H FIFTEENTH YEAH. OMAHA , TUESDAY MGHWUNG , OCTOBER 20 , 1885. NUMBER 103. rilYINC THE SOUTHERN IDEA , A. Bungling Demosratlo Doctorin * of tlio Hotunis at Oolumbns. CHANGE IN THE TALLY SHEET. A rrnmltilont Increase of Tlircc Hun- tlrcil Votes Dlseovcisfil Unenrtli- l\\X FYruiiln In Clnclntmtl A Kcnutor at HtnKu. Tito Ohio Klcctlnn. ' Cou'Mnus , Oliln , October 1 ! ' . Tim official count In tills polinty contlntu'd this mninlng. Tlio 'returns fniin iroolnct A , Tlilrlconth \vnrd , we're rrael tlnotii h , thcro bain ? n total vote of "fiO In tlio precinct , Tlie nr I-tlnnl TOU | stood : Itepubllcan , WTi on he.iil of tlitt tloki't , nnil ? M democrats. Three1 hutidivd tallies liul boon mlelul to tin1 full dcniorratlc tlil.i'tilli tin1 exception of Alhcitiiii , fin Hitpicm" .liulire , who li.vd boon given ' 0) ) This made the to tal vote ) a little over ltxn. or Ml mom votes tlimi Uicre mo voteis in thu picclneL Tlie bei.irel dccldi'el to count tlio iiri-cltU't us ic- Uuncil. This \ \ 111 elect nbout nil the ilemo- cruli' rounty ticket , ami Tnjlor i-'publlcan for the legislature bvO voles. Jljcrs anil Yotnit : , eli'mocraticcMmlidato'i for tin1 house of representatives , will he ilefeateil. Tlio linnnl of canvassers ndioinneil to 5 ji. ni. \\liiiitliciertliieale.s\\llllio wlitned. H.-pro- bf'iitatlu'sof both sides have nsUutl peimls/- B'OII lo appeal In'fore thu IKI ml , The st t < ) ticket wiw ie.nl through , niut II wan not elKcovei'd that an iidditliin ot IVW Mites had been ailded to thu Miteol the deni- ocTatie riinllililes until the eonnty ticket was leached. Thondditlnn , howo'.oi , SCCIIH tohavebeen made to the etitiio ticket , eoiinty anil state. ' ) 'ne poll booU-t weio ictuincil. nud are ! ! Ot > namiH shoit. Cluk Joyce , elemo- ci it. \\lio liud charm- tbeictnins since Js.it- tird.i ) evening , R.IVH the Jigine-saio unelnubt- cd.j cha'igOK Hislhcor ) Is that while they won ) I ) iiu hauetcd aionnd In the cloud dining the au'iMiunt lii'foic tin ; ictnin'.iig boaid .saimdav Mimi'ono slipped out \vllhthe tall ) sluot and made the ehangis In the lljjurt'H. 11. . I Os < dng , dt moinitie judge , si > s the ligutcs h.ivo bet n cluinijed "hire thu t uij pluvt lilt their hands. An inspection shows t ! ) eliaine" and additional tallies \\cie made In nillu"cr < liit pen and ink fiom the oilginil. The icpnlillcan \ < ite In the precinct was VU nnil the democratic" Wand u lewotcs. . Thu future VJ beginning the number on 10 fiito the eli'iuoci itlo candidates ha\u been clrrxcd in each instance tea a li-curo n\e. The vvoilc was dune in a \ei\ bundling manner. It the puvlnet Is cemnli'dTa.vlor , le'publlcan nominee lor icp- lesontitevi'ill still have tolly odd nujontv \onng.democrat , making two lepubll- cininemb rs elected and one democrat. If thepxclutf Is thrown out Tayloi will Htill have n plnralitj of 17. In either ease Mont- pomci ) lor prosecutor am ! Cnster fof-benir , di'iuoi ints , will Heche ) ( eitliiiatc" . This is nil on the theory Hint tin1 board will not ic- voiHotho elevlston nlrf.idj made to count tlio pieciuet. In ca-e'lhe ictmiiin ; boaiel si\v tlio coirrct returns on Satutdiy and b.uc Know liil.li1 that the tally she-el h is been tarn pcrrel 1 , . 1th , thej will In- asked to count the voles originall ) ictmnid and betoro the chinseol 'XJiJiii la\oi ot the demountsas imide. When the board resembled at 5 p. in , . tlicivvn" a 1 u f.'c crowd piv-ent , Oleik.lojLC announce d that ihere apneaud on the face of tlio leliiins liuiii puclnct A , Thirteenth vaid , a b ild ti-aud. which had been consitm- inatid slme S.itnrd.u e\cnim ; by .some jier- son , who h ul " "ciind the tally Mieet ami iiiado an addition ot aw Mites to tin ; amoant nl each dcuociatic candidate , lie \\ould neithei t.li'n , the abstract nor issue ceititlcatcs toanj raml ! < hvtcs unless these HOOotcsweie liftt dedii'-ted liom the tola's ' onthedemo- ciiitlc ticket. 3Iilt Maitln , another member oCthe boaid. spoke In u hiinil.u- strain , and 7n ; tlco'l illdde , the thiid menilK'r , t-ald they veic then unanimous on that point. The thiee hundied fraudulent \otes\\hlch liail teen ta'lled ' upere deducted mid the le- turns lead a1 or finally u'tiiuicd. This will pl\eTu\Ioi , icjiiililic.iii , about : ! " > U plurality over Von nf , democrat. Thu otllcial foolln s Jiavo not lni'ii iiKide hut will not vaiy much liom these liKinx's. The leptiblhans will b.ue two of the tliiee mcmlici.s of the li'cisl.ituni from this t mint } . Ckik .lojee olTned ? aw rewaul lor tlieapiivhension ) of thu thief who Mole and alto.it d the tal ! > sheet , and the com- julssloneisveio leijue'-ted by a meetin , ; ot citl/ens who wltiicxsed the count to oiler fcoOO torn similar pinpuM' . ornriM.f 01 .vi iiiui'.v : IN rriri.v.vvii. CI.NCJ.NNAII , Oct. Ill Tito olllel.il count of Notes east in JIamilt n county last Tuesdaj be an to-day. Theieptihllc.in and dcmocratlu c.uididatcsiiieiepieM'iitcd bj counsel. Ite/- tmiiK Irom ( hue jiieciiiets aie ml.stiin , and a mandamus was itiMie < l in each case lor their iiioductlon. It ma > ie < | iilio twooi tlnec < Li > .s to ( diupk'te tlio woik. The count was adjomned at 50 : ? p. m. , nfter four wauls had been can\assed. Dis- ciepineles between the tails she ts and the/ olllcl.il loiint weru ot liltle Importaneu until JIH duct Aot the Fourth waul was leached. Thu total number ot Notc.suniumnud UH east in this pieclnct was IKHI , dhlded as lid- ) : lloadly fr.'O , KoraUer H , jA-omud 2J i\-County : Audltoi t'appeller objected that acciudiiiK to the newsjiapein thc.rueii5 but Kline TOO re lMcicd In ibu pi 'duct , and It thHeie line , mer'-NX ) tinmlulent ballots hud been cast. Countv Cleik Ualton .said tb.it he did nut know whether thu newpapei Malement was niect 01 not. Hn had on y to count the \oto as letuined , and thu count \\aspioceedcdwilh. Anotbei objection was tnaduby acltl/.en thatthe ictniiis ui'io not proper y ceitli.ed to. Mi. Dalton uiKKcd the objectoi to make a memor.induui ot It and take advantage of It it lie comd. \Vblle piccliut 11 , ilmt waul , was liolnn called , Dr. Thompson came InHhC. . Chaile.s Hciriui , both judges ol thu elietion. They ( nought the mlsximr tally sheets \uappcd up In a p.ipei. which thej delheud to ( Joiintv Olctlc Dalton in tint Mi.ipo liihtead of sealed ns thu law nqulies. ] ) r. Tliomi > son , lepubllcan judKC , Mid : "I Yuuittohij ( ball did not blin the u tullj Flieets. I went to supper election ul ht , 10- questing Hie otliei Judiie.s to do no countiiu until 1 1 el m ncd. Iliad eaten nothing all day. int ! ' . 'len ' I came luck 1 could not ( jet in , ho 1 ri'l.di'd toslKii > "Mi.I > : iitoii took thu shcet.s , nttliiib.imc tlmu remaikln they Miould bo pealed ami one s-cnt to thu city clink. The oilnion ] of thueounty Milleitor was ivuuestid In thuiuemlses. Thixiu-eof Col. Hmlsoii , eblef of police , which cli.iiKes him with dcielictloii ot < lnt > , etc. , In nut auestinK a man chained with \liilit'iii : ) ot the nv'lstiy l.\w \ , walontlniivd intiUMomlay. at the iciiuest of thu Mute. Thu disi'h nt tliuothei-s rbaiKCd witb vlnia- tiou ot thu icuihtij liuv wen * ulso lonlinued toi'iinblutheli attoine.xs to ai ao demuiiii- , whkh aie hasul on thu uncoiisiiliition.-llt ) of thu law , tlio point' belli ; ; that it aiplicd | enl > to Cincinnati and Cluu'lanu. mi : msrn : IN I > Arov. . DAVTON , t ) . , Oct. 111. Tlio oillel.il count of Mont omeiy ( utility was nnished iliU mom- liu. lIoadlj'K majoiliy is.Wl. Thu balance ot thu Mate ticket \atics liuiii el bt to ten > oteti. Samuel Kemj , ieptibllcan candidate foi heuntor , has n m ijorlt > or M , Montgom- ei > count ) jjaxo llobeit.son , ileimxr.it , 108 imijoiit ) . I'leblutfaxo Kemp 'J. llio dem- oeiatlu lejiii entathes aiu elected. Ihu county ilctiinciiitlu ticket Is elected. . \Knisiiii : : roit rnni'm , Cixrix.vAH , Oct. IK. .liilliis Dexter , nun of the most active mcmbciv ot tlio cltl/riii' i-omiultleeol ono hundied Jiow en a.'ed in liuestlgatln the alleged election inuuls nt the leienl election In this county , was ni- le.slcd to davclialt'cd with peijtiii. 'Ihu trial \\ashetfor\Vedneitl.i ) itiid Dexter ivleaseil ( in M.lHXJhmidrt. The w.uninton which Iho auestwaHiimdu \\ai HWoinoutbv .lolin liitorand 1'atiick Kel- h , Jmltiesof elei tlmi In pieclnct F.w.ud Nine * teen. It i barges Dextct made oath ton com plaint betoiu Sipdm Uinmln that tbe\ , inter ciiiiiithi had been commenced in theli jiii'cinrt , postiioned it and then iemo\ed thu lullot hoThe \ claim Du\ter committid lu'iluiA In NWi-aifni ; to this. Dexter has nub- bcrflxd.-.VO In llieeommlttcc fund foi luj ; on Appointed Yostenlny. IS , Oct. III.- The pie ldent to- tla > iippulntcd llmtollowliDfiiauud piesUUn- UiilHiMiii.i'U'i | > : Albeit WHtkliw , Lincoln , hi'Ulc J , 0 , 4McJude ) , ciuumlst-iuu ex pltvil ; P. IX Mlnnlc-k , Vllll ca , Iowa , vlco.l. M. Natlinu. commission expiieel1.1. A. Pravv- luy. btniinsbtirir , iNett. , olllce became presiden tial ; Abraham Hose. Vlntoil. Iowa , vice1 J. F. Pvne. ri'slinieil ; Parley Shohloiv * mes , Iowa , vine John Watts rcsigne I. In HIP ranc eif the postoHlcc at Vlnton. lovva , 1)lies , whoH ) nrdgnatiou is noted , was ap pointed to the nllii.'c only a slient time ago upon petitions that apM'are ] > dery coin'Iusivo m to Ids good chai-acti i. Sliieo Ids appolnc- itienU liowevcr , It has come to the knowledge of the iiintmiister-ioneral that Pyue has been nullti oflo atiotis ot tliu pension lawn , and toeluj Abrah.iin Hose , an olel solejlcr anel pen- slemei , wasapiolntei | | to the olllce. I bo po-ttmasler gen nl todiy appointed Hie following fonrlh-e-lnss piHtmaiters : Iowa Uliroid. C. T. C.Hfeirel : Wunbjck , ( Jeorgo .1 , Wik'ld ; Tabor. S. P. McCormlck ; VleHa. ii. Shankdn : Hulfalo , Mlss Mary Dod0'u. A STO11V Ol-1 TlltJ SKA. Kii's nxpinttnvrr. wint ASSAH- O.V 1IOAUII A STHAMSIIIP. N'inv Yoittf , Oct. 19. The Woilil sajs : "Thesnpeiloreouit of this city will soon bo called upon to listen to n story of thu most pionotinced. lutes Veruoonlcr , ami when thu RIM * of William Doherty against t'io ' Pacific Mill Stc.vinlilp company Is ealieil the plain- till'n III astonish llio court by a womli'ifnl tale of halrbreiulth escape and nanowlctoiy with lite after .seveial close cliancej with diiath. The .story as told by Doheity In the nflldwlts alieady put on lito Is tli.it on Miy nth , last jiur , ( lie plalntill , who was In I'aii.uu i , asku.l for anil was appointed to the position of nsalstaitt en liK'fr on tlio Paeliic Mail Slcaiiislilpc < jiiiiui | > ' .ssteuiiei : Honduras , bound fio.n that point for \arious Htojiping places down tlio w.'stein South Ameiieati coast. The clew was a mixed ono Spin- Iiuds , Mexicans and such. Amen tlio com pany w.is n Portuguese known as Itiiiion , who , as ollei , H' anled himself as heir to the position taken by Doheity and baled now eomeis and int ilopei-s. Tlio stc.uni'r bad only been live dajn Item poit when Doheity sajs ho overheard a eoiueisntion between Ittmon and n .Sii.in sh pissen er In which it was dctci mined that t.iu nortlieiner should b * dirl.cd and thrown oxeibiaid. Prom that tune Dohcrl ) d lied not sleep In Ills beithat ulKht lest the tr. noiicioits I'ortugtichii hhould run a da 'er into bis Iieait. lie cau lit bleep as lie loud , Mandinj ; at his post ami scuial times no thought lie dcti'cted his lee ciawhntf ujion him in tlio d iil.ness. He sajs ho was compelled to litei- allj ( hhkrefoi Ids Hie eveiv time Ids euem > 01 enendei C.UUO near , foi both Kamon and thebpanish pivoner wcte watchin' him , and when ho could enduio it no longer Doheit ; applied to Alficd Paidee , ohlet eii- L'lueeiund was gieeted with a niiiiid of laughter , ami was advised to jumn into tlio watei it iKMttlnto.ue to lemain aboiul the ship. Hem idesuch piovisionsa-ihecould to die dnhtiiu , and wioio suvei-al Icttentoliis wile and mends , which hudiiectedandlett aboud the tOi.p , only to leain .subsciuentl | > ( bc\ hail been thiown o\crboud and then waited with icli loititude as ho could summon toi the attack of the assassins. H came on tlio ni 'ht of Jl iyJl , when the ship lay ei 'lit miles elf the put. orS.mJo e do Citatamata and JJulicitj was on the deck watch. The ni lit was densely b'aek ' and the engineer telt that the occasion w.us utted tor thu bloody woilc bis l < > > > 3 bad ib'termincd upon. Ho says hu lieaid a li 'lit tieadne.u him as lie htood waU-ldn. ; , tollowcd by n lush ot tlu two nimdeicrs. Dolieity diovv ids own kniiu and lou lit wltli desp riliou lor lite , but the odds were against , him , and when ho was fojced to the vessel's side ho suddenly turned and plunged overboard , to bike the faint tliukei ot chance bi swimming to slime. The vv.uoi theio was ciowdul with shaikn and the laint engineer was in no condition lor such a loii swim. What ( 'avo him lurv'o or vUor was tim tlion < 'itot witcanilbibiiavvav oil' InN-vv York , waiting und praying lor Ids letuin. HeHlippcd out ot much of his clothes as he diilted by tlio vessel's bide , then st.il ted h-hoicw.inls. All uiulit loiiho altemaUily li\.i.stcd ) lonjrhW ells and floated ics-tin : ; and panting on his bauk. Day li lit came and ho newasstl.lin the water , but the shore , a little over a mile away , wave him encourage ment and soon was able to hta-wr half uiK'imsrions tip the sandy h"ach , onlj to drop in a faint ubov i ) hi li warm mariv. It wu > not until noon thai he awolco ami looked tor aid. He took employment with a laimci , and when in ime.vstiie Ins sticn ih h.ul ru- tinned , struck out lor tv lorn ? tiamp , ne.uly two bundled miles across the lepublic , to a hiuall M'.inoit named' Livingstone , vvlicio ho woikedlnmselt homewaul. When in Man.li last he leached New i'oiK he lounil his wile. iclv mention the lepmts that he had jumped ovciboaiil. had mauled again. HeasUcdior home suri. ut le ompunso liom the Paciiu Mail > } | ( ! timship Co. , but was eonl muted with bis owneeithicatoas pioot thatheliad no claim , und then , bioken down in lieatth , he. by his hUfiViini : , listened to advlco of n lends , and instituted suit toi S0UJO : ! , cialmiiiK th.it when lieenteiid thescivicoof the eo.it. tiny ho was eutit ed to pioiection , which , when he.i | > - licd to thu chief engineui , was not given him. Tlie Chitii li > x Halkiin Trouble. ViKXVA , Oct. 19 , Thesitnition in the east has again aasiim 'd a s.'iious aspect , owing to the bellicose iittitmlu of Seivla. Prince Alexander , after endeavoring to patch up an agreement with King . ' Milan , telegiaphed tlio laitet that he intended sc'iiding Minister < ! ie- koif to the bet vlan couit on iihuecial mission. King. Milan declined , however , toieceive tlio mission. It is ovidenl lioai King Milan's aiiswvi that Si'ivia is deti'rmincd to lignt tor ter itorlal awiaiidl/ement. NIS < A , Oi" . It ) . Ti.o Sinvlnn Koveinmont has expelled oveiy journalist tiiim this city. A Train " \Vi-cuUor Cuptureil. Coi.UMiit'H , O. , Oct. IS. [ Chicago Tilbiino SiH'ciai.J Cl.uk M. Seeds , a joitng man about lil years of a'e\\ho lesides Just beyond theeilj limit. ; , was bionght heio today by John T. North and lodged in jail on the eluugoof iittainptinz to wieek atiain on the Midland lo.ul Satuiday night , Last August sovcial attempt ! ) weio mailotodlleli thotiaiii , and Sccdh was siiKpietcd ol being the nuilty jiaity. Xoiils vvas employed to vvoiktiptho CULSO by Piesident Peabiidy , und In thogulho ot an escaped eonv let m ringed with S < cds to vvieck thu train golni ; west at : I:17 : Sunday UHiiniiu' . Detectives weie stationed on the truck near thu scene , and utter oinliuetlons in thu .shape of ! urs , iictoxs tlfi tingle h id been placed in position by N'onls and heeds , und just , liufoio the train was d it ; , ta % y vvvio both aiiested. Seeds then , tor tlio Hist tlm ' , ills- eov erod that bis nl.o ed contecL'i.ito was tin olllcer , Itlovvn Up l y LiAA'iNWoiTii : ! , ICan , , O t. is. Times Special. ] At O-awkIeKan. , n teiilblo powder explosion occuiK'd last night. Mr. Landei. n fanner , aecompinied by bis wife , twneuildicn. and Mrs. Ste k , Mailed home , anil uimiiiJT tlio jmichases was ten pounds ot powdei. Mrs. Laudei in lighting bci | iip > , dioppeda spuk of nroon the piwilei , whleli { 'lilted , tluovvlngtneo ono out of lint wiu'im , killing Mis. Linder liiatantl ) . The loin othcib cannot live. * I-invnreil llio lloooril , SiMiiNOi'iKl.i ) , Mass.Oet. Id. W. A. Howe , of Lynn , loweied the world's twenty-mile blejelo n'cuul at Hampden pule this aftei- iioon. His tlmu was (8 minutes , ' . ' ( i seconds. The tK'st lucviouH lime wis ( > < minutes , fill , riS-liK ) MM'omK made b ) M. J. .M. Wc-bbei lieio last bejilember. n Poi-sonal WASIIIXOKIN , Oct. in. .lames Uionley was ttnla ) made appointment cleik of thu iiostotllco ilc'imtmont , vlco James A. Vose , of Maine , tmnsfeiml to tlio recoid division of the iMistmnsU1 ! Kenemrri otlleo. Uionley has been attaclu'il to thurditotl.it stall'ot the the Dutfalo News manveais und Is Nild to bo peiwmal fiiendof Picbideiit CUnclaml. Tlio Fronuli l loctlons. PAISIB , Oct. I' ) . The elections passed off quietly. Minis. ( iilet.Bmlnlstcr of publld In stiuctlon , has iH'euietni ned by a laivfvi mi Hlsli 'leve.l ' tlio conservatives vveto THE JERSEY RAILROAD JAM , Additional Particulars of the Wreck in Hack- cmack Moadowj. OPERATOR PRATT'S BAD ERROR. Tlio Actual Numberof Killed nil el AVoiinilcit N'ninoi ol' the Unfor tunates The AlTuIr C.ut Orcnt Kxvltctnout. Tlio I'onnsjlvnnla KnilroncI AVrecTc. Jr.itflitv CITY , Oct. 10. Tuo boellcs of two bosanel a vvoinnn vvoro tunnel this mm nlng under the Lehlgh Valley eneino. The bodies will be brought to this city but have not been Identl.ied. Tnmu is P. Pi-alt. tole'rip i opjr nlor , hits been anestod. Pratt , who Is ttfl \eais oil , Is an exjierle'iice'd opeiator. llo admits Hut ho did not glvo the light sig nals , nml sajs ho was udvUcel by fiiemls to deseit , but letiiseel to do so. Ho is hold to await the aetlon ol the coronet's jmy. lie icsieles In this city with a wife und three chil dren. Of the tin oo bodlCH dtscovcie'd this morning bin led in tiontof the Lehlgh Valluv engine1 , ono Is that of a woman unknown and uureeojtnl/.able. Tue others me thu Indies ol two bos , apparently about 10 ) ears eif a e. Thotin-ks have ben cluucel and trilnstuu running on scheelnle.Ml that remains ot thevvieok is Hie Lehlgh Nalh'y engine , ami that is n total vvieck. It will hoeing out some time toelav , when It m themght thai moro beulicn will bo lound. Them have been eight deaths in till , and it Is thought tint most ot the wounded will die. The depot Is sui- iiitinded by ctowds nvvaltin f uuvvs. Ciieat ox- eltement pi ev ails. Tlio bo lies at the moigiu1 have not vet been Iilentiiii'el. The folleiwiug is a lull list of the dead and wounded us tnras known , tut : Mi.t.r.n. Karl Honrj Ciiemimci.age'el SO jears , Nor wegian , heail taken elf , bael Hnee tickets Horn New Yeuk to Hittlo Cieek , Mich. , and papers showing that lie aitivcd by the steam ship KIlK ! . An unknown beiy , aged 8 jeais , honlbly crushed. An unknown woman , bend olT. 11Una A UK ai us , aged SSI , who vvas on hoi vv u ) to Madison , wheio her lallier resides. Died at St. Kianeis liospital. Pom menu bodies were' lontitl this muining under the' vvieck of the Lehlgh Valley loco motive. They have not be'cn Idontiueel. Two unknown ho's vvcie louiid iindei the pilot ot the engine1 , erne aged s jeais , tlie e > thcr I a. Unknown woman , head anil aims gone , re mains badly scotched. Unkniiwn man , tiunk burned toaciisp , lounelnve teethe ow the sin face ot the wreck. Tlio bo.hes wic sjtit t > S'leji ' s nur uo. i in : woiiMir.K brought to .Tersev City were sent to St. rrau- i"s' hospK.il. The > ) aio Mimico KliiU'cr , Nuiwivhin , 18jiMr old. rcjiotted dcael but still living. Ho b id both lcD's ami skull true- tilled. He will die. Ovvon Hull , engineer L 'high Valley train , seOK ; contusions about thu head and neck but still alive. Stewart A. Bowers lircmin of the Loliluh Valley train , a cdU , skull trautinu 1 ami In- toinal injinies. It is bulioved he cannot live. Ililpb Curiv , Knu'lisliman , uged"J , InjiiKd about the necK. not d ingenmsly. Cliiistlue Holsta , Noiwe'ian.aeil : ; ) iars , lef broken and injuted intetnally. Hei con dition is consideie-el critlcxl. She was on her way toMInncipolis , Minn. Lama Itedosen Melanarud. NorwTglan , n'vcel : u yeais , seiiously injuiel about the bead. TIIK oi'r.iiATou's .srAiiMn > JT. ThomisP. Pratt , the telegtaph ojierator , was airaigne'd to-elav on a chaigo ol man- slaughter. He waived examination and vvas held to await Hie action ot the eoremer'H jmy. Neuman L. Howe , counsel for Piatt , makes the lollovving statement : "Pratt vvas sta tioned in Hie Marion signal tower near the- statlem of that name' . Ho e-oiitiollcd tlio easl enel ol a section ot theroael known as a block extending fiom Mil Ion to the lish house on Ilackens.iek meaelovvs , about thieo miles dis tant. It vvas his duty toieeord tlio passage ot tia'nsand then passing iislihousu ) upon the tally sheet which lay betoro him. Tlio emigrant train hiel pissed his station thirteen mlnuti's betoro thevvestoin express appro ich 'el. P. itt glance I at his sheet , and mistook anothei entiy toi the iccoiel ol thu emigrant train hiving passed the ash house' . Thoemlgranlttaln had not left the block , however , hiving bicked eteivvn to pick up twoeius which h.ul bioken loose liom the train. " In bis statement to Chief of Police Murpliv Pratt aelmittod ho bail not reieiveel a signal tiom the lish house1 , but look it. lor granted the block vvas cle'.n. because of Hie thirteen minute's which hail elapseel. Snpeiintcndcnt Ciavvloiel states thai the investigation shows that 1'ratt alone Is i csponsililc. A vv Idle sig nal elenotingeleai track vvas shown and jus- tilled tlio engineer ol the oxpiess in rimnin upon the block. The unlnjmed emigrants have been foi- waieh'd to their destination. County Pli - siclan Converse Is satlsiieel th it theio are but seven bodies at the moiguo. The supposition thai tbeie were eight vvas caused bv the mix- ingot theelismembcred limbs of the woman tounel lids nun nlng. AMI i unit HOMY vm'VP. Several r.ilhoid emplo.ves aiu icported slightlv hint , ami II Is said were taken te > Ne-waik. Hcpoits concerning Hie luluiies ol i.dlioael men cannot now be veiliieel. Coie > - uer Hughe's has been oiel"ie > el to lieild an In- ejneit , wbicli will begin Thuisdav ovi'tiing. The jinv have been empanelled. They viewed tin1 bewlfi's to-elay. Thu wre'ckeel Lehlgh valley engine vvas raised this evening In fie mud beneath was found the body of a buy 10 ye'.irs eil ago , had light hail. Until logs we're ) hotb oil heleivv the loiee'S , liglit side ot face c'liisheil ami hanils se-oichcel. He'sldu the body was louiid the right leg of n bov who vvas pie'- Mimabl ) 1'Jjp.usof age. The menibei docs noteoiiospoud with thu remaining poition ol any bodies in the imirgnc. It IK thought that another Ilfohasbtcn lost. This makes a to tal of nlnu ileitha. The debils Is bcinc eaiu- lully seaicheel. Tn'UHiirer iloi-iIiin'H Roport. WvMiivrnov , O-t. H. fChicago Times Special. ] Ticasnrci Jorelan still sleeps in his olllce. Ho Is al work on his annul ! report , ami fiom the amount of lab > r ho is spending upon It the do.mim.'iil will bj veiy co.nuv- ; henslvo and valuable. It Is said tint ho his given tour 01 live ) liouis a el ijto it lorsuv T.U weeks , and hasn't ) et llnlshi'el the discussion of the silver rp.Ustiein. The understanding is IhalMr. Jonlan will wiltu Iho entlio slhc > r etiestion ) luiitlon of Secretary Manning's lepoit , and that II will ho Mihmlllcd to the ) piosldcnt helene Hit ) kittei prcpaie's Ids mi'.s- sige * . This will lu the ) liisl nistaueo ot the kind , as toimer piesldcnts liuv. ) not consld- eii'd tlio opinion ol the tieasiiier as of much Value. Tlm last troisuiti who nuclei look to m , ike reeoiiimemlatlonH to I'emgiess em the linauclal conelltleiiis ot thu horn was ( ieneial bpinnei , and he was sat upon with such loiee bv bi'cii't.uv Hii-tow that It almost bioki' hlsheait. Nothing was known about it ut the time. II vvas In l rn , dm lug the inllatlon crn/.e , and ( ien. Spiniu'i hail some veiv nllel vhnvnoii the gicenbick ipiestion. In hisiepoit lot Ibal Je'ir he ih'V nted n gie.it I deal ot space to ailvor.iliii.r an inlhition eil thu ' ' and the ot iiiiie'iH'j peistponemenl 10- sumiitlnn dnv. Win n the eloe ument went up to Itilslnw , the iatlei iheiiipeel out seveial juuls of matiusciipt nml tlnow It into tlio \vaxtu lusht'l. ( ! en. Siilnner vvas veiy inelii- nuiil. paitleulaily nt Hit disposition ol tlio sin pins , nml M-aicel ) spoke to Hiihtovv tiom Hint time until ho resigned soon atteiwatd. Tlio 1'rlHon Hofotinci-s. DKIIIOIT , Oct. 10. Tlm Hist hubincss ses- filon of the font Ih national piison con 'rens bu nn hem tiHla ) . Thu mornln , ' was eiccu- pli'd In thu discii'isloii of "Pioiluctlvo L.ibor In Ptisons. " ( icn. Hiinkeihollof OhioIt , llmckway , of Klintra , N. V. , anil Superln- ti'tident M.wsoy , of Toronto , favored the "pli'iu piiw plan. " Iliotlu'is Anthony ami .Stcphenuf the Clnlstlaii biotheis1 pioti'ctoi ) , New Voik , denounced cimtiuct labor , ami \\piotolliiwfdby Prof.Va.vlaiul , of Vale , who defended tint s ) stem. In th altoriioon ab anlc foi in feir the * niilfonn collection of Atatlstifi was adopted. Ti'ie follow ing committee vvas eh'li'gntcd to sivnro from con- jrrcss measured for sejctirlng atatlstlea of the United Stales anil stnto prisons : Hov. J. H. Wines , of Illinois ; yen. HrlnkcrholT , of Ohio ; Chirltou T. I.CWW , of New Yeirk. 'Woman Prlsoni" vvas the Hiibjeutofii Ion ' anel Inlcitistliu inpiM' by MH. U. S. CoHln of ( liicago. At the e'vunliu sequin pip'rs w ere read b ) Pint Wayland on "Ancmialles In Criminal .luiisprueb'iic * ! 1'tutMio Smith , ul Now Voik , "County .lills ; " K\-Sematji llecve , of Indiana. "L'ho True Tiiuoiy of lleform with Lilnr as a Factor : " and Clmili's Dudh'y Warner. "Kelmiatlon as a Factor in Prison Iteform. " Mi. Wurner nnliiUlned that our m idurn state prisons arc not worth the cost. Tlio prisoners sonlence. ho salel , s'limld bo liuleicnii'ii ' ite , for no lived perloil bit on 'lit. to contin 10 in lo.lnitely until the m ui w.u lit t < > go b ic c to society. The Marine Hank Kruncls. Nt\v : \ YOIIK , ( ) „ ' ! , ! ! > . ( Sp.viat lo the Uni : . ] TiieSun ays : Umifhja co.nfort te ) W. S. Wnner to kumv ii J.irroitls mtel n tei ilholnsnresnuloby any ona connectjil with the Marine binU , as U sluw'ii In tin Inter view with Unit1 ! 1 StitJi 1) strict Altnii'y Dorshelmcr. Waen mkol If he lit I any ob jection to statu vv i it lo I ta Mr. Warn T s ar rest , Dirshuim r silil : "Xi ; In a I litlon to what h.w bHiti ellsulo's.l in varioas wivs known to the public1 , Wat HIT s atiest H lmvl npiin certain ilNiilouiiiH vvhtci In ) bu.Mi nnelo throiu'h a earcrul anil ) sis of tlu ae- couut of ( iiaiit & Waul with the Mirinc bank and of Waiel's pcisonal tu'coiinl with tlto SI.i- ilnei batik. " "DlelJoliiiston furnish yo'i with Infoiuu- tlon upon which jou liavo-ac-to'lV' DeiHhiuu'i replieel : "It was nit Mr. John ston anel I never had any communication with him on tlie subject. " "Do j on intend to makoany other aucbls ? " w.isaskiel. " 1 esmneil .av. The fe'deral courts have no jurisdiction over any of Hi. ) tiansictions ot ( iianl A , Watel , exii'iit those ot tlio Maiino bank , vvliich was a national bank. All other tiansactions of tlm ! lirm of a eiimlnal chai- acternnt.t bo de-alt w lib b ) the couit.seil the state. All lean si ) Is that ancllml will bo m.ielo to tttiiig to trial all poisons lestionsdilo feu the liansactions which biouitht about the ndn of the Marine bank. 1 do not think it pieipi'i to say any mote. Of eonrso , thear- icstol Waiiiei can Imvunei elTe'it upon his cemipotencv as a witness In an ) pieKccdings now pomHm : in the1 slate1 emits. " Nivv YOIIK , Oct. I'Ficd ' Ward was bromrht into ehucouitof o > er and termlner tor trial this nmrninir. He * vv is ae-companh d by his atloino.vs , ( icnural T icy anil W. Houike Coclnan. Atter some discussion in rival. I to tlio substitution ol the new indict ments which cover thu gionnel ol all the otheis , the c'isi1 was cominucei uulil next Tbuisdas. The pi < sicutlni ; attoinc ) ele- clined lo go feirwaiel with die dial em the eniginal indictment on the giouiiel th.it I'te ' aiiusiot W.uner , the vvitniisschiellv telie-d on lo pie ve tlu-c.ise , might Ix1 legally Inei picitiieel tiemi giving tL'stimony , nnd thus llio c.iso would practically go bj delanlt. IIH A llA v , N. Y. , Oql. ! , [ Chie-ago Tiib- uno Sie ] < Iil. ] The lepubllcans enter upon the lasl lwe > weeks of the campaign in New York slate lull of conmletice. in a ulctoiy In November. Agents of the Ktato committee who have been making a tour of investiga tion through the state tcpoit that the republi cans aio oveiywheie uiiilejd anel enthusiastic over tlieir ticket. On the other hand , the democrats aio lukewarm , anel in many places open distinction exists. The fact i nut disguised , howovtirrtfint wlillo the rank and hlo of that paity haVc , no sangulno ct- peetat'onsof ' electingMr. . Jlill. the profen- siemal polHIci.His , who aiu dclightcel with the nominaiion of a man ot thu ggovci- noi .s stamp. aio doing a laige amount ot quiet npd elfectivo cam paign woik. In Iho way of oigatii/lng iie'riias ] they are doing itioio than tbo repub licans. Thuu is ccitalnly need ot it. for it will behardoi to hi ing dcmociatsot the better class to tlie polls than ii'publlcanx. Still it should not ho Inlcueel that the republie-ans aio not active. The state1 committee Is wrj eneigetie1 , anel the leical organl/.ttlons aie ac complishing moro than isusual in ) cars when a piusfilont is not elected. Thus tar only a tow mass me clings haw been hole ! . Theelem- ocrat.s have mil m inyanuimucJil , but tbo re publicans will semi out a Htiong fore'o of spoakeis ( Ids week , including ( .ien. Leigan , Scnaten Sheiman , Scnalot Kv.nt.s , Senator I'dinunels , .Imlgu Korikei , Senator Mainci , Mill i , .Sheiman S. I { gers , ( ; eorge AVilliam Cuitis , Theodore Konsovult , Call Si Innami piobably all theeaneliehitOson thestatoticket. - o Re Vinccut'H Case. SANTA Ft : , N. M. , Oct. I'J.-Chief .Justice Vincent last night sent a telegram to Attor- nej-eneral ! ( iailand , saing he infencel from nuwsi.iiei ] | dispatches his suspension vvascausi'd bj the appointment of Stephen W. Dotsi'y asouoot thijjuiy e'ommlssionerrt In Coltax county point , a limit having no jurisdiction ov ci United States land m ittei s or business. Vincent proeeeeled tit sav a bid statoot nfTaiis e\istc-d In that county. The people weie1 divided Into t.ieiiems and a numbei of lives have been hist. It wMsliccait-i * Doisoy was neit ideiltiaed with I'ilher tactiein thai ho had been sulectcel. Tills elisjute.li was e'liiloi'sed by tlio governor , delegate' to cougiess , eli , linn in of the ( enitorial elcmo- iTiitie i oaimlltrc. survevorgi neral and seeic1- taiy ol the teintory. Kvct ) mi'iubei of HID bu In.lueige Vim-e'tit's elisiilet has sent ellv palcliet > to the ) piesldent and alien ncy geneial iLsklngbebeaecoiiled a fall heai.m . ; . WArtiiix'inov , Oct. IH AtteHiic ) fieneral Ciailanel sale' ' tea Post lepoiicr to night In 10 gaiel to the ii-ipiestof Cluet .Iiisthe Vincent , ot Ne'vv Mexie-o , that habo allowed lo come lo Washington lo vludlcMto hlmseli , tlu'io bad been noii'pl ) made to Vlni'i'iiPNii'ijiii'storlu the dispatches tiom othci paitles leijne.st- Ing un Investigation , ( ianaml said he would not consider the1 IMM ; until all that can beaid nbout the mallei Isbt'loro him. The appointment ol Dm. soy asajury 10 mlsslemer , ( jailand i-tated , Is only DUO of th" m ny ludhutiuiis that have I eil him to bellovo Vincei.t vvas not lu a piopei atmosphc'io lo oseiciso his tiini : mns witli entlie impailialit ) , Ceilaiul aekled Vitii'i'iilH pieviousi nssoe atfon was prejudicial to him and that this t.i'i in these c.wes has made It Impiaetlcablo tor the allmlnlstiatlon let fol low absolutely that plank In the ilenme'iatlc iilalloim which siys teti..orlal eillkcH sh.ill bj il'h'el ' tiy icsldeiltH ef teiiilollo-i. He satel the aelmlnlstiatlon knew Vincent had been engaged In land litigation and hud been 1m- pilsemcd by a leu HILT chief Jusllee of the tei- iltcny , but matters had been explained satls- lacloill ) buioio the1 appoiunneiil was imiile. - Tin ; experiment ft Hiie'e'i'ss. W \siiiMi rev , Oct. I'.i. Kxp.Mlmenl.sniaele by the eommlssionurof if ilcn'tuiu In Ihu np- plliatlem ol eliiliislon nml raihonllatlciii to Miighum cane at Ottawa , Kan. , have been concluded , Piot. Wllvj , who had ch.ugu eif tin se'cxpci nucule , has nmdu his pie-liiiiiuii\ icpoit tei tlii'iommisspner ( , liom which the tollewlng fads nio iikeji : "Tho jlcil of sugat fiom thoeano vvan more than 10 pel cent , onlv l'Mri of liH'r | | | cent being let ! In waste matltiri am ) Jxbaiisli'd ihipTito ) ielel ot I'lude sugar ( that \ ' < as it comes fium Iho vacuum paiu wenuas high us - o pounds per ton , ot at VJ pounds rn'i gallon , vH { 'allems pi'i ton , This Is lull dimliie th.u ot the oiellnai ) metu.l. | The PIOICSH of l th.tt Is , adding a lai e oxc-si ol lime to the ) juice anel theli pievlpltulliu It with caibonlu ae'lel was uiiuplcti1 ! ) Miu-ess- lid. The proeliii't obtaliie'el vvas lighter in ieior ! and moro palatahh ) than the usual method of elc'fec-at ion mill the sav Ing in scums by this method Is e stliuateil to bo al le'.isl ID ) K-i lent. The ( Ililiciilllej i nronntered vvi'io I'Htiielv of a iiiichanlc.il iiiituiu and eat.ll . > ' ovc'tooine. In China. Sil VNI.IIAI , Octulwr ID , T.m Chlitpsu geiv- ' nib. uiunlmoist-iloclele > el to e'liim is | ) puirivd- sineelllv with thu woik ofuulldln0' nulwii\n tliiotifc'himt tliecmplie. Tlie ? I'lri ; ltii > oiel. hiiAKui'KU Minn. , Oct. ll > . - Slmit's Hour- IIIL- mill bullied to diy , L'J-a gV/.OJJ , Insur- aneo NEWS FROM OUR NEIGHBORS , Death at Dos Moincs of n Distiuguishcd QonnaiiAmcricam A VERY BUSY NEBRASKA VILLAGE. From Crelsntou'a lilvcly Town A llHHliiesfl l nlluro nt lUvci'ton Other loua Nebraska News. Donth of n Ijcadln Ocr-ninti. Dis : .Moi.xes , Iowa , Oct. 1 ! ' . ( tipecial lo llio Hii.l : : Mr. C.isper Hul ? , one of the be.st kMiuvvn ( tinman pouts , join nallsts unit publlu men n this county , died in tills ill ) to-day ut blood poisoning , and the news of his death wlllbj lead with deep sonovv b > ( iciiimii- Americans eveijwlieie. Hewa-samitHo of Hiuen , We.stphalli.i , where hovva.s born October - ber U.1 , isi'i. Ho was educated in ( Jeimaiiy ami bccamoan exile fiom ids native land In IMDon account of bis part In the evolution ary movements of that exciting pfiiod. Ho came to Ameilea about thu xaiue time as C.ul hc'hnnr , 01 whom ho was an esteemed trieinl and ndmtrcr. Ho nrst cam to lloston , wheio he icsldcd lor u Inlet' pt'iiod , lemovlug thence to Detiolt. At the latter place ho editid a ( ictman newspaper , und a so u m.tmi-'liie knovvii as the Ilut7lon Monatsheit. IMOIII liV ) to IssO he HUH a clti- /en ot Chliago , ho diiignn envlanle position among the ( ieimansot the eltv , and enjoying the esteem ot the public gcnciaiiv. lie tor several jeais edlled the Illinois blaats Xeltnng , und also u Sund.iy papei called D.'i Westen. lit1 watt a member ol the Illinois li'glslaimo in the jearot the icIebiaUul Lin- coin-Douglas senatoiiat I'onte.st , and voied lur Lincoln. Atthcouthicak ot the war be was cleric of the supiemo com ! ot Illinois , and In tu.it ami olhei cipici- ties" took an active part in raising hoops tor the union uiniiis. althomili pel- son , illy inenpaclted tor milllaiv ilutv. He was clerk of the Conk eoiintv ( ourt.s lei three \eai-s , and was twice elected city cleik ol Chicago under the reloim govcinment , al- wa\s iiceiving the largest voie ol any candi date belore the people. I'lom l i'J to lbii : be held l > \ the eteclloii ot the people ot the sl.ue thoou'lee of ( ommissionei ol the Illinois pen- itentiai.v at . oliet. In 1st1- ! lie took a leading pait in the Illvial icpuhlican movem 'in , aiitl wasaeandldate tot electoi on the lireele.v piesulential ticket for tlie St v until congie.s- slonal disti let. He had uccpdicd coiisideiahle vveallh puor to the gieat Chlrago me. but lost .ill b > that , lu ISM > he lumoved lo New Yorlc und idiled the vvell-known Ceiman peiiodical , Um Die Welt , lu Pcbiuar > , 1M- ! , he i aim- with bis tamily to DCS Monies , en- fi.iglng witb his suns in the wholesale giociii liusiuess. 'I'lietunenil will beheld in Clikago on Wednesday. Ii s MOIM s , la. , Oft , 10. ( Associated Pii-ssJ C.tsper ] { ut/ , senior nii'iiibei 01 the Him of liutliios. . A : Co. . of this cil ) , died this morning liom blood poi soiling causeil In an abu-ss , ageddO veals. In lsV > ho w.us eidtoi ol the Illinois Hta.itHcltiing , iinhlislied at Cldcago , and was iifterwanH endued in HID wnoleaie bailey and hoii business. JiiM.hc-roiu the wai ho was elected cleik ot the suiieme | coin tot Illinois. In IhTU be was cacttd coin- missionei ol the Illinois slate jienileu- ti.uy and solved loin jeais. Altei- w.uds ho was twiio elected city cleik 01 ! Chicago , mid in lt 0 wasa mumoerof the Illinois house ofi-epievJiitutivc-scMstiiig Ids vote loi' . Vbraham Lincoln. Mr. lintz was well Know n in < iue.iil.iliaube.st-litcrarynudt ! political wiiters in tlm-natloii , and w.ts also a polished otator ; nul , iinted poet. Ho was tin iiitimale fiiend ol Ktcdciick llecket , und know personallv all tlie liMilinm > n ot tue Ceiman icvoluiloii. In ts-O ho lived In New Yoiic an 1 edited the well known German pciiodlcal , Wlndiowelt. A llusy Nclrnslci : Cni'Kiniox , Neb , Oct. 10. [ Special to the lice. ] The two waning factions of tlio re publican piiitj of Knox comity met heie Sat' in day evening to try and ellect acompiomiso and hue but one republican ticket in the held. Nothing wa.s nccoaipllbhcd , as both sides Icel eomtdent of electing their ticket , Tlie Tovvle faction go Into Hie Held with a stiong ticket , while tlm ICunda faction aie tainted with ling candidate and school land hands. AlmutM.OflO acres of school lands in Knox- county vvue gobbled up b ) the Lincoln and NioVaia 1 in 1 iliu , auil.iri ) now b 'iug sold by them al a good piont. Mi. ( ! o\iT , an e.xpul tiom Omaha , Is now iiiM'i-tigatingoui count ) clerk and tieasmcrs otlkcs , as suspicions ot eiookrdness und sboit.ies ! have been enteituincdloisever.il vcais , but the count ) lommissionei-s have Lei'ii too closely a'lied ' wit i the Niobiara ling to dare make an investigation. Two of our piesent commissioners weio elected in oppo sition to Hie ring , und aie deleiminedtoie ii- latematteisand compel om coniU ) ollUers to comply vvilli the Inw. Om count ) cleik. Vie Konda , has held thu ollice toi neaily sixteen M'aro , and novel kept a leobookor numcilcal index , us icipilicd blaw. . CiopN aie mou ; tl.an an a\rra'-re In this vl- cinllnd ! thocoiinli ) aionndbeio I ; , settling up iiipldly. PaimeiN aie InistMiiK tbeii iliw- outs and sod houses and building nice Iratun houses and ban is , which is an evhlencuof piospeilty. A line postofllee building Is being eifeted bv the nevvljappointed lostmastei , C. H. Millet , which will bo an imminent loom live town. _ An Involved ICsluK ; . I'lVKitroN , Xeb. , Oct. 10. ( Special to the BII . ] Mr. M. 1) ) . Kollo ) , n foimir moicliant and hitteily school tieasuiei of Ptanks.n counl ) , died at Ids rcshlcnco heio on Katiu- d.iv l.ust. The deceased w.is u piomlnent und much rospeetcd cltl/.en. and belli veil by all to hoof the best iinaneial .slandln. . In vestigation into his atlaiis , liowuvet , icvcils Ills estate to lie miuh Involvul. It appeals ho Is hhoit In his olllclal accounts and th.it IIJH bondsmen wlllbe compelled to meet I'm denelency. It also seems that bo also had some outstnudln , ; obligations on mcKlian- dlseand that thes.'ciedllsiaubebut paitlall ) mil. 'I'lii'nt dl"ilosuus ) ncaU ) u piolound In local eommeiclal chclea. rinally Hilled HlH Man. x , Oit , -Olllier 1 ! > Cilssln- gcr shot and Instantl ) killed n thlet named Long on Kirs ! avenue Ihlx evenliiL' . Ho med two shots. ' 1 he urst missed and lod'ed : in the gioln of Aillnu Mann , wlio was walkIng - Ing on tlie opposite side of tlm hlicel. The second hhot liiitantlv killed Loll ! , ' , who tell heavllj to the sidewalk. Mann h daiici- | ; uiisly wounded , A l''ln > at NiwrAhrir : , Ni'b. . Oct. 10. ( .Special to the Hi.r. ] Tholaigolmidwaie store of L. A. .Smith heie was burned last nlcld. Thu II , imes we 10 discoveu'd In thu real poition ol the building , hut hid gained such headway that the ) could not In cheeked. Thucstab- ijshmciftsiwk , nt mi's and all weiu ile- slioed. Tlm loss i an not be estimatid , and paitiall ) coveted b ) Tlio l-'hi > 'hVoik. . Iowa , Oct. It'A ' liio neai Pi'iiy , Iowa , Siimlay , destioved the laigo bain of. ) . It. I'hillipH , with contents , includ ing .six head ot homes. Loss ahoulfc'i.O'U. ' ItesiiK of a Di.rnoir. Mleh.Ocl. K ( Chicago Tlmrs Spi'clul.J L'oioner Kiefo was .summoned to Hpi Ing WolN HIH | nlteinoon to hold an In- inieston tbobixl ) ot .lames Deadman. wlm d U'd tinlay tiom inimlch which It in claimed hoic'celved Thm > dii ) mmnliig nt the Amos house , fiom Dan .Me Caitliv nnd Hint Simp son. biakemen on the Michigan Cential load. Deadman v\as-yJjeai.solil , unman lid , and kept , u gioioiy ctou1. Deadmau. llCar tb ) anil Simpson weio togc'ther In Ihootllro ot thuAmoi hoiiMt Tlim.sda ) mmning , and the two loiimi engaged in u dispute ivet ii hill which thu gioici ) man claimed Me- Caithv owed him. Duadman Dually said that McCaith ) could not get an ) moioeiedlt i t iti irioieivstdic if ho ( Deadiiian ) c mid It. .M ( . < Jiti1li'b step son , a lad of ID , nniueil Causland. enmo Into the hotel wlillo the men wertMitnrrelluc , and Deadman , It is a'legcd. called hlma-lltlletlilet. " McCiulhy snipped Dcfliltuail 111 the f.ce. Amos Intei- ferul nml lead Deadman out Into the back ) ard. McCailhv an I .Simpson followed , nnd a boy mimed Walter Duce a > - Hint ho saw the two in ill dad men assault Dcadtimn , knock him down , and kickhim. . Mc Carthy and Simp-wit dei : ) thai they touched Deadman alter they left the oftlie. Deidman ix'turnedhomeandiomplalncdofii pain in his head Ycstcrdiy ulternoun he said ho had a < iucci feeling In his neck , and rally In the evening ictlred. ills last winds to bis niotliei were : "If niijtldn * haiinens to me , bavo those men mrosicd. " lledld not arise this morning , ami about 11 o clock his mother discovered that ho was dad. . The bed v show ed marks of violence. Blood was bi'ulnnlnu lo oo/e trom the CHIN , nnd u blac'c ' milk w as dlbcei liable at the back of tlio neck. Noteps have \etbceii taken to airest either McCuith ) or Simpson. VO I'lt'O. CnirAno , Oct. 1U. A tenibl ) ipilck spirall ing lire bioke out In a brick cottage , Nl Vernon - non Paik place , owned und oi'cnpleil by W. S. Baxter , a few minutes after fi this moin- Ing lu which font IKU sons were buiiicdto death. The family consisted of Iho puisuna nml u setvunt gill , and all but two met n tei- liblo death. Thealaimwas sounded ul ili'i'i. When the liruinon anived al the scene the house was in a blaze. Tlio lire marshal found Mr. Itixtor In the idle ) til the side of the house siillering tiom seven1 binNcs. but was able to tell the stoiv of the cata-sliopho. He savsthatatO o'clock In the nioinin u sei- vant gill stalled tlio luo in the kitchen and went out u moment later , leaving the door open. Sheietmncd in a minute 01 two nnd tounil the kitchen in a bln/e. Hales wus amused b ) the soioamsot tlie gill nnd inslied into the kitchen nml tiled to extinguish the Ilinu's , nrst with uhosenttaehid ton livdi-anlumlaf- lei ward w lib bncki ts. N Jt suci ceding he sent in an alaim. The memen went to woik and extinguished tlio me In uboutliftecn minutes , but not until the luo bad gutted the build ing. When the tin-men enteied the house thev lound the chimed lemains oftlmentiio fuinlly , with the exception ol .Mi. Hates. They weie Mis. Mai ) I' . Hates , aged T. ; .lohn Hates , fi ; IMwaid Hates , in taut , nnd Mrs. Hie ) Koii. aged 70 , mother of Mrs. Hates. The bed ) 01 Mi . Hales w.islouml ! v ing two loot Irom tlio fiont window on tlie in st floor biirmd ton ciisp , the dialled lemalus ot hei liabj lIiu close bv the re mains ot .Mrs. Hiclson was louiid up stairs. She evidently died tiom sulloca- lion as her bodv was not much Imim-d. The body was found in the ruins of n bed. Tlio p.utitlons ami walls of the liouso weio lined with telt , and when the 1)1 ) i/e once slatted spiead with frightful i.ipiditv. The chaired bodies weio icmoved to the moigiie. Notldiu was heard of tbuseivantgiil alter her ( light. It is also said that n hiother of Mis. Hates was lodgbu : in the house and was seen nboul the pliue when thetlie was in pto iuti , but sud- denl ) dfappeaiciU Arrcslocl t Jlls AVilb's AValco. Lonavii.i.i : , K ) . , Oct , 18. [ Chicago Tiit > - une Special. ] John Bulk vvas aiiested eail ) this moining foi eioating a disturbance at the wake ovci his wile's body. A number ol JP.U s ago he bad a quarrel with his wito and they separated. Ho wont to Caliloinia , where he remained until a llttlo over a ) oir ago , when be ictnrned to this city. His wife wns-nt that tlm- living witli her daughter , Miss Miry. Hitik atUmiptsd to en"eet n r conolllntlon witii hei , but she ro- iusfidtto Imvo anything to do wlMihlmwniid lie took iTjTbls'resiclence In miotlicr"pirt of the city. Seveial vveekfi ago JIis. Hnrk vvas taken " ill and continued to grow mpldl ) vvoiso. until all hopes lor her iccovery weio lost. Tne house in which she lived vvas hei own , but there vvas some piovision In tlie title tij which It would icveitto hei liusbind at lie-r death provided liei daughter was tin- maiiied. When Mis. Hurl ; leaineel th it lier Hie uns drawing to a close she elitei mined to see that her cliild was not lolt penniless. fleoigu Ked eis hail \isltIngMissHurk foi sometime , and Krida ) the niotliei sentloi him to come to the house. Hecomplieilwiththe summoiis , ami she made a request that he be manie-d to her daughter at once. The joung couple consented , and a matiiagc license vvas proem ed that uftej noon ami they weio mar- ileel immediately. The ceremony took place altbeb'ilsleloof the cling mothei. A few hours nltci tlie .vcddiug service Mrs. Hmk died. The tuiicnd vvas airangcel to take place ) i'hte'reliy atteinoon , and while the liieiids ami te'ative > s of thu lamily weie gathering aiounel the collln Hmk put in au app'Uianee ut the g.ito intoxicali'il , and eioaledaelhtuib.inco which lesulled in Ida ai lest. A Uniiniviiy I-'ot'rjer TiiniH Colililcr. HIVDIM. , Pa , Oct. 18. [ Chicago News Special. ] I/isl Christmas Andiow .1. Moore. n. leading ) oung business m in and a member of the lirm of Shirk it Moore , extensive shoo iliMleiN of Lebanon , disappeared. An line-- , tlgation showed that ho lolt Ivhlnd him un paid notes amounting to ovei S 10,0 JO , many ol which w.ie alleged to bo toigcel. Mi. Shiik , who was well-to-do , vvas ruined , and to-div his line nnnslon , the la-st ol his JHH- sesslons , was sold to satlsfv creditors. No traces weie ellscoveiod ol the miMsiug man iiltei his Illght S'vei.il iiiiknown iMidles tounil In this vlclnll ) were ' . - , ' ' exam- incd , but they wi'io not iilcutl.ied , and the olliceis of tbo law uniilly eame tei the I'Oiii'lu- sion that ho would novel IM beaid liom "A limit six months ago a strangci made his nppearancoat tliosecluih'd vlllav'eot Hinkel- town , twent-nvo miles fium Le > banon ami flxtecn mlle-s lieim lieadui. . He * was po nly elri"-hcd and lepicsenled that ho wus : i nlioo- makei. lie opened a shop In u small base-- meiiland outsiili ho hum : -i bomluido sign ' A. .1. Mooie > , i-obhli'i. " Ileie the' p mi shoo- in iki'i limn Ni.xl uiilll last nlghl , when Au gustus PatsVc , a lope mak'cr ot L < > hinon , vlsiteel Hinktltovvn , and eallcd on Mooio to lepiii his hainossniid iciognl/i'el the cob b'eiast'm miss ng L < 'banun meiihant. A wanaiit of niifslloi tetiL'eiy was sccuii-d ami Moenu vv.is taken to that pi ice. Mouro'K lilendsgave bill for a heitlug next Tues el r , . Mom es UK I hit when ho ilrit let I homo liu'inti'iidid lodiowu liliiiseii' in the cinil , but e'langi'd Ids mind , ami w lib SD in mono ) btuited luo itu'.ilii as a c ibblet. llio Kallro'uls- . HnstdV , Oct. IK.A stoiy i nines trxlay f.im New Voik lint thoTuimcnntlnent.il as-oclatlon has sent a milieu to the Pacino mall company that nt tbo expiration of Ihhty el.iVH KH monthly subsld ) payments will bo stopped. I'lcsiu'iil Ail HIM , of the Union Pachic. Mid when iiucstloiii'd , ho had no intoi mation conceniing It , but In- temled to make impdiles legirlln It. Ho supposed , hovvi vei , It was tine. The iiolle-y ol llio Southern Paeltlcon truns- i iintlilt'iilul biihlness bad In en , ho thoiu'lil , vi'i ) aihllruiv. ami ho VMIH disposed to e-on- < li inn In the htinii-'i'sl manni'i possible theii incut aclieui In iefiihlii < lo liouoi thu di.ifl simllolliim. The Union P.ie'luc wasnotut nil solicitous iilmiil lianseontinental businchs , undcouhldo wllhonl the iigieenii'iil miuh bettei than thu Southern Paeiiie , whleli Inelleateil u ilcslio to have ) tilings all UH own wa ) . Ho lusililed eveiy line in vvltlidiawing fiom tlm association. Ceniceinlugbis visit lo Wusliiligton. Mi. Ad ams s.iid that he bud talkeel the whole Paclno .Mall snbji'ct ovi'i vvilli the United States nill- load I'ommisslone'i and Asslhtant Se'eietaiy .ie'iiks , Hotltyiien nmlei-tond the insiion thiiiiut-'lil ( ) , and Iho latti'i denied cmpu UK al ly that IKS Intended to pursue ) Iho ti United to him' b ) somoot A I'leil o to rnrnoll , , Oct , 1C , An enllinslastle. III.IKS . ' , undei tliuaii < plui's of fioIiNIi N , | . Hoi le.U'iio , vv us lu-UI In r'auuill h ill lo-nl'lit. A cable craur was sent toP.unull , pledging him $10,000 aa in hi Installment iiemi Hov ton. Juv f. 'on 111 Donle-H It. Nl.vv VeiitK. Oct. V > . .lu ) ( ionld loluiniil totheelt ) tenlay. llode nles the tiiilh ol the' ' Illinois ol u piojecled eMiiisolhlatlun m C'IMI- ) iiomlsi' with thu Halllmoio Ohm Tele graph company. DEPRESSING DAY IN TRADE , Sovcrnl Tilings Tend to Mtko Live Stock a Dnll Commodity , A BEARISH FEELING IN WHEAT. tire ScHMlonVllli a Drop Ki-mn Kiiri'H Corn n ilninp. lirnlti ntnrkct. CnirAiio , Oil. in. ( Special to Uio ii.1 Tlio wheat ninket m'gcd very heavily lo. day. There was a strong prcssmolo pell at the opening of ' ( 'liange , nnd this continued with mil ) moderatu reactions tliiouglumt the entile session. Poielgu markets weio ( | iuiled as ipilet and oa y , ami Uiltish ronsuln weio Hfc hluher , vvbleh vvns uccepttd asapeaco- tul adjustment of tlm llalkan doubles. It was also prcdlcti d tliLMlslldo Mippl ) lejuirt would disclose a long Increase , nnd the htnto- men ! was imide that seme of the Minneapolis milleis ( onteniplnUit shutting down and 10- duclngtheii bids tor wheat. Laiijei dellveiles ot who t liom hrst hand.s was also predicted , mil iiiiilei tl'i'so Inlluence-s the temper was julte beailsb thixiugbout the entile t-essloii. I ) ccembei vv beat , which closed hatnidiiy nt Ui1 , opened nt Ul He , but bti.vers weio so fovv n tlie pit that thu pilcu bioko elf nlinost imtintl ) to til e , tiMl oil again to ! * ) 4e hetoie the maikit vva.s given any aetl\o suppoit. Piom the lowest point the prieo lalliid to Ul'ic ' M'veral times , hut shortly l o- loie theeloM' of the icuuhu boaid dioppul ol to iKfje unit elost'd thea1. Inthoaliei- noon the ieellng eontlniUHl weak , December declining to H0 < < .e , and closing lot the day at J.i'Ke , 01 PHC unilei batunla ) . It was staled thai Hun1 was lice helling lot "tdunt" ac ount dining the session Inabellel of a lower i.ingeot urlies , but tlieii ) was good bulng foi "long account on all hicaks. COKX Tiad ng in coin was on nmoderalu ale and pi lies v\eio vvell imstalned : usacon- ist to the weakncvs in wheat and closing inlet's weie gcneiall ) u .shade higher than Saturday. . OATS Iliiinreil < iuiel and linn and closed well up lo the lali st ligmch last wi clc. Pitov iHios.s PioMsions weio iiulct nnd otc.nl ) . Ijlvo St io'c IVl irlcet. ( CnifAdo , Oct. 111. ISpt'oiatlotho lli.n.J M n.i : During the entlio foienoon a i.oak- Ing rainstorm from tlm noitheast AVIIS the lust depiessiii ! ? feature sale.simn bad to on- counler. The hccoml wasa big inn , especially of westerns , and the third embodied the lack if local onieis , the indilforemo of bujers , xml genenil bail news fiom New Yoik und the Uiltish niaiketThu supply ol natives wasllglit , and useful ( toils sold fully ta well IIHOII Siitunlay. Thei-e v\cro no pilino lirst- 0 ass cattle on sale. Common and medium n-dhesltad to compete with thorangeis , und 1 1 such an encounter natives have lo give wa eveiy time , and priced on common , medium und low gnulu na tives were geneiallj quoted lowei and slow ot sale. Shinping steers , IM : lo 15UO His , t5Il.i5. . < 0 ; 1VMO to ! ! ! . ( ) Ibs , S-J.IHKaOW ) ; 050 to UHI Ihs , vt.f K s.W. ) Thiough Texas eattlo a shulo lowei ; II'K ) Ibs , , < UO < ) @i.-tU ; 7SU to lKq ) ins , S-MW I.-SO ; 001 to TOO Ibs , 82.WX1UOO. We.slein ningeis dull and Kic lowei ; nutlvea ami half-bruits , 6).40@l.r.O ) ; wlnto cd Te\- ans , S-t oo , < o l.i . Ji iles--l 0 Jloutann , 1C2J Ibs. M. 13 : UHialf-bru-ds , UOO Ibs , S-'i-W ; 417 Wjomiug. 101.1 Ibn , * .r i : aoaaiontnnVllOO Ibs and UHI Montana , 1'J.VI Ibs , s'l.1.- . lions AH In the catllo inul.el : , salesmen have to encounter depressing elleols lain- Momis , big iecelils | , und a hugo number cat i led ovui , about -lO.UJJ on sale , general iM'.uMi feeling down town , iindii deteiMiiliu- tiou onthepaitof bujers to tintliur break down pi Ices. liver ) thing seemed to ln.vor the bujei , so that in u genoriil vviiy tlie mar ket opened slow and lallier lower , especially on other than packing Hurts. Iloiuh and ommoii odds and cuds .sold nt JSW-'KriUin. fall to good jiackin wirUi S i.-tO < v l.5 > and best b. avv at S . .uicji ! 7. . . Packing and shipping , iilltoHYJlbs , { : . ! . - ! ( ) ! .7"i. Light weiglllH , liX ) to 170 Ibs , tJ.OO i.S , ; ISO to 'J10 Ibs , Hrltlsh Ornln Kevlcvv. LONDON , Oct. 10. The Alark Laiio iY in Itsiexiuvvof thu grain Irado during the past week saj s : A majority of samples of the now wheat ctnp .aio misitil < ictoiy. Sound win at is Id dcaicr. Sales of English wheatdinlng tlio week vvoro 7U.01U ipiinturH at"s Ul , against 1 , II J ipiaitern at fts ! 4d during llio luirn'spondlni ; week last % ear. Piom is tieely otleicd at lowest i.ik's. 1'iices of Kiipcrloi bailcj mo udviindn , tliosu of inteiior dec iiiing. Korclgn vvbeats Imvo gi-adii illy impiovcd and aio unutcd al ( id lo Is df.uvi. ltapears | ) that the iiiojeet for creating a basis lor pine gambling in the London wheat maikut.s has heen ipnetly kept alive and Hint , u diiiinlto movement in now being made lowaids Its leall/ation. It the plan is successful it will bo tlm begin ning ol tin1 end ol the stability of the Lon don coin Hade , which has been the marvel of. thu wet Id ilmiiu a long pcilodnf nnpiecc.- denied depiession. Fiom occaslon.illy has been lid deaiei. Itctoipts fiom Ameileaaro maikedly declining. Tlnco cargoes aiilved , two were sold , one withdrawn , and Unco 10- mained , Including ono troin Calltoiiila. Tw'lvoarodue. At today's maiket Bclleis of wheat hod nrmlv lo tholr demands. I'lour was against bucis. Coin ijulct. Dtulcy ipilet. Tlio ( ; Min .Supply. Cutf AOO , Oct. If ) . The following figures t iki-n fiom olllclal Insures of thu board of tiade , to be posted on 'Clian'i' to-monov/ , show tlio amount of giain In sUhl In the United Mutes and Canada on Sat m day , Octo- bet 17 , and the amount of Ineie/isu ordicroaso ovei the piei ceding wool : : Wheat . 1S,7HW ! ! Incieaso. . . 2Wl,07a Coin . -l.-HOJlir lueie.use.Ih.iVia Oils . l,10 , .l.r. lucuMM1. . . 517,1 B U\e . fiTii.in Incie.ise. . . r > , ( M JJailey . l.T.IJSl Inuie.iso.IM V ) Thoamotint of griln In stoiu In Chicago on thedito named was : Wheat . 12fOTo.-H , Coin . UM.IMI Uaiie ) . b7 , WI ninrkcl. Cme.u.o , Oct. ll-Tliu ) Inter Ocean Elgin ( III. ) special : On the bu ml of tiado to-day butler v.as 'Iron- ' . M-llluj , ' at 'X'tGWXc ' , iigaiiist-lc toi tin1 1'li-uMtlmr ' week and ' 'Jo for two weeks a o. Itiv'iihu sales ll ! , i.i ( pouiid" , PiKoof chcc'su iinclianged. lic ulai bales , l' ' < iriilcr to Kpoiilr Inovf Vorlc. Ni vVoiiu Oct. ' ( ' ' v\ , I'l. Soveriioi'-f'leot Koia- l.ci , of Ohio , is e\ii'd | > d In this city 'J'hins- AirangemenlH.iiu being made lor n mass meeting in .Madison .Sqium gaiden I'rl- d.ij evi nlng , at which he vvl I hethoiuinelpal hHuktt. | .Senator Kvails will pHshcnm | ( lia Davinpoit and licni'inl < 'an. vvilli a ma- Joiltv of the olhei eaii'llihdes on Ihu ticket will m in attendance. 'J Iio \ \ tat ; her. "Wv SHIXI. i os Oct. UL Per thoUppeiMlfl- M 'Miil | | \allev 1'ali weathei | n idled dur ing the mnmlng h > local slio-v eiH iiiilbwvt ( winds , U-ioming vaimblu : gcneinlly higher hanmutei , neail > Mill Inn. 10 tempi iiitme. I'm the Mbsoinliillev ( ieiiorally fajr weathei , with nmtheil ) vvindH shilling lo tin ) west and east In cuiium iimlliriii poitliuiHJ station , u j tempciatme , exopt in exliemu iiuUhein puiliuii a xli lit ) Ni > in lempciuluiu , Tlio N'litlnnul liiMku T\vlsti'i-n. Ill ill IM.IOX. In , Oil II' ' Tlio second an- nnal convention ot the Iliollieihood ofltalU load lir.ikcmon. Is in M > sdon heio with -M delegates H'picM nliiuall pailnol the Unllcd Males. 'I he weathei in lain ) . A imull mi cling was iu-id at the upeia IIUIHO thla . .uminiiiii.IKJI - mi .uldii'ss n | vicleijmi' ' by Mii.i. i \iliin Hid adin [ ses In ( ! i ind in"1 " 'ais '