Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 22, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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IJo. 19 Fsarl Btr ct.
T I.UMI 1 lij rnnli-r In nny ) mrtfirtioclly ) nt
l < tily ( f'tilx | < > r M'ok ,
Jli W. TIMIIN , . . . Mnnnccr.
H'-ilcr , HID tiiilor , for full
'Iliere. lw\ii Ix-uii 721 TimrrinRD lieeiiM'B
Issued lurro filnco the 1st of January lail.
l/i avn ( ( wed was yesterday < tfve.ii to
IVter ( } eotth , iitul Anna Sehoetiiii } * , both
of Mincoln.
Tin ! policemen limo tlieir grand htill
lliis ; \etiinj , unit every u.c.sunuicv Is
dial it will lie a luijipy occasion
nml a financial
Hon. J. ( ' . Iturrouchfl , of Miuliigun , Ute
to tulilrcus tlin people hero -nilitoii
tlio jmlltienl IMIII , titul aM IKS is known
ns u in ml , { nlerotiiiK nn l popular
fipeiiki r liu will lw "i von tiltirjro nuillencu
nml tittmithu lieimtitf.
Only one ilruuk in the polieo rourt. yes-
teriliry Tlio poliee tiio Ini'-.y in
s , anil juopuriiifj ; for their yraml
Jinll , nml it in very thoughtful of tin ;
naughty people aroiinil town to hehavo
BO well wliilc tJio oHieurs arc f > o occupied.
Yesterday tiflenioiMi there XVH : a hap-
] > y weililin ; ' 'it Keil's hotel , the contract-
JUK parties beinjx Peter ( Jeltish anil Ali. H
AmuiSehooniiu , ' , liolh of Minnesota. A
goodly nnnihur of frieudB won : present
to witness tlio eeroiiiotiy , wliiohvtrn hap-
plly4H'rforniiMl hy Justieo tt. Shur/ .
Tin ) Crons li.'i i ) him been ealled in tlio
supi IJIIIP court at ntihuiue | , hut , thu felnto
wiw not qnt ! ready fur iirKunii'iil , anil
fifteen ilayw worn granted this Mute in
wliioh to prepare its argument , and tlio
uVfiMiH * AMI days in whiish to innko its
TinIMJHO will come up at , Dos
In thu superior court the of the
Western Cottage Organ company
Jlr. .J , JVIucller opiiied ; yesterday and
will probably oeeupy Iho atte.ntlon of
judge and jurj for - \ days. The
amount iinoKcd is about $23,000. Thi !
account1- urn lung and complicated and
Umre uill In ; a heap of figures before. : i
juat balance can probably lie reached.
C. J. Hlanehard , the oil inspector , yi'B-
IcnliiY tiled -exeni ! informal ions against
diU'i'ivnt pfirtien for handling oil which
liad not bonn duly inspected. Onuinfor-
inution was against U. il. Witt , ofiUin-
den , and another was against the C. U. it
O. railway company. It is eluimed that
Wilt bought oil in Omaha and that it had
Jiol ben inspected : is the law requires.
Thi ) party tCedar Hapiil.s gimtk'nien ,
of whom mention \\sis made in yester
day's IJm , , were here jcsterday looking
ever the eity and its improvements , and
getting pointerH us to what ( Vilar Uapids
jiyijdg . ( Hi ] Jiyw to gel it. They suemcd
rajilei' ulore ylca i.-il the block pave-
iiiont than wilh granitt ) foi'mch UHO ny it
would got in their city. They found a
gouinl guide in the form of Harry Hun
ter , who med to live in Cedar Hapids ,
ana who took { )1 usuic in showing the
VJHitorH about the ItluflV.
The game of base ball which wai nd-
vcstised to laki plm e yesterday , betiveeu
u female elub and a nicked nine of ball
playoi'H of thih eity , did not lake place.
Thu female ball to'sers were then ; , and
fco was the picked niiio of maiuliiies : ,
but theru was little donn beyond collectIng -
Ing aduiittanco fuo.s , and going through
the motions of u game As ball players
tlin feminities are not a fuie < ; es. , and the
only fcaturo which scented to bis of inter
est , was tlio iwu-lt.v of hiioiug gaily
dre.sped ladies m a Held trying to throw
straight , and trying to catch a , ball and
hold it.
Substantial abstract.1 * of title and real
( .state loans. J.V. . , & K. L. Squire , 101
Pearl street.
.If yon wish t < i make Ic itinuiteli' from
ten to lift.y dollar.s ] ) er day write to Judd
& Smith , Ko. itl Fourth Btreet. Council
What WoniRii Iluvc Done.
At a meeting of the Woinan'N Ex-
chanju , held at the rciidenco of Mrs.
'J'liomas Oilicor , on Tue'-daj' afternoon ,
October 20 , tlio followiiiij resolutions
wore adopted :
First To state for the bpnelit of all in
terested the result of the late exposition
( liven by the members of tlio Uxchanj o
The total receipts were l,2.i.yi ; net.
f')00 ) The organization , 'inco ( ho 1st of
Slnroli , lti& > , has cleared sflUIH.St ) . Of this
amount liMi ) ; is to be paid toward the
Beating of the church , other cntertain-
mcnts to ho given during the wHtor to
make up the balanoo , the organi/ation
having agreed to seat the new church
Seconu To render our acknowledge
ments and a voki of thaukn to all who
kindly aided u * during Our exposition ; as
their kindly aids eamo in .so many ways ,
it will bu impossible to enumerate them ,
but all are highly appreciated.
Third To give resolutions to
tlio public through tlio prces and place
them upon our records
Mils. K. D , F. ,
For everything in the grocery line give
the now firm of KintKleeb , KW
Uroadway , a trial. Everything new and
fresh. Fancy groeerii.-H a specialty.
Lamps cheap at Homer's , 2U Main St.
Judge Shlras , of thu federal court , is
on the sick It.-t.
Jloyt Sherman , jr. , of DCS Moincs , wan
In tlm city yeMotday.
11. N. MctJreer. of Dcni'-on , was greetIng -
Ing his ( ktincil Hlnll's friends yesterday
. Pohtmastttr HevKeley , of Missouri Val-
Jey , was a welcome eallur at the HIK : of-
lice yesterday.
Judgii Love lias gone to Huron , Da
kota , to attend tin : wedding of Inn son ,
George J. Love.
1 like my wife to mo l o//oni'fi Powdo
beoausi ! it Improves her looks , and is as
fragrant as a violet.
City Council.
The eity council Jahtovcning succeeded
in securing a quorum , but took no action
in regard to the chief of tlm liru depart
Tlio clerk was Instructed to telegraph
Mr Vincent that if ho is not horn 1 $ Fri
day and prepared to continue his work
on Indian creek , his contract will bo an
A rcmonstrnnco of property owners on
Heott street aga list the propoml change
of grade on that street was presented and
It was decided to put man holes In the
Fourth .street sewer.
Bfl'lie eomniHloo on paving was in-
Hiniotcil to invi't'.rarcsoliitions for having
1'otirJ ( Street paved with C'OtiAV blocks ;
also for paving tlio alley north of llioad-
way. from .Main to North Second street ;
nltn tlm alley ImMvccn M.iin am ! Fourth
MiY'd-i , from Willow avemio to Storey
blrt et.
Adjourned to Saturday ovcnlng ,
Last evening a new po t of thu ( J. A.
K. wax mustered in. this making two po > ts
in IhNrily. II. ( > ' , .Myers , of tlie Harrison
, > the
What i hiiinn without a mother ? As
oln'i.rlr.s.s a * | | wniild tut wllhiuit St. .J.i-
cob Oil Itoth Mjuilin aii-1
An Important and Interesting Decision k
Hegnnl to MccliBJiica1 Lic
Tenlli Aveinn ! Priipi'i ( j Ouner HUB-
IIPOI n Unlluny Bcliemo Tlm
Cliiiroli AVoi'lc of Women
Oilier City N ! W8.
No "Kill" on ilic "Men.1
The decision of Judge Shlraa , of the
United States court , jn regard to a suit
against the waterworks company , pre
sents some new legal phuj-es , which arc
of special interest , e poeially in the Bug-
gp'tlons made sis to what the eon e-
quenees would bu if mechanics' liens
could bo got on Hiich improvements.
The eae is that of the Shackle , Harrison
it Howard iron company against the
Council HliiH's water works company ,
and others , and as the.deeision is not only
of local iinportuneo but of intereM. to ail
cities having \\aler works or similar im
provement * .
The decision is in substance as follows :
Jn siihntancc the bill in this case sets
forth that on April li. , ! 8f3J , the complain
ant made a contract , with the American
const ruction eomtiany , of Now York , and
tiio Council Hlull's water works com
pany , u hereby complainant agreed with
the construction company to furnish
certain oust iron pipes to be used in the
construction of the water works , the con
struction company agreeing to pay cer
tain prices for the same , and the water
works company guaranteeing the faith
ful performance by the construction
company of the contract , and 'the water _
works company boun I itself to deposit
as security the sum of $ jOHXin ( ) the Com
mercial bank at. St. Louis.
The construction company had pro
cured the right to oonMruet the works
under a city ordinanee , and had trans
ferred tlie e rights to the water \vorks
company ; and il is averred that , in fact ,
all tne work done and material furnished
was furnished Ih'o watrr works company
as the ical party in hit ; icst.
The complainant claims that there still
remains unpaid nn the contract the Mint
of * o,4'Jl. ! for which a judgment is asked
against ( lie water works eompany , and
that a nieehaniu's lien be established and
enforced upon the real estate of the
water works company , with the build
ings , reM > ryoirs , and also upon the
mains , distributing pines , hydrant * , etc.
To ( tin bill the water works company ,
II. I' . M Kirkinbiue and the Farmers'
Loan and Trust company , as trustees , in
a mortgage executed by tlio water works
company upon its property , to poeure
certain bonds , are inado parties defen
The water wqrk company tiled a do-
lllUl'lcr l < ) tl | < ! ' "Hi nnd it is now before
thoeomt On ihe question presented ly
tlie deinurrer.
The tir t ground of the demurrer j thai
of a defect of parties dcfendant,1n that
neil her the American Construction com
pany nor the oily of Council IJlulls is
made a party to the procee.dings.
Neither the right nor the property of
tlm con-truotion company will bo alloeted
by any judgment or decree rendered in
this proceeding. The complainant seeks
only a remedy against the waterworks
company and its property , and the ques
tions thus arising can be fully passqd up
on without the presence of the construc
tion company as a party. Upon this
ground the demurrer is not well taken.
Whether the city of Council Blnlls
should be made a party defendant pre
sents a more ditlieult , question. It is ap
parent that complainant seeks to havp a
lien in its favor established on the mains
and other pipes extending along and
undurthe ntre.els and alleys of the city.
If the decree asked shoulil be granted ,
and Iho property told under such a de
cree , the purchaser would become the
owner of the mains and distributing
pipes which are beneath tlie streets ot
the city , placed there under the author
ity of the city. Are such pipes , placed in
the streets and highways of the city to
subserve a public purpose , to wit , that , of
furnishing a supply ot water to the city
and its inhabitant'- , , for public and pri
vate use , subject to a mechanic's lien ,
even if tlie same are owned by a corpora-
lion otherthantheeity ? If they are would
a purchaser at a foreclosure sale of a me
chanic's lien thereon , have the right to
renew them , and thus deprive the eity
and its inhabitants of their water supply ?
It is clear , without further elaboration ,
that the interests of tin ; eity are liable to
be atl'ected by a decree of the 'nature
prayed for , and that if such decree is
rendered , and a sale of the properly be
made , serious complications would at
once ari o , affecting the interests of the
( purchaser and of the eilv.
If the property sought to bo subjected
to llie lien was ordered to be sold with
out llrst Fettling the right of the eity , no
one could determine what right lie would
acquire to the property , in case ho be
came a purcha er , and at a sale made
under .such circumstances it could
not bo expected that the real value
of the properly could be realized.
The interest of the city
in Biich a controversy is of finch a nature
that it should bo made a party , in order
that as far an no sible the rights of all
may be protected. If then the cause is
to proceed further , the city of Council
liluns should be made a party defendant.
The demurrer presents another ques
tion , which goes to the right of the com
plainant to a mechanic's lion under any
circumstances , and that is that the time
of making a contract , under which the
complainantclaims a lien , and as a part
thereof , the complainant secured collat-
tcral security , and thereby the right to a
liun is defeated. The demurrer was sus
tained upon this ground.
One question can be better determined
if the case proceeds further , upon tlio
final hearinir , than is now presented , and
it is reserved for decision at the limn
hearing. That is , in regard to the ques
tion whether the property upon which a
lien is sought i.s of Mich a public char
acter that the court will not
enforce a lien thereon , under the provis.
ions of section : iiIM ) of the code of Iowa ,
whiuh exempts from H.ilo unon execu
tion public property necessary and prop
er for carrying on iho general purposes
of the corporation. That question uill
morn properly in thu city becomes
comes a party to this litigation , and It i.s
therefore reserved for future disposition
The demurrer is therefore sustained
upon the ground that it appears from the
record that llio complainant before the
completion of the contr.ict for fur-
nlnhing the material took collater
al security , and is not therefore
entitled to a mechanic's Hun , If the
facts juMity it , complainant has leave to
amend its hill so as to show that in fact
the Mjeurity provided for in the contract
was not deposited. If such amendment
is madii within thirty days from this date ,
then the complainant is required to make
thocityof Council HliiH's a party defend
ant. in ordur that its right may bu huaid
and la this proceeding ,
Tlio Clogged ficwei1.
A gang of men have been at work tor
several days clci > rugout ! the sinver on
llancroft > lrm > t , which has bocmm ) t > o
iillcd up with mini that It has boon im-
puvtl'loto uloir : it out hy Hushing. Thu
plan was necessitated , therefore , of dig-
fi-ig ( duwii , opening tlio sewer at con-
, , 'iilor.l diMaiiccs , n ad then digging
nml Iciiling unt the mud , The task Is a
lie ivy ui'l ' 1'ijic iMvcumi , and thoi" have
been many citizens who have been
watching the work who arc ready t < j
complain gn ally at what f ccms to them
a bungling bit of engineering to thus lnj
a PPW or which in so short a Unto has to
bo cleaned out In this expensive way ,
The Indienant talk has been increased by
the fact that the city employed atn
good round sum an engineer from
Chicago to make the plans , hoboing sup
posed to be an expert. The Hr.K man
for the sake of finding out just
what oau. o there was for com
plaint , yesterday sought out the city
engineer , Air. Urodbeek , and asked
him. Ho expliiincd the fact of the pcwer
thus liHing up. by calling attention to the
condition of willow avenue pie\ious to
the recent paving. With a very stoop
grade , the rain in coming doxvn in great
Mroiuns washed tin * .soil out by tlio wagon
load mid swept it on , carrying much of il
with the rush of water into the llancroft
street sewer , and ilcouldnnl help but till
up. Now that Willow avenue had been
paved , ho thought , this would not wciir
agniii , but in his opinion it would be v.cll
to Hush out the ener after each heavy
rain. The fall was sullicieiit to carry oh
the water , and the sewer , in his opinion ,
was all right , for the ptirposi-rt for which
it was intended , but It was never int/Mided
to be lined for carrying dirt by the wagon
load. There would not. bo hereafter Piieli
washes of dirt from Willow avrmie , and
the eili/ens need not , worry about any
further trouble if the matter was looked
after a little from time to time.
A Hallway oa Tenth Avenue.
TtseouH hard to trace even a few of
the many rumors about the new bridge
enterprise to a definite mlid fact The
citi/.ens along Tenth avenue have been
greatly o\ereised of late by a report. ,
which is credited by as many as true ,
that the Union 1'acitie had got the con
sent , of tlio city to run a track along
Tenth avenue , tlie arrangements being
that the eompany should have thin right
for two years only , the purpose of the
track being to get at. the bluffe for dirt to
till up iho approach to the new bridge ,
which work would bo 'I'nishcd ' before the
two years were gone by , and that then
the track could be , and would 1m routined.
Following this report , comes the more
startling one that the Union 1'aeilie has
arranged for the old foundry building on
Main Mtv < t , and that il is the inti lition
of tlio company , after getting the new
bridge done , to keep iN traek on Tenth
axenue , as a permanent convenience to
tin1 wholesale houses and agricultural
implement warcliou-e.- ! , and in make a
sort of reeoi\ing depot out. of the old
foundry. Some of the citixons along
Tenth avenue have pictured for
the future that that avcnup
would soon become one of the most im
portant in the eity , after the new bridge
is done , and while thcj are willing to let
the company ifo the street temporarily
for getting dirt for the no\v enterprise ,
thev do not want U ) have any ontmn ;
ghon the company lo m.ikc ilio avenue
li JWUn net ) t road bed for a sidetrack.
It doe- , not appear thattlie city has given
any right , for the Union I'aeilio to use
that street , although there may bu some
underctanding with some of the alder
men. li is not surprising that the
people are suspiejoiH , binee the city
gave away the expensive Union avenue
to the Union I'aeilio. The presunt coun
cil will doubtless protect the interests of
the people , and it i.s pretty s-tfe to assert
that with tlie board as at present organ-
i/ed there will be no such funny won ; as
has characterised tlie actions ot some of
tlie previous couaciln.
Flirt in ; ; wllli the DcinocratH.
The Labor Protective association of the
ninth congressional district lias boon or
ganized , and is supposed to be in the in
terests of labor solely , and not a politi
cal orgaut/atiou. Snob has been tlie de
clared policy , and at the meeting
Sunday night last , the consistent
course was taken of squelch
ing the attempt of the mayor and
some other politicians to get thu org.ini-
/.at ion to unite in a meeting at which
both labor and the mayor's political
schemes could be advocated. Since then ,
however , the labor organi/.ation has been
led astray. The organi/.ation was to
have another meeting last evening , and
the democrat- ) were to have a meeting on
the same night. The workingmen were
led to believii'that the democrats had the
best drawing card , and would have n
lioii"i- well tilted , and the labor meeting
would only get a comparative handl'ul.
It was suggested that , the labor
organization join with the democrats in
holding a meeting , and that the organi-
/ation need not thereby become con
nected with politics , but tnat they could
have their own speakers and the demo
crats also have their own. It was urged
upon them that there were many citi/.cns
who would bo glad to hear both speakers
and attend botn meetings , nut if neld in
separate places on the same evening this
could not be done. It would aecomnio-
date many , therefore , if a joint meeting
wis : held. Such were the arguments
iibod , and the democrats cunningly .suc
ceeded in sediieing the labor leaders
from their original and worthy purpose
of keejiing aloof from both. pol'itieal par
ties , leaving political preferences to the
individual members. The announcement.
went forth that the democrats would
hold a meeting , and the mooting was vir
tually captured in the interests of tlio
democracy. The labor organi/ation ,
through its ollicers , tried to remove the
impro-.s'on from the public mind that
they had joined with the democrats , but
it will take more than one day's work to
do away with the eilcets of their foolish
action. It matters not what party holds
a _ meeting , so long as the labor orgam/.a-
tion has the auiwed policy of keeping
aloof from political entanglementa ,
thorn should bo no joining , no llirting.
Let the labor organization go ahead in
its nun independent. courao , which it has
already marked out , and when it is to
have a meeting and some great big party
comes along and announces a rival meet
ing on the same night , let the workingmen -
men have sand enough logo ahead with
their own meeting , and tneir own busi
ness , or abandon the meeting altogether
until a more convenient foiuon. : Ft can
not atlord to create false impressions ,
and should avoid oven the appearance of
evil. The lesson of last night may be of
sullieient experprttcolo them. It Is to bo
hoped so. v
WANTKII Wh&it , corn and outs in car-
lots. Liberal advances made on all con
signments , by .1. Y. Fuller , Council IJluH's ,
Iowa , and Omaha , Neb.
A Theatre Change * Ilunils.
The Academy of Music has again
changed hands. Col. Woods , who has
bcon conducting ho dime museum , hav
ing left the eity Thu theatre bus now
been leased hy Messrs. Hurt A Hammond ,
two vvoll known theatrical gentlemen ,
who intend to conduct it in a tlrst-eiass
manner. They have concluded to change
the name , and hereafter it will be known
as thu J'coplu'rt Theatre. Stove Mcalio ,
who has lung hAon connected with the
theatre , has be' ! , , bOfyjrcd as manager.
Tlm new regime ' -M/UIIW / control iiext
Monday. 'I f
Miss Ibabol Shave , 'Nnnda , N , Y. . a
teacher of drawing ana painting , in
vites all interested to call sit W. W.
Chapman's , or at her studio , northeast
corner of Tenth avenue and Third ctrcut ,
ami mo :
lx > sl , IVnni.l , ri o IA..III , * Mir ! > rtl , To 1ii nt , N nuts
lom ! < lln > . ' , no. , will lie tiWt-'tfl In tli ) column
tholowmto ( if TUN HtN'rs I'UU MM' fnrltic
fiiMiiwj ll.m nml riVlJ CIJNTS VKU MM ! toi
c-ppli f.ii' , oqwiit insertion. lrtvo l mlverilsev
mentfiit our oflk't' , No. li IViul tttcil ,
- -a _ 1 _
A Hr t
luiu'li milliter ; nbui , ! > oy to wu li
nml uttciut coiiiitor. jinilo ; ton il Slilnchnin ,
t'hlonvo I.lini'li Konni , * " Jlrciulvrit ) , Council
111 i urn.
] jOH HAMr-ltrinsr ilnfrous of inuvlni : tn
Oiniilin , nn account' lit my t > uMne p , I ulTor
lor inlo my ivMdtiirn , ftmirr rmiilh wciutii
nmlNinlli mivct. ] niiiiiu ) < > u tuvinl'i'S. A.I ) ,
Urn ! mi n ! .
' \\TAMTr.D -Him iiltu , nnu tr nor. mm luiritonu
t nml DIM ) tiibu itlnyrv Tor n l > ni lianil
Apply nt unco to il , U. Vinciiiiin , mmuwrol
l.unli'R lln'e Hull c'ub uiul mllltim uult'i" , ut
liotel cur "yur-ini of tlm liimil. " m Union 1'iicltic
lummy tU'pnl , Cnunc : )
1 , ( ) ST- Silver wiitHnlmlifolil rlmlH. ltii nn
J J lll IK > ri"il ! the llmlmSlurtln Hutrlif-r ,
fil Ninth struct.
ANTIil ) A uooil Kill lor ifcnenil
work ; No. ll llnncinrt MriMjt.
) HK.NT \ nmv so\cii-nHiiii liuii'O. lliuiuln.
r llhK OlliCf.
FOH HKNT A Rlvrnnm lin\i e. tun mlnuteg
wulU fiinii IIU-IIH-SM , cllvnter , well nml cli-
lem. J iir rent I'lii-iiii.
I'oii HUNT No. 13J ltnrri < on Mrwt , three
nmins. JlcMAlio.N il Co. ,
) 1'euil struot.
rou SAI.I : . roit itr.NT oit Jcxr
NO. BJI'nr 'iilniifii'tit.on ' very lllieinl lurini.
TlioOiunell ttlutlitl'iiper Mlll.ooiliplcte , ulth
- | KIII U nml iliiuu neivi of
Nn. l A lnHlni-s * propurty In Clii riihue ,
nieuAc-p rounl ) , loMit. nlll trinle lurtslorn
ItiniH.iilne , iilniiit .fM M.
Nn.A > braillltul liiimu In thntnnnur lluvl-
Inire. MI1N { ninity , limn , lor Nebraska Intnl.
Vnlue. .VI.5W.
No.II A > : < MMl lm > .inf.Kn pniperty nml iilo n
vnml ridlileneo propi-rly In tliu tnwn nf Chviixo.
MoLrnn eomity. 111. , low ilowu lor oiiMior will
eveliiume for i-lei n InniN.
No. 17 A iplcndld rm in , i\ell improveil.041) )
nenM In lUi'Uiiisnii i-ounty , lowu. Joining the
town of Spirit Uiku. 1'ilce , for n nhort time ,
' .
No. 1HI in 1ST Are four Inprmeil fnriiH in
VllllliHI-llUlltV. | Kl'.llbllr > , I'llfll with II Blimll ill-
eiimbnuioe. The IXIIIII.K ill lie u\chiuit-e < l for
iitniiiiiilMT ! < 'il lll ( liinil In .
No. 1'i.t ' ISO Ki'iesln Ilolttounty , Nc'b. , jurlly
Improveil. ut n tliu : 1ii > rinilii. Wmit.n to e\umiiio !
No. M A tine1 two Moxy lirlolt re lilcnoc. ono
ol the ln--t liiuiiijoim In ( outlet ! DliillH , lll Inulo
lor JTDOI ! imineuiiliuiiH ] KniHAi r Ncbnii-lcu
liiiuh. % iilm , liVitxi.
No. .Vi anil -\retwnnl1iri1 bi'iuitlful humus
in CoiiiH'll IllulV , Mjiich wMi piiyiucius.111 liny
ut n linrxiiin.
No. M A livinitlful miburlKin locution In lnn
City , liran. uill uxvluin n lur wtstern luniK
Vnlue , J.Vum.
TliiMiltmi ; uvo only Imr of our bar-
1-nlni. If yon'voirot iui > llliiB ) : lo trmlcnr f-Pll ,
nrujtni to null any icul i .tiitii or nicruhnndSu ,
Wlill" litV O lllltObenll Clllhl XUH'K'SOl IfOiMlS
to tniili- for lands. 8WAN i WAI.KKU.
l'otnu-11 lllnllx , lowiu
Fancy and Staple. . Groceries.
No. 102 - Broadway.
Opposite OgdBfl House ,
t .1
CoTmcil Bluffs , - - la.
Tins lious < : buinif a now oius , OODMS-
qutiiuly ovtrylhiiii ; in Moot is new nml
T'lieos as niKonilli : : ) ! ns any other yro-
cery in tin ; west.
Oiio trial is all wo ask.
342 < iml 344 BROADWAY.
RIens Fail & Winter Wear
mid lloj'S1 HtkncsH | | Suits.
Jli'iih' uiul llu > s' Drijvt iillH.
l.'hllilieiih' K\ery llnj uiul l > .
Ovei-eoutH lor Jfeii , Iloj mill I hiMrcn.
Mi > iiiliunlTitilorKiilit < .
Jlfivluiiil Tailor Ovurooiitn.
'Jailor TrowrOi-s.
i : < | iinl to HID ln'M , lu oilier ,
AllnUftlii ) priou. .
rnt.Moiib' Snlmaiiil Ovrn-onts.
I.oiin Mcim' Hnltti unil ( , ) vuit out j ,
Tut Mom' Trowtt'iF.
HciiinlciiH HilrtH mill 'J"iviK4f ) rs In Fwitch wools ,
MiMlciitixl BtMrlciH , llvtm lU'nvy HallirljnraiiH ,
I'lincy Coloroil WuoU nml iiiUwl qn.illtn < .4t from
L'5c each to f I.W. i
FOH TUB JfAMiOr lf .
. <
Gloves , j ji
Neckwear ,
Suspenders ,
Handkerchiefs ,
And Cuffs ,
Of Hrttcliiw iiuitlltk'ii mill icasoniibk ) price * .
tM2 wid 3U Uroaawuy , CouuclJ Jlluffe , IOWA.
Council Bluffs Carpet Co.
Onrotnrfc U lion iiimpMo In r\rry < 'rpiut-
nii'ia uiul contains iill thv liitost ili'ivK
irrc. , me
Largest Stock
Lowest Prices.
Tin ; < mv uxci.rpivi : cAiti'iri.1 nonpi : JN
BAMl'I.ES fiirnt-hoil ujion npplioatJnn to o
of town partita.
Council Bluffs Cafpet Company
5 Broadway.
Justice of the Peace ,
OltiPOOier Ainerirnn K\pre * ,
con ; > ciii nj.tuT ? . IOWA.
ForintMly ol'Xuw Verb ,
No. 311'cs.iilSti-cet , Council Jlluffs , Iowa
Co ,
Sanitary Hydraulic Engineers ,
Public and Private Systems
of Sewerage.
Water woiks iiiul VcntiluUon designed
and constructed.
Plumbing work in nil its Ijranolies.Thia
coinpuny Imve one of the best nosorUjd
Blocks of plumbing goods Jn the west
Estimates furnished.
Now York riunibing company GD3 Broad
way Council muffs. Telcphono No 537.
Practlccii In Statt und 1'e.deral con
7 aud , SMA \ tt Uuuo JJloc U.
GUM ! GUM ! CUM ! '
Immense Stock ,
Eastern Prices Duplicated
Send for ( Husirafed Catalogue ,
Wnrfliriti o nml f-'iilrfnwin , 41 N AtHln K ( , Council IllnffB , lo n ,
Ollioo 412 lli-osnlv ny.
InilMhifisofiiny hind IUIM.MI ot uiovnl nml MllafiicUon KuiintnteMl. rniiiio hoitgqj move
< in l.ittlo Oliint trui'KH Iho lirM III thu n < jrM.
1010.mi ST. , < xtrNrn > ni.r n-n , IOAW.
Have removed totheir New Store ,
Nos.32&34Mamand33&35PearlSts -i ff
AVlicrc they have put in u now Mock of
Ladies' ' and Genls Furnishing Goods , Etc , , Etc ,
< n i
Among which nre the following lines : r
Hats and Caps , G-loves and Mittens , Gents
Neckwear , Gents' Underwear.
Ladies' Children' * a/tid Misses' Underwear ,
Hosiery and Gloves , Cloaks and Shawls , Ladies' Valises , Blankets ana
Flannels , nock ford Carpet Warp in all Colors.
' JOHN BENO & CO. , '
No. 83 and JM jUniti Street , Council Blufl
No. m ami itf Pearl Street.
No. 29 Main street , Council Bluffs.
200 Heating Stoves from $3 to $10 Each.
CJirnp Cook Elovcs niul Gonorul Iloun ) Furnifchlnir cooils , ini'ludiiiff Now uiul Socoinl Hand l l
All sty lew of I-iiililcro conetnntlr In etock iimdo
from Fjiruco jiluu jilivnlc. Tlio vury betit.
No. 19 Pearl St. , - Council Bluffs
Over Huslmcll'8 Hook Store.
In Council Hlull's Imvlnjr
Ami nil modern Improroiiiunte , call lie ) Is , the
uluiin bL'lli : , otu , , Is tliu
Nns. Sla , W anil 210 , Main Dtroot ,
.MAX MOIIN , I'roiirlotor.
Thorough Instruction on the Piano
and Organ
1'crtnnc ilr lron of ifc < : lvln Inttructloa
Iho above will jilcuio ctill on or mlUrcai
Prof. C , D , Llpfert ,
KottOHrst ATCUUU , Council Jjir ) ) , ] owiu
No. (137 ( Bioiulway , Council JlliiCs.
Hair Goods of all Kinds
Made to Order.
Hair Goods of all Styles
Ready Made.
No. 337 Jiroadivay.
J , L , De BEYOISE , Agent ,
No. Wl nroadnnv , Council DlulTa.
Railway Time Table.
Tlio following Is tlio limn of nn'lvnJ nnfl
ili.'imrliiniol'triilns liy fontrilstninlaril tlino. nc
tlio IIKJII ! ilupotri. 'J'tiilim luuvo trnimlftriloiot | ton
minutes earlier und uirlvo ton luliuiios liilur :
ui.i'.Mir. Aiiitivr.
ciiiCAcn & . MiiiTit\risTUUN ,
0:25 : A. M . M.iilmiil Hxpniis . 0Mr. : u.
12:401' : . M . Au'OiiiiiiiHlntloii . 4rxi'.M.
6W : ! l1. M . Kxpi usa . U : W A. u ,
U2TiA.M ; . Mall unil K.vpi 33 . 0rlr. ; v.
7 : in A. u . Aiciiiiiiiiotliitliin . li-Mt'.u.
fiilsor.M . K\pn ii .
cntfAiio. Mii.\v.uiuii:4 : : ST. I'AUI. .
fl:20 A. M . Mull anil lixii v . 0W p. M.
& ; % ! . M . ixiri : | ; < i . \tft.\.a. :
! l:10 : A , M . Mull anil l.xnxti ! | . 7:10 e. M.
ri-.n l' . 51 . lltpivss . SsWA. M.
WAMAlill , t-T. l.ltllll , * IMCIIIU
Jir : , e. M Ixic-nl HI. IxiuU lIvpiesH .
auu : e. > i.Ti-iuiKiii ! ft. Ijiulb KA.Triiii lii-.U'Or. ! : u
KANttAh I.ITV HT. Jill ! < i ' ll'.Ntll. III.1IHH.
10lu.t. : > i . Mull mul H | iriis ! . , T.--"i i' . r ,
V'Ml'.H . IIM'K-M . 1-5A. : M.
blOL'X 1. 11V & I'Arltll ! .
" : ir , A. M . Sioux atv Mini . : : ; .M.
& : U' > i > , u . Ht. 1'itiil \ . \ \ < r < > * t . f. JA.u.
I'MnN eM'ine.
11COA. ; M . livtitci lUiiirm . 4X'n : : > .M.
lut : c. M..Mnciiii ! I'IIM. . Min.\ . V. . . . ' ; ; . - ! iu.
7:15 : 1'.u . Ovcilnti'J i ; | iti-N < . 6WA. : : u.
I.PUVO t'cii.nll l.liitin 7 : iiv " . .vi : Vj lO,1 * )
11:4(1 : ( a. in : . . ! - S'fi-.l.Ji'- ! . ' , 'irViJii : \ .
ITM.'i p , in , l.i.'im , ' liniuiiii - lif'i : ; > -/-jiuo : |
IlilSu. in : l : V > - . > : a-iW-f.J. : :
R. BICE , M. D.
r tiieuiir II-HMIV , * ) ii > iout
CHRONIC DISEASES n u.rf. u . | . ( inn , .
Over ihlny yvnn' i'rm-lJ v.l \ti-irliiiic ! , OfUce ,
Ko. II J'mrl t tnrl. Oniiie. ) ! iiuI !