Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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    ? v
Advert l otnentm > ndor this bond 10cx-nta per
\ ' \ - " , , line for the brut ln ertlon , nnd 7 cents forenoh
' Milifeqtient Insertion. Buvcn wotilfl will ( HI count *
cd to Ilin line ; they must nm confccullvely nnd
' . " nin tbo paid In ndvnnco. All ndverttounonM
mtist bclulmlcd In licforn S o'clock | i. in. , nml
. under no clrcuniMnncos will they l < o taken or
dUcnntinuud liy telephone.
Pin-tic * nihertMnft In tliwo column * tind bar.
Ina Ihounawcrs nililroi t < l In euro of lint ! , trill
* please n k for check to ctmblii lliotn to Ret their
loiters , ns norm will bo delivered except on
* pTOJonlntlon of clicck. All nn ucrs to tidver-
1' , ' tUomontu Miould bo endow d In tit * elope * .
Tolonn. Tbo Omnlm Plnanclnl 15x-
MONKV , Ifltd Tin until street , uiMtulr , tankes
lonns on nil clnn-ni ol w. ourlty Iroin aJluohiM-
tcl lonn to tio.milon realc tale. Wo makuloans
to milt nil iippilcantN on iniut or ohorttlino on
Improved real e tiile , land contracts. li > n < ie ,
huIlilhiKi on lewed hind , scoured notoi , collator-
Blu.clmtloK orKoodaccuiltyofany kind. ' -
niteneaty : tontis. Onmlm I'liiunclal " - '
IMjl Patnria HtiTotuH4JiIr | .
: TO I.OAN-O. I' . Dnvls * Co. Itcnl
MONiV nnd Ixiun UKOIIU , l.'XW rurnam St.
i-nrONIU' TO IXAN-On ) jrooil wjoiirltlCH. A
Me'Ja\ockrooni w oe , . ariiuin
rpo LOAN Money In any amount on real 03-
-L tntosecuilty. C. K. MUJIHI , 1Mb und Pur-
' * ' " ' LOAN ln chnttrlH. Wonlny &
\Tof'lv : TO < .
Ilurrlnjii , room 'M , Umiihu Nntlonal linnk
_ _ _ _
IONIJY O LOAN On runl cttiito mill rluil-
M tols. I ) . I * Thoiims. KX )
TVfOS'KV r.lANitOn : chnttoK cntnitn. II.
iit It tlckutH iKJiiitht anil Hold. A. l''ornmnsl.l !
8. lath St. Ml
( > NiV : TO LOAN In mini * of $2tiOiiiiil up-
wmiN on flr tilai s ifiil estate HfCiirlty.
1'ottor , t Cobh , ir.15 . I'tirnum St. f > V
ONi rToANTTlTnt C.'K. Hco < l & Co's. Ixinn
oflleu , on riirnlturu , plnnon , IIOI-HIH , wajjom
rcifonal piopcrty of nil kinds and nil otlior nr-
tlcllii of Mllncltliotlt rmioviil. O or l.Mt Niit'l
IlmiU. > i HIT lUtli mid I'm num. All IIUSIIUMI
fitrlcllv conlUliMitiil. r Vt
MMNKYtl SUlNIJYIll Money to
MONKVt rhatlcl KH-III It ) byV. . It. Cr ttinoin
4 , Willincll liullillnir , N. K. ixmior 15lli mill liar-
C" ' nuy. After joaii ol nvporluncu and ncaruliil
ft Bludy ot tbo linsliinss of loatllnmaonoy tin pot-
, f-niinl propoity , I IIIHH at last iiorliivttif n system
/ , - wliorcliy the publicity usual In wioli cusds !
v > ( loiiiiiiuiiy with , nml 1 inn IIO\T In n position to
„ moot tlir iliMiHimMur all who IKH.-OIIIO toinpor-
l , iirlly uiiiluirrushcil and ik-nlio to raltto inonuy
t Million ! di'liiy and Inn i | < ilot nninner. lluu-o-
' ' licopmx , piou'ndoniil untlonion , inoclianlcsmul
. . ' ' othiTM in Oiniilia an.l ( .ouncll Illnlls , cim olital
iMliuiiucrttroiii Jluto Jl.dWl on such Hcviirlty
C , r.s lioii-rliiilil lurnlttirp , pliuiiH , iniiclilnory , lior-
( i FOH , ttHKOIls , WIlH'llOU'-l' H'C < llltS | , HCOIIII'd IKltOS
ct liiinil , etc. , ultliout ruiiinvliiKMiinn n-oin own-
, , oraniMriuiiPonr plncoDt linslnuM. Al.-o on line
1 Wnkhcti mid DIuuiomK ouu ot tbo iKlviuituv'i'f 1
{ ollor l Unit any putt of any lonn can I > o paid at
' ! uny Umo which will nilnco the lntorn ° r pro nitn
A und all liimit ruiKiu nl at Iho orlirhuil niles of in-
tciost , I htivo no hrokoi-H In connection with my
{ i olllco , lint poixninlly siipfriiitond nil my limns , f
f ImvcprlvmoonifPsconiifCtiMl with my jtonoral
* oMicoi-o that customers" do not eomo in con
tract with each othi-r , cnntptiiipiillv niaklnwall
, , trimttuolloiis ftrlctly iirlvntu. ' . It. < 'txilt.
y , room 4. Wltlmoll liullillnir , N. K. pornt-r IStli and
llarnuy , Uiiiuhu , and : 1'oarl St. , Council Illuffs.
u _ _ _ _ _ ' * '
" V\rANTin-AgoodKlri. Iiuilllro lit 817 south
VV nth st. 4r > j
A flit-t class borro ulicer. Ad-
i.ross N. Ji Snow , Htixmisliur , Neb. lock
IloxTd 4 5 r
WAN I'UU A frh 1 about 11 } curR old a.s nuitie.
A | ply NW tor Virginia Avoiind Orunt Ht.
WANTii-food : ! ( ii-timin plrli lit the Nc-
bia ku Kniiloymunt ] mrvncy , II'U Ifitb "itreot ,
Cninnt-o's block ; places ( jlvon to girls lrt > o of
o mrno.r
IT'ANTKI ) A ( rood girl for ircneral liousc-
work. 1U17 Cans St SU-it
WANTKD Good jclrl for Kunonit hoiiMtwork.
I ook , illnliifr room b'irla chambormalds eto.
Cull IL'o Farmim St. ' ItH.
iiii ' . iTX ANTi : ! ) A Jiont yitling Klrl to assist with
IK S. With St. 7J3
w ANTIID flood trntros pnld to u peed first
butcher. ! J-4 Ilownnl fit. 4."iil-aj *
WANTIID u'-'i for railroad work , wigcx * l 75
i n.lS-perduy ; fiee transport * t on. Will
Milp Tlmrtcluy , Oct. ! , ut 7:45 : In nionilntr. Cull
nt lull Karnani ft. at onco. 4X121
J'ANl'IM ) Ten carpenters at once at lolO
Center HI. Call at i p. in. 117-20 *
WANTin : DaiicliiirToacborl A Kentlvman
compi'tenl of li-ncliliiK iliinclnjr In all Its
lirnnoho.1. ( .cod milary Kiiunintr < - < l. Jnqnlruof
SI ox M oj o r A : IJ ro. -l.r > 1J
WANTKD-Coiit and pnnts ninkors. HXt Itiond-
way , Council HhillM. 44l. l.
WANTI3I ) flontldinon to takoonlorn In city ;
n IHIUthlnir , aad money in It ; Imslnu-w pur-
iiiuiient ; call at loom t ) , Arlljitoiibl ) < Hik. jJW-Stf
WANTl.'ll A jounp mini iu ) a Hlstant book-
hooper. Nonu but ono roaiHil | < mt to till
\ tbo io/-lnon / iucd apply , ( lood rtileicnco 10-
> ( | iilrfMl. Apply to John A. rie > biin A : Co , ( < tli
r und Ilowmil Ms. 4l.t-"o
WANl'IM ) Kxiipiloncod Milpxtnon lor dry
trwd" . elnthliiLr and Kioc-cry diiartihi | < nt-i.
Appl > to J. I' . ( HblHiiH , Valparaiso , Nub.loiWl'
WANTIIU Ono > rood luliablo mldillo airivl
man to aull KOOI ! In city. Cull lJl : South
10th St. 4J-i'l
WANTIU ) A ImtclioiTfor'kiTibTir.'lankhiiJ
and tpodlnir. Must he Mibur and not HI raid
touoik. Itiipldlty nut HO much an objuct IIB In-
ilorilu & . Hovbencr , Kiemont , N b.
\\7ANTI3D Man and ulfc to work In , llr t
claw Hotel , ( rood place and WIIJTOS.
Union Hotel , Superior Neb.
, \\7 ANTHn A younif man or etout boy nt
Tt Uihniiin'H , I10S rainainSl. ; cci-tt
\\rANTi : Mnn with family to takoeiiroof
' u hum \Vn.-lnji-u ) ) > ii roiinty , iniiilioiit |
II. Dohlo .t Co. , Clamp IShiK ) Store. XTJ
> rifly cunvaK em. Ladbn and
i i peniiiimen mo nmklnir fill per day M'llliiK
our "Klicheii Queen. " Aililinwt , with Mump ,
. Klmpxon ft Parhons Tool Co , I.I lloiuil of Traile
Ilulldlntr , SU Paul , Mlim. Muniltaclory. Ixiuell ,
tlans. 4'fiKa
WANTI.'O StenoBniphor. Hot KXi , Omahii.
A ( HINTS Soiling Mlfi-ourl Hti'iim uiwhor
„ iniiKo bbr inoiuiy. J. Worth , Solo Mniuiluo-
, ' Jjiitr , St. I-oulH , JIo.
\\rANTHn Sltimtlon by c.\xi Irnccd i--
Tf iniikcr to do lainlly fowlnjf. IXIIIMI oidurd
, lit No. HIT Houth Culli'uo bt. Mt-M
WANTHlSltiiiltUin by a JIIIIIIK man with 7
.VIMII-S' oxporliMii'o In dcuur | HIHIUHJ | In an
oiutlm-n oily ; puoil ivft > iriu > e < i ; 1ms fair pnu'tlcal
l < noslril ) tuif ( ierimin and ri'tflstoic'd In loua.
U'oilld IlKii lo iiood to Nubnutkii. Aildi < > - < Oruir-
i gltt , Ik'U Otllro. '
WANTKD A Hltimtloii as clerk In n Hloro by
u duly who can xpoak tluiiiian , UniiWi und
Knnll8linddi-eRSX ; , V , , lleo olllce , ' 47o'l
' XV11131'-11 ? ' u f'1' ' ' M'lvln - ' In lainlly nrln
T T u Hhop. 1'leaeo cull ut Mrs , Arnold' * IS
' North iniist. IJt-i-l'
1 "TTTANTIJD A position tm boiiK'keeper III a
W Hiniill lunilly , Inbnlro 8. 11 i-or. I'tb mid
Claiko. Vil-Si *
. Mt wiBOKi.i.Ainous WAMTB.
"IJTTANTKU ! l or 4 uiifuniMird IINIIIM
t > Jor ll ht hoiiM'keopliitr near Bt. Jlarj-'s MV
ffH V. > V , Hoc Ollli-o. wwi * j
WANTKD To r > nt n IIOUMJ 7 to H rooniH lib
lurnacu and other iNiinimloneeii aljo IUI-KO
tarn.C _ , K , Ma > nu , litli and Km num. _ Loi.
" "
r.u-r > lKvty to bonnf at tbo
. , UiulH ii-otiiurunt , M Sloth SI : tlckots ot 1
nieuU j ii'KUl'tf Iniatil I'1' ' uek > lja. iaj-ai
WANTI-ii : mrct ilpiamul for ixinipnicnr
boxikkiH'pun1' Iwlllloiiui tun liullt'.s mid
two boy , and wnit lor i'- > until f iiuutloiu are
fumliilirU. J. II. tiinlth. UK Viuiium. 4U'-L'1 >
* \ITANTKI ) ) Tn n'lit liimUhfttl room with
i bounl. TrniM iciiboiinblo. Addrutui ore-all
. , S Oi/orj to. Ixiuvoiiworih nt.
j rent l > vo nlcci itHim * il fronti
nnltiUKlattt. , IHlU'tnccii II mid Ist , J.
"Ruin. _ 4fiivit
iw York firm rcpitM < iiiin > r
> ' uinl conlnillliijf di-slnibloitiul qu | , .u -
rkfu pinxN mid ciirlaln * forlli dryiM > < l < tfkib |
litti , iiil | iUii.ry und iiiiillrf * innlcMn Iho imin
la "ll ro Mlii on ciniiiiilMtoii In llipSliiti1 f No-
IirHxk i , AU.Irvji , t'iil' ' < 4uiiiul I * . U , Iuxt7 ! ! . Nctir
1't.k. C.CJ
\\fANTHIi-Toront ixdtnRllpoltnifo. AfU1ri"w ,
> > dtnllng terms nml location , V.O. , llo l * 771.
t ' . * !
_ _ . . . , . ?
" \\7"AMTII ! > ny NofMUIn' ' wPMpfn or onth
P'tfrn pnrlof city , fiirnlotioil
Riiltablo for U ui'iilloninn ; rpfi > r < inc'e ; nddic * > a
W X , IkiKifllcv. 4.1S-2I *
WANTil : > riiinhliodboiipool nt lonntMivon
room for the n Inter. No eblldron. llo-
(1. II. , llco Office. lltt 19
WANTIH ) To boimwono liundrtHl and llfty
dollnni on chattels. Afldrp ClmttxN. Hoe
\\7-ANTii-Teains. : T. Murray.
_ _ ; cs
" \\MNTii : > MnttrcM tanker at Downy A
1 T SIOIIO'.I , iHV )
' \\rANTKI > A full lot nenrthn city at n rout -
t Kotmhlo price. Slatft price , terms nnd lo
cation. Address' , ! . N.C. " Itooolllco. M
lll'NT-r. room house. Applv to Dr
Novlllo. 4M.NS
_ _ _
FOIt HUNT A intnitTfniom brick poltiuro ,
ehoap , wirner ( It It and Hickory , 4ii-"l : *
HUNT llotifOof TII-OOIIK for niiuill family
ily , No. HII , third hoiiM ) fi-otn 'M ami Um-
\etiKorth ; flu. iA4
IJMUI HUNT Three irood hou e well located.
J. ' 0 , P. Da\lct & Co. , ir-tlB li'arnuni ft. 45o-3 >
JT < tlt ItilNT 3 hutifcs , f ntid 0 rooms , K S.
1 isih nt. 4imii ;
TjlOlt UlINT Store. Knmilro nt IJoston Dry
X1 OooiU more. IIHI S. 10th St. 440
171011 HUNT 6 nximed bongo , 11(13 ( Uavt > ii | > or
JL1 Btreot. ! WWo *
FOK HINT : rottuiro of 4 rooms and bti o-
nicnt No imfi ) street ellv nnd cl torn
tor. Imiulto of Duncan & wall ce,218 8. llith .
441-tf _ j
} j tll KI NT Nowfl room botlfo on Saundnrt
Mit-ct. parlor , buy window , cast front , telliir
clitoin , wi'll. alkn , fpnpo < and out IIOMMJS ; now
niidconvenlntit ; $ IH per month. J. U. Itllov
Cn.SliKlltIi8troot. Ulfl
TTIOlt linNT-Storomi N. 13th St.
JL1 B74-KI *
I710H ICKNT-IluitsoO rooms : Kill. Init. Call.
J-1 fin tila and Wolwtor sts. ; $ i.'i50 per inonlli
J.v. . Miuslmii , I5jo rniiuiin. : si < n
FOIt HUNT Iin ( o with BOVOII rooms , I"IT
Slii-rman Avu. Ivtuiulroof D. T. Mount , " 1'IS.
iitbBu aa
} J Olt UKNT A 1't-i-ooni IIOIIMJ on Jackson St. ,
lictnt't-n lith and llith ; elegantly adapted lor
. Appl > next door. ultt
" | 7 < 01UtiNT : OneRtorobiillilliiKwl h
JA rooms above , fji'pniled locution lor mix
no < . AdilreHS 110 l > eoollleo. 'l'U i *
FOIIKUNT A pioil farm with InilldlnirD.O
milcH fiinn iiostolllcn : 7"i ucrc'i under pnltl-
x'atlob. Js'imn out experienced farmers tired
imply. HofoKMico ttHiiiltod. Hmnlin i.V llrowu
illl South lltb St. HS-'Ji )
] 7 < OIt HINT : Cottairor > noms , for. Ornnuund
Pierce flioots , } : ! ) .
Cottaire , ! ' rooms , Sit\ \ and Irani , MO.
CottiiKe. 4 roomi , south l ith ft. , $1- .
llouse. : i looms , t'llb und Pierce , flO. O. K.
Maj no , 15th ami Kuniam. LT.'i
Foil HUNT lIiinilfotnoly'furnMicd hoino ,
I ) rooaiH , KJ7 Park Avenue , references re.
quired. Apply J. W. Orllllth , Amlltoi-s Olllco
tr. p. it. w. CTI
17IOU ltiNT Nov. I , a tlrst-clnis ll-iooni cot
J' tape ; Hno locution ; by S. 1' . . s. o.
cor. loth and Doii lius. lul
FOItltr.NT Tuo nowroildenccsU rooms each ,
cottiiL'o 5 IU rooms. J. Phlpps
Hoo. Kf >
TT'OIl HUNT Two-story dwelling , 7 nioms ;
Ju peed locality. Apply Cor. 11th and Douglas ,
C. T. Taj lor. 715
KENT 2 stprOH on Uth and Lvntcuuorth
1 Ms.
1 store on South 1.1th fit. lioth flrst-clai.'i IIIH !
IHWS lociitlous. Also houses to rent. A. McOav
HUNT House of 0 rooms. Apply Cor ,
1 lltb mid Douglas , C.T.Taj lor. 710
FOK HI'.NT Several dwellings. Ajiply Cor.
14th and loupla < . C.T.Taj lor. 710
ItKNT Oil SAM : A house , barn toraj
cows ; and 4 lota In Walnut Hill add. $111 per
month. Inuulro James Chrlstliui'-on , U. 1' .
Ficiifhtofllco. U77-u-p
T.iOK JCKNl1 Hnuso , 5 rooms. Inquire Kd-
I1 helm AKiioksoil. KU
Foil KKNT-Oct lit. or after , a ilwolllntr
IIOIIFP G roonm , nice yard , cistern , water , $ 'J
per nioiitli. AiiplyUll 1'aikWild uvo. , or.Ino.
W. Hell , dniffKlst , &M South 10th St. K
FOKKKNT Nicocottapro 1010 South IHth St.
Inquire of C. A. Uclilln. 4.VKUp (
FOR IlKNT Hound 11 rooms - ' month ;
will tent part. O. U.TbompsouS. W. cor.
* '
lllh anil llariioy. 1-"U
r7 > ( > ll Iir.NT Three fiont looms In lllcrl } '
' furnished , plpasunt location , on btient cur
line. Hof > N. tfotli t , 4lrJ4 *
JtKNT Fuiillelied rooms , S309 Iod o.
V > - o.M"
FH ( ItMNT Nicely furniahod rooms with
houid 2l / > pdjfn. 4H-tl'
Foil HUNT Tun elegant front nxmiH iinliir-
iiMieil , bath i-oom hot and cold water wuno
INMir , verv i liublo locution. Knqulro P.V. .
Cor id and Dndim. 4W
FOIt HUNT A furnlhbed room , houtli e.\po-
urn , ono block liom sticot cur. N. W. tor ,
e. and Grant Kt. 4ii-"l |
FOK KUNT Hoom with iKiard. Ibia Dodgo.
4l ! < i
T.TOIt KUNT-ltmmiH In city Imll bulldlmr
1' ItooaiH In llarker bloclc. C. K. Majno. l.'ith
and Karmini , ) ! !
77 > Olt Ulfyr l.'iiniMii'd . room 71W .South llilli
1 Htiiet , u 1th without Itoiird. 1IM4 *
FOIt IIUN'T A live-room houho at UttiDavcii'
poi t nt. 4o't-l I *
JjlOK 1IIIXT KU-CTittly iiirnUhcd nxmis at
1 llttl I'urnuni Ht. -UK )
" 1TUW HUNT I'urnliihod room , 1WJ I'arnam
J-1 IBDnovB *
FOH ItKNT Kront itioni with bourd , 1724
DoUKhts. U'lH-L'U *
"T71OU HUNT fiuvo fuinli'lied trout room : call
X' after ( I p. m.,7U I'Jth bt , near Wok-tor. fEll-Ulp
IOK itHNT Plcusnnt furnished rooms. 1707
CHHS. ! *
ItP.NT Four unfurnl nrd roomw IIS ! N.
1r OK HUNT Two ploanant front looms un-
' fnrnl'-lii'ii , suitable lor Hunt hoii-ukei pliiK ,
in lleemer'ti Illock , eor. Hth and Howurd. 'MJ
FH ( ! IIKNTntorr ! ! In the brick Imilillntr nn
Howard ht. . bet llilb and 17tb , NO IUlf > mid
1017 , Inqiiliv nt ilnw htoro cor , IDtb st. fit/
FOIt HUNT IJUJTO front room nlcoly flip
nlhhiMl : prlviU'iioof bath loom ; siiitalile for
IWOIHTHIIIH ; ilvn mlnnlnH walk tnmi I' . O. ; ono
block tionihti eel car llnu. AddiObS" I' , t ) , box
FOIt HUNT A nice , pleasant room , funilsli-
wlcir uiituiiilMMl , Inqulio at 1513 Ix'aven-
411) )
Foil HUNT Iconiim with board , doMrnblu for
summer. Apply at .St. Cliuilcu Hotel , nil
POUHKNT NU-cIyfiirnlslieu trout IIMJIII to
punllcimm only , at a K. coiner 'M\\ \ \ mid
I' ( .titiit , between Vth und lOth.onu block Miutli
jf the II. . depot. 4'/l '
171OH Hl-ST-2 : iiU'iisiint MMith f it > nt rooms S.
i.1 W. corner 1UI hand Davenport ; 7UI
171OH HUNT T o nicely furnished moms , N.
I.1 W. cor.Slbl uudSt. Mnry'Hu\enue. 4IX )
E1OU BALK Unrtior on Suiinders St. ; Inialncsj
lol , tajxlJJ ; only lm 1'uttcr A Cobb.
17011 SAUI-Corner lot on Chlcajro. wlt
' room hniiKc mid bum and all iiwc.t Hrylin-
.irovoiarnty. . lot Ultlc. , Capitol Hill , $0,11X1. A.
klcClnxock , liW rarmim st. UTU
Foil HAI.i : QKOOI | lol on Lcavpuworth St. ,
Ju.t wo. t of 1'nrk uvonuq. Will | m gold
; hcui. | Cunuliitflium k jliunnuu , loll DIHKU ) tit
TTtOlt HAI.K Snwport , iipweM ncarc't LTO
i. lotMOiiae and M'o them ; Ami'3l > n7 I'liinum
T0ll HALK-Tivo loin lir Umio nnd Solilcn' *
I' utld. , corner , I VJ ; ! i cuib. 1'otterA. Cobb ,
pOIt SAI.K--OiPui > ,3 tot < ja'J'Ii I'luco.
.i 1'ottvr & IX4JU.
| 7M U SATiB-SIx lots on Snumlors t. 4 block"
L' from slrt'Otcrtr line : wi't fronts ; fft50onch !
riisy piiymdnts. The o tire corner lofs. J. tt.
: irg wtimt. tea
17011 f AMI Newport , nomc t , nt-nrest , nlcp't ,
acio lots ; come nml wo them now. Anicw ,
15o7 I'lirnnin. 40O-40U
1710H PAI.l1 Htni o of H room * on 17lh t. .
J. Fonth of Cun.lim ; lot 41 ftliyfiOft : cbeiip at
$ .V > oa Totter A Cobb. ttr. Farnnm Bt. 42U'4
TTAOH SAI.U-A few lom In lmitcoin rince.
J$71.0 ; monthly paymeiitg , Ciiniitinrhnm &
llrciinnn , l.MI Uodge. 4.lV"o
"iTton SAM : Moini < o inJi lotn. ito t inu
J. inent In vicinity of Ilantcom 1'nrk. Amw ,
1B07 Farnam. r i
17011 8AM' Newport. newo t , iieme t , nleoit
acrp lots ; ( .MIIIO ami wo thoin now. Ames ,
TJIOIt HAIill Npivjioit iicro lot . j-otl can si > p
J.1 every part of town from thpo handsome lo H
eomo and eoo them. Ames L' i7 Pimmm. 47i
FtlU.SAIl-Chencst | tlno Irsldo property In
thu iiimltnt , resldcncd loin In Hillside mid. ,
* 7foto8loo. | I'ottcr As Cobb. 4X054
FOIlHAUI-Vlnolots In llnnsoom l'lnep70fl
to8tXiu. ( I'otterAColib. 4I.UI >
iroit SAI.U-Twenty acres S. W. of clt , . . .
J at tl'M per acre. I'otter & ( iibb. 4U4t :
I7 Oil SAM ! Nowixirt. noaiest acre lots , elo-
Kant bind , eommnndlnK vlnw. nearer town
than any aero lots for sale ; this propeity puai >
iinlced lo IHI all that Is clnliacd for It ; now is the
time to tuiiko jour Invostnients. Ames , ISot
I'm num. 47tl
J7t > H H.VI.K Two rosldunces In rapllllon ,
Neli. , bi'iiiitll nl county neat of Sarpyeoiintj- ;
fiihno .siibiirbmi reH nco town lor Omahii ;
present intension of Mo. 1' . It It mid nNo II. &
M , Imiiihu or address M. M. l'arrlh , rapllllon ,
Neb 271-Sl *
EOH SAI.U Come and M < O NewKirt | acrn lolH
that are nenier tlinii all cithers are , bund'
poniestKroinm j-oti can tlnd. when you MMI tbo
place jon ulllndmlt this to ho Iho fart that Now-
IMirtlsuncqinilled. Ames IV)7 Ilirmun. 473
17011 SAI.i : Choice enrnur lot In Itccd'n 1st ad
-L1 l\W. \ I'otter\-Cobb.
FI1 SATi-On : CiiUfornla Hi. , 1'i ' miles Horn
IKi.slolIiro , 11 ill f aero ultb uixid lieu o und
1 urn , onli 3lou. I'citlor&Cobb. 4SW4
POit SAM. omo splendid business | irotierty
on North tilth street. Cuiiiiln lidiii i : Ilren-
nan irdl Dodito. ri'j-l'o
FOHSAIiK Nowpoit. newest , nearest , nicest
aero loin ; come mid Hi-e them now. Ames ,
ifK > 7 Fiirnam ,
Infill SAM : How to save immuy HI that yoi
will have Mimctldmr lor jour pains. Ituyii
lot In Mclro oHlll lor $ I HI , by paying J-IW down ,
bnltineo $ i every tliroc'iiionllis. Ames. l.'O ,
I'liriiiiin. ! UO
Ft > H SAI.U ] f jon buy an acre lot in No
port joil w ill donhlo jour money In levs thai
iixcar , wlipn jon PCC tbefo iKiautlCul lots you
will admit It. Amos fo7 I'limam st. 471
FOIt SAM : -Good 7-i oem bouse on st. ;
full lot , well Improved ; . ' ,8,0. 1 'otter &
Cobh , nio rariiam bt. 417-i.'l
FOItSAI.i : Siilondlil now H room IIIIIIKO ce
mented c'fllnrliirvo new bnrn mid ei orv con
venience. l/otryvI.Vi ) eilst front fieorRla Avenro
near ropiKlton I Meek liom sheet cur IJusy
tcrtiiit , M.OOO. A. MtUuvock 13ol ! rarmim ft.
ITlOIt SAM. A sK-roo'll ' c-ottlit'O and lot , ! !
14(1. ( on car line. Apply on prenir-et. in
North ISIhet. a.lS.l ! *
FOIt SAI.n On ni t st , , line lots ut fTfll ; ( v
terms. Cull ut oillco. Potter ft Cobb. iri1 , " >
Knrnuni st. 4lJl ( l
FOK SAM' N'etucst. bq-t located und inont
perleet acre lots tor Mile ; comb mid i-ep Ne\v-
1'Oit and ho convinced : you cannot inaleh It ;
when j on see Newport > ou 111 admit It. Amos" " ,
t5o7 Karniim. B70
I7 < OIt SAI/K Six room boii .e. all nere .aary Im-
? provemonls , lot M4xlci : , on DHVunpott ,
nonriSIilM. $ < Vk U. A. McGuvoek , Ijuu Purnam.
IOIlSAI/n Chen ] ) roxldonct ) lots on Cumins
st. Potter & Cobb , lin Kiirniim nt. 41.T-S4
FOKSAI.i ; A und coiner lot on Chi-
cnito Htieot , $ llm ! See this If you want a
nlco residenei ) . Cunningham ft llrennan. lull
OodKC. 4ul-o ! !
FOltSAI.K Newport noiirpst act o lots K
ICHM ! lo ho the tlnest acru lotn ever ween
Where j'ou hee the ground j-on xvlll admit It ,
count and t-ee the lots It eostH you notbliir to
loolc over the Hrround and j-ou will sa > - Newport
lioatH iinvthlnK innjol aero lots lor sulo In
this market. Ames I'm * I'tinuim wt. 475
FOIt SAI.R Melroo IIIII ImsMi manv iidvan
tugps In waj-ot location. , imtmiddiahmKo ,
lacllltles forliulldimr. Ae , Sc. , that thoopiMirtn-
nltj- now to buj' on the teiins jjlvenls a ruroono
nnd should be token lulvuntimo of tit onco.
rome and Investlffato this matter. Aino" . 1.W7
Farnam. 'M
FOH SAM : Chenpost projwrtj' nolir\Vest Tar-
iiiiniht. ; lots In Totters add. li-om ? 4.rilo
5.Vx > ; easy terms. 1'qttor , V Cobb. lr.r-'l
IjtOKHAIjC Newport aero lotw u mile neitior
1 town than any other. Como und scethls
IhLs siileiiilld property und bo convinced. Amei ,
I5U7 Fiirnmn. 47U
7710H SAI.K OH UXOHANUK-Fino brick
boiiho.lurooiiiH , burn mid stable , eltv water
mil tidcoK-nry onthonso.s cMilutniioil for 1m-
moved lurin not oxnrSI miles fio'iiOmiiliu. K.
I ! . Aifcnta need not upily. Addict K. I , , lleo
: > IIico. Jt.V.'ifl
FOKSAI.i : Two lots on Ouorjrhi Ax-o. two
blocks 8. ot Lonvpiiuortli , $1C3U or $ , r.oueh )
I. U. Itlloy ft Co. "M S. Uth St. 1D
J : t,5(10 ( will buy nn elegant cottage , two lots ,
P bain , Irult mid HIIIUIO tiees , e'o , near l.o.u--
muouli Htre it. Very easy teims. Ciinnlnir-
uim A ; llrenmin , 1511 Doiljiu. 4'U-"o
FOH SAMJ Nuxvpiirt , nown t , nenrest , nicest
aero lots ; come and see iliem now. Anus ,
.V)7 ) Farnam. 40o-4 i
Foil SA IK ! i neres lu Park I'laco. Splonillil
place lor n iu-tildoiicoi Will be H > ld very
'heap. CiiniiljiKliiiiii & Ilieiinun , loll
IT'OIt ' SAMI-I/itHlnThornnuw I'liico on Holt
V Uuo fuK ) to ; ! UI ( i.'ieh. monthly puyments.
' . U. Majne , I'.th nnd Farmun.
POH SAMJ Lot ulih now house. ; i 'blocks
wcMofl'urk uvontio , JlJiliO , J. II. IMey it
> ) . , KI5.S. l.itlibt. U.'l
171011 SAM. flood IIOUMO and lot In north
1 Oimilia. boiii-o has f > Inrwo i-ooms , cellor , well ,
Ibtoin.i-loMitx , * lhK ) , easy terms. W.T. dm.
nun , 4'iulKhton block. l.VKi
tjlOH .SAI.U . On .SaiimlerM ht. , near ear line ,
lull lot ; east tiont ; new liou-w. ! . ' -.jory,7
Minis , * .Mlijl. ( Very cheap. J. JJ. lliloy A Co. ,
r7 < ( ) KSAIiK Newport , newoKt , nemost , nicest
L neio lots ; eomo and sto them now. Amos ,
HI ? liu mini. 4Co-4Ul
Li OH SAM5-Tbreo lots In ICIrkuood'H add.
f HW. A. Alttiavock , 150J Furnain fit. ; wo
[ TiOll SAI.K I hax'o home X'ery il ( > Alrabli > bar.
i ( 'nliHln bu lnesx , leslilence and unlmpi-ov-
< leltj pioncrty. Hotter we mo bcloru jou buy ,
. W. Mm shall , IfiU ) Farnam. WH Vl \
f7Olt SALF T o story hiinso , H rooms , bath ,
liny window and all conveniences , corner
u , cany tei ins. ) , U < J. A. JUOiivock ,
i Fiirnmn. a78
[ Tlplt HAI.U Liiruotum Urnomhouw Twd
L' lots loo\lVi west I runt every convenience.
'arty utahestn loinovotiiini city und will sell
heap on easy terms. ( JeoiKlu Avenue I block
nun Park Avu. , nt , eur line , A. .Me-
lavix'k l o'J Fiiinam
, > st , 44il
[ 71OH SAI.U Fine corner lot on Furnuia ,
L ,
Splendid ctirnor lot on DoiiRlan. jaoooi.
nun lot oipo.illo | exposition InilldliiK , * lOJinn.
All tbii above uio lull lots , l > lxlti ; loot , nnd ex-
ellont for Iniulnc IIOUI-CH.
ilo-ro4ini luiiibo und full lot on IuvoiiXrt | St. ,
2 roslilonctt lots , Shlmifi M add. , tl.400.
n line rt < flibiiii4i.Uits. llannciim place , $2ROO.
1 tine lenlilrnco lot , llaiihcoin place , ( P > i.
I fine roi-lileiico lot , Illninbiiugli tihice , fM.'A
Hoiibo of & rooms und lot on Howurd ttioet ,
ii acni In fil > o addition , (000.
Ixit In Sblnn's M ml J. fM.
jCornor lot 1'arkor1 * iuMM Sl.ttVJ.
60 uei-es In Klonmco mid. , f l iuO.
Aero property In Floieneo.
Ijuiil- , iu und o aero tracts near city At * 13o
ier noro.
4o aero tract Improved Jii'i per ucro near city.
80 hero farm , Improved , houeo und stublolor
tin | Hir uoro.
Seellon of hind.iUO acres In Mcrrlok county ,
t fci.r/o per iirro. Cbuip.
otn acre * hind In ( ji ooley co. ut ft M per acre.
f > , 'K ) ncru < land In Nuiico oo. ut $3 per uci-o.
liimlin i llrown , 3n South nth street. 4 < 7--0
> 01l SALE You will admit wbon Jim MO tbo
1 uround tlmt Newport Is Ilio neurctt , band-
Bluest , und cheapest acre lots for the money
imt you in cr saw , CuiauinU bog It to bo con-
Inccd. Ames , Iio7 Furnuin. 477
[ VtOlt SAI.K Story and bulf house , 7 room , ccl-
i.1 Inrundcliitciii , lot UUxIlU. on I'omdctou
irurtb st. , on ciity U > nn . ( I OU , A. KtCuv-
T7O : S'owport. nowosf , nc-irost , nicest
JP croi" ' tome nnd sec them now. Aintv ,
BiTTnirnra 4Bv ta
7OH SAf.H-Tiroftdl lot , eornor , west nml
' two blinks from Fiirnmn st. ; pouth front
nti prudef T , " fo' both , A bargain .1. Ii
_ _ . . _ _
Foil SAI.K-Sporiul bnrgnlns by Paulson A
Oi i
Ixit fiOxiroton riorpOciiesrCfitb.ln ii'oiindslorc
unblne < L wNlnnd MnMo , $ J OJ.
Ixit 7S past f root by 140 xvith 2 new pottniros ,
on IMliRt. , S.fKiiiftrpj Boutb of St. ilnry's nvo. ,
lx > t COxSTO > n l&tb Kt , , npnr St. Mnrr'fl nvo. , cnst
f ntnt , with pltfrnrit 10 room hou o , f smxi.
tVirnerlot InSlilnnV add. , with house , fliV X
TxitKivliin. { MI Cnllfornln , near IWth su , with
nouso. JI.S.'iO , ensv terms.
IxitcHn ; ) ) , ti t'k'HMint utrpct.near 8tMnry's
live. , with 7 room liew hottso , filablo , pto , $ .tM ) .
Ix > t BO < cUn. 4 room now cottufto , near Ijiko
wjl'ool hoiipe , fl/rtl
Choice lot In llawthornondd. , frroom cottuKo ,
cte. . > 1,7UO ; easy terms.
22 Ipet on Hnrnoy , near Llth , (9,100 , lor flvo
ilnjn only.
Ixit , on inib , near St. Mary's nvo. , with 2
Binnll IIOIIMJS. $4. ( Kl ; uncy tertm.
Cholen lots In If Irkwood nt f rr > .
U lotfl lu W. A. ltcdlck'8 mid. . J 1V ( 9.
lot iOxsoti ) SUth , nonr Vlnton , splendidly lo-
cnted. fCOl.
Choice lots In Dwlffht ft I.ymnn's ndd. nt (493
Choice lots ID Clarke Plnce from WW to f.100j
sii'iill ciixh tiaj'inent , liabince montillv.
Houses for rent. Paiil on , V Co. , I3ll ! I'nrimm
Httvet. SSMt ) .
Cor. lot Wli with nrsf-clnssn-rootn
75xl ! on S. , - -
pottaire. earrlniro house , burn , Knuiary ; a very
desirable Incut Ion for u doctor ; SJ.OOO. Uo not
lull to InvooHimto.
fppt front on Ilnrnov. eor. ot 1Kb st ,
Punlsen ft Co. , 1 .1 1 Karnam i-t.
FOHSAMI Nojiorl. nonost , nearest , nl'-ett
ncn < lots ; eomo and BOO them now. Ante ) ,
bVi" Farnam. 40O-IB.1
JT'OH SA1.KtlotouFoiith 17th St. ; easy pay.
moots and x'cry ebenp.
I'or Siiht Ailvli ahle place to loentn and built
frropory Mom , Vlntnn ir teimlmisof Itth
bt. carllne , fl.OOU. .1. IJ. Hi ley \ Co. , 213 S 1'Hli.
11 011 HAI.K-OnCHllfoililiiM , IVItll' ; doslra
1 MoicHldnncu , SSJM J. tt. Itiley fe Co. , BIS
S. Irtth st , ; n.s
FOHSAIiK NnwHitt | , newest , ncau'M , nicest
ncro IOIH ; eomo und ECU them now. Ante ? ,
I5o" ' " " "
F OH < 4AI.i : Corner lot 8 blocks from Mreet
earn. .1. 1) ) . Itdey ft Co. . SLi8 I.Uh st. JllJ
ij OK SAI.U A linrmiln fornBhoit limn In lota
InShliumidilltlnii , tlvo eor , lot 120 tt on
Culilndl M.sitjii : , toitno miniller Intd tXiiund ) $ ( W.
W. T. Uiulnmi , Ouhrluon block' 1.1W
FOK HA I.I' \ev\port , nfnewt , iioiui'st , nicest ,
ivro lotHfoiii ; ( < niiilHX ) thorn now. Aine" ,
I 07 Funnim 4fio-lll !
li'Ult SAI.i : Uits in ! ! nns-om Place Ivom S.HI )
- tto * \ > W. ensv term" . Ixi's on Paik and
Cioorjtlu AM'iiuus JliVjO. W. T. Crahnin ,
Cielttbton lilock. lul.
"ITtOlt SAIi-A : li'Wlots lu Hmtlntts addition.
-L ttiiro blocks Ironi Mrr ot em % ff , " no J7"il on
nuinthly painutit . W.T. ( liahain , Cichihton
Mock. I.'K )
"I7 > OKSAIi : A irooillineslinentiiia feu lots In
-i IIan eoni ph'cont ST.1J , i.i y iirni > , W. T.
Ciiuham , CiTljihtou-Illock. HJ.
1 > C. rATT'l'fllsON , nth and t-'mmulu
I'lirSal'1 A iK'unl'lful ro-ildonee on tliin-nporr
st. 1'rU'O. $ > , r > 0vj ; terms , fl,5K ) cnsh , baliince to
For Sale Fine eor. lot , "H nml Chlcnyo. lrico
{ fl H 0 : ensy loinirt ,
ForSi.li1 A 1'iUI lot nml freed botisp , icnts for
tffijierinonTn.on n , I'.ith ; alon iarllne ; laclnjf
oiiMt ; ut { ii" > ( i ; ei [ j' .erm .
For Sain iA I'll tllul new 7-ioom ( sitlmro ;
lottlltlLf , mid a ! ) conveniences , on Plorcost. ,
ami u" ; ) < l. at4L' ; * RO Crtt-U
I'orSiilo l''JnDnciepuiicrly ' from SlJUIto S400
on pasv terms. ii
For Sii'o Twolxo nutdcnttw and eoltaires In
dill orent parts iiL' tbuelty lium 1,000 to f U.'jin )
For Hentt Two dew eottiiTps nt 613 per month
ono block lrui ( ( Hi | riiuui avenuu.
For Hent-rvronrjmw store rooms In dcwlrublo
location. , i
Money to Ixmii on uppitivcsl Kecmllj at 7J ! per
cent iMjiamnim Ih Minis of $ I. ( > OJ or more.
Call on or address It. C. I'allorson , Killi and
Farnam. * " " 27
T71OK HAJLK Ittit fs and IOIH on monthly \n\y. \
J incnbi. tJ ) . * I.tlIndon , biiiuiilory , hetue
I.akoand Willis lives. CGJu *
FOK SAI'Rr iVeXiMjrt newest , nuatcftt , nlcti *
urro lotHiV'om 'ami fee tliem now. .
1 o , Pnrnanr1. * II'KI-IHI
OXl.Y 5(1 ( loto to trmlo lor Improvcil propeitri
will assume ) innrtru ; < ; cs or pay dllleienco in
ciiMh. PaitlCHilliliij , ' In trmlo boner call at
once. W. II. ( ircon.over 1st Niitlomd llnnk. 171
17OHSAM : Iliusct umj lot undtenlutHiicur
I'aik avenue , cbi 'in , on easy leinm. O.I' .
Stobblns , Itooinl ! ! , AilhiKlon Illock. Vl'iio *
Foil SAI.U Ono of the fluent resilience prop
erties In Onmlm , f l&.iMJ. C. 1. . Muj-ne. 1'ith
nnd I'ariuim. ' , ' " >
FOIt SA M : Tlneo now cottapns. live rooms
ouch. In Walnut Hill ; irood eelliirs , clo-oi.s ,
pantri ( > s , ( Islernxetu ; two lots with each cottii'/it
* lMHJeicb. ! J KM dun n and cwOpcr mouth , C. 10.
Jlayuo , 15th mid Fatnuia. . ' 17:1 :
HOMK snii\ius : : , ATTKNTION i' r run pm-
tleiilurs alioiit fieo and ehenp luniln In
Western Nebriuka aildrc s I'attemui & , White ,
Kenl Foi.ito Afimit-s Nouli I'lntle , Neb. IIW
IJIOII SAM ; lleaiitiful aero pi"l"irty J mil" *
JL i i oin cits , lit Sl-i'i to S.NI ; per iiern ; easy
teims. It. C. IMtlei-aon.corner IJlh an I 1'
1710K SAl.n-iriotnon Oeorwia and Virgin ! i
- > - aves. IHnllulc'a add. JIi. : > J to Jl.'iU eae.i ;
easy tot ms.
CUti ) Now conajrofi rooms , irood burn , corner
Druirl and Tier ntreuts , JJr''iHl , numtlilf paj-
(171) ( ) Ixit faclii ! ? Hiinscom purk onPnrkavo ,
fl.i'iUL1 , CIIHJ tiirias. C. 11. Muynu , l.'ith ' ami Fur-
mini. -7' i
Fni : SAI.r : ( ,1icni. | a tine lot In Hiinsconi
I'luco. AdilmssN. 1' . F. , Itoeollice. 104
FftllHAM : A two Plory , 'l.'Mil > . f'-'ino bull I-
Imrsultnblo fora stoie , .n-ur luth mid Fur-
nnm Sts , Apply at this olllce. ! > U
PDIl SAMJ Aeie lols In Dollveileio. Inst west
of Fi'it Onmlm , fr-UOlo ; kl oai-h TluiMam
leai'tili I lots and mo bound to double In xiiluu
n a shoit time. C. K , Mayue , H W Cor. 13th and
I'ltrnam. iwi-'t ;
; < 0ll BAMI One-half lnterc > st In ii"-tauriint
1 ' tlolntc Imrint biiilnesHot nny pl.ico In town ,
. 'or pm tienlm-H address' ! ' . IT. , lleo Olllce , lit J 2.1 *
Or would trmlo for treed elly or
liii-in pi-opeity , a t'rxtclHxs htnek of lallllnei-v
'i liiiK'v ' " df , in j-oml ' f > ii | ( in a"1 i | Mif
riod In HlnoBS o' . 15. Wuiio l&th irid Furmitn.
t , . .I .
n DHMIV AT IOANi-Heal : Rrttuto Auunlrt. S
if W. eor. 11th and Ilou las , in o now oilerhi'r
er sale business , i rslilence mid suburban prop-
> rtj. troimtof the most iidvanta reoiis bin trains
low In the market tan l.o obtained by callimr on
hem. Improved and unlmprovoil pioperty ,
oilier lots ami desirable slum In t'u ' < hint lo-
iilrd additions cilti bo bud ul louMinable pi Ices ,
mil fasj1 teniih.1
FOIt HAM'I-f ' 1'JH nn aero If sold Immediately
will buy oitolit' the finest iiuurUir scctloiih In
s'uckolls count.six , miles liom the tmmlnn
ailioiul towns ( il'IIiinly and \Vaiwlck , or lll
ixehaiDru for bind licnr Omaha. O. H. Kctos ,
leieo ht. , llraUlooaxvtistoi 22d. 8.6-8S *
rniNU Improved iiniiR.wIll trmlo for impinvttd
I city property.WjH. . cireou , ever Ut Na-
lonnl llmik.
Uwrapli n'nltir ] > ( ) , CHlalii.hd ! ! : li jeur" , dolrjf need
oed buslnehsrevyryiuliiK in eompleiooider. in
L llouilHlilnir'ioxtq , of 7.o < Hi Inhabitants. For
iiirtlciilars uiUlreAl'liotOKiupheisIxick Box 2i > ( tJ
44J-2)lp )
r7OH SAI.IIfOfio liiiMilrod liend tlrst-fhins na
tive thitijjro'r-oldstfers | ' In line condition to
o on feed. Wickc. ; If Uundiill , Columbus , Neb.
r7tonTHAbtiA npun"or borsos uid )
L mllclmw lor u ( rood spun of niiilos. In-
inlro of John Price , 4 mllea west of Oimibn ,
Irooklyn udditlon.
Poll HAI.K III iiBMiull town a inmoral Htoek
of meichundlto. undsUiro tor rent ; uddios *
I. 8. P. euro lleo. oltico.
K HUCKWIIKAT KIXUIl-Car kits orless
I to suit trade. In b irrels or Nicks. Our"No 1
( eudy ItulMxt" buckwbcut tkiur , wurrentcd bent
nnde.UHk xoui grocer for It. Htffhest prlco paid
'or buckwlirut irrultl' W. J.\VcUlmns i. Co. ,
: ity Mllb OinaliH. 147
FOIt MAI.K Kunilturc omplnto of a ton-
ixMiin house , y block from postoltlco.
louse for rent , 45 p r luonth , Apply at U3)
RVIl 8AM5-A No. I clrlvliior or work homo for
L1 muli or on Ituio. W. It. Croft , Itoom i.
VllhniJI Hulkllng. 7U
- \ < : CII > KNTAI. HCrriiL-Funilturo for ale
J und hotel lor ront. Call ut Occidental fur
aforumtlon , corner U und Howard St. lt
FOH RAM-nuoVirbont. brnn , 230
W. \vplsiftn ) A Co. , City Mills.
Foil SAM : Two lot * m Pclhnm 11ie(3. ( ono
bloPk from street ear truck. Inquire2IKS.
llltb streoU Wo
AditnAT PANACIA : Distv > vmtnt-A
cum for till mnnner of lioadacnes In live
minutes. Tills Is no huinhiiff , but n posltlvn
PiUirlllo. Send ono ' . ' -coiit. stump and S o. tor HUM ) .
Iclne and directions. Address Dr. K M. Ttehon ,
UcdOnk , Iowa. 4.M-2I *
Foil RAI.K Or xroiild trndo for ft peed Imrso
nnd liiiKBy , Hi ucres In Oospor countj' . Ait-
ply to 2IS South Utli Mitxst. tV
Foil SAI.U A Kcneisl niprebmidl o buslnoss
In n rapidly Kioivlmr town not far ftom l.ln-
toln. Dc t tnido nnd location In town. A cplon-
did opiKirtunlty for n party xvUhlnir n irood
opentnir. tilid Irnvlnu fiomsevotitotenthousiind
doIlaiB In cash. Will cell tor eaMi onlj.or pint
piLsh. bnluneo real e tate In Omaha. Adilrc ss
florclumt , llee Olllce. 4o7-24
Pint SAI.U ltotnuront doliw a biff business
will bo cold ut n bnntaln for cash or on lime ,
flolntf In other business. Address O. P. , lleo
Oftipo. _ ! J | . |
Foil SAM : To bo disposed of nn esluh
HshtMl llmiklnplluxlness In County Seal'
of ono of the best oiistcrn Counties in Iho
Still o. The bu lne s worth % 12nn pet jenr. This
IsiiKrmnUipportiinlty for pur ties wMilnit this
kind of InvestinenU C. li. iluync , L'lh nml Far-
num. 222.
rpo i\TIIANIK : ( fJIJUlU worlb itiMd stiiplo
Jircneral nioivhnndl e. Will exchantro for
peed Noht-iskii or ICunsas lands. Address llov
Ki , Wynioro , Neb. U5H-S3 *
1rOH SAM : Complete outllt for bnnklni ;
1 house , com-l tliif ) of Inrtro Ilio mid burK'nr '
jiroof mite , Iron rulllntr , cheny rounter , PIP , all
new. Would triiiln lor Onmlm ell v properly or
wild lands. C , I' . Muyne , IMh and I'm mini , Kfl
T7oil s"AM-llctall : stock oC drum and tl\-
I1 lures , all in uood onlor : uo < jil locution and
trmlo. Addie-ssX. V. / . , Clurk Drub' Co. , Omaha ,
Neb. _ _ r'i" >
I poll SAI.K-Flrst-clnsj hotel , irroimils nil
' ImproxeinenlR , IKttlres , bur &c.ln a ( rrow-
Inir c-lty. Prlco $ .23,0(1(1 ( ( ; terms easy. Ailili ess U.
( . . Patterson , l.ltli und Farnam. 430
OOOlt Hlid Iniiuil. f3pnr week ; very bostlu-
.11 cation , lull Davenport 8t. IiHaovlS *
WA XTU -D.iy l boaiders ut 71U Niirt b'lfitTi"
nuiirlluit. lOJuinS"
TJ lKM wltFhoardTi' ' II C-npllol ut o7
LOST Sutunliu p. m. , Ool. 17th. twopinbiiild-
ercd Imndki-ichiefs , between Williams block
und Sn\u s ill in ; stole. Sulta'ilo toward. I.euxe
lit tnU u lice 4pt-2'
1 > iitPONAr. : A jonnjr inurrluil uoupln about
to commence keeping IUIUHI can buv u din
ner anil UNI nH. siiniie | Klmpo.4 , line \Miie ; suita
ble liirsiniil ! lunilly lorST.LG ut Sloodj M china
htoi o 10th nm ] DuVPiipnit. 4II7-22
llU W. ( i Mnt.npr8toItcipnlrOi . Ill South
14th Si. iK-tweon DdilKoiina Doul.u. .
T > iiSON'AIi Fifty cents w ill buy n combined
bracket , blind and .slunil lamp ut MooJy'r.
enlmisloie Cor liitb and Duxenport Another
lot Just leceivod mid are nollliif rapidly ,
PltlVV VAITl.Tfl , sink- , cesspools elennoil :
eiilliely iii.oilo-'s way. l.ulu iV n.-iui" Ad
dress through po tollce. ! 4 > novlS *
T USSOXSIX OKAYON Pupil * taiiKht bow
JJ tomake piuyon portiiuts. A lllesl/.o p r-
tialt lioni nay plioto pupil may desire Kii'on
lien with term of lus oiis. Colwoll , V f'ookc ,
must * , Uoomsti , Ailln ton Illock , west of P.O.
TADIUSIn umit of Kondelrl for punprul hnu o
I workie .e.inlind tliom bj'upplVlnirutOinu-
bn Employment Itureau , lljj Farnum St. ! ' 47
AI.WAYHonlianclut u biirfraln , No. I becond
hand C'lMJixq ' phaetons ami siilo-liivt hu0--
glcs , at A J. Simpson , IIUU and 1411 Dudje St.
_ f 7
LAIHUS in xvnnt of irnod domestlo hnlp enn
bo . uiphed | by calling on ttio Omaha Hm-
J'loyinoiu ' uiu-o ! , 17 X. liita Sc. , iiHlalrs. | . Mis.
. W/MoiTiMin proprietor. 874
TT > HVY vaultj" and cesspools cleaned In un
-L odotlPM Way by F. O. Amd , P. O. llov .ii i.
" \TO oponitioif M useless liu'wa. Dr. M. if.
JJHoote , 24'l Wnhuth nvo , CliliuiRO. Will
Lo at Ciu ens House , Oc tuber -"J , one uay only.
llv ren oii of Its criitifil | uipH | < tn nti < I t'lnno rplatfon lu
nil | u hi' I pil ( IIIIM ! . " - ! nn \Vi-t. at ln < llnl ami I IT.
lillmil pi iri inn.llliif i In : imi'l iiiiHiilnlil | inlit.
roiiilnunt t Hoi. In t iat K * .r ru or Ilininirli ( initMmr.
Intlon i\hl. h lining nml Inilllh I. , nJ\L ! iiml liullln
lii'iiM' u C-IIIHH or llm Al mild- nil I'jirlllr f'niu < lH K
l rNiillu rt > > iln nml l > t iiintu In IUK | fr < in i.olnla
ICi < t N < rlllii < t iill'l ' Sunn rnf. unit rurit | HJllJInif
pal i
The Great Rock Island Route
Jnloli lliiiotN , tui.t . lint nn nit t
tuiiilei.i > f It I'uneu t'r I iinliiiiitnt ,
The Fnmous Albert Lon Route
la tliu illrcrt anil fninrltn line hflxiui ( "lilMKOiuut
MliiiipnpnllMiuirlHr I'liul. ulivit * ooniuotlpn Aitiiimilu
in Iliilnii lic-puHfor nil pulnl , In 11 ii' Tniiliirlri unit
llrllNIi riowliKvi OHM IliU n nlc r'l.H Ptpifx
lialiu tie inn to tliti w-ttrtnt. ? | .li , 4 ynniiiu. ! iu.
i'K , rlct < ir ] ii loiMllili'n mi I linnilnir iiml ll.hlnif
{ iiiilllKnr l'i 'i nml > llmii uln. It I. U\KI \ l\'f \ ' inii > >
I'flrililtr. utf t" nm it. . h wtiiat ikldn uiiil I'a.loul
.III IJ lit Illtittloi lllll.IV
Htlll r lilltl.rr I.IVH. TlnKi'm-ca nnlKin-
kiU , Iii44 Ijiin niHiiM liiiwun i iiiiiiiitiil luilli n *
M.I.IU nn 11ii/i > mi' nml 1'i.niiill Illuir. . Kiin-iii-C'ltr ,
Uiu iiaMill | iii > .IM I'uiil ami HiliTi nlliH. , | KJIII |
tor detJlldl InroliiiHtluii , r HJH | i lul holilrm.
il.t ilnnlili' . n > "til ii > lli'kvt. , nt nil | irnoli.i | > l flflii't
ltl.v < lu Ilia Uiiltini Bt.ilc. unj faiijUj ) 1/1 bj nj.
Irn Injf
n. n. CABLE , e. ar. JOHN ,
I'uVt 4 Giu'l M'c'r , ( I'-n IT'ktil'aw. ig't ,
Chicao Milwautes & SL Paul
rhe Short Line
and Best Route
Prom Omalia to the East.
nncaiHills , Milwaukee ,
it Punl , Cvdur HaplJd , DuveniMirl ,
llnton , Diibiuiue , Hocklonl ,
( oi k Ulutvd , FreciMirt , Junoivlllo ,
: IKIII. Mudfsoti , Lu Crosse ,
loiqlt , Wlnonti ,
Vnd ull other loipoitant points East , Northeast
Ticket onioe ut 1401 1'nrmim strict , ( In Pa i ton
lloteb , nnd ut Union Pucltlc Depot ,
I'lillmitii blofpersmid the Finest DlnliKf Gun
n the World an ) run on tliu main llnus of the
; iiitu oHn.wUKitK&fiT. PAIII. ItAii.xrAYiicuiJ
> v ry uttuntlon IB paid to puiuoiiirere by courui-
ms omplpyos of the company.
It. Munuttur.
J , V. TIICKKII , AsaUtunt GonorrJ HanaKOr ,
A. V , 11. CAitr-VNTKii , Utmurul PussmiKur m4
Picket Auvnt.
OKI ) . l7 ! It tArronn.Abilwnnt General I'iu > a
or and Ticiot Auvub _
lown Settlers I Nonpctl liullnii
'An Atlimtlo ( town ) correspondent ol
llto St , 1/otils ( ilobo-loutocrnt writes
"Tho fiir-fmnotl wiuUir of ' ,57 , which
bears the same volution to the pioneers
of the northwest that thoyenr of M does
to the California argonauts , was one
which I ahull never forget , " said my Indy
informant. "Throe feet of snow fell the
1st tiny of December , lJ."il ( ( , nnd every
minute until the 1st dny of April , 18 : > f ,
three feet of snow covered the ground.
( ) l\ \ , it was n terrible winter. Aotltiii } '
thatlitokod the shelter of n home could
survive. Wlty , otto week in January
the mercury weut down to ! 5il degrees
below 7ero. nml Itstnid there , tbo , n
whole week. Wo were living in the
northwestern part of lown then. The
Indians hud been prowling around n
good deal , and wo were considerably
"As I took u mouthful of toasted chncso
nml washed it down with n brimming
tumblnr of milk , my father laughingly
told me thnt t would most likely have
Mime thillllng adventure , * ( with the In
dians thnt night ( H.s n result , and. mtro
enough Ids predictions came true. I had
Hoju'coly fallen tisleeii when 1 begun
drc.'lmJugut n terriblu rate. , I found
mysqlf alone-oil u vnst.unlimited prnlrio.
Hy the way did you over try to analyze
the darkness which surrounds you iu
.tourdreamy adventures * It is pitchy
dark , nnd yet you can see as plain as
day , it m night , iintl yutno sun , no moon ,
nor stuff * nro shining , U unit never bo
imngiued except iu dreams. J hnveoften :
thought that the llndes iu whiuli old Gre
cians used to stop over when on the road
to n pnradisti , groatlv res ntbling the
quality of light or darkness. I don't
know which to call it , which wo .seo
when dreaming , n dark dreary abode
nnd yet light enough lf > See the kindred
spirius .about , ono ns plainly ns if it were
daytime. And pretty soon I began to
think 1 wns there myself , for vast nnd
hideous forms nppenred from nowhere ,
am1 , fluttering in the nir. eamo
cloMi nbout me. They carried firebrnnds
in tlteir hands , nml ns they vainly en
deavored to strike me w tn them they
leered iu my fane in kind of bullied
triumph. Rallied because they could
not touch me triumph.nt ; as Ih y siw
the terror which evercame me. Sudden
ly they disappeared as mysteriously ns
( 'hey canto , nnd for the HIM time 1 notiuctl
that the groiiujj wjs covered with snow ,
nnd just beloro inn lay n dar.c form. L
sioke , to it , but it did not answer , and
looking more closely , T'saw ' that it was
cold and motionless lu death. Some way
it .seemed to be warning me that the
fotms Which had seemed" terrible to
me were to be guarded against , for they
had been busy thnt. night in their mis
chief. As the pleading face of the dead
boy looked up into mine , I awoke with n
shudder and found that it wns already
month ! : ; . The dioitn iniu'iHHjd | me
inoRl.Btrungeiy , and w.t.iin un hour its
predictions came true.
rin ; DitHAM'.s Fuu'ii.i.MivT. :
"Thnt same vast , i held of snow which
we had neon ovcry morning for twc
months covered the "round. The sun
beams sparkled will ; dazzling brightness
over miles and miles of .silver. Then
wore no houses or fences to obstruct the
vision t hen , while not. a tree dotted tin
level expanse. AH Soon ns my eyes be
eame accustomed to the brightness
looked around , nnd to my astonishment
saw n dnrk form lying partly buried it
the snow , and only n few rods from the
"As.soon ns I hud told tny fnther W (
hurried over the hard erttsl of the MHW
till wo came , to the object which [ hat
noticed , nnd we saw tlmt , it was the form
of n dead boy , and a minute later werec
ognitfed the feature.- n dumb lad .whc
had livL'tl abdttt ten miles' from our home
He lay there cold and motionless , with a
peaceful Miiile < > u his tace , for his la
ilreams jiiust have been much more1
| ) le.i'.sant than mine.Vo wondered inttcl :
why ho had come here until we saw : i
small .sheet , of paper lyingon ( he snow bj
liitn , with the following wtittun on it
'The ' Indians have burned I'ilsbnry's .set-
Llemcnt nml are coming toward you
I'lee fur jour lives. ' The brave boy , hav
ing e-.eaped irom the Indians , had hast-
ned U ) our Jiiimi : to warn us of the dan
ger , but had been overcome with cold nl
: h ( ! very ( Mid of his journey nnd had per-
* hod thete. Thus Wjirnetl we easily
nado our escape with all our goods , the
Inditins coining by a very circuitous
out * ' . Can you wonder that sineu then
ny faith in dreams has boon very
tron < ; ! " '
'J'lic JCjildmiilo of Crime.
Rochester Dinnoer.i't ' : Whence conies
his cphlcmic of .suicides nnd mm tiers ?
. { cue-lit clKuusflions Jinve named several
jatises. ll.iii. C. II. Heuve , of Indiana ,
barges it to inlidel teachings holding
that hoielcrtMii"f | of it future state crip
lies fortittide , lor bearing life's ills , An-
jther declare * .suflV.ring from the uni\cr-
inl busine.sM depression the caiist ; A
bird writer nttnbntes il lo inuroasing
nsanity , a | ili.\-ieinn tlilnUs much of the
ondency if. inherited , while temperance
tdvocnles. lay the rocpoiisib.Uity upon
itrong drink.
Free-thinkers have committed Milqhlo ,
orthodox diurchmon , Kinau-
nil t-o hayi ! -
: ial strail.s have beset many , but the
vealthy Inhon their life
Insanity and di lpation hnve preceded
itiicides and family murdet * .
Ono feature common to every
Uih ( crime chnllenires attention. Well
igh every report of siiieido and family
nnrdor mentions th perpetrator its hav-
ng "for some time been snb.jcct to
mlnncholVheneoeomeslhisy ) All
ocogni/.cd medical authorities tell us
hat the tire which consumes the
train is always kinillijil by derangements
if digestion ; that good digestion is im-
lossiblc without pure blond , and | mro
ilood is never known wbon the liv'erand
jiliie.y * nr out of order. Under Htich
ircunibtances , u | iroventativn should bo
ought , nnd for this Warner's safe euro
s sovereign n fact conceded by the best
tilhorilics in the land , nnd it is espeeial-
V commended by thu celebrated iJr , iio
, ewis.
I'omt ) Afixlrrn Jury Verillotw.
A I'.nnsa.s ' jury g.n o the following ver-
iet in the casuvbere n man died in il
late of intoxication : "Death by hung-
ig around a rum shop. " An Indiana
iiry recently returned a written verdict
f ' " 'Hlodo lo pieces by Hie bllor bustin1. "
.fury , " said a wcstornljndgc , ' you kin go
ul nnd Iiml n verdict. Ifyoncnn't llnd
no of jonrown , get theomithc last jury
sed. " The jurv rcturnrd nith n ver-
ict of " .Suiuidii iu the ninth degreu " A
Jtoilu Jsliind jury were IIvo dnyi debat-
ig on a long CIMI ; involving a hog worth
1 , nnd then came in , found the hog not
ullty , and recommended both plaintiff
nd dnfondnnt to the mercy of the court.
I'okin , 111. coroner's jury rendered n ,
ngtilar verdict , thnt a man whoso body
as found iu the river come lo his drain
v n blow on the head , "which.was given ,
ithur before or after the drowning/ '
HOU.SHKJWEUH that fall to acquaint
lemsuUes with the value of JAM US
yj.K'S I'KAKUNK lu the kitchen ami
mndry deprive themaolvc.s of the most
invenietit und useful nrtiulu of the age.
Ha Hail Grown. '
A fnther was very' mtioli nnnoyod by
10 foolish < iuiHtionn of his little nott.
Johnny , you uro u great squrc.e vl an-
oyuco , to mo. "
' 'Whut'H the matter , put"
"Vou ask no many foolish diie.stlons. I
usn't bljjdoukoy wnou I wo * of your
"No. * , but you'vo crowed n heap
, "
Billiard Tables.
TnininuN8wicK.iiAi.ici-tSorlw iiDKircT
Manufacturers of Billiard & Pool Table ? ,
And Siilooil , Offleonnil HIHI , < r'ltturo * . Mnrkot
nnil Huron Sta , Clil04o , III. Oinauollipo,6)J \ \
B. 10th St.
Book Binding , Etc.
Printers , Book Binders ,
Anil ftlftnk Hook Manufacturers. No * . IM nml
1IM South 14th Street , Otniilm , Nob.
Butter Tubs.
.1. SKYMOUIt ,
Manufacturing of Butter Tubs.
M Ib. .tVj 40 B > , : Wc ; S3 n > , Wo ; ai tt > . ! So ; MO H > flrfc.
Ins , Wo. ISIh nnd Plorro St , Oiniilin , Nob.
Cigars and Tobacco ,
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
Omn nml Animiinltion. IMA to 2 1 South tllh
Htieot , lOUto lltM Kiirniim Struct , Onmlm , Noli.
WKSC & PuiTscmsu.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
Anil Wholtwidn Dealers In Iwif Tohivceoi. No *
IDS nml HUN. 14th Street , Omnlm , Not ) .
Cornices ,
Eagle Cornice Works ,
John TipiMietcr , Proprietor. > luniifiiotitrpr ot Iron und Cornlco. IUI IX > iu-o , ami Ul
nnd lU'i North loth Struct , Omnlm , Nel > .
Manufacturorsof OrnnmcntiU
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Whitlows , rimils Kie..UliS. I2ili Hi Workdono
In uny pint of thocountry.
Western Cornice Works ,
C. fil'tfCHT. 1'roprlotoi- .
Onlnml/od Iron Cotnlwi. Uto. 8m-pht'fll-n-
proved I'ntPiit JlotallloSkjllht. ( ? 60S mid BUS.
l-lli St.Omabii , Null.
Doors , Sash. Etc.
Mnniirncturor mill Unnlorln
Doors Sash Blinds
, , , Mouldings ,
Etc. Btnlr llalls a cpoclnlty Tplpplitnio No. OJ.
inth and Jlaivy St. , Omahii , Ni-t ) .
Electrical Supplies ,
Electrical Supplies ,
I , . W. WOI.1'13 Si CO. . Ulcotrlclnn ,
MnKnnlcKlopId Oinnhii llnrtibir Alarm * . Hold ,
l'n ( Alarms , Illuctrlu M.ittlnf. SmnkliLf Tuboj.
Gold , SlUormidNlckH t'bitinrf , IJio. '
Iron and Nails.
Cat Nails and Spikes , ,
riro Nulls n Specialty. Onmhii , Noli.
Omaha Iron \Yorks \ Company ,
Machinery. Ciistlnirs , Stenm KniTlne * , Itollont ,
Aichilccluial lion Work. Iron llrldLres , Mlnlnir
mid Mill Machinery , Ollleo nml woiksj Union
Piiclllo K. It. 171 li ami IStli Streets.
Foundry Works.
Cor. 14th nml Jack-ton Sts. , prepared to do nil
khi'ls ' or lion nml II PUSH CuRtltifrs ; nlso , O , C.
Diumbtor's Hocking Uruto Iliird uuuiufnuturoJ
Mattresses ,
Mattress '
Company ,
Mnnnfact in bur MuttrcanoH , lluddliiir , Foatlior
I'illouH , Con , Ilia I'M anil l-'Oti UoiiKlas Struct ,
Unilba | , Nob.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans I'mitM , Slilits , Klo. , 1IIU and 1IIH Dougliu
Strool , Omaha , Nob.
Paper Bozes.
J. I * WILKIIi ,
Manufacturer of Paper Boxes ,
100S. Illli St. . Omnlm. Nob. Union ) by mult so
licited mid wlllidixilvo prompt attention.
Omaha Safe Worksj"
Mniinfnrtnroror Kirn nml Ilnrvlnr I'r ,
Vault. Dooif. . .lullVf > rk. 8hntton and XVIro
\\'OI-L. | Cor. 14th and Jackson Sts. , Omnbn , Nob.
Sean ,
Soap Manufacturer ,
onico ami 1'iictorv. near I'omler
Omahii Nob.
Watjons and Carriages.
Manufacturers of Fine Carriages ,
I'll , " Mini 1,117 llainny slit'ot , Onialni , Noli. Solo
. \KoiitilnNuljruaku lor JoiiOfi' CoIubiutedSuUt
shall Sulkier.
Kstublfahed 13.74.
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
HIM and It 11 Dodge Bdeec , Onmlm , Neb.
White Lsid.
Corixxlorti und RilnUeinof
Perfectly Pure White Lead ,
ibn , Neb. 1 ovl ( mlor , PICN. ; C. W. Mead
Vice Pios. ; H. W , YiiUs , b'ca. and Tiouo.
Tha Mlllard ,
t. Hlii'ius , J , I ! , Miukol/rimi. Hwobo , Proprlutora
Ouiuhu , Nobrusku.
Arcade Hotel ,
TninciH CiiBoy , Proprietor.
KM and 1.M7 Doimlas St. , Omnlm , Nob.
lie patronuifo of commercial niun reopen I fully
Holiulleil. Tliiiy will Ilinl tlib the best { J u day
boueto west of Cblwifo.
Tha Cozzens ,
r , Humioy 4 Co. . Proprietors.
tatos Ji'.OO iwr dny , no dark rooiim. Alwi Palona
llolol btt iw Ku , Omatiil , Neb.
CanQeld lloaso ,
> or. Ninth nd Fnrnam Bti . 'Ilio bc t fS pot
ay hotel In Omnlm. Itomodoled , rcliiridilio I ,
ixlocruiml : ono blovk fioin iiniiy lioiuliiurli n :
PlMiiliu Union I'ucltlo liciuliiiiariurw : mrctit cm !
tutu tbo door , ( loorue t unneld & Co . | niiirr- |
ira. . Also Unlou etouk Yurdi Hotel , BoutU
Hotel do Gees ,
P. 0009. Proprlotnr ,
Kuroncnn Plun. The only einilrnur lorotpj yj
duy bousu. Three donrn fnmi IUiyd'4 Opor *
lnut iinil onolulf block from tliu I'utioMvt
nd the Cflurt lluuo. J > W , ) jU , 1JU Furuum
Planters Honse ,
c. R. FKitniH , pnoriiiirrran ,
lintc.f 1X0nor diiy. Strrtt c r * lr .w H.I' .
IIKII , wlllilu ono b'ork ' til huUkO. Cure r
l/m , Neb ,