THE OMAHA DAILY ISEE , MONDAY , OCTOBER 10 , 1885 SPECIAL NOTTOm Advert lM meritfl inii > r thH bend 10 cents per line for the flr t Infer Ion , -mil 7 wins for ouch f u l-ecpioTit Insertion. Sovoti words will tx > count- < il loth line : they mint run oon'rcutlvtil- nitiM. be pnld In Advniiofi. All mUortliomonU laivt belmiulod it i txrforo I o'clock p. m. , mill under no Plrritmntsnws will they bo Uiloti or ( il wnlliiiiod br telephone. rdtlp | ! advprtHmr In tie ! fl columns nml rmr. Intt tlio nnsw OTH n < ti1ro ed In euro of Ilnr. , will plonno nsk for check to i > milili > them to Ki't Hinlr letters , as noun will lie delivered nonpl rm presentation of check. All mis-Tors to nib or- U-omonU should ho enclosed In envelopes. TO I.OATT-MOHr.Y. ONiv Toloim Tlio Oninlia I'lnnm-lnl lix- M chmure.riUl I nninni ft reel , utNiiilrs. . makes loiowou nil ( hiMTnor wcurlty Iroin ufllichnl- lillonti to Jlil.i'Won rculosuito Wo iiial.n loans toniilt nil applicant * on IOIIK or Minrl tlmo on Improved ri'nl t-stnto , lund tfiiilrnoM , Iciiflcn , litilldlnt'H on leaf ill liitnl , ecnrod notiM. collator- IIH | , fihnitols r wood f > cciiiltr of tiny kind. Ixiw rates ; o-ipy teims. Otiniliu I'limnclnl KsohniKo , KiWt I'arnun Htrcet.up ctnlri. 84T-tf OX1IV 10 WAN-Oil wood somirlllin. A M Mo'Juvocl.ioom7HcilIekHlocJil. > 0'jriirniiin St. rno LOAN Money In any nmonnl on real in. JL Inln wcurltj. 0. 15. Mayno , IMli nml Kar- until. until.M ONIY TO LOAN c. r. Davis & r < > . M Ihtatu anil Ixntn uvontHM' \ > I'm iiiim Ht. MT TO LOAN On chattels. Wooloy k MONKV , room 1W , Omulm National bank btilMliK ' . , _ _ _ _ _ ONIY TO LOAN On real o tuto und chat M tels. 1) . li. Thomas. W0 _ I.OANKU On chnttols , cntmto , 11. MONKV boUtfhl mid Hild. A. Form mi.'Ill H. lath HU K * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OMKY TO LOAN In Bums of 83X ) nnd up M wards on lln-t-rliiKs real estate w-curlty. I'oltor A Cobb , 1515 rarnam St. MS T\/l / ONKV I.OANii : ) at C. lf. Heed .V Co'fl Ixian J.T-1 olllco , on furniture , pianos , honuM , wagons pertonal propcrtj ol nil lilnils mid nil other ar ticles of Milue , without rniiitiviil. Over 1st Nut'l Hank , corner 13th and I'urnum. All bn < | m > sH Btilctly cimtldonlitl. r " > 3 \ OMVI : AIONKYH .MONKVIII Money to M loan on chattel security b } W. H. Crolt.i00111 4 , Wllbnell building , N. U coiner llilh and Ilar- iiuy. After jenisot mpoiloiioo mid a careful study of the hii lnr > ol toiinlnir money on per- Miniil pi-oporly , I have at lost iierfectod a nyteiu when by the publicity usual In mich CUM-S Is ilounmui } withand 1 am now In a position to iniK't the demands ot all who become touix | > r- iirilvombmiiiHi-eil and denim to raise money without ilehij nml Inn iiilet | iiuiuuer. llous-e- Ittupaii , piolusolotmlKi'iitloinon , mechanics and others In Omaha nu.l louncil lllun- < , can obtain advmices liom Jllllo Jl.ijUl ou t.yeh security u H household 1111 nltnie , pianos , nuiclibiery , hoi- fos , WHKOIIS , wmchoii'-o leielpts , Recuicil not CM ol hand , etc , \\illioiit leinovinj-Hiuiie Irom oun- ors ie > lilenco or phice ot biiHlucss Also on Hun Watches mid Dlnmoiids , one ol thu ndt minim'1 1 odor Is that nny pint ol any limn can be paid at any tlmo which will ic luce the Interest pit ) uita nnd nil loans renewed at thcoilplnnl ratoBOl In terest. I have no hroUcrs in connect Ion with my nlllLO , tint puivoinilly Miperluteiid nil my leans , ] linveprlt mo otlicos connected with my irencnd olllto so that cut-tomciM do not eomo In con- triict with each other , tonmiuciitlv uiMliiRnil | tniifiictloiis i-lilelly luivnte W. It. Ciolt , room 4 , Withucll bulldlnir , N. I ! , coiner irith mid Hiiruoy , Omaha , and I'eml St. , Council 1 Hulls. WAI7T2D-rEMAJ.B HELP. "iji/ANTKI ) Iniincdliitoly , a quiet , rellablo TT ttomati nschild'hiiuibO. 10W Uoiiclnsrtt , bll WANTIID A K < > od gill for Kcueral lieu e woik ; f-teady place to good ulrl. No. 1-14 Plorco st. , ntur li'th. ' , T:7-la : : WANTHI ) Competent woman cook at fiault HoubO , I'opplctou mo. , boU SOth mul M. IWJ-lti * tl ANI ii > A ( rood ( jlrl for ( icueral houfjo- > i HOI IE. 1017 Cuss c , ; : ci-tr WANTr.O A good 11UIHO jjirl m - .Voylj livenuo. ANTiiA woman-ii llrat-tliiHS veKetablo W cook. Imiulio at the Coyjous. S. < W mb""vork'T"y.'L'-'CliV' ' ' ' ' WU. Jg "o WANTI3I ) ( Jood Klrl for KOiioinl hoiifeuorlr. ( ook , dlniiu' loom itlils chmiiburmaliN etc. Callll.'o riirimiuSt. _ 1C I. WANTIIO A neat } oiini ? alrl to assist ttllh baby. l ! H. ajthSU 7I WANTii-I.ady : npcntR for "DaNy" Skirt and stoclihi ) , ' suppc.rtci-s , Bhoul ler binees , ( MihOiii foims , Dic-s Shields , rubber Klnttlium lilliH , niuons , f-lcines , Inlants dliiporn , Ao. Our l.tlOuneiits mo iiiiiklne money lastso can 5011. Address ith Mump , i ; . II. CAMl'HKLL & CO. , 1SIW. Itmidolph Ft. , Chicago. 7i4-lOp WANI'Kli Good CiUiviiMwis l(7r the now book woik. "Somo noted piincos luthors and htnr < sinnn of our time. " IJy ( "anoi Kaitar.lamesT. rieldw , i : I' . Whlppln , .lame t'nrton and otlu iv. KM-I > hkelch a eln Klo am svcry illiistial oiiuiriiin. I'niticiilaily ile-slrubl is n holiday Kilt. Ap > ly nt llu UoiluoHt. , Oinii WANT1ID A ( 'oud tinner ! Uil7 Cummln-f St. y-5 ID * _ \XTANTHO Tlnneis at Woodmmi Si-ovllle.31i TT nml IDS N. iiitii st. : i 117 1 lATANrli-'v ; buteliri- for Ulllmr , TT mid leedluff. Must boobor and not aliaii Jotoik lliijildlty not MI much an object us in lushy. Moiria A. Hiiebenor , l-'romont. Neb. : i7oo ; VVANTKO-MIUI mni wire to woric in i , t T > class lioiel.KOoil phuu nml UUKUS. Addicsa Union Hotel , Siipuilor Neb. 30J W \VV'S1 l- > ' " " 1 ? ' " " " . or Mn\'i. \ } W ut T V l.elumin'B | | , lltis rarmim ht. T/yANTUD / Ttto good curpuutors at Hiino- T T bmigliX Taylor. UO17 \yANTKD MmiMlth family to tiihoi-nroof TT a faim lu Wnxhlnirton county. Imiulioat II. Dohlo A. Coi , ( liniii | Shou Stoio. OTI . .s Uidiosorgentlemnn A uooil chuncu to maUo moiioy. lloom SO. ArlhiKton lllock. LTb-iJ WANTUn I'ifty canvnsMJi-s. Ladles mill Keutlemen mo mukliiir fill per day williuj ; Bin"Kitchen Queen. " Addle * * , with htmnp , SlmiiMiu.V I'm-MinsToo ! Co . 4-t llomil of Tiudc lulldliur , SI. I'mil , Mimi. Jlmiufactory. rottull , 4rj.y ; ; r. Ilex cas , Omaha. A(1I.M' > FpllhiK MlMFonrl Btonin mwiur iniiko lilff money , .1. Worth , Boln Mmnilno- Hlitr , KI. \ I. < uils , Mo. UOUluellp EIXUATION3 VTAUTED. Ilj t o jimii ' Kciitlemen with . . reroinueo , loom and Umnl in iirlva'o [ amlly , not more than ten minute" ' walk limn ostolllco. Addrci-utl. V. , lieu olllco. ! Ri7-17p liVANTRD-SItimtlon by cvperieuceil dross. I IT " 'llt'.rt" ' ! ' l"l'unllyhOHliiiJr. ' U-avo onltus ll No. h07 South Collctfo bt. U30-SO ANTIin-Snwlnir In families or In ulion , AddiChsPdimttrehf , HeoOIHce. : rrj-I7 i\TANTii : ) Situation UN cook ; Hnullnli fmully U ) TV piiiluiied. Address Cooli , lleuOlllce. a7M7 Ol OlJ J \1MNTIJD-A Hltiuitloii in oleilc by it man of f I Ions oxpci leucc. IK u jrood accouutnnt ami feniiian , can ulvo best or lutoionecj. Address I , If , llooiillU'o , K5J-1J Y\rANlKI-Hlii-ntioii by llrst clasi , , \ ° ° Plc' 1'olul ' vlly orcountiy. Adduvsn H. 8. ! g6olllco. WM-17 * \\rANTCD A bltuat'on In awtore , cmi ppeaU ? HcHiidimivimi. g. u. HIHI oiiieo , are 17 * I lyANTKli A iiotlllnn us 8acfiady ! ln m-y , TT jioodbBtoiohy joinu ; bidy oro\pori iice , I i'liOMH'.ilsK ( ll"liiiK v-ellasKiiKllih. Addioss I D6x Ko. | l , Omahii I'ohtoUtce. i0-17' UHf l/\rAMii-A i-Klllcd nnd \.erlonced | TT orraplipr mid iMiu-wilter , lately a steu- J JC , Viirinpliuriii U. S. I'meut Olltcc , WarhliiLMoii , I ) . 0. , deslicMi t-ltuntlon Addroid "Tho Hemib K tow , " Stroiiisbur } , ' , Nvb. .VA-17 i WANTii : > Hy n mmi of hirifo f.\perlenco who u thoi-oiiKlily postixl on Nolna-Kn tn , itnAo. position us low clluir or city mlcHimu tor li-gt-clnt-N IIOUHI , CmilnrnUh be t ot relcieucos. tililiwn Katii-prlMi , Ilco njllic. "Ilt-lii * : , rr boo ) > l.ccicrorciit.hlcr. | lies ! nf leloi-encea | lf/il us tu ublllt ) , AdUicnH 1' . (1. ( , Hcu Olllco , l'7-Hi ' ' MIKCELLANHOUS WAKT3. r\7"ANTiU : To lout it hoiiM ! 7 to U loomn illi ii'1,1 ' fmniui'mill other uoiiM-nluin-tviiilbii Imjo ti/l'jd / > " ' " _ _ < - ' ' ; -MayiH'.rith and I'mnaiii , un. ; lX7"ANriti : jtei } to Unii-ii at the ht. T l i i * itstm'imii.iiifs luh Sit tickets ol t\ \ iiciil * tJ.i ' bourU vtuk ' i ii'fulur uur M-'i. yji-.l \\TANTin : I wnnt IORO In'o the renloitnto T ImslnpsR , cither us partner in nn oMnl > - tlNlitil i-oncern or with omo llvo ronn. Addie-s I.lmlttxl Capllid , V. O. Ilex & 4 , City. 27l ( W ANTltn KiimishoilhouHiof nt least seven rooms for the wliiinr. No children. HoW - WANTlD-To borrotr ono hundred and fifty dollnrs on chnttoU. Addrcns Chnttels lloo Olllco. IC5M * -iyANTii-Tonins. T.Murray. \yANTKIi-Mntti ess maker nt Dewey & WANTKO A full lot near the city nt n rev sonnblo price. Slntoprlco , lorms mid lo cation. Addle * ) 'rJ. N. C. " Ilco olllco. OH rou HEwr-nooaED AITO LOTS. VniIfKA.tiaANTNiU-Kn8 Lltli Rt-Vor Jlnnt HOIIWM , rooms anil storcis , clicnp land and lolw In Utimlm mxl oaslnrii pnt-t of Uliito. Very clioap , I aero with IIOIIPO on 1'mlc plaoo tl/MM , Vi aero with hun&o on Tun : pluco JTOl. - IIKNT llnus-oof firootn * for omnll fam ily , No Ml , thliil htniHo from 3M uml I/-a- vonwurth ; flO. Sill OIt IlKN'T NowO room benne on Pnunilors I Htreot , barlor , buy window , oiust Iniut.cellar cl'tern , well , walks , fences mid out ho"so : new and convenient ; JH per month. J. U ltllov& Co. , SIS 8.1 Ith Htreot. 810 FOlMH'.NT G roomed house , 11W Huveiifort Mrcot. raM7p Tm3rtltlJNT RToro ail l { . 15th St. FOH IIKNT Itoiivo (1 ( rooms : 17th , but. Cnll- fornhuind WolntorMH. ; ( fxJpor month. J , W. Miushull , 15 M Knrnuni. 'M\ \ ; OH HUNT HOII O with Mivon rooms , HIT I1 SheruiauAve. Ilmiulro of D.T. Mount , ilJH. Hth ht , ' ) S Iir.NT A P. room IHIIIPO on Jnckeou nt. , between l"th nml Ifilh ; eleirantly udiiptoil for u Itoiirdlnir houeo. Apply uoxt door. PM 77 < OH HUNT OnoMtorobnlldlm ? wl h dwelling rooms above , fp'ended location lor anvli isl- noss. Address 110 llROOITice. IU.U - ' J * 17011 HiNT : Cott io , Brooms , cor. Uninuund 1 I'iPrc-ORtiuntH , 5S ) . ! ) , U room" , M nnd I/ard , $ .10. C , I rooms , poutli 11th t , , $1- . llnui-u. : i roomi. 13th mid Plorco , $10. 0. n. JIa > iu > , 1'jth anil L'arnatn. -TJ FOl : HUNT Ilnnilsomoly fiunislicd hou" ( ' , ! l rooms , K7 I'urk Avniino , loft'roncciH ro- qiilii-d. Apply J.V. . Ui Illlth , Audltora Olllco ii. i' . n. w. -ja _ IjlOKItlJNT Chi'.ip , plnco oultnliUi for H tram- fitor ; ( rood barn ; * i porinonlh : uNo ono Inr f Hci-r inontli. .1. W. Mill-hull. I.'OO rarnam. " ( i-l 7 > K iiNT : An r-vrnllont now i room pot- { 1 IIMTO. Halloa HIT S.1 Ith. S , T-J7i | 7T1OU HUNT r , room ln-U-It IIOUMI , nil ! ( Ilcliory -U St. Inquire on pioml os. ItJO-Kp > Olt ItllNT Nov. 1 , n IlrstH'lassroomcot ( - 7r Intro ; line location ; by S.T. 1'otorteu.s. e. cor. Itith nml DDII IIIS. llll FOHHKNT Two newio'Idciicesfl rooms each , rottmro ft roonis.liouso 111 rooms. J. 1'hlpps Hoc. fi5j FOH lir.NT Two story dnclllnir , 7 rooms ; pr-od locality. Apply Cor. 14th mid Doiutlas. C.T.Iujlor. 715 OK ] : NT stores on Oth and I.oavonworth 1r 1 sis 1 store on South Kith st. IJoth nrsl-cla s Inisi- ni'HH locations. Also houses to i cut. A. Jlcdav- otk. < /JJ HUNT House of n rooms. Applv Cor. I70U and DoiiKhi" . C. T. Taj lor. 710 17 > 0ll IIKXT Sovrrnl ducllllifrs. Apjily Cor. 1 ? Mtli uuil Dnutrlua. C.T.Taylor. 710 Ki\T l > lt S.\rr. A hon = o. barn lorSJ Inoit ' : and 4 lots In Wnlnut 11111 add. $10 pnr month. Iniuilio James t'lirbUanson , U. 1' . ' - J7OH KIINT HOIIPO , 5 rooms. Imuilro K < 1- 1 helm 4. r.i-iukhon. f i 701 : lir.NT Out. 1st. or nftrr , a rtwolllii ! ' . , . . liousp 6 rooms , nlro ' ard , cistern , wilt or , $ i v.ue'uVuiuiAat ! ' 'l > BVOw TTIOUIIKVT XlCoroHngO 1010 South l < l. . . .j..nnf _ 0. A. llnl'- _ Poll IlKNT IIouHO 11 rooms $2.1 pnr mon will lent purt. O. U. Tlionipiou , S.V. . c llth mid Ilarnoy. KO KEZIT EOOMS. JT/iOiruP.N'T-KIOKiuitly furnished looms at 1IOU HUNT-l'iimlshod room , 1J03 rarmim J MliiovS * FOU ItKNT 1'ront room with board , 17 1 Doiiglits. ' 17IOK ItKNT 4 nloo rooms , up stairs. 11-T N. JJ 17tht.t. 7I 7011 HI'NT Viirnlshod room 1013 Gags.KIH3 -I KIH3 * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FOH HI'NT Liu po riirnl hod fi out room ; cull at tor ( I p. m. , 7U I'Jth ' bt , near Wolistcr. 'EU-IMp FOH HiXT : Acomfortnblo und plansnnt room No. I.i | Capital Avenue. IKD. E tilt ItKNT I'urtot nn oln--anr suit of fur lllshed olhccs. J. K. , Ilco OlVrit. T OH HUNT Linjro nlcoly riiinUlioilionni with Jboard. . 7U N. Uth St. L07 IT "J7IOK IivrI ! rooms uivstiilis , on cor. of IMh J mill Woh-tnr st south - ; cntruuco , vin-y ilo- hlrablo , fuinlslicd or unliiiiilsliuil. ! i71-17 * 77011 JlKXT 'J or nnluriil-sliod looms for J llislit linifeokroplnjf in a peed lioum occu- pled b > uimiundJlu. . Apply utbUSij N 17th ht. 7(5-17 ( * Foil HUNT 2 furnished front rooms , Kint- nblo for iromlunmn mid wllo , or two ( reutlo- men. suis llinncy t. " 1OK lti\T : nirnl hed fiont room and HUiiill i' loom , Jo , ( < OJ ortll Sovuntoontli ttrcol ttrcolMM7p I7 OK ItKNT-rurnlslicd rooms , HH Dodiro St. -L )7-l7p ) I71011 ItKNT I'mnlshed i-ooiua nnd hoard , 11/.0 per u cek , iOJ N. lltli Sll-IUp Ij-olt ItKNT I'lciibaut furiiishod iTem . 1707 CllSH. T - - tt&SU * POH Itr.NT Kour uufuinltihed i-oonis ll.rN. ! 17th St. ; ; vj 0 * IJMMl ItKNT l-'ni-nlhheil room 708 South Iflih stioet.ttlthorwlthoiit boaul , IK.M7p J OIl HUNT Two pleamint front rooms un- kick , cor Mb mid How mil.JM FritltllNT-SstoiPH in tlio brick Dullillnir nu Houiird St. , lint jtlth mid 17th , No 1015 anil :017. : Imiiiliont ilnitfstorocor. iwli Ft. IIQO FOH HUNT LiirKO front room nlcolv fiu-- nlshi-d ; jirlvlloaoof bath loom ; sintiiiilofor ( > iKii-wms ; nvn iiiliiiito.-i \ uilKIroml' . O. ; ono ilockfionibticntcm-lliio. Addio-.s r. O , box < A 7Ui POH HUNT-Ono InrBo , unfuinlshpd , nlcovn loom , with bay ulndoiv mid pinto , and all nodoin Improvomunuon SOtli bticot.nnai-Pt. ilary'H nvo. Jnqulro at 8. W. Cor. llith anil > < llf2 : tiSii rriOK 1CKNT A nlto , ploaKant room , furnish. U ml or imruriil ed. luijuliu at 151J hoavon- lortli Btri'ct , uu P " JtlSNT-llooms with boiinl , iloalitiblo for biunmur. Apply nt.Su Clnulod Hotol. Ml 71OK HUNT Nlrrly tin nli.iiKj | iront room to - ' t-'eutleimtn enl } , nt S. K. coiner seth nnd ) ouKlnsutU'tU HU ' 'TUMI HKNT ,1 fnriilshod rooms on I'aclllo btioi't. between inh mid lOth.onu block south f thn U 1. deiiot. 4'jj : [ T1K ( ltiNT-2 ; iilcaHnut f-oiith f rout rooms a u.1 > V. coiui-r IDth nml Duvenpoit. TvX ) TIOK ItKNT Two nicely furnished IOOIIIB , K ! - \ \ . cor.21t.t midSt. Mnr > "Hiivunuo. ( HO roa SAKE HOUSES LOTS. 7011 SAi.K-Mclioso Hill , ton mlnutcb1 walk Iroin I'mkavu. t-m-sliviu lot ; fW down , iilnneo $ i3 each tluco inomlis. Ames , l.VJI iintHin. mj ii 7011 K.VI.K Six lota on Samiilcrs st. . 4 block" 1 Horn sticct car llnu ; e.ict lioni.s ; $ ( M i.achi isy p.iiiiu-m8. Tlif.o uui corner Kits. .1. 13 ilvyic Co. , 2)5 ) S Mtli st. ISM OltSAI.K-Molwso Hill lots , ll st Invwt. * incut In vicinity of JluiiHcoin 1'uik. A me. . 07 1-nriium , ; jjj ' 1 LMXW. Net * hoiibool H looms south lioni aTId two lots ouo block li-oiu Heir line Sl.Wila li utut'Hi < ni lialancoat B per cent. Walnut | l.ttMlloiisoorinomonJ' : lot In 1'atilcks 'Adilllloii , f lnj cji li mid )2 ) i > cr niontli. > lrai ( , nod | o | in Lukes Addition , cast Iront ) tlil U tliuup. M , i-1 , Beni-s , li miU Ioil.t < . 77011 flAT.r.-rornpr Jot on Cnilcniro , with B a room lieu o nnd bnrn nnd nil noposinry Im * iiroromcnlo. lofflxlH , Cnpltol Hill. fd.OiH A. JlcOnvock , liVJ rnrnnin U ; > * i ) J7OH SAI.IJ A now 7-room lion o mid lot tioir 1'nrk iivr-mm , fi.WiO ; tnontlily pi\vmpnt . H ho clirnpint liotiMi nnd lot In Omaha. Citnnlniihiim k llrcinimi , IMI Dotliro. 3S7-I7 7J10H flAM'-Mo1ro o Hill N 10 iiihiuloV walk -I from II an ,100111 1'ark , xrhorolot neil as hluh nsf2iyo. Yon 'buy Mnlroso 1IIII lots for ( .tin mul pay f-t-J down ; bnlam-o f j o > er/ three monllis. Amps , ] 5J7 1'nrnnm. nt'i FOH SAM : Oil TIUm-ror : iroo.l te--n , n A M. conlrart lor 181 acres land In 1'lorco county , Neb. Apply i ; < Illonilo nt , Omaha. IHJ-17p 17011 SAI.i : Two rt-sldcncos In 1'apllllon , J Nob. , hunittlfulconntr wiitof nrpyrouiiiy : fnlnio nuburbnn rnalileiu'4) town for Omaha ; tncsoiit uttdiislon of Mo. I1. H H mid also II. & M. Imiulro or udilrosd il. M. T.irrUh , ruiillllon , Neb. 271-K1 * 77011 SAT.K-IInir to surd tuoiior wo bal you J1 will have wmotlitmr lor your pains , llnyii lot In Mi'IrcHU Hill lorSI'K ' ) . by paying SV ) ilon n. linlitiioi $ > every three uiontlis. AIIIHH. | iVj7 Varnam. " 17011 SAt.K Aplx-i-oom cottatjo mid lot. Kit 1 111) ) , on car lino. Apply on pioml-os. IR'3 North Idth Bt. OTCJU * 17OH SAM : Sir room hoiiM1idl ii riw nrjr Im- 1 provomontu , lot M'itlS2 ' , on Davoilixnt , Hour S.'W st. $1,1)00. A. 3Iclliwock , liny > 'arnmu. SAM ! Molroro Hill hiMho many lulv-an- itajios In way of locution , natural draln.iKo , fnclllllcsforbnllillmr , A.Ut > . , tli t tluioptiortii- nlty noivto buy on tlio tnniisKhoil- : rartiono nnd Rhonld be takoti advmila o of at once. Como and Invcstlaato this matter. Aims1.VJ7 Kuril inn. ! U7 770H SAM : (1 ( very chpnnlolxon Ix'ixvenworth 1 htrnot Jnut worttof 1'ark nvoiiuo. Cuiinlns- 1mm A : lliennan , L'jll DoJso. .Kll-17 AMI A jrood IIOHKP and lotonCallfor- J nln Htrt-ot. fJiW ) . A burKUln. CiniuliiKham & Ilrommn , 1511 7pou HAM : oiHANciK ! rino brick JL lioucn , ll ) rooms , barn mid hdiblu , city water mid nocossiiry outhouses oxchmi-jDd for Improved - proved farm not. ever 2 > ) mllus li-om Omaha. H. i : AtfontH ni-ud tint upl > ly. Address KI I , , lloo oflico. _ 24V.T ) SALi : MolniMj Hill loin , Ju t couth of i llauscom 1'ark. lilM lor a lot ; $ 'ldown ' ) , balance S25 every tluco months. Ames , KAI7 Knrniim. ! HH T/'OKSAIi ' : Two lets on ( litorirlu Avo. two Abloek.sS. . ot l.ciHonworth , Jli * > U or J. > J each J. K. Hiluy A. Co. SK. 8. 11th St. JiU TfOH SALT. : In ShlniiV 1st addbouse of 7 I inoiiiH , two story , well nnd cistein , ptnhle lord horses , all uo.iily niw lull lot , .lMi , Sl.tOJ ciwh , bnlmicu to unit , J. W. Marshal , l.VO 1'ur- inuii. j > iv > 1 OH SAI.i : Two choice lot.s lu Hmiicom I T 1'lnco , oust iront. tt.VGO : monthly pav- ments taliim , CuniiliiKhaiu & llieunau , 1511 Doilito. IIW-I7 "tT'OIt SALi : Splendid iiou oDrooiii , hnthliDt 1 nnd cold water , line cellar , bcantilul lawtt , ono of the JInesf dwellings in Oinnhu , on I'ofc lilolon nvo , ouo Mock iroin s-fteot car. Lot IWr 1JO. ? 0UJ. ) A. MiUimick , ISiNl'miiiini. RSI POH SALi : Some lots In Ilovd'H addition. fnfl ouch. Very cliunp. Cunnlnglium A Ilieu- tmn , fill IoiUro ID-5-17 FOH 8AM' Come and pee Meliose H'll ' , where for & 10down nml linl nice T o-ury three months jou can buy as handsome n lot ius MIU over saw for JIJOJ. Ames , 1.VJ7 Ktirnam. 319 iron SAM ! tsnThoinbiirjf | I'lai-o on Ilelt -L I.ino Si tXI to "Hl each , monthly payments. C. i : . Mayno , iJth ami rarnam. 1U8.1'J. FOH SAM : It'52'ipald xno'i tbroo months Is not oti-y ternix. where can you llml them ? Slplro-o Hill is tlio plnoo lor yon to save your iiionoy. Von can buy ii siillnt and never ml-s thumonej. Amos. 1.VJ7 rnrnam. ' > n < vlTi-nTbt w7ffir iiovMTiino , ' .FliiociT JUvost of I'urlc avouiio , $1,5'JO. J. 1 ! . Kiloy . Co. , 215 a. IJth at. ! il oio 's . . , . . . , , , , ivn t nil J25 every tluee months. In Su Paul ami Jlii..1. . * iinolls lots us ni > irlli l > ostolllco ill for .to ten times as much monojr iu wo mo nollluj ? Mel- . . . . un for. lloiniiinbor 11' yon can buy now ' ' - ' " " " " - ' 77OHSA1 n llenutlful residence Iot8 in Will. I uilt Illll f-iVi tfi } C < m each ; lo tier cent cash balance monthly p.i } mouts. C. K. Mil } no , Ajt. POlt SAM ! A corner Tot on Dodu'o streetr&i- M ) . Worth double the monuy. Cumiiiiff- limn & , llreumui , Illi Duiljru. 38U-17 "ITUM SALK Mrlroso Hill. Newest and hand- X1 some-t nildlllonoii Holt Line. Klejfimt land. Just south lluuscom 1'ark. 10 minutes walk liom I'mk uvo. btioet caih whom lots mil lor J-I fiOOaiiieeo. You buy the .nine lot In Alohtt-o Hill lor S.tiK ) only y : < n down , bnlmico JM a iiionthoi p-'ieteiy ill days. Think ol thin ciimice to you n homo. l''or fJMJyonet ( a lot , lor which < m Park inc. , hi uuuuUis' wulk from Mi-l- n > t-o Illll you pay Jn-tfi times as mi-oli. Come mid BOO this jii-opurty. Ames , 1W7 l-'arnmu T > I FOH SALL' A few oliwaiitlorMonrnliloniln i-tieel. I'lleoM.oooouch. Cunningham Ac Hienumi , nil lodiro. ; ) . ) 17 Foil SAMV-Rood nouso mul lot In noith Omaha , has fi lunro rixmih , celler , well , clsloin.clo-otx , SlMlO , easy lerma. W. T. < ! ia- liuiu. Crolchton block. 150,1 Tj Oll SAM ; Tliolatestnddltion Muliosi ! Hill. J Only $ ! D4)i ) : lot ; $ down. { > 10 n mouth or fSS every WJ days. Amos , 1507 rarmim. : n7 fTlOU SAr.K OnSaiindurs st. . nenr enr Hue , * lull lot ; cast ti-unt ; now liouso. Sstor7 rooms. $ ! , JU. Vciy cheap. J. U. Itlioy A ; (5o. ( , "S S. llith ht. ; t ± ; T7OH SAI.i : Molrnio Illll ut f.'WO a lot ? ) ' ) * ( low ii , liiil moo ? li ) a mouth or &io ovo-y 'J nonths. Amos. ) jU7 Kiiruam. ; ! 5J T.-'Oll SAI.i-Tlueo lots In Klikwood'H iidil. J-1 f-IUO. A. Mcdiivoik , Ifioi Pm-ntniifit aso 1 Oil sAr.i : A MTy iloslmlilii pioporty ( hut * - touts lorifl,111) ) a jciir ; situated In Ilist-cla-s inluhborl'oml ' , ou stieet ear line , near liljfh u'liiol biilldiiiKJConslstHOf lot 7'vl2 ! ( ) iet , two 'well ' Inints , city water , bhthn , watorclosetn , els- irn ; barn , cost fl.UW ) ; will icnt ovirvibu in bejem ; pilce. rlJ.OtO , liulf ciu.h , balance to 'Mltnt ' HiiortoutiuteicsU J. W. Mmvlmll , liol iirmim. ; j I710H SAM } Ior f M ilou-n and fil ot nrv tin-on L montliH. MulioncHllllnlH. I itoit nddition xjinomidbce II. Antes , 1IW7 Kuriiuoi. ojj rroil SAT I' rimvn some very desirable bar- I ifiilns In Imslnexs residence mid unlmprov- 'il ' city pioiiorty. ItntterM-omo bcloio ou buy , . W. Mill-shall , ItOl Fmiimn. ytil Bl [ 7UH SAM' TwoHtory hoiisn , K rooms , bath , II buy window mid all convoulem es. comm it Cllxl0. ( . eatiy tci ma. f3tXX ) . A. McGiuock , W1 l-'m-iinm. lira [ 70H 8AM ? HotniM for the people. Homos lor those who do not want to pay lane/ rlooiand hlKh nites of Internet. > lolro-.o Hill iron ) all OKI advmitapes you fleck elegant loiind , cuntrally located , Just wiiith of Huns , urn I'ark , Holt J.lno Is already laid mid worl.od ythlH addition. You do not pay cltytaviis , our lotrt cost you * TOO , oiisuuh toruiB uuvcr bo ne otrored for such property , unit i * only tttfji ) lot , n ) down mid flUa month or ja. every 9J iiyn. Co mo mid choubo your let. Ames , IW7 HI mini , avi 71011 SAMJ Story mid half house , 7 rooiuscol- - lariind cistern , lot iOvllx ) na I'opplntoii our "fitb at. , on eaty terms. tl.WO. A , Mcdav- [ 'k , l&OU rarmim Ht. ; nn 71OH SAI.K A four-Htory brick block ocoup- - led by luriru wholosalu cmuiblUhinont : rentH ) r f.'I.OW u juiir. Iliiruey Mi-cut. I'rlco. j.Kl.liflO l > leudld Invt'stiiifiit , J. W , Marshall , llJUfl 1'ur- innj SM-81 ; > 0ll SALR I.nrKi ) lot mul two boimes on ' Nicholas Htreet ; routs for f40 n month ; will II cheap or will trade lor hoiibu uud lot. Cun- iiKliiim A. Urennmi , 1511 lodtu. > 017 noit BALK-Mnhoso Illll U nn addition in which } ou CMII buy as tlno a lot an any In ils couiitiy lor f-KW. Melrosjt Hill Is lOmliiutcs alkirom Hanscoin I'uik midon the licit Llnu mil , The Imulls all that can IHI n Uud , us to it in-ill urfaco , perfect dniina o und ilwlrnhln c.itlon. When you uet ouo of tlieno lotH at f-VTO id pay t-'W down mid J--l every il months wiuit nerwuy tObittiiiuimoney ? No bunk ollem iKiitomi liivo.stiiiuiit. Como mid ceo Milro III und bo convinced , Ames , l&ot Furmim. iiai poll H VI.i : Tito full lots , uoi-nor , west end twobloekii liom I'armim ht. : Mimh fiont id on Kiiulut fl.MO for both. A Imrirulii. .1. U. Icy & Co. , 1J15 S. l th St. U17 1 011 SAI.n LntcBt nnd bc't , unfest and oiliest IntchtmciitHin Mcliot-o Hill. The only place mro fiioo buys a lot that Ils couutcrpuit sells r ft ilmos us much on I'mk ave , , uhlch N 10 Inutes walk tiom Melio O Hill Here Is a mice to buy u lot on which you can iiiaku u ry InuiilHomo piollt In ui ear's time , but which II niako } ou a iluslrablo plucu lor n borne , me and M-O Mohose Illll : only $ W1 a lot. W n , bulaiicu f-'i etery U months. Ames , isuj mam. _ > OH BArn-lemitful ; ! ! residence lots In Waf- nut Hill $ Xa to Ks ) with ; lo pci cent cnsn , IUIRO monthly pujmuuts. C. K. Mnj no , Am T7IOU SAI.K Special bargains by rnnl-on A JL1 Co . lot noxina no r/grco.ficnrEnth.hoiifomidiitoic / combined vfofl nml dlnMo , $ 'J ) . I/it 7"ion t Iront by 140 with 2 new eottmros , onlltb t , 2 Ajuares isoiitli ot St. Mat } save. , Ixit Wtr X ) nn l"nli " t. nenr St. Mnrv's nro. , oasl front , with idominl 10 room bou o. Stwo , l\irner lot In SMnn'it mid. , with bouso. $1IP1 Ix t C"ixiio : , pii Oniifotiila , near .Btli cl. , lth Itouvn , $ l.w : > , onty terms. Ix > t : o110 , on I'loiifmit Ftroet.nenr Pt Mnrv'o nvo , with 7 rown new hou u , t-inble , etc , $ 't,6M ( uit .TO.tllfi , iVrom now cot'ngo ' , nenr ImXe fiCiionl hoiifo.ffO. \ . Choice lot In llnwthorne- . , ft-room cotliijro , cle. . Jl,7f)0 ) ! on v term . K feet on .IJMriicy , near 13th , f .KW , for llvo days only. I/it 47x1315 , on 10th , nnnr St. Mary's nvo. , with B snmll lionios. ift.rKiil : easy terms. Clmlrn lots In KIHonind nt ? I'-V < ! loin In W. A Hcdlclt'H add . SI.CW1. Iot4l\s | ou SOth , nenr Vlnton , splnndldly trt- CMtcil ATO. Choke lots In Uwlffht * I.yrami'a add. iitttlW on h. Choice lots In chulio 1'hico from { , .30 to > W1 ; pmall en" . ! ! pnytncnt , Imlnnru mouthlv. Hoii oafor rent , rmilfcn St Co. , 1AI3 rnrnmn stiret. : ' 2l-1fl. Cot. lot T.'vlM oil 8. fill , with llrsl-chw iVrootn cottnpe. enrrhiRO hotiio , barn , irnuuiry ; a very desirable location for n doctor ; PI.IXW. Do not tall to luvostli ito SI teet iront on Hnrunv. cor. of lltli St. , t UW . rmilacn & Co . HI I Karnmii Ht. JMlt SAI.i : ; ) lot on South 17th Ht. ; easv pay- ments find very cheap. Tor Sale Advlsnule phico to loeate and bull 1 uroeery More , Vinten U. near tri-iiilmim > r r.lih ut. car line , f liWO. , J. 1C. lllley A , Co. , ! J15 H ntli. C-t * FOH SAMI-MelrofO Hill from its liio itlun ( TiT minnteo walk from I'aik Aviinne cars ) Is iKinnil to be thu most popular addition Jn the licit Mnu. It not oulv oilers the advantiu-es to boderlend frnni the Holt H1 but It Is only ten minutes walk Irom street ears. Come mid HIMJ this wound. A'no-i , I 'it K-irnum St : rl 7r OllSAIi-lleautlfu1resldnnco lot.s in Wai- i1 nut Hill $ > r-otofnoociu-h : 10 per cent visit , bahuiLo monthly puytaents. 0.1) ) . Miiiie A 1 3. l.VS 1'J. 1-\01tSAi-OuCalirornliint : , M\\r \ : : deslra -I1 bio u'sldonco , f-V > UU. J. 12. Hlloyfc Co , ail s. mill m. am "TpOlt SAI.13 ThnlolB willlnjr In Melriwe Illll at -i { vKOulot , J.fl dimii mid $ - " , each lined nonths , will mil lor double this price in U months time. Can } oil llml mi > bank that pnjs such Inleiect ? Ames 1507 I'arnmn ht. T" FOH RAM ? remilirul icHldeiieo lol lu Wnl- nnt IIIII'o ; to frooi'iicli ; lo p"r cent cash , bahmio nidiithl } pa } ments. C. i : . MMJIIH , Ajtt. 77OH Hill Js the new niMltlon I on Unit Hoiul. It Is Just south of Hiuisc'im 1'ml ; . ltliiiilv li minutes \\nlk Horn Hircet cnrs. Itwllliuvoii licit l.lno Oiipot within a lilncUorit Vo-i can buy u lot In Melnno Hill lor $ 'oi von luiy $ . ( ldown mid SIO .1 mouth or 4U".i n > iy lOdiMslor just Hitch a lot us this jou will lm\c lo pay on I'm It Avcnuo , 5T > 0) when a Mdliosu II 11 lot cost.s you only $ KM mid on mie'i oasvtcini" . You b.idbotK r co ne and bee Mul- i-i < sullill. Aiuna 1.VJ7 ruriiaui hi. IM'I FOIt HI.H Lots In Tliornhtinr I'lace on licit I.lnu y.fl ) lo J.M > ii each , monthly pa ) incuts. < J. K. Miiyue , nth nnd I'timum. 1'iS.lJ. FOHSAIM Heaiitlful rivMdcncn Ion In Wai nut IIIII f . ' "mlofiiKi ciich ; loner cent ciwli bulmite monthly ) payments. C. K. Mu } ue.13S Ajrt 13S 1U. SAI.i : ? ' 0do-vn nail S'lnvciyilmonth * - Is about as i'.fc-i-teniis ' as men over ofTerods. Von buy Molrn aHIl | lots on terms Only JMln Ui | otisneh tinim us tine Melio-o II II 111 miiuiles milk fio'ii llii'iM-om Turk , come mid .see It. Auiusio7 rahmmPt , Ml POIt K. ' . .1"vToi nor lot I ! bloelrs from street cm-a. I. i'ldojj& ( Co. . SI'i S Titli st. tilt ) "I/iOIl SALT ! LotK'tliThornburtf Plueo on Holt JL' Line KiiXi to J.3IH enoli , monthly payments. ( . n. .Ma ; no. l.'th HIM I' i.Vj.U. _ _ M , i SAM : A Imornln for a short time In lo'j JjMHl 1 InSlilimsaU'dirloij.Ilve cor. , lot 1A ) it 01 ( % 'alilwell Ht.IJj , wdlio Hiimllcr lots * > WmidiilJ. n.tVoljrliton blockIBM bnlmicu monthly payments. U. li Miijno , Ait ! IT8.U FOHSAT.i : LorHlulhoruhuijr Place on licit Line , V U * to $ lill ouch , monthly imyn iimt.s. C 13. 31a } no , loth and Km num. I3S U. . . . . llo uitlfiil rosldoiico lots In Will- I1 nut Illll % X * > lo $ iloo each ; lo pin- ( cut ciibh , btilmico monthly payments. C. i : . M.mie. Aut ! IW I'l. Tj OH 8AI.K TxitRlnThornbiirK I'laie on Holt l.lno , JS-'IK ) to $ 'iiKl each , monthly iiujiiiunto. C i : Mm no i.1th mid i' Lx.19. 171OHI AUJ-Twofnll lots on ( icor lu nvoiino , -I1 ? tur)0canh : splendid location and cheap .1 , W. Mtirslmll , ir/xt I'anium ht. Ji7-i7 ( .i : frfils In Hmmeom I'hloo troni i' T ' 10 tlNji ) , ciisy terms. Lots on i'mk mid Avenues S15JO. W. T. ( jialimu , i blouk. , IM FOHPAI.i : TAitsinThornbuif , ' Phifd on lle't Line , JK.IIU to M > ) ciieli. monthly i IIMI-CIHS. D i : . Ma } no , i th mid l-'m-nmn. " laua. POUSAT.IV-A fowlots lu HmllolLs niMillo'i , three blncl.s liom ctjcot car. ? f,1Uo S'fd on iiiun lily pujmunlb. W. T. ( iiiihuui. Cioisbton 'lock. jjj r l * you want n rlirtip IIOIIFII mid lot , If jou want lnihlpu > b ptoporty , 11 .vou wuiit imlmpiovod lo.sfdonco property , 11 jou want nrro piQporty , II jon want to maUo iifroodiimmmeutin any .Ind of iral estaln , If jou wiint lo ' oil nnv hlud of iciil cMnto , fall at riiniilniiliuiii 4 ; Jlioiiimn'a onicii , Jill , nc\t 1' . 0. ttfl ) rjUll8AIiK ) A frond liiioMincntlnu low lots In ' iliuiht'u ! ! ! phu-o lit .Y > 0 , eij j turiiisV. . T. iialmm , t'n Ifrblou JJoct. ! ! Hi ) \f \ C. 1-AT7 KKfN ( , Mthmiil ) ' * I orSalo . \ houiitlfnl riHlileneo on Davenpoit t. 1'ilco , $ > > , rXu ) ; lurnis , glr.jO ciish , balance to till. I'or Sale Kino cor. lot , Slit mid 1'ilco B IKI ; oiisy I onus I'm Buo ! A lull lot and peed houi-o , ioiits for IT. per month , on Fo. Ilih ; iilou car line ; Incline list ; at sM. ' . ' < > " : easy turms , 1'or Sulu A Iciiiitllnl new 7-ioom eotliwo ; ) t'l\liH ! , and all convenionccH , on 1'ioico jt. , bove ahi. nt fl.'d ' u ; ? .K,0 en .h I'oi Pale rino acio piopi rly fiom fS.X ) to f 100 u easy teruiH. J'or 8nle Twelve losldeiicos mid cottauen In illi lent ji.iiifi ot thuclly Iroin f l.ixx ) to UMa iieh. 1'or Itent-Two now eottrnfos at fl"i per month , no blouk Irom Slim mim avenue. 1'or Hent 1'our now store looms In ileslinblo icatlon. Jlouoy to I ian on approved fiecuilty at 75 ! per jut poi-ununm lu sums of Sl.wnormoio. Cull on or uddiess It. a Patterson , llth mid in mini. u.,7 : jlOH RAI.H [ xitKlnThornliiinr 1'lace on Holt Line JJfiO tor WU ( inch , monthly IIUIIHIIIH ! , , K. Mnyno , ISllHuiU niiiiiun. 15WJ. pHSALU-JjolH.lnn'hornlmwTliice ( ) on Ilelt : I.lnojaji ) to'fcMJ iaeli , monthl ) im > iiiiintd , K. Miiyiie.lJtlTuail'J'iiriimn , IVi.ia. - nut Hill iVHoM ) t-icli ; lo per ( out cnsli , iluncoiuoiilhlj'lliiiyiiiciits. C. H. Miiiio , AKt. m. Ill IM.IIJ. r OHSAM5-Hrtiutl/Hli ( < hlileiico lots In Wai- nut Hill fciVidi * ( ! > each ; ID jiur cent ciibh , ' ilmicomontlilyu/iojini-'iitti. C. K. Milno. Ant. _ POK H Ar.I'- TPiii'iKH'A'iiiid ' lotnon mouthlv pay ments. I ) . 'I. ' Haydeii , Saumleri , between ikomul l \VIIIlH 5W.1i * Illi ' - - ) NIYW ) lots timradil for Imptoved pioperty , will -BunitiHiiri WKL-s or pay dllleieucolii HI. ) r.irtlt-H w iiiw to trade bnilor call at ice. W. 11 UiqOty./tftir Jut Nutlonul Hunk. 171 ) OH8AM-I.otSlliTlioriibiirt'l'liico on Unit l < iiioi : 10 to JWO ouch , monthl } ) uyuiouto. 1 ! . Mnyne , l.'ith and 1'uriium , 1VS.ID. > OHSAM ! Hcn"d and lot uml leiilotsnonf I'm knvcmio. cheap , on easy tonnn. ( i. I' . L'bblns , Itoom UI , Arlington lllock. tU'mov ? * 1OII MAI.I ! 11 acresllneost Kiiiilon and fruit land in the stale , mid U miles fiom Omahii ; vu not the tlmo to look utter It. On tlmo or rctisli. fal. Martin , ll l South llth St. U7'J HK SAM : Orioof tlie tlmist ii ldunuo proii- ( titles In Omahii , Jl.rioju. . U.K. Muyne. loth d Karnmii. JOT lOlt .SAI.K ThiciuiowcottiiRes. live rooms eachIn Walnut Hill ; KOOI ! riilliin , < | okOts , iitilin.i'lsteriisetc ; two hits wlthonolirotltiyu MM cHch. 1 liW down inid f O per month. C. I' . 1 } ne , l.'ith and Kuniiiiii. ; rri fOMH SKiKiil3 : : ; ATri ? Ti10N i'orliiII | iiir > - llciiliirb nhont 1'ieo mid eheuii lundx ill 'stern ' NohniNkn lutdrobs I'littermin A. While , at Kitalo Atfi'ilU , Not Hi I'lntto , Neb. ! ICHt SAI.K HtvintiruluciopioDPity " inllor 11 DIM tiiy , at $ IJ3 to tn per nert' : enny m . II. C. l'atluiDUiiuiuur IJlli nuu i'linuiu T OIl SAt.r-licmttlfiil resldcnco lot * In Wnl r nut IIIII J3V > to oo o.-ieh , lo per cent cnsh biilnnio monthly pnjmenta. C. 1 > . Maynn , nut. IM I ! ) . Foil SAi.r-n lot.s on Ooonrla mid Vlrtflnla IUPS. . Hedlck'a add. fl.avi to $ UKW oaoh cn y tenns. t.M8) ) New cottapo Brooms , rood barn , corner C.rsirlmid 1'ier iitieets , f AH ) , monthly pay laenls. (171) ( ) Iot fneln ? Hmiocom park on I'mk nvo. f IfW. easy t onus. 0. K. Miijne , l th nnd I'ar- iiiitn. _ _ jffj _ ir OltSAT.1l-Uitsln Tliornbun : 1'laooonllel I Line J"oo to J ! oo rneli. monthly pnymeuts C. U. Mnj no , nth mid Tarnnm. 11S.1D. | OHSAM-T : t lnThornburf ( 1'laco on llcl 1 I.lio ) S'oo : to ftoo : e eli , monthly pnyments C. H. Majno. ir.lh mid Parnnin. IIS M. M : SAI.r Chonp , n line lot In Han eoin I'lnoo. AildrcsaN. IM' . . Ilco olllco. IM IflOK SAIi-lAts In Thoruburir I'lnea on lict J. l.ino J'oo : lo 5100 ciieli , monthly pnjuionta. t ! . H Majuu , l.'ith mid rarnam. \V \ l'i. ITlOHSAI.n-lxitslnTlmrnburff Plnco on Ilelt J. I.lnoi'ooto * : xio each , monthly payments ( ' i : M-lj no , ntli and I'liruam. IV I ! ) . FOItSAl.r A two xiory , 2Sv l. frmno build Im. , iitltuMc for a stoie , IILMI10th mid Tar mini Sis. Apply nt this olllco. V17 . IxitriliiTliotiilniitrl'Inrn on tint I Mim S.-.1H to t-UJ eaiih , monthly pajmeuts C. 1' . Miijue , 1'itli and FUIIIUM. 15S.IJ. I 7Ult SAM2 I/iU In Tlionibni-K Tlnco on Molt II l.lno tMO to fn ; l ( MOM , monthly payment ) < \i : Mn > ue , I5lh mid Farnain. IVS.I3. "IJIOKSAM : On Kalrvlew at. . Olio of the bo-it Jarninped and host built cottmros In thn city , n moms , all on ono lloor : 4 closets , pantry ; l It ccillmn : limisom over every door ; IniMimeut nnd wnshioom iimlrr kitchen ; 1:1 : , 111 , half cash , balance to suit ntx jmr cent. Very desirable. J. AY . Mitrsliull , ifioa t'm mini. us : ) ITnUHAMI Acre lotiln lnllveloio..1ust ! wo t J1 of Tort Omahii , Jim toiilM oaoh Thn e nro buiiMtllul IOIH mid are bound to double In vnluo lit 11 t-hnit tlmo. C. U. Miiyue , SV Coi. 151 h mid I'm nmu. i50-"t Z3TATS. 'AiM ANI > I.H.\0 PUOIM'.ItTV POIt .1 ? Sain f 15ny ) Hnvluir i tnMishoil bii lne s in Ohio , mid cannot pinperlv attend to both , will Mill my liirm of H7Bnotes In Mlvnnrl , Washluif- ton county , Poles ) , the county town , and W miles -onth ol St. IiOills , lor atioMi mm. 4" > 0 ncios veil Impioveil , linlunco timber oak , ash , hind imiple and hicKor > ; luuirooildwelllnibiiiiH : mid slables ; raises the lic-t , ( oin orto- bacio , and would make iiKiiod sheep faun. Iin- pnned lands nrll here for ftflpermio This Is not only a oo.t . lanii. but hits nmuidaucnof loud out upon it , with sinoltluif tiuiiuci' , t-'lxiVl , ciioil lo , ; lioii'-ii lor mim. and complete for Immediate operation , ami 11113 biijcr who Klvn H liiimo- illato filpeilnteiKleiiee IIH.J a Kinall foitimn. Hall'cash and gooil ical estate lev other hull' , or will prHo tlniLTitle iiciUcit. Addicua ( luiUs 1' .Sinclair , \'t \ UeiirhoiiiMiootChlentro. Itoom 73. . OH SAM , Ouo half lntere t in reitmitmit I. doliu' Inrcost business ol any | iluce In town. 1'or partienli'iN addi e < s T. U. , llnu Olllto . "M 8,1 * j-\ ir.iiv ; : & DOANI : itoul iMato Ap-outs. a. \Jf \ \ ' . cnr. liitli nnd Douglas , are now oirmlirt for ( -ale lii'pni' | " , rf > uldence end bubuiliini iuop- inly. Pome ol the mot iidvaiuuveonf < lmijfiiiis ! now In tlio market can be obtained by calllnifon tliom. lmpio\eil mid inilmpi-ovod property , I'Otlu-r lul.t uml desirable sites In tlio lie < t lo cated luldlMonsciin bu bail at loiLMiiinble pili-es mid wi-y turins. ilKnovlii ITtoil SAT , ! : IMvo acres , one-hnlf mile ire = t of lair groiinil. near Smimlcrs st. mid Ilelt Line , t'J.tWi ) . A. 1' . Tuhey , luiit i'aiiiam t-t. "JO FOH' AM : SU4 mmeru if Bold Immediately will buy ono of the finest < ium tor wet loni in Nuoliolls county , bl\ miles lioie the Ktowimr inllioml 'owns ot Hanlv an 1 Warwick , or will OM'hiuucu lor land near Omalui. ( J. II , hcn-s , I'tiirce st , , llrnt door wcet of 2id. - J FINI3 lmiii | > \ nd farms.will trndo for Impiovr-d city | noporty , W. H. ( liooa , ever l t Na- tlomd Jiank. 5T > 8 Foil S\li : Hominy me'il.frood feud fiV per bundled , W..I. Wclsliaiis & Co. , City Mills. TTM1 * * ' . in a small town n Kwioinl sloik P nf DICK liaudho , nndbtoro lor rout ; luldie 11. e > . r. cam nee iiiiitu. > j-'i1ip "P710H SAIiK One bran news > | iinro ( 'nui'l , Il'l J1 llnps , % Co , I'l.ino. at just hull price. S. .Ion- iv > onS jowehHtoio , ltli ! and Hiirnoy t. " ' . ' 7-I7 " \rOUcaii buy now or njcend-hand Moves or 1 o\ohan o sccond-linnd Ftovns lor new i-tovns mid wave Sbl to fJO.if > oii go to Iiurmiui Kuiido , C1U North Toutli Htioot , L'll ) IS Ir\OIl \ SAI.i : Chctip , entire outllt In Hullo of cloynntly fiitnisliufl looms. In block. Apuly lit C. A N. W. Hy olllto , Ull Kariiiini sheet 4.J1 17 limcKWHI'.AT I - - to suit trade. In hands ot MieKs. Otn "No 1 Head } Im-ieil" imckwhctit toi ! < r , wanenttd best mailo.nskyoiii ( rioenr lor It. llltr'iest piico p..ld liii-bi.cKwhcnt HininW. . J.Wilslmiii A , ( o. , City Mills Omaha. 117 HOTKI , roil SAM : The loam mid liiinl- turf of the Now York Cetilral Holol , Wv- moin. Neb. Ylils property will lie sold at a * ao- i Illeo prior to November Isf. The Now Central ( ommands iho bo-t ti.u'o In the city , mid is u bargain Address J. W. ' ' 1'ajfo , I'lopilctor , Wy- Uioio , Neb. lJ7-17p ( Foil HA I t : ru ni It lire ompleto of n ton- l-ooni bonsn. ' , liloeK liom postothei ) HoutolDirout , Ml per mouth. Apply nt IWJ DoiUu bt , 113 ITIOH SAM ; A No. IdrlUntror woil , ho olor J1 ciisli DI nn Uuio. W. It. Crolt , Itoom 1. VV'itliiioll Iliiildnw. MS OrcilMONTAI , IIOTKL-Tinniluio for Nile mid hotel lor unit. Call ut Oceitlontal for 'iifoinmtlou ' , coiner lumnl Howard St. ( i."i I71OKSAM : llnrkwhont lumi , fie per KlllNs. L1 .W. .1. Wol-hans A'o. , Cll } Mills , Hip \ . ' ip on SAM : Two low in 1'ellmm 1'liice. ouo L block fiom Btieut car tiiick. IiiuuIio'JIH.S. othsticot. 5J.'i POIC SAt.K Or would tiado for u p-ooil boi so mul liiifrcy , Nlaci os In Coser | county. Ait- ily lo lSSoiitli llith hlieot. ttW JIUCIHESS Ij'OHS'VMC ' Tim llnnst rnstnnrmit and ojstor pnilerln Ninth 1'latle Tor InJoinm'Iuii xldio-s 1' . ( i lx Illi. Iliislnesspininjr. < : iioil oiiaon for bcllliuf. North I'Utto , Nob. air7-l7i ] A HAHi : 1HJSINF.SS Cll.\NCi-My : Interest In -X one of the best steam lauiidrloiin the stiiln inhale Onl ) two months ohtnlilMiod mid al- imdy ilolnjr the luiullnv business nl1 I.lnoolu. .vuiytliliiK now mid complete- Only two hum- ries in the city , ' . ' 0,000 InhahltiintH Ciiiihhow urcluiMir u blK tblnir and line pmspootH. llest nasoiis wlveii for Mulllinr. Aildicvi for infoi ma- Ion , \V. W. , llo77J , Lincoln , Neb. ; v'J [ 711)11 NAMi Keitaiiriuit doimr a biif ! IUNIICS < - will be Mld at u hmualu lor CIIHI | or on tlmo. obur In other bubincus. Addrt'M O. I' , Ilco Ilieo. UI- ) ' HAIU To bo dl | Miied of an estab INhml Hanking lliiHlnuis In Comity Sent if oiiu of thi ) host e-isturu Pouutles In the Into. . Thn huHlnoss worth JU.'xn ' peryimr. This iiKraiidoppoiluiiity lei puttier , wishlm ; tills hid nl luvuotmont , C. i : . Miiyue , l.ith mid l-'ur- HO KVC'IlANCiK-FWH ) woith Kooit Mnplu t I Heneral merchmidlso ' Will oxclinwro lor : > oil Notiriiskn or Kansas ImidH. AdiliciH llox i , Wyiuoie , Net ) . tnostf * TiOK SALK Complete outfit for bmiklnsr hoiiHe , louslstlni , " ol lm o llro mul Imitflor out safe , lion calling , cherry counter , ete , all iw Would trade | ir Onmlmcltv niopurty ur lid hinds , C. j : . Mil } no , 15th mid K.nnuii. mi poit SAI.H Hctail stock of dnii ; * mul 111- lures , all in peed oidur ; ( food locution and ado. AddicM X. Y. V5. , tl uk J > i U0Co. . , Oinalui , ub , fii" . li _ 1 ; roil SAI.i-ni-t-citss : ) hoti-l , ijiounds all Improvements , Matures , bur vVc.In a j-iow- il trcllj. J'rlcn ifftfxn ; Icriiu. easy. , 1'uttorfcoii , IJth lind i'lirnam. 11OAHDIUO. > OOM nndlioiird , f5 per weuk ; very bostlo- I cation. 1BH JKivuiii'Oit 8t } r > Solti ) | rrANTii ) Uny boarders tit 71'J KortiTnithi V near Hint , lu-'jmnb * FOUHD. 1AICKN HI' A ithlto cow with inU stiliio around her neck.B to NijCUM old. Oiibilul iwer , on rutvic 't < iiiun ) uovi ; > LOST. r..oo Hi : > VAnn-Stiiiitd > ept.M , one icid , „ , pow , with whltcslifiei | cio t bnok ; liad a , ro on the ldt sldu of her b.iif ; huiiik blunt. ' " ois iilMiitt four mid oLu-hnll j OHM nlil. Thu m [ ) vojuuil ; will bo Klveu to the peiMm le , M riilim hoi to II Siil lo. | ! ll Douyl MHticet.Oni. . u. Nil Allbmul luw.iiu tull bu | > i 11 liu1 in- ll BXOVB rpHir , C. MntznerStovo Ilepnlr Co. . Ill South JL. llth St. between led o and Douglas. T o T-A niimll bnu mnrkod with U. 1' . iTlTp JJ Initials , contnlnlmr n small Riim of immny , on 17th si. , between Capllol nvo , mid I1n\enport ( si. Tinder will receive n llliernl icwardby 10- Uirnliig lo Dr. lint roughs , 1317 Oodgo street , 1" OST A roil cow white bond rod i > pot , me < 1liim - ' ? > ed il j car ! old. Under will bo I ewarded by leturnlntr to.lohu Mejcr , 17th St. , between Con * terand Ioix'ts. S70-13 * STHAYUD-rroin Mrs ( Viriiileluiol , IHd iid Iliu t Ptteet , October I'th ' , one bay her < c nboitt eleven J enrs old , blind In ouo ejo ; tinder can loiuo word at Hoc olllco 31W-1 ; * LOST A child's blue nnd rod cont. fi ron nnl if letttiiied ut once to Mia. Kinsman.N > ( 1'leiiiant St. ! ) li'-17 1' OST On SI Mart's Ave , u Mioomnkers JJwlieel ; Under will leave ut lleti on' atoro , St Mmy s At o. I r.HSONAr. I'lfty w iit will buy a combined biackot , hnnd mul Ktmid lamp at Mnydy'H china Htom Cor 10th mid Davenport , Another lot just leeched mid mo Mllnjr inpldly , MADAM itlIiNIA : ; . olofflst mid Clalrvovnnt , points out unseen enemies , color their eyes mid hair. Thn loud lo m cess. IKIVO and business a Hpecl.ilty. Slio po ltlvely cuios bilious heailacnes , kldnoj-fl.llver and nil deratu'cmoutsor the stomach , dfssoltes ' dl ( > toncs , cUNiscaturrli , the worst oii o % ot rheiinmtlKui. Her method of curing cnlcnlus Is with herbs , mid most complete Heals worst Fores In n month Her lieatment of coins , bunions , tender feet nets Ilko aehiirm. Mrs. Hldcharilson comes with manj-iecommendatlon.s I mm the press and prlvnto liidlvldunls , eeluhni- tcd and popul-ir Hhort time unly. l i ! North lUth bticet.ioom U. LlSmiSs IN < 'UAYON-l > uplls tmmht how tomako ciajon poitialtx. A Illonlre por- tialt from miy pliolo pupil iniiv iloiie Kl en lte with term of lessons. Coin ell , V Cooke , K , Ifoomi.'U , Ailliujtou lllock , west of 1 > . o. IAHIHSIn want ot ifoodshl for poneral IHWO I work iVo , can llnd them by applvlm ? at Oma ha Kmplojmont llnre.iu , 1L.M raruam St , UI7 ALWAYS on hand at a barpain , No. I pocoud bund can lairu phnetons and cldo bar bu - Kiout A. J. Sl.npsuii , II'JJ ' mid 1111 Doilfo St. _ _ _ _ M7 _ TAI lis In want of ( rood dmneitlo help can * be "iipplled bv ealltui * on the Ointilni Km- ployment Ollice. t-'UN. hitli SU , iip-staiw. MM. .1. W. Moirison pioprietor. b'4 T > ltIVV vaults mul cesspools cleuned In mi X odoiless way b > I' . U. Abel , 1' . O. lloI17H. . 111.- . CUBED. " NO operatlnn or uveleis trusses. Dr. M. M. MOKIO , "U Wiibnsli ave , Chieaifo. Will l.o at r/o//.uns House , U < tobiuouo ' ) iliiyonly. ri or.i'Miitv , tMisiiiiiuton , HUH itttli St. "nil ! CiiAHrt" A bo.mllm ' , mid day hcliool lor jouiiir bulios. nehirlitlnlly Hlliiininl on ( jKrffetowu HelKhts. I.aijro mounds ; .su perior scholastio advantages Miss ititt.v : : . " " "BUCK""GRANT. A Son cil' liio C7ciu'rnlYIio Vfna u I It- tlo Too I'rovldiis AVIth a t'ros- popilvo Kortuuc. "Otith" writes : " \Vttid now seems de sirous of br'ni < rjiK ) i ('s beys as seini-culiutbles in liis sclicines. Thu only one of tluHi ! bo\H who h\s : \ utiy inlhi-ntiil : rcptitatidiMS Colonel Fred Grant. Ho Wits u holiliur : it his futhor's si > lo when u iiioro boy , und has u K < od deul of Gun- oral rintnt'b frank and ojcn nature and ftinat'ily to inaki1 wtiim friends Thu olhor ( ii'ant ladHpotinlo business before they bad any oilier kind of cxperii'iici1. .lessisbasb i-n trying for some t-tnis to raise money enough lo Q oil' to the En- | ihratcs river or onie other jlac'o ) in Asia , and build a railroad. Huon hlto Inivo k'arnod by ] > aHl uxieritincu ( hat dintnot ! mtiuli money in clicinc.i , but , iniriiilveniiiiu , MIIUU In manual labor or inontal disoiplinu. "Buok" Grant , other wise Uly.s-i'ri , took Hid social turn , and had iIu/Mling fortimas within bis ro.ich. At ono tiinu ho was K < ins , o marry i\i \ ! s Flood , daiifjh- ( ir of llio whilom barkoctjor and low bonanza khitf ; but , disciiadiii" : what was lo bu ddiio niter marria u with thu voting lady'.s luoncy.s he is said to IKIVO akeii ollensi ! at Hie IniMband-liki ) toitu of iiK-k , und uhon hu inlimati-d tluitt'ieru voro other loUunu.s and girls awaiting lini , hho iioniilly ) ) ( old him to lobe no imu in gutting ono nt them It is said this young lady isstill iinmainod. Uisa ChalVeu was tin c.stim.ililu young ady , with a Fteneli odiioattoii Her at her , in his earlier congressional JjlV , vit s a very popular man , with nloveof hn- nan nature and strong aU'eeiion for his laughter. In time avparenlly , great 011- loittinities for wealth come to ( Jliiillcoin losicnn frrants and silvur mini's , cto , mls hilc Ininailc moiu'.y very rapidly Im lost both his health and hmphilosophy. Ho had a disposition for public lift- , but > t her lortnne.s cjiine forward like Hill's mil Tabor's , and lie lost his .eat in Ihi : .sen-ite , and though he named bis ( laughter lo the ooking of ( .rant's sonsund he only among them le Noko one nnniiing to find the gilted my the tlnpu u ( homebody who has not et tii-en iotind out. ' 1 he haudust game ias been going on in it-s higher lurnis .round lhs ; lown for a good many years. t is now imil that Giant i'c Ward'h ' lail- irn has loll Air. C'hall'ee wilh eonsidi'iablo iropeity of im li.\od or iiiiinediatu valuu. as-In San ( J.ill : A party went off horo.Snnd.i.v in hcarch of whnlu.t , leav- i seettonJ of the M-II wll ; ut b u , in. n tlie sleiinier Whitcl.iw. Cunt. White- iw , Da art , tin-wliule gummr , nil W. I ) . A ivy wt'to on board. They roeeeded to : i point about midway be- , veon tlie F.irallones mul the ( lolden ; itle. Here , about noon , the liftI. whale , linbaekvns , .shot w.lh . two bombs and \ilosivo | Janee. Alter the explosions in monster { rave one swoop with his tail , le.v a Hpout of blood , , HK { then wink to m bottom in tliirty-ono I'athoiiis. The euiintfHof Iho c-urrns-i were taken , anil will be heonred when it rises Thoseo- nd wliale , n hnmp-b.iek , wns llred upon bciiit.MW < rooek ] , jiiht as ho was i the bteamer'a bow. Ue w.ia novunty- yo feet , in length. Tlie shot did not iiiHtant death , and lie swum oil' , uniting blood , and .sunk it mile distant , he tliird v > hile , also a hiitnp-b.tok , -seried about 1:15 : o'clock , and wiwt hit illi a rocket bninb. He m.ule one kiek ith lu.i tail und then o\jii-ed. The ear- iss was heenred with a Innvser , fastened , ' anlip noose about the tuil , und wan wed into the liny. IN WHAT SrAn:3 : i.s Dit. RIOHMOKDS VMAHITAN NI.UVIM ; in the de- and ? In u Drunken .stale , in u HillioiiH : ite , u Debilitated .state , u Nervous iito , u Dy.siiujitio htule , and when you el in u ntate generally. $1.00. llovtr Two Itrutlicrn J''oll Out. "There are two bi others , " ha.v.s the At- nt.i ( < Ju. ) Constiitition , "who 'live in At- ut.ivhfise resiilencei are opposite one other on the .same street. One deeided day or t o u < ; o to have his house inted , ami closed u conlnint with a inter wlin was to do the work last .Sal- day , and us he was itnvions to be paid II ! r the job ni lit , the ; entlenian < > i ned ; to ueconiinodatehini J'he paint- PI with u Juryo force went to work with toOl ill , und shortly niter notilied the # en- mini ut his placii of bnsm ! < tliut tlie ) rk was done. He wiu promptly paid , d the eiitleiniin soini went out to sue i neu ly decorated liotiso. Jma ine his Mxtprnuiion on arriving on the ground ni linil liishotisii nntoiiulied , while that of niHi > lifiilinir , jiiitl ucroii the w.iy. bhonu. an HI e a new oil oils ixiitur , with its jjorjju- us trimmings unil lriie.- ) > . 'J'he paint- had mipt-iki n the luni-so. The lueky ither now retuses to pay , ' .is ho did t want his house p-iinteu unywuv'thu , liteKy bother ; is on life ivaip-Uh , and i I'iUnli r h is puie to Iho tropic-i to , ] , 3.s the bi ; > ere mouths of thu unilur. " D ( Billiard Tables , THH IHtrN\VICI\-llALKlM'OLLKNlt5Il ! * 0 Manufacturers of Billiard & Pool Tables , And fnloon , Olllco mid Hun * Mvtiiies. Mnrko ] nml Huron SUChluiiKO , 111. Oamhii olllco , 5JI 8.10th St. Book Binding , Etc , CO , Printers , Book Binders , And lllnnlt Hook Mainline-tutors. Isos. 100 nut KVS South Htli .Street , Oumha , M't > . Gutter Tubs. J. Sl'.YMOUlC * Manufacturing of Butter Tubs. M Th , ! Coi 41' ' tt > , IliK' ; Bfl V > . Bio ; BO BI , S.V ; liv ) D ) llrls. lu , Wo. ICth mul I'leifo St , Omulm , Neb Cigars and Tobacco , "MAX MIYIH : : * co. , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos , Onus mid Ammunition , ill --"ISouth lllli Street , HO ) lo 1U.M ruriiamStioet , Umuliii , Null. IMTUII-OCKAN CiiUit rAirrouv. \vuaT .1. i-'iuT.scmut , Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , And Wholesale Denims In Unit Tobaccos. Nos. HW unil 1IU N lltli siuu-t , Omiilm , Nob. Cornices. _ Eagle Cornice Works. John Rpnm < ii < r , 1'rom lutor. Miinurnotiiror of nnlvnn I/til Iron and Cornice l l Doilifu , anil Ul anil liti ; < ottli litth Strcot , Omaha , Null. WIUMl'lNO .V HOI.TH , Jlmiunicturorsor Uriinmuntnl Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer windows , rintiio , iie.tiof : : ! istiist lii tiny pin tnr tliu country. Western Cornice Works , C. Sl'KCHT , Vropilotor. Gnlvanlred Iron ( .ornleos. I'M. Ppcehl'slm. protcd I'nteut Metallic akllrht. WW nml 01 JS. IMi SI , Uiimlm , Null. _ Doors , Sicli. Etc. " " A. ItlXSHNIIUItV , Mnniifiiolimir nml Do.ilcr In Doors Sash Blinds , , , Mouldings , Kto. Suilr Hulls a Hpciiiiilly. Tolupiiono No. OJ. Killi nml Mine } St , Oinaliii , Nut ) . Electrical Supplies. Electrical Supplies , L. AV. WOI.Ki : & CO , Klwlrlolnnl , Mn onlo Illiiclc , Oniiiliii llnriliir Alanna. llnlH , ritn Aim-ins , iio--rln : M Ullnr , Sim ikl ( iulil , bllvur and Mc-lul I'lalliiK' , Kto. Iroruind Nails. OMAHA NAIf , MANl'l- ' Cut Hails and Spikes , Klro Nail i H Ppoolalty. Onialin , Noli. Onmlia Iron Works Company , Machinery. rasthiTS , Slemn Kimlmm , Ilollorfl , An-lilii-i-liiral lion Woik. lion llrldtre , Minim ? mid Mill Machinery. Olllco mid winks , Union I'aclllc H K Kill mid isth Stinuls. i : A. HHO. , Foundry Y/orks. / Cor. lltli nml Jackson St , prepared to do nil lUn Is of Iron nn.I Iliai-s Caslin H ; aKo.O , O. H.uuibtor's HoQlduj ( iuitu Hard munnfucturuj Matlrcsses. K. M. IUII,3i : , Mattress Company , MinufacttirhKr tluttio sos , lloddlnir , Konlhor I'lllows , 'ots , IJto. KIM mid 1208 l > oufflas Stiect , Omaha , Noli. Overalls. CANKIKM ) MANlJI'ACTiiTlINO CO. , Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeans I'mitb , Slilits , Hie. IKK and 1IIH Douglns SI rout , Omaha , Neb. PaperJJozes , J. I , . WIMCIIJ , Manufacturer of Papsr Boxes , 100S Hth St .Omaha. Neb Orders by mall so- liciled and will iecoi\o piompt alienion. ) Safes. 'Omaha Safe Works , o. ANniti-iv. : ; 'fnntifnctiiroror ' Kiioatid Iliuplir I'l-oof ' Snfos , .milt . ] ) ooih. .lull Woik. Shutters nnd WlrtJ \ oik. Cor. 1 Ith mid JucKson SIB. , Omaha , Nob. Soap , i' . j. QIJIAMV : : , Soap Manufacturer , IHIco and riu-lorv , near Powder Miiirii/lno , Omaha Nob. JVagons and Carrbges. OIIATTON .t DHUMMOND Manufacturers of Pine Carriages , llfinnil 1,117 Haraoy hiieoi , Omahi. Neb. Solo . ( rents In Nubiiukii lei JoiiuV CelobiutoJ Built llll lislnlillHhed 1K.-S. A. .1. SlMl'SON , The Leading Carriage Factory , 1111 Dodfe Sti oei , Omaha , Nob. White Laad. OMAHA WHITK MJADCOMI'ANr , Coirodors and Rilndotaof Perfectly Pure White Lead , tnitlin , Neb. I ovl ( iirlei , I'nm ; C W. Mead Vlro 1'iiiS. ! 11. W. Viiten , bee. und'J'iviw. OHAHA HOTEL DJREGTORY , ThD Millard , Sheurii , J. 15 Jlarkel.Tlioi. Swobo , I'rojtrioton Omulm , Arcade Hotel , i . . J.nmos Cn ey , IVoprlolor. 1215 and 1 . ' 17 Douulits St. , Omulm , Nob. opatiiimiifoofcommeiolal men lospuuifnllr .ollclloil. They will llnd this the beat f.'uiiay lOUhO t Dot Of ' TIiB Cozzens , P. HtitiHoy fc Co. , I'niprlotnra. tcs . ' .W per day , no dink itiom/t. / AJ u 1'nluos Hoiul I'o , Dui.iim , Nob. Canfleld House , .Ninth and i'muiuu 8ts Thu best I" pnr r hotel In Omaha Kemodoled. lUliirnlHliol , nciated : ouo block Iiiim m my lioudiiuarti rdi HiKliu Union 1'auille biadiinmters ; uticct emu sthuilooi ( iooruo ( 'anlleld iV Co , poiin < > Abe Union ritoclt Vm-dJ HoUd , rioutU Hotel de Goos. I * . (501)3,1'iopilouir. uropcnn Man. Tlio only ceulrnllv located $3 ii } IKHIHP. Tluco iloorn liom llod'n Oiiorii UKmul ) one-Mall bloo' ' < liom Ili'i J'otiu'lluu Itho Cdiiit HoubO. IMS , rl'l , jiU 1'uiiiJia Oiunhn , .Veb. Planters IIouss , fi K. I'UHIIIH , I'ltOIMtlin'OIL ' nlM,8 | fliier day Hiieel cum liom If. 1 > . fit , wlihln iitio block of iimiio , Co u c Jtc uuiilUhbtitetsOiuii , f '