Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 22, 1885, Page 4, Image 4

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OMAHA Omen , No. tilf ys i > jlfi I'AiiMw HT
Pnlill < . | i < "JtivoryinoniltK.c ) > xc pt&indiir. 'flu
only Monday mornlni ? JIHIIT tmtillnlifd In tin
Ono Yt r tlCum'rtirw Months . ti.U
? ltMinili ( . . . oni > Month . ! . (
1 IIB WfKki.r tlciu I > iibi | litKi Hvrry Wiilntwilny.
Ono Your , with premium . . . .ti.f *
Ono Your , ivltlinnt ptrinliiiii , . j.sf
fix Mtililln , nltliniit lirelnlum . 71
OnoMfiiitli.on trliU . 11
All coimmmlcnllnns relating- HVA nnd n < 1l
torliil miitttrf Miould lie lulilraMCil to tlic IJni
TOnormiK Uric.
iti'HiNfvfl i.nrnais :
AH liiislni-M iMtcrw unit n < mlllnnco < i should IK
SddlCSMll 111 TlIK IlKi : rrilt.lmilM ) UOUPiNV
OMAIU. Drnrn , rhockq nnil | M > stofl1oo order-
to lie iniule I'liynhlo to tliti order of thu ( ( impanj-
Tin : busiest men In Omaha nowaday. '
nro real estate agents and building coit
trnetord. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
JJvr.ur railroad extension through No-
hrnnku mean.H thu building up of new
cities and IOVVIIH which will naturally look
to Onialiii for their mipplics.
llr.iunit.iu.vK wards in Ilrooklyu show
a heavy increase In registration. The
mugwump lias evidently Hi from his
porch in the neighborhood of lii.s old
fowling ground.
TIIK Herald refers to thu city council-
ninn as aldurtnun. This in : i mistake as
wo have no aldermen. Our city fathers
art ) called councilnicn in thu chartorand
thut is thu proper nanu > for them.
THAT railroad to tin * northwest will bo
built and bttilt with Omaha capital. Our
l > coplu want it and will give cordial sup
port to thu nndoitaking. Omaha is tirud
of oxbows and zigzags , and stub roads.
WHIM : competing syuturns are reachIng -
Ing out in thu territory all around her ,
Omaha cannot aflbrd not to pu.h by
cvury legitimate moans in her power , for
direct rail connections into northwestern
MKN w ho nro in the habit of carrying
bricks in their bain will lind it. cheaper
to In vest in the Omaha 1' . M. C. A. bricks.
They cost only ten cents each , and you
can carry a hat full without becoming
oirr's supreme court adds
her voice to numerous decisions from
other stalu.s that travelers injured while
riding on free passes have the same ro-
coursu for damages as passengers who
liavo paid their faro. It will bo neon by
this1'Unit passes may bo daagorou.s com
pliments to the ( lou-rs.
CoN.iiin.'iMtr.3 : as to who will Micooed
thu lalo Cardinal McCloskoy in the college -
logo of cardinals are numerous. The
be l posted authorities incline to thu be
lief that tlui choice will bo madu from
llio following archbishops : Corrigan , of
Now Y'ork ; Williams , of Moston ; Gibbons.
of liultluioro ; Kyan , of l'hllidulhiii : | ) :
llyan , of St. Louis , and Perohi , of Now
inlorior department is now hold
ing under consideration the application
of the Union Paoiliu for the certification
I of ' 100,00(1 ( nor.08 in Kansas , claimed under
the Kansas Pacific land grant. ThlH up-
| plication of the company is opposed by
! the state of Kansas on the ground that
the company is laying claim to moro
laud than it is legally entitled to on ac
count of deviations in the route and con-
| lllcllng claims between settlers and the
railway company. If the history of the
[ relations of llio Pacilio railroads \vith the
( interior dupartmont.should ever bo fully
\vritton up it would make mighty inter
esting reading for the gulled and gullible
American pul Ho.
llr.ADKits of thu daily cablegrams , gen
erally , havu only a confused notion of
the geogniphy of the Ottoman empire
lying west of the liosphorus. The Iron-
bio In European Turkey Is chiolly con-
lined to the three status Sorvla , Kouma-
nla and Bulgaria. In ISTilServia's area
was 10,000 square miles and its popula-
Uou about Roumanla has an
area pf Ki.lKK ) square inile.s and a popu
lation of 1,51)0,00 ) ! ) , while Bulgaria , before
the treaty of Uunlow , hail an area of
HD.OOOfiiiuaro miles ami a population of
" ,500,000 , Kiieh of these Is now seeking
extension of territory , and all at the ov
ponfioof Turkey , whilu ( ireeco , on the
' south , is planning to have her boundary
extended northward. so as to comprise a
lurgo pint of what was formerly known
113 Macedonia and wbieh now passe ?
' under thu general names of Albania and
Thossaly. Should thu proposed intension
on thu part < ) f each of thosu quarrelsome
Htatc.s be carried out. the Turkish empire
in Kuropo will Uu-rudiiuuil to very small
Osr. of the most llaurlshing-as well as
onu of the prettiest of Nebraska towns ,
is Iteiilvicit , which booms to be peopled
by JUKI the class of citl/.ons required to
build up loual industries. During thu
L'llhtyuiir ' its canning company hus put
iijf 150,0 0 cans of vegetables , sold uvory
wise produced , and reports a demand far
ahead ot thu supply. Last month I.V )
liiliulrt weiu employed , and the whole-
Hale value of the pivuluet umounted to
$10,000. This In an excellent showing for
a pr.ictic-al and prolilable industry.
Them are du/ens of other towns In No-
In'aska which may well hike ex-
Hinplo from lint enterprNo of Ho-
i\t-Icu. \ | Omaha , herioll , would flnd
lliiMistiibU hiueut of a ( ianning factory
mic. of many snuill manufacturing
) \tunt \ whUili would return hiiud.ioiiie
projltn. Aw it I * , thu dem.ind for canned
Vegetables In Mebra ka Is largely sup-
Itlied fi'oui > 'iir ' ni'igllboi1 ' Iowa , where the
( ilv'nwood and Mii eatinu goods are pro
ducAd by thu hum.reds of thnuouuds of
oanxyoarly , mid wholesaled through our
lauding groceriiifi. Knougb vegotublns
( fuynarh WiiMo in Douglas uouiity to
run a liirgv > l/.ed canning factory , and
thti production would bo greatly in-
t'i'ciiM-d tin * Dot seavm at'cr Mich nil us
tabllsliinful went ill to pr..utieil : ojiurn-
f Tli ore n lloiim ?
The loiult-iicy to exnggeraln the im
porlanre of the slow rnpoyery of indus
try and ( ni'lu from tlitKprc. . > ioii of the
past thn-c ycar.s Is unfortunate. It is iin-
fortunal ( ! bccaus" ! it ovil.-s hop'H ' wh'-i'h
may not In fulfilled and Htlmulatf a
speculative spirit 'which in thu put has
been largely responsible for our present
business Htuguatioti. Tradu is rceovor-
ing , but recovering slowly , and the re
covery is , to a great di-grei' , duo to a re
striction of consumption which lias liiril-
ly brought aboutan upprovimito balaneo
botweou the resoureos of lint producer
and the wants of thu eousumiT. Mills
arc starting up and furnace * are lighting
their lircs , It is Irii" , but lliosu familiar
with labor stnllilics say that thoco
are more workingmen and me
chanics unemployed in the east this
fall than at any timu in thu history of the
country. On the first of the present
month thcro were only 'JJ-I turn-iivs In
blast , whilu Ihosa out of blast nunibi'ivil
lll. ! Ot course the iron trade la excep
tionally di-pivwil. but. all other lines of
industry show figures more or less dis
couraging to these jiroplnlrthoso con-
fidcnlly announce the impending arrival
of a business and industrial bourn.
The lKom ) so called is not hero , nor is
it In sight. Throughout the west thorn
has been u oncour.iging revival of a
moderate full ( lade , .somewhat better
than a year ago , a general and hopeful
improvement , but still far from a
"boom. " There has not been enough of
an InoroafO in the volume of business to
warrant any departure from the princi
ples of a .strict and olosu economy in
private expenditure or a careful watoh
over the leaks , which in the household
and the counting room so uipidly eat up
wages and prolit.s. Prices are low , wages
are low , and consequently farm products
are low. The purchasing power of the
dollar is higher than it was three years
ago , but there are fewer dollars in thu
general circulation \ \ ith which to makj
purchases. Wall street bulls may raise
the market , ami the tr.msaolions on
change double in amount , but , for all
that , there is as much need of restricted
consumption and watchful economy now
as there was a year ago. Values are
slowly .settling to a solid basis and the
water and waste are being wrung out of
onlorpri unduly stimulated nnd
mercilessly robbed by giant speculators
for their personal nrolits. There is a
steady if a slow advance in the gen
eral situation , but very sm ill encourage
ment for a repetition of tie | means and
methods which precipitated the last de
pression , and will , as hiirely as they are
employed again , set back the hands of
trade to the point from which they are
now laboriously recovering.
The IV'pw Kailroiul Projects.
The interest which Omaha feels in thu
various projects for now rail connec
tions with the interior of the slate is gen
eral and intense , ft is not confined to
anyone class , Our merchants , property
owners , capitalists , and men of most
moderate means alike recognize the para
mount importance of now outlets for thu
commerce of this city , and now inlets
for the tr.ulo of our prosperous and ra
pidly growing stato. Every town and
hamlet which will bo reached by the new
extensions Ls bcarcely loss anxious than
Omaha that the lines shpll bo built with
the least possible delay.
Omaha naturally fools most interest in
the proposed direct connection with
the Klkhorn valley and the northwest.
The discriminations which have nearly
driven her merchants from this prosperous -
ous field , of which she is the nearest
depot of supply , are well known and
keenly felt Public s-mlinu-nt demands
the immediate construction of a road
under loeal control and managed in the
interest of the poaplo of Nebras
ka and not of the merchants of Illinois.
The assurance that the line will bo built ,
which tbo UBK is almost templed to .say ,
is now certain , will bo grateful news , to
thu section which will lie served by its
construction and operation.
The extension of the IJurlington system
into the North Platte country will also
ineidenlaly greatly benefit Omaha.
It will shorten the line to Lin
coln through the Ashland cut-
ofT and by this much decrease the dis
tance to the South Plattu country. It
will , in addition , furnish Nebras
ka with a line competing with the Union
Paeilie .system at various important points
and at thu same tima lapping thu North
western through its principal territory.
With thu construction of the Grand
Island & Wyoming line , a now suction of
Nchraska will bu brought into rail con
nection with our city , through the Bur
lington system. This region at present
enjoys no railroad facilities and its agri
cultural dovolo niMit w.ll bo just in
proportion to the development of thu
iron fingers whluh will reach into its fcr >
tile valluys , and uplan Is. Tiuro is no tlis-
[ lOillion on the part of the people
of Omaha to disparage the far roach ng
| ) hms of ( Jimeral Manager Iloldredgo in
! iis endeavor lo givu northwesturn
Nebraska thu benefits of a competition
uhleh cannot tail to inoreasi : thu popula
tion and prosperity of this uity in pro
portion as it builds up and develops the
niaourues of Ihiit Mjolion of the state. Wo
need more railroads and extensions of
railroads. Kvory enterprise of this char
acter will receive a < ordial welcome from
our ciluous.
Soul hern Developments ,
Hver nineu thu reconstruction period
thu aonlhorn Males have been Increasing
the number and diversity of their indus
tries. Southern industrial progress dur
ing thu past live years has. moro than
kept pace with the duvulopmontHof other
parts of thu country. The cotton factory
has become as much a part of Cieorgia'.s
industrial life as thu mills of Lowell are
of that of Massachusetts. Alabama la
shipping pig-lion in largo quantities to
nil points on thu gulf. The minus of
IVnnusM'u and Wtist Virginia nro turning
out an increasing pioduet yearly , whilu
thu CaroHna.s are fueling the impetus
tluilr .slaters * into ucllvu ,
rivalry with thu
to a Hal-
industrial journal , thu
til such business enterprises
past 11(110 ( piontuu twvo
amounted innluo ( o thu "inn of
. ' . 'H'j. : ) ) ! ) . Td.siiini ! fads to include
railroad and agrn ullnral inlcnMs , and
ini"vly represents the nmm\\ expend tl
in coal and iron mining and in niantifac-
1'ircs Th oulh his adopted tlm cam-
tie , 'idiuu of Chandler , which Herr
approprrit'd to his IHI- , and are raising
"moro hog and less boll. " Southern ag
ricultural' labor alone receive < annually
over $ J.V,0XO.M ) ! ) in w.igrs , counting
the crop share syli'in. Labor statist IDS
show th it operatives in thu mills am as
well paid as they are In Mas--iehtnetts ,
with the advantage of cheaper food and
rents and a milder climate
An inteivating field for siudj isalVordcd
in tlui crop hharc > . \ - tcin , wttich is reported -
ported as jirodnciiig rcinarkaldo results
Impovcrishcil planters inaugurated it
ju-t after the war , and thu olVect of thu
division of the great plantations into
littlu farms , each worked by negro ten
ants for a sh.iro of thu increase , has been
a steady tendency lo make land owners
of southegt laborers and to Inculcate
habits of industry and a feeling of properly -
orly responsibility. Students of social
wicnco and advocates f co-operation
liud in it the mo-.t practical cllbrt yel
inado on a largo scale to introduce tin
idea of partnerships of industry in whlcl
both employers and employes share in
the profits.
The new south , aside from all partisai
considerations , has battled bravely to
place itsi'lf in the vanguard of Amriuan
progress. The story of the .succcssfn
.struggle to repair the material and sooia
damages of a great civil \\iir will never
fail to interest.
A i.Ainii ; delegation of live business
men and capitalists from Cedar Rapids
have been paying Omaha a visit and in
specting our public improvements \\itha
\icwof copying such features asj inaj
commend themselves to their attention.
From interviews wit li several of the party ,
it look * ai if Omaha might learn some
thing in turn from thu bustling little city
01 Cedar Uapids. It-s board of trade is
said to bo the liveliest : in the slate and for
Ihc past two years has been devoting il-
feelf to stimulating the local ion of manu
factures in the metropolis of Linn coun
ty. An organisation which in twenty
minutes can pledge .Ti.OOJ bonds
to secure a plow factory and in less than
a week lay plans lor collecting $100OOJ
for the transferor another great industry ,
must not only bo composed of enter
prising citizens but has the backing of
that ample capital which combined with
confidence in home interests is the bust
assurance of a city's present prosperity
and future growth. Thu Ilr.r. regrets
that the new board of trade building ,
which is to be , was not. fiullicicntly under
roof to be the scene of a reception to our
visiting friends from Linn county. As it
was , many of our prominent citi/ens ,
paid their respects lo the gentlemen in
the parlors of the Millard and gave and
received a good deal of useful informa
tion on matters of public interest. "
AXOTHUU railroad has bumi inoorpora-
ted in Nebraska the Grand Island &
Wyoming Central. His a 15. A : M. scheme.
The capital stock is ( ixed at ? 7iOOODO. (
Thu route begins at Grand Island , and
runs northwest through parts of Ilall ,
Buffalo , Sherman , Custer , Ultimo and
Logan counties , thence through the tin-
organized scrritory , and thence through
Cheyenne , Sheridan , Dawcs and Sioux
counties to the Wj'oming lino. It is evi
dent that if all the contemplated railroad
flchcmo.s are carried out , Nebraska will
have no lack of railways , and there will
bo moro railroad construction in this
state during the next two years than in
11113- other state of the union. Meantime
Omaha should bestir herself in regard to
her own direct railroad to the northwest.
SUCTION- , of the railway com mis-sion
law. providing for the taking of evidence
in the case of railway ucot louts by the
commissioners , is cvld"nll.y an ingenious
dovicu smuggled into the law by the railroad -
road tricksters for their own benefit and
protection. Under this provision they
can secure all the evidence they
require at the oxpunsu of thu people ,
and use it in ease of suits for damage ,
as it is fair to presume that the evidence ,
secured by the creatures of the
railway will bo of the most
favorable character. It is also a
a fair presumption that thu commission
ers' report , based on the cviduncu ob
tained by themsjlves , will lit one-sided
mdasa rnlo relieve the railroad from
ill responsibility ,
Tun Herald says that if Mr. Albert
Schall "is confirmed by the council t'lo
final roorgani/ation of the board will bo
effected with the democrats in control , a
cireiimManeo greatly to bo desired. "
Mr Sehallissaid to bo a good man and
a ruprcienlatiyo of the laboring clement ,
Imt if thu Tfrnld ( insints upon his con-
Urination Mmply bucausu he Is a demo
crat It may run against a snag as Ihu
majoiityof the council is composed of
Tin ; cR > council Is determined that
ho railways shall open thu streets in the
south part of thu city to thu full width
ind muKo Ihu crossings luiih safu and
convenient. The decided Klaful taken by
he council is in accord with thu sent- !
nciita of Ihu ta-paer.s , Jt evidently
means h
JOHN McLi\K ; now eonomU'H the Ohio
cgislatmu to the republicans by four ma-
iorily oil joint ballot. Senator .Sherman
will coiitinuu to advertise Ohio for six :
\cars to comu in tbo United States
Kfciiv wooden vault ami sink lining
ho allu.\.s in I Im liiisinc.ds portion of thu
city ought to go. They nru nnnucussary
and than UHOIAS | because nutsanoeH ,
Sanitary Bowurago should frfrju their
removal ,
'Mi is reported as being opposed to
"railroad confederation" ami is said to
nivu vcmarkud ihut la needed "is
sharp competition conlinod to soliciting
buslno.sson an 'wgf od tariff. " This \a \
competition with ivengeance. .
List ovctry vottu * wo that ho fs properly
roistered Thu rogUtMtiun book * \v\\l \ \
t'nder the honiliug "Omaha hould bi
t an.\ way , " tint /7ir" ' it , which has
lierii Rere.iming llsftit ho.irso for a wed
over what it haacaljd ) "that vv.itor work ; !
flt-al. " perform i bundling Illp llap and
urx 'i the prompt payment of thcdi putpil
cl.iim liy tin' clly ' This is almost a-
cheeky as the origin ! , ! claim of the walei
company for dann s incurred to their
mains by the changes of grades. Tin ;
ohr.m has already boon -Jeoli'd ly ) tlm
council , and nutlllo vi'lojd liy the may
or and pronounupd unreasonable by thu
city attorney. Ifoliu waterworks compa
ny believe they can collect It through thn
courts they can have their remedy. So
far as tin- position taken by this city is
concerned we place thu opinion of thu
city attorney against licit of "the promi
nent lawyer" whosa judgment the water
works company claim to bo following in
their suit. U'o vc-ituro the assertion that
no court will hand down un opinion that
franchise to the u-o of a street gives the
sani" property rights as tliosu acquired
by adjacent lot ownerj. ! No council has
any authority to give anything moro
than an easement lo a olti/.un or corpora
tion in streets dedicated to the public
uso. To hold that the owner * of a meiv
right of way do'iutad ' by the public can
claim danugos whenuv or a street is Im
proved , is to open the sluice
for a deluge of claims from
street railways , telephone and tclcgranli
companlci and gas works , which would
swamp the city tivisitry if allowed for
ono moment. The nrgiimnt tuat the
clause in the eh.irter , allowing remuner
ation for "relocation of hydrant- " covers
the casu is the argument ol a pettifogger.
The charter never contumplaled lint
rais-ingor lowering a hydrant or reset
ting it a fmv feat backwards or forwards
on the sum i corner should bu considered
a relocation. The location of hydrants is
by street corners. Heloe.ittons wore
plainly intendc'd to in Mil only changes
of hydrants trom ono street InU > ectmn
to another after they ha I boon located
by ordinance.
It is not at all surprising that the
waterworks company should present the
claim if they thought there was any po > -
sibiliryof its p.mljfj , through teohniu'il-
itios in the charter. Hat it surpri-ang
after the thorough ventilation of its
cliaraetcrthat thu 7/twWiJliouldgj ratuno
suddenly from screams of "fraud , " to
nrgentappeals for its roeon-idcralion by
thu council. Onriha should bu honest ,
of course , bid it should be just before it
is generous with the jjjublie money.
Tin : supplumcntaryloleelionsin France
last Sunday resulti-d as was expected in
additions to thu republican stren-rth. The
imperialists and monarchists will be in a
minority of 18i ( , which cllectnally dispos
es of thn fear that Ihc'days of the French
republic are nnmbcro/i. /
Mit. T.SUAULKIIN ( ! : ; is ( ho name of Hu
man who strnuk down John Brown with
a saber at ilarpor'.s 1'erry. He has just
received his reward in thu shape of an
appointment as Indian agent. Now let
us hear from the man who struck Billy
Patterson. '
IT is the duty of every cilixen to reg
ister , The books \ \ lbo \ \ opened on
Thursday , and the registrars will sit as
advertised elsewhere. Last Spring's city
election with its thousand allidavits of
would-bo voters ought not to be repealed
this fall.
MA YOU Bovu has nominated Albert
Schall for thu vacancy in the board of
public works caused by Clark Woodman's
resignation. Mr. Schall's name be
speaks warm times if ho is confirmed by
thu council.
The annual convention of IhoY. 31. C. A.
of the slaw wid ( HI held at Hastings , Noem -
bur U-ii
k capitalists are plnnniii ! ; an oneia
house r > 0\-'J4 | , with a SWeet singe , sallci j and
tour lu\os.
The Norfolk bilckinaniifaftmiir : company
1ms put In a steam-power plant uiul Is now
turning oat f > 0KM ( bi ick.s a dny.
3Hss naiiuan , a prctti and poiialar yoiin r
lady icsliliiu m > jr Nclfifh , dleJ suddenly of > .sls ( it the Ii.Mft last weiilc.
Inlin ; Jfonk" , \\lpjr In the' IMaltsiiioiith
iciuntl house , in jiu us the depiut'iiu ' or his
watclihleh \ t\\u tramiis expcditol.
Bristol's implement waiehousn In Hnsllmjs
was Incciuhari/cd .Sund.iy iiidiniiii , ' . Tiio
liuildliit ; anil cnntiHitseio valued at S.OJJ ;
insurance > l.VU
TIIO ( . urn field. , of Hall county \\I1I average
fifty ImslieK to the ucie , wlillu hiime enthiisi'
lists pace the yield as hUh as.soventy-a\c
biihhels per iicic.
At the Anteloiiu county fair at NvIMi ,
Uolla Allen , nsjed It , was kmwked down on
the grounds liy a runaway loam un-l iif , skull
tractiUL'd. He tt 111 die.
The Hiirllngtuu company 1ms completed : m
r.lnIltecn-.sLill uiillid hiiiisn , of stuiic. at Ms-
Couk. ft Is u\pi''toil that division whops will
be cstablUlicd thi'io sunn.
The comml-sluni-rs of Rlclniintnl conntv
nave cnteicd Iiiai an ; uic < mioiitiih JnduiH
Jlintln \Vca\irtucollcet \ all delliniiicnt
si , ito and ( -utility ti\es by civil nctiun.
Mix John Moriwn , llvlir , ' near Hchldoio ,
was bin ncd tu di'.itii by the o\ilosluu ] of a
K.isiillne HIO\I > . The luiiiso MIH ! eunteiits
weio iH'atruyod and one child dunuennuly
The assessed va'iritlon of Doil''n enmity Is
S3l7,7MU.ui ( , and tlmtot the city of Fiem'eat
Is S T1.JOJ. ( Tlie eiy | In live Horn debt u\-
eoptlns the water boiiiNldoh uiu about to bu
ills. Ucevcs , of Kylirasl.-i City , stumbled
ami Jen on a lu.ulcil pitcher. bdeooflncli
sincii'd Iliejmiln intqi > ol' her urist. A due-
tor htltuhcd the vxiimU mid btopnul the cai-
minelUivv. *
St 'plicn Hudson , ot .Slii'rimn roimty , has
been iiiicslnl lor iicrjury In cunncctiuh ulth
a lunbcrt l.iim in ilmt rininly. Tnu case will
buhiMiilli ) llu ITiutuil States eommlbslouer
lit ( illlllll ll.lillKl , fgt V
The P'litcnioo ' l\4\\t \ \ \ In I'abmont ' Is n thlni ;
of bo'Jt\ ' mid a toy fui llu lown iiictlons. It
is.i dull and JiLiiittSMiH tliM dii.isu t iccnrd
ts ii' , l.i t S.itunl.iy evi'iiln.libu
one dliJiiirtlie mail hu'sand
n\"i \\cie rcm-ju'ilu ) ilniojien house b wk ,
wlii'iu tlioy will lem'.iln ' tr a tlmu. "J.eim
uive jicaiu. "
Wall Lee , acjlistlul ( t'lidur'o ) ! fium Den
ver , sued ( no II. iV .M niliiua I In thu Lane is-
caster I'dtimy court , t iroiXi , mild tu I ) . ) ilm
valnuuf ii.U ( lost In tiaiihjiurtallDii. The
Mointiifx tiaiscuiixsu | | < d of IU silk
cltli-lH. cans ( it opium , r > n IIUH | and a
jiiunlll.v of uenslnjj. Thujm > ga > oVuli \ a
U'ltllft forfclOO.
ThoCniud Isliuxl Indi'peiiduntanbiustlKit
ho Hailliulu i ril rud emi'iaiy ) HIJSMOS
be necs.s.iry "rork > " to bid d tlui Omaha i'v
S'liitii I'latt.i radio id. "Tin pri nut outlook
sccilidnlj tavoribiu f ir ( tiaml Inland lisa
r.'alrui reid and muiiitactiirinuiieiiter.aiul
i\t fipiint ? wdl willies Mich u liiiom as hai <
never IM.-IOIU b i > n Kuown in tliu liUtoiy of
Inland. "
Angostura Ultterw , five world rcnowno.l
ftiilHjtUtT nnil jiiviKorot ir > U ed now
no > vh ( lp eivllr < u.-d world. Try It , h
if Imltat'oiiH. ' Ankumr grocer or
or thati'mifnu rttcl iirepaml by l > r. J. CJ.
t , bk'ijwt Jt
Vlatulran Ims vofcd to build n 3loOW srhoo
Stinw covered the iniiund : t DcndwiMxl ol
Hie 1 ttb.
I'wblniiroi mu"tlll rnvnijlii' ixntlons o
north ! ) .ikotn.
.Inmcstoun cialms the dl-tlncildit of bollix
the linuilsutiitot low n Intlio toiritory.
C. 1' . ninn of Alexandria has raUcd 'JOC
niisliclsof Ulixli iK'tiitiHS ' per aon'
Tbo ivlflinito.l . D.ilrjmplo bonaiira farm In
north UikKt.v produeeil ato.oj ) bushels ol
wheat this j car.
U Is cstlnnlrd thnlSKXXOOi woith of piop-
erty WHS de-itroyed bv pinlrlu iire.s In Haincs
county bust cck.
.Tho I'losbytcrlnn t-illcac jnst lix-.itcl tit lo UK. only ( U'liomlnalloiiidrulleirv
In niiitli O.ikoiii.
, K\-Trftisnier Kvnns of Oraut cuimty li
nbiitii iri.i xi Uiirt In his iicpuuuts. The do-
nrli'iii'j iK-puucd In issi-'j.
Last < car.SlltlnB Hull and his p'ds itrchcd
3101 01) ) foi Uiclr cOdbllluns ulih Hntriilo
Hill. I bis .se.iMin they ixvt-lv ed Ss\OOU.
There au now Ha farmer.- * ' alll.mies In the
terrltury , with a nicmboiNldpof iilKint r.iKX . , ) .
Inht.v-slx coantlcs Irivd iir jnl/.itlon-J.
I'iekeil Ltros , . or Steulw cmmtv , seeded
AliNiuws ; of Kind this \ear , and am now
thrashlin , ' out crop ot ; " > , < > bushels ol
5Frs. iviw I.cjtli'l , uf Yank-ton , a few
weeks aiu rocch'od a Out In th- hand , result-
In ; ; In IHIMM ! polsunlnz. On Friday .sho died
Hum the cllects ol the poisoning.
In a letter to thu im > oiof Vankloa the
ijencrit nun ucrof tin' IJiiinn I'.u'iiU * i.ill-
loid s.ijsbis cumiMin has im Intuiuloa of
c.xtunilnn neitliward nom Nui folk.
At a tellnlons K.ithci Im : at t'ariu ; Ins
cek line ol the sjit-aki'i-s said tlwt thcie in
counties ot UK ) I population in north Dakuti
Invlnclt a scnnon Iuu never yet b.-ei
.John S. rinllns ; , of ( Jotliland , Union roun
ty. laised a new \aili-fj nl potatoes tld
WMS.III , Sume .specimens wbii-h hiexhibit. .
j\eUh t\\o pound * , mid aic ten to t\sel\ >
inchr * In length.
( ! o-.Tnor I'leico Is now veiy ba llv en on Ids immial ii'iHiit to tlu'sceiclar.v
ol tin ; Inti-iior. HPeull ( hiu comiilj'li1 !
thercpoit before this dale bud he not brei
cirnpelliHl to uwu.t the coaiplctloti ot the ecu
slls Woilc.
. .Many at tlio people of V.inUon liicllnu tt
uie belief tliat it Ls tin M Uvm < cn .
wnii'h Is ptuiMrin ' lo liii.Ue tin.1 Missouri a
tli tpiibiL Tinsur'ii tint Mtlua.ikeo
by the \.uioiis cvtciislons of ihu
IS 01 thisti ni tiini.iKnu westward inoxe , am
thut thai b tlu' m Ht v.dlii ! > ' "iT , > , , ln ; plaoo.
Ajimiulady num > < I Uattic Melville , ( hi
uaiiifbler ol a wcll-to < -rtllcr 1m | .si-\eiitj
miles north of diovMied on
hunda > while boat ilillm * un the Mi-somi
him Win niciimpjided bher little brother
who was i iwmir xt tin- time the boat cap
si/.t < d. Tli b > > made a biMoie attempt to avt
Ills sl.Uei , but ahu was car. led down by tbo
The Hlack Hills OH company , brnlni ; wes
ot ( lie lulls all summer , atier numutoiis mis
baps stiuck oil at a dejith of 140 teet. M
c.islmvis on hand , mid the woik wa
stuppi'd till a Htipplv can be obtained. Tei
bin , > lsadii > arj now oblaincil , and theie Is
y indication that valuable w.-llswllllu
The oil t.-ot the vciy best tnial
The I'liion I'aeiJi-j Is pillnvc up Iowa coal ii
the raiboad juuls In Chicane.
.1. M. Kinle.llie . mutdcicr ol Montijomery
at Uawliiis , was iiulictod tor iiuiisl.iu iil i
and bailed at l.ftK ) .
Airh Hluli'sb id if Kill cattle , ninlmeil in the
icoi-lit railroad c dunt near L.n.imie , cos
tin- Union r.i-i.i . ompmy.S Ha head.
Tim La Prole Dlteh company , rajiitnl ? 10-
OJJ , was tiirmjxiratiiil In Cnujenne last wok. .
A iiiomiiieiitCliejpiuiHe , with iisnr ; > luso'
million ami a weakness lor female liveliness
urcntlv paid ijin.O K ) to ijulet title lo Ids name
tor an lioir , and dry the tears of the mother
A bald headed Lothailo in Cheyenne KO
mashed on a prct y waiter ( 'hl and dcckei
lior nut with S. " > ' )0 ) worth of diamonds and
silks , only tli Had soon after that she skipped
the town with her new to/s.
It is staled upon quite reliable luithoritj oil pools liavcbi'cn loand about twenty
milps fioiii Chcjcnno l > y a iirospyctor. b isim-ss men in Clieyuimu aie Inter-
cstoil In the "mid" and pr.ipoiii to put m
eaomli inunoi to find our wlnt It is win Mi.
The Maiihatfon cattle com jiany , with a cap
ital ol S5tKi.o X ) , bas bi-en ineoivor.ili'd in
Ulipjennu. The Incorporate ! s and tuistees
me Jmues II. Join's , ot N'-w Voile C'itv ;
Charles K Klshei , of Cheyenne ; Jacob 1) .
IMC. bom and Uolwit F. Simmon , of Attic-
boioiijh Kails. Mn > sachusetts , and Kdw.ud K.
u , of Noith Altlebmon liMa
Utiranu'o is now enjoying : a reason of great
Bob I'oul. the wlisvei of Jesse James , wao
bounced out of a Denver hotel last week.
E , Motnor at Box Elder will et 1.0 HJ bush
els of potatoes oil four a-ics of land this lall.
A. sneak thief snaked SI. 000 out uf the till
ot a Denver Kamhllug bank onu night bis-t
week- .
It Is said tint them Is an ahiiadmee of
pmd Kovuinmcnt land open lo cnliy ne.u
Loiuiiimit people subscribed ' 3i3o03 toward
the I'reslivieiian olle e. In older to M'cmvits
location in that tlnivin liltlicity. .
In Montrosc county , where thi'iu was no
wheat i.iisud two \.irs ! tvsit , thi-ie am now
twoMCiim tlireshlmj iincliiucs atwoik , and
a Itirfje , nno modern mill Is constantly busy.
A vein of solid inc. lour feet in thickness ,
has iiocii oiiened up in the eijihtjfoot level in
llie Seven 1'liiity mine , on Shi-inmii moun
tain. which mills : tnt ounces Mher and : ! < ' ! per
cent lead to the Ion.
The Denver cltv council has decided to
ll-'ht ( that cltv with Incaudesc'iit electilc
lights Iiistend of uas lamps , which will icsiilt
in asavinu' of over & ! , < nj peraiinum. Thu
total cost of ll htlm ; the city will biS2t , OJJ
pur annum ,
Diimnco Isaclt } nfiunny clnuclms , but It
seem- . that Its | > eonle uru not KOOI ! chinch
goers. Rome of the temples of woiMdp Iwlm ;
closed , and those open bobu but slliulv at
tended. Tlmskatln iliiLand vailelj sliow.s
31 Insonlu county's assonsmL-nt this year Is
% Jn , tftl ( juMter than It was In l i.
Aclnnamoii bear , near Iiiiin'.s ranch , on
th Y.illou.-loiiL1 , killed and ate a
A t alii on the Ut'ih ifeVoilhera was stalled
hi snow last Krldiy. Tao b.-autil'iil was a
tool thick at Caiden City.
A company has been or anl/ed and will
establish antl-Caino < j l.iuu lilu < at all thu cities of tlm tcmtuij.
The total land sales of the Not them
I'.iciuo lor September wens ys.'l'.O aoie.s
for $ HCtiO : , In .Montana ii.V'j acies weiu
JIaj. Itonan. of the Klathind ascney , has
ordeiedall Indians loiotiiin to ihtilnu.'iiiM ,
on iif'i'ouiit uf thi'lr wantmi u.aii luei of
Theoiitiiiil In Coi'itrd'.MuiKHountr ) Is Mild
lo b.i SiO.lUJ a m mill Toe ( ioldcii Chest
oumpaiiy's tcn-stami ) mill Is dobu ooil umk
and several other wdl soini bo oiefti-d.
Now ( juaitz discoveries are coiisl.uillj b-lu
( iuv. Hausor , d'loof ' thn b'liidsmcn of ox-
coiinly tii'sinuV , 1C. ) ! ) ' , of Leu Is and
Claiku county , is 0,10 of tli i djtriul ml * In
tliesiilt for j DO JO instituted by tlncommm-
sloiicrs. Uobi'itsgotuvv.iy WJlhS.H.'J'jlof the
uoiinty funds.
A plain c.xcltement cxl-sts In the Klatlieiul
Millu ) , .Minsoula count ) . It Is said that an
od prosJKa lor \\ciutliioiuli the conn ly
nln liuuii jc.irsiu'o ( lien diM-oveied 'jVadiy
di ' 'liih's at Dad Hock , the place vvheiu ihu
I'ndlieud comes out of the mountain , but
jiaw oil them by for lh < ( 'icutei bouun/as at
Kooti'iml. Tfiis MIIIIIIHU he i. tinned to Had
llouk. found Ids old pio-ip.-ct uiuli-tiiiliJil.
mid Immediately Jotvtcd and coainmic.i 1
WOlkllliilt. 'I'llU l.'slllt llllsll.H'll il .st.lllllll-jlu
to the jilacu from the ailjoiniiM coaiii > .
Coasters ,
A KiUo'ii cntlniiitrt ot 1 1 HI fruit shlppi-d from
I'lttccr county , Cat. , this yoir places tau
lUOu'iX)0 ( ) | .oiuuh.
i ? inK will boa llufiiwxl Insitltiitiun In
Sun Fianclsco bcie.iftcr. One hundred dol-
lum limit bo pnld bjfoni iaou oxhlLiitioiu
Tito League of Frcctlom bn-s boon reorgan
ized In l os Angelas with : Hi m . mliur.s. T cy
pitijxiHo to light thoiitty-dollar jiaiouii llconsu ,
Over ? X > ,0) ) ) bushels of ( 'rabi hiivu boon
raUxlIu bau IVtounu Uuyler vaUoyn , Cd. ,
this s aiou. The average wm from forlj ti
llfjy bushels per iicio.
ijaii ' ( Memo's houej or ji icr lids .Vi-nr Is os
tlnwtcd nt 'J.ttr.fiO ) II IIUKS | of jwlidWivt
ness. 'rid < i N about one thirtieth ol all ih <
huni > y produced In the I'nltcd Sratrs.
At Klstiiore > . Sin : 1)1soe.iiinl.v. . ( ' : ! . , Hi-it
Is a co.d vein vvbleh Is Wlnt pinip'vle' ! .UK
Is now live feet tnlek. A deposit of in.iu'r.i
ruin hn * btvn found lu-ar the MIMIC jil.ire.
tirKiitihur | spiling hwvo Ix-eii found on
t lie fill 111 of A n tune Mas , In Still IJctilti
count ) , Cul. The ti-iiipei.itiue of tliedllU'i-
cut tirltii { ranges from W to . " 0 dcirreev
TheChlnrso In T.irnmn , W. 'I' . , who have
Intov ! been warned to "KII , " have amci'd t (
do so if SAWM Is I'.dd them for their liiiiiiovn-
bio property. It Is thought the money will
bo raised.
Seven Chinese prisoners hud the'r ' mietieH
rut off In the piison at Vletuiln. .September
i > llh. The inietics were labelled nnd vvlll bo
retiuncd to jlu'li owners when their terms ot
A snmll farm of s-JJ.UOO noics N : iilvcill cd
for sale In flip Moxle.o Two Uerntbllf s , This
farm Is situated In four state.- ' , mid Is owned
bj n iiiiin iKinu'd HuMs.tiiiAMUi , who
basts a man to tun It.
atuu niovisu a
Ilotr I be Dounlim Comity
Hloaui3Vork In llio Intcreftts of
To the Kditor : The board of county
commissioiicr.s have purchased two road
machines at a cost of $1,000 each , osten
sibly for the benclit of the tax-payers.
The inaehlmi employed vvest of Klkhorn
station seeni'i to bo u < ed for the benefit
of the commissioners anil contract > r. .
lli'foru and after thu .second inuuhiiv was
bought , Air. Corli's promised that . 'ho
roads from Valley to Ittvcrsido along
the railroad , from Valley to Military
road at Van Scyoe's corner , nnd the
military road from Wileo\ corner to
Keen & liowg's farm , Bhould be graded
up the lirst tiling , if the season would ad
mit of their being worked. For thu lirsl
time in ten years all these roads have
been dry , and , \et the maehinu has been
used on the dills or road-i which can be
graded in an.season . , ai.d , after a gloat
( leal of persuasion , on a part of the Van
Scyoc road.
IJefore this last work was finished thu
writer heard Mr Corliss promise two men
besides himself that the machine should
finish llie Van Scyoc and U'llenv. rotuN be
fore it went an > where else , and jet in a
lew dajs it was ordered olV the Van Sc\oe
road ami set up to work between Valley
and Waterloo on a grade thrown up last
year which can be worked any season.
"The milk in the cocoamit'1 is that Mr
Knight has leased thu muHiinc at 'J cents
per yard tor all the dirt it moves , and as
it can move more in a throe quarter mile
run than in a quarter mile run , and the
commissioners ( Messrs. Corliss iV O'lvcefo
Mr. Tinuiiii don't count on lids brand )
order the machine where it will do the
contractor the most good de-ipilo the
wishes of the citizens and road supervi
sors.The \otcrs in Ibis end of the eininl. }
havu winked at the - , com
ing down to Valley , where there isno
licensed saloon , and getting so full of
"Dutch Mary's coH'co" that they could
not attend to the county's business , al
though wo helped pay the bill.Vc have-
not objected to their lading out roads
without personal examination and on ( f
jMflc statements , but we propose in the
future lo devote tune , money and voles
for the defeat of men who tisethc county
for the benefit of themselves and con-
The repair of the ( irsl two roads men
tioned would bring : i large trade to Val
ley and AValcrloo , Douglas county towns ,
which is now compelled to go to Fre
mont , in Dodge county , on account of
the impassable roads. In other words ,
our county board compels Douglas coun
ty cili/.ens to help Fremont business men
pay their taxes.
1 lill'j Spout in Hooking It
K Ono U'liecl of 'Moving the
Pittsburgh Telegraph : In almost any
village of the country can bo found at ,
least ono person who maj' be designated
as a "Character- , " which rather uncertain
title usually describes one who is distin
guished Ironi his neighbors bysomo strik
ing peculiarity of disposition , manner or
occupation in tact , ono who is "a little
odd ! " Irwin is no exception lo the riMj.
Upon a sleep binIV , ' 0l ( feet above the red
water of Brush Crock , and commanding
a most extensive and charming view ,
stands a small two-story frame stable.
Part of this was once used by its owner
as a harnuns-roqm andollice , and is light
ed by a small window. In this , through
the courtesy of the proprietor , has resided
for several years an aged man who has
spent the greater p.irtot' his life in a vain
cU'ort to demonsr.itc ! an idea , which has
beloro received the attention of many
another , and , unforlimuloly , oflon wreck
ed both thoans and mind. An idea that
ahvitys mooks its followers with a seem
ing promise of success , only to Hit anil
leave them in the condition referred to
by the poet.
He by : i fliar's lantern It-ill
This man began to work upon his pel
idea when a merit boy , and-eems lo havu
lollowcd it up do-iidy at intervals until
a number of years 111:0 , ninco which lime
his entire attention has been given to it.
He cats and sleeps in Ins rude work
room , and a curtain across the window
shuts oil'the interior Iroin the ga/e of the
curious. Vet ho is willing to show his
model to most persons , and the visitor is
kindly received and enturlained. In the
half light of ( be room , as ono looks at
the tools and wheels and balls , and sees
the stooping ( jgnr.i and Ih'i ' lace almost
hidden by a heard , which is unshorn and
hangs over his bo-oin in a mass ol gray ,
while the e.\csglii.ini with a new light as
the corUinty ot success is told ; "as soon
as one more wheel Is added , " one can
lilmoit fancy hiinvlf in the presence of
an alchemist ol old , and that lie ! < treadIng -
Ing llio threshold of untold mystery. Hut
that one wheel has been lacking these
many joars. . Often do wo wee the old
mini hovering about foundries and shons ,
or walking up thu steep street to Ins
loom with wl.ools and rodin hi- hands ,
but he "his not quite lini-hcd. " Fho
years ago he was so certain thai he hud
attained Ids object ( hat Im sought out a
young man who bad but a vvhde buloru
returned Irom an tour , and de
sired him to go ovvr again in t'ie inter.I
ol his invention. He siid he bad no
money to pay any uxpeiuses but Ihc in
vention would bring connlli-- , millions
ot dollars lo both ! U is lu--ille-s lo say
that although Ilm young m in would do
much lor "mvcel charlt.v 'a sake , " vet he
declined this request , and the oh ) man
u.uit. nw.i.v wondering why any ono
would throw away such an oppoitnnilv.
Thus Im works avy.iy in his ruliunt
through winter's snow and summer s
Min-hlno , apparently rugardles of Ihu
beautiful things which nature in her
onward march IM scattering MI lavishly
iibout him , knowing bit the daylimi for
ivorkand Ilm night for ivst ; rarely iimi't-
! ng his follovv-ni'-n ' , and souking for
Few , and then only when ho sallies forth
Lo iiurclnihu materials for his" machine
'jr food for hid bod.v , taking no recreation
now , but ever looking toruaid to that
time when in the completion of his won-
lierfnl work
The iiliclit slnill b i Illled with inn-lo ,
And tbo care > ! that Infiwt ( ho dayV
Bhtll fo'il nil tlmir ttiiit-fllkutliuTAfnbj.
And silently ptealnwiy , * " '
The writer BIIW him n fuV owning *
ilnop returning from his jiurohaso of
food , Tile iilr wax coo ) , thu afcy was iillcd
, vltb grout niA-isi of gray clouds , ami
larkutssa waa { jathorlus fast , Uudur the
The Great Invention ,
Httliout tlnrtn to F.UtklCorIlAXl > S ,
ntut lortlrnl.irly niluptcd to rrvtrm Cllmatt * .
Ko f.uiilly , rich . .r | xxir , slinuld bo vtlthoutlt.
Sold lij ull ( Iroccrs. lint f/nrd > - ot vllo 1ml.
LUicms. iT.Aitr.tur. u tnnnutocturcd
only by
shadow of a long line of arching mnplen
IK came with stealthy , catlike atups , a d
disappeared in thu gloom. Thought-
came of the lonj-ly life , thoiill-cngrossl g
idea , and the resullingseparation whka
rose like a wall between nim and other
inch ; and it was wondered whether ,
after all , I hero was not somu onu who
aspired to the position of leaders a'no1 g
men who allowed love of wciiltn an.i
honor and power to shut thorn out of lip
hearts of their fellows , as well as the olil
man who has devoted his life to unravel *
ing the mystery of perpetual motion.
A Hfdl'ord County Youth's Flvo Yonra
In Woodbury , lied ford Co. , Pa. , resides
a young man noted for his mechanical
skill , who is woiking at a wonderful
clock , which , when completed , will
eclipse anything ever produced In the
clock llnej not ovi n excepting the famous
StraHbui-ff clock. He has been working
on tin- , clock over live years , nnd expects
to complete it next spring * \Vhon finished timepiece will bo .twelve
feet high by live feet wide and three and
a half lei-t deep , built entirely of walnut
wood It is artistically designed and dis
plays in ils composition a grandeur of
proportion , vyith its graceful mold
ings and delicately-carved ornaments.
On the lower Iront of the
face is a circle of eleven
diaU , with a largo dial in the center giv
ing the time at Washington , 1) . C. , in
hours , minutes and seconds , the month
of the year , the. dale of thu month , thu
week , the dn.of . the week , the four sea
sons of ( lie year and the changes of the
moon. The eleven remaining dials give
the difference of time in Now YorkXHhi-
cage , San Francisco , London , Poking ,
Constantinople. , Melbourne , Vienna ,
Cairo and .St. Petersburg. Ono of tha
most curious features of the clock is tlio
following : Al a certain hour of the day
a figure representing \Villnun II , Vint-
derbilt , the great railroad king , arfoua
from his chair , holding a charter in his
light hand , and in turn all tlio great rail
road kings of this country slowly outer n
door at his left , pass and bow to him and
d -appear in a submissive way at a dojr
o his right.
M'ss Van /and t's Strniifjo Career.
What a .strange career has ' not that
been of Miss Van /andt , oil' the stage as
well as on it. The little uhantress , fctjd
and petted by the ladius of tin best Pa
risian society on account of her unim
peachable ropiilJilion as well as for her
countless gilts and graces , has ended by
estranging nearly all her tormer friends
by her caprices and follies. She has been
the spoiled child of art and of society ,
and she has paid thu penalty of her
spoiling by tiring out the patience of the
most endearing of the o who were most
deeply and sincerely int-rested in her.
As lazy as a kitten , refusing wholly to
study , and relying upon her marvelous
musical organization tor success upon thu
stage , ready to snub onu minute her
warmest friends of tbo minute before ,
guided enl > by her capricious impulse
in her conduct toward everybody and
anybody , she has thrown away in
a few years moro glorious oppor
tunities than are generally allordcd
to an artiste in the course of a whole life
time. Only a littlu common KUIIHO , a
little steering of her bark warily amid
the vvhirpools of the great Parisian ocean
and she might have lived and died the
idol of the Parisian public. Hut the lit
tle diva possesses tliroo great talents
her talents for singing , for acting , and
tli it of making enemies and 1 am not
sure but that tlio last named onn m the
most highly developed of Ih > three
There wa.s a good dual of enthusiasm and
interest excited representing her wlinu
she lirst appeared in Paris in 1 10 best
circles of the Amurican , colony. Ono
American gentleman of great wealth and
high slanding oll'ercd to give a receplon !
to tier honor. "Very muuli obliged to
you , " was the young lady's answer , "and
my loims are .fiMOlorattendjn a private
soiree " On another occasion an Hug-
lisli lady of rank residing in Paris gave a
dinner paity tor her a very superb af
fair. Mrs. and Miss Van Z.indt left the
I ion * u as soon as thu guests rosu from Ihu
table , Ihu lalt r declaring Ihal "shu had
fixed oil' her hostess nicely , for of conrso
she would have beunevpucled to sing had
she .staid. " Poor , pretty , flpo.lid child ,
she hus smashed her playlliing , her own'tcr tint fashion ot'all spoiled
children all the world over.
ilTlioOinul lliitniinilo DU
1 IlllnlUm ot VVlKia
lln/ol. Ainerlciin I'llio , Cnn \
lii I'll' , Mmlgolil. Clover
i ioiMiniH , nto , ciillod HAN
lOllll'H HUIIUAI. CUIIK , Jl (
tlio Itiiinedlutii iillnf nnil
IKU mimum euro of inorjr
limn or ( 'iitinili , from u
xlinplu Cold In Hid lUn < l lo
Ixixs or 81111 11 , TiioHi mid
Hoiirltitf , Coiiuli i lid I tt
'iiinili'il ( ViiimiiiiliMoti. Compli'lii liiiiliiiont ,
. onslhtini ? of OIKI liolllo Iliidlcal Cine , ono liux
' ' Holviuit. nnd OIKI linmouid Inlnilcr ,
M OIKI i > iUUiiiJ , limy lion I KI liiiiliif iilliliuirKlMtH
or * ! "u. Ask li.SAN ( > OIIO ri IHiucAi.Ccin : ,
Jomplete InhalBr with Treatment , $1.
" 'I till ( Illlj llllMlllllo | ) ( ) ( ' \tl l.'MHW Ol "
Mld. TIlllC-l. " I'lll' I'DI ltl llllVO Illllllil III II HID-
llllllOl h l ( | | . ' rilOf. Ir fKllH ItOrl r ( III.
Alter ii iDii/Hlrmrtilii wlih mitinrli llie Iliidiuut
'inn luih coiKiui nd"lltnv. . H VV union ,
: . ( i l liinvli. I'.i. "I inivn not IniiudH ei'Hiiliat
I did iuu n hut oat oiiiolVumovv JAO , Mini
fo. ! , I8o"'on.
"I MYSELF MU&l LUEUU , I ci-ii"
' 'eiiriliiimin.1 auiiuull o oi-.nnu
iliiK I lo il " inn liny KOU > , '
Iliiiic ( . .iieluU4ikiinvi , rinliii ) IIIIIIH ,
Snr ICU-H lainiiiin" ( < , Iliidldiiif oniKli.
- 1'leuinv it ml i.'lm-t jiiilns in r nl | iy
( nil nctv , uiiiriiiid nnd ( iliuiuit an | | ) < tu
ind liiiliiiiiuiioii tlm ( 'menu A" < n-l'.urf I'M * .
IK l' | ieclnll > uiliiilnl | lo hiil.iM hy iciH-iri of
In cli'lk-aleoiioi mid Ki'iulu ' IIK in-liml i ctlon. All
Ini uHiH.'ixj. llio lord MmliM lee II'ollur
IIIIK mid ( livinkiil l > i . lie iion.
Nebraska National Bank
PAID III * C'At'irAi .
I. W. VATI.S , I' ' ,
A KToi/\i.iN , Vice
\V. V. MCHWI : ,
l.ii'vvm.S HKII : ) ,
W. 11. H. HuiiF ! , ( 'aslder.
Co. lilli mul Kiirinini Hlrcot * .
\ UwiuriU lliui aiK Uuiiia-jj 'I'ruiuuutotL