Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1885, Page 3, Image 3

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Agrlcullural Implements.
Dealers in Agricultural Implements.
OflUo , Corner eth and 1'aclllo Sts , Onmlm , Ni-b.
1'Aiiuv , oitKNixmrF & , MAUTIN ,
AVhol < > nlo Dealers In
/.gricultnral / Implements , Y/agons /
nml lliiRtrles , Omnlm , Nob.
Boots and Shoes ,
' " "
v. V..M" A. co-
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
] < 11 rarnnm Street , Omnlm , Ncli. Manufactory ,
glimmer Street llopton.
Carpets ,
B. A.
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Curtiilti DoixlB , Kto. . 1WJ Knrnnm
Ptroet , Omnlm , Nub.
Coal , Lime , Ctc.
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone.
Ofllco,2138. Hth St. , Omaha. Ncl ) . Yards , iltli
nml Davenport Pt
Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal.
Bert \arlct Irs. Office , 213 R , lOtli St. Telephone
_ No. lllB , OnnUm , N < ; 1) .
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
8. 13th 81. , Omnlm , Nel ) .
( Ir.o. C , Tdwi.K , 1'rcfJiient
flBO. I'AlTEriSON , HOC. llllU TlVllB.
J.1I. HUI.IIKHT. F. A. IUixii ,
Proprietor. Mnnngor.
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
Ofllee , 217 8. lath Htivet , Telephone 10.
GKO. F. IAAIIAOII , 1'ron. C , V. OOOIIMAN , V. Pros.
J. A. Su.sinmi.ANi > , See. nml Trous.
Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jolilicra of UnrU mid foil coal , 303 8. 14th bt. ,
Omaha , Nob.
Hard and Soft Coal.
Exclusive. dealers In Iloiililor Colorado Coal , " 17
tinnli Htli bticot.
CofTee and Spices ,
HKOS. & co. .
Onialia Coffee and Spice Mills. .
Tf .IB , Cotroi-s , Hplcofl. IlakhiK I'owilor Flavoring
JljttrnctH , Jjinniiry Imio , Jnli , ma. 1U4-1U Ilar-
lioyKtrcet , Omiilnt , Noli.
Commission , Etc ,
"illlANCH & C
Wholesale Fruits Produce
, , Oysters ,
J121 rnriinin Ft .Omulm. Apples Our own puek-
IIIR I'liitt&to's'J'lffcr llrancl 0 > 6torH , liutlur ,
f , Oumo , Voiiltry , 1'otutoos.
General Commission Merchant ,
Prodnco , 1'iovlHlODH , Fruits , Flour and Fcwl , 105
f. litli St. , Omiilin , Ncl ) . Conelinmioiitb kollcltcHl.
IiuttiniH iimilo iirotnptly.
Jobber and Commission Merchant.
Chcrf-o , SiuipnKOB , Fruits , llntclH'rs Tool * mid
8upilluH. | liirJ.mcs St , Omulm , Nub.
H01I6T .t UIDDKU , ,
General Commission Merchants.
Brrci U.TIKS Iluttur , KBITS , Foreign nml Tlo-
mcMlo KrultH , 1U B. 14th. , Omnlitt , Neb. 'i'ck--
phouo No. 1199.
I ) . A. HUHLEY ,
Commission and Jobbing ,
Butter , V.fgs Mid 1'roduoo. A full line of Blono-
twun. ConclHiimciitB bOlloKcHl. 1(11 Jlotlgo tiu ,
15. MOUONY ,
General Commission Merchant ,
Butter , Kfc-KH , C'livriKi ' nml Country I'roduco eon-
oinlly , tt ti. lu'lli Ht. , Omulm , Neb.
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
Kefrlvcrator nml I'nrliltiK Hoiif-o.Htli .VI
worth Bt. , on U. 1' . H. It Truclc , Omulm , Nob.
Hsliibllshi-d 1870.
General Commission ,
Ml 0. Htli S . , Omnlm , Nub. fipcclultleg-nuttor
KKKX , I'oultry nml ( ininv.
I'KYCKE IlllOa ,
Commission Merchants , Fraits ,
I'roilueo nml l'iovisions , Omulm , Nob.
A. 1' . SC1IAC1C ,
Wholesale Commission Merchant ,
Frultx , HceiU and 1'roiliico. No 21.18. IMi Street ,
Omnlm Nelinisku.
Storage and Commission Merchants.
Frulln. rioiir.Applu Slonownro.CIilor.VliiPtfnr ,
flracnPociln. lluttcr nml KW * . ! H ! ) inul 1115 Bouth
ItiUi gtrocl , Onmlm , Nolirnskn.
Produce Commission Merchants.
I'oultry , lint tor , ( lamo. Fruits , Kto. aWS. lltli
St. , Oimdni , Nebranlia.
A. P.
Wholesale Foreign aud Domestic Frnits ,
, J.nnl , Jellies , Itnttnr , KKBH , Cheese , Etc.
Nil. 30.1 H. IMM. . , Onmlm , Nob.
General Commission Merchants ,
JIM DodKogti net , Omiilm , Nob. Consignments
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Blili'iiioiits of nnv nml nil kind * of flock bollclt-
ed. Union Klo.k YiinU , Omnlm , Neb.
w. i * wiuairr ,
Agent for tlio Muiiiifiivturvin nml Importcra
Crockery , Glassware ,
lompe , ChlmnoNB. Hto. 0/lleo. / 1)17 ) South nth
Ptrtut , Onmlm , Nob.
Dry Goods ,
J , J. IIIIOWN i CO. ,
Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions ,
lltrj loiifl ) Ktrcct , Oiimhn , Neb ,
t. . ( HNflltElin & CO. ,
Uliolcmlo Donlcrs In
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
J.lncn.0 , 1.IUVH , KiiiliKildory nmlVUlto Goods ,
Omulm Neb.
tngincs ,
Baker Automatic Engines ,
flinti < jm.r . > cuicir tr : : . olt' ! , ? .m' ' ,
flii'ut Iron uorh , vrmionn , imnciiltun. . U-1
etc. Kii :
Fish , Etc ,
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
Importer * of Knrolirn ri liNe * . Ulllin Jonc
btifcl nml U. I1. Tinck Omnlm , Neb.
Flour. Etc ,
WM. 1'iiKbTON. "KO.
Wholesale Flour ,
60S , MO nitdfilSI'Icix-uStifDt , Omnlm , NeU.
K A , KfHWAirr A a > . .
Wholesale Flour Dealers ,
llliimimtIiiH' ! nd
/ gent for J. C. Hoffninyr A Co. ,
Manufacturers of Highest Grades of Flonr
liy Kollcm mill llnntrnhitti I'roi K s. Waiehouo ,
I2KI Jones stri-of. Umalia , Noli.
W. .7. WHITMANS & CO. ,
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain ,
Mamifnutiirrra of W. J. Welflians .V Co.'s Quick
italplnir Unckntioat Hour ami pt-oprlitmnOuialia
City Jllllfi , cor. Mh , nml Fiu-nnm mrcotft , Omaha.
Furniture ,
DKW15Y A STONi : .
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Furnant PlrectOmaha , Ncli.
Groceries ,
AU.KN linos. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
1110 ami 11 111 Doiitrlns Street , Omnlm , Nob.
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tnlmcco nml Smokers' Articles , UVt Howard 81.
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Fplccs , Cigars nml Tobaccos , 1317 uixl Mil ) Doug-
Ing Street , Onmliii , Nob.
MeCOlin , 11HA1)V& ) COMPANY ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner JOUi and Farnam Ftrcctn , Onmlm , Ncl ) .
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
NOB. 7u5,7i/7 , TOU nml 711 8. lot It 81. , Omulm , Nob.
Hardware Iron Steel
Heavy , , ,
Fprlnjrs , Wniron 81o < k , Iliir < luoo < l launhuretc.
K'W ) mill 1211 Harnoy street , , Noli.
KDN1SV & ( MliHON ,
Wholesale Iron Steel
, , Wagon
And Carrlairo Woo < l Stock , Ilcnvy llanln-arii ,
Kto. llMTumimu loa\on\Yijrtli Street , Omaha ,
N U.
Builders' Hardware ,
Mechanics' Tools unil IHiirulo Scale's. H03 Dong' '
IUH Bticet , Omaha , Neb.
L15B , FHIK1) A , CO. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware ,
Bliuot Iron , Kto. AKOIIIN lor Howi * Foalcs mi
Mlmnl 1'ondt'r Co. , Onmlm , Nob.
MILTON uoar.ns & SONS ,
Stoves Furnaces Tiles
, Ranges , , ,
Munlles , Ginto ? , llrnts irooda. 1K1 and U ) Fnr-
iiiini Slrrct.
Wholesale Hardware and Nails ,
Emci-son Stcol Nails. Cor. 10th nml llarncy
6trectB , Onmlm. Nub.
Harvesters ,
Mnnuructiircrof the
Deering Harvester Goods ,
Wrlto to Win. M. Ixirlmur. Gonond Agent ,
Omuliiu Tnlvpliono lilU.
Iron Pipe , Etc.
COWING & l ,
Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers , .
Jobl rs In Iron I'ljio , Iron flltln/rs / , Iron and
Union Goodx. ICnirlniMTH' Biiiiplius. llth and
Dodge Btroiits , Omaha , Noh.
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
BScnni.Wntor.HnllHuy nml Milling SniiilleaKtc. |
IW ) , lUi und \Ui \ 1'immm St. , Omaha , Nub.
, ilUMP CO. ,
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Steam and Water Supplies , lleadquartrrfl for
Mast 1'iioRt Co.'s Goods. 1111 Tai-nam Street ,
Onmlm , Noli.
Wholesale Jewelers.
Denlora In Silvorwaru , Dlnnionds , Walehos ,
Clocks , .Towolcre' Tools and Mati'rlids , Kto. , lul
nml IK ) , If.tb Ptn-ct , far. Doiliro , Omalm , Neb.
Leather. Hides. Etc.
Dealers in Hides , \Vool and Tallow ,
1114 Jackt-on t-trout , Omnlm , Nob.
Leather Hardware
, Saddlery ,
Btiilcllfry mid Shoe KlndhiKH , HldUN , Wool , Pun ) ,
I't'ltB , Grcnt-e , 'J'allow , 1C to. , Omalm , Nub.
Live Stock.
Bridge Stock Yards , Omaha.
No Ynnlnijii ChnrKed.
OOFO to U. ] ' . llrldtrc. Special aueomniodatlnn
and a good nmrki't lor lions , i ; . I , ' . Cooper , Man-
HKCI : Ollicc , mi South mil Sdoot.
M. nnitKB & SONS ,
Live Stock Commission
Goo. llurki ) . Malinger ,
Union Btoeli Yards , B. Omalm , Nob. TYlo. G82.
W. V. 11HOWN & CO. ,
Commission Dealers in Live Stock.
Onico Kkelmniro niilldlnir. I'lilon Slocli Yarde ,
South Omalm , Nob. ToluphonuNo.GOJ.
MAUUHtV. SON & (1) ( .
Live Stock Commission ,
Union Stock Yards , Chlc.iKo , III. , and Omnlm ,
Neb. Krnnk Clilttonili'ii.Manii crfJiiiiilui llraneli.
TiOuphoim No. t'H' ) . tubll9lie < l IsUJ.
W. L. PATI1ICK & CO. ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
AdilrcHHullcommnnlcatloiiNto na at Union Stock
Yiuds , Boiith Unmlm. Advancua niado on block.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
Limited. John K. llovil Superintendent.
Lumber , Etc ,
Dealer in Lumber , Latii , Lima ,
3081 ] , Doure , lite. Yaula Cor , "tli anil Douglas ,
for. Utli ami
Mannfactnrers of Sash , Docrj , Blinds ,
Intro. Ktulr Work ami Inteilor Ilinil Wootl <
1'inlnli. .lust opened. N. 1' ! . cor , sth aiul Leavenv
oith Bui-cm , Ouiaha , Neb.
Wholesale Lumber ,
11 B. llth Street , Omaha , Neb. K Colpcttor ,
Manager. L
c. N. DI nr %
, \
13lh and California fitivot , Omnlm , Nub.
r. Lima. CcmfinL gfgtjj , ,
Cor. Clh anil Douglns Stiocln , Oinnliu. Ncli.
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Omaha , Nutraska.
B. I.BK , , ,
Hardwood Lumber , au
WAROII Ftock. Fnnoy Wood * . Hrlil o Timbers ,
An. , S.V. . Cur. 'Jlli ami Dmiuliu.Oinalitt , Nel ) . I )
O. 1' . I.Y.MAN ,
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings ,
I-1-- "illi Ulh .
i - - - , " iJlrccl.Onmaa ,
Nebraska Lumber Co. -
I'adl in Cfliiltid 8u .
ami wliolc.'jilo ilonl-
ITN MlllMit Mcnlll. WU. Wlioli-Miluanil iclull
UlaUlbuUuirrtuxl , Umulia. Ncl ) . ill S. Dili Bu
OMAHA LliJinEll CO. ,
DcfilcM Iti All kind * of
Building Material at Wholesale. ,
IfthStroctund U.l1.1L It ItTnit-k.Omnlm No
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
llrjird Streets , OmRlm , NcbriLskn.
j. A. wAKr.Fir.i.n ,
Wholesale Lumber , Lath , Shingles ,
itf I'lipi-ig , Hii < ili , Doora , Illlttds , Mould
, J'k'Ui-tp , Vn tI.lnio / , I'lnsttr. llnlr
CrinctitMntJi and .lotm * Omnlm Nob.
i. oiiDiiiT.i.nnit ,
Iniportrr-t mid Jobbers of
Millinery and Notions ,
2H Itunmy Sttctt , Onmlm. Nob.
Musical Instrumi'iils ,
iimotM : .v IMUCKSON ,
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments.
Ptrlnwny VJnnas , Wi cor. DocKcr , Iliilnos mi'1
lrliK ! ( riiino1'iifluini OrB-uis , Clmso Oranns.
lul nml IK ] Killi street.
Notions , Etc ,
J. U lilt AN 1)1 KS * 50N ,
Wholesale Job Lots ,
Dry OoixlB , NotlOiiH , ( Sontn * Fiirnl lilii ( ? Omuli
JJoods rnini Now Yoik. Tnulo wiles ilnily. IWC
mid MS SouUi littli Ht. , Oinnhn.
C. 8. ( iOODllK'II .VCO. ,
French aud German Fancy Goods ,
Druggists' mid StntliincrV Siimlrles. lir > rnr-
imin , Onmlm , Nob.
J. T. Robinson Notion Company ,
4IC1 mid m * > S. Kltli St. , Omulm , Nob.
Wliolwnlo DculcN In NotlofH mid ( ionts * Tur-
nlshliur ( loods.
iA'ni ; ) TANK MNI : co. ,
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
, M It'll A\loC rrn i ! , Eto. A. 11. Illhliop
, Onmlm , Nnl ) .
Porl < Packing.
JAMK3 K. 110Y1) ,
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
Onmlm , Nclinisku.
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
o Union Murhc'1,1517 Dodire Stioct. I
lionso , I.1. 1' . H. It.'J'liiL'h , Onmlm , Ni-li. Tclo-
pliono No. I."i7.
Safes and Locks.
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s
Kiru ami llurplnr ] * rnof Safcs.Tlnio Lockp.Vaultn
anil Jail work. NO Kiiniain street , Oinalia , Nob.
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds.
Afrrlcviltnrnl Vi irotnblo , Hte. Old Fellows' Hall ,
N. W. for. 14th mid Dodijo St. , Oinalm , Noli.
Drugs , Etc ,
i. T. n A RKiriT iTcSM PAN Y ,
Wholesale Drdgfilsts ,
Eobliorsof Tnlnts. Oils. Window dims Kte. , lilt
llurncy Street , Onmlm , Noli.
Wholesale Druggist-
And Denier In 1'nlnts Olli nml Window ( Jlasn ,
Unmlm , Neb. ,
V/incs / and Liquors.
FlUNK"lI'flJXNn & CO. ,
Dealers in Liquors and Cigars ,
] and 12UI Dontrlna St. . Oinnhn , Neb.
rnctorl-4 NIH. 4 and ! M1 , lid lI&t. N. V.
Gl . W. DUNCAN ,
Succcseor to MoNAMAlti &lUMUAXIiiiiiortcr8
nml Wliolctnlo Doalern In
Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
L'Mnnd'JItiB. 14th St. , Omnlm , Noli.
it it. G norm ,
Wines and Liquors.
Wceto n AKfiit Jos. PclillU llrenhitf Co. 710 S.
Utli PtreotOmnha.
Wholesale Wines , Liquors and Cigars.
Ktrcct , Onmlm , Nub.
iuu : & co. ,
Distillers and Importers of Wines
And l.l > | iiorH. Solo nmnulauturiirtiol Koimixly's
Kant Indlu lllttur . 111 llnrmiy titroet , Omnlm ,
1 P. \IISON & CO. ,
Wholesale Dealers in Whiskies
And Clears , and Gi'tioml AKUIUS lor tlio I'lilllp
llcttfi' C'cleliratcd .Mlluiiukoo Ucor , Omaha , Neb.
Harness , ttc.
Mnnnfncturors mid Jobbers of
Harness Saddles Hardware
, , Saddlery ,
Turf Goodd , llliinkutx ami 1 ( olios , l&l Fnrnnm
Stii'otOnmlm , Nob.
Ninv York. Oct. 20. MONKV On call easy
MKHCANTIIJ : PAI-KU < ( ii" per
cent.FoitKinx KxriiAN K Uiu.s Active and
unchanged at 3 ! . ! ) ; , and Ki.K > } i for de-
UovnuNMKNTH Dull and steady.
STOCKS 'stocks weio very active
out the day , closing excited und 1 , .
Almost everything on the list , however , is
higher than last evening. The gains range
horn if per cent to nearly a jwr cent , with
exceptional cases of still greater advances.
The sales of Heading were the largest on Urn
list , and that stock sho.\n anetg.ilnof 1J <
per cent , ( treat activity and stumgth was
devolojHHl In I'aclue .Mull In the fmenoon ,
then ipiict prevailed , the net gain being lj
per Cviit.
311 cent bonds. . . 103 # C. &N. W
U. H. 41 's ll.S I preferred. . .
New 4's ISlJf'N. ' Y. C
racllleO'nof'W. 188V Oregon Trail. , .
Central I'.iclllo. . 4'tf I'.icllie Mall r.7 > r
0.&A 1W . ] . , ! ) . &E '
nicfcnwL. . . 150 ' ! . I'.C
C. , B. , tO KW'if Bock Island. . .
JL. , tVllsitfSUL. \ . AS. F. . .
) . itK. G J0'f inoforrod. .
Krlu 1 > | C. , M. ASt , I' . .
prefernxl. . . . 44 > j ' profened. .
Illinois Central. . IHUj'.St. I1. , feO
, B. , t\V JHJjl piiiferred. .
Kansa-st Texas. : MK Texas racliiu. .
LakoNhore Sl fl'Unliml'.icInc. .
U& N 1-I } W. , St. L. & I' .
\l toll . . . . r/ii 1)1 ) L'fCI It'll , ,
Mo. I'acini ! 1W , Union
S'oiHiein I'au. . . Jft O.
. , u , Oct. 20. Flour very elow , hold
ers continue linn In spite of the weakness in
\Vheat-Moilerntively nctlvo nnd lower ;
' " ' i lower , bold oil K"iJ ( mure , Im
iroM'ditli Miino tliictnafiona ic , caned elf
aln ? /c ; , weakened' nioio and clositl % is
uniluryn.stbiil.iy ; b7J4'Tk'c cash ; b7 e < ) i -
toiler : 8Tyfe Noveinlw ; b ! afGibOJ < c Dcei'in-
Iw-r ; JWtt'iiie ( ! Jiuuiaj-y ; l > 7c May ; No. B
Corn Muio active , ruled lowrr , dpqlinod
Oat.v-lnll nnd easy ; prhva not much
L-haiife'ed ; 4V caiili &X i1/c } October ; il
iVfc NtiveinlK'rac ; Ucceiabvr ;
If > o-Firm ami > jc Iwttt-r at < Wc ,
JJarley Steady nOTc. \ .
Tlinolliy About Mnclsngrnl ! prime , $107
y I iw. '
K' ' l Sloaily : JffcT. 'c better ; Xo. J ,
Sll * n 'f. ,
I'orKJ'altlv nctlyh j nut Ronnnvlint unwt
tlcilt ruli'il stnunti'r ; r ljnn hlKlirr : nilvnucr ,
| III\VI\IT ! , ni > l fully fniiiirtc ] | < l loch e ! SH-U'
fo-s 'ft e.tsli , October , nnd NovoinlH-r ; 5847)4(15 (
h M ] ) cL''Mihcr ( ; SO ! I7' , w jo .luiniiii > . ( Jnirt and sU'.idv ; r-c hluher ; SfiOO
cash and Ooti > lKTi-Jfft ; 7 . ( iflOO Novcmher ;
5tUt0..iOOJS J'tvi-mhct ; SnOTWCWno M-ar.
Hulk Mi-ats-ShollhliTS S3V'i <
uli-ar , A'I ( iVn.-i 7 ( ) : short rllx , SS lf > .
M'hl.-ky - Nominally il | : < l in ,
llntlei1Finn ami In good demand ; Rood to
fanevcreanii'iy , ltileBocHl ; to choice tlalty ,
1 leal Jo. i
CltwMFinn nnil'actlve ' ;
. , .
s Modcratfl deinand and ntc.uly at
17 !
- Flnnor nml lic.ivy ; lionvy ic
salted , fullictiivd , M. nj lli ht , Wi'o ; damaged ,
U > . ' : iiiill lihU'S fll * : dry .salt iil , ll'ac.
Talliiw lTiicluuirtil ( ; ; No. i , country , f > c.
Klour. hills . mtXK ) l'j)0 ( ) ( )
Wheat , hit . IDO.C'OO ' : ) , ( XV )
rnrn. im . t) ) )
Oats. lm . Jfi7KK ( ) ll ! > ,00i )
lljl'.bll . 14,000 -1,000
IJnrlw. bu . M.OOO
Ht. I.inilM , Oct. JM. Wlinat Artho for
Dci'ombi'r ; Mny VM-V unsettli-il nnd lowrr ;
UVftlKlc for cash ; ! i < c for October ;
lis.'Iifor ' Ueii-nilH-r : Si 08Jfi- for Altiv.
( Orn Hli-aib and ufih.wlo oir ; HSKjiSli' r for
eaMi ; : V' l ° r Octotier ; ! KlJ < c foryeai ; M'c '
OatN-About steady at IJ4'e for cash ; 2 J c
for tiow : illjii l ° r Occi'inhcr.
Hjc Firm at MUi'feWKc.
Mil-la- - Steady at SI Ut.
1'orkDull at J8 ? 75.
J.ard JullW : SHI asked.
Huttcr ITni'hanged.
AfterniHin board Wheat active and lower ;
October , ! ! ; November , U.V'.f ' ; Aluy , 81.U7j .
Coin , Jji' lower. Oats , no sales.
KntiNim City , Oct. 20. Wheat Lower ;
wish. "I'iibid. ' . TfiVfc tiskcd ; Koveiuber , 'H' ' e
hid , 7ii4c ' a kcd ; Afny. bs fe.
Corn -jniet ( : r.tsh , ao ) usked ; year , 30e
asked ; Mava7obld.
O. ls-Nomliialii. ; ! ' < fij asked.
New York , Oct. 20. Wlioal Easier ; ro-
celpts , 2.V > , ii" > 0 : oNpoits , : KM > THunKiniled ; red ,
NV/i : < i.o4 ; ; No. : i red , Oij u'ic ; Vo. a led ,
IfT'cin ' elevator ; Nux ember cluslni ; at Wi .e.
Corn- Lower : ehi.siin ? lieavj ; teceipts , J.-
IW ) ; evpoils , 11-HKl ; unirraded. 51i.VJe ; Neil ,
If-Ke ; No. V. filfer. ! ' in i-lovator , WUQfi
b' fcalloal ; No\ ember clnsin r at50 c.
Oats Fairlj active ; icceipts , ( i.-VK ) ; exports.
JVtroloum- Finn ; closed at SI 119f.
Kepi Flniiei , fair demand : ici-elpts 3,1PO
iiai'Kpjres ; wi'slcin , 21 ; - , ' ( ' ' " - " W.
I'ork Dull ; inewt. SO T cJlO no.
haul Illfslier and more active ; contract
iilt1 spot ijuntcilnt SOU ! ) for sales ; Novem
ber. SOavuii ' . ' . ) .
llutter Firmer and in gootl demand ; west
ern. > ( " ' ! ' < - .
CliLH ) i > Steady nnd In demand.
Milwaukee. Oct. 20. Wheat Lower ;
cash , w/ic ! ; November , 87ifo ; leceiub ) .r ,
Corn-Scarce : No. S , 4IJiC.
Oats- Weak : No. , 'iVrfc
] J > Firm ; No. 1 , KlJ4'c > .
] larloy-Firm : No. 2.7'c.
I'linHlnna IIIhi'r ( : nuss iwrU , cash and
NovemlK'r , SS W ; Uecomlier , .W.
Ciiii-iiinaii , Oct. 20. Wheat Fair de
mand ; No. 2 red , OGWapre.
Corn ( iiod demaiiil audstiongcr ; No. 2
mixed , 4.V ; tQlU'ic. . ,
Oats Steady : No. ,2 , mixed. 27Jle.
Hye ( Juli't ; No. 2 , ft-k- .
IJarloy ( Juiet ; extra No. 3 spring , 67 < 5 < "i9c.
I'ork Firmer at ? s 7. > .
Lard-Quiet at W ' .U'-f. ' ,
Whisky Firm at fil k ) . ; finished goods
ba ed on SI ( tf.
Minneapolis Oct. 2X-t-Wheit Weak and
Flour < } iiiel ; patenis , $525 < S5 CO ; bakers ,
4 - > < % . ' r/i.
. - Wheat , a" .020 Mis.
Shipments Wheat , lU.WJ bu. ; flour , 2ofiJ7
bbs. v
lilvorpool , Oct. 20 , Wheat Poor demand.
No. a winter and , Springy 7s 2 > ; d.
Corn Poor demand ; easy at4s 7d for spot
and October ; 4s 6 > ; d for November ; Cd
for December.
Toledo , Oct. 20. Wheat-Closed active
but to lower ; No. 2sott , November , 0.x ? .
Corn Quiet ; cash , -ISe.
Oats Inactive ; cash. ' . ' " } / .
CliioAKo , Oct. 20. The Drovers' Journal
reiiorls :
Cattle Iteccipts , 7.000 head : dull , weak and
lOe. lower ; sliijiiiinr.strei.s.l.'iOW ) ( ; 7.1 ; slockers
and t edeiN. 52 'J-ViT' ! GO ; cows , bulls and
tnlM'd. SlM JTS ; thioush Texans , S3 7. > ( D
8 IX ) ; western nuipers weak and l@ir ) )
lower ; nathcs and half-breeds , $300 100 ;
wintered Texans , j:5XV ? : < ? : i cayt.
llouH-JJecelptP. 1H.OOO head ; brisk and
IV higher : all gold : rough and mixed , S3 40
Cii'fiO ' ; iiauklne and slilpplnc , 53 ( > 0a'JbO ( ;
sfeliisJ rxv : i in.
ShciHi Itccclpts , 1,003 lieaihstrorif ; lOt lfie
hiL'iter : natives. S200a ( J05 : weMein , frl 70
fell 2ft ; TuxaiiN , $1 rXKS-J 75.
R , Oct. 20. raUle-Ueeeipis , J.'iOO ;
sliliiiciits ] ) , M10 ; wlow , easier and geneially 10i-
lower ; native shipping Moors. S-t OtKSr 10 ;
nativu Imtcliering sieero , S.'tGO4GO ; niixcil
luiMiorinir Moors , S200it:5r ( : l : .sioekoM and
liH'dors , S2 Wffli ) ; 70 ; TexaJis , 340S 60 ; lm\\- \ \
ans. S2WMt.W. :
Sheep Receipts , l. OO ; shipments , 700 :
dull for all except thu best ; common to good
nativoH , S200f tiW ; iiod to choice S2iB@
UStt ; lambs , J-JiiflfiiUfiO ; Tcxnns , S > 1 7.rK 300.
KnnsaH City , Oct. 20. Cattle Receipts ,
5,0 ; Hhlpments , 2it07 ; steady ; cxjimturs ,
35 2.wjfi .V ) ; good to chnlce Hhipping. S4 ! K )
( ifft 20 ; common to medium , S4 4 < X4 ! 85 ;
Htockeraand feeders , 285W I IK ) ; cow.s , 200
fe-'l 00 ; pass Texan Kteeis , 2 ( J0@325.
Hogs Hecciplc , 7.AS ; .shipments , 1,200 ;
tinner and ftchlKhor : KIKM ! to choice , S3 45ij
HU ) ; common to medium , $ > iHXg.'l 40.
Sheep -Ueceit8 | ) , U7J ; hhljiiiient.s , none ;
ste.idy ; fair to good muttons , &iXiii2 ( ) ( : > ;
commnn to medium ,
Ttiohday ISvcnlinr. Oct. 20. (
The llvo stock markrt was fairly nctlvo to-
da ) , and eoiisldi'jiibIust < Mk : changed hands ,
The hot : maiket was about 1U < ; higher and the
piobjx'ct Is good ,
Caltlo . lWW
Vo. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr.
.111/0 / $ a 10 44 S3 m
IS. , .10V1 8.W1(1 ( 70
ai. . a 55 2J 1128 a-jo
1IUI.I.H. .
No. Av.
35. . .1128
Xo. Av. Pr.
. .1103
N'o. Av. l'rv _
107 10t )
No , Av. 1V > Np. Av. Pr.
7. . a ro iM7. , fr'115
79. . .2 II a 16' 70i , U20
00. . . ' , - . ' II8 l ifi !
Note All inlMof sloi'k In this mnrlrt are
imwle jicr owl. live \\elitht. unless ctbcrwlmj
stntwl. Doaillio/s.soil ut Ic IHT Ib. for all
XM'Ichti. "Skins , " or luuMwckhini ; losi th'in
1W Ihs , , no \ a'ue. ' Prctfitnnt sows att5 doekeJ
Tuesday l < \i < iiitiir , Oct. 20.
Ornoi-nl Slin-koiH.
TIooi The market was n little stronger today -
day , and the majmity ol Mies were ) made at
1-e , a few coliti ; as low ns li ? ,
llfrri.ntiuiil iinalltlesof frth intiU > hut-
terai-ojjettlmrmoiv ( arrtM'\ery day , and as
cold vtor-ijjti room an' beliiK clian-d up fat
of all the K oil.1nn < > butter , there Is hound to
b hltjli jirliiM p.ild lor all better gnidiM of
Iresh in.ido.
The weather N eold cnouuhnow to ihlp
Imtterin mlN , uiul tubs shouhUxMibandonrd ;
Milld paeLed will nothrliiK wllhln 1 or'Je , thu
in ice that is ii.ild for loll Imtter packed up In
nlei'eltMii Ihix nnd wrapped In thin mu lln.
The pnwallluj'prices In butler mo : rimlm
liililtv IK'j'ltii' ' ; lair tocnod , 10hM2c ; Infcilor ,
ft'iiTe ' ' ' 1
: eieami'iT , 'JOgi'i ,
' _ , September ,
10V ! full cream Hats , Septem
ber. IPje ; full cream \irnm : Ameri
can , Soptemboi , ll' c ; SwKs , fancy ,
lVt ( Swl-w , eholcv , H iluc ; brhk , l-- ' c ; him-
1'opi.inv Lho chickens have hivn very
plentiful lately and prices have tilled low on
all kind" . Best .sl/os of t.pi lug chickens and
old IIOIH would rarely co nbnu1 tH.'iand
smaller spi inn or old ones \\llh mam-1 ousters
S-.uo. ? l.lxiducks Mow at { W.V.'VdS 'i : llvo
turhe > , Duper Ib ; divs-H'd chlol.ous , choice ,
11 r Ib , . " ( tJtOo ; turkojs , dressed , choice , per
Hi , HJ djlli ! ; dnoks droned , choice , per Hi ,
lloM'.V : goi'M1. dios'icd. choice , per Hi , I'JntKic.
Swni.T lo I'ATors-Choice I.iruo iiuotablo
nt sj r ! < o per lh ; l. < KW4.r > Oporbbi.
I'orAH)1-Trade is oK.'iunx ) smuly. Bo-
eolpls are ll'jhl , lint tniycisiire not very anx
ious to lake. hold , and Inclined toait lor
more choice. A Hide cold \\iv.thei with some
night fiosts would help things ureath. as
.storekeepersMinld feel mine like looking
out lor tht'lr winter stock and not passa good
car In hopes tor a Ix'tler one , and bend's
could afford to bo a little mme stiff In their
prices. The hugest in ice paid MI far Is ! t"c
iorcliolce , lint mo-it sales \\eic nniihi at ! WoO
"V , lor straight \arietlos. teed ! siyed Mock
Is limited at AxrtJOc ; mixed and small , Uii5 (
. XV.
Oxiovs There are not many coming In at
present , limitations aie M iiM1
C \UKOUN i \ CIIMII IHi.siv2 : Ib. frame , 00
Ib * . in e.lM' . IHT Ib. , Ifie : e\tiuiled , U lh , tin
can" , B doin can1 , per do52,00 ; 1-lb. Iramc ,
Ni bnisKsi , Tc.
CuiKiiNow Yoik relined perbhl. , 7.00 ;
do half bbl. . S4.00.
CooDAMn.s ( Juoled at ? 4. < > .a-.uOpor ! bun
CSitAiN' The following am .ho prevalllm :
piiccs forl'Mlaj : Corn , 2-o ; now oats , 17ufi
Je ) ; wheat , No. ' . ' , ( Wo ; rye , SO 'iV.
Fi.ouu AMI .MII.L.M I'Ki N iVinltT Wheat
Firm ; best nuallly paleut at SUOOtiglSO.
.Second ouality - $2 Mnti ) : ( X ) .
Suiing wheat Best ouality patent nt S3 3
( fin 00.
Second quality S2 40 < ; 7.afin.
Bran > " > c pcrcwl ,
Chopiioil Fecd-l'er 100 Ibs Wo.
Corn JfiMl 1 OOftfl 10 per e\\t ,
Soiceiling . 1 , trie percwt ; Xo. 2fOj ,
llominj * ? l rfl per owl.
Shorts-0c per cwt.
J lay Bales iO oV ( < W 00 per ton.
liAMiAll : kinds aie In sluing nvjiiost and
Mipply llht. : ] ) eerciiciih .peril ) , N ' . ; sad
dles , WfJtlSc : antelope , hnlo ; saddles , li. ' < g
IHe ; elk , 7C'1c ; s.idd'olOrclle. . 1'iairiu
chickens per do/en , s'J.'i'Xi/JJ.OO ' : quail , per
divoii. Sl.wlfii/iflO ; 8tiIpo , per do/.cn. MvM
Sl.OO ; jack rabbits per do en , : . < ) ; mallaid
ducks SU.Vu'i.01) ) : leal ducks , SLrxK l.Tfl ;
mKeil diickh , Sl.WVrO.T.i ; small r.ibblto. si.Wl ,
OV'jiKKv The cool weather and fair hii | -
lily jxint to lower prices to come. Tins fot-
liwing ( iimtatioiis aie per can : "Ovals , " 2 > e ;
holccts. ; l7e ; uxtraM'li'ots. 40c ; V. Y. counts ,
toe ; "Tigois"tJ-'e ; standaid.s. il.V. c
iiAVKii KIIAVT 1'crbbl. , § 0.50 ; per ; hbl.
5 UK ) .
I'lriV nii-r , r.rc'--l'is' ! feet nnd
tilpeiK-rJi bbl. , 53.00 ; do. 4' bbl. , S2.50 : do.
per kit , Si.10. lyjimbV tongm-s per * & bb ! . ,
X.M ) ) ; do. per kit , fti75 ; do. rjuait Jara per
dnz. , S5.50 ; do. pint Virs perdo . . S..r ! < ( ' .
I'chsr.nvKt < . . ) Ki.i.ns , irro. J'roM > rves :
All kinds , 20-lb. iiailn iicr Ib. , lie ; assorted ,
Wb. pails | > er doz.,8B.OO. Jelliai : All kinds ,
lxt s'i-.ulo , SO-Ih. palls , per Hi. , S < > ; all kinds ,
SL-oonil crade , . ' 0-b. ) pails , peril ) . , Oc ; Assorlod
5-in. p-.iilH , per doz. , S.ri.UO ? ; do. : i-lb. tin pail1 ? .
S'i7.ri ; do. 1-lb , 'Jui/ ; . in caM > . per ea'-e ' , 5f'--ir ;
( ohoonors , l doin c-.use , S'.Wi ; tnmhlorrt , B
doIn eOM1 , THTcaso , & 1.10 : apple butter , 40-
Ib. palls and ) / bbl. , per 11) . 7 ! < c : plum hut tor ,
40-11) ) . pailptrlb. . ' . ' „ ( : assorted fmlt butter ,
r-lb jialls , per doz. , & : t.7.'i : Fancy "Home
Made" catsup , 2 doz. pint bottles i > er c < ifce ,
Ai' Applofi have been very scarce all
the wocK and wi'l ' continue M > until winter
apples are ready for shipment , Yoik State
and Michigan , sincli ! ham-Is , Ji.OO ? : ; live
bariel lots. S3.W : Illinois. . .VVT.-f.oo.
LK.MONS Messina , small , per box , J4/
fi.OO ; ISodi. fancy , lartu and juicy , Mi.OiMiO.fln.
I'CAciiK.s Aiogettliuj scarce. JNtichigans
MillliiK to-ilay at SI o\x < f I ) ( > .
( iitArrs Conoonls. 10-lb basket , f > TK < 7flc ;
Aliiluv.ii , per , 38.00.
CiHNiiiitiuiH : Bell aud nnglo. IKT bbl ,
9.00 ; IH-II and cheirv , per bbl , S7.iKXi .7.ra
Cape Cod. per bbl. . Si'.OOv'/ilO.OO.
OIIAVOKS Lonlslnna , jwr ho > ; , Jj4.r > 0 ; J.v-
mnlca , IXT bbl. , Sll.iHj ; .laiimicn , per bov ,
" 'il : Florida , per box. .Vfi.oO(5ft.OO. ( :
JlNAVA8 There is but a limited demand
at present ami market nilcH low. Choice. sC"
lei'tion S2.oo.ui.oo ; :
( 'AI.IFOUMA Miurr Pi'anr-WliitorNelllrt ,
Uenrrc , Did , Lawrence , K. Ueiure , Vlcnr ,
and other varieties , per Ims , * -.75uj.OO. :
HBANH- Good bright beans are source and
In demand ; diity and inferior stock dull ,
haiid-hlcked navy. % > l..rj < K" > I.M ) ; hand-picked
medium , Sl.lXXji 1.40 ; aood clean country , S-LOO
( wl.-'O : inferior * XKj$7So.
I'liovituoNtr Jinm , lOlifunv/i ; ; hroiikfast
bacon , He ; clear hide bacon , 7/e ; di-y salted
sides , T e ; blmuldci-H. smoked , fij e ;
pink , iM'rlihl. . SHI.OO ; dilcd beef hams , I''c ;
lard , 40 lh. cans 2 Inbox. 7ltfo.
S.\iii.inv : JLviinwAUK JCCc-omhinatlim
looi ] liaims. 85.2.1 ; X C L O. T. h.imes. fi.'r , ;
var I. O. T. hiiines , SJI.fiO ; perfection j ads.
Sl.7.1 ; 47 ring hlt.s , Me ; JJaihourH No. 10
thread. 75i ; : jai ) breast HI rap slldi1 , We ; X C
hroast strap rtllitc , Klc : IVJ X C S loon champ T (
bucklc.s , ; jvr lap : ) lonpchamu'l ImctdcB ,
UVj ; l X C : t lo ) p eftampT biicMcn , Sl.iiO ;
1 % Jap limp chnmp buckles , Sl.-'O ; cop
per livet.s No. il , 20e ; Jiiistiil snaps , ] ) < <
ffr..M ) , i > 4 ? i.wi , i W.M. ; < s : .fiO. %
! ! . ) ; Oerumn snapVA ; S3.o ( ) , 1 & 2..VJ ,
JFiirs-StcadyKieeu ; tiutchers , tc ? ; Kni-n
cured ' .V : dry flint , l2/'ilti : dry salt , loc ;
hides t\\n-thlrdsiiiop. Tallou--.1c.
damaged \ \ - ] - - .
Urease Prime white , MQi-lc , Sheep IVIts
U'.A'i 111:11 : No. 1 PlttMburp , T. C. I.tSoii * ! , I
> lo : No. l J'lttAhuijf , K. AS. . ! He ; No. Cinclnu r
nati , io ; No. 1 lace leather , ( A : ; piimu .
slaughter solo leather , 27c ; piimo oak solo
leather. 37c.
Upper leather , iier foot , Sa lit ; Hem kip.
7fXiiVie ; oak kip , W ( Wc ; French Idp , Sl.MKc ( )
1.2.1 ; Hfin calf , Sl.mkTJl. 10. oak e.ilf ,
1,2.1 ; FieiK.-h calf , § 1.2.VulX.1 ; .Moiocco boot
JiV , IXKaJSKu ; .Morocco oil iHibbh ) , 2jii't. e ; toih-
plnijs and linln n , ? O.OOfelO.O'j per doz.
JlK.vvv IJAiiKWAitK lion , rates , S2.15 ;
plow steel , sn'clal | cast , 4e ; crucible stool , tki ;
east tools do , 12 180 ; VMI OII s | ) < ) kos , per set ,
81.7.1 ( < ( f.00 ! ; hulis. uer set , 51. 2S , lelloes , sawed
dry , 31.40 , toiiKiie.s , each. 75c , axles , cadi , 7.rx ! ;
wpiaio nuts , per It ) , , 7jillc ( ; collchidn per H > .
Xsl'A'j malaole , fcu ; Iron \M'ii ; ( 's , lie : crow-
lurs.O ; h.inow teeth , 4e ; sprimt slrol , 'i
Hnrden's her o shoes , S1.VO ; HnidPii's mule
Mioes , J-5.211. Jiiln | > dViio In car lots , 81.00
ix-r 100 ftis. Jinn Nails Katun , 10 to no , sn. : ) :
Bllot tl..W ; Inickshot , Vl.ii.1 ; oriental
pottilrr , ke H , 83..104.AJ ( < ( ; d'Vi.-df ' ke H , 2.00
do , iinait-Tkoijs , SI.60 ; blaMrii' ' . ' , kejjs ,
fuse , i cr 100 feet , f < 0c. J.cad , ar , il.iV ? ) .
COAIAnthraclti ) o , $ H.25 ; authrailto ;
nut , ibM ; unthi-aelto nuluf. M.tfI .11777
p. } : Walnut ht/wjr , , r 7yioff | , , ! $ \ u
. , iala ) block , < \7ft ; Fort ? cott , 81.25 ; C.
iUch JIIII. SJ.oo
North Caiollna , Iri o/ . , wood , 12c ; Ho/ . , ill
vvooil. 4.e ; 4 o/ . . cloth , 4fe : 2 / . , We. ) Navy
Cllpplnt'-j , av. Kllllklnlck , 4 / . , arc ; a at. ,
Fl.Ni : Cirr Hard to Beat , ,0e ; J'liarmoftho -
\Ve t , flOi1 ; Fountnln , 70c ; ( loldon 'J'hre.nd ,
We ; lavoille , ( JOv ! ! limli , bOe ; Jdx-ky Jloun-
Inln , fioo ; Fancy , 4rx ! : D.ilsy , lUe ; North Star ,
roe ; ( Jood Luck. & 5o ,
1'i.uo TOIIACCI ) Climax-neiK-rfii : Jim-he-
shoe , 4f e ; Star , 40e ; Speiiihoail , 4i > c ; Our
KOIMiOo / : IMper lleidslek. iHe. ; I'uni'll , 4fo ; )
" iigFill/ , lie : hih 'i Taif. 4V. (
jmber , ournilej'umix'r , raw. 4 ; hiehna , '
Uiirnt. 4c ; Picnna , raw , lo ; r.iri6 green , i > eiiu-
Inc , 2cu : 1'aris giecn , common , .Oc ; thiome
L'iccii , N. V. 20e ; chrome Kicen. K , 1-c ; ver-
inlllien , KngHrh. in oil , I.'KJ ; mw and
jiiint umb'-v , I Ib cans , 10c ; raw und LTTiiit
tieiina , jfK. . vandku brown. iie : ; leilued
nnrpblark , V.'c ; coach black und Ivory black ,
LUt' ; tliop bUrj ; , tCe ; rrutslan blui,1 , 40o ; ul-
tranmrlnebhtc , Ifto ; rhroino green , L. , M.
1) . , litr ; blind and Mitittrr pvrn , I * . . > l. iV ; J ) .
lOo ; Paris Kn-on , Is- ; Indian ivil , Iho : Vene
tian led , IV ; ; Tif-ean rrd'i.V ; Amcrlcnn ver
million , 1 , . , t 1) . . i i' ; yellow uchro , Uc ; ] , . M
A0.1) . , IN1 ; Kolden othiv , HV : piili-nt drjer
Nralnini ; ! colors , llcht oak , daik oak , wal
nut. chrotmit nnd nsh Ion.
P-MM-nsOii/-\\blteli.ul \ , Omaha. P. 1
Go ; white le.ul. SI. Louis.pnio.J-ii. ' , . ' : .Marsell
les civen , 1 to .1 Jli cans 'JDo ; Fn'iicb zlne
priTii seal , 12c ; Fiench 7lue , , lie
French zine.ln varnWiasst , 2tic ; Fteiich/lm1
7.V ; M'imlllioii , Amerii-iin , is- : Indian , red
jnri ; M' pink. Ho : Venetian. HH | . Cookson's
2f , e ; Venelian ivd , Ameilian , l14e : UN ! lead
7'vc ; fhiome jelhw , ptiiiiino. 2 V : elnomi.
} ol low , K , I'.V : ochre iivlu-lli1 , : V : ocluv
l''rench ' , 2e ; ochro.moilean , < ; Winter'-
inlnoml'yi1 ' ' : l.ehluh lu-nun , 2'e ; Spanlsl
blown. 2'i.e : Prince's mineral ! V.
OILS nOci ion.H'ri.'alliin | , lie : lMc ) hoid
Jlirlit. ] HT L'allon , 12i' ; MO headllu'lit , | H-.rfal-
Ion , 1 e ; IViater \ \ hlti1'x1 ; llitMcil. mw ,
ii-i tiiKui.Me : liuwd , bulled , per x
4Te : laid , winter sti'd pei gallon , M'e
1.Vo . : No. 2.-iso ; castor X\\ . per irallnn
? 1.4f > ; .No. 3 , 81.40 ; Kneel , per Rjilloii , 5M.MI
sperm. W. . , per gallon , jfl.dO ; tishV. . B.
per gallon , O.V ; neatsfnot extra , pet gallon
.Oe ; No. 1,0V : lubricating , wo , per gallon
reV : summer , tfio ; golden machine , No. 1 , per
gallon. liito : No. 2JV \ : t > | tciiii. signal , pei-gal-
Ion , * f-o ; tuiiicntlno , per gallon , IV ; napiha ,
jx'igallon. . 710. . . . . , .
\ AiiMfJiii s--B. rrol , per gallon : Furni
ture , extra. Si.10 : furniture , No. L SM.X ( ) ;
conch , o.Mni 31.40 ; conch , No. 1 , 5M.2) ;
D.muir , t'.xtra , Sl.T.'i ; Japan , ' "e ; n phaltum ,
extra , Mo ; shellac , 8W' : ' ; haiil oil litilsh ,
. . . i oof , 81.10 ;
do. 101 pi oof , 551.12 : hpiiits , "ooond quality
nil prool , Si.ll : do. Its piooi. 5-l.if.i. Alomio
15 > S proof , sj'iiu per wine uallon.
Itcdii-tilled whiskies , 51.00 ( < il.f,0 ;
gin blended , 5M.V\.ix > : Kentuek > bouibons , ) ) : Keiiluckv and I'ennsjUanl.v
i.M's , t > 2.lXKn"0.r ( > . Uo'deti sheaf , bombon ami
ijo whistle { Jl.WV'M.oo. Bnindle.s
Impoitcd , S5.00i' < \ " > 0 : domiNlle , $ l.f > 0ii ( < ! t.i
( -linpnitcd , S4.Mi ) ( 0. ldiimiMlic , M.'il ,
! ) .Wi. Kiiins Imported. 44.iVK , ' < % W0 ; New
Kuglaml , S2.iXX M.OO ; domestic , SI.W > > . ' 1.00.
Champagnes Impoited , per e.ise. 5f2.\00iir )
G4.00 ; Amerienii , perense , lO.AK'U'l.OO. '
Brit.DiNii MAiiiiiAi.-llard : brick , S'J.OO '
nm ot kiln , SS.OO ; lime ( In hulk ) pei lib * . i'Ai
llmeinbhls ( ) ) ; Louisville cement , $ IM
I'tic.i , Akron and Milwaukee cement , pe
bbl. . Sl.-IO ; in sacks , Sl.lfi ; 1'oit
land cement , , 51.00 : ulueei ) ,
jNllchtifaii , ? 3.2. ; hair in juipei hacks , i > er bu
Oroi'oi'H * tilsf.
hroAiifi I'owdend , ' , - , ; cut loaf. 7" c ;
granulated , 7-c ; coiitei-tlnueiV A , 7c ;
Stamhild extra C , u1 e : extra C , 0 e ; medi
um . \ellr.w , d'/e ; daik U'llow. U , c.
I'KKi.nsMedium In b.inols , Si'.V ) ; do in
hnlf lunels , # ' . ' 0 ; small in hands , SvO ; do
in half hiirivls , Sl.'O ; gliciklns in barrels ,
. ; iloliihalfbureK : Sftiio.
( Jooiis Oj'.tcrs , Stati'lard j er '
case , Sii-N" ; ; stiawbeiiiei' , 'J-lti. . porea . ;
jaspupnle" , 2-li. ) , jieroiiM1 , $ . . ! vi ; California
pears , per eaM1 , KS.fiO ; nprloots , IMT ease ,
S4.40 ; peaches , per ca e , St.75 ; white clicr-
ries , pei case , ifl.OO ; jiinms , jier c.-i'-e , 31(10 ( ;
whoHlelx rries , i > er case , S2.40 ; e 'g plums.
2-11) . , per ease , * > 2\KI ! ; gri en gnacslt ; . . per
cnse , S2.W ) ; iiino apple.s , 2-lb. , per case , SS.'O
: > .ui.
CANDY MlM'd , wsri'-V : stick , lOw'lie
SODAIn lh iiapei.s 5r.2-j ! ! a ; salsodu
liO' ' * IK l * lit ' ' * tJti
VINKIJA'I ; Cinrn Klf fc ; white wine , 15
( Si.'Oo.
Ilicr Louisian.i , pnnw to cliolce , ( y ®
SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , yt.OO : ;
KiikV satinet , SiUfi : Kirk's slamlard , t8.5 < ) ;
Kirk'i. White Biivsian. 4.tX ) ; Kuk'H White
Cap. 5(1.50. (
Hori ; Sisnl , } < ' , inch and l.iigor , 8' < ; e ; inch ,
fc : yt Inch , U c.
S\IT Drav load ? , JHT bbl , St.M ; ANhton ,
in hacks , SiVK : li sacks , Ashtou , OOo ; bbls
dairy , SB. OW-.7.\ ,
ford'e hulk. 4e.
bJHCi1 Stamlaid ( ' 20c , bills ; Standard-
do 4- , gallon keiis , Sl.1Now : ! : UiicansJj.nAfie
) iei-fniioii ! : Maplibyiuji ! , > i barrel. P. i\s 0.
MI icily pine , 70c per gallon ; 1 gallon cann.
S'J.2.1 per tin/ ; % Kallon cans , $5.25 per diu ;
ijuait cans Jr3.00.
27c.J > inin : FuiiiTS No. l nuarter npphw. 44'e :
evaporated , boxes , b' c ; blackberrien , boxes ,
lOc ; peaches ; l'n-.u > iis 1ft < > fi o : peaches ,
evaporated , ] 5V'il7c ; raspbenies , new ,
CiiAOKisiiR ( larnenu's F ) dn , butter nml
] ) icnii5c ; cieanis , N1 ; ginger nnnps , 8c ; City
boda , 14a. ]
I'OTAHH Ponnsynania cans , 4 cans In
oa.ii' . . : ) . : : Babbitt's ball , 2 doin ca e , Sl.'JO ;
Anclxr ball , 2 doin eaM' , Sl.iiO.
MATfnus 1'cr caddie , . .ttcound , il. cnse ,
Ite ; square cases , fel.70 ; Osl U > sh cases , tr.i
CANm.i- : Boxes , 40R > , jr # , I2' < c : Ss , 12'n'e ;
boxes , 40b ! , Hi oz , ( is , Vi.'je ' ; halt box20 ib
Copi'r.Efi Ordlmu'y Kiadef ) , ire ; fair ,
jirimi ! 11 jf'iiu .ejclmk-e , 12 ,
e : laney K IJII and jellow , ] 4' <
tt 4e ; old government .Java. 20fi&2il |
interi'ir.lava , iii C'MV .Mivlia , 22tf724o : Ar- -
bncklc'H loaded. reMcI.aunhlin'.s : XXXX
masted. 1 u : lil\\onh's. 13 n ; Kcd Cioss.
lajfe : McLnnirhliu's , Aibuc.kle'H and Me-
Lauu'hiin's XXX\ are soul 50c per CI.BJ on" J
oiioM ) iiriceo in : i-r s ( ; Jots.
Si'irns Whole I'epjior , 1U ; alspicel e ;
all-pice , ; i bar c.ovcs ,
Ambojnacloves. Wc ) ; , cassia , lOu ; nutmegs ,
rxXt/tVit ; ; Saigon ( 'atiiaHe ,
nion ) ; , uoou , is.iuiiw ; uo- .
' ! Kiuzlish liicaktasteond ,
CorioNs jannerB' Choice ,
! 'ic ' ; Cabot , 05fc ; Hope. 7e ; Hill 4-4 , ? ' /o ;
111 ! ! 7rf , ( % e ; I.omdale,8 ; Finit.a c ; Wum-
btitta ,
Coitsur .TRANS Kearsar c , 7e ; Armory ,
7c ; Pejipeiell , 7 | c ; Indian Orchard , OJ/o ;
FINI : Bnowx CoTro.N's I'epiiercll K. OJ e ;
'epicroll ] O , ft is Atlas , ti' e ; Statuu of 1 11)-
ortv , ( ! c ; Snranac I ! , iij jc.
riu.N'iH .Stool Blvor , , 'K ) ; Americanf/Vj'c'
Arnold B , < Jc ; CIM-IIOOU , (5 ( ; ilaiichohter ,
Oc : hyman , he ; < jluuccf-ter , fiKo ; Dun-
nell Jncqiinrd , f > ( " , Diinnell , d\ \ I-IMUV- (
> , ! ! i)4 ) ; .Wlndsnr , fie ; I'.icim ; ,
! ; ll.irmony , 4 > . ; e ; Anchor Shillings , - Mej )
.Merrimnch Sliirtingii , i.c ; Berwick , 4c ! /
ii.NiMS : Bcii\or ( .lock
und orown ,
DICK ; ( ljnblcai'hed8oMnvnolln ) ,
10 oz. daKiiolla , : Point , :
10 oz. We"t Point , I'ijjo. :
DUCK ( colored-Boston ) ! > ohrown and
ll :
- j CorrosLawrence. LL , fie : Shaw-
mul J < LrK > ; Beaver Dam LL , TMAtlantle \ i.
LL , 'HI ; Indian Head , 7e ; Watichusbct HjJic ; ;
Crown XXX , d > ; o : CllUun CCC , o o ; Utiui
C. 4Jfe ; Atlantie J' , Oi < c.
TM Ki.Nf.H-Amoskong ACA. l3Mc ; Thorn-
dike OOO , 7e ; 'J'hoimlikofancy.u > ; c ; York
A. loin ? , : , Vnik fancy , } $ & - , ; . , ; ; } , ttry nx ; , .
iV4irf iii".c ; iimniiton , i2c ; swirl
Ulvcr , % ; Shetuekot H , ! < e ; Slietueket SS
U'Xc ' ; .Mimtauk AA , I''u ; iloiitauk BB , 10' ' < e ;
OmoL'aACA. ISJfo.
( iiNoiiAsiH Bonfiew , iVrflO 'o ; Amoskoat
CM , W ; ; Amoskoiig , htaple , 7j < c ; Ivanhou
lUjo ; Wuiiiitutlu , f c , ; Niililan , Mju ) ; War
. . . . . : > O.ri.'J2c : Mooitclinunt
i'-Ou ; LongTom , ! X ) ( % Bl.tokwoll'H linhamlil
iiftle ; M o.Vie ; 4 o * . , fnn : : J oXie. ( . Seal
wick , \\'hlttcndon ; \ , ' . "i " ! ; B.itos. , Ho.
Bates , staple , bo ; Jtamloli i , fctaple , D n *
Lansdowne , 7c ; liimeisici , i e Oi )
Ciu.viinsAmoskoa. . ' , checkH.O o ; Ainos- m
K4i , ntilios | , ' - e ; Slater , itiipos , So ; Kdln *
linx , ti \Vinttondon ; \ , Ktrpo.s , fv > \ ( ilen-
rose , He ; ( ) lln , chock : ) , \ftc\ \ Oils , stiipei , Ue , "
Itojnl tlJi'i1 : Amoskea' . ' , napiHil , lO c ; l.u-
ray , look fold , 12c ; Oberon , boolf fold ,
Knduranco , book fold , I'-lc.
r. risn ( is j
NC\T l-'ldi. iff li'hov iris Kts rcis
IH ) IW 5) ) < ( J 13 PJ
Pish" " Vnm ; , 40-.1 aiV2"7inij "sn
: i m j 70 I HI l m M b i
. . . . - ' ! V'2 hi ' { 5
So i l'K-U'l .J jl - In
Wl ; ( xi-J , UJ.I V
MAriOilii(1SST : : ( OATTII. )
New l > h. Itiilf HbliDIr IllV W
M liU 90 , W 40 | < = JJ
wiMoiiTittiVrfflTrui M
Kt. .No , IfWr X4 UUJ hilt nilUUb JJI 0
No. 1 n M ,1 MM On 14)1 ) 10
' . No. 1 Slwro , I'll ( i in : i \ a MI m
ll V . ' II im Ti to n 4 I :11x12 : w . 75 (
Fnnilly * HIM n III ) MS IAS 10 t < 3
Filt " . . ! 7 W 4 10 ! l US" ifll 70' ' 65
l < . -ft C.UVif
. , I' f Hl'n Or. Illls T'N Kli
1 : > ion tvi i > i ) < u ifi is 10
* i"ti ' > SlNo.t 01.1 520 1707.11270
lVoJii.i- i awn U)7r ) > &ica ,
It it pn'io Fi-J l IM.I Sin til 1 70 I r-,7 ) ,
1'1 ( M.IM ) SAI MOX. _
lll'lfllll llil ! 0r. lltit" I'lillior kltn
. , , „ ! , „ ; M W 41 l.t M 10
lllixxl ) ( c.l I ' I I I I
\Mvku . ,14 < 7 .Mil SOU Ml ! ) 10 I i.1 ! } t 011 O ]
Illoo , ! Ilitl | i | | I !
( 'rtl " . .ll < 1X17 Mill * Vn Mlil 10 I Si 1 wl _ 0
_ "iMi'oinrn i isn.--Usssi IM-H-II.
"IlirilltUOr llhM'nllf i ov tilti
JUKW IIHII. | am | KM IM M 40 I n 12 10
Nomovliin I I " 1 1 I
KKK iiiu-'inv-s ill frtT Mil w : : son 10 1 EAI w 90
\IHMM I'lllll I I I I I I I
UK HlTllllHS. IS 1KI7 ( Xlil ' : , il Mtf IM1 10 ( IS 90W
nH _ . | | | nir . . _ ( I M I tnl'J ! ) 1l _ ) NVftl _ ( W
llolhiml iit'fftiitr. new , i or I.OK , Ji.iS ? ) ; Ifoll
liuul livnlnir , new Ionic split sturkil&li , I0c ! ,
llolliuul lirninir , new bliort , HillliDclfiish | -
POHIMIII NVw KiiRlNlt mimiuer cured
\\lioloood , 1 1. ' ; MSI Mil * ;
il k > ; ru < r U'Uf. (11'iirf.ivt ( strips , il.'tfo : 1 Ib
mils 'J Hi luxes 7i' ; tirah'olluuAr , Slulirk'k ,
( > * fM : il r1" . ! ' , ii > ' r 'fe < .
SMOKKD Kisii-Hsillbut , now , 1 j 'o ; now
. . ' , , , , . . , ,
uoims'li * iliillnn I licrrlntt. " ,
Wo : Hiibilnniiiirni's , liorrlniriI5o ;
mlcs In K\n \ * * , ON' ilull lininil. jwriln ? . ,
. Anulnivli tlnliR ( ( 3/OolJull bnuitl.
SI. DO ; Htiiictl llniiitinr ln-n'liirfH , bkhm atul
oil , JRT ji.ill , $ \ . \ \
Dry liunilior.
. \\tl
l ] fl II It 1(1 ( ft 18 ft.Bil IXS3 ft
2\4 lV7fi lfi.75 IB.75 lil.7 * > 17.7f. lH.7r > 1)75 ! )
11) 7rt
L'x i : > . : . \ iik.w ir..7r , 10r , i. . . . 11 7S
i\ii ; ( iri.rr , ift.7fi ir > .7f > i .7ft n. ; : > ii > .7r > ai f.7
; ; \iL' it , . ; : , ir > 75 ir..7 : > m.TS ? . ; > ia 75
ii.'j ; . i . 'r > la.ri n\y > M27
No. 1 boards , 12 , 11 nml Id ft . S17.00
No. uiiosiKis , w , Hand nut . in.oo
No.ilmuiK ! - ' , M anil HI U . ia.l
Nn.4bi > . > nls , I'J , 1 1 mid II ! U . 11.00
1st rout. , 13 , H nllilltl U'l't . 21.75
-M roiii. , 1 ! and HI fool . 19.75
! ! < ! Com. , II nml ItHi'i't . 11.75
ciiKtv , H mill in fivl . 10.75
1st Com. . „ ini-li , Norway . 1S.SO
'il Coin.'a ' inch , Ntirw.iv . ll.M )
Xo. 1 , lAilliii-li , l'Jiiiil : 14 loot , rnnxli. .
No. 1 , -I AMI ini'li , HI iL-t'l. loiwli . ir.Wl
No. a , 4 ttl Inrli , J'J anil U fool , ruiMli. . 14.M )
No. U.UtOincli , ItllVol , loitKll . 15.OT
Him1 i.Ar.
No. 1 , Plain , 8 or 10 litdi . S1R.OO
Nu. 2 , Plain , 10 Inch . Jrt.03
No. 1 , O. < ! . 18.150
1st , 5 < 1 nml "il Clear , 1 4' inch , s. Ss . 8-iO.CO
1st. 2d ami : td ( "Irar , l' ' ' anil 'J incli. s2s. rxXfiO
U Solrct , 1 y. 1 . , anil 2 liu-li , s. 2s . 30,50
1st , 2il and ! hl Cl , r. I Inch , s. 'J . 45.50
A Select , 1 inch , s. 2s . -10.W )
H 1 .Select , 1 inch , s. 2s . JIO.OO
1st ( Mm. 0 Inch , whiti'plni' . 83305 inch , white iiiiio . ! O )
ltd Com. i inch , white pine . 2005
Sol. Kenco , (1 ( inch , white ninu . 2001
riilcairo Sol. l'\-nci KlooiiiiR . IH nj
Ihtaiul 2il clour jollow pine , -Ut inch. . . 2055
r.j. M-iiiJvrKii.
W. f. Johnson & Go.
Comiisson Merchants !
218 LA SAI.Li : ST. , CHICAGO.
Hrei'lvcrfl of Gralnnnd 8oed . l''nluroMtoiiBlit ;
nml foM. Special attonrlon to snlu by Bam
ltepro ent'sl by I'M'van ! Ilarton , Llauohi.
Soalcd iirojio-iils will bo rocolvod at tlio onIco
in Ilio Cliluf ntiKiiifur , Union 1'aeitlo railway ,
Uiiinlm , until Woiln < "May nvonliw , Oelolior : M ,
lor the Grading , Mavinry , IlrldtfliiK and Tmok-
lnylmr ol' the Manhattan Ac Illno Val'oy ' railroad ,
Iriiin Garjteon to Marj'HVlllo , Kansas , and also
iibont rlovcn tll > inlle-i ol' load In Nuhraslca.
I'rolllcs , pliuiH und siM.fillcatlonH can lie aeon
nnd tnrlhur liilommtlonobtaliioil at thoChlof
BiiKhiour'dolllro , Onmlm.
J. HurKnvHiiniiFcu , B. U. CAM.UVAV ,
Chief BiiKitttiiir Gcnornl Manugcr
Railway Time Table.
All trains nrrlvo and depart from Omnlm by
CcmrnlStnndiud time.
' 1 rains ol tlio U. , St. 1' . , M. & O. arrlvo nnd do-
inlt ironi tlirlnlopot , cornorof Htli nndVtb -
-Irr Hioetn ; tinliiK nn the It. & M , C. , II , & O. ,
mil K. C. , St. J. & C. II. Irom Ilio 11. & M. depot ;
ill ollmrH liom tlio Union 1'aclllo depot.
ndallybo\c < 'pt Saturday ; o , oicept Sunday ;
, c.\c.cpt Monday.
Dconrt. WKSTWAHD. Arrlvo.
A. M. I r. M. I UNION 1'At'IKIC. A. M , I 1 * . M.
I 8:2a'.I'liclllii : ( ) ' KxpiosH. . . .
ll:2Ua : l. . .Uen\er K\proHi. . .
l I 0. iiHKl1. VAI.MiV.
' " " -.Mall anil Kinross. . . 2:13 : * .1
Bina' : ' , .Mull anil Kxpruan. . . .
. . . . . .1 i
Depart. BOUTHWAHD. Arrlvo.
, M. I I' . U. IMIbSOUHl PACIFIC/ . u. \ 1' . M.
llsixia1 Day Kxprcss < i:00r : ]
t:00b ) NlirfilKxproNH ' I V:00a :
K.O.KT. J.'M 0. II.
0:10a : P:4.r > l > ' . . .VJa riatlxiiioiith. . . 7:00.1' : '
70UD , . Via Council Muffs . 7W.I :
2apl : ) . .Bt. .
Ji'iuirt. KAHTWAUI ) . Arrlvo.
A. M. | V , M. 0. M. A ; ST. I'AUI , 1 * . XI.
: l5n Day Hxprocs
iisfiii . . . .Nliffit F.xiirosH. . . .
8iGo : . . . . Day KxiircSB 7:05o :
' ' . . . .Nhrht Kxiiress. . . . U:1W :
ciiiio. . . . . . . . .AeconmioiiatlDii . .
l C. t * N-W.
. . .Day K\III | < M 7:05a
. . . .NlKhl ixiii'0h3. : . . . 0:45,1 :
O. II. A Q.
Hsaoa1 fi0a ; ; ! : Kor Chi. via rliitttmi'th 00a : ! ! \
Hil.'ia 4 : in ) For Uil'o via 0. Ululfrt
Depart , NOIITHWAIII ) . Arrlvo.
A. M , i I'.M , 0. BT. I' . , M. &O . ,
Sioux City Uxiinvw. . ' 6aOo :
. , nldnnil Aecominnirn ] l:00o :
I IOWA DIV , H. C. & I * .
HOa . .Bt. . . . I'anl . * . Day . . I'.vmnsa . . . | 7:3 a
It5a ) ;
DUMMY TIIUMH UMIVO Omalm tit 0 : 1 ,
lfto , 10:1)0 : ) , 11:16 a. in , : KMZ ; , : iUO. : 4u.4IV' : ) :
iV ) 1111(111:10 ( : p , in. On Kniuluyri tlm 7u : ! and
iiina. ; ) m. , anil UlKI ; anil < : ( JJ p. in. Iriilns ilo not
n *
LIMWO Council Illnirn ( Ihoailwny Depiit at 7lf : (
, ti : il , ] ( ) : yi ) lluj . m. ; ljia : : ; .la U , 4 : ,
' ' 11I5 p. in. On Hiintlayri the 8H ; (
iml lUiiiJu. m. , and IMlundM ; p. in. I nil in will
lot run.
TiMMWnTiitiNft toavnOmnlia nt S-iW. 8S3 :
in. ; KA\itfM , 4W.tcXJainl7 ! : : > wp. in. ilali/ .
ArilvaiitUii5and 11:15 u. m. ; 1:20 , 'J ; J , T.K
mil 8U5 : 1 > . in.
Hl'NPAV TltI/.i'S
jaadj'wm CliiciiK" vlaTdparUto Allliuioe.
rj P
rjP fcX kto
fr to
frr fr
.Hcptomljcr. Ii G-'W
j. Uotiilinr. . . . il-i'4 17 10-II1
15 ! 1 : " . I.Novoinliiir. M 7-i'a
fc-ar i n I.JIi ( cinlior.l rM lu
Tlnin tulilo of | Hi > c-iiKrcr trains li | trcnn
iniilia inul Union Htock Vui-iU ; In cITuutVtxl -
iculity , AnguttiWIli , leVi ;
Wl.bTW.AIIl ) TII/I.NH. | l r. \ KTilltl TilAINH.
i"o. Omaha 11.6. Viinlq No. U.S. Yards Omaha ?
A. ! , A. M. A. U.
ei I'M
411 ,
I * . U , P. U ,
1' . M. i * . M. .
41Wl I.KI : 1HH Kiln
Wl U.-H1 i M'l 4
Tiald No. t ) , ilully tuuilt ! y , Oilier
mini run ilnily.