, MP" f ' - 'HE ' OMAHA FIFTEENTH YEAH. OMAHA , F1UDAY MORNENG , OCTOBER 23 , 1885. NUMBER 100. HIS MEMORY LIVES FOREVER The Country's Sleeping Hero Who Know No Word Dnt Victory , DEECHER'S EULOGY ON GRANT. Synopsis of n. Brilliant. Tribute to tlio Old Commander Delivered nt. Dos- Ion l y the I mlnc'iit llrook- lyn Divine. A ( .rani Memorial Meeting. BOSTON , Oct. 24 A n Immense crowd ns- eemhled ittTremont temple to-night to hear Jlenry Wnnl Hecchor'.seulogy on ( .en. Grant. The hxjakir | ! began with a brief sketch of the life of ( Irani , alluding to his lack of success In early business pursuit * , and his connection > vllh the war of Mexico. He referred to the need of thu north nt the opening of the war of the rebellion for a man "of Iron-mold , Who had but two \vovds In his vocabulary- Victory or Annihilation , " and added : "Three great names wen ; rising to sight Sherman. Thomas , Sheridan-nnd larger titan either , ( Irani , With his advent fiom Ibi ! nrmlcs with some icpulscn , lie went stcadllv fotward from conquering to conquer. Aside Irom all military qualities he had one absorbing spirit the union must be saved , the ichelllon must be beaten , the confederate armies must be thrashed to elialT ns on a summer's threshing Hour. He had no political ambition , no Imaginary reputa tion lo 1'ic.servo ordain. A great genius for grand strategy , n comprehension of complex nnd vast urmtc-t , caution , prudence and fille.net > vvhllcptcpnrlng.nn endless patience , nu Indomitable will , nnd n teal , dovvuiight lighting qua ! ty. Thus at length ( irant was really bom. lie had lain in the nest for a long time as the Infertile egg. The brooding of war hatched the egg , and an tsmlo came. " Ibe sH'tiher then icl'cmd in detail to the condition of tint armies , the motives ruling theemimaiMlcrsand soldieis of both sides , tlio inanv liorcc battles in wlilch thousands wen ; killed ami many moic thousands wounded , and added : Into this sulphurous storm of warir.int entered almost unknown. It was willidilllcnlty he could obtain a com- niand. Once set forward , Douelwiii , Shlloh , Yinkblmrg , Chicnmiiuga , tlie Wdderuesn , Spotsyivaiilo , Petersburg , Ajipomatlox these weio Ids footsteps. In four years bo had risen without political favor from the bottom totheverj high st command , not second to any living commander In the world. " Itevicwing his miliuuj career ns n whole , Mr. Hctehi'isidilHe : never lost courage or equanimity. With a million mcnforwho.se movements be was responsible , ho yet car ried a tranquil mind , neither depressed by disaster nor elated hy success. Uontlo of heart , familiar with all , never boasting , nl- wnys mudcst. Win n his work was done and Iho detent of the cnntcder.itcarmles was Until this dicadfnl man of blood was as tender to ward | IH ! late adversaries as a woman toward her son. Ho imposed no humiliating condi tions spni < - < 1 the fce.iugsnf his antagonists , Hen I homo the disbanded southern men with loud , and with hoises for working their crops : and when n revengeful spirit In the e.vt-ciilive elmlr showed Itself nnd threatened the chief soiithi in generals. < irautwith holy indignnilon Interposed himself and com- jiel'i-d ' bis superiors to lelinqiilsh their null IIIIIIIOM ; . " Tlie Pj-caker dvM'lt tosome fiirlhcr length upon ( irant's mllitarvaieor < , refilling iu 1 asf.ing the charge's which attributed his suc- ce.sstn tui-k.nnd thcciri-umstauccn upon what .some called vvaste of lite of his own soldiers nnd the butcher ) of his enemies , nud iu his concluding icmniks upon bis military life , mid : "A lithe summer , all the autumn , all the winter , till the spill ! ? ? nnd early summer again , lie Immmeied Lee with blow on blow , until nt Appomattnx the guut but not the greatest .southern general went to the ground. J hiving hi ought a long and di isUous'vvnr to n eJo.se , In bin own henit ( .rant would have cho.'en to have rested upon hi * laurels , and lived a icllrcd military lite. It wns not to bo permitted , lie was called to the presidency by universal acclaim , nud it foil upon him to conduct the campaign of it-construction , oven iiiorohiudciisomcth'in ' war. " After dwelling upon the various nets of Grant's national administration and his re construction policy , he summed up his ad ministrative career ns follows : "On the \vhole , If one considers tlio intrinsic * difficulty of the questions belonging to Ids administra tion , the stormy days of politics and parlies ' tluring his eliihl years , H must be'admitted (1 ( nt the couutrv owes to his unsellish dispo sition , to his gcnernl wisdom , to Ids unsullied ' Integrity , If not the mend of the wisest , yet -V the reputation of one who. pro-eminent in war , wns eminent In administration , more perhaps by the w isdoni of n nob'o nature than by that Intelligence which Is bred only bj nxperitmce. Imperious counsellors and cor rupt parasites dimmed the light of his polit ical administration. " . Mr. needier then dwell upon the retired life of ( Ji'ii. Crnnt , referring to his business reverses nnd tlie equanimity which char- actcii/.cd him suh-cqiiontlv , and after speak ing brlelly of his fatal Illness , concluded as follows : "A man he was without vices , wttli absolute haticd of lies and Ineradicable love of truth , of perfect loyalty to friendship , neither envious ot'others nor selfish for him self. Willr/cnl for the public good unfeigned , ho has Iclt to memory only such weaknesses as connect him to humanity lyid such vir tues ns will rank him among heroes. The tidings of his death , long expected , gnvo a Bhoek to the whole world. Covcinments , rulers , eminent stnlesmt'ti and scholars from nil elvlll/.ed nations gnvo sincere tokens of sympathy. Killed as a wave over nil our land. It closed Hie last furrow of the war ; II extinguished the last prejudice ; It effaced the last vertigo of hatred : nnd curved be the hand that brings them back. Johnston nnd Huckner on one side , Sherman nnd Sheridan on the other bide of his bier , ho has come to his tomb a frllent symbol that liberty hud conquered ulnvcry , patriotism ichf.-lllun , nud pence war. He rests In peace. No drum or cannon shall disturb his tost. Sleep , hero , until another trumpet shall shake the heavens and the earth. Then come lorth to glory In Immor tality. " m Fi-ed Wni-d PlendH Not Oullty. > - \ NKW Yotiic. Oct. ttJ. A largo crowd gath ered in the court of Oycr nnd Termlnor to-day 2 lo hear the proceedings In tlio case of Fcrdl- 'nand Ward. Tlie prisoner looked pale from his long conllncmciit , hut otherwise appeared to bo In good health. Counsel for the pris oner stated ho desired to wlthdrnvy thu plea of not jfu'JIv ' which his client had cnteivd. In prcM'.i. .ng n demurrer counsel called thu at- ' tendon of the com t to the fifth count In the Indictment. He said It was for tlio wime iilfeiiFo as that charged In the Urst count , lar ceny nud obtaining goods under false pre tenses. Them weio therefore two distinct crimes charged In the dllferent counts In the Knmo Indlctmenr. Judge Harrlo replied that If the two crimes weio it-ally but dlifeient as- . peels ot the same facts they could properly be emlunccd under the name Indictment. As thu comt considered the climes ns dlil'eicnt nsH'cts | of the sumo facts Iho demurrer was ovprriile.il. Tlio prisoner was culled on to plead a'.rain nnd his counsel changed his plea In not guilty , The work of obtaining n jury wns then commcui-ed. Moses llanloor was was tliu first j ill or who was accepted by both sides. Up to the adjournment of the court for Iho day only four jurors wore obtained. The dis trict attorney moved that Waid bo confined in the tombs dining thu trial and the motion was granted by the court , ami Wnnl wns taken to Iho tombs by the detectives. Fish was nlso handed over to two detectives who will have charge of him until hu Is examined. Anti-Chinese Agitation. . "VYASinxfn'n.v , Oct. SJ-J. ( iov. Watson " Squire , of Washington territory , has hent a RpcclaJ report to thu a-cretur.v of. the Interior upon -.itl-Chlueso | agitation in the tun I- Jury In which ho says that the principal Hut whcio violent demonstrations have been jnado Is Seattle , but that there has been a great deal of uKltatlun at Twunja. The per- ous umis-cd of killing tin ; ChliiC'.c hup nick ers near Seattle have Iht-u lUreMed , a ml one- ID uuvv iu jail iinUur Indictment ) ' < -nurdcr In the first drirrco. Strong efforts have been made 1 1 luttlidntoCliiii ! : ! i , employes at the 1-ninkiln nnd Newcastle coal mlnc.s. nnd many of the Chlucsn nro leaving. These places am now quiet , but the ? coal companies are anxious In regard to the safety of their prcmcrty. 'I be Chinese consul at San FnitHsco was lufdiniKl that the persons accused of niurder- IngChlncso bad bwn arrested. The gover nor sny.s that , It has been his desire lo main tain order Itliout the employment of troops , and a strong organisation of the tatter clnss orcllb.i'iisat Seattle has arrajed Itself under the law for the preservation of ) icace. Tlio situation lias been Improving fiom day to day , nnd It Iscotu-ludcd that no necessity ex ists for calling upon the mllitarv. If serious trouble arises the focrelary will h.i nolllled bv ( elegranh , and if troops should be required , ( hem Is an ampV forcent the Vancouver barracks , within tv few hours of the disturbed locality. WASHINGTON' X13WH. Klviil Teloiihono ComnanlcH Impor- tnnlng the Patent Ofllui. . Nuw Ynitic , Oct. 2.Tho Post's Washing ton special says : There is great activity at the patent olllc.o on the part of companies which nre uutagonNttc to the Hell company .to Rrure a report from the commissioner of patent ! ) to the attorney general which will warrant the latter In authorizing the use of the n-ime of the United States in n suit for cancellation of the Hell patent. Tlireosuch applications nre pending neforc the commis sioner , one bv the Pan Klcctrlc company , one by u Baltimore and \v ashliiL'toii telephone company , and the third , which has just been tiled , by the ( lobe telephone rompany. Tin-commissioner is in a very omb.irasslng position and Is un doubtedly subjected to a great deal of polltl- ml pressure. It In reported In telephone elr- cle * that Commissioner Montgomery , in Ids report as to these- several applications , will not uiidcitakc to 1:0 Into the irencral question of the scientific character of the inventions , but will connne himself to u report of the facts as he Hnds thorn In the records of the patent ofllec _ Tlio Ululi Commissioner- : . WASIII.VOTON , Oct. 2J. ( Special to the llr.iThe : ] members of the Utah commis sion are now here. They are Hon. A. A. Katnsey , of Minnesota , president ; ex-Semi- tor Pndlo-k , ot Xebr.iska ; Col. J. II. Petti- grew , of Arkansas ; Hon. A. 1 ! . Carlton , of Indiana , and Mr. George K. Godfrey , of Iowa. They will commence to hold meetings at once to prepare the rcporl of the commis sion. Their last visit iu a body was made to Utah early in September. As yet. they are not in a position to glvo any information to the public concerning the result of Hn-lr la bors. An effort , though , will be made lo have the icport of the commission readv as soon as possible , and as tlie Utah question , and especially the bigamy feature , will be nn important matter for congressional consider ation this winter , the commissioner will no doubt shed considerable 11.'lit on the subject. Ilioo I'lnntcrH * Grlevaneen. WASHINGTON , Oet. Si A delegation of southern men , among whom weio Senators Hansom , Harris and Gibson , and Congress man King , of Louisiana , were heard to-day by Secretary Manning nnd Assistant Secre tary Fnirehlld in be.hnlf of the rleo planters. Thny seek to have rescinded or amended an order issued during Secretary * Kolgcr's ad ministration. under which , they say , food rice is admitted in largo quantities at the rate of 'JO per cent ad valorem , instead of paying Iho nile charged by law. The order rot cried to lelales to granulated rice , an nu- cnnmcrntcd article , imported largely for brewers. TIioehMm Is made by the planters that importations under this order are doing great injury to the market for food rice. Presidential Appointments. \ \ ' . \ KIM NO TON , Oct. ! S. Tlio president ap pointed W. W. Hill , of Illinois , to bo consii | of the United States nt Port Snrnla ; L. Q Washington , of tlio District of Columbia , to be commissioner lo examine a section of the Northern Pacltie railroad ; Louis 1C. Church , of Xew York , to bo associate justice of the punrcmo court of the territory of Dakota : \ \ m. W. Porter , of California , to bo associate justice of the supreme court of the territory of Ari/oim ; Win. 11. Uarnes , of Illinois , to bo associate justice of the supreme court of the territory of Arizona ; John O. Shields , of Michigan , to be chief justice of the supreme court of the territory. ! ) ! Arizona ; KvanLoug , of 1 ndlana , to be chief justice of the supreme court of the territory ot New Mexico ; Israel Giccn , of Mitchell , Dak. , fo be awnt for the Indians of Sisseton agency In Daliotu. ( n CharRCof 1'nolflcj linilvviiy Mnltcrtf. WASHINGTON , Oct. 22. Mr. Je.nk.s , assist ant sceiotary of tlio Interior , has been as signed to charge of all matters wlilch relate to the Pacific railways. A great many subjects relating to those corporations arc pending. Mr. Jenks says , however , that he can give no attention to them until nfler the lirst of No vember , when most of the bureau reports , now In preparation , will be before him. I'rom that date until tlie meeting of congress he will devote a gieat deal of lime to this im- poilant subject , and during that time will piepure the new regulations wlilch call for detailed information as to the. subsidy ques tion and all matters which relate to the roads cr.s Appointed. WASIIINOTON , Oet. Ji ! The po.ttmaster- gcneral to-day appointed the following fourth-class postmasters : Illinois At Henderson , C. K. Itobertson ; Cordova , C. H. Marshall : McKe.in. 1. H. Wheeler ; Unrnsldo. J , II. Hull ; Palmer , Philip Stailler ; Howlesburg , Thomas Walton ; Hunt's City , JW. : . Parks ; Hiiena Vita : , Mr.- ; Kmuia K. himold ; Cave In Hock , John Jack ; Hnrrisbnrg , .M. K. Huructr. IowaAt Hepburn , ( ! . D. Hfibb : Allison , J. K. Wilson ; Me.neva , Newton Wilder. DonltloVildln - iu High Mfo. WASHINGTON , Oct. - " . ' . The wedding of the two daughters of ex-Governor Alexander H. Shepherd took place this nflcrnoon at Hock Creek church , lllshop Qn'lntaid , of Ten- nes.-ce. olllcial IIIL' . The contracting parties were Kdwaid A. i.'nlntaid ' , ot Tennessee , and Miss .Mary Shepherd , and Walter 31. Urodle , of Mexico , and Miss Sue Shepherd. THi : KDIOT OK NANTI5S. llcuendantH Celcbrnto thu ot'ilx Hovountion. Nnw YOIIK , Oct. ii- . Many descendants of the Huguenots met this afternoon In the church ot Dr. SI. Ksprlt to celebrate the bicentenary of the revocation of tlio edict of Nantes , John Jay presiding. Among those present was Secretary Hayaul. Jay briefly sketched the causes which led to the revoca tion of the edict of Nantes , nud Introduced Prof. Henry M. IJixird , of the university of the city of Nuw York , who In a historic rela tion sketched the edict nnd Its recall. Secre tary Hay aid also ndilrc.s.scd thugathcrlni , ' , and ottered nseiies of resolutions which were adopted , Tlie resolutions declare that the two centuries that hnvolap.scd since tlio revo cation have amply proved not only tlie Iniquity of that monstrous not , but also the Irreparable loss it Inlllcted upon Franco In leligion. learning , Industry and skill ; which drove half a million of her best stilijecu to foreign countries , thanking God that ( hellmrueiitos vveto led to these shores , and that looking to I'laiico as their ancient and cherished homo they In voked for her that progress in n puio und tolerant Christianity which WHS so essential to national dignity , prosperity nnd hnmd- ncs.s ; ( bat attcr a separation of two bundled yearn they ivalllrmcd their solidarity and brotherhood with nil of French origin , both in Franco mid otherciiuti tries wherc-de-sccnd- ants of tht ) exiles of l'W.1 ' now dwell ; that Ilia history of the Unguents at linmo and abroad have snowii the woild that freedom of cicvd fniin state contiol U Uiu ouly true ixilloy of chri leudom. To-night u banquet was hold at Delmon Ico's , itl which SixiuUiry iiayurd u.uit o delivered ai HAMILTON'S ' COUNT COMPLETE The Much-Mooted Question of the K sult iu Cincinnati Settled. DEMOCRATS IN THE MAJORITY. The Kntli-o IjCRinlntlva anil Senn- tot'lal Ticket. Klectcd by a Small Majority Committee of Olio Hundred Organize. Tliu Ifiinilltoit County Contest. CINCINNATI , Ohio , Ootolwr ! iX The can vass of tlio vote of llnnilllon county was completed this morning , mid tlio total footIng - Ing * ( unonieial ) , excluding Precinct "E , " of I he Kightccnthvnnl , show that iluadly re ceived : H,0'J7 , unil ForakeraW-W , lloadiy's majority , .VJO. The Highest vote for n repub lican senator was ! M less thuii the lowest on the democratic llstc , nnd 3,700 less than the highest , The vote for representative. ! ) is still close , nuil tlio footings have not yd been completed. The demoenttle county oflle.ors nre elreted except Kulil for I'omnii.ssloiicr. ItCpuhlfcan attornovs this morning filed a petition in the em-nit court asking for n mandamus , directing 11s officer , tlm clcik , how to proceed witli tiie count by Instructing him what are and what nn1 not legal returns. Tlio hearing of tlie petition Is ii.xed lor'J o clock tills morning. In the meantime If the restraining order Issued last night should lie dissolved.the clerk might complete his work before - o'clock unit the jurisdiction of tliecotut would IKV gone1. After considerable tall ; , tlio argument before Judge Ituttorvvorlli on the motion to dissolve tin1 restiialug order and also the domnirer to the pctilion , proceeded. It is exitcctcd tlio argument will occupy the time until 'J o'clock , when mandamus proceedings will operate to heM the clerk until It. can be determined. The olllcial count of this county , as it will Mnnd unless changed hy action ot' the courts , wits mushed this afternoon by ivcordlng the vote of precinct K. . of the eighteenth ward. Judge ISuchvvalter , in deciding tlm manda mus case for that precinct , said that as ThompMin. republican iiiilge , did not witness the count the court could not compel him to cert 11.v to its aceur.icy. 'J'lie other judges had made the count and had delivered their re turn In an Improper form. He would re quire them to pie.seut their return in the usual and proper form , taking cure to show the date on which it is made. As to tlio proof of fraud , tlm cour.1 said the fact that sixty- nine mure voles were east than'there were votes registered was conclusive that there was Illegal voting. Hut it was not clear that the e illegal votes could bo detected by aeon- test. The court's order lo the judges 'did not indicate what should be done with the return , us that quc tlun was not presented by the proceeding ? . When tie ! Judges presented their amended return thi.s altcnioon Justice Sanderson , member of the canvassing board , emild not IM found. Another justice 'f the pence wns called to act in his place. Umillicial footings complete makes Hoadly'.s plurality IWJ ; Ken nedy ( republican ) , for lieutenant-governor , hasu plurality of tM. ; K. Wilson lias the highest vote for senator on the democratic. ticket , " 1WO , and lllch- ardson the highest on the republican ticket , ! H,401. Hardacre is the lowest on the republi can HcJcet , having : i4.HS and Urashears , on the democratic ticket , : Hr > S4. For reprosenta- lives the variances are not so great , but the democratic figures are all higher than the highest republican vote. The clerk will probably issue certificates to all except ( sena tors as boon as the footings are made. The injunction as to wmators Mill holds. It was argued nil d.i ) on the demurrer and a motion to dissolve , and was not supported by any other proceeding , the mandamus before the circuit court , for the reason that but live of the judges are here. They called the case , and set Its hearing for Monday at 10 a. in. The committee of one hundred , recently organized to detect and punish violators of the registry and election lawn , held a public meet inn this afternoon at the chamlur of commerce , which had a full attendance. A per manent organization was effected , providing fora large membership , with an initiation fee of & "i and the same for annual dues. The ofUcers and enough other members of the association to bring the number up to one hundred to constitute an executive commit tee. It was agreed that no partisan test for membership should be applied , and that no olUceholder should serve on the executive committee. The object of the association Is to protect the purity of the ballot. AMONG THK ICAliatOADS. Possibility of a Serious Hntc Cutting iu tin ; Olito River Tool. CiWAno , Oct. 2i The rate committee of the Ohio river pool was In consultation with Commissioner Midgcly to-day In relation to the condition oi tilings , which . - ccias not un likely to develop into a serious ami wide spread ease of rate cutting. It has been charged for some time past that the lines In cluded in the Ohio river pool have been mak ing a rebate of nine cents per hundred pounds on all meats and packing house pro ducts destined to territory south of the Ohio and west ol the Mississippi river to what is known as tlio ' 'Green Line'1 points. Thissce- lion Is covered by tlm I.oulsvilie & ; Nashville road , which virtually dictates ail tai ill's In common with the .South ern Hallway and Steamship association pool , which al > o exercises aulhoilty over that portion tion of territory. Since the completion of the Fort Scott , t .Sjuingileld railroad.it has divided" the trade with the Chicago A St. Louis road , taking packing house products from Kansas City Into " ( Jrcen l.lne" tciri- lory , and cutting Into .Chicago and St. Louis tralllc materially. Tariffs in all directions have been very shaky for several months na > t , which tends to iigginvnte the unpleasantness of the situa tion. It Is stated that so entirely bus tlio re bate system of the Ohio river pool lines cut off I ho Tort Scott road that nut a car load of packing house products has been shipped smith o\er that line for more than a month. .Mr. Sargent , general tralllc. man ager ot the Memphis r.illumd , has been loud In his complaints on tills account. He has appealed to Commissioner Mldgley to bo alUmcd to meet the ichate , but that privilege has not been conceded. Attempts to get to gether the managers of a I the roads interest ed in the tr.illlu of lids tenltoty , so as to get at the bottom of the dltliculty and remove It to the satisfaction of all have so far proved fruitless. At the iiicctim ; to-day It Wits derided to make an ctfort to Induce the Chicago lines to do avtay with the ichatci system. In ea 4j this cannot be accomplished the I'oit Scott road will probably ho allowed to meet the rebate for llio pre-eiit. As the uucstlon is. of no small Intere.-t to other points than those mentioned , not to allow the Cin cinnati it SI. Louis to allow the Fort Scott road to meet the a-lnto nuulobylts competi tors , it will be to abildgc over tcmponrilv only llio pan In the trall ! agreement that will eventually have to be Jin | | | up. NiwOIIK : , Out. yJ. Thodlicctors of the Northern Pacific rallioad to-day favorably considered u proposition to dispose of about eighty-live thousand acres of land to an American syndlentuat $7 pfcr acre. The mat ter was lefcired lo a committee with full [ tower to complete the transaction. AKKAIICK IN CUJJA. Hie ) Spanish Gnvcrnmcnt'H Jtrutal Murder of ItcliolllniiK Sulijr ( Ms. NKW YOIIK , Oct. 21. [ Chicago Tillmno Special. ] The latest news from Cuba , ir > celvcd by the officers of the Cuban Junta , Is ho murder by tlm Spanlbh government of oneof thofollowcrsof Ueu.J.lmbiinoSanchez. Ills name was Donate Vergta , a mulatto well iiK-wii In this city by llo ; Cuban colony , Jwv- tig icslded hero for seven yeais. Verge/ was wounded n d captured by the Spanish ti oops , and attcr Imvlng been taken to Uamcoii he was shut on the public road without even the formality ot a com t martial or anything to cover tlm law. The Spaniards acted thus , It Is said , because they knew that great clVoiU would ho tmule by the cltUciis to save the pr sonur. and thus uyjld MI ire houd : hcd. TlioUteat vlctl'u. " v' tb' ! SiwulunS,1'were two TOUIIK Cubans , well kilmtn In this city and Philadelphia- Captain .ruan Solo Salce- do and Lieutenant IVdro Dunuo Kstnulo. Salsedo was a Freemafon , n member of Fra- ternlty lodge of this city. Ho edited here a Masonic journal called L&Kscundra , and was known under the iiom do tiluino of Asto .linio. Ho was very popular among the Cubans and others who Ktiew him , and was one of the survivors of thd Vlrgluius affair , \\hcu Col. llyan was sac.rliletil , with fifty-two others , at Santiago de Cuba , Afterward , as a follower of ( Sen. Unrein , In 1KSO , ho was cap tured and sentenced to prison for life , but es caped u year a no and icaohcd New Yoik In July , and joined at onccthuexpcdIUon under ( Jon. Sandier. Francisco VnionaFovnpt , secretary of the Independence club , of Ihisclty , and ncplmw of the wife oflho captain gcucinl of Cuba , and very well known by the Cuban * here , was captured , with three othera , August" ! ) last atid sentenced tolxMillot any day when the captain general signed the dc.Uli warrant. Jlr. Veromi s mother nude strenuous efforts to save her foil's life , and on a petition , signed by all the editors of the Havana news papers , and tcleuraplied to King Alfonso with a prayer for merc.y , the Cuban deputies appeared before the king nml used every en deavor to save Verona's , life , Alfonso com muted the sentence of tint four pi ( sutlers to llfu Imprisonment. Hrs'des ' Verona , the others are Julian Sumarp'dro , Teodorn Cnlnn and Jose Konuui. They iiivallcll known In this city , having lived hero sevcr.il yeats. THU GUAX'f TUN ! ) . The SnI)8oriticrH 3Ioe.f anil Ilscnns In- vcKtintr tlio > Ioncy. Niw YOIIK , Oct. ' - . ' . A meeting of the subscribers to the S" & > ,000 fund which was nilsed for the benefit of ( Jen. Crant ! , and which , at IhcMigccstlon and on tlicgunruntce ot ex-overiior ( ! K. I ) , 'dorgan , was invested in Wabash bonds , was held this afternoon. There were present Jay Gould , Oliver lloyt , John Sherwood , Judge Noah Davit ; , ( Jcoigo Jones , Henry D.ny , John T. Terry , Uus- toll Sage , Mr. Wlieslock and Sidney Dillon. Jones asked to bo relieved ot the fund on account of the criticisms which had been publicly made. Tlio citron instances and man ner in which the fund was Invested were > ! N- iilained by lloyt , who said that j ic.,000 . had been invested in bonds at MIB , and that the remainder of the fund , which had never mille reached S "iOKK , ( ) , owing to"the failure to col- Icc.tsome of the snbscriiitlons , luid been loan ed on call to another subscriber. This thing ought to go to a trust company and be in vested in government boptls. We ought , lo pav the interest but not to dispose of it. Terry remarked that , in ( ! ov. Morgan's es tate there were SI NSODO , deposited , and they were willing to take hondsHindcr their agrec- .ment. Dav , another of thOexeetitors of tiov. Morgan , observed that considering the small interest jiaid by govorn'ment bonds , the guarantee of the Morgaih estiito was better than any known investment. Day explained the guarantee of ( iov. Morgan , and Terry said the ilelicleuey was 8 'VJX > . Could said be was willing to pay bin phnrcfn make the fund complete. Judge Da-vis offered a rcso- tiou. which was tuloptcd , that the fund should bo placed in a trust company ( United States Trust company ) , and the interest should be pa'd ' to JIis. ( taint durinr herllfe , tlien to the children of ( len- er.iHiiant , and alter their deatlm lo be dis tributed to their children p.eV Btlrpcs , not jicr capita. > . Judge Davis and Ileilry Day were ai > - poinlcd ( o draft : t legal diKiument making the legal transfer. GCOITJO Jones , representing seveu-elghtlisof : the subscribers , ugrocd , and the resolutions w.ere nrfyiKl unanimously. The meeting adjourned to bo called together shortly , or as boon as the docuu.eut can bo drafted. During the. conference. Jones said at no I'm since the fund was Invested had ( taint's family failed to receive the inlciwt iiiomptly on the day Unit It was , due , It matters not whether the interest was or was not mid to the trustees every timc.it fell due. The trus tees saw that trauf ! , ' family got their monev without any < Wny. That Mrs. ( taint ha I already made a will In which sbe gave this fund to hcrdaughtc.ri.iid 10 live jicrsoii.s. Such disposition of tue-fund would keep , it. out of the hands of the'creditor * of ( Jon. Ur.int's sons , and the latter were perfectly satisiied with ilu provisions of Mrs. Urants will. a Tlio Canadian Scourn. Mo.vrntJAL , Oct. 2.--Tliero were forty deaths from small-pox herii voslerday. The resolution of the hhul boanl of health calling on tlio central Iboaid to close the churches , is inert I lit ; with great opposition. Mgr. 1'abie , Catholic bishop , at mass tnis morning , denounced the Idc-u In unmeasured terms , saying that the authorities need not think they can bring , nbout such an un- inecedentcd resolution as the suppression of public religion at the time of a calamity like the present , lilshop Bund , ot llic An rlican coiiiiiiiinloii , has also spoken against it , while father Dowd , of St. 1'at- ricl.-'s , and Jtev. M r. Stone , of St. Martin's , Anglican , say they will afeo'nWy icfiise to comply with the munMiroishould it be en- fen e.l. The number of case's in the civic hospital up to ihuo is 4S" ) , of whlclrllti died. ocn | a branch olllet'of thu largo shoo liVm of which he Is the junior partner. During Ills absence Mr. Hubbs is .wild to have discov- errd tlie alleged condition of his daughter. Woodinglon returned at once to this city and at the pielimlnarv hearing was held In SH.ooo ball , lie is ns prominent In polities as In iiisiiics : ] nnd Is a member of the Oncdki boat club , a fashionable organization. His en gagement to a young woman of Kll/.abctb , New Jeisey , has been announced. Mlf.s Hubbs is pretty and Is not over'JV. The Pill Hollcra' Coiinoll. Piin.AiKi.'iA ] , Oct. sS. The national con vention of wholesale drUgglstr. to-day selected Mlnnneapollsns the next place of meeting , nnd the thlrJ Tuesday of September , 18SO , as ; he date. A seilcs of leaolutlonB wrero idopted favoring the a-coal of ull Internal revenue taxes , urging the drug trade nnd otheis to use their influence with senators nnd members of congri'ii.s to Induce them to vote in fnvor'of this inc-isiire , nnd instriieling liecoininittcc on legjsh\tl \ ] > u that if they find t Impossible to bring nhout this result to work In favor of n ledticllon of internal revenno taxes , frconlchol for mnnufncturlug purposes , and illsiuintlriuuncx ) of wholesale ind retail liquor dealers'licenses as applied to the drug trade. Saloon I.lc-enno Inci-easnd. iNiiiANAi'oi.iH , Oct. yi. - At a special me.p.t- ng of the city council he.Hl to-iil ht , an nrdl- muce raising the Buloon Hcen.so from & .W to SHK ) a year parsed. Only thirteen of Iho wenty-nvo members wr.a1 pri'sent , and the iidinaiice was adopted by a voloot U to 1. Its adoption by the Ivianfol nldeimen Iscer- aln nud Iho legality . - ihp action U Ix-llcved , o bo beyond question , Ti-lcplione t'H , Oct.S-J. JHiyclnl | to the lii ! : . ] Columbus e\pcctn to have telephone connoe- Ion vv Ith Omnlm In a few dnys. Thcj line Is icing built Horn Fremont veryrapidly. . Fqur idles of poles ] > er ( lay are bolus setup , The Hue will be tlm bet In tbo Mate , as they iiv using copper wlrc-ly4ead.il tin- iron wire isually used uii the lint't , nud the superin- cudenl is nccm | injg \ \ \ | | t for - < > t-i s < that every thlni ; is done In jfie very litsi manner , TlioVi4i urn l/nl ( n Ni-.w VOIIK , Oct. iXAt a mucting of thu llre"ton > of the Woatrfii t'nlou telegniph compinv , D- ; . Green \vas ie.'lci-t d i-reildent and lii-n. ' .tl.erl ; 'i..iral nni'i ir. Col. Uluvvr > , t'f Chijuo , tit cU-d u vlci. i idem , w.vs made a meiubci1 of iht executive ctjuitrtttec DEPEff CREATES A COMMOTION His Scrnp of History Letter Receives Em phatic Denials , RECORDS ARISE AGAINST HIM llciu-l Wnlei-son ( Hitn Him n Hap la an Kdltorlnl Way Old Tounniseh Knows Something Ho Won't Tell. Doe.nmont.ni-y Proolfc Rrsuri'cutcil by thu Depevv Letter. Niw : YOIIK , Oct. Si [ Special to Iho Htn. : ] The Herald's Washington special says : Chauucey M. Dopew's letter to Col. Fred Grant narrating the conversation with ( ! en. Grant about President Johnson's icvolutlon- ary project. Is ? o nt variance with document ary evidence , btalo papers , correspondence and other cotroborntlve testimony , that the olliulals of the slate nnd war departments are surprised nt Its nllegntions. Notwith standing Col. Fied ( irnnt says Dcpcvv's letter is substnntially conect , and that he has been able to verify the facts from documents , let ters nml personal recollections ! , Depew's statement is an ntlcr-dlnner recollection ; but had ho read the speeches of Pies- blent Johnson in 1MKI , beginning with the address to tlie peace conven tion committee , ids "swinging around circle' orations and several Interviews , printed from time to time , he could have given the dates when President Johnson : i pealed to Grant to belli him In his srreal. "rev olutionary pioject. " in regard lo the dclinlto statement that Johnson , ( ailing to mvuro General Grant's co-operatlou , next undeitook lo get him out of the country , there Is a w It- ness who happened to hn\e ills notes of all tlialocx'iirred regarding the tour In Mexico , and that is Col. Win. G. Moore , who was President Johnson's private seeictar'y. From Colonel Moore's notes , written in October , ! & > { , the followim ; has been obtained : The cabinet had for sometime under consideration the quest Ion of the occupation of 'Mexico by the French. it was finally determined that Lewis 1) . Clark , cx-coiiirc.ssim ; < n from Ohio , who some time ago bud been appointed minister lo that icpiihlic , but who lias not been able to pro ceed to that country on account of Its dis turbed condition , siiould be. given instruc tions. Upon the president's own suggostiou , it was decided by the cabinet that impress- ment should be given to his visit by sending hlm'ln a vessel of the I'litlwl Slates navy , and bv having him accompanied by Gcu. Grant. Jt was thought this wou.dglve con siderable importance to tlio mission , and Camnbi-H was instructed to advise freely wilhj the general. 'Ibis arrangement , how ever , was thwarted by Grant. Presi dent Johnson .sent for Gen. Grant with respect to the Mexican mission , Oct. 17 , ibti.i , and informed him of his Id.iaof scndingbim to that country , which the genera ! evidently thought evinced some pleasure. Tlio president then visited the state department and informed Seward. As iussrui'tions had just been completed , the see- iclary came at once to tlie executive mansion and lead them to Grant , with a view to learn ing whether he had any suggestions to make. Ho said lie had none. On tlie succeeding Sunday , however , Oct. " 1st he addressed u let er to tin1 president , saying : "On further and full reflection upon the subject 01 my accepting tlio mission proposed by you in our interview of Wednesday and again yesterday , 1 have most respectful ly to say that 1 beg lo be excused from the duty imposed. It is diplomatic service for wh eh t am not titled , either by education or taMc. It must necessarily bo conducted tin j der the state department , with which mj duties do not connect me. Again , then , ! most urgently b.it respectfully repent mjr' rcipiest to tbo excused from the per formance pfa dilty'ontlrcly out of my sphere Hiid omt , too , which .can , so inucli better bo performed by other ? * ; " After 'tlio positive declination of Gen. Grant , Gen. Sherman wan sent for and evinced an entire willin nass to undertake the duty. . ( Jen. Sherman , when o-shed when he could bo ready replied "at ouee. " His promptness was verv gratifying to tlie presi dent. Just about tins time the papers hud published animortbat Secretary Stanton waste to resign as secretary of war , to bo sent as minister to Spain and Gen. Slier- man was to succeed him as pet-io ta ry of war. Gen. Sherman In Feb ruary , ISiXi , had written a letter to President Johnson Mroiivly endorsing his reeonsti notion policy. This had become known about this period and had much to do with the rumor of Sherman's appointment as fecrctyry of war. " \Vntt nrnori ScoreH Depew. Lornnviu.K , Oct. 2-J. In view of the pub lication of Mr. Depew's Idler relative to Gen. ( taint's conversation about e.v-Prcsidcnt Johnson , the Courier-Journal will publish to morrow thrco columns of Gen. Grant's testi mony before t n house Judiciary committee , Fuly 1H , 1WJV just prior to the Impeachment of President Johnson. The Courier-Journal ' will say cdit'H-lally that "It Is astonishing that among all the wis : mon of the east , among all Iliosu so busv writing history , no one siiould renumber that Gen. Grant did uproar Iw ore tlio judlclnrv committee ami guvo. his tcstl iiony. " Gen. Grant ccitaln- ! v docs notsustain Mr. Dcpew. Ho says dis tinctly that President Johnson did not pro pose to recognize a congress composed of southern members and democrats of the north. Hua hWrU Unit in his public speeches when .swiiu.'Ing"arnund the c'rcle ' , President Johnson dld/'supposc a case , " and then uska which would bo the Iciral congress , and he lenle.s that ho said even this much to Gen. Grant In private. This nml no more Is the sulHlancn of Johnson's treason , and It Is ilaln that what M now in Dopew's letter Is not true and what is true l.i not new. Gen. fe'licrmati'H Opinion. ST. Louis , Oct. 22. [ Sjireial to the Urn : . ] General Sherman , when asked last night what he thought of Iho Dupew letter in re gard to G rant's charges against Andy John son , sild ho knew nil about the matter , but would nut tell what ho know for a .million lollars. Ho had known of the charges a long imoand hod documents all iilcd away In the iropcr shape , but tlio lime had not come yet o give them to the public. Whether the . - bargeseietrueor not he would not say. inly that ( taint had made the charges and ivlupuci ) concerning them would be glum to ho world at the proper time. I'm ! her , the gineral would not speak. He thought It \\rong that anything at all should have icon published about It. The. Jcul ! Olll < ; ia'n ! I'nneral. Pnisiiritd , Oct. 1M , The funeral of Jion. M.ilcolm Hay look place this afternoon. The services were licld at Ids residence In Alle gheny City. The remains wi-io then quietly leposltcd in Allegheny cemetery. In detei- nee to the wishr-.s of .Mrs. Hay tbcie was no loral displays or decorations. During the iiornlng Fli.st Assistant Postmaster ( icncr.d Stevenson , Hon. James Hopkins and many other * called at the ic-lilcn.-.c , and after view ing the icmalnspald their u pi-ets to tlfo lamllv. Stevenson raid Picshhnt Cleveland and Postmaster General Vllas desired him to cxpics.s their high appreciation of the de ceased. _ _ Good Ailvloo From llio Keorclary. Niw ; YOIIK , Orl. l. All of the foremen In theUrooklyn navy yard to-day received a circular tatter from Srx-rctary Whitney. Ho remind * them that by former orders he ban given them the power of iccommendlng all named for employment as subor dinates , and that ho expects them to exercise. the power without milUaii bias and without allowing politic. Inlliienue urdicl.-dion to cut any ligum In thii mattci ; Hint KlJII and cftlcicucy ate alone to hncoiisidwd. These ftalenienls nre idler' iited several times In the courxo of the letter In most in i - > H hv tonmi. Ho con nitnlutes tliciiipnd tlie department on the Improve * ' m < 'iit already noticed , but c.iy. that according to it-port > reccivcil fr nn their Biil > erkr olllccw , the ev'l ' Is not ei'tlicly erad- Icaled , Ho nRsumcw that ho knows tlio pressure which It , llke.ly to Iw brough to iH-ar on them during the heated poll ! cal campaign , and assures them that lit Manil * ready to protect them from nil h.irti aimed nt thorn because of their refusal to bow to political iH'he.st.M , and warns them that If they make Inferior appointments for politi cal ends they will bo summarily dismissed. A 1'rlni'o nnd Vrlnoess Spliced In True I'YeiH'h Hi.vlo. 15" , France , Oct. ft ) . The innrrlago < if Pilnco Wnldcmnr , third son of King Chris tian , of JOcnmnrk , nnd Princess Marie. , daughter of Duke and Duchess de Chartres , was celebrated to-day at Chateau de Ku , the residence of Comic de Paris. The civil cere mony wns peiformed yesletdny In Paris by the mayor , nnd religious services were con ducted here to-day In the private chapel of the chateau. Among these pres ent wen' Hie queen of Denmark , Ciovvn Prince and Princess of Don- nintk , Piince nnd Princess of Wales ami their three daughters , Prince do Jolnvllle. Due do Aiimnle , Duo do Cases , Due and Diiehos. < o de Chart res , Count Yon Moltke , nnd Hnrt/.fcldt. Danish minister. The hand some park nml extensive gardens suriound- Ing the cbauteau were to-night bilUiantly Illuminated with electric lights and Chinese lanterns. The town was urofnsely decorated witli Hiigii and buntliiir , and many pilvatc houses VM-IV also illuminated in honor of the event. After a wedding breakfast the bride and lirldi'ci-ootti leave for Cluintllly. The wedding registry was signed by thirty- nine princes , ' ( 'lie bride worn n dress of white satin , with pearl embroidered bodice. iHw veil was of ( baiitllly lace. The news of ( hniitlcmpted murder of Heir Kstriip. Danish .Premier , was kept back from the Initial party illitll after the wedding icecptlon. " Coi'KNltAitrx , Oct. ' . * ) . - To-day was ob pel-veil ns n ircnenil holidav Iu honor of the mavrlaw of "Prince Waidc.mar and Princess Marie de Orleans. A banquet was given at theiovnl Ciistle to celebrate the event , nud a torchlight piocesslon from neighboring vil- mnii'hed through the stu-eLs. Premier JCstrnp , who \estoiday narrowly escajicd ; an assassin's bullet , , received nn ovation. No Hope for Itcncl K < > ll. N , Oct. ItJ The pi Ivy council has dismissed tlie appeal of houis Ulel niralnst the sentence of death passed upon him by the Canadian courts. Nuw VCIUK , Oct. ' .22. A M onlreal special ays : h. O. David , president of the Hell de fense association , suys that be has received trustworthy information thatltisthogovorn- meut's iineiition to cany the law into elfect nirains ! lieil. The Icclimr , he sajs , among I he French-Canadians is intense , and with Iho small pox ami other causes of race feel ing , ( lie slightest provocation might eauso M'Hous trouble. The government olliccrs heic say that Hell will hang on the. 10th of next mouth. Tlie defense association will take mi further Metis und will hold the gov ernment responsible In sin interview tday t , Fit/patrick , Kiel's Canadian counsel , said : ills Impossible to pretend that Kiel was unfairly tried. No doubt at the timeof theoutbreakin tbenorth- w-sf , grievances axlsted which have sluco Liren rendered. Kiel commenced tlio agitation from purely political motives. Many people still consider that he rendered valuable services to the country. Doubtless excitement was again induced In Keil's mental alteration , rendering him In capable of keeping the rebellion within legal limits. On the scaffold Kelt will become a mnrtyr ; In a prison or In an asylum he would be forgottenIn the face of the conflicting medical evidence In Keil's cose , Flt/.patrick advocated tlie appointment by the Canadian government of a commission to again ex amine Iho prisoner. Tlie Itnlknii Troubles. ST. Pm-Kiismind , Oet ' . The Journal do SI. Petersburg , commenting on the Iloumel- Ian question , cays Prinl-o Alexandria apne'arh to ignore tile fact IhuU his 6HUuilssiou io. the , powers is a duty r 'ate.d lij- the treaty of Iler- liu , and sees ho intention on tlie jiart'uf Bul garia to return to 'btatu quo ante. ' It regrets the action oil Servlii and Greece in ordering formldnble nrmamenl.s , and declares that Kussia moro than any other power must prevent fratricidal contests in the Ualkans. The Journal Is most pronounced in Its de nunciation of Bulgaria for having brought about the present affairs , and says : "The powers are unanimous In the desire to rcntore the 'Main quo ante , ' and although till action is bristling with obstacles and pitfalls , this unanimity justifies tlio hope of success. " DKLOIIADK , Oct.J. . Tlie IJelgr.ido diplo matic corps in Hi is city addressed n note to the Servian government with a view of arresting further bellicose action by Sorvla. TroubleH. CALCUTTA , Oct. ii2. Contingents from the India army fiom MadniH and tills cil v are be- ng rapidly transported to ILingoon , where theexpeditioiiary force Is being assembled for Invasion of ISurma , ' . The Uunncso yov- crnmout is constantly preparing to resist the advance of the Jiriti.sh troops. Knglncers nre biLslly engaged In electing earthworks. planting torpedoes , building flic-rafts , load ing hulks with stones and sinking them nnd placing chains across the liver to obstruct navigation. King Thelnw Ifi disappointed because a ma jority of the cabinet olllchils at n council held lo consider the situation favored the peace pulley. After tin-council the principal ncnco advocates telegraphed Iho Itmiicso dclcjjalo nt Parlntho details of Hits council. Notwith standing the active preparations of the Itur- nese foicc.-i , the British ufllwrs expect that the campaign In Uurmali will be short. tlio Irish I-'ni'iuerH. LONDON , Oct. JKi. The Kuu'IlHli l''ainicri : alliance has adopted a resolution stating that to avert tlie ruin of the urese.nt meo of farmers the hind owners must forthwith reduce tlie H'lits of farms nnd government must formulate n mcnsuio which will prevent llio raising of icnts on the improvements of tenants. * ' A XowKinper | Ti-iiiiKl'or. D.tvr.Ni'oiiT , In. , Oct. a. . The Dally Gnx- etlo of this city was to-day Mild lo thrco Chicago patties. The piircha.sc.rri are Geoigo ] { . Ainulrong , formerly tilty editor of the Inler-Occau , but more recently register of lands in Huron , lak.C. ) ; Vallclte , sou of Ool. Vullelte , of Chlraio ; , nnd Mr. Ita.smuss n , recently of the ( 'liic.igo Times editorial Hall. Armstrong Is lobe editor In chief and C. Valletlu Imsdne.s.s niiiiiaj'cr , The Gazette Is good propty ) , and the new management begins under favorable auspk-e.s. _ Dentil of a "Widely Known Woman. Nuw YOIIK , Oct. 2- . ' . Mary A mm Jloolh , widow of tlio late Jnnliis Itiutus licoth , and the mother of Kdwln , J. AVIIIcs : , nml Junlus A. Booth , died of pumimcinlu at the residence of the bust named to-day , on Twenty-third Mreet , thlseltv , aged t-i. : Shu will bo buried In llaltlmori ! . Slut was widely known nmung tlieatrlcal people , anil much loved. Detid hock on a Intention. SiT.isoi'n ; ! . ! ) , 111. , Oct. SM. The sohllcnV homo coninilsslon held three sessions to-day and then adjourned until lo-moi row. A gtuat many voles were taken , but tbodead leek is not broken , nml tlio iterplexliit ; quc < < Uon of u location Hi.-t'iiiH no nearer now n. . an on the day on Which thu lirst vela \vui ; takc-n. "Mini ) lv\ilisliii. | UiciiMcivn , Va. , ( M. at' . An oxplociiui occina-d Ibis morning at the liaccu-iiiB nil * , Choi > lvrieM ! county. Olio lmndic < l meirvWro in the mine at Ihutltiii ) , but onlj one killed and three vvoiini | d. Dcalli or d M.\vr nitsrivti , Oct. e , ' . Itlght llrvcrend Jiuiii K' ? T , D , I ) . , Us ) iji -jf died suddciHv tu-day , WHERE WILL TIIE DROP END ? ThoUnclicokotl Downward Drive Domomlla * iiig the Markets , THE DECLINE UNPRECEDENTED. Wlieatnnd Cntllo , Ilio I'rlnclpiil Arti cles of Trade , ITmlorRoliiK tlio Severest Weakness In I'l-lo Kiinu-n Tor n liong 1'erlod. Clilcngo Grnin Pfnrket. CHICAUO , Ocl.iW.-Spcclal | totlmUnn. ] \VituAT-The wheat market wiut lower iigaln lo day , declining on Ihn afternoon board to NT'u't ' which Is the lowest point touched dur ing the present decline , nnd Is 7 'c lower than the highest Hnuro reached last wectr. The decline has been nn unusually Hove.ro ono , and has caused many small liolderH to throwf their wheat on the matket , which han aided , . * In depressing values. Three or four of thti largo local houses , ollhcr ncllng for thctn-J selves or outside parlies , have l > ccn large lines ot wheat , supposedly for llio I /'short'1 / account , for three or four days ami. have met every advance with largo offcrliiffs , ' under which the market has steadily declined , \ closing lower eacli tliiy with one exception since October M , when the highest prlco dut > { lug the present crop year was readied. Tlm * market opened ncivous and unsetllod lhh } , < mornliig , nt S7Vo lor December , nillhvlt quickly to bH'A' , sold off UKaln * to the lowest point uixIA then , under fair buying , rose to bSJu'c , but fell back with some fluctuations , shading offc rapidly toward the close of the regular board to 67 > X'y ( 's"4e , and ehi.stug at that iigure. Thuk feeling was again very weak In the nl'tor- noon , December deellniuir to VT'-ie , tallying slightly , nnd closing at ST.-W' ) . ' . Kccolpts ' continue quite large at lionliwcstcni points , nnd the export dcimiud cuulinmfj lights There was a largo expert shipment repotted. for Spain , but it was not corroborated , and while the rumor steadied the market for n. time , prices tell back again in n failure to verify it. Cables quoted hi cady foreign mar kets. w llh cargoes on hand moie urml.y hold , Large deliveries from farmers' hands in thlq country , however , was the principal reason urged tor the continued decline In values. COUN Trading In corn showed n littkl more animation and prices weio qullcj steadily held , closing generally nnhadohlghcr than yesterday. OATS -Oats ruled dull and easy , closing a shade lower. PitovisiONs mess pork prlcAS advanced rxS'17'.c ' earlv , receded : Jii4.H ! ! and elosccj sn-atfy. l/.ifl ( was a. ' So higher , with a inquiry. Cliicano Idvc Slnok MurUof , CIIICAOO , Oct. 2'J. [ Special to theUi.n.1 CATTM : With the fresh arrivals ( hero must have been at least 1-1,000 on sale. The.ro worn u larger number unsold in the pens nt tlio close last night than for nny dly ; In two years. It is drawing It mild to ropoil the market dull and prices weak. Now nnd again a few loads of good native eattlei , averaging iWO : Ibs , sold within a r.ingo oC Sl.&V&V.U , and the most useful sorts would not sell for over S..2ri ® ' > .fiO. Tlio class of native stock that Is losing the most money in the ordinary run of medium to good natlvas. Prices on such arc a strong fie lower than n > week ago , and this comm ises the bulk of no- * live Block on sale. ' 1 here were hopcaniiil signs of a revival Ibis week , but so far tbero are no ovidoneesof tlie realization of either. Some good heavy Montana cattle sold iit S4,17'.j. These cattle were about as good , nn the average of the Montana cattle ' beeves , which sold hereumontb ago nt. ltK < 5il s.JJ.'J. Prices are about 7 e lower onthtj ye.rniro for best gratles. The toji for Montana caluo to-ilnj' was gl..JO , nnd that was .Ifw : . lower thau , the top price of yesterday.Whipping < 8txwnfn iiriOlol&00 : Ibs , t.7. " > 4sT5 ; taOO tri J : i lb , ? .i.oifH-'r. ( ) : wo to isoo Ibs , s.7i : ) ( > i.oo. Through Texas cattle slow ; W > Q t 10W : lb , Sa)0 ( ) ( < ' ti.10 : ; 7W ) to 000 Ibf. , -J.lOS ) . ) ; t500.to " " ' ' WfO Ib.s. S.07) < i ; 2 l Montana , l'.MT Ibs , SI.IT ' ! ; 1)7 ) .Montana , lillO Ibs , S4/JO ; 70 Mon tana , 1U10 Ibs , S4.UO. lions Tlie market opuned rather weak ind first sales baicly made ns good prices an nt the extreme close hist night. Uel'oro the close prices milled up to about where they opened yesterday , or about lOti higher tlian at the close last night. Packing and shipping : . r > 0 toHIO Ibs , SiUO s.- ) . Uf-ht weights. 180 to 170 Ibs , Sil.CO S.HJ ; 180 to10 lbs , ( io.CO.- _ _ A QUliKIl CHEW. A ItrltlKli Uurk Mnnneil by .Tnpuiftfl'o Suiloi-s wliodo not UndcrNtuutl ' t i , Me. , Out. 21. [ Chlaigo Times Special. ] The Uriti.sh bark Robert S. Itoni- , ard , commanded by CnpU Andiown , from. ' Jllogo , Japan , to this port , laden with cam. , ihor and rags , attracted much attention , ho ng manned by n crew of fomtcon Japanese * . Bailers , none of whom can speak a word of Kngllsli nor understand an order from their olllcer without the aid of Hlgns. With his novel crew Cant. Androwo made tlm voyage fiom Kiogo In Ifi7 days. ' ' "They iiru excellent sailors , laps of mine. " said Captain Andrews. " 'they me easily mapjurcd , never ge.t drunk , ind uive no trouble whatever , 1 think thai , tlie time Is not far distant when the .la nan r.to I sailors will find ready employment In our men-haul trade. Within the post year 1 have , met many hlilpmasterrt who havec.xpie.sscd < the sumo opinion. " 'The vojngo wan nn eventful one. Captain Andrews sailed from icie witli-.u-rew of colored men , who caused much trouble bcfoie thu anlval In Japan,1 One of the sailors , \rthnr Domiison , of Porir. , land , fell o-.olioaid nt sea , and though every' cll'oit was made fo i-eu-no the nnl'ortunnto man by the olllcers , the crew , fearful of the gale that prevailed at tlio time , icfuscd lo assist , nnd Donnlsoa' was lost Later , when passing nround Capo lloin , Seaman l.awicncii Sailers , a nntivoot South A ineiic.i , fell from n yard , mid , Htrik- Ing on tluideck , was Instantly killed , Thin , was in tlie night and dm Ing a furious storm. \ \ hen the vessel iiirlved atShanghal thiicmw demanded their wiu-'o-s nnd dlscmrtre. ) Cnpt Andiows icfuscd , nnd be nnd hm ofllccro were shoitly liinnmoned bnl'oie the HiltlhU consul to nn.wer to chiirgos of cruelly treat ing the men , of malting no ell or I , lo save the Irownlng sailor , and of liclng iiistriiinrnUti In ( ho denth of halters. After a full hearing he captain and hl ollici-rs WPIO cxoneratini , 'ind the crew Imiulsoncd , Dining the vfty ijfu homo tlm rook , Chailos Smith , of Haiti- mure , ( tledofdiopsy. Tlio CiTVoi'Mnxn'o , via Ciulvuaton , Oct. 2-J Much excitement la toll In political circles ivcr the recent vote In the lower hoii.io . , pro lUM-d by the liberal deputies In opposition ( o .ho government , requesting the t'ovenimont o render mi account of the lucent snlox ofi nllounl lamls. The minister of jinblhjvorkn uescnted a written Klntemi.-nt ot I he contract ; undo and Immcdl-alcly Iho prcblclentof the muse declared an adjournment. Tlmpno - sltlon deputies objected. Tiusday the poflcij win obliged to clear the gnllarlcs of evc of the opposition , CI'lio Woatlier. WASIIISOTOV , Oct. { ; i. Upper sisHlipl | valley : Slightly wanner , fair w em her , llLjIu varinblu winds , lilnitiiii ; to Miiilherly In noithc-ni purtlon , Missouri valley : Slightly warmer , fair weather , winds blilftlnt , ' to bouthe.rlj , lower latomcter. A llrokcn ituukct Rliop. Nnw YOIIK , Oct. - - ' . Tim bucl.it .Imp ol ' . I'rlednmn , siiApondcd , owing : n , < > 0i ) , Tliu idviiocu In oili and stuck * If Uealg'i-xi M the