Ri 8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , WEDNESDAY , OCTOBER 21. 1885. Tlio Investigating Oommittco Make Their Bcport to the Oity Council * WHAT THE RAILROADS MUST D'O. TTio Question of I'ree Kfliocil HooltH The nniul HmiujHst 7ntlKOH nntt ' OlcrkHoP Klcutloii Appoint ed Oilier NIMVH. The Oily Council. Tim regular meeting of Ilio citj-coun cil w us huld lost evening at the council cliiiuibor. Present , Miwr.s. Uehm , Bui- ley , Dafloy , Font , Finny , Goodrioh , Leo , Thriino mid Schroodor. President Bcehol being absent from the city , the council wus called to order by Clerk Soutliiird , nnd Alilnrmnii Uulloy was elected presi dent pro ton. VCT1TIONS AND COMJII'NIPATIOXS. From the mayor , approving the ordi nance submitting to tin ; electors Ilii' proposition to issue bonds of the city to the amount of ! )0,000 for paving ; itKo approving curtain other ordinances passed nt tin * lust meeting. Front tlie nniyor , Mutiny Unit ho had approved the contract with Edward Wulsli for building No. I engine house , but had since learned that no Ihni'is specified in llio contraet , which is a great oversight. ' 1'hu eoiuiuuuieation was re ferred to tlie city attorney. From tlie mayor , appointing R. W. Curtin register for tlie I'liird ward , in place of William ( iluddish , who failed to qualify. Conllrmcd. From the major , appointing Albert Bohall : i member of the board of public works for thouucNpirod term , vice Clark Woodman , resigned. Heferred. From the mi'yor ' , appointing M. W. Kcnnard , O. I * . Davis and A. 1 ? . Souor to asKONrt damages by the opening of Seven teenth street. C'onlirnied. From the mayor , appointing J. K. Iti- loy , John T. 1'aulscn ami tioorgo AmeH , to assess damages by tlie change of grade of certain streets. Omlirmcd. From the mayor , appointing IVU'r TurkclMm and I * . M. Lee , drivers of pa trol wngou. Referred to the committee on police. From the board of public works , stat ing that , there was duo .lames Fox , for paving , ! ? ! ! 74.W ) . Referred. From the city engineer , reporting that Peter llcndricks-cn had graded the amount elated in hm'bill , but did so with out any contract with the city. Referred. From the auditor , reporting tlie bill for now material ordered t'or the lire depart ment by the chief engineer , but not ap proving it , us it was not ordered from his ollico , Referred. From Die auditor , reporting tlie bill of appraisers , for three days' services , without his approval , as he did not know how much time was taken in the work. Referred From the marshal , reporting the pres ent condition and standing ol wholesale liquor dealers , and alsi ) the Hitmen of those who run two establishments on one license. Referred. From the gas inspector , reporting that the Hi reel lamps could not ho lettered witli the mimes of streets for the nnco named ( ! tt cent ) , per lamp ) , and estimat ing the cost at 4f > eens. A motion was made that he lie allowed cents , which was lost. Ih ; communication was then referred. . From the gas'inspect of , reporting that the gas comptuiy had complied with their contract , i mid recommending that they bo paid thu 71111011111 duo them. Re ferred. From the gas Inspector , asking a leave of absence for one week Granted. From the gas inspector , reporting the number of lamps repaired ami their pres ent condition. Reform ! . From the gas inspector , reporting a marked improvement in the quality of gas furnished. Filed. From the city attorney , asking that ยง 25 a month he allowed him for expense for typewriting. Grunted. From the city attorney , recommending that thu reduction in taxes asked by the insurance companies bo not'allowed. . Adopted. From George P. Beini.s , asking that the grades in streets in'"Credit Foneier" and "Grand View" additions be estab- ' lished. Referred. From the Omaha Bc.lt railway accept ing the terms and conditions of'tlte right of way ordinance passed some time ago. 1'ilcil. From T. 0. Brunncr , filing his boiul of ' $10OJO as a member of thu board of pub lic works. Approved. From cili/cns , petitioning the council to appoint a garbage man. in order that nil accumulating rubbish may bo re moved for the sanitary good ot the city. Referred. From jjroperly owners in Marsh's addi tion , asking that thegiadu.s of the streets bo established. Granted. From thirty-two liquor dealers , peti tioning that they be' ' allowed to keep open their places of business from 1J o'clock , midnight , , until 4 a. in. , for uc- cdmmodation of their customers , under nny restriction that tlie mayor and mar shal may subject as to keeping peaceable and quiet houses. A motion was made to lay the communication on thu table , and lost. A motion to refer to commit tee on police was warmly discussed , Mr , Furay declared that the council had in ) authority to consider the petition , as it asked a privilege which was con trary to law. Neither the marshal , the. ' mayor , nor any other city official had the right to override tlio law. When the sa loons were allowed to keep open on Sun day by a tacit understanding , tlio law was violated as much as when they kept open after midnight. Air. Uclnn replied to Mr. Furav in a warm speech , saying that he considered ho had as much right to drink beer on Sunday as any other day. It was part of his/religion , and mi ono had a right to restrain his liberty in that direction. Mr. Ford , whoso nunio was attached to the petition , said tiiat he thought thu police oflicors were too strict in making the saloons close promptly on time. The motion to refer finally prevaile'd. Bids were ope.tied for furnishing liny And coal for the use of the. lire depart ment , ami were referred to the auditor. From iStuhtifc llamel , presenting a bill of SJ-J77.80 for grading. Referred. nisoiuTloN3. : . Iy $ Leo That I ho committee on police tin'instructed to employ two men to take oliargu of the patrol wagon until the dr'iyor/i arc appointed anil confirmed. Adopted , , Jly ( Joodrich That the vote ami action of tiiH ) council , at its meeting on the eve ning pi September ! it , in adopting and approving so much of thu report of thu committee on lire and water works as I'tioofiimends ' the allowance of thu claim of thu city water works company for tint sujh' of $7i.JLJi ! : , bo and is hereby ro- toliulcd Adopted. By Bebm That the Union Pacific rail road company and the Burlington it Mis souri railroad coin puny * bo instructed to PlumTwentieth , street nndur their tracks south < | f Popplcton avenue , to open t > aid f-jrcet to its full width and togradoto thu full wjtltli of their right of way , such \jrork to commence within ten days and Im , completed as soon as possible , limited. Jiy. Uolim-That llio auditor bo in- Stdieted to buy 1,000 feet of Anchor hose. A'd'd'utfl'i. telly.tjehroodor That the board .qf pub- 1W works bo InstiHieJed Mo .sen that thu contractor for piK1il Sduth Thirteenth . dots not tear in * more of Ihc Flrcrt , nt ono time than is absolutely necessary , and to keep the Mrcet open for travoj. Adopted. , By Bailey That It Hhnll bo the duty of ponce ollieers to sirr"3 * rmy jvritm for dritiug over street eroding aprons with any heavy vehicle. Adopted. . By Si'hrocdcr Whereas , the curbing , guttering and pat ing of South Thirteenth street cannot lie accepted as eomplr.tod unh'M it is HnHicd from the alloy fouth of l < cavcn worth si root to the oml of the paving district ; and , whereas , the stonu niers of the Thirteenth street railroad bridge arc in such a place as lomnke curb ing. paving and guttering to full width of the street impo-"i.ble ; and , whereas , property owners threaten to re- luso paying their paying taxes unless the street is paved to its lull widtn ; therefore re olved , that the city attorney be instructed to commence such notions against the Union Paoillo railroad at oneo as will eau e 'the removal of the stone piers , and iron pidrs to bo substi tuted in U'ad. Adopted. By Bailey -That tlie city council , il ns a board or eijuali/.ation on Wedno-'day ami Thurn lay. October ' , ' 8 ami : iJ ( , at the city clerk's oillce , to euali/.o | the pro- pohed levy of special taxes to cover the cost of certain paving , ' curbing and gut tering. Adopted. By fliranc That tlie board of public ; works be authorised to have plans and speeilioatioitM of the Klcventli street via duct printed for distribulion to those wishing to bill on the came. Adopted. Police Recommending that tlio ap pointment by the mayor of Michael lenipscy ) as policeman be confirmed. Adopted. Special Recommending that the Union Pacific railroad company be com pelled to open Fourteenth street , and that the city attorney lie instructed to take the nccc's.sary steps to force them to comply with their contract with thu city. Adopted. Viaducts Renorting an agreement on a plan with the Union Pacitie and Bur lington < fc Missouri railway companies for a viaduct at Kloventh street with a and six-foot side twenty-foot roadway - walks' , and recommending that the board of public works advertise for bids for such a bridge , and also a thirty-foot bridge , in order that the oeM of the work may bo known , in order that contracts may be entered into by the city with the railroads and others , all con.raots to bo referred to the city council. Adopted. In connection with the report , City En gineer Ro owater submitted an approx imate estimate of the eo t of tlie twenty- foot roadway at $ S1 , 000 , and the thirty- foot roadway at ) j07,030. ! The investigating committee , appoint ed at the last meeting of the council , re ported as follows : "Vour committee , appointed to inves tigate tlie matter in which the , water works bill for $7 , 18 ! ) 23 w.as pa od by the city council , beg leave to report that they have carefully investigated thosume ami found the following facts : That the bill was houtto the city clerk's office on the JHd of September ; that , it was brought to the city council on the same evening by tlio city clerk or bis as sistant ; that it was announced to the council with another bill as "Bills from tlie water works company" and referred to the committee on fire and water works ; that the chairman of that committee , Mr. Lewder , did not get his papers from the city clerk's ollice until the Tuesday following : that the nsM&tant city clerk told Mr. Leeder that there were some bills in the ollice that were-re- ferred to his committee ; that Mr. Leeder , believing that the bills were not of much importance , told the " assistant clerk to make out a favorable report on them and leave them on his desk that lie might get them when ho came to the council meeting ; that the assistant city clerk did make out tlie re port as requested by Mr. Leeder and left iton his dusk ; that Mr. Leeder arrived some time after the council had hc.cn called to order , and found the reports and bills on his desk ; that he care lessly glanced over them and signed the report ; that ho took the ( report to Mr. Goodrich , who was theji busy witlt some other business , and asked him to sign it ; that Mr. Goodrich , believing tliat it was all right , and that the chair man of the committee had examined the bills , signed it ; that Mr. Furay signed the report with the same understanding ; that tlio item was placed in the appro priation ordinance by tlio auditor , though ho had never audited the bill and had doubts of its correctness ; that the auditor failed to notify the council or any of its members of his doubts about the bill ; tliut the members of the council who heard the ordinance read believed the item was for water rent ; that Iho mayor signed the ordinance without examining it very closely , as there wore a great many people ple clamoring for their money ; that be fore the warrant was signed tlie auditor notified the mayor of the mistake that was made ; that the mayor then vetoed the item in the appropriation ordinance ; that the water works company had no.h- iiiil whatever to do with the passage of the bill through the council , except to send the bill to the city clerk's ollico , as they have on all previous occasions. Your committee is of the opinion that the allowance of the bill was a blunder , not a crime ; that the responsibility for' tlio blunder rests , lir > t , on Mr. * .Loedor. chairman of the committee on fire and water works , for his gross negligence in not geUiug the papers long on ugh be fore thu council met to thoroughly exam ine them and make an intelligent report to the council. Secondly , on" the auditor who put Hie item in' tlio appro priation ordinance , though he had doubts of its correctness , and did not communi cate his doubts to the council or any member thereof. Thirdly , on the two other members of the committee - Furay and Goodman -who signed the report withoutcxamiiiing it. Your committee would recommend that all the members of the city council should go to the city clerk's ollico and get their papers on Friday or Saturday , MJ that they would have plenty of time to prepare their reports and confer with their colleagues before tlio meeting of the council. On Monday evening tlio council shall sit as a committee of the whole and call the roll of committees to see what business is before ( ho commit tees. All of which is respectfully sub- mlttced. M. LBB. TIKIS. II. DAILY , C. C. TIIKANI : , Committee. OUUINANCI : ? . Declaring it unlawful to ( Hi-charge into the public sewers any liquid or other \va.--U : created by the mannlactnro of gas and jirov iding penalties for violations of the provisions of thu law. Referred. Providing for the appointment of a city veterinary Mirijeon , fixing his salary and defining his duties. Referred. Establishing the grade of certain streets. Referred. Adjourned. TlioQuohllon of Free School Hooks. Considerable discussion was indulged in at the clo-m of the meeting of the board of education Monday evening in re gard lo'tho question of free books for the publio schools , Thu , pelit'ou which was presented to the boiini bMr. . Co- burn seemed to voice the popular t-enti' incut in favor of giving thu plan a thorough trial , and nearly all of thu members of the board are in favor of it. The plan is , in fact , not entirely a new one in ( his city , as al ready the board has purchased 700 read ers. liUU : bati3 ! and iUKIO music IxKiktj , .which they have furiii.-ned the pupils for usii free ot chargo. The plan now is to enlarge ' upon the start already jntulo , ami furnish all Hio books and ma * tarial used In the public schools to the pupils without any coH to them. It. id estimated that tliGcnnnge will ncees- ftit.'itft the okpimdilurc by the board of rbout * 7.0f0i i.jt , as the changy will b ? gradual , tin : expense will not be felt , It is intended to furnish the pupils with thu new books as fast as the ones now in use become worn and out of date. The proposed plan has been success fully tried in New York , Philadelphia and other cities in the ea-t and is work ing like a charm. Cleveland is the only place whom an etlbrt has boon made to establish it which has proved unsuccess ful There an injunction was secured restraining tho- board from purchasing the bonds , and It has never been dis solved. No such trouble , hoxvuvur , is anticipated here in case the plan is adopted. In order to make sure of thu matter , some of the members of the board will take legal advice In regard to the matter to see whether such a move could be made A number of questions worn raided by members of the board in regard to adopting the plan. Mr. Gibbon ex- pnwed the belief that , if adopted , it would have a socialistic U'ndeitey.givln ! ; the M'holara the idea that if they could luuo their Hunool books furnished free. all other property could bo fiirnisned them in common. Another question will be whether the pupils will lake as good care of books furnished by the board as they would of their own properly. The.-o questions , together with numerous others arising , will be fully discussed at a meeting of the. com mittee who have the matter in charge nest Monday evening. All who are in terested in tlio matter are invited to at tend the meeting and express their views on tlio matter. The Tead Humorist. Mrs. W. II. Shaw and Mr. William II. Duff , tlio wife and # on-in-law of W. II. Shaw ( "Josh Billings" ) , came in on the morning Union Pacific train from the west , accompanying the remains of the great humorist , which are being taken east for burial. The hotly was enclosed in a metallic eal-kct this being surrounded bo a burial box- . This latter had boon broken in tlio journey from Monterey , California , and Mr. Duff determined to have a now ono to enclose the metallic casket. Accord ingly the remain ! ; were taken to the undertaking rooms of Drexel & Maul , where the casket was carefully en closed iu a now and strong wooden box' . Before the lid was nailed down the me tallic casket was opened , and the re mains of thu great deceased worq viewed for the first time since the departure from California. The face and body \vuro in a remarKublo state ol preservation , though a thin coat of magnesia placed over the countenance , gave it ghastly ap pearance. The eyes were but bligbtly sunken , and the. expression of the mouth was natural and peaceful. The face was covered with a heavy , though not long , growth of beard. The body was taken east on this C. B. & Q. , and will bo interred in Lanes- borough , Mass. "Tho account of Mr. Shaw's death as reported in the telegraph was substan tially correct , " said Mr. Dun" , the son-in- law , to u , reporter for the BIE. : "lie had been ailing for about a year , though the nature of bis complaint could not oe de- lined. Some weeks ago we thought that a we = torn trip would bo benelicial to his health , and accordingly he started for California , accompanied by Mrs. Shaw and myself. For a few weeks previous to his death his health had been excep tionally good , and we all believed , that the California air would soon restore his system to its normal state. On last Thurs day morning be was sitting on the front porch of the hotel in Monterey , when muttering a few inarticulate words , ho fell over and expired almost Instantly. i'he complaint was undoubtedly apop lexy. No , he bad never had an attack of this disease before , nor anything re sembling an attack , though occasionally years ago be would sutler from vertigo. lie was a large , corpulent man , and took but little cxcrciie , and his habits of life wore ouch that an attack of apoplexy would be very natural. But up to within pay a year , his health was remarkably ; ood. "Yes , " continued Mr. Duff , in answer : o further inquiry , "Mr. Shaw was in the labit of writing for the press up to the imo of his death. It was little or no labor for him to compoj-e--most of his work was done spontaneously , without any apparent ell'ort. Whenever an idea would htriko him ho would note it down ind work it up at his leisure. lie was .udefatigablu in his labors , and jiibt he- lore his death was planning for a lecture which he was to deliver for tlie benefit of i local society. lie was generoun and gentle in his disposition , honored and beloved - loved by all who knew him. " and Clerics < > r Kleetion. The county Commissioners yesterday completed the selection of judges and clerks of election for the polling places throughout the county. The following are the appointments : First Ward-Judges , O. P.Noli-on , S.J. Broderiek , II. P. llciifcen ; clerks , Alfred Viney , Daves Cogan. Second Ward , First District - . ] iidgcs , lerry Mahoney , M. Friihauk , Martin Svacinu ; clerks , James Donnelly , Jacob Frank. Second District Judge * , Will iam Ilounessy , Charles Beiudorir. Charles Childfelerktj ; , John II , Dailey , William O'Brien. Third Ward Judges , Charles Mentor , W. II. Clark , William Tompkinsj clerks , Roland Curt in , William Moran. Fourth Ward , First District -Judges William J. Mount , Andrew Borden - ; clerks , George 1C. Lake , Harry I ) . Reed : Second District Jmlgesi , James G. Car penter , ( icorgo Hume. Daniel Ivonnis- un ; clerks , Ailliam F. Manning - . Fifth Ward , First District/ Judges , Riehurd flair , Tim Ke.lley , Michael Fitz gerald ; clerks , William McQuinney , John Lucas. Second District- Judges , John Krok , Thomas Callun , William J. Whitehoupc ; clerks , John Krlling , Frank Redman. Sixth \rard , First District Judges , Bernard Saehso , Benjamin Hall , John Cone ; olerks. Charles Wilkins , Nate HI- Hot. Second Dlhtriet Judges , Andrew Kerr , Collins Jordan , Fred Mans ; clerks , John Miller , Adolph Brown. Waterloo Judges , J. R. Watts , George Johnson , L. W. JJeuton ; clerks , L.S. Ste vens. G. A. Kapp. Miilard Judges , Christian Kiiollwr , Harvey Link , .John Lanipkc ; clerks , Max Randall , Harvey Link , Jr. Klkhorn Judges , William Turner , John Lut/ , James Appleby ; clerks , 1 , Mooie , George Dro.xell. McArdlo Judges. James McGurvey , Charie.s A very. Bernard Thompson ; clurks , Elijah Allen , Fred Robiuwm. Wo t Omaha Judges , D. C. Sulphcn , Charles J. Bryan , II. Morton ; clerks , C. It. Sutphcn , C. D. Dmiloy. Union Judges , Albert Knight , Paul clerks , J , D. Ru tin , Fred Lcssenlimt. Douglas. First District Judges , Fred Sohnefl , Thomas Beard , P. J. ( i-ialcy ; dorks. Dun O'Coiinoll , Nathan'Booth. Second district Judges. John Sauer. Kd OrtKsldy , B. Gutter- , clerks , A. W , Grlllin , l d Corrigaii. 'I'llO Halicaa Ciirpus Cat.c. The , cute of Robert Poland , whoso at torneys ure trying to have him released on writ of hfibca3 corpus , is still unset tled. Yesterday morning JiJd ; f Slcnborg came into the county courtr anil testi list ! an to the facts -in the case Poland also testified hi ? hi * own be half. It seems that stVmc time ago he was arrested as a snsuiOious char aeter , and sentenced by JfiUjcvi Stcnhorg to a Urm ot sixty 'days in the county jail. Sentence'was sus pended , however , on condition that Polnntl leave town at onetf. He did so but. returned , and was captured and sent up to the county jail la Servo out the suspended sentence. Judge Hawes made thti point that a police judge diet not posluss the powarof suspending sentence anv moro than lie did that of pardoning , lie had no right , as Judge Hawes thought , to bullish a man from the city. District Attorney Hstcllc replied wltli the argument thai , admitting this point , that Judge Sten- berg's action was not lawful tlio com mitment of Poland had been made out and ho should have been taken to thu county jail a.s soon as he could bo found. Judge McCullouh has taken the casi under advisement , and will render his decision shortly. A Hold Itnbhcry. One of the boldest robberies reported for many a day occurred Monday nightor rather Tuesday morning , on South Seven teenth street , near Maroy. Mr. ami Mrs.MeKoii7.io occupy a , house at the place indicated. Tuesday morning about two o'clock Mrs. MelCen/.ie awoke to find , as she thought , that some one was in the room. She was about to scream and jump out of the bed , when a man suddenly sprang up from the side of her eouoh ami placed a , sponge satu rated witli some drug probably chloro form over her face. She saw it waa useless to struggle , and made no outcry. It was not long before she sank into un consciousness. The servant girl who arose about 0 o'clock discovered tlio situation of affairs and summoned medical assistance. Mrs. McKcn/.ie was .still in a state of uncon sciousness but was soon restored. It was al o discovered that Mr. M. had Iveen dosed with chloroform , probably before Mrs. MeKoii7.ie. Fortunately neither of the couple were seriously affected , al though the oousenuonees might easily have been moro dangerous than they wens. It was discovered that the burglars , whoever they w. 'e , had made a prctlv extensive raid , having carried elf about $ ? worth of money and valuables. There is no clue. Mrs , MoKonzio is un able to identify the man who chloro formed her. AVili Sue the K : llroul. In June hist 1) . O. McCabe , living in Grand Rapids , Mich. , started for Pueblo , Col. , taking with him his-rfife , who was then in failing health. It was hoped that the climate of Colorado Would have a beneficial clfcet upon Her system , but instead of improving she sank slowly , and died a few days aso. ; Mr. MeCabo made all arrangements for" the burial , to occur in Grand Rapids on Thursday , and started for home on Mon'day w th the body of his wife. He bought a ticket from tho' Denver & llio Grande railroad _ to1 Ohieago via Omaha , over the Burlington. He was told that the train would arrive in.Oma ha in time to connect with tlio Rock Is land train for Chicago ; wliicli would al low him to reach Grand * RApids early Thursday 'nlorning. AVlicnohc arrived here last night ho found th''it tie had been "taken in" that the B. & M. did not connect with the Rock Island by four or live hours. Tims he will lose a half day or more , and will not arrive in Grand Rapids in time for thi ) funeral as announced. He is very much incensed at tlio deception prac ticed UDon him , and informed a reporter for the BEI : last night that lie intended to test in the local courts the uucslion as to whether a railroad can sell him _ a ticket under falsei pretense * . He claims that the delay will entail upon him a material joss , pecuniary and otherwise. In I lie District Court. Proceedings were commenced yester day by S. A. Orchard against John Wai- liohs for the foreclosure of a mortgage , amounting to $1,000. A transcript of appeal from the county court was filed yesterday in the matter of the award ot damages allowed by the commissioners on the property con demned by the C. , St. P. , M. & O. rail road company for their right of way. Robert S. La coy commenced suit yes terday against Charles McCormiek , as administrator of the estate of the late John McCormick , petitioning for the ap- pointmcntof a guardian for the children of the deceased. The injunction proceeding of Trossin vs. Berthold was argued before Judge Wakeloy yesterday. Decision was re served until to-day. The following is tlio call for to-day be fore .Judge Wakeley : Pomeroy vs. A M. K. church. Simcral vs. Howell. llamann vs. B. & M. railroad. Harmon vs. Omaha. Harmon vs. Omaha. Kimball , et al. vs. Oninlia. Taylor vs. Ilousor. Taylor vs. Ward. Taylor vs. Genius. Ames , et. al. , vs. Bowman , et. al. Judge Neville's call is tlie same as yes terday. nilltary .Mutters. The United States military camps at Hock Springs and Kvsinstoii , Wyoming , Imvo been christened by order of Gen eral Howard , The former will bo known as "Camp Pilot Butte , " and the latter a.s "Camp Medicine Butte. " Incompliance with tlie letter of in- fctructions from the secretary of war , General Howard has apixJintiiu Capt.iins Bisbee and Cu.sack and Second Lieuten ant Browne a board to examine into and report upon the qualifiajuums of suoh enlisted men for uppointnioiil for post quartermaster Msrgcunta' aa shall bo brought before it. Thoobonrd will bo guided in its examinations' by the rules Kit forth front the headquarters of the army , and will arrange 4he camlidati s examined in the order tat merit deter mined by their oxuminationn The board is to meet at Fort Ninhraiu nt the call of the president thereof. Gemijral Howard has ordered Sergeants Jameij Ferguson , Company F , aim Williara Meyer , Com pany 11Kb infantry. toTrciort ) to the president of the board for examination for appointment as post-'qimrtermastor corgennt. , Ten Dollars for ; i Spouso. Dr. Swetmnn , of tlio Central hospital , has received the following letter trom a Council Bliills individual who , it would seem , is extremely anxious to got mar ried , "Sir : Probably you have hail and will luivo in your hospital , ladies who would bo glad to got married ifasuitnblu peison olforod. Many ladies of good standing meet with misfortunes and am compelled to cither part with their good name or their child , and if they could marry a good man limy would bo glad to do M > ' 1 am Hi ) years old , was never mari - i led , luivu good health and am of fair appearance , 1 have no intomperntt } Intuits and can give good testimonials as to "Odd character. Four venrn ago , I was worth seven or eight tlioiitan'l ' dollurs , but through financial rovorsoa , I ftm not now worll over $ tX)0 ( ) , and thatls not available , so I can't use it. If you Imvo now or think of any former patrons of your hospltn who you think would like to marry please let me know by mail. Plo.i : o ah swer as soon as you get this. If yoi wish to talk with mo about the business I will come over if you desire it. " The writer does not sign his name , but gives an alphabetic postolliee address. Hallway Notes. The second of the Union P.ielfic autumn excursions f > Cilifornia will leave Omaha and Council Blutls at 11 o'clock a. m , Wednesday , November W. Round trip tickets will bo sold at $10,1 each , good for six months ; children live years old and under twelve , half fare. Pull man fare for double berths , $10.53 extra. Faro to Salt Lake and return , $ J.03 extra. The entire party must travel together going , but can stop over in a boJy at any point. Individuals may return at their pleasure , after thirty days.btoppin oll'at will. Low round trip rates are also made from custcrn cities. The route will be : Omaha ti > D.mvcr , via Union Pacific ; Deliver to Ogde.u , via same line ; Q dcn to Los Augjles , via Southern Pacific. P.issongM's going west from Omaha may return to Kansas City without extra cost. The B. & M. is advertising in the east the advantages of its new Oborliu branch in Kansas. The line creates iu Om ilia tlto center of u now tralHc as heretofore all immigration to northwestern Kansas and much to southwestern Nebraska has gone through Kansas City and Atehison. Mr. 'I' , M. Orr and wife have- returned from their tour oast. Mr. Orr is wel comed with pleasure back to bis old place in tlio Union P.ieilio general manager's ollico. Mr.Chisolm , who substituted Mr. Orr for the past two weeks , has returned to Denver. Win. F. McMillan , assistant general freight agent of the Union Pacific , ac companied by J. S. Tebbets , general agent at Salt Lake City , and Mr , Mur- dock , the recently appointed traveling freigjit agent , h.i.s gone out on a tour of the line. Mi1. Win. F. ( iriflitts. assistant general freight agent of the Union Pacilic , lias returned from a trip west. . Thirteen Mormons went to work Mon day at Rook Springs , and encouraged by this start , twenty moro followed this morning. The output from thcsu mines is eteadily increasing. United States Court. Regular term of court convenes No vember Dili. The adjourned session of the present unlinMicd term is called for October Siiith. The equity docket has been cleared oil' and u few matters of lesser import ance demand a day or two of attention. Judge Dimdy remarked yesterday that he had heard his name culpably as sociated with the Zimmerman release fraud. The judge met Burr while out hunting ami ( lie lawyer remarked that ho would secure Zimmerman's release on bond. The juilgo merely laughed at the idea and paid no further heed , not dreaming of asking the intended method of prooeedure. Ho was as much surprised and disgusted at tiie result as any one. "I never saw Savillesaid the .judge , referring to the Kearney commissioner who distinguished himself by admitting the murderer to bail , " 1 will look up my papers and see who it w.ts reconnuondco his appoint ment. " Already filing has boon made to determine the grounds upon which thu luckless commissioner can lay claim to further ollicial tenure , and it is more than probable that his neck will feel the knife. 'fho Zimmerman case is also a stum ] ) in the U. S. constabulary department. Marshal Bierbower lias never been au- thori/ed to incur the expenses of a search and unless the Kearney authorities are doing Boniuthing the murderer is seotli free , with no one interested iu his cap ture. - _ The A. O. U. AV. A lodge of the A. O. U. W. was organ- i/ed in Central City Thursday night 1)3' L' . P , Ellis , gr.iud lecturer for Missouri mil Nebraska , wth a list of charter members dr.twn from among our best citizens. The ollicers for tha pivsviit term are Hon. John B. Skinner , P. W. M. ; W. M. Pcebler , M. W. ; Dr. W. J. Itaynor , Foreman and medical examiner ; N. W. Slater , O. ; W. J. Wilbur , Record er ; A. K. Lindloy , Financier ; T , C. Mor gan , Receiver ; II. B. Lowe , G. ; John Stalblrd , I. W. : Jo'm ' Doyle , O. W. ; Trustees Jan. W. Rces , J E. Wrougli- ton andT. A. Lowe. 'flic lodge meets on Monday night of ouch week and invites visiting brethren from Chester , Guide Rock , KJ ar and elsewhere. An excellent prospect now exists for llio early establishment of the grand Iodide of'Nobraska into a separate state jurisdiction. Persons resident of a town where no lodge of the A. O. U. W. exists , ami desiring that one bo organized , will iddress P. P. Kllis , grand lecturer , care jf A. I ) . Guide , Lincoln , Neb. Iein It is announced that Dean Millspaiigh tad tendered his resignation aslho rector of the Trinity Outhudral congregation. J'he resignation was turned over nearly a week ago , and is now in the hands of Judge Wakeloy , The condition of all'airs which led to this , it is difficult to outline. For two vcurs there has been a growing fe'jlinif of lissatistaetlim with the dean , but this : cclingdid not make itself painfully min- : fest until after the death of Bishop JlnrkhOii. Many of the members liavo jeen complaining that the dean's ser mons were not of the highest order of ex cellence , and that , in snort , ho was not qualified to act as the leader of so im- lortant a congregation as that of Trinity Jathedral. The resignation hah not yet been acted ipou , though it is expected that it will bo shortly. No announcement has been undo 'as to the deacon's probable mieeos- sion. _ AltttKc ofBtreot Car HorscM. The abuse of horses which formerly existed on tlio SI. Mary's avenue car line HIS boon noticed by others besides our own eiti/.f ns. T.n following from Mr. Berg , of Now York City , was received by the i-eerclary of Iho Nebr.idka Ilumuno society : DBAU Sin : " 1 have IH'CH Informed by a L'cittlciiiiin who visited Oiimha dining July mil August Inst , tliitt a ( treat deal of uiinwe.s- sarveniL'lty Is Intllcteil uiwMi the horses unit miles employed Iu dnujKiii' , ' street ears In hut city. The aidnriK he. stated , were over worked until exhausted , ami bc.it en uniner- ifiilly. Will jou kindly inform us If Mich lb lie case. " Tim Khot-duii J'olluy , The beautiful } suburh of Highland , vhieh skirts the western lim its of the city , was Monday the scone of a very lisordurly rumpus which gives the dis- riet court another criminal job. Some grading is In progress there and John toosink , < mis of tliu gnulurs , had occa- ion to chop down a treoWm. . Worton , & resident. . In thd locality , ulaitnud the tree aa Ms. firc-porty' and warned the woodman .not to toned a single bough , Nothing daunted , llooslnk , with the aid of several other men , wont at the tfco. Wild wltii rage , Weston rushed on" and in a moment came back on a gallop with n double-barrel shot-gun presented for action. "Clear out , cverv ono of you , " he commanded , and the graders forth with took to their heels. Weston was ar rested , arraigned before Judge Andres and bound over to the district court. llctuovnl. The question of garbage removal is one that ha.s been a source of lunch annoyance - noyanco iu Omaha. When the council , more than a year ago , pass-cd the "Gar- bngo ordinance , " there was no person in llio city who understood the business or Ihevaluoof Iho services required. Mr. Peterson took the contraet at prices that experience proved to be entirely inade quate. But he performed the work to tlie best of his ability and to ( ho satis faction of all reasonable people. There wt.ru some who expected him to remove liquids , brickbats , mortar , etc. , but those things were not included in the contract , which expired on September 1. Since then no provi sion has been made by the city to pay for thu removal of garbage. The police in sist on cleanliness and many people think that they can have their kitchen refuse taken away as heretofore without cxneii-e , to themselves. Mr. Peterson is still operating a few carts and is pre pared to work for those who are willing to pay , but the people mut understand that until .such time a.s the council sies lit to make other arrangements that they must nay for the removal of garbage from tlieir promises. A card addressed to John Peterson , Twenty-seventh and Dodge , or orders left with the city mar shal , will bo promptly attended to. Collar Itn ; ltls A'lsltors. A party of prominent citi/eiis of Cedar Rapids , Iowa , are in the city for Iho pur pose of examining the s.inilary sewe system and pavements , which they are thinking of introducing in Cedar Rapids. The party is coin- composed of John SuouflVr , J. M. Olm- stend , C. I ) . Van Vci-htmi , 1C. J. Footer , couueilmen ; P. Mullaly , president of the board of trade ; Johnson Brigham , ot the Cedar Rapids Republican ; F. W. Falks , of the Cedar Rapids Gu- Kollo ; C. E. Culdor , J. S. Ely , C. G. Green , and 1C. A. Higby. They were shown about the city yesterday by C. 1C. Squires , and anions the places of interest which they visited wasthoRn : ollico. They return this afternoon to Ce dar Rapids. Mr. Brigham , of tlio Repub lican , who accompanies the party , is a son of Mrs. P. C. Stone , of tins city. Chocked on the HUip. S. J. Bean , a theatrical agent from Cleveland , is iu a predicament. He has been boarding at the Miilard hotel for iho pa.-t few days , running up a score of $10.00. His conduct yesterday excit ed Manager Shears' suspicion , and he .swore out a complaint against the lodger. Ollieer Turn bull took the paper and served it on the gentleman Justus he was moving out on the noon-dny dummy tram for Council Bluffs. Mr Bean wu * jailed and found to bo able to cash in but l'J.0.1. lie finally suceeded in raising Lhe necessary amount and Was released. Jolly Vol. Sheriff Josophi Young , of Green River , W. T. , passed through the city yesterday with Robert Carragud in , three years for jurglary , and Charles Smith , colored , live years for burglary. They will enter iieiial servitude at thu Joliet prison , where territorial convicts are now im prisoned. It was formerly thu custom to 'end Wyoming convicts to the Nebraska ' | KMiUeu'tiury , but since the Illinois prison tas become self-supportive and charges nothing for hoarding convicts , tlie felons from the territories nave been shipped thither. _ _ _ AVlni He Is. Albert Schall , who has been nominated > y Mayor Boyd as a member of the board of public works , seemed to boa stranger o all the members of the city council. Some of the aldermen asserted that they 'viiow ' him and moved that the uppoint- nent bo confirmed. But after Mr. Sehroeder had announced who the gen- leman was , Mayor Boyd contradicted he member from the second , Mr. Schall s a stone cutter by trade , and is em- iloyod as foreman of the yards of Drexel & Foil , _ Hook Springs. Gen. Howard received yesterday a tele gram stating that Col , Anderson left took Springs Monday night for his post at Fort Russell , with all the companies ex cept that of Cap ! . . Rogers. This does lot break up camp at Rook Springs for hu latter eomp.iny will remain there for some time yet. Hu ( fa lo Hill. Hon. Wm. E. Cody , better known as 'Buffalo Bill , " arrived in town yesterday norning from North Plattu , in company with Mr. Goo. Canjicld. Ho spent the lay iu tlui city visiting his friends , and u the evening ho left for St. Louis , vhero he expects to remain for several lays. Del I n < | tie tit Kill OOM U Is. There are now foursulooii-keopors who iavo not paid tholr Hccns js , and a coord- ugly papers' were issued yesterday for thu HTo'stot August Uhlolf. Paul Senf , 1. S. Haaeall and Mrs. 11. McCoy. * . Hfivilies. James Price , a gambler and well-known iharactcr , was yesterday sontiip for sixty days in the county jail , Then Hohl , hardware merchant and lurr Right , statioinr , of Springfield , ( ) . , ire in tlio city looking up a location. It was rumored yesterday that Colonel iVoods , of dime museum fame , had skipped out. leaving behind him many creditors. His friends , however , deny ho truth of the story , and say I hat he has ( joiio lo Creston , Iowa , expecting shortly o return. The Nebraska City distillery is making irepiirationii lo start business again. fho architects are now at work on plans 'or extensive additions to the jircscnt mildings with n view of largely incruub ng the capacity of tlio concern. Following is the iiiftro-motcorological 'orecast for thu week beginning to-day mil ending Wednesday , Oct. 'J8th- tutors unsettled -cold , windy , wintry woathor--liiie , frosty with fogs in many sections \ cry inisctUod and .stormy with wind , snow or rain according to location. An unsullied , wintry week. Unity Literary Club will hold its regu- ar meuling next Friday evening nt I'lii ' y church , corner Cuss and Seventeenth streets intern ) of Meyer's musio hall , as previously announced. The programme ivill cousistof < ssiy ! on Charlemagne ami St. Benedict , to lie followed by a conver sation on the Crnsulcri. ( icorgo Butts vf s arrested as a suspi cious diameter yonterday afternoon by Olliecr Mostyn and later in tlto day was sentenced by Judge Stouborg to thirty lays in the roilnty jail. Butts , it i.s Hind , stole u suit o ( 'Clothes in thi city tl fflQST PERFECT MADS I'rc7 > ar < vl with No Ainmonlu , l.lmf or Alum. PRICE BAKINO POMM CO. , CHICAGO. RT. LOUIS. about a year ago ami jumped the town , lie returned yc-terdsy. Gordon Johnson , a well Known colored man , appeared before Judge Ste.nVo.rg yesterday allornoon with blood running down Ills face from a wuunil in tlio top of his head , lie said ho bad been slabbed by James llutehiitson , u notorious darkey better known us "Chicken Jim. " He demanded a warrant for the latter , which was accordingly is-uicd and the ' man was arrested by' Oflleor Cormick ami lodged in the city jail. There is now , loatlug ubout the Union Pacilic depot here , a mult whoso utterly forlorn condition would cu-ito the pity of a heart of stone. Hu i.s a Portuguese , bound from Boston to San Francisco. At Chicago some scamp filchtid his ticket coupon from Omaha wost'vard and the poor fellow IK stuck here. Ho can spoilk nothing but his native tongito and no one of the local public sccnm to ho educated up to Portuguese. The oust ) deserves relief. Personal l'arii > rupliq. C. L. Lucas , of ( . 'mitral City , was in the city yestei day. J. A. Ware , superintendent of the Og.ilbilaLand and Cuttle company , is m tlie city. Hss Mary Stangleur , who has been vis iting friends in the cast , returned homo hist night. Dr. ( icrth , of Lincoln , slate veterinar ian , arrived in the oily hist evening , ai.d is at the Paxton. (1 ( W. Spencer. St. Jiimog ; II. O. Bol- loug , Sohtijlcr ; J. A. FraKicr , SiUor City J. A. Ware , Ogallala. T. J ) . Taggart are at the Caulicld Uco A. Haunafimltraveling oawflongor : i enl of the New York , West Shore and Buffalo railroad , \\ilh headquarters in Chicago , in in the city , greeting Ms num erous friends iu railroad circles. Ho left last night for St. Paul. Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Brownell , of Day ton , Ohio , arc iu the city the gueiits of Mr. and Mrs. Tcmpleton. Mr. Browucll is a member of the well known Jinn of Brownell & Co. , of Dayton , Ohio , who are extensive manufacturers of engines , boilers , etc. , ami is also it member of tlio firm of Brownell & ( Jo. , of this city. > A lirRnlii : in Corner lint a Is what men desire , but to keep from fill ing a grave in a cemetery lot ere half your days are numbered , always keep a supply of Dr. Pieree'n " ( Jolden Medical Discovery" by you. When the first symptoms of consumption appear , IOHO no time in putting yourself under the treatment , of this in valuable medicine. 'It cures when nothing else will. Possess ing , as it does , ten tintos the virtuoof Iho best eod liver oil , it is not only the cheapest but far the plcasautost to take. , It purities and enriches the blood , strengthens the system , cures blotches iiimplcs , eruption * and other humors By druggists. , To California. On November nth the B. & M. U. R. , will start a select excursion party for California , via Denver and Salt Lake. Forty-live dollars pays one way , return when please. Firdt-class . yon - car.son ex press trains through to destination. Stirt : from any station oii'tho B. &JS1.11. It. For particulars apply to A. C. Zicmor , ticket agent , Lincoln , Neb. , or to P. S. Eustis , general passenger and ticket agent , Omaha , Neb. The canvas signs which have been floating in the breiv.es of Omaha quite numc''ously for some lime past , will greet the eye of the traveler no more alter to day. Marshal Cummings has instructed the police force to have them all hi'.ulcH iu , us their presence in the streets is ecu- trary to law. Absolutely Pure. This powder novrr vnrlm. A marm of fticiiif.fi iiinl wl-olcMimiiniHs. Moio ix'ononiloa ) Hum tliu niillnury klnclx , uivt cnniint Im < > ! < ) In imii.KiM | | | ( wlili t ) > o multitude of Mw tCht.Hliort ucfJii | unit plioKplniiii iinwdurg. SoM only In miiB. Koyul Jluklnir 1'owdorCo. , 1W Wuil street , N * i iTIMKEN TIMKEN OVER 400,000 . .i ! tNIUOTK ) IIY Royal Havana lottery ( A fiOVtllXMKNt INATITVTIOK. ) Drawn at Havana , Cuba , Every iO ( o 14 Dayt , TloketHiu rmbg. Wlinlcv , $3. VVuttloim uro rntti. Hulijoot to no mnnlp > | : iton | , not roiiirolltslt ) } llio piirilon lit liili Kiitl. It IH HID fall0.11 Uiliifr In llio MiiUiKi ( il'uhiinio In cxl < > lriio < > . 1'or tlckelH apply in HIIII'SHS' A CO. , 1'1\2 \ llniinlwiiy , N. V. t'liy : MOVrU-U&i ) , ,19Mkiil livu t , KuiUAi City , .Uo.