Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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No. 12 Je nrl Street.
l by HM Her In nny piu-t or the city t
Iflcnty ( ctttii per wccli.
II , W. , . . .
Hcilnr , tlio tailor , for fall gotnls.
Poroho ribbon nt ] lli s' . Soinctliiiij
now.Tho I'lio'tilx Riilonn put. In tin instnn
tani'ourt iiuniuy Hmngur.
Kxtrii line chiMriMi's hooils , in velvet
pluali sxiiii MiUn nt low prio.e.s at Bliss' .
Abu Lincoln 1'osUi. A. H. , is liercuftc
to meetin llio hull over tliu postolVicc.
LmlnMl fi-ll lints of nil tlio latest style
from Now York Clly. Tim Him inclutlv
colors and plmdcs , at Klips' .
The minimi convention of the loivi
ltalistt ] U in Hussion in Wittorlon till. .
tvcok , mid will continues until Sunday.
Thuro 1s sonn jirospntit of having I'cnr
fitroiit piivistl. II , otifjltt lo bo , bo.itij ; citii
of the most. Important strouts in the city
Tlwro WIIH liltli ! doing in jioHun circle
.voMl-urilry : , boyoml tliu soiling of tlukot
for the nnniiai ball nt'xt Tlmniduy night
Two plain drunks. : im ! two fellow ;
without. : i JIoi.'iisu constitute !
r , 10 business of the police court yoator
For ovijrytlihij' in theyrocory line givi
the now llrm of Kint/&Rleob , 1W ( Hrond
way , iv trial. Kvurythin" now and fresh
I'nncy grnwrltm a specialty.
Tlio ten fliers of Noolii and ndj.iconi
townships arc to meet in Ncola next Sat
unlay to organize an association for mil'
tnal encouragement and improvement.
The Council Bluffs ( lymnasjuin club l. <
the name of a i\cw \ or"in'r/ttion. : : wind
is nlllcoroil by C. Johnnon , prosidont.
J. Uradshaw , treasurer ; Ed. Ty.sio , sccrc-
tnry.Tho revival services continue at thr
Broadway Methodist church , under the
charge of tin * Itov. Thomas Harrison ,
tin ; noted revivalist , and the inoctinpj
nro inereasiin ; in interest and in attend
The motion for a now trial in tlio Cross
case will lie argued before the supreme
court. at luliuiue | this week. Judge
lliilibiinl appears in support of tint mo
tion and Col. Sitpp opposing its being
The grand chapter and cnmmandury
of Iowa , liisons are in suasion nlMur-
shnlltown. Council 1 Mull's lodges arc
roprescuted by T. S. Couch , T. B. Lacy ,
.7. II. Marshall , K. H. Fonda , S. I. King ,
, "Wade Cury , ami L. B. Crofts.
Colonel 0. 8. Ilender.son is booked fern
n speech hero on tlio ! ! d of November.
lie has the reputation of being ono of the
finest orators whom the republicans
luivo .scoured for the campaU ; ! ! licrc , and
ho will be given a largo audience.
A rare musical treat is promised the
public next Monday evening at tlio opera
house , in the form of a concert by the
celebrated Schubert , quartette. The pro
gramme embraces very choice selections ,
and tlio < | uiirtette is so widely known
nmongall music lovers that , it need hard-
lyboMiid there is no doubt of the rendi
tions boimr very superior , and thorough-
j Jy enjoyable.
i K. F. Allihon siyn : ho is. the party
ngninst whom Mix. Larson has com-
. inenced suit for trespass , and that instead
, of breaking into her vacant house , and
taking possession by force , ho had
an agreement with her husband by
v which be wns to rent the house for six
x months , and that under the terms of bis
/ ' lense ho proceeded to occupy It , and that
the Hiiit is : i malicious one , and that he
will show it up when the case comes to
, , trial.
; It is snid that the mayor's own sign ,
which stretches over the sidewalk on
Bryant street , is in violation of the ordi
nance , which says that "the suspending
or extending of any wooden sign on any
sidewalk in any street in tins city of
Council Hind's is hereby prohibited , and
the doing of which by any person or per-
eons whatever is hereby declared a nui
sance. "The ordinance provides that any
person violating it shall be subject to it
line not exceeding $10 and costs.
The ba'l given last evening by the let
ter carriers WIIH a great success in every
ivny and a very onjovahlo social event.
The Mnntczuimi band furnished most ex
cellent music , and all the arrangements
\t \ were of a nature to leave nothingiacking
' ' lor the enjoyment , of those who partici-
> jintod. It is honed that the carriers will
, rouli/.o a snug little sum us the result of
their efforts. They merit , a big benefit ,
nnd those who joined in the ball will be
nbimdiintly satisfied with the investment
of time and money.
The "Two Johns" appeared at the
opuradionso last evening , and as was to
1)0 expected they kept the andienco inn
roar from lirst to last. It is very html to
, jncet the expectations of an audience ,
who come with the idea in their heads
thut they are going to be forced to laugh ,
nnd who are led to believe that they are
to seethe funniest things on earth. Few
can moot the expectations of such an an-
tlicnce , but the ' 'Two Johns" not only
micnccd in innnting I he expectations , but
they go fur ahead , and no one can com
plain of not having all the merriment
they could ask for. There will be many
core sides in the city to-day , but there
will bo n healthier lot of pcomc , and di
gestion improved , and the blues chased
nway by such an evening. The two big
comedians , each weighing over throe
hundred pounds , and every pound full of
inn , are a show of themselves , und added
to them is the support of a company
which i.i excellently balanced , and com
posed of artists of more than ordinary
Mr. 1'oter Elders , the well known Min-
denilo , was in the city yesterday ,
W. 15. Orlgsloy , of Misouri Valley ,
a , visitor to the Uhills yesterday.
Dr. 0. S. Clark ami S. \\r. Clark , of
Nngnoliii , wore at the I'acllie house yes
' - ' , n
Hvv- r. , : iwen route for his former
I Robert Klrkwood , of Crescent , is in the
city , looking after the people's interests
in the new court house.
Mr. John Kint/ , who bad such n sud
den btroko of paralysis last Friday night ,
was onuiwhil : improving yesterday.
A. S. Clough , who was formerly one of
the police force * , returned yesterday from
Dakota , and now starts for New .Mexico ,
where lie will spend the winter months.
| William Maas , book keeper at Kiso-
jniin , Itodda & Co'.s , returned yesterday
from : \ visit to his parents in Cincinnati ,
During his two week's absi.'i-co lie has
visited New York and other cities.
Hov , Charles Little , who lias boon the
pastor of lliu Congregational church tit
Lewis for ten ycarx past , has closed his
labors , his reasons being that advanced
iitfu niudo It Impossible lor him to do the
work of both churches , nt Lewis nnd
Hour ( ii'ovn. and feeling that it would not
t > < < wise to divide the pitrixlios , ho has re-
nlgncd so that the rliurclie.s could unilo
on > nni" one physically ublo to look after
lunh llvlds.
Sub-itit'iiul : ib < lrK'ts : of titht ; iml real
cwijili- l < 'tu..s. . .1.V. . , & K.J . .Squire , 101
* J''i'il ' Mr : t'l. . - - - .
Ifyois w''li in mil > o li > iritinitol.v ) from
ton tu nfty ilulhirs pi > r iiy | : vritit to Jmlil
< t Smith , No. Jl Kuiirlh sti'iu't. l.'uitncil
The Motion For An Injunction In the Oem
otcry Case Overruled by Judge Oonnor.
An Amntcnr JM/.o WHIH An Jinpoi-t
nnt. DeolHlon CoiicoroliiK tlio
AVnter Works Other Now t
At > ontTowii.
Th Cemetery Flight.
The cemetery light , as it has born com
monly called , has rather dropped out ol
public notice of Into , there being sunh si
long wail for u decision that the peopK
have lost some of the intcre-it which wiu
manifest in the opening of the battle ,
Tim attempt way mtitlo byO. K. Hesse
and ulhers to get a temporary writ of in
junction granted retraining tlio trustees
of the cuntetery association from telling
any moro lots for burial purposes or ex
tending the grounds or the number of
graves , the elaim being made that tin ;
cemetery was so crowded and so near the
city that it was endangering the health of
the inhabitants of Council Hlull's. There
was a , mass of evidence presented on both
Miks , and the contest was a. long and
tedious one. Judge Connor , before
whom ( lie matter was presented , took the
ease under advisement. , nnd yesterday lie
directed ( lie clerk to enter up the follow-
mgorder in the case :
Now at this time , this cause coming on
for decision upon the application of tbe
plaintijl's by temporary injunction , and
the evidence of the respective parties
having been seen and heard , and tliu
court being advi.sud in the premises , de
nies said application. To all of which
plainlills except. J. IV CONSOK ,
Circuit Judge.
The refusal to grant the temporary
writ of injunction asked fordoes not nec
essarily make n final disposition of the
ease , but it is thought that it will proba
bly end the matter. The parties who
have started in to make tbe. ( iglit , may
go ahead and try to get other evidence
to strengthen their showing , if possible ,
and to gain a permanent injunction , but.
the decision is thought by many to be
practically an und of the attempt , at
least for years to come.
The New anil tlio Old.
Tom Ilowman has received his commis
sion as postmaster of tlio ollice hero , and
by an arrangement with the present post
master , Phil Armour , the transfer is to
be made next Sunday. The business
men , and citizens generally , cannot but
regret that this change is necessitated by
the political machinery of the country ,
as all concede that Mr. Armour has been
the best postmaster the city has ever had.
Ill-ought up almost from boyhood in a
postollicc , and thoroughly familiar with
all the workings of the department in
detail , he has known just what was
needed to increase the ellieiency of tlio
.service at this point , and known just , how
to secure it , and this lie lias done , making
tlie ofllco hero one of the best in the
land , and giving the business men the
advantage of many changes for the bet
tor. The postollice service is of more
local value , and a greater help to bus-
ness than most realize at lirst thought.
It makes a great dill'ereneo to Council
HlnU's and its commercial interests ,
whether the surrounding country is
placed in easy and ijuiek communication
with this city or nc-t , and Mr. Armour
lias done grandly in increasing fa
cilities. It canno ) . be expected that any
man , unfamiliar with the details of post-
pllico work , can do a.s well as the retir
ing postmaster , who has years of experi
ence , and in dill'erent positions in the
postal service. Hence , outside of politi-
ual preferences , there cannot but be re
gret felt at ( lie change. Mr. Bowman is
n very methodical and careful business
man , and has many friends and
he will have the beat wishes
iind support of the community
in the cflorts which he will surely make
to keep up the ellieieney of the Mjrviee ,
nnd to increase it , but it in , of course , not
in the range of human probabilities that
he can take up the duties so well per
formed by a man of thorough experience ,
iind carry them on as well. All under
stand this , and all will submit as cheer
fully as possible to the change , and lie
will Iind no opposing obstacles thrown m
his way in the performance of his duties ,
Imton the other hand the community
feels disposed to help him in every way ,
: md to be very patient and charitable
with any mistaken such as are liable to
occur in the making of such changes.
An Important
An interesting decision has been given
l > y .Judge Shiraa , of the United Stutea
L'ourt , in regard to the ease of some of
Die m iiiiifactnrcrs of material furn.fihed
in the construction of the water works
liero. The linn furnishing this material
touglit to get a lien on the works to s -
3 tire their claim , and in deciding a de
murrer the judge practically refuses to
* llow the lien to bo placed on the works ,
; ind pre.Mmts his views in a very olear
and interesting manner , and leaving it
to bo inferred from his words that he
[ Iocs not think that persons furnishing
material for the water worltsMnud In the
same position as those furnishing ma
terial for other improvements , and that
such improvements as the water works
ire in tlio nature of public necessities ,
which It is against public policy to
illow to be numporcd or made IIEC-
Icss. In sustaining the demurrer to
: liu petition , u matter of more than
: > ussng ! moment has bcj'ii dccidcdj for
t is suid that it a lien cou't ' ! ' ; . - ;
tttve been an attempt made to eize upon
mil practically put an end to much of the
iscfulness of the works. Council Bluffs
ins one of the best system of water works
n the country , and the people just li giu
o rcall/.o the convcniunccslaiid Ihehafcty
mil comfort which it affords , and there
s certainly a desire that the work should
lot bo jeopardized , or their usefulness
Hid ellectiveness should bo interfered
.vitli . by any financial entanglements. If ,
is Judge Shiran , intimates , the water
ivorks ars such a public necessity that the
ourt is nnt justified in granting liens to
reditors , it will relieve the water works
umipunyof much trouble and unnoy-
ince. and will enable them logo on torv-
ng the public , and getting the finances
o rights harmoniously and peaceably.
I'lio case in which this decision liao been
endured , involves about $25,000.
WANTKU Wheat , corn and oafs in our
ots. Liberal advances made on all con
signments , by J. V. Fuller , Council Blnfftf ,
Iowa , and Omaha , Neb ,
A Pool o
A quiet pri/.o light on n small scale is
oporU'd to have taken plnco a few davi
ig < > In a barn located near Broadway.
Tim participants , two young iiion , bur-
ng Iweomn angered over paying for n
$ inui of pool in n Broadway saloon ,
thought they would "lightitint.utiiui
iVeiit nut In tins alley to havu their KC.MII ,
nit thinking they might bo anv.titM'tlmy '
juicily walked down Broadway and cu-
tcred n barn , whcro seconds wore pr <
cured nnd the light began. Seven
rounds were fought and they shook Imin
and returned to the saloon nnd scttk
for the game of pool.
Captain Ilathaway , of tlm police foroi
is now working a portion of the time i
Omaha , and will hold his plueo on Hi
force until after the grand bnll , Thtir
dny night , when he will take off his qt ;
nnd resign his club. It Is not'know
who will bo his succe. ' or.
The other day the ngcnt for the femal
acrobats and athletes culled at the cit
clerk's ollico to yco what liceiif e wonl
be required to show in the eily. Tli
elerk read the ordinance , which in h
judgment fixed the amount for MIC
shows at $5 for each performance , an
the agent wanting to chow three nighti
this made $15. The agent veemcd I
think this was more than ho could aVer ( <
and wanted some reduction , lie was n
ferred to the mayor , and Mnrtod on
The interview with the mayor must hav
been u satisfactory one , as I ho city lui
received no licon o , at all , or luui mi
yesterday afternoon , and the mayo
seems to be the only adveilising ugoi
who has secured a card from tlio corn
puny. By getting out of paying the elf.
any license the company could ull'oid t
do a little advertising , or make an : i
tempt , to do M ) . For further particular
see small bills at. the mayor's office.
No. KIT Ilrondwny , Council UliifTa
Hair Goods of all Kinds
Made to Order. ,
Hair Goods of all Styles
Ready Made.
No. 337 Broadway.
J. L. De BEVOISE , Agent.
No. tfl" Hronilmvv , Council Hlnffs ,
Railway Time Table ,
Tlio followlnp la tlio tlnin of arrival nml
ilt'piirturo of tniliis by cuutral stuiulnrd ttnio , in
lliu lounl ilui'olB. TniiiiH leuvo tninsl < ! rilfpot tun
inlnntits curlier niul urrlvc ton minutes Inter :
. .
96 A. M . Mull amlKxpie > 8 . IliCOr. M.
12:4 : ! ) I1. M . Accommodation . 4r ! > ( ) i > . M ,
O-.oUl' . M . EMUI-MI . 0:05 : A. M.
) S.ri A. M . Mall nnd Hxir | Mi . ( lr ; ; ) i > . M.
iln ; A. M . Auviiiuniodntion . 6:45 : 1 > . M.
> -M P. M . Kvpri"-i. . Uii5 : A. M.
CIIIUAOO. Mir.WAimr.i : .v BT. I'Awi , .
1:20 : A. M . Mnil mill K.\pi-t'5S . Il'j0l' : . M.
> : Xu lM . Kxpn-ss . ! IU5 : A. M.
ctiiCAno. BUHMNorov * .
lilflA. M . Mail mill Uxpiots . ' :10l : ( . M.
iHj : r. M . Kxpro < M . Sjij : A. u.
! : l."i I * . XI.IAICH ) Sl.Ixniln KxpicFq l.ouul > .
IUU : l' . Jl.TranstcrSt. I.oulsKv. Trnntfi > r..1:20 : I' . M
10:10 \ . M . Mull nml liAprcse . TsSir.M.
0:00 : i > . M . Hxpresa . U'J5 : A. u.
; : KiA. M . Slonx City Mull . 0:30 p. M.
1:115 : p. M . St. I'nnl Ksprcss . S'jA.rt. :
il :0 : ( ) A. M . Don vcr Kxprcr.3 . 4 : : I5 p. M.
1'O ' P. M. . . Lincoln 1'us.e. , Oni. & It. V..SB ! P. M.
7:151 : * . M . Ovcrliuul Exprr s . UUIA. : ) M.
1.1-uvo Council IllntTs 7U.V1.rf > .i:30-IO.10 : :
1:40 : 1U in. ; 1:30 : ! : : ! : ) : iW-4iS-5 : : i 1):25 ) :
1:43 : p. m. Lonvo ) innlm-41ai : 7SJ5 Hfil-tO:00 : ( :
1:15 : a. in : 13J : > U x'Xl : ( aUO : HW ; ( 4:55 : .ri.Vi. :
R. RICE , M. D.
or ntlior tumors rcinovpil wliliout
tlioliiiifoordraivlnsot lilooil.
Over thirty ycnrs' prnctlonl experience. Ollicc ,
{ 11. 11 I'earl Street , Council Hlnils.
Justice of the Peace.
Ollicc Over American Rtprois" ,
nos. OFFICER. u. w. n. POSEY.
All eij'lodof Ladders constantly In stock raaJo
rom Hiruco plno plunk. Tiio very licit.
fo. 19 Pearl St. , - Council Bluffs
In Council llluffK having
nil nil mo-.luni Imnrovumunts , call bell ; , tire
liirm ln.lip , cto. , Is tuo
tuoHOUSE !
Nos.S16ai" anil Sli ) , Main 6lrt < ut ,
MAX MOHN , 1'roprlotor.
, I'oi inoriy of New York ,
o. an'cmrl Blreot , Council lllurr- , Iowa
"borough Instruction on the Piano
and Organ
) 'orii < ilrslrotis of r < x > clvlni ) Instruction
itf Kbovb will nlfitso ctill on or ad < lii
Prof , G. B. Lipfert ,
h'O XX1 rirel Atpuue , Counuli lilulTs , Iowa.
NOTICK. Special ulT/5rU < omcnt8 , midi n
Jx > pt , Kouml , 1 > ) JJDMI , For S lc , To Kent , Wunti
itimrillnif , nto. , wlll'lic lnwio.1 in Uih column n
tliolowrflto of TUN Ci\T81'Kll : LINE forth
lim Iii8iitlon nml KIVU CUNTS 1'KIt LINK fii
cnuh Btilmoqiiont Inccrtton. l.oixvo lulvorllst
mt'ntant our oflico , Noi IJ J'enrl troot , lion
VVMMTKI ) Ono nllo , < > iio ifcnor. nun hnrltor
nml ono tiilm plui'ilr Tor n limia tnuu
Apply Htoni't ! to II II. TivWiiinn , ninnnircr'u
I milts llixeo Hull I'Hili nml tnllilnry nuliXB , it
l uti'l " " ' " i-r ii ' rxt Union 1'nolll
iliiuiiny ilopot , Council limit * . |
JUM -nilvcr wntrn nnil iteM chain. Itcwnr
J will l > o pnlil tlio tlmlcr. Martin lliiicliof
01U Ninth i > li-fot.
ANTKD A protvl jdil for jroncriil IIOUM
w work ; No. KO llnncioll Mroot.
n HUNT A new suvcn-nxmi houco. Knqulr
llhll Olllcc.
FOR HUNT A nix-room liouwi , ton minute
walk from l > u lnc ft , city > vntcr , well nml cli
tern. V'orront uhcHp ,
Ton HKNT No. 130 llnrrl.'on ctrcnt , thro
rooms. McMjuioN ftt'o. ,
4 I'cnrl
roil . \i.i : , rou UKNT on KMHIANHI ;
HO. Kl Vor Ptiloorrrnt.on very liberal turnip
Thr Council lUiiir * Pnpor Mill , complete , will
bonrtllitK house nml tlivco ncrts u
No. "rt A liiislnrm jirowrty In Cliorohcij
ChuroVon county , lown , will tmile for wofttri'i
liuuls. VuliKi. nliout $4,000.
No. ii ! ' A bcnutlfiil liomo In tlio town of ltix t
< na , Mills county , lown , for Nobimku liuul
Viiltie , fHMK ) .
No. 41 A K0o < l liiiRtnes * jn-oporty nml nlfo t
irooil u'slilunco property In the town of Oliunvo
Mol.ciui county , 111. , low down for cnnh or v/ll
oxulmncc for woftern lamls.
No. IVJ A Rplnmllil I'nrm , well Improved , ( HI
nt'res In HlchliiKon ioiiiily : , Iowa , jolnlnif tin
town ol' Spirit Luke. Price , for n plwrt time
$ y. > per IU.TU.
No. 1st to 1ST Arc four Inprovcil farms It
1'lillllps county. Kunsim , cncli with u Mimll In
viniilirniico. O'lio eiiultas will bo oxtilmnged I'oi
html in i\i.'bm lin.
No. 1IV1-0 iicrcHln Holt county , Ncl ) . , psrtlj
lmproviil , ut u lili ; IiiU't'aln. Wants to exciiatiKi
No. fit A tlnut o dtnry brlole rcsldonco , onf
of tin ) bnxt lociuioiis In Council llhillc. will truili
lor pooil iniliintiuliiiivil Knnens or NclirnKltii
liimK Vnlne. $ iri.H ( ) .
No. rAnml It Alii two other bpixutlful boiiic <
In l' , niK'il HlulTs , whl h cusli piiymcni'i will Imj
nt u h.iry.iln.
No. f A bountll'iil siibiirlmii location In lown
City. . . > wn , will oxiihuiiHe for western Innds.
Vnluc , .f.'i.UlK ) .
Tlii'iilio\u i\ro only si few of our opeolnl Imr
iilns. II you've not nnyttiiiitf to trndoor ec\l \
or wnnt. to soil nny iiyil CHtiilc in * incrdhmKll-c ,
wrlto us. Wo have scvorul irooit wtorks of Rixxls
10 trndo for Innds. SWAN & WAhKKIt ,
Council llhillK , Inwiu
Fancy aud Stapla Groceries.
t .1 ,
t , *
Opposite Ogden Itbase ,
Council Blii la.
s , - - .
This house bolng a. iexvj ono , couso-
qntiiitJy everything in .stock is new Jiiul
fresh. \
il i
, : (
Prices as reasouablc-'vs'any ' other gro
cery in the
Ono trial is sill we ask.
342 and 344 BROADWAY.
Hens Fail & Winter Wear
e' nfl Hoys' nuslncss Suits.
Mi-no' nml Hoys' Dross Hulls.
ClilldrunV Kvnry Duy and Drosi SnUi
Ovun-'outs for fcn1 Hoys nml
Jlfixjluua Tailor HultH.
MurelmuCTnllor OvorciutM.
M K ) IKM | , tu onlur.
At hull' the price , ' '
Krtt Mons' Suits mitl OvcnioMd
I.cun MCIIS' SullH
Heiiink'sa Blilrta unrt Trowwinln Foolcli wooM ,
Mi-dloiilcd - .SoiululB. Uxlru Hw > Vy Hullirigir.tiia ,
I'ftney Coloroil U'oolti utiU ifllieJ ( jualltica , from
! tu cnt'li to tt.M.
-.1 - .
FOH Till ) KAI.V. Op IS35.
iv i
, ,
Suspenders ,
Handkerchiefs ,
And Cuffs ,
"If first tlflBS qualltlQR &i l ititconablo jirkHisi.
842 an < i311 llfouauiiy. Council liluffd ,
Council Bluffs Carpet Co
Our Mock I * now complete In very depart
nu'iit ttiul'contain * nil Uio lnU'sL
Largest Stock
Lowest Prices.
SAMI'MiS fiirnltheil upon nppllcHtlon to o
of town parties.
Council Bluffs Carpet Company
4:05 Kroadway.
Waves , Frizzes , Switches , Etc ,
11 3g cut J'ampadour , I/unijti-y or Otlior Styles.
U Main Bt' Council It
TIE ? HEW Y03K ,
Co ,
552 BE.OADWAT. .
LI , BLUFFS , - - - IOWA.
Sanitary Hydraulic Engineers ,
Public and Private ?
of Sewerage.
Water woiks atul VcntilnUou dceigncd
ml ooiifitniclcil.
work in all Ita branches/Fills
oinpany Iiuvo OIK ; of tlio lCbt assortwl
looks of plumbing gootU in tlie west
KstinmtoB fiirnislic < l.
low York riumblng company 2 Urond
my Council IMtilVu , Tulcphonu No 27 ,
'rai'llct-s ' ' in Strttt ami Piitml . cou 7 .ui.l d , , i.ia.'u it Hcnu I
J 1
As a saving to our customers , we adopt the
cash system and put our entire stock on lowest ,
cash basis.
Cotton Flannels 25 per cent less than usually ,
offered in the market.
Blanketsat$1.25 worth $2. y
Blankets at $2 worth $3.
Blankets at S3 worth $4.50.
Blankets at S > 4.50 worth $6. *
Blankets at $9 worth $12.
Comforts at correspondingly low prices. ' s
Silks , Dress Goods , Dress Flannels , etc. , in
' '
large variety and choice styles. ,
Lace Curtains. Curtain Goods , Turcoman ,
Madras , etc , in quality and price to suit all. \
Body Brussels , Tapestry , Velvets , Ingrains ,
Hemp , etc. Matting , oil cloth and mats , Office
matting a specialty.
Our stock is large and comprehensive and
we invite everv one to call and examine our
goods before purchasing elsewhere and secure
the most and finest goods for the least money.
Immense Stock ,
Eastern Prices Duplicated
Send for IKusfrafed Catalogue ,
WnreliouAe nml S-ilcsrooin . , 41 N.Multi L , Coiinoil Illufrg , lows ,
Olticc 41 llrotutwny.
13ricl ( IjiilMlmjn at any hind rftiss-i „ ? njnvM mill sutltfattlon euarnntueU. Frsino iou c mov
n Wtllo Ola t T : : " bt = t Ilj , world.
Ilivvo rcmovctl to llicir New Sloro ,
Hos. 32 & 34 Main and 33 & 35 Pearl Sts
Whore they have put in n new utouk of *
MY *
un I
Ladies' ' and Gents Furnishing Goods , ElcM Etc. |
Among which arc llio following lines : * * '
lats and Caps , Gloves and Mittens ,
Neckwear , Gents' Underwear.
ladies' Children's and Misses' ffndt
osiery and Gloves , Cloaks ami Shawls , Ladies' Valises , Blankets
Flannels , Rockford Carpet Warp in all Colors. >
. 02 nnd M Main Street , Council JlluQ \ .
So. 83 and 1)3 ) Pearl Street.