "JTOIl HAI.I' t neap , U lots In TliornburpIliue , J 1'otiei-iV Coub. , 4 1 Si 1.1 OK SAI.K 31 \ lots oil Saumlors Bt . 4 b 1 liom Hiioot cur line ; east IIDIHM ; $ i&Jo.icn ; nu-y payments. TI e&o mo'tohior hut ! . ,1. Ii. Idluy ivi.o. , iud. Utliini. - itj "T71OK BAI.K Uits In Tliornburir I'hlco , wntt J. Ouu h i , * . to $ iH o , iM , lo per ( inu dinvn , Li 1 inco monthly laynioni.H ; JIKSO ui o very no- Hmii lo lot.nml ihu ino.iio-.t | In uuat.inninu | t. o llult I.luodCi or w.ll ! > u In , lit. it llio ( Oi'iioiof U'i ( ivil'ini'ri' I'l. 10. 0 1. 1 ami KOI paiucniaiM and toy the piopuity , t K .Muyno. icthund Kmimm ' _ , _ li'nj- i POK SAI.i : A lot T.'xIiU und a oed lioiiM'Son .Norm Ih hunit. . Will bu HOI | ui piuo w > icli | ulll lu tyou ] j i er cent on your money , or will iri.i.n ior ni'io pmj.oiiy. AIM ) 01 o lot nnd luo noi MIS ono block norui ot tt. ftiini s Ut'tuiL' , < oOU A hpinmlld ln\eatment. Uun- lli.uham As Jlrinuian. lilhjJ ji ; . 0-.I H OU.SICS lots , farms lands IJumM , i ; > th and POU SAI.K House of H rooms on 17th st. , south m ( 'iiii.hu ; lot 41 It by ( l it ; clump at 1'uttor A ; Lolib l&lfl Kuriuiu ; st. 4.1-.4 .171011 SAI.K Ixita In Tliornbur ? f'luce , o t JL' Omiiha , .V ) lo f Id ) ouch ; lu per coiudo n , Lahinue monthly payments TI o omo verynu- -Inil In lots iiinl ihue icu , o tin woatUuin u ; the Holt l.lno del ot olll Lo built m tuci cornorpf Tiioininii K I'luco , lull nnd KOt pmllo dins und bio the piupoity. C Ii Muyuo , 1Mb mid Kurnain , fjIU7 "ITIOIl 8AI.H Cheapest Duo in-tldo property In JL' ti.e nntikut , icmilciuo lot * In Hlllali.o udd , , , . ( ) io | , lee , rotlir&Cobb. 4:04 ell SAl.IV I'liio lots in Ilaiibcom I'luen. $7t I otter I : Cobb. 414 H OUHICM , lots , Inrms , liuids llemls , LMhnnd DouHhu. W'JO Ihiov o FOK KArTiT Ixils In Tbornbitrx I'luou uot ( ) nmlm.iVi iu liM'iich ; lu pur cent down , : ndnmc monthly t uymenth ; thorg moeiy do m unlo hub 1111,1 thuoiieupo.st li | wct Oimi in.tlio o.i line depot will be built tit tnococnorof Jiioinburtf pinto. Cull mid KOI pun ieiilui Hand ut * tin * piopetty. U K Mitiio , Utn mid Kurnum. f.7ivJ7 _ _ 3'Olt SAI.IV "I wriiiy ill-it1 ! . S. W. < if cli v cheap ul lUi lorui.ru , IVttor 4 UibU , iUi H tors , fnrnw , Innds IomK ! I'th nnd MJiV.'lnov. ( i HAMV-lxit las loot fiont nnd Ihroo JL' hoiiMv * : rvht fir ! * . ' 0 n month ; piieo Jt.oui. 'lhn o fixture need mi comtnont. HnlfncioliUiil nml elojfiiofTitKm bnck boit o near Unit on- worth MI pet ; Jii't the plmo lor Ihieo muni houses MIloll | will rent well ; fti)0. Iliinnlii - bum Ac HronnWiIJll Oodw ( in , f > K.'J IjlOK MA Mt-wlien buyers w o Newpoit they nre convinced It la llio newest , noato t and pelf of this hyco nlntf hero nnd riding o"it to Newt on , ( if ulilth there Is not ono i > tier lot. fJot In now wJion your ohol < o will bo nmoiifr-ili'o f.v l. Amo I , Q7j'iiriiniii St. i Ml SAI.lV-GTioito corner lot In Hood's1 U > t tut 1'otUrf & Cobb. Cnllfornln St. , 1't tnllcMfrom | iosloll ( < ' < , Imlr tint ) lth cooil lieu n nml Liirn , only S.Mi > o. 1'otltir It t'olili. 4iV-l Il ltSAI.K-i WiiliiiitIllil lo tnratlio be < tt' ' o clxripivtnml most < lu lriit Ij. C. 1C Miiyno , Ifillinml rnrHAtn. ri7K.7 ( FOH SAI.Kf-rtood 7-moin house on Ifith K | . ; full Int. bell ImpiorcilSUV. ; ! . Toiler & Cnlili , I5l-i rnrnnm nt. 4l7- > . ' ( "IjlOHSAMV-Pplcndld now1 H room homm co- JU' mcnted eollnr Inryo new bnn mid every ron vcnlence. I ) trxxl'i ) cast frontUMirftla Aveni'o Hour reppclton 1 l > lo k Iroin ntn-ot cur. Kiwy terms , $0,000. A , Meti nv ock L > oO Knrmim ft. 4l.r > . Iti Tluimtiunr 1'lnco west . Onmha , fSiO tnitJl ( cni-li ; 10 per cent down , Imlnncn monthly pnymonts : the o arc very do- plrnhle lots nml tliorhonpt tln wcstOmnhn ; Inn Ix-lt line depot will bu built at tno i-orner of Tliornlmrprl'liicn. rnll m-d pot t > iiitK < nlarH mid BOO ttm property. 0. V Mayno , Ifith mid Knrmim _ 57f-i7 _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Uroo wl\\ \ \ buy n lot one block from Park Avo- N'niiu which will Hell tor ilonbl that tiionoy in tuelvo monilm tlmp. Como'nmt M-U tliece lo > n bororo they nro nil wild , ilonthly pa > menta t ltin , nrowlll buy lots In block 7 HIIUMMHII pl.tco , HCO thnm b6toro the price l.s rmsoil Cull llromuin , loll Uoilgo. 5'.vi2 2 III ( kit AAMJ-CnmonnTseo Moln < m HIM loto ; they nro 10 mmiitos wnlk Iron llui < > niitt I'm-k and Turk Aroinn ft , CIIM ; Uelt I.lm1 Depot l inw locale I o'l ' Mo'ro ' o Hill ; jon < 'iin buy tliosL' Iot4 lor t'1'10 $ -'H ' piytlT'H IHIUII , luilijiicu t i eveiy throe inoinlH. Cotno mul M'e t < ils propei iy. 11 Nnulo Invoa'mcnt ami w.llraplilly xalifo. AIIICM. l. i" Karnnm. TKSII FOHSAI.K OnRlMxt. , line In's nt * rfii ; terniH. Call at oHlco. 1'otter fi. Cobh , 1.M5 Farmiin st. IT Olt 8.1,15 Six room hoiife. all ne"os my Itn- provenioniH , lot M' tlct , on Davenport , nour ild 81. fj'M , A. McUuvock.M Knrniim. _ iisi _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TTlOlt SAT.i : Walnut Hill l' ls nro t'm t > o t. Mio * cliiH't : | and most dcslruUo. C. I ! . Mnynu. intb ami rarnmn. 57i7 ( TJ1OH8AI.1I Choiti ie > < liloiir'o lots on Ciimlnj } -A-1 tt , rottorXuibh. liil.'i Kiirnam ht. 4LV t L14 A bnrmiln for nshort time In lots -i' In ShliuiH addition , line cor. lot I. ) It 01 < 'aidnoil Ht.itul ; ( , Homo Kinnllerlots $ o5lnnd-5 ) W. T. ( iralimn , Ciotifhton block1 IS1- POK SAM : The flnoit aero property bv loii ! { adds yet olloieJ > s llollvo ioni , w ilo'i 1 o < ill- I loctlv wci-toi' ! ' ! Oinu'ia ' ; $ ! lo $ I KI per aero. ! 'Ibis | | i o c.ieupest . i 010 piopen v 10 be bad tlio Miiiiodls'iimoout wit'itbomlvnntiiirool smco h , level 10 id nil till ) way. C. K. Mnyno , I ith imJ Karnum. 6707 TilOIl SAI.i : Clu'iiiiest pror'orly nonrVost Far- J nmn St. ; lots hi Cotters add. Iroin f t fi 10 . > : ciusy terms. Potter & Cobb. 4.M4 I 1Tl ; itSAI.i : Widuilt II lluVKtirothoho-t the JL cheapo-1 an I most deslin'.ilo. C.I ! Muviio , inth mid Kurnani. f.7t-7 ! FK SAI.I : It r PvriiTTi : v , 1 1)1 ) miil Kar- num. Aero properlv in Himoban h's nddl- t'lin : thisaih l'ion adjoins ( ho new p itebnt-oof the Missouri Pnclllo Kll Co. f l , I FOIJ SAr.K 'Iholhip"t ucro piiiperty bv odds yet offfito I N Ilu'lwdmo. whluh lit rrctly west of I'U Omaha , t" O'n $ WJ per noro. Thi-i Istlioo'ieiippst hero pr"p 'rtv to bohnil 1 10 HIIIIO distance u t.v lth tlio ml vuntniroot sinooln , lev ol roml nil the wny. C. K. Mayne , 1'ti nn.l I'arnain. faO-21 FDIlSAJ.r 1'Oauvn ' * H lonilld Innd In Stnnlo'i county : Jivlnjr tarings ; jnco , $15 per lu-io ; ousy term" . I 0 nci-c in Filhno'ro co. , i-0 per ncro ; very cheap. ' ' j iirrox In Snrpy countv ; 4 irood sprlinni of wutor , all hlgblv luijitovod , $ o& per acio n.id cbrap nt the pr'co. tU ) ni-res in CIIMI county. Jolnlnir nillmuil Mo tion ; livlnr wuter. tlio fltunt Block ( arm tor leedlmr tbrt T Know of. ( iwnor will i-ell very low on iircountof poor health. I'r co , $ L'.Ui. ) Hlplily impro"/Hl tot * of fruit and nntlxo M "I or. iMInuitM In I'.oroo coui.ty. u I nrgulii , $ l.(0 ( pjr nci o. K < ; ' 7 neret | n Ifiirn : county , a bnrirnln ? d per ncre ; hiUf oi : h. b.ilanco to ri n H yoms at hp. & ' 40nviu4 .n Ijlncoln county iiifi ; naif cash , balanbo 10 yuar . Two townships In Lincoln ooiintv to bo sold In , n 1 oily very much 1 e'ow rullnsr prl-os. Ix > ls ot lota In II. u H.-OMI I'bico and other parts ol iiiniiliu. Coino nml i-oo mo teloro yen buy. . .1.V. . JlarHhall. inon Fiirmun Ht. [ iJ } JTUMS NAMi Tim Iliifwt nero proportv hr loiur odiNyvt ollorod \ # IlcllvcdcieUiluh HCH ill' rcctly nest of Kt. OinnlmOto ; * 1UJ per ncie ; fits Is the e'lenpoot ' nrto propony to 1 o Imd the 811-no Ulstanco out with tlio mU nntajro of smooth level mud nil tlio way. C K Majno , Iftth and I'm num. fi'IW"- FOIt SAI.U Kino corner lot on Kurimin , f fl.IKH Splriulld corner lot on DougliM. $20,001. I Kino lot oppositu exposition hulldlnir. Sln.non , | All ( he nt.ovo are lull lots , IXxHSi ioo > , and or- collont I or bi sin < > honi-os. r 10 room houco and full lolon Davenpoittit. , { on. - rusldonro lotH. Slilnns ltd ndd. , (1,400. il line re.-lletKO lot , HaiiMcom plnoo. S-.80X 1 1 ne iCMtieiiie lot , IliuiK'om jiliico. lt i 1 tine icMilonco lot. Hlnicbiii'Kh lilnco. $ l.1.0. offii-oonisnnil lot on So mini street , j ncio In fil-o nddltion , $ OX ) . lotinShlmrs''dudd $ , ) Corner lot I'.ir'iin-'s u 11. , 81 .Tit. fin at'i os In Kloi once ndd , . flr > 0. AM e proport ) in I'loiunco Ijind 'i , 10 mid * o ucie truol.H near city nt $ l"o 1'or ncio , In ncio tract Improved fii" > per ncio nonr city , tx ) ncro furm , improved , houno mid sliiblu lor M r > per uoio. Soeilon of Inndr41 ncros In Morrlck county , nt S ' .fo porncnt. Cheap Solo iicies land In flrooloy co. nt $1 W ) per uoro. r > , lll un'iM land In Nanco co. ar $ 'i pur ncie. Ilunilln > V Hi-own , .in South nth i-tiout. 4l-il : : "IT1OK SAr.i : The ntie-t aoin propeit/bv lomf JL o Ids yet o.I ( r 11 Is ilollved u o , w.duu 1 es ill- loetly neht of Kt. O'liuha ; iiiO n > $ ! mi per aero. Tnls is the ohoa'ie.sl IITO pie , orty to bo had i no Miinodlstnno'M UtW-hh lhuiutvanta.ool Hinoofh , lovolroud all tno way. U. K , Mujno , irtli mul Kurnum. ri7i - 7 * T71 MtSAI.K omortilondld ] IOH ! lonco pioper- JL ? iy on Cuimnir , Hurt mul Calltornla street. Tnor-o niton command a vlow of the whole city , lit'.I will now I id HO Id nt a low pilco mid on very eiiuv terms Krom Iho way thocltv Htrio inr In this direction tho-o lots mo sum lo bo woi Hi next ) ear doubln II.e prices now ucl-cd. Two ncros ( or biilo In Park place csipnhlo of belujr divided Into to rood lots will bo M Id at n piico which will enable the bujcrlo net Woo u lot pi oil t. Cunninb'hitm & Drenmui , 1511 Iod'o. " 1 ,1 ; > lt SAI.i : Tlio Him t nine piopoit bf loiu -1 odds jet o'leio ' I Is Unlit inline , wmuli HiMul- icotl n .Biof It Onml u : % . > , tii : iiXl jmr acio ; liiif Is tiiociioipoit it"ro pro'ioi1 y t tu s.t no ibs- taiiKiout w t.i 1 10 "d 'mi ma in' H nee I lo'i'l luml all the way , U 1 ! .Mayno , luth mul rarauiii. fi727 SAI < K fwill neil a i7iTuibt > Fol ! line o7 FOK tiirfosimd IOIA to peed pin- lei on moirr puyiiienlH A l o a n mil or of Imeilriv nr h r-os mid a lot ot top I u irlo * that 1 will w > lt o i tmio or IIMI.O lor i en I tu.utu. U r. I'myn , IHTI Noitu iBih. „ ; M7-W OIt 8AI H 1hfl fuiost suburban I MIUIUJII | | J proi'ertf ' Ij Walnut Hill. Wlilinut a do ibt tnih piopnuy hiih botferpHHiicuiNlot-imniodlaiii imvmico than any d'liiir ndiliilon the HUIIO ill- tam.ooutVllk iii'ot nil' line now beimr built , Hell llno railcd.l'brdiivh- a depot locmed In tlmc4)inerot ) tlio propeity , nnirli lee line build- dui'liuf Iliu pail i-iinniiui1. Walnut Hill tlm nioot ili'-liub'o io < l linirn priiii- city In tlio mill Knt lixlay dill mid take a lido wllli VH mm fim for ) ( IUIVIIM | > - . I'ncoit mid torniM vury loaroiiitbUs. C. 1 ! . Muyno , wiutliHiiit corner r'ittoontn aid ) , Karnum. MWAJ-.Q TTlOlt HAI.i-iVjilnut : ) Hill 1014 mo tbo best , ilia Jc'lii'iipot nml moat'uobirui lo. C , K. Muyno , intlijiml Karnaiii. i _ fi77 ( HOUSI'.s , lots , Iniiiw , iHiulaIlonilo , 1.1th ami DoiiKlua. ' . ft.l-.V.iior.n : POlt NAI.i : NottJpflif. ne ir t litre lotn. If joii fomo mul MH ) ti.l pmiA'ity > < m will o I- mil It 8 tlxi n < uutMt'U < Bt mul win ipt'-t aoio loin lor ciilo , AIIIC < , 1.M7 i'urnu < i , 6 l FH 8AI.K Story and hull' IIOUMI. "i I-DOIIIBCI'- : ' | h r mid cUlcni , lot liul. i. on 1 oiii'lmmi i err : ( oil l. , on ei y tirii.s. M LU. A. Miuv- o < k , IWJ I'm Minn t. : i7 < FOIt S.M.I ! Wdlniit Kill lo strotnn iouliii | o I'Ui'Cnl and not Uo.iiiuolo. ( , , j { . .Mayno , ILtli unu Km num. 6.II--7 l7l H ( h.Vl.V ; OU UXCIlA.Mil 'lno In Irk J- house , 1 1 rooniH , burn mid xlitble , city wutcr uiul luni'iiry oiilliouMit ) oAclimuud tor lm < liirm nut tivurJ miles ire n O iituiiu It. IiKived nuou nut upply , Aiultusi K , I. . Iloo Dili. . _ _ lUVIitl I OUSAIK ncnnliriil ifHldoncc loin In Will- J nut Hill * i" t' > * < , In i/cr cent cm * i , baliiiiiu innmm > jMju.uuU. ( J. XL Jiujuoill IU1VI 1 Ul'ttUUl. U.V-Mf F'HtfiAtl5-M'lro plIllh 10 mlnutos from llmiM ! . in fi r ; n id i nrk ii\eimo. tre < cms ; n lot IIHS been Mvon lo llio bnlt II. 10 compaiiyJ'orn4iopt ) ! yeti tmy lots In Molreso llll | K.irvSUnVii ewy : pnyino ilt , fl l uo n , bnl * nnco * $ i'i every three months ! the o loin nro choiip , well | i cutcil nnd CHtinot Lo miilchoJ , / * H1U9 , l.'it/T ( "arnum. F ( Ml P A M Tno lots on ( Jcor ln Avo. two blocks 8 of t.e ivotittoithXr \ \ ) or t-W cnoa 0. K. Hlloy .t t'o. alr 8.1 , l h St. ali "JTlOtl SAl.C I'hn flnOJt fiitlmrbiin re 'Idenco ' JL1 pniperty N Wntnut Illll. Without n tumht this properly has belteri > roi | > oct lorlinnuvllaio nnvaiico than any otncr luMltion tlio wuno ills * tmuoiiut.Vilh stieot eir l.no nn ' belnrfbuilt , licit line priideil tlirotiKh , mul n depot located in tlio foutur ( if tnopropero , tu-arly lee line build- IIIRS orwlod during the pivl Kiiuimer , makoj \Uilnui lull the limit ( Icsiruhlo tosUiuia-opttip- crty In I ho market today. Callnml taken line witn usmul t-oo lor } our.sel\os. lrue < mid toiniHvei ) lei Oliablo. t ! . K. .Mii > ne , on nor Mil ( enth mm Kimm'n. I. "T7IOU SAI U-Slxty ncros three miles fiiun the JL1 poHioitiio wouta e\iiiiuii ! ) mr viiy propeny. A ImiMn.n , llou'ttinrn mid lot , Mxinj , for f I.9M. Hdi. no mul tornur lot , Ji < o. Would tnku n pair of iioi.sesln pint payment. 1' ' nil lot , east limit , villi 7-rootnod lioiifioon tnjimerAinui ( liaco tor tl , < n\ A tow IOIH lotion West DH./KO / etrotit nt u bur * Ram , 1/itnnd t o lioiise.sen BUlli street , no.tr Tar- IIIIIIIMI. ) . Full liu , Mintti front , O-rooniDil liunso , Hurt , nonr Division , lor uouo. ( inniif tijotmest coinem In I we'sata bar- Kiiln. HiUlou ltroiu ; M. l.ith St. 4.K.u . - lot8 hjli'lmHi ' Hill ; $ w ? tin ) s tlioin , by | ni ) Ia I \ * * > ! imtvn , balmicui ovury thuo inonih.s. Ames Ijj7 I'.nnam. i > Ht 17OHSALK llonutiriil roslilpnro lol In Will- 1 nut llili Mto . mioacii , in per cent casu biilanco moniuly puytnunuv , 0. 1. . MII.HIO , Utli Una Kiirnani , i L-.7 HOUSHs , lots , larms , land * llemls , 1Mb and Imuxlus. li 4 .C/IIDV.O . - . < ldiiico lota in Wat- ' nut. Hill T-'io in , ( Kl oiu'ii ; m per tout CIIMI , linlmu'e ' niomiily piiyiaeultu C. K. Ma > nu. IGtn mm I'liiii.i.n. inli-'J ? 1710U SAI.i : Lot with now house , 3 blocks JL' west of I'uiK avenue , fclAW. J. I ! . ltduy < .Y CO.'Jill S. lutll St. iS.1 T7I > U SAt.i : . .ItK-oso Hill on bolt line , ground Jnheiiiiy i.ooiieu lur ikiioi ; 1 ita ni'llnirf at 7 u , only txlluoun tmliuiLC r-n o'ory lliico inonilis. Amen Ji'i,7 l-uniiini , t.sl rOUSAT.n lloniitlCitt lesldenco lots In Will- nut Hill Ji i in { iiiAle.ie.i ; I. | .or cent ens i , biniiiKO moniuly pujiiuim.s. ( J. I' . iliiiio , li.tu mm Kiinaui. fj.n-f FOH SAI.K ( Soon notiso nnd lot In ninth Ommia , hoiiao misfi Iurno moms , coilcr , ucll , Li.sH'in.elo-oix , 3lMj , eiusy teims. W.'l' . tiiu- liinii. ( , iolKiniii ) blouK. EOHSALK Ilomttlful lesldoiico lotH In Wal nut Hill i'M to S.ill oar.i ; , u ior cent ca-n , Imlunto monthly piiyinodut. C. IS. Muyno , .fiui unu I'uiimin. ' i > , . -.7 POlt KAI.i : On r'nundors St. , nour cm- line , lull hit ; o.ift lion , ; now noiu-o. - - : looms , S , v J. Very c.ioup. J. H. Itdoy IflOK SAM : The nico-tt , Iho nonro-t , Iho chviii oit uii.l moji ei ivuiiiu it 10 l , 10 bui.- iicssioiuur. Waliiui. Hill is inr n.io.ul 01 all oincr hiitiurbtm io < ldeiioo proucrt ) . Lull nil tiiMi n ride iiiui MIO lor ) oiusolf. C. H. Mavue , 1Mb nnd Kurnum. , iuu.7 ? SAI.i : Tlneo lots in Klrknood'8 ndd. IOIt iluU. A. Aicuavock , KU.i Kuiiiam st. ; j.x ) "ITIIH : SAI.K Onmlm Is a Rrowlmr city 11111 lots Jldr $ . > uta ) piuuumi * Hiaiifo ; wliou juu ( .ot tnom In Moliisi Hill lit IIIC.MMU | r.ces and terms , jou net u mui Ijurf-'ain. Mclm-u Hill is ten mini tosvuli < Horn I'trt Avs. Mr : ot cars , and has a uelc Into depot looiiied on I. . Come u nl > u > iMolroso Hdl. Amod , 1..UT 1 nriiiim. JkXl FOit bAl.i : The llnest suburbim lesidonco properly is Wnlnilt Hill. Without ailoiliit this piDpcny has bolter prut-pool-stor liiuiioilinio lulvanue HKUI any other addition tlio HUIIO ( Us- tmico out. Wltli Hlit'ot car line now belli : ; built , Itelt hiumnmed tiuou li. and n def nt located in the center ot the pioierty , neatly iUJ llnebnllil- In : . * * elected during the paxt hiimmor , tnakea Walniil Hill the most desliablo tesldeiu'O pron- euy in the maikot ItHlay , ( .all and lake a ruio wlili us , and t-co lor yonrselve-i. I'r.oos an 1 terms very ro\Mnablo. ; t' 1 ! . ilayno , corner I'ltlcenth and Kiunain. I , " < OItSAI.l ! Kor n few dnjs , W- mid fi acio lo a in lionlieldiitsl.o mm tip an ucie. 'Ibis h ID ) below pr cos joining this tiuct. J. W. Jlai-- hhall , Ijuti Kurnani at. 5JM.27 J71OU SAM ! The nicest , tlio ne.-'io t , llio JL1 ebeiiiic t an.I mo't ioiivo.iio.it 10 the busi ness ecu pr. Widiiuc Hill id tar niiead of all otlicr Hiii.urbiin tos dont'O piopmty. Call nnd ti ko a rule mid see lor > oureclf C. K. Mnyno , IStli and Kuiiiiiiu. 5,11V F OK S.\Ii ; Ihnvomnne very desirable biir- biiHinosH. uMldoiioo and uninipro/- cd olty in o ] orty. Honor M-O mo betorojou buy. .1. W Miirslmll , IGM Kurniua. < > il4 ) " fliir 8AM : The nicest , tl-o nonicst , tin cneii ] u-ti n .it most convenient lothohiiM. ness center. \ unut Hhl Is Inr nl end of ill oilier Hiiburbiui lesldence pioiorty. Call mid taku n ride mul i-oo lor younoll. C. B. Muyno , l-.th und Kuriium. i/iL-.7 7rOIl SAI.I3 Two story hon o. H rooms , bath , bay window mi , I i.Il conveniences , corner lot Onui. . ti.sy leiii.s. % , uU. A. Mi.Gavocix , l.MW Km num. 7d TTlOlt Al.r If yon can buy noio'o si'sno'ir , JL1 Hltui t'das \ oil us Newioit. you can IIUHICU ol doiiblimrjour iiioney In u gear's l.inu : can jon ddU'woM witn it In nnv o her wityr When joii KCO nclty prowin/ o Onmlm 10 ninh < > r It Is tliopi'duiui that mi ketyou money , w ion yo i buy acies vim pet Inn i enoiiph In ono ac-e to m ikoS too I lots , ami luio lots nio now llio t dnjr o ui.y. Co'iioiui 1eo 1 NowKiiiwblcii | yon ( ii i oaiily jiidpoo ' ji.iirrtjii : nil iisUed u , v u isle lo too It ami bu lO'iviuco , ! as to what It 10 lly Is. Ames , 1SJ7 K i ui am. iM POlt SAf.fC Uirpo now Ii room boiico- Two lots looNi.xi est fiont every coiMonlonce. I'ariy wishes to lomoi'o Iroin cnv and will pell eheup on oiiH/teniiH. Georgia Avenue I block lioml'mk Avo. , st , car line , tti./oo. A Me- Ga\ocl < , 1 o'l l irinun st. 4411 I pOK SAI.i : The n cost , iho neii'ou , the ( heupe-ta'iil ' iiioHconvonlo ulol o U'lnct-s center Wahiu Hill is tar nlmul ol' nl oi'er ' H bur inn 10 I once projie't . Cdl an It- Icon ride and coo lor yourself. U. K. Mayno. Kith mul Karnam , fll-7 T7 < OK. SAI.K Two full lots , coiior , west O'l I 1 two blocUs liom Fa run in M : nimli limit and on priule : 4-l..r > ii for both. A bargain. .1.1 ! . Jilk-y . .VCo , . 15 S. iih : : ht. : i7 ! 1jOK SAI/i : The llno't Riibniban rosldnneo pmpoily lu Walnut Hill. Without n donht this pioperty has belterpiospeolslorliii'iiedlato I imvmice limit any other nildlilon Iho KIIUO in-- tinu-oonl. With pticot cur line now bnluir built , 1'olt line trradvd tliiouvb und ti depot loi-utod in thofomer'ol t o property , nearly I ooo line lniHdl.iU' ' 'recteddiirlmtliop'i''tMiiimner , mnke-l Wnlntil Hill tl'o most ( leslriiblo lertdenco pion- orly hi the imiiKnt to dny. Call mid lake n ilno with us , mul see for yoif'Ol/oi. Prkm-i mi I loriusny ii-u.-onulilo c I ! . MuynoMiuthwcst tornor Kiliooiiili and Kiirnum. fijtl.i- | l H | its , tnrmfi , Inn N lloinlti , I'lh " mul J. " tlt SAI , n ! ) py ( in "outli J7th bt. ; easy pay. men's and vei f olionn. Kor Pah' AdvK'ib'o plneo lo | o utn mul li'ill I ( fiw orv Morn. Vlnlon t. . no'ir lcrmln"siif lltli st. car line , $1 , ' ) , * ) . J. K lldoy .V Co. , i.'i H l.lli. _ _ _ y j ) HAI.i : Tie. nlo f , MIO neiirost. On 3711)11 ' . mil mostif n 'oii'eiit ' lo business nnnler W > dn t H II Is lanhem1 of nil othi r re lilo ice pr'uicr v I'nll mil tnVn u rl o n id HUH for ) onr.-cl. ' . ( ' , li. Mnjno. 1Mb und rnrnnm orn-'rT 77 1) It SAU-On Pnllfoi nla si . iwvllJ ; doslni J1 I lo lesldonce , J5.iOUll. J. K. lllloIf ( < > . . SIB B. lath at. : iH ( ill SAI.i : Corner lot J ) blocks from street P cill curs. J. U. il.ley , V Co. , M Uih ht. UW H Olisii ; , ois , farms , l.uuls Iloinls , 1.1th and n ? 0ll AU'-I/ts ) lii llnnso-i-n I'hion trom ) JL1 to ilMA ) , cusy terms. JXI'H on I'uik nnd ( icorplu Avenues JI.VXT ) \ , T. ( iriihmu , Cielirbtou block , Ul. ! A lewlols In llnrtlelts ndiliilon , I hit'O blocks liom f-tn et cur. J.'f'ito * ' .5i ' monihly l-u ) uieiits. W. T. ( .luhum , lilock. 1--J Fltlt HA I.K Houses nnd lots on monthly puv- moms. D. I lluydoii , buumicrs , bmwoon 1 jiko und Willi * uve * TjlOIt 8.M.15 The timid hubuthan icsldonoc I ? property Is Wnlmit Hill. Without a ( o iht bis property has bettor prosixxits lor Immo I tie ndvn on limn any other addition ihornmonm. inn oo. it. Wlt'i ' utrcetcur line now l/ohu mult , ll-'ll I.IIIO Kl'"l.lil tllln lllll lldH'K'l ' loOi'K'd III i , iii con eroftiiyiroKrt | | > , nemly 1 ) mmtnidd- hues ro ted during llio pnst fiinimcr in 'kei Walnut Hill Iho most ilciilru ilo lohl'iuo top- r y 1 > ) th mtiik t to-da . ( 'all nnd tukunrmo wi.i IH mid M'U for vmir duw. IVIus mid lermsioa oiiublo. t. 1 : Muyno , s. w cor Lib und Kurnum. 5it > 27 ' . V Wt lota to tnido for liuirovod | pmpcrfrl ON'I. will nwnino mnriimvoii or pny dllloiouco In ( IIMI I'M it ICK wi-nmtf lo In no honor cull ut imu ) . W , H. Un.i.jiour J t Ni.tlonul iluuk. 171 7 01l SAI.i : Hrii o nml lot nnrt ton lots npnr 1 I'nrkiu-omio. clienii , on cn y term * . G.rj. Plotiblna , Iloom 81 , Arlington Illock. _ t't.mov7 ' 17IOK SAI.i : Onoof thofltiPstrcsldeiicopron- JL1 prllos In Oniahu , Jli KU V , li. MtU'liO. lith flnd I'lirnum. m5 _ _ SAi/ic Tlirco now roftnite * . five rootni FOIt , In Walnut lllll ; peed colhirs , clofots , pnntrlo < , ol toni otc ; two lots with onoli cottmro JI.HUU Mich , f 100 down nnj ( M per month. ( X II Mn ) no , 1/ith und rufnam. ! > TI _ _ HOMK BKKKKItS. ATrUNTION-lvTr full pnr tlculnrs nlmut free nnd ohonp hinds In Wtwlorn Nobniskn nddro s rnttoroon & While , Ivul KitntoAsents , Notlh I'liUto , Neb. K1S 7711)11 8AI.U--niolson flcorffln mid JL1 nvcs , Jtoillck's iidd. fl.'cttO to flJXX ) oaeh ; easy torms. BIO ) Now eottnpofi room * , treed bnrti. corner Orntrlnml Pier streets , $ J , X > , monthly pay ments. (171) ( ) I tfnelmr Itnit'com pnrlc onPnrknro , fl.iXV.cusy terms. U. 15. Majne , IBth nnd , Knr- limn. . _ . . _ StO _ T710K HAM ! Clionn , n flno lot In Ilnniootii JU phu-o. Aildmss N. P. K .lire oflleo. 1M FOlfsAM' : A two Mory.'tiM , Ifnmoliulll- InirBiilliiMo fora stoic , m-ar iJth and Kar tiam Sis. Apply nt this olllco. ( HI REAL , " 0lt 8AI.K Ono-linlf Interest In rostnilrnn 1 1 dnlntr Inniost huslilossof any pl.ico In low u Kor put Honiara ndditiss T. U. , Ueo Olllco. T7 ) H SAI.fi Or would tnulo for eood olty or JT farm proportv , n t'rst ola s Mtrok of millinery rml ftuipv niwd * , m coml 'or"tlon ' nml ilolm bUBliic.sa U. I' . Mnyno 15th irid 1'iirniuii. 4 M ( Guur.nv A DDANK-Kciii latino Ancnt.i. a W. uor , lth and DomrliiH , nro now olli'riti fo'r wile Inioliie ? ' , rosldclieo nnd f > nlmrbnn prip orty. Pomuof the most ndvanmtHius | liiirrniti < now In the market can tie obtained by eulllmr on Ilium. Impiovod nnd 'inlmprovod property , corner lots nnd ituslnttuo files In f'o be * ! In- eatoil addition * can bo hnJ nt reiisoimhle tirlces nnd envy terms. FOH HAII-fU" ? mi ncro If mild Immediately will buy ono of the tlnast ( itmrler HOCinns ) In Nnclinlls eounty , K miles from the tiroulnr rnllrond ( own * of Hardy mid Wnrwli'k , or will ONchiumo lor land near Omaha. 0. II. Knvns , 1'iercost. , llibtiloor\\o.stof M. 35 PINK tmprovod tarms.wlll trade for miprovo 1 city property. W. II. Uroo.i. over 1st Nu- tional Hank. rS SAZ.E-MISCEI.I.AJI2OU3. FOI5 HAI.li A ! no.st new tmi-o lmr"or hard coal tilove , cheap. Imutruio7 | ! 8. 13 I St. IjlOlt SALiT A IIAHHAIN A No. I I'ho JL txiKrapb Inillerv. oslnbllbhcd 1 ) eai-doln n nodil buxlues.s ; ovorylhluirln c < nnple o eider In a llourls'ilnur ' to\ut of 7 IMS ) Inliahlimits. 1'or particulars address I'liotOKrapher.I.oek llox'-'ooj NebrackiiClly , Nob. 41Mp | : < OK SAI.i : Due linnilied liond Hrx'-eliiNs nil- J tiM-tluei-jo r-oldftticrs In flroconillton to mi on Iced. Ik'ckor ' A : lUuulml , Colunibm , Neb. POlt Tit liti : A span of ltor os and u peed milch cow lor a flood Hpnn of mules. In- qnlro of .lolin 1'rice , 4 mdos nest of Onmlm , Inooklyii addition. 4o.J * POI1K IJUCICWHIIAT KrXnit-Carlot orlnss to suit iriuio. In b irtelsoi-MicKs. Oor'No 1 Heady llnt oil" lnick\vheat Hour , arrontodho < t nindo.n k.\oui Kii"'i'r ' lor It. Hl liost pi Ire paid lor buckttlirr I ( .inlii * W. J.\\cltOians & . ( o. , City JllllJ Omu.i.i. 147 Foil SAI.i : Kuinltnre omplcto of a ton- loom houH ) , > . ' block lio'n poiuilllce HoiifO lor rent , # 13 per month. Apply at 1'u'j IJOUHU st. IH FOH SAI.n A No. I ilrlvliifror work horio for c.Hli or on time. W. IL Cioit , Itoom 4. Withnell Iluildliiff. 74J OCCIOKNTAI. IIOTKI. Kiirilllino for Palo and hotel lor rent. Call nt Oicldontal lor hilormation , coiuor Itriind Howutd St. IL'5 FtH HAT.K nnekwhent bran , " > o per IDThs. W. ,1. WrMitin * & Co , City Jlllla. 4U rous\iK-TT\'o lota in relhmn M ice , 0113 block Iroin Mi out car tiack. Inquho-lH : ) . lutbstiect. O.K FOIt SAI.I' : Or would trade for njrood horse nnd Imirfrv , HniicitM in ( lospor county. A | > - ply to JIU South lath Htiect. U CHAITCES. POU PA1.K l-'li ht ch f8 paylny ImslncHs , well oMnbl MUM mul py.Mn lai opio.ta lin- ! FIII s lor K'Hliiff B ttisacterily OAplnlmid. Goo.l 0'ini rt nltyloryon C-II , or address , Kern .V Dill. 1UU O Htieet , I.mcc In. C G-.4 IjlOlt SAI.K -'oneinl ( iiicrchnnili o bnslness in a iiipldly prowling town not Inr liom I.ln- toln. I'est tfdo and locution In town. A Upton- did opportunity tor n putty ul-lili'tr a peed o 'onlnp , and having liom so\-on lo ton tboimand dollars In en li. Will hell lor ciifh enl > .or iiiut cash , ludanco real estate In Onmlm. Address Merchant HeoOlllcc. 4o7l l Foil SAf.K To ho dKpo od of mi ostab llxt'od Ilnnkiiiif Dullness In County Bout ofoneortlio bi'-t oauiorn Co intlos In the Plato. The business worth $ U.'iO per year. This is a Krinid opportunity lor parties wishing tills kind of Investment. C. II. Muyuo , L'tli nml Far- num. _ _ ; ii > . nit nXCHANnn fTfiTO worth treed Btnplo Jl poneral tnorrlimtilKo. Will oxc'lmmro lor food Nobniokn or KIIM-IUH ( Imid.s. AddrcHS llox ( fi , Wymoi o , Nob. IG ) J F OK SAW ! Uomp'oto outllt for bunklmj IIOIINO , ( onsMlnt.- Imvo llto and binxl.ir piiMif piito , lion rnlllnv , cherry counier , otxi , nil now. Would trade tor Onmlm ell v property or wild lands. C. K. Mayno , 1Mb and Kurnain. < U7 T.-IOU HAI.IC-ltelall Ftook of drmrs and fix- J turiw , ull In Hood order ; irood locution an I triido. Audiex X V. / . , Clink IJriiif Co. , Omah.i , Null. ROO T mid brtiiid.fr > per wcolc ; very best lo cation. 1B14 l > oninii tSU KUao/lJ * W ANTKII Day bouillon nt 7W North l l near Hint. Umort" > , /i > . , i wnnboaid , ! lU'apllol live. LOST. C I'ltAVKII Wediicsi'nv.Oet. 2lnt , furiill IlL'ht l.Jroilt-o" . bin u hue. HIM lor lior lotutn to ( ' . K. Itedhulil.ISth and Williams. fi.f.-.l * TOflr Hod and wHlo tow I Hud one e\e , Jsrphtho ! ' Not 11'i i n , i'n I'iic'iur Co. , 1 .Hi mul i'/iiid ft , an . get i-o.iurd. MJl * Losr-Hiitiirdav p m .Oct. lith. tuomnl rold oied Inindl-oic'HolH. ' botnoon U'llllmns block mid Sn.MiHilriiu'Moio. Ki.talloiouurd ; lento nt tills o.licu. PRHSONAI. A yomiff iminliHl couple about 10 comuioncu KI'OI hip- hoi re cnn buy n din ner und leu rot. Minai o ninnies. Hue \\ino ; hiilin- b'o lorHiiinll Imnlly ler7..1 at Mood > s china hioio Hub und DiiM'iipnrt 4:17- : . ' CTOVB RBPAIB3. rnilK W 0. Mol/iiorSuivo Itepalrt'o .111 South JL Illlirit beiueon Do.un.in I Dou lua. P'llVV VAUI.TJ , M us , in spools eleanel ; ontlioly o.io.liis . iv. iy. U I'.vinj Ad- iiiuii. lunii.Kii poMOIhco. U.MiovlH * IIW-lNS ) tji I'UAVOS l'upils imiphl IKIM- J lo make ciayon pottiiiits. A h osi/o pi > i- trait liom any pnuin pupil mi y do < lu piven tii-o wllh term o IOXMIIIS. CoI.voH iVi'onku , ui us H , Itoom UI , Ailuuiun Uloo. ! , west of I' . O. -77novM * ( ' ADllCsTii wiiiTt ol poodplrl fnrpenoiul hutii-o J J \\tii Ke , can Imd thorn l > .v applylm ; at liin.i- l.u | { uplnyiiium lliiiumi. IIKninum Kt. ; 'IT ' . ' iV on luitid at a burwln. No I neuond Al.U' band imirliMo | iianioiH ! mil side bur lu > - I , o , ut A. J. jJimpiMiu , lljJund 1111 Dod/urit. JADIKS In nmit of pond domestlu bolp o < in J be tmpphiHl l > > culliiu on Ino Onmlm Km- ploviueni ( Sill o , "I7.N l > iu rit , np-niiurn. Airs. j. W. MoiriMin prnpiieliu K-l viitilM and cosHpools cluunol In mi IJltlVV odoHc w iy It ) K. ( J Aliul. 1 * . O , llov . ) ; . _ „ _ _ . . . ! i.1 _ EUPTUH33 CURED. NO oX'-atlnn | | or IIMIO.-H | H-II > .MJS Dr. M. M Mooio , 'I.IV'nbn \ h IIMI. , Cliluii o , \ \ II Lo nl l.n//uns House , Octolii i1 J. o.iu iiuvouly. ' NOTII'IJ , Pealed iiioiMisnU will be nnxiivod at Hid o'llro tn. \ . o Cli.ot engineer , I'mii i racltle rinlwuv , ( iiniliu , uiilll W ojiios lay ovrnlmr , < ) i < iobor ' , lor tlio ( Iradln , .Mu.snnr , . llijliflnj mul I'riieU. uyimf of iho .Munhattun ft Illno Valid ) nilhnul , , ' nun ( lam-on 10lnrysf 1111 , Knns is IIMI ! nlm I . u/out t'lo.on | | iiilliM nf 10.1 1 1 i No ir.i-ku i 1'ioMos plmisnml HI euicitloiis ( can IIOKI on mil Iin'ihiT m ( inmtilo'i obinl cd m ihoChuf liiuinocrV olllco , Onmlm I J. ill , I'KfMIK IfK I , H. It Mtl.l.tW \ \ . I ( h.o. . Kiixliieor fii'iiiind Mmm ui * t ! 1 P. BOYER & CO. I I. MIS IS iali'sSafesVaimsTime3ncki ! , , : and Jail Work. , i 10 FunmiiiSir.H't. Ouu.i.i , Nob. ' MANUFACTURERS. Billiard Tables. TUB IWUNSWlOlC.UAt.KK-ro.M.KXnKK Manufactnrers of Billiard & Pool TaWaj , Antl Nnloon , Ollleonnd ltn.it j-'Uttiroi. Mnrkot nml Huron 3Us < Uulojtjfti , II ) . Omulm olllee , 6JJ S. tutli St. Book Binding. Etc , _ " KK3 r-niNTJNCl CoT Binders " ' ' Printers , Book , Anil lllnnk llook MintnfnolurcT * . 'Nos. ' 103 nnl _ Itw Bout li Utli Street , Oiimtm , 1oh. . _ Butter Tubs , Manufacturing of Butter Tabs. MI ft , .tvi ; 40 PI , sine ; 2 m. IMO ; i n > , 2.'o ; MI n > nrk- Ins , 11,0. IStli nml I'ioroo SI. , Onmlm , Nub. Cigars and Tobacco. MAX MltVKIl 3e ( X ) . , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos , ( Inn * mul Ammunition. 'M to ar.iSouth Uth 1.1 ceil. IiO ) to liK4 Itanium StreetOiiniliu. . Nol > . iNTKIt-OCriAN ClIIAU l''ACTOnV. VVK3T fcl'lUTdCIIKII , Hanufacturers of Flno Cigars , Anil Wiiolivnld himlorei In l.cnf Tobacco * . Nb3. USjiml IhiN. Uth Street , Omulm , Nob. Cornices * laJiTcornlco WoiksT John Kpenoiur. I'rom lotop. Miinnfnottiror of Onlvmil/od him nnil tWnloo. n.51 DndifO , mul Ut nml KO North Ijlli Strout , OinHliii , Nob. IIUISMI'INO'A ' llOl.TIt , Mntinfuetlirorsof Ornmnontnl Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer Windows , KlmiN , Kto.i1H8. : ix'tlf at. Workdono In iiny par ! oftlioconnlry. Y/estern / Cornice Works , . , C. Sl'lirilT , Proprietor. Onlvnnl/od Iron Cornices , Mto. Hpt > plll' Inv pmvod I'alont Metallic Skylight. fAW mill MUd. lit h St. . Onmlm , fob. Doors , Stsh. Etc. Mannfnolitrormid Do ilor In Doors Sash Blinds , , , Moulding ] , ito. : Sliilr Halls n specialty. Tolophbfto'No.91 15th mul Maroy Si , Omulm , Noli. Doctricil Supplies , Electrical Supplies , I. . W. WOt.KU & CO , l Mnsonlo Illook. Oniilhil Iliir.fl If Aliinni , Holh , Klio .Minus , Kloj rlo M Ult i r , 8no Klty Tiiboj , liold , bilvor mul Nickel 1'l.illng , Kic. Iron .nnd Nails. OMAHA NA1I. MANlirAn'UlUNa 00. . Cut Nails and Spikes , Tire Nulls n Spoclnlly. Oinuliu , Nob. Omalia Iron Works Company , Mnctihiory. CiiMlnirM. Stoum Uinflnos , Hollers , Architectural Iron Work. Iron llrldi'os , Mlnlnir and Mill Maehliiery , Olllcu and woiks , 'Union I'licillu It. U. lab and 1 fill .Streets. WRAHNK f ! ItltO. , Works. Cor. Uth mid .Inokmin Pts , propui-od o nil klivls of Iron nnd llraKS ( hislliips ; lilsnj O , IJ. UamiUtor's Kockinj UIMCO lUrs Mallresscs. n. M. HUIflH. llattress Corapiny , Mpiiiifnrttirlnir MattiONses , Itodillmr. Foit'ior ' 1'III'iivi ) , Coin , llo. ! 1 X1 mid L&ti Doutflus Btruut , Omnlia , Nob. Overalls. Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeniu I'unUi , Shlits. K.to. , IbC' nnd U\)4"D3uRlas ) Blieot , Oiiiului , Nob. ' ' ' ' Paper Bozes. J. L. WILK1H. " Manufacturer of Paper'Boxes , 100S lllh St .Onmlm. Neb Orders by mall so licited nnd Will lecoivo prompt intention. Safes. Omaha Safe Works , f'iniifpotiiror of Fliennd IJnr'rl'i- ProofiS"'ns , Vm'lt Po rs. .Ip'l ' Work Phi'tlers nnd Wlro Woik. Cor. Utli mid Jackson StH. , Oinului , Nob. Soap , I' . .T. OH Soap Manufacturer , Olllco nnd KIICIOH. nonr I'owdor Omilha Neh. V/agons and Carriages. GKATl'ON & DltUMMOND1' ; Manufcfcturers of Find Carriages , , 1'HA and ) " 1. llaiiioy Niicoi , Oui.iiiu.lNub , SolD Anoiit ln NubiasUi lorJonos' CulebiutodSplit blnili IMubllshod | VS. " ' ' A. J SI.M1VON , Th3 Leading Carriage Factory , H , .11 nnd ill I Do. IMII di toot , Omaha , ' bob , White load , OMAlh WHI'J I ! I.IIAD COMl'ANV , On i odors HIM ) ( Irludnrsnf Perfectly 1'nro ' W/iite / Load , " Omnba. Nib ( tiinu I 101- . I W Vire doH. . W \ IIIOH , hro. und ' 1'io.w. HOTEL DRE3TOHY. ! l3 lHliou-J.l. : II JlitrkulTlliH Swutio , I'toprluloM Omum , Koln-.is .i. . Arcada Hotel- ( "a-o > , I'loprietor , l-'Kinnd II. I . On ik-liisSt , o.u , ilm , Neb Chop immune or uo'imioi-eliil imm ir.sjiujifi'l' ' siihciio.l Tim ) w P ( bid tiiia Iho boat Ji-'n uu I.OIIKI O tof I'lliCII O Tin CJH13 ) , P It CIIS.M Ai On. . I'r i ii'iof'iM. ILilllis $ . ' .l i | 'Ci-da > , mi il.uk niiiins. Alsu I lln cl u mi r'ti.O 11,1,1.1 , itult , Caiifljld House , or. Ninth nnd I'liimim rits I'ho IMIII'1t1 pot Inv hold lu Dmiiliii llemndoloil. iciurin- I , inincriiiol ; one bluck liom ui/ny lu.idiimni | fit ; ippohiio Union I'liclhe hciiiliiiiitriers , SIIIHII c n HIXS ibedoor < ici ivo l.'unllold \ I'd.piim o- " ! , AlMi Union hluok Vurda lloiol , Bmitli Imulni. Heel { do ( lees , P HOI > 4 , i'iirlotiir. | , | Kuropinu Chin lluuml ; ioiiir.illy lorntol tl Hint hiuiMj I'liioo IIIHIIS IMIIII llovil' * Oniri IOMMMIIII oio-itiir bliut < I'll i'n thn I'.ni i i ) m nd tnu t'o n-i HitiHo n > f , lilJ. l.ilJ'lllrli i n , , > imihu , .Sol. " Planter's IIoosi I . y. c i ; Kiiuius. pinii'itiimt. : llllllM. * l ' ! I IT I UX Sllll't IJUV Hum f. P , > iin uiihlit uui ltiu * < ( it hniiM ) . Corner 'Jiniilm. N'L'b. '